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2023-05-19 14:25:02




2023-01-01 03:14:543


approvementapprove英 [ə"pruːv];美 [ə"pruːv]    v. 批准;赞成;同意;称许approve的基本意思是“具有或表达赞同意见”。主要用于上级对下级的计划、建议等表示赞同或在程序上“批准”或“通过”。有时可含有“尊敬”“钦佩”的意味。扩展资料:approve,confirm,sanction这些动词均有“批准”之意。1、approve普通用词,常指正式的或官方的批准。2、confirm强调按法律程序提出确认或批准。3、sanction语气最强,多指官方的同意或批准,是书面用词。
2023-01-01 03:15:051


2023-01-01 03:15:166


工作邮件应当写得正式清楚,以下是为你起草的邮件,请采纳:Dear Sir,I"d like to install WIN7 system for working purpose. The IT department required me to get your permission. Waiting for your approvement.
2023-01-01 03:15:407


I am worried that these do not seal the sample will not be recognized by their
2023-01-01 03:16:177

approvement to ship

2023-01-01 03:16:441


Before the acquisition of materials, we will first carry on the verification procedure with the material suppliers, make sure the qualification of the suppliers are determined. Simultaneously, we will deliver the project blueprint to the Design Institute for verification, as well as signed and sealed confirmation. Afterwards, the Technical Quality Department will arrange detailed materials list based on the blueprint, then requesting the material planning personnel to establish a purchase plan and the typesetting chart depending on the blueprint. Only then we will carry out the purchase.After the materials enter our plant, they will be discharged at a designated area having the materials engineer, the inspector, the storage personnel, the physics and chemistry test personnel to examine the outward appearance, the chemical composition and the mechanical property of the materials. Any materials which do not conform to the required standards are refused to enter the warehouse. For the materials which do meet the required standards, they are to be arranged, stored and used in categories with tags. The drawing of materials must strictly conform with the drawing procedure.你那个翻译的很好,我的这个很多地方不如那个,还是翻译出来供你参考。基于这是一篇介绍流程的文章,我觉得把事情说明白是最重要,你的样本中and多了一些,显得事情发生的程序不那么清楚,尽量把and处理好,先后顺序写好。另外尽量表达清楚哪一个部门有怎么样的职责,这样也会帮助条理清楚。例如我假设了技术质量部管理材料计划员,把它拆成了两句。把一些步骤描述得专业些,表达清楚做这个程序的目的,也会帮助理解,并增强可信性。另外很对不起的是,我不知道排版图应该怎么翻译才正确,你的样本中也没有翻这个词,我不知道我写的typesetting chart对不对。希望帮的到你。
2023-01-01 03:16:521


2023-01-01 03:17:018

商务英语 翻译成英语

全手工翻译,如下:1.请报CIF悉尼最低价,包括我方2%的折扣,并告知最早装运期Please quote your most favorable price CIF Sydney (including a 2% discount for us) as well as the earliest shipping date.2.我方的报盘随时会有变化,不预先通知Our offers are subject to change without advance notice. 3.若消费者对比货满意,我肯定会向你方大批量续订的We will decide to make repeat orders if the customers are satisfied with your products. 4.这些机器必须用适合海运并能承受野蛮装卸的箱子包装The machines must be delivered by sea freight and their packing must be able to withstand rough handling.5.我方的证明书以盖章和局长鉴定为有效Our certificates won"t be valid without our offical stamp and the managing director"s signature. 质量保证!
2023-01-01 03:17:287


2023-01-01 03:17:523


由于中国政府对付外汇的管理限制,先付货款都需要到外汇管理局去审批。审批需要大概20天的时间。由于我们的用户现在已经快要没有了,所以我们十分着急。 Due to the restriction of Chinese policy to foreign exchange,the cash with order should be examed and approved by the Administration of Exchange Control and the process will takes about 20 days. As most of our clients are running out their goods,we are now quite anxious about it. 另外我们要参加的一个展览会,也急需推广此产品。所我们想问一下空运的价格,能不能请你们帮我们先空运50盒,我们收到货后马上就会付款。请您一定相信我们。 On the other hands, we are about to attend an exhibition which will also need it as the promotion products. We would like to know the price of skyborne, kindly would you please send us 50 boxes first. The payment will be made ae soon as we get the product. Please do have faith in us on this matter. Thanks for your attention and help! Looking forward to you good news.(期待你的好消息)
2023-01-01 03:18:036


