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how do you understand "one world ,one dream"




为什么是if and only if有什么影响吗?

意思是当且仅当。if的意思是上面的等式成立当然需要g(x)不为0.因为0不能作为分母嘛~only if的意思是,只要g(x)不为0,那么上述等式就成立。供参考~






xtransfer竞品有PingPong,两家公司的业务重合度较高,所以形成了竞争关系。XTransfer专注为跨境B2B电商中小企业提供跨境金融和风控服务 ,通过建立数据化、自动化、互联网化和智能化的风控基础设施,搭建通达全球的财资管理平台,提供开立全球和本地收款账户、外汇兑换、海外外汇管制国家申报等多种跨境金融服务的综合解决方案。 XTransfer获得香港Money Service Operator牌照和英国Authorized Payment Institution牌照,并在美国FINCEN、加拿大FINTRAC和澳大利亚AUSTRAC完成备案

means和resort 大家好,请问谁知道上面两个单词都做“手段”讲时的区别吗?非常感谢!

means[minz; mi:nz]《源自 mean》名词(pl. ~)1 (C)a. 方法,手段 (way) [of, to]a ~ to an end为达到目的所使用的手段a ~ of communication [transport]通讯 [交通] 工具a ~ of livelihood谋生的手段a ~ of improving the traffic situation改善交通状况的方针by fair ~以正当的手段by fair ~ or foul不择手段地The end justifies the ~. (谚)目的使手段正当化了; 只问目的,不择手段b. <做…的>方法,手段Do you know of any ~ to get there?.你知道怎样才能到那里吗?2 (源自“生活的手段”的意思) 资力,收入,财产,财富a man of ~有钱人a man of no ~没有资产的人live within [beyond] one"s ~过著量入为出 [入不敷出] 的生活by all means(1) 必定,一定I will come by all ~.我一定会来(2) [加强回答的语气] 当然可以,请"May I come ?"-"By all ~.".“我可以来吗?”“当然”by any means [用于否定句] 无论如何 (也…)I don"t think you can persuade him by any ~.我认为你用任何方法都无法说服他by means of?利用…,依赖…We express our thoughts by ~ of words.我们藉著言语来表达思想by no manner of means = by no MEANSby no means决不…; 绝非…It is by no ~ easy to satisfy everyone.要满足每一个人绝非易事by some means or other用种种方法,想尽办法,无论如何总得They had to get through the jungle by some ~ or other.他们必须想尽办法通过丛林resort re.sort[rI`zu0252rt; riˋzu0252:t]名词1 (C)a. 休闲胜地,游乐胜地a health ~休养地a holiday ~假日游乐地a summer [winter] ~避暑 [冬季游乐,避寒] 胜地b. 人们常去的地方a popular ~繁华街,闹区2 (U)聚集; 人群,人潮a place of great [general, public] ~闹市,闹区,热闹的地方3 a. (U) (作为最后手段所做的) 诉求,依赖,凭借,求助[to]have [make] ~ to force [violence]诉诸武力 [暴力]without ~ to不靠…地b. (C) (在不得已之情形下) 所依赖之人[物]; (不得不诉求的) 手段,唯一的依靠as a [in the] last resort作为最后的手段不及物动词1 (常) 去 [游乐地等] [to]Young people ~ to the seaside or mountains in summer.年轻人夏天常去海边或山上2 诉求 [ (不妥当的) 手段] ,依靠,求助[to]~ to extreme measures采取极端措施At last the police ~ed to force.最后警方诉诸武力

xtransfer 手续费

现在增加了收款账户 花旗和渣打,知名大银行哎




不是。XTransfer专注为跨境B2B电商中小企业提供跨境金融和风控服务,通过建立数据化、自动化、互联网化和智能化的风控基础设施,搭建通达全球的财资管理平台,提供开立全球和本地收款账户、外汇兑换、海外外汇管制国家申报等多种跨境金融服务的综合解决方案。 XTransfer获得香港Money Service Operator牌照和英国Authorized Payment Institution牌照,并在美国FINCEN、加拿大FINTRAC和澳大利亚AUSTRAC完成备案。Xtransfer的优势:开户免费,开户门槛低;传统香港银行找中介开户得要一万左右了。在线开户,不用跑香港,1~3天就可以下户。没有账户管理费。制裁国家和高危国家比较少。账户维护简单,不考核流水。香港别的银行账户,开户后3个月没有流水,可能就直接关户了。





