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Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。


figure是建立图形的意思,系统自动从1,2,3,4。。。。。。来建立图形。数字代表第几幅图figure(1),figure(2)就是第一第二副图的意思,在建立图形的时候,注意一下它的标题就是figure1或figure2等等,对应到程序中就是您的例子语句。Figure,<figure> 标签规定独立的流内容(图像、图表、照片、代码等等)。figure 元素的内容应该与主内容相关,但如果被删除,则不应对文档流产生影响。浏览器支持所有主流浏览器都支持 <figure> 标签。请使用 <figcaption>元素为 figure 添加标题(caption)。HTML标签定义和用法<figure> 标签规定独立的流内容(图像、图表、照片、代码等等)。figure 元素的内容应该与主内容相关,但如果被删除,则不应对文档流产生影响。浏览器支持所有主流浏览器都支持 <figure> 标签。请使用 <figcaption>元素为 figure 添加标题(caption)。


是的 figure 在以下意思是可数名词: 1.外形;体形;人影 I saw a figure in the darkness. 我看到暗处有一个人影. 2.体态;风姿 She has an attractive figure. 她有迷人的曲线. She has a slender figure. 她身材苗条. 3.人物;名人 He has become a figure known to everyone. 他已成了一个知名人物. 4.数字 Where did you get those figures? 你从哪儿得到那些数字的? 5.数量;金额;价格 His work now commands huge figures. 他的作品现在值大价钱.

论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?



number是一个数字,是个抽象的数量概念(idea),看不见摸不着。其表达形式(token/sign/symbol/name/mark/figure)用来计数(counting)和测量(measurement),则可以看得到。figure是一个有意义的数值,一个figure是一个number,但是figure比number有意义,可能是报表里面的数据。具体区分来说:figure:金额,款额,具体的一笔款项数额;an arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification, 或者a quantity or amount;number:最广义的,指数字,编号,数额等;a number, especially one that forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company;


figure 英[u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026aɡju0259r] n. (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的) 数字; 数字符号; 字码; 位数; 算术; v. 是重要部分; 是…的部分; 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实); 计算(数量或成本); [例句]It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven"t got a job如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。[其他] 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured

figure怎么读 英语figure怎么读

1、figure英[u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)]美[u02c8fu026aɡju0259r],n.图形; (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字; 数字符号; 字码; 位数; 算术; 人物; (远处人的)轮廓; 身材; 人,动物; (人、动物的)雕像,塑像; (书中的)图,表; 花样;v.是重要部分; 是…的部分; 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实); 计算(数量或成本)。 2、[例句]A cube is a solid figure.立方体是一种立体图形。


figure作名词时的意思是:数字、人物、图形、价格、(人的)体形、画像;作为动词时意为计算、出现、描绘、象征。 扩展资料   例句:   A cube is a solid figure.   立方体是一种立体图形。   He was a key figure in the campaign.   他是这场运动的关键人物。   He removed the figure from the board.   他从黑板上抹去了那个数字。   A more realistic figure is 11 million.   一个更现实可行的数字是1100万。   The figure is expressed as a percentage.   数字是用百分率表示的。

figure是什么意思 figured out是什么意思

1、figure 释义:n.图形;(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;(远处人的)轮廓;身材;人,动物;(人、动物的)雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;花样 2、v.是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本) 3、英 [u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8fu026aɡju0259r] 4、第三人称单数: figures复数: figures现在分词: figuring过去式: figured过去分词: figured


Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。


figure:n.(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术; v.是重要部分;是…的部分;认为 扩展资料   The figures for 2001 were used as a baseline for the study.   这项研究以2001年的数据为基础。   We"ve certainly improved on last year"s figures.   我们的"业绩的确超过了去年的数字。   These figures should come with a government health warning.   这些数字须附以谨慎对待的警告。


  figure有图形;数字;外形;体型;形状等意思,那么你知道figure的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    figure的用法:   figure的用法1:figure的基本意思是“数字”,指用于记录某些数字的特殊代号(通常是从0—9)。figure也可指“图表,图案”,还可指人或动物的“像,画像”,此时多用于绘画中。figure也可指一个人的整体体形,即“身材,体态”。figure还可指“算数”。figure引申可指“人物”“价格”。   figure的用法2:表示“保持体形”时用动词keep,“改善体形”用improve。   figure的用法3:cut a figure在作“露出u2026相”解时, figure前常加形容词。   figure的用法4:figure用作名词时,可表示“轮廓”,由此转化为动词,意为“出现”,常与介词in连用,强调“引人注目”“占据重要位置”。也可表示对某事的预测,即“估计,有可能”。在美国口语中, figure可表示“计算在内”,含有计算工作艰苦,负担很重的意味。这时常与介词in连用。   figure的用法5:figure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语。figure还可用作系动词,后接名词作表语。   figure的用法6:在非正式英语中, figure可表示“认为”“料想”,这时多接that从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。   figure的用法7:figure on是美国口语,意为“指望”“信赖”“打算干”,其后可接动词不定式,也可接动名词。   figure的用法8:在美国口语中还可说figure up,意为“把u2026加起来”。   figure的用法9:figure在作“计算”“认为”“计划”解时是非正式用法,仅在美式英语中使用。作“解决”和“领会到,断定”解时也是非正式用法,但不局限于美式英语中。      figure的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   cut a figure   go the big figure   in round figures   用作动词 (v.)   figure in1 (v.+adv.)   figure in2 (v.+prep.)   figure on (v.+prep.)   figure out (v.+adv.)   figure to (v.+prep.)   figure up (v.+adv.)    figure的用法例句:   1. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.   他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。   2. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.   阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。   3. I don"t have to be a detective to figure that out.   我不是侦探也想得出。   4. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.   这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。   5. She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.   她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。   6. A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway.   一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的身影出现在门口。   7. Today"s RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent.   今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。   8. In figure 24 "D" denotes quantity demanded and "S" denotes quantity supplied.   在图24中,D代表需求量而S代表供应量。   9. You"ll lose your girlish figure if you don"t watch out.   如果不多加注意,你就会失去女孩般的苗条身段。   10. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes.   26分钟之后他一瘸一拐地走出来,显得孤单凄凉。   11. Of course I"m not. It was just a figure of speech.   我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。   12. Since her death, she has become a cult figure.   她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。   13. They"re trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.   他们正试图弄明白整个情形背后的权术争斗。   14. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.   也许他们需要一个父亲般严格的指引者。   15. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?   这是否仅仅是她随口说出的数字?


Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。


Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。

论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?



  figure有图形;数字;外形;体型;形状;人物;塑像;图表等意思,那么你知道figure的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   figure的用法大全:   figure的用法1:figure的基本意思是“数字”,指用于记录某些数字的特殊代号(通常是从0—9)。figure也可指“图表,图案”,还可指人或动物的“像,画像”,此时多用于绘画中。figure也可指一个人的整体体形,即“身材,体态”。figure还可指“算数”。figure引申可指“人物”“价格”。   figure的用法2:表示“保持体形”时用动词keep,“改善体形”用improve。   figure的用法3:cut a figure在作“露出u2026相”解时, figure前常加形容词。   figure的用法4:figure用作名词时,可表示“轮廓”,由此转化为动词,意为“出现”,常与介词in连用,强调“引人注目”“占据重要位置”。也可表示对某事的预测,即“估计,有可能”。在美国口语中, figure可表示“计算在内”,含有计算工作艰苦,负担很重的意味。这时常与介词in连用。   figure的用法5:figure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语。figure还可用作系动词,后接名词作表语。   figure的用法6:在非正式英语中, figure可表示“认为”“料想”,这时多接that从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。   figure的用法7:figure on是美国口语,意为“指望”“信赖”“打算干”,其后可接动词不定式,也可接动名词。    figure的用法例句:   1. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.   他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。   2. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.   阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。   3. I don"t have to be a detective to figure that out.   我不是侦探也想得出。   4. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.   这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。   5. She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.   她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。   6. A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway.   一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的身影出现在门口。   7. Today"s RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent.   今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。   8. In figure 24 "D" denotes quantity demanded and "S" denotes quantity supplied.   在图24中,D代表需求量而S代表供应量。   9. You"ll lose your girlish figure if you don"t watch out.   如果不多加注意,你就会失去女孩般的苗条身段。   10. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes.   26分钟之后他一瘸一拐地走出来,显得孤单凄凉。   11. Of course I"m not. It was just a figure of speech.   我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。   12. Since her death, she has become a cult figure.   她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。   13. They"re trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.   他们正试图弄明白整个情形背后的权术争斗。   14. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.   也许他们需要一个父亲般严格的指引者。   15. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?   这是否仅仅是她随口说出的数字?


Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。


  figure既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道figure做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来figure的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家学习!   figure作名词的意思   人物;数字;身材;算术   figure作动词的意思   计算;出现;扮演角色   figure的英语音标   英 [u02c8fiɡu0259] 美 [u02c8fu026aɡju025a]   figure的用法:   figure的用法1:figure用作名词时,可表示“轮廓”,由此转化为动词,意为“出现”,常与介词in连用,强调“引人注目”“占据重要位置”。也可表示对某事的预测,即“估计,有可能”。在美国口语中, figure可表示“计算在内”,含有计算工作艰苦,负担很重的意味。这时常与介词in连用。   figure的用法2:figure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语。figure还可用作系动词,后接名词作表语。   figure的用法3:在非正式英语中, figure可表示“认为”“料想”,这时多接that从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。   figure的英语例句   1. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.   他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。   2. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.   阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。   3. I don"t have to be a detective to figure that out.   我不是侦探也想得出。   4. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.   这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。   5. She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.   她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。   6. A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway.   一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的身影出现在门口。   7. Today"s RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent.   今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。   8. In figure 24 "D" denotes quantity demanded and "S" denotes quantity supplied.   在图24中,D代表需求量而S代表供应量。   9. You"ll lose your girlish figure if you don"t watch out.   如果不多加注意,你就会失去女孩般的苗条身段。   10. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes.   26分钟之后他一瘸一拐地走出来,显得孤单凄凉。   11. Of course I"m not. It was just a figure of speech.   我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。   12. Since her death, she has become a cult figure.   她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。   13. They"re trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.   他们正试图弄明白整个情形背后的权术争斗。   14. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.   也许他们需要一个父亲般严格的指引者。   15. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?

figures 什么意思?



一,Figure 作为名词在高考中考察的主要是【图形】这个意思,其次是<人物>。二,作为动词在高考中,主要考察的是【思考】,其次是【计算】的意思。








figure,就是控制窗口数量的。 直接显示两个图片:imshow(A1);imshow(A2); 则会出现两个窗口,一个窗口显示A1,一个窗口显示A2。 若figure,imshow(A1);imshow(A2);则只会出现一个窗口,窗口先显示A1,后显示A2。 扩展资料   Matlab中的 figure 命令,能够创建一个用来显示图形输出的一个窗口对象。每一个这样的窗口都有一些属性,例如窗口的尺寸、位置,等等。




figure的用法包括用作名词或动词,名词的意思是数字;数字符号,动词的意思是认定;计算等。 扩展资料 figure的用法包括用作名词或动词,名词的"意思是数字;数字符号,动词的意思是重要部分;认为,认定;计算等。例如It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fal过不了多久,通货膨胀率就会开始下降。

number和figure的区别,,,是不是number表示具体一点的数额figure表示数据 n



figure的基本意思是“数字”,指用于记录某些数字的特殊代号,figure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语。figure还可用作系动词,后接名词作表语。 扩展资料 figure的`基本意思是“数字”,指用于记录某些数字的特殊代号,figure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语。figure还可用作系动词,后接名词作表语。









matlab figure是什么用途

Select a Figure Window to be the current window If the selected Figure Window doesn"t exist,it is automatically created.

论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?



Figure、actual picture、Physical map。Figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。双语例句:1、Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?2、How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?3、He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。




"Figure" 是一个英文单词,可以用作名词、动词和形容词,具有多种含义和用法。作为名词,"figure" 可以有以下解释和扩展:1. 人物或形象:"figure" 可以指代一个具体的人、角色或形象。例如,我们可以说一个艺术家创作了一幅画中的人物 "figure",或者讨论一个电影中的主要 "figure"。2. 数字或数值:在数学和统计学中,"figure" 通常表示数字或数值。例如,我们可以说一个球队的 "figure" 是 10,表示有10个球员。3. 图表或统计数据:"figure" 也可以引申为指代图表、图像或统计数据。例如,我们可以说一个 "figure" 表明某个地区的销售额增长了10%。4. 外形或轮廓:"figure" 还可以指一个物体的外形或轮廓。例如,我们可以讨论一个雕塑的 "figure"(外形)或者一个人的身材 "figure"。作为动词,"figure" 可以有以下解释和扩展:1. 计算或估计:当我们利用推理、计算或估算来解决问题或得出结论时,我们可以说我们正在 "figure"。例如,我们可以 "figure" 出一天有多少小时,或者 "figure" 出一个数学问题的答案。2. 理解或认为:当我们试图理解或搞清楚某件事情时,我们可以说我们正在 "figure"。例如,我们可以说我们正在 "figure out"(弄清楚)一本书的情节或者 "figure"(判断)出某人的意图。作为形容词,"figure" 通常指那些具有独特外形或特征的事物。例如,我们可以用 "figure" 形容一个雕塑的特殊形状,或者一个时尚设计的独特外观。



