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EricBrown 怎么读

  eric brown  英式音标:  [ˈerɪk] [braʊn]   美式音标:  [ˈerɪk] [braʊn]



Eric,Grace 怎么读

ai rui k ,g rui si





Eric Clapton 怎么读

艾立克克莱普顿 歌手Eric Clapton漫长的音乐历程与居高不坠的名声有一半来自现场精湛的吉他表演,进入九十年代后的第一张专辑就是他1990-91年间于伦敦皇家亚伯厅的多场现场实况纪实《24 Nights》,当然在此之前他已经发行过将近十套的现场专辑,Eric Clapton喜欢现场即兴表演由此证明。1991年3月老来得子的Eric Clapton痛失骨肉,年仅4岁的Conor从窗户失足坠楼,这个打击几乎让他再度一蹶不振,不过将近50岁的Eric Clapton将他思念之苦寄情歌中,于是产生Tears In Heaven这首歌,它首先被收录于电影《Rush》的原声带中,这也是Eric Clapton全程参与的配乐作品。在1992年发行单曲后很快得到白金唱片并蝉联亚军,同年3月份他录制MTV音乐台相当受欢迎的不插电小型演唱会(Unplugged)时再度表演此曲,不论是现场或是后来发行的《Unplugged》专辑,大家都深切感受到Eric Clapton发自肺腑真情演唱。1992年发行的这张《Unplugged》专辑不仅是该年度葛莱美“最佳专辑”得主,也是MTV Unplugged专辑中商业销售最佳的一张。自此之后许多知名的歌手纷纷答应MTV音乐台邀请到现场证明自己不靠录音室特殊技巧处理的演唱实力。此专辑里另一首名曲Layla也三度进榜并且进入前20名,在葛莱美奖中继Tears In Heaven得到“年度歌曲”与“年度唱片”后,拿下“最佳摇滚歌曲”奖。

Erich 怎么读?另外erik和eric作为人名有什么区别


Eric A.Meyer 这个英文名怎么读? 那个A代表什么?

此名 姓氏 为 meyer梅耶 名字为 eric埃里克 中间名为 a 一般指代allan 艾伦





ERIC, ARICK. 怎么读呀 有什么意思吗?(名字)


法语名字 jeanne 和 eric 怎么读?

唉 我的法语名啊

Good afternoon Eric怎么读

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america latina是哪个国家

america latina拉丁美洲例句筛选1.Herba perennis, rhizomatic , aristata; distribute in Africa, Asia etAmerica Latina.多年生,有根茎,有芒;非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲分布。2.European Community Studies Association - America Latina拉丁美洲欧共体研究会


americe读法是英音[u0259"meru026aku0259];美音[u0259u02c8mu025bru026aku0259]。america造句:1、But the most astounding developments.were in America and Britain.但最令人惊骇的进展发生在美国和英国。2、common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-gray head.北美洲东北部普通的绿鹃,头为蓝石板灰色。3、America is bending,pulling apart so that the seaway at Buenos Aires will be expanded.南美洲正在弯曲,并被撕开,这将使得布宜诺斯艾利斯的海上航道扩张。4、Shares of Bank of America were down 3 percent at midday.当天中午美洲银行的股价却跃了百分之三。5、A tooth that had been worked on in America has started to hurt.在美国治疗过的一颗牙齿现在痛。6、The oldest known horned dinosaur in North America is called Zuniceratops.目前在北美地区发现的最为古老的有角恐龙是祖尼角龙。





开机出现American Metrends,15秒后就关机了,怎么回事??


开机出现American Megattrends


电脑开机时出现americanegatrends 为什么进不去dios?

扣下主板电池,然两级直接短路一下就恢复主板初始设置了。电脑开机时出现americanegatrends 为什么进不去bios?



打开电脑出现American Megattrends这一页面是什么意思


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华硕笔记本08年10月份买的,一直没有坏过,昨天晚上开机时先出现 American Megatrends


win 2003 server中毒了,win32.troj.generic_01.l 紧急求救!!



please pass me the rice 请把米饭递给我





The United Negro College Fund has been reminding Americans that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to ...

