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academy of management annual meeting proceedings 什么检索

academy of management annual meeting proceedings管理学会年会会议录

28. George would certainly have attended the proceedings .

这是个虚拟语气的句子,表示本应该发生而没有发生的情况。flat tire 漏了气的车胎A 时态的问题 车胎漏气发生在前,除非是 George would certainly attend the proceedings, if he did not get a flat tire. 如果乔治的轮胎没有漏气的话,他肯定去参加仪式了。B 不通,搭配问题 flat tire 怎么 happenD 是我就去掉itself,轮胎变平(漏气)了,不应该是轮胎让自己变平了。选择C要是他的轮胎没有漏气,乔治(George)肯定已经参加这个仪式了。

George would certainly have attended the proceedings___,

因为是虚拟语气,要表示假如过去某件事与已发生的情况相反,就应该用had done“要是(之前)有……”或had not done“要是(之前)不是……”的形式;一般写成if he didn"t get a flat tire也没错,但因为这一句前面已经用了一次虚拟would have attended,所以后面应该一致; had he not had a flat tire是省略句,可以等同于if he hadn"t got a flat tire

construction and arbitration proceedings 是什么案件

你好!construction and arbitration proceedings 建设和仲裁程序

论文Your conference paper will be published by SPIE Proceedings在简历中怎么标注呀?

我们可以在页面中下载自己想要的模板。一般分为LATEX版本和Microsoft Word版本,为了适应大部分读者朋友,本文我们以Microsoft Word版的A4为例进行讲解(A4和美国信纸的版本主要在于纸张大小和页边距不同,一般选用A4版)。点击链接可以下载模板打开之后如下: 可以看到,模板中已经有很多内容了。主要为对模板的介绍,示例以及一些注意事项。

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London是哪个杂志

英国皇家科学院院刊,其中有series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences及series b-biological sciences两个刊物,影响因子分别为1.672、5.064。

proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意思

proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意proceeding of the national academy of sciences啥意

proceedings of the ieee conference on decision and control 怎么样

proceedings of the ieee conference on decision and control对决策和控制的IEEE会议论文集这个不错,学术性高。 ------------------------------希望能够帮到您!满意请采纳,谢谢~

参考文献中Proceedings of IEEE ICCT是什么意思?求解答

Proceedings of IEEE ICCT即IEEE国际清洁交通学报

proceedings author是什么

proceedings指(会议等的)正式记录;公报;或者是某一事件proceedings author可能指写这些东西的人吧

american economic review papers and proceedings和aer的区别




proceedings of the CUS-EPSA是什么意思


有人知道Proceedings of IEEE 的全称吗

Proceedings of the IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会会报)创刊于1913年,是IEEE的机关刊物,位于JCR第一分区,以月刊形式出版。每期仅收录10余篇优秀论文,主要刊载电气与电子及计算机科学技术领域的述评和讲座论文,以及横跨IEEE所属各学会或专业组所有领域的研究文章。《Proceedings of the IEEE》2010年影响因子高达5.096,在IEEE二百多种核心期刊中,排名第1位。  

Proceedings of SPIE 是什么东东

你好,Proceedings of SPIE大致如下:SPIE 一个学术组织~他们有一系列的 期刊及会议~~出版在 Proceedings of SPIE 的都是会议论文SPIE的会议论文集一般都是EI检索,不过你还是要自己确认一下。SPIE第29届年会在美国圣地亚哥召开 这是一个国际性学术会议,这次会议由21个专业技术会议组成,可分为五类。它们是:(一)纤维光学方面五个会议 1.纤维光学:短程与长程的测量及应用第三届会议发表论文30篇 2.纤维光学及激光传感器第三届会议(66篇) 3.纤维光学在医学及生物学中的应用(14篇) 4.光纤系统中的相千技术(9篇) 5.光纤藕合器,联接器,及联接技术(25篇》(二)经典与数学光学方面五个会该 1.大口径光学技术(48篇) 2.多层结构x光光学成像薄膜应用(62篇) 3.光学工程应用中的衍射现象(14篇) 4.上转换光学第二届会议(16篇) 5.国际斑纹会议(50篇)(三)伯息处理,成像,照相技术方面五个会议 1.实时信息处理第八届会议(31篇)


Materials Today: Proceedings,Online ISSN: 2214-7853, CiteScore3.2,没有IF,这么低进不了中科院分区,哪个分区都不算。

