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关于几个下载软件(share winny PD)



Share简介说起share,不得不提起winny。winny是日本人开发的一个p2p软件,在网络发达的日本,使用winny传输最新的影视,音乐成为了时尚,这也引起了日本警方的注意。终于在某一天,winny的作者被捕。但是野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,共享的力量高于了一切。于是在网络上出现了有识之士,模仿 攻克机动队2 中的 个别的11人 的精神开发了这个自由软件share,并且没有署名。从此,share成为了日本网络上p2p软件的领头羊。Share与winny的种种关系,造就了他们之间的渊源,至今share还可以使用winny的链接。与BT和ED不同,share没有服务器限制,只需要一些连接节点(nodes),share的速度与ed不同,并不是越多线下载越快,单个任务速度反而比多个更快。言归正传,下面我们看一下share的使用方法 http://rierie.miyahost.com/share/locale.rar http://rierie.miyahost.com/share/Share%20plugin.rar http://rierie.miyahost.com/share/Share10_a82.zip在使用share之前,请您下载上面几个文件。下载上面的三个文件 把Share10 A82解压缩到您想要安装的目录里面 把Share plugin解压缩到Share10 A82的安装目录里面 建立三个文件夹,分别以您的意愿将其命名。 它们的用途分别是放置临时文件,放置上传文件,放置下载文件 如果您想使用share的中文界面,那么请您将上面下载的locale.txt覆盖到程序中。首先,我们先看看share的菜单share里面的菜单有三个设置群集设置常规设置插件设置过滤器设置群集设置我们来设置一些群集关键词,这些群集关键词相当于一个筛子, 它会将带有你所设置的关键词的信息优先检索。


我们来看看Freehand的操作界面:Freehand9的界面相对于以前的版本而言,并未有太大的变化,只不过对其中的细节了一些小小的变动而已。从上到下依次是标题栏,菜单栏,工具栏和状态栏:1、标题栏:该窗口位于窗口最上端的位置,操作方法与所有Windows软件一样。2、菜单栏:菜单栏位于标题栏的下方,从左向右依次为File(文件菜单)、Edit(编辑菜单)、view(视域菜单)、Modify(修改菜单)、Text(文本菜单)、Xtra(外部插件菜单)、Windows(窗口菜单)、Help(帮助菜单)。3、工具栏:Freehand的工具栏分为Main Toolbar和Text Toolbar两大类,前者提供常用的系统菜单命令,例如新建、存储、撤消、剪切、拷贝等。后都提供文本菜单中的一些常用命令。对于工具栏,你可以自己定义其中的内容。4、状态栏:状态栏位于窗口的最下方,提供诸如视图尺寸、文件页码、显示模式、度量单位以及与操作相关的各种信息等几种控制功能。任何一个软件,尤其是矢量图形中,基础几何图形的创建都是极简单的事——你仅仅需要在工具箱中选择相应的工具就行了。现在,我们这一小节就来谈谈这个问题。在Freehand中画矩形就和其他软件中一样,单击鼠标确定一个起点后拖动鼠标,到达适当的位置释放鼠标就可以了。矩形有一个圆角的设置,双击矩形工具图标,就可以打开这个圆角的设置对话框。其余几个工具都有其特定的控制设置框,例如螺旋线工具,弧线工具,多边形工具等基础几何图形工具要使用它们进行相应的设置,双击相应的工具图标就可以了。这里,我就不一一叙述了。现在,我们来看另一个重要的控制面板:Object面板。Object面板是Freehand中最重要的一个控制面板,它随处于选择状态的对象的性质决定其不同的面目,也因此提供相应的控制功能。例如矩形面板,椭圆形面板,路径面板等:矩形面板:当一个矩形处于选择状态时,Object面板就相应的改变为矩形面板,这里,提供Dimensions(尺寸控制,X、Y分别代表矩形左下角的坐标位置,W、H分别代表矩形的宽和高),Corner radius(圆角半径,控制矩形圆角的半径)。椭圆形面板:当一个矩形被选时出现。路径面板:如果一条路径被选时,这个面板会出现。它提供Points(点,显示路径上节点的数目)、Even/odd fill(奇/偶填充,当路径为封闭路径时,这个选项控制是否将路径中的相交部分挖空)、Close(闭合,这一项控制是否将路径封闭,选中该项,Freehand会自动连接路径的两个端点,连接端点的线段的曲率由端点的性质决定,当然,如果在路径封闭的情况下选择此项,Freehand会自动删除路径的最后一段使路径变为敞开)、Flatness(平滑度,这一项控制路径的平滑程度,但这一项设置的效果只能在打印中才能看到,计算机屏幕上是无法观察到的)。点面板:当一条路径被选之后,再次选择路径上一个节点,此面板就出现了。这里除了提供路径面板上提供的节点数,奇偶填充等控制项之外,还提供Point type(点的类型,这一项控制点的类型,有三种曲线点,角点和连接点三种类型)、Handles(控制柄类型,每个节点都有控制柄,而控制柄有使曲线外突和使曲线内陷两种作用,这里就可以控制控制柄的两种作用)、Automatic(自动曲率,这一项的作用是让Freehand用自动曲率来定义被所选节点控制的路径的曲率)、Point Location(点的位置,这一项控制被选节点在而面上的坐标位置,但他只是在一个节点被选时才产生作用,由数值框中的X、Y值控制)。Object面板控制着有关对象操作的大部分设置,熟练使用它,就可以完成不包括基础几何图形在内的多种图形的塑造。因此,我就不浪费太多的时间在基础图形的创建上了——你试一试就清楚了。好了,我们一起进入下一小节:绘图工具的讲叙。

求Usher的一首歌can you handle it的歌词中文翻译


what do you weigh?是什么意思?


