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arcgis中导入shapefile点文件 点无法显示 原因是什么 shapefile点文件里数据x,y是经纬度坐标,z是水位







如果数据是投影坐标系,直接使用属性表中,字段右键的计算几何就可以了。如果数据是地理坐标系或经纬度坐标系,则需要使用Data management tools -> Features -> Add Geometry Attributes工具(印象中这个工具是10.2中增加的脚本工具),在此工具的Geometry Properties参数中选择Area_Geodestic就可以了。如果ArcGIS版本是10.0或10.1,没有此工具,可以使用字段计算器中写一段脚本进行计算。解释器选择Python,代码如下写:!shape!.getArea("GEODESTIC")



小题1:What you have just read is a _____. A.note B.report C.schedule D.poster 小题2:

小题1:D小题2:D小题3:C小题4:B小题5:A 试题分析:这篇文章是招聘英语老师的广告,包括这个职位的要求,有什么好处,和描述工作的性质和内容。小题1:文章题材题:这篇文章是招聘英语老师的广告,所以是海报的形式,选D小题2:细节题:从文章第一部分“English Teacher”里面的句子:可知老师会教一些孩子从幼儿园学生到青少年,选D。小题3:细节题:从文章Benefits里面的句子:可知如果斯密斯答应在1月15号教一年,在7月15号,就是半年后,可以拿到工资的20%+30%,所以会拿到34200 人民币,选C小题4:推理题:从文章requirments里面的句子:要求40岁以下,所以C不对,从要求的国籍,可知D不对,要求英语的本族语,可知A不对,可知来自加拿大,30岁,以前的医生Douglas Carter会被录取为英语老师,选B小题5:归纳题:从文章的倒数第二行的句子:可知被学校录取的老师会被允许涨工资。选A


arcmapeditor工具条开始编辑选中“中国”多边形cut polygon,重复若干次就可以了。。。。arccatalog鼠标右键新建,选择shp


在图层上右击--属性--符号系统- 唯一值 ,两条河颜色就不一样了!



请问:用ArcGIS10打开以图层时出现“绘制 shapefile 时出现问题。已中止绘制。”怎么办?是什么原因引起的?


C#AE二次开发 创建一个shapefile后怎么用鼠标添加点要素






没有这么复杂吧?直接用Data Interoperability Tool下边的Quick Import工具就行了。没必要转成coverage这么古老的格式。

以前购买的有线麦克风话筒,品牌:MISHA, 我想把原来有线的改成无线的,需要更换什么零部件,哪里有卖?



窓辺に散った赤い花びらmadobeni chitta akai hanabira标に沿って 进まなくともshirubeni sotte susuma nakutomo指切りあえば 诗は続いてyubikiri aeba utawa tsuduiteそれはきっと重なるだろう 未来とsorewa kitto kasanaru darou miraito皮肉にも君が笑うhiniku nimo kimiga warau裏も表もなくuramo omotemo naku甘い日々のフレームはamai hibino fure-muwa歪んでいたんだyugande itanda狂った时计が嘘をkurutta tokeiga usowoつくのは当たり前だよねtsuku nowa atarimae dayone问题はそこじゃないmondaiwa sokoja nai夜に浸かって 濡れた花火とyoruni tsukatte nureta hanabito頬を擦った 风は儚くhohowo sasutta kazewa hakanaku闭じた世界は 阴りを帯びてtojita sekaiwa kageriwo obiteそれでもずっと温かくて绮丽だsoredemo zutto atatakakute kireidaとはいえ笼の中じゃtowaie kagono nakaja羽に意味はなくhaneni imiwa naku描かれたラクガキにegakareta rakugakini思いが巡るよomoiga meguruyo汚れた壁にかけたyogoreta kabeni kaketa絵画に何を见止めてもkaigani naniwo mitometemo现状は変わらないgenjouwa kawara nai窓辺に散った赤い花びらmadobeni chitta akai hanabira标に沿って 进まなくともshirubeni sotte susuma nakutomo指切りあえば 诗は続いてyubikiri aeba utawa tsuduiteそれはきっと重なるだろうsorewa kitto kasanaru darou夜に浸かって 濡れた花火とyoruni tsukatte nureta hanabito頬を擦った 风は儚くhohowo sasutta kazewa hakanaku指切りあえば 诗は続いてyubikiri aeba utawa tsuduiteそれはきっと重なるだろう 未来とsorewa kitto kasanaru darou miraito二人よがり 黄昏 涙futari yogari tasogare namida頬を擦った 风は儚くhohowo sasutta kazewa hakanaku铃の响き 月夜の下でsuzuno hibiki tsukiyono motodeそれはきっと重なるだろうsorewa kitto kasanaru darou


