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四大rapper是指当今普遍被认为是最有影响力和代表性的四位嘻哈音乐艺人,他们分别是美国的Jay-Z、Eminem、Kanye West和Lil Wayne。Jay-Z是因为他在嘻哈音乐产业中担任过众多职务并长期保持着相当的影响力,同时还在商业界取得了巨大的成功。他的音乐风格、歌曲主题和与其他艺人的合作都让他在嘻哈音乐史上留下了深刻的印记。Eminem则众所周知是著名的白人rapper,其音乐风格、歌词内容和个人背景都让他成为了嘻哈音乐史上的一个突出人物。他的音乐作品展现出了对社会问题和个人经历的深刻思考,并赢得了广泛的赞誉。Kanye West则因其充满争议的言论、出众的音乐创作和与其他艺人的合作而备受关注。他是现代嘻哈音乐的重要代表,其曲风和商业成就都让他成为了四大rapper中的一员。而Lil Wayne则以其深厚的音乐造诣、丰富的音乐经验和对嘻哈音乐风格的多样创新而闻名。他长期以来能够保持很高的人气和商业成就,并与其他艺人合作推动了嘻哈音乐的发展。


评判一个rapper的水平主要看押韵、内容、Flow。首先说押韵,毕竟我本人原来就是一个押韵狂魔。押韵是一个rapper最基本的功力,但同时也是最难做好的一点。首先看一个rapper能不能做到韵脚的和谐,毕竟这是最基本的,韵都压不上那叫写散文,不叫rap。然后看这个rapper有没有能力写出多字押韵或者爆炸的连续押韵,这可能有点难,毕竟很多rapper很少真正展示自己的押韵技术(比如现在的我,不要脸.JPG)。再然后,看这个rapper的韵脚是否尴尬,那位客人出来挨打。三者都能不出差错,押韵之集大成者。举例:贝贝。第二点:FLOW。虽然我觉得内容比Flow更重要,但既然说了押韵,就先说Flow吧。评判标准个人标准如下:第一,是否有足够多的变化。这非常影响听感。如果没有变化那就叫鼠来宝了。第二,是否为了这首歌曲这段歌词的情感表达服务。比如用旋律抒情、用快嘴表达心理的凌乱感、用一字一顿的方法来体现坚定等等。毕竟说唱作为一门艺术,一切还是要为表达自己的思想和情绪服务的。第三,是否在flow重音处有韵脚作为辅助。这点我十分看重,因为这其实很影响听感。假如每个重音都有韵脚的话会让人听起来一下就感觉到牛逼。这里举例:AR。最后一点,说下内容吧。作为一个rapper,或者拔高一点,作为一个艺术工作者,你必须要用你的作品来表达你的思想,无论是对社会问题的思考也好,或是自己独特想法的表达也好,你必须要有自己独一无二的思想。我个人认为,如果你要抨击社会问题,请给出一个解决方案.不求最优解,最起码自己觉得可行合理,不然和键盘侠没有任何区别。假如你要表达自己的思想,请自己先想一下,这个思想是不是有很多人已经提出过,不然和复读机也没任何差异。只有说出别人没想过的才叫思想先锋,不然只能叫作胆肥。这方面举例还真不太好举,硬要说的话,小老虎。我自己也在向这个方向努力,希望有一天我能修改答案把举例里加上自己。rap是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话”(talking),中文意思为说唱,是指有节奏地说话的特殊唱歌形式。发源于纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串押韵的诗句为特征。这种形式来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。斥责或说唱音乐的节奏,布鲁斯音乐风格包括vocals 等巧妙地和音乐融合。陪同一般包括电子鼓敲打与样品(数字式地被隔绝的酣然的叮咬) 被结合从其它音乐录音。2018年1月,广电总局发布了最严的禁令,明确规定节目中纹身艺人、嘻哈艺人、亚文化(非主流文化)、喊麦说唱、丧文化(颓废文化)不得使用。从20 世纪80 年代中期说唱音乐很大地影响了黑和白色文化在北美洲。许多配合敲打并以节律唱诵的音乐文化俗话,包括如此期限象dis,飞行、def 、冷颤,和wack,有各种各样的种族起源的青年人的一个重大数字的词汇量的成为的标准部分。许多斥责热心者断言,斥责功能作为声音为一个社区没有对主流媒介的通入。根据提倡者,斥责用于造成自己自豪感、自助,和self-improvement,通信正面和履行是主要缺席的从其它美国机关黑历史的感觉。政治说唱艺术家依照由部长路易斯Farrakhan 明确表达激励了兴趣在黑回教运动上,引起批评从那些观看Farrakhan 作为种族主义者。Gangsta 斥责严厉地并且被批评了为许多人解释作为赞美最猛烈和misogynistic 的抒情诗(妇女恨的) 成像在流行音乐的历史上。样式的大众化以中产阶级白色被攻击了象vicarious 兴奋寻找最阴险的排序。评论家注意到,暴力是更多比一个普遍的主题为斥责抒情诗; Tupac Shakur 和Biggie Smalls 开了枪下来在分开的帮会样式杀害1996 年和1997 年。gangsta 斥责的防御者争辩说,音乐是艺术性的表示的一个合法的形式和准确地刻画生活在贫民区美国。什么某人的姿态关于这些问题,说唱音乐inarguably 雕刻了在空间之外为贫民区是史无前例的在美国历史上的黑色文化表示。

every time 和each time有什么区别

each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部.each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近.each time 每一刻;every time 任何时间,大致上意思接近,但是在一些特定情况还是不能通用。every和not连用,即not…every time构成部分否定,表示“并非每一次”的意思,each则无此结构.






