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璐依?Louis 男名Louisa,Lucy 女名1.Luise-源自日耳曼语,义火焰;2.Lois-源自希腊语,义(不详);3.Loreen-拉丁语,义月桂;4.Lori-源自法语;




小众而有深意的英文介绍如下:euphoria欣快、mojito莫吉托鸡尾酒、limerence一往情深、epiphany醍醐灌顶、mellifluous 甜美流畅的、petrichor雨后泥土的清香。一些小众而有深意的英文单词的寓意:Echo [eko]:“Echo”这个的英文原意是应答协议,主要用于调试和检测中,同时,这个单词也有回响和回声的意思,所以,这个名字很有意思,寓意着“念念不忘,必有回响”,既抒情,又浪漫。而且这个英文名字,是来源于希腊语中的一个女孩英文名字,根据其发音,中文音译为埃侯。它在希腊神话中,是一个森林女神,很美。Sylvia ["silvi]:“Sylvia”是一个来源语种是拉丁语、古英语的女孩英文名,根据其发音,其中文音译名字是希尔维亚。在西方这个名字与大自然息息相关,给人一种重视友情,喜欢大自然的感觉,同时在拉丁语中,这个名字的寓意是森林少女,既清新唯美,又充满着诗意感,给人带来一种很深的印象。Cara ["kr]:“Cara”中文音译为凯拉,是一个来源语种是盖尔语、意大利的女孩英文名字,并且在西方,这个名字的含义是朋友和纯洁的意思,既带给人一种美好的感受,又很独特,同时,这个名字也充满着爱。而且这个英文名字还有很美好的寓意,寓意着亲爱的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。总之,这是一个很特别的名字。

女生好听罕见的英文名网名 女生好听罕见的英文名网名有哪些

1、sebastiane——莎芭斯提安。这个名字一共由7个字母组成长度为10的英文名字,韵律婉转又优雅,发音上很好听,复杂难写难记的特性使得其很罕见,网名和单纯的取名不一样,名字复杂难记不会影响什么。用这个名字作为英文网名,可以突出女生的独特个性,其中文解析为“受尊重的、受尊崇的”。 2、zenobia——莉诺比丽。这个名字是“zeus”的前缀形式,其拉丁发音为“βιο”,寓为“生命”,韵律独特好听,罕见程度四星以上。此英文名在在拉丁语中海油“狩猎女神、父亲的荣光”的意思,既突出了女生独特干练的个性,也体现了女生对父亲的尊崇之意,个人独特但是个好女生。 3、lori——洛丽。“lori”取自《洛丽塔》,名字的发音很好听,突出了女生可爱甜美的气质,又富有女性魅力,洛丽塔的受众少,用此名字来作为英文名网名是较为罕见的。同时,洛丽塔的风格不一,有哥特式风格,也有古典宫装风格等,每个风格给人的感觉不一样,因此适用于各种性格的女生。 4、eudora——尤朵拉。这个英文单词念起来很婉转悦耳,中文译名“尤朵拉”很具有仙气,单词“eudora”起源希腊语,名字也是比较罕见的,同时在希腊语种此单词寓意为“可爱的赠礼”,体现女孩备受呵护和宠爱,内涵十分好听。



sylvia和echo 女生英文名 哪个好啊



bu cuo

请问“罗莉”的英文名是Lorry 吗?






求一个英文名 发音和“乐怡”相近!!Lexi? Lori?



快递英文是:parcel。parcel读音:英[u02c8pɑu02d0sl],美[u02c8pɑu02d0rsl]。释义:n.包裹;小包;一块地;一片地。vt.包;裹好;打包。例句:The parcel came in this morning"s post.这个包裹是今天上午邮送来的。变形:第三人称单数parcels,复数parcels,现在分词parcelling,过去式parcelled,过去分词parcelled。parcel的近义词bundle读音:英[u02c8bu028cndl],美[u02c8bu028cndl]。释义:n.捆;(一)包;(一)扎;一批(同类事物或出售的货品);风趣的人。v.匆匆送走;赶;(成群地)匆忙赶往;额外免费提供(设备等)。例句:Her eyes suddenly alighted on the bundle of documents.她的目光突然落到了这捆文件上。变形:第三人称单数bundles,复数bundles,现在分词bundling,过去式bundled,过去分词bundled。


Parting(Farewell),is for making the better reunion next time.

