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Diabetes is caused by a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels

这是一个定语从句。in which =where

用“religious”造两个句子 高一的

1、In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.晚年的时候,对宗教的狂热让他丧失心智。2、Their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.由于宗教信仰的原因,他们不会拿起武器进行反抗。3、They were concerned only with their own religious fervour.他们只在乎自己的宗教信仰。


翻译如下too bad can i go to your house then太糟糕了,那么我可以去你家吗?

freight rate 什么意思

freight rate 英[freit reit] 美[fret ret] [词典] 货物运价; [例句]In addition, freight rate risk is greater in the wet cargoes markets.此外,货运利率风险是在潮湿的货物更大的市场。

see freight什么意思?



意思就是天津付运费嘛. 基本上就是预付的意思.你可以跟货代说啊,如果是到付就叫他们打FREIGHT COLLECT

请问:谁知道整套的英语简写货运术语??比如:OCEAN FREIGHT简称O/F。

(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 (16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证 (17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同 (18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书 (19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) (20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) (21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 (22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 (23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货 (24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货) (25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站 (26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少) (27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式) (28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式) (29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人



freight cost 与 shipping cost有什么区别


我方与外商以CIF价达成一笔出口合同,制作海运提单时,运费一栏应填写“Freight to collect”。

错,应该是freight prepaidFreight to collect多数用于fob或者exw的情形。


你好!that"s too bad!are you all right?那太糟了!你还好吗?

freight charges是什么意思

freight charges运费;货物运费;出口运费However, freight charges from those countries would add to Asian garment makers"costs. 但是,这些国家的货运价格却会令亚洲服装商的成本上升。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

freight forward是什么意思

freight forward_百度翻译freight forward [英]freit u02c8fu0254:wu0259d [美]fret u02c8fu0254rwu0259d adv. 运费由提货方支付;运费由提货人支付 [例句]Please fax it to freight forward in a certain format.请按照一定的格式拟一份传真给货代。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

提单上忘记打"FREIGHT PREPAID"会出什么问题?????


freight collect是什么意思

货到付款的意思, 客户收到货的时候付款

海运提单上的freight collect 一定说明成交方式是FOB吗?


freight collect是什么意思

freight collect英 [freit ku0259u02c8lekt] 美 [fret ku0259u02c8lu025bkt] 运费向收货人索取双语例句 1Also please advise receiver"s express account number, as we prefer freight collect. 请告知收件人的快递帐号,因我方希望运费到付。2Freight Collect-the consignee pays all shipping charges and the destination country ′ s duty and tax, if applicable. 运费到付-由收件人支付所有的运费和目的地国征收的关税和税金。

high-voltage ic,什么是high-voltage ic

high-voltage 全部释义和例句>>高压voltage 英[u02c8vu0259u028altu026adu0292] 美[u02c8vou028altu026adu0292] n. 电压,伏特数; [例句]The voltage of the overhead wires头顶上方电线的电压[其他] 复数:voltages 形近词: veltane meltage voltaic





会计中,freight in和freight out分别属于什么费用

freight in包含运费在内freight out运费除外

freight collect是什么意思


freight charge和freight charges区别



FREIGHT ADVANCE可能是运费预付之意。不过,实务中关于“运费预付”更常用的表述是"FREIGHT PREPAID"。此外,租船提单上关于运费事项还有可能显示为"FREIGHT PAID"、"FREIGHT PAYABLE AS PER C/P"。

freight shipping是什么意思


C/D Date(freight)和S/I Date(freight)分别是什么意思?

C/D date =customs declaration date 报关日期S/I Date =shipping instruction date 装运日期

freight prepaid是什么意思


Freight Collect 这个词组怎么用?能不能用在一句话之中?如果翻译“您需要到付运费”,怎么翻译?

freight collect 运费到付可作为一个名词性词组使用与句中或作为词组名词使用。eg.1、Also please advise receiver"s express account number, as we prefer freight collect. 请告知收件人的快递帐号,因我方希望运费到付。2、Third, network sound: to provide services such as freight collect. 网络健全:可提供运费到付等服务。3、Per the clients" requirements of sending samples, freight collect shall be generally required; 对于客户的寄样要求,原则上要求到付; It is for freight collect by you .您需要到付运费。 For Freight Collect , please . It is required freight collect by you .

freight cost是什么意思

运费的意思freight cost

Freight Prepaid 运费谁负责

Freight Prepaid :运费预付,用于CIF 条款Freight Collect :运费到付 用于FOB条款我也是刚学习的,欢迎指教

freight terms

freight terms 是岸上交货价的意思 place of issue签发地点 Date of issue开证日期 on board date已装日期 (比如On board B/L 已装船提单) clean on board 清洁装运提单

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”


请教Freight Collect是什么意思?


在信用证中的"Freight paid "和"freight collect "有什么不同吗?

freight paid 恐怕是你打错了吧,应该是freight prepaid 意思是运费预付,freight collect 意思是运费到付,至于说freight paid 根本就没有这种说法

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid” 答:“freight prepaid” 是运费预付。首先如果采用C组和D组贸易术语成交的合同都要是要运费预付,C组有CFR/CIP/CPT/CIP。D组有DAF/DES/DEQ/DDU/DDP。这些术语都有“freight prepaid” 的情况。采用FOB术语术语属于装运合同,这类合同卖方只要在规定时间完成交货就可以,不负责运输,由买方负责办理运输和支付相关费用。但是买卖双方商定由卖方负责运输也可以,这个时候也会出现“freight prepaid” 希望蛋卷的回答可以帮上你。


FREIGHT ADVANCE可能是运费预付之意。不过,实务中关于“运费预付”更常用的表述是"FREIGHT PREPAID"。此外,租船提单上关于运费事项还有可能显示为"FREIGHT PAID"、"FREIGHT PAYABLE AS PER C/P"。

