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ansys workbench与ansys哪个好?

如果你想速成,ansys workbench绝对是最佳选择,这款软件的界面非常友好,是所有有限元软件中最好的,而且对于你所分析的方面,两者的能力不分高下。经典版的学习时间比较漫长,需要很长时间基础知识的积累;最关键的是,经典版对几何模型的兼容性过低,建模过程会很痛苦,ansys workbench可以支持几乎全部主流的3D制图软件,建模过程很轻松。另外ansys workbench的网格划分和后处理是出了名的简单,但不失强大,所以,建议你学ansys workbench,毕竟这代表了未来有限元软件的发展方向。使用仿真软件计算对电脑配置也有不少的要求,如果本地计算太慢,需要高性能的电脑,可以选择赞奇云工作站,不用升级电脑即可享受高配电脑服务。赞奇云工作站拥有专业级显卡、超大内存等多种机器配置。机器显卡更新及时,提供高配机型,海量资源可按需选择,内置软件中心提供最新软件安装包,一键下载,省去搜索时间,提高工作效率。赞奇云工作站提供海量机器,一键申请,提供包年包月多种套餐,灵活选择,按需使用,满足各类工种所需要的机器要求,同时降低运维成本。



安装了ansys,结果是workbench? 两者有什么区别



city 随着进入上世纪70~80年代,世界工业文明的迅速发展,城市化加快,出现了大量农村劳动力向城镇转移从而形成集聚地。还有一整套功能齐全的能为城市的有秩序运行提供保障的基础设施与职能机构。它的原定义是人口在100到200万以上的,能够正常的进行政治,经济,文化生活的现代化的居民区。 当然现在有1000万人的超级城市,像伦敦,纽约就不能用urban,town,而应用city.urban 是都市化的意思 是中小型,人口50以上100以下,正在向大城市转变的城市。正在ing, 它还有一层意思 是规划建设中的意思

主语为不定代词anyhody的问句如何回答? eg:Can anybody take bo

Yes, I can.

如何在ansys workbench中进行疲劳计算

在ansys workbench中进行疲劳计算的方法:在静力学或者在瞬态里面先进行静力学计算,然后添加疲劳的计算模块(fatigure tool)设置相关的参数以及求解结果后进行疲劳计算即可。注意添加数值的准确性。零件和构件在低于材料屈服极限的交变应力(或应变)的反复作用下,经过一定的循环次数以后,在应力集中部位萌生裂纹。裂纹在一定条件下扩展,最终突然断裂,这一失效过程称为疲劳破坏。材料在疲劳破坏前所经历的应力循环数称为疲劳...

ANSYS Workbench并行计算设置方法

在有限元分析中,对于复杂的结构分析、流体分析、非线性分析通常都需要较长的计算时间,利用ANSYS Workbench的并行求解功能,可以充分发挥计算机的性能,大大缩短仿真分析的求解时间。在ANSYS Workbench中开启并行计算,首先进入Mechanical求解界面,单击菜单Tools > Solve Process Settings。单击对话框中的Advanced 按钮,在弹出的Advanced Properties对话框中,即可对并行计算的CPU数量、GPU加速情况进行设置。ANSYS Workbench默认采用2核并行计算,可根据本地计算机的CPU配置进行设置,GPU加速需要符合ANSYS要求的硬件(显卡)支持。单击对话框中的Advanced 按钮,在弹出的Advanced Properties对话框中,即可对并行计算的CPU数量、GPU加速情况进行设置。ANSYS Workbench默认采用2核并行计算,可根据本地计算机的CPU配置进行设置,GPU加速需要符合ANSYS要求的硬件(显卡)支持。

All Angels的《Songbird》 歌词

歌曲名:Songbird歌手:All Angels专辑:All AngelsTalking to the songbird yesterdayFlew me to a past not far awayShe"s a little pirate in my mindSinging songs of love to pass the timeGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyoneA man can never dream these kinds of thingsEspecially when she came and spread her wingsWhispered in my ear the things I"d likeThen she flew away into the nightGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyone

求帮助写篇英语文章 Electric Power system题目 第一句是Electric Power is a most convenient clean safe



city与urban的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同cityn. 城市;都市;全体市民;特许市;特权市。City.n. (伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区。urbanadj. 城市的;都市的。二、用法不同citycity是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市。在美国,人口在8000人以上的都可称为city。city也可表示“全市居民,全城居民”,作此解时是集合名词,常用作单数,可与单数或复数动词连用。the City的意思是“伦敦商业区,伦敦城”。“进城”可说go to the city,也可说go to town。注意town前无冠词。Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。urban1619年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的urbanus,意为属于一个城市。作形容词含有城市的,都市的,城镇的,居住在城市的,城市居民的,习惯于城市生活的,都市式的,都市化的等意思。In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.城市生活的质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。三、侧重点不同citycity城市是法律的定义:是一个较大、永久人类栖居地;根据国家法律,具有行政、司法权利或历史地位的地方政府。urbanurban是形容词,指和城市相关的内容,尤其是城市才具有的都市文化。

ansys workbench 打开出现问题 里面工具栏下面缺少东西 怎么办?

