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that is why和that is because的区别

2023-07-30 23:02:45

that is why:这就是为什么;因此。that is because:那是因为;那是…的原因;这是因为。that is why后面跟的是结果,that is because后面跟的是原因。

that is why和that is because的区别


1.that is why


2.that is because



1.that is why


2.that is because


that is why和that is because的 侧重点

1.that is why


2.that is because
















the reason for cause of
2023-07-30 22:01:229


原因的英语说法1: reason 原因的英语说法2: cause 原因的英语说法3: account 原因的相关 短语 : 原因分析 cause analysis ; reason analysis ; analysis of cause 死亡原因 cause of death ; death causes ; death reasons ; the reasons of death 特殊原因 Special cause ; Special reason ; special causes ; particular reason 普通原因 Common Cause 说明原因 account for ; explain the reason ; give a reason ; Reason giving 裂缝原因 crack reason ; Cracks ; crack causes ; the cause of cracking 偶然原因 Common cause ; chance cause ; Special cause ; an occasional cause 随机原因 Random Cause ; random cause
2023-07-30 22:01:551

表示原因的英语单词有哪些 表示原因的英语单词的相关知识

1、表示原因的英语单词有:cause;reason;account. 2、cause,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作名词时意为“原因;事业;目标”。作及物动词时意为“引起;使遭受”。 3、reason,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“理由;理性;动机”,作及物动词时译为“说服;推论;辩论”,作不及物动词时译为“推论;劝说”。 4、account,英语单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“认为;把…视为”,作不及物动词时意为“解释;导致;报账”,作名词时意为“账户、账号;账、账目;叙述、描写、报告”。
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2023-07-30 22:02:382


语法标注解释 reason英音:["ri:zn]美音:["rizn] 名词 n. 1. 理由,原因,动机[C][U][(+for)][+(that)][+why][+to-v]The reason (that) she did it is still a mystery. 或 The reason why she did it is still a mystery. 她为什么做那件事仍是一个谜。 We have every reason to refuse. 我们完全有理由拒绝。 We have reason to believe that he was lying. 我们有理由相信他是在撒谎。 The reason for her absence was that she was ill. 她之所以缺席是因为她病了。 2. 理性,理智;判断力,推理[U] 3. 道理,情理;明智[U]Why won"t you listen to reason? 你为什么不愿听从道理? 4. 正常心智,正常神志[U]不及物动词 vi. 1. 推论,推理,思考He is good at teaching his students to reason. 他擅于教导学生如何推理。 2. 劝说,规劝[(+with)]及物动词 vt. 1. 推论,推理[Y][+that]I reasoned that he did not come because his old car had broken down again. 我推想他没有来是因为他的老爷车又抛锚了。 2. 劝说[O][(+into/out of)]I reasoned him out of selling his house. 我说服他不把房子卖掉。 3. 辩论,讨论
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2023-07-30 22:04:277


表原因的短语与例句:1. because of:较口语化;通常作状语,一般不作表语用;可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。Eg. Sampras is likely to miss the US Open because of his back injury. 桑普拉斯因为背部有伤可能缺席美国公开赛。(置于句后作状语)。Because of my bad leg ,I couldn"t walk so fast as the others.由于我的腿坏了,我不能像其他人走得那么快。(置于句首做状语,但用逗号与其他部分分开)Because of his wife"s being there,I said nothing about it.因为他妻子在场,我对此事只字未提。(接-ing分词短语)He realized that she was crying because of what he had said.他意识到她在哭是因为他说的那些话。(接what从句)2.due to:引导的短语在句中除可作状语(此时不用于句首)外,也可作表语或定语。 Eg.Your failure is due to negligence.你的失败是由于疏忽所造成的。A part of the energy is wasted in machines due to friction.一部分能量由于摩擦而消耗在机器内。Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。Joe"s application to the University was not accepted due to his failing English.乔因英语不及格申报那所大学没被录取。注意:due to除可表示原因外,还有“应给于,应属于”的意思。Eg. Our grateful thanks are due to you.向你表示我们衷心的感谢3.on account of:后面常接名词。Eg. We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将起程时间推迟了。I"m thinking of going down to Qingdao for a fortnight ,on account of my health.由于身体方面的原因,我正考虑到青岛休养两个月。注意:On my/your accoun 为了你(我)(的缘故)On this/that account由于这个(那个)缘故
2023-07-30 22:04:441


表示原因的英语句型如下:1、提问+One reason is that...Another is sth/that+句子。2、It is back in fashion for several reasons+具体原因说明+There are other factors,too+具体原因说明。3、because of意为“因为,由于”,普通用语,比其他短语更口语化;构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;若引导表语,主语通常应为代词。后面可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。4、due to“由于,因......造成”,按照传统语法:due to主要引导表语,但是在现代英语中,due to也可用来引导状语(此时不用于句首),也可作定语。His illness is due to bad food.他生病是由于吃了不好的食物。5、thanks to“由于或因为某人(某事)”,通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”,引导的介词短语可置于句首或句末。英语的独立主格结构:由名词(或代同)+分同(或形容词、个定式、介同短语、副词等)构成。可以用来作原因状语。1、John being away,Henry had to do the work.由于约翰不在,只好由亨利来做这个工作。2、When she was fifty she retired,her health having been impaired by years of over work.她五十岁时退休了。(因为)多年劳累把她的身体搞垮了。
2023-07-30 22:05:321