提单左下角出现 freight & charges是什麼意思


翻译:1.这家航空公司今年开始办理货运业务。(用freight) 2.另一家公司提出了比你们更优惠

1. This aircraft company deals with freight this year began operations.2. Another company put forward more favorable advantageous than you.3. . With the development of the city, country gradually give way to all kinds of buildings.

freight 和 shipping 的区别是什么?



freight ,charge,fee几个单词都可以作为费用讲,请高手解析下他们的用法

fee,一般指小费,大多时候你在餐厅吃饭,给服务员的额外的小费就是fee,可以理解为酬金及报酬。freight;指在货运的时候用到的,会和 prepaid freight 连用,是指运费已付,多见于以CIF条款贸易方式;charge:一般以 chaarge for 连用,是要价,索要,收费,这里要稍微感觉一下,比如说这件衣服要价多少?how much do you charge for this coat? 里面被动的成分会多一点,被要价。。。等等!英语多数时候不能僵硬理解,要靠语感的哦。这只是我的理解。

在信用证中的"Freight paid "和"freight collect "有什么不同吗?


什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”




提单左下角出现 freight & charges是什麼意思

指运费,你是FOB的话,运费对方付,提单上体现FREIGHT COLLET。意思是运费到付,你看看提单是有没有“FREIGHT COLLET”字样,有就OK了。


freight 指由轮船、飞机、火车或汽车运送的货物,parcel 指邮政或快递寄送的包裹。例如:The railwayswill carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic. 铁路将承担比例高得多的货运量。He had a largebrown paper parcel under his left arm. 他左臂下夹着一个大牛皮纸邮包。


教授在课堂上讲了一个笑话,大家都笑了。半个小时后 不是井里没有水,而是挖的不够深;不是成功来的慢,而是放弃速度快。

stand up中文歌词five for fighting


我要阿肯的Right Now (Na Na Na)的歌词

It"s been so long已经过去很久了that I haven"t seen your face我没有看到你的样子I"m Tryna be strong我努力想变得更强But the strength I have is washing away但是这个能力已经不复存在了it wont be long before i get you by my side(因为)你已经很久没有在我的身边了And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you我只想拥有你 品味你 紧握着你Tell you what"s been on my mind告诉你我现在的想法I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上Girl I know mistakes were made between us two女孩 我知道在我们之间曾犯下的错误And we show our eyes that night even said那天晚上我们的眼神甚至说了somethings weren"t true有些东西不是真的why"d you go and haven"t seen my girl since为什么你离开后 从那以后再也看不到你then然后why can"t it be the way it was为什么不能像以前一样cause you were my homie lover and friend因为你曾是我亲密的爱人和挚友I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上I can"t lie我无法欺骗自己I miss you much我很想你Watching everyday that goes by看着时间一天天过去I miss you much我很想你Till i get you back I"m gonna Cry我会忍不住流泪直到你回来的时候Yes I miss you much是的 我真的很想你You are the apple of my eye你是我的掌上明珠Girl I miss you much宝贝我很思念你I miss you much我很思念你I can"t lieI miss you muchWatching everyday that goes byI miss you muchTell I get you back I"m gonna CryYes I miss you muchYou are the apple of my eyeGirl I miss you muchI miss you muchI wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿I wanna make up right now na na我现在就想要补偿Wish we never broke up right now na na希望我们现在永远不会分开we need to link up right now na na我需要现在就要和你联系上I want you to fly with me我想你和我一起飞翔want you to fly希望你会飞I miss how you lie with me我想念着你是如何和我一起躺着miss how you lie想念你是如何睡的Just wish you could dine with me只想要和你共进晚餐wish you could dine希望和你一起吃饭One that would grind with me一个和我一起吃苦的人One that would grind一个吃的起苦的人I want you to fly with mewant you to flyI miss how you lie with meOhh miss how you lieJust wish you could dine with mewish you could dineOne that would grind with meOhh One that would grindI wanna make up right now na naI wanna make up right now na naWish we never broke up right now na nawe need to link up right now na naI wanna make up right now na naI wanna make up right now na naWish we never broke up right now na nawe need to link up right now na na

Foreign Affair 歌词

歌曲名:Foreign Affair歌手:MIKE OLDFIELD专辑:CrisisForeign AffairMike OldfieldThe Platinum Collection“Foreign Affair”Foreign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairDrifting and freeOn a mystical seaA wish of emotionA drop in the oceanA hush in the airYou can feel anywhereIn the cool twilightOn a tropical nightFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign...http://music.baidu.com/song/57165024

阿肯那首Right Now〔Na Na Na〕是什么意思?

It"s been so long 已经如此之久 that I haven"t seen your face 我没有见过你的面容 I"m Tryna be strong 我试着坚强(注:tryna=trying to) But the strength I have is washing away 但是渐渐地力不从心 it wont be long before i get you by my side 过不了多久你就会回到我身边 And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you till 然后抱着你,吻着你,压着你(注:此处tease 和squeeze都是俚语) I was fill all my mind 脑海里想的全是你 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在(注:make up和好,另外有的版本用na,就是now的意思,wanna=want to) I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手(注:break up 分手) we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在(注:lay up 躺下来,静下来) I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 Girl I know mistakes were made between us to 宝贝我知道我们彼此之间存在着分歧 And we show our eyes that now even says somethings were true 彼此真诚地吐露心声 why"d you go and haven"t seen my girl since then 为什么那时离我而去,自从那以后就再也没见过你 why can it be the way it was 为什么还一如既往 cos you were my homie lover friend 因为你曾经是我的挚爱(注:cos=because) I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 I can"t lie 我没有撒谎 I miss you much 我是如此地想念着你 Watching everyday that goes by 眼睁睁看着时光流逝 I miss you much 我是如此地想念着你 Tell i get you back I m gonna cry 扪心自问还是希望你回来,我都快要哭了(注:gonna=going to) I miss you much 我是如此地想念着你 You are the apple of my I 你是我的宝贝儿(注:apple= dear baby) Girls I miss you much 宝贝我是如此地想念你 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 I can"t lie 我没有撒谎 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 Watching everyday that goes by 眼睁睁看着时光流逝 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 Tell i get you back I m gonna cry 扪心自问还是希望你回来,我都快要哭了 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 You are the apple of my I 你是我的宝贝儿 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 I want you to fly with me 我希望和你一起飞翔 want you to fly 飞翔 I miss i had lie with me 我希望你与我同眠 miss I had lie 与我同眠 I wish you could die with me 我希望你与我同逝 wish you could die 与我同逝 I woundered a crime with me 脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划 woundered a crime 琢磨着 I want you to fly with me 我希望和你一起飞翔 want you to fly 飞翔 I miss i had lie with me 我希望你与我同眠 miss I had lie 与我同眠 I wish you could die with me 我希望你与我同逝 wish you could die 与我同逝 I woundered a crime with me 脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划 woundered a crime 琢磨着 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 I wanna make up right now now now 我想和你和好,就现在,现在,现在 Wish we never broke up right now now now 希望我们现在不分手,以后也不分手 we need to lay up right now now now 我们需要静下来好好谈谈现在,就现在,现在