ansys workbench软件文件缺失或者损坏,需要重新安装。操作如下:1、首先打开浏览器,百度搜索“ansys workbench”进行下载软件安装包;2、安装包下载完成后,点击打开安装文件进行安装软件;3、打开之后记得勾选“I AGREE”,意思是我同意以上协议,然后一路点击“next”进行安装即可;4、安装完成后,重新打开软件就恢复正常了。

As long as I can dream歌词及翻译

I Watch The Leaves Fall To The Ground Suddently We Belled The Sun I Carry On The Season Down As Time"s Sarander Then To Now They Said Nothings Go Chemister But Hope Will Fade Away This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know When Winter Went To Very Spring We Know And That"s The Life Inside All Me This Is All That I Can Dream The Sun Will Say I Am Moving Rise Now I Did Expord The Simple Lines The stars brights before my eyes Never Mind It In My Life This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know When Winter Went To Spring We Know And That"s The Life Inside All Me This Is All That I Can DreamI Close My Eyes Make A Wish What The Way Go Heres From Theres All I Need Is A Room And The Time My Through Like A Girl Always In The Green And This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know When Winter Went To Spring We Know And That"s The Life Inside All Me This Is All I Can DreamThis Is Only That I Can Dream I"ll Show This Is No One That Its Heart Can Go We Ever Faces Is There Hopely This Is Only That I Can Dream 我看了树叶落向地面  突然,我们大直径人工挖孔太阳  我把在这个赛季  随着时间的Sarander然后就到此为止吧  他们说去Chemister看客  但是希望、也要这样衰残  这是我的梦,我只知道  当冬天来到非常春天我们知道吗  生活的全部 这是我所能的梦想  太阳会说我搬起来  现在我Expord简单的线条  星星作品在我眼前  别介意它就在我的生活  这是我的梦,我只知道  当冬天来到春天我们知道吗  生活的全部  这是我所能的梦想  我闭上眼睛,许个愿吧  从这里走什么路项目的  我需要一个房间,我的时间  像一个女孩总是在绿色的  这仅仅是我可以梦想,我知道  当冬天来到春天我们知道吗  生活的全部  这都是我的梦想  这是我的梦,我只会显示  这是没有人知道它的心就可以走了  我们以前有Hopely脸  这仅仅是我可以梦想 这是我的梦,我只会显示  这是没有人知道它的心就可以走了  我们以前有Hopely脸  这仅仅是我可以梦想

ansys workbench 出现这样的错误,如图,应该怎么办啊





经典ansys就是四十年前就有的,专注于结构分析。 但是随着ansys越做越大,接连收购了流体分析软件FLUENT ,CFX ,还有专门划分网格的icem等等。ansys公司就觉得有必要做一个平台,把这些分析可以共用起来,因此就诞生了workbench(直翻就是工作平台的意思),workbench的页面更加人性化,学起来简单。而且适合做耦合分析,流固耦合 留热耦合等等。因此目前来说很多学习ansys的人开始直接学习workbench了。就不在使用ansys经典界面了。但是老一点的有限元分析师还是会选择使用ansys经典界面来进行分析。要说明一点他们是共用求解器的,因此用ansys经典和workbench算出来的结果应该完全一样。

请教有英语高人,求Jay--z的 girls girls girls pt.3(urban noize remix)的英文歌词

[Jay-Z]Course I love you.. I love all y"allHehehe, hehehe, f"real[Biz] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour, yeah[Jay-Z]I got this Spanish chica, she don"t like me to roamSo she call me cabron plus marriconSaid she likes to cook rice so she likes me homeI"m like, "Un momento" - mami, slow up your tempoI got this black chick, she don"t know how to actAlways talkin out her neck, makin her fingers snapShe like, "Listen Jigga Man, I don"t care if you rapYou better - R-E-S-P-E-C-T me"I got this French chick that love to french kissShe thinks she"s Bo Derek, wear her hair in a twist_Ma cherie amore, tu es belle_Merci, you fine as fuck but you givin me hellI got this indian squaw the day that I met herAsked her what tribe she with, red dot or featherShe said all you need to know is I"m not a hoAnd to get with me you better be Chief Lots-a-DoughNow that"s Spanish chick, French chick, indian and blackThat"s fried chicken, curry chicken, damn I"m gettin fatArroz con pollo, french fries and crepeAn appetitite for destruction but I scrape the plateI love[Tip] Girls, girls, girls, girls (uh-huh)Girls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Tip] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls all over the globe[Jay] I come scoop you in that Coupe, sittin on deuce-zeroesFix your hair in the mirror, let"s roll - c"mon[Jay-Z]I got this young chick, she so immatureShe like, "Why you don"t buy me Reeboks no more?"Like to show out in public, throw tantrums on the floorGotta toss a couple dollars, just to shut up her hollaGot a project chick, that plays her partAnd if it goes down y"all that"s my heartBaby girl so thorough she been with me from the startHid my drugs from the NARCs, hid my guns by the partsI got this model chick that don"t cook or cleanBut she dress her ass off and her walk is meanOnly thing wrong with ma she"s always on the sceneGod damn she"s fine but she parties all the timeI get frequent flier mileage from my stewardess chickShe look right in that tight blue dress, she"s thickShe gives me extra pillows and seat back loveSo I had to introduce her to the Mile High ClubNow that"s young chick, stewardess, project and modelThat means I fly rough early, plus I know Tae-boThat means I"m new school, pop pills and stay in beefBut I never have a problem with my first class seatI love[Rick] Girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Rick] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls all over the globe[Jay] I come scoop you in that Coupe, sittin on deuce-zeroesFix your hair in the mirror, let"s roll[Jay-Z]I got this paranoid chick, she"s scared to come to the houseA hypochondriac who says ouch before I whip it outGot a chick from Peru, that sniff PeruShe got a cousin at customs that get shit throughGot this weedhead chick, she always catch me doin shitCrazy girl wanna leave me but she always forgetsGot this Chinese chick, had to leave her quick"Cause she kept bootleggin my shit - manI got this African chick with Eddie Murphy on her skullShe like, "Jigga Man, why you treat me like animal?"I"m like excuse me Ms. Fufu, but when I met your assyou was dead broke and naked, and now you want halfI got this ho that after twelve million soldMami"s a narcoleptic, always sleepin on Hov"Gotta tie the back of her head like Deuce BigalowI got so many girls across the globe..[Biz] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Tip] I love girls, gi