1、利物浦是什么2、liverpool是什么意思3、利物浦是哪个国家的城市4、利物浦的英文简称是什么利物浦是什么利物浦足球俱乐部队liverpool,简称利物浦队liverpool,是英格兰足球超级联赛liverpool的球队之一。球队位于英格兰西北默西赛德郡港口城市利物浦,于1892年成立,是英格兰的一支足球俱乐部。利物浦是英格兰足球历史上最成功的俱乐部之一,也是欧洲乃至世界最成功的足球俱乐部之一。利物浦一共夺取过18次英格兰顶级联赛冠军、7次英格兰足总杯冠军、8次英格兰联赛杯冠军、5次欧洲冠军联赛冠军以及3次欧洲联盟杯冠军,也曾为已解散的G-14创立成员,乃是英格兰与欧洲足球历史上最成功的豪门冠军球队之一。 利物浦(Liverpool),是英格兰西北部的一个港口城市,英国第五大城市,利物浦人口47万多。是默西河畔都市郡的5个自治市之一,也是默西塞德郡(Merseyside)的首府,位于伦敦西北325公里,乘火车到伦敦需2小时40分钟。英国著名商业中心,也是第二大商港,利物浦腹地宽广,对外贸易占全国1/4。输出居英国首位。输入仅次于伦敦。曾经是英国著名的制造业中心。liverpool是什么意思liverpooln. 利物浦网络 利物浦大学;利物浦队来源:Extensive safety planning, in conjunction with Liverpool City Council, has been carried out, the force said.例句:1、Owen"s late goal saved the day for Liverpool.欧文后来的进球为利物浦队挽回了败局。2、Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United.利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。3、You can learn all about the history and culture of Liverpool here.你可以在这里了解关于利物浦历史和文化的一切。4、Of course the story was all about Liverpool winning.所以,所有的报道都在谈论利物浦的胜利。利物浦是哪个国家的城市英国。利物浦(Liverpool),英格兰西北部港口城市,英格兰八大核心城市之一,人口约为52万。利物浦是默西河畔都市郡的5个自治市之一,也是默西塞德郡(Merseyside)的首府。位于伦敦西北325公里,乘火车到伦敦需2小时40分钟。但是从1970年代起利物浦的船坞和传统制造业急剧衰落。英国信息:【国名】大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)。【面积】24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域)。英格兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7.88万平方公里,威尔士2.08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.41万平方公里。【人口】6708.1万(2020年)。官方语言为英语,威尔士北部还使用威尔士语,苏格兰西北高地及北爱尔兰部分地区仍使用盖尔语。居民多信奉基督教新教(占总人口的51%),主要分英格兰教会(亦称英国国教、圣公会)和苏格兰教会(亦称长老会)。另有天主教会及伊斯兰教、印度教、锡克教、犹太教和佛教等较大的宗教社团。以上内容参考:百度百科-利物浦以上内容参考:中华人民共和国外交部——英国国家概况利物浦的英文简称是什么利物浦的英文名字缩写是LFC。利物浦足球俱乐部的英文全称为Liverpool Football Club,简称利物浦,球队位于英格兰西北默西赛德郡港口城市利物浦,于1892年成立。利物浦一共夺取过18次改制前的英格兰顶级联赛冠军、7次英格兰足总杯冠军、8次英格兰联赛杯冠军、6次欧洲冠军联赛冠军以及3次欧洲联盟杯冠军。扩展资料:利物浦的创立:884-1892年间,埃弗顿的成立以及比赛一直都在安菲尔德球场。之后约翰·霍丁与生意伙伴奥利尔先生为球队建起了一座新的球场、如何管理球队和经营生意的冲突变得不可调和。霍丁在个人经济利益的驱使下,决定将安菲尔德球场的租金从100英镑涨到250英镑。在安菲尔德踢了8年球的埃弗顿不得不离开了霍丁和安菲尔德球场,而搬到了新球场古迪逊公园球场。霍丁在空出的的安菲尔德球场上建立了利物浦足球队。球队最初的名字是埃弗顿足球队与体育场地股票上市公司简称为Everton Athletic,但是由于足球协会有其他球队叫做埃弗顿,所以该球队更名为利物浦。参考资料来源:百度百科-利物浦足球俱乐部




罗伟鹏 歌曲非常走心 技术也顶级

跪求 River Flows In You 这首歌的歌词!!

Yurima - River Flows in youWell I triedBut I won"t give inThat"s alright"Cause I"m going to winNow I knowI"ve got to let you goNow I seeYou were never meant for meLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need itLooking for your hot stuffBaby, tonightI want your hot stuffI got to feel itGot to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backI remember the love in your eyeWhen you took my hand and said goodbyeI don"t know where the river flowsBut now I"m freeI"m not going to go down againLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need it (Come on)Looking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, baby)I want your hot stuffI got to feel it (I got to feel it)Got to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need itLooking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, tonight)I want your hot stuffI got to feel itGot to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need it (Baby, I need it)Looking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, tonight)I want your hot stuffI got to feel it (I got to feel it)Got to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeah好吧,我尝试不过我不会放弃那是没问题的因为我正胜利着现在我知道我需要让你离开现在我看到你对我根本没什么意义寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x2我记得在你眼里的爱当你握着我的手说再见我不知道河流去哪里不过现在我自由了我不会再走下去了寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它(来吧)寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。(宝贝,宝贝)我感觉到它今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x4热,热,热 x4寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。(宝贝,今晚)我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它 (宝贝,我需要它)寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。(宝贝,今晚)我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它 (我要感觉到它)感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x4哦野告诉我你愿意 x4翻译只是给你知道大概什么意思。如果翻成华语。。好像没什么特别意思。






RAP:黑人俚语,相当于“谈话”(talking),产自纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串押韵的诗句为特征。这种形式来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。莱普的歌词幽默、风趣,常带讽刺性,80年代尤其受到黑人欢迎。最有代表性的乐队是“公开的敌人”(Public Enemy)。RAP有时也称“希普-霍普”(hip-hop)。实际上,HIP-HOP的含义更宽,泛指当时纽约街头文化的各种成分,除RAP外,还有:(RAP经常采用的)用手把放在唱机转盘上的唱片前后移动,发出有节奏的刮擦声;唱片播放员(DJ)在转换唱片拼接唱片音乐片断时,听不出中断痕迹的技法;霹雳舞等等。R&B:是英文Rhythm&Blues的缩写,译作“节奏蓝调”或“节奏布鲁斯”,顾名思义,就是在蓝调中加入强烈的舞蹈节奏,这种音乐风格诞生于上世纪40年代,LouisJordan被认为是R&B之父。R&B的崛起从经济学的角度来看,多少跟当时的消费环境有关,二次大战期间,黑人购买力大增,黑人音乐供不应求,R&B应运而生,所向披靡。1945年到1960年是R&B的鼎盛时期,当时黑人不许涉足白人的夜总会,戏院及首轮电影院,买唱片回家听就成为他们最好的消遣。R&B从诞生之日起,就不断地发展,演变,壮大,始终是音乐世界的主流元素,R&B歌手也始总终是流行榜上不败的骄客,除去B.B.King,StevieWonder等几十年声势不坠的常青树外,从上世纪80年代起在R&B乐坛崛起的新一代巨星亦延续R&B独领风骚的神话,上世纪80年代崛起的歌手以R.Kelly,Li鄄onelRichie为代表。在上世纪90年代可以说又是R&B的一个空前兴盛时期,很多R&B歌手都成为流行乐界的超级巨星,随手可以写出一长串的名字Envogue,Maxwellb,Usher,Brandy,MaryJBlige,Baby鄄face等等。到近年,纯女子R&B组合更呈现前所未有的繁荣局面,Destiny‘sChild,Alture,Honeyz等均有突出的表现。此外,一些公认的流行巨星Madonna,Diana,VanessaVilliams,MichaleBolton等,无时无刻不在证明着R&B的无孔不入,无处不在。RAPPER就是喜欢说唱RAP的人

I met kate on __way home yesterday. A my B me C his D him




Unity3D 之 OnTriggerEnter和OnCollisionEnter的区别

1、区别1)如果想实现两个刚体物理的实际碰撞效果时候用OnCollisionEnter,Unity引擎会自动处理刚体碰撞的效果。OnCollisionEnter方法必须是在两个碰撞物体都不勾选isTrigger的前提下才能进入。2)如果想在两个物体碰撞后自己处理碰撞事件用OnTriggerEnter。只要勾选一个isTrigger那么就能进入OnTriggerEnter方法。OnCollisionEnter和OnTriggerEnter是冲突的不能同时存在。2、测试代码//声明一个游戏对象var explosion:GameObject;//声明一个声音文件var bombSound:AudioClip;//声明一个变量(保存创建的游戏对象)private var myExplosion;function Start () {//将指定声音播放到指定位置 AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bombSound,Vector3(0,0,-5));}function OnCollisionEnter(collision:Collision){//查找名叫tank的对象 if(collision.gameObject.tag==;tank;){//创建一个炸弹带有爆炸效果的对象 myExplosion=Instantiate(explosion,Vector3(transform.position.x,transform.position.y,-1),Quaternion.identity);//销毁爆炸效果 Destroy(myExplosion,0.5);//销毁炸弹 Destroy(gameObject);}if(collision.gameObject.tag==;projectile;){//销毁被检测的对象 Destroy(collision.gameObject);}}function OnTriggerEnter(other:Collider){//查找名为“ground”的对象 if(other.tag==;ground;){//创建一个炸弹带有爆炸效果的对象 myExplosion=Instantiate(explosion,Vector3(transform.position.x,transform.position.y+0.5,-1),Quaternion.identity);//销毁爆炸效果 Destroy(myExplosion,0.5);//销毁炸弹Destroy(gameObject);}}function Update (){}

