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Thank to后面加do还是doing?

thanks to 意思是“幸亏"、“由于”、“多亏” 通常后面直接加感谢的对象(名词或代词).如:thanks to your help ,I can pass the exam .thanks for doing sth =thank you for doing sth 意思是“因为...而感谢某人”所以to后面不加动词的哦~

thank to的用法总结

thank sb. for...=thanks for ones...“因为......而感谢某人”,for为介词,后接名词或动名词,表示感谢的理由。 例:Thank a lot for your help.=Thank you very much for helping me.多谢你的帮助。 扩展资料   Thank you=Thanks for...的`常用答语有:You are welcome./That"s all right./My pleasure./It"s my pleasure./Not at all.等。   thanks to是介词短语,意为“多亏,由于”。to是介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,表示感谢的对象。   例:Thanks to your help,I succeeded in getting a good job.多亏你的帮忙,我才成功得到一份好的工作。

thanks to是什么意思

thanks to基本解释如下:幸亏, 多亏, 由于.网络释义1. 多亏了.2. 由于,多亏.3. 由于,因为.4. 由于,幸亏.5. 幸亏,由于.6. 幸亏,由于,因为.7. 多亏了,由于.8. 托.9. 亏得.10. 因为.thanks to的用法和例句That is largely thanks to its impressive mobile-money revolution .实在多亏了肯尼亚引人注目的手机钱包改革。Pornographers are in bigger trouble thanks to technology .由于科技的作用,色情作品作者将陷入更大的麻烦。Imports were flat in november thanks to weak domestic conditions .幸亏国内经济的疲软,十一月的进口额比较平稳。Thanks to modern machinery production is outrunning consumption .多亏有了现代化的机器,使生产超过了消费。Voter lists are in a mess thanks to chaotic registration .由于登记混乱,选民名单被弄得一团糟。China is also ageing rapidly thanks to its one-child policy .由于独生子政策,中国也在迅速老龄化。But that is largely thanks to the economy "s woes .但是,这在很大程度上是由于经济困境的缘故。Thanks to the update back to april .这多亏了四月份的那次升级。All thanks to the hopeless villainous tepco .一切多亏了那无能又讨厌的东电公司。Thanks to the frisbee effect .大大感谢飞盘的作用。

thanks to是什么意思


关于平衡常数equilibrium constant (Ka)的问题

i. HFii. HS-iii. F-iv. HFv. HS-


浸泡在十公升的瓶里单纯想要呼吸 讨厌云里雾里出没在被遗忘的抽屉你曾经的手笔 写着心口不一现在是黑夜白昼我都随便像迷路的天鹅游失在水面尽力去捕捉噩梦里的碎片不需要你的歌来帮我催眠talking to the moon 放不下的理由延人倭峙急彰赐抠


平衡,均衡2. 协调,和谐3. 平静,镇定

face the powder and not to powder the face 是用的什么修辞?

pun 双关吧


颤抖手精炼均衡(trembling hand perfect equilibrium) “颤抖手精炼均衡”概念是 泽尔腾 提出的对 纳什均衡 的一个改进。 颤抖手精炼均衡的基本思想是:在任何一个博弈中, 每个局中人都有一定的犯错误的可能性(类似一个人用手抓东西时, 手一颤抖,他就抓不住他想抓的东西)。 一个策略对是一个颤抖手精炼均衡时,它必须具有如下性质: 各局中人i要采用的策略,不仅在其他局中人不犯错误时是最优的, 而且在其他局中人偶尔犯错误(概率很小,但大于0) 时还是最优的。可以看出,颤抖手精炼均衡是一种较稳定的均衡。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

equilibrium quantity是指什么方面?

Equilibrium quantity是指均衡数量,经济学术语。是在完全竞争的条件下的均衡,那么就是Efficient quantity是指有效数量,即可生产的最大数量


My mother always complains about my bad behavior, like I don"t eat up the food and sometimes I don"t have responsibility on what I do. I decide to behave myself, I want to help my mother to relieve her pressure. So I want to be a good child, I will eat up the food, no more pick up them and I also will keep on finishing the job I do.


你这是不是语音转文字。。可能是romantic Valentines day,浪漫的情人节

i just want push push push my life翻译成中文




kanye west I wonder是引用的哪首名曲?

kanye这歌的sample是labi siffre的my song这首歌,出自labi的remember my song专辑。采样很不错


equilibrium平衡,饱和,长期平衡常用于化学等专业用语。英文释义A state of being evenly balanced or the harmonious performance of function. Its physiological application is in the biomechanical responses of the musculoskeletal system during standing, walking, sitting, and other movements. Stability and equilibrium are related to the mathematics of the center of gravity of the body.balance 就是指一般的平衡

more than后面加什么?

