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outstanding 是金融词汇中的什么意思

n(名词). 未偿贷款adj(形容词). 杰出的;显著的;未解决的;未偿付的



outstanding可不可以作表语形容词?be outstanding后面应该接什么介词还是副词???

outstanding 形容词,可做表语。意思是:杰出的,出色的。后面可用介词 in表示在哪一方面出色。如 This scientist is outstanding in physics.




outstanding 是形容“表现出色的、有杰出成就的” , prominent 是形容“有崇高地位的、德高望重的

stand out和outstanding的区别





  这两个词,都有一种“突出”的意思,有时可以互相引申为同义词, 因此含义上有重叠。设置中文的翻译都笼统地译作:杰出,优秀等溢美之词。 但其实它们的程度和侧重不同:  ① prominent是突出,是Immediately noticeable 和Widely known;表示立即引起注意,广为人知。因此强调的是“突出”之后的效果。  ② outstanding则是Standing out among others of its kind,这个是和其他同类相比的结果,因此这种突出是杰出,优秀。 也许只在某个范围内为人们所熟悉,不如prominent广泛,但比prominent更有现实性,因为是确实相比之后的结果。而prominent可能是真才实学的突出,也可能是口碑好(但不一定名副其实)。  所以prominent描述了一种广度,但没有说明具体其深度;outstanding则相反。



stand out和outstanding有什么区别?后者是形容词?前者呢?

stand out是动词短语,意为“突出,显眼”,在句子中作谓语。如:He stands out in his company.他在公司里很突出/优秀。

stand out和outstanding的区别

都是 突出 的意思 只是词性不一样 stand out 是动词短语outstanding 是形容词看你用在哪了


优秀的 突出的


reconstitution英[u02ccri:u02ccku0252nstu026a"tju:u0283n]美[u02ccri:u02ccku0252nstu026a"tju:u0283n]n.重新组建,重新构建;[网络]还原;再造;补充头寸;[例句]Solubilizationandreconstitutionofthek ̄+channelpro





解释:adj. 杰出的;显著的;未解决的;未偿付的n. 未偿贷款[ 比较级more outstanding 最高级most outstanding ] 词组举例:outstanding achievement 业绩;杰出成就 outstanding performance 出色表现;杰出的表现 outstanding work 出色的工作 outstanding student 优秀学生,杰出学生 outstanding feature 显著特点 shares outstanding 净发股票;流通在外股票 outstanding balance 未清余额 outstanding debt 未偿还的债务 outstanding claims 未决赔款,货币索取权 outstanding question 未决问题 outstanding amount 债务总额,未偿还部分 outstanding share 流通在外的股票;已发行股票

Shredding The Balloon 歌词

歌曲名:Shredding The Balloon歌手:Hilltop Hoods专辑:Drinking From The SunHilltop Hoods - Shredding The BalloonLike we always do about this time, ink lines for the sick rhyme inclined,It"s grimy sh*t but naught that can"t be fixed with a little bit of spitshine,Big time like Frankie in Vegas, inspiring like Ali and Frazier,Spit it out till we spilling out on to the street start a party up with our neighbours,I"d rather be part of your playlist, than ever be part of the A-list,Harness the energy, heart of a pedigree with the scars of a sadist,I go so hard on the pavement; I go so far with my statements,That I don"t know where they end and where I start it"s all part of gameIt"s the farthest I"ve came since I started to play it,I spar with these artists, the heartless and brainless,We"re harnessed by chains that are hard to escapeAnd you change then they label us bastards or traitors,They"re charlatans, they"re haters, they start on us but they"re fake as,Our parliament, but don"t be disheartened by them pardon their failures,If we don"t forgive our enemies, we"ll crawl the walls like centipedes,Burn our energy like fossil fuels and fuel our own damn effigy,And we"ll all burn like Hennessy, so keep on then and step with me,John Lennon let it be,dead the beef like abattoirs, before these scavengers tear at meI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blowAnd it might blow up but it won"t go pop,And it might blow up but it won"t burst,She said she might grow old but she won"t grow up,Well she might, but only if I go first,She wears her heart on her sleeve like;She"s wearing a patch on her shoulder,It"s not a matter of whether I can catch her,More a matter of whether I can hold her,She thinks out loud she"s got me; she laughs with her whole body,I think about how she got it all figured out and wonder why she"d even want me?Each night I find it"s the same ole, when I crawl inside in the evening,I lie down next to an angel; fall asleep and fly with my demons,They say don"t live in the past and live each day like it was your last but,I"d rather live each moment like it was my first,take it slow and sip from the glass,Savour the moment, spit vicious bars then pray for opponents,Sounds so serious don"t it? But I"m not concerned with a thing,This is book three, Tolkien, Return of the King,The kings have arrived; we drink from the sky,We fall from all ‘cause we think we can fly,But our wings have been tied, and the winging and lies,Have me I"m wishing that I could bridge the divide,You living the life? In the blink of an eyeThe shine of the bling and the rims that you ride,Can all disappear so live for the rhyme,Not material things your gift can provideI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,We"re getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,I"m getting ready right now I"m getting readySince ‘State of the Art" we"ve stayed in the yardjust waiting to start this sh*t all over,Laying in bars for a day and a half, had to switch from gin to soda,And by like mid October, record was six months over,Due, and I‘m like dude what you expect? I"m only three months sober,Coming up turning tree trunks over, running up burning divas, posers,Run amok till the sun is up or till one of us # live la vidaloca,I"m going to roll until I fold, like I got a hold of Propafol,So beautiful to know you all but for now peace I"m over and outI don"t wanna go, but I gotta go...http://music.baidu.com/song/52738494