may you help me这样说对吗?还是can you help me


xtransfer 手续费


Help Me, Thank You 歌词

歌曲名:Help Me, Thank You 歌手:Jason Gray专辑:Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue (Special Edition)Jason Gray - Help Me, Thank YouThe two best prayers I knowEither one is always aproposLike my oldest friendsThey know just what to saySome days my cup of blessing fillsOther days I trip and when it spillsI"m not guessing either wayI know just what to prayHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"The more life I live I findThe two prayers intertwineLike my fingers doWhen I bow my head to prayBlessings can be so confusingWinning when I think I"m losingThe wounds of yesterdayMight be my saving grace todayHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"With eyes wide open at the wonder of it allOr with broken wingswhen I"m spinning in free fall"Hallelujah!""Deliver me!"They"re rising up inside of meRolling off my tongue,Before I thought to bid them comeHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"



the collected works of edgar allan poe是什么意思

the collected works of edgar allan poe爱伦坡著作全集例句:1.The other panelists were roberta herzberg and ted burczak, as well as bruce who discussed thecontext of hayek"s book and the new edition of the book that will appear in the collected works. 另外两位组员是roberta herzberg与ted burczak,还有bruce在讨论哈耶克这本书的背景,而且那本书的新版本将出现在作品全集中。2.Gorbachev: I have just completed my 13th book, which is a completely private memoir. And a 25-volume set of the collected works will be published soon. Soon you"ll be calling me a"speculator." 戈尔巴乔夫:我刚写好第13本书,是一部完整的私人回忆录.还有25卷全集即将出版.迟些你可以叫我作「经销商」

help me前面加什么 是加come on 还是sorry 还是thank you

三个短语都不适合, come on可以转为come and






去问客服呀 拿报关单或者物流单提交上去,还要有自己的网站

can you help meu3002

你能帮助我吗? 这是中文翻译


没什么风险 你是担心汇率变动会亏?

Can you help me 是救命的意思?


thank you for help me这句话对吗

这句话是不对的,有语法错误。应该改为:Thank you for helping me.





Can I help me?的同义句

你错了吧?应该是Can you help me ?



















为什么这句对help me understand,而不是help me to

help sb 可以加do 也可以加 to do

if and only if?

更新1: 我识分if同if and only if 但我唔明点解唔可以就咁写做only if only if已经包含晒if and only if 既meaning 是不是因为上面的statement可以分拆做 1.if x=1 then x+1=2 2.x+1 = 2 only if x = 1 咁点解1唔可以写做only if x=1 then x+1 = 2? "x+1 = 2 if and only if x = 1" 即是 "x+1 = 2 if x = 1" 及 "x+1 = 2 only if x = 1"。 (注: "x+1 = 2 if x = 1" 即是 "if x=1 then x+1=2", 而 "x+1 = 2 only if x = 1" 即是 "if x+1=2 then x=1") 如果将 "x+1 = 2 if and only if x = 1" 写成 "x+1 = 2 only if x = 1",便遗失了 "x+1 = 2 if x = 1",所以不能这样做。 相信由上文你明白 "only if已经包含晒if and only if 既meaning"是不正确的。 数学上只有 if 和 then 走在一起才有定义,only if 和 then 则没有。 多看几个例子: "x=2 only if x>1" 即 "if x=2 then x>1" 是对的。 "x=2 if x>1" 即 "if x>1 then x=2" 是错的。 "x=2 if and only if x>1" 是错的。 简单黎讲 A if only if B 同时表示两个意思: 1. 如果A成立 B就成立 (if part 成立) 2. 如果B成立 A就成立 (only if part 成立) 你问: 点解唔可以就咁写only if? 因为 "only if" part成立,并不代表 "if"part 都会成立 即"only if 包含 if and only if 既meaning" 是唔岩的 如果你话 x+1 = 2 if and only if x = 1 则同时表示 1. "if x=1 then x+1=2" 和 2. "x+1 = 2 only if x = 1" 但 x+1 = 2 if and only if x = 1 只表示 2. "x+1 = 2 only if x = 1" (逻辑问题我比较弱,已尽力解释,希望帮到你@@) 两者都可以 if 系单向0既 if and only if 系双向0既 试乎题目而定啦 题目要证明双向咪 if and only if 罗 参考: basic knowledge