女英文名Sylvia Esther Cynthia,哪个有气质点?

Sylvia 是”森林“的意思Esther = 星星Cynthia = 爱个人最喜欢Sylvia,有种高贵冷艳的气质。很多棒子国的人都喜欢用Esther这个名字。。。对这个名字无感,但也不排斥。最不喜欢的就是Cynthia,个人喜好而已。有问题可以追问哦!谢谢!祝学习进步!!

英文名:“Cynthia”和“Sylvia ”那个又好听又好看啊???







团年饭的意思是要一家人齐齐整整吃一餐饭,“family”这个字一定少不了。而「团」就是齐集的意思,英语可以用“gathering”或更正式的用字 “reunion”。至于「饭」,可以用 “dinner”一字,因为团年饭多数是在晚上吃的。 所以,「团年饭」的英语可以说成:Family gathering dinner 或者 Family reunion dinner。 Family reunion dinner 参考: my own knowledge



请问Linnea、Sylvia 这两个英文名字哪个好?






女英文名 Lynn 和 Sylvia哪个比较好

Lynn琳 傍湖而居的人。Sylvia 西维亚 森林少女大众化小女生用合适你可以用Lynn






Lori这个英文名怎么样 会不会比较老 像姥姥辈的英文名?


Lori这个英文名男孩子适合吗?哪位帮忙解释下? 急!急!急!







My package has arrived

sylvia和echo 女生英文名 哪个好啊





Sylvia 是一个英文女性名字,常被用作女性名。Sylvia源自拉丁语,意为“森林中的女孩”或“森林精灵”,也有人认为该名字来源于古英语,意为“爱森林的人”。在英国和美国,Sylvia这个名字在19世纪至20世纪初非常流行。著名的Sylvia包括女诗人Sylvia Plath和英国作家Sylvia Townsend Warner等。Sylvia这个名字的寓意和象征意义丰富,被赋予了很多美好的含义。以下是一些常见的寓意:1、美丽:Sylvia这个名字独特的音韵和含义让它与美丽、雅致的形象联系在一起,与大自然中的美景、花草、山川等相关联。2、自然:名字中的“森林女孩”或“森林精灵”的含义,与自然和大自然的美景有着密切的联系,反映出持有者对自然、环保、可持续发展等价值的重视。3、纯真:Sylvia也与孩童时期的单纯、纯真无邪相关联,代表了内心淳朴、真挚、纯粹等美好品质。4、多才多艺:Sylvia这个名字还与艺术和创造力紧密相关,很多文艺类型的人称为Sylvia,如文学家、艺术家、音乐家等。使用Sylvia时的注意事项1、保护他人隐私:如果您提到了某个Sylvia,一定要确保此人同意公开他们的个人信息和名字。2、考虑上下文:尽管Sylvia是一个常见的名字,但在某些情况下,可能需要额外说明该人的身份和背景,以避免混淆。3、避免差错:如果您在用英语写作或交流时使用Sylvia这个名字,请确保您正确地拼写了名字。如果您不确定,请查阅拼写或与持有者沟通确认。


身心的英文是mind and body。例句1. 痛苦的经历损害了她的身心健康。The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.2. 长途飞行后你可能身心都很疲惫。You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.3. 所有这些儿童的身心都受到了摧残。All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.4. 放松,微笑;身心俱放松。Relax, smile;loosen up in mind and body.5. 约翰受到来自他父亲的不断的身心摧残。John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father.


