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《Give and Take》读书摘记

2023-07-08 13:21:51













管理学者布莱恩·麦克纳特(Brian McNatt)鼓励管理者认识到下面两种做法的影响力:









①把付出行为集中起来,属于一种利他且自利的策略。 利他且自利的付出者意识到了保护自己福祉的重要性。在濒临精疲力竭时,他们会寻求帮助,这让他们可以获取建议、帮助和资源,这些对于维持动力和能量是非常必要的。


②成功的付出者还需要识别出伪装付出者的获利者。 一旦成功的付出者看到了真诚性筛选的价值,开始将那些亲和力强的获取者断定为潜在的伪装者,就可以通过调整自己的行为来保护自己。

③慷慨的针锋相对(generous tit for tat):“从不忘记一个好的回合,但有时要忘记一个不好的回合”,你以合作作为开始,并继续合作,知道对手表现出竞争态势。 当对方竞争时,用2/3的情况下竞争,剩下的1/3的情况里则用合作来回应背叛。这样可以达到一种强大的平衡,奖励付出行为,并阻止获取行为,而且不会惩罚过度。



(1)开启互惠之环: 尝试建立一个能够让人们在其中互相帮助互惠互利的组织


(3)练习无力的沟通(询问+寻求建议),成为一名代言人: 从讲话转向聆听,从自我推销转向建议寻求,从宣传变为询问。



























2023-07-08 10:33:312

give and take是什么意思

2023-07-08 10:33:452


give-and-takeadj.公平交换的;互让的;交换意见的n.公平交换;互让;交换意见妥协;互相迁就;互相让步例句筛选1.There was a custom that young people used to give and take their poems with the first Anemone of the year.有一个年轻人用来给,并与今年第一银莲花的诗习俗。2.If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, buta transaction.如果爱不是自然而然地付出与获得,那它就不是爱,而只是一种交易。
2023-07-08 10:34:131

give and take 啥意思

有相互理解的意愿,并让对方拥有或做一些他们想做的事情。也就是所谓的“相互妥协”。1、He never negotiates with others because he feels that give and take is a sign of weakness.他从不和别人谈判,因为他觉得让步和接受是软弱的表现。2、A happy marriage depends on not only love but also give and take, so make sure your relationship has room for give and take.幸福的婚姻不仅依赖于爱,也依赖于相互妥协与理解,所以确保你们的关系有give and take的空间。
2023-07-08 10:34:261

give-and-take, genome这两个词分别是什么意思

give-and-take, 互谅互让genome 基因组
2023-07-08 10:34:543

respect the give-and-take involved in many relati

respect the give-and-take involved in many relation 尊重许多关系中的付出和付出
2023-07-08 10:35:102

药师说书|给与取 GIVE AND TAKE

首次写说英文书,挑战那是非常之大。最大的挑战在于要为作者的关键词和观点找到合适的中文译名,那绝对不是就简单靠脑袋想想想就能想出来的。很多单词的意思用英文表达效果极好,换成了中文就被仅有的译名字意限定住了,真正是“有言便浅”。这个和老外想要翻译中文尤其古文的难度是一致的。管不了那么多了,药师只能竭尽全力,选择自认为合适的文字,必要时中英夹杂,还请同学们多担待。 这是少年得志的亚当格兰特非常著名的作品,本书名字取得特别好,我翻译成“给与取”,恰好和药师一直提倡的观点异常合拍。听过我入职培训的新苗们一定都记得这张有名的图画。你和组织的关系一定是给与取的关系。给多取少或给少取多都不平衡,两者一定是在动态变化中寻找彼此平衡。这也是为什么我特别好奇作者如何阐释这两个概念的原因。 全书正文共九章加特别章行动建议,268页。稍微说说阅读经历: 顺序:首先是目录,其次是特别章行动建议,然后是正文; 速度:第一到第七章,每天花一个半小时至两小时读完一章;第八和第九章稍有懈怠,各花了约两天完成。所以前后一共十二天读完; 深度:几乎没查字典,不懂的单词就跳过。笔记也不多,大多只划线和马克关键词句。 收获巨大!!!怎样的收获呢?待药师细细道来。 作者利用第一章完成了不少工作。首先是定义了在相互关系中由于主导方式不同,人们分成三种类型:“给者”(Giver),“取者”(Taker)和“配者”(Matcher)。很容易理解,取者就是会从对方获得更多,给者就是会给予对方更多,配者就是给与取相对匹配。当然你可能会在不同情境下采取不同的类型,或者由于角色转换而采取不同的交流方式。这里讲的是主导你的标配方式而已。(给者,取者,配者都是我尝试的译名,灵感来自金庸小说的渔者、樵者、耕者、读者)。 接下来作者问了几个重要问题: 第一问:猜一猜哪一类人最有可能成为成功阶梯的最底端,给者,取者还是配者?(每个人都对成功有不同定义,然而问题关键不在于成功定义,大家暂且不必纠结) 答案是:给者! 第二问:猜一猜哪一类人最有可能成为成功阶梯的最顶端,给者,取者还是配者?(每个人都对成功有不同定义,然而问题关键不在于成功定义,大家暂且不必纠结) 答案是:还是给者! 第三问:既然给者主宰着成功阶梯的底端和顶端,那我们怎么才能脱离底端,停留顶端呢? 答案是:《Give and Take》! 还记得凯文凯利在《必然》里说,现在的趋势是名词都用进行时转化为一种行为。在本书第二十五页,作者用四个动名词说明给者是如何成功的:网络ing,协作ing,评估ing和影响ing。接下来的第二章到第五章就分别阐述了这四个关键。 网络ing:The Peacock and the Panda 我比较欣赏的几位老外作者,他们写书基本有一个套路,就是善于用鲜活的案例说明他的观点,亚当格兰特也是其中一位。这一章就用前安然总裁肯尼斯莱(孔雀Peacock)如何建立网络的例子,讲述作为取者是把建立网络的重心放在如何展现自己,而最善交际红人亚当里夫金(熊猫Panda)作为给者,则是把重心放在如何展现对方。书中讲:取者就好像黑洞,给者就好像太阳。长此以往,周边人为了避免被取者操控或被给者真诚所吸引,会更加愿意和给者建立联系。书中也提到配者相对于给者来说,比较倾向于维护小范围的互利互惠的网络。而给者有机会建立庞大的网络。 协作ing:The Ripple Effect 这一章的典型叫乔治梅耶,是很多著名节目如辛普森一家的幕后英雄。其实很多成功的男人或女人背后都有一个或不止一个默默付出的人或团队。这是一个共同协作的结果。这让我想起了如大虫罗德曼一样的注重防守的球员们。作为冠军球队公牛队的成员,他的得分非常少,然而依靠篮板和防守,他们承担的所谓脏活累活同样是整个球队最终胜利的重要原因。然而很多人会掉入职责偏见(The Responsibility Bias)的陷阱,总会夸大自己的付出并且低估他人的付出。好的给者一定会先人后己,肯定他人在前。同时还需要注意立场鸿沟(The Perspective Gap),就是如果我们没有设身处地和亲身经历,我们其实并不能真正理解他人感受。所以善用同理心会帮助我们更好理解对方,与对方协作,这样的传帮带才能起到涟漪效应。 评估ing:Finding the Diamond in the Rough 如何可以发掘他人的潜力,这真是一件神奇的事。本章介绍的两位高人,一位叫CJ斯肯德,培养了众多注册会计师CPA,其中有一位雷吉勒夫,二十六岁时担任过奥巴马总统的个人助理。千里马常有,伯乐不常有。是斯肯德发现了雷吉的才能,并通过不断鼓励让雷吉在短时间就不断成长。另一位伯乐叫司徒英曼,作为NBA球探,在选秀大会上选择过名人堂成员比尔沃顿和克莱德德雷克斯勒,并且帮助开拓者队获得总冠军。当然也有人质疑过司徒英曼的两次不成功的选秀,其中包括1984年放弃迈克尔乔丹选择波维。令人称赞的是,作为一个给者,英曼敢于承认失败和错误,并及时调整。而真正的取者则会沉湎于自我选择,撞到南墙也不回头,因为他们不愿意承认自己是会犯错误的。(书中举的例子就是乔丹选秀选中夸梅布朗的案例,真有趣)。两位传奇伯乐最看重的个人潜力素质是坚毅(Grit),这是一个很值得深挖的话题,就不在本篇内多费笔墨。有机会再聊。 影响ing: The Power of Powerless Communication “天之道,损有余而补不足。是故虚胜实,不足胜有余。”武林秘籍不必认真,但这句话的道理和这个标题有异曲同工之妙。沟通也需要一种若有似无的力量。书中通过一位口吃的辩护律师赢得陪审团的认可,非常棒地表达了“示弱的力量”。(感兴趣同学可移步TED观赏Brown Brene的演讲)。同时亚当格兰特还用自己作为年轻教授给美军将军们上课的示例,表达自嘲和脆弱的力量。印象深刻的是他利用自讽“你们怎么可能向一个十二岁教授学习?”来唤醒房间内的大象(比喻大家都知晓但不说破的阻碍),这个可以在授课时借鉴。当然话术变成套路的后果还是很严重的,呐,做人呐,最重要还是要诚心诚意!还有一个有意思的发现是:真诚地寻求帮助也是一项优势,这会增加他人对你的好感! 在用四章篇幅讲给者的成功(扬长)后,接下来的第六到第八章开始讲如何避短,内容主要涵盖三个方面:如何防止给者的燃尽Burnout、如何避免被取者利用以及组织团体和个人如何保护给者并在组织内部扩散他们的成功。 有一首歌这么唱“我只有不停地要,要到你想逃……”,而给者如果一直不停地给,给到筋疲力尽,给者也会想逃的。书中举了一位支教老师不断给予自己时间直至太阳燃烧殆尽的例子,这个例子其实一点都不新鲜,因为很多人都是这样最终放弃给予的行为。要想避免这种风险,这几点可参考: 最重要的方式就是找到自己行为的意义所在。在电影《死亡诗社》中,基廷老师就是为了给同学们在沉闷的校园环境中创造独立思考的小环境,所以一直兴致勃勃,即便最后被校方赶出校园,但他还是赢得了同学们的尊重和信任。所以寻找工作或给予的意义,才能避免燃尽。 同时给予行为是一次大量还是多次少量也是有讲究的。经过参考很多心理学家的研究成果,作者建议不妨尝试一次大量,而不是每天都蜻蜓点水。 把给予行为更多联系到愉悦和有益,而不是职责和义务。这样就会乐在其中,而不是责无旁贷。 这一章,亚当格兰特提出了一个重要的四象限概念: 所以采取他私(Otherish)的策略,就是不仅仅考虑到他人利益,同时也要考虑自我利益。只有兼顾到两者,给予才能持久,并且能够达成共同成功。这个观点其实并不新鲜,但是这个四象限的理念真是让我大开眼界,这大概就是前面第三问的答案所在。 第七章是如何避免被取者利用。常常不敢说不的给者通常遇到三大陷阱:太信任他人,太有同理心,太羞于启齿。 由于给者与取者的区分并不等于同意他人或不同意他人,所以千万不要被他人的表面所迷惑。给与取最重要还是要基于人的内在动机和价值观。所以下次再有取者想来占便宜时,要对对方动机加以识别,与其先给后问,不如先问清楚再给。 如果太有同理心,不妨稍微用用自己大脑,理智看到对方行为背后的逻辑,这样会避免自己总替对方找借口。同时尝试从给者向配者方向移动,吃一堑没问题,长一智是关键,这样才避免吃千堑。 坚定地要。这个要是接受过果敢力训练的同学们应该都明白果敢的力量。 接下来就是如何在组织层面创造氛围,推动给者更大成功。用最简单的语言,就是要找到价值观的共鸣。虽然有两大阵营关于给予的行为究竟是利己行为(罗伯特西奥蒂尼)还是利他行为(丹尼尔巴特森)有很多争论,但他们都同意最终要达成一Oneness,而亚当格兰特则认为要达成大家共赢的路是一种他私Otherish,实际上利己和利他你中有我我中有你,不能简单分开的。另外这儿我学到的一个词叫不常见的相似性uncommon commonality,也是值得花时间去研究研究的。总之给予的行为如果可以在组织内形成涟漪效应,更多的人为了更广泛多数人的利益而付出,最终一定会提升整个组织的。毫无疑问,这本书是我今年到目前为止看到的最震撼的好书,亚当格兰特的写作风格让我想起最欣赏的作者马尔科姆格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell),我有些期待下次和亚当格兰特再聚会。震撼最主要的原因是他用给与取的理念阐释了双赢的真正含义。本来我就一直觉得给与取这一对词和阴阳刚柔一样,都是在表达两者之间的圆融,所以刚柔并济,阴阳和谐,这样才是真正的“二的平衡”。 书中最后八页介绍的十件行动建议,也让我深有共鸣。我很可能会把其中的一部分运用到日常的人才管理和组织发展实践中去,反正做有意义的事,并且做得有意思,一直都是我全心投入,精力充沛的源泉。给是为了更高层级的得,不妨做一个有趣有益的给者吧!
2023-07-08 10:35:281