《Abigail Adams Letters》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Abigail Adams》(Abigail Adams)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Y2tLCfluQvRid61W0Z2j5w 提取码: td21书名:Abigail Adams作者:Abigail Adams出版社:Library of America出版年份:2016-3-22页数:1180内容简介:For the first time, a comprehensive one-volume collection of the remarkable letters of the politically astute First Lady who has been called "an American Tocqueville." From virtually the moment she married the ambitious young lawyer John Adams in 1764, Abigail Smith Adams (1744–1818) was on her own, raising and educating the couple"s children, managing their farm and investments, and caring for an extended web of family and friends. Her frank and keenly observant letters to John and others in the 1760s and 1770s offer an unrivalled portrait of the American Revolution at the home front, revealing the emergence of one of the most talented and insightful correspondents of her age. In 1784, Adams and daughter Abigail joined John and their son John Quincy in Europe, opening a grand new field for her talents as social commentator and political advisor. Upon her return to America four years later, Adams became the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States, placing her at the very heart of the founding of the new nation. Now, joining George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Marshall, and husband John, Abigail Adams becomes the first woman from America"s founding era to have a volume in The Library of America devoted entirely to her writings. Abigail Adams: Letters presents 450 texts—including more than a hundred published here for the first time—chosen and annotated by acclaimed Adams biographer Edith Gelles. Featuring letters to her husband and children and to such correspondents as Thomas Jefferson, Mercy Otis Warren, James and Dolley Madison, and Martha Washington, the collection showcases Adams"s astute political sense and her understanding of the American Revolution; the presidential administrations and personalities of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison; and the beginning of the political career of her son, future president John Quincy Adams. It is published simultaneously with John Adams: Writings from the New Nation 1784–1826, the third and final volume in The Library of America John Adams edition.



MIG 焊和 MAG 焊在焊接效率上相差大吗?





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NBC N 熔化极, B 半自动 , C CO2(二氧化碳) 就是熔化极 半自动 二氧化碳气体保护焊焊机。MIG 惰性气体(氩气)保护电弧焊,也就是熔化极氩弧焊。MAG 混合气体保护电弧焊。在MIG基础上,气体由单一的惰性气体 氩气,改为 氩气+二氧化碳气体 ,氩气+氧气,或 氩气+二氧化碳气体+氧气的混合气体保护焊。现在 NB 系列焊机一般都支持CO2 MIG MAG焊。支持不同气体和不同焊丝的焊接过渡方式。





关于《lie to me》第一季第十集,看过的进Dr.Lightman和他妻子曾经是因为什么而离婚的,他背叛了他妻子?


和mighty mouse一起唱I LOVE YOU的MM是哪位?

JJ(uae40uacbduc544)http://photocdn.sohu.com/20080603/Img257255877.jpg以歌曲Love Actually 出道http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/BEpVU3fTNukucd9cuc0dd : 1989ub144 10uc6d4 22uc77cud559ub825 : ubd84ub2f9uc911uc559uace0ub4f1ud559uad50ub370ubdd4 : 2007ub144 1uc9d1 uc568ubc94 Rulinguc18cuc18duc0ac : uc6d0uc624uc5d4ud130ud14cuc778uba3cud2b8ubc29uc1a1 : KBS uc0c1uc0c1ud50cub7ecuc2a4 uc2dcuc98c2 (2008)

关于《lie to me》第一季第十集结尾处,Dr.Lightman跟他前妻是不是发生关系了?


求It`s all right歌词 BLUE的

IT"S ALRIGHT 歌手:Blue 专辑:4ever Blue let me tell you "bout atory that I heard"bout a guy that thought love was just a wordand a girl that promised she wouldbe there when he calledhe always playing off the linenever knowing that she"s reading all the signscos all she wants is......A man that"s strong enoughReally want a man that"s man enoughOnly want a man that"s true enoughI can see your eyes are filling upall your really need is human touchbaby can"t you see I"m feelin us, I"m feelin usChorus:Come on come on closerBabe I really wanna hold youif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with mecome on I wanna feel yanever ever gonna leave yaif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with meit"s alrightit"s alrightit"s alrightWise words my father said to melove a woman and her love you will receivemake a promise and swearyou"ll always be there when she callslet her know that your love will never dieOh girl you got to realiseyou need a man who...A man that"s strong enoughReally want a man that"s man enoughOnly want a man that"s true enoughI can see your eyes are filling upall your really need is human touchbaby can"t you see I"m feelin us, I"m feelin usChorus:Come on come on closerBabe I really wanna hold youif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with mecome on I wanna feel yanever ever gonna leave yaif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with meit"s alrightit"s alrightit"s alrightit"s alrightit"s alrightit"s alrightChorus:Come on come on closerBabe I really wanna hold youif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with mecome on I wanna feel yanever ever gonna leave yaif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with meChorus:Come on come on closerBabe I really wanna hold youif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with mecome on I wanna feel yanever ever gonna leave yaif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with meChorus:Come on come on closerBabe I really wanna hold youif it"s alright with youthen it"s alright with mecome on I wanna feel yanever ever gonna leave ya

big bang的《blue》的英文版歌词是什么?

