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Dark and Darker中各职业有什么特点?强度如何?部分玩家可能还不清楚,下面一起来看看Dark and Darker全职业特点及强度分析吧。Dark and Darker全职业特点及强度分析盗贼:发家致富,老银币们的最爱,入门较难,60%是队伍里的酱油(除了高手哥),笨比就是用眼神帮你助攻,厉害一些的会用荼毒流血什么的走位偷伤害,优势:交互速度最快,全裸只穿跑鞋+敏捷手套能堆到320(106%)的移速,荼毒,放屁土遁,隐身显性偷人。劣势:很薄的血,最少的可穿戴装备,飞刀刮痧远程基本上等于0,伤害太低没装备只能靠毒。可以选择伤害流血荼毒suprise流杀人,也可以靠走位毒人,不点荼毒基本上没法pve和pvp单挑硬钢可以克的职业:自己、法师、牧师被克的职业:战士、狂战士战士:万金油,上手体验好,入门快,游戏里百分之70的装备都能用,用了武器大师perk后所有武器装备都能用。缺点,初始裸_不带头盔,因为战士很吃很吃装备,全蓝全紫以下基本上没啥用, 又因为必须穿板甲,基本上不用技能谁也追不上。 优势:遍地能用的装备,盾牌,叠攻速perk和技能,战斗回血续航。缺点,慢,初始没远程,主动技能没有强力杀人的。以下为同水平单挑硬钢可以克的职业:小偷,牧师,弓箭手被克的职业:法师被血虐的职业:狂战士狂战士:目前版本无解的职业,配合双吼+法师移速或者牧师奶可以看到右上角刷屏无双。狂暴rage+Savage Roar,适合穿甲堆血(150左右,战士只有可怜的100出头)砸门,基本上无伤杀白装绿装战士。狂暴rage+Reckless Attack,适合不穿衣服堆伤害,大斧头可以爆头秒人。优势:移速较快,血高,攻最高,防也可以高(自选),还有远程高伤飞斧,技能imba。基本上同等水平下单挑无敌,不吃装备,几个金币买个单手horseman axe可以嘎嘎乱杀(pvp唯一指定武器,爆头可以50,而且可以三连砍头迅速)劣势:交互速度最慢,可以克的职业:所有被克的职业:弓箭手?牧师:唯一的用处就是辅助配合,打架真不用上,看到牧师冲上去打的直接可以离队了。奶战士狂战加血,套buff,目前版本里最需要也是最不需要的职业,很尴尬很尴尬。近战里谁也打不过,没远程,拼法术伤害你只能pve优势:可以穿小部分板甲保证死的慢一点,pve,奶妈后排套buff创造牛13时刻给队友劣势:所有可以正面硬克的职业:小偷(233)被克的职业:所有


Dark and Darker中盗贼怎么玩?部分玩家可能还不清楚,下面一起来看看Dark and Darker盗贼跑刀流玩法详解吧。Dark and Darker盗贼跑刀流玩法详解盗贼,拥有六个职业中最快的互动速度,最猥琐的天赋和技能。这个方法需要熟悉地图,看到一个房间你要知道哪里会有怪,这样你才能把怪全拉起来。盗贼的初始装备非常垃圾,初始武器只有14的伤害,防御端也很弱,所以盗贼打怪赚钱就很难,正确的做法是把怪引走,然后折返关门。或者把怪引到陷阱上。在这里介绍几个好赚钱的地点及拉怪方法:中央一个狮子宝箱,宝箱旁边的地上有很多物品,外一圈有4个小箱子靠近狮子宝箱后回从地下爬出4个木乃伊。我们要做的就是把木乃伊全拉起来,随便找一条路,开门,折返,卡住门别让跟过门,关门,回头搜箱子。我个人反应比较慢,撬锁的QTE我要尝试很几遍才能成功,所以要把木乃伊关起来,如果房间内部空间大,而且不需要撬锁的话,把拉走折返就可以舔了,等怪走过来你已经把这个角落搜完了。有两个法师怪的图书馆也是发财的好地点,先清掉一边的蜘蛛罐确保打法师时,没有蜘蛛干扰,走位好的可以直接上,比较安全的打法是把法师拉到障碍物旁边,勾引法师火球砸墙溅射伤害打死自己。有一个法师怪的教堂,出生地在教堂最好拉怪,进入教堂之后,快速走一圈,把教堂里的骷髅全拉起来,然后开教堂大门,大门处还有两个骷髅,不用管,直接上二楼,注意二楼有个弓箭骷髅,最好不要拉到弓箭骷髅的仇恨,从二楼看一楼,等不带盾的骷髅全出大门就可以从二楼跳下去,关大门,这时教堂一楼应该只剩下带盾骷髅和法师怪,逐个击破就可以了。断桥,这个地点下面有很多毒气怪和地刺陷阱。这个地方的毒气怪回规避陷阱,我们就只能拉怪进铁笼里面。看了这么多你应该知道怎么拉怪了,但这个地点要特别注意,不要一次拉太多毒气怪,不然可能把自己堵死在铁笼里(我有一次拉太多就被卡在铁笼出不去),这个地点铁笼很多,不担心关不完,一个铁笼拉2个或者3个毒气怪关住就行了。这个地点还有毒蜻蜓,当心,别被毒死。距离楼梯最远的铁笼里有狮子宝箱(最值钱的东西里面)。天赋和技能选择:先说主动技能吧,隐身必带,另一个根据个人喜好,我个人带的是烟雾弹。天赋(被动技能)方面必带撬锁,隐步(使用技能隐身的情况下可以轻走10步),剩下两个可自由选择,我个人带毒击(攻击附带流血)补充一点伤害,以及更轻的脚步声(蹲走声音更小)我是单人跑刀拉怪流就不打算杀人越货,除非捡到不错的武器,而且碰上独狼。尽量避战,一般队伍看到你只有一个人都会直接上来干的,这时烟雾弹就派上用场了,你直接扔烟雾弹跑路(烟雾弹对敌人还有20%的减速),很多人这时摸不清人数不敢轻易上前,而且烟雾弹持续30s,冷却时间只有20多秒,你如果不跑也可以躲在一个角落永续烟雾弹。还有就是红蓝白药放背包里,需要才喝,不然太明显,一眼就能看到,不利于躲藏在黑暗中。


Dark and Darker怎么复活队友?部分玩家可能还不清楚,下面一起来看看Dark and Darker复活队友方式详解吧。Dark and Darker复活队友方式详解一般来说,一个角色的掉落并不意味着立刻失去游戏资格。你可以通过各种方式复活这个角色。1、灵魂的心脏会出现在死去角色的身体里。直到你脱下角色的胸甲,你才能看到它。可以用灵魂之心在地图中寻找灵魂祭坛,即可以牺牲生命为代价复活友军。2、牧师可以通过法术直接复活友军。牧师的复活需要法术槽才可以使用,每个魔法职业在技能都多一个魔法技能栏,最底下会有一个12的技能点数。每个技能都会占用一定的技能点数,复活术需要9点所以你装了复活基本用不了其他魔法。你需要用装备的词条加成提升上限才能容得下复活技能。

give to .give for and take to 的区别

一.give to 赋予例句right to give away 放弃权 To give flavor to. 给…加调料 To give publicity to. 使…为公众所注意 Give heart to sb. 鼓励某人 Give horns to sb. 叫某人戴绿帽子 二.give for 牺牲;交换例句Give a back for sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登] Give sb. credit for sth. 为。。。赞扬[肯定]某人 give someone credit for something. 因为某事而信任某人。 As for me, give me liberty, or give me death. 至于我,不自由,毋宁死。 give dinner to; host for dinner. 提供晚饭;请吃晚饭。三.take to 1. 喜欢, 习惯于…2. 开始从事3. 觉得(某事)容易学例句To take into account 考虑到,把......考虑进去 To take revenge on. 进行报复… To take a measurement. (测)量 To take a potshot. 乱击,乱射进行近距离狙击 To take an overdose. 用药过量