Give And Take Tyler CollinsTyler Collins!这首歌英文歌词

This is a righttotal oppositionI believe in youcan"t you hear meit doesn"t changehow we hurt each otherwhen the road gets roughcan"t you hear meToo much riding on the rhythmtoo much gliding by the rangeyou know all the indicationsdon"t be afraid, afraid of letting goJust give & takegive what you haveI"ll give it all to youGive & takeI"ve made up my mindwe"ve just got to see it throughmake me the reasonyour answer to loveas another day goes bythink about, think about itsome things just happen for love (x2)some things just happenMake the rhythmdon"t break the energyit"s never too lateto make a turnaroundyou"ve got to movein all directionsI believe in youwhat we"re going thoughI know you"re so complicatedI know always making timeI see it takes you to the very edgedon"t be afraid, afraid of letting go(chorus)Too much riding on the rhythmtoo much gliding by the rangetoo much takes you to the very edgedon"t be afraid, afraid of letting goJust give & takegive what you haveI"ll give it all to yougive & takedon"t be afraid to let goof the silence that hits youjust give & takeget what you canit"s all that you can doJust give & takedon"t take too muchgive & takeyou gotta talk, talk, talkreason to talk, talk, talkget up, talk, talk, talkout your systemtalk, talk, talkget out your systemtalk, talk, talkGive and take...
2023-07-08 10:35:361

翻译一句话mutual liking and “give and take”.

2023-07-08 10:35:432

翻译in every friendship there has to be some give-and-take

In every friendship there has to be some give-and-take.翻译为汉语:在每一段友谊中都会有一些互相让步。注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-07-08 10:35:521


《天才》If you found a woman,who will abide with your peculiarities,well,miracles should not be sniffed at.Marry her,marry her.Have a big family.The one true blessing in this world is family.(如果你找到了一个能包容你的独特性的女人,那这样的奇迹你要珍惜。娶她吧。组个大家庭。家庭是这世上最真切的恩惠。)Do what you will with the brain.But if you think you cancomprehend who my father was or why he was so brilliant by looking at his brain under a microscope,you are sorely mistaken.It is just a thing.That,that is not the man.(随你怎么对他的大脑吧。但如果你想通过在显微镜下观察他的大脑来理解我父亲是个怎样的人、为何他如此聪明,那你就错得太离谱了.这只不过是个物件,而不是个人。)
2023-07-08 10:35:591

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take这句英语里面有哪些语法?