kio lv ga gomo mi qia jiang qiuwu li shi de gogu lio so geima mi mang de le jiuim singing my blues wu wusa len nen mu luepa lan sen pu lue gei ji giao jo(kai sei gen wa jio wu wu)s den gu liao ruainen liao bu nen sa lang oh oh[RAP]ga ten na lu ta len gu no wan nawei ya ma li gano ye gen so go na jiu nen go yanei mei lan gin cha ye cho men nabi ger pa ji manei ga mu na shi nengo ya jia ni nen nei kio len sa la ei ma lokei han zo ma zo wei lo nei su nang za go angma nei sei gei ma qi ma na lo ma gi nai gio nai yo wei jie----------------------------tei ye na so nen ma na goju gui ma king sa lang ha gopa len gei mu di lo xi yin nei mangmu nei ga ma to nao lei gei so ao jia nakio lei ga gomo mi qia jiangjiu wu li shi de goku lio so gei ma ni mo di le jiuim singing my blues wu wusa len nen mu luepa lan sen pu lue gei ji giao jo(im singing my blues wu wu)s den gu liao ruainen liao bu nen sa lang oh oh[RAP]xin jiang yi mo jin go men ka ta jin qie ni gen na goti lu sei ao liao bu cen nao wa nanai mao li so sei ge jin chong ma in no mo ma nei miangchoo choo kie gi lo gera di nen sha langgai lo ti do wai lo ki do wai nahen bo gen ta hong kia mai kv yi san nian bu jian man ge mou jian manten su lo ji an mu lo ji dou a nagai su wan nen ba wan sa lang de len wa da kang da----------------------tai yang ne su ner na ma gouchi pier mai kin sa lang ha gopa la kin mu di lo xi gen nei mangna nei tou na dou rang kei tei lu yi jia langkio lv ga gomo mi qia jiang jiuwu li shi de gogu lio so geima mi mang de le jiuou nei len pa lan jo tai pi a lie yin na o lo qia nei ji gei joku so gei so tou nen ki dei lei cha jiahei mei yi miao yi no lei lv gu ao liaoim singing my blues wu wusa len nen mu luepa lan sen pu lue gei ji giao jo(im singing my blues wu wu)s den gu liao ruainen liao bu nen sa langim singing my blues wu wusa len nen mu luepa lan sen pu lue gei ji giao jo(im singing my blues wu wu)s den gu liao ruainen liao bu nen sa lang oh oh

求Blue-All Right的歌词

你说的应该是all rise吧http://uo.fenteng.net/xiaoyu/music/box/001.wmablue - all rise Yo yo, yo yoYour Honour pleaseGotta believe what I say What I will tell Happened just the other day I must confess Cause I"ve had about enoughI need your help Gotta make this here thing stopBaby I swear I"ll tell the truth About all the things you used to do And if you thought you had me fooledI"m telling you now objection overruledHere we go, oh babyOne for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise, (all rise) all rise(All rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four all the times you"ve been fakingAll rise(I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise(I rest my case) You"re on the standWith your back against the wallNowhere to runAnd nobody you can call, oh no I just can"t wait Now the case is open wideYou"ll try to prayBut the jury will decide Baby I swear I"ll tell the truthAbout all the things you used to doAnd if you thought you had me fooledI"m telling you objection overruled Oh babyOne for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise, (all rise) all rise(All rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four all the times you"ve been faking(I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise, all rise(I rest my case)So step backCause you don"t know this catI know deep down thatYou don"t want me to reactI"ll lay lowLeaving all my options openThe decision of the jury has not been spokenStep in my houseYou find that your stuff is goneBut in reality to whom does the stuff belongI bring you into courtTo preach my orderAnd you know that, you overstepped the border, aha One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied (ooh)All rise (all rise)All rise (all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four all the times you"ve been fakingAll rise, all riseOne for the money and the free rides (What you say)It"s two for the lie that you denied(Can"t you pay)All rise(What you"ve done)All rise(What you say)Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four all the times you"ve been faking(Can"t you pay)All rise (What you"ve done)All riseWhen you"re gone One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise, all riseThree for the calls you"ve been making It"s four all the times you"ve been fakingI said all rise(I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise(I rest my case )

知道web.config 中的 urlMappings怎么用

猛然发现ASP.NET 2.0本身就提供了对UrlMapping的天然支持--web.config文件中的<urlMappings>节,感叹现在写程序真的不是什么技术活了。程序代码<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration> <system.web> <urlMappings> <add url="~/2006/07" mappedUrl="~/Month.aspx?year=2006&month=01"/> <add url="~/2006/08" mappedUrl="~/Month.aspx?year=2006&month=02"/> </urlMappings> <compilation debug="true"/> </system.web></configuration>这个配置可以使ASP.NET程序在ASP.NET Development Server(就是建ASP.NET项目时选文件系统)直接支持UrlMapping,不过它有几个不足之处:1、只能映射固定的地址,所以只能一个地址一个地址的配置2、ASP.NET Development Server中可以不用配什么别的地方,在IIS中受请求响应模型所限,估计还是要在IIS中设映射。这样的话,反而搞得我到处找资料,看怎么实现在ASP.NET Development Server设置映射,得到的结果是不行。针对于UrlMapping的不支持正则表达式的缺陷,我做了个支持正则表达式的UrlMapping,可惜由于UrlMapping是由HttpApplication调用的,而HttpApplication是Internal的,不能对它做什么动作,所以实现的东东和UrlMapping相比做在Web.config中多做个<Section>文件下载(下载文件中包括RegexUrlMapping组件和一个示例ASP.NET,注意ASP.NET程序需部署在IIS中,并且要设置映射,方法是右击虚拟目录,选属性,选配置,在通配符应用程序映射中添加c:windowsmicrosoft.netframeworkv2.0.50727aspnet_isapi.dll的引用,并去掉确认文件是否存在的钩,这里是为了偷懒才用通配符全部映射到ASP.NET2.0的ISAPI,实际开发中最好酌情添加具体一点的映射)Web.config中的配置举例如下:程序代码<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration> <configSections> <section name="RegexUrlMappings" type="Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping.RegexUrlMappingsSection,Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping"/> </configSections> <RegexUrlMappings enabled="true" rebaseClientPath="true"> <add url="(d+)$" mappedUrl="default.aspx?id=$1"/> <add url="(?<=/)(?<id>[a-z]+)$" mappedUrl="default.aspx?id=${id}" /> <add url="/$" mappedUrl="/default.aspx?id=0"/> </RegexUrlMappings> <system.web> <httpModules> <add name="RegexUrlMappingModule" type="Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping.RegexUrlMappingModule,Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping"/> </httpModules> <compilation debug="true"/> <authentication mode="Windows"/> </system.web></configuration>其中RegexUrlMapping的属性enabled用于打开和关闭映射,rebaseClientPath参见HttpContext.RewritePath中rebaseClientPath参数<add>用于添加映射规则,url为匹配路径的正则表达式pattern,mappedUrl是替换规则,用法参见Regex.Replace方法上例中,第一个add在url中用括号定义了组1,所以在后面引用$1第二个add在url中用(?<id>)定义了组id,后面用${id}引用了这个组第三个是固定字符串替换

fight for/against/with的各词汇意思


请问”go ahead"与"go right ahead"意思与用法有何不同?(情景交际中)

go ahead的意思是:让人继续说或者继续做,就是继续当下正在说的或做的事情,不要停下,不要犹豫。Go right ahead的right,只是把go ahead的语气作强化而已,是对对方的认同和鼓励。^_^

