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初三英语作文:我的妈妈 My Mother

My mother is a simple woman who es from the countryside with little education. But in my eyes she is the greatest mother in the world. Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life. Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up the scene that happened three years ago to mother just e into my mind. 我的母亲是一个简单的女人,从农村来的小教育。但在我的眼里,她是世界上最伟大的母亲。她的毅力让我在所有我的生活的勇气。每当我有困难做某事,想放弃的时候,妈妈刚开始我的脑海里,发生在三年前的场景。 Having asked for a leave from the teacher I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm. Father was at work brother was at school mother wouldnt be back from her *** all store until evening. I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself. I bounded up steps burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw. Mother was sitting in the sofa sobbing with her shoulder itching. I had never seen mother crying before. I went close to her asking what had happened. She wiped her tears forced a *** ile and told me calmly that her *** all store was going to break. I didn"t know how to fort her at the moment but I did know what the *** all store meant to her. 有一个由老师请假,我把无聊的课,去家里我最喜欢的小说藏在我的胳膊。爸爸在工作,弟弟在学校里,母亲就不会从她的小商店后面,直到晚上。我觉得我会以自己的整个房子非常快乐的思考。我跳上台阶,冲进房间而感到震惊,我看到。母亲坐在沙发上,与她的肩膀抽动抽泣。我以前从未看过妈妈哭了。我走近她,问发生了什么事。她擦了擦眼泪,强作笑容,和冷静地告诉我,她的小商店是要打破。我不知道现在如何安慰她,但我知道为了她的小商店。 Now both my brother and I are studying at college. Mother works harder to finance our education. She is struggling by all means to keep the store business going. Her unusual perseverance is so inspiring to me that I will never give up halfway in my life. 现在我的两个哥哥和我在大学学习。母亲工程融资难的教育。她正在努力采取一切手段保持商店经营。她不寻常的毅力使振奋的是我,我不会放弃我的生命一半。

英文 day by day/ day after day 中文意思与用法差异!教学

你知道英文英文 day by day、day after day、from day to day ….这三个句子之间的用法有什么差别吗!因为这三个英文句子常常会认人搞混,它们都有天天、日复一日的相似意思。 本篇文章教你 day by day、day after day、from day to day 这之间的用法差异与中文意思。 下面这三种容易搞混的英文片语,都会有完整教学。 by day 每天、天天、日益 day by day 的中文意思主要是「一天天地」,或是一天比一天….等等。 例: Day by day he became weaker. 他的身体日渐虚弱。 例: They"re improving day by day. 他们每天都在进步。 例: She gets weaker day by day. 她一天天虚弱。 从上面例子你会发现,day by day 主要有「一天天…」变得越来越怎样的意思。 after day 日复一日 day after day 的中文意思主要是「日复一日」的意思。day after day 从字面上看,就是一天过去之后又一天,一天又接在一天后面,用来形容日子「一天又一天过」的意思。 例: I couldn"t stand sitting at a desk day after day. 我受不了日复一日地坐在办公桌前。 例: I can"t just be working day after day. 我不能只是日复一日地工作。 3.from day to day 每天;时常 From day to day 的中文意思为「每天;时常」的意思。从字面上看,from day to day 是从一天到另一天的意思,也就是「每天地」的意思。 例: Things change from day to day. 事情每天都在变化。 例: The weather varies from day to day. 天气每天变化。 例: My health is improving from day to day. 我的健康每天都在更好。 上面就是英文 day by day、day after day、from day to day 这三者之间的差别啦!赶快学起来吧。 day after day, day after day 中文, day after day 意思, day after day 用法, day by day, day by day 中文, day by day 意思, day by day 用法, from day to day, from day to day 中文, from day to day 意思, from day to day 用法

my mother英语作文代翻译

MYMOTHERMymotherisanicemum.Shehasgotapairofbeautifulbigeyes.Herhairisverylongandblack.Andshehasgotalittlecurl.Mymotherlikescats,andIlikecats,too.Therearethreecatsinourhome.Theyareverylovely.Theyareverynaughty,too.Mymotherlikesflowersverymuch,too.Herfavoriteflowerisredrose.Mymotherisveryfriendly.ButwhenIdid"tlistentoher,shewasveryangry.WhenWhenIwasnaughtysometimes,shewasveryangry,too.Mymothermakelotsofgoodfoodeveryday.Ilikeeatverymuch.Mymotheroftentookmetovisitlotsofplacewithme.WevisitedDalianandRizhaoandQingdao.WevisitedXiaolangdibuilding,too.MymothertookmetoplayintheSummerholiday.WevisitedWestbeachisland.Weswaminthewater.Mymotherplayedwithme.Wewereveryhappy! Ilovemymother!翻译:我的妈妈我的妈妈是一位好妈妈。她有一双美丽的大眼睛。她的头发长而黑,还有一点弯曲的小刘海。妈妈喜欢猫,我也喜欢猫。我们家有三只猫。它们非常可爱,也非常淘气。妈妈也很喜欢花儿,她最喜欢的花儿是红色玫瑰花。妈妈非常温柔和蔼,但是,当我不听她的话时,她就会很生气,当我淘气的时候,她也会很生气。妈妈每天都给我做许多好吃的饭菜,我非常喜欢吃。妈妈经常带我去许多地方旅游。我们去过大连、日照和青岛,还去过小浪底水利工程。这个暑假,妈妈又带我出去玩了。我们去了西滩岛,我们在水里游泳。妈妈和我一起玩,开心极了!我爱我的妈妈!

为My mother为题写一篇小作文

my mother i have a long-winded mother,but she loves me very much.she is shorter and thinner,she have a long hair.she is usually very busy,and the place where i work is far away from me.we a fat lot have time to play together,but she usually buys some snack give me.she is a mother who loves me very much ,and i love her as well.

英语作文 My mother

my mother英语作文(篇1)I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother.我有一个伟大的妈妈。她很关心我的学习生活。早上,她起得很早给我做早餐。当我还很小的时候,她帮我准备好书包。但是现在,她告诉我要自己做这些,因为她觉得我已经长大了能够自己完成。除此之外,她经常检查我的作业。当我完成作业的时候,她就帮我检查并指出错误。她很细心,帮了我很多。我爱我的妈妈。my mother英语作文(篇2)I have a good mother.Her name is Yu Bihua.She has short and black hair.Her eyes are big,round and black.Her mouth is small,and she likes talking so much.She is not so tall.She often wears a brown coat,black trousers and black shoes.She is 37years old,but she looks young.My mother works in a hospital and she is a nurse.She is very busy.Every morning,she gets up early.Then she goes to work on foot.Her work begins at 7:30.She has lunch at 12:30.After lunch,she has a short rest and then goes to work again.At 6:00 p.m. She comes back home.In the evening ,she often watches TV,then goes to bed.My mother is an ordinary,hard-working woman,but I"m proud of her.

小学四年级英语作文:my mother

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我为大家整理的小学四年级英语作文:my mother,希望对大家有所帮助。   My mother is just over fifty, a little bit older than our republic nation, so she has experienced two periods just like our country, showing both the traditional goodness and modern ideas.   Like all mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. So sometimes I feel regretful for her to give up her work, but she thinks it is the proper social role for a woman to be a housewife. She is satisfied with the family members" achievements. She insists on keeping her children under her wings. You see how traditional she is.   However, since she is intelligent and has received the high education, it is easy for her to accept something new. In recent years, she is interested in the stock . Therefore, she cares about the political and economic situation of the country and the world, and actively collects information of the companies whose stocks she bought. What is more, she is a fan of the Argentine football team. So she was very sad after the defeat of this team in the 14th World Cup Tournament .   I love my mother, just because she loves me. Since we share some interests such as playing chess, we get chances to communicate with each other, which makes us close friends.   我妈妈刚刚超过五十个,有点超过我们共和国的国家,所以她经历了两个时期就像我们的国家一样,表现出传统美德和现代观念。   像所有的母亲一样,她负责,她的大部分努力致力于我们的家庭。所以有时我后悔让她放弃她的工作,但她认为这是适当的社会角色对女人是一个家庭主妇。她的家庭成员感到满意的成就。她坚持让她的孩子在她的翅膀。你看看传统。   然而,由于她是聪明,受到了高等教育,对她很容易接受新事物。近年来,她对股票感兴趣。因此,她关心这个国家的.政治和经济形势和世界,并积极收集信息是她买了股票的公司。更重要的是,她是一个阿根廷足球队的球迷。所以她非常伤心失败后,这支球队在第14届世界杯比赛。   我爱我的母亲,因为她爱我。因为我们分享一些利益,如下棋,我们互相交流的机会,使我们亲密的朋友。

以My mother为题写一篇英语作文(包括妈妈的职业、年龄、上班方式、不少于5句话


My Mother(50词)

My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.我的妈妈今年35岁了。但我仍然可以看出她年轻的时候是多么的漂亮。她个子不太高,但是很瘦。她的眼睛是黑色的。她的头发是黑色的,不过已经有一些白头发了。She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I"m hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She"s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.每天,她都送我上学。到了晚上,她辅导我写作业。如果我饿了,她就做我最喜欢的菜给我吃。她总是鼓励我去尝试新的东西。我认为我的妈妈是世界上最好的人。当我需要她的时候她总会在我的身边。我非常爱她。她是我的英雄。

my mother是第三人称单数吗

My mother.的确是第三人称单数。有关谓语单词必须用三单。 例如:My mother works in a high school.My mother always prepares dinner for us.

