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英语中other than和rather than有什么区别

other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式 There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分 eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.

英语区别other than和more than,不同之处。

我感觉这两个并不相近阿,other than表示除非是某种条件,其他条件都不符合的意思I could never love anyone other than you.more than 表示后面的条件远远不够,还需要更多的意思I need more than money to marry you.

如果拆分理解“other than ......”的用法,other 在这个固定词组中是什么词性?

在other than…中,other只作形容词,意思是“其他的”。它在这个短语中只有形容词一种词性。than在短语中是介词,意思是“比…”,用以引出比较的第二部分。有关other than这个短语的使用,建议题主搜索“other than是什么意思”,看金山词霸的那条,里面给出了近30个例句,对于透彻理解该短语的用法很有帮助。

no other than和none other than的区别是什么?

no other than和none other than的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、no other than:只有,除…外没有。2、none other than:就是,不是别的而正是。二、用法不同1、no other than:是“准确的,确切的,精确的”的意思,指数量、品质等不多不少,刚好与事实或标准相符,强调丝毫不差。引申还可作“严谨的,严格的”解,一般指的是人做事时严谨的态度。2、none other than:在句中用作定语或表语。与in连用,表示“在…方面准确〔严谨〕”。无比较级和最高级形式。的基本意思是“要求”“索取”,一般指“硬性要求”“强求”。三、侧重点不同1、no other than:侧重于“正是那个”我们所知道的,熟悉的或在谈论的人。2、none other than:语气更强,表示惊奇、赞美、强调等语气时多用 none other than 。

no other than 和 none other than的区别是什么

no other than 与 none other than都可表示“不是别的,正是……”的意思。两者区别不大,常可换用。例如: 1)The tall figure that you saw was no other than our manager. The tall figure that your way was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人我们的经理。 2)It was no other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you. It was none other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you. 为你付医疗费不是别人,正是琼斯。 no other than 侧重于“正是那个”我们所知道的,熟悉的或在谈论的人。有时可相当于 very 的用法。 1)It was no other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information. Tommy Traddles was the very person who told me this piece of informatio 告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。 2)He is no other than the famous writer I have often talked about. He is the very famous writer I have often talked about. 他正是我经常谈起的那位著名作家。 3)You are no other than the professional talent we are looking for. You are the very professional talent we are looking for. 你正是我们要物色的专业人材。none other than 语气更强,表示惊奇、赞美、强调等语气时多用 none other than 。 1)The tall figure over there is none other than the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself. 那位身材魁梧的先生正是大数学家贝尔·威廉姆斯本人。 (带有对贝尔·威廉姆斯赞美 之情) 2)The winner of the speech contest was none other than Tom who doesn"t talk much in daily life. 这次演讲比赛的冠军竟然是汤姆,他平时不太讲话。 (带有惊奇之情) 3)It was none other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information. 告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。 (强调是Tommy Traddles) 4)His girlfriend turned out to be none other than my sister. (带有一点惊奇) 他的女朋友原来不是别人,是我的妹妹。 5)The doctor who performed the operation for her was none other than her own father. 为她做手术的医生不是别人,正是她的亲生父亲。 (强调是她自己的亲生父亲)注: 表示“不是别的,正是……”多少带有情感,这正是现代英语中较多使用 none other than 而较少使用 no other than 的原因。

other than that包不包括之前说的


other than后接动词的什么形式?

1、其后加名词The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。 2、从句The truth s quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你想的完全不同。 3、不定式Nothing in this article prevents either party from exercising any right other than to claim damages under this Convention. 本条规定不妨碍任何一方行使本公约规定的要求损害赔偿以外的任何权力 It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线。 4、原型If he was to quench his thirst for knowledge, he could do nothing other than explore the unknown quantity. 他要满足求知欲没有别的办法,只能到自己陌生的领域中去探索。

other than 和besides的区别?

besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分后接名词、代词或不定式。eg.In that casethere is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)

rather thanother thaninstead of 的区别


other than怎么用?

申明,我转载的,这个写的很好。。。英语中意思为“除了……”的表达有except/except for/besides/apart from/but/but for/other than等,它们的用法复杂多变、难以掌握,学生常常为之困惑烦恼。本文将对其进行总结、归纳、练习,使学生能够系统地掌握它们的用法,消除学生几多愁。1. except和besides都可解作“除……之外”但含义不同。except表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。试比较:①We all went except him.除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去)②We all went besides him.除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)(1)besides常与other/more/else等词连用except常与all/every/everyone/none/nobody/everything/nothing等总括词连用。eg. He had other people to take care of besidesme.All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping.(2)若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式except后接动词不定式而besides后接动词的-ing形式。eg.I had no choice except to obey/besides obeying his order.(3)若句中有实义动词do的某种形式二者后面都可以接动词原形。eg.She has nothing to do except/besides go with him.(4)二者后面都可以接从句。eg.①Besides that he explained the theoryhe gave us some examples.②He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school.(5)except后面可接for(构成短语except for)或其他介词短语,而besides不能。except for主要有三层含义:①表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定起部分修正主要意思的作用。eg.Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes.②表示非同类事物进行比较。eg.The street is empty except for several cars.③置于句首,表达except的含义。eg.Except for thiseverything is in order.except for后接名(代)词可以转移为except+从句或其他介词短语。eg.The climate here is good except for some rainy days.(except when it rains;except that it sometimes rains;except on the rainy days)注意:二者用于否定句时含义相同,意思是一样的。eg. He did nothing besides (=except) this.除这件事外,他什么事也没做。2. apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。3. but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换,但用法稍有区别。①except可以代替but但but并不一定都可以代替except如果句中有no、all、nobody、who、where等不定代词或疑问词时,多用but后跟宾语从句时,多用except。②but for含义有时与except for相同,但主要表示“要不是……”,常用于虚拟句,表示一种假设。③but位置的变化会引起人称代词主、宾格的变化。No one but I (=except me) knows it.No one knows it but me (=except me).4. other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分后接名词、代词或不定式。eg.In that casethere is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)

ranther than 与other than的区别

rather than 是宁可 other than 是除了 例: He is a friend rather than a father.与其说他是父亲还不如说他是朋友. other than a father,he is a friend.他除了是父亲,还是朋友.