一首英文歌,开头是女声oh la la la..中间有歌词部分是男声,有一句歌词是lights camera action

undress rehearsal

法国兰蔻唇膏广告曲oh la la-----brigitte英文版。就是广告唱的英文歌词

Oh La La这首歌原为法国当红双人女子乐团 Brigitte(由Aurélie Maggiori及 Sylvie Hoarau 组成)主唱。英文版也是这两位团员为了这一部以 Rouge in Love 为题的影片,还特地重新为这一首畅销金曲填入新词,重新演绎。请对照歌词:Brigitte - Love your lips! ("Rouge in Love")Come to me, baby come to meKiss my lips and linger close to meHave your lip color, after you kiss meI"m so rouge in loveBaby don"t you see?Que c"est si douxOh la lac"est si doux, doux, doux, doux, doux, douxEat my lipsBaby please give me your kissEat my lipsBaby I"ll give you the kissEat my lipsBaby please give me your kissHit my lipsBaby I"ll give you the kissDoux, doux, doux, doux

Brigitte Fontaine的《Oh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh La La歌手:Brigitte Fontaine专辑:Et Vous Tu M

jiggy dogg -《missing you》翻译的中文歌词谁会

歌词我没有坚持完成杂志今天我的心在燃烧,找到香烟你想抽烟来抚慰心灵的休息不断蔓延,作为我的长长的叹息厌倦了以前积累的思念我记得忘了Beorimyeon睡着你来到我梦中只要再像旧时代,没有人我仍然热爱和思念你我忘了,我越neungeol我不能没有你呼吸我最后的爱,唯一的我仍然热爱和思念你她给我回天所以我求求你,请听上能够传达全部的爱去的其余部分只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童我们沿着用锯子的公路电影我听到一首歌曲一起笑这对我所有的珍贵回忆你觉得我走出如果你能回到我不会放开你的手你觉得突然,黑夜长深深地叹了口气略带遗憾地我仍然热爱和思念你我有时觉得你做Taekhaetjiman太容易失去彼此我们喜欢她或在幸福中曾经或我仍然热爱和思念你如果我们找到你休息,我的爱我会送你用泪水写的信,对不起,你还不能忘记只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo

Craig David的《Rendezvous》 歌词

歌曲名:Rendezvous歌手:Craig David专辑:Born To Do ItArtist: Craig DavidAlbum: Born To Do ItTitle: RendezvousEditor:Janrenfairy/RLT 03/11/2004craig david this is how we do (this is how we do)yeah well come on check it out(watcha doing cos we"ll be rendevousing &<br>you know we"ll getting some getting jiggy just for fun)(4x)six o"clock in the morning wipe the sleep from my eyes(yeah)felt just like an ordinary dayjust around the corner, such a surprise, a beautiful angel materialisedtime stood still, face to faceI"m sure we"d met in another time and place(met in another time and place)our eyes met as you passed me by (passed me by)two souls entwined in the blink of an eye(yeah)and I had to figure out what I"d be missingso I turned to you and asked you if you wanted to(you know we"ll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun)rendevous where to my place, say 2 & we can anything you wanna dohey, tonight is your night yeahwhen you close your eyes, take a minute, take a moment, realisedo you see me when you fantasisetonight"ll be your nightI"m just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you dogirl feels so rightand all I know ist you"re the one for me, that special kinda"ladyin my life, in my lifewell here I am writing you a lover songholding back those years, it"s been so longand I can"t deny the way I"m asking you, can we ...darling tell me, what"s on your mind? what you thinking?hey what you thinking? hey what you thinking?darling tell me what"s on your mindwhat"s on your mind yeah?darlign what you are thinking?now darling what are you thinking?I"m just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you dogirl feels so rightand all I know ist you"re the one for me, that special kinda"ladyin my life, in my life yeahwatcha doing cos we"ll be rendevousing & you knowwe"ll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun(x4)http://music.baidu.com/song/1280000

求Will Smith - Gettin jiggy with it 的歌词与翻译!!急哦~~谢谢大家!!!

