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rather副词 adv.1.在一定程度上; 颇,相当 This book is rather too easy for this boy.这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单。I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大, 不太适于再婚。2.或多或少; 有几分; 相当 This restaurant is rather more expensive than that one.这家餐厅的收费比那家贵得多。3.(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点儿,稍微 4.(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地讲,更准确地说5.(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是 1.Admittedly, it is rather expensive but you don"t need to use much. 它的确很贵,但不需要用得很多。 2. a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread 一个淡而无味的汤、鱼加面包的食谱 3. His answer rather disconcerted her.他的回答使她颇感难堪。 4. I was rather dubious about the whole idea. 我对这整个想法持怀疑态度。 5. We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识。


rather adv.相当;宁愿;有点儿 例如: Poultry is rather cheap now.现在的禽肉相当便宜. I would rather stay at home.我宁可呆在家里.


adv. 稍微,有点;相当,颇;宁愿;相反地 int. 当然啦,怎么不

rather 的用法

1. “rather” 作为一个副词,有“相当地,多多少少地,有点”意思,其后面可放形容词或副词,比较级的形容词或副词,名词,还可以放动词:x0dx0aThis is a rather expensive lap top. 这台手提电脑有点贵。x0dx0aYou"ve done rather well. 你做得确实不错。x0dx0aMy brother is rather better today. 我哥哥今天好多了。x0dx0aIt"s rather a pity that you missed this seminar. 你错过了这次讲座,真是遗憾。x0dx0aThe rain rather spoiled our holiday. 这场雨毁了我们的假期。x0dx0ax0dx0a2.rather than 表示“更为情愿地,宁愿...?”,可以连用,也可以分开用:x0dx0aI"d be a freelance rather than a secretary. 我宁愿做个自由职业者,也不想当个秘书。x0dx0aShe would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁可要这个小的,也不要那个大的。x0dx0aI would rather you come tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天过来,而不是今天。x0dx0aHe resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁可辞职,也不愿参与这场肮脏的交易。x0dx0aWe would rather stay at home than go to the gym. 我们宁愿呆在家里,也不想去健身。


rather 副词 adv. 1.在一定程度上; 颇,相当 This book is rather too easy for this boy. 这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单. I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again. 我认为他的年龄太大, 不太适于再婚. 2.或多或少; 有几分; 相当 This restaurant is rather more expensive than that one. 这家餐厅的收费比那家贵得多. 3.(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点儿,稍微 4.(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地讲,更准确地说 5.(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是 1.Admittedly, it is rather expensive but you don"t need to use much. 它的确很贵,但不需要用得很多. 2. a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread 一个淡而无味的汤、鱼加面包的食谱 3. His answer rather disconcerted her. 他的回答使她颇感难堪. 4. I was rather dubious about the whole idea. 我对这整个想法持怀疑态度. 5. We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识.




1. PREP-PHRASE 短语介词而非;胜于;而不是 You use rather than when you are contrasting two things or situations. Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want. ·The problem was psychological rather than physiological...问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。· Sedge is similar in appearance to grass but has a solid rather than a hollow stem...莎草看上去和普通的草没什么两样,但其草茎是实芯的而不是空芯的。· The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star...在1991年苍蝇座中的暗星其实是一个黑洞而非中子星。·When I"m going out in the evening I use the bike if I can rather than the car.我晚上要外出的时候,我宁愿骑自行车而不是开车。·Rather is also a conjunction.·Rather than break her appointment and disappoint me, Katie again took the car...凯蒂又一次把车开来了,而没有爽约让我失望。·She made students think for themselves, rather than telling them what to think...她让学生们独立思考,而不是一味地告诉他们该思考些什么。·I suggest that rather than the show season starting in June, it should be brought forward to April or May...我提议它应该提前到4月或5月,而不等要到6月份开始的展示会。·Most of these will be fleeing cold and hunger, rather than fighting...这些人中的大部分会因饥寒交迫而逃亡,而不是因为战争。·She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。2. ADV 副词而是;更确切地说;还不如说;相反 You use rather when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not. 【搭配模式】:ADV with cl/group·Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest... 2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。· But there must be no talk of final victory; rather, the long, hard slog to a solution...但是这还谈不上是最后的胜利;而是长期、艰难地寻找解决方法的过程。·The process is not a circle but rather a spiral...这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型的。·He explained what the Crux is, or rather, what it was.他解释了什么是南十字座,或者更确切地说,过去南十字座是什么。3. PHR-MODAL 情态动词短语宁愿/不愿;宁可/宁可不 If you say that you would rather do something or you"d rather do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. If you say that you would rather not do something, you mean that you do not want to do it. 【语法信息】:MODAL inf· If it"s all the same to you, I"d rather work at home...如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作。· Which programme would you rather appear on?...你更愿意在哪个节目中露面?·Kids would rather play than study...孩子们宁愿玩也不愿学习。·I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it...我没有办法得到情报,但是我宁愿他去做。·I would rather Lionel took it on...我宁愿莱昂内尔负责这件事。·Sorry. I"d rather not talk about it...抱歉,我不愿意谈论这个。·Would you like that? Don"t hesitate to say no if you"d rather not.你喜欢那个吗?如果你不喜欢就直说。4. ADV 副词有些;颇为;相当 You use rather to indicate that something is true to a fairly great extent, especially when you are talking about something unpleasant or undesirable. 【搭配模式】:ADV adj/adv, ADV a n, ADV compar, ADV too adj/adv, ADV prep· I grew up in rather unusual circumstances...我在非同寻常的环境下长大。· It had made some rather bad mistakes which I thought should be corrected...它犯了一些相当严重的错误,我觉得应该加以纠正。·He had had an excellent dinner at a rather good local hotel...他已在当地一个相当不错的饭店里享用了一顿可口的晚餐。·The first speaker began to talk, very fast and rather loudly...第一个发言者开始讲话了,语速很快,声音相当大。·We got along rather well...我们相处得相当融洽。·I"m afraid it"s rather a long story...恐怕这说来话长。·The reality is rather more complex...事实要更加复杂。·As you can see, he did rather better for himself than I did.你可以看出,他自己做的比我做的还要好。·...a figure rather too good to be true...好得有点不真实的人物·The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut...这种果实颇似甜栗子。·Robbie was there with his family, keeping rather in the background.罗比和他的家人一起在那里,深居简出。5. ADV 副词(放在动词前)更…,宁愿… You use rather before verbs that introduce your thoughts and feelings, in order to express your opinion politely, especially when a different opinion has been expressed. 【搭配模式】:ADV before v【语用信息】:politeness· I rather think he was telling the truth...我倒觉得他讲的是真话。· I rather like the decorative effect.我倒很喜欢装饰的效果。6. CONVENTION 惯用语(表示同意或接受)当然,的确 People sometimes say rather to express agreement or acceptance. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英【语域标签】:OLD-FASHIONED 过时· ‘Well, he did have a sort of family connection with it, didn"t he." — ‘Oh yes. Rather."“那么,他的确和它有些家族渊源,是不是?”——“噢,是的,的确如此。”Usage Note : Rather, pretty, quite, and fairly can all be used to modify adjectives and adverbs, but are all less strong than very. Rather and pretty are the strongest of these words and are the closest to very. Pretty, in this sense, is informal. Therefore, if you said to someone, ‘Your work is pretty good" or ‘Your work is rather good", they would be more likely to be pleased than if you said ‘Your work is quite good" or ‘Your work is fairly good". However, rather is commonly used with words indicating negative qualities. I was feeling rather sad. It is the only one of these words than can be used with comparatives, and with too. Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be... He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend. Quite is slightly stronger than fairly, and may suggest that something has more of a quality than expected. Nobody here"s ever heard of it but it is actually quite common.rather, pretty, quite 和 fairly 都可以用于修饰形容词和副词,但是它们都没有very的程度强。rather 和 pretty 在这4个词中程度最强,意思和very最接近。表达这个意思时pretty是非正式说法。因此,如果对某人说Your work is pretty good(你干得非常好)或Your work is rather good(你干得相当好)要比说Your work is quite good(你干得很不错)或Your work is fairly good(你干得还不错)更令他高兴。但是,rather 往往和有消极意义的词连用,如:I was feeling rather sad(我觉得很难过)。在这些词中唯有rather可以和比较级或too连用。如:Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be(全球变暖可能比我们想象的更加严重),He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend(他和我的前男友好得有些过了头)。quite比fairly的程度稍强一些,表示某物有些超乎人们的期望。如:Nobody here"s ever heard of it but it is actually quite common(这里没有人听说过它,但是它实际上颇为常见)。