英语 表示原因

2023-07-30 22:06:462


这两个词的意思很相近,通常是可以互换使用的。为了安全起见,最好用 because引导从句,因为同 because引导的从句相比, for引导的从句(英文中称为 for- clause)的用法要受到某些限制: 1 for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前: Because it was wet he took a taxi. 因为下雨,他叫了一辆出租车。(这里不能用 for。) 2 for引导的从句不能位于 not, but或任何连词之后: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 他偷东西,并不是因为他想要钱,而是他有这种毛玻(这里不能用 for。) 3 for引导的从句不能用于回答问题: — Why did you do it? — I did it because I was angry. —你为什么这么做? —因为我生气才这么做的。(这里不能用 for。) 4 for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容: He spoke in French. She was angry because he had spoken in French. 他讲法语。因为他讲法语,她生气了。(这里不能用 for。) 但是说: She was angry, for she didn" t know French. 她生气了,因为她不懂法语。(这里用 for是正确的,也可用 because。)之所以有这些用法上的限定,其理由是 for引导的从句不能直 接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。 例句如: The days were short, for it was now December. 天短了,现在已是 12月了。 He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮就没吃过东西。 When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point thecurrents were dangerous. 我看见她在河里时,吓坏了。那个地方水流非常危险。 在口语中, for从句前常稍停一下。在笔语中,在此处常有一个逗号。有时也用一个句号断开,如最后一个例子所示。上面三个例句中也可用 because,但用 for更好些。
2023-07-30 22:06:562


because 是从属连词,接表示直接原因的从句,一般放在主句的后面,也可放在主句前面,它表示的语气最强,在回答why的问句时,必须用because. 例如:The swimming pool won"t be open today because they"re making repairs. 游泳池今天不开放,因为他们在修理. Why did you move to France? 你们为什么搬到法国? Because my father found work in Paris. 因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作. 注意:在英语中用了because后,不可再用so. for 是并列连词,用来附带解释说明前一分句的原因或理由,for引导的并列句,一般放在所要说明的句子的后面. 例如:I went to see him,for I had something to tell him. 我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他.
2023-07-30 22:08:301


There can be many reasons for various situations. However, it is essential to identify and explain the specific reason for a particular situation. For instance, if we talk about why there is an increase in air pollution, there could be several reasons. One reason might be the increase in industrial activities, which releases toxic gases into the atmosphere. Another reason could be the rise in vehicular traffic, which emits harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Additionally, natural factors such as wildfires or dust storms can also contribute to air pollution.It is crucial to understand the underlying cause of any situation to find an effective solution. By identifying the primary reason, we can take necessary actions to prevent or mitigate the issue. Therefore, it is important to dig deeper and analyze the situation from various angles before reaching a conclusion.造成各种情况的原因可能很多。然而,必须查明和解释特定情况的具体原因。例如,如果我们谈论空气污染增加的原因,可能有几个原因。一个原因可能是工业活动的增加,工业活动会向大气释放有毒气体。另一个原因可能是车辆流量的增加,它会排放有害污染物,如一氧化碳和氮氧化物。此外,自然因素,如野火或沙尘暴,也可能造成空气污染。必须了解造成任何情况的根本原因,才能找到有效的解决办法。通过确定主要原因,我们可以采取必要的行动来防止或减轻这一问题。因此,在得出结论之前,必须从不同的角度对形势进行深入的挖掘和分析。
2023-07-30 22:09:211


"由于类似的原因"_有道翻译翻译结果:"Due to similar reasons"reasons_有道词典reasons英 ["riu02d0z(u0259)nz]美 ["riznz]n. 原因(reason的复数);理由;理智v. 推理;劝说(reason的第三人称单数)更多释义>>[网络短语]Reasons 起见,原因,事由
2023-07-30 22:09:411


2023-07-30 22:09:529


表示原因的连词:as,since ,for,because, 常用句型:the reasong why------------is that it is because ------- that"s why i -------- 另外,动名词也表示原因:Being poor,he missed the chance to go to school.因为穷,.
2023-07-30 22:10:381

