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我的母亲英语作文100词带翻译:My Mother

My mother is 35 years old. She has long black hair and big eyes. She takes me to school every day. In the evening, she help me with my homework. If I"m hungry, she will cook my favourite meals. She"s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.   译文:我的妈妈今年35岁了,她有着长长的黑发和大大的眼睛。每天她都会送我上学。到了晚上,她会辅导我写作业。如果我饿了,她就做我最喜欢的菜给我吃。她总是鼓励我去尝试新的东西。我认为我的妈妈是世界上的人。当我需要她的时候她总会在我的身边。我非常爱她。她是我的英雄。


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my mother 英语作文(字数在8-11句,越简单越好)最好带翻译!!!!!!!急急急急急急急急!!!!

My mother looks younger.She has long hair.She is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle school.She is kind and hardworking.She likes her students.Her lessons are very interesting and all her students like her.She does all the housework for the family.She can cook delicious food.I love her very much.




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初中英语作文my mother 80字左右

1 My mother looks younger.She has long hair.She is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle school.She is kind and hardworking.She likes her students.Her lessons are very interesting and all her students like her.She does all the housework for the family.She can cook delicious food.I love her very much.

my mother英语作文(我妈妈是一位工人)字数在8-9句 请再给出翻译!

here is a passage with around 8-9 sentences in english about your mother being a worker:My Mother 我的母亲My mother is a hard working lady. Everyday, she wakes up very early in the morning and goes to work. She works in a factory producing 我妈妈是一位辛勤的女子。每天,她很早就起床去上班。她在一家工厂工作生产......... electronic parts. Her job requires her to stand for long hours and do repetitive work. Despite the tiring nature of her work, she never complains and fulfills her duties diligently. 电子零件。她的工作需要她站很长时间做重复性工作。尽管她的工作很辛苦,她从不抱怨,仔细执行自己的职责。When she comes back from work, she cooks dinner and takes care of homework. Even on weekends, she cleans the whole house and washes all the 她下班回来后,她做饭,照顾作业。即使在周末,她也清扫整个房子,刷洗所有衣物clothes. She never rests, always putting others" needs before her own. 她从不休息,总是把其他人的需要放在自己前面。My mother is my hero. She works so hard to support our family and give us a good life even though her work is tiring and physically difficult. I really admire my mother"s spirit of perseverance and sacrifice. 我妈妈是我的英雄。尽管她的工作很辛苦而且很吃力,她还是那么努力工作支撑我们全家,给我们一个美好的生活。我真的佩服我妈妈的毅力和奉献精神。



my mother后面加什么助动词?

可以加的助动词有:My mother will go to work.My mother can give me a help.My mother would make an offer.

NO$zoomer模拟器 金手指怎么用

两种方法 1。手动输入方法 按“F2”,点击“Add new”,在大框部分输入代码,小框部分输入描述,点击下方“Action Replay DS”,然后点击“OK”,输入好的代码要点击那个白色的小正方框点击“打勾”才能生效 图片看这张 2。模拟器自动载入金手指包 这里金手指包免费下载和图文教程

求“my mother”为题英语作文!

mymother is a rural women, 40 years old, had never learn, but young people know the importance of knowledge, she is concerned about your study situation; my mother in order to make you some time to learn, always tried to take care of you, , kind, hard-working, and my mother is a simple ordinary rural women ~!

初一英语作文 my mother 要简单

My mother,who is an ordinary woman,with a plain face.She is always busy with her job every weekday,and seldom talk with others,but when she gets back home,an amazing change happen,she becomes a gorgeous housewife.She dose almost every kind of house works so that it will let my father and I feel tiny and keep a comfortable environment for both of us.What the most importance is,she loves me as a new-borned baby and gives me everything she thinks necessary,in order to educate me better.I appreciate her for everything she gives me.Thank you my mommy!





英语作文 my monther

my mother is a kind woman , she is very loves me ! and she likes sports! so, on the weekends we"re aloways play tennis together,and my mom is take care of my healthy so i have a blanced diet!also i am a good student ,because my mom helps me with my you konw ,how much my mom loves me !also i love my mom too~!

初三英语作文:我的妈妈 My Mother

My mother is a simple woman who comes from the countryside with little education. But in my eyes, she is the greatest mother in the world. Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life. Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up, the scene that happened three years ago to mother just come into my mind. 我的母亲是一个简单的女人,从农村来的小教育。但在我的眼里,她是世界上最伟大的母亲。她的毅力让我在所有我的生活的勇气。每当我有困难做某事,想放弃的时候,妈妈刚开始我的`脑海里,发生在三年前的场景。 Having asked for a leave from the teacher, I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm. Father was at work, brother was at school, mother wouldnt be back from her small store until evening. I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself. I bounded up steps, burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw. Mother was sitting in the sofa, sobbing with her shoulder twitching. I had never seen mother crying before. I went close to her, asking what had happened. She wiped her tears, forced a smile, and told me calmly that her small store was going to break. I didn"t know how to comfort her at the moment, but I did know what the small store meant to her. 有一个由老师请假,我把无聊的课,去家里我最喜欢的小说藏在我的胳膊。爸爸在工作,弟弟在学校里,母亲就不会从她的小商店后面,直到晚上。我觉得我会以自己的整个房子非常快乐的思考。我跳上台阶,冲进房间而感到震惊,我看到。母亲坐在沙发上,与她的肩膀抽动抽泣。我以前从未看过妈妈哭了。我走近她,问发生了什么事。她擦了擦眼泪,强作笑容,和冷静地告诉我,她的小商店是要打破。我不知道现在如何安慰她,但我知道为了她的小商店。 Now both my brother and I are studying at college. Mother works harder to finance our education. She is struggling by all means to keep the store business going. Her unusual perseverance is so inspiring to me that I will never give up halfway in my life. 现在我的两个哥哥和我在大学学习。母亲工程融资难的教育。她正在努力采取一切手段保持商店经营。她不寻常的毅力使振奋的是我,我不会放弃我的生命一半。

my mother 英语作文


求一篇大学水平英文作文,题目是My mother

My mother is an ordinary person,who has normal life as other people.She is simple and contributing to my family all the time.She is common but she gave me marvellous life.My mother always treated things very understandingly and used her experience to guide me.Thanks for her very much for giving me life,sunlight childhood and everything I have now.My mother is so characterless,but she is the greatest one in my heart.Mother"s Day is coming,I will deliver her my most sincere and nicest beatitude.I love you,my mother!Thank you very much!