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take这不是句子这是现在分词或动名词 短语其中hoping 是现在分词或动名词 后面是省略that的宾语从句 作其宾语其中I是从句中的主语 could learn 是从句中的谓语a bit是从句中的宾语 about how to give and take是介词短语作定语修饰a bit其中about 是介词how to give and take是带疑问词的动词不定式作介词宾语
2023-07-08 10:36:291

Wrong (Todd Terry Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:90S RemixEverything But The Girl - Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)I wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what it was likeI pushed you too farAnd you started laying down the lawTil I didn"t love you anymoreNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongSo there we both were in that little houseJust hanging outYou didn"t know what you were aboutAnd you turned to me as you wereThreading daisies on a chainYou said it"s decision time againNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongAnd the ground"s gonna swallow youI was wrong"Cause I was wrongI wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what he was likeNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wrong
2023-07-08 10:36:371

I Get Off (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Get Off (Album Version)歌手:Halestorm专辑:I Get OffYou don"t know that I knowYou watch me every nightAnd I just can"t resist the urgeTo stand here in the lightYour greedy eyes upon meAnd then I come undoneAnd I could close the curtainBut this is too much funI get off on youGetting off on meGive you what you wantBut nothing is for freeIt"s a give and takeKind of love we makeWhen your line is crossedI get offI get offThere"s so much left unspokenBetween the two of usIt"s so much more excitingTo look when you can"t touchYou could say I"m differentMaybe I"m a freakBut I know how to twist youTo bring you to your kneesI get off on youGetting off on meGive you what you wantBut nothing is for freeIt"s a give and takeKind of love we makeWhen the line is crossedI get offI get offWhat you don"t knowWhat you can"t seeIs what I do for youI do for meI get off on youGetting off on meI give you what you wantYeahhhhI get off on youGetting off on meGive you what you wantBut nothing is for freeIt"s a give and takeKind of love we makeWhen your line is crossedI get offI get off
2023-07-08 10:36:431

give的固定词组有哪些,就是give sb (?)sth give sth(?)sb 等等的

give up放弃请采纳
2023-07-08 10:36:512


2023-07-08 10:37:402


u300aA little loveu300b
2023-07-08 10:37:484


歌曲:new soul歌手:yael naim 专辑:yael naim 歌名:new soul〖纯洁心灵〗i"m a new soul〖伴随着一颗纯洁的心灵〗i came to this strange world〖来到这个陌生的世界〗hoping i could learn a bit about how to give and take〖期盼着能学到如何付出与收获〗but since i came here, felt the joy and the fear〖但自从来到这里体验了快乐与恐惧〗finding myself making every possible mistake〖发觉自己正在犯着所有可能的错误〗la, la, la, la (21x)la, la, la, la (21x)see i"m a young soul in this very strange world〖瞧在如此陌生的世界里我有着一颗年轻的灵魂〗hoping i could learn a bit about what is true and fake〖期盼着能学到辨别真假的能力〗but why all this hate try to communicate〖但是为何所有的憎恨交织在一起〗finding trust and love is not always easy to make〖感觉信任与真爱不是如此简单就能洋溢人间〗la, la, la, la (21x)la, la, la, la (21x)this is a happy end〖这是一个快乐结局〗cause you don"t understand〖因为你不明白〗everything you have done〖你所做的所有事情〗why"s everything so wrong〖为何一切总是如此不如人意〗this is a happy end〖这是一个快乐的结局〗come and give me your hand〖来吧让我们手牵手〗i"ll take you far away〖我将会带你去遥远的彼岸〗i"m a new soul〖带着一颗纯洁的心灵〗i came to this strange world〖闯入这个陌生的世界〗hoping i could learn a bit about how to give and take〖期待着能学到一丝取舍精神〗but since i came here, felt the joy and the fear〖然而自从到达这里感受到所谓的幸福与恐惧〗finding myself making every possible mistake〖发觉自己正在不断地犯着可能的错误〗new soul...(la, la, la, la,...)〖纯洁的心灵〗in this very strange world...〖在这神秘陌生的世界里...〗every possible mistake〖每一个可能的错误〗possible mistake〖可能的错误〗every possible mistake(mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...)〖每一个可能的错误...〗
2023-07-08 10:37:564


2023-07-08 10:38:052


yael naim 的 <new soul>
2023-07-08 10:38:136

because of you翻译成中文是什么?

"Because of you" 可以翻译成 "因为你"。
2023-07-08 10:38:272


1. 以break为中心的词组break away from 脱离,逃离break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚break in 闯进,打断;使顺服break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚break the law 违反法律break the record 破记录break one"s promise 失言break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解2. 以catch为中心的词组be caught doing 被发现做某事be caught in the rain 淋雨catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车catch a cold 伤风,感冒catch one"s word 听懂某人的话catch sight of 发现,瞥见catch up with 赶上,追及,追上3. 以come为中心的词组come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击come back 回来;恢复,复原come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成come into power 开始执政,当权,当选come into use 开始使用,获得应用come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于come to an end 终止,结束come to know 开始了解到come true 实现,成为现实;证实come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽4. 以do为中心的词组be done in 精疲力竭be done with 完全结束do a good deed 做一件好事do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于do its work 有效,有作用do much 极有用do wrong to 做错do one"s best 尽某人最大努力do one"s homework 做作业do one"s utmost 尽力而为do proud 足以使~~骄傲do sb. justice 公平对待某人do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生do sb. a favor 帮助某人do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理do without 不需要,不用do wonders 创造奇迹have much to do with 和~~很有关系have nothing to do with 与~~无关have something to do with 和~~有关in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下That will do. 行了;够了5. 以get为中心的词组get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传get above oneself 自视高傲get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解get ahead of 胜过,超过get along 前进,进步;同意;离去get along with 与~~相处get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击get away 离开,逃脱get back 取回,回来;报复get behind 落后;识破get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁get down to 认真对待,静下心来get familiar with 熟悉get hold of 获得,取得get home 到家get in 进入,陷入;牵涉get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功get one"s hand in 熟悉;习惯get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成get ready for 为~~作准备get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱get through 到达,完成,通过;及格get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织get used to 习惯于have got to do 不得不,必须6. 以give为中心的词组be given to 沉溺于,癖好give about 分配;传播give and take 相互迁就give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发give back 归还give cause 给予~~的理由give ear to 侧耳倾听give forth 发出,放出;发表give in 屈服,让步,投降give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步give off 发出(烟,气味)give oneself out to be/as 自称为give oneself up to 专心于;向~~自首give out 分发,公布give place to 让位于,被~~所替代give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生give sb. to understand 通知某人give up 放弃;停止give way to 让步,退却;屈服于7. 以look为中心的词组look about 四下环顾;查看look after 照顾,看管look around 东张西望look at 注视,着眼于look back 回顾look for 寻找;期待,期望look down on 俯视;轻视look forward to 盼望,期待look into 窥视;调查;浏览look like 看起来象look on 旁观;面向look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防look over 从上面看过去;检查look through 透过~~看去;看穿;浏览look up to 仰望,尊敬8. 以make为中心的词组be made from 由~~原料制成be made of 由~~材料制成be made up of 由~~组成make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗make a mistake 弄错make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持make advantages/use of 使用,利用make after 追求,追赶make believe 假装make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚make contact with 接通,与~~接触,与~~联系make for 去向,向~~前进;有利于make friends with 和~~交友make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为make much of 重视;理解;赏识make one"s mind on sth. 决定某事make one"s own 当作自己的看待make oneself at home 随便,别拘束make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱make way for 为~~让路,让路于on the make 急求成功;增加9. 以put为中心的词组put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉put back 把~~放回原处;驳回put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议put ~~ into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞put on 上演;穿上,带上put one"s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列put up with 忍受,容忍10. 以take为中心的词组be taken aback 吃惊take a seat 就坐take a shower 淋浴,洗澡take aim 瞄准,设立目标take away 拿走,减去;夺去take ~~ by surprise 出奇制胜take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责take ~~ for 把~~当作take off 脱去,除去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死;复制,作副本;减弱take office 就职,上任take one"s place 就坐,入坐take one"s temperature 量体温take part in 参与,参加take place = happen 发生,举行take the place of 代替take pride in 以~~为荣,对~~骄傲take sb. by the arm 拉某人的胳膊take it easy 别着急,慢慢来11. 以turn为中心的词组give a new turn to 对~~予以新的看法in one"s turn 轮到某人做某事out of turn 不按次序的,不合适宜的take one"s turn to do 轮到做turn a blind eye to 对~~视而不见turn against 背叛,采取敌对态度turn back 折回,往回走turn down 折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑turn into 走进;变成,变为turn to ~~for help 求助于turn off 关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产turn on 打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于turn one"s attention to 把注意力转向turn out 培养;证明是;制成;实际情况是turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新turn (a)round 旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策turn to 变成;着手于turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱
2023-07-08 10:39:582

含有 拿 意思的动词有哪些?