普查城市居民健康状况,investigate the healthy condition of urban residents建立居民健康档案,establish residents" healthy file宣传国家医疗优惠政策,propagandize preferential policy on national medical treatment工作业务受到科主任好评 received approvement of the Division director
2023-01-01 03:18:254

“她努力工作以此来获得父亲的认可” 翻译成英语要带有so that

she works hard so that she gets her father"s approvement i hope to meet with my old friends in the meeting
2023-01-01 03:18:426

翻译 国家法律禁止的,不得经营,应经专项审批的,未获得审批前不得经营

国家法律禁止的prohibited by national law不得经营not allowed to operate应经专项审批的should be specially approved 未获得审批前不得经营 can not operate until being approved
2023-01-01 03:19:032


The Olympic Games is every athlete"s dream, they wish to carry off the gold medal on the Olympic Games bravely, win glory for the motherland. I have a friend, he loves sports very much, especially and run to the tennis and have natural gift very much. 50 of school run good result for 6.5 second test, in them once, already very much good to peer. He once told me: "My dream is to participate in the Olympic Games, win honour for China. July 13, 2001, the success of application for organizing the Olympic Games of Beijing! Success of Beijing"s application for organizing the Olympic Games, prove the China capability to the whole world, show the affirmation to China of whole world at the same time. This is not only an honor of Beijing, it is the whole of China and even common desserts for a courageous performance of Chinese in the whole world even more, it is all Chinese People that win and highest honour commonly! The Olympic Games is a great grand occasion of the collection that the world begins sports project, can host Olympic Games, explain two: First, the comprehensive national strength of China has already reached a new level,Have enough ability to undertake and spend the enormous competitive sports like this; Second, proved the overall sports level of China reaches the outstanding intensity of the world. After less than 90 days, China will hold the 29th Olympic Games at the gate of one"s own home, but I am too young, nobody of this Olympic Games, I will bless them here, wish them to win the championship at the gate of home! "I admire his ideal, heartier hope can become reality in his dream some day.This Olympic Games, China has been already ready, we will let the world regard China with special esteem!
2023-01-01 03:19:236


Bear it in mind that the information is not to be released to the public觉得用be to do的语气比较符合
2023-01-01 03:19:475

ASP.NET 数据库更新 标准表达式中数据类型不匹配

OleDbCommand oledbcmd = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE ApprovementInformation SET [AppNum] = Null WHERE ([AppDate] < #" + time1 + "#) AND ([AppSpeCode] IS NULL)", oledbcon);============access里日期时间类型加#.
2023-01-01 03:20:151