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介绍my mother(四年级)

范文:  My mother is the most beautiful in my eyes. She is not tall, plunge into a ponytail. Her little mouth, the nose is not high not low, eyes in the dark, dark, bright, seems to be god.  My mother"s temper very urgent. If I have the wrong, my mother got angry. On one occasion, my math oral one fault, mother was severely criticized me. Another time, I play with my brother, don"t be careful the younger brother cry, mother also criticized me, also let me apologize to him.  Mom is very concerned about me. The last time I was ill that day, while I was sleeping in the evening, mother also get up to me to take medicine, temperature. I want to use my good grades to repay my mother.  Mother is a hard life, work all day and night. At home doing the housework, kindergarten to teach children, goes to school themselves. It"s busy and busy not to come. But learning is not for me to relax, to give every day I check my homework and signature.  Mother doesn"t like pets, also do not watching TV. Whenever you have a second reading, every other week, will take me to the library once.  Mother likes to eat fish, I said she is a little cat; Mother likes to chew bones, I said she is a little black dog; Mother likes to eat pork, I said she is a little tiger. Mother not picky about food, I want to learn from her.  I think mom is very good. I like it very much, mom.译文:  我的妈妈在我眼里是最漂亮的。她的个子不高,扎了一个马尾辨。她的嘴巴小小的,鼻子不高不低,眼睛黑黑的、亮亮的,看上去有神。  妈妈的脾气很急。如果我有错,妈妈就发火。有一次,我数学口算错一题,妈妈就严厉批评我。还有一次,我跟弟弟玩,不小心把弟弟弄哭了,妈妈也批评我,还让我向他道歉。  妈妈很关心我。上次我生病的那天,在晚上我睡觉的时候,妈妈还起床给我吃药,量体温。我要用我的好成绩来报答妈妈。  妈妈是个劳碌命,一天到晚都做事。家里做家务,幼儿园里教小孩,自己还要去读书。真是忙也忙不来。但对我的学习一点也不放松,每天要给我检查作业和签名。  妈妈不爱养宠物,也不爱看电视。一有空就看书,每隔一个星期,就要带我去一次图书馆。  妈妈喜欢吃鱼类,我说她属小猫咪;妈妈喜欢啃骨头,我说她是小黑狗;妈妈喜欢吃猪肉,我说她是小老虎。妈妈不挑食,我要向她学习。  我觉得妈妈很不错,我很喜欢妈妈。

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小学英语作文:我的妈妈 My Mother

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 !  【篇一】我的妈妈 My MotherAs Mothers"Day is coming soon, I want to do something special for my mother. In my heart, my mother is very great. She takes care of me all the time. Sometimes when I am naughty, though she is angry, she chooses to talk to me very patiently instead of yelling at me. I love my mother, she is an angel in my heart. 母亲节快到了,我想为妈妈做点特别的事。在我的心里,我的妈妈是很好的,她一直照顾着我。有时候我淘气,虽然她很生气,但她却选择了耐心地和我说话,而不是对我大喊大叫。我爱我妈妈,她是我心中的天使。  【篇二】令人感动的一件事 One Thing Touches MePeople always think that Chinese fathers are silent and they don"t often show love to their children. My father is the classic one. He doesn"t talk much, but I know he loves me. One day, when he came home, he brought a present. It was the thing I needed and I just talked about it once. But my father remembered it. I was so moved. 人们总是认为中国的父亲是沉默的,不经常向自己的孩子表达爱意。我的父亲就是典型的例子。他不爱说话,但我知道他是爱我的。有一天,他回家的时候给我带了一份礼物。那是我需要的东西,而且我只说过一次,但我父亲却记住了。我很感动。  【篇三】跳蚤市场 Flea MarketThere is a flea market near my house. When weekend comes, there will be a lot of people gathering there and they look for something funny. I like the flea market so much, because I can find a lot of new and interesting things. I have collected many things. When my friends come to my home, I will show these things to them. 我家附近有个跳蚤市场。周末的时候,会有很多人聚集在那里,他们寻找着有趣的东西。我非常喜欢跳蚤市场,因为在这里我能找到很多新奇有趣的东西。我收集了很多东西。我朋友来我家的时候,我就会把这些东西拿出来给他们看。   

Love understands love; it needs no talk.


my mother 我的妈妈-英语作文翻译

我的妈妈个子高高的,她喜欢留短发。她有一双又黑又亮的、葡萄似的大眼睛,一张红扑扑的脸蛋,像是一个红苹果。樱红的嘴唇上时不时的露出甜蜜的笑意,漂亮极了。   My mother is tall, she like short hair. She has a pair of shiny black, grape like eyes, a red face, like a red apple. Smile a sweet smile cherry red lips from time to time, very beautiful.   我家开了一个商店。妈妈比爸爸勤快,每天总是搞卫生,摆货,招待顾客。有时还帮助别人收衣服、种花。妈妈还种了各种各样的菜,菜园里的菜味道鲜美,健康,让人吃得很放心。   My family opened a store. Mom than dad always diligent, daily cleaning, put the goods, customer service. Sometimes helping others accept clothes, gardening. My mother is also a variety of vegetables, vegetable garden dishes taste delicious, healthy, people eat at ease.   每天晚上,妈妈还要督促我读书,辅导我做功课,跟我一起背书。妈妈对我的学习非常严格,从不放松。她也把我的生活打理的紧紧有条。我这次段考第二名,都是妈妈管教有方。   Every night, the mother also urged me to help me to do my homework, read books, together with my endorsement. My mother is very strict with my study, never relax. She took my life care only. The examination of second, is the mother of good discipline.   我爱我的妈妈!   I love my mother!



my mother是第三人称单数吗

my mother是第三人称单数。my mother重点是后面mother。一个人当然属于第三人称单数。第三人称单数包括he,she,it,某人,某物。如果上面提的这些内容后面接动词都跟第三人称单数形式。 mother用法 mother可以用作名词 mother的基本意思是“母亲,妈妈”,也可用作对年长妇女的尊称。 mother用于比喻可指“根由,本源”,作此解时,其后常接of加名词或代词。 mother用作前置定语,可修饰动物或植物,还可修饰国家、民族和语言等。 mother用作名词的用法例句 I wonder when mother will ring?我不知道母亲什么时候会打电话来? It happened that my mother was out that day.我母亲恰巧那天出去了。 He disobeyed his mother and went to the party.他不听母亲的劝告,参加了那次聚会。




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my mother英语作文6句,60字!!!跪求

My Mother My mother is very kind,she is often cook delicious food.Everytime she takes us go to the pack out.We love her so much.Iam hope one day I can cook food for her.haha!