请教Journal, magzine, letters, transactions, proceedings的区别与联系

Journal日志,日记:对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志议事录:关于(如立法机构的)日常议程的正式记录 航海日志:船舶上的航海日志分录簿:复式簿记系统中登载原始账目的账本,记录下所有的交易,并表示出它们所归的专项分类帐期刊:刊登关于某特殊主题的文章的期刊magazine杂志:一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊letters 许可证:证明持有者某些权力的证明文件信:发给某人或某种组织的书写或打印的通讯文学;纯文学文学知识:尤指文学方面的学问或知识transactions(学会等的)议事录,会报,会刊proceedings记录, 会议录; 年[学]报; (科学文献)汇编

proceedings 是sci吗

一.SCI 论文,并没有想像中的难写 1.要熟悉你的专业,实验方法;要尊重结果,实事求是面对结果,下笔之前多看 看文献, 尤其是国外近期文献。 相信只要是正确试验得来的结果都是可以解释的, 是可以发表的。 2.对于初写者,“抄写”不可避免,妙在“抄写”技巧。同类性质的研究文章,撰写格式大同小异,所以,格式可以“照抄”。常用句型可灵活“抄”用。有些描述性、结论性的句子在读懂的情况下尽量用自己的语言表达和总结。但千万不可照抄未读懂的原句,否则,小者笑话百出,大者断送文章前程。 3.尽量使用你熟悉的词汇。不要故意使用华丽、少用或罕见词汇。 4.要舍得投入精力和时间。 5.文章写成后,一定要请导师、老板、共同作者或者同事审阅,有必要的话也可 以请信誉度高的专业服务公司(比如美捷登)把关,提高成功率。 二. 如何投稿 论文投向哪份杂志其实还是有学问的。一般视课题的新颖及创造性、实验结果的完整及可靠性和论文写作质量而定。 如果你有足够的时间(1 年以上)等,最好先投比你的目标杂志更高的杂志,哪 怕是 Lancet, NEJM,JAMA 等都不妨一试。这些杂志要么直接拒稿,要么送审后退 稿(及少数直接收稿)。前者一般不到一周完成,后者 1-2 个月。所以即使拒稿,你不会有任何损失,反而有可能收到非常有建设性的意见或建议。要知道,给这些杂志审稿的全非等闲之辈。他们在一针见血提出里文章的“软肋”的同时,往往会提出许多改进论文的良好建议。如果你没有时间等,想让论文一次中的,又不愿“下嫁”你的大作,那么就要费心选择了。三. 如何选择审稿人 许多杂志编辑希望你推荐 3-4 名审稿人,并很可能向你推荐的审稿人发审稿邀请。所以推荐审稿人还是有学问的。 如果你推荐的审稿人太忙或者太“牛”,他们根本不会理睬一般杂志的邀请,你的文章就可能不能及时找到审稿人。其实杂志对审稿人的身份要求不是太高的,但审稿人必须是某专业的专家。因此,许多在某专业发过论文的作者都会收到审稿邀请信。因此,你在推荐审稿人时,不必太“挑剔”。 建议: 1. 推荐国外发过与你结果、结论相似文章的作者; 2. 推荐你论文中曾引用论文的作者; 3. 推荐你或你老板认识的同专业的教授、副教授。四.关于撤稿 有作者投稿后因种种原因需要撤稿,但又担心编辑不高兴, 甚至会被打入黑名单。 其实这种担心是没有必要的。但需要说明的是,你为什么要撤稿?材料方法不可靠,结果不能重复,还是设计本身有问题?这都是撤稿的理由。 但目前因体制原因国内有许多作者一稿多投,当文章被其中一份杂志接受后,作者就开始要求其他杂志撤稿。此种一稿多投的行为为国外学者所不齿。因为这样会浪费编辑和审稿人的大量时间。 五. 如何对待编辑来信 1. 拒绝(Rejection) 国外刊物的拒稿率高低不等,5 分以上的杂志拒稿率可高达 80%,一般杂志拒稿 率在 30%以上。所以,如果收到这样的答复,应根据评审意见修改文稿,然后根据修改质量再投其它杂志。通常是投到影响因子更低的杂志。但是,如果审稿人提出了非常有建设性的意见和建议, 而你又感觉已充分合理地回答了这些意见和建议,你完全可以投向更好的杂志。 2. 修改后再投(Re-submission)这种情况时有发生。往往表明论文竞争力不够,甚至有缺陷。通常需要补试验或资料。多个审稿人之间意见也不一致,褒贬参半,编辑无法定夺。所以会退回作 者修改。这时,作者应该认真阅读编辑和每个审稿人的意见和建议,至少补充审稿人建议的一个试验(能全部补充当然更好),然后有理有据的回答审稿人的每一个问题。修改后再投的论文被当作新投稿件,会重新编号,往往会给原审稿人重新评审,甚至送另一批审稿人评审。但只要认真回应了编辑和审稿人的意见和建议,论文大多是会被接受的。 3. 修改(大修(Major revision)或小修(Minor revision) 修改与修改后再投不同的是,修改后的文章不会重新编号,只在原编号后加 R1。 其实, 许多杂志的“大修”其修改程度不亚于上述的“修改后再投”。 不易轻视。 同样,修改后的文章很可能会送原审稿人评审。 一般被接收的机会很大。 “小修” 的文章一般原则上已被接受,但有少量地方需作者确认修改,故与有些杂志的 “有条件接受”差不多(见下)。 4. 接收(Accepted with or without minor revision) 除少数杂志外,绝大多数杂志,尤其高质量的杂志,不会“直接接受(Accept as it is)”第一次投稿的论文。最好的情况是“有条件接受(Accepted with or without minor revision)”,也就是只要作者同意做某方面的修稿或补充,论 文即被接受。 但大多收论文经过第一次修后接收。有时需要第二次修改。一般修改两次还不能 让审稿人满意,编辑往往会拒稿。 六. 如何回答审稿人 要摆正心态,保持冷静。不要用“偏见“的心态去断定审稿人有”偏见 “、“歧视”。做研究的确很辛苦,发表文章也确实很不容易。但审稿人同样也很辛苦,也很不容易。他们认认真真地阅读你的文章,给你提出中肯的意见,甚至很好的建议。如果还被你措辞强硬的怪罪一阵,换着谁也会生气。要知道,找理由拒绝一篇文章并不是一件很难的事情。因此,这个时候,你一定要好好的静 下心来,好好分析理解审稿人的意见,找出问题的所在。七. 论文被接受后的事项 论文被接受后,就会收到印刷编辑寄回的校样。校样不容许大幅改动,除非有原则错误。校稿时主要查看基金号是否写错,作者名字是否写错,图表中的数据是否有误。有的杂志清样校正后的稿子是不允许再改动的。再改动要收费,并且延误出版。校样一般需要尽快寄还给印刷编辑。寄校样时,出版商会要求填写版权转让书(Transfer of Copy Right), 并告知支付版面费的办法和订购单行本的方法。以往绝大多数杂志不收版面费,现在,随着Open access流行,收版面费的杂志多了,但至少半数以上的杂志仍然不收版面费。但目前向作者索要论文的已经不多,而且作者很容易从网上得到自己论文的 pdf 文本,电邮给索要者即可。?八. 论文被发表后的事项 论文一旦发表,不宜撤稿。 在许多人眼里, “撤稿”几乎等同“学术不端行为”。 所以,一稿多投或一稿多发亦涉及诚信问题,应在发表论文之前慎重考虑。 另外,论文发表后,你有可能收到来自不发达国家或国内学者的论文索要信。这表明,你的论文有人感兴趣,其次,有人可能会阅读并引用你的论文,从而增加你的知名度。许多大学按论文所在杂志的影响因子和被引用次数来评价论文水平。 对此, 你应抱积极态度,尽量用电子邮件发给他们你在网上下载的 pdf 文本。 九品论文网、提供论文发表,职称论文发表,教育论文发表,学术论文,建筑论文发表,医学论文发表。论文领域:教育,建筑,经济,管理,社科,医学 ,文学 ,农业 ,体育 ,财会,科技,机械 ,计算机 ,法学,艺术,新闻,工程 ,交通 ,理工,护理等专业。


