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没有什么不同,美团已经整体收购酷讯了。TripAdvisor是国际在线旅游巨头Expedia的子公司,酷讯和艺龙曾是Expedia在华的最主要棋子。TripAdvisor方面表示,本次与美团达成的交易与该公司在中国的战略相契合,TripAdvisor将专注发展增长迅速的出境游市场。美团并未透露收购酷讯的价格,市场传闻称是数千万美元到1亿美元之间。记者从知情人士处获悉,此次整体并购之后,酷讯业务将整合进美团今年7月刚成立的酒店旅游事业群,而酷讯CEO张海军也将离开。扩展资料公司规模美团网2012年7月份的销售额已经超过了5亿元,本地服务销售额占总销售额的95.14%。 美团网2014年8月的交易额突破45亿元。截止到8月,美团共有北京、深圳、上海、广州、西安、武汉、杭州、成都八大城市单月交易额突破1亿元大关。2014年美团全年交易额突破460亿元,较增长180%以上,市场份额占比超过60%。美团网数据显示,2014年12月单月交易额达到63亿元,单日交易额更突破3亿元,在市场份额占比方面,美团网市场份额超过60%,比2013年的53%增长了7个百分点。参考资料来源:人民网-美团整体收购酷讯百度百科-美团网



国外客户让我发一份commission contract,这个合同应该怎么做啊?

Contract No.:XXXSales and Purchase ContractFOR Manganese OreThis contract is made and entered into onXX, Feb2008under terms and conditions as per the international chamber of commerce-600 (ICC UCP-600/2007 revision) by and between:The Buyer:Address:Tel:The Seller :Address:Tel:Whereby seller agrees to sell to buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from seller Manganese Ore under following the terms and conditions stipulated below:Article 1 CommodityConcentrated manganese OreArticle 2 SpecificationsConcentrated Manganese OreSize: 0-5mm (90% min)% Mn min. 40.0%% Fe max. 15.0%% Silica ( SiO2 ) max. 1.0%% Aluminum ( Al ) max. 4.0%% S max. 0.20%% P max. 0.10%Moisture max. 7%Article 3 Quantity: 500 MT, partial shipment not allowed.Article 4 Origin and Port of loading4.1 Republic of ABC4.2 Loading port:Article 5 Packing/Delivery5.1 In50 kg sack5.2 Incontainer Shipment, more or less 20 tons.Article 6 Shipment/Delivery6.1 500MT(+/-5%)partial shipment not allowed6.2 Shipment will be 90 days after signing of this contract and after the acceptance of the Letter of Credit by seller"s bank. L/C will be openedafter BuyerreceivingProforma Invoice from Sellerwith confirmation of the delivery schedule.6.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint the independent surveyor or his representative to conduct the Pre-shipment Inspection and/or conduct the joint-inspection of the material with buyer for his own account.Article 7 Contracted Price and ValuesPrice:Mn: 48% and above - USD0.00/%/DMTCFRCY Port, China 40% - 47.9% - USD 0.00 /%/DMTCFRCY Port, ChinaThe Mn content will be average of the joint-inspection testing result at loading port.Article 8 Payment8.1 Payment shall be effected in full by an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which will be opened by 1stclass bank in Hong Kong or Singapore, 100% at sight upon presentation of shipping documents.A. Seller"s Banking Details:Bank Name : Bank Address : Account Name : S.W.I.F.T. CODE SWIFT :B. Buyer"s bank issues L/C to the Seller"s bank via S.W.I.F.T. wire transfer.Buyer"s Banking Details:Bank Name : (will be advised)Bank Address : Account Name: S.W.I.F.T. Address SWIFT : Article 10 Inspection of Analysis & WeightThe shipmentinspection and analysis shall be done byCCICappointed by the Seller and one independent surveyor (i.e.: SGS or Geo-Chem, etc) appointed by the buyeras agreed by both parties at site before loading to container. While final weightand qualitydetermination shall be done atloadingportby the above joint-survey.Moisture content shall be deducted from the total weight shipped.Article 11 DocumentsSeller shall present the following documents to the buyer:A. Signed Commercial Invoice for 100% of the total cargo value indicating, quantity, unit price and the total Amount of Value of the delivered commodity , 1 original and 3 copies.B. Certificates of quantity, quality and weight issued byCCICand one independent surveyor appointed by the buyer.C. Certificate of Origin issued by ABC Department Of Trade or concerned Government authorities, I original and 2 copies.D. Weight List, showing total weight , 1 original and 3 copies.E. Bill of Lading, 3 original copies and 3 non-negotiable copies.Article 12 Force MajeureThe Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeureunder UCP 600. The seller shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 3 days thereafter the seller shall send a notice by courier to the buyer of their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller , however, are still under obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 60 days the buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.Article 13 ArbitrationAll disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (UCP-600/2007 or Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in ABCbythe English language.Buyer Seller(Authorized signature/seal) (Authorized signature/seal)

合同中the singular includes the plural and vice versa这句话应该怎么翻?