rather thanother thaninstead of 的词性区别


other than 是什么词性

rather than是连词,前后两端所连的词性是一致的,通常译为“而不是”或“与其说是……不如说是

more than什么意思,other than什么意思


other than rather than的具体区别于用法 后面跟ing 还是什么的

  other than 除了…;除…之外 (常用于否定结构中)   There"s nobody here other than me.   除了我这里没别人.   I have not studied foreign languages other than English.   除了英语外,我没学过其他外语.   She has no close friends other than him.   她除了他以外没有好朋友.   She seldom appears other than happy.   她总是看起来很幸福.   He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.   他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话.   The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.   除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见.   This is no other than my old friend,John.   这位不是别人,正是我的老朋友约翰.   The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.   你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理.   He has no friend other than you.   他除你之外就没有别的朋友了.   rather than 意为“而不是”、“而没有”,侧重客观上的差别,还可以表示“与其……,倒不如(或宁可)……”,侧重句子主语或说话人主观上的选择.句中 rather than 前后一般应为名词、代词、动名词、形容词、谓语动词、动词不定式、介词短语,甚至分句等.下面分别举例说明.   一、接名词   1.He is an artist rather than a politician.他是位艺术家,而不是***家.(与其说他是***家,倒不如说他是艺术家.)   2.We ought to invest in new machinery rather than building.   我们该在新机器上而不是在建筑上投资.   3.I would buy a computer rather than a motor bike.我要买台电脑,而不是摩托车.   二、接代词   1.It ought to be me rather than you that sign the letter.在信上签名的该是我,而不是你.   2.The person who should be praised is you rather than me.该受到表扬的人是你,而不是我.   三、接动名词   1.I always prefer getting up early rather than going to school without breakfast.   我总是愿意早起床,而不愿不吃早饭就去上学.   2.He enjoys reading rather than watching TV.他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视.   3.He was engaged in writing rather than reading the newspaper.   他在忙着写东西,而不是在看报纸.   四、接形容词   1.I call her hair chestnut rather than brown.   我宁愿说她的头发是栗色的,而不愿说她的头发是棕色的.   2.Taking exercise every day makes him look younger rather than older.   每天锻炼身体使他显得年轻而不是年老.   3.The colour seems green rather than blue.这颜色好像是绿的,而不是蓝的.   五、接谓语动词   1.She telephoned rather than wrote.她打了电话,而没有写信.   2.She cried rather than smiled.她哭了,而不是笑了.   3.He would die rather than give up smoking.他宁死也不愿戒烟.   六、接动词不定式   1.I decided to write rather than ( to ) telephone.我决定写信而不打电话.   2.She likes to keep things rather than ( to ) throw them away.   她喜欢把东西保存起来而不是随手将其扔掉.   3.Rather than go there,I"d prefer to stay here on my own.我宁愿一个人呆在这儿,而不愿去那儿.   七、接介词短语   1.I"d prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.我宁愿夏天去,而不愿冬天去.   2.We"ll have tea in the garden rather than in the house.   我们要在花园里喝茶而不想在屋里喝茶.   3.She is reading in the library rather than in the classroom.   她正在图书馆里看书而不是在教室里.   八、接分句   1.John went to the seaside yesterday rather than he went where he often goes.   约翰昨天到海滨去了,没到他常去的地方.   2.You should help me rather than I should help you.你应当帮我,而不是我应当帮你.   使用 rather than 时,还应注意以下两点:   1.rather than 很像并列连词.其前后都应是相互对应的词语,但接不定式时,常可省去不定式符号 to .   2.rather than 也可分开使用,和 would 或 had 构成“ would / had rather … than ”结构,than 前后也是相互对等的结构.试比较:   ( 1 ) She would rather have the small one than the large one.她宁愿要小的,也不愿要大的.   ( 2 ) Tom would rather be liked than feared.汤姆宁愿受人爱戴,而不愿让人惧怕.   ( 3 ) Wouldn"t you rather be liked than feared?你不是宁愿受人爱戴,而不愿让人惧怕吗?   但当 would rather 被用作谓语动词后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应为虚拟形式.例如:   I"d rather you came tomorrow than today.我宁愿明天来,而不是今天来.

other than后面可以接什么

other than1、其后加名词The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理. 2、从句The truth s quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你想的完全不同. 3、不定式Nothing in this article prevents either party from exercising any right other than to claim damages under this Convention. 本条规定不妨碍任何一方行使本公约规定的要求损害赔偿以外的任何权力 It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线. 4、原型If he was to quench his thirst for knowledge, he could do nothing other than explore the unknown quantity. 他要满足求知欲没有别的办法,只能到自己陌生的领域中去探索.

other than的用法?other .....than,分开用的,跟rather...than 是一样的用法吗?


other than ,more than,less than,rather than到底有什么区别



other than可用作介词短语,也可用作连词,通常用于否定陈述后,表示除了…以外。有时也可表示与……不同的。 例句: It was no other than the chair. 正是那张轮椅。 Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair. 她的第一位顾客竟然是布莱尔夫人。 扩展资料   I have never known him to behave other than selfishly.   我从没见过他不自私。   I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.   我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。   We"re going away in June but other than that I"ll be here all summer.   我们六月份外出;除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。

other than 是什么意思?


in addition to 和other than 区别

in addition to意思为 “除--之外还有, 是包含的。other than的意思为相当于but,except. but for要不是,except除--之外,是排除的。In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulance will be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排以外,另增救护车至午夜。Are you studying any science subjects other than chemistry?除了化学以外,你还修别的理科课程吗?

other than 什么意思?


other than和except还有besides的区别?

besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分

求几个音调很激情的英文歌曲,比如I Want My Tears Back这种类型的歌曲!

rosecrancefollow the signsdivergencynever neverall around the worldl want yourock n rollsmilegirlfriend你可以在QQ音乐上搜索摇滚

more than什么意思,other than什么意思

more than:超过还有以下几种意思:1.仅仅,只是2.不多于,至多3.多于4.不过,仅仅;和...一样not more than1.至多;不比…更2.不比……更,不如;至多more than sufficient1.绰绰有余2.绰绰有馀more than that1.多于那2.多过那个more than ever1.超出任何时候2.更有甚者 other than:除……还有以下几种意思:other than1.不同于2.不同于;除了3.不同于,非;除了4.除了none other than1.不是别人而正是2.不是别的,正是consideration other than cash1.现金以外的代价2.现金以外的报酬other-than-earth satellite1.非地球卫星reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid1.不包括补助拨款的偿款

英语other than怎么翻译?

