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雷达,是英文Radar的音译,源于radio detection and ranging的缩写,意思为"无线电探测和测距",即用无线电的方法发现目标并测定它们的空间位置。因此,雷达也被称为“无线电定位”。

both.....and 和 either......or....有什么区别???


After he became conscious, he remembered ________ and ________ on the head with a rod.


neither nor和both and的区别

either...or... neither...nor连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的"就近原则"。 both...and表示两者都…… 例:Both you and I are good students. 你和我都是好学生。 注意:动词谓语用复数 either...or表示两者中有一个,要么…要么 例:Either you or I am good students. 要么你是好学生,要么我是好学生。 注意:动词谓语就近原则。 neither...nor表示两者都不 例:neither you nor I am good students. 你和我都不是好学生。 注意:动词谓语就近原则。


Radar是英文“Radio Detection and Ranging”的缩写,意为“无线电探测和测距”。它是一种利用电磁波进行探测和测距的技术,广泛应用于军事、民用、科学研究等领域。Radar技术的原理是利用发射器发射电磁波,当电磁波遇到物体时,会被反射回来,接收器接收到反射回来的电磁波,并计算出物体与雷达的距离、方向、速度等信息。根据不同的应用需求,雷达可以使用不同的频段和波长的电磁波,例如X波段、K波段、Ka波段等。雷达技术的应用非常广泛,其中最为常见的应用是在军事领域。雷达可以用于探测敌方飞机、舰船、导弹等目标,提供战场情报和指挥决策支持。此外,雷达还可以用于民用领域,例如气象雷达可以用于预测天气、航空雷达可以用于导航和飞行安全、交通雷达可以用于监测车辆和行人等。除了传统的雷达技术,现代雷达还涌现出了许多新的技术和应用。例如,合成孔径雷达(SAR)可以利用雷达波束的运动合成高分辨率的图像,用于地质勘探、环境监测等领域;多普勒雷达可以测量目标的速度和方向,用于气象预测、海洋监测等领域;毫米波雷达可以利用毫米波的特性穿透物体表面,用于安检、医疗等领域。

《TheWitcher3:WildHunt》 评测(轻度剧透)

首先定个基点,《The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt》一个超级棒RPG游戏,算是我完整体验的第一个 3A 大作。「巫师3」 剧情:五星 《巫师3》构筑起来了一个西方魔幻史诗的世界,狩魔猎人,女巫,北方,尼佛迦德,史凯利杰,还有各类怪物,比较烦人的食尸怪和恶灵,传说中的吸血鬼和狼人,等等。我们的主角狼学派狩魔猎人白狼——杰洛特就在这样一个世界中行走,进行了一次爸爸寻找女儿之旅。在这旅途中每一次选择都无法完全按照玩家的心中所想的完美,我依然还记得最开始的那个纵火犯,那个烧掉铁匠铺子的村民,最终被挂死在了树上,虽然这并不是我的本意。还有那个被人为难的女精灵,好像怎么选择都会被她嫌弃,好像真的如她所说我们只是出于对自我的满足,选择帮助弱势来体现自己的「伟大」,虽然我知道我只是个了解故事的玩家,当然也有传统武侠行侠仗义的想法,我在其中的选择基本也遵循侠义的选择,游侠杰洛特,XD。Ciri,随着故事的进行,我是真把她当成女儿的感觉,生怕摔着碰着,父女之间的情感真的很有感染力,当我知道了有杯具结局,还是没忍住,去查了查避免杯具结局的攻略。但是结果吧,emmm,算是有得也有失吧。遗憾写在最后一部分。音乐:四星半恢弘的BGM配上史诗的故事是再好不过的了,战斗中的配乐也承托出了紧张感,音乐好听的同时也不会喧宾夺主,过分的吸引注意力。游戏性: 四星半低调不华丽的战斗场面,却挺有讲究的。剑油,煎药,炸弹,法印,技能,丰富的元素,有不同的流派,针对不同的怪物有不同的攻略。然而还是偏万金油的流派爽啊,我 25 级前都是没走流派,随意打的,25 级后收集狮鹫套走了法印流,一路伊格尼烧烤,伤害全靠点燃,然而在默罕默德让狂猎好好教育了一番,2333,不吃法印,蓝瘦,之后玩了玩狼学派,没别的原因就是因为狼派衣服帅啊!进入 DLC 血与酒后收集到飞狮套,转了嗑药拜年炼金流,WOC这才觉得应该早转炼金流的,这还是年度版被削了之后,前几个版本炼金秒天秒地不是吹。开怪前就三瓶煎药,一身buff,各种回血,还有增益,我 50 多级 2w 的血,刚剑一个满蓄力重击伤害极限到 1w,这怎么打。而且技能我其实最后都还没加完,出了突变后,确实缺技能点,导致后期游戏性下降,不打 MOD 确实没意思了。不过昆特牌是真的有意思。画面: 四星半符合 3A 大作的水准,自我研发的游戏系统挺不错,就是读盘时间有点长,尤其是后期东西太多了之后,植被,光影,水面都表现的挺不错。我觉得最要称赞的是战斗画面。狮鹫从断崖飞身而起,是真的帅气。白狼拔剑和打斗的动作都极具实战意义,并不是各种华丽的花架子。刀剑的设计都附有美感,不光是剑身,剑柄都各自不同且具有特色,背在身后也经常引人注意,剑附魔后,整把剑并没有 Duang,Duang的一直在闪烁各种特效,而是在拔出剑后,随着剑上刻纹,根据不同的附魔产生不同颜色的流动光效,从拔剑的明亮到慢慢的收敛,只有 3~4s 的时间。真的可以算是低调有内涵的工艺品。「DLC」剧情:石之心:三星半本身挺不错与恶魔起舞,镜子大师的魔爪好像一直在身后张着,最后真的是赌上命运的赌局。然而恶魔不会被消灭,他终将会回来。只是我是先玩的血与酒,emmm,尝过顶级的甜品的了,一般的甜品没感觉了。血与酒:五星骑士的五德与吸血鬼的爱恨情仇,以及最后的童话故事世界的登场,给我带来了深深的震撼。哇,居然还有这种操作。原作体验到了父女情,这作体验到了白狼和雷吉斯之前的友谊,两个老朋友之间品着酒讲着多年来的经历。江湖中好朋友。嘿,兄弟你还好么。(高等级吸血鬼真的可怕,被打成一团浆糊都能复活过来)音乐:石之心:三星半依照本作原体的感觉。血与酒:五星一进入到陶森特,伴随着 DLC 血与酒的封面,响起的 BGM 超级好听,旋律优美,欢快。配合着陶森特明显鲜亮的色调,让人明显都能想象到那种充满葡萄酒与诗歌,艺术的殿堂的感觉。游戏性:石之心:三星一些小游戏的加入挺有意思的,血与酒:四星突变系统的加入,让杰洛特的能力再上一层,冰冻阿尔德的技能酷炫十足,且十分实用。但是导致杰洛特过于强大,有点超越游戏本体中的实力范围。这又是我的一个遗憾。画面:石之心:三星保持原作水准。血与酒:四星半 颜色鲜亮,欢快,为后面的童话世界做下了铺垫。童话世界真的美丽。最后战斗和吸血鬼的战斗漫天的血色,气氛烘托的紧张。有种黑魂 Boss 战的感觉,最后还算是吸血鬼解决了吸血鬼。「总结」通关了整个游戏,深刻体会了一次西方魔幻旅行,剑与魔法,斩妖除魔。感受了一次吟游诗人口中的史诗故事。从百草园一路追寻叶奈法的踪迹到了血腥男爵,记住了这个情义汉子,希望男爵和他的夫人能平静过下去。遇见了恶心的三个老巫妪。照片果然不能信,这三个是真的貌丑心蝎,幸好后面能够通过 Ciri 的手杀到这三个,为非作歹的三个老巫妪。去了史凯利杰,体验了这帮“蛮夷人”之间的互动,最后居然帮助他们选出了一个女王。维瑟米尔的离去真让人心痛,一个大家长和大家说再见了。最后白狼集结了女巫和各方势力,在他们的帮助下击败了狂猎的王——艾瑞汀。看着 Ciri 解决了白霜,阻止了最后纪元的到来。「遗憾」1、我只注意避免 Ciri 进入杯具结局,然而最后的结局是她回去当了女王,我觉得最好的结局是当个自由自在的狩魔猎人。2、我昆特牌北方卡组没收集齐,虽然我主打的就是北方卡组,毕竟成型快,维瑟米尔TT,我在剧情前忘记和他打牌了。3、感情线我走的是特莉丝,emmm,叶奶奶的线出来的晚一点,而且不好打,好吧,我喜欢红发妹子www。叶奶奶女主气质MAX,女王的形象。4、炼金流没有走到最后,技能没有全加满。主要是后期再提升如果不打 MOD 就也是数据的提升而已,没有意思了,就没再继续下去了。5、血与酒中的湖中剑拿的太早,属性不是特别好,就算有攻击力提升的能力,基础属性差了点,后期还是不如其他同攻击力的武器。死而无憾难度 巫师3+血与酒+石之心 179h 「完结」撒花~~~~ ——2017.8.31 ZeroyiQ