意思是:不止如此重点词汇:more英[mu0254:(r)]释义:adv.更多;此外;更大程度地adj.更多的;附加的pron.更多的数量n.更多n.(More)人名;(英、法)莫尔;(意、西、以)莫雷短语:once more再一次;又一次;再次;重新词语辨析:accordingly,consequently,hence,so这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。1、accordingly书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。2、consequently正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。3、hence较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。4、so用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。


近藤 勇 こんど いさみ Kondou Isami 土方 岁三 ひじかた としぞう Hijikata Toshizo 冲田 总司 おきた そうじ Okita Souji 永仓 新八ながぐら しんぱち Nagakura Shinpachi 斋藤 一さいとう はじめ Hajime Saitou 山南敬助 やまなみ けいすけ Yamanami Keisuke松原 忠司 まつばら ちゅうじMatsubara Tadaji 武田 观柳斋 たけだ かんりゅうさいTakeda Kanryuusai 井上 源三郎 いのうえ げんざぶろうInoue Genzaburou 谷 三十郎 たに さんじゅうろうTani Sanjyuurou 藤堂 平助 とうどう へいすけ Toudou Heisuke 原田 左之助 はらだ さのすけ Harada Sanosuke

“A(and therefore B)”怎么翻译?

A(and therefore B)A(因此 B)

英语翻译: Americans defend the right to obtain a gun,


The rain was heavy and _________ the land was flooded. A.consequently B.environmentally C.

A 试题分析:句意:大雨持续不断,因此陆地被水淹没了。Consequently因此environmentally环境地previously以前severely严重地,可知选A。

History is a record of mankind; different historians, _ , interpret it differently.

c 历史是人类的记录,不同的历史学家却有着不同的解释。

put away clean up take out 帮我找一下,用这些词怎么写英语作文?

一、put away,“收拾起来,整理好”;clean up,“把…打扫干净”;take out,“把…拿出去”。以上短语都是写关于做家务(do chores )的书面表达时常用的,类似短语还有do the laundry,do the dishes,sweep the floor,make the bed等等。二、参考短文(注意:只供参考哈)In my opinion, we should help our parents do some chores at home.And we can learn a lot from it.I like to cook food , do the dishes and clean up the kitchen when I am free at home, because it can make me have a rest.Each time I finish my homework, I will put away my books. And I often make the bed and put away my clothes by myself. As you know, I alway keep my room clean.However,I don"t like to take out the trash to the dust bin in our neighborhood,because I have to walk a long way.(以上短文仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。)

[-A48] My mother opened the drawer to ______ the knives and spoons.

put away放好;抛弃;储存 ...表示“收起来”的意思 我妈妈拉开抽屉把刀叉收好


百度搜“ scoreland Noelle Easton”就能找到这个人叫:Noelle Easton 1994年出生于美国田纳西州,出 道时间2013年回答希望有帮助到你

为什么说“ a second language”是第二门语言?

这就是“a+序数词+名词” 与 “the+序数词+名词 的区别”1. a+序数词+名词:强调名词,不强调顺序。序数词可译为“又第几”比如说:一篮子苹果,一个,又第二个,又第三个an apple, a second apple, a third apple(没有顺序排列排列的苹果)the+序数词+名词:强调顺序,译为“第几……”排成一队列:第一个学生,第二个学生,第三个学生……the first student, the second student, the third student...2. 而第二语言是没有特指的。因为原来不知道哪一个是第二语言,又第二门语言了。a second language


你这个问题需要分情况,如果一样东西确实是第一次提到,那就在名词加a/an,如:This is an apple或This is a pen.但是如果在固定地点、固定称谓或者是“独一无二”的(或是唯一的,如地球earth、太阳sun,月球moon,世界world),都必须在这个名词前加the(当然,特指的或者提到的也是加the)



第1题:-How old is the manager? -He is 35 years old. (1分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、 ---------------


How Many Times 歌词

歌曲名:How Many Times歌手:Bob Marley专辑:Fy-Ah Fy-Ah: The Jad Masters 1967-1970 Cd3How Many TimesDiathraMy Endless SorrowDiathra--How Many Times--lndjove--......I"ve had enough, and I"m feeling a little beat.I don"t know what the future holds for me.But I tell myself I don"t give a damn"Cause my life is in pieces and I forgot who I am.I can"t lose myself, kill my pride.For the things I took for granted at my sideBut they still expect me to pay the cost.Can"t keep blaming myself for the love that I"ve lost.How many times will I have to goThrough this vicious circle, again and again?How many times before I knowThis road will lead to the same bitter pain?The sweetness of lies and the sourness of the truth,Cruel betrayals and love"s burning shame,And/ how many times, from beginning to end,Will I have to play these silly games?Because I"m so frail,They say I"m/ destined for hellWhy then am I so blindSearching for heaven heaven divine?Did love"s redemption redemption fail?What"s the source source of my strife?What"s the price for my life?The wrong, the right, a penny, or fortune?But for me, the lines are blurredFor pain is my portion.How many times will I have to goThrough this vicious circle, again and again?How many times before I knowThis road will lead to the same bitter pain?The sweetness of lies and the sourness of the truth,Cruel betrayals and love"s burning shame,And/ how many times, from beginning to end,Will I have to play these silly games?How many times will I have to goThrough this vicious circle, again and again?How many times before I knowThis road will lead to the same bitter pain?The sweetness of lies and the sourness of the truth,And/ how many times, from beginning to end,Will I have to play these silly games?How many times will I have to goThrough this vicious circle, again and again?How many times before I knowThis road will lead to the same bitter pain?The sweetness of lies and the sourness of the truth,Cruel betrayals and love"s burning shame,And/ how many times, from beginning to end,Will I have to play these silly games?