你好!other than除

other than的用法

Other than的用法一、other than原意为“与……不同的”。例如:1. Here is a tool other than yours. 这里的工具不是你的。(直译为:这里放着的是与你的工具不同的工具。)2. We have done many experiments other than this one. 我们做了与这个实验不同的许多实验。3. Reactions other than the desired one often occur when the reactants are brought together. 当这些反应物放在一起时,常发生不希望有的一些反应。(原意为:……常发生与希望的反应不同的反应。)4. These animals are different in other ways than shape. 这些动物差别不在形状,而在别的方面。二、other than常常可译为“除了……以外”。例如:1. I have not studied any language other than Chinese. 除了汉语以外,我没学过任何其它语言。2. Under some conditions chemical energy is liberated during a chemical reaction in forms other than heat. 在某些条件下,在化学反应期间,化学能还能以除了热能以外的其他形式释放出来。3. The law takes into account forms of energy other than those discussed so far. 除了到目前为止所讨论的那些能量形式以外,该定律还考虑了其它能量形式。4. He could not do it other than hurriedly. 他只能匆匆忙忙地做了那件事。三、no…other than作“除……外……不”解。例如:1. No fuels other than petroleum will be fit for this purpose. 除石油外其他燃料都将不适于这种用途。2. We can think of no other example than this. 除了这个例子以外,我们想不出别的来了。四、none(或no)other than(…)作“不是别的,正是……”解,例如:1. It is none other than zinc. 这就是锌。(这不是别的,正是锌。)2. The tall man that I saw was no (或none) other than Comrade Wang. 我看见那个高个子不是别人,正是王同志。

other than什么意思

1、other than用作介词He has no friend other than you.他除你之外就没有别的朋友了。The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。2、other than用作连词He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。other than有两种意思:1、是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(=different from),非(=not)"。The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样。Certainly, my associates and pursuits shall be other than they have been.当然,现在我所来往的人,我所追求的事物,将和以前不同。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。2、是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except。(一般用于否定陈述后)除了…以外。There is nobody here other than me.除了我以外没有别人。You can go there other than by swimming.除了游泳以外你无法到哪里。

other than 是什么意思?


英语中other than和rather than有什么区别

other than 不同于, 除了,与…不同;与…不同方式 There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人。 You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去。 rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分 eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。

other than包括自己吗

other than包括自己。other than一、含义:prep. 除了。conj. 除了。二、用法:other than可用作介词短语,也可用作连词,通常用于否定陈述后,表示除了…以外。有时也可表示与……不同的。other than位于anything、nothing、something、anybody、anyone等不定代词的后面,此时 other than组成的短语在句中作定语,修饰前面的不定代词。The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。近义词:otherwise一、含义:adv. 否则;不同地;在不同方面。adj. 不同的。二、用法:直接源自中古英语的othre wise;最初源自古英语的on othre wisan,意为在其他方面。The truth is quite otherwise.实情大有出入。



other than是什么意思

  other than  prep.除了; 不同,不同于,不; 绝不是;  [网络]以外; 非; 不同于;  [例句]You can"t get there other than by boat.  除了坐船,你无法去那里。

other than 什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: other than 什么意思?可以用else than 吗? 解析: other than:固定用法,用于否定句中。意思是除了……,除……之外。 没有else than的说法。 I can"t do other than obey.除了服从,我别无他法。 You can"t get to the island other than by boat. 要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法。

用better或more better或worse填空:Now the air in our home town is even ( ) than it was before.


Father and mother,I love you有关的英语文章

Father and mother, I love youMom and Dad, thank you for your caring love for me as your child, because no matter how old I am I will always be your child.Thank you for the wonderful memories of watching my mother and father love each other.I remember dad sitting in his recliner watching TV but really watching mom so when mom walked by dad would grab her and try to have her sit on his lap. Mom would always act as if she did not like it, but she did. Boy! My Dad really loves my Mom.I remember mom having dinner ready for dad as soon as he came home from work. When dad would walk in the door mom would always greet dad, walk with dad to the bathroom, and tell dad all about her day. Boy! My Mom really loves my Dad.I remember dad always working around the house painting this, repairing that, hanging those, planting all and dad always checking mom"s list even checking it twice making sure everything looks just nice. Boy! My Dad really loves my Mom.Now that I remember all of those loving moments it occurs to me how much my mom and dad still love each other as much today as they did 50 years ago. I see this love when I come home to visit, there"s my mom and dad sitting in different rooms next to each other playing on their computers back to back but knowing that each one is there if needed.Mom, Dad what a blessing the both of you have been to me. I have so much to be thankful for, but I would not have any of those blessings if it were not for the blessing of my Mom and Dad loving each other for 50 years.

写一篇英语作文 keep the school clean



应该是marine,ocean 偏向名词,就是大洋,marine是与海洋有关的。水产的,如下详细说明:marine 英 [məˈri:n] 美 [məˈrin] adj. 海的; 海产的; 海军的; 海事的; n. 水兵; 海军陆战队士兵; 海事,海运业; [例句]The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。[其他] 复数:marines ocean 英 [ˈəʊʃn] 美 [ˈoʊʃn] n. 海洋; 洋; 大海; (地球上划分出的) 洋; [例句]There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。[其他] 复数:oceans

需要MALYLIN MANSON的的歌词~全的!谢谢!

Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongEverything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itLet usWe"re entertaining youLet usWe"re entertaining you