作文My mother 50个字

50词哈My mother loves me very much.She takes care of me everyday. In the moring, my mother cooks breakfast for me. And she often sends me to school. Then she goes to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After she comes home, she should clean houses and cook for my father.I think she must be very tired every day. As a child, I should help my mother. I should clean the houses and wash my own clothes. I should study hard,so my mother will be happy. I want to say to my mother: "Mom, I love you!"


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我的妈妈英语作文50词带翻译:My Mother

My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she will sing many songs. I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily.   译文:我妈妈是一个医生。她的英文名是Amy。她三十五岁了。她很漂亮。她有一头长长的秀发和一双黑黑的眼睛。她有一张小嘴和一个小小的鼻子。我非常爱我的妈妈。她擅长烹饪。她喜欢唱歌。每天,她都要唱很多的歌。   我爱我的妈妈,我妈妈也爱我。我们都很开心。

my mother英语作文代翻译

MYMOTHERMymotherisanicemum.Shehasgotapairofbeautifulbigeyes.Herhairisverylongandblack.Andshehasgotalittlecurl.Mymotherlikescats,andIlikecats,too.Therearethreecatsinourhome.Theyareverylovely.Theyareverynaughty,too.Mymotherlikesflowersverymuch,too.Herfavoriteflowerisredrose.Mymotherisveryfriendly.ButwhenIdid"tlistentoher,shewasveryangry.WhenWhenIwasnaughtysometimes,shewasveryangry,too.Mymothermakelotsofgoodfoodeveryday.Ilikeeatverymuch.Mymotheroftentookmetovisitlotsofplacewithme.WevisitedDalianandRizhaoandQingdao.WevisitedXiaolangdibuilding,too.MymothertookmetoplayintheSummerholiday.WevisitedWestbeachisland.Weswaminthewater.Mymotherplayedwithme.Wewereveryhappy! Ilovemymother!翻译:我的妈妈我的妈妈是一位好妈妈。她有一双美丽的大眼睛。她的头发长而黑,还有一点弯曲的小刘海。妈妈喜欢猫,我也喜欢猫。我们家有三只猫。它们非常可爱,也非常淘气。妈妈也很喜欢花儿,她最喜欢的花儿是红色玫瑰花。妈妈非常温柔和蔼,但是,当我不听她的话时,她就会很生气,当我淘气的时候,她也会很生气。妈妈每天都给我做许多好吃的饭菜,我非常喜欢吃。妈妈经常带我去许多地方旅游。我们去过大连、日照和青岛,还去过小浪底水利工程。这个暑假,妈妈又带我出去玩了。我们去了西滩岛,我们在水里游泳。妈妈和我一起玩,开心极了!我爱我的妈妈!


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关于My mother的英语作文

u3000u3000My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.

i wanna see you i wanna love you you are my everything


My mother 小学生英语作文?

我的母亲我的妈妈是世界上最好的妈妈! 她总是在我身边,用很多爱照顾我。我妈妈每天早上都会很早起床,以确保我在上学前吃到健康的早餐。 她帮我梳理头发并确保我的制服看起来漂亮,从而做好准备。 她甚至用美味的三明治和水果打包我的午餐。当我放学回家时,妈妈正微笑着等着我。 当我告诉她我的一天以及我在学校做的所有有趣的事情时,她会听我说。 有时,她会帮我做作业,如果我不明白,她会给我解释。我妈妈也是一位了不起的厨师。 她为我们一家做了最美味的饭菜。 我最喜欢的菜是她自制的肉丸意大利面。 太好吃了! 她总是确保我们有一顿健康均衡的晚餐。但我妈妈不只是擅长照顾我和做饭。 她也非常善良和关心别人。 她随时帮助我们的邻居和朋友。 我钦佩她的善良和慷慨。我最喜欢和妈妈一起做的事情之一就是去公园。 我们喜欢荡秋千、滑滑梯和一起野餐。 与她共度时光并享受户外活动真是太有趣了。我爱我的妈妈胜过世界上的一切。 她是我最好的朋友,也是我的英雄。 我很幸运有她这样的妈妈,我想让她每天都感到骄傲。总之,我妈妈是我生命中最了不起的人。 她照顾我,做可口的饭菜,帮我做功课,总是在我身边。 我全心全意地爱她,感谢她为我们家庭所做的一切。My MotherMy mother is the best mom in the world! She is always there for me and takes care of me with lots of love.My mom wakes up early every morning to make sure I have a healthy breakfast before I go to school. She helps me get ready by combing my hair and making sure my uniform looks nice. She even packs my lunch with yummy sandwiches and fruits.When I come home from school, my mom is waiting for me with a smile. She listens to me as I tell her about my day and all the fun things I did at school. Sometimes, she helps me with my homework and explains things to me if I don"t understand.My mom is also an amazing cook. She makes the most delicious meals for our family. My favorite dish is her homemade spaghetti with meatballs. It"s so yummy! She always makes sure we have a healthy and balanced dinner.But my mom is not just good at taking care of me and cooking. She is also very kind and caring towards others. She helps our neighbors and friends whenever they need it. I admire her for her kindness and generosity.One of my favorite things to do with my mom is to go to the park. We love playing on the swings, going down the slides, and having picnics together. It"s so much fun to spend time with her and enjoy the outdoors.I love my mom more than anything in the world. She is my best friend and my hero. I am so lucky to have her as my mom, and I want to make her proud every day.In conclusion, my mom is the most amazing person in my life. She takes care of me, cooks delicious meals, helps me with my homework, and is always there for me. I love her with all my heart and appreciate everything she does for our family.