英语题crocodile__________ shark __

一、crocodile 鳄鱼shark 鲨鱼hand 手,递给have a look at 看一眼alongside 在……旁边,靠着二、have a look寻找on one"s way back第二天be called as给某人写信between and顺便说一下the biggest English-Speaking country照相片五、1.I would like a h【and】 to help me finish the work.2.There were kangaroos that were jumping a【longside】 the car.四、I"m looking for the photos【tha you took】in America.The Sydney Opera House is like a huge 【ship surrounded】with water on three sides.There is a photo competition that I 【want to be the champion】My father has a camera that 【take photos】under water.There were kangaroos that were jumping 【alongside our car】on our way back.六、1.If it【doesn"t rain】(not rain) tomorrow, I will climb up the Great Wall.2.I think my father is able 【to come】(come).3.We knew that the earth 【goes】 (go) around the sun.4.Why don"t you【listen】(listen) to the teacher carefully?5.I【have been working】(work) at the school since I 【came】(come) to Beijing.6.This lesson is 【much more interesting】(interesting) than that one.7.I often listen to our English teacher 【sing】(sing) songs.8.Mother asked me 【to tidy】(tidy) up my bedroom just now.9.Thank you for【taking】(take) me around Beijing.10.The doctor advised me【to do】(do) more exercise.11.It took me lots of free time【to take】(take) photos.12.If you keep【studying】(study), you 【will get】(get) a high mark.13.Can I 【borrow】(borrow) your camera again?答了好久,希望能帮助到你!O(∩_∩)O

RedhatLinux 操作系统的相关知识

Redhat 的中文名称叫“小红帽”,是前几年比较通行的一个版本,但现在其已经商业化,已经停止开发桌面版本,专攻服务器版本,而其个人桌面版的开发已经由Redhat公司将其完全转交给一个开源网站,让其自行研发,这就是现在比较流行的Fedora Linux Desktop Edition.在前几年Redhat公司还对其有一定的支持,但现在已经完全停止了对Fedora的支持,从而二者之间现在已经基本上没有任何关系,但现在大多数人仍然将Fedora看作是Redhat的一个版本。现在如果想得到RedhatLinux,一般来说需要去购买RedHat的服务器收费版,但是现在还可以从网上下载,只是下载的版本如果没有进行注册那么Redhat公司不会对其进行技术上的支持。但是对于一般的用户来说,技术上的支持也没有太大用处。

未来への遗产-Jonathan's Ballad 罗马音

未来への遗产-Jonathan"s Ballad-作词:IKO作曲:Shinnosuke歌:富永TOMMY弘明とある物语を闻かせようto aru monogatari wo kikaseyou奇妙な冒険のはじまりkimyou na bouken no hajimariある少年の 青春の物语aru shounen no seishun no monogatariある男はこう言っていたaru otoko wa kou itteita「すぐ彼を気に入った」と「sugu kare wo ki ni itta」to「甘ちゃんでも 正真正铭 绅士だった」と「amachan demo shoushinshoumei shinshi datta」to悲しみの过去を抱きしめてkanashimi no kako wo dakishimete未来への希望 引き连れてmirai eno kibou hiki tsurete立ち向かう背中 もう一度逢えるものならtachi mukau senaka mou ichido aeru mono nara気障な男はこう言ってたkiza na otoko wa kou itteta「彼こそ希望なのだ」と「kare koso kibou nano da」to「亲友(とも)と息子を まるで同时に得たようだ」と「tomo to musuko wo maru de douji ni eta youda」toここに受け継がれてく 汚れなき意志とkoko ni uke tsugareteku kegare naki ishi toハートをふるわせてく 勇気の讃歌よha^to wo furuwaseteku yuuki no sanka yo邪悪を绝って 光となれjaaku wo tatte hikari to nareここに受け継がれてく 太阳の意志とkoko ni uke tsugareteku taiyou no ishi to最期まで闘った 青春の记録saigo made tatakatta seishun no kiroku悲しい歌など 君には似合わないkanashii uta nado kimi niwa niawanai未来 それは今 ここにあるmirai sore wa ima koko ni aru古(いにしえ)の仮面に染みついた 呪わしき数奇な运命inishie no kamen ni shimitsuita norowashiki suuki na unmei立ち向かうことが宿命 若い生命(いのち)を燃やしてtachi mukau koto ga shukumei wakai inochi wo moyashite强き瞳のレディはこう言ったtsuyoki hitomi no redei wa kou itta「そう 彼は遗したのだ」と「sou kare wa nokoshita noda」to「その気高さ ぬくもりもすべて 私(ここ)にある」と「sono ketakasa nukumori mo subete koko ni aru」to碧く光る海原 高き美空はaoku hikaru unabara takaki misora waあらゆる人のもとへ 続いているのだろうarayuru hito no moto e tsuzuiteiru no darouその名は届く 时も越えてsono na wa todoku toki mo koeteここに受け継がれてく 汚れなき意志とkoko ni uke tsugareteku kegare naki ishi toハートをふるわせてく 人间讃歌よha^to wo furuwaseteku ningen sanka yo暗闇の荒野 照らして 高らかに响けkurayami no kouya terashite takaraka ni hibike勇気を胸に抱いて 恐怖に応えよyuuki wo mune ni daite kyoufu ni kotae yo人间(ひと)ならば みな土にいつか还るのだhito naraba mina tsuchi ni itsuka kaeru nodaたとえ时代が忘れゆくともtatoe jidai ga wasure yuku tomoここに受け継がれてく 太阳の意志とkoko ni uke tsugareteku taiyou no ishi to清らかに溢れだす 尊き波纹kiyoraka ni afure dasu toutoki hamonそれは响きあい 夸りとsore wa hibiki ai hokori to强い意志となり やがて未来となるtsuyoi ishi to nari yagate mirai to naru