day by day 和day after day的区别

day by day一天一天,一天天的,日复一日day after day一天又一天;日复一日

小升初英语作文:My mother

妈妈是我们人生中最重要的人之一,英语考试中也会经常出现会出现这题目。下面语文迷为大家整理了关于我的妈妈英语作文,希望对你有帮助。   My mother英语作文 一 My name is Jessie. I am elve. I love my mother, her name is Miss Xiao. She has black hair and o big eyes. She is a very beautiful woman. My mother works in a hotel. She is a manager. She likes fish and vegetables, but she doesn"t like meat and chicken. My mother can cook, sing and read, but she can"t fly. Her cooking and singing are both very good. This is my mother!   My mother英语作文二 We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is 41 years old. She is of medium build with long black hair. Shi is quiet. She is a history teacher in a middle school. She likes dancing. She can cook delicious food. She did a lot for me when I was a child. She bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didn"t have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend. She cooked delicious and healthy food for me. When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I"ll save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young. I"ll take her to wonderful sights around China. Most importantly, I will stay with her when I have free time. That"s what she wants most, I think.   My mother英语作文三 My mother in our eyes is a beatiful has rounds eyes,long hair,white cheeks,long eyelash,and black works in a r works she take us from school and we go back to home together,after this my mother will busy with cooking,cleaning the house and washing dishes and check my home work.I think every day my mother is very tired,but she never said a ought sometimes we do not listen,she will be carefully to teach us. My mother loves us and we also love our mother.   My mother英语作文 四 My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and o sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every fort. We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without plaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind. 标签: 小升初 mother 作文 英语

My Mother英语作文带翻译

妈妈是我们人生的启蒙老师,下面就用英语作文的方式把妈妈写下了吧。   My mother英语作文篇一 My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly. If they can"t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help. 我的妈妈是一名小学老师。她在乡村上课,那个学校只有几个老师。因此,除了数学以外,她还教语文和音乐。我的妈妈是一位好老师,在学生中很受欢迎。她关心班上的每一个学生的学习和生活。她的课堂似乎很放松很活跃,但是学生可以从她那学到很多。从某种程度上来说,她对学生很严厉。当他们在学习上犯错的时候,她会直接指出来然后让学生自己先改正过来。如果他们不会,妈妈最后才会帮他们。除了学习之外,我妈妈在生活上也是个好老师。她注重学生的健康成长,所以她总是关心他们的生活。不管他们发生了什么,她总是随时倾听和提供帮助。   My mother英语作文篇二 I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother. 我有一个伟大的妈妈。她很关心我的学习生活。早上,她起得很早给我做早餐。当我还很小的时候,她帮我准备好书包。但是现在,她告诉我要自己做这些,因为她觉得我已经长大了能够自己完成。除此之外,她经常检查我的作业。当我完成作业的时候,她就帮我检查并指出错误。她很细心,帮了我很多。我爱我的妈妈。   My mother英语作文篇三 My mother is an ordinary always puts her students before is nothing different from other people at the first later you will find that she is so my mind, she is very weekends, she always prepare the class at times she even ask the students to e to our house for remediation for her students like times I almost envy her ily, my mother also very care about puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothing for is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her. 我的妈妈是一个普通的老师。她总是把她的学生放在最重要的位置。乍一看,她和别的人没有什么不一样的.。但后来你会发现她是如此有责任心。在我的心目中,她是很伟大的。周末的时候她总是在家里备课。有时候她甚至叫学生到我们家来免费补课。她的学生都很喜欢她。有时候我都差点要嫉妒她的学生了。幸好我慢慢还是很关心我的。她把她所有的时间都花在我们家和她的学生身上,却不给自己留一丁点时间。她是如此的伟大,我为她感到骄傲;我爱她。 标签: Mother 作文 翻译 英语

my mother是第三人称单数吗

my mother是第三人称单数。my mother的意思是我的妈妈,实际上就是she,是第三人称,我的妈妈一定只有一个人所以是单数,所以my mother是第三人称单数。第三人称单数是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词。第三人称是相对于对话时,某一句话中,言语发出方(第一人称)和言语的听受方(第二人称)以外的其它人称。第三人称单数是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词。 第三人称单数也称“三单”或“单三”,是指he,she,it及其他单个人名,地名,动、植物名等。第三人称单数是英语中的一种语法,用于一般现在时的句子。 第三人称单数的用法:在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即在动词原形后加s。 三单的动词的具体变化形式: 大多数实义动词在词尾加s。 以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的动词在词尾加es。 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,要先将y变为i然后再加es。 还有两个单词需要特殊记,就是be的三单是is,have的三单是has。

my mother英语作文范文60词

  导语:妈妈是我们生命中最重要的一个人,你的妈妈是什么样子的人呢?下面是我为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   my mother英语作文(一)   I have a beautiful and hard-working mother.   Mother"s hair is inclined bang, long curly hair, ear lobe greatly, there is a hole! Estimation is wear earrings. Mother fine eyes, small nose, mouth, small and exquisite.   My mother also boast. When mother bought new clothes will say to us: "beautiful?" We occasionally glance at replied "general" she didn"t say anything, because she had already familiar.   My mother some bad temper, she very fierce when the mood is bad, remember the last time I ask her: well mom this thesis how to write ah, she is very fierce of say: cannot go as documents by yourself, "I don"t know, go away!" I think mother like a "bitch", I was so sad.   Although fierce, but my mother attaches great importance to my study. Me exam, my mother will be hanging from the contented smile on his face, even will reward me, I got bad, mother will carefully explain my wrong topic, until I understand, I suddenly felt very guilty and ashamed.   I said that mom is very industrious beginning? Said I"ll give you about my mother how industrious: my mother bear the all the housework every day. My mother want to go to work, she also try to do the housework. My mother do the housework wholeheartedly, not half-hearted.   This is my mom, though a bit rude at ordinary times, but, I know my mother"s heart is very love me.   我有一个既漂亮又勤劳的妈妈。   妈妈的发型是斜刘海,长长的卷发,耳垂大大的,还有一个洞呢!估计是戴耳环时弄的。妈妈眉清目秀,不大不小的鼻子 ,嘴巴小巧玲珑。   我妈妈还有一点臭美。每当妈妈买了新衣服就会对我们说:“漂亮吧?”我们偶尔会瞟一眼回答道“一般啦”她也没说什么,因为她早已司空见惯了。   我妈妈还有一些坏脾气,她心情不好的时候很凶的,记得上次我好好地问她:妈妈这作文怎么写啊,她却很凶的说:不能自己去看作文书啊,“我不知道,走开”!我觉得妈妈像一只“母老虎”,我伤心极了。   虽然那样凶,但是我妈妈很重视我的学习。我考试考好了,妈妈脸上便会挂着满意的笑容,甚至会奖励我,我考差了,妈妈便会仔细地讲解我的错题,直到我的明白为止,我顿时感到非常内疚,惭愧。   我开头是不是说过妈妈很勤劳?我现在就给大家说一下我妈妈怎样勤劳:我妈妈每天都承担着所有家务。我妈妈要去上班了,她也尽量做完家务。我妈妈做家务一心一意,不会三心二意。   这就是我的妈妈,虽然平时有点蛮不讲理的,但是,我知道妈妈的内心还是很爱我的。   my mother英语作文(二)   I have a very kind mother.   She has short black hair, dark hair, mixed with a few strands of white hair. With the eye excessive, so collapse collapse of the bridge of the nose with a pair of red frame glasses shelves. A mouth any mathematical smart answer can say it. Is a little short. In the eyes of others, she is not beautiful, but she is very beautiful in my heart is very tall.   One evening when I came home from school, raining hard. Fellow students parents to meet, the remaining few students in the classroom. Mother arrived in a hurry to work from the unit at this moment, I"m glad to hide in under the umbrella of mother, we together with home. The rain under the bigger, but the rain do not pour me, good magic umbrella. My mother looked up and saw mom has more than half of wet body, the original mother always umbrella to stay on my side. I quickly pushed the mother"s hand to her side, heavy rain shower to me immediately, and mom umbrella to stay on my side. At this time my face don"t desire is tears or rain.   Another time, we are mother and daughter go out to play, I play is widely accidentally broke his leg. Mother immediately lowered himself to carry me to the hospital, I look at her thin, small body, said: "I can own hobbled walk, don"t back." But mom does not agree, said: "not line, if broken, limping along can aggravate the condition." So her back all the way back and take me to the hospital.   This is my good mother, a very kind mother very love my mother.   我有一个很慈祥的妈妈。   她长着一头短黑发,黑发中夹杂着几缕白发。因用眼过度,所以塌塌的鼻梁上架着一副红色边框的眼镜。一张嘴巴任何数学聪明题的答案都能说出来。个子有点矮。在别人眼中她并不漂亮,但在我心中她很美很高大。   有一个傍晚放学回家时,天下着大雨。同学的父母陆陆续续来接,教室里剩下没有几个同学。这时妈妈从单位下班匆匆赶来,我高兴地躲进妈妈的雨伞下,我们相依着回家。这时雨越下越大,可是雨怎样也淋不着我,好神奇的雨伞。我抬头看妈妈,只见妈妈已淋湿一大半身子,原来妈妈总把雨伞往我这边撑。我赶紧把妈妈的手往她身边推,大雨马上淋到我身上,妈妈又把雨伞往我这边撑。此时我脸上分不清流着的是泪水还是雨水。   还有一次,我们母女俩出去玩,我玩得正起劲一不小心摔伤了腿。妈妈立马蹲下身要背我去医院,我看她那瘦弱而矮小的身体,说:“我能自己瘸着走去,不用背。”可妈妈不同意,说:“不行,如果骨折了,再瘸着走会加重病情。”就这样她一路背背停停把我送到医院。   这就是我的好妈妈,一个很慈祥的妈妈很爱我的妈妈。 my mother英语作文范文60词