commodity指专业一些的商品merchandise就是指一般的小商品 像家用商品

Hit by a car, his daughter Yuanyuan fell into a pool of blood这句英语是什么意思



goods,merchandise,ware,freight,commodity 这些名词都可表示“商品,货物”之意. goods〓一般生活或商业用词,指销售或购入的商品. merchandise〓正式用词,指商业上销售或商家拥有货物的总称. ware〓指上市待卖的商品或货物.多用复数形式. freight〓指“货物”时,可与goods互换,此系美国英语.在英国,freight志指船装货物. commodity〓作“商品”解时系经济学名词,也可指日用品. merchandise 商品,泛指商品,不特指某一商品 article(smuggled goods and articles,inward and outward goods and articles) Goods 货物

The police were___the thief in the forest.


goods,commodity,cargo,merchandise,freight 有什么区别

goods,commodity,product,merchandise,wares这些名词都可表示“商品,货物”之意,但是products是产品,goods是物品,commodity是日用品,merchandise是货物。详细点就是:goods一般生活或商业用词,指销售或购入的商品。commodity作“商品”解时系经济学名词,也可指日用品。product一般指工业产品,也可泛指各种各样的产品。merchandise,正式用词,指商业上销售或商家拥有货物的总称。wares 指上市待卖的商品或货物.多用复数形式。merchandise 商品,泛指商品,不特指某一商品

After a yearu2019straining Iu2019m sure he will ________ the target.

答案Ahit the target固定短语,“正中靶心,达到目标”。



both and和either or的区别是什么

either or 是2者选其一,both and 是2者都可以,这就要看你的选择了.你要么在在学校画,要在家画你能在学校和家里画

both...and... neither...nor... either...or... not only...but also...这四者的区别及其用法,谢谢

both... and...指全部都。。。neither...nor...二者同时否定。either...or...二者同时肯定。not only...but also...不止。。。而且。。。eg.both she and he got there yesterday.(后跟复数)neither this one nor that one got there.(后跟单三)Either he or she did that last month.(同上)not only he but also she did that last month.(取决于后者)

电脑连接网络后出现A server error has occurred.More information may be available in the console