合同号通常是sales contract number。Purchase Order No一般是客户的订单号。


  (二)填报要求  本栏目应填报进(出)口货物合同(协议)编号的全部字头和号码。  (三)信息的查找与确定  合同、协议号一般在发票、装箱单、提运单中以英文“Contract No.”、“Order No.”、“Confirmation No.”、 “Sales Confirmation No.” 、“S/C N0.” (Sales Contract Number)、“Purchase Order N0.”或简写成“P/O No.”等表示。  例如,CONTRACT N0.:00XFFFG一7801 KR,则该栏目应填写“00XFFFG一7801 KR”。  对于使用《征免税证明》和《加工贸易手册》进口的投资设备和加工贸易进口料件,本栏目填写的合同协议号应与《征免税证明》和《加工贸易手册》上备案的合同号码一致。  考试时多以发票中标注的合同协议号填写。  如果在发票中既有“Contract No.”,又有其他英文表示的订单号、定购号等,以“Contract N.”对应的号码为合同协议号。它是对合同协议号最精准的表达。  例如,2005年考试的报关单填制题,发票中有“Contract N0.04EUWTJ704317T054”,也有“our Order N0.888/1178一l”,则合同协议号栏应该填“04EUWTJ704317"1"054”。  (四)考试的考点  本栏目的填写很容易,掌握的要点在于在发票等单证上找到合同或协议号。熟悉前面所给的表示合同协议号的单词就很容易找到要填写的内容。

发了purchase order不签合同

purchase order可以视为要约邀请,如对方明确表示接受order,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的如果对方没有明确表示接受order,但如果为order做了实质的准备,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的

国外采购中purchase order在签署合同后,国外会给order achievement,这是怎么回事?



  We"ll have the contract ready for signature.   我们应准备好合同待签字。   We signed a contract for medicines.   我们签订了一份药品合同。   Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import & Export Corporation.   张先生代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。   A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.   中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。   It was because of you that we landed the contract.   因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。   We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract.   由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。   Are we anywhere near a contract yet?   我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗?   We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.("principals" refers to the "seller" and the "buyer")   当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。(这里的“货主”指合同中的卖方和买方)   I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.   我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。   We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton.   我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。   We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it.   我们都想签合同,因此双方都要做些让步。   We are here to discuss a new contract with you.   我们来这里和您谈谈订一份新合同的问题。   Our current contract is about to expire, and we"ll need to discuss a new one.   欧文们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同。   We can repeat the contract on the same terms.   我们可以按同样条件再订一个合同。   A few problems with supply under the old contract must be quickly resolved.   老合同中的一些供货问题必须尽快解决。   We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract.   我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。   Do you always make out a contract for every deal?   每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗?   As per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way.   根据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。   Words and Phrases   &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   contract 合同,订立合同   contractor 订约人,承包人   contractual 合同的,契约的   to make a contract 签订合同   to place a contract 订合同   to enter into a contract 订合同   to sign a contract 签合同   to draw up a contract 拟订合同   to draft a contract 起草合同   to get a contract 得到合同   to land a contract 得到(拥有)合同   to countersign a contract 会签合同   to repeat a contract 重复合同   an executory contract 尚待执行的合同   a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同   originals of the contract 合同正本   copies of the contract 合同副本   a written contract 书面合同   to make some concession 做某些让步   (二)   Look at this contract.   请看这份合同。   These are two originals of the contract we prepared.   这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。   We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate.   附上我们第45号销售合同一式两份。   The copy of our contract will be returned.   合同的副本将被归还。   This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB1800 per M/T C&F Copenhagen.   这是一份250吨花生的合同,价格为每公吨哥本哈根成本加运费价1800元。   May I refer you to Article 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of the contract?   请您看看合同一般条款的第五条。   May I refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (or shipping……)?   请您看看合同中有关包装(装运)的规定。   You must state the description of the goods, the quantity and the unit price in each contract.   每笔合同中都应该提到的商品的性能说明、数量和单价。   What are the main clauses in the contract?   合同中的主要条款有哪些?   There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause……)   这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等)   Payment terms are important in a contract too, aren"t they?   合同中的付款条件也很重要,对吗?   We ship our goods in accordance with the terms of the contract.   我们按合同条款交货。   I"m sure that shipment will be effected according to the contract stipulation.   我保证我们能按合同规定如期装船。   We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.   我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。   All terms and conditions will be the same as those in your previous contract number C70064.   所有条款与我们过去签的第C70064号合同规定的各项条款相同。   The contract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery.   合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。   When the goods aren"t up to specification stated in the contract, there is also a penalty for poor quality.   如果所交货物与合同所规定规格不符,还有品质恶劣罚款。   Words and Phrases   &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款   contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定   contract period (or contract term) 合同期限   contract life 合同有效期   to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定   to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明   (三)   The contract comes into effect today, we can"t go back on our word now.   合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了   Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties.   合同一经中国政府批准,对双方就有了法律约束力。   We have to hold you to the contract.   我们不得不要求你们按合同办事。   You must put their rights and interest into a contract.   你们必须把他们的权益订在合同中。   We always carry out the terms o four contract to the letter and stand by what we say.   我们坚持重合同,守信用。   It"s clearly a breach of contract.   这显然是违反了合同。   Any deviation from the contract will be unfavourable.   任何违反合同之事都是不利的。   The buyer has the option of canceling the contract.   买主有权撤消合同。   You have no grounds for backing out of the contract.   你们没有正当理由背弃合同。   In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract.   如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。   Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part?   你是否担心我们不履行合同或者拒不付款?   You cannot cancel the contract without first securing our agreement.   如果没有事先征得我们同意,你们不能取消合同。   This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties.   合同一经双方签定即生效。   Once a contract is made, it must be strictly implemented.   合同一旦确定就应严格执行。   Words and Phrases   &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效   to come into effect 生效   to go (enter)into force 生效   to cease to be in effect/force 失效   to carry out a contract 执行合同   to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 执行合同   cancellation of contract 撤消合同   breach of contract 违反合同   to break the contract 毁约   to cancel the contract 撤消合同   to tear up the contract 撕毁合同   to approve the contract 审批合同   to honour the contract 重合同   to annual the contract 废除合同   to terminate the contract 解除合同   to alter the contract 修改合同   to abide by the contract 遵守合同   to go back on one"s words 反悔   to be legally binding 受法律约束   to stand by 遵守   non-payment 拒不付款   to secure one"s agreement 征得……的同意   Additional Words and Phrases   contract price 合约价格   contract wages 合同工资   contract note 买卖合同(证书)   contract of employment 雇佣合同   contract of engagement 雇佣合同   contract of carriage 运输合同   contract of arbitration 仲裁合同   contract for goods 订货合同   contract for purchase 采购合同   contract for service 劳务合同   contract for future delivery 期货合同   contract of sale 销售合同   contract of insurance 保险合同   contract sales 订约销售   contract law 合同法   to ship a contract 装运合同的货物   contractual dispute 合同上的争议   a long-term contract 长期合同   a short-term contract 短期合同   contract parties 合同当事人   contractual practice/usage 合同惯例   contractual claim 根据合同的债权   contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务   contractual income 合同收入   contractual specifications 合同规定   contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件   contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保   contractual damage 合同引起的损害   contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营   completion of contract 完成合同   execution of contract 履行合同   performance of contract 履行合同   interpretation of contract 解释合同   expiration of contract 合同期满   renewal of contract 合同的续订