句子成分分析:The United Negro College Fund主语 has been reminding谓语 Americans间接宾语 that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,”直接宾语(为从句) since 1972时间状语. UNCF主语 has raised谓语 over $1.4 billion宾语, and helped谓语 more than 300,000 minority students宾语 graduate from college宾语补足语(第二句中,1、graduate from college为动词不定式短语,因为前面有help,help sb do sth为固定用法,动词前的to省略了;2、has raised over $1.4 billion与helped more than 300,000 minority students graduate from college并列)。翻译:自1972年以来,联合黑人学院基金一直在提醒美国人“浪费头脑是一件恐怖的事情”,联合黑人学院基金已经募集了14亿美金,并且已经帮助超过30万个少数民族学生从大学毕业。

THE USA,US和the united state of america的区别


你是英国人吗 用英语怎么说 是are you english还是are you an english American和French呢

are you English?

美国到底是“ US”还是“ USA”还是“ America”

美国到底是“US”还是“USA”还是“America”?一、基础资料:1、US是United States“合众国”的缩写。2、USA是United States of America“美利坚合众国”的缩写。是美利坚合众国最完整的说法。3、America原意是美洲,因为美国的迅速发展,现在专指美国。二、关于正确书写:1、United States正确书写应该是the United States,正确缩写是the US或the U.S.。一定要注意,这两者前一般要加定冠词the。2、United States of America正确书写应该是the United States of America正确缩写是the USA或the U.S.A.。一定要注意,这两者前一般要加定冠词the。3、America不需要变化。三、关于前面要不要加the问题:1、以单词(单个的词语)形式出现国家名称当然不需要家the。如:China中国,America美国。2、如果是词组(若干个单词组合而成的形式)式的全称,就要加the了。如:The People"s Republic Of China中华人民共和国。United States of America(=the USA)美利坚合众国,简称美国。3、国名是复数的要the,如:the Bahamas 巴哈马国,由700座岛屿和珊瑚礁组成。四、关于缩写加“.”符号问题:是the US对,还是the U.S.加“.”对?是the USA对还是,the U.S.A. 加“.”对?答案:加不加“.”都行。因为:1、过去的缩略词都要加点,现在普遍省略了。2、要不要加点及在什么情况下加点,在美国也没有形成统一的看法。五、US、USA、America用法有什么不同?1、US、USA和America都是美国,正常情况下,三者意思完全互通。但在不同的场合和语境,三者有一些区别。2、US比USA使用更广泛。US正式的官方场合或书面用语中使用。同时在民间非正式场合也被广泛使用。USA使用最多的地方就是在世界体育比赛上,运动服上会印USA,在电视上显示参赛选手时, 国旗下方也会标USA,为美国队加油也会齐声高喊“U~S~A~”,类似于“中国加油”。3、US和USA都指美国,但如果要放在名词前,只能用US。如:US army: 美国军队4、America常用于口语中。在赞美国家或者涉及宗教的场合,常用America。更能接地气。例如:My fellow American... 我的美国同胞们...

sympatheric 反义词

sympathetic 英[ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk] 美[ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk] adj. 同情的,有同情心的; 赞同的; 相投合的,称心的; 〈口〉抱好感的; [例句]She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students她对成年学生的问题深表同情。反义词:嘲笑 [词典] ridicule; deride; jeer at; make fun of; jeer; [例句]不要嘲笑别人的错误或不幸。Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.

the first distinctly American written in English

distinctly 修饰written,这个句子应该不完整吧?这样很难翻译 我想是这样的,第一个用英文清楚写的美国 他的在16世纪早期发表的《探索报告》被描述为第一个用英文写的美国文学作品

Two years later the opportunity came for him to take a ____ American look at the Old World. A. di


求这段英语段子的语法,翻译.Because Americans believe time is a limited re?

因为美国人认为时间是一项有限的资源,所以他们试着去爱惜时间且加以管理.人在美国经常参加研讨会或阅读关于时间管理的书.似乎他们都想组织精良.专业人士随身带着口袋型记事本,有些甚至是电子形式——跟踪所订的约会与工作截止日期.人们尽其所能有限的时间内挤出更多的时间.早期的美国英雄本杰明·富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致:“你爱生命吗?然后不要浪费,因为生命是由时间组成的.”,6,因为美国人认为时间是一种有限的资源,他们试图保护和管理it.people在usofen参加研讨会或阅读时间management.it书似乎他们都希望自己的时间安排bettr.professionals随身携带的口袋里规划者,在一些电子表单,以保持约会和deadlines.people轨道尽一切所能来榨取更多的生活出他们的时间。早期的美国英雄本杰明·富兰克林将这种想法表达最好的:“你爱生活,那么就不...,2,你直接百度在线翻译吧,1,求这段英语段子的语法,翻译.Because Americans believe time is a limited resource,they try to conserve and manage it.People in the U.S.ofen attend seminars or read books on time management.It seems they all want to organize their time bettr.Professionals carry around pocket planners–some in electronic form –to keep track of appointments and deadlines.People do all they can to squeeze more life out of their time.The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best:"Do you love life?Then do not waste,for that is the stuff life is made of."