  堆雪人是下雪天才能享受的一项有趣的活动。当然雪必须要下得够大,才能积累足够的雪球,气温要够低,才能使积雪不会迅速融化。 将洁白的雪堆,制成一个人形的艺术品,不仅供于观赏,还能训练手艺、锻炼身体。那么,你知道堆雪人的英语单词怎么说吗?   堆雪人的英文释义:   make a snowman   堆雪人的英文例句:   孩子们,看!雪下得多大,堆雪人去吧。   Look boy! How is the snow ing down.Go and make a snow man.   当然!我们堆雪人好吗?   A:Certainly! Shall we make a snowman?   爸爸,咱们去堆雪人。   Dad, let"s go make a snowman.   克斯伯里说这些凹痕和你在雪地里堆雪人留下的凹痕类似。   Duxbury said these features look like grooves you make in the snow when you"re building a snowman.   我们在冬天可以堆雪人。   We can make a snowman in winter.   我们可以堆雪人也可以打雪仗。   We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.   因为我能和我的朋友们堆雪人。   Because I can make snowmen with my friends.   我们一直都在外面玩打雪仗,堆雪人。   We always play outside, have snowball fight, and make snow man.   因为可以堆雪人。   Because I can make a snowman.   我和哥哥去外面堆雪人,打雪仗。   My brother and I went outside a snowman , snowball fights.   冬天是寒冷的。每逢冬天,我可以堆雪人和滑雪。我喜欢玩雪。   Winter is cold. In winter, I can make a snowman and go skiing. I like to play withthe snow.   下雪了,咱们来堆雪人。   Snow! Let"s make a snowman.   我会堆雪人。   I can make a snowman.   在什么时节本人们能够堆雪人?   In which season can we make snowman?   我们都可以穿暖和的衣服,出去堆雪人。   We can wear warm clothes and go outside to make snowmen.   那样我就可以和孩子一起堆雪人了。   Then I would build a snowman with my child.   我喜欢冬天下雪的时候,我们可以堆雪人。   I like snowy days. We can make a snowman. minihome.   这也是孩子们最高兴的时候了,他们可以堆雪人,打雪仗…   This is the most exciting time for children, for they can heap up snowman and play snowball flight.   在互相掷雪球,的在堆雪人。   Some were throwing snowballs to each other, others were making a snowman.   自己喜好下雪天,由于能够玩雪、堆雪人和溜冰。   I like snow day, cause can play with snow, make snowman and skate on the ice.   他们在房子外面堆雪人,手冻得通红。   They were making a snowman outside the house, hands red with cold.


I am very tried on the Tomb-sweeping Day , more tried than on work , it is too tried for my heart .


包裹英文parcel例句如下:1、Surely,though,planning for such contingencies can reasonably be consideredpart and parcel of the technology writ large.虽然这项应急计划可以合理地被认为是一个技术部分,一个大技术包的分包。2、That is fine.It ispart and parcel of.它是这个运动的一个部分。3、Spiritual love is unconditional not only for God but for every living being because every living being is part and parcel of God.灵性的爱是无条件的,它不仅仅是指对神的爱,而且包括对每一个生物的爱,因为每一个生物都是神不可缺少的一部分。4、If the study of law is beginning to establish itself aspart and parcel of a general education,its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.如果有关法律的研究正在逐渐成为普通教育不可缺少的学科之一的话,那么它的目的和方法应该能直接吸引新闻学教育家的眼球。5、A person who thinks she is very exclusive and special should not come to SY,you have to become apart and parcel of the whole.一个人如果自视孤傲和独特非凡,就不应来到霎哈嘉瑜伽。你要成为整体的一部分。6、Not surprisingly,international recognition ispart and parcel of preservation and restoring such historic sites.一点不惊讶,国际认可是保护和修复这些历史遗址的重要部分。7、Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job.记账是我的主要工作。8、This portrays the need for learning English to become apart and parcel of the modern world.这表明了,英语已成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分。9、Others saw the definitional dilemma aspart and parcel of the enterprise of doing public history.还有一些人把定义的两难处境视为公众史学事业本身的构成部分。10、Wine culture ispart and parcel of the Chinese culture.酒文化是华夏文化的重要组成部分。11、What ispart and parcel of his lecture?词汇和语法是英语学习的主要部分。12、You arepart and parcel of the community.你是这社区的一部分。13、It"s just part and parcel of the entrepreneurial journey.这只是一部分并且包裹着你的创业历程。14、But I guess it is what it is-birth and death are bothpart and parcel of life.但我才它是这样——活着和离开都是生命的一部分。15、We are all of us growing together.We arepart and parcel of one personality.我们都在一起共同成长,我们是一种人格的各部分。

雪人 用英文怎么表示?



乔丹退役演说 Jordan RetirementI am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won"t be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature. Mentally, I"m exhausted, I don"t feel I have a challenge. Physically, I feel great. The last time in 1993 I had other agendas. I felt that I wanted to play baseball and I felt that at my age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. And with the death of my father, and I was basically trying to deal with that.Actually I talked to Jerry last year once the season ended and I told Jerry at that time, mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didn"t know if I would play next year. I wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. And Jerry, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time, mentally finding the challenge for myself. Although he can somehow present challenges for me. I don"t know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season." Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. So I can"t say that he would have restored that.  I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think the game itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I"ve been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor, Jerry West. These guys played the game way before Michael Jordan was born and Michael Jordan came on the heels of all that activity. Mr Stern and what he"s done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball. I played it to the best I could play it, I tried to enhance the game itself. I"ve tried to be the best basketball player that I could be.