你的妈妈,是怎样的人呢,用英语又该如何介绍呢?下面给大家分享一些my mother 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 my mother英语作文1 I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother. my mother英语作文2 My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students before everything. She is nothing different from other people at the first sight. But later you will find that she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very great. On weekends, she always prepare the class at home. Sometimes she even ask the students to come to our house for remediation for free. All her students like her. Sometimes I almost envy her students. Luckily, my mother also very care about me. she puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothing for herself. She is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her. my mother英语作文3 My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she will sing many songs. I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily. my mother英语作文4 If people ask me what kind of job is the greatest work in the world, I will tell them housewife job. My mother is doing this work, she gives up her career because the family needs someone to take care. She takes care of my daily life and clean the house. It is such a difficulty but boring work. Only the one with love and patience can do it. I am so thankful to my mother. my mother英语作文5 I always complain about my mother, because she is very strict to me and I can"t do whatever I want. But some day, when I go home very late, she criticizes me at first and then asks me whether I get hurt. I explain to her that I just play with my friends. My mother loves me so much and she does everything for me. my mother英语作文6 My mother is the greatest person to me, she takes care of my every day. In the morning, she cooks the breakfast and then wakes me up, she helps me pack my schoolbag. Then in the afternoon, she waits me to come home, asks me to do the homework. She does all the things till I sleep, I want to say I love my mother so much. my mother英语作文精选6篇相关 文章 : ★ 描写My Mother满分英语作文4篇 ★ my mother英语作文六年级 ★ 我的妈妈英语作文5篇 ★ my mother英语作文带翻译初一作文 ★ 我的妈妈为主题的英语作文10篇 ★ 英语作文my mother6年级 ★ 以my mother为题的高中英语作文带翻译 ★ 精选五篇英语作文--My Family ★ 有关my mother英语作文 ★ my mother英语作文初中作文

小学英语作文my mother80字

  母亲,一个多么平凡的名字呀!但每个人都可以从这平凡的名字上而感到深深的爱。你知道怎么写一篇我的妈妈的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的小学英语作文my mother80字,供你参考!   小学英语作文my mother80字篇1   My mother   My mother is a teacher. Her slender figure, not fat or thin, white skin, short hair, looks very beautiful. She always saw me happily, look very gentle. Her hobbies are reading, surfing the Internet. Mother let me the most moving thing is: one night, I had a high fever, temperature is about 39 degrees. Good mother particularly worried about, even always frown, want me to drink plenty of water, but I don"t want to drink, mom told me: long illness, it is good for you to drink water more quickly. Finally, I drink a mouthful. Because mother special love me, so she can do it. I am proud to have such a good mother. In the next year 38 women"s days, I"m going to give her a card. Help her do something more, more red flowers. Let my mother more and more young, happy and beautiful.   小学英语作文my mother80字篇2   My mother   I have a cute young mother. Her head high, with talking big bright eyes, white on the face of a few scattered grain of cute little freckles, small strong under the nose with a glib small mouth, she likes to keep a smooth head of hair into a small horse, little horse there is a lovely bowknot, she likes wearing a purple dress and a pair of purple high-heeled shoes, whenever she spin up a beautiful dress, just like a beautiful fairy. My mother is a good mother, and she often helps people when they are in trouble, she often education I want to be ready to help others, care for the environment and love small animals. Her study hard every day to help me, to buy me beautiful clothes, I cooked a delicious meal. My favorite she cooked broccoli. I love my beautiful and good mother!   小学英语作文my mother80字篇3   My mother   "When, when, when" under the clock rang 10 consecutive. I lay in bed already half an hour in the past, eyes staring at the ceiling, just can"t fall asleep. Although it is in their own home, but mother hasn"t come back, I can"t quiet down. Small house in addition to the clock tick tick, still can hear my heart beat drums.   "XXXow also with your eyes open?" Watch TV dad once again came to the hut, "to go to school tomorrow, hurry to sleep!" I close my eyes, but I still can"t sleep. Mother is a man of great enterprise, since the contract base unit increased this year, her work completely disrupted. Although often because of work need to come back late some, but never like today, don"t come back so late. May be the unit. Temporary work overtime shipment? Or traveling, can"t come back? Or... I again and again in guess mom did not come back. ... "A familiar voice." is my mom came back! "Couldn"t help but burst of joy in my heart, quickly get out of bed, clothes to wear, opened the door. My mother see I haven"t sleep, just kissed my forehead, said:" in a hurry to wait? "" when, when, when" 11 o "clock. I just feel sleepy, then lie on the bed, fell asleep gradually.

my mother是第三人称单数吗?

是的,因为我的妈妈不是你也不是我是她,她就是she,是第三人称,我的妈妈一定只有一个人所以是单数,所以my mother是第三人称单数。第三人称单数(Third-person singular)是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词。(简称单三,亦称三单)第三人称是相对于对话时,某一句话中,言语发出方(第一人称)和言语的听受方(第二人称)以外的其它人称。单数是指该句中提到的其它人是一个人,相对于两个人(双数,在太平洋岛屿土著语言中广泛存在人称代词的双数)或更多人(复数)。如汉语中的“他”“她”“它”,英语中的hesheithimher。第三人称单数的用法1、大多数实义动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为/ s / ;在浊辅音及元音音素后发音为 / z /。 如speak→speaks / s / ; come→comes / z / ; play→plays / z / 。2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”然后再加“es”,加读/ z /。 如study→studies / iz / ; fly→flies / iz /,fly→flies / au026az /。3、以“s、x、ch、sh”结尾的动词在词尾加“es”发音为/ iz / 。 如teach→teaches / iz / ; watch→watches / iz /。

my mother我的妈妈英语作文【三篇】

【 #英语资源# 导语】母亲是冬夜里的一床棉被,当你瑟瑟发抖时,贴心的呵护和温暖使你安然入梦;母亲是黑暗中的一盏明灯,当你迷失方向时,模糊的光亮和希望使你找到方向;母亲是疲惫时的一杯清茶,当你疲倦无力时,淡雅的磬香和醇美。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】my mother我的妈妈英语作文   My mother   My mother is a village woman,who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education,but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people.   She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,so that I can spend more time on my study.   Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night,I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed,making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.   Such is my mother,a kind and hard-working woman. I"ll respect and love her forever. 【篇二】my mother我的妈妈英语作文   My mother   There"s no doubt that my mother gives all her love to me. I do believe she is a great person who makes my life beautiful and meaningful.   She is an easygoing and kind woman with bright eyes and a lovely smile. Although she is often busy, I still feel that I am taken good care of by her. It"s a great pleasure to chat with her when I get into troubles. She always encourages me not to give up and tries to cheer me up by coming up with good solutions. In addition, I am fascinated by her cooking and writing. 【篇三】my mother我的妈妈英语作文   My mother   We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is 41 years old. She is of medium build with long black hair. She is quiet. She is a history teacher in a middle school. She likes dancing. She can cook delicious food.   She did a lot for me when I was a child. She bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didn"t have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend. She cooked delicious and healthy food for me.   When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I"ll save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young. I"ll take her to wonderful sights around China. Most importantly, I will stay with her when I have free time. That"s what she wants most, I think. 【篇四】my mother我的妈妈英语作文   My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.   My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.   She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.   Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.   【参考译文】   我母亲是个善良温柔的女人。她总是很温柔。她照顾好她的孩子,使他们都在学校。我有一个哥哥和两个姐姐。所以她总共有四个孩子。她给了我们所有的安慰。我们都爱她,她也爱我们。   我母亲在养育我们方面有太多的事要做。由于我们家太穷了,不能养佣人,我母亲总是做很多工作。她起得很早,每天睡得很晚。她工作很努力,但毫无怨言。   她也是一个勤俭节约的女人。她尽可能节省每一分钱,并使一切有序。她从小就很忙,看上去比实际年龄大。她的脸皱了,头发变白了,但她仍然像以前一样努力工作。

My mother英语作文 五句话

my mother is a kind woman.she is 35 years old.and she looks after me very well .she often goes shopping with her friends.I love her very much.

day by day 和day after day的区别

day by day一天又一天 和day after day一天以后的一天

my mother是什么意思

my mother的意思是“我的母亲”

christopher nissen怎么读

中文名克里斯托弗·尼森外文名Christopher Nissen别 名Christopher国 籍丹麦出生地丹麦哥本哈根出生日期1992年1月31日职 业丹麦流行男歌手代表作品《CPH Girls》《Told you so》昵 称小C星 座水瓶座

best wishes for you .happy everyday .miss you so mnch 是什么意思?