react render为什么只能写map函数

这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。


rather的固定搭配有:1.or rather更确切地说例句:She lives in London, or rather she lives in a suburb of London. 她住在伦敦,更确切的说,是在伦敦近郊。2. rather than而不是例句:You are doing this for yourself rather than for me. 你做这件事不是为我而是为你自己。3. would rather..(than)...宁...(而不愿)例句:He would rather have the small one than the large one. 他宁愿要小的那个,不愿要大的。

rather 的用法

ratherKK: []DJ: []ad.1. 相当,颇,有点儿I"m feeling rather sleepy.我有点困倦。2. (常与would或had连用)宁可,宁愿;(与其...)倒不如;而不是He would rather play than work.他宁可玩,却不愿工作。I"d rather you knew that now, than afterwards.与其以后让你知道,不如现在就让你知道。I"ll never be dependent on anyone again. I"d rather starve.我再也不依靠任何人了。我宁愿饿死。3. (常与or连用)更确切地说He left late last night, or rather early this morning.他昨夜很晚,或者应该说是今天一大早才走。4. 【英】(用于回答问题)确是如此;当然




ratheradv(副词).稍微,有点; 相当,颇; 宁愿; 相反地; int.当然啦,怎么不;




rather的读音是:英["rɑ?e?(r)]。rather的读音是:英["rɑ?e?(r)]。rather的详尽释义是adv.(副词)相当,颇宁愿,宁可,更喜欢更确切地讲,更准确地说有点儿,稍微而不是反而,相反,倒不如确是如此,当然在某种程度上。rather的词语用法是adv.(副词)rather是程度副词,用来修饰原级或比较级形容词和副词、动词、分词或单数名词,意思是“有些”“相当”“多少地”,常用于负面含意。rather可和too连用,作程度状语,但此时不可以修饰比较级。一、详尽释义点此查看rather的详细内容adv.(副词)相当,颇宁愿,宁可,更喜欢更确切地讲,更准确地说有点儿,稍微而不是反而,相反,倒不如确是如此,当然在某种程度上n.(名词)选择二、双解释义adv.(副词)在一定程度上,颇 to a certain extent; fairly或多或少 to a moderate extent; quite三、词典解释1.而非;胜于;而不是You userather than when you are contrasting two things or situations.Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want.e.g. The problem was psychologicalrather than physiological...问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。e.g. Sedge is similar in appearance to grass but has a solidrather than a hollow stem...莎草看上去和普通的草没什么两样,但其草茎是实芯的而不是空芯的。2.而是;更确切地说;还不如说;相反You userather when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not.e.g. Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now.Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest...2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。e.g. But there must be no talk of final victory;rather, the long, hard slog to a solution...但是这还谈不上是最后的胜利;而是长期、艰难地寻找解决方法的过程。3.宁愿/不愿;宁可/宁可不If you say that youwould rather do something or you"d rather do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. If you say that youwould rather not do something, you mean that you do not want to do it.rather的解释e.g. If it"s all the same to you, I"drather work at home...如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作。e.g. Which programme would yourather appear on?...你更愿意在哪个节目中露面?4.有些;颇为;相当You userather to indicate that something is true to a fairly great extent, especially when you are talking about something unpleasant or undesirable.rathere.g. I grew up inrather unusual circumstances...我在非同寻常的环境下长大。e.g. It had made somerather bad mistakes which I thought should be corrected...它犯了一些相当严重的错误,我觉得应该加以纠正。5.(放在动词前)更…,宁愿…You userather before verbs that introduce your thoughts and feelings, in order to express your opinion politely, especially when a different opinion has been expressed.rathere.g. Irather think he was telling the truth...我倒觉得他讲的是真话。e.g. Irather like the decorative effect.我倒很喜欢装饰的效果。6.(表示同意或接受)当然,的确People sometimes sayrather to express agreement or acceptance.e.g. "Well, he did have a sort of family connection with it, didn"t he." — "Oh yes.Rather."“那么,他的确和它有些家族渊源,是不是?”——“噢,是的,的确如此。”Rather,pretty,quite, andfairly can all be used to modify adjectives and adverbs, but are all less strong thanvery.Rather andpretty are the strongest of these words and are the closest tovery.Pretty, in this sense, is informal. Therefore, if you said to someone, "Your work is pretty good" or "Your work is rather good", they would bemore likely to be pleased than if you said "Your work is quite good" or "Your work is fairly good". However,rather is commonly used with words indicating negative qualities.I was feeling rather sad. It is theonly one of these words than can be usedwith comparatives, and withtoo. Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be... He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend.Quite is slightly stronger thanfairly, and may suggest that something has more of a quality than expected. Nobody here"s ever heard of it but it is actually quite common.rather, pretty, quite 和 fairly 都可以用于修饰形容词和副词,但是它们都没有very的程度强。rather 和 pretty 在这4个词中程度最强,意思和very最接近。表达这个意思时pretty是非正式说法。因此,如果对某人说Your work is pretty good(你干得非常好)或Your work is rather good(你干得相当好)要比说Your work is quite good(你干得很不错)或Your work is fairly good(你干得还不错)更令他高兴。但是,rather 往往和有消极意义的词连用,如:I was feeling rather sad(我觉得很难过)。在这些词中唯有rather可以和比较级或too连用。如:Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be(全球变暖可能比我们想象的更加严重),He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend(他和我的前男友好得有些过了头)。quite比fairly的程度稍强一些,表示某物有些超乎人们的期望。如:Nobody here"s ever heard of it but it is actually quite common(这里没有人听说过它,但是它实际上颇为常见)。四、例句Poultry is rather cheap now.现在的禽肉相当便宜。I would rather stay at home.我宁可呆在家里。I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。These shoes are rather too big.这双鞋有点太大了。五、词汇搭配rather than宁可 ... 也不愿...had rather宁可(宁愿)rather too稍嫌but rather而宁可说是, 反而...would rather宁可sooner rather than later尽早would rather do宁愿 ...the rather that何况or rather确切地说, 说得更准...pudding rather than praise与其恭维不如实惠 the string rather than the bow直接了当地I"d rather be right than be president.我宁可不当总统,也要...the rather because 正因为 ... 所...would rather have someone"s room than someone"s company希望某人走开,不愿见...rather…than otherwise不是别的would rather not宁可不(不愿)...rather rough sea中浪rather too easy for尺码大了号rather…than not不是别的六、经典引文When Duncan is asleepsWhereto the rather shall his day"s hard journey Soundly invite him.出自:Macbeth,ShakespeareDry weather may cause them come..rather.出自:C. Butler七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的hraor,意为更迅速的,更早的。rather的相关近义词pretty、quite、veryrather的相关临近词ratification、rate、Rathery、Rathert、ratherish、ratheripe、rather too、rather cold、rather than、rather good、rather weak、rather much点此查看更多关于rather的详细信息



extjs中,我要将内容导入到某个地方,为什么只有renderTo: Ext.getBody(),会有效,而且位置不对?