Android 4.2是谷歌新一代移动操作系统,它沿用了4.1版“果冻豆”(Jelly Bean)这一名称,与Android 4.1相似性很高,但仍在细节之后做了一些改进与升级,比较重要的包括:Photo Sphere全景拍照;键盘手势输入;Miracast无线显示共享;手势放大缩小屏幕,以及为盲人用户设计的语音输出和手势模式导航功能等。尤其令人关注的是,谷歌在Android 4.2中新加入了新的恶意软件扫描功能。采用Android 4.2的机型索尼xperia i1(Honami未上市)索尼L35H索尼L36H索尼M36H米蓝 M1大可乐2





only if.....can

只有……才……的句型应该是: only……can…… 例句:Only by working hard can we succeed. 只有努力,才能成功














用Xtransfer申请到的离岸账户收款后,款入账以后,需在官网上创建订单,订单中填写相关贸易材料,然后关联到收到的款项上,进行换汇后,可以操作结汇提现。目前仅支持大陆公司使用,并只可提现至法人私人账户。拓展资料:一、企业简介 XTransfer是一家一站式外贸企业跨境金融和风控服务公司,成立于2017年5月。XTransfer通过与知名跨国银行及金融机构合作,建设全球多币种统一清算网络,并打造了以中小企业为中心的,数据化、自动化、互联网化和智能化的反洗钱风控基础设施。XTransfer以科技为桥梁,连接全球大型金融机构和中小企业,助力中小企业在展业过程中,享受到和大型跨国集团企业同等水平的跨境金融服务。作为一站式外贸企业跨境金融和风控服务公司,XTransfer通过与知名跨国银行及金融机构合作,建设全球多币种统一清算网络,并打造了以中小企业为中心的,数据化、自动化、互联网化和智能化的反洗钱风控基础设施。XTransfer以科技为桥梁,连接全球大型金融机构和中小企业,助力中小企业在展业过程中,享受到和大型跨国集团企业同等水平的跨境金融服务。二、企业合作企业融资2018年10月,获得1000万美元的A轮融资,由招商局集团领投,零一创投、云启资本和高榕资本跟投。2019年10月,XTransfer宣布完成1500万美金B1轮融资,本轮由eWTP基金领投,招商局创投、零一创投、云启资本和高榕资本跟投,浅月资本担任独家财务顾问。2021年9月,XTransfer宣布完成D轮融资,由D1 Capital Partners领投,老股东跟投,光源资本担任独家财务顾问。三、XTransfer有哪些优点XTransfer全球收款账户:0开户费、0维护费、0入账费;统统免费,无隐形费用;最快1个工作日开立;提交企业基本材料,最快当日完成开户;支持多币种收款;支持美元、英镑等14个主流币种本地收款账户:XTransfer到账快一步,通过当地清算网络收款,极速到账。信任多一份;买家向其当地银行付款,为您赢得更多信任。买家更便捷,买家仅需支付当地货币,降低交易成本。XTransfer多币种现金管理解决方案:随心转换,支持多个主流币种在线转换,资金增值,保障您的资金稳健增值触手可及,低门槛享有银行VIP服务。XTransfer跨境供应链资金监管解决方案赋能创新,创新服务为跨境供应链赋能;全程可控资金流向全程自主可控。专属的XTransfer定制化解决方案。