American women experience a great variety of lifestyle. A typical American woman may be single....

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D 试题分析:本文叙述了妇女在不同的历史时期的社会地位及她们的工作情况。小题1:这是细节理解题。根据However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitudes about themselves and their roles in American life.故选C.小题2:这是细节理解题。根据Within the established lifestyle of the industrialized twentieth century, the strong role of women was not attractive as in the early days of the country. 故选C。小题3:这是细节理解题。根据Some women stepped into the men"s jobs as factory and business workers.故选D。点评:细节题为阅读考题的重头戏,所占比例高达80% ,相对而言较简单,因为这类题虽然要求理解准确,但基本上限于字面意义的理解,范围也限于局部,因此是我们可望得高分的部分。细节题绝大部分体现“中心思想是解”这一原理。本文都是细节理解题,在文中比较容易找到答案。

America的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:America专辑:AlibiBoA - Valenti(Korean Version)Guderur barabon ne mosubgudega barabon ne mosubne mirerur godoborigogudeui dusonur jabassoirun achim hessar mejindudorin sarang iragohedomachi burkod gatha boyodooh STEP IN STEP IN BABYUrin otohge mannagonjiwe haphir guge na ingonjiBOY I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUjigum isungandoThaithuhan gudeui thure machwojinsarami doegodo hengboghan nagu oton jogumahan sowoniradogudege gihoerur julleyo MY DREAMJijojyo inun chongbajiwasomsehan gudeui nunbiddohangsang jikhyojugo shiphossounmyong chorom bimillo hessosojunghan naui modungosunne jashini jikhyojwoya hegugoshui byogur twionomgooh STEP IN STEP IN BABYMu uimihan gu yogshimdurdoarsu obnun gu hengdongkajiJUST I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUmodu badajurkeGudewa nasai uri dursaisarangur chajursu obnun goramyoninorbun sesange onu gosedosarangun jonjehaji anhnungor MY DREAMHeojimyon uimi objanhagunyang hamke igo shiphungorBOY I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUironnar jabajwoDallinun gothongui girur gorogagudewa nega theghan igirwiegu oton arsu obnun yegamsogesosarang harsu ige midumurjwo MY DREAMThaithuhan gudeui thure machwojinsarami doegodo hengboghan nagu oton jogumahan sowoniradogudege gihoerur julleyo MY DREAM

When the first settlers came to North America they had to ___ the forest and found a way out.

C. cut through 。 cut through the forest : 从森林中开辟出一条道路cut down forest 砍伐森林

Eric Durrance的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:Eric Durrance专辑:Angles Fly AwayCreed - What IfI can"t find the rhyme in all my reasonLost sense of time and all seasonsFeel I"ve been beaten downBy the words of men who have no groundsCan"t sleep beneath the trees of wisdomWhen your ax has cut the roots that feed themForked tongues in bitter mouthsCan drive a man to bleed from inside outWhat if you did?What if you lied?What if I avenge?What if eye for an eye?I"ve seen the wicked fruit of your vineDestroy the man who lacks a strong mindHuman pride sings a vengeful songInspired by the times you"ve been walked onMy stage is shared by many millionsWho lift their hands up high because they feel thisWe are one We are strongThe more you hold us down the more we press onI know I can"t hold the hate inside my mind"Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your lifeSo I"ll just ask a questionA lonely simple questionI"ll just ask one questionWhat if? What if?What if? What if?What If I?What if your words could be judged like a crime?What if? What if?What if? What if?What If I?<<<<< END >>>>>





polymeric MDI polyol 是什么?