求一篇守望先锋的英文介绍,急 Overwatch is a highly stylized team-based shooter set on a near-future earth. Every match is an intense multiplayer showdown pitting a diverse cast of heroes, mercenaries, scientists, adventurers, and oddities against each other in an epic, globe-spanning conflict. In Overwatch, bold characters with extraordinary abilities fight across fantastic yet familiar battlegrounds. Teleport past rockets while an ally dives behind a double-decker hoverbus on the cobblestone streets of London. Shield your team from a shadowy archer"s ambush, then hunt him through a bazaar beneath a high-tech Egyptian pyramid. 求一个守望先锋的账号 198或328,实在想玩去某宝租一个号呗 求一篇ASP的英文介绍 基于ASP和ADO的资料库连线 ASP使用了ActiveX资料物件(ADO)技术来对资料库进行操作。 ADO是 内建在Inter 资讯服务(IIS)内的ActiveX 技术。它是由你所使用的许多物件组成的。我将开始简单的介绍主要用法: 在 ADO 中,你应该注意的3种主要物件:命令物件,连线物件和记录集物件a。大多数时候,你尽需要使用记录集物件 , 但是在特定情况下, 你可能需要设定 (或使用) 其他一个或者两个物件的属性。每当你进行资料库操作时,这3个物件都会出现,但是没有必要经常显式建立他们三个,因为当其中一个物件被使用时,另外两个会被隐式建立,即使你可能不指派一个变数以访问他们。建立一个访问这些物件的变数的语法为 (使用VBScript) "[variable name] = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.[object name]")" 记录集物件 从根本上说,记录集物件是个游标(存在于内从中的一个临时表),一些内建函式和属性同记录一起包含在里面。 你可以显式建立一个记录集物件,或者是通过命令物件实施一条命令。 一些使用率较高的属性: BOF – 档案开始 EOF – 档案结束 MaxRecords –查询后返回的最大记录数 RecordCount – 记录集中的记录条数 CursorType – 前向、静态、键盘驱动 下面列举一些你可能会经常用到的记录集物件的方法(函式): Open – 开启记录集 Close – 关闭记录集 Move – 指向指定记录 MoveFirst –指向第一条记录 MoveNext –指向下一条记录 Move Previous –指向上一条记录 MoveLast –指向最后一条记录 AddNew – 在记录集内新增新的记录 Update – 更新当前记录 命令物件 命令物件是 ADO 的一员。它是命令资料库的物件,它发出一条SQL语句,或者执行一条储存在资料库本身的一段程式。使用命令物件,using the Command Object, 您可以建立引数需求,这些引数需求可以自由改变。你可以改变问题的询问,并且可以改变命令物件本身的属性。 命令物件的属性要比记录集物件的属性少得多。事实上,你一般只用到以下几项:CommandText ——实际的命令文字, 例如一条SQL语句。 ActiveConnection ——关联联络物件。 对于一个命令物件,仅仅只有两种方法。它们是: CreateParameter——在引数集中为查询建立一个引数 Execute——执行命令 命令物件也有一个引数集。这个集合的作用就是组织引数,以便查询。引数也有属性,可以通过引数在引数集中的索引号或者引数名来访问引数。 通过对每一个使用的引数插入问题标记,你就在可以在你的SQL语句中使用这些引数。 首先必须定义引数,按照在集合中出现的顺序,它们的值会被代替。 如果你想使用引数查询,你可能想了解更多,但是我不会一直花时间讲这个。 连线物件 连线物件是用来与资料库对话的物件。它定义了连线型别,并且定义了很多值得注意的属性。它了能包含系统的DSN 名字,这个名字来时标示ODBC驱动以及资料库的路径。它也用来可以储存登陆安全资料的使用者名称和密码资讯。它也可以用其他方法对连线进行微调。命令物件和记录集物件通过连线物件来访问资料库。尽管如此,通常不使用这个物件,因为它可以通过记录集物件建立(我最喜欢的方法),并且许多属性的预设值通常可以很好的起作用。 连线物件中最经常使用的属性是ConnectionString 属性。如果以前你使用过(Inter资料库联结器),你一定熟悉系统DSN。这是由ConnectionString属性作用的,就像其他的一些属性一样。ConnectionString 属性是由属性定义(名字/值匹配)的字串定义的,通过分号隔开。 下面是一个例子: "DSN=jobs;DBQ=C:AOL30AdownloadSan Diego Jobsjobs.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Aess;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" 你会注意到系统DNS是最先被定义的,它的后面是DBQ(资料库的物理位置)。其它属性也被定义了。这个Connection String是由global.asa档案“借”来的,这个档案是由 Microsoft Visual InterDev 自动建立的。尽管如此,你会发现在大多数情况下,并不需要定义连线物件这么多的属性。 事实上, 我要告诉大家一个简单的方式来利用ADO做你们大部分例行资料库的东西, 你可以忘记大部分您刚刚阅读的东西(除非你需要做一些花式)。以下是示范一些简单的vbscript语句,用来执行一条select语句. 如果你愿意的话,你甚至可以拷贝和贴上到自己的ASP页面。 我们将首先假设使用者填写一个仅含有一栏为" lastname "的 表格。他们正在" lastname "表格中查找个人记录,在表格中输入了名字,想查找出以此为lastname 的所有记录。使用32位的ODBC 驱动管理员安装了一个系统DSN 命名为"mydsn"。如果你已经读过我早期一些关于ASP的文章,你一定记得如何获得表格域的值。你可以使用ASP Request.Form 物件, 并且命名这个域。 所以,不用再费周折,让我们看看这些程式码:: 一个简单的 ASP ADO 的 SQL 查询例项: Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") param = Request.Form("lastname") q = "SELECT * FROM personnel WHERE lastname LIKE "" & param & """ rs.Open q, "DSN=mydsn;" if NOT rs.EOF then while NOT rs.EOF Response.Write rs("firstname") & " " & rs("lastname") & "<BR>" rs.MoveNext wend end if 上面查询例项的注释: 第1行: 建立记录集物件 第2行: Place form field value in a variable named "param" 第3行: 使用连线字串和变数值明确查询 第4行: 开启记录集物件. 