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haccp是对食品加工、运输以至销售整个过程中的各种危害进行分析和控制,从而保证食品达到安全水平。它是一个系统的、连续性的食品卫生预防和控制方法。以haccp为基础的食品安全体系,是以haccp的七个远离为基础的。haccp理论是在不断发展和完善的。1999年食品法典委员会(cac)在《食品卫生通则》附录《危害分析和关键控制点(haccp)体系应用准则》中,将haccp的7个原理确定为:  原理1:危害分析(hazardanaylsis--ha)  危害分析与预防控制措施是haccp原理的基础,也是建立haccp计划的第一步。企业应根据所掌握的食品中存在的危害以及控制方法,结合工艺特点,进行详细的分析。  原理2:确定关键控制点(criticalcontrolpoint-ccp)  关键控制点(ccp)是能进行有效控制危害的加工点、步骤或程序,通过有效地控制--防止发生、消除危害,使之降低到可接受水平。ccp或haccp是产品/加工过程的特异性决定的。如果出现工厂位置、配合、加工过程、仪器设备、配料供方、卫生控制和其他支持性计划、以及用户的改变,ccp都可能改变。  原理3:确定与各ccp相关的关键限值(cl)  关键限值是非常重要的,而且应该合理、适宜、可操作性强、符合实际和实用。如果关键限值过严,即使没有发生影响到食品安全危害,而就要求去采取纠偏措施,,如果过松,又会造成不安全的产品到了用户手中。  原理4:确立ccp的监控程序,应用监控结果来调整及保持生产处于受控企业应制定监控程序,并执行,以确定产品的性质或加工过程是否符合关键限值  原理5:确立经监控认为关键控制点有失控时,应采取纠正措施(correctiveactions)  当监控表明,偏离关键限值或不符合关键限值时采取的程序或行动。如有可能,纠正措施一般应是在haccp计划中提前决定的。纠正措施一般包括两步:  第一步:纠正或消除发生偏离cl的原因,重新加工控制  第二步:确定在偏离期间生产的产品,并决定如何处理。采取纠正措施包括产品的处理情况时应加以记录。  原理6:验证程序(verificationprocedures)  用来确定haccp体系是否按照haccp计划运转,或者计划是否需要修改,以及再被确认生效使用的方法、程序、检测及审核手段。  原理7:记录保持程序(record-keepingprocedures)  企业在实行haccp体系的全过程中,须有大量的技术文件和日常的监测记录,这些记录应是全面的,记录应包括:体系文件,haccp体系的记录,haccp小组的活动记录,haccp前提条件的执行、监控、检查和纠正记录。

extern volatile unsigned char idata 这算是什么定义?

extern volatile是用来进行线程间变量引用的定义。这个和const、static是平行的或者说同类的(功能不同)是一个类型修饰符unsigned char无符号字符变量idata 变量名。

英语We clapped our hands excitedly many times怎么翻译?

We clapped our hands excitedly many times.我们兴奋地拍了很多次手。

feel excited at sth为什么不用excitedly 不是有look happy和looK happily at sb吗

两个都是感官动词,前是对某人感到兴奋,但没有feel at sb 这种用法,后一句第一个高兴为形容词,后一个为副词。有look at sb happily这个用法的 用副词的话,它的位置可以有好几个,形容词不行。

happy and excited

1.A.Happy and excited 这里是作为the boys的伴随状语,并不是修饰动词,用形容词 如果放在句末,则要用选C the boys were shouting and singing Happily and excitedly 2.frightened的意思是感到恐惧的,frightening是令人恐惧的,根据句意,当然是我们感到恐惧,这个地方也是伴随状语,第二个填frightful



应选 查看材料A.differentlyB.happilyS


happily and excitedly后应用什么作为逻辑主语?

Happy and excited B. Happily and excitedly C. Happily and excited D. Happy and excitedly 分析 这些... 其逻辑主语是句子的主语.故选A. 点评 考查形容词短语充当状语的用法,应对句子成分进行分析。the boys were shouting and singing. A.Happy and excited B.happily and excitedly 请问该选哪一个呢?为什么? 本题的答案是A,我觉得B也应该能讲通阿. 将happily and excitedly 看做状语不行。非谓语动词的逻辑主语 12. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not (move) ,and asked myself what I was 1 非谓语动词的语法功能 逻辑主语 宾语 句子主语 定语 所修饰的名词。

cephalus and procris的神话故事!!!!谢啦

In one version, Eos (Aurora), the goddess of dawn, fell in love with Cephalus. In jealous distress, Procris ran into the forest. Cephalus searched for her but paused to rest. When Procris crept up to see if he was with Eos, Cephalus thought the rustling in the bushes was an animal and killed Procris with his spear. After accidentally killing his wife, Cephalus was sent into exile on an island. The Roman poet Ovid wrote a detailed account of Cephalus and Procris in his narrative poem the Metamorphoses, Ovid"s version describes Cephalus"s feats as a hunter and the series of crises that occur in the couple"s relationship.

by that way和in that way的区别



努力的英文hard相关知识如下:hard,英语单词,主要用作为形容词、副词、名词,作形容词时意为“努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的”,作副词时意为“ 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地”,作名词时意为“人名;(英、芬、瑞典)哈德”。单词用法:根据柯林斯英汉双解大词典:意为:1.ADJ Something that is hard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken. 坚硬的。2.hardness N-UNCOUNT 坚硬。3.ADJ Something that is hard is very difficult to do or deal with. 困难的。4.ADV If you work hard doing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort. 努力地 [ADV after v]。

求rian的 命运 坏男人 两首歌准确的拼音歌词 thanks!!

WHY - 命运 专辑:浪漫满屋OST sa rang er zar mo ru ge so yi re ke da ga or zur nan mor ra so ne ma em zo ca gu sa ram a pe so nun ne du de ro an dye yi rer zur a ra de ra miu ce em bu te shi zek ha ji do a na so ba bo ce rem yi je wa se yan n a yi mi nu zun hu hye rur ha go yi so ni ga sa rang yi dye ji an kirur bi re so no man en zer de ro a ni girur bi re so nen sa rang yi a nir ge ra go su do eb she na rur so ge wa so kam shi su ce ga nun yin en yi gir ba re so a pu sang ce man ne ge man ge jir te ni gga ha ji man ar meiu se done ei mo dun ge shi yo simi na zab go si pe zar mo day shi zak yir a go gu re ke syub ge seng gakhe se nun dei en je dun bu rur su yi sur ge ra go nan mi de se nun dey o de ke mar he ya har ji o di se bu te ga zar mo dyen gen ji yi sa rang er pi he ya ha nun de ni mo dun ge ne mu gu ri wo zo ni ga sa rang yi dye ji an ki rur bi re so ne man en zer de ro a ni girur bi re so nen sa rang yi a nir ge ra go su do eb shi na rur so ge wa so zam shi su ce ga nun yin yen i gir ba re se a pun sang ce man ne ge nam ge jir te ni gga ha ji man ar men se do ne ei mo dun ge shi yok sim yi na yi jen no do na rur o zzer su ga eb nun day yi jen no do na rur o zzer su ga eb nun day ne rur ji wo ya man han da nun sa shi ri o nur do nar do him dur he he ub098uc05c ub0a8uc790 na peun nam ja 《坏男人》 na neun keu dael ka jil soo eop neun hyong pyon eop neun nam ja gi yeh neo neun neom pwa seon ahn dwe neun ah reum ta oon yeo ja ee gi yeh tan nyon hae ya gae geud shi ee joh peo ryo ya ha neun deh wae keu roeh keh ha ji reul mot ha go na reul cho ah ha geh man deul ko na seo ya ee reoh keh hoo hwel ha neun ji *nan neo eh geh cho eun nam ja ga ah nya neo eh geh eo ool ri neun saram ee ah nya nan ni ga ah neun keu reon saram ee ah nya nan na peun nam ja ya nan na peun nam ja ya ta reun man eun saram deul noon eh neun ah joo poh chal keot eop neun na ji man neo man eun na reul neo ha na man keum eun na reul sarang ha geh ha go ship eot seo ha roo ha roo neo eui ma eum eul neh geh jool soo rok nan nan kwe roh oom eh ji chyot go neo wa ma joo poh go it seu myon na ja goo na peun nam ja ra mal go ship eo * repeat mi ahn hae cheo eum poo teo ee reol saeng gak eun ah ni yot seo ni ga nal cheong mal choh ah ha geh dwel jool eun mol rat seo keu nyang choh geum man na ta mal ryo keu raet seo cheong mal ee eot seo neo reul ah peu geh hal saeng gak eun eop seot seo mi ahn hae mi ahn ha da neun mal ah moo soh yong doh eop get ji man mi ahn hae ta neun mal pak eh hal mal ee eop seo ha ji man ja ji man neol jin ja sarang haet seo