为什么要分开报呢 一张报关单可以指定多柜或多张报关单指定一柜


reserved美 [ru026a"zu025crvd] 英 [ru026a"zu025cu02d0(r)vd]adj.;保留的;预留例句筛选1.A place was reserved for her in the front row.在前排给她预留了座位。2.The following characters are reserved and cannot be used for thisproperty : semicolon , comma .以下字符是保留的并且不能用于此属性:分号、逗号。

泰康保险合同以10000元保险金额为单位 现金价值怎么计算?



我先翻两句,看看符合不符合你的要求,达不到你的标准就不继续了1.If the withdrawl day or repayment day designated falls on any non-business day of the financing bank, such withdarwl day shall be postponed for the next business day of the financing bank and a interest shall be chargeable during the extension period.2.Prepayment and Acceleration of maturityA Short Term Loan may be repaid by the Client at any time prior to the due date.太晚了,有空翻完第二句;

other than的除了,到底包括还是不包括后面的?有一句合同上的句子求翻译



关闭和付款方式。截止发生任何购买本协议项下应在不迟于期满后30天的时间内指定项以上的一方获得资金购买股票,如果是购买要约根据第二个未编号的段落以上,后30天内到期的时限要约的选举是否购买要约的股票。关闭,可能会出现后,提早10天书面通知采购股东(县)的销售股东(县) 。闭幕式上,出售股东(县)应提供所有股票的所有权,自由和明确的所有留置权,抵押权和收费的。采购股东(县)应支付的全部价款的立即可用的资金。 数额的股票被收购。这是明确的理解,并同意由双方的行使要约出售或强制性的规定,此处可能会导致要求要约收购库存的所有其他股东是本协定的缔约方,即使要约人应当提供只有他的股票出售。如果提供的要约是接受所有余下的股东,股票的要约应分成,出售给受要约人(县)中所占的比例各自的库存,并支付其按比例分担的价款。




frustration在合同法中是失败的意思。frustration 英[fru028cu02c8streu026au0283n] 美[fru028cu02c8streu0283u0259n] n. 挫折; 挫败; 失意; 失败; [例句]1、Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.挫败感、愤怒和绝望引起了一系列自发性的罢工。2、His response is one of anger and frustration. 他的回答充满了愤怒和懊丧。3、He cried with anger and frustration.他愤怒而又沮丧得哭了起来。4、Their frustration and anger will manifest itself in crying and screaming.他们用哭泣与尖叫表达自己的沮丧和愤怒。5、I was close to tears with frustration, but I held back. 我沮丧得快要哭出来,但我忍住了。6、Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action. 有时挫折和愤怒会以直接的暴力形式爆发出来。