你导入的地方 如果不是body 就需要指明 要导入的某个容器, 如果自身是一个容器的话 需要指明要渲染到布局的某个部分才行

cover drive《easy life》歌词

Finger Eleven - Easy LifeIf I were the betting kindI bet you thought the easy lifeWas the one you thought you"d live byAnd all you had to do was decideA swimming pool sizeWell, you"re rightI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingHow about a great tragedy?Where I imagine fire and glassand taillights blinkingWe"ll see.And if I was the betting kindI bet you thought the easy lifeWas the one you thought you"d live byAll you had to do was decideA swimming pool sizeWell, you"re rightI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingAbout a horrible sceneWhere I can watch your hopes and your dreamsJust blow into piecesBefore me?Is there something to learnOr something to see?Because nothing to loseIs not nothing to beHaven"t youHeard the messagesHaven"t youRead the passagesThere"s a ghost whoIs going to haunt me for all my lifeI"ll bet he never touches youI guess the differencesBetween us 3-They make our open books awful hard to readMaybe I"veBeen painting youWith all the wrong brushes tooMaybe youReally knowWhat too much is, well...Well maybe you doI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingHow about a great tragedy?Where I imagine fire and glassand taillights blinkingWe"ll see.Because nothing to lose is not nothing to beBecause nothing to lose is not nothing to me




参数renderTo 作用:图表放置的容器,一般在html中放置一个DIV,获取DIV的id属性值默认值:null



Jonas Brothers的《Drive》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:Jonas L.A.Jonas Brothers - DriveI was in the background, babyFading out to the fuelShe was on the front linesShouting, "Start up the room"I want to get closerThere"s nothing I can doWhat a shameYeah, yeahI can"t fiold a exitBut it"s time to hit the roadI wish she was with me"Cause I, I just never knowI hold the cover thinking pedal to the floorButtons take offShe opens up the doorShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, yeahAnd to my surpriseIt was all big liesLots of crazy rightsSo get in the car and driveWe were in the fast laneGoing to who knows whereNo destinationBut you don"t seem to careShe kept me guessingSee the moonlight in her eyesSo confused now, yeah, yeahI stopped to questionAll the things that I don"t knowShe doesn"t answerShe just turns up the radio, yeahShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got timeTime, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyesAnd to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsGet in the car and driveSometimes in lifeMoments arriveThings don"t go the way that you canSo never think twiceGet in the car and driveYeah, yeahCome on now, come on nowShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, heyAnd to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsGet in the car and driveShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, hey(Look inside your eyes)And to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsLots of crazy rightswe just can"t think twiceGet in the car and drive

请问PRIMER 设计时的RATING 是什么意思,如果我们只知道一对引物如何在PRIMER 5.0中评价其好坏

rating 就是评级,打分.扩增时有的时候候会出现多条带,不会是与引物自己以及与不同引物互作引起的,因为引物很小,你跑胶时最底下的亮带就是引物二聚体了,多条带肯定是退火温度低了,需要调高退火温度,提高引物与模板结合的特异性.希望对你有帮助.

求my life slaughterhouse的歌词 谢谢了

Slaughterhouse – My Life Lyrics[Cee-Lo Green - Hook]This is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)This is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)This is my motherfucking life[Crooked I]S-L-A U-G-H T-E-R-H-O-U-S-EYes we are the best in the bizThe west in the bitchThis Eastside money over coochie man645 when dip through the burbsI be on my Gucci ManSmash on the gas, kick a bitch to the curbHouse in the hills, thousands and millsGetting wild in the field with your spouse in BrazilOn ounces and pills, how does it feel?To count dollar bills that I found off skillsCheck it out, Jets fly privateNigga S5 Hybrid, baby test drive my whipI"m in Bed Stuy with my chickOn my westside fly shitPulling out minks when the weather get chillyLeft Eye side kickNow don"t you niggas go chasing waterfallsThese bitches wall to wallAnd they love…[Hook x2]This is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)This is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)Jets fly private, Nigga S5 Hybrid, Baby test drive my whipThis is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)Jets fly private, Nigga S5 Hybrid, Baby test drive my whipThis is my motherfucking life (my life, oh yeah)This is my motherfucking life[Joell Ortiz]Sometimes I look around and I justI just can"t believe itI"m on a high like a falsettoMaybe that"s why I feel like I"m dreamingMy eyes just quitLook what I"m seeing, my life just shiftedI feel like I"m breathingLight that spliff, now I don"t even smoke cause it burn my throat but tonight I"m steaming‘Tron in my cup, holding mine up, toasting to the slut that I know I"m gon" fuckIn these five star sheets, put her right to sleepThen kick the bitch out when I wake upEven though baby girl got a large ol" assI remember praying that my car goes lastNow my car so fast that I dont think you"ll understand it in a Murcielago dashWhen you ride through the dirt and you work til it hurt than you end up on Marshall"s staffHoping that your granny get to see you at the Grammy"sGet a call from your family that your grandma passedThen you know what you promised herSo that you stay hot as a, thermometer, dipped in lavaSo proud to be part of a conglomerate, like this[Hook][Cee-Lo Green - Bridge]Every time that they ? usPut your hands up high if you"re happy you made itIt"s a been a sleep when I say itSince I"m alive might as well celebrate[Hook][Joe Budden]What a success storyWhen the film plays it gets less goryMy son didn"t know who his pop was for yearsNow its less Maury, God put it there as a test for meUsed to walk around with a vest at 40Cops tryna mess hall meNow babes with the 44F"s adore meI took the rock and a hard place and made the best orgyNow the fans approach I get paranoidWhere I"m from tell me never let you"re guard restBut it"s simple to disregard stressHoes run to the pole and they far fetched[Royce Da 5"9"]Now jets fly high shitThat Panamera Porsche that"s Ryan"s fly whipAs a kid I was playing tag, now I"m it!For those of ya"ll that don"t remember meI"m a Detroit old ParkerWent from no office to offersI told ya"ll I would get my daddy out the post officeAnd so far I don"t really need to own my cityJust as long as the D is on my fittedMy sons and my daughter and my wife is along for the rideThis is the motherfucking life

think i better life be will连词组句

I think life will be betterThere is a pen in the pencil-boxMatt will ride a bikeI don"t think so THere are a lot of cars in the streetI don"t understand either i think robots can drive cars in the future