If I have the right to rearrange the alphabet ,I will put U and I toge


Remy Shand的《Rocksteady》 歌词

歌曲名:Rocksteady歌手:Remy Shand专辑:The Way I Feelcould it open my eyesfor the night it took me by supriseoh what you said to melove me dowhatever you want back darlin"w on"t be goodthat is why i woke and cried outrocksteady can"t break my worldnobody"s ever gonna think twiceoh how i how i often tryrocksteady can"t make that changenobody"s gonna ever rearrangeas time moves slippin" fastlove just won"t become younow my mind babymy mind is freeoh you played it hard ladyso hard and deepoh when you said to me:love me dowhatever you want back darlin" won"t be goodthat is why i woke and cried outrocksteady can"t break my worldnobody"s ever gonna think twiceoh how i how i often tryrocksteady can"t make that changenobody"s gonna ever rearrangeas time moves slippin" fastlove just won"t become yourocksteady can"t break my worldnobody"s ever gonna think twiceoh how i how i often tryrocksteady can"t make that changenobody"s gonna ever rearrangeas time moves slippin" fastlove just won"t become yourocksteady can"t break my worldnobody"s ever gonna think twiceoh how i how i often tryrocksteady can"t make that changenobody"s gonna ever rearrangehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8172678

元宵节英语作文Happy Lantern Festival

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. 正月15是中国的元宵节。 According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out. 根据中国的传统,新年伊始,当空中出现一轮明亮的圆月时,成千的彩灯就会被悬挂出来。 During the Lantern Festival, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball). 在元宵节期间,人们会试着猜灯谜,吃汤圆。 In the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances. 在六世纪的隋朝,当时的隋炀帝邀请他国的外交使节来中国欣赏彩灯,观看节目。 By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. The emperor also lifted the curfew, allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. 在七世纪的唐初,彩灯的展示会一直延续3天。当时的帝王还颁布了宵禁令,允许人们昼夜地庆祝节日。 In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. 到了宋代,人们会用5天的时间来庆祝元宵节,该节日也开始蔓延到许多中国的大城市。 Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. 今天,正月15挂花灯在整个华夏大地仍就是一项很隆重盛大的活动。 The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, or jujube paste etc. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables etc. 汤圆的馅有甜,也有咸。甜馅可以由糖,胡桃,芝麻,桂花,玫瑰花瓣,或者枣泥做成。一个成分或者任意几种成分的组合都可以用来做汤圆的馅。咸馅则可以由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。

Change 莎拉蔻娜 中文歌词


These criminals might have been guilty of mutder.

These criminals(主语) might have been(系动词) guilty of murder(形容词词组作表语).如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

请问在下面一句英语里,to do just that 是什么意思?



首先,这个词应该是have breakfast ,意思是“吃早饭”,它的谐音读作喊五 不软可发四它

michael tolcher的《waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:waiting歌手:michael tolcher专辑:i amThere"s anger far behind the thingsThat surface on your mindAnd bring your spirits downBecause of all that comes before the rise and fallIt"s easier to hold your groundYour steady groundDiscovering that over timeAll the could-of-been"sThey blow your mind and speak to youAnd the voice you hear will stay with youBeneath the things you say and doSo, let it outLet it outAnd they"re waitingFor something to change into something worth waiting forAnd they"re waiting for something to change into somethingWorth waiting forThere"s anger far behind the thingsThat surface one your mindAnd bring your spirits down, down, down, down, down, downBecause of all that comes before the rise and fallJust hold your groundAnd let it outSomewhere off in the distance,On the other side of your resistanceLies, a peacefull existenceIt waitsWhat a difference it makesWithout boundaries, no limits, no maximum reachNo guidelines to followOne promise to each his ownIndividualA self-destinationA wide-open journeyon a path toCreationYour lifeIs happening nowAnd they"re waitingAnd they"re waitingAnd they"re waitingAnd they"re waitinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/14528615

英语作文 one day travel in shang hai

Shanghai is one of the largest and most developed cities in China. Although a day"s travel just isn"t enough to cover all the grounds in shanghai, there are a few "must-see" sites that one should consider when visiting Shanghai. First, it is Yu Garden, located in the heart of the city. Not only is it a place to take a walk, its surroundings will fill you with happiness, harmony and peace as it presents a remarkable scene. Second, it"s Moganshan Road, centered in a former industrial area, it is an art loveru2019s paradise, with many galleries that are full of time-less artifacts. There are thirty odd workshops with artists from all over the world. Finally, but not least, Nanjing Road, one of the most popular streets in Shanghai. Itu2019s full of shops and malls, along with coffee shops and restaurants. Itu2019s a day trip in itself! So whenever you"re in the area, be sure to check these places out!