“原因是”用英语怎么说? a result of ......
2023-07-30 22:10:485


the reason for
2023-07-30 22:11:066


造成.的原因是Is the cause of.
2023-07-30 22:11:223


问题一:离职原因用英文怎么说 离职原因 [网络] Reasons for leaving; reason for leave; Reason for leaving; [例句]酒店员工离职原因的多因素分析及对策研究 The Analysis of the Factors Causing the Staff Turnover in Hotels and Countermeasures 问题二:如何正确用英语说明现在要离职原因 Dear Manager, I regret letting you know that I have to leave the job in your department. The main reason is that my girl friend lives in the city 200km away from this city. She demands either I quit my current job to join her or our relationship is going to break. Therefore I have to summit my resignation report to you. I"m looking forward to having your kind approval. Best regards, xxx 问题三:英语辞职信中辞职的理由都怎么说 One of the following circumstances exist laborers can write a letter of resignation in accordance with the employer the facts on the grounds. ① not in accordance with the labor contract to provide labor protection or working conditions.; ② not full and timely payment of remuneration; ③ not according to the law for the workers to pay social insurance premiums.; ④ bylaws of the employer violates the provisions of laws, regulations and damage workers" rights; ⑤ due to circumstances Labor Contract Law stipulates that Article 26 of the labor contract is invalid; ⑥Laws and administrative regulations of other situations workers may terminate the labor contract. Employers a means of violence, threats or illegal restriction of personal freedom of forced labor workers, or the employer illegal mand, forcing dangerous operations which threaten his personal safety, the employee may terminate the labor contract immediately, without prior notice to the employer . 问题四:"离职"用英语怎么翻译 离职: dimission 具体原因分为辞职和解雇两种 一、辞职: abdicate demission resignation send in one"s jacket send in one"s papers quit one"s job 例句: 1、我下星期辞职。 I"m going to quit next week. 2、我甚至想辞职。 I even thought of resigning. 3、我上星期交了我的辞职书。 I sent in my resignation last week. 二、解雇: fire di *** iss from di *** issal kick out send away shelve throw out 例句: 1、他被解雇了。 He was di *** issed from his job. 2、他被解雇了。 He got the boot. 3、他被老板开除了。 He is fired by the boss. 问题五:英文如何表达员工是正常离职,离职原因是实习结束? normal resignation 正常离职 internship termination 实习结束 问题六:英文辞职信中离职原因怎么写 当事人想辞职,按照程序,应该书面提交辞职申请,辞职报告简单一点就好,但是应该真实合理,可以参考以下范文。 辞职报告(范文) 尊敬的公司领导: 我因xxx的原因,目前无法继续工作,经本人再三考虑,决定在X年X月X日辞职,特向公司提交辞职报告。 希望您能及时找到合适的人选接任我的工作。 辞职人:xxx 年月日 离职原因大体有以下几方面: 1、感觉个人在公司发展的空间有限; 2、薪酬待遇与个人期望值有较大差距;(注:待遇比同地区同岗位平均水平低15%-20%,员工将对公司产生抱怨;待遇比同地区同岗位平均水平低25%,员工将极有可能选择离职) 3、员工与领导层之间的互相信用程度较差,员工与上司不容易沟通,想法得不到上司重视; 4、与领导人在公司理念上产生分歧(这条大都发生在企业高层离职上); 5、企业人际关系过于复杂,导致员工情绪低落、心情郁闷; 6、公司发生改制、股东或主要经营者更换等,被调整离职; 7、个人原因(如自己选择创业、离开企业所在城市、出国、考研等)选择离职; 8、公司对员工的职业生涯规划不清晰,在员工晋升、培训、薪酬增幅、激励、承担更多工作责任方面与个人期望值有较大差距,员工感觉到成长机会较少而选择离职; 9、办公环境不佳,如有辐射、噪音、被动吸二手烟等;(这一项在女性离职原因中占有一定比例); 10、合同期满或项目(工程)到期。 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》规定 第三十六条 用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以解除劳动合同。 第三十七条 劳动者提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位,可以解除劳动合同。劳动者在试用期内提前三日通知用人单位,可以解除劳动合同。 第三十八条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,劳动者可以解除劳动合同: (一)未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的; (二)未及时足额支付劳动报酬的; (三)未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的; (四)用人单位的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害劳动者权益的; (五)因本法第二十六条第一款规定的情形致使劳动合同无效的; (六)法律、行政法规规定劳动者可以解除劳动合同的其他情形。 用人单位以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动者劳动的,或者用人单位违章指挥、强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的,劳动者可以立即解除劳动合同,不需事先告知用人单位。 问题七:离职原因怎么说最好? 这个理由肯定不靠谱 就说感觉那个工作不太适合自己,至于为什么没找好下础公司就辞职你就说.想休息下好好调节为下个工作做准备.以最好的状态.来面对下个工作。
2023-07-30 22:11:291