《Paradise》歌手: misha所属专辑:《Paradise》发行时间:2008年歌词:Tell me your secrets, show me your feelings I wonder, Is it love, is it love, is it love? When we"re together, closer to heaven It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah Second by second, feelings grow and make me Surrender, surrender In your arms I can be so alive, When I remember, your voice so tender It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah

autocad shape file 是什么东西






请问:在arcgis新建shapefile文件后,生成的.shp .shx .dbf文件,如何在里面录入数据。



shapefile文件中存储的数据主要有14种类型:Null,Point,PolyLine,Polygon,MultiPoint,PointZ,PolyLineZ,PolygonZ,MultiPointZ,PointM,PolyLineM,PolygonM,MultiPointM,MultiPatch,不同类型记录内容不同。可以是 平面直角坐标,也可以是 空间直角坐标。 请见“ shp文件奥秘及C语言编程对策”http://hi.baidu.com/svjvcfwticdkmse/item/4cc8d6f568b2ff10d6ff8c32

歌名Paradise 歌手misha 求歌词



面状矢量图面积的计算 Polygon形成的多边形面积计算...最后,在ArcMap中调入面状的Shapefile文件,面积就计算...(个人地理数据库);(2)在Arccatalog中

Misha的《Gratitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Gratitude歌手:Misha专辑:13000KratIndia.Arie - GratitudeThankful for relaxation, complicationHibernation and irrationalSeclusion, confusionAll of my impurity and insecurityCause I know it"s God just perfecting meThat"s whyToday I take life as it comeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2720192

Arcgis保存shapefile文件 输出名称无效



ESCRIPTION The Java Shapefile Converter transforms an ESRI Shapefile into an Oracle database table for use with Oracle Spatial and Locator. The Shapefile Converter uses the Oracle Spatial Java-based Shapefile Adapter and SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature classes to load a Shapefile directly into a database table, with the Oracle-equivalent .dbf data types for the attribute columns and the SDO_GEOMETRY data type for the geometry column. The Shapefile Adapter can also be used to create your own applications and interfaces that transform Shapefiles to SDO_GEOMETRY or JGeometry data types (see the Oracle Spatial Java API for more information). To simply load a Shapefile into the database, use the SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature class as illustrated below.












两 个 排营房里出

arcgis shape文件是什么意思

Shapefile文件是描述空间数据的几何和属性特征的非拓扑实体矢量数据结构的一种格式,由ESRI公司开发。一个Shapefile文件最少包括三个文件:主文件(*.shp)、--存储地理要素的几何图形的文件。索引文件(*.shx)、--存储图形要素与属性信息索引的文件。dBASE表文件(*.dbf),--存储要素信息属性的dBase表文件。除此之外还有可选的文件包括:空间参考文件(*.prj)、几何体的空间索引文件(*.sbn 和 *.sbx)、只读的Shapefiles的几何体的空间索引文件(*.fbn 和*.fbx)、列表中活动字段的属性索引(*.ain 和 *.aih)、可读写Shapefile文件的地理编码索引(.ixs)、可读写Shapefile文件的地理编码索引(*.mxs)、dbf文件的属性索引(*.atx)、以XML格式保存元数据(*.shp.xml)、用于描述.dbf文件的代码页,指明其使用的字符编码的描述文件(*.cpg)。主文件是一个直接存取,变长记录的文件,其中每个记录描述一个实体的数据,称为shape。在索引文件中,每个记录包含对应主文件记录离主文件头开始的偏移量。dBASE表文件包含各个实体的属性特征记录。几何和属性间的一一对应关系是基于一个不重复的记录顺序代码来实现的,在dBASE表文件中的属性记录和主文件中的记录是相同顺序的。


都可以用fopen,fread()和CFile file.read()

3ds max有没有类似maya的hardmesh插件或者modo的自动布线布尔功能的操作或者插件呢?