服务器出现错误 更多资料可在控制台意思就是说服务器错误 你给办网的网通或电信打电话询问吧

Hungry Like The Wolf (Night Version) (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲:Hungry Like The Wolf歌手:David CookDark in the citynight is a wireSteam in the subwayearth is a fireDo-do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do doWoman you want megive me a signAnd catch my breathing even closer behindDo-do do do, do do do,do do do, do do do, do doIn touch with the groundI"m on the hunt I"m after youSmell like I sound, I"m lost in a crowdAnd I"m hungry like the wolfStraddle the line, in discord and rhymeI"m on the hunt I"m after youMouth is alive with juices like wineAnd I"m hungry like the wolfStalked in the foresttoo close to hideI"ll be upon you by the moonlight sideDo-do do do, do do do,do do do, do do do, do doHigh blood drumming on our skin it"s so tightYou feel my heatI"m just a moment behindDo-do do do, do do do,do do do, do do do, do doIn touch with the groundI"m on the hunt I"m after youScent and a sound, I"m lost and I"m foundAnd I"m hungry like the wolfStrut on a line, it"s discord and rhymeI howl and I whine I"m after youMouth is alive all running insideAnd I"m hungry like the wolf(Hungry like the wolf,Hungry like the wolf,Hungry like the wolf)Burning the ground I break from the crowdI"m on the hunt I"m after youI smell like I sound, I"m lost and I"m foundAnd I"m hungry like the wolfStrut on a line, it"s discord and rhymeI"m on the hunt I"m after youMouth is alive with juices like wineAnd I"m hungry like the wolf

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先把你要运行程序发送到快捷方式到桌面,然后用右键点那个快捷方式,点属性,然后把目标里最后的 后加个空格 输入/NCRC(注意一定要大写!),这样就可安装了

Alberte的《Radio》 歌词

您好,Alberte的《Radio》 歌词歌曲名:Veronica歌手:Alberte专辑:Svenske SporIs it all in that pretty little head of yours?What goes on in that place in the dark?Well I used to know a girl andI would have sworn that her name was VeronicaWell she used to have a carefree mind of herownand a delicate look in her eyeThese days I"m afraid she"s not even sureif her name is VeronicaDo you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,Veronica has gone to hide?And all the time she laughs at thosewho shout her name and steal her clothesVeronicaVeronicaDid the days drag by? Did the favours wane?Did he roam down the town all the time?Will you wake from your dream,with a wolf at the door,reaching out for VeronicaWell it was all of sixty-five years agoWhen the world was the street where she livedAnd a young man sailed on a ship in the seaWith a picture of VeronicaOn the "Empress of India"And as she closed her eyes upon the world andpicked upon the bones of last week"s newsShe spoke his name outloud againDo you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,Veronica has gone to hide?And all the time she laughs at thosewho shout her name and steal her clothesVeronicaVeronicaVeronica sits in her favourite chairand she sits very quiet and stillAnd they call her a name that they never get rightand if they don"t then nobody else willBut she used to have a carefree mind of her own,with devilish look in her eyeSaying "You can call me anything you like,but my name is Veronica"Do you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,Veronica has gone to hide?And all the time she laughs at thosewho shout her name and steal her clothesVeronicaVeronica

both.....and 和 either......or....有什么区别

连着两个并列成分,both and做主语时谓语动词要用复数。either..or ...不是……就是……做主语是遵循就近原则。如Both you and I are students.Either he or you are a student.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,哈克贝利费恩历险记英语读后感800字

This is the masterpiece of Mark Twain, and is also a far-reaching work in the history of American literature. The hero of the story is Huckleberry Finn, who meets you in the adventures of Tom sawyer. Huckleberry is a *** art, kind, brave white boy, accustomed to free street life, and later became the widow Douglas"s son, all wearing crisp clothes, endless learning really makes him sad of the sacred rules of the religious order. When he got used to this kind of life and received education, the drunk father who disappeared for more than a year suddenly appeared and forced his son to live with him in a shelter from the woods. The end of life in the woods too observant of conventional standards., hunting fish, live a life of freedom, but the father drunk wine mad and often launched hit him, be intolerable. In order to avoid the abuse of Huck"s alcoholic father, Jefferson fled to the island, who fled slave Jim, the o go hand in hand, trying to flee from the Mississippi River on the northern free state. In order to escape the hunt, they hid in the woods during the day and only came out at night. After many hardships, they finally drifted into a big river bay, and thought that when they reached safety, they went ashore to inquire about them, and then they became more and more deeply into the slave area. On the way, Jim was sold by o swindlers. Finally, Huck rescued Jim who was sold by the swindler under the help of his good friend Tom, and learned that Jim"s slave status had been relieved. Finally, Huckleberry made up his mind to go to the place where the Indians lived, and to live a wandering and free life. Haq is a very brave boy. At the time, fled with a runaway slave, need courage, and help the slaves free need more courage, even though he knows that this is not only contrary to the law, will go to hell, but he was so brave to do. As a child growing up in a white society, Huck is inevitably influenced by nationali *** , reactionary preaching and social ethos. He didn"t know how to look at raci *** and slavery, and the social tradition had a fierce conflict with the integrity and goodness of his young mind. In fact, Huck is struggling all the time. He doesn"t know whether his ideas are right or what the society says is right. Although according to the law, Jim was a black slave belonging to Miss Watson, but in the moral sense, he thought he should help Jim break free from slavery and gain freedom. His conscience always warns him that it is immoral to kidnap the master"s slave." When he finally could not bear the heart of the struggle, it was impossible to refute the "conscience" of the accused, to write to Jim"s owner Miss Watson, suddenly remembered the past and Jim on the River drift time, think of them in the raft along with life, think of Jim"s heart, think of the friendship beeen them, think of Jim called him "the world"s best and only friend". Finally he took the letter and said, "well, then go to hell and go to hell." and then he ripped off the letter all at once. Some people think that this novel is an outstanding children"s literature, but Mark Twain himself didn"t admit that this book is not to see the child he mentioned in the preface, only *** s can understand it, it is specially written for minors." How ironic it is! Mark Twain, known as "Lincoln in American Literature", a great man who led a civil war in literature, his works have been rated as children"s literary works. I believe that literature is not very high, but the theme of the adventures of Huckleberry Finn is still a little understood: anti raci *** and criticizing the evil slavery is the basic idea of the novel. Of course, the novel also has obvious limitations. As an anti hero storage system in a 14 year old children, will take the boat leaves as a safe haven, the liberation of Kim on a paper that Miss Watson"s pardon...... All this shows Mark Twain discontented and helpless mood. "Huckleberry - The Adventures of Finn" is a book to read, you can not only enjoy the simple rhetoric in the book, also can bring to the black experience of American slavery and suffering, an honest child"s heart.