Will Smith Gettin" Jiggy Wit It On your mark ready set let"s go dance floor pro I know you know I go psycho when my new joint hit just can"t sit gotta get jiggy wit it ooh that"s it now honey honey come ride DKNY all up in my eye you gotta Prada bag with alotta stuff in it give it to your friend let"s spin everybody lookin" at me glancin" the kid wishin" they was dancin" a jig here with this handsome kid ciga-cigar right from Cuba-Cuba I just bite it it"s for the look I don"t light it illway the an-may on the ance-day oor-flay givin" up jiggy make it feel like foreplay yo, my car, yo its Infinite- ha ha Big Willie Style"s all in it Gettin" Jiggy Wit It Chorus: na na na na na na na nana na na na na nana gettin jiggy wit it repeat 3x what you wanna ball with the kid watch your step you might fall trying to do what I did mama-unh mama-unh I"ma come closer in the middle of the club with the rub-a-dub, unh no love for the haters, the haters mad cause I got floor seats at the Lakers see me on the fifty yard line with the Raiders met Ali he told me I"m the greatest I got the fever for the flavor of a crowd pleaser DJ play another from the prince of this your highness only mad chicks ride in my whips south to the west to the east to the north bought my hits and watch "em go off a go off ah yes yes y"all and ya don"t stop in the winter or the (summertime) I makes it hot gettin jiggy wit "em Chorus eight-fifty I.S. if you need a lift who"s the kid in the drop who else Will Smith livin" that life some consider a myth rock from south street to one two fifth women used to tease me give it to me now nice and easy since I moved up like George and Wheezy cream to the maximum I be askin" "em would you like to bounce with the brother that"s platinum never see Will attackin" "em rather play ball with Shaq and um, flatten "em psyche kiddin" you thought I took a spill but I didn"t trust the lady of my life she hittin" hit her with a drop top with the ribbon crib for my mom on the outskirts of Philly you trying to flex on me don"t be silly getting jiggy wit it

jiggy dogg Missing U 中文歌词

我没有坚持完成杂志今天我的心在燃烧,找到香烟你想抽烟来抚慰心灵的休息不断蔓延,作为我的长长的叹息厌倦了以前积累的思念我记得忘了Beorimyeon睡着你来到我梦中只要再像旧时代,没有人我仍然热爱和思念你我忘了,我越neungeol我不能没有你呼吸我最后的爱,唯一的我仍然热爱和思念你她给我回天所以我求求你,请听上能够传达全部的爱去的其余部分只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童我们沿着用锯子的公路电影我听到一首歌曲一起笑这对我所有的珍贵回忆你觉得我走出如果你能回到我不会放开你的手你觉得突然,黑夜长深深地叹了口气略带遗憾地我仍然热爱和思念你我有时觉得你做Taekhaetjiman太容易失去彼此我们喜欢她或在幸福中曾经或我仍然热爱和思念你如果我们找到你休息,我的爱我会送你用泪水写的信,对不起,你还不能忘记只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童

郭书瑶 f.cuz- jiggy的lrc歌词下载

get get get get jiggy jiggy…



谁能帮我找找Craig David的“Rendezvous ”的歌词?


Faker的《Fight》 歌词

歌曲名:Fight歌手:Faker专辑:The Familiar / Enough Ep标题:Fight艺术家:MetaliumDream Of A NationBlasted By WarMillenium, Close To The EndThis Liquid Of PowerMakes The Worlds SpinMetalians Forces Will Be SentForget Your Fears, Nowhere To HideWatch Out For The Trial"s LightFollow The Telepathic CallDeciding Cards Will FallFight, You Gotta FightAll Through The NightSo You Might Live ForeverShout, You Gotta Shout, Try To Be ProudThat You Might Live Forever, OhhhhAnnihilationMass SuicideSeventh Sign Easy To SeeBlood-Red WaterTells Bout The Cruel SlaughterThere Are No Ways You Can FleeForget Your Fears, No Where To HideWatch Out For The Trial"s LightFollow The Telepathic CallDeciding Cards Will FallFight, You Gotta FightAll Through The NightSo You Might Live ForeverShout, You Gotta Shout, Try To Be ProudThat You Might Live ForeverFight, You Gotta FightAll Through The NightSo You Might Live ForeverShout, You Gotta Shout, Try To Be ProudThat You Might Live Forever, OhhhhFight, You Gotta FightAll Through The NightSo You Might Live ForeverShout, You Gotta Shout, Try To Be ProudThat You Might Live ForeverFight, You Gotta FightAll Through The NightSo You Might Live ForeverShout, You Gotta Shout, You Are Still ProudThat You Might Live Forever, Ohhhh金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/2866769