Shredding the Balloon 歌词

歌曲名:Shredding the Balloon歌手:Hilltop Hoods专辑:Drinking from the Sun (Deluxe Version)Hilltop Hoods - Shredding The BalloonLike we always do about this time, ink lines for the sick rhyme inclined,It"s grimy sh*t but naught that can"t be fixed with a little bit of spitshine,Big time like Frankie in Vegas, inspiring like Ali and Frazier,Spit it out till we spilling out on to the street start a party up with our neighbours,I"d rather be part of your playlist, than ever be part of the A-list,Harness the energy, heart of a pedigree with the scars of a sadist,I go so hard on the pavement; I go so far with my statements,That I don"t know where they end and where I start it"s all part of gameIt"s the farthest I"ve came since I started to play it,I spar with these artists, the heartless and brainless,We"re harnessed by chains that are hard to escapeAnd you change then they label us bastards or traitors,They"re charlatans, they"re haters, they start on us but they"re fake as,Our parliament, but don"t be disheartened by them pardon their failures,If we don"t forgive our enemies, we"ll crawl the walls like centipedes,Burn our energy like fossil fuels and fuel our own damn effigy,And we"ll all burn like Hennessy, so keep on then and step with me,John Lennon let it be,dead the beef like abattoirs, before these scavengers tear at meI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blowAnd it might blow up but it won"t go pop,And it might blow up but it won"t burst,She said she might grow old but she won"t grow up,Well she might, but only if I go first,She wears her heart on her sleeve like;She"s wearing a patch on her shoulder,It"s not a matter of whether I can catch her,More a matter of whether I can hold her,She thinks out loud she"s got me; she laughs with her whole body,I think about how she got it all figured out and wonder why she"d even want me?Each night I find it"s the same ole, when I crawl inside in the evening,I lie down next to an angel; fall asleep and fly with my demons,They say don"t live in the past and live each day like it was your last but,I"d rather live each moment like it was my first,take it slow and sip from the glass,Savour the moment, spit vicious bars then pray for opponents,Sounds so serious don"t it? But I"m not concerned with a thing,This is book three, Tolkien, Return of the King,The kings have arrived; we drink from the sky,We fall from all ‘cause we think we can fly,But our wings have been tied, and the winging and lies,Have me I"m wishing that I could bridge the divide,You living the life? In the blink of an eyeThe shine of the bling and the rims that you ride,Can all disappear so live for the rhyme,Not material things your gift can provideI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,We"re getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,I"m getting ready right now I"m getting readySince ‘State of the Art" we"ve stayed in the yardjust waiting to start this sh*t all over,Laying in bars for a day and a half, had to switch from gin to soda,And by like mid October, record was six months over,Due, and I‘m like dude what you expect? I"m only three months sober,Coming up turning tree trunks over, running up burning divas, posers,Run amok till the sun is up or till one of us # live la vidaloca,I"m going to roll until I fold, like I got a hold of Propafol,So beautiful to know you all but for now peace I"m over and outI don"t wanna go, but I gotta go...http://music.baidu.com/song/16610170


tendering/bidding招标/投标bidding[英][u02c8bu026adu026au014b][美][u02c8bu026adu026au014b]n.(尤指拍卖中的)出价; <非正>请求; 投标; 召唤; v.出价,投标( bid的现在分词 ); 恳求; 命令; 说(问候话); 例句:1.But the growth of real-time bidding may prove highly disruptive. 但也许实时竞价的增长会极具破坏性。2.They are also accused of accepting kick-backs from contractors bidding on governmentconstruction projects. 他们还被控从投标承建政府工程的建筑商那里收受回扣

什么是linear color blending

线性混合颜色linear color blendinglinear是线的,线型的意思。color是颜色;肤色的意思。blending是混合;调配;混和物的意思。希望能帮助你的学习~谢谢采纳( ̄▽ ̄)"


kanto 关东地方nomether 怀疑是 no matter 打错了,因为没那词儿。ahmadinejad 伊朗总统内贾德

bill of loading 是什么?


full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed的翻译。

bills of lading 提单;提货单



Linked Helper,一个是领英助理linkedines,哪个更好用?