both and和either or的区别是什么


both and和either or的区别是什么

both and和either or的区别是:1、both...and表示两者都…… ,动词谓语用复数。 2、either...or表示两者中有一个,要么…要么 ,动词谓语就近原则。both and和either or的区别是:1、both...and表示两者都…… ,动词谓语用复数。 2、either...or表示两者中有一个,要么…要么 ,动词谓语就近原则。

《The Hunt Ball Mystery》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Hunt Ball Mystery》(Magnay William)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: w22x书名:The Hunt Ball Mystery作者:Magnay William出版年份:1918页数:328内容简介:"Let us throw off this depressing business as well as we can," he said. "Of course I have had to break it to my sister and the others; they would have seen it to-day in print. Thank goodness the papers don"t look beyond the suicide idea, so they are not making much fuss about it. If they took a more sensational view, as I fear they will now after the medical evidence, it would be a terrible nuisance. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

goods, commodity, product, merchandise, wares这些名词都有什么区别?

goods,commodity,product,merchandise,wares这些名词都可表示“商品,货物”之意。 但是products是产品,goods是物品,commodity是日用品,merchandise是货物详细点就是:goods一般生活或商业用词,指销售或购入的商品。Goods 货物!commodity作“商品”解时系经济学名词,也可指日用品。 product一般指工业产品,也可泛指各种各样的产品。merchandise正式用词,指商业上销售或商家拥有货物的总称。 wares 指上市待卖的商品或货物。多用复数形式。 merchandise 商品,泛指商品,不特指某一商品



笔记本电脑上cruzer blade是什么设备

Cruzer系列闪盘的名称Cruzer Blade是SanDisk出品的Cruzer刀片系列闪盘----------------------------------芯片存储巨头Sandisk(闪迪)发布了2010年第一款新品——Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive,Sandisk的U盘产品都叫“Cruzer”,而“Blade”是刀片的意思,正像名字所说的那样,这是一款以薄小为卖点的产品,事实上,这是Sandisk迄今为止最小的一款U盘。最新产品就是SanDisk Cruzer Blade CZ50 16GB大容量U盘。



“all of”,“both of”和“neither of”的用法有什么区别?

先来一个总结,再给例子 either of (两者其一) neither of(两者都不) 这两个后+单数 both of (两者都),后+复数 all of (三者或三者以上都是) none of (三者或三者以上都不是) 例子 either of 是指“两者有其一.” Either of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“) neither of是指“两者都不...” 用于否定句 Neither of us English. (注意“speaks“) both of是指两者都. 用于肯定句 Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明. Either of与both of 注意区别两者的意思,不同的意思,单复数不一样. ① There are two apples on the table; you can take either of them. 桌上有两只苹果,随你拿哪一只. ② There are two apples on the table; you can take both of them. 桌上有两只苹果,你可以把两只都拿去. x0b③ There are trees on either side of the street. 街的两边(每一边)绿树成荫. ④ There are trees on both sides of the street. 街的两边绿树成荫. all of是指所有人(或物)都...(超过两个) All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers.所有中国学生都是少先队员. 否定式:Not all of,意思是“不全是” (千万不要误认为是“全部都不是”.) Not all of us went to school yesterday.昨天我们不全都来上学. 对比:All of us went to school yesterday.昨天我们全都来上学. none of 是指“所有人(或物)都不...”全部否定(超过三个) 以None of 开头的句子,谓语动词用单数或复数均可. None of.作主语,强调个体时,谓语动词用单数;若强调整体时,谓语动词则用复数. None of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“) He likes none of these books.这些书他一本也不喜欢 None of the food was left.没剩一点食物 None of the money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的. None of these cars is [are] new.这些汽车没有一辆是新的. None of us has got a camera.我们中间没有一个人有照相机. None of 后接限定词,如the, my, these



super blade是什么意思,为什么会成为SB与“超剑”, 翻译软件上明明是超级刀片与超级叶片

其实文本出自国漫《十万个冷笑话》。太2真人收个徒弟是穿越者,然后太2给其取了个英文名,就叫做“Super Blade”。此人吐槽:中文叫做“超贱”,英文简写就是“SB”。Blade有箭的意思,只是娱乐一下,并没有什么文化渊源。

用GeosetManager生成gst文件后,C++ BUILDER的MAPX控件中找不到这个gst文件,直接输入文件名不好使。


cruzer blade 是什么意思

Cruzer系列闪盘的名称Cruzer Blade是SanDisk出品的Cruzer刀片系列闪盘----------------------------------芯片存储巨头Sandisk(闪迪)发布了2010年第一款新品——Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive,Sandisk的U盘产品都叫“Cruzer”,而“Blade”是刀片的意思,正像名字所说的那样,这是一款以薄小为卖点的产品,事实上,这是Sandisk迄今为止最小的一款U盘。最新产品就是SanDisk Cruzer Blade CZ50 16GB大容量U盘。

more……than中间加比较级还是一般式 那more better也是错误的吗?

more……than一词本来就有比较之意,所以中间的形容词用原型就可以了,不过这个形容词必须是多音节的,如beautiful,这种多于2个音节的单词. 希望对你有所帮助!

both of和either of区别

either of 与 both of 的相同点是都是表示两者 其区别在于 either of一般用于其中任何一个也 用在否定句中 或者用在表示两者之中的其中一个时 both of 却用在两者之中的双方都 表示肯定的语气

Last Rose Of Summer/Walking In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Last Rose Of Summer/Walking In The Air歌手:Celtic Woman专辑:Celtic WomanWe"re walking in the airWe"re floating in the moonlit skyThe people far below are sleeping as we flyWe"re holding very tightI"m riding in the midnight blueAnd finding I can fly so high above with youAll across the worldThe villages go by like dreamsThe rivers and the hills, the forests and the streamsChildren gaze open-mouthedTaken by supriseNobody down below believes their eyesWe"re surfing in the airWe"re swimming in the frozen skyWe"re drifting over icy mountains floating bySuddenly swooping lowOn an ocean deepRising up a mighty monster from his sleepWe"re walking in the airWe"re dancing in the midnight skyAnd everyone who sees us greets us as we fly

“all of”,“both of”和“neither of”的用法有什么区别?