高中英语词汇:高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language

《高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 Words and expressions motivation n. the act or process of motivating; something that motivates动机;刺激 memorize vt. learn every word exactly 记住;熟记;背 In the meantime, consult dictionaries, memorize grammatical rules. 读书时,要查词典,记语法规则。 dictation n.[u] the act of dictating 听写 The pupils wrote at their teacher"s dictation. 教师口授,学生听写。 n.[u] the act of giving orders; something commanded 命令;指示 I did it at my father"s dictation. 我遵照父亲的话去做。 correction n.[u] the act of correcting 改正;修改 These papers are in need of correction. 这些卷子需要批改。 phonetic adj. representing or connected with the sounds made with the voice 表示发音的;语音(学)的 Each new word in this dictionary has phonetic symbols after it to show you how to say the word. 这部词典里,每个新单词后都有音标,告诉你如何发音。 alphabet n. the letters of the English language from A to Z字母表 There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母有二十六个。 stick v. become fixed or fastened; not be able to move 卡住;阻塞;使停止 (stuck; stuck) He (was) stuck in the mud and couldn"t move. 他陷在泥里,动弹不得。 v. protrude from, stand out from; or cause something to protrude from something 伸出;突出 Don"t stick your head out of the window. 不要把头伸出窗外。 v. fix or fasten one thing to another thing with glue, etc. 粘贴;张贴 She stuck a stamp on to the envelope. 她在信封上贴上邮票。 make progress get better slowly 取得进步 He made no progress in learning to write. 他在学习写作方面没有进步。 effective adj. giving an effect working well 有效的 The new law has been very effective. 新的法律很有效。 acquire vt. to get by one"s own efforts 取得;获得;学得 She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study. 她认真学习而精通英语。 acquisition n. the act of acquiring; something acquired获/取/学得;获得物 This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition. 这辆摩托车是我最新购置的。 make sense of understand 弄懂;明白 We read it through, but could not make sense of it. 我们看了一遍,但不明白它说些什么。 in other words saying the same thing in another way 也就是说;换句话说 Joe doesn"t like work -- in other words, he"s lazy! 乔不爱劳动--换句话说,他懒惰! awful adj. causing fear; terrible 恐惧的;可怕的 An awful accident has happened. 一件可怕的事故发生了。 adj. very great; ugly 非常;极为 The room is in an awful mess. 屋子乱七八糟。 instruct vt. to teach, to give information to 教;指导 My uncle instructs people how to drive cars. 我叔叔教别人开汽车。 vt. tell someone what he must do 指示;告诉 The teacher instructed the class to prepare for a test. 教师通知这一班学生准备测验。 efficient adj. work well and quickly 效率高的 He was efficient in his work. 他工作效率高。 data n. factual information; numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer资料;数据 (datum 单数形式) academic adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a school, especially one of higher learning; based on formal education 学校的;学院的;学术的 n.[c] one who is a member of an institution of higher learning; a person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background 大学生;大学教师;学究 comprehension n. the act or power of understanding理解(力) Algebra is beyond the comprehension of lower-class pupils.代数是低年级学生所无法理解的。 anxious adj. afraid and worried 忧虑的;担心的;焦急的 John is very anxious about his exams. 约翰非常担心他的考试。 adj. wanting something very much 渴望的;焦盼的 He is anxious for her news. 他渴望知道她的消息。 secure adj. free from danger or attack; free from fear, anxiety, or doubt 安全的;安心的 I don"t feel secure when I am alone in the house. 我一个人在家时感到不安全。 adj. assured; certain 确信的;一定的: With three goals in the first period they had a secure victory, but somehow they lost. 在第一节他们进了三球,原以为准赢无误,孰料最后还是输了。 take a risk do something although there is a chance of danger, loss, etc. 冒险 I don"t want to run (take) the risk of losing it. 我不想冒着失掉它的危险。 experiment with to conduct an experiment; to try something new 进行试/实验 They experimented with new methods of teaching and succeeded. 他们试验新的教学方法,获得了成功。 translator n. one that translates翻译家;译者(指笔译) interpreter n. someone who can interpret 口译者;译员 Maria was my interpreter. 玛丽亚是我的翻译。 everyday adj. done or happening each day 每日的;日常的 I learn everyday English. 我学习常用英语。 patience n.[u] being calm when you are waiting or when you have trouble, problems, etc. 耐心;忍耐 The job needs a lot of patience. 这种工作需要极大的耐心。 adopt vt. take the child of another person into your family to become your own child 收养 Mr. and Mrs. Williams adopted a child whose parents were dead. 威廉斯先生和夫人收养了一个父母双亡的孩子。 vt. take and use; take over 采纳;采用 The government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳这个计划。 pile n. a lot of things lying one upon another; heap 堆 The pile of magazines should be picked up. 应该把那一堆杂志拾起来。 n. a large amount 大量;大数目;大堆 We have a pile of/piles of homework to do. 我们有许多作业要作。 easygoing adj. living without undue worry or concern; relaxed or informal in attitude or standards 悠闲的;随遇而安的;宽大的 Our manager"s an easygoing person; she never gets angry. 我们的经理是个随和的人,她从不发怒。 PLA (=People"s Liberation Army) 中国人民解放军 tyre n. rubber ring, full of air, that fits round the wheel of a motorcar, bicycle, etc.轮胎 I have a flat tyre----it needs some air in it. 我的车胎瘪了--需要打气。 overweight adj. too heavy 超重的 He eats too much and is quite overweight. 他吃得太多,因此身体太重。 teens n. the ages from 13 to 19 十三岁到十九岁的年龄;青少年 boys in their teens 少男;十三到十九岁的男孩 put an end to v. stop sth. happening 结束;终止 Let"s put an end to smoking. 让我们停止吸烟吧! operation n.[c] the act of a surgeon who cuts the body of a patient(外科)手术 He has to have an operation to undergo at once. 他不得不马上动手术。 n.[u] working, the way something works 工作;运转 The machine came into operation. 机器开始运转了。 knock down strike to the ground with a blow, etc; shoot down 击倒;撞倒 I was almost knocked down by a motorcar. 我差点被一辆汽车撞倒。 level n. surface parallel with horizon; such a surface with reference to its height 平面;水平面 The river level rose after the rain. 雨后河里的水面升高了。 n. how high something is 高度;级别;水平 We are working hard to catch up with the advanced world levels. 我们正在努力工作,以赶上世界先进水平。 junior adj. the younger; of lower rank or position年少的;等级较低的 He is three years junior to me. 他比我小三岁。 After graduation from a junior middle school, he entered a senior middle school. 他初中毕业后进入高中。 n. a younger person 年少者;晚辈 She is my junior by seven years. 她比我小七岁。 I am his junior in life. 我是她的晚辈。 senior adj. older 年长的 I am five years senior to him. 我比他大五岁。 adj. more advanced in education 较高年级的 He studies in a senior middle school. 他念高中。 n. an older person 年长者 Paul is my senior by two years. 保罗长我两岁。 n. a person of longer service, higher rank 上司;前辈 He was my senior. 他过去是我的上级。 ie [,aI`i:] (=that is to say, in other words) 也就是 option n.[u] right or power of choosing 选择权;选择 You must do it; you have no option. 你必须做这件事,你没有选择的余地。 n.[c] thing that is or may be chosen 选择物 None of the options is satisfactory. 所选之物无一令人满意。 broaden v. to make or become broad or broader.(使)变宽,(使)扩大 For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook. 打工使大学生开阔了眼界。 fall behind not keep up; be left as in a race 赶不上;落后 Several of the runners fell behind in the race. 有几个赛跑者在比赛中落后了。 association n. an organized body of people who have an interest, an activity, or a purpose in common; a society 协会;社团 According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. 根据美国汽车协会的资料,自从一九六四年以来在美国出售的所有汽车都装有保险带。 appropriate adj. right 适合的;适当的 Choose the appropriate words from the list below. 从下表中选择适当的词。 postcode n. 邮政编码 proficiency n. the state or quality of being proficient; competence 熟练;精通 attain proficiency in spoken English 精通英语会话 《高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)