麦当娜American life 的歌词


请问PRIMER 设计时的RATING 是什么意思,如果我们用PRIMER 5.0对一对引物中评价其好坏




求一首英文歌歌曲第一句是个女组合唱的。歌曲终有歌词see the hero drive to run

stand 歌手:paulina rubio



求pink martini 的歌 over the valley的 歌词 ,中英对照最好




《If We Hold On Together》这首英文歌麻烦请翻译成中文。

主题曲:If We Hold On Together(让我们一起携手向前) 又名:(紧紧相守)演唱者:Diana Ross(James Horner/Will Jennings)Don"t lose you way with each passing day 不要迷失你的方向 当日子一天天的过去 You"ve come so far, don"t throw it away 你已经走到了这里 别把一切都放弃 Live believing, dreams are for weaving 活出你的信念 美梦等待你我编织 Wonders are waiting to start 奇迹就等待著要出现 Live your story, faith, hope and glory 活出你的故事 信心 希望和荣誉 Hold to the truth in your heart 谨记著你心中的真理 If we hold on together 只要我们携手努力 I know our dreams will never die 我知道我们的梦想决不会死去 Dreams see us through to forever 美梦载著我们航向永恒 Where clouds roll by for you and I 航向白云为你我悠悠飘飞的所在 Souls in the wind must learn how to bend 风中的灵魂 要学著弯曲 Seek out a star, hold on to the end 追随著一颗明星 坚持到底 Valley, mountain, there is a fountain 峡谷 高山 还有一湾清泉 Washes our tears all away 洗去我们所有的泪水 Waves are swaying, someone is praying 水波翻腾 有人在祈祷 Please let us come home to stay 请让我们平安的回到家园 If we hold on together 只要我们携手努力 I know our dreams will never die 我知道我们的梦想决不会死去 Dreams see us through to forever 美梦载著我们航向永恒 Where clouds roll by for you and I 当白云悠悠飘飞 为你 为我 When we are out there in the dark 当我们身处在那黑暗之中 We"ll dream about the sun 我们要梦想著光明的白日 In the dark we"ll feel the light 在那黑暗中 我们将会感受到光明 Warm out hearts, every one 温暖著我们每一个的心 If we hold on together 只要我们携手努力 I know our dreams will never die 我知道我们的梦想决不会死去 Dreams see us through to forever 美梦载著我们航向永恒 As high as souls can fly 航向最高最远的地方 The clouds roll by for you and I 那里白云悠悠飘飞 为你 为我 另一版本翻译:Don"t lose your way 不要迷失With each passing day 当时间日渐流逝You"ve come so far 既已来到这麼远Don"t throw it away 别白费Live believing 请相信Dreams are for weaving 在编织的梦 Wonders are waiting to start 奇幻在等待著开始Live your story 创造属於你的传奇吧~Faith, hope & glory 信念, 希望 和光荣Hold to the truth in your heart 真理就在你心里!If we hold on together 只要我们靠在一起I know our dreams will never die 我们的梦想便不会消失Dreams see us through to forever 直到永远永远Where clouds roll by 就在云彩飘过的地方For you and I * 为著我和你


on , above, over都有"在,上", "高于"的意思. 表示一般"在上" 用above 表示比较精确地靠近地"垂直在上", 用over. 1.比如 His office is above ours on the second floor. (他的办公室在我们的二楼). 注意, 说话的人很可能在地下一层或者二层, 只是表达, 那个人的办公室在他们的上面,不一定恰好在他们上面. The summit of that mountain is 8800 meters above sea-level.(那座山峰海拔8800米高). 注意,只是表示海拔, 不表示垂直于,上. His office is right over ours.(他的办公室就在我们头上的房间). 注意,是垂直在上. 2. 仅仅表示上下次序用above, 有蒙起来或者遍及全面的含义时用over. 比如: put this book above the other one.(把这本书放在那本书的上面). spread the tablecloth over the table(把桌布铺在桌上). The sun rose above the horizon.(太阳升到地平线上) The sun shone over the valley.(太阳普照山谷) on:表示"某物在某上", 而且和放东西的表面有接触 并有附着的意思 比如: the book is on the table.(书在桌上) a blister on the sole of my foot(脚底上的水泡) below 和under 都有"在,下面"的意思 below: 指某物比相对物处于任何较低的位置, 其反意词 是above. under: 指某物垂直在另一物的下方, 也可指被覆盖, 其 反义是over. 通俗地讲, below 表示低于, under则有”垂直在下” 的意思 比如: that part of the country is below sea level (国土的那一部分低于海平面) We rested under a big tree(我们在一棵大树下休息)



Westminster Bridge的鉴赏

Upon Westminster BridgeWilliam Wordsworth. 1770–1850Earth has not anything to show more fair:Dull would he be of soul who could pass byA sight so touching in its majesty:This City now doth like a garment wearThe beauty of the morning: silent, bare,Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lieOpen unto the fields, and to the sky,All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.Never did sun more beautifully steepIn his first splendour valley, rock, or hill;Ne"er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!The river glideth at his own sweet will:Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;And all that mighty heart is lying still!william wordsworth是英国浪漫主义诗人,“湖畔派”(the lake poets)的魁首。他幼年就学于风景胜地“湖区”(the lake district),同农家子弟为伍,游憩于湖光山色之间,性情深受大自然的陶冶。年轻时他曾两次游历法国,受到法国革命思想的影响。后来他在湖区与另一位浪漫主义诗人coleridge结为莫逆之交,同妹妹dorothy及coleridge一起遍游英国各地,创作了许多脍炙人口的写景抒情诗。“composed upon westminster bridge, sept. 3, 1802”是一首十四行诗(sonnet),据wordsworth自己说,是他去法国的途中在马车上写的。十四行诗在十六世纪由意大利传入英国,逐渐成为英国诗人们喜爱的一种诗体。在选录的这首诗中,诗人用朴实而充满感情色彩的语言描绘了夏秋之交从泰晤士河上的威斯敏斯特大桥眺望伦敦城清晨的景色。整个城市好像还在沉睡,晴朗的天空中晨光熹微,泰晤士河缓缓流向远方,一切是那么明净、庄重、优美。这首诗写得音韵和谐,徐缓的节奏能很好地传达庄重而恬静的情感内容,因而成为十四行诗中最著名的佳品之一。

tvb电视剧《突围行动》英文插曲,不是every valley

《Different as night and day》Doesn"t matter whom you are withDoesn"t matter where you are goingDon"t you know I"m still waiting here for youAnd pray for youIn the sunny daysSun will light your dayIn the windy daysWind will lead your wayI have to sayyou"re my treasure momentsNever gonna walk awayIn the rainy daysrains will share my tearsIn the stormy daysstorms will steal my painJust go your way and leave things all behindSpread your wings and fly awayI"m pretending your mineAnd wishing you"ll be fineThe moments we share never dieYou"ve made a difference to my life 我下载的音乐文件~唱到life就结束咯~~~不过~看电视的时候~结尾还有两句歌词~忽忽~港剧里面~很经常出现这首插曲哦~!这首歌我甚是喜欢咧~!楼主有品位~跟我一样~!!!不过~这歌词网上貌似找不到~我一字一句打出来的~昏掉~!拼写如果有错漏~多多包涵哈~!


above1)在....的上面,put the painting above the other one把这幅画挂到另一幅的上方2)(在数量等方面)多于;(在程度等方面)大于If the price is above 120 yuan,i don"t want to buy.如果价钱超过120元,我就不想买了3)(在级别等方面)高于;(在价值等方面)优于4)(因优秀而)超出...的范围。Her behavior was above reproach.她的的行为时无可指责的。over1)在...上方,在...上面;在....上空The sky is over our heads.我们的头上是天空。2)越过;从一边到....的另一边She swam over the river.她游过了河3)从...的边缘向下4)(在数量、程度等方面)超过;高于;与....相比;He is over two meters tall.他身高两米多。个人总结来说,Above较强调情感上,能力上的超越,而over较强调空间上的上下。。。

Operating Ratio代表什么?