字母是代表和银行的一个vip标识 也可以不用 这样入账时间会稍微慢点





一首英文歌的歌词 中有 only time ,开头是 who can say````

Enya的only time






感觉挺靠谱的。第一,账户注册便捷快速,提交资料第二天就可以拿到账户;第二,款到账时效性很快,支持的币种也比较多;第三,也是我们最看重的一点,就是合法合规结汇。还有就是它的本地化服务做得比较到位,在使用过程中,XTransfer高效专业的服务给我留下了深刻的印象。拓展资料:一、XTransfer介绍:XTransfer专注为跨境B2B电商中小企业提供跨境金融和风控服务,通过建立数据化、自动化、互联网化和智能化的风控基础设施,搭建通达全球的财资管理平台,提供开立全球和本地收款账户、外汇兑换、海外外汇管制国家申报等多种跨境金融服务的综合解决方案。XTransfer获得香港Money Service Operator牌照和英国Authorized Payment Institution牌照,并在美国FINCEN、加拿大FINTRAC和澳大利亚AUSTRAC完成备案。二、产品服务1.全球收款账户与国际大行合作,收取全球款项;收取全球买家汇款;支持14个主流币种;0维护费0入账费。2.本地收款账户像国内收款一样收取国际汇款;买家支付当地货币,降低换汇成本;本地清算网络快速收款;0中间行手续费。3.结汇提现阳光结汇,极速到账;合规申报,100%入账成功;支持极速增值服务。4.普通提现对公账户,支持退税;提现至中国大陆对公账户,可退税;无金额限制;可选极速到账。5.转账能全球收,也能全球付;支持全球转账可转账至供应商等对公账户;无金额限制。三、核心功能核心功能涵盖邮箱绑定、客户管理、商机管理、产品管理、订单管理、子账号管理、名片扫描等。四、资金安全XTransfer采取严格的资金安全保障措施,金融解决方案获得合作银行与机构的合规检验与认可。客户资金存放于合作银行的备付金账户内,就客户资金做专属的资金托管,受到相关国家和地区监管机构和银行的保护。



give me a hand与help me什么区别

give me a hand 比较随便 活泼help me 比较正式 是书面用语 都可以用 区别不大

一首类似婚礼上用的英文歌开头是 who can say what...

what can i do

only time里面AND WHO CAN为什么和WHO的读音不一样呢?

是连读的关系·and +who读快了不就是EN TO了·其实就是把AND的EN 和T分开了,在把T和HU连起就是TO啦·很多歌都是这样·

a man of g courage

a man of great courage.一个勇气非凡的人。

Manowar的《Courage》 歌词

歌曲名:Courage歌手:Manowar专辑:Louder Than HellCourageManowarLouder Than HellCourageManowarSome want to think hope is lostsee me stand aloneI can"t do what others may wantthen I"ll have no homeSo for now wave good-byeand leave your hands held highHear this song of couragelong into the nightSo for now wave good-byeleave your hands held highHear this song of couragelong into the nightAnd the wind will bear my cryto all who hope to flyHear this song of courageride into the nightBattles are fought by thosewith the courage to believeThey are won by thosewho find the heartFind a heart to shareThis heart that fills the soulwill point the way to victoryIf theres a fightthen I"ll be there I"ll be thereSo for now wave good-bye,leave your hands held highHear this song of couragelong into the nightAnd the wind will bear my cryto all who hope to flyLift your wings up high my friendfearless to the endSo for now wave good-bye,leave your hands held highHear this song of couragelong into the night