Jiggy Dogg -《Missing You》 歌词谁有 要完整的

uc81cubaa9: Missing U (Feat. uc11cuc7acud654) uac00uc218: uc9c0uae30ub3c5(Jiggy Dogg) ------------------------------------I"m missing girl missing youub05dub0b4 uac00uaca0ub2e4ub294 ub110 uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud588uc5b4uc624ub298ub3c4 ud0c0ub294 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 ub2f4ubc30ub97c ucc3eub294ub370ub0a8uc740 ud55c uac1cube44uac00 ub2ecub798uc904uae4c uc774 ub9c8uc74cuc744ub05duc5c6uc774 ud37cuc838uac00ub294 ub0b4 uae34 ud55cuc228ubfd0uc218ubd81ud788 uc313uc778 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc5d0 uc9c0uccd0uc78aud600uc838 uac00ub294 ub110 ub2e4uc2dc ub5a0uc62cub824uadf8ub7ecub2e4 uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 ubc84ub9acuba74ub10c uafc8 uc18duc5d0 ucc3euc544uc640 ub098uc640uc608uc804ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uc2dc ud558ub098uac00 ub3fcI"m still loving and missing youuc78auc73cub824 ud560uc218ub85d ub354 uc0dduac01ub098ub294uac78uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub108 uc5c6uc778 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370uc138uc0c1uc5d0uc11c ud558ub098ubfd0uc778 ub0b4 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc544I"m still loving and missing youud558ub298uc544 uadf8ub140ub97c ub2e4uc2dc ub0b4uac8c ub3ccub824uc918ub4e4uc5b4uc918 uc774ub807uac8c ube4cuaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ubd80ud0c1uc744ub0b4 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791uc744 ubaa8ub450 uc804ud560 uc218 uc788uac8cuadf8ub300ub9cc I love you I need youub9d0ud560ub54cucc98ub7fc uc608uc804uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 ub2e4uc9d0ud55c ub9d0 ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774ub2c8uc65c uc774ub807uac8c ubabbub410ub2c8 ub098ubfd0uc774ub77cuba74uc11cI"m missing girl missing youuc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8 ubd24ub358 uc601ud654 ud568uaed8 uac77ub358 uae38ud568uaed8 ub4e3ub358 ub178ub798 ud568uaed8 uc6c3ub358 uc77cuc774 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub0b4uac90 uc18cuc911ud55c ucd94uc5b5uc778ub370ub0b4 uacc1uc744 ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc5b4ub5a0ub2c8ub2e4uc2dc ub108uc5d0uac8cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub9cc uc788ub2e4uba74ub09c ub108uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uace0 ub193uc9c0 uc54auc744ud150ub370ubb38ub4dd ub124 uc0dduac01uc5d4 uae34 uc5b4ub450uc6b4 ubc24ud6c4ud68cub85c ubb3cub4e0 uae4auc740 ud55cuc228ub9ccI"m still loving and missing youuac00ub054uc740 ub108ub3c4 ub0b4 uc0dduac01uc744 ud558ub2c8ub108ubb34 uc27duac8c uc11cub85c uc774ubcc4uc744 ud0ddud588uc9c0ub9ccuc6b0ub9b0 uc0acub791ud588uc5c8uc790ub098 ud589ubcf5ud588uc790ub098I"m still loving and missing youub0b4 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791uc774 ub110 ucc3euc744ub54cuba74ub208ubb3cub85c ud3b8uc9c0ub97c uc368 ub124uac8c ubcf4ub0bcuaed8ubbf8uc548ud574 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub110 uc78auc9c0 ubabbud574uadf8ub300ub9cc I love you I need youub9d0ud560ub54cucc98ub7fc uc608uc804uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 ub2e4uc9d0ud55c ub9d0 ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774ub2c8uc65c uc774ub807uac8c ubabbub410ub2c8 ub098ubfd0uc774ub77cuba74uc11cI"m missing girl missing you

有节奏感的歌曲,最好是英文的 像谎言,,最后的问候,jiggy ,以类的

french kissing wait till u hear from me

在 JIGGY 的MV中扎一个小辨的男生是谁

沈艺俊uc608uc900 YeJun 名字: 沈艺浚 韩文:uc2ecuc608uc900沈艺浚[4]Shim Ye Jun 职务:Lead Vocalist 生日:02/04/1992 星座:水瓶座 身高:182cm 体重:67kg 血型: B 兴趣:听音乐 特长:唱歌 绰号:YeBee小可爱 喜欢的食物:寿司 最讨厌的:太严肃的人 最喜欢的颜色:白色 早上起床后做的第一件事:伸展身体,发呆5分钟 睡前做的事:写日记 比喻自己是动物的话:老鼠 座右铭:要好好听队长Jinon哥的话 最尊敬的人:Jinon哥 现在就读于安阳艺术高中。和JINON以及KAN一样,和韩流巨星 RAIN 就读同一所高中「安养艺术高等学校」。