Departure-transfer 出发-转机

proportion percentage rate ratio的区别

proportion强调比例,比如什么东西在什么中占的比例很大percentage 指百分比 将一般的比值化成百分数rate 指比率 比如利率什么的ratio 指比例 是指A在一个整体中所占的比例

用stay about zero造句

1. The lowest temperature is about fifteen degrees below zero centigrade. 最低温度大约是摄氏度零下15度。 2. It"s about five degrees below zero. 大约零下五度。 3. No one knows for sure, but it is probably about 140 degrees below zero Celsius on this ninth planet. 没有人确切知道,但估计这第九个行星上的温度大约是摄氏零下140度。 4. The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis iszero. 平衡条件物体或体系静止或处于非加速运动的状态,在这种状态下所有力的和为零,所有轴上的力矩和为零


ZERO!! 作曲、编曲:中土智博 作词、歌:栗林美奈实 注: * ←代表TV版的长度 --- get out of the gate get out of the gate 穿越这道门 true sky true sky 遇见真正的天空 この瞬间、この场所がスタート kono shunkan 、 kono basho ga suta^to 在这瞬间、在这地方开始 イメージしてみよう 何ができるのかな ime^ji shitemiyou nani gadekirunokana 试著想像 可以做些什麼 信じられない出来事だってある shinji rarenai dekigoto dattearu 尽管总是有难以相信的事情发生 もっと… 越えていけるね motto ... koe teikerune 一定有更多…能够超越的 power of dream  power of dream 梦想的力量  0から生まれるすべて zero kara umare rusubete 从零开始诞生 辉いて fly あの空へ kagayai te fly ano sora he 闪耀著 飞向 那天空 light blue wind  light blue wind 顺著蓝天的微风  思いきり、羽ばたきたい omoi kiri , hane batakitai 下定决心、展开羽翼 最高のスマイルで 笑いながら さぁ、ゆこう! saikou no sumairu de warai nagara saa , yukou ! 带著最灿烂的笑容 一起前去!  未知の世界へと今 飞び出そうよ michi no sekai heto ima tobidaso uyo 面对未知的世界 飞出去吧 未来を选び、决めるのは自分 mirai wo erabi , kime runoha jibun 未来的选择、由自己决定 梦を追いかけてゆこう 泣く日もある yume wo oi kaketeyukou naku nichi moaru 追逐梦想的日子里 偶尔也会有哭泣的时候 それは大事な愿い、消えないで soreha daiji na negai , kie naide 这是我最重要的愿望、请不要消失 きっと逢えるから 明日の君へ… kitto ae rukara ashita no kimi he ... 必定会再遇 明天的你… get out of the gate true sky * 君といると 楽しくなれるよ kimi toiruto tanoshi kunareruyo 与你一起 总会感到快乐 どんなときだって いっしょにいたいんだ donnatokidatte isshoniitainda 不论什麼时候 都想与你一起 伝えられない言叶、抱きしめて tsutae rarenai kotoba , daki shimete 将传达不到的话语、藏在心里 そっと… 想い飞ばした sotto ... omoi toba shita 轻轻地… 让思念飞向远方 power of love  power of love 爱情的力量  どこから生まれてくるの…? dokokara umare tekuruno ... ? 从何而生的呢…? 不思议だね sign 気づいたら fushigi dane sign kizu itara 如果发现了 不可思议的 预兆  jewelry heart つかまえて、はなさないで jewelry heart tsukamaete , hanasanaide 纯洁的内心  紧紧抓住、不放手 最强の出逢いだね 谁よりもまっすぐに saikyou no deai dane dare yorimomaosuguni 最强烈的相遇 比任何人还要直接 たとえ世界のすべて 変わったって tatoe sekai nosubete kawa ttatte 即使世界的所有  都变了样 真実だけは 変わらずにあるよ shinjitsu dakeha kawa razuniaruyo 唯一的真实 是不会变的 上を目指してゆこう! 忘れないで… ue wo mezashi teyukou ! wasure naide ... 仰头望去! 别忘了… 星座が示す道が昙っても seiza ga shimesu michi ga kumotte mo 星座指示的道路被乌云遮去 0の自分へと还ればいい zero no jibun heto kan rebaii 就回到原点的自我重新开始 君だけにできること 见つけられる kimi dakenidekirukoto mitsu kerareru 你终於发现只有自己可以做的到的事 光の先へ… 限界なんてないの hikari no saki he ... genkai nantenaino 光芒的彼端…没有限界 未知の世界へと今 飞び出そうよ michi no sekai heto ima tobidaso uyo 面对未知的世界 飞出去吧 未来を选び、决めるのは自分 mirai wo erabi , kime runoha jibun 未来的选择、由自己决定 梦を追いかけてゆこう 泣く日もある yume wo oi kaketeyukou naku nichi moaru 追逐梦想的日子里 偶尔也会有哭泣的时候 それは大事な愿い、消えないで soreha daiji na negai , kie naide 这是我最重要的愿望、请不要消失 きっと逢えるから 明日の君へ… kitto ae rukara ashita no kun he ... 必定会再遇 明天的你… get out of the gate true sky




#include "stdio.h"#include <time.h>#include <stdlib.h>int randAverage(){ int a[100]={0},r; srand((int)time(NULL));//设定随机数种子rand()%100; int i,j; int sum = 0; for (i = 0;i<1000;i++) { r = rand()%100; a[r] = 1; for (j=0;j<100;j++) { if (a[j]==1) { a[j] = 0; sum += j+1; break; } } } return sum/1000;}void main(){ int result = randAverage(); printf("步数均值:%d ",result);}

zero不等于0,what means


sum to zero constraint是什么意思

sum to zero constraint零约束 例句筛选1.This paper provides a general study of this for transceivers with thezero-forcing constraint.本文提供了一个一般性研究这个的收发器与迫零的制约因素。2.In the other, we use the particular attributes of zero-crossings asconstraint in coarse matching, which can improve the matchingspeed.另一方面,使用过零点的特有属性作为粗匹配的匹配约束,可以提高匹配速度。

never meet again什么意思?


求首英文歌名,歌词有一句never say never.never say again妹子唱的


never meet again 是什么意思?


Never love again翻译中文


歌曲名:Never Love Again 歌手:Anthony Hamilton,中英文歌词


Neverseeyouagain 什么意思

Never see you again——再也见不到你了


zero的音标:英音[u02c8zu026au0259ru0259u028a]美音[u02c8zu026arou028a]。n. 零点,零度,n. (Zero)(意)泽罗(人名)。变形:zeros/zeroes复数,zeroes/zeros第三人称单数zeroing现在分词,zeroed过去式,zeroed过去分词。例句如下:1、Five, four, three, two, one, zero... We have lift-off.五、四、三、二、一、零… 我们升空了。2、They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment.他们对性骚扰采取零容忍态度。3、It"s a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.这是晚冬晴朗的一天,只有零上几度。4、This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.这个新部门当时是以零资产零负债进行创建。5、Visibility at the city"s airport came down to zero, bringing air traffic to a standstill.这个城市机场的能见度下降到了零,使航空运输陷入停顿状态。6、They believe they"re playing a zero-sum game, where both must compete for the same resources.他们认为他们在玩一场零和游戏,双方必须争夺同样的资源。



never do that again

I will not do that again也是对的. 但是这个的表示更强烈,意思是 我再也不那么做了.相比 I will not do it again.则是 我不会那么做了.