一、why能引导下列几种从句: 1.主语从句 Why he took Chinese nationality in 1901 is a question that interests us.他为什么在1901年取得中国国籍,这是一个使我们很感兴趣的问题。 2.宾语从句 He asked her why she was doing that.他问她为什么要那样做。 3.表语从句 That"s why I"ve come to see you.这就是我来见你的原因。 这里的why在意义和语法上相当于the reason why。如果把此句改写为:That"s the reason why I"ve come to see you.有些语法书上视为同位语从句,但笔者赞同是限制性定语从句,因为why在此句中是个关系副词,而不是像同位语从句中那样是连词。再如: Could you tell me the reason why she refused to go to college?你能否告诉我为什么她不愿意上大学吗? 4.状语从句 No matter why she became angry with you, you should apologize to her.不管她为什么对你生气,你也应当向她道歉。 二、why作疑问词时,可以用来向对方问及原因,可以用Why?或Why not?二者都是省略句。分述如下: 1. "Why?"用来针对肯定的内容发问。例如: A:What are you going to do tomorrow? B:Nothing much. Why?(=Why do you ask me that?) 2. Why not?用来针对否定的内容发问,用在下列几种情况中: ①对一般疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:Do you often go to school by bike? B:No, I don"t. A:Why not?(=Why don"t you go to school by bike?) ②对反意疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:You haven"t finished your homework, have you? B: No, I haven"t. A: Why not?(=Why haven"t you finished it?) ③对否定陈述句询问原因时。例如: A:I can"t finish this work in two days. B:Why not?(=Why can"t you finish it in two days?) ④对表示建议、提议的回答时,形式上是否定,实际上是一种强调肯定的语气。例如: A:Could you come with me? B:Why not?(=I can go with you.) 三、why除了用作疑问句之外,还可以用作引导词(又称感叹句)放在句首或句中作插入语,表示惊奇等各种各样的情绪,不译为"为什么",根据上下文它可以有"哟,啊呀,哎呀,嗨,噢,呃,啊唷"等不同译法。例如: ①"...." "Next Friday? Why, what"s happening?""……。""下星期五?啊,有什么事吗?" ②Why! I thought you were in London.哎呀!我还以为你在伦敦呢! ③Why, it"s quite easy! A child could do it!唔,那是相当容易的!小孩子也会做它! ④Why,what did she say?呃,她说什么? 四、why还可用在书和文章的标题中用一种不规范的句子语序也是符合语法的。例如: Why I am learning English?我为什么学习英语? Why the bat comes out only at night?为什么蝙蝠只在夜里出来? 五、用"why+不定式"时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如: He doesn"t know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。 六、why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如: Tell me why.告诉我为什么。 I don"t know why.我不知道为什么。 五、用"why+不定式"时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如: He doesn"t know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。 六、why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如: Tell me why.告诉我为什么。 I don"t know why.我不知道为什么。
2023-07-30 22:11:481


表示原因的副词有好几个,比如 hence、therefore、consequently、thus 等。
2023-07-30 22:11:5711


for, at, from, of, with, by, because of1. for表示原因,与sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame连用。2. at指情感变化的原因,意为“因听到或看到而……”。3. from指“外在的原因”,如受伤、车祸等。4. of指“内在的原因”,如病、饿等。5. with指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因。6. by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。7. because of 表示引起结果的直接原因。
2023-07-30 22:12:192