这个不一定。 首先要看在搜索文章时选择了哪些数据库。如果只选择了SCIE,那就是SCI号了。如果值选择了CPCI,那就是ISTP号。 如果两个都选择,则要看文章类型,如果是Article或review之类的,就是SCI。 如果是Proceedings Paper,那就是ISTP。


litigation 诉讼 proceedings;程序; 记录, 会议录; 年[学]报; (科学文献)汇编根本就是两个词,有什么好辨别的···法律上也不可能到一块了吧

proceedings volume什么意思

  proceedings volume的中文翻译_  proceedings volume  程序体积  双语例句  1  The proceedings of the twentieth session are to be published in one volume.  第二十届会议的记录将以一卷出版。  2  The proceedings of the Conference will be published in one volume, containing the report and the resolutions.  会议记录将编成一卷出版,其中载有报告和各项决议。



什么是Proceedings 、Workshops、Conference?

proceedings: 进行;进程;程式。workshops: 工场;作坊;车间conference: 会议

《Kindredin Death》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Kindred in Death》(Robb, J. D.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1P6bP91uiQ2Xr_nEES4r_Sw 提取码: jhta书名:Kindred in Death作者:Robb, J. D.页数:573内容简介:When the newly promoted captain of the NYPSD and his wife return a day early from their vacation, they were looking forward to spending time with their bright and vivacious sixteen-year-old daughter who had stayed behind. Not even their worst nightmares could have prepared them for the crime scene that awaited them instead. Brutally murdered in her bedroom, Deenaas body showed signs of trauma that horrified even the toughest of cops; including our own Lieutenant Eve Dallas, who was specifically requested by the captain to investigate. When the evidence starts to pile up, Dallas and her team think they are about to arrest their perpetrator; little do they know yet that someone has gone to great lengths to tease and taunt them by using a variety of identities. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes. But for Dallas, one mistake might be all she needs to bring justice.