go ahead 和go straight 的区别

may I use your pen ? Go ahead How to get to the church ? go straight

fight with与 fight against区别


Go ahead和go straight ahead区别在哪里

1. Go head 不但指向前走,还可以是在你允许或鼓励别人做某事说的。例如:A: Can I have the bread? B: Sure. Go ahead.2. Go straight ahead 特指方位,向前方直走。例如:A: Where is the library? B: Just go straight ahead and you won"t miss it.希望对你有帮助。欢迎追问。


phigros中的mirror是指的镜像模式。即音符会根据屏幕中心左右对称出现。《Phigros》是由Pigeon Games(鸽游)开发的节奏类游戏。Pigeon Games是由初创通过bilibili视频网站发起的、由众多节奏类游戏爱好者组成的完全用爱发电的项目组。我们希望Phigros新颖的游戏模式和精心制作的插画与关卡可以让你感受到节奏类游戏的魅力。作为一款纯免费音游,在这里你只需要通过不断打歌就可以解锁新曲目,不需要像其他游戏一样花大量金钱去购买曲包哦~快来试试吧~

go ahead 和go straight 的区别打酱油的别废话

go ahead 英 [ɡu0259u u0259u02c8hed] 美 [ɡo u0259u02c8hu025bd] v. 前进 vt.& vi. 走在前面;先走 ; 发生;进行 1.着手;开始做If someone goes ahead with something, they begin to do it or make it, especially after planning, promising, or asking permission to do it. 1.The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan. 地区理事会将于今天投票决定是否开始实施这一计划.2. 短语动词进行;开展If a process or an organized event goes ahead, it takes place or is carried out. The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在谢菲尔德举行.1.The council has given the go-ahead to start building.委员会已批准破土动工. 2. It is unclear whether the meeting will go ahead as planned. 会议是否会如期举行还不清楚. 3. You just go ahead and I"ll catch up later. 你先走一步,我随后赶来. 4. We all urged him to go ahead with his plan. 我们都鼓励他实施他的计划. 5. If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead. 你一定要走,那就请便吧. 6. Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses. 兵马未动,粮草先行. 7. The dappled horse now began to go ahead. 花斑马开始领先了. 8. Thank you, I"ve eaten already. You go ahead. 谢谢,我已经先偏了,您请自己吃吧. 9. Just go ahead boldly with your work. 你放手干吧. 10. You go ahead, and we"ll follow on. 你先走,我们随后就到. 11. Go ahead by all means. 你只管干下去. 12. Please go ahead. I won"t be a minute. 请头里走,我马上就来. 13. Go ahead! There"s nothing to be afraid of. 干吧!没有什么可怕的. 14. All right, just go ahead. 对,就这么办. 15. All right! Just go ahead. 得,就这么办. 16. Go ahead. Quick! Shoot! 快上,投篮! 17. When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don"t exist, then create them and go ahead. 有条件要上, 没有条件,创造条件也要上. 18. Pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around and then go ahead. 一慢二看三通过. 19. As soon as those in authority give us the okay, we can go ahead with the project.只要负责人一签字认可,我们就能继续进行这项工程. 20. The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march. 市政当局批准了这次游行. go straight 英 [ɡu0259u streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v. 笔直走,正直做人 Go straight on until you come to a large white building. 一直往前,直到你到了一所白色的大房子. 2. Just go straight forward and you"ll find the post office. 邮局就在前边. 3. Go straight on until you come to a large building. 一直往前走,直到你走到一座大楼. 4. Bathers would go straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge. 游泳者从闷热的房间里走出来就直接跳进冷水. 5. Go straight up this street. You"ll see it on the right. 这条街直走.在你的右手边会看到. 6. "Got to go straight home, have you?" “你得直接回家,是吗? 7. Go straight on untill you come to a large red building.一直往前,走到一幢高大的红色建筑物为止. 8. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二个十字路口往左拐. 9. Don"t diverge from the main path,but go straight through the wood. 不要偏离大道,一直穿过树林. 10. Go straight down the road and then turn left. 沿着这条路一直走,然后左转. 11. Go straight down the road until you come to the Post Office. 顺着这条路一直走到邮局为止. 12. Go straight ahead and turn right at the third crossing. 一直往前走,在第三个十字路口往右拐. 13. Sure. Go straight ahead and you"ll walk into it. 当然,往前直走,你就可走进电梯间了. 14. The light does not go straight, but is deflected. 光并不是沿直线通过的,而是被弯曲了的. 15. Nothing can go straight to a subject. 任何事情都不能单刀直入. 16. Go straight on for two miles. 一直走两英里. 17. Go straight on and you"ll see a church. 一直走下去你便可以看到一座教堂. 18. You will go straight ahead. 你们将长驱直入. 19. He will go straight to heaven. 他将一步登天. 20. Go straight round the corner. 径直绕过那个拐角.

Tiger-Team 什么意思?

A tiger team is a specialized group tasked with testing the effectiveness of an organization"s ability to protect assets by attempting to circumvent, defeat or otherwise thwart that organization"s internal and external security."

Angela (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Angela (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Mina. Live (Registrato A Bussoladomani)Paris Montgomery - AngelGirl you must be an angleThe way you look over meThe legato should be strangleGirl I like barely breathDrunk in the misery your handsReach down to me , wow yeahIts like you fell from the rainbowA shot out from the gunYou took the pain away girlThe battle has been wonYou mending my broken wayAnd put me from the startCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle , angleThey said I won"t find youBut it love I do believeI needed to be truthfulAnd where"d you to receiveSomeone that willing true as you have been to me,yeahThey told me I should give inStop searching for the perfect oneYou are the reason why I leave inProofread can be doneHigher per everything you want me like the sunCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angleYou must be an an angleCause you pull me from hellGirl you saved and you gave me strength to break out the shellYou are my shoe,you are my peace of my got you backBreak the shy haven"t felt love like this in a long timeYou"re mineYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle,angleYou are my angle 嘉嘉http://music.baidu.com/song/8109524

nightwish wish i have an angle的中文歌词。

I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚我能遇到你的天使 Deep into a dying day深深的藏在那消逝的一天 I took a step outside an innocent heart我在赤子之心外面采取着措施 Prepare to hate me fall when I may 准备着怨恨我随时可能的跌倒 This night will hurt you like never before 这个夜晚会前所未有的伤害你 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 I`m in love with my lust"我爱上我的情欲米 Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 I`m going down so frail `n cruel我正在坠落,那么的脆弱和悲惨 Drunken disguise changes all the rules酒醉的伪装更改了所有的准则 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 I`m in love with my lust"我爱上我的情欲米 Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 Greatest thrill最大的震颤 Not to kill不是去屠杀 But to have the prize of the night而是去获得黑夜的奖赏 Hypocrite伪君子 Wanna be friend想要成为朋友 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!第十三弟子就是徒然出卖我的人吗! Last dance, first kiss最后的舞蹈,初吻 Your touch, my bliss你的抚摸,我的福佑 Beauty always comes with dark thoughts美丽总是与黑暗的思考并行

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Big Time Rush "count on you" ,这首歌的歌词是什么意思?