as,for ,because都表示因为时,用法怎么区分

as,for ,because都表示因为时,用法怎么区分 as和for在表示因果关系时,表示因果关系较弱,就是说 可能是由……原因引起的,但并不能确定 而because表示关系较强,基本上可以肯定是这个原因 类似于 间接原因和直接原因的区别 because:因为.强调直接原因. since:因为.强调双方已知无需用说明的事由. for:因为.强调一种推测.但不一定是事实. as:强调一般因果关系.用于句首. Because she"s ill,she can"t go to my home.因为她病了,所以她没有来我家. 注:because后接句子,而because of后接短语. Since everyboby is here,let"s begin our meeting. 既然大家都到了,那就开始开会吧. Day breaks,fro the birds are singing. 因为鸟儿在唱歌了,天可能亮了. As he was not well,i decided to go without him. 由于他身体不太好,我决定不带他去. because ,since,for,as,with 都表示因为时有什么区别? because,一般放在主句后,常表示说华人认为这种原因或理由是听话人所不知道的。 eg;why were you absent? because i was not well because之前可以加 only, simply,just等强调词 也可用否定词"not"eg:not because…but…… since,"既然"是一种“附带原因”,表示事物关系上的自然结果,往往放在句首,相当于“now that” as"由于"比前面两个语气弱,多用在日常谈话中,表示明显的因果关系 for"因为"表示的是附加的理由,推断的理由,只能放在主句后且用逗号 隔开 eg:the oil must be out,for the light went out 问一下,在英语中表示因为时,FOR,AS,SINCE,BECAUSE 的区别和用法~~ because, as, for, since这几个词都是表示“原因”的连词,语气由强至弱依次为:because→since→as→for;其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。 1. because表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如: (1)I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。 (2)Because Lingling was ill, she didn”t e to school. 玲玲因病,没有上学。 (3)Why is she absent? 她为什么缺席? Because she is sick. 因为她病了。 此外,在强调句型中,只能用because。例如: (4)It was because I missed the early bus that I was late for school. 我上学迟到是因为我没有赶上早班汽车。 2. since侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如: (1)Since he asks you, you”ll tell him why. 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。 (2)Since everyone is here, let”s start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧! (3)Since I understood very little Japanese, I couldn”t follow the conversation. 我日语懂得不多,因而听不懂对话。 3. as是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”。从句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从并重。例如: (1)We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。 (2)As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去上课。 (3)As Xiaowang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。 4. for用作连词时,与because相似,但它所表示的原因往往提供上文未交待过的情况。for不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的理由,因此for被看作等立连词,它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部(或单独成为一个句子),并且前后两个分句间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用逗号隔开,且for不可置于句首,for的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式。例如: (1)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天短了,因为现在已是十二月份。 (2)It must have rained, for the ground is wet. (从“地面潮溼”作出“下过雨”的推测,但地溼并不一定是下雨所致, for不可以换为because。) (3)The ground is wet because it has rained. (“下雨”是“地上潮溼”的直接原因。) 前后两个分句间有一定的因果关系时(有时很难区分是直接原因,还是推测性原因),for与because可以互换使用。例如: (4)I could not go, for / because I was ill. 我没能去,是因为我病了。 (5)He felt no fear, for / because he was a brave boy. 他没有害怕,因为他是个勇敢的男孩 since和because表示因为的时候用法的区别 since强调结果,because强调原因。 给你几个例子感受一下: She is crying because her little hamster just died. I really hope that she would e, since I miss her so so much! 也就是说,在有since的句子中,since后面紧跟着的内容(原因)并非是作者想强调的(只是顺带提一下);而在有because的句子中,because后面紧跟着的内容(原因)是作者想强调的。 for和because of在表示因为时有什么区别 for 有表示目的的意思 He ran quickly for winning the game. 他跑那么快是为了赢得比赛 because of 与for 相同 后面都是加名词短语 He ran qucikly because of he game. 他跑那么快是为了这场比赛 但是because of 和because不同 because of 后面只能加名词短语 而because后面加的是句子 “at,to ,for”都表示 “方向;朝向”时 怎么区分?怎么使用? to表示动作的方向,或目的地,例如: The dog went to the boy. Have you ever been to a basketball game? He went to New York. at可以表示动作所瞄准的目标,例如: The boy threw the bone at the dog. Look at the blackboard. The crowd threw stones at the police. for表示“前往”,即要到达的目的地。如: I"ll leave New York for Washington tomorrow. I don"t know when they left for Washington. The train for Washington has already arrived. work on和go on with 都表示继续工作时, 怎么区分使用? work on就是继续工作 go on with是继续 第一句两个都能用 第二句用work on 表示因为的三个词because. since. for 的用法和区别 1) 关于 because:语气最强,表示直接原因,可用于回答 why 提出的问题、引导表语从句、用于强调句等,而其余三者均不行: “Why didn"t he e?” “Because he was ill.” “他为什么没来?”“因为他病了。” My stomach hurts because I have eaten too many apples. 我肚子痛,因为苹果吃得太多。 That"s because you can"t appreciate music. 这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。 It is because he is honest that I like him. 是因为他诚实我才喜欢他。 (2) 关于 since 与 as: a. 两者所表示的原因都是人们已知的,即对已知事实提供理由,而不是表示直接原因。since 比 as 语气稍强,且比 as 略为正式,它们引导的从句通常放在主句之前,有时也放在主句之后: As you weren"t there, I left a message. 由于你不在那儿,我留了个口信。 Since you are wrong, you should apologize. 你既然错了,就应该道歉。 b. since 可用于省略句,而其他三者不行: Since so, I have nothing to say. 既然如此,我无话可说。 (3) 关于 for:是并列连词(其余三者为从属连词),它有时可表示因果关系(通常要放在主句之后,且可与 because 换用);有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断(也要放在主句之后,但不能与because 换用)。比较: The ground is wet, for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是溼的,因为昨晚下过雨。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是溼的。 (此句不能用 because 代 for) to和for都表示“给”的时候,如何区分用to和for for的意思是:为了 而to的意思是:给,有的时候把for翻译成给只是口语化的问题
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Because of this reason
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2023-07-30 22:14:402