MidJourner关键词原神篇Traveler —— 旅行者Teyvat —— 提瓦特大陆Archons —— 魔神Genshin Impact —— 原神Mondstadt —— 蒙德城Liyue —— 璃月港Inazuma —— 稻妻岛Visions —— 见证Elemental Powers —— 元素力量Anemo (Wind) —— 风Geo (Earth) —— 地Electro (Electricity) —— 雷Hydro (Water) —— 水Pyro (Fire) —— 火Cryo (Ice) —— 冰Dendro (Nature) —— 自然Archon Quests —— 魔神任务Storyline —— 故事情节Characters —— 角色Paimon —— 佩蒙Amber —— 琥珀Kaeya —— 凯亚Lisa —— 丽莎Jean —— 珍Diluc —— 迪卢克Venti —— 风神Zhongli —— 钟离Keqing —— 刻晴Ganyu —— 甘雨Qiqi —— 七七Tartaglia/Childe —— 阿贝多/迪奥Hu Tao —— 胡桃Xiao —— 魈Albedo —— 阿贝多Rosaria —— 罗莎莉亚Elemental Reactions —— 元素反应Overload —— 超载Superconduct —— 超导Electro-Charged —— 电击Vaporize —— 蒸发Melt —— 融化Freeze —— 冰冻Swirl —— 涡流Shield —— 护盾Stamina —— 体力Teleport Waypoints —— 传送点Domains —— 地下城Spiral Abyss —— 螺旋深渊Ley Line Outcrops —— 液态岩脉Elite Bosses —— 精英首领World Bosses —— 世界首领Artifacts —— 圣遗物Weapons —— 武器Wishes —— 祈愿Primogems —— 原石Resin —— 树脂Battle Pass —— 战斗通行证Events —— 活动Co-op Mode —— 合作模式Elemental Crucible —— 元素试炼台

Americam Stamdard 那位知道这是什么牌子的羽毛球拍,是哪个国家的?



在海运中,TERMINAL,DEPOT,rail ramp都代表什么意思?

TERMINAL是终点站或目的港,DEPOT是指站点,rail ramp是轨斜面

Blue Rose Period


subway,metro,underground,rail transit这四个词有何区别?

subway是美式英语 英国用underground代表地铁 国内大部分地铁都是metro,京港地铁也是metro,北京其他线路都是subway

什么是 Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers

先对这Amplifier 是那种放大器,不同放大器的rail定义不同,例如:常见的音响Amplifier rail指的是音轨和音轨之间;

将ET里的纸样图转换成了DXF格式后,为什么在VStitcher 3D试衣软件上打不开呢,然道是ET不兼容VStitcher吗

因为VStitcher 3D试衣软件支持的是格柏PDS格式的,要先用格柏PDS打开后再保存,这样才能在VStitcher 3D试衣软件中打开。

power rail 意思?


interrailing 啥意思






英语逻辑问题:A is three times bigger than B.应译为“A是B的3倍”还是“A比B大3倍”?



where"s your pencil box的意思是你的铅笔盒在哪里?表示文具类的单词1、签字笔,roller pen,signpen;写小字的毛笔,stiff-haired writing brush;画水彩画的笔, water-colourpaint brush;钢笔,pen;铅笔,pencil,lead pencil;圆珠笔,ball-pen, ball-point pen, ballpen,ball-point。2、笔记本,notebook, jotter,pocketbook;橡皮擦,eraser;尺子,ruler;rule;墨水,ink, prepared Chinese ink, booklearningl writing ink;削笔刀,penknife;文件夹,file, [计]folder, paper file。3、订书机,stapler, stitcher, booksewer, staplingmachine;小刀knife,penknife,pocketknife, small sword, lancet;胶带,tape, adhesive tape,gummed tape。

索牌羽毛球拍上super fighter是什么意思

你的这个羽毛球拍是SOTX 索牌 SF-101F 型号的。型号:SF-101F材质:HM Carbon高碳长度:670mm平衡:280-290mm重量:82-92g拉线磅数:25磅中管钢性:8.8-9.0适用人群:专业攻防型

Trans-Siberian Railway 什么意思

a railway that goes through Siberia 理解英文,学习英文,不能用汉字的。整个儿学反了!

by the way和in the way的不同[不是解释],还有other和the other的区别




You See Friends (I See Lovers) 歌词

歌曲名:You See Friends (I See Lovers)歌手:Westlife专辑:MandyYou See Friends (I See Lovers)You said, this would never endBut I want you for more than just my friendAnd you said, this is how to sayNever really looked at you that wayToo scared to tell you how I feelIt"s not a passing thing, I know it"s realAnd if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see lovers(You see friendship, I see love)(You see friendship, I see love)Don"t be scared, to let me in your heartI"ve been there before, but I played a different partAnd if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see lovers(You see friendship, I see love)(You see friendship, I see love)And if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see loversYeah...Yeah...Na-na-na-na...You are friendship, I want loveNa-na-na-na...You want friendship, I want loveYou want friendship, I want loveYou want friendship, I want loveWhat else am I dreaming of...Ha-ha-ha

stitcher radio 是什么


different r&b 什么梗

Laurell - Can"t Stop Falling(Lyrics by BBRsher@MaxRNB)Maximal rb - The Freshest Hottest RB/ Hip-Hop Music!Door closesI"m blown awayGoodnight kissYou drive me crazyWatch you goTill your car"s out of sightYou can take me outEvery nightCHORUS:Can"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m feeling lucky to startI don"t knowIt"s not for sureBut you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you (I"m falling)(For Jessica,wish you sweet dreams for every night^_^)Come closerSweet maybeOne touch enoughI"m going crazyDon"t let goI"ve never been here beforeSo into youYou leave me wanting moreCHORUS:Can"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m feeling lucky to startI don"t knowIt"s not for sureBut you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you (I"m falling)I"m a helpless loveI can"t get enoughI"ll bet youI"m not gonna let you goCan"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m out of my mindBoy cause you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for youI"m fallingNo I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you(Falling I"m falling)Door closesI"m blown awayGoodnight kissYou drive me crazy