含有 拿 意思的动词有哪些? 中文:取,攫,抓,捧,端,擎,举,持,握,执。 很多提手旁的词。 英文: take 取, give and take 付出与获取, grab 抢夺,匆匆拿取 seize 抓,夺取 lift 举, hold 持,握,执,端,捧 hold up/lift up 擎 还有bring/carry之类。 含有 说 意思的动词有哪些? 吵架、争论、辩论、争吵。 含有“走”意思的词有哪些? 表示走的词语: 奔波 奔忙 造访 拜访 散步 溜达 蹒跚 游荡 踱步 徘徊 .闲逛成语阪上走丸、奔走呼号、奔走如市、奔走相告、奔走之友 奔走钻营、笔走龙蛇、不胫而走、闯南走北、吃不了兜著走 弛声走誉、驰声走誉、大杖则走、东奔西走、东闯西走 东走西顾、东走西撞、斗鸡走狗、斗鸡走马、斗鸡走犬 贩夫走卒、飞苍走黄、飞觥走斝、飞禽走兽、飞沙走砾 飞沙走石、飞砂走石、飞觞走斝、飞书走檄、飞沿走壁 飞檐走壁、飞檐走脊、飞殃走祸、飞鹰走狗、飞鹰走马 飞鹰走犬、飞针走线、风驰云走、高飞远走、狗走狐淫 骇龙走蛇、横行直走、鸡飞狗走、疾走先得、抗尘走俗 离弦走板、鹿走苏台、落荒而走、逆阪走丸、逆阪走丸 牛童马走、弃车走林、拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得路、 拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得马、三十六策,走为上策 三十六计,走为上计、死诸葛能走生仲达、死诸葛吓走生仲达、 挺而走险、挺鹿走险 铤而走险、铤鹿走险、兔走鹘落、兔走乌飞、畏影而走 乌踆兔走、乌飞兔走、无胫而走、下阪走丸、下阪走丸 衔枚疾走、小受大走、星驰电走、行尸走骨、行尸走肉 一走了之、玉走金飞、远走高飞、走伏无地、走过场 走花溜冰、走花溜水、走漏天机、走马到任、走马赴任 走马观花、走马看花、走马上任、走马章台、走南闯北 走石飞沙、走头无路、走投没路、走投无路、走为上策 走为上计、走为上著 含有哭这意思的词有哪些 嚎啕大哭、泪流满面 、抽泣、抽噎 含有“高兴”意思的词有哪些? 喜上眉梢 [xǐ shàng méi shāo] 喜悦的心情从眉眼上表现出来。 眉飞色舞 [méi fēi sè wǔ] 色:脸色。形容人得意兴奋的样子。 心满意足 [xīn mǎn yì zú] 形容心中非常满意。 喜出望外 [xǐ chū wàng wài] 望:希望,意料。 由于没有想到的好事而非常高兴。 怡然自得 [yí rán zì dé] 怡然:安适愉快的样子。形容高兴而满足的样子。 欢天喜地 [huān tiān xǐ dì] 形容非常高兴。 含有“死”的意思的词有哪些 牺牲、献身、驾崩、光荣了、见马克思、升天了、驾鹤西归、仙逝、逝世、走了、离开了、远去了、下去了、故去、亡故、挂了、撂挑子了、哏屁、哏屁着凉了、过去了、没有了 含有“动脑筋”的意思的词有哪些 思前想后 - 煞费苦心 - 千思万虑 - 潜精研思 - 冥思苦想 - 绞尽脑汁 前思后想,思前想后 含有"给予"意思的词有哪些 [jǐ yǔ] 给予 【词目】给予 【拼音】jǐ yǔ 【近义词】赐予、予以 【反义词】接受、取得、索取 【释义】<书><动词>给(gei):给予帮助|给予同情|给予亲切的关怀。也作给与。 含有拿的意思 动词 端 捧 提
2023-07-08 10:40:551

Give what you can and take what you need

记得几年前一个夏日午后,下楼去自提柜取快递。我快速输入提货码,咔哒声瞬间传出。我抬头寻着声音的方向望去—刚巧在最顶上一层。“糟了!”我心里暗自叫苦:自己这个子也够不着啊。 就在这一刻,一个正在旁边玩的小男孩飞快跑过来往高里跳。我有点儿婆烦小区里这些到处乱窜乱蹦的孩子,不耐烦地说:你要做撒子? 这孩子离开转身过来说:我帮你拿呀!那一刻我才发现这孩子说话的语气很平静,一本正经,眼里没有丝毫隐藏和躲闪,全是理直气壮全是正经八百。我心里忽然很惭愧:为什么我这么世俗地以为孩子就是去捣乱的? 时间匆匆,孩子单纯却乐于助人的眼神一直在我心里。他教会我用正念去无分别地对待一切,也让我明白不是一定要等你有力量才能去帮助别人,只要你想,就可以尽己所能。
2023-07-08 10:41:221

含有 拿 意思的动词有哪些?

2023-07-08 10:41:394


2023-07-08 10:41:471

take responsibility 后面的介词是什么?of 还是for?

加for 对什么负责任。
2023-07-08 10:41:573

Give up和give in是分别什么意思

2023-07-08 10:42:067

《Giveand Take》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Give and Take》(Adam M. Grant Ph.D.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: sgcv书名:Give and Take作者:Adam M. Grant Ph.D.豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Viking Adult出版年份:2013-4-9页数:320内容简介:An innovative, groundbreaking book that will captivate readers of Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Pink, The Power of Habit, and QuietFor generations, we have focused on the individual drivers of success: passion, hard work, talent, and luck. But today, success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others. It turns out that at work, most people operate as either takers, matchers, or givers. Whereas takers strive to get as much as possible from others and matchers aim to trade evenly, givers are the rare breed of people who contribute to others without expecting anything in return.Using his own pioneering research as Wharton"s youngest tenured professor, Grant (author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World) shows that these styles have a surprising impact on success. Although some givers get exploited and burn out, the rest achieve extraordinary results across a wide range of industries. Combining cutting-edge evidence with captivating stories, this landmark book shows how one of America"s best networkers developed his connections, why the creative genius behind one of the most popular shows in television history toiled for years in anonymity, how a basketball executive responsible for multiple draft busts transformed his franchise into a winner, and how we could have anticipated Enron"s demise four years before the company collapsed-without ever looking at a single number.Praised by bestselling authors such as Dan Pink, Tony Hsieh, Dan Ariely, Susan Cain, Dan Gilbert, Gretchen Rubin, Bob Sutton, David Allen, Robert Cialdini, and Seth Godin-as well as senior leaders from Google, McKinsey, Merck, Estee Lauder, Nike, and NASA-Give and Take highlights what effective networking, collaboration, influence, negotiation, and leadership skills have in common. This landmark book opens up an approach to success that has the power to transform not just individuals and groups, but entire organizations and communities.作者简介:Born in 1981,Adam M. Grant is an author and a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Grant has been recognized as both the youngest tenured and most highly rated professor at the Wharton School.
2023-07-08 10:42:321