Jay-Jay Johanson的《Waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting歌手:Jay-Jay Johanson专辑:Lightning Strikes EpHoobastank - WaitingI don"t care what you think or sayIt doesn"t matter what you think it takesI"m going to do what I came here to do so you better moveCause I"m prepared to lose it allI"m not afraid of how far I might fallAs long as I"ve done everything i couldCause I"ve waited so long for my time to comeAnd I"ve waited so long to open the doorAnd now it"s finally opened upAnd all this time I thought it was stuck shutCan"t wait around to see when it will closeI don"t wanna knowI know that I"ve gotta make a moveI didn"t to come this far to not go throughI know exactly what I have to doAnd I know in the end I may never be here againSo I"m not going to wait anymoreNo!One shot is all I"ve gotSo I"ll hope that my aim is straight and trueNo I"m not going wait anymorehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2839427

what other与what else区别

what other与what else的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.what other意思:别的;其他的2.what else意思:别的



以“What should we learn in college?”为题,写一篇英语作文!谢谢啦

What should we learn in college is my topic concern Perhaps, each senior high school student is anxious about what to learn in college , and for some of us college students, they are also puzzled about this problem. Helping you to be aware of what to do and how to do it is the intention of my speech. Anyway, study comes first. Now we are far away from our parents, nobody will always push us to study. We should study without other"s leadership. In addition, furthermore learning takes much more effort, and calls for motivation, commitment, time management, and good learning skills. We should find out what we need to know and how it fits into our life, because we are expected to be responsible for our own success on being a good learner. As a student, it is most important to have good study skills . The more skillful we become at studying, the more efficiently we will behave in our study life. Moreover, good students can keep both physical and mental interest in learning. We should choose our major, may it be maths or philosophy, it should be something that we are fond of. It is important to make our study interesting and captivating so that it will be a kind of our favourite hobby. Last but not least,good students always set goals, it indicates that something needs to be done to improve our study habits. We need to establish reasonable goals that achieve without being discouraged. What"s more, we must set long term and short term goals to generalize what we want to learn. Once we enter the college, we are considered as adults who should start preparing to face the world, or the so-called society. In our socity ,everyone needs to communicate with others , so it is very important for us to improve our communicative ability. As we all known, there are mass organizations and a Student Union in college. On my part, participating in some of them is absolutely helpful because we will meet all kinds of people in it, including teachers, elder students, younger students and so on. To give them perfect impressions is a great challenge of our communicative ability. Then, how can we achieve the difficult goal? The following advice will be helpful. Firstly, we should be polite and friendly to others. Then we will become the ones that everyone wants to make friends with . Secondly, we had better be willing to hear others talk to we what happened to them. But we need not to offer advice sometimes, because what they want is that there is someone who would like to listen to them. The things they want to do is to share their happiness or sadness with us. So listening to them silently is OK. Thirdly, we need to have encouragement to communicate with others, especially the shy persons. And we also need to find out what is his interest , then we can start our conversation with the same interest. If we do like that , I believe we will get our communicative ability improved. College is a place where we can act as we want as long as we don"t break the rules. One we must keep in mind is that neither study nor communication can be ignored. After we graduate, we will find that we can deal with most of the things on our own through both knowledge and communicative ability. And that may be the meaning of the further learning in college.



George Michael的《Roxanne》 歌词

歌曲名:Roxanne歌手:George Michael专辑:Songs From The Last CenturyGeorge Michael: ROXANNERoxanne,You don"t have to put on the red light.Those days are over,You don"t have to sell your body to the night.Roxanne,You don"t have to wear that dress tonight.Walk the streets for money,You don"t care if it"s wrong or if it"s right.I loved you since I knew you.I wouldn"t talk down to you.I have to tell you just how I feel.I won"t share you with another boy.I know my mind is made up,So put away your make up.I told you once, I won"t tell you again.It"s a bad way.Roxanne,You don"t have to...Roxanne,You don"t have to put on the red light.Roxanne,Don"t you know, you dong"t have to...Baby, don"t put it on.http://music.baidu.com/song/1226730

Chico Hamilton的《Stacy》 歌词

歌曲名:Stacy歌手:Chico Hamilton专辑:The MasterIyaz - StacyShe"s mad, been hurt for the very last time,He"s gonna pay for the tearscomin" down her eyes,Those lies is gonna turn into a crime.Yeahh.She says that she"s not gonna hurt no more,He"s there but he don"t even know, oh ohhHe"s layin down under the floor.Yeah.Now she"s pacing back and back and forth,He"s smilin" but he don"t even knowwhat she"s gonna do,But he"s "bout to find out soon.Stacy"s got a gun now, a gun nowSomebody gettin" gunned down, gunned down.Nobody really knows how, knows howshe blow him away.Stacy on the run now, run now,Somebody got gunned down, gunned down,Nobody really know how, know howshe blow him away.She"s scared, thinkin" like what have I done?In her mother car drivin" on the run,Close to the borderline, trying to hide that gunfrom the law who"s right behind her car.She can see them getting close in the rear-view mirror,She"s a killer, I don"t think she"s gonna get too far.Now she"s pacing back and back and forth,He"s smilin" but he don"t even knowwhat she"s gonna do,But he"s "bout to find out soon.Stacy"s got a gun now, a gun nowSomebody"s gettin" gunned down, gunned down.Nobody really knows how, knows howshe blow him away.Stacy on the run now, run now,Somebody got gunned down, gunned down,Nobody really know how, know howshe blow him away.She runnin" and a runnin" and a runnin" away,She runnin" and a runnin" and a runnin" away,She runnin" and a runnin" but can she get away? (runnin" away)She runnin" and a runnin" and a runnin" away,She runnin" and a runnin" and a runnin" away,She runnin" and a runnin" but can she get away? (runnin" away)Stacy"s got a gun now, a gun nowSomebody"s gettin" gunned down, gunned down.Nobody really knows how, knows howshe blow him away.Stacy on the run now, run now,Somebody got gunned down, gunned down,Nobody really know how, know howshe blow him away.http://music.baidu.com/song/8194229

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Clash (Us Version)/London Calling/Combat Rock (3 Pak)Jay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/8728690

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Essential ClashJay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/7491083

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Clash (Us Version)Jay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/8736552

Moist的《Hate》 歌词

歌曲名:Hate歌手:Moist专辑:CreatureJay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/16600490

be动词不能单独做谓语,那I am happy的谓语是什么?

am happyof utmost importance



what you should do is do your utmost.为什么后面加句子时用动原?


what you should do is do your utmost.为什么后面加句子时用动原?