Christopher Nissen - Told you so的中文歌词

Suppose I called you up tonight假如我今晚打电话给你.   And told you that I love you且说我爱你.   And suppose I said I wanna come back home假如我说我要回家,   And suppose I cried and said I finally learned my lesson假如我哭了,说我终于得到了教训.   And I"m tired of spending all my time alone我已经厌倦了独处.   If I told you that I realize you"re all I ever wanted如果我告诉你我发现你正是我一直想要的.   And it"s killing me to be so far away离开那么远实在让我受不了.   Would you tell me that you love me too你会不会告诉我你也爱我?   And when we cry together当我们抱头痛哭的时候   Would you simply laugh at me and say你会不会只是嘲笑我说   I told you so我早告诉过你的   Oh, I told you so唉,我告诉过你会这样   I told you someday you"d come crawling back and asking me to take you in我早说过你总有一天会爬回来求我接纳你.   I told you so我早告诉过你会这样   But you had to go但你仍然走了.   Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again   现在我找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎了.   If I got down on my knees and told you I was yours forever如果我跪下来告诉你我会永远都属于你.   Would you get down on yours too and take my hand那么你会不会也屈膝下来握住我的手   Would we get that old time feeling我们能不能感受过往时光   Would we laugh and cry for hours我们能不能一起哭着笑着几个小时   The way we did when our love first bega一如我们刚开始恋爱时候   Would you tell me that you miss me too你会不告诉我你也同样思念我   And that you"ve been so lonely告诉我你一直如此孤独   And that you"ve waited for the day that I returned告诉我你一直在等待我回来的那一天   And we live and love forever然后我们相爱着一起生活到永远   And that I"m your one and only告诉我我是你的唯一   Would you say the tables finally turn你会不会告诉我情形不一样了   Would you say I told you so你会不会说我早就告诉过你会这样   Oh, I told you so唉,我早告诉过你会这样   I told you someday you"d come crawling back and asking me to take you in   我早说过总有一天你会爬回来求我接纳你   I told you so我早说过会这样   But you had to go但你仍然走了   Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again   现在我已经找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎.   Now I found someone new and you will never break my heart in two again   现在我已经找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎.0

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day by day跟day after day的区别?


day by day 和day after day的区别

day by day和day after day在意思上区别不大,一个意为逐日、日渐,一个意为日复一日.其差别主要在用法上 by day强调程度的递变,强调有变化.(含有越来..越..之意)His English gets better day by after day用于形容动作的重复.(不含变化的意思)He goes to look after his grandfather day after day.(他天天都去看他的祖父)

day by day 和day after day的区别


区分jquery中 blur()与onblur()

onblur 是原生 js 的写法,可以直接写在元素的属性中或者在脚本中定义;<input type="text" id="demo" onblur=" demo() " >,或者<script>function demo(){}或者不在元素属性中使用 onblur,而是直接用js 绑定时事件var demo = document.getElementById("demo");demo.onblur = function(){}</script>blur 才是jQuery 的方法,直接绑定对象;$( "#demo" ).blur( function(){} )

day after day与day by day的区别


Excel 怎么使用allow users to edit ranges-Excel基础应用


day by day和day after day的区别

day by day和day after day的区别是用法不同。day by day通常用作状语,且含有逐渐转变的意思。day after day可用作状语,有时也可用作主语或宾语,它通常暗示时间之长久。 扩展资料 例句:Day by day his condition improved.他的健康状况一天天好转。Day by day I am getting better and better。我在一天天地好转。I live for the moment, day by day, not for the past.我活在当下,过一天算一天,而不是活在过去。I waited for news, day after day, expecting to hear.我日复一日地等着,期待能听到消息。



如何评价Christopher Nissen这位丹麦歌手


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您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。 建议您参考下列信息:1、您机器使用的是LGA775接口的CPU测试使用过下面型号的CPUIntel Celeron Processors:Intel Celeron 450 Processor (2.2-GHz, 512K L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Celeron Dual-Core Processors:Intel Celeron E3200 Processor (2.4-GHz, 2 MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Celeron E3300 Processor (2.5-GHz, 2 MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Pentium Dual-Core Processors:Intel Pentium dual-core E5300 Processor (2.6-GHz, 2MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Pentium dual-core E5400 Processor (2.70-GHz, 2MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Pentium dual-core E6300 Processor (2.80-GHz, 2MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Duo Processors:Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 Processor (2.93-GHz, 3 MB L2 cache, 1066-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 Processor (3.06-GHz, 3 MB L2 cache, 1066-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 Processor (3.0-GHz, 6 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 Processor (3.16-GHz, 6 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Duo E8600 Processor (3.33-GHz, 6 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Quad Processors:Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 Processor (2.66-GHz, 4 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 Processor (2.66-GHz, 6 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 Processor (2.83-GHz, 12 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 Processor (3.0-GHz, 12 MB L2 cache, 1333-MHz FSB)2、您这款机器有4个内存插槽,支持PC3-10600 (DDR3, 1333MHz) 的标准内存,单条最大支持4GB总计最大支持16GB。注:需要您注意的是,因为32bit系统内存寻址方面的限制,安装4G或更高容量内存时只能实际使用3.25G左右的容量,因此为了确保利用到全部内存容量,如果您要添加内存的总容量达到4G或更高,建议您自行改装64bit系统,在64bit系统下可以利用到全部安装的内存容量。3、您机器最大测试过 500-GB SATA 3.0-Gb/s 7200 rpm 的硬盘。4、您机器测试过下面型号的显卡:ATI Radeon HD 4650 (1 GB DH) PCIe x16 Graphics CardATI Radeon HD 4550 Dual Head PCIe x16 Graphics CardNVIDIA Quadro NVS 290 PCIe x1 Graphics CardNVIDIA Quadro NVS 290 (256MB DH) PCIe x16 Graphics CardNVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 (256MB DH) PCIe x16 Graphics Card*NVIDIA NVS 300 PCIe x16 512MB Graphics CardNVIDIA NVS 300 PCIe x1 512MB Graphics CardNVIDIA GeForce 310 DP PCIe x16 Graphics Card5、惠普机器添加硬件设备没有品牌方面要求,添加硬件可能会出现不兼容的情况。建议您最好在买的时候当场测试一下,看能否正常使用,并提前与购买处协商,如有不兼容情况是否可以调换。6、如果您需要添加惠普的硬件设备,建议您可以联系下当地的金牌服务中心进行添加,惠普金牌服务中心的联系方式可以通过下面链接查询: 希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。

jquery中 blur()与onblur()的区别

onblur 是原生 js 的写法,可以直接写在元素的属性中或者在脚本中定义;<input type="text" id="demo" onblur=" demo() " >,或者<script>function demo(){}或者不在元素属性中使用 onblur,而是直接用js 绑定时事件var demo = document.getElementById("demo");demo.onblur = function(){}</script>blur 才是jQuery 的方法,直接绑定对象;$( "#demo" ).blur( function(){} )

christopher nissen身高

克里斯托弗·尼森身高:182厘米克里斯托弗·尼森(Christopher Nissen),丹麦男歌手兼作曲家。

VM虚拟机里额number of cores per processor指的是核心数还是线程数

number of processors 处理器个数number of cores per processor 每个处理器核心数

cpu=1 Processors Detected,Cores per Processor=2

给你翻译下第一行肯定是你的CPU=1……就是说一个PCU 双核接着就是CPU类T6600内存2G硬盘是富士通的320G硬盘光驱是建基的DVD刻录机鼠标检测到剩下一个是错误什么,应该是系统的问题,估计你用的是xp而不是win7

CPU=1 Processors Detected;Cores per Porcessor=2 Intel(r) Core(TM) i3 CPU M330 @2.13MHz 1976M System

最后一句:EFI变量 块 数据 被破坏,所以应该是内存兼容性问题

电脑一开机就出现cpu=1 processors detected, cores per processor=2



people usually can make.the wish blow out after die

研究生英语读写译《western culture》翻译


我这样的配置换什么好可以玩lol 电脑概览 电脑型号 惠普 HP Pro 3085 Microtower PC 操作系统 Microsoft


显卡是AMD Radeon HD8600M Series,想外接32寸的2k显示屏?