080406change kangta和那个大哥哭时候两首英文歌

我仔细看了视频几次~他们哭的时候插曲只有两首~第一首是Janis Ian的Stars第二首是在KANGTA忍不住了冲上去抱敏钟大哥哭的时候放的~Bad Day -- Alvin and the Chipmunks那段感人的地方插曲太多了~偶也不知道你说的是那首~不好意思了~呵呵呵~附上歌词:I was never one for singing what I really feelExcept tonight I"m bringing everything I know that"s realStars, they come and go, they come fast or slowThey go like the last light of the sun, all in a blazeAnd all you see is gloryHey but it gets lonely there when there"s no one here to shareWe can shake it away, if you"ll hear a storyPeople lust for fame like athletes in a game,we break our collarbones and come up swinging,some of us are downedsome of us are crowned, and some are lost and never foundBut most have seen it all,they live their lives in sad cafes and music hallsThey always come up singingSome make it when they"re young,before the world has done its dirty joband later on someone will say"You"ve had your day, now you must make way"But they"ll never know the pain of living with a name you never ownedor the many years forgetting what you know too wellThat the ones who gave the crown have been let downYou try to make amends without defendingPerhaps pretending you never saw the eyes of grown men of twenty-fivethat follow as you walk and ask for autographsOr kiss you on the cheek and you never can believe they really loved youSome make it when they"re old(Perhaps they have a soul they"re not afraid to bareor perhaps there"s nothing there)Stars, they come and go, they come fast they come slowThey go like the last light of the sun, all in a blazeAnd all you see is gloryBut most have seen it all,they live their lives in sad cafes and music hallsThey always have a storySome women have a body men will want to seeand so they put it on displaySome people play a fine guitar, I could listen to them play all daySome ladies really move across the stage and gee, they sure can danceI guess I could learn how, if I gave it half a chanceBut I always feel so funny when my body tries to soarAnd I seem to always worry about missing the next chordI guess there isn"t anything to put up on displayExcept the tunes, and whatever else I sayBut anyway, that isn"t really what I meant to sayI meant to tell a story, I live from day to dayStars, they come and go, they"re coming fast they come slowThey go like the last light of the sun, all in a blazeAnd all you see is gloryBut most have seen it all,who live their lives in sad cafes and music hallsAnd we always have a storySo if you don"t lose patience with my fumbling aroundI"ll come up singing for you, even when I"m down===============================================================Bad Day -- Alvin and the ChipmunksWhere is the moment we needed the mostYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostThey tell me your blue skies fade to greyThey tell me your passion"s gone awayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou stand in the line just to hit a new lowYou"re faking a smile with the coffee to goYou tell me your life"s been way off lineYou"re falling to pieces everytimeAnd I don"t need no carryin" onCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad dayYou had a bad dayWell you need a blue sky holidayThe point is they laugh at what you sayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad day(Oh.. Holiday..)Sometimes the system goes on the blinkAnd the whole thing turns out wrongYou might not make it back and you knowThat you could be well oh that strongAnd I"m not wrongSo where is the passion when you need it the mostOh you and IYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayYou"ve seen what you likeAnd how does it feel for one more timeYou had a bad dayYou had a bad day


可以连词和其他的逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词前面有无逗号均可;而其他的逻辑关系词的前面要么句号,要么加and 例如:and consequently、and on the contrary

back to you amanda noelle 歌词

Back To You - Amanda Noelle 歌词i"ve been trying hard to find my wayEvery day to day, on my ownI get tired, try to run this placeFeels just like amazed, oh ohWhen my plans all fail and the words lets me downI come to you, lord, to render all i mean now.Oh, I"m giving it allMy heart and souli"m giving it back to, back to youwho hung the stars in the skygave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to, back to youyeah~~Climbing ladders, but I don"t know whyI can so highBut I fallEvery step I take from my own gameIt is an odd thingIt means nothing at allSo it"s you, I live for, everydayYou give a purpose to each word that I takeOh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to back to youOh, I am not light boltThis is not my hopeI"m here for your glory lordLet me be your lightpierce through my nightSo I can see you shine through me oh~Oh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to, back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to, back to youOh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to, back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGiving your life upon mineI"m giving in back to, back to, to youyeah~~Back to, back to, back to youBack to you




你好 很高兴为你解答是祖父条款的意思希望采纳,谢谢

We can return the unit for credit.

for credit是指把钱退回给你,如果你使用的信用卡,钱就退回到你的卡上这叫credit it back to your account





Amanda Noelle - Love Is Greater 求空间链接谢谢!