dark and darker新手怎么玩呢?很多新玩家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是dark and darker新手教程及游戏机制攻略,一起来看吧。dark and darker攻略大全● 游戏机制● 本游戏最多三人在线合作游玩● 每个账号可以储存多个角色● 游戏内分为两个地图,一个免费的普通地牢,一个高等难度地牢● 地牢内同时有其他玩家(也是3人一队)共计16人和电脑控制的怪物,击杀他们以搜刮战利品带回自己的仓库● 游戏核心机制在于角色培养、装备收集、战利品交易● 地牢探索过程中的战利品可以放入自己的物品栏中,只有成功从传送门逃生才能把这些战利品带回自己的仓库永久保存,一旦死亡,你身上的装备和战利品将留在你的尸体上,很难回收● 游戏内货币需要将从地牢内带出的战利品向不同商人售卖以换取货币,货币用来购买物品装备或进入高阶地牢等● 传送门● 地图内会随时间推移生成传送门,生成时会有明显的石板移动声音● 传送门刷出后是蓝色或红色的石堆,需要玩家交互来开启传送门● 传送门分为蓝色或红色以及准许1人或3人通过的不同类型● 蓝色传送门可以使进入传送门的玩家成功携带战利品逃离地牢并离开本局游戏● 红色传送门将会使进入玩家进入到更深一层的地牢●死亡虫群● 没错,这游戏里也有毒圈,会随着时间推移逐渐缩小,处于毒圈里则会持续扣血。考虑到地图范围不大以及为数不多的治疗手段,还是建议提前能跑就跑● Strength:力量,影响血量及物理伤害● Agility:敏捷,决定攻速移速● Will:意志,提升法术伤害,提高buff持续时间或治疗法术治疗量,提高法术抗性● Konwledge:提高法术记忆能力,提高施法速度,提高鉴定物品品质的速度● Resourcefuless:决定了你与物品交互如设置营火和陷阱的速度● Health:血量● Spell Memory:法术记忆能力● 以及各类伤害加成和伤害抗性● 武器、装备及物品栏● 武器分为多种类型,我把其大致分为三类● 近战武器:各种剑、各种斧、各种权杖钝器、各种匕首、各种矛等等● 远程武器:各种弓、箭、投掷武器等等● 魔法武器:法术书、法杖、魔法武器等● 装备较为多种多样● 护甲即有N多种类型,每个职业实际可穿戴种类不尽相同●陷阱、药物、食物等等● 装备栏、背包、仓库● 仓库顾名思义用来存放你的战利品● 装备栏分为武器栏护甲栏和快捷栏● 武器栏有两个,通过数字快捷键1和2切换● 快捷栏有两个,每个快捷栏可放进三样物品,你可以将一些常用道具放入这里,这样你就不用打开物品栏再使用而是通过数字快捷键3或4使用物品,同一快捷栏内的物品切换只需重复摁其对应的快捷键,但放入快捷物品栏的物品会显示在人物的腰部● 背包初始容量为5×10格子,你在游戏里搜刮的战利品就要放在这里,不同物品占据的格子数量也不同左上装备栏 左下背包 右侧仓库● 攻击● 一般有多种攻击方向● 合理运用攻击方向来绕开敌人的防御或者预测敌人的攻击● 交易● 把自己的战利品卖给想购买的商人以获取金币,但针对相同商品不同的买家给出的购买价格可能不同● 天赋加成(perk)与技能(skill)● 在角色界面可以编辑角色携带的天赋加成及技能,每个职业的perk和技能数量都不同● perk初始只能携带一个,但可以通过人物每升5级获得+1perk,最多能够携带4个perk● 技能只能携带两个且初始就能携带两个● 法术● 释放法术需要法术武器作为媒介,在装备Spell memory技能以及在选好所使用法术后经过一段时间的吟唱释放● 法术每局有着固定的使用次数,但每个法术的最大可使用次数不同● Wizzard、Cleric这种法术职业有着2个法术记忆的技能,每个法术记忆技能能放入5个备选法术以供战斗时提前选择将使用的法术● 装备法术需要占据角色的Spell Memory:法术记忆能力,Wizzard和Cleric初始记忆力都是12,法术后标的Cost即是装备该法术需要占据的记忆力数值● 复活● 一般角色倒下不意味着立刻失去游戏资格,可以通过各类手段将角色复活● 死去的角色尸体里会出现灵魂之心,脱掉角色胸甲后才能看到,拿着灵魂之心在地图里寻找灵魂祭坛,即可以消耗献祭者生命的代价复活友军● 牧师可以通过法术直接复活友军

dark and darker正式上线时间

Dark and Darker的正式上线时间为2023年4月。Dark and Darker是由韩国开发商IRONMACE打造的一款中世纪幻想大逃杀游戏,融合PVP与PVE玩法,在2022年上架Steam开启测试。官方计划在2023年Q4正式上线。Dark and Darker先后进行过4次测试。之前的一次测试是在2023年2月6日,原定截止至2月13日,由于服务器、误封禁等问题将测试时间延长三天至2月16日截止。而最新的第5次测试将于2023年4月15日开始,持续到4月20日。需要注意的是,游戏目前因为一些方面的原因,暂时从Steam商店下架,想要参与最新测试,只能通过磁链形式下载游戏客户端。Dark and Darker的受欢迎程度:Dark and Darker是一款由韩国团队制作的黑暗风格的动作角色扮演游戏。这款游戏以其真实的打击感和独特的画面风格受到了许多游戏玩家的关注。该游戏曾在2022年的ChinaJoy(中国国际数码互动娱乐展)上展示,并受到了不少玩家的好评。此外,在Playtest(玩家测试)计划中,也有很多玩家报名加入,体验游戏并提供反馈。这也表明了该游戏在玩家心目中的重要性和期待程度。综上所述,尽管Dark and Darker正式上线的时间较晚,但从游戏玩家的反应来看,该游戏已经获得了相当多的关注和期待。

英语There be句型中总是带有out here或out there的,究竟是什么意思啊?比如there are so many people out


《Giveand Take》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Give and Take》(Adam M. Grant Ph.D.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: sgcv书名:Give and Take作者:Adam M. Grant Ph.D.豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Viking Adult出版年份:2013-4-9页数:320内容简介:An innovative, groundbreaking book that will captivate readers of Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Pink, The Power of Habit, and QuietFor generations, we have focused on the individual drivers of success: passion, hard work, talent, and luck. But today, success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others. It turns out that at work, most people operate as either takers, matchers, or givers. Whereas takers strive to get as much as possible from others and matchers aim to trade evenly, givers are the rare breed of people who contribute to others without expecting anything in return.Using his own pioneering research as Wharton"s youngest tenured professor, Grant (author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World) shows that these styles have a surprising impact on success. Although some givers get exploited and burn out, the rest achieve extraordinary results across a wide range of industries. Combining cutting-edge evidence with captivating stories, this landmark book shows how one of America"s best networkers developed his connections, why the creative genius behind one of the most popular shows in television history toiled for years in anonymity, how a basketball executive responsible for multiple draft busts transformed his franchise into a winner, and how we could have anticipated Enron"s demise four years before the company collapsed-without ever looking at a single number.Praised by bestselling authors such as Dan Pink, Tony Hsieh, Dan Ariely, Susan Cain, Dan Gilbert, Gretchen Rubin, Bob Sutton, David Allen, Robert Cialdini, and Seth Godin-as well as senior leaders from Google, McKinsey, Merck, Estee Lauder, Nike, and NASA-Give and Take highlights what effective networking, collaboration, influence, negotiation, and leadership skills have in common. This landmark book opens up an approach to success that has the power to transform not just individuals and groups, but entire organizations and communities.作者简介:Born in 1981,Adam M. Grant is an author and a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Grant has been recognized as both the youngest tenured and most highly rated professor at the Wharton School.

Give what you can and take what you need

记得几年前一个夏日午后,下楼去自提柜取快递。我快速输入提货码,咔哒声瞬间传出。我抬头寻着声音的方向望去—刚巧在最顶上一层。“糟了!”我心里暗自叫苦:自己这个子也够不着啊。 就在这一刻,一个正在旁边玩的小男孩飞快跑过来往高里跳。我有点儿婆烦小区里这些到处乱窜乱蹦的孩子,不耐烦地说:你要做撒子? 这孩子离开转身过来说:我帮你拿呀!那一刻我才发现这孩子说话的语气很平静,一本正经,眼里没有丝毫隐藏和躲闪,全是理直气壮全是正经八百。我心里忽然很惭愧:为什么我这么世俗地以为孩子就是去捣乱的? 时间匆匆,孩子单纯却乐于助人的眼神一直在我心里。他教会我用正念去无分别地对待一切,也让我明白不是一定要等你有力量才能去帮助别人,只要你想,就可以尽己所能。

this missile is designed so that once fired nothing can be done to retrieve it.


我想找一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词我只记得only you,me and you,maybe.....

楼主我知道!!我也在找!!是kate havnevik的think again!

求Brian的it‘s over now 的英文版的歌词的中文翻译,我有英文歌词

Feeling so empty without you beside 没有你我感到如此空虚What could have happened, for you to just leave me发生了什么,你离开了我。I don"t know if I can make it, I"m sorry对不起,我不知道该做些什么I"m trying hard to move on, on my own我正试着继续 但是如此艰难Since you"ve been gone, I just can"t go on自从你离开,我不知道该如何继续There"s gotta be someway we can work this out我们一定有一种解决方法的I"m barely holding on, wond"ring what went wrong我快要坚持不住了 到底是哪里错了Was it me or was this just a game 是我错了么,还是这仅仅是个游戏Everything is over now一切都结束了Can"t we try and make it work some how 无论如何都不能挽回了I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么I can"t get over you 我忘不了你This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了Just tell me why, why you said goodbye能不能告诉我,你为什么要离开I"m so confused, don"t know what else I might try 我现在感到很困惑 不知道我还能再做些什么I"m barely holding on, wond"ring what went wrong我快要坚持不住了 到底是哪里错了Was it me or was this just a game 是我错了么,还是这仅仅是个游戏  Everything is over now一切都结束了  Can"t we try and make it work some how 无论如何都不能挽回了  I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走  Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩  We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边  Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我  I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了  What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么  I can"t get over you 我忘不了你  This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了Just can"t believe that this is true我真不能相信这是真的Still hoping you"ll comeback again 仍然希望你会回来All I want, all I need is you here 我只想要你回来 我需要你回来But I let you go away~ 但是我却放手让你走了Everything is over now现在一切都结束了Can"t we try and make it work some how我们无论如何都挽回不了了  I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走  Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩  We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边  Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我  I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了  What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么  I can"t get over you 我忘不了你  This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了

一首英文电音歌曲开头是i want you get love

你指的是《Think Again》吗?歌词:Only you,I wanna be alone with you.I don"t wanna get over you.I want you here.Me and you,Maybe I"m no good for you.I"ll just drain the life from you.Can"t you see?Summer is coming to a close.Dreaming"s over once again.It"s still quiet in this town.I know everything has to end.And II"m not the same.Woo……Woo……Woo……Only you,I want to make a clone of you.Is that how I get over youSet you free.Broke in twomoving onto pastures new.I know that love will smile on you.Clear of meSummer is coming to a close.Dreaming"s over once again.It"s still quiet in this town.I know everything has to end.And II"m not the sameWoo……Woo……Woo……Think again.I know that I"m losing youI know that I"m losing you.Think again.But I don"t want to get over you.HaHaHa……HaHaHa……HaHaHa……翻译过来的歌词:只有你,只想和你单独在一起。我不想忘记你。只想你在我身边。你和我,可能我配不上你。我会将我的生命倾注于你。你感觉不到吗?夏季即将结束。梦境再次醒来。小城依旧宁静。我知道一切就要走向终结。而我 也不再是我。呜......呜......呜......只有你,真想要复制一个你。我该怎样忘了你?就此放手 让你自由。心已破碎。回到过去重新开始我明白爱会再次眷顾你。我清楚梦境再次醒来。小城依旧宁静。我知道一切就要走向终结。而我 再也不是从前的我。呜......呜......呜......左思右想。我明白,我失去了你我明白,我失去了你。细细思量。真的不想忘记你。哈哈哈......哈哈哈......哈哈哈......求采纳

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take这句英语里面有哪些语法?