用英文简述America Government

Description of the ExaminationThe American Government examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in American government and politics at the college level. The scope and emphasis of the exam reflect what is most commonly taught in introductory American Government courses that emphasize national government. The exam covers topics such as the institutions and policy processes of the federal government, the federal courts and civil liberties, political parties and interest groups, political beliefs and behavior, and the content and history of the Constitution.The examination contains 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. Any time candidates spend on tutorials and providing personal information is in addition to the actual testing time.Knowledge and Skills RequiredQuestions on the American Government examination require candidates to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities in the approximate proportions indicated: * Knowledge of American government and politics (about 55–60% of the exam) * Understanding of typical patterns of political processes and behavior (including the components of the behavioral situation of a political actor), the principles used to explain or justify various governmental structures and procedures (about 30–35% of the exam) * Analysis and interpretation of simple data that are relevant to American government and politics (10–15% of the exam)The subject matter of the American Government examination is drawn from the following topics. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentages of exam questions on those topics.Approximate Percent of Examination30-35% Institutions and policy processes: presidency, bureaucracy, and congress * The major formal and informal institutional arrangements and powers * Structure, policy processes, and outputs * Relationships among these three institutions and links between them and political parties, interest groups, the media, and public opinion15-20% Federal courts, civil liberties, and civil rights * Structure and processes of the judicial system with emphasis on the role and influence of the Supreme Court * The development of civil rights and civil liberties by judicial interpretation * The Bill of Rights * Incorporation of the Bill of Rights * Equal protection and due process15-20% Political parties and interest groups * Political parties (including their function, organization, mobilization, historical development, and effects on the political process) * Interest groups (including the variety of activities they typically undertake and their effects on the political process) * Elections (including the electoral process)10-15% Political beliefs and behavior * Processes by which citizens learn about politics * Political participation (including voting behavior) * Public opinion * Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders * Political culture (the variety of factors that predispose citizens to differ from one another in terms of their political perceptions, values, attitudes, and activities) * The influence of public opinion on political leaders15-20% Constitutional underpinnings of American democracyThe development of concepts such as: * Federalism (with attention to intergovernmental relations) * Separation of powers * Checks and balances * Majority rule * Minority rights * Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption of the Constitution * Theories of democracy

Eric Saade的masquerade歌词

Eric Saade—masquerade She"s surreal She"s dangerous and no one else can match those eyes She"s concealed So mysterious, that nobody can catch her lies Drop this game of fame No one can win I believe this can be serious if I can get under her skin We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Everytime we sit around and talk I try to turn her inside out I get closer but still miles away from getting what she"s all about Stop this masquerade No one can win I believe this can be serious If I can get under your skin We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade I"m confused and I just don"t know what to be for you I"m so vulnerable I need you to confess your love for me A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask

美国的“united state”和“America”有什么区别?

1、意思不同United States (US)是对美国最传统和正式的说法。America原指美洲,但因为美国的迅速发展,现在专指美国,更偏向地理概念,表示美国这片土地。2、使用场合不同在相对正式的场合和书面用语中,特别是涉及到政治和外交领域时,一般使用United States/U.S.;同时在民间和非正式场合也被广泛使用。在赞美国家(及其人民丶精神等)的时候,或者一些涉及到宗教的场合,常用America。

介绍一下 Freja Beha Erichsen

名字: Freja 姓: Beha 国籍: 丹麦 种族: 头发颜色: 浅褐色的 眼睛颜色: 布朗 出生日期: 1987 出生地: 高度: 5"10" ; 178cm 测量: (美国) 31-24-34.5; (欧共体) 80-60-89 礼服大小: (美国) 4; (欧共体) 34双 鞋子大小: (美国) 8; (欧共体) 39个 代办处: 独特的模型-丹麦; 妇女管理-米兰; 多米尼克模型; IMG 广告: Balenciaga, Gucci, Jil沙磨机, 苏格兰的Pringle, Tse开士米 杂志封面: 丹麦: ‘Eurowoman" - 6月2005日 美国: ‘W Jewelery补充" - 10月2005日 时装表演: 秋天冬天2005年: {安Demeulemeester, 巴巴拉Bui, Cacharel, Celine, Chanel, 基督徒Dior, 服装国民, Hermes, Kenzo, 路易斯Vuitton, Miu Miu, Nina Ricci, Prada, Rochas, Sophia Kokosalaki, Yves Saint Laurent }

Chinese food is quite _____American food.A.different from B.the same as C.similar to D.different to




Thanksgiving,in the United States,is an American holiday for?