求love is greater歌词 amanda noelle的·

网上搜索不到 不知道什么原因 不好意思帮不到你

nuisance, annoyance, frustration, infuriation区别?

nuisance 英 [?nju:sns] 美 [?nu:sns] n. 讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事; annoyance 英 [??n???ns] 美 [??n???ns] n. 恼怒,烦恼; 使人烦恼的事,令人讨厌的人或事;

For This Love (Japanese Ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:For This Love (Japanese Ver.)歌手:Cross Gene专辑:TIMELESS -FUTURE-「For This Love (Japanese Ver.)」作词∶MIZUE/Taka Ruscar作曲∶Adam Nierow/Peter Habib/Drew Ryan Scott歌∶CROSS GENE叶えたい この愿い 変わらない...For this love君がいる だから仆は 踏み出せる...For this love谁にも止められないFor this love, For this love, For this loveただ君のためだけにFor this love, For this love, For this love辉き続けるからFor this lovebaby you could drive this whole city crazygot me with that p,pretty lips.ain"t gotta tell my boys how you got meamaze me with that stylebaby you the perfect tune for my rideyou by my side, 问题ないa.anything 俺に问うtonightle,le let me do you right感情 Move冲动 Shakeかけがえない One Life One Love 本気でGet譲れない この想い 伝えたい...For this love仆がいる 君と キセキ 刻みたい...For this love谁にも邪魔させないFor this love, For this love, For this loveこの想い届くまでFor this loveあの日につまずいた伤はずっと今でも消えずに胸の中に そのままにだけど仆のすぐそばにその笑颜がある限り続くStory forever上升 Move想像 Shake抱き缔めたい One Life One Love 永远に繋がっているからFor this one (This love)仆らは辉くFor this loveOh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...もっと 君のためにOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohずっと 君のため仆らは辉くFor this love终わり

cancel, take off, put off, put out各词的意思和例句。求高手解答~

cancel 取消;撤消: She cancelled her trip to Paris.她取消了巴黎之行。They decided to cancel the dinner party.他们决定不举行宴会了。take off 起飞;脱下;离开He took off his coat and sat down.他脱下大衣坐了下来。put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止We"ve invited friends to supper and it"s too late to put them off now.我已邀请朋友来吃晚饭,现在取消已来不及了。put out 撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场: If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.如果你不安静,我就把你赶出去。熄灭;扑灭;关掉: Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉

哪位能把Bigbang的《This love》音译成中文?不胜感谢

只有类似拼音的嘞 This Love 歌词This love (yeah, yeah, yeah)This love in my thuggin" G"s in, uhI"m tray falling, that"s right (yeah, yeah, yeah)This is song for y"all (Yeah)oh neul eun dah reun nahl boh dah dohgwaen hee duh seul puh jee nehnee gah boh goh sheep dah gohee jeh neun ee ruhn mahl dohhahl soo soo gah uhp shee dweh buh reen guhlgeu juh yuh peh suh jee kyuh bohl soojoh chah doh uhp suh jung mahl kkeut een guhlah moo ree bwah doh bah boh gaht ah ssuhhuht dwehn gee dae mahn boo pool lyuhchahk gahk mahn hae ssuhgeu rae nuhn nahm jah cheen goo gah eet neun dehnah neun geu guhl ah neun dehwae geu raet neun jee geu ruhl soo rohk nee gah joh ah jyuhcheen goo deul ee nah boh goh byung sheen ee raegyae gah mwuh gah geu ree jahl naht nyah goh jung sheen chah ree raegah jee goh nohn guh raesang gwahn uhp suh ah moo ryuhm uh ddehee ruh geh rah doh nuhl bohl soo mahn eet dah myuhnnahn geu guhl loh johk haeTHIS LOVE dah sheen sarang ddah weenhah jee ah nah nuh moo nah yah weennae moh seub eul bah rah boh neewae ee ree bah boh gah teun jeeTHIS LOVE ee mee dduh nah buh reenjahp gee yeh neun sah rah jyuh buh reendohl ah oh jee doh ah neul sah rahm ahmuhl lee muhl lee nahl ah gah juh goo reum dwee rohmah eum eh doh uhp neun neh yae geeee guh seun mah chee LIKE hah nah ppae gee eelSEPTEMBER NINETEENTH"s nuh yae saeng eelhohl loh nah mah ALONE I"M A FALLIN" LOVE SHADYgee uhk eun nah nee nee jeep ah peh suh bahm eedah gah doh rohk nuhl gee dah reen nae mahm ee dahl doh rohkjang mee hahn dah bahl deud goh suh mahm eun ee mee deul dduh suhgee dae wah neun dahl lee nuhn ahn oh goh bee gah nae ryuh ssuhgeu jeh suh yah nah neun nae mahm eul jung ree hae (nee ahn eh)noo goon gah eet geht jee nah reul wee roh hae (mee ahn hae)geu guht doh moh reu goh nuhl dang hwang keh hae sseu nee (YES nee)ddoh dah shee nah neun hohn jah gah dwae sseu nee (ONE LOVE) THIS LOVE dah sheen sarang ddah weenhah jee ah nah nuh moo nah yah weennae moh seub eul bah rah boh neewae ee ree bah boh gah teun jeeTHIS LOVE ee mee dduh nah buh reenjahp gee yeh neun sah rah jyuh buh reendohl ah oh jee doh ah neul sah rahm ahmuhl lee muhl lee nahl ah gah juh goo reum dwee rohmah eum eh doh uhp neun neh yae geeee guh seun mah chee LIKE hah nah ppae gee eelSEPTEMBER NINETEENTH"s nuh yae saeng eelhohl loh nah mah ALONE I"M A FALLIN" LOVE SHADY (YE)nah uh dduh geh hae yah dweh (OH)nuh reul sarang hah neun geh (hah neun geh)jweh jeen guht mahn gah teun dehjee geum (NO, NO, NO, NO) nuh moo mah nee heem deun dehnuh yae geu nahm jah yeh geh (OH)chah jah gah mahl hae jool lae (mahl hae jool lae)oo ree ee ruhm ahn dweh jah nahNOW I"M CRAZY WITHOUT YOU FOR ME(ONCE AGAIN)THIS LOVE ee jehn ee jyuh buh reel (HEY)shee gahn sohk eh mood hyuh buh reel (MY LADY)gee uhk sohk eh heun juhk joh chahwae ee ree gah seum ah peun jee (REPPIN" MY HOODS)THIS LOVE nuh moo nah doh yuh reen (YEAH)sarang ee rah hah gee ehn uh reen (WITH US)geu choo uhk doh gee uhk doh dahmuhl lee muhl lee nah rah gah juh goo reum dwee roh(C"mon y"all)This love, this love, this love, this love, this love, this love~ (YE)This love, this love, this love, this love, this love, this love~ OOH~OOH~ HOO, OOH~ HOO, (YE YE YE YEAH) YEIYEIYE~OOH~ HOO, OOH~ HOO (This love) YE~ YEAH~ (Uh, uh)Hey J, look at meAfter you left, it ain"t the sameI"m not what I used to beIt hurts so much, you knowI need you girl