into a fantasy中文歌词


Rihanna的Only Girl (In The World) 中文歌词

La la la la La la la la La la la la  I want you to love me, like I"m a hot pie  我要让你爱我 就像我是热辣的家伙  Keep thinkin" of me, doin" what you like  保持不变地想我 做你喜欢做的事  So boy forget about the world cause it"s gon" be me and you tonight  所以男孩忘记这个世界 因为今晚只有我和你  I wanna make you beg boy, then imma make you swallow your pride  男孩我要让你下跪求饶 我要让你把自尊都丢掉  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love Only Girl (In The World) 就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号施令的女孩  cause I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man  因为只有我才知道 该如何让你感到自己是个男子汉 Want you to make me feel like I am the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I "m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only one…  唯一的  [VERSE 2]  Want you to take me like a thief in the night  想让你带走我 就像深夜中的盗贼  Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right  像怀抱枕头般紧抱着我 使我感到安心  Baby I"ll tell you all my secrets that I"m keepin", you can come inside Loud 宝贝我会告诉你我所有隐藏的秘密 让你可以进入我的世界  And when you enter, you ain"t leavin", be my prisoner for the night  并且让你无法离开 做我漫漫长夜的俘虏  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号施令的女孩  cause I"m the only one who understands,  因为只有我才会理解你  like I"m the only one who knows your heart,  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  only one…  唯一的  [BRIDGE]  Take me for a ride  带我踏进一段旅程  Oh baby, take me high  噢宝贝 让我冲入云端  Let me make you first  让我成为你的唯一  Oh make it last all night  噢 让它持续整个夜晚  Take me for a ride  带我踏进一段旅程  Oh baby, take me high  噢宝贝 让我冲入云端  Let me make you first  让我成为你的唯一  Make it last all night  让它持续整个夜晚  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号司令的女孩  Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man  因为只有我才会理解你 该如何让你感到自己是个男子汉  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Girl in the world…  世上唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Girl in the world...  世上唯一的女孩

亚历山大·雷巴克 《Abandoned》歌词的中文翻译

Abandoned 演唱:Alexander Rybak Sleepless in the night 今夜无眠I try to loose my faith in you 我想把对你的信仰收回saying to myself 对我自己呢喃You can"t be the right one for me 你并不适合我And now that you"re gone 现在你已离开I finally get a taste of freedom 我终于尝到了自由的滋味only problem is" 但问题是I don"t really want to be free我并不想自由 I donn"t wanna be abandoned 我不想被抛弃I don"t want to curse your name 我不想诅咒你的姓名I don"t wanna feel the sadness我不想体验悲伤 Pretending that I"m still the same 假装我还一样I don"t want to burn your letters我不想焚了你的信 I don"t want to face the truth 我不想面对真相I don"t wanna be abandoned 我不想被抛弃I don"t wanna waste my youth我不想浪费大好时光 I try to suffocate with your pretends知晓你的假装 我尽力屏息And I belive in the shallow romance 我相信肤浅的浪漫I ran for Cover" but I couldn"t hide 我为庇护蹦跑却无法躲藏And still you try to get me to abide 你尽力让我逗留You scratched me like a perfume mad 你像抓着瓶香水似的疯了般禁锢我erasing all the feelings that I had 抹去我所有的感情And all the time you faked this lonelyness 每当你让孤独褪去cause you wouldn"t see my twisted mess 都是因为你不想看到我扭曲的混乱I donn"t wanna be abandoned 我不想被抛弃I don"t want to curse your name 我不想诅咒你的姓名I don"t wanna feel the sadness我不想体验悲伤 Pretending that I"m still the same 假装我还一样I don"t want to burn your letters我不想焚了你的信 I don"t want to face the truth 我不想面对真相I don"t wanna be abandoned 我不想被抛弃I don"t wanna waste my youth我不想浪费大好时光