是in that,in that 表示因为

that is why和that is because的区别



处理嚣Yonah Pentiu M和Dothan中文名叫什么? 酷睿的英文名呢?

yonah.Dothan都是CPU的核心代号酷睿2的你上网就有了Core 2 Duohttp://zhidao.baidu.com/question/25500730.html?si=2&wtp=wk(Yonah、dothan、 meron名称来源于什么?什么含义?)


汉堡的英文是hamburger。原始的汉堡包是用剁碎的牛肉末和面做成的肉饼,故称为牛肉饼。德国汉堡地区的人将其加以改进,将剁碎的牛肉泥揉在面粉中,摊成饼煎烤来吃,遂以地名而称为Hamburg。19世纪,德国移民将汉堡肉饼烹制技艺带到美国。1932年有人将这种油炸牛肉饼夹入表面撒有芝麻的小圆面包中作为主食或点心食用。后来花样翻新,逐渐与三明治合流,将牛肉饼夹在一分为二的小面包当中,被称为汉堡包。Hamburger这个名字起源于德国西北城市汉堡(Hamburg),今日的汉堡是德国最为繁忙的港口,在19世纪中叶的时候,居住在那里的人们喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状,这种吃法可能被当时的大量德国移民传到了美洲。1836年,一道以“汉堡牛排”(Hamburg steak)命名的菜出现在美国人的菜单上;从一本1902年的烹饪手册中可以看出,当时Hamburg steak的做法与今天的概念已经很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋葱与胡椒粉拌在一起。到了20世纪晚期,美国人对Hamburg steak的做法进行了改良,然后开始把它送进了快餐店,这就是今天招人喜爱的hamburger的起源。


汉堡包英文hamburger如下:hamburge。hamburger是一种夹牛肉饼的面包,通常认为这个词来自于德国城市汉堡Hamburg,在19世纪中期的德国移民浪潮中被传到美国。1836年,在美国人的菜单上出现了一道以Hamburg steak命名的菜,按字面义是“汉堡牛排”,其实是“碎牛肉饼”,到了1889年Hamburg Steak改称Hamburger Steak,到了1908年被进而缩略为Hamburger。到了1912年许多人都喜欢在面包里夹上汉堡牛排,于是Hamburger一词除了指“汉堡牛排”外又多了一层意义:“夹汉堡牛排的面包”,这就是现在通称的“汉堡包”。汉堡的由来其实原始的汉堡包就是剁碎的牛肉末和面 做成的肉饼,故称为牛肉饼。古代鞑靼人有生吃牛肉的习惯,随着鞑靼人的西迁,先传入巴尔干半岛,而后传到德意志,逐渐改生食为熟食。德国汉堡地区的人将其加以改进,将剁碎的牛肉泥揉在面粉中,摊成饼煎烤来吃,遂以地名而称为“汉堡肉饼”。1850年,德国移民将汉堡肉饼烹制技艺带到美国。1932年有人将这种油炸牛肉饼夹入表面撒有芝麻的小圆面包中作为主食或点心食用,后来花样翻新,逐渐与三明治合流,将牛肉饼夹在一剖为二的小面包当中,被称为汉堡包,意为有汉包。


Realize that是一个短语,意思是“意识到”或“认识到”,表示对事实的认知。例如:I realize that I need to work harder to reach my goals.我意识到我需要更努力地工作才能实现我的目标。


alize的使用方法1:realize的基础含意是使理想、方案、期望等变成实际。扩充可指人清楚地清楚、领会、感受到某事,例如软弱无能风险错漏困难等。在非正式口语中, realize有时能做认出解。realize的使用方法2:realize可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接专有名词、代词或者that/wh-从句做宾语。做知道了解到解时不用来进行体,也不用来被动结构; 做实现解时可用来被动结构。realize的使用方法3:realize可接介词from,表明从收获,接on表明根据出卖收获。realize的使用方法4:realize在英式拼法中也可拼做realise。


1、汉堡包的英文怎么读hamburger。 2、汉堡包的英文怎么读?。 3、汉堡包的英文怎么读burger。 4、汉堡包的英文怎么读的。1.hamburger的读音:英[hmb:g(r)]。 2.美[hmb:rg(r)].n.汉堡包。 3.碎牛肉。 4.牛肉饼。 5.短语:Hamburger,pizzaandpie。 6.汉堡包,比萨和馅饼。 7.句子:Iwantanappleandahamburger.我想要一个苹果和一个汉堡包。


zed realize 有什么区别?答案: 有区别realized 是realize的过去分词形式realized 解释为 过去实现realize 就是 实现(原型)或者一般现在时主要是用法上的区别在描述过去发生的事情的句型中,也就是过去式的句子中,应该用realized在描述一般现在时的巨型中,应该用

Shayne Ward是??

Shayne Ward档案点击如下链接 http://baike.soso.com/v799673.htm

shayne ward - crash 歌词翻译



野村 佑香 プロフィール 出生年日 1984年3月20日 现年齢 24歳 出身地 日本u30fb神奈川県横浜市 血液型 O型 身长 / 体重 158 cm / ― kg 三围 80 - 58 - 84 cm 作品ブルースワット(1994年1月u301c1995年1月、テレビ朝日) ハートにS「爱ちゃんの忧郁」(1995年5月、フジテレビ) パパu30fbサヴァイバル - 佐伯みなみ役(1995年7月u301c9月、TBSテレビ) 木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c小学生编 - 绀野エリカ役(1995年10月u301c1996年3月、フジテレビ) 木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c中学生编 - 绀野エリカ役(1996年4月u301c9月、フジテレビ) 新u30fb木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c学校の七不思议编 - 绀野エリカ役(1996年10月u301c11月、フジテレビ) いいひと。 - 城山未知役 (1997年4月u301c6月、フジテレビ【関西テレビ制作】) 木曜の怪谈"97 妖怪新闻 - スミカ役(1997年5月u301c9月、フジテレビ) 三姉妹探侦団 - 佐々本珠美役(1998年1月u301c3月、日本テレビ) 入道云は白 夏の空は青 - 片桐ひなた役(1998年8月、日本テレビ) 麻意ちゃん、やさしさをありがとう(1998年9月、TBSテレビ) チェンジ! - 神崎さおり役(1998年10月u301c12月、テレビ朝日) けろりの道顿 - お安役 (1999年1月、フジテレビ【関西テレビ制作】) らせん - 西岛久美子役(1999年7月u301c9月、フジテレビ) the last 10monthsu301c10ヶ月u301c - 元仓美奈役(2000年10月、日本テレビ) 史上最悪のデート - 第1话ゲストu30fb佑子役 (2000年12月、日本テレビ) 山田风太郎 からくり事件帖-警视庁草纸より- - お缝役(2001年9月u301c11月、NHK総合テレビ) 女と男と物语- 第6话ゲストu30fbくるみ役 (2003年2月、ABCテレビ) 麻婆豆腐の女房 - 第4、5话ゲスト (2003年6月、NHK総合テレビ) 珍山荘ホテル- 第9话ゲストu30fb桜田桃子役 (2003年6月、ABCテレビ) 阳炎の辻u301c居眠り磐音 江戸双纸u301c - 第5话ゲストu30fb野依役(2007年8月、NHK総合テレビ) 初恋net.comu301c忘れられない恋のうたu301c - 绿子役(2007年11月u301c12月、ABCテレビ) SMAP×SMAP特别编ザッツu30fbジャパニーズu30fbエンターテインメント苏る日本映画黄金期(2008年5月5日、フジテレビ)