歌词开头是baby i can‘t believe 男rap 女唱 很欢快 几年前的歌 求达人

Hook Up-Britney Spears


Mechanical模块下就有Fatigue Tool可以用,但是你需要有材料的F-N Curve才可以。具体位置是在Static Structural或者Transient Structural这两个分析模块下(看你是要做稳态还是瞬态),Solution里面的Fatigue就可以分析,属于后处理模块。

ansys workbench如何查看弯矩

  使用探针,probe。  1、设置好物体的约束,载荷(我下面做了Fixed support和Force);  2、求出结果;  3、右键在solution中----Insert-----Probe--------Moment Reaction,就可以得出此处的弯矩。    自ANSYS 7.0开始,ANSYS公司推出了ANSYS经典版(Mechanical APDL)和ANSYS Workbench版两个版本,并且目前均已开发至15.0版本。Workbench是ANSYS公司提出的协同仿真环境,解决企业产品研发过程中CAE软件的异构问题。面对制造业信息化大潮、仿真软件的百家争鸣双刃剑、企业智力资产的保留等各种工业需求,ANSYS公司提出的观点是:保持核心技术多样化的同时,建立协同仿真环境。






这个问题我之前搜到过,回答不尽人意,然后我就买了5本ansys wb的书,看完后我来说一下我自己的感受,有的书可能写得花里胡哨,但是我们可能理解起来不大好懂,下面给大家推荐一下我觉得比较容易上手的书,《ansys workbench17有限元分析从入门到精通实战案例版》,由天工在线编著的,这本书浅显易懂,比较适合初学者,本身我是研究水工结构的,所以一般用的是静力学就足够了,然后我买了本《ansys wb有限元分析实例详解,静力学》周炬编著的,这本案例分析讲的有点不清不楚,但是知识点还是普及到了的,我就觉得这两本书还不错。另外我觉得《ansys wb18有限元分析从入门到精通升级版》陈艳霞编著,这本书写的太烂了,完全就是快餐式书籍,对初学者一点不友好,不容易上手,建议别买。就写这么多,语言组织的杂乱无章,望采纳!

求歌曲 Tarzen&Jane 歌词

[ti:TARZAN & JANE][ar:TOY-BOX][al:BEST 99][by:李尚昆][00:00]Toy Box - Tarzan and Jane[00:05][00:08]Oo-ee-oo-ee[00:11]Deep in the jungle[00:12]In the Land Of Adventure, lives Tarzan[00:15]Oo-ee-oo-ee[00:18]I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant[00:24]My name is Tarzan, I am jungle-man[00:27]The tree-top swinger from jungle-land[00:30]Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing[00:34]Let"s go, honey, I"m tinkoling[00:37]Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong[00:41]He is really cute, and his hair is long[00:44]Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong[00:47]So listen to the jungle-song:[00:51]Oo-ee-oo-ee[00:54]I am Tarzan from jungle[00:56]You can be my friend[00:58]Oo-ee-oo-ee[01:01]I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant[01:06]When you touch me I feel funny[01:09]I feel is too when you are touching me[01:13]Come to my tree-house to my party[01:16]Yes I"ll go if you carry me[01:20]Tarzan is hansome, full of surprise[01:23]He is really cute and his hair is nice[01:26]Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong[01:30]So listen to the jungle-song:[01:33]Oo-ee-oo-ee01:36]I am Tarzan from jungle[01:39]You can be my friend[01:40]Oo-ee-oo-ee[01:43]I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant[01:47][01:50]Yeah[01:51]Go cheetah, get banana[01:53]Hey monkey, get funky[01:54][01:58]Go cheetah, get banana[01:59]Hey monkey, get funky[02:01][02:03]When I am dancing, I feel funky[02:06]Why do you keep ignoring me?[02:09]Tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby[02:13]Coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)[02:16]Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan)[02:19]He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair)[02:23]Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong[02:26]So listn to the jungle-song:[02:30]Oo-ee-oo-ee[02:33]I am Tarzan from jungle[02:35]You can be my friend[02:37]Oo-ee-oo-ee[02:40]I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant[02:43]Oo-ee-oo-ee[02:47]Go cheetah, get banana[02:49]Hey monkey, get funky[02:50]Oo-ee-oo-ee[02:53]I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant[02:57]And so they got funky?[03:00]But will Tarzan and Jane?[03:02]Stay tuned!