1. As Madness Took MeI never thought that I would see the truth behind the lieSo now I"ve opened my eyesNow I must find the reasonI leave my sanity behindMadness took my mindSomeday you"ll see and you will believe meI"m the one who will set you freeSo open your mind and rid this world of insanityFrom the vanityI stare out into nothing, thinking what we have doneJust don"t understand why all this came to beWhat have we done to be to be rulers of allHow it tears my mind apartSomeday you"ll see and you will believe meI"m the one who will set you freeSo open your mind and rid this world of insanityFrom the vanityThe bruises on my wrists are bleeding more and moreI"m pulling harder trying to break freeSuddenly I realize I can"t moveThinking of the good times as I am falling asleep2. StarfallAstray I have wanderedI have been hauntedBy the fear that"s been holding me downBut the heavens sing your silent cryAnd they whisperA sleepless starlightTo grant you a world beyond your sightHear the calling ofThe sign of truth - starfall lights your eyesThe wish it hides - is in your mindThe hope of life - when astral angels cryTruth and lies - starfall eyesI hear the calling of a thousand lightsSing to meThey"ve been singing to meA sleepless starlightTo grant you a world where you belongA world beyond your mindForever, this is the moment of surrender toTo the calling ofThe sign of truth - starfall lights your eyesThe wish it hides - is in your mindThe hope of life - when astral angels cryTruth and lies - starfall eyesSign of truthWish it hidesHope of lifeStarfall eyes3. Calling My NameRain"s falling down from blackened cloudsBlazing storm of chillThe sky is torn from lightning and from rageThere is no shelter from the wrathGod-forsaken forceI"m standing drenched and soaked in ice so coldCan it beIt"s my fateAll this blazing hate?See as I fallSo deep into the skyThe spirits are calling my nameThey beg me to free them somedayI will be saneSnow"s falling down from clouds aboveTearing down the skyI must release the spirits nowRaging hateIs my fateIs it all too late?See my scarred body and mindAs I"m laughing at the skySee as I fallInto the skyLightning is burning my soulSee as I"m thrownInto the deep blue skyNo spirits are calling my nameI"m begging to be freed from painI am no more4. In Perfect HarmonyFrom the dark days of my lifeI have walked a lonesome roadJust can"t reach the light that others haveHow is it that I can"t seeHow to live my life and learnI"ve reached the point of no returnI"ve got to grasp the opportunitiesWhen they"re close at handAnd I"ve got to realizeMy memories must burnSet me free and let me seeAll the beauty in this worldGive me hope, make me believeThat I can change this world and beForever free in harmony with lifeSometimes errors I have doneWhen my judgement has been wrongAs my mind"s been set my heart"s been goneI have travelled by myselfLike a lone wolf I have strayedI have to open up my eyesI"ve got to grasp the opportunitiesWhen they"re close at handAnd I"ve got to realizeMy memories must burnNow I can seeThe dark clouds are goneMy mind has been set freeNo more I"ll strayI"ve got to grasp the opportunitiesWhen they"re close at handAnd I"ve got to realizeMy memories must burnSet me free and let me seeAll the beauty in this worldGive me hope, make me believeThat I can change this world and beForever free in harmony with life5. The Dream SeekerFor so long have travelled, I have foughtNow the road is at an endI"ve climbed the highest mountainsSeen the sea beyond the hills, I"m alone with a dreamI have to goRelease all my bondsForever I"ll searchOh, I can"t go on, the last drop of my strengthSilently falls to the groundNo, I just can"t break, I have to keep on going to the endI am alone with a dreamI have to goRelease all my bondsForever I"ll searchFor my own dreamNow I hope to see whatWhat I will becomeIf I see with my own eyesThis is my timeTo overcome my fearsDoubt has me in its graspI must believe that my wishWill come true in the endIt has to endI"ve fought my own thoughtsI have struggled to keep my head clearI have vanquished the nightClouding my sight now I knowNow I know...For so long I have journeyed, I have strayedNow the road is at an endNow all my bondsAre gone, I"m releasedForever I"ll searchI"ve my own dreamNow I can see whatWhat I have becomeI see with my own eyesNow it"s my timeNo longer drowned by fearNo, there isn"t any doubtI just believed that my wishWould come true in the endThis is my end6. The Shores Of Our LandSilence - after the battle all is stillSlaughter - yet another mission is fulfilledNow we begin our journey to our homeCrossing the oceans with sails set abroadDragonships they carry usFrom coast to coastWhere have we been, what have we doneWhat have we won?As our struggle for this time is overKnow that we must depart soon againDragonships they carry usThey take us homeWhere have we been, so far away?A price we must paySee the shores of our landAt last we"re homeBeloved ones greet us nowWe hold them close in our armsOur homecoming brings ease to your heartsBut for the fallen we must prayBehold the horizons, the seagulls are callingThe harbour of our home is now in sight[Johanna Anderson:]Embrace me now, and hold me closeLook into my eyes and sayThat you will always remainHere by the shores of our homeClose to the morning we set sail againTears in the eyes of the ones we hold dearDragonships they carry usThey take us homeWhere will we go, so far away?A price we must pay[Johanna Anderson:]A silent hymn for you, for my loveAs you depart from meOh, this is goodbye, but I"ll be hereOn the shores of our land7. The ReturningForever we go into the glorious lightAnd there is no turning back for us, forever moreTogether we rise, we will become strong againAnd we"ll be forever true or dieWhen we fight it is for all mankindFor life, forever moreHelp us to be the future, to reach the starsAnd to be embraced by lightIf we just stand together then we might breakThe chains, help us fightAgain they shall see we won"t fall into eternityTo be gone without a traceWhen we fight it is for all mankindFor life, forever moreSo please help us to be the future, to reach the starsAnd to be embraced by lightIf we just stand together then we might breakThe chains, help us fightFor the future, now reaching for the starsSo be the light and guide us rightTo free us allForever we go into the glorious lightAnd there is no turning back for us, forever moreAgain they shall see that we won"t fall into eternityTo be gone without a traceCause we fight and it"s for all mankindFor life, eternallySo please help us to be the futureReach the sun and to be lit up by lightIf we just stand together then be might cheat deathHelp us fight8. To The End Of The WorldThe heavens are burning down tonightTo the end of the world we have arrivedBut as constellations pass us byCivilizations shall once more rise to dieEvolution and insanityWe"ve been building our own destinyWe can no longer see the lights insideEvolution and insanityWe"ve been building our own destinyThere"s no reasons left behindThere"s no way to turn the tideIf we don"t care to walk that extra mileMother Earth is losing all her prideWe must remember that life is more than just a fileSo hold on to me for one last timeThe sun ceases to shine and slowly goes downDon"t let me go, we"re all we"ve left nowAs this world goes downDown into flamesAsh falling down, rain burns my skinRivers run black and the trees are withering awaySo hold on to me for one last timeThe sun ceases to shine and slowly goes downDon"t let me go, we"re all we"ve left nowAs this world goes downDown into flames9. The Book Of Shadows Part I: A Story Yet Untold[Instrumental]10. The Book Of Shadows Part II: The Curse Of Qa"aIn my dreams I see a land of mightOne ruler, I see the image of myself so brightBeneath an ocean of sandI have been buried with my loveI will sleep for agesBut a shadow in my mindHaunted by the memoriesOf what has been left behindBut in thousands of yearsYou will come hereAnd release me from my slumber11. The Book Of Shadows Part III: The Glendora Outbreak[Instrumental]