BREAK:break down失败;发生故障;毁掉;分解;制服break even不赚不赔;并列起跑;打成平手break loose挣脱,摆脱break new ground开辟新天地,开垦处女地break off折断;突然停止,暂停break the deadlock打破僵局break the ice破冰;打破沉默,打破僵局break the record打破纪录break through突破;突围;有重要创见breaking strength裂断强度,抗断强度breaking stress致断应力;破坏应力breaking test破坏试验;断裂试验CALL:call backvi. 收回;回电call center客户服务中心call forth唤起;使产生;使起作用call instruction呼叫指令;调用指令call it quits停止工作;终止关系call money活期借款(可随时要求偿还)call number呼叫号码;图书编目号码call off order分订单call on sb拜访某人或某地;号召某人做某事call one names用污秽语言骂人;辱骂某人call slip借书证;(图书馆借书时填写的)借书单call to order要求遵守秩序call upon号召;要求;拜访call waiting呼叫等待called game有效比赛call at sp拜访某地COME:come about v. 发生;产生;改变方向come along with随同,和……一起来come back回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行come down下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势come down on申斥;惩罚;索取come down with付钱;染上病come in handy迟早有用come into进入;得到come into effect开始生效;开始实施come off duty下班come off it住口;别吹牛了come out with说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场come through经历;安然度过;获得成功come to a conclusion告终;得出结论come to terms with达成协议;让步;屈服;妥协;甘心忍受come true实现,成真;成为现实come up to v. 等于;达到come up with赶上;提出;想出come up with sth想出某事DO:do [强du:, 弱du, du0259, d, du:] n. 要求;规定;C大调音阶中的第一音vt. 做;完成;进行;解答vi. 做;完成;进行aux. 助动词(无词义)do away withv. 废除,去掉;弄死do ones best: 尽最大努力做……try/do ones best: 努力,尽力GET:get across vi. 通过;使...被理解get after攻击;追击;训斥get along with与…和睦相处;取得进展get away with侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱get cold feet沮丧;临阵退缩get down to business开始做正事,着手干正事get going出发;开始;着手get hold of抓住;得到;把握get in touch with与…联系;和…接触get nowhere无进展;一事无成get off the ground v. 开始发行;飞起;(使)取得进展get on with vt. 在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干get out of the rain躲雨;知道保护自己;有心计get ready for为……做准备get rid of摆脱,除去get somewhere使有所成就;使有些结果get the ball rolling让球滚起来(动起手来);开始get up to达到;赶上,追上get wise to vt. 知道,了解;明白GIVE:give a talk做报告;做演讲give and take平等交换;交换意见;互相迁就give back归还;反射;恢复give birth产仔;生孩子give expression to表达出give full play to充分发挥give full weigh分量准足give me a break让我休息一下Give me a hand帮我一下give oneself up自首give over停止;交出give rise to使发生,引起give short weight短斤缺两;克扣分量give the floor to给予发言权give way to给……让路GO:go [ɡu0259u] vi. 走;趋于;达到;运转n. 去;尝试;进行vt. 忍受;以…打赌;出产go around四处走动;供应;(消息)流传go into effect生效go without没有…也行going concern继续经营企业HAVE:have a cold患感冒;感冒,受凉have a fever发烧have a fit大吃一惊;大发脾气have a gift for对…有天赋have a good time玩得高兴have a heart v. 发慈悲have a nice trip祝你旅途愉快have a party聚会;举办晚会have an advantage over胜过,优于have an inquiring mind爱动脑筋have back要回have classes上课have got to[口]不得不;必须have in mind考虑;想到have sports进行体育锻炼,进行体育活动have sth to do with与某人/某事有关系have the heart to do(用于否定句)忍心做…;有勇气做have time off有空;放假,休息HOLD:hold a candle to不能与…相比hold back退缩;隐瞒;抑制;阻止hold down抑制;压制;保有hold down foot: 踏靴hold on to坚持;紧握;克制hold ones breath: 闭气hold over延期;以…威胁hold the line v. 不挂断电话;坚持下去,保持不变hold water合情合理;站得住脚;说得通;能盛水hold with v. 赞同;容忍hold your horses不要着急,耐心一点holddown ["hu0259ulddaun] n. 垂下;缩减holding company控股公司;股权公司KEEP:keep an eye on v. 照看;留意;密切注视keep away不接近;防范keep back隐瞒;留下;阻止keep company with与…结交keep cool镇定自若;保持凉爽;保持冷静keep down v. 控制;镇压;缩减keep faith with对…守信用;忠于信仰keep from隐瞒;阻止;抑制keep in touch with与…保持联系keep on with坚持;跟上,赶上;继续(做某事)keep ones word: 守信誉keep out of置身于外keep right靠右;不准左转keep the house不出门,待在家里Keep Top Side Up请勿倒立(公共标志语)keep under v. 控制;压制keep upright勿倒置;竖放LOOK:look after目送;照顾;关心look ahead预测未来,计划未来look around到处察看;到处寻找;游览look back回顾;回头看look before you leap三思而后行look down upon vt. 看不起look forward (to)盼望;期待look into窥视;浏览;观察look over从…上面看;检查,察看;原谅look round观光;环顾;仔细察看look sb in the eye: 直视…;直视某人;注视look sb. in the eye: 正视, 打量(某人);正视/直视某人;正视, 打量(某人)look sb。 in the eye: 正视, 打量(某人)look the same看起来一样look through看穿,识破;浏览,温习;从…中显露look up to尊敬looking at a crowded street看着熙熙攘攘的街道;看着拥挤的大街Looking At Camera注视镜头looking down往下看MAKE:make a deal with与…做生意,和…妥协make a mistake犯错误make a point of重视;强调;特别注意…make a wish欲望,企图;幻想make as if假装make certain弄确实;弄清楚make good成功;补偿;赔偿make headway取得进展;有进展make money赚钱make much of极为重视;充分利用;理解make no difficulties表示无异议;不留难make offers报价;主动提供帮助make out of由…制造;用…做原料;理解make over转让;移交;修改make provision for为…预先采取措施;为…作好准备make sure确信;证实make sure about弄清;弄确实make the best of充分利用;尽力而为;妥善处理make up for补偿,弥补TAKE:take a break休息一下take a chance vt. 冒险take a hand in干预,参与,插手;帮助take a hike走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去take a look看一下take a rain check改期take action采取行动;提出诉讼take away带走,拿走,取走take care of照顾;注意;抚养take charge掌管,负责;主持;不受控制take delight in乐于take it or leave it要么接受要么放弃;不容讨价还价take ones time: 不要着急,慢慢地做;不焦急,不慌忙take ones time doing sth: 从容不迫不慌不忙做某事And no ones gonna take that time away: 当时采取的第二天,没有走take over接收;接管take photos摄影;照相,拍照take position坐盘;抢占位置;采取某种态度take possession of占有;占领take things as they come pron. 既来之则安之;安于现状,对一切事情处之泰然TURN:turn [tu0259:n] vt. 转动,使旋转;转弯;兑换;翻过来vi. 转动;转向;转变n. 转弯;变化turn down拒绝;向下转折turn into v. 变成;进入turn left v. 向左转turn over把…翻过来;翻阅;发动;移交给;营业额达到;反复考虑turn the tables扭转局势;反败为胜turndown ["tu0259:ndaun] n. 拒绝;低落;翻领adj. 可翻下的;翻领的;衰退的;下降的turning radius转弯半径,回转半径;旋转半径但愿能帮到你! 这些也只是冰山一角,要想深入,还要多练, 掌握语感,自然得心应手!
2023-07-08 10:42:491