首先我们需要在电脑上下载安装QGIS软件,小编用的版本是GIS 3.4,如图所示。请点击输入图片描述有了QGIS软件后,打开QGIS Desktop 3.4.1 程序,如图所示。请点击输入图片描述打开QGIS后,新建一个shapefile图层,如图所示,按照图中的菜单,点击Layer,点击New Shapefile Layer即可。请点击输入图片描述点击创建图层后如图所示,需要给文件命名,并且选择图层类型,有Point点、Line线、Polygon面。这里选择的是Polygon。请点击输入图片描述然后画一个多边形,如图所示,点击画笔小按钮,开始编辑,随意画一个多边形,以鼠标右键点击结束。请点击输入图片描述下一步,导出图层:如图所示,在图层名字上面点击鼠标右键,然后选择Export,选择Save Features As。请点击输入图片描述然后出现如图所示的页面,选择图中的导出类型,再选择好导出的路径。请点击输入图片描述导出成功后,如图所示,一般是有6个文件。请点击输入图片描述






.打开ArcMap -> ArcToolbox:2.在ArcToolbox中选择“转换工具”-> “由KML转出” -> “KML转图层”:3.在“KML转图层”的弹出框中,选择并导入KML文件所在路径,再单击“确定”即可将




shapefile意思是:Shape文件。ESRI Shapefile(shp),或简称shapefile,是美国环境系统研究所公司(ESRI)开发的一种空间数据开放格式。该文件格式已经成为了地理信息软件界的一个开放标准,这表明ESRI公司在全球的地理信息系统市场的重要性。Shapefile也是一种重要的交换格式,它能够在ESRI与其他公司的产品之间进行数据互操作。Shapefile文件用于描述几何体对象:点,折线与多边形。例如,Shapefile文件可以存储井、河流、湖泊等空间对象的几何位置。除了几何位置,shp文件也可以存储这些空间对象的属性,例如一条河流的名字,一个城市的温度等等。Shapefile属于一种矢量图形格式,它能够保存几何图形的位置及相关属性。但这种格式没法存储地理数据的拓扑信息。Shapefile在九十年代初的ArcView GIS的第二个版本被首次应用。许多自由的程序或商业的程序都可以读取Shapefile。shapefile格式限制1、Shapefile与拓扑:Shapefile无法存储拓扑信息。在ESRI的文件格式中,ArcInfo 的Coverage、以及Personal/File/Enterprise地理数据库,能够保存地理要素的拓扑信息。2、空间表达:在shapefile文件之中,所有的折线与多边形都是用点来定义,点与点之间采用线性插值,也就是说点与点之间都是用线段相连。在数据采集时,点与点之间的距离决定了该文件所使用的比例。当图形放大超过一定比例的时候,图形就会呈现出锯齿。要使图形看上去更加平滑,那么就必须使用更多的点,这样就会消耗更大的存储空间。在这种情况下,样条函数可以很精确地表达不同形状的曲线而且占据相对更少的空间,但是shapefile并不支持样条曲线。3、数据存储:.shp文件或.dbf文件最大的体积不能够超过2 GB(或2位)。也就是说,一个shapefile最多只能够存储七千万个点坐标。文件所能够存储的几何体的数目取决于单个要素所使用的顶点的数目。

Having been attacked by terrorists, _____. 求翻译并解释


求Sade演唱的Hang On To Your Love的中文歌词,多谢!

以天堂的名义,你为什么离去?紧紧握住你的爱。以天堂的名义,你为什么进行这场游戏?紧紧握住你的爱。如果你对自己的运气抱有怨恨,不要忙着从爱情中退场从爱情中退场是如此容易 如果事情变得棘手,不要急着从爱情中退场爱情是如此珍贵。如果想让这份爱变得坚强不可摧毁,最好别让它溜走如果希望这份爱情茁壮成长,坚持住紧密的连系在一起。深爱彼此,无需争吵紧紧握住你的爱以天堂的名义,你为什么进行这场游戏?紧紧握住你的爱。勇敢地面对旅途的困苦,当你沉浸在爱情中 这并不容易。当前行变得艰难时不必羞愧这并不容易不要放弃如果想让这份爱变得坚强不可摧毁,最好别让它溜走如果希望这份爱情茁壮成长,坚持住紧密的连系在一起。深爱彼此,无需争吵紧紧握住你的爱以天堂的名义,你为什么离去?紧紧握住你的爱。以天堂的名义,你为什么进行这场游戏?紧紧握住你的爱。如果想让这份爱变得坚强不可摧毁,最好别让它溜走如果希望这份爱情茁壮成长,坚持住紧密的连系在一起。深爱彼此,无需争吵紧紧握住你的爱以天堂的名义,你为什么离去?紧紧握住你的爱。以天堂的名义,你为什么进行这场游戏?紧紧握住你的爱。当你找到一份爱,不要让它离去。当你发现你的爱,将它留下。你必须紧紧抓住你的爱。你必须紧紧抓住你的爱。想想你为什么离去?你为什么进行这场游戏?