Never Give Up 歌词

歌曲名:Never Give Up歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:I Will Always Love You: The Best Of Whitney HoustonNever Give UpWhitney HoustonTill you get it right, tell em you will never quittell em you will never quit until they day you get it right,till you get it right, hold your hand to the skylook em right in the eye, tell em you will never quituntil the day you get it righttill you get it righttell em you will never quit, until the day you get it righttill you get it right, hold your hand to the skylook em right in the eye, tell em you will never quituntil the day you get it rightSingle mother, two jobs, workin her fingers to the boneputting her daughters mouth before her ownshe"s gotta do it, but she"s still feelinglike there"s something deep inside that she can"t leave behindshe won"t let go of it, no matter how many timesshe hears it over with, it"s all fixed in her mindthat it"s gonna get better and she won"t everhang her head again, break a sweat again, never againNever never give up, never never give up,no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain"t workingNever never give up, never never give up,hold your head tot he sky, look them right in the eyestell you will never quit until the day you get it rightNever never give up, never never give up,even though some days you"ll have to cry,shake it off and know that everything will be alrightas long as you never never give up, never never give up.College student, paying her own way,working the club at nightlook what she go through, to stay in law schoolso maybe one day, she can make her way in a man"s worldand never be called just another girlit ain"t nothing like a dream you can"t seeeven when the people round you don"t believebut in the twelfth round, when you"re against the ropes,here comes your last minute miracle,you"ve got to know toNever never give up, never never give up,no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain"t workingNever never give up, never never give up,hold your head to the sky, look them right in the eyestell you will never quit until the day you get it rightNever never give up, never never give up,even though some days you"ll have to cry,shake it off and know that everything will be alrightas long as you never never give up, never never give up.The sky is the limit, for whatever you want to dodon"t let anyone tell you, it ain"t possibleno matter how low you feel, keep going higher, highersee I"ve been holding on, to my dreams too longto watch it get away from me,this hand is mine to win, and I promise you thatI"ll never never give upNever never give up, never never give up,no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain"t workingNever never give up, never never give up,hold your head tot he sky, look them right in the eyestell you will never quit until the day you get it rightNever never give up, never never give up,even though some days you"ll have to cry,shake it off and know that everything will be alrightas long as you never never give up, never never give up.Never never give up, never never give up,no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain"t workingNever never give up, never never give up,hold your head tot he sky, look them right in the eyestell you will never quit until the day you get it rightNever never give up, never never give up,even though some days you"ll have to cry,

never do it again是什么意思

never do it again不要再这样做了双语对照例句:1.I could never do it again, it was incredibly insane. 这种事情我再也做不来了,真的是太疯狂了。2.Just let me go this time. I will never do it again. 求求你,这次就饶了我吧。下次再也不敢了。


Say You Again《速度与激情7》曲目it"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~(rap)damnwho knewall the planes we flewgood things we been throughthat i"d be standing right here talking to you aboutanother path i know we loved to hit the road and laughbut something told me that it wouldn"t lasthad to switch uplook at things different see the bigger picturethose were the days hard work forever paysnow i see you in a better could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?everything i went through you were standing there by my sideand now you be with gonna me for the last"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~(rap)first you both go out your wayand the vibe is feeling strongand what"s small turn to a friendshipturned into a bond and that bond willnever be broke and the love willnever get lost.and when brotherhood comefirst then the line will never be crossedestablished it on our ownwhen that line had to be drawnand that line iswhat we reached so remember me when i"m could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?everything i went throughyou were standing there by my sideand now you be with gonna me for the last ride.light guide your way.hold every memory as you goand every road you takeo will always lead you"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~

Never Never 歌词

歌曲名:Never Never歌手:拉里 科瑞尔专辑:Fallen AngelSweetbox - Never NeverNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again you gave let me goNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again You know that your last chanceI never never never forgive You for thisTake a look and watch dawn to me but thanks to beSafely shortly plese you waite i don"t know meI give U everithing in this soonU can explain sometimes for burn this onMiss it be at you are mi pussy catLike that at you work is acceptedThis appears it gated, can aheadCan delated that you want a oneYou find the swam out the door for sureIs strong i got to know like that exceptWen act you can hear the timeYou knowi i ras never stopNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again you gave let me goNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again You know that your last chanceI never never never forgive You for thisNever never again you know this how hapendBacked all you see sad are keapedAnd this fack don"t stand and back in holeIs has no more it crazy and fack and play meAnd rave me and never to shut me bact to meYou try to be play me & never tasted meAnd give ever so let it go whit "emYou can hear that rats tailSo beat themFor your owns you can see to beSo is no mo to see itSo see to be is no more distance and go to the doorSee just the road never read itNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again you gave let me goNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again the"re be a another way ask to you(hey baby i know was wrong the things are rigth now ,but im sorry in the memories i gave to be again I...)While a while a whileAnd never never never forgive you for thisNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again you gave let me goNever never never again you gave to give it upNever never never again You know that your last chance(it keep in the mind, what those so round ,come so round)


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never ever again?

永远不会了吗?例:never ever be lazy again1. 不要再这么懒惰了2. 现在我该做些什么呵never ever let charms into this vehicle again1. 永远不要把魔力糖带进车里来不会的话再问我

Zero-Sum Game 是什么意思

零和博弈又称零和游戏(Zero-sum game),与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论的一个概念,属非合作博弈,指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。双方不存在合作的可能。也可以说:自己的幸福是建立在他人的痛苦之上的,二者的大小完全相等,因而双方都想尽一切办法以实现“损人利己”。n.一方得益一方受损的局面;得失相抵的情形1.We do not approach United States-China relations as a zero-sum game.我们不以零和游戏方式对待美中关系。2.Life is not a zero-sum game.人生并不是一场零和游戏—3.It isn"t a zero-sum game.这不是零和游戏。4.Globalisation need not be a zero-sum game.全球化不必是一场零和游戏。5."This is a zero-sum game between wages and profits, " he points out.“工资与利润是一对零和博弈”,他指出。6.Blogging, for example, is not a zero-sum game.比如,写博客不是一个零博弈游戏。7.power is no longer a zero sum game.权力不再是一种零和游戏。

zero-sum game什么意思

zero-sum game[英][u02c8ziu0259ru0259uu02c8su028cm ɡeim][美][u02c8zu026arou02c8su028cm ɡem]零和游戏,零和竞赛,零和对策; 零和比赛; 零和博奕;

zero-sum game 是什么游戏啊?

零和博弈又称零和游戏(Zero-sum game),与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论的一个概念,属非合作博弈,指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。双方不存在合作的可能。也可以说:自己的幸福是建立在他人的痛苦之上的,二者的大小完全相等,因而双方都想尽一切办法以实现“损人利己”。[编辑] 零和赛局零和博弈的例子有:赌博、期货等。[编辑] 引申在幽默范畴里,零和博弈被引申为“快乐守恒定律”(Conservation of Happiness),意思是“有人快乐,就必定有人失落”,也就是“快乐必须要建筑于别人的痛苦身上”。跟墨菲定律相似,快乐守恒定律的主要用途也就是逗乐

PERL 正则匹配中使用变量的问题

$aaa="1234,5677,3333";$aaa=~/d+,(d+),d+/; #现在$1中就是5677print $1." ";$bbb="2223,4241,45452";$bbb=~/(d+),d+,d+/; #现在$1中是2223print $1;

英语单词percent rate ratio proportion percentage 区别

percent,percentage这两个名词均可表示“百分比”之意。percent或per cent 系拉丁语per centum的缩略,通常和一个具体数字连用,指具体的百分比。percentage不受数字修饰,不指具体的百分比,通常用在一些形容词或起形容词作用的词之后(如significant,large等),可也单独使用。eg. Deserts cover twenty percent of the earth"s surface.沙漠覆盖了地球表面的百分之二十。How much percentage of Chinese students come back from the states after graduation?在美国学习的中国学生中,有百分之多少在毕业后回国?1.Rate:率说明某现象发生的频率或强度,又称为率。强度相对数。常以百分率(%),千分率,万分率,十万分率等表示。2.Ratio:比两个相关指标之比,说明两指标间的比例关系。相对比。通常以倍数或百分数(%)表示。3.Proportion:构成比用来说明各构成部分在总体中所占的比重或分布。结构相对数。通常以100%为比例基数。