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take这不是句子这是现在分词或动名词 短语其中hoping 是现在分词或动名词 后面是省略that的宾语从句 作其宾语其中I是从句中的主语 could learn 是从句中的谓语a bit是从句中的宾语 about how to give and take是介词短语作定语修饰a bit其中about 是介词how to give and take是带疑问词的动词不定式作介词宾语

翻译in every friendship there has to be some give-and-take

In every friendship there has to be some give-and-take.翻译为汉语:在每一段友谊中都会有一些互相让步。注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

翻译一句话mutual liking and “give and take”.


Give And Take Tyler CollinsTyler Collins!这首歌英文歌词

This is a righttotal oppositionI believe in youcan"t you hear meit doesn"t changehow we hurt each otherwhen the road gets roughcan"t you hear meToo much riding on the rhythmtoo much gliding by the rangeyou know all the indicationsdon"t be afraid, afraid of letting goJust give & takegive what you haveI"ll give it all to youGive & takeI"ve made up my mindwe"ve just got to see it throughmake me the reasonyour answer to loveas another day goes bythink about, think about itsome things just happen for love (x2)some things just happenMake the rhythmdon"t break the energyit"s never too lateto make a turnaroundyou"ve got to movein all directionsI believe in youwhat we"re going thoughI know you"re so complicatedI know always making timeI see it takes you to the very edgedon"t be afraid, afraid of letting go(chorus)Too much riding on the rhythmtoo much gliding by the rangetoo much takes you to the very edgedon"t be afraid, afraid of letting goJust give & takegive what you haveI"ll give it all to yougive & takedon"t be afraid to let goof the silence that hits youjust give & takeget what you canit"s all that you can doJust give & takedon"t take too muchgive & takeyou gotta talk, talk, talkreason to talk, talk, talkget up, talk, talk, talkout your systemtalk, talk, talkget out your systemtalk, talk, talkGive and take...

药师说书|给与取 GIVE AND TAKE

首次写说英文书,挑战那是非常之大。最大的挑战在于要为作者的关键词和观点找到合适的中文译名,那绝对不是就简单靠脑袋想想想就能想出来的。很多单词的意思用英文表达效果极好,换成了中文就被仅有的译名字意限定住了,真正是“有言便浅”。这个和老外想要翻译中文尤其古文的难度是一致的。管不了那么多了,药师只能竭尽全力,选择自认为合适的文字,必要时中英夹杂,还请同学们多担待。 这是少年得志的亚当格兰特非常著名的作品,本书名字取得特别好,我翻译成“给与取”,恰好和药师一直提倡的观点异常合拍。听过我入职培训的新苗们一定都记得这张有名的图画。你和组织的关系一定是给与取的关系。给多取少或给少取多都不平衡,两者一定是在动态变化中寻找彼此平衡。这也是为什么我特别好奇作者如何阐释这两个概念的原因。 全书正文共九章加特别章行动建议,268页。稍微说说阅读经历: 顺序:首先是目录,其次是特别章行动建议,然后是正文; 速度:第一到第七章,每天花一个半小时至两小时读完一章;第八和第九章稍有懈怠,各花了约两天完成。所以前后一共十二天读完; 深度:几乎没查字典,不懂的单词就跳过。笔记也不多,大多只划线和马克关键词句。 收获巨大!!!怎样的收获呢?待药师细细道来。 作者利用第一章完成了不少工作。首先是定义了在相互关系中由于主导方式不同,人们分成三种类型:“给者”(Giver),“取者”(Taker)和“配者”(Matcher)。很容易理解,取者就是会从对方获得更多,给者就是会给予对方更多,配者就是给与取相对匹配。当然你可能会在不同情境下采取不同的类型,或者由于角色转换而采取不同的交流方式。这里讲的是主导你的标配方式而已。(给者,取者,配者都是我尝试的译名,灵感来自金庸小说的渔者、樵者、耕者、读者)。 接下来作者问了几个重要问题: 第一问:猜一猜哪一类人最有可能成为成功阶梯的最底端,给者,取者还是配者?(每个人都对成功有不同定义,然而问题关键不在于成功定义,大家暂且不必纠结) 答案是:给者! 第二问:猜一猜哪一类人最有可能成为成功阶梯的最顶端,给者,取者还是配者?(每个人都对成功有不同定义,然而问题关键不在于成功定义,大家暂且不必纠结) 答案是:还是给者! 第三问:既然给者主宰着成功阶梯的底端和顶端,那我们怎么才能脱离底端,停留顶端呢? 答案是:《Give and Take》! 还记得凯文凯利在《必然》里说,现在的趋势是名词都用进行时转化为一种行为。在本书第二十五页,作者用四个动名词说明给者是如何成功的:网络ing,协作ing,评估ing和影响ing。接下来的第二章到第五章就分别阐述了这四个关键。 网络ing:The Peacock and the Panda 我比较欣赏的几位老外作者,他们写书基本有一个套路,就是善于用鲜活的案例说明他的观点,亚当格兰特也是其中一位。这一章就用前安然总裁肯尼斯莱(孔雀Peacock)如何建立网络的例子,讲述作为取者是把建立网络的重心放在如何展现自己,而最善交际红人亚当里夫金(熊猫Panda)作为给者,则是把重心放在如何展现对方。书中讲:取者就好像黑洞,给者就好像太阳。长此以往,周边人为了避免被取者操控或被给者真诚所吸引,会更加愿意和给者建立联系。书中也提到配者相对于给者来说,比较倾向于维护小范围的互利互惠的网络。而给者有机会建立庞大的网络。 协作ing:The Ripple Effect 这一章的典型叫乔治梅耶,是很多著名节目如辛普森一家的幕后英雄。其实很多成功的男人或女人背后都有一个或不止一个默默付出的人或团队。这是一个共同协作的结果。这让我想起了如大虫罗德曼一样的注重防守的球员们。作为冠军球队公牛队的成员,他的得分非常少,然而依靠篮板和防守,他们承担的所谓脏活累活同样是整个球队最终胜利的重要原因。然而很多人会掉入职责偏见(The Responsibility Bias)的陷阱,总会夸大自己的付出并且低估他人的付出。好的给者一定会先人后己,肯定他人在前。同时还需要注意立场鸿沟(The Perspective Gap),就是如果我们没有设身处地和亲身经历,我们其实并不能真正理解他人感受。所以善用同理心会帮助我们更好理解对方,与对方协作,这样的传帮带才能起到涟漪效应。 评估ing:Finding the Diamond in the Rough 如何可以发掘他人的潜力,这真是一件神奇的事。本章介绍的两位高人,一位叫CJ斯肯德,培养了众多注册会计师CPA,其中有一位雷吉勒夫,二十六岁时担任过奥巴马总统的个人助理。千里马常有,伯乐不常有。是斯肯德发现了雷吉的才能,并通过不断鼓励让雷吉在短时间就不断成长。另一位伯乐叫司徒英曼,作为NBA球探,在选秀大会上选择过名人堂成员比尔沃顿和克莱德德雷克斯勒,并且帮助开拓者队获得总冠军。当然也有人质疑过司徒英曼的两次不成功的选秀,其中包括1984年放弃迈克尔乔丹选择波维。令人称赞的是,作为一个给者,英曼敢于承认失败和错误,并及时调整。而真正的取者则会沉湎于自我选择,撞到南墙也不回头,因为他们不愿意承认自己是会犯错误的。(书中举的例子就是乔丹选秀选中夸梅布朗的案例,真有趣)。两位传奇伯乐最看重的个人潜力素质是坚毅(Grit),这是一个很值得深挖的话题,就不在本篇内多费笔墨。有机会再聊。 影响ing: The Power of Powerless Communication “天之道,损有余而补不足。是故虚胜实,不足胜有余。”武林秘籍不必认真,但这句话的道理和这个标题有异曲同工之妙。沟通也需要一种若有似无的力量。书中通过一位口吃的辩护律师赢得陪审团的认可,非常棒地表达了“示弱的力量”。(感兴趣同学可移步TED观赏Brown Brene的演讲)。同时亚当格兰特还用自己作为年轻教授给美军将军们上课的示例,表达自嘲和脆弱的力量。印象深刻的是他利用自讽“你们怎么可能向一个十二岁教授学习?”来唤醒房间内的大象(比喻大家都知晓但不说破的阻碍),这个可以在授课时借鉴。当然话术变成套路的后果还是很严重的,呐,做人呐,最重要还是要诚心诚意!还有一个有意思的发现是:真诚地寻求帮助也是一项优势,这会增加他人对你的好感! 在用四章篇幅讲给者的成功(扬长)后,接下来的第六到第八章开始讲如何避短,内容主要涵盖三个方面:如何防止给者的燃尽Burnout、如何避免被取者利用以及组织团体和个人如何保护给者并在组织内部扩散他们的成功。 有一首歌这么唱“我只有不停地要,要到你想逃……”,而给者如果一直不停地给,给到筋疲力尽,给者也会想逃的。书中举了一位支教老师不断给予自己时间直至太阳燃烧殆尽的例子,这个例子其实一点都不新鲜,因为很多人都是这样最终放弃给予的行为。要想避免这种风险,这几点可参考: 最重要的方式就是找到自己行为的意义所在。在电影《死亡诗社》中,基廷老师就是为了给同学们在沉闷的校园环境中创造独立思考的小环境,所以一直兴致勃勃,即便最后被校方赶出校园,但他还是赢得了同学们的尊重和信任。所以寻找工作或给予的意义,才能避免燃尽。 同时给予行为是一次大量还是多次少量也是有讲究的。经过参考很多心理学家的研究成果,作者建议不妨尝试一次大量,而不是每天都蜻蜓点水。 把给予行为更多联系到愉悦和有益,而不是职责和义务。这样就会乐在其中,而不是责无旁贷。 这一章,亚当格兰特提出了一个重要的四象限概念: 所以采取他私(Otherish)的策略,就是不仅仅考虑到他人利益,同时也要考虑自我利益。只有兼顾到两者,给予才能持久,并且能够达成共同成功。这个观点其实并不新鲜,但是这个四象限的理念真是让我大开眼界,这大概就是前面第三问的答案所在。 第七章是如何避免被取者利用。常常不敢说不的给者通常遇到三大陷阱:太信任他人,太有同理心,太羞于启齿。 由于给者与取者的区分并不等于同意他人或不同意他人,所以千万不要被他人的表面所迷惑。给与取最重要还是要基于人的内在动机和价值观。所以下次再有取者想来占便宜时,要对对方动机加以识别,与其先给后问,不如先问清楚再给。 如果太有同理心,不妨稍微用用自己大脑,理智看到对方行为背后的逻辑,这样会避免自己总替对方找借口。同时尝试从给者向配者方向移动,吃一堑没问题,长一智是关键,这样才避免吃千堑。 坚定地要。这个要是接受过果敢力训练的同学们应该都明白果敢的力量。 接下来就是如何在组织层面创造氛围,推动给者更大成功。用最简单的语言,就是要找到价值观的共鸣。虽然有两大阵营关于给予的行为究竟是利己行为(罗伯特西奥蒂尼)还是利他行为(丹尼尔巴特森)有很多争论,但他们都同意最终要达成一Oneness,而亚当格兰特则认为要达成大家共赢的路是一种他私Otherish,实际上利己和利他你中有我我中有你,不能简单分开的。另外这儿我学到的一个词叫不常见的相似性uncommon commonality,也是值得花时间去研究研究的。总之给予的行为如果可以在组织内形成涟漪效应,更多的人为了更广泛多数人的利益而付出,最终一定会提升整个组织的。毫无疑问,这本书是我今年到目前为止看到的最震撼的好书,亚当格兰特的写作风格让我想起最欣赏的作者马尔科姆格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell),我有些期待下次和亚当格兰特再聚会。震撼最主要的原因是他用给与取的理念阐释了双赢的真正含义。本来我就一直觉得给与取这一对词和阴阳刚柔一样,都是在表达两者之间的圆融,所以刚柔并济,阴阳和谐,这样才是真正的“二的平衡”。 书中最后八页介绍的十件行动建议,也让我深有共鸣。我很可能会把其中的一部分运用到日常的人才管理和组织发展实践中去,反正做有意义的事,并且做得有意思,一直都是我全心投入,精力充沛的源泉。给是为了更高层级的得,不妨做一个有趣有益的给者吧!