Hm yeah Ooha No ooh Now I"m about to give you my heart But remember this one thing (yeah) I"ve never been in love before so you gotta go easy on me I heard love is dangerous Once you fall you never get enough But the thought of you leaving ain"t so easy for me (nooo) Don"t hurt me, Desert me Don"t give up on me (What would I want to do that for?) Don"t use me, take advantage of me Make me sorry I ever counted on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you Understand I"ve been here before Thought I found someone I finally could adore But you failed my test Gotta know her better So I wasn"t the only one But I would later put my trust in you Baby you can put your trust in me Just like you count to 3 You can count on me And you"re never gonna see No numbers in my pocketAnything I"m doing girl I drop it for you "Cause you"re the one I"m giving my heart to but I gotta be the only one Don"t hurt me, Desert me Don"t give up on me What would I want to do that for? Don"t use me, take advantage of me Make me sorry I ever counted on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you I really hope you understand That if you wanna take my hand Then you should put yours over my heart I promise to be careful from the start I"m trusting you with loving me Very very carefully Never been so vulnerable Baby I"ll make you comfortable 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to 5 Why would I wanna do that? 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Baby I"m counting on you 1, 2, 3, 4 to the 5 Now I"m about to give you my heart So remember this one thing I"ve never been in love before Yeah you gotta go easy on me嗯是啊 Ooha 没有哦 现在我正要给你我的心 但要记住这一点(耶) 我从来没有去过那么你得走在我的爱得轻松 我听到爱的危险 一旦你属于你从未得到足够的 但是,你要离开的想法不是这样为我(拿去)容易 不要伤害我,抛弃了我 不要放弃我 (唉,要是我想这样做吗?) 不要用我,把我的优势 让我对不起我曾经对你算 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 了解我以前来过这里 我以为我终于可以找到一个我崇拜 但你没有我的测试 必须知道她好 所以我不是唯一一个 但我后来把你我的信任 宝贝,你可以把我的信任 就像你数到3 你可以指望我 而你永远不会看到 在我的口袋里没有数字 我在做什么女孩,我为你落 因为你就是我给我的心,但我必须是唯一的一个 不要伤害我,抛弃了我 不要放弃我 唉,要是我想这样做吗? 不要用我,把我的优势 让我对不起我曾经对你算 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 我真的希望你能理解 如果你想用我的手 然后,你应该把你在我心 我保证会从一开始就小心 我相信你爱我与 非常非常小心 从未如此脆弱 宝贝,我会让你舒服 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 我为什么要那样做? 1,2,3,4至5 宝贝,我就靠你 1,2,3,4至5 现在我正要给你我的心 所以请记住这一点 我从来没有过爱 是的,你对我得走很容易

Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it ________


Before the first non-stop fight made in 1940,ituff08 uff09necessary for all planes to land for refeling.


non-stop flight /direct flight是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  non-stop flight /direct flight,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:直飞航线。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Sign O The Times 歌词

歌曲名:Sign O The Times歌手:Simple Minds专辑:Themes - Volume 4Prince - Sign O The Times最爱Prince的JuneOh yeahIn France a skinny manDied of a big disease with a little nameBy chance his girlfriend came across a needleAnd soon she did the sameAt home there are seventeen-year-old boysAnd their idea of funIs being in a gang called The DisciplesHigh on crack, totin" a machine gunTime TimeHurricane Annie ripped the ceiling of a churchAnd killed everyone insideU turn on the telly and every other storyIs tellin" U somebody diedSister killed her baby cuz she could afford 2 feed itAnd we"re sending people 2 the moonIn September my cousin tried reefer 4 the very first timeNow he"s doing horse, it"s JuneTimes TimesIt"s silly, no?When a rocket ship explodesAnd everybody still wants 2 flySome say a man ain"t happyUnless a man truly diesOh whyTime TimeBaby make a speech, Star Wars flyNeighbors just shine it onBut if a night falls and a bomb fallsWill anybody see the dawnTime TimesIt"s silly, no?When a rocket blowsAnd everybody still wants 2 flySome say a man ain"t happy trulyUntil a man truly diesOh why, oh whySign O the TimesTime TimeSign O the Times mess with your mindHurry before it"s 2 lateLet"s fall in love, get married, have a babyWe"ll call him Nate... if it"s a boyTime Timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2849797

non-stop flight 与derect flight应该怎么理解,我看到其他网友的回答,说direct 一直坐在飞机就不用转机

对,non-stop 和 direct flight 是一样的, 不用换机,直接到达目的地。



You Got It (The Right Stuff) 歌词

歌曲名:You Got It (The Right Stuff)歌手:New Kids On The Block专辑:Essential 80S - Classic Eighties Pop And Rock HitsJ. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Hey Cole World, real cold WorldI watch it hit the floor and watch it drop it real low girllast time I seen ya, you was a lil old girlI had a crush now we grown and we still so thoroughclap for her, work it till you exhaustedI swear nothing worse than a bad bitch that lost itbrains off the chain, smart mouth with a dumb assGod damn your ex man is a dumb asswhen you was leaving, did he put up a fight?was he stressin" you, wasn"t fucking you rightwell one man"s trash is another man"s treasureone man"s pain is another man"s pleasureone damn thing you can"t change is the weatherbut even if it rain, we get rained on togetherit"s whatever, you shine, I shine,I know you got a 9-5 I"ll be your 5-9!Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Yeah, go ahead and pop it like you do in the mirrorI"m picking through the cloud tryna see a little clearerhigh heel wearer, hell of a bodyfirst one to spot ya and I aint telling nobodynope, I"m peaking at your ass, winking at your assif I dont beg I"ll be thinking bout your assfor the whole week no time for cold feetshe too bad to pass, so fine I dont speakI tell her my name Jermaine, I"m tryna be lowkeyshe tell me I go that flame, your rhymes are so deepman, girl thank youshit you so bad know your daddy wish he could still spank youhold up for these other niggas roll up and try and get yathe ones that say they riders but never do ride with yaI"m tryna vibe with ya so wont you throw me your phone numberand let them lames get ya old numberHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Roc Nation, Walelook, Cole World, still a cold worldand a couple ya is cool but we a little more thoroughwhole town, a little more girlsyou know I spit that sick shit and there"s still no curehold up, low packs like I got cancerchoking on them white boys make a black pantherlove my women with high heels and high standardsand only cheat on my broad if I run out of answersI got that vicious flow, Moncler winter coatI aint superstitious I make all these broads flip my poleyou dig it, this shit aint for beginnersI"m something like a fetus, I"m not quite kidd"nand theres something you aint seeing like I block your visionlike my Remy with no juice, you a lot like Bishophundred k in 22 hourssee money talks, you muthafuckers is Boomhowerno check back, in debt yeploud in my J, I smokinghigher than I need to beflyer cause I need to belove our conversation but it"s late right now, I need a beatone time for the Ville that Cole repanother time for the city of slow deathI dont understand why these niggas so vexedI dont need no chains with no cross to know that I"m blessedHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)J. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)http://music.baidu.com/song/7993630