Donna Summer的《Hot Stuff》 歌词

歌曲名:Hot Stuff歌手:Donna Summer专辑:The Donna Summer AnthologyHot StuffDonna SummerSittin" here, eatin" my heart out waitin"waitin" for some lover to calldialed about a thousand numbers latelyalmost rang the phone off the wallLookin" for some hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"gotta have some hot stuffgotta have some lovin" tonightI need hot stuffI want some hot stuffI need hot stuffLookin" for a lover who needs anotherdon"t want another night on my ownwanna share my love with a warm blooded loverwanna bring a wild man back homeGotta have some hot love baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"gotta have some lovin"got to have a love tonightI need hot stuffhot lovelookin" for hot loveHot, hot, hot, hot stuffhot, hot, hothot, hot, hot, hot stuffhot, hot, hotHow"s about some hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightlookin" for my hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"I want some hot stuff baby tonighthot stuff baby this evenin"I want some hot stuff baby tonight

Where is my way?是什么意思


Donna Summer的《Hot Stuff》 歌词

歌曲名:Hot Stuff歌手:Donna Summer专辑:PartyHot StuffDonna SummerSittin" here, eatin" my heart out waitin"waitin" for some lover to calldialed about a thousand numbers latelyalmost rang the phone off the wallLookin" for some hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"gotta have some hot stuffgotta have some lovin" tonightI need hot stuffI want some hot stuffI need hot stuffLookin" for a lover who needs anotherdon"t want another night on my ownwanna share my love with a warm blooded loverwanna bring a wild man back homeGotta have some hot love baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"gotta have some lovin"got to have a love tonightI need hot stuffhot lovelookin" for hot loveHot, hot, hot, hot stuffhot, hot, hothot, hot, hot, hot stuffhot, hot, hotHow"s about some hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightlookin" for my hot stuff baby this evenin"I need some hot stuff baby tonightI want some hot stuff baby this evenin"I want some hot stuff baby tonighthot stuff baby this evenin"I want some hot stuff baby tonight






rapper的意思是:叩击者; 敲门者; 说唱艺人。相关例句1、His career image has seen him transcend from rapper, to sitcom actor, and back to rapper.(他的职业从超越一个说唱乐手到情景喜剧演员,然后又回到说唱乐手。)2、The former backup dancer and aspiring rapper is also seeking spousal support.(早前当过伴舞演员也唱过说唱的凯文还要求布兰妮支付配偶赡养费。)3、Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?(你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲?)4、I wanted to show everybody that I was here to prove myself as a Rapper.(我在这里,想呈现给所有的人,向他们证明我是一名杰出的说唱者。)5、I told her I"d grow up to be a famous rapper.(我告诉他我将会成为一个有名的说唱人。)rapper的英文释义someone who performs rap music;a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door。



Altium Designer Summer 09 中 画PCB出现collision警告 怎么处理啊 ?

Design rules里




1.MC:全称Microphone Controller,即麦克风控制者,MC就是最能带动气氛的那个人,基本以说唱为主也就是所谓的RAP。所以有许多的人饶舌歌手都会给自己的艺名前面加个“MC”,比如台湾著名Rap团体Mc HotDog和MC Hammer。2.rapper:即说唱歌手,RAP即有节奏地说话的特殊唱歌形式。发源于纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串押韵的诗句为特征。这种形式来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。扩展资料相关背景:经过多年的传承,现在的MC需要具备多方面的能力,比如要能带动气氛,能主持、能RAP、能即兴饶舌(free style)。他不只是表演者,也兼俱了Hip Hop文化的讯息传达者的功能,所以从他的表演内容和形式尚可分不及派别的表演型态。MC不只是表演者,也兼俱了Hip Hop文化的讯息传达者的功能,所以从他的表演内容和形式尚可分不同域及派别的表演型态,例如东岸、西岸等。当然,一个具有鲜明个人色彩的MC,更能进一步的带动口头禅、音乐以及服装的流行。参考资料来源:百度百科-MC参考资料来源:百度百科-Rap


miracast receiver某品牌电子设备接收器Miracast是Wi-Fi Alliance于2012年9月19日宣布启动的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracastu2122认证项目。Miracast设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。receiver[英][ru026au02c8si:vu0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8sivu025a]n.接收器; 接受者,收款员; 无线电接收机; (破产公司的)官方接管人; 双语例句1.Each CICS system uses IPCONN to transmit data to the partner system, and usesTCPIPSERVICE as a receiver.每个CICS系统使用IPCONN传输数据到伙伴系统,并将TCPIPSERVICE作为接收器使用。2.What if the AV receiver misses the signal from the remote?要是影音接收器没能接收到遥控器的信号怎么办?3.For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must checkto see if it is still valid.为了让证书撤消起作用,证书的接受者必须检查它是否仍然有效。



Usher的《My Way》 歌词

歌曲名:My Way歌手:Usher专辑:My WayYO YOYO YOYOYOYOYo See,it"s rare that you find people like usCause all ya"ll other (look) out there doin" what I"m doin"Or tryin" to do what i"m doin" but you can"tCause i do what i do my wayWhat about you Huh,huh Come OnI Do Any & everything you want toMake your girl say ooh oohWhy"s he so fly ah ahShe beeps me,whenever she wanna get freakyYou can get mad if you want toodo whatever you want be she still gon" give it upCause she likes way,My wayYou can"t satisfy her needsShe keeps runnin" back to see me do itMy Way, My WayWhat i say goes,and i"m in controlBad ass senorita"s, two seaters with kicksNew kick"s all in the mixDon"t turn no tricks, they turn for meCatchin" bricks don"t concern meSo forget lil" midget, My mind on 7 digitsBefore i pay heaven"s skies a visit, now dig itI"m pullin" all stops lockin down all spotsSayin" you can"t frontSo from this day forth you know i"m all about the heatand what i do be the major leagueThat"s why your girlfrien"s paging meand she know like he know, you don"t see her like i see herSo she"s out the do"Shot gun in my drop havin" fun with the Don, systen.bassun.Conversationbout how she been chasin meand pagin me sayin" give it to me now babyMy Way, My WayYou can"t satisfy her needsShe keeps runnin" back to see me do itMy Way, My WayWhat I say goes I"m in controlDon"t check meIt was your girl who let meTake it this far then, ooh weeShe had to have every chance that she could getBut you think you a ballerand I ain"t gon" call herClip that, you can get mad if you want toSay whatever you want but she still gon" give it upCause she likes it..My Way, My WayYou can"t satisfy her needsShe keeps runnin" back to see me do itMy Way, My WayWhat I say goes I"m in controlMy Way, My WayYou can"t satisfy her needsShe keeps runnin" back to see me do itMy Way, My WayWhat I say goes I"m in control