一、Jmeter简介 —-->生成不同格式的测试报告 以WEB性能测试为例:jmeter可以作为web服务器与浏览器之间的代理网关,以便捕获浏览器的请求和web服务器的响应,如此就可以很容易地生成性能测试脚本。有了性能测试脚本,jmeter就可以通过线程来模拟真实用户对web服务器的访问压力。这与LoadRunner的工作原理基本一致( 向服务器提交请求;从服务器获取请求返回的结果 ) 二、JMeter下载安装 1、安装环境要求 Unix(Solaris,Linux,etc) 、 Windows(98,NT,2000,XP,WIN8) 2、JDK下载、安装 右键计算机属性->高级系统设置->系统属性->高级->环境变量->添加如下的系统变量: 变量值:D:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_92【jdk安装路径】 变量值: .;%JAVA_HOME%libdt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%lib ools.jar; 运行cmd->输入java -version->显示java版本就表示jdk安装成功 3、JMeter下载安装 4、JMeter环境配置 变量值:E:apache-jmeter-4.0 (就是jmeter保存的路径,即jmeter解压路径) 如:JMETER_HOME=D:apache-jmetesapache-jmeter-4.0 变量值: ;%JMETER_HOME%/lib/ext/ApacheJMeter_core.jar;%JMETER_HOME%/lib/jorphan.jar;%JMETER_HOME%/lib/logkit-2.0.jar 5、Jmeter 的Bin目录下的几个重要文件 6、启动Jmeter 三、JMeter组件介绍 (JMeter常用组件) 1、测试计划(Test Plan) 注:什么是元素? JMeter的不同组件称为Elements。 每个元素都是为特定目的而设计的。 2、线程组(Threads) 例如,如果将线程数设置为100; JMeter将创建并模拟100个用户对被测服务器的请求 所有的控制器和取样器都是在某个线程组下; 3、逻辑控制器(Logic controller) 逻辑控制器允许在线程中定义处理请求的顺序。它允许控制“何时”将用户请求发送到Web服务器。例如,可以使用随机控制器随机向服务器发送HTTP请求 例如:我们在收邮件时,只需要登录一次邮箱既可查看多封邮件。如果这个场景我们在Jmeter中实现,我们需要控制登录的次数,如何实现呢?Jmeter逻辑控制器中的仅一次控制器就可以完成。当然了,控制器不只是这一个,还有很多其他的控制器来完成我们的各种需求。 除了为“线程组”指定的循环值之外,循环控制器使取样器运行一定次数。例如,如果你 将一个HTTP请求添加到循环控制器,循环计数为50 将“线程组”循环计数配置为2 然后,JMeter将发送总共50 * 2 = 100个HTTP请求。 除了循环值= 2,你为上面的线程组指定。所以JMeter将发送总共2 * 50 = 100个HTTP请求。 又如:线程组中设置循环次数3,循环控制器中设置循环测试2, 即:线程组的循环与循环控制器为父子关系,且循环控制器只对子请求有效 注:录制脚本的循环按循环控制器中的调协循环 作为循环控制器的子节点,仅一次控制器在每循环的第一次迭代时均会被执行 HTTP请求、FTP请求、JDBC请求 这3个请求应该运行5次; JMeter将向baidu服务器发送总共5个用户请求。 按顺序,按以下顺序依次发送请求:HTTP请求 - > FTP请求 - > JDBC请求,对于每个循环按随机顺序,请求随机发送,FTP请求 - > HTTP请求 - > JDBC请求 或 JDBC请求 - > FTP请求 - > HTTP请求等 4、配置元件(Config element) 比如CVS Data Set Config,它可以帮助我们从文件中读取测试数据。另外Jmeter也提供了众多的函数来帮我们生成动态数据。 缓存管理器),自动记录服务器返回的Cache信息。简单说就是它为取样器提供预备数据,然后由取样器 发出请求。 入不同的登录凭据。 该登录信息(例如,用户名,密码)可以存储在文本文件中。 JMeter有一个元素,允许您从该文本文件中读取不同的参数。 它是“CSV数据集配置”,用于从文件中读取行,并将它们拆分为变量。 这是CSV数据的示例。 这是一个文本文件,其中包含用于登录目标网站的用户和密码 密码将作为cookie存储在计算机中。下次访问 时 ,无需再次登录,因为在浏览器将使用您的Cookie作为用户数据登录。 Cookie管理器会自动存储该cookie,并将其用于将来对该特定网站的所有请求。 此元素允许您设置HTTP请求控制器使用的默认值 server name = PS:在执行顺序方面有个例外,配置元件"用户定义的变量"无论它处于测试树的哪个位置,总是在测试的初始阶段执行。所以个人建议把它放在线程组的开始部分。 5、定时器(Timer)( 固定定时器:思考时间 ) JMeter向创建一个用户请求100次 每个用户请求之间的延迟为5000毫秒 6、前置处理器(Per processors) 7、取样器(Samples) 您将FTP“下载文件”或“上载文件”请求发送到FTP服务器。 JMeter将FTP命令发送到FTP服务器 ,然后从该服务器下载文件Test.txt。 您可以配置JMeter将SQL查询发送到此服务器以检索数据。 如果要测试邮件服务器,可以使用SMTP采样器。 此采样器用于使用SMTP协议发送电子邮件 8、后置处理器(post processors) 9、断言(Assertions) 用过LR的读者应该会知道检查点这个功能,可以帮助我们来判断请求是否成功返回且是否符合要求,在Jmeter中我们不叫检查点,我们叫断言,接触过selenium的也会懂这个概念。就是用一个预设的结果(值、表达式、时间长短等条件)与实际结果匹配,匹配到则成功,反之失败。 APPly to: 适用范围 Main sample and sub-samples:作用于父节点取样器及对应子节点取样器 Main sample only:仅作用于父节点取样器 Sub-samples only:仅作用于子节点取样器 JMeter Variable:作用于jmeter变量(输入框内可输入jmeter的变量名称) 要测试的响应字段: 要检查的项 响应报文 Documeng(text):测试文件 URL样本 响应代码 响应信息 Response Headers:响应头部 Ignore status:忽略返回的响应报文状态码 模式匹配规则: 包括:返回结果包括你指定的内容 匹配:(好像跟Equals查不多,弄不明白有什么区别) Equals:返回结果与你指定结果一致 Substring:返回结果是指定结果的字串 否:不进行匹配 要测试的模式: 即填写你指定的结果(可填写多个),按钮【添加】、【删除】是进行指定内容的管理 10、监听器(Listener) “图形结果”侦听器在图形上显示服务器响应时间 “查看结果树”以基本HTML格式显示用户请求的结果(View Results Tree) 通过察看结果树,我们可以看到每个请求的结果,其中红色的是出错的请求,绿色的为通过。 Thread Name:线程组名称 Sample Start: 启动开始时间 Load time:加载时长 Latency:等待时长 Size in bytes:发送的数据总大小 Headers size in bytes:发送数据的其余部分大小 Sample Count:发送统计 Error Count:交互错误统计 Response code:返回码 Response message:返回信息 Response headers:返回的头部信息 这里绿色的就说明请求是通过的,返回值是200,如果出现红色的 就说明请求失败,这时候可以通过右边的取样器结果和响应数据来查看结果。 用表格可看结果(View Results in Table) 四、组件执行顺序 在同一作用域名范围内(不考虑逻辑控制器),测试计划中的元件按照如下顺序执行。 (1)配置元件(config elements ) (2)前置处理程序(Per-processors) (3)定时器(timers ) (4)取样器(Sampler) (5)后置处理程序(Post-processors) (除非Sampler 得到的返回结果为空) (6)断言(Assertions)(除非Sampler 得到的返回结果为空) (7)监听器(Listeners)(除非Sampler 得到的返回结果为空) 问题 1、为什么要使用jmeter?他可以帮我们解决那些事情?   jmeter主要是做接口测试和性能测试,它支持的协议也不少,用来测试http,数据库并发都是很方便快捷的工具,相对于lr来说更灵活与实用,等等 2、我们在什么时候会使用jmeter?   · 在一个项目中我们可能前段还没有开发完毕我们想看一下服务器的相应数据。   · 比如我们校验数据库有没有做校验,我们可以绕过前端   · 我们想看一下这个接口或者多个接口的并发量是多少,性能怎么样 3、.谁在使用?为什么是他在使用?   一般使用者为开发人员或者测试人员。   开源免费,基于Java编写,可集成到其他系统可拓展各个功能插件   支持接口测试,压力测试等多种功能,支持录制回放,入门简单   相较于自己编写框架活其他开源工具,有较为完善的UI界面,便于接口调试   多平台支持,可在Linux,Windows,Mac上运行 4、使用jmeter需要了解什么?接口与接口之间的联系怎么处理?   · 我们必须了解接口的工作原理   · 需要掌握http中的get和post请求原理   · 需要掌握请求头,响应头,请求体个个字段代表什么意思,并且字段的返回值的各代的含义是什么?   · 响应的状态码各代表什么含义·   · json是什么?   · 接口测试用例的设计方法,以及测试时点   接口之间的联系:   接口与接口之间存在联系,比如上个接口的返回值是下一个接口的入参,那我们就要在上个接口返回值赋值变量,供下一个接口调用。 5、在使用jmeter中我想要的预期结果和实际结果是怎样对比的?   · 我们做所有的测试无非就是预期结果和实际结果作对比,如果预期结果和实际结果作对比,那么这个接口就是可用的,不相等那么这个接口就是有问题的。   ·在jmeter中我们的用断言做实际结果和预期结果的对比,它提供了许多断言方法,其中最常用的就是响应断言,在后面我会专门的写一下响应断言以及一些常用断言的用法。   · 我们还需要知道在jmeter中我们断言的内容是啥?这点是很重要的 7、使用jmeter的是的我们的有哪些方面的提升,jmeter的主流方向是什么?   · 对整个前端与后端的一个相互传输数据原理有了进一步了解   · 可以提高测试效率,可以提早的参与进来,较早的发现问题,减少开发成本,缩短整个产品的上线周期,可以给测试流出充裕的时间,保证产品质量。   ·掌握了接口测试的测试点,已及用例的设计方法。   jmeter测试的主流方向:   · 用于性能测试,压力测试   · 接口测试

there is a range of hills around our house...为什么不用ranges,而用a range

因为there is, 所以跟着a range (of)如果想要用rangs of mountains (这里mountian 也一定要复数),那么前面就需要改成there are在这个问题上,关键是is 和are 你要分清楚,is/are 决定了后面跟着的是用单数还是复数形式。希望帮到你

笔记本开机就出现这个东西cpu=1 Processors Detected,Cores per Processor=2,然后关机


blow out of the water是什么意思



blow out of the water (绝对性地)击溃对手The phrase means totally dominating or defeating the opponent in the competition.Blow someone/something out of the water表示完全制服对手。You"re gonna blow them out of the water.你一定会把他们打得片甲不留。固定表达blow sb. out of the water起源于19世纪的海军,最初的意思是,将敌方的军舰打成碎片。现在,通用来表示对对方的决定性胜利,即“defeat decisively”。和汉语中形容大败对方的词“片甲不留”、“落花流水”有些类似。


Number of processors 处理器数量numbern. 数量; 号码; 数字; 编号; v. 标号; 总计; 把…算作processorsn. 加工( processor的名词复数 ); 数据处理机; (计算机的)中央处理器; 加工机(或工人)

Peter will blow out the candles.blow为什么不加s?

will blow 是将来时,表示将会吹。blows 是一般现在时,表示“吹”,不管什么时候总之就是吹。(等于没描述时间)所以两者有区别的。

请帮忙翻译:blow out of the water是什么意思?


blow的几个词组 blow up blow down blow out blow over

1..blow away 吹走;驱散2..blow down 炸毁;吹倒3..blow up 爆发,爆炸;放大;使充气4..blow over 平息;被淡忘;消散;停止5..blow off 放出;吹掉


fast一般用于运动上,例如:she run so fast.quickly一般用于说话的语速快.

moonlight shadow dana winner 法文版歌词谁有?急求!!