let"s do it again uh let"s do it again i said 翻译:巫师 let"s do it again bigbang let"s do it again let"s do it again like听从身体的指挥 转换气氛 左右摇摆 摇摆你的屁股我们crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~everybody in the place go hoEverybody in the place gohey hey girl what you want for me (ma) 去新的世界come here (ma)从未尝试过的特别的味道 是专为你准备的等了又等的我们的时间 什么都别说先抬起你的脚进来的时候 随你的意愿 出去的时候 随我的意愿 闭上眼睛 我会让你的大脑休息Chorus这个晚上很漫长 so get down 孤单的人全部都到我这里来用节奏承载着身体 一起舞动 来 大步大步 走过来hands up go hands up go hands up let"s go let"s go oh oh oh(rock ya"ll we gonna this party)hands up go hands up go hands up let me say oh oh ohhey hey 想要更加完美的守住秘密吗 和她的 something我喜欢遮住光线的窗帘所带来的黑暗bang"em你已经知道我是谁 甜蜜的音色和外貌 今天是只属于你的hero你知道了吗?it"s the hot in here我们用整夜的时间奔上云霄 来吧 oh ma god i"m so hot 我喜欢 让年轻全部燃烧掉吧hey我喜欢这样恍惚的夜hey 我只想要你 hey 听见了吗 我的心脏跳动的声音blahblahblahChorus这个晚上很漫长 so get down 孤单的人全部都到我这里来用节奏承载着身体 一起舞动 来 大步大步 走过来hands up go hands up go hands up let"s go let"s go oh oh oh(rock ya"ll we gonna this party)hands up go hands up go hands up let me say oh oh ohlet"s do it again uh let"s do it again i said let"s do it again bigbang let"s do it again let"s do it again like听从身体的指挥 转换气氛 左右摇摆 摇摆你的屁股我们crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~everybody in the place go hoEverybody in the place gonow movin yo movin just movin b to the i the g bangeverybody dance now年轻人 在这广阔的世上 尽情的展现热情吧不停歇的奔跑 不可阻挡 声音再开的大一些c"mon c"mon 在尚未停止之前 放开喉咙 大声叫吧yoyoyo put your hands up high big bang in da house这个晚上很漫长 so get down 孤单的人全部都到我这里来用节奏承载着身体 一起舞动 来 大步大步 走过来hands up go hands up go hands up let"s go let"s go oh oh oh(rock ya"ll we gonna this party)hands up go hands up go hands up let me say oh oh oh

我叫唐宁~想取个英文名,从大家的提议里边,我觉得Tanny Tanya比较跟我的名字皆音,想问一下大家的意思

shining词典释义]a. 1. 光亮的 2. 华丽的 3. 优秀的 4. 醒目的 [网络释义]1.发光的,闪光的 2.发光的,灿烂的 3.光亮的

nano.ripe 梦路 罗马音

梦路歌:nano.RIPE 作词:きみコ 作曲:きみコ 缲り返される日々が终わり见えないモノがヒトツ消えたkurikaesa reru hibi ga owari mie nai mono ga hitotsu kie taぼくは今道を探してるbokuha ima michi wo sagashi teru耳の奥で响く声に思わずきみを想うけれどmimi no oku de hibiku koe ni omowazu kimiwo omou keredo振り返るのはまだ怖いからfurikaeru nohamada kowai karaはぐれた指を高くかざしてhagureta yubi wo takaku kazashite南风を味方につけて行けたらいいなhae wo mikata nitsukete ike taraiinaぼくはぼくをきみはきみを探しにゆく旅に出るbokuhabokuwokimihakimiwo sagashi niyuku tabi ni deru暧昧でも不确かでも今ならば言えるよaimai demo futashika demo ima naraba ie ruyo軽くなった荷物抱え次は何を入れようかとkaruku natta nimotsu dae tsugi ha naniwo ire youkato考えるフリでもしてみようkangae ru furi demoshitemiyou梦は梦で目が覚めると迹形もなく消えるモノだyume ha yume de me ga same ruto atokata monaku kie ru mono da思うより価値なんてないomou yori kachi nantenai足りないモノばかりでも答えなんていらないなtari nai mono bakaridemo kotae nanteiranaina辿り着けば今よりも笑えるだろうtadori tsuke ba ima yorimo warae rudarouぼくはぼくをきみはきみを探しにゆく旅に出るbokuhabokuwokimihakimiwo sagashi niyuku tabi ni deru暧昧でも不确かでも今ならば言えるよaimai demo futashika demo ima naraba ie ruyo远くかすむ光さえもココからでは见えないけどtooku kasumu hikari saemo koko karadeha mie naikedo梦にも似た小さな灯が足元を照らすよyume nimo nita chiisa na tomoshibi ga ashimoto wo tera suyoきみが歌う春の歌は今ぼくらの背中を押すkimiga utau haru no uta ha ima bokurano senaka wo osuありがとうもさようならも今だから言えるよarigatoumosayounaramo ima dakara ie ruyo

英语题our home is finer than( )




In this realistic and cruel world, everyone is p

In this realistic and cruel world, everyone is playing different roles在这个现实而残酷的世界里,每个人都扮演着不同的角色

哪一个对?thank you

No pain, no gain.不劳无获。

no pain no gain 中的pian和gain要不是加s


日语问题 一反 读 yi tan 是布料的单位,哪位大侠知道具体的含义怎么定义的吗?


不努力就不会有收获用英语怎么说好象是NO pian,NO gian 我不确定

no pain,no gain,没有付出,没有收获!即一分.一分...

No pian,No gian中 文 意 思 是 什 么 ?