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

德国政治学家伊丽莎白·诺艾尔-诺依曼(Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann,1916-) 她提出了"沉默的螺旋"假说,以下是假说的介绍: 社会心理学的观点认为,舆论(public opinion)是一种社会控制的机制,对个人和群体具有强大的约束力。从这个角度出发,德国学者伊丽莎白·诺尔-诺依曼(Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann)对舆论与大众传播的关系进行了研究,提出了“沉默的螺旋”(the spiral of silence)假说。 这一理论最早出现于1972年,1980年出版的《沉默的螺旋:舆论——我们社会的皮肤》一书对该理论进行了全面的概括。诺伊曼认为,舆论并不是在18世纪才为人们所认识的,而是已经在人类社会中存在了数千年,并且不断创造和保持着社会运作必需的和谐与一致。舆论的力量来源于我们社会的本质,来源于社会对被禁止的观点和行为实施的严刑峻法,来源于个人对孤立的恐惧。恐惧使个人在社会允许的情况下以“准统计的方式”不断变化着,在社会

bigbang 权志龙This Love英文版歌词。

This love (Yea, yea, yea) (I gotta holla about my girl full of ‘"mazing") [note: amazing?] (Yea, yea, yea) Let"s do it ch"all Yea, it"s really taking me from high-low Let"s see, where should I begin? The club on Friday night yo Just having a good"ol time yo The music"s banging; people"s like ‘whoa" But there was one that caught my eye, so I just had to get closer to her She"s super-fly yo, I must confess some I"m thinking, ‘Damn I need to-" with the lovin" gesture I"m about to hit her with a, ‘How you"ve been" ‘You don"t remember me?"‘Hey!" Instead I"ll stick with the traditional, ‘Hi, what"s you"re name?" I be the GD, I"m a cool gentleman Check out my melody, the flavor straight like your cinnamon Feel the adrenaline; I"m pulled in by your honey lovin" It"s all about the two of us getting together, now that"s what I"m saying Chorus: This love got me high and so in Baby girl, you know I live for it And I"ll never ever hurt you Without you, there"s no life in me This love got me proud of showin" Ain"t no doubt, I"ma keep on holding And it"s all-deep forevermore, well baby On and on, you know we have each other"s back yo (Whoa) Baby got them looks so deadly And every time I think about ‘em, man I get chills That"s with the beauty, yea that"s for real You know that"s she"s my only love My only love baby (Yea) She"s standing by me And no one phases mommy She holds the game and that"s the way she fully gains control You ain"t never wanna test her It"s surely for the best yo Unless you wanna mess around, don"t say I never warned ya These type of girls, they goin" everyday (everyday) It just don"t stop, it comes like every way (every way) My baby got it, like you"re shakin" with —–——, yes —- [note: this entire verse makes no sense] Gon" definitely rid your destiny Repeat Chorus (Whoa) Baby got them looks so deadly And every time I think about ‘em, man I get chills That"s with the beauty, yea that"s for real You know that"s she"s my only love My only love baby (Yea)Come girl now take my hand (Oh) Let us love until the end (‘til the end) Never gonna let you go Baby we are both so deep in this (No, no, no, no) Not a second I regret (Oh) Gonna cherish all of it (All of it) So amazing glad I found ya Got me crazy for your loveliness Once again… Repeat Chorus This love …. Hey J, look at me After you left, it ain"t the same I"m not what I used to be It hurts so much you know? I need you girl Always, one-time This love采纳哦

other,others,another,the others,the other的区别和用法


求像with an orchid一样风格的,好听的纯音乐?