Departure (The Traveler) 歌词

歌曲名:Departure (The Traveler)歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire专辑:Spirit「Departure」作词∶Rie Otsuka作曲∶Yutaka Sugaua歌∶RSP“はなればなれになったって あなたを信じてる”キミがくれたコトバで 强くなれたんだありがとう ありがとう いつまでも叫ぶよ忘れない 忘れない どんなに离れても明日の今顷はもう 知らない街ひとりきり冷たい风が吹いても 手を繋ぐこと出来ないいっぱい不安もある キミに頼りすぎてたって今更気付かされる当然 ずっと一绪だと思ってたよ全然 想像しなかったことだけどやっと 见つけた梦を叶えるために今进み始めるよ“はなればなれになったって その笑颜大好きさ”キミがくれたコトバを トランクに诘めて泣かないよ 泣かないよ 泣かないよ 今だけはそう笑って そう笑って さよなら言わなくちゃ踏みしめる落ち叶の音が ふたりの空に响いてたたいした会话もないまま 部屋の前まで辿り着く「一绪に买ったCD 持っていて欲しいあなたに…」キミの手が震えてたぎゅっと 诘め込まれたトランクを开けてそっと 一番上に置いてみたけどふと あのメロディーが恋しくなって朝まで聴いてたんだ“はなればなれになったって あなたを信じてる”キミがくれたコトバで 强くなれたんだありがとう ありがとう いつまでも叫ぶよ忘れない 忘れない どんなに离れても「空の上で开いてね」とキミから渡された手纸に 大きなピースサイン"GOOD LUCK!" 何度も重ねた文字“はなればなれになったって その笑颜大好きさ”キミがくれたコトバが 胸に溢れてる泣かないよ 泣かないよ 泣かないよ 今だけはそう笑って そう笑って またいつか会うために【 おわり 】


I LIKE ITこの写真の外侧で君 笑った夏の日砂浜で见た夕日の影ささ波 寄せて 消える 音のない夜はカラダが君を求めて眠れないWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itこんな近くにWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itI like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itAnd every time I kiss you babyEvery time I kiss you girl 二人で生まれたままで理想 叶う 未来 今探してMakes love completeGirl そのまま 君 キレイさWoo yeahBlue の翼で君の空を飞ぶ Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..Tu tu lu lululuTu tu lu lululuLu lu lu Lu lu luWow WowWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itKissing me, I"m missing you. Yeah言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it星屑の夜だからWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itYou"re with me again言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it止められないI like it I like itWhen you touch me Kiss meYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyFu fu fuYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyNext me I need you girl I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyYou know I love you babyYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.Yeah- I like it. I like it.You know I like it baby如这张照片上的你 在那一个夏日微笑著的你两人在沙滩边看到的夕阳的影子娓娓细语的波浪 慢慢地靠近 消失 寂静的夜晚我的身体寻求著你 无法入睡When you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby语言无法表达 现在Beautiful time I like it我们如此的靠近Every time I kiss you girl就我们二人 为了彼此而生理想 实现的未来 现在 我们去寻求Makes love completeGirl 就这样 你美得令人眩目Woo yeah用Blue色的翅膀飞向你的天空 Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..NEVER AGAINListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance くれない? もう Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからEasy come easy go 本当のことはそう简単に 话せないよNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meためらいの迷路で 彷徨う二人明日からは想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (肿れた目盖に口つける Baby)运命は? No fake!You"re my everythingやすい言叶が いまも二人に寄りあってるI couldn"t help myself嘘でかかれた 毎日も崩れ落ちそうNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me戸惑いのキスだって さかれる二人突然のさよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything もう一度すべてを许し合うのさI believe 今なら间に合う さびついた memoryI never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからYou"re my everythingあきめてた恋なのに… (今なら言えるただ I love you)运命は? No fake想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は?さよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (君は俺の甘い Honey toste.)运命は? No fake!ListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah再给我 One more chance? 再一个 Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱Easy come easy go 真正的心情却无法清楚对你表明Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me在迷宫中徘徊的二人明日伊始即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱… (吻上你哭肿的眼睑 Baby)命运是? No fake!You"re my everything廉价的甜言蜜语 在耳边响起I couldn"t help myself充满谎言的每一天接近崩溃Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me被已经没有感觉的吻包围的二人别突然的说出再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything 再一次 原谅过去的种种I believe 现在一切还来得及 挽回已经冷却的 memoryI never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱You"re my everything却是已经放弃的恋爱… (现在我能说出口 I love you)命运是? No fake即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!别说再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!MIRACLE度重なる偶然 ただよみがえる寸前微笑む君を つかむ高鸣るビートに 溢れ出てゆくノイズ夕日が 落ちる前に探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い思いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹つかの间 休日 つかまえるはずの终日手招きの向こう侧明日吹くと言った アスファルトから风が右のほほ 焦がしてく过ぎてく过去なら 今は闻かない羡望のささやき 去れ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle駆けてく 夕暗の街へ浮かない笑颜 舍ててCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle君の目の 向こう侧には何が写ってる 教えてくれ 届けよ奇迹探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い想いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹一再的偶然 就在几乎苏醒之前紧抓住 微笑的你喧腾的节拍 掩不住的噪音就在夕阳 西下之前一直寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹转眼瞬间 已是假日 理当能抓住的最后一天向我招手呼唤的那一头预报明日才吹的风 从柏油路吹来让右边的脸颊 乾燥灼热如果是已经过去的往事 现在我不要听羡慕的耳语 滚开!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle疾驰 往暮色的城市抛开 闷闷不乐的笑容Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle在你眼睛的 那一头究竟看到了什麼 请告诉我 帮我传达吧奇迹一直在寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹tabi kasanaru guzen tada yomigaeru sunzenhohoemu kimiwo tsukamutakanaru BITO ni afure deteyukuyuuhiga ochiru maenisagashiteta tenshi ima wa koko niyume demo itami demo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclemoteamasu yurui karada satodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kisekitsukanoma kyuujitsu tsukamaeruhazu no shuujitsutemaneki no mukougawaashita fuku to itta ASUFARUTO kara kazegamigi no hoho kogashitekusugiteku kakonara ima wa kikanaisenbou no sasayaki sare!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekaketeku yuyami no machi eukanai egao sutetecome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekimino meno mukougawa niwananiga utsutteru oshietekure todokeyo kisekisagashiteta tenshi ima wa kokoniyumedemo itamidemo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miracletodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kiseki



never again 歌词

Kelly Clarkson - Never AgainI hope the ring you gave to herTurns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tellBy the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayShe may believe youBut I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife, oh how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesAnd he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together, but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceGive me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willNever againNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youNever!Does it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willI never willI never willNever again

贾斯汀never again的中文歌词

会放弃我的生命为你 猜测它的真实是什么,他们说,关于爱情 它的盲目 女孩,你说谎,直到我的脸看在我的眼睛 我相信你"的原因我爱你多于生命 和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我,再次 不,不,不,不,不,不 我的悲伤已在去年底该行 无助的看着你打破这个心脏矿井 和孤独只是希望你回到这里与我 共同常识的人都知道您还不够好, 我和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉,并指它 但你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 这就像地狱,我可以回去的时间 可能的话,我可以看到如何 宽恕说,我应该给你更多的尝试 但它的太迟了,它的超过现在 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 再次 再次,是啊,是啊 再次,再次,再次,是啊,是啊,是啊 永远爱我

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下


Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Trey Songz专辑:chapter vTrey Songz - Never AgainSplendidyangQ:199651031When the days are doneWhen you and I would take the world onYeah,to the place where no one knows ofNow I can"t stop thinking about youI"m a ghost looking for youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveNow you are long goneBut I still got your birthday cardYeah , put a stamp on her adressOh now I can"t stop dreaming "bout youI"m a lost star without youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveSuddenly it takes me all alongTo the point where it breaks my heartSuch a major love ,never gonna touch againI will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,I wish we had a little more to look in loveNever ever againNever ever againNever againI"ll never see you again tt