say what say what是什么歌,谐音塞我塞我塞我塞我,223s歌曲介绍

say what say what say what say what”,最近抖音上最火的歌之一就是这首英文歌曲了,尤其是谐音塞我塞我塞我塞我,听起来特别的上头,很多小伙伴听了之后都非常喜欢,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?下面就跟着我一起来看看吧。 这首歌的歌名叫做《223"s》,是由YNW Melly、9lokknine演唱的一首英文歌曲,歌曲发行于2019年8月9日。 抖音塞我塞我塞我塞我音译: 塞我 塞我 塞我 塞我 歪啊读油忘佛蜜 AR三当兔兔sei 佛k昂位蜜油sei 啊啦fai昂蜜特追 黑儿一 康拿巴蒂 八等打迷sai吐蜜 该吐欧蜜啊该吐欧蜜 波该耶稣喔喔蜜 223"s歌词: Rocco did it again Rocco再次倾情加入 Oh this ***** recordin"? 参与唱片制作 That"s crazy 让人疯狂 Hah, yeah, slatt 心生欢喜 You know, uh, whole lot of gang **** 你知道 让说唱界为之振奋 Baow, graow, baow, graow, blatt 没错 给人致命一击 Uh, slatt, slatt, hold up, uh, uh, slatt, uh 心生欢喜 活力四射 Blood, uh, baby, this the blood, uh, huh 宝贝 这条路充满血腥 一路艰难 I don"t use my hands, I let the blood talk, huh 让鲜血告诉你 发生的一切 .223"s and Maxi make you blood walk 装备在手 让你热血沸腾 I can make any ***** hit the crip walk 我会给对手沉痛打击 Crip walk, I"ma let my hip talk 我才华横溢 信手拈来 Put a .40 with the ****y, gotta kill up y"all 给你颜色瞧瞧 让你痛不欲生 Clean, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 备受欢迎 ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh And the clip is see-ee-ee through 一言一行 清晰可见 What all do you want from me? 你究竟想从我这里索取什么 AR"s and them .223"s 手持半自动步枪 ******" "round with me, you see 你看到了 我周遭一片混乱 I"m hot, on 500 degrees 我激情昂扬 Heard he caught a body 曾经听说 他有所收获 Well that does not mean **** to me 那对我来说 并不意味着什么 Got two on me, got two on me 被人指控 谋杀好友 Blood Gang, yeah, suwoop on me 我经历艰难困苦 Detrimental 情况对我不利 Me and Glokk all on your instrumental 全凭你的器乐演奏 I kill a ***** and it really wasn"t coincidental 我因谋杀入狱 这并非偶然 Stop all that flaggin" ****, you really on that actin" **** 你只是在胡说八道 不要再说废话了 No, I ain"t with no cappin" **** and I ain"t on no rappin" **** 我实话实说 可没有胡言乱语 No lackin", *****, you know it ain"t no lackin", ***** 你要知道 我没有不在场证明 I check in a blood ***** like, 我走多血腥之路 "Ayy mane, what"s brackin", *****?" 伙计 你太过贪婪 I"m two floors up on you *****s 我让你们望尘莫及 I"m two floors up on you *****s, yeah 我让你们难以企及 What all do you want from me? 你究竟想从我这里索取什么 AR"s and them .223"s 手持半自动步枪 ******" "round with me, you see 你看到了 我周遭一片混乱 I"m hot, on 500 degrees 我激情昂扬 Heard he caught a body 曾经听说 他有所收获 Well that does not mean **** to me 那对我来说 并不意味着什么 Got two on me, got two on me 被人指控 谋杀好友 Blood Gang, yeah, suwoop on me 我经历艰难困苦 I"m like blatt (Uh-huh), 我要给你们沉重打击(Uh-huh) We don"t never play, he get whacked, like 我们从不游戏人生 他会得到报应 Tryna find his face, ain"t no trace, ain"t comin" back 试图看清他的表情 却无迹可寻 再回不到过去 G-Nine, Mister Two-Glocks, just bought a MAC (Oh yeah) 社交网站 热闹非凡(Oh yeah) A MAC for your face, lil", 改头换面 We gon" rearrange your cap (Come here) 给予你约束 One foot in the industry and one foot in the trap 商业范 做音乐 均有涉足 Invite that **** to my bloodline, I treat him like my strap 我情绪激昂 不受控制 "Cause "bout me he"ll take a *****"s feet off the map 我不会再与你有所牵扯 Big B"s "til I"m sleep, push a P, he get clapped 我安然入睡 暂停一切 他趁机钻空子 Two guns, that"s the twin Glocks, I roger that part 装备在手 我已明白所有 Colder than a ***** "cause the ***** froze at that 女人冷酷无情 果断转身 Like apostrophe, Google forgot a comma in the back 谷歌网站低谷我的财力 Say I"m worth 250K, we can bet a trey on that, ***** 我心生一计 定下赌约 What all do you want from me? 你究竟想从我这里索取什么 AR"s and them .223"s 手持半自动步枪 ******" "round with me, you see 你看到了 我周遭一片混乱 I"m hot, on 500 degrees 我激情昂扬 Heard he caught a body 曾经听说 他有所收获 Well that does not mean **** to me 那对我来说 并不意味着什么 Got two on me, got two on me 被人指控 谋杀好友 Blood Gang, yeah, suwoop on me 我经历艰难困苦 Big blatts like suwoop, yeah 一路走来太过艰险 What you want? What do you want? 你究竟想要什么 他又有何渴望 Ayy ayy, big sticks for a punk, yeah, mmh 坚持不懈 yeah, mmh What is, what is **** 能有何发展 Yeah, uh, ayy, ayy, big blatts "cause I bleed, yeah 我备受折磨 走到如今地步 Mhm, what he on, what he breathe? Yeah 他有何依靠 何以喘息 Ayy ayy, I"m pushin" P"s, he pushin" P"s, yeah 我竭力为自己争取 Yeah, what it is and what it ain"t, mh 有何收获 有何失去 Ayy ayy, like a skunk, we leave him stank 像是卑鄙之人 臭名昭著 无人不知