respect the give-and-take involved in many relati

respect the give-and-take involved in many relation 尊重许多关系中的付出和付出

《Give and Take》读书摘记

付出和获取的权衡对于成功有着超乎想象的影响 本书的主角们: 付出者(Giver) 获取者(Taker) 互利者(Matcher):基于公平原则行事,在帮助别人的时候,他们也寻求汇报,以此来保护自己。 成功的付出者在四个关键领域都有着独特的互动方式: 当付出者取得成功是,有一些特殊之处:他们的成功可以扩散到别人身上。一个获取者成功,通常意味着另一个人的失败。付出者的成功会产生一种涟漪效应,让他们身边的人也更容易成功。关键的差异在于付出者可以创造价值,而不仅仅是从别人那里攫取价值。 付出者会经常给身边的人创造心理安全环境,可以提高人们学习和创新的效率。研究表明,当老师相信他们的学生是高潜力者时,他们就对学生的成功设立了较高的期望。结果就是,老师会做出更多的支持行为,这会增强学生的自信心,并强化他们的学习和发展。教师的期望能够改善学生的成绩和智力测试分数。 获取者更容易受到自我威胁的影响,所以比付出更容易犯下承诺升级的错误。 付出者主要关心的是保护其他人和其所在的组织,所以他们更愿意承认当初的错误,不再升级承诺。 在逐步升级的情境中,获取这经常难以面对当初的决定已经变糟的现实,更倾向于“忽略那些与他们的自我印象不一致的社会信息和表现反馈”;付出者更关注他们的决策带来的人际间和组织层面的后果,愿意接受自己的自尊和声望在短期内收到打击,以便做出从长期来看更有益的决策。 做一名付出者,并不会帮你赢得一百码冲刺,但却可以帮助你赢得马拉松。在今天这个充满联系的世界中,关系和名声更容易被别人觉察,因此付出者的成功补发也加快了。 管理学者布莱恩·麦克纳特(Brian McNatt)鼓励管理者认识到下面两种做法的影响力: ①对于员工的潜力怀有发自真心的兴趣和信念 ②在行动上支持他人,并传递出这种信念,增强他人的动机和努力程度,帮助他们实现潜能。 付出者是否能够获得成功的关键不在于付出者的天赋或能力,而是在于他们采取的策略以及做出的选择。 成功的付出者不只是比其他人更加利他,他们同时也更加关注自我,他们其实与获取者、互利者一样雄心勃勃。 无私的付出者具有较高的利他和较低的自私。他们会付出自己的时间和精力,而不顾自己的需求,并会因此付出代价,这是一种病理性的利他。 成功的付出者可以说是“利他且自利”,他们关心他人的利益,但同时也有雄心勃勃的目标,努力推进自己的利益。 研究表明,如果人们在让自己获益和让他人获益之间维持平衡,就可以在6个月的时间中,提升幸福感和生活满意度。 要成为成功的付出者,摆脱无穷无尽的无私奉献而影响自己的成功,则需要一下策略: ①把付出行为集中起来,属于一种利他且自利的策略。 利他且自利的付出者意识到了保护自己福祉的重要性。在濒临精疲力竭时,他们会寻求帮助,这让他们可以获取建议、帮助和资源,这些对于维持动力和能量是非常必要的。 无私的付出者更愿意把自己的付出行为分散到不同的日子里,只要人们需要,就会提供帮助。这很容易让无私的付出者分心和疲惫,消磨掉他们的注意力和能量,而这些东西对于完成他们自己的工作是必需的。 ②成功的付出者还需要识别出伪装付出者的获利者。 一旦成功的付出者看到了真诚性筛选的价值,开始将那些亲和力强的获取者断定为潜在的伪装者,就可以通过调整自己的行为来保护自己。 ③慷慨的针锋相对(generous tit for tat):“从不忘记一个好的回合,但有时要忘记一个不好的回合”,你以合作作为开始,并继续合作,知道对手表现出竞争态势。 当对方竞争时,用2/3的情况下竞争,剩下的1/3的情况里则用合作来回应背叛。这样可以达到一种强大的平衡,奖励付出行为,并阻止获取行为,而且不会惩罚过度。 ④在争取自己利益的谈判中,付出者可以以为别人代言的方式,推进就与保护和促进他人利益的价值观相一致。 这是一种非常有效的方式,维持他们作为付出者的自我形象和社会形象。 (1)开启互惠之环: 尝试建立一个能够让人们在其中互相帮助互惠互利的组织 (2)帮助其他人打造他们的工作——或是打造你自己的工作——纳入更多的付出。 (3)练习无力的沟通(询问+寻求建议),成为一名代言人: 从讲话转向聆听,从自我推销转向建议寻求,从宣传变为询问。 ①寻求建议 含义:这是一种无力沟通的形式,将展示弱点、寻求问题和试探性地讲话结合到一起。 当我们向其他人寻求建议时,我们提出的问题会传达出不确定性,让我们暴露出弱点。研究表明,经常向知识渊博的同事寻求建议和帮助的人,与那些从来不寻求建议和帮助的人相比,实际上更加讨上级的喜欢。寻求建议可以激发更多的合作和信息分享,将潜在的竞争性谈判变成双赢的局面。 寻求建议有四项好处: ①学习:获得不寻求建议绝不会得到的信息 ②换位思考:鼓励其他人从自己的角度看问题 当我们寻求建议时,为了给我们做出推荐,提出建议的人需要从我们的角度出发看待问题,并体会我们面临的抉择。 ③承诺:寻求建议是一种微妙的方式,来邀请别人对我们做出承诺。 只有发自真心的寻求建议,才会有效。如果不是出自真心,提出建议的人看破了这种伪装,就会发现这只是一个奉承的你手段。 ②询问 含义:这是一种无力的沟通,付出者自然而然地掌握了这种技术。 当听众本身已经对于你的影响力心存疑虑,或者你的可信度或地位不够高,抑或是你处在一个高度竞争的谈判情境中时,提问题特别有效。 通过询问人们的计划和一项,我们提高了他们实际依据这些计划和一项行事的概率。但是,这种办法只有在你已经对问题目标感觉良好时才有效。 Attention: 公司领导和管理层在与雇员或下属采取何种讲话方式需要具体情况具体分析 作者发现,如果一个公司大多数雇员都是忠实的追随者,那么领导用强有力的方式讲话效果更有效。反之,如果大多数雇员都是积极主动,那么领导用温和无力的讲话方式更为有效。积极主动的团队在无力的讲话者领导下,产出会提高,试探性的讲话不会简历起支配性,但是可以赢得较高的声望。 强弱关系的区别: 强关系提供了纽带,弱关系则扮演了桥梁的角色:让我们更有效率地获取新信息。我们的强关系通常处于与我们相同的社交圈子,他们知道的机会,我们也知道。 人们更容易从弱关系中获益。 弱关系则更有可能帮助我们通向一个不同的关系网络,发现新的线索。 这里的微妙之处在于,向弱关系寻求帮助,经常会让人感觉很难。把强关系中的信任和弱关系中的新信息组合起来的关键在于重新建立联系,这也是付出者从长远来看能取得成功的主要原因。含义:那些过去经常见面或熟识,但现在不再联系的人。 与当前的关系相比,休眠的关系可以提供更加新异的信息。含义:夸大自己相对于他人的贡献。这是一种获取者特别容易犯下的错误,一定程度上来自于我们希望积极地看待和展示自己的渴望。