具体的翻译如下:In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special festivals. Thanksgiving is a special holiday in the United States. It is usually on the fourth Thursday of November and is a time to thank the food in autumn.在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊的节日吃传统的食品。在美国一个特殊的节日时感恩节。它通常在11月第4个星期四,并且是一个感谢秋天的食物的时间。At this time, people also remember the first travelers who came to the United States from England 400 years ago. These travelers had a long and hard winter, and many people died.在这个时候,人们也记住了第一批在400年以前从英格兰来到美国的旅行者。这些旅行者度过了一个漫长的,艰苦的冬天,并且有许多人死了。In the next autumn, they thanked for the life and food in their new home. These days, most Americans still celebrate the idea by drinking at home and having a big meal with their family. The most important dish of this meal is usually almost Turkey, a big bird.在下一个秋天,他们感谢在新家的生活和食物。这些天,大多数的美国人任然一在家喝家人吃一顿大餐来庆祝这个主意。这顿饭的最重要的一道菜通常几乎是火鸡,一只大鸟。

Maverick Sabre的《Let Me Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go歌手:Maverick Sabre专辑:Let Me Go – EPMaverick Sabre - Let Me GoQQ : 349777127I can still taste you on my lips, your tendernessYou always gave me somethingThe way you made me feel before you leftSee you"re jadin" me, dazin" meAnd I just wasn"t ready, cash on, walk out on todayOh Lord, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)Only the tiger seems to always pickThe safest place for hidingPeople love to say, I"m blind to seeI can"t face it, I"m wastedAnd you never speakWhen that"s all I ever needOh Lord, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)Oh Lord, you picked me up so many timesBut now you just break my soulNo more, I tried to stop loving youBut I don"t really have controlOh Lord, no matter how hard I tryI always end up on this roadOh, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)(You give me the demon to love you)Every single reason why I"m back(You give me the demon in me)Maverick Sabre - Let Me GoQQ : 349777127

Americans presidents are elected every____years.

every (four) years. 美国总统任期为四年。

各位大虾,谁能帮我翻译这段英文文件啊,急需,谢谢~!United states of America

个人水平有限,你就作为参考吧!全是长难句~!整个一段话连个句号都没有,一个意思用一个大长段来表达,你想郁闷死我啊!而且楼主发帖还极不负责任!其中有句话是重复的.....致纽约州秘书办公室:希垦纳特迪市办事员,同时任职于希垦纳特迪市最高法院秘书从事那里的档案整理工作,现在对以下内容做出保证。麦考克 J 来福下面这段话怎么有重复,如果没写错的话那水平有限实在是看不明白。这也太地道,太口语了吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed jurat,,was at the time of taking such acknowledgment

Now that has changed as Mandiant, an American cyber-security firm, released a detailed 。。。。

这句话的上文应该说了一个现象或者事实, 这句话的now that has changed as,是一个转折,后面是说,美国网络安全公司Mandiant,二月19日公布了黑客活动的详细的报告。~~~~如若满意,望采纳~~~~~



numerical 和digital有什么区别

先各举两个例子CNC(Computer Numerical Control) machine tools数控机床:用于机械加工Numerical analysis数值分析:如获取方程 x^3=2的具体数值解的方法 digital curcuit数字电路:又称逻辑门电路,可用于逻辑判断和离散的数学运算,CPU、GPU属于数字电路digital analysis 数字分析:这是比较新的概念,相对于Numerical analysis,其更重视对抽象数据本身的统计价值的挖掘,而不是如何计算出和现实直接关联的数值以用于工程控制Numerical 以连续、现实、数量化的视角看待和处理事物digital 以离散、抽象、逻辑化的视角看待和处理事物在电子控制领域,数字逻辑控制和离散数学计算一般用digital,像数控机床里的计算本质上也是用离散的方式近似实际值,所以必然会有微小误差,由于其所控制的是电机动作,并作用于现实中的模具,所以将其认为是Numerical Control——对现实连续数值量的控制

digital 与numerical 的差别


求大学英语Rosa Parks:the mother of the American civil rights movement 译文


American football 和Rugby有什么区别?