2023-01-01 03:20:202

approve的名词形式是什么拜托了各位 谢谢

2023-01-01 03:20:293


get(receive) the leader‘s or boss"s approvemente
2023-01-01 03:20:393

请批准 用英语怎么说

Kindly approve.Waiting for your approvement.
2023-01-01 03:20:501

井底之蛙 歌词

井底之蛙词/曲/演唱 董佳原编曲 阿童虎和声 董佳原制作人 阿童虎习惯了魔幻的开场来到这陌生的地方搅乱了灵魂的时差想象力开始退化四处是夜的意象压抑着不适合逃亡感性让现实都慌张一股威胁悄然生长步调凌空转述难解的沉默一向嚣张的躯壳遇到危险就只顾蜷缩罪恶与正义只有一线之隔或许这个错觉是真的我来到地下城堡提着灯骑着黑猫顺着你给的线索什么都找不到我来到地下城堡忽然间没有了依靠氧气稀薄的讯号蜡烛熄灭了熄灭了时钟都走乱了节奏没必要再假装害羞直到发现什么都不懂承认我是井底之蛙冷酷不是我的衣服过去未来成仇反目早已经放弃了退路叛逆却开始发芽就算这一切只是你的假设能够走到这里也值得Rap: 周遭一切讽刺嘲笑我的故作镇定灵魂出鞘穿越现实过去不愿回到身体里思绪凌乱 随着世界慢慢下潜何时才是梦醒时分我早已经遍体伤痕对这未知的世界知道的越多陷得越深I"m not kidding. Is it truth?Is it dream? Makes me wanna go home.I"m afraid I"m getting used to losing all attention.How can I reach the end of imagination?Everything Smells like desperation. Unveil the curtain without approvement.I regret to have begged for invitation.No one"s ever here completed the mission.等不到救主的降临我只是凡人阶梯继续下沉 丑陋慢慢上升到底是否值得为你困住我一生
2023-01-01 03:20:551


He told me, ( a train, without translation, * to replace it) using published and also need the approval of SAC, at present still among. Specific release time can not be determined. About whether or not to test this standard, also need to SAC approval. There is a plan, not to SAC application.
2023-01-01 03:21:044


through testing related files, reports and every operation and analysis records, and checking the facilities, sanitation and system files running conditions, approve those projects that conform to the requires, meanwhile give correcting measures and set deadlines for the other projects.
2023-01-01 03:21:174

帮忙翻译“我们长期致力于Helix Pomatia Snails的研究和生产,是一家具备养殖和销售资质的公司”

we have made long-term commitment in researching and producing Helix Pomatia Snails. Meanwhile, we are an qualified breeding and maketing company.希望能帮到你
2023-01-01 03:21:312


2023-01-01 03:21:392

写了几句 错多 求指正

Recently, as the developing of society and the increase in the quality of people. more of us should be aware of shortness of ourselves.Increasing our quality of life has become necessary.There have a lot of things that are worth to learn.We can see that a lot adolescences exposing lots of problems
2023-01-01 03:21:474


My dear boss, right now it is not the problem of the charges. We have to get a visa notified, approved and granted by the Immigration Department first, then we can submit the charges and take the visa. Otherwise, it is no use submitting the charges only. With all due respect, we won"t make it/get it before tomorrow.
2023-01-01 03:22:007


vircle industry is most impotant one section in senven industry parts in shandong province.Nowadays shandong acdording the method that developing whole-car and components simultaneously. star corporation develop with small corpotation together .the motorbike , re-equip car ,car components,car,agriclutre vircle,are the main aim .steply make shandong to be the complete car industry province. Now there are 16 corporation whole-car making corporations,79re-equip car corporaions.16 motorbike mading corpotations,23 small-style-car making corpotations, over 500 car components making corporations. attach to the policy of Chinese industry construction ,the assmble effective phenominon have been seen.The figures showed by shandong econimy department indicate that the all kinds of coporations relaeted to cars are over 652,these are all in enough scope copotations.This industry can create over150 billions a year. elementary form the assmle industry gruop with other citys ,Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai,Weifang,Rizhao,Jining. Jinan`s huge style car,Qingdao`s middle style car ,Weifang`s diesel engine, Rizhao`s lowspeed carriage,Jining`s re-equiped car, all these citys has formed their ecology assmble industry gruop.among them,Dongyue corpotation the hugeist in Yantai for it`s cars making fair,Conglin ,Zhichu ,Taili etc are auxilary corpotations for it.there are 70 corpotations in all in this aim. Becusue of the coordination of policy ,Shandong province reform the structre in the same time.The well situation had go on .2006Wuzheng Shifeng got the approvement for ministyle car making .this sign all agricltural vircle had trsform to be the ministyle car making corporations.mainwhile,Zhongqi Tongyongdongyue etc ,strenthen their tecnology investment.this made them being in superiority.Now ,dongyueGE has 5 series and 22 car styles,the yield has reach 1/3 in Shanghai GE.我翻了半天你再看看好了!
2023-01-01 03:22:231