值得注意的是,第一引数是命令文字.第二引数是连线字串。 第5行: 确定记录集不为空 第6行: 开始执行一个贯穿记录集中所有记录的回圈 第7行: 在页面指定行写出”firstname”和”lastname”栏位内的值 第8行: 移动至下一记录 守望先锋的英文歌叫什么 Emile Et Raoul 播放 歌手:Vanessa Paradis 语言:法语 所属专辑:A Monster In Paris 求一个守望先锋的账号QAQ 这个你在网上借是不会有人借你的,你还是找身边的人借好点,建议自己买一个198终身畅玩,绝对值 守望先锋账号共享有吗?求一个守望先锋的共享账号 在这上面找的话,比较困难啊 你想免费玩的话,你用,守望先锋账号共享器,就能免费获取到已经启用的账号,然后登陆守望先锋就能玩了,万通软体站,上面有下载。 求一篇托雷斯的英文介绍!急! Fernando Torres became Liverpool"s record signing on July 4, 2007.The striker had spent the previous 12 years at Atletico Madrid, the he supported as a boy. The Spanish giants snapped him up at the age of 11 after he ted 55 goals in his first season at *** side Rayo 13. Three years after his arrival Torres was named the best under-14 player in Europe following his performances in the Nike Cup.He signed his first professional contract in 1999 but had to wait until May 27, 2001 to make his debut against Leganes. Still, at 17 years and 68 days, he was Atletico"s youngest ever player. Within a week he"d scored his first goal in a match against Albacete.The 2001-02 season saw him six times in 36 league appearances, helping his side win promotion to La Liga. Meanwhile, he was still making waves on the international scene. Torres was scorer and player of the tournament in the 2001 European Under-16 Championships and 2002 European Under-19 Championships, both of which Spain won.The frontman bagged 13 goals during his first season in the Spanish flight, earning him a first under-21 cap for his country. The 2003-04 campaign proved to be a momentous one for Torres. Not only did he score 19 goals in 35 league appearances, but he was also handed the captaincy. At 19, he was the youngest skipper in Atletico"s long and illustrious history.On of all this, the youngster was also called up into the senior Spain squad, making his full debut in a friendly with Portugal on September 6, 2003. The following April he scored his first international goal against Italy. He was then part of the Spain squad which travelled to Euro 2004 in Holland and Belgium.The player nicknamed El Nino (The Kid) because of his youthful appearance was selected for the 2006 World Cup in Germany, where he scored three goals.The following year, in May 2007, Torres hit the headlines when he revealed the phrase "You"ll Never Walk Alone" on the inside of his captain"s armband during a match beeen Atletico and Real Sociedad. Two months of speculation and paper talk ensued before the striker was finally unveiled at Melwood.He left Atletico with a record of 82 goals in 214 league appearances. Torres made his petitive debut for the Reds at Villa Park on August 11, 2007. A week later he bagged his first official goal when Chelsea visited Anfield (though he had already scored in a pre-season friendly versus Shanghai Shenhua).The centre-forward"s apparently seamless transition into English football was highlighted with a spectacular hat-trick when Liverpool travelled to Reading in the third round of the Carling Cup 求一篇鲁迅的英文介绍 Lu Xun or Lu Hsün (Wade-Giles), was the pen name of Zhou Shuren (25 September 1881 – 19 October 1936), a leading figure of modern Chinese literature. Writing in Vernacular Chinese as well as Classical Chinese, Lu Xun was a short story writer, editor, translator, literary critic, essayist, and poet. In the 1930s he became the titular head of theLeague of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai. Lu