tarzam jane中文歌词,歌词翻译

Oo-ee-oo-ee Deep in the jungle In the Land Of Adventure, lives Tarzan Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant My name is Tarzan, I am jungle-man The tree-top swinger from jungle-land Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing Let"s go, honey, I"m tinkoling Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong He is really cute, and his hair is long Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant When you touch me I feel funny I feel is too when you are touching me Come to my tree-house to my party Yes I"ll go if you carry meTarzan is hansome, full of surprise He is really cute and his hair is nice Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant Yeah Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky When I am dancing, I feel funky Why do you keep ignoring me? Tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby Coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan) He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair) Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong So listn to the jungle-song: Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant Oo-ee-oo-ee Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant And so they got funky? But will Tarzan and Jane?哦~在丛林深处,在冒险岛上住着一个泰山哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象我叫泰山,我生活在丛林里作为这个丛林岛上特时髦的人来吧,宝贝和我一起荡秋千去走吧,我要开始了泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上当你碰到我时感觉好痒是哟,我喜欢这种感觉来我树上的房子里做客吧如果你带着我我就去哟泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上耶~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩当我跳起舞来刚绝自己好性感为何你却总对我视而不见?泰山就在这里,吻我咯宝贝我的主人亲吻我咯泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上哦~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象他们也开始打情骂俏那泰山和珍妮呢?

哦咿呦咦you can be my friend什么歌曲

泰山与珍妮 - Various Artists

ansys workbench 是有什么好处

Workbench界面友好,后处理比经典ANSYS感觉好看了不少;一些边界条件、材料属性等设置简便,易于上手;与CAD等软件接口方便使用,如本人常用NX UG建立一些Workbench比较难建立的模型,然后导入到Workbench里进行专门分析;各个仿真模块独立,本人用过静力学、模态分析、预应力模态分析等模块,专一性很强。Workbench平台用户体验很高,加油,好好学,ANSYS很强力。。。

ansys workbench真的方便么

确实方便,相当方便。1。接口上。和目前市场上的主流CAD软件都有非常好的接口。导入非常方便。即便没有直接的接口,也可以从CAD导出igs,stp等中间通用格式再导入。2.界面上。workbench采用的工作流式的界面。第一步该设置什么,第二步该干什么,一步步的一目了然。你在模型做的所有设置,第三人来接手时候,都能非常清晰的看到。3.软件易用性。 workbench的的默认设置,就能搞定很多普通的问题。比如你导入模型后,即使你不划分网格,系统会用默认设置来划分网格。对于多个部件的模型,系统会自动建立接触,自动设置好默认接触参数。4.网格功能强大。在以前classic经典界面中,复杂的模型,经常划分网格失败。workbench可以对细小的结构特征进行简化,还提供了切片,印痕等多种处理网格网格的手段,应付复杂的网格都没有问题。总之,workbench相比ANSYS classic,是质的飞跃(求解核心是一样的)。WB非常强大易用,把CAE工程师彻底从繁琐的网格以及各种琐碎的细节中解放出来了,让CAE工程师可以集中精力在问题的

ansys workbench静力学仿真报错?

在网格划分页面点击tool工具,选择 solve process settings 选择 advance,然后你看看第三行Use GPU acceleration (if possible)后面的下拉菜单,你可能选的是NVIDIA,将它改为None。就好了。


WorkBench原名ANSYS workbench。ANSYS早期是没有workbench的。只有经典的ANSYS。经典ANSYS的特点是命令流非常强大,但是其用户界面的几何建模能力,以及和 CAD软件的交互能力,网格划分能力非常弱。这使得他在处理复杂模型的时候,心有余而力不足。随着技术的发展,ANSYS公司在保留经典ANSYS的同时,推出了具有革命性突破的产品--ANSYS/workbench,workbench是完全独立于ANSYS经典的,两者除了求解器内核是一样的,其他完全不同。workbench在CAD软件接口,几何建模,网格划分,用户界面等各个方面都是全新的设计。workbench功能强大,主要体现在和CAD接口兼容性非常好,对复杂模型的网格处理非常强大,提供了多种灵活的加载方式,自动化的接触设置等等。


很多啊 你要哪一个啊 看看吧: 可能1:I Don"t Wanna Fall In Love Again lyricsI can feel it in the air I breathe Everytime you stand too close to me, baby I"m on the edge of something way to deep You"re running through my mind and I can"t sleep And I don"t wanna fall in love Cuz my heart can"t take the rush and ain"t nothing guaranteed for too long I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you可能2:I Don"t Wanna Miss A Thing i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you"re far away and dreaming i could spend my life in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing lying close to you feeling your heart beating and i"m wondering what you"re dreaming wondering if it"s me you"re seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we"re together and i just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna miss one smile i don"t wanna miss one kiss well, i just wanna be with you right here with you, just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do "cause i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep, yeah i don"t wanna miss a thing I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you