you see friends,i see lovers歌词翻译

Bryan: You said, this would never endBut I want you for more than just my friendMark: And you said, this is how to sayNever really looked at you that wayBryan: Be scared to tell you how I feelIt"s not a passing thing, I know it"s realMark: And if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?Bryan: If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see lovers(You see friendship, I see love)(You see friendship, I see love)Mark: Don"t be scared, to let me in your heartI"ve been there before, but I played a different partBryan: And if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?Mark: If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see lovers(You see friendship, I see love)(You see friendship, I see love)Bryan: And if you have a reason, not to move it onSo what about it baby?Bryan & Mark: If you say no, I"ll still be thereYou keep running (running while)I"m still falling (falling for you)You don"t noticeThere"s something new my heart"s discoveredYou keep running (keep running)I"ll keep calling (calling until)Until you noticeYou see friends, but I see loversYeah... Yeah...Na-na-na-na-na-na...Na-na-na-na-na-na...Na-na-na-na-na-na...You want friendship, I want loveNa-na-na-na-na-na...Na-na-na-na-na-na...Na-na-na-na-na-na...Mark:You want friendship, I want loveYou want friendship, I want loveYou want friendship, I want loveWhat else am I dreaming of...Ha-ha-haMy girlMy girl 布莱恩:你说,这将永远不会结束 但我想你不仅仅是我的朋友 马克:你说,这是怎么说 从来没有真正看你这样 布赖恩:害怕告诉你我觉得 这不是一个经过的事情,我知道它的真实 马克:如果你有充分的理由,而不是将它移到上 那么,这孩子? 布赖恩:如果你说没有,我还会在那里 您正常运行(运行时) 我仍然下降(下降为您) 你不通知 有一些新的我的心的发现 您正常运行(正常运行) 我会继续致电(电话,直到) 直到你的通知 你看朋友,但我看到爱好者 (你看到的友谊,我看到爱) (你看到的友谊,我看到爱) 马克:不要害怕,让我在你的心 我去过那儿,但我打的不同部分 布赖恩:如果你有充分的理由,而不是将它移到上 那么,这孩子? 马克:如果你说没有,我还会在那里 您正常运行(运行时) 我仍然下降(下降为您) 你不通知 有一些新的我的心的发现 您正常运行(正常运行) 我会继续致电(电话,直到) 直到你的通知 你看朋友,但我看到爱好者 (你看到的友谊,我看到爱) (你看到的友谊,我看到爱) 布赖恩:如果你有充分的理由,而不是将它移到上 那么,这孩子? 布莱恩与马克:如果你说没有,我还会在那里 您正常运行(运行时) 我仍然下降(下降为您) 你不通知 有一些新的我的心的发现 您正常运行(正常运行) 我会继续致电(电话,直到) 直到你的通知 你看朋友,但我看到爱好者 是啊...是啊... 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 你想要的友谊,我想爱 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 娜娜,娜娜,娜娜... 马克: 你想要的友谊,我想爱 你想要的友谊,我想爱 你想要的友谊,我想爱 还有什么,我梦想... 呵呵哈 我的女孩 我的女孩

Blobster 和blob是什么?

blob n.一滴 斑点

An old farmer had spent all his life on his farm in the country,far from the city.



Certainly! Here"s an essay using the word "where" in English, along with its translation in Chinese:Title: Where Dreams BeginEnglish Essay:Where dreams beginDreams are the fuel that ignites our passions and propels us forward. They are the visions of what could be, the whispers of our deepest desires. But where do dreams truly begin? They start in the depths of our imagination, where infinite possibilities reside.Our imagination is a magical place where creativity blooms. It is where ideas take shape and dreams come to life. In this realm, we can envision grand adventures, create beautiful art, or devise groundbreaking inventions. It is the birthplace of innovation and the foundation of human progress.But the imagination alone is not enough; dreams also require dedication and hard work. They are nurtured in the classroom, where knowledge is gained and skills are honed. Education opens doors and provides the tools needed to turn dreams into reality. It is the bridge that connects our imagination to the tangible world.Yet, dreams are not limited to the confines of our minds or the walls of the classroom. They flourish in the vastness of nature, where inspiration roams freely. Standing on mountaintops or gazing at the ocean"s expanse, we find ourselves humbled by the beauty and awestruck by the power of the natural world. It is in these moments of connection with nature that dreams take flight.Furthermore, dreams often thrive in the company of others. They are nurtured in communities where support, encouragement, and collaboration abound. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who share our aspirations and values can provide the motivation and strength needed to pursue our dreams relentlessly.In conclusion, dreams begin in the realms of our imagination, where endless possibilities await. They are shaped through education, fueled by nature"s wonders, and nourished by supportive communities. So, let us dare to dream, to explore the depths of our imagination, and to strive for a future where our dreams become our reality.Translation in Chinese:标题:梦想始于何方中文翻译:梦想始于何方梦想是点燃我们激情的动力,推动我们向前。它们是未来可能的幻景,最深处欲望的低语。但梦想真正起源于何处?它们始于我们想象的深处,无限可能的所在。我们的想象力是一个魔幻的地方,创造力在其中绽放。它是思想成形和梦想实现的地方。在这个领域,我们可以构想宏大的冒险,创造美丽的艺术,或者构思开创性的发明。它是创新的诞生地,人类进步的基础。然而,光靠想象力是不够的;梦想还需要奉献和努力。它们在课堂上得到培养,知识在其中获得,技能在其中磨砺。教育打开了大门,提供了将梦想变为现实所需的工具。它是将我们的想象力与实际世界连接起来的桥梁。然而,梦想并不局限于我们的思维或课堂的墙壁之内。它们在大自然的广袤之中蓬勃发展,在那里灵感自由驰骋。站在山巅或凝望海洋的辽阔,我们会为大自然的美丽所折服,为其力量所震撼。在与大自然的联系中,梦想翱翔飞扬。此外,梦想往往在他人的陪伴下茁壮成长。它们在充满支持、鼓励和合作的社群中得到滋养。与志同道合、分享我们抱负和价值观的人相伴,可以提供追逐梦想所需的动力和力量。总之,梦想始于我们的想象力领域,无尽可能等待着我们。它们通过教育塑造,以大自然的奇迹为燃料,通过支持的社群滋养。因此,让我们敢于梦想,探索我们想象力的深处,为一个梦想成为现实的未来而奋斗。