succeeding 和successive subsequent的用法区别

succeeding [su0259k"si:diu014b] adj. 接连的(随后的)例句与用法:If you can pull up your English grammar you stand a good chance of succeeding in the examination. 如果你能提高你的英语语法,你就有可能在考试中获得成功。I"m glad to hear that you"re succeeding at music. 我很高兴听到你在音乐方面有所成就。Previous journalistic copy to which succeeding copy is added. 旧稿要加上先前拷贝的原新闻的稿件We are sanguine that we shall be succeeding. 我们自信会成功。successive [su0259k"sesiv] adj. 接连的,连续的,接二连三的例句与用法:I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops. 我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。He dropped the nails on the ground and successive clangs were heard. 他把钉子掉到了地上,听见了一连串的叮当声。Repeating;with some degree of correspondence in successive trials or observations;( "a pattern of message traffic" ; "a pattern of hardware failures" ). 在连续的试验或观测中,有重复性且有某种程度相似性的信息。例如报文流量模式、硬件故障模式。A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line. 水砣绳间距标示通过测深锤上连续的标记估计出来的以英寸计量的距离A tied score in tennis in which each player or side has40 points, or5 or more games, and one player or side must win2 successive points to win the game, or2 successive games to win the set. 局末,平分,盘末平分网球比赛中的一种平局在网球比赛中,比赛对方每方都有40分或者至少有五局,任何一方只有连得两分才算赢一局,或者要连赢两局才算赢一盘Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scenes. 在连续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前后衔接.subsequent ["su028cbsikwu0259nt] adj. 随后的,后来的例句与用法:He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery. 他供认抢劫银行案后, 又坦白了其他罪行.Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions. 后来的事实表明他的怀疑有道理.Subsequent to its success as a play, it was made into a film. 该剧在舞台上获得成功之后, 又摄制成了电影.The events I"m speaking of were subsequent to the war. 我现在说到的事情都是战后发生的。They made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it. 我们原计划去游览,但后来汽车出了故障,没有去成。

His wife is constantly finding _____with him, which makes him very angry.


翻译:通过读书,他不仅开阔了视野,而且学会了不断完善自己的人格。用through reading,对不对?

He not only broadened his horizon but also learned to improve their personality constantly by reading

tnere are a lot of new building

There were a lot of new buildings.应该用复数:buldings bullding 建筑物,房屋 The World Trade Center in New York City is one of the world"s tallest buildings. 纽约的世界贸易中心是世界上最高的建筑物之一.

《Dinnerwith Persephone》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Dinner with Persephone》(Patricia Storace)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iX_x7bB6-vYaBO-A6-_E7g 提取码: 8i56书名:Dinner with Persephone作者:Patricia Storace出版社:Vintage Books出版年份:1997-10-1页数:416内容简介:A New York Times Notable Book of the Year"Full of insights, marvelously entertaining . . . haunting and beautifully written."--The New York Review of Books"I lived in Athens, at the intersection of a prostitute and a saint." So begins Patricia Storace"s astonishing memoir of her year in Greece. Mixing affection with detachment, rapture with clarity, this American poet perfectly evokes a country delicately balanced between East and West.Whether she is interpreting Hellenic dream books, pop songs, and soap operas, describing breathtakingly beautiful beaches and archaic villages, or braving the crush at a saint"s tomb, Storace, winner of the Whiting Award, rewards the reader with informed and sensual insights into Greece"s soul. She sees how the country"s pride in its past coexists with profound doubts about its place in the modern world. She discovers a world in which past and present engage in a passionate dialogue. Stylish, funny, and erudite, Dinner with Persephone is travel writing elevated to a fine art--and the best book of its kind since Henry Miller"s The Colossus of Maroussi.

dine ,dinner ,meal ,supper 区别 英语

dinner [din·ner (dnr)]晚饭,正餐,宴会 supper晚餐 dine 吃饭 晚餐 evening meal/dinner/




A dinner is a meal, but a meal can be a breakfast.


mealn. 一餐,一顿饭;膳食vi. 进餐即一天3顿饭这里就用 3 meals per day.如:1、And often his breakfast was his only meal.他的早餐经常是一天中唯一的一餐。2、What would your last meal be?你最后的晚餐会是什么?dinner指晚餐.如:Have your dinner before you watch TV.吃完饭再看电视。

intermediate holding company是什么意思



  medical  英 ["medu026ak(u0259)l]  美 ["mu025bdu026akl]  n. 医生;体格检查  adj. 医学的;药的;内科的  [网络短语]  Medical 医疗,医学界功能界别,医学的  medical insurance 医疗保险,医疗保险费,医疗保障  Medical school 医学院,医学院,医学系  例句:  1、I balanced the benefits against the costs of medical insurance.  我权衡了医疗保险的好处和它的花费。  《21世纪大英汉词典》  2、The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men.  这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。  《新英汉大辞典》  3、The doctor said that the old man is beyond medical help and will soon die.  医生说这个老人已无药可救,快要死了。  《21世纪大英汉词典》  medinical,应该是一个错误的单词,正确单词就是medical。  