表示原因的英语单词有哪些 表示原因的英语单词的相关知识

1、表示原因的英语单词有:cause;reason;account. 2、cause,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作名词时意为“原因;事业;目标”。作及物动词时意为“引起;使遭受”。 3、reason,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“理由;理性;动机”,作及物动词时译为“说服;推论;辩论”,作不及物动词时译为“推论;劝说”。 4、account,英语单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“认为;把…视为”,作不及物动词时意为“解释;导致;报账”,作名词时意为“账户、账号;账、账目;叙述、描写、报告”。
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表原因的短语与例句如下:1. because of:较口语化;通常作状语,一般不作表语用;可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。Eg. Sampras is likely to miss the US Open because of his back injury. 桑普拉斯因为背部有伤可能缺席美国公开赛。(置于句后作状语)Because of my bad leg ,I couldn"t walk so fast as the others.由于我的腿坏了,我不能像其他人走得那么快。(置于句首做状语,但用逗号与其他部分分开)Because of his wife"s being there,I said nothing about it.因为他妻子在场,我对此事只字未提。(接-ing分词短语)He realized that she was crying because of what he had said.他意识到她在哭是因为他说的那些话。(接what从句)2.due to:引导的短语在句中除可作状语(此时不用于句首)外,也可作表语或定语。 Eg.Your failure is due to negligence.你的失败是由于疏忽所造成的。A part of the energy is wasted in machines due to friction.一部分能量由于摩擦而消耗在机器内。Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。Joe"s application to the University was not accepted due to his failing English.乔因英语不及格申报那所大学没被录取。注意:due to除可表示原因外,还有“应给于,应属于”的意思。Eg. Our grateful thanks are due to you.向你表示我们衷心的感谢3.on account of:后面常接名词。Eg. We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将起程时间推迟了。I"m thinking of going down to Qingdao for a fortnight ,on account of my health.由于身体方面的原因,我正考虑到青岛休养两个月。注意:On my/your accoun 为了你(我)(的缘故)On this/that account由于这个(那个)缘故Eg. She thinks you"re leaving Aunt Ketty on her account.她以为你是为了她才打算离开凯蒂阿姨的。On this account, we should be cautious.因为这个缘故我们应该谨慎。 He is angry on that account.由于那个缘故他生气了。4.owing to:引出的介词短语,在句中作状语或表语,做状语时,习惯上用逗号和句子其他部分分开。Eg. They decided to pospone the trip, owing to bad weather.由于天气不好他们决定推迟旅行。Owing to his careless driving, we had a bad accident.由于他驾驶疏忽,我们发生了次大车祸。(Cf: The accident was due to his careless driving.这次车祸是由于他的驾驶疏忽。)5.thanks to:通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”,但有时作反语;引导的介词短语可置于句首或句末。Eg. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.由于全体演员的出色表演,那出戏才成功。、It was thanks to his carelessness that we lost the game.由于他的疏忽大意我们输掉了这场比赛。Thanks to your help, we were successful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。 Thanks to the bad weather ,the match had been cancelled.多亏这个倒霉天气,挺好的比赛取消了。(反语)注意:Small thanks to 一点也不感激Eg. We were successful ,but small thanks to you.我们成功了,但一点也不感激你。
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表示原因有以下几点英语的表达如下:1、The reason why … is that ………的原因是……(句式简单,写对不易,均常用现代时)2、Many factors weigh heavily for…很多因素对……影响很大。3、It"s only the surface explanation for…这仅是……的表面原因。4、Another contributing factor/ cause is …另一个有影响的因素是5、We may look into every possible reason except我们找遍了除了……之外所有的可能原因。6、Of course, the growth is not the sole reason for。当然,这种增长并不是……的单一原因。7、These factors, coupled with the growth of…, lead to。这些因素与……的增长相叠加,导致了。8、The change in …largely results from the fact that的改变很大程度上是由…引起。9、The factors that contribute to this situation include。导致此情况发生的因素包括
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the root cause 根本原因 the known cause 众所周知的原因 the theoretical reason 理论上的原因 the main reason, the main cause the possible reason/cause 可能的原因 the real cause
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这两个词的意思很相近,通常是可以互换使用的。为了安全起见,最好用 because引导从句,因为同 because引导的从句相比, for引导的从句(英文中称为 for- clause)的用法要受到某些限制: 1 for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前: Because it was wet he took a taxi. 因为下雨,他叫了一辆出租车。(这里不能用 for。) 2 for引导的从句不能位于 not, but或任何连词之后: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 他偷东西,并不是因为他想要钱,而是他有这种毛玻(这里不能用 for。) 3 for引导的从句不能用于回答问题: — Why did you do it? — I did it because I was angry. —你为什么这么做? —因为我生气才这么做的。(这里不能用 for。) 4 for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容: He spoke in French. She was angry because he had spoken in French. 他讲法语。因为他讲法语,她生气了。(这里不能用 for。) 但是说: She was angry, for she didn" t know French. 她生气了,因为她不懂法语。(这里用 for是正确的,也可用 because。)之所以有这些用法上的限定,其理由是 for引导的从句不能直 接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。 例句如: The days were short, for it was now December. 天短了,现在已是 12月了。 He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮就没吃过东西。 When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point thecurrents were dangerous. 我看见她在河里时,吓坏了。那个地方水流非常危险。 在口语中, for从句前常稍停一下。在笔语中,在此处常有一个逗号。有时也用一个句号断开,如最后一个例子所示。上面三个例句中也可用 because,但用 for更好些。
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特殊原因英语是cause specific;special cause;specific cause特殊special; particular; peculia ;原因cause; reason; account; mast特殊原因收入but for income;特殊原因收益 but-for income特殊原由的收益 but-for income;特殊原子爆破军火 sadm原因 cause; reason; account; master sheet 原因和结果 cause and effect; 成功的原因 reasons for the success; 由于这个原因 on this account; 将其归之于心理上的原因 attribute it to psychic cause; 原因在于 the reason lies in ...; 这次冲突有着非同寻常的原因。 this collision had a very unusual cause. 真正的原因在于他事事要随心所欲。特殊 special; particular; peculiar; exceptional 特殊儿童 exceptional child; 特殊教育 special education; 特殊情况 special circumstances; special case; 受到特殊照顾 receive special care; 特殊政策, 灵活措施 special policies and flexible measures; 特殊案件 special case; 特殊保险费率 specific rate; 特殊才能 brilliant; 特殊法 jus singulare; 特殊风貌 character;例句与用法No particular reason , it " s just what i do没有特殊原因,我就是这么做了呗。Use ordered patterns unless you have specific reason not to除非有特殊原因,否则应使用有序范式Taxi back due to special reason滑回,因特殊原因。Bahlul wanted to contact certain notables of persia for reasons of his own巴鲁因特殊原因想接触波斯的一些名人显贵。Loading all of the stored objects could be an overhead for no particular reason如果没有特殊原因的话,装入所有的存储对象是一种开销。Finance risk and financial fragility - the special causes and control of chinese finanlial fragility兼论我国金融脆弱性的特殊原因及控制对策If the proportion is less than 50 % owing to special reasons , it must be approved by the tax authority由于特殊原因,提取比例低于50的,须经税务机关批准。" mother , " replied the young man , " you have especial reasons for telling me to conciliate that man .“妈, ”那阿尔贝回答, “你要我向那个人妥协,难道有特殊原因的吗? ”If there is any changes on the above holiday arrangement in the next year , we will inform you in advance如在明年因特殊原因需要对上述休假时间做出调整,我们将届时通知大家。I am happy to look at preliminary drafts of papers , but except for unusual circumstances , i do not accept rewrites我很乐意阅读你们的报告初稿,但除非有特殊原因,否则我不收重写稿。
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for this reason
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问题一:为什么英文翻译 why adv. 为什么 Why are you late? 你为什么迟到? Why not call on me tomorrow? 你干吗不明天就来看我呢? That is why I"m working hard at my lesson. 就是这个原因, 我要努力学习。 I can"t understand why he failed. 我不明白他为什么失败了。 That is the reason why we must go now. 那就是我们现在必须走的理由。 Why ever didn"t you tell us before? 你怎么不早告诉我们呢? int. 呵唷, 哎呀, 嗨 Why, what"s the harm? 嗨, 这又有什么害处呢? 副词 ad. 1.(用作疑问副词)为什么 Why should you be so interested in my affairs? 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣? 2.(用做关系副词)为什么 These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。 That"s why I came here. 那就是我为什么要来这里的原因。 名词 n. 1.原因,理由[P1] Robbie always asks the whys and wherefores when he is told to do something. 如果要罗比做事,他总爱问个究竟。 2.难解的问题,谜[P1] 感叹词 int. 1.(表示惊讶、不耐烦、赞成、异议、犹豫或引出另一种想法等)咦,哎呀,哦,当然,唔 问题二:为什么用英语怎么说 5分 为什么的英语就是:Why? 很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步!一刻永远523 为你解答~~ 如果你认可我的回答,请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢~~ 如果还有其它问题,请另亥向我求助,答题不易,敬请理解~~ 问题三:不为什么的英文怎么说啊?? no reason, 千万不要说no why, 问题四:“你为什么这么说?”用英语怎么说? 把特殊疑问词提出来放句首,再借助助动词do/does就行。 因为在你说这句话之前,他已经说了那样的话,所以用一般过去式。助动词就用did。 连起来就是:why did you say so? 问题五:那是为什么呢用英语怎么说? 那是为什么呢 翻译为:Why is it that 问题六:“没有为什么"用英语怎么说? No why! 问题七:为什么你会说英语 英语怎么说 说的是对的啊 地道的英语用的就是do,只有中国人的汉语感理解才会写成can
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为什么英语是why。Why它是用来询问原因或目的的。常见的用法包括:代表疑问:用why来表达对某件事情的疑问,问原因或目的。例如:Why are you late? (你为什么迟到了?) ; Why did you choose that option? (你为什么选择那个选项?)引导原因状语从句:在复合句中作为引导词引导原因状语从句,表示一个行动或事件的原因。例如:I stayed at home yesterday because of the bad weather. (我因为天气不好所以昨天呆在家里);We had to work overtime because the project was behind schedule. (因为项目进度延误,我们不得不加班工作)为了表达不理解、惊讶等情感,常包含感叹语气。例如:Why, I had no idea you were coming! (我没想到你会来!)
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造成.的原因是.用英语怎么说 The reason why + 结果+ is/was that + 原因 或 That + 结果+ results/resulted from + 原因 全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了你,记得采纳哦-,0
2023-07-30 22:17:431