可以听听雅尼的歌 尤其是他的夜莺

Pantera的《This Love》 歌词

歌曲名:This Love歌手:Pantera专辑:1990-2000: A Decade Of DominationIf ever words were spokenPainful and untrueI said I loved but I liedIn my lifeAll I wantedWas the keepingOf someone like youAs it turns outDeeper within meLove was twisted and pointed at youNever ending pain, quickly ending lifeYou keep this love, thing, child, toyYou keep this love, fist, scar, breakYou keep this loveI"d been the tempting oneStole her from herselfThis gift in painHer pain was lifeAnd sometimes I feel so sorryI regret this the hurting of youBut you make me so unhappyI"d take my life and leave love with youI"d kill myself for you, I"d kill you for myselfYou keep this love, thing, child, toyYou keep this love, fist, scar, breakYou keep this loveNo more head tripsYou keep this love, thing, child, toyYou keep this love, fist, scar, breakYou keep this love

Bigbang 的 This Love 的中文歌词


求 bigbang this love 中文歌词


Sarah Brightman《This love》歌词翻译

This love这种爱情This love is a strange love这真的是一份奇怪的爱情A faded kind of day love随着时光消逝的爱情This love这种爱情This loveI think I"m gonna fall again我想,我又要为此沉沦And even when you held my hand即使在你握着我的手的时候It didn"t mean a thing也毫无意义This loveThis loveNever has to say love永远不必说爱Doesn"t know it is love因为不知道什么是爱This loveThis loveDoesn"t have to say love不需要说爱Doesn"t need to be love也不需要是爱Doesn"t mean a thing毫无意义This love这种爱情This love, oh-oh-oh ...This strange love (strange love)奇怪的爱情This love, ... This love

sj and 东方神起的歌—show me yourlove 的前后两段Rap的中文翻译


★ BigBang- This Love 歌词- ★


Sarah Brightman唱的《This love》中文歌词

This Love 此爱 This love 这爱, This love is a strange love 是奇异的, A faded kind of day love 日渐消褪。 This love 这爱啊…… This love 这爱, I think I"m gonna fall again 我想我的心又要跌落。 And even when you held my hand 即使你牵着我的手, It didn"t mean a thing 也并不意味着什么。 This love 这爱啊…… This love 这爱, Never has to say love 不用说出口; Doesn"t know it is love 不明了这是爱。 This love 这爱啊…… This love 这爱, Doesn"t have to say love 不用说“爱”, Doesn"t need to be love 未必是爱, Doesn"t mean a thing 并不意味着什么。 This love 这爱, This love 这爱啊…… 不是我自己翻译的



BIG BANG This love的中文歌词



clean英 [kliu02d0n] 美 [kliu02d0n]

BIG BANG This love的中文歌词



clean的意思是:干净的;清白的。一、单词详解adj.清洁的;干净的;洁净的;爱干净的;爱整洁的;无有害物的;无污染的;空白的;文明的;无犯罪记录的;没有私藏(或携带)违禁品(如枪支、毒品等)的;公平的;边缘平整的;动作熟练而准确的;清醇的。v.打扫;除去…的灰尘;使…干净;变干净;(烹调前给鱼、鸡等)清除内脏。adv.(行动)彻底地,完全地。n.打扫;清扫。二、短语搭配clean up清理,大捞一笔;clean water清洁(饮)水;clean energy清洁能源;clean air洁净空气,新鲜空气;keep it clean[口语]使不弄脏,使不失体统,使不粗野,使不下流。三、双语例句1.And you are clean, but not all.你们原是洁净的,但不都是。2.Your hair should be clean and combed.你的头发应该清洁和梳理。3.I have to clean my room and do my homework.我今天必须清扫我的房间,做家庭作业。


clean的用法有:1、洁净的;干净的。如:The hotel was spotlessly clean.这家旅馆干净得一尘不染。2、爱干净的;爱整洁的。如:Cats are very clean animals.猫是颇爱干净的动物。3、无有害物的;无污染的。如:clean drinking water.洁净的饮用水。4、空白的;未写过的。如:a clean sheet of paper.一张空白纸。5、文明的;无色情的;正派的。如:The sport has a very clean image.这项运动享有很文明的声誉。6、无犯罪记录的;守法的;清白的。如:a clean police record.无违警记录。7、公平的;守规则的;不违例的。如:It was a tough but clean game.这是一场打得艰苦但却是规规矩矩的比赛。8、动作熟练而准确的;干净利落的。如:The plane made a clean take-off.飞机起飞得干净利落。9、清醇的;清新的。如:The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour.这葡萄酒味道清醇,色泽金黄。




clean过去式是cleaned。单词clean的中文意思是打扫、清洁的、干净的、清白的意思。以下是clean单词的其他几种格式: 1、第三人称单数是cleans。 2、过去分词是cleaned。 3、复数是cleans。 4、最高级是cleanest。 5、现在进行时cleaning。 6、比较级是cleaner。