英文歌 jiggyjiggy



GET GET GETTING JIGGYmam mam ma TTI ya a ki a aki no DDO yaok mam mam ma TTI ya a ki a aki no DDO yauc65cuc774ub807uac8cuc774ubcc4uc774uc27duc9c0uc54aub2c8ub108ubb34uc27duac8cub5a0ub09cub108ub54cubb38uc5d0(Bom Bom Bom shawtyBom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom shawty)uc5b5uc9c0ub77cub3c4uc6c3uc5b4ubcf4uace0ub9e4uc77cuc0dduac01ub098ub3c4ucc38uc744ub9ccud558ub2e4uace0ub9d0ud558uae30ub294uc774ub974uc9c0ub9ccuac70uc758ub410uc5b4ud589ubcf5ud558ub2e4uad6c(YEHP!)uba4buc9c0uac8cuc0b4uace0uc788ub294ub0b4uac00ubcf4uc774ub2c8uac00uc2b4uc774ub108ubb34ubc85ucc28uac70uc6b8ubcf4uba70ucda4uc744ucd94uc9c0ubcfcub968uc744ub354ub192uc5ecuba38ub9acuae4cuc9c0ub2e4uc2dcub728uac70uc6ccuc608uc804uac19uc774ub0b4ub9d8ub300ub85cuba4bub300ub85cuc990uae38ub798GET GET GETTING JIGGY GETTING JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuc774uc81cub2e4uc2dcub294uc678ub86duc9c0uc54auc744uaebcuc57cud63cuc790uc11cuc6b8uc9c0ub3c4uc54auc744uaebcuc57cJIGGY JIGGY JIGGY JIGGYGETTING GETTING JIGGY JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuadf8ub0e5ub0b4ub9c8uc74cub530ub77cuc6c0uc9c1uc5ecubcfcuaebcuc57c(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGYubaa8ub450ub2e4uc9c0uc6b8ub798ub124uc804ud654ubc88ud638ub0b4uc55euc5d0uc11cuc6c3ub358ub124ubaa8uc2b5ub3c4uae38uc744uac77ub2e4ub9c8uc8fcuccd0ub3c4uc6b0ub9acucc98uc74cubd80ud130ubaa8ub974ub358uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc(uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4ubaa8ub974ub294uac8cucc28ub77cub9acub354ub0abuc796uc544)uae30uc068ub3c4uc2acud514ub3c4(GETTING GETTING JIGGY)uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e0uc78auc5b4ubcf4ub824uace0(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGY GETTING JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuc774uc81cub2e4uc2dcub294uc678ub86duc9c0uc54auc744uaebcuc57cud63cuc790uc11cuc6b8uc9c0ub3c4uc54auc744uaebcuc57cJIGGY JIGGY JIGGY JIGGYGETTING GETTING JIGGY JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuadf8ub0e5ub0b4ub9c8uc74cub530ub77cuc6c0uc9c1uc5ecubcfcuaebcuc57c(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGY==我尽力了啊亲。。。

F CUZ的《jiggy》 韩文版本歌词中文翻译~~

已发 注意查收 = ]8x

JIGGY 注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

JIGGY 商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册1件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JIGGY 还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)


你说的是F.Cuz 郭书瑶 他们唱的那首歌的名字吗Jiggy本身有活跃、激动、酷毙了的意思。F.Cuz「Jiggy」是指拼了命也要跳舞的意思。


Jiggy 酷毙了





Summer Night 歌词

歌名:Summer Night演唱:Lil Yudy ft.Gordon&PG&Sarah S『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●Chorus:(Lil Yudy & Sarah S)I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:火红太阳西沉 皎洁明月东升寂静的夜空充满迷人的星辰享受夏夜晚风 晚风乘驰在这夜空心情放松 去兜风Cruising在这夏夜 车上坐着性感美眉放着Westside音乐 这个才够对味恩哼 准备进入下一个set打电话给Homies 你们在哪里(我们泡在酒池肉林里)我现在要过去 We like house party(Lil Yudy是我们的VIP)美酒 BabiQ 夏夜晚风女孩Sexy Body们随着音乐摆动在这Summer Night It"s all goodLil Yudy gona ride tonightChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Gordon:it"s so easy 随意穿件dickiescruising在251 享受northside的恣意homies都到齐 不用多礼我们的 party 决不horny先来块牛排 喝酒 加多点冰块大厨出菜 只怕你嫌快节奏太轻快 等不及放下刀叉把脚步放慢女孩们都玩疯了嫌我们游戏还玩的不够狠傍着明月晚风吹着热闹气氛让你不嫌冷popo也想加入我们碍於职责 也只能稍微等等像是 梦境 中的不夜城如果你想来 give me a hoollaChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦PG:喔 我又开了一灌啤酒吹着晚风 嘴里喝着一口又一口here we comeYudy Gordon 还有我 pigg女孩摆动想被注意白天阳光把身体晒得火红夜晚就醉倒在衣服里头海浪在衬托 星星点缀夜空衣服穿了都会觉得有点太重脑子放空 轻轻点头 嘴里用力一抽夏天夜晚轻易让你感动不用准备太多 多的抛到海中音乐有节奏 手上有美酒仔细想想到底还缺什麽 no接下来我们掌控今夜的感觉一路带到梦中Chorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:If you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/2709698

Summer Night 歌词

歌名:Summer Night演唱:Lil Yudy ft.Gordon&PG&Sarah S『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●Chorus:(Lil Yudy & Sarah S)I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:火红太阳西沉 皎洁明月东升寂静的夜空充满迷人的星辰享受夏夜晚风 晚风乘驰在这夜空心情放松 去兜风Cruising在这夏夜 车上坐着性感美眉放着Westside音乐 这个才够对味恩哼 准备进入下一个set打电话给Homies 你们在哪里(我们泡在酒池肉林里)我现在要过去 We like house party(Lil Yudy是我们的VIP)美酒 BabiQ 夏夜晚风女孩Sexy Body们随着音乐摆动在这Summer Night It"s all goodLil Yudy gona ride tonightChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Gordon:it"s so easy 随意穿件dickiescruising在251 享受northside的恣意homies都到齐 不用多礼我们的 party 决不horny先来块牛排 喝酒 加多点冰块大厨出菜 只怕你嫌快节奏太轻快 等不及放下刀叉把脚步放慢女孩们都玩疯了嫌我们游戏还玩的不够狠傍着明月晚风吹着热闹气氛让你不嫌冷popo也想加入我们碍於职责 也只能稍微等等像是 梦境 中的不夜城如果你想来 give me a hoollaChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦PG:喔 我又开了一灌啤酒吹着晚风 嘴里喝着一口又一口here we comeYudy Gordon 还有我 pigg女孩摆动想被注意白天阳光把身体晒得火红夜晚就醉倒在衣服里头海浪在衬托 星星点缀夜空衣服穿了都会觉得有点太重脑子放空 轻轻点头 嘴里用力一抽夏天夜晚轻易让你感动不用准备太多 多的抛到海中音乐有节奏 手上有美酒仔细想想到底还缺什麽 no接下来我们掌控今夜的感觉一路带到梦中Chorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:If you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/8196262