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My mother 英语作文 40个单词


我的妈妈英语作文50词:My Mother

My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she will sing many songs. I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily.   译文:我妈妈是一个医生。她的英文名是Amy。她三十五岁了。她很漂亮。她有一头长长的秀发和一双黑黑的眼睛。她有一张小嘴和一个小小的鼻子。我非常爱我的妈妈。她擅长烹饪。她喜欢唱歌。每天,她都要唱很多的歌。   我爱我的妈妈,我妈妈也爱我。我们都很开心。



my mother 英语作文带翻译

My mother name is Xue Jianmei. She looks a little fat. She is tall. She has long hair. She wears a pair of glasses. And she always smiles sweetly.My mother likes shopping. Every weekend she drives me to study English, and then, she goes for shopping. She likes fruit very much, strawberry, dragon fruit, watermelon and so on. I like these fruits, too.I love my mother. She teaches me knowledge. She is my mother, and my good friend!我的妈妈我的妈妈叫薛建梅。她看起来有点胖。她高高的个子,有一头长发。她还戴着一副眼镜。她脸上总是带着甜甜的微笑。我的妈妈很喜欢购物。每个周末她都带我去学习英语,她把我送到那后就自己去逛街了,她也很喜欢水果,例如,草莓,火龙果,西瓜等等。我也很喜欢这些水果。我爱我的妈妈,她教会我很多知识。她是我的妈妈,更像是我的一个好朋友。My Mother My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind. 我的母亲 我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的女性。她总是彬彬有礼。她细心地照顾孩子并使他们都上学读书。我有一个哥哥,两个妹妹,所以她总共有四个孩子。她使我们做每件事时都感到舒适。我们都爱她,她也爱我们。 为了抚养我们,母亲有太多的事要做。因为我们家很穷,雇不起佣人,母亲总是必须做很多工作。她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从无怨言。 她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女。她尽可能地节省每一分钱,并且使每一件事情都井井有条。由于年轻时就一直忙碌,所以从外表看上去更见苍老。她的脸布满皱纹,头发也变成了灰白,但她仍像从前一样辛勤地操劳。 她常对我们说:“工作时工作,玩乐时玩乐,如果不工作,你将变得懒惰,从而无益于社会。”这是一番多么好的忠告啊!我们必须珍视它,并将它牢记心中

love understands love,itneeds no talk!是什么意思?





1 My mother looks younger.She has long hair.She is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle school.She is kind and hardworking.She likes her students.Her lessons are very interesting and all her students like her.She does all the housework for the family.She can cook delicious food.I love her very much.2


如果感觉模拟器速度过快:按“F11”--“Emulation setup”(模拟器配置)--左边第一个“Emulation Speed,LCD Refresh”--选“Realtime,Auto”默认选项以上设置好后一定要记得“NO$GBA”--“option”(设置)--“save option”(保存设置),这样下次启动模拟器不用重新设置了

我的母亲英语作文100词:My Mother

My mother is 35 years old. She has long black hair and big eyes. She takes me to school every day. In the evening, she help me with my homework. If I"m hungry, she will cook my favourite meals. She"s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.   译文:我的妈妈今年35岁了,她有着长长的黑发和大大的眼睛。每天她都会送我上学。到了晚上,她会辅导我写作业。如果我饿了,她就做我最喜欢的菜给我吃。她总是鼓励我去尝试新的东西。我认为我的妈妈是世界上的人。当我需要她的时候她总会在我的身边。我非常爱她。她是我的英雄。


HONDA ZOOMER 50 日版车都是限了速的 55最高 无法报表 只有改点火传动 本来50的排量估计能跑到接近70

MY MOTHER(我的妈妈)——英语作文

作文标题: MY MOTHER(我的妈妈)——英语作文 关键词: 作文 英语 小学二年级 本文适合: 小学二年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学二年级的作文,题目为:《MY MOTHER(我的妈妈)——英语作文》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。MY MOTHER0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.width;}}"> My mother is a nice mum. She has got a pair of beautiful big eyes .Her hair is very long and black.And she has got a little curl. Mymother likes cats ,and I like cats ,too . There are three cats in our home .They are very lovely .They are very naughty,too. My mother likes flowers very much,too.Her favorite flower is red rose .My motheris very friendly.but when I did"t listen to her ,she was very angry.When When I was naughty sometimes , she was very angry ,too . My mother make lots of good food everyday .I like eat very much . My mother often took me to visit lots of place with me . We visited Dalian and Rizhao and Qingdao.We visited Xiaolangdi building,too. My mother took me to play in the Summer holiday . We visited West beach island .We swam in the water .My mother played with me .We were very happy ! I love my mother !翻译: 我的妈妈我的妈妈是一位好妈妈。她有一双美丽的大眼睛。她的头发长而黑,还有一点弯曲的小刘海。 妈妈喜欢猫,我也喜欢猫。我们家有三只猫。它们非常可爱,也非常淘气。 妈妈也很喜欢花儿,她最喜欢的花儿是红色玫瑰花。 妈妈非常温柔和蔼,但是,当我不听她的话时,她就会很生气,当我淘气的时候,她也会很生气。 妈妈每天都给我做许多好吃的饭菜,我非常喜欢吃。 妈妈经常带我去许多地方旅游。我们去过大连、日照和青岛,还去过小浪底水利工程。 这个暑假,妈妈又带我出去玩了。我们去了西滩岛,我们在水里游泳。妈妈和我一起玩,开心极了! 我爱我的妈妈! 文: 洛阳市直五小四二班 隗梦迪自评:这篇英语作文是描写我的妈妈的,我从妈妈的外貌开始写起,接下来写了妈妈的性格,又写了妈妈和我的几件事情,希望大家多多评论多多指导。O(∩_∩)O谢谢!笛子给大家倒茶了!

my mother 英语作文,最好带翻译!!!!!!!急急急急急急急急!!!!

my motherMy mother is a housewife. she has long straight black hair. she has big eyes .she is medium height and thin .she is very gentleness. Often a smile on his face.Her love for clean. Every day she is very busy. Busy cleaning the housework. So every day I will help her clean the housework.Home very clean.The daily noon, return the home, can smell vegetables joss-stick, oh it is mother was cooking it.She burned delicious I love to eat her cooking I love my mom, she is my mentor

本田 zoomer摩托车的相关问题

本田 zoomer祖玛是水冷车,如下图所示,后轮右侧那个白色水箱里装的是冷却水(一般是用防冻液),即与汽车水箱的作用是一样的。在淘·宝上找到一个卖这种车后轮辋的店,由于这里不能发链接,可以在淘·宝上搜“本田zoomer后轮辋”就能找到。

My mother 英语作文 40个单词

in my family,my mother is a most significant person,because she always work hard to earning money in her company.she is slim,of medium height,she also have a great cookling skill,so we are all happy fo have a magnificent dinner everyday.