日期时间行程类型地点/电视台相关资源1月4日 暂无 M-ON!Special V.I(from BigBang) ~documentary 2 综艺 1月4日 暂无 BIGBANG JAPAN DOME TOUR 2013~2014 演出 札幌 1月11日 暂无 BIGBANG JAPAN DOME TOUR 2013~2014 演出 大阪 1月12日 暂无 BIGBANG JAPAN DOME TOUR 2013~2014 演出 大阪 1月13日 暂无 BIGBANG JAPAN DOME TOUR 2013~2014 演出 大阪 1月24日 19:00 “2014 BIGBANG +α IN SEOUL”演唱会 演出 首尔 1月24日 19:30 2015 WORLD TOUR "RISE" in 上海 演出 上海 1月25日 19:00 “2014 BIGBANG +α IN SEOUL”演唱会 演出 首尔 1月25日 暂无 KBS 演艺家中介 综艺 KBS 视频(1) 1月26日 19:00 “2014 BIGBANG +α IN SEOUL”演唱会 演出 首尔 1月27日 暂无 FUSE TV BigBang采访 综艺 美国2月11日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 福冈 2月15日 暂无 “BE MY VALENTINE”Fan Meeting Show 其他 香港 2月16日 暂无 KBS 超人回来了 综艺 KBS 2月18日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 横滨 2月19日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 横滨 2月22日 13:00 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 神户 2月22日 17:00 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 神户 2月23日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 神户 2月25日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 名古屋 2月26日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 名古屋3月8日 暂无 “BE MY SWEETHEART”Fan Meeting 其他 台湾 3月15日 暂无 “THINGING OF YOU”Fan Meeting 其他 新加坡 3月16日 暂无 “THINGING OF YOU”Fan Meeting SUNWAY SURF BEACH 3月22日 19:00 《Simply K-POP tour 2014 in Shanghai—2014韩国歌谣盛典》 演出 上海 3月24日 暂无 SBS 美好的早晨 采访天使之眼剧组 综艺 SBS 3月27日 暂无 #G-dragon#SAMSUNG Group 2014 OUTREACH 演出 首尔3月28日 暂无 香港亚洲音乐节 胜利 演出 香港 4月3日 13:00 SBS周末特别剧《Angel Eyes》制作发布会 其他 首尔 4月5日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP1 其他 SBS 4月6日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP2 其他 SBS 4月9日 暂无 SBS 深夜TV演艺 采访《Angel Eyes》剧组 演出 暂无 4月12日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP3 其他 SBS 视频(1) 4月12日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN 演出 大阪 4月13日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP4 其他 SBS 视频(1) 4月13日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN 演出 大阪 4月26日 暂无 DEASUNG 26TH BIRTHDAY 私人 4月26日 暂无 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP5 其他 SBS 4月27日 暂无 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP6 其他 SBS 5月3日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP7 其他 SBS 5月3日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN 演出 东京 5月4日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP8 其他 SBS 5月4日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN 演出 东京 5月4日 暂无 MBC Section TV 综艺 MBC 5月10日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP9 其他 SBS 5月11日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP10 其他 SBS 5月17日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP11 其他 SBS 5月18日 20:55 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP12 其他 SBS 5月18日 暂无 TAEYANG 27TH BIRTHDAY 私人 暂无 暂无 5月23日 12:00 直播《Simply K-POP tour 2014 in Shanghai—2014韩国歌谣盛典》 演出 阿里郎TV 5月24日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP13 其他 SBS 5月24日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN THAILAND 演出 曼谷 5月25日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP14 其他 SBS 5月25日 暂无 YG FAMILY 2014 WORLD TOUR IN THAILAND 演出 曼谷 5月25日 暂无 KBS 《超人回来了》 综艺 KBS 5月31日 19:30 V.I.P GATHERING IN GUANGZHOU 其他 BigBang-TV 5月31日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP15 其他 SBS 5月31日 暂无 仁川机场赴广州 其他 仁川,广州 6月1日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP16 其他 SBS 6月1日 暂无 广州白云机场返韩 其他 广州 6月2日 11:00 太阳新专辑《RISE》音源公开 其他 首尔 6月4日 暂无 GD仁川机场赴日本 其他 暂无 6月4日 暂无 CHANEL "Paris-Dallas" Métiers d"art show 其他 东京 6月4日 暂无 FROM TOP EXHIBITION记者会 其他 首尔 6月5日 暂无 GD金浦机场返韩 其他 暂无 6月7日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP17 其他 SBS 6月7日 暂无 BIGBANG FANCLUB EVENT [FANTSTIC BABYS 2014] 其他 釜山 6月7日 暂无 金浦机场赴釜山 其他 首尔 暂无 6月8日 14:00 SBS 人气歌谣 太阳comeback舞台 打歌 SBS 6月8日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP18 其他 SBS 6月11日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 横滨 6月12日 17:00 Mnet M!Countdown 打歌 Mnet 6月12日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 横滨 6月13日 暂无 仁川机场赴成都 其他 仁川机场 图片(71) 6月14日 19:30 V.I.P GATHERING IN CHENGDU 其他 BIGBANG-TV 6月14日 20:15 KBS2 《演艺家中介》 游击约会 综艺 KBS2 暂无 6月14日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP19 其他 SBS 6月15日 21:00 SBS 《Angel Eyes》 EP20 其他 SBS 6月15日 暂无 仁川机场返韩 其他 仁川机场 6月16日 16:00 MNET 《WIDE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS》 综艺 Mnet 6月18日 19:00 Wonder Live:太阳 演出 暂无 6月18日 暂无 G-DRAGON X TAEYANG IN PARIS 2014 其他 首尔 6月18日 暂无 大声金浦机场赴日本 其他 金浦机场 6月19日 17:00 M!COUNTDOWN:太阳 打歌 mnet 6月19日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 神户 6月21日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 神户 6月22日 14:05 SBS人气歌谣 打歌 SBS 6月22日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 神户 6月24日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 福冈 6月24日 暂无 太阳参与KBS《柳熙烈的写生簿》的录制 综艺 KBS 6月25日 暂无 LINE DECO推出GDxTEAYANG手机壁纸 其他 暂无 6月26日 20:00 UPLEX非公开拥抱会 其他 首尔 6月27日 17:30 TAEYANG NEW ALBUM 《RISE》 发行纪念拍手会 其他 釜山 6月27日 19:00 SURPRISE MINI CONCERT in Busan(釜山迷你演唱会) 演出 釜山 6月28日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 仙台 6月28日 暂无 仁川机场赴巴黎 其他 仁川机场 6月29日 14:05 SBS 人气歌谣(太阳) 打歌 SBS 6月29日 19:00 TAEYANG NEW ALBUM 《RISE》 发行纪念拍手会 其他 首尔 6月29日 暂无 D-LITE TOUR 2014 IN JAPAN 演出 仙台 6月30日 暂无 2014 PARIS FASHION WEEK巴黎时装周 私人 巴黎 6月30日 暂无 大声金浦机场抵韩 其他 首尔 其它所有行程请看。http://idol001.com/xingcheng/list/star-bigbang-6654/2014/6/#blanking请采纳!