give-and-take, genome这两个词分别是什么意思

give-and-take, 互谅互让genome 基因组

give and take 啥意思

有相互理解的意愿,并让对方拥有或做一些他们想做的事情。也就是所谓的“相互妥协”。1、He never negotiates with others because he feels that give and take is a sign of weakness.他从不和别人谈判,因为他觉得让步和接受是软弱的表现。2、A happy marriage depends on not only love but also give and take, so make sure your relationship has room for give and take.幸福的婚姻不仅依赖于爱,也依赖于相互妥协与理解,所以确保你们的关系有give and take的空间。


give-and-takeadj.公平交换的;互让的;交换意见的n.公平交换;互让;交换意见妥协;互相迁就;互相让步例句筛选1.There was a custom that young people used to give and take their poems with the first Anemone of the year.有一个年轻人用来给,并与今年第一银莲花的诗习俗。2.If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, buta transaction.如果爱不是自然而然地付出与获得,那它就不是爱,而只是一种交易。

give and take是什么意思




can not love without you的中文歌词

can"t live without you 歌手:pretty ricky 专辑:bluestars [Verse 1 Pleasure]It"s 4 O"clock in the morning. And she ain"t feeling right. I"m on a first class trip. Through this place called life. I don"t know what to do. Cuz my body"s still shaking. I know it"s time to man up. And start my education. I need someone to call on. So I called on my bestfriend. I said "Bro, I can"t take it". He said "Boy, stop tripping". So I hung up the phone. Packed my shit and got right. I know what I gotta do now. Be a man and face life. [Chorus Pleasure]Maybe we could work it out. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can"t live without you. Ain"t no need to cry about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. [Verse 2 Spectacular]At the beginning you was gone. I was staying wit my momma. I stayed getting in trouble, man. Straight damn drama. I started dancing so I stayed out of trouble. Cuz I stayed in school, selling candy so my money doubled. But then you told me man, dancing was for punks. Then you told me come and stay. And you ain"t care what I want. You told me come and dance and rap wit my brothers. You taught me how to love and how to care for my brothers. And then you taught me all yo hustlin" skills. Just in case I get alone I know how to pay bills. You told me I was straight regardless of a deal. And I love you man for that cuz you always kept it real. [Chorus Pleasure]Maybe we could work it out. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can"t live without you. Ain"t no need to cry about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. [Verse 3 Slick"Em]Now that I made it, it feel real good. Take you out the hood. Put you on B and the block in the middle of the woods. And as hard as it seems, you was there for me. One bedroom apartment. On 1604 number efficiency down in Coverly. And even though I like to cheat. I"m going along my Geogria peach and that"s a promise I"m gone keep. To the end, never gone blend. And I can hear you tell yo friends. And I can see you wanna buss and fuss with yo brand new Benz. To the world, baby it"s yours. I"d give you the world cuz you not no ordinary girl. I"m yo son, you my ol" girl. My momma, we shared for 19 years. And from the bottom of my foundation I"m telling you how I feel, and I love ya. [Chorus Pleasure]Maybe we could work it out. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can"t live without you. Ain"t no need to cry about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. [Verse 4 Baby Blue]See, I fell in love wit ya. Wanna raise my kids wit ya. But you left me all along wit tears dripping down the picture. I remember the day like yesterday. May 9th, to be exact. I"d do anything to get you back. Even though I know you ain"t coming back. I"m serious as a heart attack. Could we get it back the way it was? Cuz I know you had some outside influences that pulled a plug. The reality, Junebug, girl I know we"ll always be together. I got you locked away deep in my heart, always here forever. [Chorus Pleasure]Maybe we could work it out. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can"t live without you. Ain"t no need to cry about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cuz you know I can"t live without you.

求一首英文歌,在酒吧里听到的,女声,歌词里大概有:I Can see in your eye

1.阿肯的Akon - In Your Eyes (Once In A While I Do Look At You) I Can See It...Cuz Everyday I Can"t Help But See It, People Aint Satisfied...And Your Hatin" Your 9 to 5, & Everybody Wanna Live AnotherLife...Even If You Go Out To Mountain Climb, To Better Your Day...All That Will Do Is Leave Room For People To Say...Wish You Livin" Better Now, Share A Little O" That CheddarNow...Cuz I Remember Days Back When A Brother Was Hustlin" N Robbin"Too...I Dun Tossed The Beretta Now, On A Whole Nother Level Now...Still I Can"t Enjoy My Fame, "Less My People Doin The Same &Gettin" Money Too...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**Ooh Once In A While...I Can See That You Don"t Want To EverStruggle No More...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**I Can See That You Don"t Ever Wanna Cry No More...Cuz Every Time You Ask Me In Grinding, It Shouldn"t Have To BeThat Way...Shouldn"t Have To Be My Way, I Shouldn"t Have To Want For ABrighter Day...Gotta Little Little Problem On My Way, Bounty Hunter CheckinState To State...Child Support Lady On Your Case, Not To Mention Tickets You AintNever Paid...Ooh It Will Stop Though, This What You Be Askin...God Please Hold It Down For Me, Don"t Let Satan Get A Hold OfMe...I"m Tryna Tell You, It Can Happen To Me Too...But It Happend Lot Worse To My Brother, Muhamad, I Thank God HeRecovered

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.是什么意思


Miranda Lambert的Over You 歌词大意

Over You消逝的你Weather man said it"s gonna snow天气预报员说要下雪了By now I should be used to the cold一般现在我经常会感冒的Mid-February shouldn"t be so scary2月中旬的天气不应该这么可怕It was only December I still remember我还记得那一年的十二月 the presents, the tree, you and me那些圣诞礼物,圣诞树, 还有你和我But you went away但你现在已经离我远去了How dare you, I miss you你怎么敢这样对我,我是这么的想你They say I"ll be OK他们都安慰我说我会好起来的But I"m not going to ever get over you但是已经没有你的我怎么可能再好起来Living alone here in this place单独生活在这个地方I think of you, and I"m not afraid不过一想到你,我就不会感到害怕Your favorite records make me feel better你最喜欢的唱片总是会让我感觉好起来Cause you sing along with every song你以前唱什么歌都有一种孤单的感觉I know you didn"t mean to give them to me我知道你不是成心让我感受到这份孤独But you went away可你还是离我远去了How dare you, I miss you你怎么敢这样对我,我是这么的想你They say I"ll be OK他们都安慰我说我会好起来的But I"m not going to ever get over you但是已经没有你的我怎么可能再好起来It really sinks in, you know你不知道你是真的不可能再回来了吗When I see it in stone,Cause you went away你已经离我远去这是铁一般的事实How dare you, I miss you你怎么敢这样对我,我是这么的想你They say I"ll be OK他们都安慰我说我会好起来的But I"m not going to ever get over you但是已经没有你的我怎么可能再好起来我改遍了推荐答案并且重翻了一下~~~这个应该是目前最好的翻译了~~~

神枪狙击第十集徐子珊回忆时的 插曲 部分歌词 I can feel your hunger and your thirst ...