Both Sides Now (Lp Version) 歌词

此曲出自BOTH SIDES NOW专辑(2000年),是管弦乐版。旋律悠扬,Joni Mitchell略带忧郁气息、贴近心灵的演唱,使人藏匿心底的情感不觉与之共鸣...有所感悟...(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作,歌词自译....p(^-^)qBoth Sides Now(Orchestral)"Joni Mitchell"译者:CherQQRows and flows of angel hair 波浪般飘荡的天使秀发,and ice cream castles in the air 和冰激淋城堡在天空浮动,and feather canyons everywhere, 到处是轻如鸿毛的大峡谷, I"ve looked at cloud that way. 我曾经那样遥望浮云。But now they only block the sun,  而如今浮云慢慢遮住太阳,they rain and snow on everyone. 雨滴与雪花落在每个人身上。So many things I would have done 如此多的事情想去完成,but clouds got in my way. 但是浮云阻挡了前途。I"ve looked at clouds from both sides now 那时我遥望浮云的两种角度——from up and down, and still somehow 高处和低处,然而不知何故,it"s cloud illusions I recall. 那也不过是我记忆中的浮云幻像。I really don"t know clouds at all. 其实我完全不了解浮云。Moons and Junes and ferris wheels, 月亮、六月和摩天轮,the dizzy dancing way you feel 如狂舞般头晕目眩,as every fairy tale comes real, 如所有童话一朝成真,I"ve looked at love that way. 我曾经那样面对爱情。But now it"s just another show 而如今它只是另一场闹剧,You leave "em laughing when you go. 当你在众人的嘲笑声中离去。and if you care, don"t let them know, 若你很在乎,也别让他们知道,don"t give yourself away. 别泄露了自己的心情。I"ve looked at love from both sides now 那时我面对爱情的两种方法——from give and take, and still somehow 给予和索取,然而不知何故,it"s loves illusions I recall. 那也不过是我记忆中的爱情幻像。I really don"t know love... 其实我不了解爱情...I really don"t know love at all. 其实我到底也不了解爱情。Tears and fears and feeling proud 泪水,恐惧害怕并怀着自豪,to say "I love you" right out loud. 当我直率地大喊“我爱你”时。Dreams and schemes and circus crowds 梦想、蓝图和马戏团表演, I"ve looked at life that way. 我曾经那样看待人生。But now old friends thery are acting strange, 而如今熟悉的老友也显得生疏, they shake their heads, and they tell me that I"ve changed. 他们摇着头告诉我,是我早已改变。Well something"s lost, but something"s gained 失去些合意的,却又得到些什么,in living every day. 在每天的生活中。I"ve looked at life from both sides now 那时我看待人生的两种方式——from win and lose, and still somehow 成功和失败,然而不知何故,it"s lifes illusions I recall. 那也不过是我记忆中的人生幻像。I really don"t know life... 其实我不了解人生...I really don"t know life at all. 其实我根本不了解人生。I really don"t know life at all. 其实我根本就不了解人生。注:此版lrc并非为CLOUDS专辑(1970年)中Both Sides, Now所制。
2023-07-08 10:42:562

New York State Of Mind的歌词及翻译,要完整。非常谢谢!!~

New York State Of MindSome floks like to get away 有些人喜欢远走他乡Take a holiday from the neighborhood远离街坊邻居 去渡个假Hop a flight to Miami Beach搭个飞机 飞到迈阿密海滩Or to Hollyeood 或是到好莱坞But I"m talking a Greyhound但我更喜欢坐在Greyhound巴士上On the Hudson River Line浏览哈德逊河的河岸风光I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心I"ve seen all the movie stars电影明星我见多了In their fancy cars and their limousines他们开着炫酷跑车 豪华轿车Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens我曾经攻顶登上绿树茂密的洛基山脉But I know what I"m needin"我知道我需要什么And I don"t want to waste more time我不想虚度光阴I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心It was so easy living day by day一天又一天,过着惬意的生活Out of touch with the rhythm and blues人生的节奏都乱了But now need a little give and take我需要一点点转换的空间The New York Times,the Daily News纽约心情占据了我的心It comes down to really 落到穷困潦倒的地步And It"s fine with me "cause I"ve let it slide我的心仍坦然,因为我自甘堕落I don"t care if it"s Chinatown or Riverside我不在乎 我是流浪到中国城 或是RiversideI don"t have any reasons我不想找理由开脱I"ve left them all behind 我早就豁出去了I"m in a new York state of Mind纽约心情占据了我的心 求采纳!!!
2023-07-08 10:43:481


Friendship Making friends is a skill like many other skills.It improves with practice.If you want to meet people and make friends,you must be willing to take some actions.You must first go where there are people.You won"t make friends staying home alone.Join a club or a group.Taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier.Or join someone in some activities.Many people are nervous when talking to new people.After all meeting strangers means facing the unknown.And it"s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves.We imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short,too this or too that.But don"t forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease.You"ll both feel more comfortable. Try to be self-comfident even if you don"t feel that way.When you enter a room full of strangers,such as a new classroom,walk tall and straight,look directly at other people and smile. If you see someone you like to speak to,say something .don"t wait for the other person to start a conversation. Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”.It takes time and effort to develop 翻译: 友谊 交友是一种技巧像许多其他方面的技能.它可以改善与实践相结合.如果你想遇到一些人,结交朋友,你必须愿意采取行动.你必须先去那里人.你不会让朋友独自留在家里.加入一个社团或一组.带着那些喜欢你做同样的事情变得容易得多.或者一起在一些活动.许多人都紧张和陌生人说话.毕竟结识陌生人意味着面对未知的领域.和人类的自然感觉有点不舒服的未知.我们的恐惧大部分关于面对新的来怀疑自己.我们想象的是判断我们其他人找到我们太高或短,太这太那个了.但别忘了,他们必须感受到同样的方式.尝试接受原原本本的你,并试著把对方轻松自在.你们两个都会感到更舒服. 要self-comfident即使你不这么认为.当你进入一个满屋子的陌生人,比如一个新教室,走挺拔,直接看着别人和微笑. 如果你看到你喜欢的人说话,说几句.不要等到别人搭话. 刚遇见一个新的人之前并不意味着你会结交person-friendship,是建立在互相喜欢和“给予和索取”.花时间和精力去培养 There are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship 要想维持友谊以下几方面是必不可少的了 Listen 善于倾听 The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship.It helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings,as well as shows that you really care.倾听是友谊的基石 他有助于你更好的了解你的朋友同时又表示你在关心你的朋友 2.Spend quality time with your friend 与朋友相聚 No relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together.Make time for your friend,schedule get togethers.没相聚就没友谊 所以抽点时间与朋友一起聚聚吧 3.Be forgiving 宽容 There is not even one person in the world who is perfect.You know your own shortcomings,so don"t expect perfection from others.I"m not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend"s part.Tell them when you didn"t like something and be always ready to make up afterward.Don"t hold grudges in your heart.It will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well.人无完人,任何人都有自己的缺点所以就不要要求别人完美 我并不是叫你一味的纵容朋友的错误 相反你应该明确的告诉你的朋友 不要藏在心底 这对你和你们自己的友谊都是有好处的 4.Admit your faults 勇于承认自己的错误 In every friendship there will be conflict sooner or later.When it comes,often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person involved.This will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship 朋友相处迟早都会产生冲突的,但产生误会和冲突时双方都是有责任的 我认为勇于承认自己的过错比追究责任更有助于解决问题和增进友谊
2023-07-08 10:43:562


give away 分发 give back 归还;送回 give in 屈服,让步 give out 分发 give up 放弃
2023-07-08 10:44:042

give to .give for and take to 的区别

一.give to 赋予例句right to give away 放弃权 To give flavor to. 给…加调料 To give publicity to. 使…为公众所注意 Give heart to sb. 鼓励某人 Give horns to sb. 叫某人戴绿帽子 二.give for 牺牲;交换例句Give a back for sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登] Give sb. credit for sth. 为。。。赞扬[肯定]某人 give someone credit for something. 因为某事而信任某人。 As for me, give me liberty, or give me death. 至于我,不自由,毋宁死。 give dinner to; host for dinner. 提供晚饭;请吃晚饭。三.take to 1. 喜欢, 习惯于…2. 开始从事3. 觉得(某事)容易学例句To take into account 考虑到,把......考虑进去 To take revenge on. 进行报复… To take a measurement. (测)量 To take a potshot. 乱击,乱射进行近距离狙击 To take an overdose. 用药过量
2023-07-08 10:44:131


2023-07-08 10:44:191


take in take over take uptake down
2023-07-08 10:44:426


If you give him a inch, he will take a mile. If you go to bed early and rise early, you will be healthy, wealthy and wise. if you help yourself, god will help you. if you notact, heaven will never help you. if you suffer no pain, you won"t gain anything.
2023-07-08 10:45:051


give up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意,但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接宾语。如:They decided to give up their plan. 他们决定放弃计划了。What a heavy smoker you are! Give up smoking and take more care of yourself !你个烟鬼,把烟戒了,多关心一下自己吧!His mother gave in and bought him a new bike. 他母亲拗不过他,只得给他买了一辆新自行车。
2023-07-08 10:45:244

有一首英文歌,歌词里面有LA LA LA 的 是什么歌?