The last that ever she saw himCarried away by a moonlight shadowHe passed on worried and warningCarried away by a moonlight shadow.Lost in a river last saturday nightFar away on the other side.He was caught in the middle of a desperate fightAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughThe trees that whisper in the eveningCarried away by a moonlight shadowSing a song of sorrow and grievingCarried away by a moonlight shadowAll she saw was a silhouette of a gunFar away on the other side.He was shot six times by a man on the runAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughOldfield MikeI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far awayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one dayFour AM in the morningCarried away by a moonlight shadowI watched your vision formingCarried away by a moonlight shadowStar was glowing in a silvery nightFar away on the other sideWill you come to talk to me this nightBut she couldn"t find how to push throughI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far awayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one dayFar away on the other side.Caught in the middle of a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy but the air was aliveI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far awayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one dayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far awayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one dayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far awayI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one dayThe last time ever she"d seen himCarried away by a moonlight shadowThe crowd gathered just to leave himCarried away by a moonlight shadowCaught in the middle of a hundred and fiveFar away on the other side.The night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t find how to push throughCarried away by a moonlight shadowCarried away by a moonlight shadowFar away on the other side.But she couldn"t find how to push through

The Nucleus的better me的英文歌词?


ext-all.js:7 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded


Jquery出错:Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

不太懂你这个函数为什么会报错,我copy你的本地调试,什么错误提示都没有但是我要提下:1、你的html写法不标准,a标签不能直接嵌套在ul里头的2、可能是onclick是关键字,直接写函数有误,我本地是点击直接没反应,alert也没反应3、属性选择器有误li[display="block"],这个选择不到,li[style*="block"]应该这么写才对经修改方案如下:<script type="text/javascript"> function onc(){ //alert($("#a").text()) var more = $("a"); if(more.html()=="更多"){ $("li:hidden").css("display","block"); more.html("简化"); return; } if(more.html()=="简化"){ $("li[style*="block"]").css("display","none"); more.html("更多"); return; } }</script><ul> <li style="display:none">第1个li</li> <li>第2个li</li> <li style="display:none">第3个li</li> <li>第4个li</li> <li style="display:none">第5个li</li> <li>第6个li</li> <li>第7个li</li> <li>第8个li</li></ul><a href="#" id="a" onclick="onc()">更多</a>

Finger Eleven - Paralyzer歌词

  paralyzer 打印此页  歌手:finger eleven 专辑:them vs you vs me  I hold on so nervously我很紧张  To me and my drink我和我的饮品  I wish it was cooling me我希望它能让我冷静下来  But so far has not been good但目前好像没什么用  It"s been shitty这太差劲了  And I feel awkward as I should我看上去是那么笨拙  This club has got to be这个酒吧是一个  The most pretentious thing最骄傲的东西  Since I thought you and me自从我对你和我念念不忘  Well I am imagining我在设想  A dark lit place找一个暗点的地方  Or your place or my place无论是你的地盘还是我的  Well I"m not paralyzed我不是麻痹了  But, I seem to be struck by you但我似乎被你电到了  I wanna make you move我想让你动起来  Because you"re standing still因为你站的是那么直  If your body matches如果你的身体能和  What your eyes can do你的眼睛所做的一样  You"ll probably move right through你可能就这样过来了  Me on my way to you我多么想靠近你  I hold out for one more drink我多叫了一份饮品  Before I think在我想之前  I"m looking too desperately我看上去太失落了  But so far has not been fun但目前还没有那么好玩  I should just stay home我就是应该呆在家的  If one thing really means one如果一件事真的值  This club will hopefully这家酒吧很可能  Be closed in three weeks在三个礼拜之内倒闭  That would be cool with me这对我来说最好不过  【repeat】重复

M. Bloomfield的《Easy Rider》 歌词

歌曲名:Easy Rider歌手:M. Bloomfield专辑:Bloomfield-A RetrospectiveMadonna - Easy RideMusic:Madonna/Mirwais AhmadzaiI want the good lifeBut I don"t want an easy rideWhat I want is to work for itFeel the blood and sweat on my fingertipsThat"s what I want for meI want to know everythingMaybe someday I willWhat I want is to find my placeBreathe the air and feel the sun on my children"s faceThat"s what I wantI go round and round just like a circleI can see a clearer pictureWhen I touch the ground I come full circleTo my place and I am homeI am homeI want to let go of all disappointmentthat"s waiting for meWhat I want is to live foreverNot defined by time and spaceIt"s a lonely placeThat"s what I wantI go round and round just like a circleI can see a clearer pictureWhen I touch the ground I come full circleTo my place and I am homeI am homeI go round and round justround and round just

在JavaScript中,“Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded”如何解决?

在JavaScript中,“Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded”如何解决?而回看二战以来历史,立陶宛明明曾经加入苏联。其成为苏联的一个加盟共和国后,苏联领土包括立陶宛一事,获得了联合国和国际社会的普遍认可。中国科学院院士、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员周忠和负责的“克拉通破坏与陆地生物演化”成为2016年首批获得该项资助的三个项目之一。他对《中国新闻周刊》说,该项目经费管理比较宽松,但问题是这种项目太稀缺了,这虽然是一种稳定支持的模式,但本质上仍是一类竞争性很强的项目。庄辞也认为,这类项目支持的比例非常小,仍是面向极少数人,目前竞争已趋白热化。

JQuery错误Maximum call stack size exceeded

for (int j=0; j<l+i; j++)System.out.print(" ");for (int k=2*l-1-2*i; k>0; k--)String str=br.readLine();int m=Integer.parseInt(str);int count=0;for (int i=0; i<m; i++){

Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

先简单说一下 很多时候是由于网站空间服务器的配置或者资源限制导致的不足以承受运行的情况有些是买的时候 不知道有所限制 而不能满足程序的运营需求最好是联系服务商查阅相关日志 对症下药 如果撑不住最好换机器-----------------------------------------出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了系统资源限制(CPU或者IIS)造成的,这个现象在WINDOWS2003+IIS6的环境下都会出现,主要是程序占用资源太多。不同的程序占用的资源都不一样,这个跟程序设计的合理性和优化程度有关;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。 如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 "User_pooll" 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误, 或者提示:应用程序池 "User_pooll" 超过了其作业限制设置。这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。一般系统会在30秒左右恢复正常,多刷新几次就能正常访问了。但是这个时间恢复后因为访问量太大在极短的时间网站又不能上了。 另外,如果网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数(或CPU峰值)限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable)如果经常出现类似的错误,请及时优化网站程序,或者升级你的主机至更高的款型,以获得更多的系统资源。 网站超CPU的四种可能原因: 一.网站攻击 二.程序设计不合理,资源占用高,或本身在做占资源的操作,如采集 三.访问量过大四.有搜索蜘蛛收录程序占用资源太多的原因: 有一个或多个ACCESS数据库在多次读写过程中损坏,微软的MDAC系统在写入这个损坏的ACCESS文件时,ASP线程处于BLOCK状态,结果其他线程只能等待,IIS被死锁了,全部的CPU时间都消耗在DLLHOST(ASP进程)中。 参考解决办法: 压缩和修复我的数据库 下载数据库文件--[如果是.asp的扩展名,请改为.mdb的扩展名]--用ACCESS打开--选择工具--数据库实用工具--压缩和修复数据库--[改回.asp的扩展名]--上传覆盖原来数据库文件注册了不良的Com组件,特别是用VB开发的ACTIVE X控件,可能导致占用内存使用量不断增长 参考解决办法:尽量减少或避免非官方或是客户要求的不必要的组件多媒体等文件下载占用服务器带宽 参考解决办法:停止下载程序问题 需要及时的关闭不再使用的数据库,以避免一直占用服务器资源 在conn.asp 连接数据库字符串语句中加入如下 sub endConnection() conn.close set conn=nothing end sub 其它程序问题:把IE选项里 显示友好HTTP错误信息 的勾取消掉,再访问网站看出现什么错误信息,然后再调试上传重要的数据库等文件更新,由于正处于受访问状态,可能导致瞬间占用率上升 一般此情况较少,若有出现此情况时,可能有必要先暂停站点,再作更新ACCESS论坛(如动W)大了以后就很容易出现数据库方面的问题,当你的论坛数据库在30M以上,帖子5万左右,可能就会出现数据库吃不消的情况建议取消程序中使用的on error resume next这个容错语句,对错误进行调试。 临时解决办法:定期删除多余的数据、压缩数据库,限制论坛灌水,甚至限制论坛注册。如果是ASP论坛,可以使用分表储存功能,会有较好的效果 比较长远办法:更换论坛和数据库,一般都采用商业版本+MSSQL 的方案来解决

Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

先简单说一下 很多时候是由于网站空间服务器的配置或者资源限制导致的不足以承受运行的情况有些是买的时候 不知道有所限制 而不能满足程序的运营需求最好是联系服务商查阅相关日志 对症下药 如果撑不住最好换机器-----------------------------------------出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了系统资源限制(CPU或者IIS)造成的,这个现象在WINDOWS2003+IIS6的环境下都会出现,主要是程序占用资源太多。不同的程序占用的资源都不一样,这个跟程序设计的合理性和优化程度有关;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。 如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 "User_pooll" 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误, 或者提示:应用程序池 "User_pooll" 超过了其作业限制设置。这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。一般系统会在30秒左右恢复正常,多刷新几次就能正常访问了。但是这个时间恢复后因为访问量太大在极短的时间网站又不能上了。 另外,如果网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数(或CPU峰值)限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable)如果经常出现类似的错误,请及时优化网站程序,或者升级你的主机至更高的款型,以获得更多的系统资源。 网站超CPU的四种可能原因: 一.网站攻击 二.程序设计不合理,资源占用高,或本身在做占资源的操作,如采集 三.访问量过大四.有搜索蜘蛛收录程序占用资源太多的原因: 有一个或多个ACCESS数据库在多次读写过程中损坏,微软的MDAC系统在写入这个损坏的ACCESS文件时,ASP线程处于BLOCK状态,结果其他线程只能等待,IIS被死锁了,全部的CPU时间都消耗在DLLHOST(ASP进程)中。 参考解决办法: 压缩和修复我的数据库 下载数据库文件--[如果是.asp的扩展名,请改为.mdb的扩展名]--用ACCESS打开--选择工具--数据库实用工具--压缩和修复数据库--[改回.asp的扩展名]--上传覆盖原来数据库文件注册了不良的Com组件,特别是用VB开发的ACTIVE X控件,可能导致占用内存使用量不断增长 参考解决办法:尽量减少或避免非官方或是客户要求的不必要的组件多媒体等文件下载占用服务器带宽 参考解决办法:停止下载程序问题 需要及时的关闭不再使用的数据库,以避免一直占用服务器资源 在conn.asp 连接数据库字符串语句中加入如下 sub endConnection() conn.close set conn=nothing end sub 其它程序问题:把IE选项里 显示友好HTTP错误信息 的勾取消掉,再访问网站看出现什么错误信息,然后再调试上传重要的数据库等文件更新,由于正处于受访问状态,可能导致瞬间占用率上升 一般此情况较少,若有出现此情况时,可能有必要先暂停站点,再作更新ACCESS论坛(如动W)大了以后就很容易出现数据库方面的问题,当你的论坛数据库在30M以上,帖子5万左右,可能就会出现数据库吃不消的情况建议取消程序中使用的on error resume next这个容错语句,对错误进行调试。 临时解决办法:定期删除多余的数据、压缩数据库,限制论坛灌水,甚至限制论坛注册。如果是ASP论坛,可以使用分表储存功能,会有较好的效果 比较长远办法:更换论坛和数据库,一般都采用商业版本+MSSQL 的方案来解决

Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

503是一种HTTP状态码。英文名503 Service Unavailable。由于临时的服务器维护或者过载,服务器当前无法处理请求。这个状况是临时的,并且将在一段时间以后恢复。如果很长时间都打不开一直这个报错,就忘了这个网站吧也就是这个网站出了问题 访问不了了。如果所有网页都是提示这个,那就换浏览器 或者把你现在用的卸载了重装一下。

service temporarily unavailable是什么意思


Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

先简单说一下 很多时候是由于网站空间服务器的配置或者资源限制导致的不足以承受运行的情况有些是买的时候 不知道有所限制 而不能满足程序的运营需求最好是联系服务商查阅相关日志 对症下药 如果撑不住最好换机器-----------------------------------------出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了系统资源限制(CPU或者IIS)造成的,这个现象在WINDOWS2003+IIS6的环境下都会出现,主要是程序占用资源太多。不同的程序占用的资源都不一样,这个跟程序设计的合理性和优化程度有关;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。 如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 "User_pooll" 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误, 或者提示:应用程序池 "User_pooll" 超过了其作业限制设置。这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。一般系统会在30秒左右恢复正常,多刷新几次就能正常访问了。但是这个时间恢复后因为访问量太大在极短的时间网站又不能上了。 另外,如果网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数(或CPU峰值)限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable)如果经常出现类似的错误,请及时优化网站程序,或者升级你的主机至更高的款型,以获得更多的系统资源。 网站超CPU的四种可能原因: 一.网站攻击 二.程序设计不合理,资源占用高,或本身在做占资源的操作,如采集 三.访问量过大四.有搜索蜘蛛收录程序占用资源太多的原因: 有一个或多个ACCESS数据库在多次读写过程中损坏,微软的MDAC系统在写入这个损坏的ACCESS文件时,ASP线程处于BLOCK状态,结果其他线程只能等待,IIS被死锁了,全部的CPU时间都消耗在DLLHOST(ASP进程)中。 参考解决办法: 压缩和修复我的数据库 下载数据库文件--[如果是.asp的扩展名,请改为.mdb的扩展名]--用ACCESS打开--选择工具--数据库实用工具--压缩和修复数据库--[改回.asp的扩展名]--上传覆盖原来数据库文件注册了不良的Com组件,特别是用VB开发的ACTIVE X控件,可能导致占用内存使用量不断增长 参考解决办法:尽量减少或避免非官方或是客户要求的不必要的组件多媒体等文件下载占用服务器带宽 参考解决办法:停止下载程序问题 需要及时的关闭不再使用的数据库,以避免一直占用服务器资源 在conn.asp 连接数据库字符串语句中加入如下 sub endConnection() conn.close set conn=nothing end sub 其它程序问题:把IE选项里 显示友好HTTP错误信息 的勾取消掉,再访问网站看出现什么错误信息,然后再调试上传重要的数据库等文件更新,由于正处于受访问状态,可能导致瞬间占用率上升 一般此情况较少,若有出现此情况时,可能有必要先暂停站点,再作更新ACCESS论坛(如动W)大了以后就很容易出现数据库方面的问题,当你的论坛数据库在30M以上,帖子5万左右,可能就会出现数据库吃不消的情况建议取消程序中使用的on error resume next这个容错语句,对错误进行调试。 临时解决办法:定期删除多余的数据、压缩数据库,限制论坛灌水,甚至限制论坛注册。如果是ASP论坛,可以使用分表储存功能,会有较好的效果 比较长远办法:更换论坛和数据库,一般都采用商业版本+MSSQL 的方案来解决

504 Service Temporarily Unavailable stgw

  一般来说,出现Service Temporarily Unavailable错误多半是因为网站访问量大,造成了流量超限或者并发数大引起的资源超限出现的错误。解决的方法一个是升级空间到更佳配置,要么就是检查网站系统程序,使之更佳优化。  错误展示:  Service Temporarily Unavailable  The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.  解决方法:  1、如果你自认为自己的网站程序没有问题,那么就应该是空间有过多的限制造成了系统资源不足引起的错误,可以考虑换空间了。  2、如果空间没有问题,那么就要仔细检查网站程序是否有死循环或者内存泄露等问题.

serice Temporarily Unavailable是什么意思

Service Temporarily Unavailable 服务暂时不可用.

Service Temporarily Unavailable什么意思

Service Temporarily Unavailable 服务暂时不可用. The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. 由于处在维修停工期或容量问题,服务器暂时不能满足您的服务要求. 请稍侯再试.


你要获取控件的话 楼上是对的

Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

一般来说,出现Service Temporarily Unavailable错误多半是因为网站访问量大,造成了流量超限或者并发数大引起的资源超限出现的错误。解决的方法一个是升级空间到更佳配置,要么就是检查网站系统程序,使之更佳优化。你是因为浏览器的问题出现的额还是什么点击率过大造成的,我使用的QQ浏览器,的最新版QQ浏览器9.0版,优点特别多,个人感觉最突出的就是速度快,超级快!QQ浏览器9.0,用最小修改,保持初心:最大程度上保留Chrome的内核特性,业内首创三层进程隔离模型,保证用户交互的流畅性,智能升级,用最新的网络资源,让你拥有最新的内核技术,并且QQ浏览器9.0团队中来自微软Windows部门,曾经参与了Windows7和Windows8性能优化的专家们,从整个操作系统的视角和深度,全面地去优化浏览器在Windows操作系统的上性能

求Ooberman - Carried Away 专辑中 Easy 歌词 !!

He tends to get carried awayLike a talk show he"s got drama everydayLots of rage and mental abusingThe way he treats me it"s obvious he"s confusingMe for some dumb bitchWho will stick aroundI tend to stick aroundYou tell me that you love me if it"s trueWhy am I runnin" from you and whoAre these bitches on my answering machineYeah you tell me that you love me but booIf this is loveIt"s a good thing you don"t hate meSuperflySomeone who"ll at least tryWho"ll smoke me out from time to timeAnd love me all nightTell me everything about himAnd none of it turns out to be liesEasyRainbowsThese words come to mindAnd he loves me all nightYou tell me that you love me if it"s trueWhy am I runnin" from you and whoAre these bitches on my answering machineYeah you tell me that you love me but booIf this is loveIt"s a good thing you don"t hate meNever settle for the things that you don"t really wantCause all it gets you is a big ol" piece of unhappinessHappiness could be mine but it"s so hard to talk to youBabyOne day I willSome day I will andThis is what I"ll sayHold me closeCause I"m the most andMake a toast to you and meSee that"s the way love"s supposed to beNot stressful alrightYou tell me that you love me if it"s trueWhy am I runnin" from you and whoAre these bitches on my answering machineYeah you tell me that you love me but booIf this is loveIt"s a good thing you don"t hate meNever settle for the things that you don"t really wantCause all it gets you is a big old piece of unhappinessIt"s a good thing you don"t hate meIs this is love how could this be

Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

我从脚本之家复制过来的一般来说,出现Service Temporarily Unavailable错误多半是因为网站访问量大,造成了流量超限或者并发数大引起的资源超限出现的错误一般来说,出现Service Temporarily Unavailable错误多半是因为网站访问量大,造成了流量超限或者并发数大引起的资源超限出现的错误。解决的方法一个是升级空间到更佳配置,要么就是检查网站系统程序,使之更佳优化。 错误展示: Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. 解决方法: 1、如果你自认为自己的网站程序没有问题,那么就应该是空间有过多的限制造成了系统资源不足引起的错误,可以考虑换空间了。 2、如果空间没有问题,那么就要仔细检查网站程序是否有死循环或者内存泄露等问题。 3、让Service Temporarily Unavailable自动重定义到503页面 如果出现了Service Temporarily Unavailable问题,却不想直接显示错误页面,那么可以指定这个错误页面。Apache下可以使用如下方法: 编辑 /usr/prima/apache_ssl/conf/httpd.conf 找到<IfModule mod_throttle.c>,在块中加入 ThrottleMaxDelay 0 重起apache 在httpd.conf中加入: ErrorDocument 503 /busy.html 这样一旦再出现Service Temporarily Unavailable错误,就会直接指向到busy.html页面了! 补充1 其实一般是因为web服务器负载过大造成,检验增加带宽或使用cdn加速等临时解决下,一般iis或apache的连接数要根据自己的访问量增加,一般5000-10000就差不多了 补充2 问题 Service Temporarily Unavailable  解决方案 1 这是因为用户站点使用的带宽超过了设定的最高限额引起的。 为了不显示这个错误信息,可以在apache(Unix平台最流行的WEB服务器平台)的配置中加上一个配置,当超出带宽时,让访问变慢,而不是立即显示错误信息。 编辑/usr/Prima(最完善的虚拟主机管理系统)/apache(Unix平台最流行的WEB服务器平台)_ssl/conf/httpd.conf,找到<IfModule mod_throttle.c>,在块中加入 ThrottleMaxDelay 0 重起apache(Unix平台最流行的WEB服务器平台): /etc/init.d/httpd restart 还可以编辑一个显示服务器忙的html文件,放到/www/icons/busy.html,在httpd.conf中加入: ErrorDocument 503 /icons/busy.html 2 有可能是resin(一个免费的JSP运行平台) 服务有问题 在resin(一个免费的JSP运行平台)2中有提示 /etc/init.d/stop 停止 /etc/init.d/resin(一个免费的JSP运行平台) start 重起resin(一个免费的JSP运行平台) 服务器后有可能解决这个问题

电脑开机时出现your battery is temporarily disabled怎么办?

英文的意思是你的电池是暂时禁用。因为有静电,可以先参考下面的方法操作:关机拔掉电源适配器(主体中间的接口也重新插拔一下)和电池以及其他的外设。按住开机按钮10秒钟左右释放一下静电。然后再来接上电源和电池,正常的开机使用就可以了。延展阅读:电脑光驱坏了的处理办法数据线接反或者数据线损坏 在光驱丢失时,应首先检查一下光驱的数据线是否接反了(红红相对),是否有松动。如果在确定其他地方没有问题时,并且光驱的数据线经常移动,这时应该更换一条数据线试一试。跳线设置与硬盘有冲突 当光驱的跳线和在同一条数据线上连接的硬盘相同时就会出现找不到光驱(也可能没有硬盘),这时只要将光驱的跳线跳成和硬盘不一样即可。为了提高数据传输率,最好将硬盘和光驱分开在两个IDE接口上。电源线故障,缺少+5V电压或+5V电压供电不正常 这种情况不多出现。由于我们在拆装光驱或者硬盘时用力过大,使电源的D型插头松动或者由于电脑工作环境的恶劣插头氧化生锈,光驱的电源供给不是很正常(如果是硬盘这是硬盘的读盘声音会异常,并且硬盘表面有大量坏道出现),光驱便也发现不了。 IDE接口损坏 如果是突然出现光驱的盘符丢失,无法使用光驱,这时我们可以把光驱和硬盘的接口互换一下。如果再次启动后发现能够找到光驱,但却找不到硬盘,这说明是原来接光驱的IDE接口损坏了;如果互换后电脑能够正常启动,但仍旧没有光驱,这说明是光驱自身的原因,造成的光驱盘符丢失,这时只能更换光驱。反正现在一个光驱没有几个钱。 如果在WINDOWS下没有光驱,我们还可以在DOS(重新启动电脑后按F8进DOS,面非WIN98下的DOS)下用WIN98的万能光驱驱动来试着加载光驱,如果能够加载成功,说明是软件方面的原因,应主要从软件方面查找原因。否则就应从硬件方面来考虑。 IDE驱动程序安装错误或与某个驱动程序有冲突 如果我们在安装WIN98或者95时没有将IDE驱动程序正确安装,或者在安装后当你打开设备管理器查看“硬盘控制器“时发现其中有黄色叹号时,这时光驱的盘符就可能找不到了。 在正常情况下,当我们进入安全模式时,光驱的盘符是不会有的。如果我们想在安全模式下使用光驱,我们可以在Autoexec.BAT和Config.sys文件中加载光驱的驱动,这样我们在重新启动电脑后,就可以在安全模式下使用光驱了。 CONFIG文件中设置LASTDRIVE数量设置太少 如果我们在CONFIG。SYS文件中设置了“LASTDRIVE=?”的数量太少,小于实际的驱动器数量,这时即使我们安装了光驱,但在“我的电脑“中了看不到光驱的Shadow。这时只要去掉该项设置或设置为“LASTDRIVE=Z”即可。 DMA设置不当 如果光驱只支持PIO4标准,不支持DMA/33标准,而我们却强行让光驱使用该标准(在“我的电脑”属性中“设备管理器”中光驱“CDROM”属性中“设置”选项的“DMA”前打“V”号)。这时有时会造成光驱丢失,有时会造成电脑不能正常启动。这时我们可以进入安全模式,将CDROM属性中的DMA设置去掉就可以了。我们所使用的硬盘或者光驱具体支持何种数据传输模式,我们在计算机启动过程中的第二屏的基本配置表中可以看到。 光驱在注册表里被恶意屏蔽掉了 如果有人在HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVrsionPolicesxplorer中的“NoDrivers“的二进制值是否是光驱的值。正常情况下没有该项,也可将该项值改为“00 00 00 00“(01 00 00 00为A,04 00 00 00为C,FF FF FF FF为隐藏所有驱动器)。 注意现在有的病毒专门更改注册表,使光驱盘符丢失,害得我们又是格式化硬盘,又是装系统的。有的病毒不会使光驱盘符丢失,但是会禁止光驱读盘,什么样的光盘也不能读,但在却能够用光盘启动。 光驱的驱动是否安装正确 如果光驱的驱动程序安装的不是它自己的驱动程序,也会出现光驱丢失的情况。这种情况的出现一般是我们为了提高光驱的性能,人为的添加从网络或者光盘中找到的光驱加速程序或者其他程序。通常在WIN98和95中都自带了光驱的驱动,不需要另外添加。这时可进入安全模式将“设备管理器“中的“CDROM“选项删除,然后重新启动计算机,让系统自己发现新硬件重新安装光驱的驱动即可。

rapid是双音节词,他的比较级是 rapider 还是 more rapid


《Every time you kissed me》(潘多拉之心主题曲)歌词

Everytime you kissed me 词、曲:梶浦由记 歌:Emily Bindiger Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 I trembled like a child 我像一个孩子似地发抖 gathering the ross 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang for the hope 我们为希望而歌唱着 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than my dream 比我的梦还甜美 we were there, in everylasting bloom 我们在这里.永恒地绽放着 roses die. 玫瑰凋落 the secret is inside the pain 秘密隐藏在伤痛之中 winds are high up on the hill 风肆虐着山丘 I cannot hear you 我听不见你的声音 come and hold me close 来到我身边.靠近我吧 I"m shivering cold in the heart of rain 我的心在雨中冷得发抖 darkness falls, I"m calling for the dawn 黑暗降临.我呼唤着黎明 silver dishes or memories, 我将记忆装在银色的盘子里 for the days gone by 为怀念逝去的日子 singing for promises 为诺言而歌唱 tomorrow may bring 明天能够到来 I harbour all the old affection 我庇护着所有的旧感情 roses of the past 以及曾经的鲜艳玫瑰 darkness falls, and summer will be gone 黑暗降临.夏日也将消逝了 joys of the daylight 晨曦的愉悦 shadows of starlight 星光的倩影 everything was sweet by your side, my love 所有事物在我爱的你身边.都是甜美的.我的爱 ruby ears have come to me, for your last words 红宝石般的音色来到我身边.为了你最后的话语 I"m here just singing my song of love 我只是在这里唱着歌颂爱的歌谣 waiting for you, my love 我等着你.我的爱. now let my happiness sing inside my dream.... 现在让我在梦中唱出我的幸福吧…… Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 my heart was in such pain 我的心像受了重伤 gathering the ross 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang of the grief 我们唱出忧伤 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than despair 比绝望更甜美 we were there, in everylasting bloom 我们在这里.永恒地绽放着 underneath the star 在繁星之下 shaded by the flowers 花的影子 kiss me in the summer gloom, my love 在夏日的黑暗里亲吻我吧.我的爱 you are all my pleasure, my hope and my song 你是我所有的快乐、希望与诗歌 I will be here dreaming in the past 我将于此.在曾经里做梦until you come 直到你出现 until we close our eyes 至死不渝 百科上不是有的么

《everytime you kissed me 》歌词

Everytime you kissed meEverytime you kissed meI trembled like a childgathering the rosswe sang for the hopeyour very voice is in my heartbeatsweeter than my dreamwe were there, in everylasting bloomroses die,the secret is inside the painwinds are hig h up on the hillI cannot hear youcome and hold me closeI"m shivering cold in the heart of raindarkness falls, I"m calling for the dawnsilver dishes or memories,for the days gone bysinging for promisestomorrow may bringI harbour all the old affectionroses of the pastdarkness falls, and summer will be gonejoys of the daylightshadows of starlighteverything was sweet by your side, my loveruby ears have come to me, for your last wordsI"m here just singing my song of lovewaiting for you, my lovenow let my happiness sing inside my dream....Everytime you kissed memy heart was in such paingathering the rosswe sang of the griefyour very voice is in my heartbeatsweeter than despairwe were there, in everylasting bloomunderneath the starshaded by the flowerskiss me in the summer gloom, my loveyou are all my pleasure, my hope and my songI will be here dreaming in the pastuntil you comeuntil we close our eyes 579