rihanna - only girl - in the world 歌词语法分析 谢谢了

like英音:[laik]美音:[laɪk] like1及物动词 vt. [W]1.喜欢[+v-ing][+to-v]She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。 He doesn"t like tomatoes. 他不喜欢吃番茄。 2.(用于否定句中)愿意[+v-ing][+to-v]I don"t like deceiving him. 我不愿意欺骗他。 3.(与should,would连用)希望,想,想要[+to-v][O2][O7][O8]He would like you to make that trip. 他希望你走一趟。 4.适合于I like pepper but it doesn"t like me. 我喜欢吃胡椒,但胡椒不适合我的肠胃。 不及物动词 vi. [W]1.喜欢;愿意;希望You can do exactly as you like. 你爱怎么做就怎么做。 名词 n. 1.爱好[P1]The two sisters share the same likes and dislikes. 这两姐妹有相同的好恶爱憎。 like2介词 prep. 1.像,如They are like brothers and sisters. 他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。 2.(作法、程度等)和...一样Dick acts like a gentleman. 迪克的举止如同绅士。 He was like a son to me. 他就像我的儿子一样。 3.与相称的It"s not like her to be so careless. 她通常是不会这么粗心的。 4.(与look,sound等连用)像要;好像是It looks like rain. 好像要下雨了。 5.(与feel连用)想要I don"t feel like dancing now. 我现在不想跳舞。 6.诸如He does well in subjects like history and philosophy. 他在历史和哲学这类课程上成绩不错。 名词 n. 1.同样(或同类)的人(或事物)[the S][(+of)]Have you even heard the like of it? 你听见过这样的事情吗? 形容词 a. 1.相像的[F]The brothers are very like. 这几个兄弟很相像。 2.有相同性质的;类似的[B]His uncle promised him $100 if he could earn a like sum. 他的伯伯答应给他一百美元,如果他能自己挣到同样数目的钱的话。 3.【旧】【方】可能[F][+to-v]连接词 conj. 1.【口】如同,好像It was just like you said. 情况正如你所说的那样。 副词 ad. 1.(常用于插入语中)可能,多半2.【旧】一样地-like后缀 suf. 1.(接在名词之后,形成形容词)表示"像...的"(如:manlike, doglike, bull-like)2.(接在形容词之后,形成副词)表示"像...那样地"以下结果来自互联网网络释义like1.喜欢;喜爱;希望likev.喜欢;喜爱;希望2.象……的-like 象……的3.像,如;像要2007年6月全国大学英语四级考试大纲 prep4.爱好心理学专业英语词汇(L2)like 爱好.5.相似心理学专业词汇英语-汉语对照(L)like 相似6.有…性质的,像…的.?like 有…性质的,像…的 Like1.二人要击数相同..Like 二人要击数相同 2.喜好60. 喜好 Like3.喜欢喜欢(Like).【LRC】La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦I want you to love me like I"m a hot pie我要你爱我 就像爱我的热辣Be thinkin" of me doin" what you like不管你做什么 都会不停地想着我So boy forget about the world "cuz it"s gone be me and you tonight所以 亲爱的 忘了所有一切 因为今晚只属于你和我I wanna make your bed for ya then Imma make you swallow your pride我要你醒来第一眼就看到我 我要你放弃尊严臣服于我Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man因为我懂得如何让你成为一个男人Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only one唯一的一个女孩Want you to take me like a thief in the night我要你像夜晚的小偷一样把我偷走Hold me like a pillow make me feel right把我像枕头般紧紧抱住 让我感到满足Baby I"ll tell you all my secrets that I"m keepin" you can come inside宝贝 我要向你敞开心扉 让你走入我的世界And when you enter you ain"t leavin" be my prisoner for the night一旦你走进 就不能轻易离开 今晚你将会是我的俘虏Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands因为只有我了解你Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only one唯一的一个女孩Take me for a ride ride带我踏入旅程 旅程Oh baby take me high high哦 亲爱的 让我更快乐 快乐Let me make you first first我要让你主宰一切 一切Oh make it last all night night哦 就这样持续一整夜吧Take me for a ride ride带我踏入旅程 旅程Oh baby take me high high哦 亲爱的 让我更快乐 快乐Let me make you first first我要让你主宰一切 一切Make it last all night就这样持续一整夜Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man因为我懂得如何让你成为一个男人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩

歌词中带有l. cant. give的英语歌

La la la la啦啦啦啦La la la la啦啦啦啦La la la la la la la la啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦I want you to love me like I"m a hot ride我要你爱我,就像我是一个热情的家伙Keep thinkin of me doin what you like要一直想着我,做你喜欢的事情So boy forget about the world所以男孩忘掉这个世界,cuz it"s gon be me and you tonight因为今晚只有我和你I wanna make you beg boy我想上你的床then imma make you swallow your pride然后我让你吞下你的骄傲Want you to make me feel Like I"m the only girl in the world我想你让我觉得我是世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you ll ever love就像我是唯一一个你爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一一个了解你的心的女孩Only girl in the world…世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command像我是唯一一个在指挥Cuz I"m the only one因为我是唯一一个who understands how to make you feel like a man知道如何让你感觉像个男人Want you to make me feel like I can be only girl in the world我想你让我觉得我是世界上唯一的女孩Like I "m the only one that do lucy of love就像我是唯一一个你爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一一个了解你的心的女孩Only one…只有一个Want you to take me like a thief in the night要你把我当作夜间的小偷Hold me like a pillow make me feel right抱紧我,就像一个枕头让我感到舒服Baby I"ll tell you all my secrets宝贝,我会告诉你我所有的秘密,that I"m keepin you can come inside我才让你可以进来And when you enter当你进入you ain t leavin be my prisoner for the night你就别想离开 做我今晚的囚犯Want you to make me feel Like i"m the only girl in the world我想你让我觉得我是世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you ll ever love就像我是唯一一个你爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一一个了解你的心的女孩Only girl in the world…在世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command像我是唯一一个在指挥Cuz I"m the only one who understands因为我是唯一一个了解like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一一个了解你的心的女孩only one…只有一个Take me for a ride带我去兜风Oh baby take me high哦 宝贝 让我兴奋Let me make you first让我成为你的第一次Oh make it last all night哦,让这感觉持续一整夜Take me for a ride带我去兜风Oh baby take me high哦 宝贝 让我兴奋Let me make you first让我成为你的第一次Make it last all night让这感觉持续一整夜Want you to make me feel Like I"m the only girl in the world我想你让我觉得我是世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you ll ever love就像我是唯一一个你爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一一个知道你的心的女孩Only girl in the world…在世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command像我是唯一一个在指挥Cuz I"m the only one因为我是唯一一个who understands how to make you feel like a man知道如何让你感觉像个男人Only girl in the world…在世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world…在世界上的女孩Only girl in the world…在世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world在世界上的女孩


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Alexander Rybak的《Oah》 歌词

歌曲名:Oah歌手:Alexander Rybak专辑:No BoundariesAlexander Rybak - OAHSinging Oah, I love you MoaYou"re way too young for me, but I don"t mindNever mind what your girlfriends sayDeep inside I"m quite okayI may have fooled around once or twiceBut I really need youAnd it"s not like I"m the only guyOh, I know how you make them crySo let"s start by being friendsAnd let this friendship never endI knew you years agoWhat I want, I don"t knowBut let"s just say it"s loveSinging Oah, I love you MoaYou"re way too young for me, but I don"t mindDon"t say maybe, just be my ladyNo need to hesitate, "cause you"ll be fineSo tell me what I want to hearNo wait, let"s just leave it thereYou know I"m not good for youGod, I don"t now what to doI liked you from the startYou melt my icy heartAnd now it"s burning hotSinging Oah, I love you MoaYou"re way too young for me, but I don"t mindDont say maybe, just be my ladyNo need to hesitate, "cause you"ll be fineDon"t throw away all what"s left to meI once believed you would save my soulBut if you saw me now, crying secretlyWould you hold my hand and never let it go?I"m singing Oah, "cause I love you Moa ???You"re way too young for me, but I don"t mindDon"t say maybe, just be my ladyNo need to hesitate, "cause you"ll be fineI"m singing Oah, "cause I love you MoaYou"re way too young for me, but I don"t mindDon"t say maybe, just be my ladyNo need to hesitate, "cause you"ll be finelongzitong