供应商应全权承担责任的任何和所有的成本和费用由于召回(删除产品流由任何单位任何理由商务部),返回有缺陷或损坏的或拒绝或规格的产品,任何短缺或超支、损失和/或损害产品或其包装,任何性质的。在短缺的情况下,供应商应在买方的唯一选择,提供短缺产品,或退款金额由买方支付;在超支的情况下,供应商应在买方的唯一选项删除任何或所有多余的产品,否则买方有权处理同样的在其认为合适的方式。3。在任何损坏的情况下,有缺陷的产品或包装,买方有权返回这些产品应及时收集(无延迟),取而代之的是供应商(在它的唯一的成本、费用和风险)由相同数量的替代产品。4。如果供应商延迟收集和替换受损,有缺陷的产品或包装按照GC 10.3日起超过40天买方通知供应商这样的损失,缺陷,买方有权以任何方式处置的项目它认为合适,唯一的风险,成本和费用的供应商,而不以任何方式承担供应商包括这些产品的价格。


质量保证:保证产品将会24个月生产之日起的一部分发现的序号产品标签以及客户组装产品出货标签(s)。在标准保修是详细条款和条件丹佛斯保证每计划b .此外,供应商将保证产品反对操作造成的缺陷(定义失败流行病,在以后的段)三十六个月内生产日期。任何领域问题已经决定供应商的职责对申请人一个个儿的审查。供应商将发布一份信用客户进行任何单位发现有却因为供应商的工艺或有瑕疵部件,在24个月保修期内。供应商将确定他希望/需要有缺陷的零件及材料被送回。供应商不包括产品正常的客户现场服务劳动更换零件有缺陷。如果客户承担任何额外的劳动和其他成本因其他比正常情况下,例如传染病在以后的定义失败(段)、费用谈判必须根据不同的情况来处理。不合格材料,受到客户,客户将出具书面退货授权报告(陆军”的研究)约定,每规格齐全,质量文件将被送到供应商。所有客户的零件号码将反映出的军事片的价格,运输成本交付部件质量和成本为客户劳动排序时间,如适用。是一种流行的失败是定义为一个失败4%以上单位出具的模型在/部份造成12个月期间同样的根源问题。如果是一种流行出现故障时,客户和供应商将议定解决替代根据不同的情况来处理。

伯翰国际艺人公司 在上海市肇嘉浜路 是家骗子公司? 哪些人被骗过? 没演员 没道具 居然敢和客服签合同!



Please refer to the amendment of the contract in the file attached, commented as red.





表示合同的时候,contract和 compact的区别是什么

I don"t know the difference between these two words , but I use "contract" more than "compact"



subject to 到底什么意思,尤其在英文信函、合同中?

谁能帮我翻译以下关于合同的文字? 很着急。要准确。谢谢!有追加100!

经我核查 mlars 的 没错



在普通法系的合同法中,Consent要素中的common mistake是什么意思

Common Mistake是指合同当事人均对合同基本事实产生了错误认识。普通法系认为,如果双方对合同基本事实的理解均存在偏离,则双方意识很可能未达成一致。根据Common Mistake的程度,合同的效力一般存在以下几种情况:(1)无效;(2)可撤销;(3)有效。供参考。








promotion英 [pru0259u02c8mu0259u028au0283n]美 [pru0259u02c8mou028au0283n]正在使用发音推广详细释义双语例句英英释义词典释义n.促进,增进;提升,升级;(商品等的)推广;发扬CET6 / IELTS / TEM8 / BEC变形名词复数:promotions 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句全部促进增进提升升级推广发扬1.Consider changing jobs or trying for promotion.考虑换个工作或者争取升职。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.During 1984, Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion1984年,雷明顿公司在广告和促销方面花费了大量的资金。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.Ask about special promotions and weekend deals too.也问一问特别促销和周末特价的情况。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》查看更多例句英英释义noun1.act of raising in rank or position2.the advancement of some enterprisehis experience in marketing resulted in the forwarding of his careersynonym: forwarding; furtherance; 3.a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or



天津农业银行 大堂经理待遇如何 最好说仔细点 和北方人才签3年合同 属于什么性质?





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