没有苦楚 , 不会成长no pain no gain no pain no gain 不辛苦,无收获网络释义 -No pain no gain: 不经一事,不长一智!;没有疼痛就没收获;凯利教你健身操;从察觉的时候开始 梦想就开始了 不经一事,不长一智! 大学生应该脱口而出的100句英语(工作时常用哦)2 ... No doubt about it!勿庸置疑! No pain no gain!不经一事,不长一智! None of your business!要你管? ...基于270个网页 - 搜索相关网页 没有疼痛就没收获 想一分钟——生存智慧Think a minuteJ... ...No Pain No Gain 没有疼痛就没收获Obstacles or Opportunities 障碍或机会Problems Mean Progress 问题意味着进步 ...基于31个网页 - 搜索相关网页 凯利教你健身操 凯利教你健身操『NO PAIN NO GAIN』《玛丽亚凯丽Fantasy麦迪逊花园广场演唱会》搞笑男人在晚会上对着艾薇儿唱她的歌!基于7个网页 - 搜索相关网页 从察觉的时候开始 梦想就开始了 ...N) 立って行けよすぐに 站着向前走吧 马上就会気づいたときから 梦は动き始める从察觉的时候开始 梦想就开始了(NO PAIN NO GAIN) 明日への壁は向着明天的墙壁自分の両手で打ち破るんだ今 Back hand blow用自己的双手打破了的现在何もせずに 悩んでいても什么也...基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -No pain , no gain: 不劳则无获 . 不劳则无获 . 主题:老美日常实用口语经典110句 ...Look what you did! 看你做的好事! No pain no gain! 不经一事,不长一智 So far, so good 过得去! ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -No pain no gain!: 不经一事,不长一智;不经一事,不长一智! (没付出就没收获);没有付出就没有收获;不经一事,不幼一智


QANTASabbr. Qantas Airways Ltd. <澳大利亚>坎塔斯航空公司;Queensland And Northern Territories Aerial Services 昆士兰州和北部的航空服务领域

An error occurred at line: 46 in the jsp file: /shop/newGoods.jsp这句是什么意思




用老毛桃安装win10,为什么提示ran out of the memory?

run out of the memory 是内存不够运行的意思,常见情况:1、机器主内存本身就太小2、同时打开的程序过多3、虚拟内存设置得过小

请问CMA(comprehensive meta analysis)2.0的注册码是多少?机器号是 1183 - 514。


Oracle rman中restore和recover的区别

recover和restore的区别:restore 是还原,文件级的恢复。就是物理文件还原。recover 是恢复,数据级的恢复。逻辑上恢复,比如应用归档日志、重做日志,全部同步,保持一致。用restore先把备份文件拷贝到数据库目录下进行替换,再用recover经过一些处理,数据库就恢复正常了。

求 comprehensive meta-analysis注册码 版本2.0version


谁有在用cmacomprehensive meta analysis

原文地址:CMA-Comprehensive Meta Analysis 2 - 汇总元分析软件作者:CindyZhangComprehensive Meta AnalysisComprehensive Meta-Analysis(CMA)是一套操作界面友好,然而又非常强大的足以满足您所有研究需要的元分析软件包。对于研究者CMA极其容易学习和使用,有着清楚而且交互式的操作界面。交互式指导将带领您穿越分析中的所有步骤,让新用户在几分钟内就可以入门分析过程。对于统计学家CMA是由多名公认的在元分析(meta-analysis)领域的专家共同开发的,他们都在US和UK。软件包含了大量的用于数据输入,分析和显示的高级选项。对于学校老师通过CMA,元分析的逻辑变得栩栩如生。使用程序可以帮助解释复杂问题,比如研究权重对于组合效应的影响,异质性(heterogeneity)的含义,或者固定效应和随机效应之间的差异。由专家团队开发CMA是由在美国和英国的多名公认的在元分析(meta-analysis)领域的专家共同开发的。


仅对于流行病学领域以及涉及人群研究的其他医学领域的meta分析说点想法:meta的本意或许是扩大power,合并研究人群,现在大队列也被拿来一起做meta,丝毫不顾generalizability。看meta分析除非真的知道这东西怎么算,不然meta的结果更可能形成误导。meta的结果在拿来当结论的时候也是要慎重。我倒觉得只要生物学上有证据支持,meta并不那么重要。只是听说meta现在容易发文章,然后就各种灌水。************************2015.02.22 补充:之所以说大人群的数据没什么必要做meta,是觉得样本量足够,一般结果也够硬。有的大队列是只有女性,有的队列只有男性。我个人会觉得,当研究者阅读单个队列出来的文章的时候,会认真考虑人群的特征,做出这个结果是否适用的判断。而当meta把所有这些都聚合之后,很少能够再判断这篇meta的结果适用于什么样的人群。当一个领域只有一些小样本的研究时,meta能够帮助研究者判断是否有足够的证据支撑做一个大点儿的研究; 当大的研究出来的时候,meta的意义就没那么大了,不过用来引用在intro部分以节省参考文献的数量还是很有效率的。

CMA (Comprehensive Meta Analysis) 2.0 急需注册码。或者谁有XP系统,帮我试下能否用注册机生成注册码


pooled analysis 与meta analysis 有何区别

  最早的综合分析法主要是指Meta分析(Meta analysis,MA),它是相互独立的不同研究者已发表分析结果的再综合。  由于MA综合的内容只能是哪些已发表结果的合并分析,故有一定的局限性,难于进行内容更广或更深入的综合分析。因此,流行病学家们想到以直接获得的各个研究者的原始数据进行综合分析,亦即pooled分析(poled analysis,PA)  两者的优势与不足各表现在如下几个方面:  (1)总的来看,两者结果相近,尤其是当有作用较强、且有统计学意义的研究因素存在时。  (2)MA法的局限在于别人发表了哪些结果,MA只好综合哪些结果,而PA则容易做更深入或广泛的分析研究。或者说,那些没有出现在已发表文章中的结果或研究内容,利用PA可以做进一步的分析。  (3)在做亚组分析方面,PA要优于MA。  (4)若是检验一些新的假设,尤其是当只有少数的几个研究可以利用来做综合分析时,MA比较困难,而PA可以做到。  (5)在文献收集、数据合并和再分析等方面,PA要比MA花费更多的时间、人力和物力。  DevilPA对偏倚更加敏感。一方面,被纳入PA的研究单位近期的研究数据可能容易收集到,而远期(过去)的研究数据的收集则有一定难度,尤其是数据投有计算机化的研究单位或研究者。另一方面,也许有部分研究者他们本身就不愿意提供其研究的原始数据,这样就更容易带来偏性。