Alexander Rybak的《Dolphin》 歌词

歌曲名:Dolphin歌手:Alexander Rybak专辑:FairytalesAlexander Rybak - DolphinDrifting aloneWhere am I to goThe purpose of meSadly I don"t knowWho will take my handI"m sailing in the sandNothing to enjoyFeeling quite distroyedBut I know a magic dolphinSwimming above the worldAnd in my dreams it promised meThat someday I"ll find my girlNo one to loveNo one to looseAll by myselfThis is what I chooseLovers everywhereWhy should I even careWill I ever changeThat would sure be strangeBut I know a magic dolphinSwimming above the worldAnd in my dreams it promised meThat someday I"ll find my girlShe has the taste of silverCute shiney eyes of loveAnd untill I find that girl of mineI have a friend aboveYes I have a friend aboveCause I know a magic dolphinSwimming above the worldAnd in my dreams it promised meThat someday I"ll find my girlShe has the taste of silverCute shiney eyes of loveAnd untill I find that girl of mineI have a friend aboveI have a friend aboveYes I have a friend above

用主题“how to make an omelet”来写一篇英语短文!

How to Make a Basic Omelet?Omelets, made in the French style, are actually fairly easy to make. It can be a little tricky at first, since the process goes very quickly, but a few tries are really all it takes. Serves one.Instruction.1. Combine eggs, water, salt and pepper in a medium-sized bowl. Beat with a fork until combined but not too frothy. 2. Melt a little butter (1 or 2 tsp.) over medium-high to high heat. 3. When the butter stops foaming, pour the egg mixture into the skillet, and without moving the skillet, allow the eggs to set on the bottom (this should only take a few seconds). 4. As eggs set, take a spatula and push the edges of the egg mixture in, allowing the uncooked eggs on top to flow underneath and make direct contact with the skillet. Repeat the procedure at various spots around the edge of the setting egg mixture. 5. When eggs are set but still shiny, remove the omelette from the heat. The whole process should take just 2 or 3 minutes. 6. Fold the omelet in half and slide it onto a warm plate.Tips & Warnings1. Practice with plain omelets before you try filling them.2. Omelets are really an individual dish. Make separate omelets for each person (since they only take a few minutes, this is not an overwhelming obstacle). If you want to serve a lot of people, make a scramble instead. 3. To make a low-fat omelet, prepare using one whole egg and two egg whites, instead of two whole eggs.4. If you do fill the omelet, place a few tablespoons of filling on one half of the omelet right before it"s done, then fold over and slide onto a plate. Don"t put too much inside; it gets difficult to fold the omelet over. You can always put more filling on top of the omelet. Try filling your omelet with cooked fresh mushrooms, grated cheese or even fruit and yogurt. Experiment and have fun!5. Try omelets for a light dinner, with some salad and a glass of wine - that"s what the French do!

欧洲的天空Alexander Rybak 中文歌词

FairytaleAlexander RybakYears ago, when I was younger (几年前,我还年轻)I kinda liked a girl I knew (爱上了我认识的女孩)She was mine and we were sweethearts (她属于我,我们倾心相爱)That was then but then it"s true (就这样,真挚地)I"m in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts (就像在童话里,我坠入情网,尽管这让我痛苦)"Cause I don"t care if I loose my mind (我不在乎迷失了自我)I"m already cursed (我已经着了魔)Every day we start a fighting (白天我们闹变扭)Every night we fell in love (晚上我们相爱)No one else could make me sadder (没有人能使我更悲伤)But no one else could lift me high above (没有人能让我更兴奋)I don"t know, what I was doing (我不知道发生了什么)When suddenly, we fell apart (忽然,我们分道扬镳)Now a days, I cannot find her (现在,我找不到她)But when I do, we"ll get a brand new start (若能找寻到她,我们会重新开始)I"m in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts (就像在童话里,我坠入情网,尽管这让我痛苦)"Cause I don"t care, if I loose my mind (我不在乎迷失了自我)I"m already cursed (我已经着了魔)She"s a fairytale yeah even though it hurts (她就是个童话,是的,尽管这让我痛苦)"Cause I don"t care, if I loose my mind (我不在乎迷失了自我)I"m already cursed (我已经着了魔)

he stop walking and talked to the bird in the win


found a file CCMCache in win7, more than 2G, can i delete it?



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