在电脑中怎么找到Shell scrap object handler去打开ppt片段呀?


—Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.—Sure, ? A.wha...

A 试题分析:考查交际用语:句意:--对不起,我想知道你是否可以帮我?--是什么?选A. what is it,B. what is this是问“这是什么东西?”C. what help汉语表达,D. what do you want你想要什么?不符合上下文。选A。点评:交际用语的考查,要根据上下文的语境进行辨析。在平时的学习中要加强对一些常考的交际用语的短语和句型进行记忆。不能受汉语的影响。

Whatcha Say 歌词

歌曲名:Whatcha Say歌手:Jason Derulo专辑:Now:The Hits Of Autumn 2010Jason Derulo - Whatcha SayWha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayMmmm whatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didMmmm whatcha sayMmmm that it′s all for the best?Of course it isI was so wrong for so longOnly tryin′ to please myself (myself)Girl i was caught up in her lustWhen i don′t really want no one elseSo no i know i should of treated you betterBut me and you were meant to last foreverSo let me in (let me in)Give me another chance (another chance)To really be your manCause when the roof caved in and the truth came outI just didn′t know what to doBut when i become a star we′ll be living so largeI′ll do anything for youSo tell me girlWhatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Mmmm that it′s all for the best?Of course it isWhatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayHow could i live with myselfKnowing that i let our love go (love go)And ooh when i do with one chanceI just gotta let you knowI know what i did wasn′t cleverBut me and you we′re meant to be togetherSo let me in (let me in)Give me another chance (another chance)To really be your manCause when the roof cave in and the truth came outI just didn′t know what to doBut when i become a star we′ll be living so largeI′ll do anything for youSo tell me girlWhatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Mmmm that it′s all for the best?Of course it isWhatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayGirl tell me what to say i (say i)I don′t want you to leave meThough you caught me cheatin′Tell me tell me what to say i (say i)I really need you in my lifeCuz things ain′t right girlTell me tell me what to say i (say i)I don′t want you to leave meThough you caught me cheatin′Tell me tell me what to say i (say i)I really need you in my lifeCuz things ain′t rightCause when the roof caved in and the truth came outI just didn′t know what to doBut when i become a star we′ll be living so largeI′ll do anything for youSo baby whatcha say!Whatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Mmmm that it′s all for the best?Of course it isWhatcha sayOoh that you only meant well?Well of course you didWhatcha say (whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59611634