Stand By Me-shayne ward中文歌词


车标貌似是marshall字样 请问是什么车



按照GB/T19538-2004《危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系及其应用指南》第4条的解释,HACCP体系的原理(有的叫做原则,如提问者所述)由以下七个方面组成: 原理1,进行危害分析 原理2,确定关键控制点(CCPs); 原理3,建立关键限值; 原理4,建立关键控制点(CCPs)的监控系统; 原理5,建立纠正措施,以使监控表明某个特定关键控制点(CCP)失控时采用; 原理6,建立验证程序,以确认HACCP体系运行的有效性; 原理7,建立有关上述原理及其在应用中的所有程序和记录的文件系统。 具体应用指南可参见标准。



车标貌似是marshall字样 请问是什么车


it has proved or it has been proved

2)Preventative medicine has been proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases.

what is airline alliance? what is staralliance?

Star Alliance was formed by a couple of airlines in 1997. It was formed for frequent flyers which they could collect mileage when flying. Enough miles can be redempted for free upgrades and even free tickets. Literally an Airline Alliance is a team that pormises of different airlines forming together to offer mileage programmes to frequent flyers. Moreover airlines in alliances exchange flights each other (codeshare). What is codeshare flights: FOR EXAMPLE ONLY: If United Airlines(a Star Alliance member) wants to fly a route from Washington to Vienna and US Airways(another Star Alliance member) operates that route United could offer to codeshare with US Airways. United needs to sponsor half the operating cost of the flights but in return United gets a four-digit flight number on this flight and could offer booking for passengers. These practices are monly seen and I"d belive you had experienced this for at least one time and to distinguish this your e-ticket might say "OPERATED BY B AIRLINES" although you have booked through A Airlines. 参考: Personal Knowledge 1)航空联盟系1D航空公司组成既联盟 现有的包括:星空联盟(staralliance) 寰宇一家(One world)同天合联盟(Sky Team). 2)星空联盟(Star Alliance),官方企业标语为星空联盟,地球连结的方式(Star Alliance the way the Earth connect)是一个正式成立于1997年5月14日的国际性航空联盟,初期是由5家分属不同国家的大型国际线航空公司结盟,借由共用软硬件资源与航线网等方式,强化联盟各成员竞争力。今日的星空联盟成员数已发展到18个之多,除了是迄今为止历史最悠久、规模最大的航空公司联盟外,它的成立也掀起20世纪末期一股航空联盟热潮,其他对手航空竞相揪结伙伴成立联盟团队,例如寰宇一家(oneworld)与天合联盟(SkyTeam),以期能与星空联盟抗衡。 2007-11-24 22:54:19 补充: 1)en. *** /wiki/Airline_allianceAn airline alliance is an agreement beeen o or more airlines to cooperate ......2)en. *** /wiki/Star_Alliance:Star Alliance is the oldest (it was launched on May 14 1997) largest and most ...... staralliance 2007-11-24 23:41:32 补充: staralliance has all the wers in English. 参考: staralliance


1.导入查看hadoop源码(1)选择Existing Projects into Workspace (2)选择源码路径(3)查看源码这样我们就完成了全部的内容。2.阅读hadoop源码其中比较常用的Open Call Hierarchy:用Open Call Hierarchy可以查看方法的调用层次。如果想知道一个方法在别的什么地方被调用了,这个功能就很好用了,实际中也很常用,比如要重构一个方法时,想 知道他对其它什么地方可能有影响,就可以用这个功能。在方法名上点击右键,选择Open Type Hierarchy即可,快捷键是Ctrl+Alt+H。可以在Call Hierarchy窗口看到方法的调用层次的导航。Open Type Hierarchy:用Open Type Hierarchy可以查看类的继承关系,可以在Hierarchy窗口看到继承层次的导航。在方法或类名上点击右键,选择Open Type Hierarchy即可,快捷键是F4。介绍完毕,这里在介绍一些其他的跟踪源码的方法: 1、 用Open Declaration可以查看类、方法和变量的声明。这是最常用的一个功能了,如果在要追踪的对象上点右键,选择Open Declaration,可以跳转到其声明的地方。这个功能有个快捷键是F3,当然你也可以按住Ctrl键,鼠标移过去会变成一个小手,单击就可以了。2、用Open Super Implemention可以查看当前方法在父类中的实现或接口中的声明(前提是该方法是对父类或接口中相应方法的重写),在方法名上点击右键,选择Open Super Implemention即可。3、 最后介绍一个超级好用的功能,叫Open Implemention,就是可以跳转到某个调用的方法的具体实现的地方去。为什么说这个是超级好用呢?用过Spring的人都知道,现在都提倡面向接 口编程,所以,如果使用Open Declaration来追踪一个方法的调用的话,只会看到该方法在接口中的声明,而看不该方法在具体类中的实现,当然,可以使用Call Hierarchy先得到该方法的整个的调用层次,然后再导航到具体的实现处,但操作有些麻烦了。有了Open Implemention,就可以直接看到实现的代码了,在方法名上点击右键,选择Open Implemention就可以了!只是要享受这个功能,可安装一个Eclipse插件,这里就不在详细介绍了。

what is managerial hierarchy

what is managerial hierarchy什么是管理层级

开机总显示Warning! CPU has been changed……

cpu拔下 重来


Li2O 氧化锂Na2O 氧化钠Na2O2 过氧化钠K2O 氧化钾K2O2 过氧化钾KO2 超氧化钾Rb2O 氧化铷Rb2O2 过氧化铷RbO2 超氧化铷Sc2O 氧化铯Sc2O2 过氧化铯ScO2 超氧化铯

In his report he listed the damage ____ had been done by that terrorist attack.