And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air



succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。

张惠妹的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:张惠妹专辑:Star庆功演唱会隠しトラック(44番目に収录) / 隐藏轨(track44)(*:全CD的音轨共45首,“44”为隐藏的数字。音轨12到43各无声5秒,音轨45无声7秒)「ただいま…エル…」/“我回来了…EL……”「おかえりなさい…パパ…」/“欢迎回来…爸爸…”その男の妄念は永远を孕ませるならば /只要那男人的妄念 仍永远孕育下去物语という歴史は几度でも缲り返されるだろう /被称为故事的历史 就会无尽循环吧——男性(Decadence)と至る幻想 背徳を纺ぎ続けるロマンス(Romance) /——陷于极至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 永续编织的悖德的罗曼史(Romance)痛みを抱くたびに生まれてくる 第四の地平线—— /承负着痛苦而诞生的 第四道地平线——その真実の名は—— /它真实的名字是——http://music.baidu.com/song/247407

蔡依林的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:蔡依林专辑:蔡依林爱情任务庆功演唱会隠しトラック(44番目に収录) / 隐藏轨(track44)(*:全CD的音轨共45首,“44”为隐藏的数字。音轨12到43各无声5秒,音轨45无声7秒)「ただいま…エル…」/“我回来了…EL……”「おかえりなさい…パパ…」/“欢迎回来…爸爸…”その男の妄念は永远を孕ませるならば /只要那男人的妄念 仍永远孕育下去物语という歴史は几度でも缲り返されるだろう /被称为故事的历史 就会无尽循环吧——男性(Decadence)と至る幻想 背徳を纺ぎ続けるロマンス(Romance) /——陷于极至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 永续编织的悖德的罗曼史(Romance)痛みを抱くたびに生まれてくる 第四の地平线—— /承负着痛苦而诞生的 第四道地平线——その真実の名は—— /它真实的名字是——http://music.baidu.com/song/235064