An old farmer had spent all his life on his farm in the country,far from the city.


block letters是什么意思

block letters释义印刷体大写字母网络大写数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度知道新1Also avoid using RED block letters and impolite languages.避免使用红色的文字和粗鲁的语言。


如何缩放AcDbBlockReference对象?setScaleFactor()如何使用? ....AcDbBlockReference *blkRef = (AcDbBlockReference*)pEnt;AcGeScale3d sc;//sc->sx = sf;//sc->sy = sf;//sc->sz = 1.0;blkRef->setScaleFactors(sc);这段代码不正确! 不用下面的方法: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 缩放块(INSERT), 自定义比例因子(scale factor)//void scaleInsert(){int rc;struct resbuf *rbl;ads_name ss;ads_real sf; // 比例因子long lenSS;int idx;ads_name ssEntName;struct resbuf *rbSSEnt;struct resbuf *rbTrav; rbl = acutBuildList(-4, "<AND",RTDXF0, "INSERT",-4, "AND>",RTNONE); rc = acedSSGet("X", NULL, NULL, rbl, ss);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 空的或无效的选择集!");return;} rc = acedSSLength(ss, &lenSS);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 空的或无效的选择集!");return;} // 输入比例因子acedInitGet(RSG_NONULL + RSG_NONEG + RSG_NOZERO, NULL);acedGetReal(" 比例因子: ", &sf); for (idx = 0; idx < lenSS; idx++){// 取得选择集中索引位置的实体名rc = acedSSName(ss, idx, ssEntName);if (rc != RTNORM) {break;} // 取得实体数据rbSSEnt = acdbEntGet(ssEntName);if (!rbSSEnt) {break;} rbTrav = rbSSEnt; while (rbTrav) {switch (rbTrav->restype) {case 41 :case 42 :rbTrav->resval.rreal = rbTrav->resval.rreal * sf;break;}rbTrav = rbTrav->rbnext;}//while rc = acdbEntMod(rbSSEnt);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 编辑实体失败!");} if (rbSSEnt) {acutRelRb(rbSSEnt);}}//for acedSSFree(ss);if (rbl) {acutRelRb(rbl);} return;}

city hunter什么意思

City Hunter[电影]城市猎人; 例句:1.Listen city hunter one side of the story. 只听城市猎人的一面之词。2.Natasha pearson, 19, questions her decision to attend the city university ofnew york"s hunter college. 19岁的皮尔森(natasha pearson)现在开始对自己就读纽约市立大学亨特学院(hunter college)的决定表示怀疑。

Do you like travelling from one city to ___________? A.other cities B.the other C.others

D 试题分析:other cities其它城市;the other两个钟的另一个;others其他人;another多个中的另一个。句意:你喜欢从一个城市到另一个城市旅行吗?结合语境可知本句中指的是多个中的另一个,故选D。

one ones another others 的区别最好带例句?一个),可以指人,也可以指物。在句中可作主语、宾语和定语。one(主语)should not praise oneself(宾语).一个人不应炫耀自己。(one作主语和宾语)If one wants to visit the city,one must find one"s own guide.如要参观这个城市,得自己找向导。,ones(one的复数形式)可用来代替前面出现过的少数名词,以避免重复。Do you have a car?Yes,I have one.你有一辆小汽车吗?是的,我有一辆。I like small cars better than large ones.我喜欢小汽车,不喜欢大汽车。3.another(=an other),别的、另一个,泛指众多中一个,一般后面接单数名词,前面不能加定冠词。This book is too difficult for me.Will you please give me another one(=another book)?这本书对我而言太难了,可以给我另一本吗?(another是指许多书中的一本,作为定语)I don"t like this one. Show me another.我不喜欢这个,4.other+名词=others(别的)Some are listening to the radio,others are watching TV.一些人在听广播,一些人在看电视。Some students went to the Summer Palace. Other students(=others)stayed at home last Sunday.上周日,一些同学去颐和园,一些同学(还有同学)呆在家里给我看看另一个好吗?

Inner City的《One Nation》 歌词

歌曲名:One Nation歌手:Inner City专辑:Praise「One Nation」作词∶Spontania作曲∶Spontania/Kazuhiro Hara歌∶Spontaniaまだまだ踊り続けたい(足りない)All day & All Nightこの音が鸣り止むまで东京から九州から冲縄 北海道One nation under the groove热く仆らを今日も踊らせるOne nation under the groove魅惑的な夜 吸い込まれてく时を忘れ身を任せ うねりの中へ想い想いのstepでここにback again脳みそが揺れるぐらいブっといbass lineLet"s get funky それが正解Yo, we don"t stop the musicEverybody照れてないでjus" get stupidまだまだ踊り続けたい(足りない)All day & All Nightこの音が鸣り止むまで东京から九州から冲縄 北海道One nation under the groove热く仆らを今日も踊らせるどこまでも行けると信じた仆らは広がる宇宙とリンクしてる小宇宙シンクロシティ一つの意识イメージする心の奥から始まるまるでMagnetic!引き寄せる何もかもis around you革命起こす自分自身热くするBan BanこんなFunky groove 朝までランデブーFeel the beat Get yo hands up in the air今の光の中へ Let me hear you say c" monOh(oh) Oh(oh)Yeah ここからは自分次第半端ないトコまで のぼりつめたいThru the nite One time Two time光と影が重なる体を揺らせるメロディに乗せて目には映らない不思议な生き物が言うHey! let"s groove tonightMove ya body すぐに虏限界なんてない party peopleどこの谁でもかまわない(right)U.N.I.T.Yまだまだ踊り続けたい(足りない)All day & All Nightこの音が鸣り止むまで东京から九州から冲縄 北海道One nation under the groove热く仆らを今日も踊らせる【 おわり 】