这样也没事 有产权证呢 那上面有面积 四至

It was a city whose hospitals,75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.


language is a city ,to the building of which every human being brought a stone .

human being, 人

a man lived in a tall building in the city of

答案:Where did live













embedding dimension嵌入维 指的是什么

就是嵌入的空间,比如输入的特征向量是1000维度的,现在通过线性或非线性变换投影到100维,这个变换后的空间就是一个embedding space




其为一个简单的存储固定大小的词典的嵌入向量的查找表,意思就是说,给一个编号,嵌入层就能返回这个编号对应的嵌入向量,嵌入向量反映了各个编号代表的符号之间的语义关系。 输入为一个编号列表,输出为对应的符号嵌入向量列表。 torch.nn包下的Embedding,作为训练的一层,随模型训练得到适合的词向量。 找到对应的词向量放进网络:词向量的输入应该是什么样子 实际上,上面通过随机初始化建立了词向量层后,建立了一个“二维表”,存储了词典中每个词的词向量。每个mini-batch的训练,都要从词向量表找到mini-batch对应的单词的词向量作为RNN的输入放进网络。那么怎么把mini-batch中的每个句子的所有单词的词向量找出来放进网络呢, 输入是什么样子,输出是什么样子? 首先我们知道肯定先要建立一个词典,建立词典的时候都会建立一个dict:word2id:存储单词到词典序号的映射。假设一个mini-batch如下所示: 显然,这个mini-batch有3个句子,即batch_size=3 第一步首先要做的是:将句子标准化,所谓标准化,指的是:大写转小写,标点分离,这部分很简单就略过。经处理后,mini-batch变为: 可见,这个list的元素成了一个个list。还要做一步:将上面的三个list按单词数从多到少排列。标点也算单词。至于为什么,后面会说到。 那就变成了: 可见,每个句子的长度,即每个内层list的元素数为:5,5,4。这个长度也要记录。 之后,为了能够处理,将batch的单词表示转为在词典中的index序号,这就是word2id的作用。转换过程很简单,假设转换之后的结果如下所示,当然这些序号是我编的。 同时,每个句子结尾要加EOS,假设EOS在词典中的index是1。 那么长度要更新: 很显然,这个mini-batch中的句子长度 不一致! 所以为了规整的处理,对长度不足的句子,进行填充。填充PAD假设序号是2,填充之后为: 这样就可以直接取词向量训练了吗? 不能!上面batch有3个样例,RNN的每一步要输入每个样例的一个单词,一次输入batch_size个样例,所以batch要按list外层是时间步数(即序列长度),list内层是batch_size排列。即batch的维度应该是: 重要的问题说3遍! 怎么变换呢?变换方法可以是:使用itertools模块的zip_longest函数。而且,使用这个函数,连填充这一步都可以省略,因为这个函数可以实现填充! 经变换,结果应该是: 记得我们还记录了一个lens: batch还要转成LongTensor: 这里的batch就是词向量层的输入。 词向量层的输出是什么样的? 好了,现在使用建立了的embedding直接通过batch取词向量了,如: 假设词向量维度是6,结果是: 维度的前两维和前面讲的是一致的。可见多了一个第三维,这就是词向量维度。所以,Embedding层的输出是:



什么是embedding space



commandline 即"命令行"的意思dashboard 即“表格”的意思在CAD界面中你在无任何指令下按空格键都会出现 commandline,意思就是让你在命令行输入命令。从上述情况看你的CAD安装得没有问题。

tf.nn.embedding_lookup() 详解

tf.nn.embedding_lookup() 的用途主要是选取一个张量里面索引对应的元素。 原理 u2003u2003假设一共有 个物体,每个物体有自己唯一的id,那么从物体的集合到 有一个trivial的嵌入,就是把它映射到 中的标准基,这种嵌入叫做 One-hot embedding/encoding . u2003u2003应用中一般将物体嵌入到一个低维空间 ,只需要在compose上一个从 到 的线性映射就好了。每一个 的矩阵 都定义了一个从 到 的线性映射: 。当 是一个标准基向量的时候 对应矩阵 中的一列,这就是对应id的向量表示。这个概念用神经网络图来表示如下: 函数原型: 返回值是一个dense tensor。返回的shape为shape(ids)+shape(params)[1:] 实际上tf.nn.embedding_lookup的作用就是找到要寻找的embedding data中的对应的行下的vector。 先让我们看下不同数据对应的维度: 这个是怎么做到的呢?关键的部分来了,看下图: lk中的值,在要寻找的embedding数据中找对应的index下的vector进行拼接。永远是look(lk)部分的维度+embedding(data)部分的除了第一维后的维度拼接。很明显,我们也可以得到,lk里面值是必须要小于等于embedding(data)的最大维度减一的。 以上的结果就是: 最后,partition_strategy是用于当len(params) > 1,params的元素分割不能整分的话,则前(max_id + 1) % len(params)多分一个id. 当partition_strategy = "mod"的时候,13个ids划分为5个分区:[[0, 5, 10], [1, 6, 11], [2, 7, 12], [3, 8], [4, 9]],也就是是按照数据列进行映射,然后再进行look_up操作。 当partition_strategy = "div"的时候,13个ids划分为5个分区:[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]],也就是是按照数据先后进行排序标序,然后再进行look_up操作。 参考: https://www.jianshu.com/p/abea0d9d2436