四. be held3.had made4.appreciation5.testing6.smaller7.increasingly8.disapprovement9.were not
2023-01-01 03:22:411 .cs文件中如何获取查询结果及数量

用dataSet 来填充返回的结果OleDbDataAdapter elda=new"SELECT * FROM [ApprovementInformation] WHERE (([AppTime] = "+ Label3.Text +") AND ([AppInsNo] = "+ Label2.Text +") AND ([AppNum] = "+ Label4.Text +"))", oledbcon); DataSet ds=new DataSet(); elda.Fill(ds);返回的结果数量 就是ds.Table[0].Rows.Count;
2023-01-01 03:22:471


2023-01-01 03:14:491


2023-01-01 03:14:511


是和声,back up是出现在句子后半段的类似和声的东西,用来增强气势。
2023-01-01 03:14:511


2023-01-01 03:14:5514


grey grey[greɪ] [词典释义] n.灰色 adj.灰色的;灰白的 vt.使变成灰色;使变老 vi.变成灰色;老化 n.(Grey)人名;(英、法)格雷 [网络短语] Grey灰色,格雷,灰白的 Slate grey浅橄榄灰,鼠灰色,灰石色 Agnes Grey阿格尼斯·格雷,艾格尼丝·格累,艾格妮斯格雷 purple purple["pɜːp(ə)l] [词典释义] n.紫色;紫袍 adj.紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的 vt.使成紫色 vi.变成紫色 [网络短语] Purple紫色,紫红色,紫的 purple紫色 Purple Mountain紫金山,南京浩劫,南京梦魇
2023-01-01 03:14:561


2023-01-01 03:14:561


2023-01-01 03:15:013


2023-01-01 03:15:064


ABG女孩的全称是asian baby girl,也就是亚洲甜心女孩的意思。ABG女孩带着美瞳、长睫毛,画很深的黑眼线、整齐的眉线,染着金黄色的头发。常常以车模身份出现,或者出现在性感主题咖啡店、潮流亚洲融合菜餐馆、秀场。这类姑娘身材小巧但性感,外表强悍,内心缺乏安全感。发展:ABG Style已经成为了一种现象级的审美趋势,因为一直以来亚洲女孩都给人一种“白瘦幼”的感觉,在很多欧美人眼中亚裔女孩身上都贴着“容易征服”“期待保护”的标签,而ABG Style的出现直接撕掉了这个标签,撇开无辜柔弱的绿茶人设,我们自己就足够强大。
2023-01-01 03:15:071


苹果 紫色。
2023-01-01 03:15:126


2023-01-01 03:14:451


apple是苹果的意思,目前最流行的iphoto就是苹果公司生产的。purple语法标注解释 purple英音:["pə:pl]美音:["pɝp!] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.紫的,紫红的His face turned purple with rage. 他气得脸色发紫。 2.帝王的3.词藻华丽的;华而不实的He used to write purple prose. 他过去常写绚丽矫饰的散文。 名词 n. 1.紫色,紫红色[U]She was dressed in purple. 她穿着紫色的衣服。 2.(帝王,显贵穿的)紫袍;王位;高位[the S]He was born in the purple. 他生于帝王之家。 及物动词 vt. 1.使成紫色不及物动词 vi. 1.变成紫色
2023-01-01 03:14:441


2023-01-01 03:14:395

backup 和 standby区别

2023-01-01 03:14:372


purple英音:["pə:pl]美音:["pɝp!]词典解释purple形容词 a.1. 紫的,紫红的2. 帝王的3. 词藻华丽的;华而不实的
2023-01-01 03:14:351


although have delicious food................
2023-01-01 03:14:313


备份 Backup 备份是指将联机的大容量存储设备中的所有数据写入到脱机的大容量存储设备的过程。备份通常是将数据从硬盘拷贝到磁带上。
2023-01-01 03:14:311


2023-01-01 03:14:272

人的成语有哪些 疯狂猜成语

2023-01-01 03:14:252