在(running man)四月六日那一期,Gary说为了你的主题曲是什么歌


Tarzan & Jane 歌词

Tarzan & Jane歌手:Toy-Box专辑: 最好听的超劲爆烂大街的DJ舞曲收藏作词:Phil Collin作曲:Phil Collin歌词:Oo-ee-oo-eeDeep in the jungleIn the Land Of Adventure, lives TarzanOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantMy name is Tarzan, I am jungle-manThe tree-top swinger from jungle-landCome, baby come, I will take you for a swingLet"s go, honey, I"m tinkolingTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongHe is really cute, and his hair is longTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongSo listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantWhen you touch me I feel funnyI feel is too when you are touching meCome to my tree-house to my partyYes I"ll go if you carry meTarzan is hansome, full of surpriseHe is really cute and his hair is niceTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongSo listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantYeahGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyWhen I am dancing, I feel funkyWhy do you keep ignoring me?Tarza is here, come, kiss me, babyCoochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan)He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strongSo listn to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I Love to ride an elephantOo-ee-oo-eeGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I Love to ride an elephantAnd so they got funky?But will Tarzan and Jane?Stay tuned!



can you tell us some interesting ()of city life

A feature特色

any kung fu还是some kung fu

如果是用在陈述句中是用some kung fu 比如:he can do some kung fu 如果是用在一般疑问句中是用any kung fu 比如:Can you do any kung fu?补充资料:一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它一般只用Yes…(是)或No…(否)来回答的句子。朗读一般疑问句时用疑问调,而一般疑问句的简略答语则用感叹调。折叠一般疑问句的回答“”正如前面所述,回答一般疑问句时有肯定回答和否定回答两种方式,肯定回答以Yes起句,否定回答用No开头。但对一般疑问句的回答也不是一成不变的。肯定回答还可以用OK./Certainly.等;否定回答可用Sorry./Sorry,I can`t.等。


some用于肯定句,any用于否定句。I can do some Kung Fu.我可以打一些功夫。 I coudn"t( show )any kung fu.我无法给你展示任何功夫。

(Baby Baby) Can T You See 歌词

歌名:Can"t you see歌手:Blero Feat MemlinOh baby can"t you seeI need you, come with meSomething is telling methat you be the way I do.I want you close to meMy heart is telling meI hate the fact that I love you - I feel blue.Even though I"m not with youI always think about you latelyI be going crazy cause I"m missing you.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.ho!~~~~~oNow that I think about itThe love and times we sharedHow can I make it rightI just wanna go back againThere"s something I can doThere"s something I can sayDon"t make you change your mindJust let me know if I could stay.Even though I"m not with youI always think about you latelyI be going crazy cause I"m missing you.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.ho!~~~~~~~Now when I"m reminiscing of all the things we used to doI realize I still love you baby blueAnd I"m waiting for you to come backTo put my life back on the trackThe flashbacks of you and me togethermake me wanna spend my life with you foreverand ever and none make you run from meBaby I"m here for eternity.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowEnd

英语作文(关于city life and suburban life 的优缺点)。急求原创的。急用!!!!!

In recent years more and more homes are being pushed outwards as the activities of business, government and pleasure tend to be concentrated in the centers of the cities. Although most people are reluctant to move to the outskirts of the cities, I feel like living in the suburbs.It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people canu2019t bear to part with city life.But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high.Just think of the places where we live, full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the roar of buses and lorries day and night, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. Besides, as the housing problem in the central city gets more serious, people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats which I would certainly disdain to live in. In contrast, living near the countryside one can enjoy the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the quiet, peaceful surroundings—the essentials of a healthy life. Nothing can be compared, as the pace of modern life is getting quicker, with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, and sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and green fields. Although living in the suburbs you may suffer a little discomfort brought about by the necessity of traveling miles to work every day, the situation will change soon as many highways and subways are being constructed. The new suburban life is fast becoming a predominant pattern of living in most cities; and with the development of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life.

Matthew Ryan的《City Life》 歌词

歌曲名:City Life歌手:Matthew Ryan专辑:Dear LoveI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongI wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainCall me I wont leave againLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainAll in that I wont name againRemember when you told me ?You didnt want anybody else but me ?Well Im that same girl is all you need to seeI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rain

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请教一下 BIGBANG FANTASTIC BABY的日文版假名歌词,拜托了。

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请问你有 tentacle and witches 第四集的视频或者种子吗? 谢谢

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What do you like about the city life and why

What do you like about the city life and why?意思是:你喜欢城市里的什么生活, 为什么?回答:I like colorful life in the city, such as going shopping in the supermarket, going to cinema and having a nice dinner in a restaurant. Because all of these are convenient in freedom.

城市和乡村生活的区别 the difference between city life and country life

用the differences between city life and country life.