DIN模型的创新点在于增加了注意力机制,用于生成用户的embedding向量。具体公式如下其中, 是用户的embedding向量, 是候选商品的Embedding向量, 是用户u的第i次行为的embedding向量。 用户embedding = Sum(候选商品与历史行为商品的注意力分*用户历史行为商品的embedding向量) 注意力分g(Vi, Va)函数是如何计算的呢? 对候选商品embedding和历史行为商品的embedding的元素减、候选商品embedding、历史行为商品的embedding进行concat,然后输入fc层,最后神经元输出层得到注意力得分。 tf.tile()函数是对张量进行扩展的。对张量内的数据按一定规则复制。 tf.squeeze()函数是从张量中移除大小为1的维度。 tf.where()函数。

word2vec和word embedding有什么区别

个人理解是,word embedding 是一个将词向量化的概念,来源于Bengio的论文《Neural probabilistic language models》,中文译名有"词嵌入"。word2vec是谷歌提出一种word embedding 的工具或者算法集合,采用了两种模型(CBOW与skip-gram模型)与两种方法(负采样与层次softmax方法)的组合,比较常见的组合为 skip-gram+负采样方法。可以查看以下两个来源,word embedding :Word embedding - Wikipediaword2vec中的数学原理详解:word2vec 中的数学原理详解(一)目录和前言对于起源与其他的word embedding方法可以查看 Deep Learning in NLP (一)词向量和语言模型

Embedding manifest是什么意思?


神经网络中embedding 什么意思






word embedding 是什么

word embedding的意思是:给出一个文档,文档就是一个单词序列比如 “A B A C B F G”, 希望对文档中每个不同的单词都得到一个对应的向量(往往是低维向量)表示。比如,对于这样的“A B A C B F G”的一个序列,也许我们最后能得到:A对应的向量为[0.1 0.6 -0.5],B对应的向量为[-0.2 0.9 0.7] (此处的数值只用于示意)之所以希望把每个单词变成一个向量,目的还是为了方便计算,比如“求单词A的同义词”,就可以通过“求与单词A在cos距离下最相似的向量”来做到。


embedding 可以理解为比如降维,或者说把一些复杂难以表达的特征用相对来说可以用数学表达或者更易计算的形式来表达的一种映射。比如把单词转化成向量,把数字(的奇偶正负实复等性质)转化成n维矩阵。


torch.nn包下的Embedding,作为训练的一层,随模型训练得到适合的词向量。 实际上,上面通过随机初始化建立了词向量层后,建立了一个“二维表”,存储了词典中每个词的词向量。每个mini-batch的训练,都要从词向量表找到mini-batch对应的单词的词向量作为RNN的输入放进网络。那么怎么把mini-batch中的每个句子的所有单词的词向量找出来放进网络呢, 输入是什么样子,输出是什么样子? 首先我们知道肯定先要建立一个词典,建立词典的时候都会建立一个dict:word2id:存储单词到词典序号的映射。假设一个mini-batch如下所示: 显然,这个mini-batch有3个句子,即batch_size=3 第一步首先要做的是:将句子标准化,所谓标准化,指的是:大写转小写,标点分离,这部分很简单就略过。经处理后,mini-batch变为: 可见,这个list的元素成了一个个list。还要做一步:将上面的三个list按单词数从多到少排列。标点也算单词。至于为什么,后面会说到。 那就变成了: 可见,每个句子的长度,即每个内层list的元素数为:5,5,4。这个长度也要记录。 之后,为了能够处理,将batch的单词表示转为在词典中的index序号,这就是word2id的作用。转换过程很简单,假设转换之后的结果如下所示,当然这些序号是我编的。 同时,每个句子结尾要加EOS,假设EOS在词典中的index是1。 那么长度要更新: 很显然,这个mini-batch中的句子长度不一致。所以为了规整的处理,对长度不足的句子,进行填充。填充PAD假设序号是2,填充之后为: 这样就可以直接取词向量训练了吗? 不能。上面batch有3个样例,RNN的每一步要输入每个样例的一个单词,一次输入batch_size个样例,所以batch要按list外层是时间步数(即序列长度),list内层是batch_size排列。即batch的维度应该是: 怎么变换呢? 变换方法可以是:使用itertools模块的zip_longest函数。而且,使用这个函数,连填充这一步都可以省略,因为这个函数可以实现填充。 经变换,结果应该是: batch还要转成LongTensor: 这里的batch就是词向量层的输入。 词向量层的输出是什么样的? 好了,现在使用建立了的embedding直接通过batch取词向量了,如: 假设词向量维度是6,结果是: 维度的前两维和前面讲的是一致的。可见多了一个第三维,这就是词向量维度。所以,Embedding层的输出是:

BERT 结构与原理(1)--Embedding

u2003u2003BERT主要是多个Transformer的Encoder作为主题,主要包含Embedding层,Encoder层。 u2003u2003BERT中的Embedding主要有3种: u2003u2003Token Embedding 是对词向量进行编码。原始的输入是[batch,seq_len]。经过 Token Embedding 后数据的维度为[batch,seq_len,d_model]。 u2003u2003在BERT中Token Embedding的内部计算流程是初始化一个二维数组,大小为[vocab_size,d_model],然后将输入的数据进行one-hot编码,维度为[batch,seq_len,vocab_size],进行tensor的乘法。验证如下: 可以看见两者的结果是一样的,所以猜测embedding内部就是先将句子中每个词的索引表示转化为one-hot表示,然后对编码后的数据进行矩阵的变换,其中参数开始是输出化的,后面训练的时候可以用来学习。编码后的输出为[batch,seq_len,d_model] u2003u2003BERT中的Position Embedding和Transformer不一样,transormer中式直接利用公式,计算出对用维度的值。在BERT中是要学习的。比如说d_model的大小为512,那么每个句子就会生成一个[0,1,2,...511]的一维数组,然后重复batch次,因此实际的输入为[batch,d_model],将其送到one_hot中进行编码,具体的编码过程和Token Embedding一样,然后最后的输出为[batch,seq_len,d_model]。和Token Embedding输出的维度一样。一般是不用的,只在句子对的时候采用。其编码后的维度也是[batch,seq_len,d_model]。



开浏览器百度老弹这个1 embedding东西怎么办



embedding在工业界是非常常用的手段。例如双塔模型学习用户与内容的隐式向量表达,其产出可以用于召回,粗排,精排模型等多个阶段。 以下为一些使用的细节: 1、大规模粗排用离线计算的embedding加速,可以扩大粗排规模 2、利用预训练的embedding为模型提供更好的用户表达(一些模型对于某目标的预测不会使用用户的全量行为特征,所以能获取其在全量行为下计算的embedding作为初始化便能提升效果) 这与CV和NLP领域的pre training + fine turning是一样的方法 3、对于很多离散值,使用embedding输入dnn更有利于学习 4、对于一些连续值,也使其离散化后再用emb输入dnn 5、一些长尾用户的embedding更新几率很小,会导致其学习不充分。利用用户一些特征的刻画做用户分桶或聚类可以提升其学习效率(airbnb kdd1028) 6、对embedding层做专门的loss函数(multi-task),只更新其对应参数梯度,能加快其收敛。 7、也可以对一些过于低频的特征值做过滤,能减少参数空间,同样能提升其emb的收敛速度,避免过拟合 8、可以利用embedding做特征扩展。 通过embedding做特征“扩展” 9、建立单独的网络,仅对embedding层进行训练(参见狼厂的abacus)


load n.【生】(不利)负荷(指有害基因的存在) 担子, 负载物, 车等所载的重量; [喻]负担; 重任, 工作量 [pl. ]许多, 大量, 一大堆【电】负载(量), 发电量; 电力输出, 电力消耗 充填, 装药, vt. 装填, 使担负 vi. 装货, 装弹药,装料loading 下载中



Subordinated loan 是什么意思?

Subordinated形容词下级的,次级的,副职的;从属的;服从的 (to)。 a subordinate clause 【语法】从句。 subordinate crops 补播作物。 a subordinate officer 部属,部下。 a subordinate volcano 单成火山。名词部属,部下,下级;从句。及物动词使在次级,使被放在…下,使从属,使服从;轻视。 be subordinated to the state plans 被纳入[服从]国家计画。-ly 副词,-ness 名词 loan loan (1)名词1.出借,借出,贷。2.借出物;资金;公债,贷款。3.外来语(= oanword);外来风俗习惯。Will you favour me with [May I have] the loan of this book 我可以把你的这本书借用一下么? domestic [foreign] loan内[外]债。 public [government] loan公债。 loan for consumption 消费贷款。 ask for the loan of 请求借用…。 have the loan of 借。 loan on personal guarantee 保证贷款。 loan on personal security 信用贷款。 loan on security 担保贷款。 on loan 出借;借。及物动词,不及物动词〔美国〕借贷。 借出 (out)。loan (2)名词〔苏格兰语〕1.小路。2.挤牛奶的场地。

we express our regret for being unable to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents

We feel regretful for not being able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.It is regretable that we did not able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.

write a passage about downloding essays写篇英语作文,求英语达人

您好,原题只是说写个passage,帮您写了点,仅供您参考: It is found that during recent days, more and more students like to download essays from Internet. Is that right? As to me, it is not good for downloading essays. To complete an essay, it requires independent thinking, as well as looking for helpful resources and data for the writing. by writing essays, it can help one to learn how to express himself and improve his logical ability. However, downloading essays will do nothing good to a person. Not only he cannot get something useful, he can also be blamed to stealing from other"s intellectual property, which is definitely not right. (楼上两位的,和原题无关吧?)

英语作文my view on downloading essays

it depends on what a purpose one downloads essays for?if for one"s qualification approvals, test, or examination ect. it is not good. this is obviously a behaviour of fabrication. it infringes the author"s IPR.this is not good for equal competition, this is not helpful for study and research, furthermore not good for development of society. one must show his qualification by his own ideas. this need inovation, like chinese proverb says, Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant it comes from. so the advantage is one could learn others" knowledge, it helps to save one"s engergy, and spare more to focus on future work, to make innovation.