New SoulYael NaimLyrics by muzzia for AmandazhenI"m a new soul I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take.But since I came hereFelt the joy and the fearFinding myself making every possible mistakeLa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...I"m a young soul in this very strange world hoping I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.But why all this hateTry to communicate.Finding trust and love is not always easy to make.La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...This is a happy end cause" you don"t understand everything you have done why"s everything so wrongThis is a happy end come and give me your hand I"ll take your far away.I"m a new soul I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and takeBut since I came here felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistakeThe new soul in this very strange worldEvery possible mistakespossible mistakesEvery possible mistakesend是苹果Macbook Air笔记本的广告歌
2023-07-08 10:45:321


那首叫《New Soul》在百度里就能搜到
2023-07-08 10:46:072


2023-07-08 10:46:154


2023-07-08 10:46:302

I Give, You Take 歌词

歌曲名:I Give, You Take歌手:Maria专辑:My SoulI Give, You TakeMariaSmallville OSTIf you cut, I will bleed, bring me down to my kneesYou make me feel what I am is never good enoughCan you help me understand, thought I made you a better manI guess somehow along the way, things just changeIt seems just like a distant memoryThat you used to be good for meBut, baby, now it"s clearI give you take, somehow it"s gonna breakI pray for the strength, I hate to sayI know we can"t go on this wayI give you take, I know we"re gonna breakAnd it hurts my soul, I hate to sayWe can"t go on this wayWith your words you pull me in, I always lose I just can"t winAnd though I see my heart is blind, it gives in every timeYou"ve got me on constant repeat, I need a cure or a remedy"cause if I stay there won"t be, nothing left for me...It seems just like a distant memoryThat you used to be good for meBut, baby, now it"s clearI give you take, somehow it"s gonna breakI pray for the strength, I hate to sayI know we can"t go on this wayI give you take, I know we"re gonna breakAnd it hurts my soul, I hate to sayWe can"t go on this wayNow there"s nothing left for us to save "cause only bitterness remainsWhat we have is like a house of cards and it"s falling apartAnd It"s impossible to get it back with the bridges that you"ve burnedI guess it"s time to walk away "cause now it"s so clear...I give you take, somehow it"s gonna breakI pray for the strength, I hate to sayI know we can"t go on this wayI give you take, I know we"re gonna breakAnd it hurts my soul, I hate to sayWe can"t go on this way
2023-07-08 10:46:371


once in a lifetime means there"s no second chance so i believe that you and me should grab it while we can make it last forever and never give it back it"s our turn and i"m loving where we"re at because this moment"s really all we have everyday,of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while we"re young and keep the faith everyday from right now gonna use our voices and scream out loud take my hand together we will celebrate celebrate oh,everyday they say that you should follow and chase down what you dream but if you get lost and lose yourself what does is really mean? no matter where we"re going it starts from where we are there"s more to life when we listen to our hearts and because of you i"ve got the strength to start yeah,yeah,yeah! everyday,of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while we"re young and keep the faith everyday from right now gonna use our voices and scream out loud take my hand together we will celebrate oh,everyday we"re taking it back we"re doing it here together! it"s better like that and stronger now than ever! we"re not gonna lose "cause we get to choose that"s how it"s gonna be! everyday of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while we"re young and keep the faith keep the faith! everyday,of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while we"re young and keep the faith everyday from right now gonna use our voices and scream out loud take my hand together we will celebrate everyday!一生一次意味着没有机会所以我相信你和我应该在我们可以的时候抓紧它让它永远持续不要让它回来该轮到我们了我喜欢我们在的地方因为这一刻是我们的所有每天,我们的生活想要找到你要坚持严格的要运行虽然我们还年轻保持信仰每天的从现在开始要用我们自己的声音大声尖叫抓住我的手我们将一起庆祝庆祝的哦,每天他们说你应该跟随追逐你的梦想但如果你迷失了自己是什么意思?无论我们去哪里从我们在的地方开始还有更多的生命当我们听我们的心因为有你我有力量开始是啊!是啊!是啊!每天,我们的生活想要找到你要坚持严格的要运行虽然我们还年轻保持信仰每天的从现在开始要用我们自己的声音大声尖叫抓住我的手我们将一起庆祝哦,每天我们把它带回来我们要在这里做在一起!这样是最好的现在更强壮比以往!我们不会失去因为我们能选择这应该是这样的!每天的我们的生活想要找到你要坚持严格的要运行虽然我们还年轻保持信仰保持信念!每天,我们的生活想要找到你要坚持严格的要运行虽然我们还年轻保持信仰每天的从现在开始要用我们自己的声音大声尖叫抓住我的手我们将一起庆祝每天的!
2023-07-08 10:46:453

Give him an inch,and he will take a mile

2023-07-08 10:46:555


  百万英镑英文观后感   First, this movie----- "millions of pounds" is a story of American Henry Adams, because of an accident he became penniless, be on the beach. But because of accidental opportunity, he got a cheque for£ 1000000 from a pair of millionaire brothers. When the hero got the check, the attitude of the people around him and his life has changed, people believe a man who has a value of 1 million check people like a God. And when people began to doubt whether the check real time, ladies and gentlemen who will have to draw the line with him, at last, a month is over, everything is attributed to calm. When vanity and power fades away, do not rest,Henry Adams got a true love which not for fame and money,that is so touching.   Briefly, I"m shocked by the craze for money and worship, people in the movie can believe a stranger without being told, only because he has a value of millions of check. I Can"t help to ask, money really so important? My answer is negative, even though the importance of money can not be denied, but happiness, health, love, family is more important in my heart. I think we should not yield to money , fawn upon the rich and powerful persons, nor will the money as a universal and bound themselves, we should know how to choose, give and take, and their love of the people through their love life, even imple but happy, isn"t it? Finally, as the film, Henry put down everything, but he got the harvest of love, live a simple and happy life.   百万英镑英文观后感   My Impressions after Reading" The Million Pound Note”.   This time I want to talk about a very famous short story written by Mark Twain---------“The Million Pound Note”. Referring to Mark Twain, you must feel familiar, because we must have read his works before. I still remember the article “ The Bite Events on the Train” in our textbook when Iu2019m in the middle school. What touched me most at that time were his ironic words. Yes, he is a great humorist, novelist, writer and orator in America in nineteenth century. During his 40 yearsu2019 writing career, he created dozens of short or long stories, among which “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is of the most popularity, which was praised by Hemingway as “the first real American literature”. But today I am introducing his another work------ The Million Pound Note.   This story tells about a poor but honest American Adam Henry. When he was wandering in the street of London, he was given by two billionaires a letter, in which he surprisedly found a £1,000,000 pound bank-note. Later he got to know that the two billionaires who were brothers had made a bet about the results after he got a one million-pound note at once. One of them thought the note wound count for nothing to the poor man because he could not prove that the money was his own while the other considered just as the opposite. Dramatically, the plot went just out of my expectation. Herry went to a restaurant to have dinner first. The manager was mean to him at the beginning but his attitude changed quickly when Herry took out the note and asked for change. Faced with a millionaire, the manager apologized again and again and obsequiously told Herry that he didnu2019t need to pay for the bill right now. So Herry managed to have a free dinner.   Then similarly, Herry went to a clothing shop and got a suit of clothes costing him nothing. Like the plot above, people are curious of such a rich man and tried every means to cozy up to him, from free food, free clothes to free accommodation. At the same time, his social status was becoming higher and higher and finally higher than most dukes. Apart from that, he later got a beautiful wife and 200,000 pounds of bank interest. I can imagine a bright future was waiting for him. The writing style of this story is so humorous. Mark Twain used hyperbole describing how our hero defeated snobbishness repeatedly. What I appreciate most is the detailed description of different peopleu2019s ridiculous actions before one million pounds, vivid, funny, ironic and humorous, which forms a Caricature. In terms of the theme, it is apparent that the author wanted to denounce the overflowing mammonism in the society. Even now it gives us an impressive lesson. Yes, I cannot deny the importance of money to a person who wants to survive. We wonu2019t live without money, with which we get food, clothes, house and many other   Necessities. But we must know that there are many things which canu2019t be bought with money such as love or friendship. So in my opinion, money may be important to us, but not the most important. We need to build up the correct sense of money. Another point I want to emphasize is honesty. From the plot, we can see that there were so many people the brothers could choose, so why just Herry? I think it was because he was honest. When he got the note, what he did wasnu2019t use it right now but return it to the brothers. Without a kind and honest heart, Herry couldnu2019t have been such a successful man. There are various of tempertation alluring us in our life, Only by keeping honesty and consciousness inside can we manage to resist them. To sum up, this story is a really good work of Mark Twain. The lesson Iu2019ve learnt from it makes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money too much. I begin to regret not reading it earlier.   百万英镑英文观后感   “money is everything,” “money is omnipotent,” the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.   “One million pounds” is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people"s doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.   See here, I am so envious of the “lucky” the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things u201e   百万英镑观后感400字   在看完好看的《俗世奇人》之后我又看了一本《百万英镑》。   《百万英镑》主要讲诉一个美国的年轻人在一次出海航行遇到风浪被一艘船救了。在上面打义工支付自己的船费来到了伦敦。他当时一贫如洗。而两个有钱的兄弟得到了一张百万英镑的支票并把那一百万英镑借给了那个年轻人,看那个年轻人能不能用那一百万英镑在伦敦生活一个月但不能把那一百万英镑打开。他的遭遇也十分有趣。最后他把钱还给了那对兄弟。他还娶了一位如花似玉的妻子,还有三万元利息。真是一举两得呀!   当我看到陌生人讲的故事这一章节时,我真的相信了哈里斯所讲的故事,我真的以为他们在车上吃了人肉。当我看到他们吃人肉时,我背后直冒冷汗,因为真的很吓人到了后来我才知道这个故事不是真的,而是他编的。因为他曾是一名国会议员。可是有一次他被风雪困在了火车里,差点儿冻死。,最后成了偏执狂,每次提到那些老话,他就说个没完没了。当我看到他把它倒翻了个。,于是他喷出两捧铁砂时我觉得那个人太卑鄙了,为了赢不择手段,不公平比赛。这种行为是可耻的。
2023-07-08 10:47:111