A. which he supposed he supposed是错的

thanks for watch和thanks for watching有什么区别吗?


what is containment of communism?


谁有泰国歌手jinn thao的那首yous my perfection的歌词或者大意

Yous My Perfection - Jinn Thaoby:(阳洸)剌 痌 莪 、豞眼Yous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekTo be imperfection is far more than imperfectedKnowing i"m yours there"s no need to be neglectedEver since we started my eyes started to glistenShit talker shit when the good want to listenListen to the story i was told to happenOne day it happened i couldn"t let it goThe more i had the more i wanted so soI won"t let you go if we aren"t still togetherThat"s why i let you know i"m still with you foreverWhenever i cried beside my only selfI know your line is short n full and it kinna helpedYou make my world shine you make my perfect viewNobody else is more perfect than youFrom sea to the skies from skies to the seaI know is real cause we were meant to beCause yous my perfection that"s all we ever needYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekWith you staring at my eyes for you i will live to diePictures of you on my walls thru all the struggles that we foughtYou rather choose to be with me other than all them guysYou rather choose to kiss me you my angel in disguiseSometimes i still question why thru my depressionIs you who"s always there you the only one who caresEven though it seem to me like everyone"s hereYou the only one who can take away my painYou the umbrella for me when the weather choose to rainYou so much of everything that i appreciateYou so important to me you my soulmateEngaged together as we age i know people"s gonna hateGonna break us apart but we know it in our heartsThat we will never be departAnd if they push us then together that we dieSide by side nobody is to share the life of you and iYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seek

secondhand serenade 的《your call》中英文同步歌词。

Secondhand Serenade - Your CallWaiting for your cal I"m sickcall I"m angrycall I"m desperate for your voiceI"m listening to the song we used to singIn the car do you rememberButterfly Early SummerIt"s playing on repeatJust like when we would meetLike when we would meet"Cause i was born to tell you I love youand I am torn to do what I have toto make you mineStay with me tonightStripped and polished I am new I am freshI am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh"Cause every breath that you will takewhen you are sitting next to mewill bring life into my deepest hopesWhat"s your fantasyWhat"s yoursWhat"s yours"Cause i was born to tell you I love youand I am torn to do what I have toto make you mineStay with me tonightAnd I"m tired of being all aloneand this solitary moment makes me want to come back homeAnd I"m tired of being all aloneand this solitary moment makes me want to come back homeAnd I"m tired of being all aloneand this solitary moment makes me want to come back homeAnd I"m tired of being all aloneand this solitary moment makes me want to come back home"Cause i was born to tell you I love youand I am torn to do what I have to"Cause i was born to tell you I love youand I am torn to do what I have toStay with me tonight

secondhand serenade的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:secondhand serenade专辑:A Twist In My Story (Bonus Track Version)Secondhand Serenade - WhyThe buttons on my phone are worn thinI don"t think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.But I"ve broken all my promises to youI"ve broken all my promises to you.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?A phrasing that"s a single tear,Is harder than I ever fearedAnd you were left feeling so alone.Because these days aren"t easyLike they have been once beforeThese days aren"t easy anymore.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?To me, to me, to me.I should have known this wasn"t realAnd fought it off and fought to feelWhat matters most? EverythingThat you feel while listening to every word that I sing.I promise you I will bring you homeI will bring you home.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?To me, to me, to me.Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/18025647

secondhand serenade的《Nightmares》 歌词

歌曲名:Nightmares歌手:secondhand serenade专辑:Hear Me NowSecondhand Serenade - NightmaresLook away, pray for salvation,and pray for a sweet conversation.the problems not with you.it"s without you.i love the way that you told me i"m betterthe way you described me in letters.there"s nothing i can do,is there nothing i can do.i"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen what happens to a lonely heart.and i"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen the nightmares that tore us apartso long, wish that you"d tell me your wrong.that were not dead and buried,and save your harsh goodbyes,your salty liquid eyes.and this song, is just another song.don"t know why i bother.i can"t tell truth from lies.i can"t tell truth from lies.i"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen what happens to a lonely heart.and I"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen the nightmares that tore us apartyour fires burning bright.it"s burning me alive.no one can save me now.your touch was all i had.it"s eating me alive.no one can save me now.I"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen what happens to a lonely heart.and I"ll scream just to get your attention.i have seen the nightmares that tore us apartyour touch was all i had.http://music.baidu.com/song/481671

Serenade (Darius Milhaud) 歌词

歌曲名:Serenade (Darius Milhaud)歌手:Arundo Donax Ensemble专辑:Les Six - I Sei范逸臣 - Serena词/曲:谭荣健最后一班飞机就要启程了我在曲终人散寻找著快乐我的眼眶哄我别哭了 心却僵冷了这段感情看来已经夭折你就这样用力握著我的手在这双耳朵边轻声说要走我很努力找一个藉口 听觉出了什么错无奈回音却一再强调着你要走Serena 这场战役已分出了胜负 我不服怎么那么快就要俯首臣服 不能哭泪水真的撑得很辛苦 放下吧又觉得事情还没结束Serena 我用幸福交换你的礼物 是孤独还有一场想了很久才能看透的领悟 不认输又得赔上我的全部 再为你祈福Serenahttp://music.baidu.com/song/15215118

求secondhand serenade 的 your call 和 fall for you 这两首歌的吉他谱,最好是图片形式就好了 感谢

有一首英文歌谁知道,叫作Secondhand SerenadeFall ForYou.

我想你搞错你~~你想找的歌中文名的确叫<为你而倾倒>但英文名应该是<Fall For You>歌手是:Secondhand SerenadeMP3在百度搜下就有MV看这里:http://v.youku.com/v_playlist/f2139101o1p2.html
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