Article|Adding a Password to the Keychain 文章|添加密码到钥匙链

Add network credentials to the keychain on behalf of the user. 为用户添加网络密码到钥匙链. Use keychain services to enable simple, secure storage for users" passwords. In this way you avoid repeatedly asking the user for a password, and you don"t have to implement your own encryption, which can be error prone. 钥匙链服务可以让用户简单而安全地存储他们的密码.使用这种方式,我们不再需要频繁让用户提供密码,并且我们不用自己实现加密,自己加密往往很容易出错. To get started, define a structure to hold the credentials as they move around your app in memory: 开始,我们定义一个结构体来保存用户名密码. Next, define an error enumeration that you can use to communicate keychain access outcomes: 然后,定义一个错误枚举,你可以使用该枚举和钥匙链访问的返回值交流. Then, identify the server that your app is working with: 然后,定义应用访问的服务器: Using an instance of the credentials structure and the server constant, you can create an add query: 使用Credentials结构体实例和server常量,创建一个添加查询: The query dictionary"s first key-value pair indicates that the item is an Internet password, from which keychain services infers that the data is secret and requires encryption. This also ensures that the item has attributes that distinguish it from other Internet passwords, such as the server and account to which it applies. Indeed, the next two key-value pairs in the query provide this information, attaching the user name acquired from the user as the account, along with a domain name appropriate to this password as the server. 查询字典的第一个键值对标识这个钥匙链项目的类型是一个网络密码,钥匙链服务根据该类型推断该数据是私密的,并且需要加密.并且确保该项目包含区别其他网络密码的属性,比如该密码要应用的服务器和账号.接下来的两个键值对的确也提供了这些信息,用户名作为账号,密码使用的域名作为服务器. Note注意: Keychain services also offers the related kSecClassGenericPassword item class. Generic passwords are similar in most respects to Internet passwords, but they lack certain attributes specific to remote access (for example, they don"t have a kSecAttrServer attribute). When you don"t need these extra attributes, use a generic password instead. 钥匙链服务还提供了kSecClassGenericPassword类型的钥匙链项目.通用密码和网络密码在很多方面相同,但是通用密码缺少特定表明远程访问的属性(比如,他们没有kSecAttrServer属性).如果你不需要这些属性,使用通用密码替代. Although not necessary in this case, you could further characterize the password by specifying additional attributes, such as the port number or the network protocol. For example, if you needed to store distinct FTP and HTTP credentials for the same user working on the same server, you could add the kSecAttrProtocol attribute to distinguish between them. 尽管在该示例中不需要,但是你可以更进一步地描述这个密码,通过指定附加的属性,比如端口号或者网络协议.比如,如果你需要分别存储同一个用户在同一个服务器上的FTP密码和HTTP密码,你需要增加kSecAttrProtocol属性来区分他们. Finally, the query contains the password from the user, encoded as a Data instance. 最后,该查询包含了用户的密码,该密码被编码为NSData类型. With the query complete, you simply feed it to the SecItemAdd function: 查询已经创建完毕,现在只需要将它传入SecItemAdd函数: Although you typically ignore the return data supplied by reference in the second argument on an add operation (as demonstrated here), always check the function"s return status to ensure that the operation succeeds. The operation might fail, for example, if an item with the given attributes already exists. 尽管通常在添加操作中忽略第二个参数引用的返回数据,我们还是应该要检查函数的返回状态来确保操作成功.该操作可能失败,例如,一个具有相同属性的项目已经存在. Note注意: If you do want the return data, keep in mind that the SecItemAdd function behaves much like the SecItemCopyMatching function in this regard. See Searching for Keychain Items for details. 如果你需要返回的数据,需要留心SecItemAdd函数在这一点上和SecItemCopyMatching函数是很类似的.要了解详细信息,请参考 Searching for Keychain Items查询钥匙链项目 To be able to find the item later, you"re going to use your knowledge of its attributes. In this example, the server and the account are the item"s distinguishing characteristics. For constant attributes (here, the server), use the same value during lookup. In contrast, the account attribute is dynamic, because it holds a value provided by the user at runtime. As long as your app never adds similar items with varying attributes (such as passwords for different accounts on the same server), you can omit these dynamic attributes as search parameters and instead retrieve them along with the item. As a result, when you look up the password, you also get the corresponding username. 为了能够在之后找到该项目,你必须使用项目的属性.在这个例子中,服务器和账号是该项目用以区别其他项目的特征.对于常量属性(在这里是服务器属性),在查询时,使用一样的值.相反,账号属性是动态的,因为他是用户在运行时提供的.只要你的应用不填加不同属性的类似的项目(比如同一个服务器上不同账号的密码),你可以省略这些动态属性,并且将这些属性和钥匙链项目一起得到.这就导致了,当你查询密码时,你同时得到了对应的用户名. If your app does add items with varying dynamic attributes, you"ll need a way to choose among them during retrieval. One option is to record information about the items in another way. For example, if you keep records of users in a Core Data model, you store the username there after using keychain services to store the password field. Later, you use the user name pulled from your data model to condition the search for the password. 如果你的应用添加了不同的动态属性的项目,你需要一种方式在检索中选择你需要的.一个选择是用另一种方式记录项目的信息.比如,如果你使用CoreData中保存用户记录,那么,你在使用钥匙链服务保存密码后,同事保存用户名.之后,你使用数据模型中得到的用户名来寻找密码. In other cases, it may make sense to further characterize the item by adding more attributes. For example, you might include the kSecAttrLabel attribute in the original add query, providing a string that marks the item for the particular purpose. Then you"ll be able to use this attribute to narrow your search later. 在其他情况下,添加更多的属性进一步描述钥匙链项目是很有意义的.比如,你可以在原始添加查询中添加kSecAttrLabel属性,该属性提供了一个字符串来标记该项目的特定作用.之后,你可以通过该属性来缩小你的查询. Adds one or more items to a keychain. 保存一个或者多个钥匙链项目到钥匙链. Specify the class of a keychain item. 指定钥匙链项目的类型. Specify the attributes of keychain items. 指定钥匙链项目的属性.

Insider Trading ,这个词什么意思呢?


Insider Trading代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Insider Trading内幕交易拥有有关一种证券的非公开重要信息的人士买卖该种证券。这个行为使该内幕人士违反信托责任或其他基于信任及诚信的关系。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Insider Trading是什么意思啊?



n. 举办;支持 v. 召开;担任(hold的ing形式);握住

审核中的findings observation代表什么意思

审核中的findings observation代表结果观察的意思

a solid professional grounding in analytical techniques 什么意思


outstanding writer

Sanmao is an outstanding writer whose writings give me courage to face real life optimistically



Mould,MOLD ,MOLDING有什么样不同

Mould n.模子(样板,形状,类型) vt 模压(铸造,轮廓相符合) MOLD n.模子,雏型 v.形成,塑造 MOLDING 成型[常+s][建筑](装饰墙壁等凸出部用)嵌线


molding ["mu0259u028aldu026au014b] n. 模塑;铸造;装饰用的嵌线mold 英 [mu0259u028ald] 美 [mold] vt. 塑造;使发霉;用模子制作vi. 发霉n. 霉菌;模子


1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。如:The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。如:Seven, including a goalkeeper.7名,包括一位守门员。扩展资料:一、单词用法v.(动词)1、include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。2、include不用于进行体中。二、词义辨析v.(动词)include, involve这组词的共同意思是“包含”“包括”。其区别是:1、involve所指的事物往往是抽象的,而include所指的事物则可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的。2、involve指必然包括某种结果,而include则指包括属于整体的部分。3、include可详细罗列内容,也可只列举其中一二,而involve则没有此用法。

谁能讲讲include & included &including的区别和用法

我给你举个例子,你就能明白.The price includes the service charge.这价格包括服务费。The price is 500 Yuan, service charge included.The price, including service charge, is 500 Yuan totally.明白了吗?