american video是什么


用适当的介词填空 1.Many young men ____ North America like playing basketball very much

1.from. 2.of

Eric Clapton的《One Chance》 歌词

歌曲名:One Chance歌手:Eric Clapton专辑:PilgrimAllan I - One ChanceMaxRNB - Your First R&B Source(Mmm yeah yeah yeah yeah,)(Mmm yeah yeah yeah yeah,)Allan I, (oh oh), Girl I gotta story to tell,(yeahhhh yeaa,) lets go...Ain"t never had a situation so deep,confused out my mind,girl this ain"t right,wait baby don"t leave,just let me explain,how much I need you girl in my life, (ouuu)so many thoughts have got you twisted,and I needa get em" out your mind,swear I never cheated,this ain"t happening to me, (oh no no no )cause I swear that she ain"t reality...All I need is just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(that I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please believe...Stop listening (to all these haters,)don"t listen to (none of these haters,)they don"t know half the things we go through, (no no)what makes you think that I would game you? (game you)four years deep, and I know we ain"t this weak, no...So look me in my face,and tell me whats it gonna be,you"re gonna listen to them,or you"re gonna believe me,so girl please understand,all I need is one chance...just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(that I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please we"re all alone now,think about whats going down,and I feel that nothings changedstill thinking you"re always,and nothings gonna please ya,I might as well just leave ya,alone, to think about who really loves when its time for you to come to your senses,your friends will be the first,to tell you it wasn"t meant to be,and just remember when you miss me,you could"ve had that, one chance...Just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please believe...Just one chance, (just one)all I need is one chance, (only one)just one chance, (just one chance)to prove my honesty, please believe….(Ohhhh ohh ohhhhh)MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source

Simon & Garfunkel的《America》 歌词

歌曲名:America歌手:Simon & Garfunkel专辑:The Essential Simon & Garfunkel"Let us be lovers we"ll marry our fortunes together""I"ve got some real estate here in my bag"So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner piesAnd we walked off to look for America"Kathy," I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh"Michigan seems like a dream to me now"It took me four days to hitchhike from SaginawI"ve gone to look for AmericaLaughing on the busPlaying games with the facesShe said the man in the gabardine suit was a spyI said "Be careful his bowtie is really a camera""Toss me a cigarette, I think there"s one in my raincoat""We smoked the last one an hour ago"So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazineAnd the moon rose over an open field"Kathy, I"m lost," I said, though I knew she was sleepingI"m empty and aching and I don"t know whyCounting the cars on the New Jersey TurnpikeThey"ve all gone to look for AmericaAll gone to look for AmericaAll gone to look for Americaby eric 2002

american way of learning 的作文

Nowadays,English has becomethe international standard language.As China is stepping to theinternationalization,learning English is more and more important.But manypeople find it hard to learn English well.According to my own learningexperience,I think determination,read English materials and patience are themost significant.如今,英语已经成为国际标准语言.由于中国正在迈向国际化,学习英语变得越来越重要.但是许多人发现很难学好英语.根据我自己的学习经验,我觉得决心,阅读英语材料和耐心是最重要的.First of all,doing everything needsdetermination.Determination is a prerequisite to do something.When facingdifficulty,the people who have determination will insist,on contrary,thepeople who don"t have determinatin are easily give up.Thus,if people wants todo something well,the first thing they need to do is to make up their mind.Secondly,reading English materials is a greathelp for learning English.It can help people raise sense for English language,have interest and confidence in Engilsh.That will help people a lot in theprocess of learning.Last,patience is necessary in English learning.Most peoplewill feel difficult to learn English at the beginning.The people withoutpatience will often upset towards learning English.As a result,it willincrease the difficulties of learning English and vice versa.