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其实Suean也没什么意思的,就一组无实意的英文字母。可以用来当名字例:美国Cornell大学教授Suean P.Ashdown



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City Life and Suburban Life英语作文

  作文,就是将生活中的见闻、感受描绘出来,将对生活的想像与思考表达出来,让读者产生共鸣,从而让读者感受生活、思考生活。下面是我收集整理的City Life and Suburban Life英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇1   Where do yo like to live?That is an interesting question.Usually people like to live in big city.But recently,more and more people chose to live outside the city, to live in suburb.   It is true that living in big city is convenient and entertaining.Your work place is not far away,and after work,it is easy for you to call your friends to go to a bar or cinema.There are supermarkets, shopping malls.You can easily buy any stuff you need.Want to have a dinner?no problem,there are plenty kinds of restaurants for you to choose.In contract,living in suburb is quite different.It serves fresh air and beautiful scenery and, for someone that is the most important thing,quiet.Though live in suburb have some inconvenient aspects,some people seem to perefer to sacrifice some convenience to live in quiet places.And as cars and internet are becoming more and more common.Living in suburb is not so boring like before.   For me,I like to live in big city when i am young,because the colorful life and convenience for working.And when I was old,I may choose to live in suburb to enjoy the quiet life and fresh air.Do yo think so?   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇2   Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one"s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇3   Theres a great difference between city life and country life in population. Big cities are so crowded,while in the countryside, there are much fewer people.   城市生活和乡村生活在人口上有很大的区别。大城市是如此拥挤,人口则少很多。   People in big cities are nice,friendly and helpful. They are polite to strangers. When you get lost, they are willing to show you the right directions. When youre hurt in an accident,theyre also eager to send you to hospital at once. However, citizens dontknow each other so well, because most of them are busy with earning their bread. While in the countryside, things are much more different. Almost everyone is so familiar with each other. They always say hello to each other onthe way. Even though you are strangers, they also talk to you like old friends.And they are also happy to invite you to dinner in their homes.   大城市的人们都很友好,乐于助人。他们对陌生人都是有礼貌的。当你迷路时,他们愿意给你指明正确的方向。当你在事故中受伤,他们也迫切的马上送你去医院。然而,人们并不彼此了解,因为他们中的大多数人都忙于谋生。而在乡村,情况则有很大的不同。几乎每个人都是彼此熟悉的。在路上他们总是彼此打招呼。即使你是陌生人,他们也像老朋友一样和你聊天。他们也很高兴邀请你到他们家里吃饭。   Maybe most people like the big cities, because of the good living conditions. But I prefer to live in the countryside, for its much quieter and more peaceful. In the morning, I can lie in the bed, listening to the birds singing. It seems like a free concert, whichcan bring me a happy mood. Moreover, I can meet different kinds of people outside. When I greet to them and smile to them, they also do the same to me.Its just a simple life, but the feeling is so great.   也许大多数人喜欢大城市,由于生活条件好。但我更喜欢住在乡村,因为它更安静、更和平。早上,我可以躺在床上,听着鸟儿歌唱。就像是免费音乐会一样,能给我带来好心情。另外,我可以预见不同的人。当我向他们问候微笑时,他们也同样那样对我。这只是简单的生活,但感觉是那么的美好。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇4   Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.   【参考译文】   城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的.兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了更多机会,来自村庄和农场的求职者有往大都市发展的稳定趋势。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇5   Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society.   Let us think the reason of this phenomenon.   In the city, almost people think that the pace of the city become more and more quickly. The city is developing, and it also brings some new problems. People have much tension for the society. They have to work hard for living in the city and making themselves alive. Every day, they work hard. And also their hearts are very tired. The country is a good place for them to relax their body and their heart. In the country they will do the thing which they like doing, such as drawing the rural sight. Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire. So people in the city want to have a rural life.   But the persons in the country think that there are many opportunity in the city. And there are good education, good service, good medical treatment in the city. They can nor appear in the country. So the persons in the country want to have a urban life not only for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren. They think if they stay in the city, their future will be full of shinning.   I think I have my urban life until I will be old. In the city, there are much challenge for me. I want to accept them.   现在,越来越多的人想在城市生活。和许多人在该国希望生活在城市。对我们的社会来说,这是一件有趣的事。   让我们思考这种现象的原因。   在城市,几乎人们认为城市的步伐变得越来越快。城市在发展,也带来了一些新的问题。人们对社会有很大的压力。他们必须努力工作,为生活在城市,使自己活着。每一天,他们努力工作。他们的心也很累。该国是一个很好的`地方,让他们放松自己的身体和他们的心。在这个国家,他们会做他们喜欢做的事情,比如说乡村景观。如今,在城市里,有越来越多的犯罪。他们不给人安全。每一天,人们生活在恐惧中。和生活质量将下降。现在很多人觉得很多人都很冷漠。它也使我们的心轮胎。因此,城市的人们希望有一个农村生活。   但在这个国家的人认为,有很多机会在城市。而且有良好的教育,良好的服务,良好的医疗服务,在城市。他们也不能出现在该国。因此,在这个国家的人希望有一个城市生活不仅为自己,而且为他们的孩子和孙子。他们认为如果他们留在城市,他们的未来将充满闪光。   我想我有我的城市生活,直到我老了。在城市里,我有很多的挑战。我想接受他们。