Give this prize to ___ composition is thought excellent. A, whoever B. whomever C. Whosever D. Wha

Give this prize to ___ composition is thought excellent.A, whoever【任何一个人】2. This is the shop ______ sells women and children"s clothing.A. where【in which】

what has怎么连读

读的时候,t不要发出声音,但要有停顿,即wha has

_____terrible weather we’ve been having these days! A.How a B.What a C.How D.Wha


wha will you ___the wate material? i will put them into a dustbin.

B祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

What cha Say 翻译成中文的歌词?

Wha- wha- what did she say 什什什。么她说Mmmm whatcha say, 你说什么Mmm that you only meant well? 只是很好Well of course you did 当然你是Mmmm whatcha say, 你说什么Mmmm that it"s all for the best? 那都是出于好意Of course it is 是的[Verse 1] I was so wrong for so long 一直以来我错误着Only tryin" to please myself (myself) 只是为了满足自己Girl, I was caught up in her lust 宝贝,我过去沉湎于她的纵欲When I don"t really want no one else 那时我不想要任何人So, no I know I should of treated you better 所以,我知道我该更好待你But me and you were meant to last forever 我和你要永远在一起[Hook] So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance) 所以请接纳我,再给我次机会To really be your man 让我成为你的男人Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out 因为当一切都水落石出I just didn"t know what to do 不知所措But when I become a star we"ll be living so large 当我成明星的时候,我们会很风光I"ll do anything for you 我会为你做一切So tell me girl 所以,告诉我[Chorus] Mmmm whatcha say Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say) Mmmm that it"s all for the best? Of course it is Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say) Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say [Verse 2] How, could I live with myself 我怎能过自己Knowing that I let our love go (love go) 当我知道我放开了我们的爱And ooh, when I do with one chance 只要我有一次机会I just gotta let you know 我会让你知道I know what I did wasn"t clever 我知道我不聪明But me and you we"re meant to be together 但我们要永远在一起[Hook] So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance) To really be your man Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out I just didn"t know what to do But when I become a star we"ll be living so large I"ll do anything for you So tell me girl [Chorus] Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say) Mmmm that it"s all for the best? Of course it is Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say) Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say [Verse 3] Girl, tell me whatcha said (said) 宝贝,你说什么I don"t want you to leave me 我不想你离开我Though you caught me cheatin" 你知道我是骗了你Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said) 但告诉我I really need you in my life 我真的需要你Cuz things ain"t right, girl 因为这一切都不对劲Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said) 告诉我I don"t want you to leave me 我不要你离开我Though you caught me cheatin" 我是骗了你Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said) 告诉我I really need you in my life 我需要你Cuz things ain"t right 因为这一切都不对劲[Hook] Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out I just didn"t know what to do But when I become a star we"ll be living so large I"ll do anything for you So baby watcha say! [Chorus] Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say) Mmmm that it"s all for the best? Of course it is Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say) Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say不是我自己翻的 是网上找到的

英语发音what did you do,总是发不出来what最后的t那个音,说成Wha did y



what"s your mother? =What does your mother do? =What is your mother"s job? =What is your mother"s profession? 你的母亲是干什么工作的? What is your mother"s name? 你的母亲叫什么名字?。