Xun was born into a family of landlords and government officials inShaoxing, Zhejiang; the family"s financial resources declined over the course of his youth. Lu aspired to take the imperial civil service exam; but, due to his family"s relative poverty, was forced to attend government-funded schools teaching "Western education". Upon graduation, Lu went to medical school in Japan, but later dropped out. He became interested in studying literature, but was eventually forced to return to China due to his family"s lack of funds. After returning to China, Lu worked for several years teaching at local secondary schools and colleges before finally finding a job at the national Ministry of Education. After the 1919 May Fourth Movement, Lu Xun"s writing began to exert a substantial influence on Chinese literature and popular culture. Like many leaders of the May Fourth Movement, he was primarily a leftist and liberal. He was highly alaimed by the Chinese government after 1949, when the People"s Republic of China was founded, and Mao Zedong himself was a lifelong admirer of Lu Xun"s writing. Though sympathetic to socialist ideas, Lu Xun never joined the Chinese Communist Party. 急求一篇悬棺葬的英文介绍 好不容易,看了一个学者论文帮你找的~~~ Cliff Burial is a funeral style through which the deaths were buried on cliff,distributed widely southern China and Southeastern Asian,in general,and were divided into o kinds:hanging-coffin burials and cave burials,both have been discovered in Guizhou province,largely distributed on the sides of Yangtze River and Zhujiang River.By doing research on both kinds of cliff burials,we consider that Hanging-coffin burials and cave burials were from o kinds of funeral traditions,should make a difference beeen.Hanging–coffin Burials in Guizhou Province can be explored on the list of Cliff Burial alongside Yangtze River,and cave burials was associated with cave burials in Guangxi Province,came from mountain areas in both provinces.They were result both peculiar religions of ethnic minority groups and unique geographic environment. 急!求一篇艾薇儿的英文介绍 Avril Lavigne, a *** all-town kid who couldn"t sit still in class, started amazing people with her voice and character at around age 2. A wonderfully up-front and outrageous 17-year-old with everything it takes to reach stardom-pletely on her own terms. "I"m just ing out and I"m going to clearly be myself-I write what I feel, I never worry what others think, " Avril declares. "I"m gonna dress what"s me, I"m gonna act what"s me and I"m gonna sing what"s me." A middle child who "always wanted to be the center of attention," she was bound to bust out of Napanee, Ontario, population 5,000. "I always knew this was what I had to do," she says. "I remember when I was really young, standing on my bed like it was a stage, singing at the of my lungs and visualizing thousands of people surrounding me." "I love writing," she explains. "When I get upset and really need to get it out of me I go to my guitar. Sometimes I feel like my guitar is my therapist." Now that her album is done, Avril can"t wait to get out and play. She jokes, pointing out that touring with her own sk8er punk band of rocker boys probably won"t be all that different from her childhood, "I was always a tomboy and I guess I still am. I played hockey during the fall /winter and baseball in the summer. I loved playing with the boys.