word up son wordyeah to all the killasand a hundred dolla billasfor real niggaswho ain"t got no feelings说唱专家o(∩_∩)o~给你最准确的歌词!check it out nowi got you stuck off the realnesswe be the infamous you heard of usofficial queensbridge murderersthe mobb comes equipped with warfarebeware of my crime familywho got nuff shots to sharefor all of thosewho wanna profile and poserock you in your facestab your brain wit" your noseboneyou all alone in these streets cousinevery man for theirself in this landwe be gunnin"and keep them shook crews runnin"like they supposed tothey come aroundbut they never come close toi can see it inside your faceyou"re in the wrong placecowards like youjust get they"re whole body laced upwith bullet holes and suchspeak the wrong words manand you will get touchedyou can put your whole armyagainst my team andi guarantee youit"ll be your very last time breathin"your simple words just don"t move meyou"re minor we"re majoryou all up in the gameand don"t deserve to be a playerdon"t make me have tocall your name outyour crew is featherweightmy gunshots"ll make you levitatei"m only nineteenbut my mind is oldand when the things get for realmy warm heart turns coldanother nigga deceasesanother story gets toldit ain"t nothin" reallyhey yo dun spark the phillieso i can get my mindoff these yellowbacked niggaswhy they still alivei don"t know go figuremeanwhile back in queensthe realness is foundationif i diei couldn"t choose a better locationwhen the slugs penetrateyou feel a burning sensationgetting closer to godin a tight situation nowtake these words homeand think it throughor the next rhymei write might be about youson they shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crooksscared to death scared to lookthey shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crooksscared to death scared to looklivin" the live that ofdiamonds and gunsthere"s numerous waysyou can choose to earn fundssome of "em get shotlocked down and turn nunscowardly hearts end straight upshook ones shook oneshe ain"t a crook sonhe"s just a shook onefor every rhyme i writeits 25 to lifeyo it"s a must the gatswe trust safeguardin" my lifeain"t no time for hesitationthat only leads to incarcerationyou don"t know methere"s no relationqueensbridge niggas don"t playi don"t got timefor your petty thinking mindson i"m bigga than those claimin"that you pack heatbut you"re scared to holdand when the smoke clearsyou"ll be left with one in your dome13 years in the projectsmy mentality is what kidyou talk a good onebut you don"t want itsometimes i wonderdo i deserve to liveor am i going to burn in hellfor all the things i didno time to dwell onthat "cause my brain reactsfront if you want kidlay on your backi don"t fake that kidu know i bring it to your lifestay in a child"s placekid you out o" linecriminal minds thirstyfor recognitioni"m sippin" e&jgot my mind flippin"i"m buggin" think i"mhow bizar to hold my hustlin"get that loot kidyou know my functioncause long as i"m alivei"ma live illegaland once i get oni"ma put on on my peoplereact mix to lyricslike macs i hit your dome upwhen i roll updon"t be caught sleepin"cause i"m creepin"son they shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crooksscared to death and scared to lookthey shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crooksscared to death and scared to lookthey shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crooksscared to death and scared to lookthey shook"cause ain"t no such thingsas halfway crookslivin" the live that ofdiamonds and gunsthere"s numerous waysyou can choose to earn fundsbut some of "em get shotlocked down and turn nunscowardly hearts end straight upshook ones shook oneshe ain"t a crook sonhe"s just a shook oneyeah yeah yeahto all the villainsand a hundred dolla billasto real brothaswho ain"t got no dealingsg-yeah the whole bridgequeens get the money41st sidekeepin" it real (you know)queens get the money…………

求Rihanna-A Million Miles Away的歌词~

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 感谢能提供英文歌词的亲们。。 解析: A Million Miles Away Rihanna lyrics Artist: Rihanna Album: A Girl Like MeYear: 2006 Title: A Million Miles Away Print Correct Here we lay face to face once again Silence cuts like a knife as we pretend. And I"m wondering who will be the first to say what we both know We"re just holding on to "could have been"s and we should be letting go. [Chorus:] It feels like you"re a million miles away as you"re lying here with me tonight. I can"t even find the words to say I can find a way to make it right. And we both know that the story"s ending, We play the part but we"re just pretending and I can"t hide the tears "cause even though you"re here, It feels like you"re a million miles away. Was it me, or was it you that broke away? For what we were is like a season love is change And every time I think about it, it tears me up inside. Like the rivers of emotion but I got no more tears to cry. [Chorus:] [Music Plays:] [Bridge] We can try to talk it over but we walked that road before, While our song is playing its last note, We both know for sure that it"s time to close that door. [Chorus:]

没有那样的事 bigbang胜利新歌歌词和意思


什么歌歌词有I NEED YOU I WANT YOU I LOVE YOU 在婚礼上用的,很抒情的,一个女生唱的

love paradise 陈慧琳试听一下是不是这首。

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一首英文歌 歌词里大概有sunshine什么什么 i can see you什么, when y

一首英文歌 歌词里大概有sunshine什么什么 i can see you什么, when y Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond) 歌手:Don McLean It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me around It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me around There"s a good life had for free When you"re out in the country That"s what I could use if I could get away there soon It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me around There"s a good life had at sea If you"re not in the Navy That"s the life for you, sail away Raymond, sail away Now most folks just bore me Always imposing and I"d rather meet a tree Somewhere out in the cornfield And it"s a sunshine It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me It"s a sunshine life for me If I could get away from this cloud over me Seems to just follow me around It"s a sunshine It"s a sunshine It"s a sunshine 一首女声唱英文歌 歌词大概有什么 I can say(see) dancing dancing dancing All Souls Night when I look into your eyes I can see一首英文歌里大概有这样一句歌词,可 是不是celine dion 的 there you will be啊?听听看 :v.youku./v_show/id_XNzM2MzEzNjQ=. 一首英文歌,歌词大概有Here is where I can stand,stay with什么的....急!!!! 可能是这个where i stand 你听听是不是 有没有一首英文歌歌词里有I"ve什么什么But you can see...... 谢谢哦~ free loop see you again love in this 这些歌里都包括你说的单词,不知对不对 我在介绍你首英文歌,我觉得不错。《trouble is a friend》 《stay here forever》 一首女声英文歌,歌词里有when you with me,i see All My Friends (Prep Remix) - Snakehips Tinashe Chance The Rapper We open with the vultures kissing the cannibals Sure I get lonely when I"m the only Only human in the heaving heat of the animals Bitter brown salt stinging on my tongue and I I will not waiver I will not wait its turn It will beat it will burn burn burn your love into the ground With the lips of another Til you get lonely sure I get lonely sometimes All my friends are wasted And I hate this Man I drink too much Another Friday night I wasted My eyes are black and red I"m crawling back to your bed I hate the bar bar Pharmacy addict hit a Wall Street traffic took the car We reinvent the wheel just to fall asleep at it skrrr Crash on the floor catch the ZZZ"s Popping the polar opposite the NZT Hip hop and the propaganda say they name brand But I done seen how the xan did my main man The nights we won"t remember Are the nights we won"t remember I"ll be gone till November All my city calls me Simba Dreams are made for cages nigga Lions are for real nigga Dying is for real niggas dying off of pills nigga Friday"s awful chill and I escaped the treachery I just had to rest in peace the recipe The rest of us are praying that the sand will leave a tan If you"re up right now hope you hear what I"m saying Hope you hear what I"m saying All my friends are wasted And I hate this Man I drink too much Another Friday night I wasted My eyes are black and red I"m crawling back to your bed Don"t even know me Sure I get lonely some nights When the angels on my shoulder Slump my head I"m stuck here with the vultures Hissing and circling You didn"t call me call me call me call me I"m crawling crawling crawling back to you All my friends are wasted And I hate this Man I drink too much Another Friday night I wasted My eyes are black and red I"m crawling back to your bed All my friends are wasted And I hate this Man I drink too much Another Friday night I wasted My eyes are black and red I"m crawling back to your bed 求一首英文歌 歌词大概i like the way that you move me i like the way that you walk什么什么的 Move Me 专辑:Kitsuné America 2 歌手:Jhameel / DWNT 一首英文歌,大概歌词是[ i can see the word] 歌手:Westlife 专辑:You Raise Me UpWhen I am down 当我失意低落之时and, oh my soul, so weary; 我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪When troubles e 当烦恼困难袭来之际and my heart burdened be; 我的内心,是那么负担沉重Then, I am still 然而,我默默的伫立and wait here in the silence, 静静的等待Until youe 直到你的来临and sit awhile with me. 片刻地和我在一起You raise me up, 你激励了我so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮You raise me up: 你的鼓励To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我There is no life - 世上没有——no life without its hunger; 没有失去热望的生命Each restless heart 每颗悸动的心beats so imperfectly; 也都跳动得不那么完美But when you e 但是你的到来and I am filled with wonder, 让我心中充满了奇迹Sometimes, I think 甚至有时我认为 因为有你I glimpse eternity. 我瞥见了永恒You raise me up, 你激励了我so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮You raise me up: 你的鼓励To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我 是这个吗? 求一首英文歌,在酒吧里听到的,女声,歌词里大概有:I Can see in your eye 1.阿肯的Akon - In Your Eyes (Once In A While I Do Look At You) I Can See It... Cuz Everyday I Can"t Help But See It, People Aint Satisfied... And Your Hatin" Your 9 to 5, & Everybody Wanna Live Another Life... Even If You Go Out To Mountain Climb, To Better Your Day... All That Will Do Is Leave Room For People To Say... Wish You Livin" Better Now, Share A Little O" That Cheddar Now... Cuz I Remember Days Back When A Brother Was Hustlin" N Robbin" Too... I Dun Tossed The Beretta Now, On A Whole Nother Level Now... Still I Can"t Enjoy My Fame, "Less My People Doin The Same & Gettin" Money Too... **Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In Your Eye** Ooh Once In A While...I Can See That You Don"t Want To Ever Struggle No More... **Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In Your Eye** I Can See That You Don"t Ever Wanna Cry No More... Cuz Every Time You Ask Me In Grinding, It Shouldn"t Have To Be That Way... Shouldn"t Have To Be My Way, I Shouldn"t Have To Want For A Brighter Day... Gotta Little Little Problem On My Way, Bounty Hunter Checkin State To State... Child Support Lady On Your Case, Not To Mention Tickets You Aint Never Paid... Ooh It Will S Though, This What You Be Askin... God Please Hold It Down For Me, Don"t Let Satan Get A Hold Of Me... I"m Tryna Tell You, It Can Happen To Me Too... But It Happend Lot Worse To My Brother, Muhamad, I Thank God He Recovered 歌词大概有一句yes i heart you baby,but什么什么的,一首英文歌 男声 求告诉 在本经验使用的是酷狗音乐软件,点击:“听歌识曲”激活功能,建议手机保留这样的款能听歌识曲手机软件,以备用。 在听到歌曲的场所点击:“开始识别”,尽量走到声源近点的地方,保持手机听到声音是歌曲的,若太嘈杂了,歌曲声音被环境嘈杂声音掩没,是无法识别出来的。 歌曲信息:当歌曲识别出来的之后,点击:“下载”,可以将这首歌曲下载到手机上面,下载选择有不同音质的音乐文件,视自己的网络环境与手机空间定。。 另外还可以将歌曲添加到自己的收藏夹中,也就是自己的歌单中。登陆之后也可以将自己的歌曲和歌单分享给亲朋好友。 u200b