What Cha Say 歌词

歌曲名:What Cha Say歌手:Mya专辑:MyaJason Derulo - Whatcha Say (Acoustic Version)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceWha- wha- what did she sayMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say,Mmmm that it"s all for the best?Of course it isI was so wrong for so longOnly tryin" to please myself (myself)Girl, I was caught up in her lustWhen I don"t really want no one elseSo, no I know I should of treated you betterBut me and you were meant to last foreverSo let me in give me another chanceTo really be your manCause when the roof caved in and the truth came outI just didn"t know what to doBut when I become a star we"ll be living so largeI"ll do anything for youSo tell me girlMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)Mmmm that it"s all for the best?Of course it isMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayHow, could I live with myselfKnowing that I let our love goAnd ooh, when I do with one chanceI just gotta let you knowI know what I did wasn"t cleverBut me and you were meant to be togetherSo let me in give me another chanceTo really be your manCause when the roof caved in and the truth came outI just didn"t know what to doBut when I become a star we"ll be living so largeI"ll do anything for youSo tell me girlMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)Mmmm that it"s all for the best?Of course it isMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayGirl, tell me whatcha saidI don"t want you to leave meThough you caught me cheatin"Tell me, tell me whatcha saidI really need you in my lifeCuz things ain"t right, girlTell me, tell me whatcha saidI don"t want you to leave meThough you caught me cheatin"Tell me, tell me whatcha saidI really need you in my lifeCause things ain"t rightCause when the roof caved in and the truth came outI just didn"t know what to doBut when I become a star we"ll be living so largeI"ll do anything for youSo baby watcha say!Mmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)Mmmm that it"s all for the best?Of course it isMmmm whatcha say,Mmm that you only meant well?Well of course you didn"tMmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she sayMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1282530

what a exciting news you brought us这个感叹句为什么开头用wha?

应该是what an exciting news 这是感叹句句型what+ˇan+形容词+名词

wha are you ding是什么意思?


wha is wrong /the matter with you?在宾语从句中要变为陈述句语序吗

语序不要变 如: I don"t know what is wrong / the matter with you. 其实这本身就是陈述句语序,what 做主语 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

what i want is not money but happiness句子前为什么加wha

这是一个what引导的主语从句what I want 相当于句子的主语而what 又是 I want 的宾语I want sth 对sth提问应该用what 所以 此处用what



What festival do you like?Wha?

你喜欢什么节日? 为什么?


How many people are there in china?数量 用 How many (可数)How much(不可数)








热水器调节水温有以下几种方法: 1、安装恒温阀,恒温阀为—种自动调节冷热水混水比例,使输出的水温基本保持在一个相对稳定的温度的装置,安装恒温阀后可实现自动调节水温,此方法省心省力; 2、安装无级调节阀,无级调节阀可以手动调节冷热水混水比例,通过左右调节,调节出合适的水温; 3、调节热水器加热器温度,通过调节热水器控制器上设置的温度,使热水器内加热的温度不同,达到设置温度自动停止,从而达到调节水温的目的。 【拓展知识】 热水器就是指通过各种物理原理,在一定时间内使冷水温度升高变成热水的一种装置。按照原理不同可分为电热水器、燃气热水器、太阳能热水器、磁能热水器、空气能热水器,暖气热水器等。 制造冷气部分和制造热水部分。其实这两个部分又是紧密地联系在一起,密不可分,且必须同时工作。即制造热水的同时,给厨房制冷。或者说在给厨房制冷的同时也在制造热水。

在英语里,如果形容一首歌很好听,句子为:what a beautiful song。为什么用wha






在英语里,如果形容一首歌很好听,句子为:what a beautiful song。为什么用wha?

这就是有关感叹句的知识。what 后加名词或名词短语,how 后加形容词或副词。What a handsome boy! How handsome the boy is!





how we understand things has a lot to do with wha

如何理解这些事情跟我们的感觉有关。how we understand things做主语, has a lot to do with是动词词组"与什么有关系", what we feel “我们感觉怎样”做介词with 的宾语。


英语wha.is.this造句,最简单的就是把这个三个字连起来做成一个疑问句,那就是 what is this?

Wha is my number .为什么用What is?

What is my number.我的号码是什么?这里面用挂,他来问表示的意思是什么?而不是数量的多少,问的是某物,所以应该用what,如果是问数量多少的时候。要用how many?

几道有关英语语法的题1.other,the others,another,others的区别及应用.2.以How,Wha

1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如:Do you have any other question(s)?2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如:He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker.他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人.the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如:Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动.4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如:Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. how 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感.英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序. 一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词.这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: ① What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! 二、由"how"引导的感叹句:"how"意为"多么",用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分).如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:① How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! 三选 B there 后 接be

求一首英文歌 歌词里有what you say

what you sayinlil pump的


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