根据一些观点,圈内公认的十大rapper如下:1. Tupac:Tupac是美国说唱歌手,他以独特的歌词和音乐风格在嘻哈界独树一帜,被誉为“最伟大的说唱歌手”之一。2. Eminem:Eminem是美国说唱歌手,他是世界上最受欢迎的艺人之一,曾多次获得格莱美奖。3. Jay-Z:Jay-Z是美国说唱歌手,他是嘻哈界最具影响力的艺人之一,也是商业巨头之一。4. Kanye West:Kanye West是美国说唱歌手、制作人、时装设计师和商人,他是嘻哈界最受欢迎的艺人之一,曾多次获得格莱美奖。5. Dr. Dre:Dr. Dre是美国说唱歌手、音乐制作人和商人,他是嘻哈界最具影响力的艺人之一,也是商业巨头之一。6. Kendrick Lamar:Kendrick Lamar是美国说唱歌手,他是嘻哈界最受欢迎的艺人之一,曾多次获得格莱美奖。7. Nas:Nas是美国说唱歌手,他是嘻哈界最具影响力的艺人之一,也是商业巨头之一。8. Biggie:Biggie是美国说唱歌手,他是嘻哈界最具影响力的艺人之一,也是商业巨头之一。9. Drake:Drake是加拿大说唱歌手,他是世界上最受欢迎的艺人之一,曾多次获得格莱美奖。10. J. Cole:J. Cole是美国说唱歌手,他是嘻哈界最受欢迎的艺人之一,曾多次获得格莱美奖。这是一份圈内公认的十大rapper的名单,但每个人的评价可能不同,这仅代表某一时间段内的排名。



S.H.E-《Nothing ever changes》 歌词

Nothing Ever Changes 作词:施人诚 作曲:Mejvang Jesper 编曲:洪敬尧 嘿 不要不开心 我不是要离去 只是那来自远方呼唤的声音 要我 去探头看看生命窗外的风景 我去去就来 你别红眼睛 My love 原谅我太好奇 但世界太绮丽 我怎么能不一一去经历 否则我一定会恨死我自己 Nothing ever changes 请快乐等待 等我绕一圈回来 还会是那个爱你的女孩 一样很容易 感动感谢感慨 你给我的爱 我永远爱 My love 要不是你给我 那巨大的勇气 我怎么会这样相信我可以 随着 梦想留下美丽的足迹 串成了故事 带回来送你 我答应你 等我看够美景 就回来 交给你一颗更丰富的心 2007-01-25 18:15:54 补充: sorry it is 冇人次的。 Nothing Ever Changes 嘿 不要不开心 我不是要离去 只是那来自远方呼唤的声音 要我 去探头看看生命窗外的风景 我去去就来 你别红眼睛 My love 原谅我太好奇 但世界太绮丽 我怎么能不一一去经历 否则我一定会恨死我自己 Nothing ever changes 请快乐等待 等我绕一圈回来 还会是那个爱你的女孩 一样很容易 感动感谢感慨 你给我的爱 我永远爱 My love 要不是你给我 那巨大的勇气 我怎么会这样相信我可以 随着 梦想留下美丽的足迹 串成了故事 带回来送你 我答应你 等我看够美景 就回来 交给你一颗更丰富的心 Nothing Ever Changes 嘿 不要不开心 我不是要离去 只是那来自远方呼唤的声音 要我 去探头看看生命窗外的风景 我去去就来 你别红眼睛 My love 原谅我太好奇 但世界太绮丽 我怎么能不一一去经历 否则我一定会恨死我自己 Nothing ever changes 请快乐等待 等我绕一圈回来 还会是那个爱你的女孩 一样很容易 感动感谢感慨 你给我的爱 我永远爱 My love 要不是你给我 那巨大的勇气 我怎么会这样相信我可以 随着 梦想留下美丽的足迹 串成了故事 带回来送你 我答应你 等我看够美景 就回来 交给你一颗更丰富的心 coolmanmusic/group/she/she200288 参考: coolmanmusic Nothing Ever Changes 作词:施人诚 作曲:Mejvang Jesper 编曲:洪敬尧 嘿 不要不开心 我不是要离去 只是那来自远方呼唤的声音 要我 去探头看看生命窗外的风景 我去去就来 你别红眼睛 My love 原谅我太好奇 但世界太绮丽 我怎么能不一一去经历 否则我一定会恨死我自己 Nothing ever changes 请快乐等待 等我绕一圈回来 还会是那个爱你的女孩 一样很容易 感动感谢感慨 你给我的爱 我永远爱 My love 要不是你给我 那巨大的勇气 我怎么会这样相信我可以 随着 梦想留下美丽的足迹 串成了故事 带回来送你 我答应你 等我看够美景 就回来 交给你一颗更丰富的心 Nothing Ever Changes 嘿 不要不开心 我不是要离去 只是那来自远方呼唤的声音 要我 去探头看看生命窗外的风景 我去去就来 你别红眼睛 My love 原谅我太好奇 但世界太绮丽 我怎么能不一一去经历 否则我一定会恨死我自己 Nothing ever changes 请快乐等待 等我绕一圈回来 还会是那个爱你的女孩 一样很容易 感动感谢感慨 你给我的爱 我永远爱 My love 要不是你给我 那巨大的勇气 我怎么会这样相信我可以 随着 梦想留下美丽的足迹 串成了故事 带回来送你 我答应你 等我看够美景 就回来 交给你一颗更丰富的心

求问西班牙语:Numero de Ing Brutos 为何意



E1 进纸盘中无介质。1.在纸盘内装入纸张。如果放进纸,还是提示,检查机器内部是否有异物,2.如果仍然无法解决问题,请联系当地维修中心处理。



mark my world歌词翻译justinbieber

Mark my words, that"s all that I have听我说 那是我的全部Mark my words, give you all I got听我说 给你我的全部In every way I will我愿意 无论怎样You"re the only reason why你是唯一的原因为什么Oh I don"t wanna live a lie我不想活在谎言之中Mark my words听我说Mark my words听我说So you heard it all before你曾经肯定听说过Falling in and out of trust信任时有时无Trying to rekindle us试图重新点燃彼此Only to lose yourself却迷失了你自己But I won"t let me lose you但我不会让自己失去你And I won"t let us just fade away我不会让我们的爱情就此烟消云散After all that we"ve been through在你我历经了人世间的千般风景后I"ma show you more than I ever could say我会给予你更多 一切尽在不言中Mark my words, that"s all that I have听我说 那是我的全部Mark my words, give you all I got听我说 给你我的全部In every way I will我愿意 无论怎样You"re the only reason why你是唯一的原因为什么Oh I don"t wanna live a lie我不想活在谎言之中Mark my words听我说Mark my words听我说

numero大都市杂志2013年3月 模特是谁

模特@黄晓萌 Huang Xiaomeng

number 和 NO.有什么区别么?后一个是怎么演变来的?


一篇材料英语作文题目perseverance and success

It take a lot to achieve success,for ezample,madam juli had took thousands experiments finaly found the factor, aidisen had tried 1600 materials invented the lamp . these facts told us if you do songthing with perseverance,you will success at last .你都没有写什么要求啊,所以随便写了几句

为什么 number的缩写是NO.呢?