不能听懂中文的,目前只能听懂3种语音。Zoomer 外形像一只黑白斑点狗,尺寸是 29 x 26 x 22 cm,大概和一只小泰迪差不多。它拥有一只软呼呼的橡胶尾巴、四条「风火轮」腿可以快速移动(姿势比较笨拙可爱)。Zoomer 电子狗身上有多个传感器,可以和主人进行简单的互动,并根据主人的命令表演「tricks」,比如摇尾巴、装死、打滚、握手、坐下,甚至翘起一条脚「小便」;如果电池够用、地面平整,它还能和你遛弯。此外,你还可以「训练」它听懂更多的命令。Zoomer 的两只眼睛是 LED 显示屏,除了互动时比较「有神」外,还能显示简单的符号,比如说 X -- 表示它听不懂你的命令在您给Zoomer下命令前,你需要抚摸她的头,直到他的眼睛显示出“?”你就可以开始训练了。每次发出命令之前,您需要呼唤“ZOOMER”来吸引她的注意。如果Zoomer的眼睛里显示“X”,则表示她没有听懂您的命令,重复您的命令。注意:一定等Zoomer眼睛里显示出“?”时,您再发出每个命令。训练模式您需要有一定的耐心去训练Zoomer,因为开始她还是一只不成熟的小狗,一些单词对于她来说,还是有些困难,您需要重复训练,直到她记住它。如果Zoomer心情好的情况下,她会很乐意听从您的命令,如果她心情不好,她就会自娱自乐,不搭理您,Zoomer的训练就像与小朋友沟通一样,需要一个循序渐进的过程,需要不断重复各种命令使其熟练有素,不然时间久了,他也会忘记你发出的命令。操作说明首先需要注意不要用尖锐物品触碰玩具,以免损伤玩具以及内部电池。使用该玩具,需要充电。使用该玩具,首先打开开关,按钮调到“ON”关闭为“OFF”。在选择语言按钮,A=英语,B=法语 C=西班牙语。购买该玩具外文水平需要有基本的认知。声控命令需要以上三种语言中的一种。


   篇一:My Mother"s Job希望之星小学演讲稿 妈妈的职业   Hello, everyone! It"s my great honor to be here. My name is PengYiwei, I"m ten years old. Today, I will tell you something about my mother"s job.   My mother gets up early every day. She is very busy, sometimes she works till midnight. And she works in the hospital. So, can you guess what my mother"s job isYes! My mother is a doctor. She is very kind because she always help the sick people. The people went to my mother"s hospital, always say my mother is a good person.   I"m so proud of my mother when I hear the words about her. She is not only my mother, but also my teacher. Although she is very tired, she still helps me with my homework. So I want to say to my mom, “I love you from the bottom of my heart!”   That"s all. Thank you!    篇二:小学生英语演讲稿mydearmother   小学生英语演讲稿 my dear mother   Hello! My name is Zeng Liyan. Look! It"s a picture of myself. Don"t you think I"m very confident(自信的)   OK! Let me get down to business(言归正传). Today I want to say something about my dear mother.   My mother is a beautiful woman. Her hair is very long. Her eyes are not big and not small. She usually wears a white sweater and a pair of black trousers.   My mother likes noodles and vegetables. She likes fish, too.   My mother is a worker. She often wins praises for(因……赢得称赞) her hard work.   This is my dear mother. I love her very much.    篇三:小学生英语演讲稿_my dear mother   小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother   Hello! My name is Zeng Liyan. Look! It"s a picture of myself. Don"t you think I"m very confident(自信的)   OK! Let me get down to business(言归正传). Today I want to say something about my dear mother.   My mother is a beautiful woman. Her hair is very long. Her eyes are not big and not small. She usually wears a white sweater and a pair of black trousers.   My mother likes noodles and vegetables. She likes fish, to   o.   My mother is a worker. She often wins praises for(因……赢得称赞) her hard work.   This is my dear mother. I love her very much.



英语谚语:Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文意思: 爱情可以意会,无需言传。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Bitter pills may have wholesome effects 良药苦口利于病。 Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed 人无所求最享福,因他不为失望苦。 Blind men can judge no colours 不宜问道于盲。 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水。 Blood will have blood 血债要用血来还。 Books like friends should be few and well chosen 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 Borrowed garments never fit well 借来的衣服不合身。 Brave actions never want a trumpet 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。 Bread is the staff of life 民以食为天。 Brevity is the soul of wit 言以简洁为贵。 英语谚语: Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文意思: 爱情可以意会,无需言传。

my mother 英语作文,最好带翻译!

My mother name is Xue Jianmei.She looks a little fat.She is tall.She has long hair.She wears a pair of glasses.And she always smiles sweetly. My mother likes shopping.Every weekend she drives me to study English,and then,she goes for shopping.She likes fruit very much,strawberry,dragon fruit,watermelon and so on.I like these fruits,too. I love my mother.She teaches me knowledge.She is my mother,and my good friend! 我的妈妈 我的妈妈叫薛建梅.她看起来有点胖.她高高的个子,有一头长发.她还戴着一副眼镜.她脸上总是带着甜甜的微笑. 我的妈妈很喜欢购物.每个周末她都带我去学习英语,她把我送到那后就自己去逛街了,她也很喜欢水果,例如,草莓,火龙果,西瓜等等.我也很喜欢这些水果. 我爱我的妈妈,她教会我很多知识.她是我的妈妈,更像是我的一个好朋友.

五年级my mother英语作文(10句话)


my mother 英语作文?