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之前我也是用XStream这个框架的,默认就是会这样啊或者建议你在这个实体类的字段中给个初始值例如String name = "";这样就肯定有了

想找一部disney channel的连续剧



《黑鲸 Blackfish》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:4xnw《黑鲸 Blackfish》导演: 加芙列拉·考珀斯维特编剧: 加芙列拉·考珀斯维特、伊莱·B·德普雷主演: Suzanne Allee、Jeff Andrews、Kim Ashdown、Ken Balcomb、Samantha Berg、Dawn Brancheau类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语、西班牙语上映日期: 2013-07-19(美国)片长: 83分钟又名: 黑鲸鱼2010年2月24日,美国弗洛里达海洋世界发生了一起令人始料未及的惨剧。资深驯鲸员道恩·布兰切(Dawn Brancheau)突然被一只名为提里库姆的雄性虎鲸拖入水池,短短几分钟内这位拥有灿烂笑容与和善感染力的女性便被朝夕相处的虎鲸伙伴杀死。此案震惊全国,但从案件关系人的口中,却发现这一切绝非偶然,一连串令人齿冷的证据揭示了施暴者和遇难者彼此的悲剧真相。原本在海洋中快乐游弋玩耍的虎鲸家族,遭到了受利益驱动的商人和渔民的围捕。母子情深的虎鲸宝宝被迫和家人分开,从此生活在逼仄的水池内,日复一日重复单调的训练和表演。20世纪90年代,提里库姆曾在太平洋海洋之地制造过类似惨剧。然而关于它的“罪行”最终被商人们有意无意隐瞒下来。移籍海洋世界后,它迎来了以道恩为首的一群热爱海洋动物同时被高层隐瞒了诸多事故真相的驯鲸员。注定发生的终会发生,而类似悲剧难道还将继续...

Tonight I Wanna Cry 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight I Wanna Cry歌手:Keith Urban专辑:Keith Urban Days Go ByTonight I Wanna CryKeith Urban Alone in this house again tonightI got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wineThere"s pictures of you and I on the walls around meThe way that it was and could have been surrounds meI"ll never get over you walkin" awayI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meant never losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cryWould it help if I turned a sad song on"All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you"re goneOr maybe unfold some old yellow lost love lettersIt"s gonna hurt bad before it gets betterBut I"ll never get over you by hidin" this wayI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meantnever losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cryI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meant never losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cry



JSP使用bean出错。The value for the useBean class attribute bean


dwyane clark什么意思

dwyane clark 韦德克拉克clark 英[klɑ:k] 美[klɑ:k] abbr. combat launch and recovery kit 战斗开始与防御装备; [例句]Clark"s mother is nonchalant about her role in her son"s latest work克拉克的母亲对自己在儿子最新作品中的角色漠不关心。

you want lost love everyday什么意思


In primitive times human beings did not travel for pleasure______(而是为了找到较为宜人的气候).

【答案】:but to find a more favorable climatebut to find a more favorable climate 解析:“不是做某事而是做某事”一般用not(do)…but (to)do…表达。如果but之前有行为动词do,则要省略to,本句中的did是助动词,所以but后要加to。“宜人的气候”用favorable climate表达。

ranging in price from

很难找到几美元到数百元价格范围内的奥运会小纪念品. Olympics items 奥运会小产品,纪念品等.

Chet Baker&Bud Shank的《Lost Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love歌手:Chet Baker&Bud Shank专辑:The James Dean Story: Music From The Motion PictureJudas Priest - Lost LoveI carry with me all the love that you giveYou bought me serenity - a reason to liveOur life is a journeyThat we took from the startWe made all these memories togetherI can rememberThe first time that we metThe feelings you gave to me - I"ll never forgetI knew from that momentWhen our love first beganWe"d last till the end of time foreverAnd though there were bad timesWe stood by each otherAnd did what we had to get throughYou live in my heart - when you"re far awayI see you in dreams - where I hear you sayI"m with your forever in true loveBy light of the day - and stars aboveAnd when there were bad timesWe held on each otherTo face what we had to get throughLook up to heaven - and I"ll be thereStill guiding my heartStill saying our prayer

mybatis中 and age > 为什么出错mybatis中

这个没问题 下面的写法有问题吧,parameterType="int"这边已经说了参数类型了 accountid = #{accountID,jdbcType=INTEGER}这种用法没见过 直接写accountid = #{accountID}