高考英语词汇: demand与require的用法辨析

高考英语词汇:demand与require的用法辨析   一、两者在含义上的区别   1. 有时可互换。如:   They demand [require] my appearance. 他们要求我到场。   2. 两者的细微区别是:   demand 通常指坚持其应该有或必要的东西,暗示要求者有权这样做,常有命令之意;require 通常指按照法律、规章、规定、惯例、环境等提出要求,其客观性较强。比较:   The policeman demanded his name and address. 警察要他说出他的名字和地址。   We require warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要过冬的暖和的衣服。   注:用于事物时,两者都表示“需要”,有时可换用,其区别仍然是require 的客观性较强。如:   The letter demands [requires] an immediate answer. 这信要求立即答复。   The court requires the attendance of witnesses. 法庭要求证人出庭。   二、两者在结构上的区别   1. 两者后都可接 that从句,但从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式。如:   He demands [requires] that I (should) leave at once. 他要求我马上离开。   His wife demanded [required] that I should tell him everything. 他的妻子要求我把一切都告诉他。   The boss required [demanded] that everyone (should) attend the meeting. 老板要求人人参加会议。(D22)   2. demand 后可接不定式,但不接动名词;而require表示“要求”时,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词。如:   She demanded to see the manager. 她要求见经理。   He demanded to be told everything. 他要求把一切都告诉他。   注意:require 表示“需要”时,其后可接动名词(用主动表被动)或不定式(用被动形式表被动)。如:   The room requires cleaning [to be cleaned]. 房间需要打扫了。   The machine requires repairing [to be repaired]. 这机器需要修理了。   3. demand 不接不定式的复合结构,但 require 后可接不定式的复合结构。如:   They required him to keep it a secret. 他们要求他对这事保密。   All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全部会员均要求出席会议。   注:demand 后不接不定式的复合结构,但 demand of 后可接不定式的复合结构。如:   他们要求她同他们一起去。   误:They demanded her to go with them.   正:They demanded of her to go with them.   比较:They demanded that she should go with them.   4. 表示“向某人要求某物”,可用 demand sth of [from] sb。如:   He demanded too high a price of me. 他向我要价太高。   He demanded an apology from the boss. 他要求老板道歉。   require 有时也这样用,但更多是其被动语态后接 of sb。如:   What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么? (from   I have done everything that was required of me. 一切要我做的事情我都已经做好了。




clean[英][kli:n] [美][klin] 生词本简明释义adj.清洁的;整齐的;新的;正派的vt.& vi.(使)清洁;变干净;除去…的灰尘;使…干净vi.清扫adv.完全地,彻底地n.打扫复数:cleans第三人称单数:cleans过去式:cleaned过去分词:cleaned现在分词:cleaning比较级:cleaner最高级:cleanest易混淆的单词:CLEANClean以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED干净的;洁净的;无污迹的Something that is clean is free from dirt or unwanted marks.He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer... 他穿着他最干净的便裤,洁净的衬衫和藏青色上装。Disease has not been a problem because clean water is available...不必担心会生病,因为能喝上干净水。




clean adj. 清洁的,干净的;清白的vt. 使干净vi. 打扫,清扫adv. 完全地n. 打扫n. (Clean)人名;(英)克林[ 比较级 cleaner 最高级 cleanest ]网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 清洁 干净的 错过又如何 打扫短语clean sweep 全胜 ; 风卷残云 ; 一网打尽 ; 快速整理Clean Credit 光票信用证 ; 所谓无跟单信用状clean bench 净化工作台 ; 洁净工作台 ; 超净工作台 ; 洁净台 更多网络短语柯林斯英汉双解大词典 21世纪大英汉词典clean /kliu02d0n/ CET4 TEM4 (cleaning,cleaned,cleaner,cleans,cleanest)1.ADJ Something that is clean is free from dirt or unwanted marks. 清洁的例:The subway is efficient and spotlessly clean.地铁快,而且一尘不染。Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.铺了地砖的厨房地面容易保持清洁。