因为的英文是“because”。“because”是一个常用的英语连词,它用来表示原因或解释。下面是“because”的一些用法合集:1. 表示原因: “because”最常见的用法是表示原因,例如:“I can"t go to the party because I have to work.”(我不能去参加聚会,因为我得工作。)2. 因果关系: “because”还可以表示因果关系,例如:“I"m tired because I didn"t sleep well last night.”(我很累,因为昨晚没睡好。)3. 与“so”连用: “because”还可以与“so”连用,表示因果关系更加明显,例如:“I didn"t study for the test, so I failed it.”(我没有为考试学习,所以我没通过。)4. 与“of”连用: “because”有时也与“of”连用,表示原因或解释,例如:“I"m afraid of dogs because I was bitten by one when I was a child.”(我害怕狗,因为我小时候被一只狗咬过。)5. 反问句中的用法: “because”还可以在反问句中使用,表示强调原因,例如:“You don"t like the movie because it"s too long, do you?”(你不喜欢这部电影,因为它太长了,是吗?)6. 与“due to”和“owing to”的区别: “because”与“due to”和“owing to”都可以表示原因,但它们在用法上有所不同。“due to”和“owing to”通常用于正式场合,而且后面通常跟名词或名词短语,例如:“The flight was cancelled due to bad weather.”(飞行因天气不好而取消了。)“The delay was owing to traffic congestion.”(延误是因为交通拥堵。)
2023-07-30 22:17:521