I am a member of the reading club of our school.We often get together to discuss what we have read at the regular meeting on Saturdays.Last week,we broke the rules and had another one on Sunday morning,because we had not finished what we were discussing at the Saturday"s meeting.


被动suspended 是一种过去分词的表达方法。用作修饰。


你年一下文件编码 ,是UTF-8吗?另外,虚机团上产品团购,超级便宜



Nell的《The Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:The Ending歌手:Nell专辑:Slip AwayAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18392249

A Truly Happy Ending 歌词

歌曲名:A Truly Happy Ending歌手:Junior Boys专辑:It"s All TrueAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14439780

A Happy Ending 歌词

歌曲名:A Happy Ending歌手:Chris Vrenna专辑:American McGee"s Alice Avril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/25332715

happy ending的中文意思是什么?

happy ending的意思是美满结局、好的结局。通常会用于形容一件事情或者电影小说之类的结局是美好的,让人满意的。happy作为形容词来讲,意为快乐的、幸福的;ending作为作为名词来讲,意为结束、结局、最后的部分。例句:The film has a hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局。Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to "life begins at 8:30".约翰逊为其添加了个圆满的结局,并将标题改为《生活从8:30开始》。扩展资料:U r light in the darkness and I like what u like, coz " u r everything everything that I want " . So be my happy ending.这句话的大概意思就是你就像是黑夜里的光,是我喜欢的。因为你就是我想要的一切,是我的美满结局。如果是你喜欢的女生对别的男生说的,可以说明这个女生是对别人有意思的。

including 和include用法上的区别

include前面要有主语的,作为动词.如: The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。 I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。 The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。 including 介词,一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的. Seven, including a goalkeeper. 7名,包括一位守门员。 trademarks (including service marks); 商标(包括服务商标); an arthropod family including: chalcidflies. 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂。

include和including的区别 二者的使用方法

include和including的区别主要在于用法,因为include属于名词,而including属于介词。下文是关于include和including区别的具体内容,快来参考一下吧。 include和including的区别 两者的词性是不同的,include是动词,而including是介词。因此其用法也是完全不同的。 include指某整体包含或容纳某部分,常用于解释或补充说明。如: The money I gave you included Xiao Zhang"s.我给你的钱里包括了小张的钱。 The money I gave you included all my salaries.我给你的钱含了我所有的工资。 include常以including(名词/代词前)或included(名词/代词后)的形式出现在短语中,用来举例,解释或补充说明。如: There are ten of us here, including three girls. (=There are ten of us here, three girls included.) Everybody has something to say, me included. (=Everybody has something to say, including me.) include和including的用法 1、include include作为动词,含义有包括;包含;使成为…的一部分。 例句:The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。 You should include some examples in your essay. 你应该在文章里举一些例子。 2、including 1、当including作为介词时,含义为包括…在内。 例句:I"ve got three days" holiday including New Year"s Day. 包括元旦在内我有三天假。 Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management. 包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。 2、当including作为动词时,含义有包括;包含;使成为…的一部分,是include的现在分词。 例句:Avoid including other elements that conflict with the main subject. 避免把与主题相悖的元素包含进来。 A lens is an optical system including two refracting surfaces. 一个透镜是包含两个折射面的光学系统。


1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。如:The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。如:Seven, including a goalkeeper.7名,包括一位守门员。扩展资料:一、单词用法v.(动词)1、include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。2、include不用于进行体中。二、词义辨析v.(动词)include, involve这组词的共同意思是“包含”“包括”。其区别是:1、involve所指的事物往往是抽象的,而include所指的事物则可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的。2、involve指必然包括某种结果,而include则指包括属于整体的部分。3、include可详细罗列内容,也可只列举其中一二,而involve则没有此用法。

《My happying ending》中文歌词

my happying ending歌词:So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

including 和include用法上的区别

1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。如:The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。如:Seven, including a goalkeeper.7名,包括一位守门员。扩展资料:一、单词用法v.(动词)1、include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。2、include不用于进行体中。二、词义辨析v.(动词)include, involve这组词的共同意思是“包含”“包括”。其区别是:1、involve所指的事物往往是抽象的,而include所指的事物则可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的。2、involve指必然包括某种结果,而include则指包括属于整体的部分。3、include可详细罗列内容,也可只列举其中一二,而involve则没有此用法。