Pending Recommendation一般需要多久完成


Bleeding out —— Imagine Dragons 歌词翻译

"Bleeding Out"流血I"m bleeding out我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你When the day has come当那一天来的时候That I"ve lost my way around当我迷失了我的路途And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground当四季都躲藏在大地之下When the sky turns gray当天空化成灰色And everything is screaming当所有东西都在惊叫I will reach inside我会伸手进去Just to find my heart is beating才能得知我的心在跳动Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住But innocence is gone但是无辜的都消失And what was right is wrong对的都变成错‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你When the hour is nigh当时机将近And hopelessness is sinking in当绝望在陷入And the wolves all cry所有的狼会嚎哭To fill the night with hollering将所有的不满充斥了夜晚When your eyes are red当你眼睛变红And emptiness is all you know当你所知道的都是虚无With the darkness fed黑暗充斥着你I will be your scarecrow我会成为你的稻草人Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住But innocence is gone但是无辜的都消失And what was right is wrong对的都变成错‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you我在为你流血‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你End吾辈尽力了。。。在翻译这首歌的时候还在一边听,好像不小心爱上imagine dragons 了希望喜欢!

pending clearance

此个案悬起未给2个孩子安全调查.请於60-90天内复查 Case(个案) pending(未解决 悬起的) Security Clearance(安全调查)

Level 6 - Unit 2 - Part 2 Reading - The Lost City of the Incas(印加迷失之城)

Machu Picchu is one of the world"s most impressive historical sites. It was built around 1450 by the Incas, who ruled most of South America at that time. They called themselves children of the Sun, the powerful god they worshipped as the source of light and life. 马丘比丘是世界上最令人印象深刻的历史遗迹之一,大约1450年由当时统治了大部分南美地区的印加人修建。他们称自己为太阳之子,太阳是他们崇拜的强大的神,是光和生命的源泉。 Located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, at 8,000 feet above sea level, the"City of the Incas" was mysteriously abandoned just 100 years after its construction. This was when the Spanish were beginning their conquest of the Inca Empire, in the 1530"s. There is no evidence that the Spanish invaders ever attacked or even reached the mountaintop city, so many believe that the city"s inhabitants deserted the site because of a small pox epidemic. “印加之城”位于秘鲁安第斯山脉,海拔8000英尺,建成仅100年就被神秘遗弃,当时是15世纪30年代,西班牙人开始征服印加帝国。没有证据表明西班牙侵略者曾经袭击过甚至抵达过这座山顶城市,因此许多人认为该城市的居民是因为天花流行而离开了这里。 The city was almost forgotten until 1911 when it was discovered by an American historian, Hiram Bingham, after he heard rumors of its existence. Bingham was led to the site by local farmers and was amazed by what he saw, which seemed like an unbelievable dream. He wondered if anyone would believe what he had found. Though the surrounding jungle had overgrown the site, what remained was impressive. The city had been built on a remote and nearly inaccessible mountaintop, often shrouded in clouds. Forty rows of farming terraces hugged the steep mountainside, each over 10 feet high and linked together by over 3000 stone steps. Among the city were what appeared to be neighborhoods of homes and exquisite stone buildings that are thought to be temples. Even today, the mystery remains as to the purpose of these temples, how the city was used and what its citizens did. 这座城市几乎被遗忘,直到1911年美国历史学家海勒姆·宾厄姆在听到它存在的传言后发现了它。宾厄姆被当地农民带来这里,他对自己看到的景象感到惊讶,这似乎是一个难以置信的梦。他不知道是否有人会相信他的发现,尽管周围长满了丛林,但印象令人深刻。这座城市建在一座偏远、几乎人迹罕至的山顶上,常年被云层笼罩。40排农耕梯田环绕着陡峭的山腰,每排梯田高达10英尺,由3000多个石阶连接在一起。在这座城市中,似乎有住宅区和被认为是寺庙的精美石头建筑。即使在今天,这些寺庙的用途、城市的用途以及市民的所作所为仍然是个谜。 Despite its remote location, Machu Picchu has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year, thousands of people travel to Peru to admire its magnificent stonework and breathtaking design. What they see is a wonderful harmony between the city and the landscape around it that is captivating. 尽管马丘比丘地理位置偏远,但它已成为世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。每年,成千上万的人前往秘鲁,欣赏其宏伟的石雕和令人惊叹的设计。这座城市和周围景观之间的美妙和谐,令人着迷。


不是的, 它只是一个定语从句。Mang teachers have provided stories about classroom conflicts <which are> based on 、、、、、、、、

dining room 和living room

不一样,dinner指正餐,是晚餐 lunch就是午餐的意思 living room指客厅,起居室,一般是休闲的地方 dining room饭厅,只能在这里吃饭


hall n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍 livingroom n. 客厅,起居室 diningroom n. 餐厅,食堂 要区分这一间房子三个词的话,hall 一般指门厅,livingroom 指卧室,diningroom 指餐厅