demand和require的区别和用法 两者都可表示“要求”,区别如下:一、两者在含义上的区别 1. 有时可互换。如: They demand [require] my appearance. 他们要求我到场。 2. 两者的细微区别是: demand 通常指坚持其应该有或必要的东西,暗示要求者有权这样做,常有命令之意;require 通常指按照法律、规章、规定、惯例、环境等提出要求,其客观性较强。比较: The policeman demanded his name and address. 警察要他说出他的名字和地址。 We require warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要过冬的暖和的衣服。 注:用于事物时,两者都表示“需要”,有时可换用,其区别仍然是require 的客观性较强。如: The letter demands [requires] an immediate answer. 这信要求立即答复。 The court requires the attendance of witnesses. 法庭要求证人出庭。 二、两者在结构上的区别 1. 两者后都可接 that从句,但从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式。如: He demands [requires] that I (should) leave at once. 他要求我马上离开。 His wife demanded [required] that I should tell him everything. 他的妻子要求我把一切都告诉他。 The boss required [demanded] that everyone (should) attend the meeting. 老板要求人人参加会议。(D22) 2. demand 后可接不定式,但不接动名词;而require表示“要求”时,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词。如: She demanded to see the manager. 她要求见经理。 He demanded to be told everything. 他要求把一切都告诉他。 注意:require 表示“需要”时,其后可接动名词(用主动表被动)或不定式(用被动形式表被动)。如: The room requires cleaning [to be cleaned]. 房间需要打扫了。 The machine requires repairing [to be repaired]. 这机器需要修理了。 3. demand 不接不定式的复合结构,但 require 后可接不定式的复合结构。如: They required him to keep it a secret. 他们要求他对这事保密。 All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全部会员均要求出席会议。 注:demand 后不接不定式的复合结构,但 demand of 后可接不定式的复合结构。如: 他们要求她同他们一起去。 误:They demanded her to go with them. 正:They demanded of her to go with them. 比较:They demanded that she should go with them. 4. 表示“向某人要求某物”,可用 demand sth of [from] sb。如: He demanded too high a price of me. 他向我要价太高。 He demanded an apology from the boss. 他要求老板道歉。 require 有时也这样用,但更多是其被动语态后接 of sb。如: What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么? I have done everything that was required of me. 一切要我做的事情我都已经做好了。








磁盘详情 这个软件我手机上装的有,就只有204K,我就用来看看是到底是哪一些文件夹里面的文件占了我的闪存,如果要删除的话可以直接到系统文件夹里面去删除,这个软件的界面基本和sniffer一样,可能功能没那么多而已,不过已经够了


clean意思如下:1、干净、整洁。举例:You must keep your clothes clean.你必须保持衣着整洁。2、正当的。举例:We want you to be a good boy, and live a clean, righteous life.我们希望你是个好孩子,过纯洁而正当的生活。3、完全地。举例:I clean forgot about it.我完全忘记了这件事。4、清洁。举例:Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing.清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。5、打扫、清除。举例:The mayor is determined to clean up the city.市长决心清除市内的不良现象。

Do you know the hotel ___lantian? call C.called call


Were there any calls for me? Yes. Somebody()Jack phoned. A. call call C.calling D.called



  clean有干净的;纯洁的;完全的;空白的;打扫;清扫等意思,那么你知道clean的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    clean的用法大全:    clean的用法1: clean用作形容词的基本意思是“清洁的,干净的”,指实际上无污垢的人或物,也可作“新的,未用过的”“正派的; 诚实的; 纯洁的; 正大光明的”“整齐的; 表面光滑的; 规则的; 匀称的”等解。    clean的用法2: clean用作动词的基本意思是“使清洁; 变干净”,指通过洗、扫、掸等手段以清除异物,引申可作“清扫”解。    clean的用法3: clean可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,跟名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,意思是“洗净,打扫干净”,有时主动形式可表示被动意义。    clean的用法4: clean of表示“洗去u2026”; 接out,可以表示“打垮”,为美国俚语; 接up作“收拾整洁; 打扫,整顿”解,后面可以接要被清扫掉的物体,也可以接要使之干净、整洁的对象,在口语中,可以表示“发财”。    clean的用法5: clean可以表示瞬间动作,也可以表示延续性动作。一般情况下,在与表示“某一点”的时间状语连用时,用一般时态,是瞬间动词; 在与表示“某一段的”时间状语连用时,用进行时态,是延续性动词。试比较:   Sophia cleaned two of the bedrooms in the morning.索菲娅在早晨把这些卧室中的两间打 扫得干干净净。 All that night I was cleaning Owen"s en- gine.那一整夜我都在清洗欧文的引擎。   clean的用法例句:   1. They were more concerned about the dogs" welfare than a clean getaway.   他们更加关心那些狗的安危,而非自己如何干净利落地脱身。   2. When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean.   他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。   3. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.   如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。   4. He rubbed and rubbed but couldn"t seem to get clean.   他擦了又擦,可就是擦不干净。   5. The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole.   钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。   6. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.   要是能洗个热水澡、换身干净的衣服就太好了。   7. She would clean the house from top to bottom.   她会把房子彻底打扫一下。   8. Maybe this guy isn"t so squeaky clean after all.   也许这个人说到底品行并非那么完美。   9. Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.   避税的指控使他的清白形象蒙污。   10. Clean the mussels and discard any that do not close.   把贻贝洗干净,凡是合不上口的都扔掉。   11. If you are using the same pan, clean it out.   如果还用同一个平底锅,要把它清理干净。   12. And while I"m out you might clean up the kitchen.   我不在的时候,你打扫一下厨房总该可以吧。   13. She wanted to make a clean break from her mother and father.   她想和父母一刀两断。   14. "His private life is as clean as a whistle," says McSmith.   “他的私生活没有任何污点,”麦克史密斯说。   15. Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again?   为什么不洗心革面、从头来过呢?

P/T and F/T openings 是什么意思

是Part Time/Full Time Openings的缩写,意思是有兼职和全职的职位空缺,opening在这里是职位空缺的意思。希望能够帮到你,呵呵
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