u3000u3000he principal differences between my generation and my parents" generation are in how they relate to others.My generation is more tolerant of other people"s choices,less concerned about what others think,and more self-centered.My parents" generation has stricter standards about what kinds of behavior are acceptable.They sometimes have a hard time accepting the fact that other people may have different ideas about what"s right and what"s wrong.My generation thinks people should have a lot of choices.For example,they choose whom they want to live with,whether or not to have children,whether or not to practice a particular religion,and what to do for a living.My parents (generation is much more concerned about what other people think of them.Many grew up in tightly knit communities where people knew each other"s families.Fitting in meant that you had to act a certain way.Many of my generation grew up in loosely knit communities,where we only knew about our closest neighbors.We didn"t care what the rest of the community thought of us.Also,we were a very rebellious generation and often did things just to shock people.
2023-07-08 10:47:192


The Power of Smiles(微笑的力量)Smiles are simple yet powerful gestures that can brighten someone"s day and uplift spirits. They hold the ability to bridge gaps, dissolve tensions, and foster a sense of connection among people. When we smile, it releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals, reducing stress and promoting a positive outlook.Maintaining a smile is especially important during tough times. It doesn"t mean denying our emotions or pretending everything is fine, but rather, it"s a way of finding strength amidst challenges. A smile can give us courage, inspire others, and remind us of the good things in life.By spreading smiles, we create a ripple effect of happiness. Smiles are contagious, and when we share them with others, they are likely to pass it along, brightening more lives. So, let"s embrace the power of smiles and make the world a better place, one smile at a time.**翻译:**微笑是简单而又强大的姿态,可以让人们的日子更加明亮,振奋人心。它们具有架起沟通的桥梁、化解紧张气氛、增进人际关系的能力。微笑会释放出内啡肽(endorphins),这种使人感觉良好的化学物质,减轻压力,促进积极的态度。在困难时期保持微笑尤为重要。这并不意味着否定我们的情绪或假装一切都好,而是一种在挑战中找到力量的方式。微笑能给予我们勇气,激励他人,并让我们记得生活中美好的事物。通过传播微笑,我们创造了快乐的涟漪效应。微笑具有传染性,当我们与他人分享微笑时,他们很可能会传递下去,让更多的生活变得明亮。因此,让我们拥抱微笑的力量,让世界变得更美好,每一次微笑都是改变的开始。Smiling Through Challenges(微笑面对挑战)Life is a rollercoaster ride with its highs and lows. Challenges are inevitable, but how we respond to them makes all the difference. Maintaining a smile during tough times is a way of embracing optimism and resilience.When we face challenges with a smile, we approach them with a positive attitude, which can lead to creative problem-solving and a greater sense of accomplishment. Smiling helps us stay focused and prevents negativity from overpowering us.Moreover, a smile can also be a source of strength for others. It inspires hope and spreads a positive energy that uplifts those around us. Smiles create a supportive environment and encourage teamwork, making it easier to overcome obstacles together.In conclusion, when life throws challenges our way, let"s respond with a smile. It not only makes the journey more enjoyable but also empowers us and those around us to face difficulties with courage and grace.**翻译:**生活就像一场过山车的旅程,有起伏不定的高低。挑战是不可避免的,但我们如何应对挑战会让一切有所不同。在困难时期保持微笑是一种拥抱乐观和坚韧的方式。当我们面对挑战时微笑,我们会以积极的态度来应对,这可能会导致创造性的解决问题方法和更大的成就感。微笑帮助我们保持专注,防止消极情绪压倒我们。此外,微笑也可以成为他人的力量来源。它激发希望,传播积极的能量,让周围的人们感到振奋。微笑创造了一种支持性的环境,并鼓励团队合作,让我们更容易一起克服障碍。总之,当生活向我们抛出挑战时,让我们以微笑回应。这不仅让旅程更加愉快,还赋予我们和周围的人勇敢、优雅地面对困难的力量。The Warmth of Smiles(微笑的温暖)A smile is like a ray of sunshine that brightens the darkest days. It has the power to convey warmth, love, and compassion without saying a word. Smiles create an immediate connection between people, breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding.In our daily lives, a simple smile can make a significant impact. It can turn a stranger into a friend, heal a wounded heart, and make someone feel seen and valued. Smiles are universal, transcending language and cultural boundaries.Furthermore, maintaining a smile is not just about the effect it has on others but also on ourselves. It boosts our mood, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being. Smiling is a small yet powerful act of self-care that we can practice every day.Let"s remember that we hold the ability to brighten someone"s day with a smile. Let"s share the warmth of our smiles and make the world a kinder and happier place for everyone.**翻译:**微笑就像一缕阳光,照亮最黑暗的日子。它有力量传递温暖、爱和同情,无需言语。微笑在人们之间建立了即时的联系,打破隔阂,建立了理解的桥梁。在我们的日常生活中,简单的微笑可以产生重大影响。它可以将陌生人变成朋友,治愈受伤的心灵,并让某人感觉被看见和被重视。微笑是普遍的,超越了语言和文化的界限。此外,保持微笑不仅仅是为了对他人产生影响,也是对自己的影响。它能提升我们的情绪,减轻压力,改善整体幸福感。微笑是一种小而强大的自我关爱行为,我们可以每天都实践。让我们记得,我们拥有用微笑照亮他人的能力。让我们分享微笑的温暖,为每个人创造一个更友善、更快乐的世界。
2023-07-08 10:47:522

Define your life with the actions you take, the love you give and the memories you make. 是什么意思

2023-07-08 10:48:112