Never Again 歌词

歌曲:Never Again (永不言败/再也不/永远也不)所属专辑:My December歌曲时长:3:37发行时间:2007.4.23歌曲原唱:Kelly Clarkson歌词:I hope the ring you gave to herturns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tell by the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayShe may believe you but I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife oh~ how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesand he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceWell,give me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayThey may believe you but I never willNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youI never will

Never Again 歌词

I hope the ring you gave to her我希望你给她的那枚戒指turns her finger green把她的手指变绿I hope when you"re in bed with her我希望当你和她躺在床上You think of me你会想着我I would never wish bad things我不会咒怨But I don"t wish you well但也不会祝你一切都好Could you tell by the flames that burned your words你能通过被火焰吞噬的字句感觉到I never read your letter我从未读过你的信件吗?Cause I knew what you"d say因为我知道你会说什么Give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Try and make it all ok试图使一切看起来都没问题Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向She may believe you but I never will她也许会相信你,但我永远不会Never again再也不会If she really knows the truth如果她真的知道真相She deserves you那她跟你很配A trophy wife oh~ how cute一个花瓶老婆,哦,多可爱啊Ignorance is bliss无知便是幸福But when your day comes但当你的那天到来and he"s through with you他已经厌倦了你And he"ll be through with you他会抛弃你You"ll die together but alone你们会同时但却孤独地死去You wrote me in a letter你写封信告诉我You couldn"t say it right to my face甚至没法当面说出来Well,give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Repent yourself away赦免你自己的罪孽Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向They may believe you but I never will他们也许相信你,但我永远不会Never again will I hear you再也不会听你的Never again will I miss you再也不会想念你Never again will I fall to you再也不会爱上你Never永不Never again will I kiss you再也不会亲吻你Never again will I want to再也不会想要你Never again will I love you再也不会爱你I never will永远不会

Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, TennesseeKAT-TUN - NEVER AGAIN作词:SPIN/JOKER作曲:JOEY CARBONE/STEVEN LEEWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girls?Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance ku re na i? mo-Chance.This situation. Frastrate. On me.I never understand wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raEasy come easy go hon to- no ko to wa so- kan tan ni hana se na i yoNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meta me ra i no me i ro de sa ma yo u fu ta ria su ka ra wao mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(ha re ta ma bu ta ni ku chi tsu ke ruBaby)un me- wa ?No fakeYou are my everything ya su i ko to ba gai ma no fu ta ri ni yo ku ni a tte ruI couldn"t help my self u so de ka ta me tama i ni chi wa mo- ku zu re o chi so-Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meto ma do i no ki su da ke ka sa ne ru fu ta rito tsu zen nosa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na i感じたまま濡れた瞳(め)は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(kyo- mo a sa ma de fu ta ri Body Talk)un me- wa ?No fakeThree.Two.One. Never again.Oh yeah baby. Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything mo- i chi do-su be te o yu ru shi a u no saI believe i ma na ra ma ni a usa bi tsu i ta MemoryI never understand  wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raYou are my everything  a ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(i ma na ra i e rut a da I Love you)un me- wa ?No fakeo mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ?sa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na ikan ji ta ma ma nu re ta me wa hon to- no ki mo chiYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ? No fake


Never Again到此为止; 双语例句 Never again hold on to of that way!从不再一次继续到那个方法!

never again什么意思



don"t wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest Or the girl who never wants to be alone I don"t wanna be that call at 4 o"clock in the morning "Cause I"m the only one you know in the world that won"t be home Ahhhh-Ahhh, the sun is blinding I stayed up again Oh, I"m finding That"s not the way I want my story to end I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? No pain inside You"re my protection But how do I feel this good sober? I don"t wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence.. The quiet scares me "cause it screams the truth Please don"t tell me that we had that conversation "Cause I won"t remember, save your breath "cause what"s the use? Ahhhh-Ahhh, the night is calling And it whispers to me softly, "come play" I am falling And if I let myself go, I"m the only one to blame I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me But why do I feel this party"s over? No pain inside You"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Comin" down, comin" down, comin" down, Spinnin" round, spinnin" round, spinnin" round Looking for myself, Sober Comin" down, comin" down, comin" down, Spinnin" round, spinnin" round, spinnin" round Looking for myself, Sober When it"s good, then it"s good It"s all good "till it goes bad "Till you try to find the you that you once had I have heard myself cry, never again! Broken down in agony Just trying to find a friend Ohhh Whoahhh I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? Whoahhh No pain inside You"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Whoahhh I"m safe up high, nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? Why do I feel this party"s over? Whoahhh No pain inside, you"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Why do I feel this party"s over? Will I ever feel this good sober? 我不想成为那个笑的最大声的那个女孩 或者是从来没想过自己一人独处的女孩 我不想每天4点钟被电话吵醒, 因为我是世界上其中的一个 你所知道的不想回家的女孩 太阳是致盲 我留意起来 我发现 这不是我希望我的故事结束的方式 我涨高安全感 没有任何东西可以碰我 为什么我觉得这晚会结束了呢? 里面没有疼痛 你喜欢的保护 你让我如何保持这份冷静? 我不想成为始终沉浸在沉默中的女孩 哭泣的恐慌导致我尖叫追求真相 请不要告诉我 我们的交谈中 我不会忘记 保存您的呼吸 功率因数有什么用? 这个夜晚的序曲 并低声向我轻轻地来发挥 我下降 如果我让自己这样做 我是唯一一个会责备自己的 我来了,下来,下来 纺纱"轮,纺纱"轮,纺纱"轮, 寻找自己的冷静 当它的好时,那就好 这是好到要变坏 直到你试图找到你 你曾经有过 我听到我哭 永远不会再哭了, 细分痛苦只是试图找到一个适合 我涨高安全感 没有任何东西可以碰我 为什么我觉得这晚会结束了呢? 里面没有疼痛 你喜欢的保护 你让我如何保持这份冷静?

【求助】MISIA—Remember Lady 的歌词!

Remember MeDon"t forget to remember me Don"t forget to remember me (x2) Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (T.I.: Verse 1) Ey the king modern day MLK ? I"m officially the freshest don"t dare forget I"m gone, momentarily don"t bear me yet Like ali got I got title back prepare for dat When the world needed tip Ask where he was it But where he need something back Nigga fade to black Talking shit behind his back You a hater for that I"m don"t expect nothing less In the game with chess you think 5 moves ahead and not behind Niggas jumped up cheered when I got my time Like yeah, one whole year I got in the grind But get me losing off your mind Shorty may I remind you That there aint another nigga who done been through what I been through Time aftter time again you better get some ? in you When you said it was over for him and you thought he couldn"t continue to floss Heres to your memory loss Suckkka (Mary J. Blige: Chorus) Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (x2) Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget forget to remember me (T.I.: Verse 2) They say out of sight is out of mind And 9 times out of 10 me and (out of pocket out of line) ? You do it big everybody that you out shined Then your old lady fate talk about how he got fine She say she trying to get away He say about time Right now we all thinking damn hope it not mine But when its lights out for you and you locked down Aint not telling whether or not your lady when and got down With that nigga ? town cause he hot now Ripping up your love letters, lifting up her night gown Right now somebody baby moma gettin piped down Kids in the next room listening, ima pipe down The thought hurt don"t it But maybe she strong enough for aint get that lonely cause you wasn"t gone long enough True Its just a temporarily setback Its on when I get back Please don"t forget dat (Mary J. Blige: Chorus) Don"t forget to remember me Don"t forget (please don"t) to remember me Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (Mary J. Blige: Verse 1) I don"t mean to feel like this Don"t mean to think like this My heart just has to be shown That the love that I give to you That"s the love that I get from you I need to be safe and secure Don"t forget don"t forget to remember me Please remember me Everything I bring to this love love Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get) to remember me Don"t you ... forget about me