American authors的go big or go home的歌词翻译

Go Big Or Go Home - American Authors去大或回家-美国作家Don"t feel like going home不想回家But all my cash is gone但我所有的现金都不见了Yeah I got nothing to do tonight是的,我今晚没有什么事I"m passed out on the floor我昏倒在地上Up in the hotel bar在巴尔酒店But it don"t matter cause I"m feeling fine但这并不重要,因为我感觉很好I"m thinking life"s too short it"s passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if I"m gonna go at all所以如果我要去Go big or go (go, go)去大或去(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家I gave the dice a roll我给掷骰子And then we lost control然后我们失去了控制You know we"re lucky that we survived你知道我们是幸运的,我们幸存Cause when we jump the ship因为当我们跳船Oh, man, that boat, it flipped哦,人,那条船,它翻转But we should do it all again tonight但今晚我们应该再做一遍I"m thinking life"s too short its passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if were gonna go at all因此,如果要去的所有Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家Giving my body all the things I need让我的身体所有我需要的东西Whisking me with a little whiskey挥动我一点威士忌Staying out, don"t need no sleep不需要睡眠,不需要睡眠I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I guess I"m going home, cause all my cash is gone我想我要回家了,因为我所有的钱都不见了I spent it all trying to feel alive我花了所有的努力去感受活着Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家It"s getting crazy它变得疯狂We"re gonna do some things that we won"t forget我们会做一些我们不会忘记的事情Go big or go home去大或回家I"m going crazy我要疯了Gonna live my life, I got no regrets我要过我的生活,我没有遗憾Go big or go home去大或回家

America‘s Most Wanted歌词

歌词 America"S Most WantedForgive me I am sorry. More than anyone could know. You"ll sit and wait forever but I am not there. These words will never break me. This is never going to change. Outcomes remain the same. 原谅我,我很抱歉。比任何人都可以知道。你会永远地坐着等待,但我不在那里。这些话会不会伤我。这是永远不会改变。结果保持不变。Sometimes I sit and night and think about the way it used to be. Never quite what you wanted but good enough for me. 有时候我坐在晚上约的方式曾经是思考。你想要什么从来没有相当好,但对我来说足够了。Forgive me I am sorry. More than I could ever show. I"ll sit and wait forever but you are not there. These words will never break thee. This is never going to change. Outcomes remain the same. Listen to me. 原谅我,我很抱歉。比我所能展示。我会坐下来等待,但你永远不存在。这些话,不会破坏你。这是永远不会改变。结果保持不变。听我说。Sometimes I sit and night and think about the way it used to be. Never quite what you wanted but good enough for me有时候我坐在晚上约的方式曾经是思考。你想要什么从来没有相当,但对我来说足够好

popular--- eric saade 中文歌词


America the beautiful 歌词

O beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea

J2EE程序代码中出现Map的地方就会有错,提示the type Map is not generic,it cannot be parameterized


java错误:The type ArrayList is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments


Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection should be parameterized为什么




The Body Of An American 歌词

百度音乐里的歌词是错的,这个才是The Pogues的The Body Of An American cadillac stood by the houseAnd the yanks they were withinAnd the tinker boys they hissed advice"Hot-wire her with a pin"Then we turned and shook as we had a lookIn the room where the dead man laySo big Jim Dwyer made his last tripTo the shores where his fathers layBut fifteen minutes laterWe had our first taste of whiskeyThere was uncles giving lecturesOn ancient Irish historyThe men all started telling jokesAnd the women they got friskyBy five o"clock in the eveningEvery bastard there was piskeyFare thee well gone awayThere"s nothing left to sayFarewell to New York City boysTo Boston and PAHe took them outWith a well-aimed cloutand they often heard him sayI"m a free born man of the USAHe fought the champ in PittsburghAnd he slashed him to the groundHe took on Tiny TartanellaAnd it only went one roundHe never had no time for redsFor drink or dice or whoresBut he never threw a fightWhen the fight was rightSo they sent him to the warFare thee well gone awayThere"s nothing left to sayWith a sláinte Joe and an Erin goMy love"s in AmerikayThey"re calling out the rosarySpanish wine from far awayI"m a free born man of the USAThis morning on the harbourWhen I said goodbye to youI remember how I sworeThat I"d come back to you one dayAnd as the sunset came to meetThe evening on the hillI told you I"d always love youI always did and I always willFare thee well gone awayThere"s nothing left to sayBut to say adieuTo your eyes as blueAs the water in the bayAnd to big Jim DwyerThe man of warWho was often heard to sayI"m a free born man of the USA