Intent 表示一个目的,第一个参数表示所在类,第二个参数表示目标类。 PendingIntent 即是一个Intent的描述。 PendingIntent和Intent的区别: PendingIntent就是一个Intent的描述,可以把这个描述交给别的程序,别的程序根据这个描述在后面的别的时间做安排做的事情 换种说法Intent 字面意思是意图,即我们的目的,我们想要做的事情,在activity中,可以立即执行它 PendingIntent 相当于对intent执行了包装,不一定一定要马上执行它,将其包装后,传递给其他activity或application 这时,获取到PendingIntent 的application 能够根据里面的intent 来得知发出者的意图,选择拦击或者继续传递或者执行。


intent英文意思是意图,pending表示即将发生或来临的事情。  PendingIntent这个类用于处理即将发生的事情。比如在通知Notification中用于跳转页面,但不是马上跳转。  Intent是及时启动,intent随所在的activity消失而消失。  PendingIntent可以看作是对intent的包装,通常通过getActivity,getBroadcast,getService来得到pendingintent的实例,当前activity并不能马上启动它所包含的intent,而是在外部执行pendingintent时,调用intent的。正由于pendingintent中保存有当前App的Context,使它赋予外部App一种能力,使得外部App可以如同当前App一样的执行pendingintent里的Intent,就算在执行时当前App已经不存在了,也能通过存在pendingintent里的Context照样执行Intent。另外还可以处理intent执行后的操作。常和alermanger和notificationmanager一起使用。  Intent一般是用作Activity、Sercvice、BroadcastReceiver之间传递数据,而Pendingintent,一般用在Notification上,可以理解为延迟执行的intent,PendingIntent是对Intent一个包装。  PendingIntent就是一个Intent的描述,我们可以把这个描述交给别的程序,别的程序根据这个描述在后面的别的时间做你安排做的事情(BygivingaPendingIntenttoanotherapplication,youaregrantingittherighttoperformtheoperationyouhavespecifiedasiftheotherapplicationwasyourself,就相当于PendingIntent代表了Intent)。本例中别的程序就是发送短信的程序,短信发送成功后要把intent广播出去。  函数SmsManager.sendTextMessage(StringdestinationAddress,StringscAddress,Stringtext,PendingIntentsentIntent,PendingIntentdeliveryIntent)中参数解释:  1)PendingIntentsentIntent:当短信发出时,成功的话sendIntent会把其内部的描述的intent广播出去,否则产生错误代码并通过android.app.PendingIntent.OnFinished进行回调,这个参数最好不为空,否则会存在资源浪费的潜在问题;  2)PendingIntentdeliveryIntent:是当消息已经传递给收信人后所进行的PendingIntent广播。  查看PendingIntent类可以看到许多的Send函数,就是PendingIntent在进行被赋予的相关的操作。

spare no effect 和anything but ordinary 翻译

恩 你翻译的是对的 ~~

艾薇儿的有一首歌叫做anything but ordinary 这手歌的中文叫非常平凡


艾薇儿anything but ording歌词

anything but ordinary不甘平凡sometimes i get so weird 我有时候变得非常古怪i even freak myself out 甚至连我都会被自己的古怪吓倒i laugh myself to sleep 我傻笑着哄自己入睡it"s my lullaby 那傻笑声就是我的催眠曲sometimes i drive so fast 我有时会飙车just to feel the danger 只为了体验死亡的危险感i wanna scream 我真想大声尖叫it makes me feel alive 这让我觉得我还活着is it enough to love? 爱情真的可以让人得到满足吗?is it enough to breathe? 或者平凡活着能使人一无所求么?somebody rip my heart out 我现在感觉心肝正被别人撕裂and leave me here to bleed 我被抛弃在这里,我的心在淌血is it enough to die? 死了真的可以一了百了吗?somebody save my life 谁能救救我啊!i"d rather be anything but ordinary please 啥我都愿意,就是不甘平凡to walk within the lines 如果我循规蹈矩地活着would make my life so boring 会让我的生活超级无聊i want to know that i have been to the extreme 我想知道我是否已经到达了极限so knock me off my feet 所以你就不要再管我了come on now give it to me anything to make me feel alive 你放手让我做我喜欢的事,这样我才觉得我还活着let down your defences 你要敞开心胸听我说use no common sense 你要抛开成见听我解释if you look you will see 假如你用心看看,你就会明白that this world is a beautiful 原来这世界是如此美好accident,turbulent,succulent 充满惊奇,如此热闹,如此诱人opulent,permanent,no way 多姿多彩,永恒可贵...不行,我等不及了i wanna taste it 我要去体验一下Don"t wanna waste it away 我不想错过它

Anything But Ordinary 歌词

歌曲名:Anything But Ordinary歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Diamond CollectionAvril Lavigne - Anything But OrdinarySometimes I get so weirdI even freak myself outI laugh myself to sleepIt"s my lullabySometimes I drive so fastJust to feel the dangerI wanna screamIt makes me feel aliveIs it enough to love?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseTo walk within the linesWould make my life so boringI want to know that IHave been to the extremeSo knock me off my feetsCome on now give it to meAnything to make me feel aliveIs it enough to love?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseLet down your defencesUse no common senseIf you look you will seethat this world is a beautifulaccident turbulent suculentopulent permanent, no wayI wanna taste itDon"t wanna waste it awaySometimes I get so weirdI even freak myself outI laugh my self to sleepIt"s my lullabyIs it enough?Is it enough?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseIs it enough?Is it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleasehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1481108