meta-analyses 什么意思

1 Meta-analysis基本概念 Meta-analysis方法的思想可追溯到20世纪30年代,最初应用于教育学、心理学等社会科学领域是在60年代〔1〕,70年代初Ligh和Smith提出了可以由不同研究结果汇总原始数据进行综合分析〔2〕,1976年由Glass首次命名Meta-analysis〔3〕。Meta-analysis一词的意思是more comprehensive,即更加全面的综合或超常规。国内译为元分析或荟萃分析。这些名称都表示这样1个概念:即对以往的研究结果进行系统的定量分析〔4,5〕。Glass对Meta-analysis提出的定义是:以综合已有的发现为目的,对单个研究结果的集合的统计学分析方法〔3〕。Sacks等提出的定义是:对以往的研究结果进行统计学的合并和严谨的综述方法〔6〕。罗湘等认为Meta-analysis方法是依靠搜集已有或未发表的具有某一可比特性的文献,应用特定的设计和统计学方法进行分析与综合评价,使有可能对具有不同设计方法及不同病例数的研究结果进行综合比较〔7〕。 Meta-analysis方法应用到医学有关的文章第1篇发表于1955年。作者综合了15份单独研究结果,对1 000余名不同疾病患者服用安慰剂的疗效进行分析,得出了安慰剂具有35 %疗效的结论〔8〕。近十多年来,Meta-analysis在医学领域应用范围日益广泛,在诊断、治疗、危险度评价、干预措施、预防对策等方面起着独特的作用〔9,10〕,甚至有人提出在进行文献综述时,应尽量采用Meta-analysis方法以取代传统的描述性的方法,从而可以得到1个最后的可以信赖的结论,因此,有人称之为分析的分析或叫“结果流行病学”,亦有人称Meta-analysis是更高1级逻辑形式的研究。



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主动运输(active transport)   主动运输涉及物质输入和输出细胞和细胞器,并且能够逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度。   ■ 主动运输的特点   主动运输具有四个基本的特点:①逆梯度运输;②依赖于膜运输蛋白;③需要代谢能,并对代谢毒性敏感; ④具有选择性和特异性。   ● 建立浓度梯度或电化学梯度   细胞靠主动运输建立和维持各种离子在细胞内的不同浓度(表3-5),这些离子的浓度差异对于细胞的生存和行使功能至关重要。 成份 细胞内浓度(mM) 细胞外浓度(mM) 阳离子 Na+ 5-15 145 K+ 140 5 Mg2+* 0.5 1-2 Ca2+* 10-7 1-2 阴离子 Cl- 5-15 110 固定的阴离子** 高 0   * 表中给出的Ca2+和Mg2+的浓度是游离存在于胞质溶胶中的浓度;Mg2+在细胞中的总浓度为2mM,Ca2+则是1-2mM.但它们大多是与蛋白质结合在一起的,Ca2+则存在于细胞器中。   ** 指细胞内存在的带负电的有机分子,它们不能通过细胞质膜。   ● 消耗能量 主动运输是消耗代谢能的运输方式,有三种不同的直接能量来源(表3-7) 载体蛋白 功能 能量来源 直接能源 Na+-K+泵 Na+的输出和K+的输入 ATP 细菌视紫红质 H+从细胞中主动输出 光能 磷酸化运输蛋白 细菌对葡萄糖的运输 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸 间接能源 Na+、葡萄糖泵协同运输蛋白 Na+、葡萄糖同时进入细胞 Na+离子梯度 F1-F0 ATPase H+质子运输, H+质子梯度驱动   ● 选择性和特异性 不同的运输泵转运不同的离子。   参与主动运输的载体蛋白常被称为泵(pump),这是因为它们能利用能量做功。由于它们消耗的代谢能多数来自ATP,所以又称它们为某某ATPase.共有四种类型的运输ATPase, 或称运输泵:   P型离子泵(P-type ion pump),或称P型ATPase .此类运输泵运输时需要磷酸化(P是phosphorylation的缩写),包括Na+-K+泵、Ca2+离子泵。   V型泵(V-type pump),或称V型ATPase,主要位于小泡的膜上( V代表vacuole或vesicle), 如溶酶体膜中的H+泵, 运输时需要ATP供能, 但不需要磷酸化。   F型泵(F-type pump),或称F型ATPase.这种泵主要存在于细菌质膜、线粒体膜和叶绿体的膜中, 它们在能量转换中起重要作用, 是氧化磷酸化或光合磷酸化偶联因子(F即fector的缩写)。  ABC运输蛋白(ATP-binding cassettle transportor), 这是一大类以ATP供能的运输蛋白, 已发现了100多种, 存在范围很广,包括细菌和人。 四种运输ATPase在结构、存在部位和功能上有什么不同?



meta-analysis,meta-synthesis和systematic overview的区别

系统综述和meta分析共同或交叉使用,如果精确区别的话,当系统综述采用了定量合成的方法对资料进行统计学处理时可以称为meta分析;而未使用统计学方法的则为定性的系统综述。 也就是说系统综述包括:定性和定量的两种,后者一般为meta分析