My mother is an ordinary woman she is my superhero. In every step of my, she supported and encouraged me. Whether day or night she was always there for me no matter what the condition is. Furthermore, her every work, persistence, devotion, dedication, conduct is an inspiration for me. In this essay on my mother, I am going to talk about my mother and why she is so special to me.I love her not because she is my mother and we should respect our elders. I respect her because she has taken care of me when I was not able to speak. At that time, she has taken care of all my needs when I wasn"t able to speak.Additionally, she taught me how to walk, speak, and take care of myself. Similarly, every bigger step that I have taken in my life is all because of my mother. Because, if she hasn"t taught me how to take small steps then I won"t be able to take these bigger step.自己修改

初中英语作文带翻译:我的母亲 My Mother

以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《初中英语作文带翻译:我的母亲 My Mother》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students before everything. She is nothing different from other people at the first sight. But later you will find that she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very great. On weekends, she always prepare the class at home. Sometimes she even ask the students to come to our house for remediation for free. All her students like her. Sometimes I almost envy her students. Luckily, my mother also very care about me. she puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothing for herself. She is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her. 我的妈妈是一个普通的老师。她总是把她的学生放在最重要的位置。乍一看,她和别的人没有什么不一样的。 但后来你会发现她是如此有责任心。在我的心目中,她是很伟大的。周末的时候她总是在家里备课。有时候她甚至叫学生到我们家来免费补课。她的学生都很喜欢她。有时候我都差点要嫉妒她的学生了。幸好我慢慢还是很关心我的。她把她所有的时间都花在我们家和她的学生身上,却不给自己留一丁点时间。她是如此的伟大,我为她感到骄傲;我爱她。

my mother是第三人称单数吗

是的。 my mother重点是后面mother。一个人当然属于第三人称单数。 第三人称单数包括he,she,it,某人,某物。 如果上面提的这些内容后面接动词都跟第三人称单数形式。 扩展资料   例句:   "Don"t blaspheme," my mother said.   “不要亵渎神明,”我妈妈说。   "Too late!" said my mother tartly.   “早干什么去了!”我母亲刻薄地说。   My mother detested him.   我母亲憎恶他。

以MY MOTHER 写一篇英语作文

When I sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, I found it hard to set pen to paper. Staring at the topic I deliberately chose for myself "my mother", I felt the memory of 20 years with my mother suddenly turned into a haze, blurring my eyes to discern the past, with nothing towering, nothing flaring, nothing impressive or special enough as a landmark. The haze gradually cleared away, revealing the image of an amicable woman. I recalled a line from the famous movie "Sleepless in Seattle". The radio column hostess asked Sam, "What"s so special about your wife?" He answered, "That"s millions of small things." Right,trivial and commonplace, like obscure beans, yet woven into the most spectacular necklace by the power of love. My mother is ordinary, but in my eyes she is special.My mother gave birth to me with exceptionally difficult labor. Father received an emergency notice and was faced with a choice between the adult and the infant. Of course,the adult. So my coming into this world was an unexpected fortune at the price of Mother"s painful insistence. Thus my 20 years began like this my mother exerted every effort to give me love, but I returned her with a deep scar that was to stay with her all through my growth.My mother is a senior high school English teacher. Under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study, which I did not understand at the age of eight. I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B, C. Wasn"t teaching at school tire some enough for her? I went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me. For the first time in my life, Mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. The physical pain was gone long, long ago. But I have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and I ache at her pain.Mother never gave up evoking in me an interest in knowledge. She placed the most emphasis on my education and took the most pleasure in my gradual formation of self-discipline in preparing myself for future development. Thanks to her effort and influence, I have been doing well, not only in English, but also in my positive attitudes and conviction towards life.Now I am so grateful to my mother for everything she has taught me, but at that time it was far beyond my comprehension. As a little girl, I thought of my mother as meticulous and my father as a best playmate. I still remember I wrote in my elementary school a composition dedicated to my father about how he cared for me. Naturally Mother felt she was ignored, so I wrote another one for Mother, intending to tell her she was so good a teacher that she sometimes had only students on mind and neglected her daughter. Unexpectedly, Mother was gloomed and her eyes went wet. I am so sorry now for that affected composition. I am Mother"s daughter, and I am Mother"s student. I could never be neglected by Mother, because I am the forever scar on her body, the forever pain on her mind, yet the forever bliss in her life.I did not write much in the past about Mother"s love for me. Today, this essay is for her, and for her only. I wish to let her know my regret and gratitude. I wish she could hear, "I love you, Mother."

小学英语作文my mother

My mother My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or o English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o"clock. She marks the student"s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.   My mother My mother is a housewife.She is a little fat,but she is very kindness. She usually listens to music and reads books.Every morning,she gets up at half past five.Then she can cook nice food to us.She loves her family very much.We also love her.This is ahappy family.   my mother 我的母亲 my mother is an english teacher and she likes listening to english radio and reading english newspaper.she always gets up early in the morning.she washes her face and has breakfast,then she hurriedly goes to school.she does morning exercises with her,she has one or o english the afternoon,she helps some students with their english.finally,she goes home at five o"clock.she marks the student"s homework at home and she always.tired everyday.i love my mother and i hope she can just relax at the weekend. 我的妈妈是一名英语教师,她喜欢听英语广播,看英语报纸。她早上总是起得很早。她洗她的脸,吃早餐,然后她赶紧去上学。她和她的学生做早操。接下来,她有一个或两个英语课在下午,她帮助英语学生。最后,她回家五点clock.she标志着国内学生的作业,她always.tired每天。我爱我的妈妈,我只希望她能在周末放松一下。   My mother My mother"s name is Chen Fanghong. She is a pretty woman. She has long hair, o big eyes and a *** all mouth. My mother likes sports and eating. Her favourite sports are tennis and badminton. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and horses. My mother is a puter engineer; she works very hard and does very well in the pany. My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress. My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!