求翻译a big sunshine boy是什么意思


right said fred的《Swan》 歌词

歌曲名:Swan歌手:right said fred专辑:Up CD1Traffic jams, Concorde dronesTV"s and radios drown me outYou won"t change slamming doorsTemper, temper, that tongue of yours, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"m like a swan, I only love onceRight Said FredI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love onceDumbells crash, babies cryA thousand voices, mostly lies, drown me outThe underground, Marble ArchThe deafening snap of breaking hearts, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love onceBarking dogs, the lonely roamThe great unlaid making their way home, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"m like a swan, I only love onceI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love oncehttp://music.baidu.com/song/22898661

求Jeff Bernat的Moonlight Chemistry完整歌词

Jeff Bernat Moonlight ChemistryYou had a couple of drinks tonightAdios Motherf-shhhhh and a glass of red wineHit me up at 2 AM and wanted me to swing byOhh ohh oo oo oo yeahThrew on a pair of sweats tonightHopped up in my whipStarted up the engine, 3 milesLater in your room with vanilla candles & moonlightGlowing through your curtainsDonu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight Chemistry,Said there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistryLeft arms wrapped around ya, uhhReflections in the mirror, IWhisper in your ear and kiss your cheekMoving bangs to the side, Ohh ohh oo oo oo yeahSoft kisses on the lips whileWe"re underneath the covers wondering if thereu2019sanything that ICould sorta make you feel this comfortable as possible,Tell me what you want from meJust as long youu2019llDonu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd a place we have to goLet"s just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistrySaid there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistryFa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laaOhhh ooo ohh ohh yeahOhhh ohhh ooooh yeahFa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laaThereu2019s no need to rush if you can make it feel slowHeeeyy yeah yeahLady donu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistrySaid there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight Chemistry

toby lightman beautiful day 歌词

Beautiful dayU2The heart is a bloomShoots up through the stony groundThere"s no roomNo space to rent in this townYou"re out of luckAnd the reason that you had to careThe traffic is stuckAnd you"re not moving anywhereYou thought you"d found a friendTo take you out of this placeSomeone you could lend a handIn return for graceIt"s a beautiful daySky falls, you feel likeIt"s a beautiful dayDon"t let it get awayYou"re on the roadBut you"ve got no destinationYou"re in the mudIn the maze of her imaginationYou love this townEven if that doesn"t ring trueYou"ve been all overAnd it"s been all over youIt"s a beautiful dayDon"t let it get awayIt"s a beautiful dayTouch meTake me to that other placeTeach meI know I"m not a hopeless caseSee the world in green and blueSee China right in front of youSee the canyons broken by cloudSee the tuna fleets clearing the sea outSee the Bedouin fires at nightSee the oil fields at first lightAnd see the bird with a leaf in her mouthAfter the flood all the colors came outIt was a beautiful dayDon"t let it get awayBeautiful dayTouch meTake me to that other placeReach meI know I"m not a hopeless caseWhat you don"t have you don"t need it nowWhat you don"t know you can feel it somehowWhat you don"t have you don"t need it nowDon"t need it nowWas a beautiful day

英语Hit me up tonight怎么翻译?

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New Moon On Monday (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon On Monday (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Seven And The Ragged TigerNew Moon On MondayDuran DuranShake up the picture the lizard mixtureWith your dance on the eventideYou got me coming up with answersAll of which I denyI said it againCould I please rephrase itMaybe I can catch a rideI couldn"t really put it much plainerBut I"ll wait till you decideSend me your warning sirenAs if I could ever hideLast time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~Breaking away with the best of both worldsA smile that you can"t disguiseEvery minute I keep findingClues that you leave behindSave me from these remindersAs if I"d forget tonightThis time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~I light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellitehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2972402

For Just One Night 歌词

歌曲名:For Just One Night歌手:Jana Mashonee专辑:New Moon BornJana Mashonee - For Just One NightWe feed the fireBurning down a private roadWe leave desireIn every empty place we goWe can"t believe that fate will find the wayWe can"t deceive ourselves another dayFor just one nightWe could be like birds in flightWith a vision to lead us onAnd guide us to the lightFor just one nightWe could free ourselvesFrom all the ties that bindJust one nightFor just one nightWe"re on the wireEverything is not yet lostAll we requireIs a bridge to help us crossWe can"t believe that fate will find the wayWe can"t deceive ourselves another dayFor just one nightWe could be like birds in flightWith a vision to lead us onAnd guide us to the lightFor just one nightWe could free ourselvesFrom all the ties that bindJust one nightWe allowed what should not beTossed away so carelesslyTook the plunge in waters deepWe"ll be strongerThere"s a choice that we can makeThere"s a path that we can takeI know that it"s not too lateFor just one nightWe could be like birds in flightWith a vision to lead us onAnd guide us to the lightFor just one nightWe could free ourselvesFrom all the ties that bindJust one nightFor just one nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/58828005
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