INTJ是十六种类型中最稀有的类型之一,所占的人口比例仅仅只有1%。其次,INFP治疗者(The Healer)或者哲学家型(INFP),大概占总人口的4%-5%。女性INFP占女性人口的5%男性INFP占男性人口的4%MBTI理论认为一个人的个性可以从四个角度进行分析,用字母代表如下:1、驱动力的来源:外向E——内向I。2、接受信息的方式:感觉S——直觉N。3、决策的方式:思维T——情感F。4、对待不确定性的态度:判断J——知觉P。







英文大写缩写前要加THE吗 比如the Number one city 急,

不一定,但一般情况下加. 专有名词前的定冠词是要遵循一定规则的. 1. 由普通名词组成的专有名词一般要加the,比如: the United States; (the USA) the People" Republic of China;(the PRC) 2. 词首如果有相当于冠词一类的限定词则不用(限定词包括名词所有格或相当于所有格的形容词,物主代词,不定代词,数词等,因为再加冠词就出现的双眼皮的矛盾限制),比如: Chinese Central Television (CCTV) 3. 地理名词“江河、海洋,山脉、岛屿”等要有定冠词the. 但你题中 the Number one city 为什么要大写 Number?如果是强调,可能会强调ONE,而不是Number.如果说Number在句首 应变为The number.

from one city to another.

D the other 是指两者中的另一个 another意为one more或a different one,指三个以上的人或物中除去以知部分后“余下部分中的某一个”,非特指 所以选择D 希望能够帮到楼主

which city is the one there is a man-made lake

C.本句中含定语从句“( )there is a man-made lake”,从句的句子成分完整,也就是说,“There is a man-made lake.”是一个完整的句子,所以作从句时,空格处只能填能在从句中充当状语的词,因此ABD均错,C正确.


永恒世界EternumV0.4全流程攻略。不少玩家可能还不太清楚最新0.4版本怎么过关,下面带来具体的攻略,供各位玩家们参考。V0.4全流程攻略不要打开信贴近现实(最真实的往往最能打动人心)搂住她的肩膀接下来这个环节非常有趣,我开始以为这是个纯白给选项,每玩一次就少10永恒币,我想尝试能不能把永恒币直接花光,结果到后面不仅能把之前花掉的赚回来,甚至越来越多,目前我达到了1633永恒币,但我感觉玩下去可能还会有更多,有时间尝试的兄弟可以试试看最高能达到多少永恒币。1633永恒币玩够了直接选择离开即可坐在他们中间尾面(既然前面全是头面,何不叛逆一下)给她一点儿小费(点到为止)顺着说下去说服她参与告诉她保密亲回去跟他说些什么打!(正义执行)去追她(这个时候在沙滩上的BGM是 Cassinello 的 I"d Rather Stay on Earth,很符合主角与达莉亚谈话的主题,谈的是海里的章鱼,但显然身为人类更喜欢在陆地上,同时也算是加入了一个小小的克苏鲁彩蛋;这首歌在我写这篇攻略的时候wyy的评论区不超过十个人,但基本都是同道中人,大家可以去听听看)达莉亚私人世界的夕阳是的电话内容(每个人的回复的先后顺序不会产生影响)亚历克萨:——当然,我怎么能忘了我们的第一次约会呢,宝贝儿?达莉亚:——真有意思你会提到那事儿——现在我知道你的风格是从哪里来的了佩内洛普:——怎么啦,有什么我能帮助我最喜欢的客户的吗?——当在照片中的女孩那么迷人时所有的照片都很棒——(热知识:照片是可以放大观看的,选第一张的话与佩内洛普意见相同,个人倾向选第一张)诺娃:——真是某种奇怪具体的问题(选一个自己喜欢的即可,目前版本无任何影响)——哈哈,好的好的露娜:——真的吗,我很愿意去!——特辣!——哈哈不用担心,你爸爸和你一样酷(照片也可以点开)南希:——我觉得你没有它(BUCHUAN)更好看(照片同样可以放大)——听起来太酷了!常:——你需要什么?——(虽然不管怎么看,这两张照片都是一样的,但是一定要选择其中一张,毕竟得让好兄弟放心)信仰之跃!星际穿越(此处是影片中汉斯季默的经典BGM)按顺序把每个选项点一遍(“有关克雷登”会增加好感度,一定要点)(这个时候我才反应过来,这个版本精彩的不是更新的那几个CG,而是剧情中每个女主的穿着打扮)同意拿着音频日志设备(接下来可以通过点击右上角的按钮来听取音频,有关异形的彩蛋)去找蛋拿着枪(这个时候就出现了在这个版本中最不确定的并且极为可能影响后续剧情的选项了,帮助找蛋哥或者是帮助给枪哥,我两个路线都尝试了一下发现在这个版本中暂无影响,但不确定后续是否会有影响,在这里我稍稍说一下我的理解:正常角度看来,我们应该帮助给枪哥复仇,毕竟人家给了咱们武器;但这个游戏制作组他不一定按常理出牌,所以我觉得喜欢叛逆的兄弟们可以选择帮助找蛋哥)如果选择了帮助给枪哥则——攻击如果选择了帮助找蛋哥则——解开手铐——拿蛋就走(再多看看会直接G)听他最后的音频日志(V0.1的伏笔在这里出现了,在商店买的坠饰立大功)你看起来像社会名流!(离开之前跟三拨人都talk一遍,晚宴主人会给120永恒币,至于聊天询问哪一项对于目前版本并无影响,顺便说一句其中一个人的穿着真是离谱又精彩)答案不,让咱们在这里逛逛

英语The city is a greener city怎么翻译?