小学六年级英语作文:my mother

【 #小学英语# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是 整理的《小学六年级英语作文:my mother》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】   My mother is a careless person, but she is very cute when she is careless.   Once, my mother took the phone, carrying bags and I went to buy food, I want my mother to my mobile phone play, my mother agreed. But when we walked, my mother wanted to take a picture, but how could the mother find a cell phone. I saw my mother very anxious, so I asked my mother: "Mom, you are looking for mobile phone it!" I puzzled and asked: "The phone is not in my me?" Mom turned his head, the phone really in my, I Laughed and said; "Mom, you really careless ah!" Mom also followed me laughed, she was so happy smile.   Also again, my mother is ready to open a computer online shopping. She opened the host, and then sat in a chair waiting for the computer to boot. However, after a long time, my mother found the computer screen has been black. So, my mother called me and asked: "Son, how is the computer screen is black ah?" I saw a computer, they laughed and said: "Mom, you did not open the screen display, the screen of course Black! "Mom followed and laughed again.   Do you say that my mother is not very careless? 【篇二】   My mom is taller than me. Her hair was long, like tie a ponytail. The curved eyebrows are inlaid with a pair of bright eyes.   My mother is ingenuity, always turning waste into treasure. When the first grade music teacher let us with a shoe cover. My mother came back from get off work, I am anxious to say: "Mom, tomorrow there are music classes, to bring a shoe cover." Mother smiled and said: "Jinsheng has closed, I"ll give you a pair of shoe covers." So my mother got a me The old pants, cut it into the right size, and then the needle thread sewn up. Soon, a pair of beautiful shoesets made. I can not help but praise: "Mom, you are awesome!"   Mother likes to plant. The balcony is full of flowers and vegetables. Every summer, full of colorful flowers on the balcony. Vegetables are not far behind, bear a variety of fruits. Flowers and fruits decorate the balcony more beautiful, but also let us eat the freshest vegetables.   My mother is very handsome and very capable. I love my mom. 【篇三】   I have a kindly mother, she has a long black hair, a pair of bright eyes of God.   I remember last winter, my mother was sick, braved the cold, riding a bike, came to the school to meet me, my mother riding a bike with me home, on the road, I could not help but hit a sneeze, my mother heard, quickly get off, asked me:? you get cold I said: not cold. Mother touched my little ear and said: ears so cool! Speaking, put her earmuffs down, brought me. Mom sat on the car and said: holding me, this will be warm. I do what my mother, hugged her tightly. Really felt the waves of warmth.   Home, the mother then go to the kitchen to cook, a little while, my mother came to I like to eat tomato eggs and fried chicken soup. When we had finished the meal, I went to write homework, my mother went to the bowl, sweep, clean up the housework, and carefully check my homework, counseling my homework.   When I sleep only to find that my mother"s face red, hot body, the original mother fever, she also said with a smile: nothing, the child, you sleep! Mother to eat the film will be good.   This is my mother, she is sick, still take care of me in every possible way, care about me, I like my mother.

求my mother英语作文50字

My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently. As Mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort. I have an elder brother. He and I both love her dearly, as she loves us.My mother has been teaching maths at a middle school in my home town. She goes to the school early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. She loves her students and cares for them. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent qualities and very good teaching results, she is always praised and respected by both her students and colleagues alike. And she has been chosen or elected as a model teacher several times. My mother is a thrifty and industrious woman. She never buys expensive or fancy dresses for herself; she goes occasionally to buy some inexpensive and high-quality clothes for us. She never goes to luxurious restaurants to enjoy expensive meals. She merely eats a humble meal outside when she is too busy. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints. As soon as she comes back from school, she sets about doing housework: sweeping the living room and bedreooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. Besides, she prepares nice dishes for us to eat. She seems to be on the go all the time. As she has been very busy working hard every day, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, and her hair has turned silver white. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Often she says to us, "Work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What a piece of good advice this is! I never forget it and always bear it in my mind. This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my action. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.


1. My Mother 英语作文 My motherMy mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or o English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o"clock. She marks the student"s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.望采纳 谢谢。 2. 以"my mother"写一篇英语作文 My mother My mother is an educated woman, who has many good qualities. Like all other mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. She treats my father kindly and cares for her children whole?-heartedly. When my mother has spare time, she reads books and newspapers, so she knows many stories. After supper, I often sit in our living room, listening to her telling stories. She has a gift for telling interesting stories. My mother is a learned woman, so I often consult her whenever I have any difficulty in my lessons. Her explanations are very helpful, so she is not only my mother but also my teacher. Although she inspires me to study hard, she never allows me to study late at night. What"s more, she often takes me out to play on Sundays. When I am playing, she will remind me not to waste so much time or I will fall behind my class. Mother loves me very much but does not allow me to do anything wrong, such as *** oking, drinking, or gambling. Of course, she doesn"t do such things herself. She sets me a good example. She is the most wonderful mother in the world. 3. 以my mother写作文60个单词 my mother is a kind woman , she is very loves me ! and she likes sports! so, on the weekends we"re aloways play tennis together,and my mom is take care of my healthy so i have a blanced diet!also i am a good student ,because my mom helps me with my you konw ,how much my mom loves me !also i love my mom too~!。 4. 英语作文my mother My mother is kind, she every day for my hard work, home to cook for me, mother"s back was bent, and mom"s hobby is chatting with me, she often says:" my baby mother and chat, the heart is happy!" Mom is just an ordinary clerk, every day walking to work, in order to give me money on university. Mother mother, although I do not know how to express my love for you, but you forever all are I most own person!我的妈妈是慈祥的,她每天为了我辛辛苦苦的上班,回家来给我做饭,妈妈的背渐渐地驼了,而妈妈的爱好就是和我聊天,她常说:“和我家宝贝聊天,妈妈这心里就是开心!”妈妈只是一名普通职员,每天都是步行去上班,为了给我攒钱上大学。 妈妈啊妈妈,虽然我不知怎么表达对你的爱,但是你永远都是我最亲的人。 5. 英语作文.my mother My mother is so patient with me - she is an absolute treasure.【妈妈对我很有耐心——她可真是个好妈妈。】 My mother is born in 1949.She was born in Shanghai.She is good in Chinese、math and sports。She is very like sporting.She"s favorite sport is basketball.She was working in Beijing at age of enty-one.Now she is a singer.【My siblings and I pulled through school with good English grades, partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn"t understand much. 】在学校里,我和兄弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。 那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明白。 What about you?。 6. 帮我写一篇my mother的作文 My mother is a village woman,who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education,but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,so that I can spend more time on my study. Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night,I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed,making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes. Such is my mother,a kind and hard-working woman. I"ll respect and love her forever. 7. 【写一个mymother为题的英语作文七十词左右】 I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother. 我有一个伟大的妈妈。 她很关心我的学习生活。早上,她起得很早给我做早餐。 当我还很小的时候,她帮我准备好书包。但是现在,她告诉我要自己做这些,因为她觉得我已经长大了能够自己完成。 除此之外,她经常检查我的作业。当我完成作业的时候,她就帮我检查并指出错误。 她很细心,帮了我很多。我爱我的妈妈。