帕尔修斯(PERSEUS) 代表 什么涵义?




We shall go on to the end,we shall never surrender是谁说的


only by perseverance can we make a success这句话对吗?

请注意该句可以改成Only by perseverance can we be successful.希望能够帮到您!


The specimen was collected by the Beijing Natural History Museum in 1995(Lü et al.,2003).Although the shape of the ilium is similar to that of Chirostenotes pergracilis,it will not be named here due to the limited material.Systematic PaleontologyOviraptorosauria Barsbold,1976Family Caenagnathidae Sternberg, sp.indet.(Plate VII,figs.1,2;Plate VIII,figs.1)Specimen A nearly complete sacrum with three posterior dorsal and three articulated anterior caudal vertebrae,two incomplete ribs,both ilia,parts of the right femur,tibia,fibula and the fourth toe.The specimen is stored in Beijing Natural History Museum:BPV-112.Locality and horizon Luyuan,Shixing County,Guangdong Province.Pingling Formation,Late Cretaceous,Maastrichtian(Zhao et al.,1991).Description Both ilia,the nearly complete sacrum and portions of the caudal and dorsal vertebrae are naturally articulated in a block.After preparation,the specimen shows dorsally closed ilia anteriorly,three posterior dorsal vertebrae,seven sacral vertebrae,and three anterior caudal vertebrae which have pleurocoels.All these characters indicate that it should be considered as a derived oviraptorosaur(Barsbold et al.,2000b).The last three dorsal vertebrae are articulated with the sacral vertebrae(Plate VIII,fig.1A~1C;Table 2).Ventral keels and elongated pleurocoels are present.The pleurocoels are elongated.The length of the pleurocoels is about a half-length of the centra.The anterior articular surface is slightly concave.The spines of the dorsal vertebrae are narrow and high.The sacrum is complete,consisting of seven sacral vertebrae.Its anterior articular surface is flat.The spine of the first sacral vertebra is high,approaching the dorsal margin of the preacetabular process of the ilium.The pleurocoels in the anterior vertebrae are larger than these of the posterior vertebrae.The first one is the largest,the second one is smaller and they gradually diminish to a cleft-like shape on posterior sacral vertebrae.A weak depression appears on the ventral surface of the anterior end in the fourth sacral vertebra.The anterior end of the fifth sacral vertebra is much wider than its posterior end.The width of both ends of the centrum in the sixth sacral vertebra is nearly equal,but its sacral rib is the largest,tightly connecting to the medial surface of the ilium.The seventh sacral vertebra is displaced from its original position,and is missing part of its ventral surface.This may indicate that this vertebra was not so strongly fused with the preceding vertebra.The ventral surface near the posterior end of the sixth sacral vertebra has a coarse surface texture,indicating some fusion between the sixth and seventh vertebrae.Three anterior caudal vertebrae are preserved.The third one is represented by only a small anterior portion.These vertebrae display similar shapes and sizes.The anterior end of the first caudal vertebra is weakly fused with the last sacral vertebra.Ventrally,its posterior end shows a clear separation with the second caudal vertebra.An impression indicates that the first hemal arch is located between the first and the second caudal vertebrae.The anterior end of the second caudal vertebra is concave,while its posterior articular end is flat.The pleurocoels are small and elongated slits on the lateral surface of the caudal vertebrae.The ventral surfaces of the caudal vertebrae are round.The transverse processes are slender.A large opening is present on the base of the postzygapophysis.The spine of the caudal vertebrae is narrow and high.Two ribs are preserved(Plate VII,fig.2D).One is nearly complete.Its shaft is slightly curved.The second is missing its distal end,but its shaft is strongly curved indicating it may be a posterior dorsal rib.Both ilia are well preserved(Plate VIII,figs.1A~1C).The preacetabular process is clearly shorter than the postacetabular process.The preacetabular process is not expanded,lacking the cranioventral process,but the postacetabular process is slightly expanded.Both processes are well above the level of the dorsal margin of the acetabulum.In the lateral view,the dorsal margin of the ilium is convex along its whole dorsal margin.The ventral margin of the distal end of the preacetabular process is higher than that of the postacetabular process.The cuppedicus fossa is absent on the ventral margin of the preacetabular process,and the margin is transversely narrow.There is no antitrochanter on the ilium.A weak supracetabular crest is present,which is slightly developed near the pubic peduncle of the ilium.The dorsal margin of the ilium is slightly convex.In dorsal view,the anterior parts of the ilia almost approach each other along the middle line anteriorly,whereas the distance is relatively wider between the postacetabular processes(Plate VIII,fig.1A).The pubic peduncle is larger than ischiadic peduncle,and it directs ventrally.A shallow brevis fossa is present on the postacetabular process.The distal end of the postacetabular process is broadly rounded.The proximal part of the pubis is preserved and it is plate-like.The right femur is missing its middle part,so it is difficult to estimate its length.The femoral head is preserved on the left femur.The femoral head is ball-shaped and clearly separated from the shaft.The femoral shaft is slightly curved posteriorly.A large opening(its transverse diameter is about half of the shaft diameter)is present near the anterolateral surface of the proximal end of the right femur(Plate VII,figs.1A,B).No internal smaller foramina or bony struts like in modern birds are preserved.Similar but relatively smaller openings in this position area are present in some birds associated with the entrance of air-sac diverticula.The cross-section in the proximal part of the femoral shaft is oval,while its lower part is sub-oval.The postomedial wall of the femur is thicker than its anterolateral wall(9 mm and 4 mm thick respectively).On the distal end,the medial condyle is larger than the external condyle,and it extends farther backwards than the external condyle does(Plate VII,figs.1 C,E).There is a tibiofibular crest on the medial condyle.There is no patellar groove on the anterior surface of the distal end(Plate VII,fig.1 D).Only the proximal end of the left tibia is preserved.A relatively small opening is present on its medial side,similar to the condition in the femur.The tibia has a large lateral cnemial crest(Plate VII,figs.2 A-C).The cross-section of the proximal end of the tibia is triangular.A small part of the proximal end of the fibula naturally articulated with the tibia is preserved.Two incomplete pes digits are preserved(Plate VII,fig.2D).All of them are distal elements.The claw is slender.The digit with three relatively long phalanx should be the third,and that with relatively short phalange is probably the second toe.Discussion And Conclusion The specimen BPV-112 is placed within Caenagnathoidea based on the pleurocoelous anterior caudal vertebrae and ilia with dorsal margins approaching closely along the midline(Barsbold et al.,1990,2000a).The shape of the ilium in BPV-112 is clearly different from those of any known oviraptorosaurs(Fig.12),especially in that the preacetabular process of the ilium is shorter than the postacetabular process.The ventral margins of the preacetabular process and postacetabular process of the ilium are higher than the dorsal margin of the acetabulum.This state also occurs in Ingenia yanshini(Barsbold et al.,1990),but in that taxon the dorsal margin of the ilium is nearly flat and the distal end of the preacetabular process is much expanded ventrally.The preacetabular and postacetabular processes are similar in their blunt shape.The blunt postacetabular process and convex dorsal margin of the ilium is similar to that of Chirostenotes pergracilis(Fig.12).The phylogenetic analysis shows that specimen BPV-112 and Chirostenotes pergracilis are close to each other.One feature of specimen BPV-112 never reported in oviraptorid dinosaurs is the presence of a very large opening on the medial surface of the proximal femur and a relatively small opening on the medial surface of the proximal tibia.Although no detailed structure resembling modern birds is preserved within these foramina,they may suggest a similar function of providing pneumatisation of the long bone in oviraptorosaurs.In oviraptorids,many openings are present in the skulls indicating that their skulls are highly pneumatic(Barsbold et al,1990;Maryańska&Osmólska,1997).Postcranial pneumatisation also can be inferred by the pleurocoels present in vertebral column(cervicals,dorsals,sacrals and anterior caudals).All derived oviraptorosaurs have pleurocoels on their vertebrae,except the posterior caudal vertebrae(Barsbold et al.,1990,2000b).Pneumatization is reported in the cervical ribs of Archaeopteryx lithographica(Britt et al.,1998)and Heyuannia huangi(Lü,2003).In birds,the bones usually aerated are most of the vertebrae,ribs,sternum,pelvis,coracoid,and humerus,while the clavicle,scapula and femur are less often aerated(Baer,1896;King,1966).It is generally accepted that the extensive aeration occurs in most large birds with strong power of flight(Headley,1895;Bellairs and Jenkin,1960;King,1966).The large openings present on the femur and tibia of specimen BPV-112 suggest further evidence of convergent evolution with birds,and highlight the importance of understanding the origin of these adaptations.The specimen BPV-112 is distinguished by at least two autapomorphies:higher ratio of the height/length of ilium,and presence of a large foramen on the proximal end of the femur.