50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分 麻烦大家

You said you a gangsta but you never pop nuttin 你说你很强盗,但你从不爆别人的头(pop 有打爆的意思,这种情况下我觉得用爆头比较好) You said you a wanksta and you need to stop frontin" 你说你很牛逼,要真牛逼你就别再动心 You ain"t a friend of mine, (yeah) 你不是我的朋友(没错) You ain"t no kin of mine, (nah) 你也不是我这个种类的(你不是) What makes you think that I"ma run up on you with tha nine 是什么让你觉得我会拿把枪把你劫了(nine, nine milemeter一种手枪 50 在电影里有说) We do this all tha tyme, right now we on tha grind 这对我来说是家常便饭了。我们现在最火了 So hurry up and copy and go selling nicks and dimes 快点啊!模仿我们去卖粉吧 Shorty she so fyne, I gotta make her mine 美眉长得真不错,一定得把她搞到手 A ass like dat gotta be one of a kind 那样的大屁股绝对是独一无二 I crush "em everytime, punch "em with every nine 我每次都把他们弄得屁滚尿流,punch "em with every nine I"m fuckin with they mind 我只是在耍他们的玩 I make "em press rewind 我让他们按倒退键 They know they can"t shine if I"m around the rhyme 他们知道只要我在就还轮不上他们发光(出名) Been on Paroza"s, 94 cuz I commit tha crime 94年,上了警车就是因为我犯了罪 *I send you my line, I did it three ta nine* 我给你卖粉, 而我却在晚上吸 作者:166.111.11.* 2007-2-10 23:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 wanksta 翻译(有点老)择加请教大虾 If D"s ran up in my crib, you know who droppin dimes 如果侦探在搜查, 你知道是谁在给我栽赃粉儿(D=dective?) [Chorus 2X: 50 Cent] 【连接 两遍 50分】 You said you a gangsta 你说你很强盗, But you neva pop nuttin 但你从不爆别人的头 You said you a wanksta 你说你很牛逼 And you need to stop frontin" 要真牛逼你就别再动心 You go to the dealership 你去了4S店(4S=汽车专卖店) But you neva cop nuttin" 但你什么也没搞到 You been hustlin a long tyme 你已经贩了好久毒 And you ain"t got nuttin 可还是一无所有 [Verse 2] Damn Homie, in highschool you was tha man, homie 我靠,哥们,高中时你最牛逼啊 What tha fuck happened to you 你丫怎么回事 I got tha sickest vendetta, when it come to tha cheddar 说到那个老大,我和他有深仇大恨 And if you *play wit my paper*, you gotta meet my berretta 你要是敢玩我的纸,(纸代表什么纸?传票?合同?不知)你就要见我的bretta(我也不知) Now shorty think I"ma sweat her, sippin on *amoretta* 现在美眉觉得我要让他好好出出汗(sweat=make sweatey?=make love?),呷着amoretta(酒) *I"ma hit once than deada*, I know I can do betta ――(一点没主意)-。我知道我可以做得更好 She look good but I know she after my cheddar 她看着还不错,但我知道她肯定为钱而来 (cheddar=cheese=money?) She tryna get in my pockets, homie and I ain"t gonna let her 她试着要掏我兜,哥们,我不会让她的 Be easy, stop tha bullshit, you get your whole crew wet 放松点, 别废话了,会把你的哥们们托下水的 We in tha club doin" the same ol" two step 我们在club里做着老三样(二换成三是不是更顺口)(哈哈,老三样,吃饭,唱歌,洗澡) Gorilla unit cuz they say we bugged out 哥们,这是G-UNIT, 我们已经是名流了(bug俚语有名人得意思) Cuz we don"t go nowhere without toast we thugged out 不能喝酒我们哪也不去,因为我们太“街”了 [Chorus 2X] [Verse 3] Me I"m no monsta, me I"m no gangsta 我,我不是怪物,我也不是强盗 Me I"m no hitman, me I"m jus me, me 我,我不是杀手, 我就是我 Me I"m no wanksta, me I"m no acta 我,我不是歹徒, 我也是演员 But it"s me you see on your TV 但现在上电视的人是我了 Cuz I hustle baby, this rap shit is so easy 因为我贩毒,说唱简直就是小菜一盘 I"m gettin" what you get for a brick to talk greasy 我挣得比你卖一砖面儿还多时才油腔滑调(brick= 一公斤毒品) By any means, partner, I got to eat on these streets 哥们,不论如何我也从街边挣钱(贩毒) If you play me close, for sure I"m gonna pop my heat 你要是敢耍我,我肯定把你嘣了 Niggas sayin they goin murd" 50, how 一帮sb说要杀了50分,怎么杀得了 We ridin "round with guns the size of Lil Bow Wow 我们开车时都拿着lil bow wow那么大得抢 What you know about AK"s and AR 15"s 你对AK 和AR15 能有什么了解 Equipped with night vision, shell catchers and dem things, huh 带着夜视镜,配着接弹壳的袋子

请问这什么意思呐?Retry Cancel?




用英语朗读118时是读One hundred and eight,还是One eighteen

one hundred and eighteen我学英语这么多年了 还没见过你说的那样读呢 真的 肯能磁带里读的快了吧



sg wannabe和玉珠贤演唱的page one的中文歌词


cancel,retry,ignore 什么意思???!!!急!!!

cancel是取消 retry是重试ignore是忽视

韩剧咖啡屋插曲Page One(Part.1)/ SG Wanna be & 玉珠铉韩语歌词下载地址急用,邮箱


求Tomi Popovic的you can tell me 的歌词

Tomi Popovic - You Can Tell Me Girl You strike me like the sunSo just tell me how you wanna be doneI"ve know you for couple of weeksYou seem like you don"t play stupid tricksSweetie you are so beautiful I can image you must feel wonderfulI"d like to know what I need to do How to behave oh how to please youcan"t take it Oh Come on let me feel those hipsYou can tell me what you wanna do if you want me to bring the freak out of youIts all you I put my ego on the side whatever you wish I ain"t got no prideGirl I became your biggest fan I can be your perfect manChorus: You can tell me what you want You can tell me what you needI will do whatever you want Just don"t ever make my soul bleedGirl you don"t understand that your wish is my commandBaby drop the mask show me what"s the task and tell me everything you wantGirl you told me what was in the past all the relationshipsthat would never last no man ever let you be free I know youfed up with the jealousy I"ll give all the freedom that you needbaby I"m down for you thats guaranteedI"d like to know what I need to do How to behave oh how to please youcan"t take it Oh Come on let me kiss those lipsYou can tell me what you wanna do if you want me to bring the freak out of youI don"t wanna find later things that make you mad I don"t wannafind later things that make you sad let just find them right herepretty lady before we make a babyChorus repeatwhat if we loose all the money baby what if there"s nothing butyou and me tell me what would you do pretty lady would youat least take care of meYou can tell me how to deal with stresswhen everething becomes a big mess will you stay strong andfight it off or will you pack your stuff and take offSpend your life with me baby Spend your life with me baby girlChorus repeat

《wonder woman》、《page one》 tara中文音译歌词,是中文的哦,是音译的哦,不要罗马音,不要翻译~~~亲~

世界另一个你,在Kigali,她醒过来,她做了一个选择,在Hanoi,Natal ,Ramallah,在Tangier她呼吸振臂高呼在Lahore,Lapaz,Kampala虽然她在地球的另一边她想倾述心声我们是同一个人你哭泣我听到你我们是同一个人你受伤了我也感到伤害我们是同一个人,我们怀着同样的希望,我们会发光在juarez,她讲述真实,她伸出手臂,然后教会其他人如何像她一样在Jaipur讲出自己的名字,她坦荡地活着在manila,salta,embu,虽然我们如此不同,我们依然相连,我们是同一个人你的勇气鼓舞我坚强,我们是同一个人,你唱歌,我来和我们是同一个人你的梦想我也拥有我们将会发光我们将会发光同一个人,他听到她的声音同一个人,他为她的斗争而战一天一天,他让旧习变成过去,同一个人同一个时刻虽然她远在世界的另一边,她想倾吐心声我们是一个人,你的成功鼓舞着我。我们是同一个人你站起来我也站的高我们是同一个人,你的世界也是我的,我们将发光,发光,发光,发光我们将发光,发光,发光,发光 我们将发光,发光,发光,发光



track and trace是什么意思

应该是 可追溯性

run into an old friend

第一个空:were waiting (过去进行时态) 第二个空:ran (一般过去时态) 翻译:当我们在等公共汽车时,我遇到了一位老朋友.

Mangrove X2运动手环上的Mar26是什么意思?


run into another car

答案是D.本题考查动名词的用法;题干中avoid(避免)后面必须接动名词做宾语,故排除B和C;run into表示"撞到…",后面不缺宾语,不用被动,所以排除A,答案选D.

Subscript range error. Parameter AA is dimensioned as 3000 x 7, but location 0 x 1 is being reque

我之前也遇到了类似的问题,不过我是用一个列向量来试的,我的问题出在循环的数值的使用错误上面。比如*do,i,1,100,1,你定义的是i,但是用的时候 i 输入错误没用上去。你看看你是不是后面使用这个i的时候出问题了,可能你定义的 i 没用上去。不知道你这个是不是。最好还是发命令流出来看!