Eric the Red是什么意思

Eric the Red ["εrik] (红头发)埃里克 (950?~ ?, 挪威航海探险家)短语Eric the Red Guesthouse 埃里克红旅馆Eric the Red"s 红胡子埃里克Eric the Red-haired 红胡子埃里克


  getInterfaces和getGenericInterfaces的区别  getGenericInterfaces  public Type[] getGenericInterfaces()返回表示某些接口的 Type,这些接口由此对象所表示的类或接口直接实现。  如果超接口是参数化类型,则为它返回的 Type 对象必须准确反映源代码中所使用的实际类型参数。如果以前未曾创建表示每个超接口的参数化类型,则创建这个类型。有关参数化类型创建过程的语义,请参阅 ParameterizedType 声明。  如果此对象表示一个类,则返回一个包含这样一些对象的数组,这些对象表示该类实现的所有接口。数组中接口对象顺序与此对象所表示的类的声明的 implements 子句中接口名顺序一致。对于数组类,接口 Cloneable 和 Serializable 以该顺序返回。  如果此对象表示一个接口,则该数组包含表示该接口直接扩展的所有接口的对象。数组中接口对象顺序与此对象所表示的接口的声明的 extends 子句中接口名顺序一致。  如果此对象表示一个不实现任何接口的类或接口,则此方法返回一个长度为 0 的数组。  如果此对象表示一个基本类型或 void,则此方法返回一个长度为 0 的数组。  返回:  此类所实现的接口的一个数组  抛出:  GenericSignatureFormatError - 如果常规类签名不符合 Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition 规定的格式  TypeNotPresentException - 如果任意常规超接口引用不存在的类型声明  MalformedParameterizedTypeException - 如果任意常规超接口引用的参数化类型由于某种原因无法实例化  从以下版本开始:  1.5  getInterfaces  public Class<>[] getInterfaces()确定此对象所表示的类或接口实现的接口。  如果此对象表示一个类,则返回值是一个数组,它包含了表示该类所实现的所有接口的对象。数组中接口对象顺序与此对象所表示的类的声明的 implements 子句中接口名顺序一致。例如,给定声明: class Shimmer implements FloorWax, DessertTopping { ... }  设 s 的值为 Shimmer 的一个实例;表达式: s.getClass().getInterfaces()[0] 的值为表示 FloorWax 接口的 Class 对象; s.getClass().getInterfaces()[1] 的值为表示 DessertTopping 接口的 Class 对象。  如果此对象表示一个接口,则该数组包含表示该接口扩展的所有接口的对象。数组中接口对象顺序与此对象所表示的接口的声明的 extends 子句中接口名顺序一致。  如果此对象表示一个不实现任何接口的类或接口,则此方法返回一个长度为 0 的数组。  如果此对象表示一个基本类型或 void,则此方法返回一个长度为 0 的数组。  返回:  该类所实现的接口的一个数组。

谁能帮我写5首英文的 五行打油诗!??!(LIMERICK)急!!急!!急!!急!!急!!

谁给我包几个巧克力馅的馄饨? 非常急……

Eric Nam版眼鼻嘴 英文歌词

Don"t tell me you"re sorry can"t you seeEach word has me falling,to my kneesRed lips taunting meOh you killing me,hurry and leaveI"ll be OKGive me one more smile before walk awayLeave me with a memory of better daysSo when I"m missing youI can hold on toThe picture that you paint within my mindI try and try but I can"t let you goOh I know I"m selfish,thoughTell me did I hurt you ,do you loathe meWhile you sit there silentlyI"m a fool its tureCan"t get my mind off youI don"t know what should I doYour eyes nose lipsYour touch and how it burnt with loveI held you in my armsAnd I still feel you in my heartBurning down in flamesOur love ,but ashes sill remainSlowly blown awayOnly pain remains,with youMy beautiful memoryI love you I only loved youBut I guess my love just won"t doIf I could get another chanceJust to hold you in my handsThe thought it drives me madEverything starts to fade to greyWhen I see your smile in my picture framesAll the colours in your eyesWhen they staring back into mineFull of innocent dreams we could not see toendI try and try but I can"t let you goOh I know I"m selfish,thoughTell me did I hurt you ,do you loathe meWhile you sit there silentlyI"m a fool its tureCan"t get my mind off youI don"t know what should I doYour eyes nose lipsYour touch and how it burnt with loveI held you in my armsAnd I still feel you in my heartBurning down in flamesOur love ,but ashes sill remainSlowly blown awayOnly pain remains,with youMy beautiful memoryEyes that only saw the better side of meLeft the sweetest scent on meLips so tenderly saidI love youI love youOh my love for you will never fade
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