Num.自己复制吧 N u m . (不要忘记有一点,在m键右边第二个)


答案是“NO"哦! 下面是原因: 为什么“number”缩写为“No. “No.”是由拉丁语单词“numero”缩写而成的,后来英语又引进了这个外来词.从意思上讲,“No.”相当于“number”,但不是说“No.”就来源于“number”.英语这种语言的全部词汇有60%都来自于拉丁文与希腊文.


number是拉丁语numero的缩写形式,第一个字母是N,最后一个字母是o,所以缩写成No.哇~!还可以写成num. no. n.


  1、number 做「第几、几号」时,可以缩写为 No.、no.、#。其中,全小写的 no. 在英国很常见,甚至连缩写点也经常被省略;而 # 在美国日趋流行。而 NO. 则用于全大写的环境下。例如:number 4 可以缩写为 No. 4、no. 4 、No 4、no 4 或 #4。   2、数字符号(英语:numero sign或numero symbol或№),也可表为No、No、No.或no.复数Nos.或nos.,字体排印学中的一个缩写,代表单字“numero”,表示顺序的计数,尤其是名称和标题。例如,若有了数字符号,较长形式的书面地址“相思大道22号”可简写为“内相思大道№ 22”,虽然两种形式念起来都一样长。,struggle,and.perseverance.是什么意思啊?

nothing...but的句型.. 除了..以外这句就是除了尽力,奋斗和坚持,没有任何东西摆在我面前很励志的一句话

翻译:my world has you only then to be wonderful don

我的世界只因你而美好。回答:1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于我而言,你是我的整个世界。

number的缩写 number的缩写介绍

1、number 做「第几、几号」时,可以缩写为 No.、no.、#。其中,全小写的 no. 在英国很常见,甚至连缩写点也经常被省略;而 # 在美国日趋流行。而 NO. 则用于全大写的环境下。例如:number 4 可以缩写为 No. 4、no. 4 、No 4、no 4 或 #4。 2、数字符号(英语:numero sign或numero symbol或№),也可表为No、No、No.或no.复数Nos.或nos.,字体排印学中的一个缩写,代表单字“numero”,表示顺序的计数,尤其是名称和标题。例如,若有了数字符号,较长形式的书面地址“相思大道22号”可简写为“内相思大道№ 22”,虽然两种形式念起来都一样长。

number的缩写 number的缩写介绍

1、number 做「第几、几号」时,可以缩写为 No.、no.、#。其中,全小写的 no. 在英国很常见,甚至连缩写点也经常被省略;而 # 在美国日趋流行。而 NO. 则用于全大写的环境下。例如:number 4 可以缩写为 No. 4、no. 4 、No 4、no 4 或 #4。 2、数字符号(英语:numero sign或numero symbol或№),也可表为No、No、No.或no.复数Nos.或nos.,字体排印学中的一个缩写,代表单字“numero”,表示顺序的计数,尤其是名称和标题。例如,若有了数字符号,较长形式的书面地址“相思大道22号”可简写为“内相思大道№ 22”,虽然两种形式念起来都一样长。


stoppage: [ "stu0254pidu0292 ] n. 停止(停付)例句与用法: 1. The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage. 止血阻止流血或大出血 2. A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice. 哽噎呼吸或声音的哽塞或阻塞 3. The stoppage of blood flow through a blood vessel or body part. 止血法阻止血液流过某一血管或身体某一部位 -----------------------------end: [ end ] n. 结束,终点,目标v. 结束,终结,终止词形变化: 动词过去式:ended 过去分词:ended 现在分词:ending 第三人称单数:ends 例句与用法: 1. At the end of the film, the hero wept bitterly. 在影片的结尾,主人公伤心地哭了。 2. They ended the party off with a song. 他们唱支歌结束了晚会。 3. The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。 4. The debate ended in uproar. 那场争辩以大吵大闹收场。 --------------------------------------- terminal: [ "tu0259:minl ] n. 终端机,终点,末端a. 终点的,按期的,致死的词形变化: 副词:terminally 例句与用法: 1. Please wait for me at the bus terminal. 请在公共汽车终点站等我。 2. That terminal is live. 那个接头有电. 3. A terminal in a computer network. 终端计算机网状系统的末端 4. I"ll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪你到公共汽车终点站。 5. A record message is played when the airport bus approaches the terminal. 当机场班车接近终点时,播放了注意事项录音。 -------------------------------------------stop: [ stu0254p ] n. 停止,车站,滞留v. 停止,停止,制止词形变化: 形容词:stoppable 动词过去式:stopped 过去分词:stopped 现在分词:stopping 第三人称单数:stops 例句与用法: 1. They stopped to talk when they met on the street. 他们在街上相遇时,停下来聊了几句。 2. They would stop the rich from robbing the poor. 他们要制止富人掠夺穷人。 3. They put a stop to the evils. 他们杜绝了这些坏事。 4. The train stopped at the station. 火车在车站上停了下来。 5. His heart has stopped. 他的心脏停止了跳动。 6. I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him. 我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。


法国化妆品一向以历史悠久、质地上乘、原料考究著称,而不同品牌又传承着各自的品质与品牌风格。  全球第一个专注海洋护肤保养集团Thalgo,于1964年在法国尼斯正式成立,宣告了护肤保养品进入神秘海洋的新领域,同名品牌Thalgo开创了SPA海洋疗法,让关心自己的女人可以更真实的接触属于自己的优雅哲学。法国殿堂级SPA美肤作为Thalgo集团旗下的尖端品牌Terraké,更是将人体发肤与自然的关系诠释得淋漓尽致,它突破海洋元素,将大地、温泉、森林等天地精华与SPA理念完美结合,凭借其高科技,高效能,高端时尚的SPA护肤品牌的定位和其完美的护肤感受和体验,行销全球,备受推崇,被誉为“法国殿堂级SPA美肤”。 Terraké法国天芮在半个多世纪的历程中,一直专注于五星级酒店的SPA护肤,包括全球五星级连锁酒店巨头,如希尔顿酒店、凯宾斯基酒店、康莱德酒店、喜来登酒店等。彰显了Terrake天芮无与伦比的出众品质和高贵典雅的显赫地位。  它的诞生,代表着欧洲护肤行业时尚、科技、尖端、底蕴的感官享受与舒适体验,及恬静安然的心灵共鸣。

patience and perseverance是什么意思

patience and perseverance 耐心和毅力;耐心与坚忍;耐心与毅力例句筛选1.Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.摆脱坏习惯需要耐心和毅力。2.Practice, patience and perseverance. And you have to enjoy losing face.练习、耐心和恒心。而且你要热爱丢脸。



My world, I know a person is good.

Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 rid of the shadow. 你是我摆脱不了的影子。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 有哲理的励志说说:I am making my time count 1.你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。 2.我已经做好要陪你一生的打算,爱情无望就让友情来帮我圆谎。 3.看我爱的多懦弱,你的消息只能听别人说。 4.何必赠我一朵枯萎的花,如果爱我不是你的心里话。 5.世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。 6.我曾悄无声息的喜欢过你,友情之上,爱情未满。 7.不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁。 8.世界上最委屈的事就是我很喜欢你,但好像只能到这里了。 9.后来,听闻你有了新欢,从此,我的英雄为了另一个女孩征战疆场血溅四方。 10.我说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。 11.化雪永远比下雪冷,就像结束永远比开始疼。 12.“Miss”有两个意思,一个是想念,一个是失去,所以想念多了就会失去。 13.后来我们依然孤单,你换了几站,我一直流浪。 14.我愿终有一日,你付出一片真心,却被人弃之如履,因爱别离,求不得而失措发狂,身心千疮百孔。 15.很难受吧,有上千页聊天记录的人就这么离开了。说说控最伤感的说说分享 16.不要总是在担心会失去谁,好好想想,有谁会在担心失去你。 17.“我爱你”用唇语读出来却是“怀疑”。 18.雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量,眼泪掉下来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。 stands for my heart ●Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 ●Some people ee people an is panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 ◆ I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 My heart is with you. ◆ In spite of you and me and the silly panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 eone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你 It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在 You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。 one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person。 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。 Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

英语谚语:Perseverance is vital to success 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Perseverance is vital to success 中文意思: 不屈不挠是成功之本。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: You cannot have two forenoons in the same day 一日之中不可能有两个上午。 You cannot judge a tree by its bark 人不可貌相。 You cannot make a crab walk straight 江山易改,本性难移。 You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk 你不可能出售乳牛,同时又要喝牛奶。 You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink 马到河边不喝水,逼马低头亦枉然。(不要逼人做他不愿做的事) You can"t eat your cake and have it 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。 You can"t make bricks without straw 没有稻草,制砖难搞。 You can"t make omelets (or omeletts) without breaking eggs 有失才有得。 You have no goats and yet you sell kids 你虽无老山羊,却出卖小山羊。 You make the failure plete when you stop strying 不再努力之时,就是完全失败之日。 英语谚语: Perseverance is vital to success 中文意思: 不屈不挠是成功之本。


persevere 持之以恒: [A] persevere with something: 定义: "to continue to try to accomplish something" 例句: (1) Do you really think it is wise to persevere with your plan? (2) Sally persevered with her scheme to earn a million dollars. [B] persevere in something=定义: "to persist in [doing] something." 例句: (1) I will persevere in my efforts to win election. (2) Kelly persevered in her studies and graated with honors. [C] persevere at something= to keep trying to do something. 例句: (1) I will persevere at my studies and I"m sure I will succeed. (2) Todd persevered at his job and got promoted in no time. 名词: perseverance: 毅力,恒心. 扩展资料 Talent is worthless unless you persevere in developing it. 除非你坚持不懈地发展天赋,否则它是没有价值的。 Persevere in your efforts and you will surely succeed. 只要你坚持努力就一定会成功。 If you persevere with work, you"ll succeed in the end. 你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。 When things get difficult, you just have to grit your teeth and persevere. 遇到困难只需咬紧牙关坚持下去。

May our friendship last till the end of the universe翻译


Number 1的缩写为什么是 No.1?

实际上,No.原来不是Number的缩写,而是Numero Sign的符号,不是英文专有,而是通用在多种西方语言中。这个符号本来应该是№,为了书写方便,就演化成了No.久而久之,也就成了Number的缩写了。






more often是做状语,以常用短语的形式出现,意思是更多(次)


Once upon a time, there was a foolish old man who lived near two enormous mountains. Determined to create a better living environment for future generations, he began to remove the mountains, one shovel at a time. Many people laughed at him, thinking it was an impossible task. But the old man remained steadfast in his determination, working tirelessly day after day. Eventually, the gods were moved by his perseverance and determination and decided to help him. They sent down mighty gods who carried away the mountains, fulfilling the old man"s dream. This story teaches us the power of perseverance and determination in overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles.




Once upon a time, there was a foolish old man who lived near two enormous mountains. Determined to create a better living environment for future generations, he began to remove the mountains, one shovel at a time. Many people laughed at him, thinking it was an impossible task. But the old man remained steadfast in his determination, working tirelessly day after day. Eventually, the gods were moved by his perseverance and determination and decided to help him. They sent down mighty gods who carried away the mountains, fulfilling the old man"s dream. This story teaches us the power of perseverance and determination in overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles.

Moira Tyers的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Moira Tyers专辑:One Step Forward--My world---Tim Kay----Jamie at home--- I"ll show you,What It takes to feed my mind,You go trough, reading all my signesIt was a lovely day,When everything was everywhereAnd now love came in to seasonI didn"t know youNice little dreams you push to sideCan we take to until we see those eyes we love to hideAnd I"m alone in bedIn someone elses headAnd now love came in to seasonTake time and make yourself feel good And you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldWe want to take a little walk down this room you knowI"m not scared to cause if we get back we can take it real slowAnother lovely dayWhen everything was everywhereAnd now love came in to seasonTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldIm gonna make you feel all rightIm gonna make you hold on tighthold on tightTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldyou can nowin my worldyou can now-END-


50年,半个世纪的美丽征程  1964年,全球第一个专注海洋护肤保养集团Thalgo,在法国尼斯正式成立,同年推出专注于自然源能量的Terrake品牌。  1981年,集团在巴黎创建了一座高级同名美容学院。  1989年,Terraké海洋疗法正式进驻位于法国的高级酒店会所,备受追捧。  1991年,集团在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔旁开设了一家最高级的spa水疗会所。  2002年,集团推出营养品,帮助人们兼顾美丽,更全面调理身体健康。  2003年,集团收购多大多个欧洲驰名护肤品牌,如EllaBaché、PerronRigot等,跻身为全球化妆品行业巨头。  2007年,Terraké依托LabB.L.C.实验室专研的椰子油植物干细胞抗衰科技,将更多自然源能量与SPA理念完美融合。  2014年,为适应中国多样化市场情况,品牌于上海成立的运营中心在Terraké原有的渠道基础上,进一步开拓启动国内KA、CS、百货等渠道,Terraké在中国区全面腾飞。


perseverance英 [u02ccpu025c:su026au02c8vu026au0259ru0259ns] 美 [u02ccpu025c:rsu0259u02c8vu026aru0259ns]n.毅力 ; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神毅力;不屈不挠;坚持不懈;忍耐双语例句1. Opportunities are not offered. They must be wrested and worked for. And this calls for perseverance and courage.--Indira Gandhi 机会不会从天而降,必须怀揣坚持与勇气去努力争取。2. My perseverance was getting me somewhere. 我锲而不舍,总算有了一些进展。3. Sometimes perseverance does win out. 有时候坚持就是胜利。4. They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. 他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。5. The Australian team had the added ingredient of perseverance. 澳大利亚队另外还具备了顽强的意志.