Summer Night 歌词

歌名:Summer Night演唱:Lil Yudy ft.Gordon&PG&Sarah S『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●Chorus:(Lil Yudy & Sarah S)I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:火红太阳西沉 皎洁明月东升寂静的夜空充满迷人的星辰享受夏夜晚风 晚风乘驰在这夜空心情放松 去兜风Cruising在这夏夜 车上坐着性感美眉放着Westside音乐 这个才够对味恩哼 准备进入下一个set打电话给Homies 你们在哪里(我们泡在酒池肉林里)我现在要过去 We like house party(Lil Yudy是我们的VIP)美酒 BabiQ 夏夜晚风女孩Sexy Body们随着音乐摆动在这Summer Night It"s all goodLil Yudy gona ride tonightChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Gordon:it"s so easy 随意穿件dickiescruising在251 享受northside的恣意homies都到齐 不用多礼我们的 party 决不horny先来块牛排 喝酒 加多点冰块大厨出菜 只怕你嫌快节奏太轻快 等不及放下刀叉把脚步放慢女孩们都玩疯了嫌我们游戏还玩的不够狠傍着明月晚风吹着热闹气氛让你不嫌冷popo也想加入我们碍於职责 也只能稍微等等像是 梦境 中的不夜城如果你想来 give me a hoollaChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦PG:喔 我又开了一灌啤酒吹着晚风 嘴里喝着一口又一口here we comeYudy Gordon 还有我 pigg女孩摆动想被注意白天阳光把身体晒得火红夜晚就醉倒在衣服里头海浪在衬托 星星点缀夜空衣服穿了都会觉得有点太重脑子放空 轻轻点头 嘴里用力一抽夏天夜晚轻易让你感动不用准备太多 多的抛到海中音乐有节奏 手上有美酒仔细想想到底还缺什麽 no接下来我们掌控今夜的感觉一路带到梦中Chorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:If you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/8842228

Summer Nights 歌词

歌名:Summer Night演唱:Lil Yudy ft.Gordon&PG&Sarah S『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●Chorus:(Lil Yudy & Sarah S)I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:火红太阳西沉 皎洁明月东升寂静的夜空充满迷人的星辰享受夏夜晚风 晚风乘驰在这夜空心情放松 去兜风Cruising在这夏夜 车上坐着性感美眉放着Westside音乐 这个才够对味恩哼 准备进入下一个set打电话给Homies 你们在哪里(我们泡在酒池肉林里)我现在要过去 We like house party(Lil Yudy是我们的VIP)美酒 BabiQ 夏夜晚风女孩Sexy Body们随着音乐摆动在这Summer Night It"s all goodLil Yudy gona ride tonightChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Gordon:it"s so easy 随意穿件dickiescruising在251 享受northside的恣意homies都到齐 不用多礼我们的 party 决不horny先来块牛排 喝酒 加多点冰块大厨出菜 只怕你嫌快节奏太轻快 等不及放下刀叉把脚步放慢女孩们都玩疯了嫌我们游戏还玩的不够狠傍着明月晚风吹着热闹气氛让你不嫌冷popo也想加入我们碍於职责 也只能稍微等等像是 梦境 中的不夜城如果你想来 give me a hoollaChorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦PG:喔 我又开了一灌啤酒吹着晚风 嘴里喝着一口又一口here we comeYudy Gordon 还有我 pigg女孩摆动想被注意白天阳光把身体晒得火红夜晚就醉倒在衣服里头海浪在衬托 星星点缀夜空衣服穿了都会觉得有点太重脑子放空 轻轻点头 嘴里用力一抽夏天夜晚轻易让你感动不用准备太多 多的抛到海中音乐有节奏 手上有美酒仔细想想到底还缺什麽 no接下来我们掌控今夜的感觉一路带到梦中Chorus:I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦啦啦I feel the summer night这种感觉不赖嘟噜嘟噜 答啦答啦 啦 啦Lil Yudy:If you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no jokeIf you could groove to this and then smokeif you could move to this and then LoccBecause ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke感觉 这节奏 然後 抽喜欢 这感觉 跟着 说ain"t no party like a Northside partycuz a Northside party ain"t no joke﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/15156303

Landon Pigg Featuring Turbo Fruits的《High Times》 歌词

歌曲名:High Times歌手:Landon Pigg Featuring Turbo Fruits专辑:Whip It [Music From The Motion Picture]High timeGet ur groovin" onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKHigh timeGet ur groovin" onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKchance 现状如何steps 能立刻活动吗?”Gimme you love”只知道该知道的就算无聊也要做24-7 to go I gotta be如同在沙漠中行走的每天留下足迹 只要你够强High timeGet ur groovin"on也会有卸下梦想的夜晚High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright用这个身体去超越吧High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法改变High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK已经无法满足于现在的状况One day 它发生了Today 失去了它Freestyle 已经都无所谓了 Gimme the beat还有信仰吗?有没有怪在别人身上呢?24-7 to go I gotta be坚硬的紧闭的大门想要打碎它的话 什么规则之类的全都笑着踢飞High timeGet ur groovin"on绝望 渴望 挣脱掉High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright现在要比任何人都跳得高High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法原谅High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK开始运转用暴雨漂洗心灵将咽下的阴暗全都丢掉High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKHigh timeGet ur groovin"onOn ur mark On ur markAre you ready to go?High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法改变High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK已经无法满足于现在的状况http://music.baidu.com/song/7899612
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