pooled analysis 与meta analysis 有何区别



也有人称这一步为定量Meta分析,以相对于定性Meta 分析。目前已发展出多种Meta 分析方法。但它们的基本思想是一致的,那就是先提出假设,构造一个综合统计量,然后计算各研究的结合统计量,并用其在定性Meta 分析中所得分数去权重它的综合统计量;计算各级别研究中的加权平均综合统计量(在平均过程中,要根据其各结合统计量的方差进行权重) ;做各级别中研究间统计量的异质性检验。Meta 方法的不同主要在于结合统计量和统计假设的不同。根据结合统计量的不同可将Meta 分析方法主要分为三类:第一类的综合统计量为效应值,它适合于测量结果为连续数据的独立研究,目前主要应用于社会科学(教育学、心理学等) 、临床医学和生态学中,它可反映一个程序或现象的效应大小和方向 。第二类主要应用于流行病学、病因学、大众健康学等医学领域中,综合统计量为相对风险度或风险度比或风险度差。第三类为80 年代末在医学领域中发展出的回归方法,其结合统计量为药量- 反应斜率,由回归方法得出的,它适合于测量结果为分类数据的独立研究;根据统计假设的不同可将Meta 分析方法分为两类:固定效应模型和随机效应模型,前者假设所有研究享有共同的真实效应大小,后者假设所有研究的真实效应大小不同,具体体现在计算所有研究平均效应的权重上。由于随机效应模型比较符合实际,得到了Meta分析家们的认可,正被广泛应用开来。 2. 1  发表偏见几乎所有作者及编辑都有更愿意报道统计检验显著结果的趋向,所以综述者被限于在发表物中综合独立研究结果,有可能导致效应大小的高估计。在一项调查中,58 名工作者说他们共做了921 个随机对照实验, 96 个( 10.42 %) 未发表,且正效应结果明显比负效应结果更易于发表;再者,已发表论文所用的实验方法也未必一定好于未发表者。为了克服这一缺点,现在Meta 分析者在搜集资料时既包括了已发表物,也包括未发表物。但有人反对这样做。2. 2  发表物中缺少综述者所需数据在实践中,有许多已收集的文献,由于对最初实验结果的有选择性报道、错误的分析、对原始数据描述不完整等原因而不能被利用,大大降低了Meta 分析的综合能力。2. 3  不对等比较,也有人称为“桔子与苹果问题”许多学者指出各研究的对象、结果测量指标不同会影响最终分析结果,好象将桔子与苹果拿来比较一样,很难得出正确的结论。但也有人认为扩大总体概念会提高综合能力, 结论更具实用性。Peto 指出为解决同一问题而进行的实验, 其综合结果具有相同的方向。2. 4  综述对象最初数据质量不等如果在分析时对这些质量不等的研究给予相同的结合标准,必然会导致分析结果的不准确,为了克服这一问题,分析家们提出了定性Meta 分析。2. 5  综述者对综合结果的解释有偏见。2. 6  不可避免的非随机性选择独立研究因为统计显著性检验要求样本是从遵循一定分布规律的总体中取样得来,所以非随机选取研究和对同一数据进行多次检验(重复报道部分或全部数据或者用同一作者的多个结果) 都是违反上述假设的。但事实上,前5 个问题是所有综述方法的共同弊病,但在描述性综述和数表决法中它们隐藏了起来,并未直接暴露出来,而在Meta 分析中却把它们显露无遗。我们已经看到这样一个事实,Meta 分析正在逐步努力克服这些问题,而且已经取得了可喜的进展。但是再好的Meta 分析也不能代替独立研究,它们是Meta 分析的基础。综上所述,Meta 分析作为一种结合独立研究的统计学方法,具有传统综述不可比拟的优越性,它在这短短20 年中的迅猛发展是最好的一个见证。




INPUT UNIT是指输入单元,OUTPUT UNIT是指输入出单元,这个是在程序运行时手轮插入(左上角红色的英文就是手轮插入的意思)时用的,在手轮有插入运行后一定要把这个输入值归零,否则会报警。相对坐标是对的,DISTANCE TO GO是指还有多少距离需要进给,即离目标位置的距离。SEQ...是指顺序号搜索,P-TYPE,Q-TYPE是指P型,和Q型

meta analysis什么意思

meta analysis词典:元分析例句:Neurosurgical department; Diseases; Risk factors; Hospital-acquired pneumonia;Meta analysis; 神经外科;疾病;危险因素;获得性肺炎;荟萃分析;The Meta Analysis on the Safety and Immunogenicity of Domestic and ImportedSplit Influenza Virus Vaccines 国产与进口流行性感冒病毒裂解疫苗安全性和免疫原性的Meta分析Application of Bayesian Bivariate Hierarchical Model in Meta Analysis of DiagnosticTest Bayesian两变量层次模型及其在诊断试验系统评价中的应用


在做导入的时候,遇到了需要将map对象转化 成javabean的问题,也就是说,不清楚javabean的内部字段排列,只知道map的 key代表javabean的字段名,value代表值。那现在就需要用转化工具了。是通用的哦!首先来看 JavaBean 转化成Map的方法:[java] view plaincopy[java] /*** 将一个 JavaBean 对象转化为一个 Map* @param bean 要转化的JavaBean 对象* @return 转化出来的 Map 对象* @throws IntrospectionException 如果分析类属性失败* @throws IllegalAccessException 如果实例化 JavaBean 失败* @throws InvocationTargetException 如果调用属性的 setter 方法失败*/@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })public static Map convertBean(Object bean)throws IntrospectionException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {Class type = bean.getClass();Map returnMap = new HashMap();BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(type);PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();for (int i = 0; i< propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {PropertyDescriptor descriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];String propertyName = descriptor.getName();if (!propertyName.equals("class")) {Method readMethod = descriptor.getReadMethod();Object result = readMethod.invoke(bean, new Object[0]);if (result != null) {returnMap.put(propertyName, result);} else {returnMap.put(propertyName, "");}}}return returnMap;} 下面是将Map转化成JavaBean对象的方法:[java] view plaincopy[java] /*** 将一个 Map 对象转化为一个 JavaBean* @param type 要转化的类型* @param map 包含属性值的 map* @return 转化出来的 JavaBean 对象* @throws IntrospectionException 如果分析类属性失败* @throws IllegalAccessException 如果实例化 JavaBean 失败* @throws InstantiationException 如果实例化 JavaBean 失败* @throws InvocationTargetException 如果调用属性的 setter 方法失败*/@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")public static Object convertMap(Class type, Map map)throws IntrospectionException, IllegalAccessException,InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException {BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(type); // 获取类属性Object obj = type.newInstance(); // 创建 JavaBean 对象// 给 JavaBean 对象的属性赋值PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();for (int i = 0; i< propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {PropertyDescriptor descriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];String propertyName = descriptor.getName();if (map.containsKey(propertyName)) {// 下面一句可以 try 起来,这样当一个属性赋值失败的时候就不会影响其他属性赋值。Object value = map.get(propertyName);Object[] args = new Object[1];args[0] = value;descriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, args);}}return obj;



“Walk carefully as you _____ (come)inside,”Jack told his sisiter."I _____(just clean)the

come;have just cleanedisdon"t want

Will you be able to come and help us clean the room?


clean up , cheer up ,come up with ,call up ,hand

most of us always do care for what is going to happen in the future,someone could make a difference for changing their lives,but the others might choose a negative way that nothing is to be done. so,how to call up the spirit of this group?from my perspective,several ways could be came up with rightly,yet suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects,to begin with,we are good at giving ourselves suffcient excuses to what we always do in our daily life

求英文歌词 clean bandit---come over

Never said any of this was gonna be simpleSometimes all it takes is just a simple oh-oh-ohBecause the place you want to reach is right in front of youYou"re getting strongerSo just keep on that bit longerRap-pa-pumGirl come overMe want you closerI"m tired of the rainy daysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineSo before the nights overI want you to know thatI"m willing to change my waysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineCome over, Come overCome over, C-Come overCome over, Come overCome over, C-Come over

Clean come ugIy的反义词?

dirty depart;go;leave;go away,go forth等beautiful
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