Ran into中间可以加名词吗?

run into 中间可以加名词。即run sth into sb/sth的结构,意为“开(车)撞上”。例如:He ran his car into a tree. 他开车撞上了一棵树。

扫描仪DS Error at Set Inches:Data parameter out of supported range 出现该怎么办?扫描不了




Schooling is a ____requirement for children over five years old in Britain and the US.___上填什么


求michelle branch唱的 - “here with me”中文翻译的歌词,精通英文的麻烦了啊

"Here With Me"MICHELLE BRANCHIt"s been a long, long time since I looked into the mirror自从上次看过镜子後已经过了好久I guess that I was blind我猜我一定是瞎了眼Now my reflection"s getting clearer现在(对於你离开这件事)我的感觉,反应越来越清晰Now that you"re gone things will never be the same again现在你离开了,一切都不会像以前一样了There"s not a minute that goes by every hour of every day每天每时每分的时间都像是停止了一样You"re such a part of me你早就是成为我身体裏的一部分But I just pulled away但是我竟然就这样将你推离Well, I"m not the same girl 也许,我也不是从前的我you used to know那个你认识的我I wish I said the words I never showed真希望我从没讲过那些话I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起You know that silence is loud when all you hear is your heart你知道当你所听到的一切都只是你的心跳时,沉默也会突显的响亮,And I wanted so badly just to be a part of something strong and true我是如此想要与坚强和真实为伍But I was scared and left it all behind但是我却退缩了,竟将他们都丢掉了I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起And I"m asking我在乞求And I"m wanting you to come back to me我在等待,等你回到我身边Please?拜托了I never will forget that look upon 我永远也不会忘记your face你看我的那个眼神How you turned away and left你怎麼能就这样转身离开without a trace一点痕迹都不留下But I understand that you did what you had to do但是我理解我知道你只是做了你必须做的And I thank you我也感谢你I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起纯手工翻译。因为本人很久没看中文书了,所以如果有翻译的不太顺畅的地方,望LZ见谅。希望lz满意哈。




释义上三者没有区别。 在习惯用法和搭配上略有不同。mandatory最常用,compulsory 其次,obligatory最不常用且最正式。搭配方面, 前两者常见的组合有:mandatory testing, mandatory sentencing and mandatory retirement.compulsory military service and compulsory education另外obligatory还有另一层意思,形容某件事太频繁以至于完全在意料之中,例如:This action movie includes the obligatory chase scene.这部动作电影加入了无一例外的汽车追逐场景。


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。


announcement英 [u0259"nau028ansm(u0259)nt]美 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告[网络短语]Announcement 公告,论坛公告,通告Latest Announcement 最新公告public announcement 公告,公开宣告,机上广播


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。

Sean Paul的歌词 10分!! 这个是歌词。。而且建议楼主以后想要什么英文歌词,都在这个网站上找,非常的方便。。。我每次都在这个网上找。希望能帮到你。


答案依次是:春 现 县 线




日文:Hah HahYou know I gotta do it again, right?Aooooh YeahB B Big BangOh Eh OhYeahOh Eh OhTake the party down! Oh!ホットな夏の太阳It"s about time 始めようTime to party here for sureTake the party down! Oh!皆で游びに行こう俺达と come on let"s go!夏だぜ party time だよ。 oh! oh!そして踊れの dance floorもっと movin" groovin"生かした bodySay B I G to the BANG騒ぎが朝までJust dance!ガラガラ Go!俺达 no wayLa La La La La踊りな my sexy lady盛り上がれ everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Take the party down!もう胸がはじけそう音に乗って行こう生ける床まで行こうTake the party down! Oh!侧に来て give me some more全てを忘れちゃおうCome on and feel the rhythm in my flowそしてここで二人ずっと bumpin" shakin"踊ろうよ honeySay B I G to the BANGこれからまだまだJust bang!ガラガラ Go!俺达 to stayNa Na Na Na Na手を上げて my sexy baby声出して everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh (T.O.P.)T.O.P (Hey)My style, my stageso fresh, so cleannever falling, just ke-ke-keep it jumpingsee her, get lowlong fall for sureshe gon" make it go bump bump bumpso let"s go ya"llwe gon" let it all out tonight girlsee the name T.O.P up in lights girleverybody knows we up, they downso let me see you shake shake that aroundIt"s onHear the beat pump through the speakersMan the myth the heart of the pictureGD is neat in the flesh top to bottom so freshly DressedI am here to get downLose control take hold of the soundBring it o-o-o-offf the groundBig bang no doubtWe gon" turn it out for sureSay B I G to the BANG騒ぎが朝までJust dance!ガラガラガラ Go!俺达 no wayLa La La La La踊りな my sexy lady盛り上がれ everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh罗马注音:Hah HahYou know I gotta do it again, right?Aooooh YeahB B Big BangOh Eh OhYeahOh Eh OhTake the party down! Oh!Hotna natsu no taiyouIt"s about time hajimeyouTime to party here fo" ho (for sure)Take the party down! Oh!Minna de asobi ni ikouOretachi to come on let"s go!Natsu daze party time dayo! oh! oh!Soshite odore wo dance floorMotto movin" groovin"Ikashita partySay B I G to the BANGSawagi ga asa madeJust dance!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi no wayLa La La La LaOdorina my sexy ladyMoriagare everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Take the party down!Mou mune ga hajikesouOto ni notte ikouIkeru toko made ikouTake the party down! Oh!Soba ni kite give me some moreSubete wo wasurechaouCome on and feel the rythm in ma flowSoshite koko de futarizutto bumpin" shakin"odorou yo honeySay B I G to the BANGKore kara mada madaJust bang!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi to sayNa Na Na Na NaTe wo agete my sexy babyKoe dashite everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh (T.O.P.)「TOP"s rap」T.O.P (Hey)My style, my stageso fresh, so cleannever falling, just..see her, get lowlong fall fo" sho"she gon" make it go bump bump bumpso let"s go ya"llwe gon" let it all out tonight girlsee the name T.O.P up in lights girleverybody knows we up, they downso let me see you shake shake that around「GD"s rap」It"s all sound bring the beat pump to the speakersMan then meet the heart of the pictureGD is neat in the flesh top to bottom so freshly DressedI am here to get downLose control take hold of the soundBring it o-o-o-offf the groundBig bang no doubtWe gon" turn it out for sureSay B I G to the BANGSawagi ga asa madeJust dance!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi no wayLa La La La LaOdorina my sexy ladyMoriagare everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh

求翻译下这首歌No one can stop us now

这应该是与车路士有关吧,我自己译的,你检查一下吧No one can stop us now 现在没人能阻止我们前进Ref: Chelsea boys in blue 蓝衣的车路士兵团Chelsea Chelsea we love you 车路士,车路士,我们爱你Chelsea our love is true 车路士,我们的爱是真的No one can stop us now 现在没人能阻止我们Chelsea we"re the team 车路士,我们是一个团队Chelsea Chelsea we"re the cream 车路士,车路士,我们是精华Chelsea we"re supreme 车路士我们是所向披靡的No one can stop us now 现在没人能阻止我们Sloka1: The boys are back in town 兵团回到城里and We are wembley bound 我们是温布利克星An army dressed in blue 蓝衣兵团We"re gonna win for you 我们会战胜你And when we score the goals 当我们进球时We"re gonna rock and roll 我们会劲歌热舞We"ve come a long long way 我们从远方来And we have here to stay 我们会在这里停留Everybody singing 每人人歌唱Ref. Sloka 2: We′re simply all the best 我们是最好的We"re gonna beat the rest 我们会打败其它的队伍Together we are one, look what we′ve done. 我们万众同心,见证我人的所作所为The road was long tough 胜利之中长而艰巨but we are strong enough 但我们够坚强Enough to see it through 能够得到胜利的果实And made our dreams come true 使我们梦想成真Everybody singing 每个人歌唱Ref. Stamford Bridge to Wemberley 从斯坦福桥到温布利Step by step in harmony 同步前进Have a dream, its party time 有梦想,庆祝的时候Chelsea Chelsea you are mine 车路士,车路士,你是我们的Chelsea Chelsea 车路士,车路士No one can stop us now 现在没有能阻止我们Ref. Everybody singing 每个人歌唱Ref. Chelsea Chelsea 车路士,车路士No one can stop us now现在没人能阻止我们


请判断单词的重音所在的音节位置announcement[??na?nsm?nt] A.1B.2C.3正确答案:B

英语作文 party time 用上现在进行时 提示:What are you and your friends doing right now? 急急急!

I plan to enjoy my summer vacation in my hometown . The weather there is sunny and there are many kinds of birds flying in the sky . There are many tall trees and beautiful flowers in the garden and the air is fresh . I am playing basketball with my classmates in a park , we are very happy and excited . My families are watching TV at home and my friends are reading books . It is very comfortable to live in our hometown and I often take some exercise in the morning to keep healthy. I am having a good time here and I hope all my friends can come to visit this beautiful place.

有so he can/is/does这种用法。但请问有没有neither he can/is /does这种用法?

so he canfinish






The police finally caught up with the man___was the escaped prisoner.

who was the escaped prisoner

The police finally caught up with the man __the escaped prisoner.填who 还是whom??

不是he是在后面从句中作主语啊 所以用who

He eats______ food, so he is ________ fat. A.much too; too much B.much too; too many C.too


Personal Information Exchange 是一个什么东东 貌似是个什么数据凭证凭证

The present invention belongs to modern communication field, and realizes remote personal information exchange and electrical appliance control via simple operation. It completes information transmission through the combination with the available telephone, facsimile, microcomputer and vedio camera, and by using the available telephone wire or special data network. The said equipment features a personal information card reader, which can turn on the microcomputer and other electrical appliance on the opposite side after being recognized. All operations are completed via the menu on the microcomputer screen.



He likes to eat fish so he can catch fish翻译.


Candy 如果是用于名字的话译成中文是什么意思?Cindy 呢?

Candy就是埃蒂 是Candice的昵称 率真,纯洁和热情的含义 而Cindy就是辛蒂 象征着女神的可爱,善良 也可以当成是月桂女神的含义
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