艾薇儿的MY HAPPY ENDING 中文意思是什么?详细的

我也很喜欢听这首歌!My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let"s talk this over It"s not like we"re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don"t leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You"ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I"m difficult But so are they But they don"t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It"s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

my happy ending 吉他谱(六线的)

  没有六线、只有带和弦的..  A Cappella)  So Much For My Happy Ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Ohhhhh  VERSE:  Bm G  Lets talk this over; its not like we"re dead.  D A  Was it something i did? Was it something you said?  Bm G  Don"t leave me hanging in a city so dead.  D A  Held up so high on such a breakable thread.  PRE CHORUS:  G A  And you were all the things I thought I knew.  G A  And I thought we couid be.  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G No Chord  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Ohhhh  (Repeat)  Verse 2  Bm G  You"ve got your dumb friends, I know what they say.  D A  They tell you I"m difficult, but so are they.  Bm G  But they don"t know me, do they even know you?  D A  All the things you hide from me, all the shit that you do.  PRE CHORUS:  G A  And you were all the things I thought I knew.  G A  And I thought we could be.  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  BRIDGE:  A G  It"s nice to know that you were there,  G A  Thanks for acting like you cared,  G  And making me feel like I was the only one.  A Bm G  It"s nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching as I fall,  A  And letting me know we were done.  CHORUS 2:  G (ring) D(ring) A(ring) Harmonics @ Fret 9  He was everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy....  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G No Chord  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A G(let ring)  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  行吗这个?



include ,included和including怎么用

1. include是动词,可以在句中充当谓语。如楼主第一个例句:The price【主语】 for the hotel 【(修饰主语的后置)定语】 includes【谓语】 breakfast【宾语】.2. 而including除了是include的现在分词/动名词之外,在日常运用中一般被当做介词使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括...在内”。如楼主的第二个例句:There are many different kinds of moon cakes including fruit,coffee and ice.再如:There are 40 students in the classroom, including me.3. 同样,included也有介词用法,且:including + 宾语 = 宾语 + included.所以上个例句亦可写成:There are 40 students in the classroom, me included.

爱薇儿唱的my happy ending 是什么音乐风格?歌词大概是什么意思?


洪辰My happy ending歌词




我要艾薇儿的MY HAPPY ENDING 的歌词[中,英]还有这首歌的创作背景~!

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let"s talk this over It"s not like we"re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don"t leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You"ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I"m difficult But so are they But they don"t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It"s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

my happyending 的歌词 艾薇儿的

My happy ending -AvrilSo much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let s talk this over It s not like we re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don t leave me hanging In a city so dead Caught up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I m difficult But so are they But they don t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It s nice to know you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were doneLZ也喜欢艾薇儿啊~推荐去下 艾薇儿中国歌迷会 有很多艾薇儿的东西~

艾薇儿My Happy Ending 歌词

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为 可能成为 但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆 曾与我很近 都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...


include 是动词including是介词

including 和include的区别和用法……?

非常简单 1 including + 宾语 --------介词结构 做插入语成分 2 *** (主格) included------是独立主格结构: Three boys were late,including me. === Three boys were late,I included.,2,including 和include的区别和用法…… A meal including lots of vegetables and fruit is good for health 这里为什么要用including?

求艾薇儿的My happy ending的中文大意

回My Happy Ending 飘然的结局Artist(Band):Avril Lavigneoh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending, 飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending, 飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh oh, oh ohLet"s talk this over我们谈及到此吧It"s not like we"re dead我们不是麻木的Was it something I did? 我做了一些事?Was it something You said? 你说了一些话?Don"t leave me hanging不要离开我未完成的In a city so dead在死城里面Held up so high到达最高点On such a breakable thread像是一条易断的线You were all the things I thought I knew你的全部我猜我知道And I thought we could be我想我们可以的CHORUS: You were everything, everything that I wanted你的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh ohYou"ve got your dumb friends你结交了你的愚蠢朋友I know what they say我知他们怎样说(they say) They tell you I"m difficult他们说我很难交往But so are they但他们呢(so are they) But they don"t know me真的我但他们不知道Do they even know you? 他们一样知道你吗?All the things you hide from me全部你都隐瞒我All the shit that you do他妈的事你已做(all the shit that you do) You were all the things I thought I knew你的全部、全部我想拥有And I thought we could be我想我们可以的[CHORUS] It"s nice to know that you were there很高兴知道你在那Thanks for acting like you cared谢谢你行动的关心And making me feel like I was the only one以致错觉觉得自己是唯一的It"s nice to know we had it all很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过Thanks for watching as I fall当我坠落的时候谢谢你的看顾And letting me know we were done让我知道我们的过去He was everything, everything that I wanted他的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此You were everything, everything that I wanted你的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohoh oh,...答即可得2分,回答被采纳则获得悬赏分以及奖励20分
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