setPrice(double) in **cannot be applied to (java.lang.String) at

他不是告诉你了么 setPrice(double)的参数是double的 你的price是String类型的 所以不行

Lost Love (Ot: Sang Sim Jeung Hu Gun) 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love (Ot: Sang Sim Jeung Hu Gun)歌手:言承旭专辑:我的秘密情人 言承旭 新歌加精选言承旭 - Lost LoveOT:FEAT. DAYLIGHT原词:YOU SUNG KYOU原曲:YOU SUNG KYOU改编词:傅郁庭就这样你将要离开我 离开这个城市时间静止 停在你决定那时我无能为力看着你离去背影为什么当时没将你留住一切都已经来不及珍惜我没回头看你 你也离去所有的一切全部随风远离今后你我不再是伴侣我说你走吧 我不会等你你说难过看到这结局沉默不语 凝结的空气彷佛是天上要结束这个游戏I can"t wait 我有很多理想你也有你的梦要追寻你难过流下一滴泪滴就这样安静的转身离去Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心今天 我们意外的相遇看 你笑容幸福的洋溢同一个时间 同一个地方但在你身边早已不是我看到你惊讶已经失去了笑容措手不及转头不让你看到我这真实画面顿时让我心痛过去的点滴全部成了泡沫我不该说 不会等你原来伤得痛了的人是我你不该笑的 如此美丽笑的愈美愈是让我难过此刻的我没有说服的理由此刻的你早就忘记了所有你可否 回过头来看看我像回忆里你给过我的温柔Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心一切像天空绽放烟火短暂美丽不能带回什么你努力完成了你的梦追不回失去的那一份感动(Love you forever)无奈那后悔全占据着我失败和软弱是我所拥有你挽着他笑容我曾经见过我开始已明白爱已远走(一起拥有我们走过痕迹)永远都不会忘记 依靠在你怀里是谁也无法夺去的专属甜蜜Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是回忆变透明 模糊相爱的决心我会将你的爱好好地 记在我的心底过去的已不能重头 失去的也不能再拥有如果时光再倒流 我不会让你走 不会让你走就像月亮会有星星陪也像小草花朵相依偎最后我会跟你说 亲爱的我会一直等你我会永远等你

Frank Ifield的《Lost Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love歌手:Frank Ifield专辑:Remembering The Sixties言承旭 - Lost LoveOT:FEAT. DAYLIGHT原词:YOU SUNG KYOU原曲:YOU SUNG KYOU改编词:傅郁庭就这样你将要离开我 离开这个城市时间静止 停在你决定那时我无能为力看着你离去背影为什么当时没将你留住一切都已经来不及珍惜我没回头看你 你也离去所有的一切全部随风远离今后你我不再是伴侣我说你走吧 我不会等你你说难过看到这结局沉默不语 凝结的空气彷佛是天上要结束这个游戏I can"t wait 我有很多理想你也有你的梦要追寻你难过流下一滴泪滴就这样安静的转身离去Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心今天 我们意外的相遇看 你笑容幸福的洋溢同一个时间 同一个地方但在你身边早已不是我看到你惊讶已经失去了笑容措手不及转头不让你看到我这真实画面顿时让我心痛过去的点滴全部成了泡沫我不该说 不会等你原来伤得痛了的人是我你不该笑的 如此美丽笑的愈美愈是让我难过此刻的我没有说服的理由此刻的你早就忘记了所有你可否 回过头来看看我像回忆里你给过我的温柔Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心一切像天空绽放烟火短暂美丽不能带回什么你努力完成了你的梦追不回失去的那一份感动(Love you forever)无奈那后悔全占据着我失败和软弱是我所拥有你挽着他笑容我曾经见过我开始已明白爱已远走(一起拥有我们走过痕迹)永远都不会忘记 依靠在你怀里是谁也无法夺去的专属甜蜜Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是回忆变透明 模糊相爱的决心我会将你的爱好好地 记在我的心底过去的已不能重头 失去的也不能再拥有如果时光再倒流 我不会让你走 不会让你走就像月亮会有星星陪也像小草花朵相依偎最后我会跟你说 亲爱的我会一直等你我会永远等你



Tonight I Wanna Cry这首歌的意思是什么?

{verse 1} ~ alone in this house again tonight i got the tv on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine there s pictures of you and i on the walls around me the way that it was and could have been surrounds me i ll never get over you walkin away {chorus} i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry {verse 2} would it help if i turned a sad song on all by myself would sure hit me hard now that you re gone or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters it s gonna hurt bad before it gets better but i ll never get over you by hidin this way {chorus} cause i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry {chorus} i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with this pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry 今夜又独自一人在家 我开着电视,那无关痛痒的声音以及瓶酒 还有那贴满四壁我俩的相片 就这样它溢上了我的心头 我永远都无法忘记离我而去的你 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 是否播一首伤感的歌会有些帮助 真的刺痛了我,就像此刻离我而去的你 也或许展开那些已泛黄残破的情书 在渐渐复原前它却痛得更深 可却永远都不会用忘记你这方式来隐藏 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣

thanks to有没有时态

thanks to those who once gave me a hand? 这个对 因为你没有和现在的事情进行联系和比较 所以不用完成时 你只是在陈述以前发生事实 不要用完成时

thanks to 在句中做什么成分

Thanks to = because of 多亏,由于 在句子中做原因状语.

thanks to后面加动词什么形式?

thanks to后面加动词的动名词的形式,比如:thanks to doing sth如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快



thank to 与thank for 这两个有什么区别.请举例说明,

thanks to由于,多亏,由于,归功于 Thanks to the bad weather,the match had been cancelled. 由于这坏天气,比赛取消了 thanks Thanks for your help

thanks to在过去语境中需不需要用过去式?

thanks to 中的thanks 不是动词,不可能有过去式,thanks to 作为介词组,意思是"由于,幸亏"

thanks to又等于什么

because of 由于的意思
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