My mother 作文


英语作文:My Mother

Mymotherisanurse.Shelovesherjobanddevotesherselftoit.LastmonthshewenttoBeijingtofightagaitSARS.Mymotherdidn"tgobackhomeuntilmorethanonemonthlater.ButImiedherverymuch.IknewshetriedherbesttoprotectusfromSARS.IlovemymotherandIfeelproudofher.  我妈妈是一个护士。她热爱她的工作并献身于它。上个月她去北京抗击非典,一个多月没回家。我非常想念她,但我知道她在尽力保护我.们免受非典型,肺炎的侵害。我爱我的妈妈,并为她自豪。  Howlovelymymotheris!Mymotherisanurse.Inthosedangerousdayslastmonth,shewenttoBeijingtofightagaitSARS.ShetriedherbesttoprotectusfromSARS.Shehadworkedthereformorethanonemonth.Ilovemymotherandfeelproudofher.  我的妈妈多么可爱啊!我妈妈是一个护士,在上个月那些危险的日子里,她去北京抗击“非典”。她尽力保护我们免受非典型肺炎的侵害,在那儿她一工作就是一个多月。我爱妈妈,并为她自豪该文章转载自无忧考网:

英语作文:My Mother?

My mother is short. she"svery kind. but she"s strit on my study.she has big eges, a hihg nose, and a small mouth. at my heart she"spretty.she favounite food is pork and vegetables, bacause they"retasty ,fresh and heathy. Her favounite fruit is peaches. bacause they"ersweet. She can cook the meals. her meals is tasty very much. I like hermeals. Shecanvery muchhousewoke.She is very helpful.This is mymother.I like her!

“My mother” 英语作文怎么写呢?

Mother is the greatest person in the world. Mother, I"m sorry, I shouldn"t be born your gas.This one evening, I had a high fever at dare not tell the mother, because my mother and I quarreled. Dinner, my mother told me, I didn"t respond, but quietly lying in bed drowsy, after a while I saw mother hasn"t come then thought mother still mad at me, I was thinking of the mother would carry food to my room. Mother saw I lay in bed flushed and turn to turn away, and then bending habitually use hand touch my forehead, said: "ah, son you have a fever, and ill!" Mother looked at me in surprise: "how don"t you tell me?" "I...... I......" Faltered, "I am afraid you half say me!" I whispered. "Silly child, hurriedly pair of meal to eat, finish eat rice have strength!" Said, mother and feed my meal mouthful. I saw mother benignly faces, as if to mother gas wholly ended. Have a meal, the mother hurriedly call father told him to come back the day after tomorrow, but father said to get to! So mother behind I go downstairs to the hospital immediately, but thank god sneakingly, rain. At the time, to walk too hastily not enough time to take an umbrella, and the streets without a shadow, only a few cars of vehicles, flash rapidly it was raining harder and harder, mother hesitation to put off the overcoat, dressed in my body, carry me to the hospital. My mother to the hospital in the waiting area settle chair, his run to registered, pay. My mind kept flashed in the rain shadow mother was in the hospital running...Hanging over the saltwater, mother and went to the store to buy me water to drink. Back, she affectionately said to me: "certain thirsty! Drink some water!" I was touched, brimming with sadness, but still could not hold back the tears of sadness, wish: I really should not born I have my mother gave me so much, but I still was born she gas. I"m sorry, mom.

大学英语作文my mother

My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently. As Mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort. I have an elder brother. He and I both love her dearly, as she loves us. My mother has been teaching maths at a middle school in my home town. She goes to the school early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. She loves her students and cares for them. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent qualities and very good teaching results, she is always praised and respected by both her students and colleagues alike. And she has been chosen or elected as a model teacher several times. My mother is a thrifty and industrious woman. She never buys expensive or fancy dresses for herself; she goes occasionally to buy some inexpensive and high-quality clothes for us. She never goes to luxurious restaurants to enjoy expensive meals. She merely eats a humble meal outside when she is too busy. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints. As soon as she comes back from school, she sets about doing housework: sweeping the living room and bedreooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. Besides, she prepares nice dishes for us to eat. She seems to be on the go all the time. As she has been very busy working hard every day, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, and her hair has turned silver white. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Often she says to us, "Work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What a piece of good advice this is! I never forget it and always bear it in my mind. This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my action. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.我的母亲是一位善良和温和的女人。她是非常繁忙从早到晚。作为一名教师,她工作勤奋,而且富有效率。作为母亲,她需要好好照顾我们,让我们每一个安慰。我有一个哥哥。他和我都爱她付出,因为她爱我们。 我的母亲一直在数学教学中的一所中学在我的家乡。她去学校清晨和不回家直到下午。她热爱她的学生和关心他们。她对待他们,耐心教他们。她的优秀品质和非常好的教学效果,她始终是赞扬和尊重她的学生和同事一样的。她已被选定或当选为模型老师几次。 我母亲是一个节俭和勤劳的妇女。她从来不买昂贵或花式连衣裙为自己;她会偶尔买些廉价和高质量的衣服我们。她从来没有去豪华的餐馆享受昂贵的饭菜。她只是吃了谦虚外面吃饭时,她是太忙了。她的生活忙碌而简单的生活,没有任何投诉。当她从学校回来,她着手做家务:打扫起居室和bedreooms或清洁的家具,把所有的良好秩序。此外,她准备好的菜,我们吃。她似乎是在旅途中所有的时间。因为她一直非常忙碌,每天努力工作,她看上去比她年长真的。她的脸是皱纹,和她的头发已经变成银白色。但她看上去开朗,快乐如以往。 通常,她说: “我们工作,你的工作,并发挥你发挥。这就是幸福和愉快。如果你没有工作,你将成为懒惰和没有用的社会。 ”什么一块很好的意见,这是!我从来没有忘记它,并牢记它在我的脑海。这方面的咨询的她将永远成为我的行动指南。我的母亲的确是伟大的,我总是为她感到骄傲。

My mother 英语作文

My mother In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes



mother代替my mother正确吗?如where is mother?句中的mother不用my mother


My mother英语作文10句话

My mother is 35 years old. She is a nurse.She goes to hospital at eight o"clock every morning.Her work is very busy but she likes her work.My mother is a beautiful woman.She is thin and tall. I love my mother very much.My father loves my mother too.We are happy family.


My mother is a kind and nurturing person who has always been there for me. She has taught me valuable life lessons and provided guidance through difficult times. She is hardworking and selfless, always putting the needs of her family above her own. I am grateful for the love and support she has given me, and I hope to one day be as amazing of a mother as she is.