2023-07-30 22:18:159

因为"个人原因" 用英语怎么说

for personal reasons
2023-07-30 22:19:041


there are other reasons/causes
2023-07-30 22:19:121

产生原因 用英语怎么说

the cause of ...
2023-07-30 22:19:204


一.开头用语: 良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。 1.议论论文: A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages. B. Compared to/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient. C. When it comes to computers, some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However,... D. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside. E. As is known to all/ As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life. F. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view. 2. 书信: A. I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar. B. I read an advertisement in today"s China Daily and I apply for the job... C. Thank you for your letter of May 5. D. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9. E. How nice to hear from you again. 3. 口头通知或介绍情况: A. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make. B. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you. C. Mr. Green, Welcome to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you. 4. 演讲稿: A. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health. B. Good morning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest. 二.并列用语: as well as, not only…but (also), including, A. Not only do computers play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life. B. All of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture. C. He speaks French as well as English.=He speaks English, and French as well.=He speaks not only English but also French. D. E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication. 三.对比用语: on one hand ,on the other hand, on the contrary/contrary to ..., though, for
2023-07-30 22:19:461


Reasonable groundsProper justificationsounds reason
2023-07-30 22:19:553


问题一:“综合以上的原因”英语应该怎么说 prehensive above reason 望采纳 谢谢 问题二:英语翻译:由于以上原因, For the above reasons... 问题三:以上所说的就是为什么会发生这种现象的原因 这句话用英语怎么说? All mentioned above indicates the different reasons that contribute to the phenomenon. 问题四:用英语表达它的意思。以上这句话翻译成英文有哪几种说法 用英语表达它的意思。 To express it in English. 用英语表达它的意思。 To express it in English.
2023-07-30 22:20:031

原因之一是……… 用英语可以用 one of the r

2023-07-30 22:20:204


because相关用法because后加句子because of后加短语
2023-07-30 22:20:3215


什么原因用why是最言简意赅的 请问是什么原因:please tell me why
2023-07-30 22:21:189


英语单词“cause”的基本用法如下:1、cause 用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物,是可数名词。2、cause 也可作“理由,缘故”解,是不可数名词。3、cause 还可表示极力维护或支持的“目标”“原则”“运动”或“事业”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。4、cause 用作动词的基本意思是“导致”,指某人、某物、某条件、某事件等“给……带来”“使发生……”某种结果。本词说的是原因,而强调的却是“结果”,这种因果关系是真正的、直接的、根本的。5、cause 只用作及物动词,多接抽象名词、代词作简单宾语;也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词 to 的宾语;还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,这里的动词不定式通常带 to。英语单词“cause”常见的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)immediate cause [法]近因 ; 直接原因 ; 直接诱因。(2)Cause trouble 寻衅滋事 ; 闯祸 ; 闹事 ; 制造祸端。(3)main cause 主因 ; 主要原因 ; 主体根源 ; 原因主要。(4)major cause 主要原因 ; 重要事由 ; 重要原因 ; 主要病因。(5)efficient cause 动力因 ; 直接原因 ; 有效原因 ; 有效原因说。(6)failure cause 失效原因 ; 故障原因 ; 失效的原因 ; 故障原因英语。(7)assignable cause 非机遇原因 ; 指明原因 ; 可指定的原因 ;[科技]可指出的原因。(8)chance cause 机遇原因 ; 偶发原因 ;[科技]偶然原因 ; 机遇因素。以上内容参考:百度百科-cause
2023-07-30 22:21:351