Anything But Ordinary 歌词

歌曲名:Anything But Ordinary歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Bonez Tour In Osaka JapanAvril Lavigne - Anything But OrdinarySometimes I get so weirdI even freak myself outI laugh myself to sleepIt"s my lullabySometimes I drive so fastJust to feel the dangerI wanna screamIt makes me feel aliveIs it enough to love?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseTo walk within the linesWould make my life so boringI want to know that IHave been to the extremeSo knock me off my feetsCome on now give it to meAnything to make me feel aliveIs it enough to love?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseLet down your defencesUse no common senseIf you look you will seethat this world is a beautifulaccident turbulent suculentopulent permanent, no wayI wanna taste itDon"t wanna waste it awaySometimes I get so weirdI even freak myself outI laugh my self to sleepIt"s my lullabyIs it enough?Is it enough?Is it enough to breath?Somebody rip my heart outAnd leave me here to bleedIs it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseIs it enough?Is it enough to die?Somebody save my lifeI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleaseI"d rather be anything but ordinary pleasehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1350769


AnythingButOrdinary绝不平凡 SometimesIgetsoweird 有时我很古怪 Ievenfreakmyselfout 我甚至会麻痹自己 Ilaughmyselftosleep 我笑着哄自己入睡 It"smylullaby 这是我的摇篮曲 SometimesIdrivesofast 有时我把车开的超快 Justtofeelthedanger 只是为了体验危险 Iwannascream 我想大声尖叫 Itmakesmefeelalive 这可以让我觉得自己还活着 Isitenoughtolove? 这样去爱就足够了吗? Isitenoughtobreathe? 这样呼吸就足够了吗? Somebodyripmyheartout 有人撕碎了我的心 Andleavemeheretobleed 留我在这里独自溜血 Isitenoughtodie? 就这样死掉? Somebodysavemylife 有人救了我 I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡 Towalkwithinthelines 画线自限 Wouldmakemylifesoboring 会让我的生活很无聊 IwanttoknowthatIhavebeentotheextreme 我想知道我曾经达到的极限 Soknockmeoffmyfeet 所以放开我的双脚吧 Comeonnowgiveittomeanythingtomakemefeelalive 给我任何可以让我感觉还活着的东西 Isitenoughtolove? Isitenoughtobreathe? Somebodyripmyheartout Andleavemeheretobleed Isitenoughtodie? Somebodysavemylife I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease. Letdownyourdefences 解除你的防御 Usenocommonsense 抛开你的成见 Ifyoulookyouwillsee 如果看见你就会了解 thatthisworldisabeautiful 这个世界是如此美好 accidentturbulentsuculent 有意外、有骚动、又有趣 opulentpermanent,noway 永远丰富多彩 Iwannatasteit 我想去享受一下 Don"twannawasteitaway 不想浪费时间 SometimesIgetsoweird Ievenfreakmyselfout Ilaughmyselftosleep It"smylullaby Isitenough? Isitenough? Isitenoughtobreathe? Somebodyripmyheartout Andleavemeheretobleed Isitenoughtodie? Somebodysavemylife I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease Isitenough? Isitenoughtodie? Somebodysavemylife I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease I"dratherbeanythingbutordinaryplease.

求艾薇儿的Anything But Ordinary完整歌词

Anything But Ordinary 绝不平凡 Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪 I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己 I laugh myself to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡 It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲 Sometimes I drive so fast 有时我把车开的超快 Just to feel the danger 只是为了体验危险 I wanna scream 我想大声尖叫 It makes me feel alive 这可以让我觉得自己还活着 Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗? Is it enough to breathe? 这样呼吸就足够了吗? Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心 And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血 Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉? Somebody save my life 有人救了我 I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡 To walk within the lines 画线自限 Would make my life so boring 会让我的生活很无聊 I want to know that I have been to the extreme 我想知道我曾经达到的极限 So knock me off my feet 所以放开我的双脚吧 Come on now give it to me anything to make me feel alive 给我任何可以让我感觉还活着的东西 Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe? Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life I"d rather be anything but ordinary please I"d rather be anything but ordinary please. Let down your defences 解除你的防御 Use no common sense 抛开你的成见 If you look you will see 如果看见你就会了解 that this world is a beautiful 这个世界是如此美好 accident turbulent suculent 有意外、有骚动、又有趣 opulent permanent, no way 永远丰富多彩 I wanna taste it 我想去享受一下 Don"t wanna waste it away 不想浪费时间 Sometimes I get so weird I even freak myself out I laugh my self to sleep It"s my lullaby Is it enough? Is it enough? Is it enough to breathe? Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life I"d rather be anything but ordinary please Is it enough? Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life I"d rather be anything but ordinary please I"d rather be anything but ordinary please.
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