strong-willed determined




terrake法国天芮,根据介绍是法国的,但是有人说这个牌子其实就是国产的互联网品牌,根本不是法国的,就是一个假洋牌,到底谁对谁错 terrake法国天芮是什么牌子 Terrake法国天芮是一个护肤品品牌,代表着欧洲护肤行业时尚、科技、尖端、底蕴的感官享受与舒适体验。 Terraké法国天芮,半个多世纪的口碑见证,产品风靡全球多个国家,其中有近40个国家仅进驻五星级酒店的SPA会所,彰显Terraké无与伦比的出众品质和高贵典雅的显赫地位。现在,Terraké携“微SPA”创新美肤理念与众明星产品,来到您身边,与中国万千女性一起继续书写美丽传奇。法国天芮是法国的吗 这个不能给出一个具体的说法,不过有一个叫做天芮的牌子是上海的,是不是和这个一家就不知道了,不过这个法国天芮走了微商的路线,所以大家判断吧品牌介绍 下面是品牌介绍不代表网站观点作为thalgo集团旗下的尖端品牌terrake更是将人体发肤与自然的关系诠释得淋漓尽致,它突破海洋元素,将大地,温泉,森林等天地精华与spa理念完美结合,凭借高科技,高效能,高端时尚spa护肤品牌的定位和其完美的护肤感受体验,行销全球,备受推崇,被誉为“法国殿堂级spa美肤” terrake一直专注于五星酒店的spa护肤,其合作的酒店包括希尔顿,凯宾斯基,康莱德,喜来登等 法国天芮护肤品怎么样 法国天芮BLC修复精华水爽肤水 可以补水保湿收缩毛孔和柔肤的作用,可以改善肌肤。洁面之后,肌肤表面油脂被洗净,酸碱值被破坏,一分钟之内肌肤水分将会蒸发需要为肌肤补水锁水。普通爽肤水中,精华含量微量,导致肌肤无法吸收,补水效果变差,从而会缺水。香味比较好闻,有法国香氛享受,有一股淡淡的清香。法国传奇香氛大师飞利浦 克莱特调香,他也负责为娇韵诗、欧莱雅、伊芙黎雪、岱蒄儿、欧树等知名品牌的香水制造。 法国天芮BLC修护乳 可以补水保湿提亮修复肌肤。 法国天芮森林能量雪颜晚霜 有美白成分,一定要晚上使用,针对肌肤黑色素分泌过多堆积,肌肤代谢放缓,肌肤受损,容易加重黑色素堆积,肌肤纹理混乱,光的反射量变少,散射光较多。森林雪颜系列针对肌肤的问题采用了烟酰胺,光果甘草根等主要成分,让肌肤白皙透亮。 法国天芮BLC修复CC霜 可当隔离乳也可裸妆效果,保湿滋养,可提亮肌肤,控油遮瑕。

Perseverance is a kind of quality and that’s _____ it takes to do anything well.

Perseverance is a kind of quality—and that"s_______ it takes to do anything well.A. what B. that C. whichD. why答案为A。 【解析】这是一个表语从句,what在表语从句中作takes的宾语,构成“It takes sth. to do sth.”的句型。译文:坚定不移是一种品质——坚定不移使人们做好任何事情。

The number of 与A number of 区别

the number of 表示某物的数量,谓语动词用单数 a number of 表示某物很多,谓语动词用复数。例句: The number of thestudents is one hundred. 学生数量为100个 A number of tourists visit this museum. 大量游客来这个博物馆参观。

keren ann 的 《end the may》歌词的中文翻译

THE END OF MAY的中文歌词闭上你的眼睛,甩个骰子 如果我们有两次生命 哪一次生命是通往天堂的路 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 闭上你的眼睛 面对耀眼的落日 你没有看到过 我的伪装 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 闭上你的眼睛,许个愿 在石头下,有巨毒的石鱼 屏住呼吸,然后甩个骰子 这也许是一条通往天堂的路 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子



Keren Ann的《End Of May》 歌词

歌曲名:End Of May歌手:Keren Ann专辑:Not Going AnywhereEnd Of MayKeren Annclose your eyes and roll a tiseunder the pool there"s a compormiseif after all only left twicewhich lifes the wrong road to peridisedon"t say a word here comes the prakeof the dayand white clouds of sanderest by the windof the endof Mayclose your eyes and make a bedface to the glare of the sunsetthis is about it"s forrest we getyou haven"t seen meet skys yetdon"t say a word here comes the prakeof the dayand white clouds of sanderest by the windof the endof Mayclose your eyes and make a wishunder the stone there"s a stone fishhold your bress menrow the diseit might be the wrong road to peridisedon"t say a word here comes the prakeof the dayand white clouds of sanderest by the windof the enddon"t say a word here comes the prakeof the dayand white clouds of sanderest by the windof the endof May



Keren Ann 的《End of may 》 的歌词翻译、 要上下句是英文和中文对照

Close your eyes and roll a dice 闭上双眼然后掷一下骰子Under the board there"s a compromise 在木板下有个妥协方案If after all we only live twice 如果最终我们有两次生命Which life is the runroad to paradise 哪一次生命才是通往天堂的道路Don"t say a word 什么都不用说Here comes the break of the day 第一道晨曦出现,黎明破晓In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May 与此同时漫天的黄沙被五月末尾的风吹起飞扬Close your eyes and make a bet 闭上双眼然后打个赌吧Faced to the glare of the sunset 面对薄暮耀眼的光芒This is about as far as we get 这大约就是我们所能得到的You haven"t seen me disguised yet 你还没有看破我的伪装Don"t say a word 什么都不用说Here comes the break of the day 第一道晨曦出现,黎明破晓In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May 与此同时漫天的黄沙被五月末尾的风吹起飞扬Close your eyes and make a wish 闭上双眼然后许个愿吧Under the stone there"s a stone-fish 石头下有一条石鱼Hold your breath, then roll the dice 屏住呼吸,然后掷一下骰子It might be the runroad to paradise 这或许就是通往天堂的道路吧Don"t say a word 什么都不用说Don"t say a word什么都不用说 Here comes the break of the day 第一道晨曦出现,黎明破晓In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May 与此同时漫天的黄沙被五月末尾的风吹起飞扬Don"t say a word什么都不用说 Here comes the break of the day 第一道晨曦出现,黎明破晓In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May 与此同时漫天的黄沙被五月末尾的风吹起飞扬 ——————自译,如有错漏请见谅,欢迎指教——————