英文:reunion美式读音:ˌriːˈjuːniən英式读音:ˌriːˈjuːniən复数:reunions家庭团聚:family reunion年夜饭:family reunion dinner例句:1、Chinese Spring Festival is a day for family reunion.中国的春节是家人团聚的日子。2、The theme of the reunion is to recall the happiness of our student days.这次同学会的主题是回忆学生时代的快乐。3、We had a reunion at our worst, but we were silent.我们在彼此最落魄的时候重逢,但却相顾无言。4、We"re having a family reunion at the Spring Festival.春节我们一家人要大团圆。


Mentally handicapped


make body and mind entirely free from worry! 希望帮到you... 参考: me.. Mentally and Physically Relaxed Mentally and Physically Exhausted(Opposite Meaning) **My personal Sentence-Making for further prehend: Practice the Yoga helps relaxing mentally and physically! 参考: Im used to speak in english.I use online trlator ENG-CHI by single word if i have to type chinese . 使身心舒畅的英文是什么???? 答案就是make body and mind entirely free from worry. make my body entirely free from worry We 呢s

谁有托雷斯之歌的英文歌词?有的话请发到1148214808@qq.com 万分感谢~!


有关英文名字的问题: 比如Felipe Morales-Torres,在这个名字中姓是哪部分?名是哪部分?“-”代表什么意思?

有“-”一般是连在一起的姓。(也可以是名) 但是姓名之间是不用“-”,所以是复姓或是复名。不是姓名。


问题一:雪人用英语怎么写? 您的互题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:雪人 翻译: snowman 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题二:雪人的英文怎么写呢? snowman 雪人 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳, 如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck! 问题三:雪人用英文怎么说 snowman 问题四:雪人的英语单词怎么写 雪人 [词典] yeti; (用雪堆成的人像) snowman; Snowman; Abominable Snowman; [电影]The Snowman; [例句]我们去堆雪人,但还未堆完一半时,我已感到寒气刺骨了。 We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone. 问题五:我们堆了一个雪人,用英语怎么说啊 We made a snowman. 问题六:雪人用英语怎么写 snowman




更新1: " We care about the casual sexuality among Hong Kong youths. We are eager to teach them to protect themselves and avoid pre - marital sex " says Mr Wong. " Teens who are having sex can easily contract STDs or end up with unwanted pregnancies. 更新2: " Mentally teens especially girls bee easily attached after sex. This can lead to depession once the young couples eho have sex will focus on more on physical intimacy than on [meaningful] munication." 更新3: Parents should decide when their children learn about sex says Joseph Zen Hong Kong"s Catholic bishop. 更新4: Late Last year he published a pastoral letter urging schools to promote parents as the primary value setters and educators. He says parents should simply tell their children to wait until after marriage. 更新5: " It is no mystery... that in this our city the high rate of divorce the easy access to abortion procedures and the low birth - rate are cause for much worry about our future " he wrote in the letter. 更新6: On the other hand some experts think sex education should accept that youths are having sex at earlier ages. " Proper sex education should empower young people to make the right decisions " say Hung Suet - lin a professor in the social work department of Hong Kong Baptist University. 更新7: " There"s a myth many parents and teachers cling to - the more you talk about safe sex and contraception the more promiscuous and experimental students bee. " saya Grace Lee Ming - ying education officer - in - charge at FPAHK. 更新8: 呢句系"There"s a myth...既前面" Many of the girls I encounter want to have intimate relationships with boys. They want love But sex education doesn"t address these issues." 更新9: 呢句都系在"There"s a myth ..."既前面Rather than telling young people not to have early intimate experiences they should be taught how to have them safely and responsibly she argues. 更新10: " contraception is just one of many factors of sexual behaviour. you should also ask : what is your relationship with your partner ? what are your own beliefs about pre-marital sex ? what are the legal implications of underaged sex ? " 更新11: Providing inadequate information about sex can lead to other dire consequences as well : youths going online to satisfy their curiosity. social worker Au Yeung Hau-keung previously told the scmp about how youths sometimes MS< or online dating sites. 更新12: " they can be as young as 13 or 14 " he said . " there"s loads of information about sex around but a responsible attitude towards sex is lacking. " 更新13: FPAHK"s Ms Lee says : " the information on the inter or in the media is inaccurate and what"s more the messages promote stereotypes about issues like homosexuality and gender roles. " 更新14: fortunately she says more teachers are taking advantage of ernment-subsidised courses to learn how to teach swx education to students. 更新15: the subsidised courses were made available in 2004 and teachers are further motivated to enrol by the fact they receive a certificate at the end of the course which contributes to their annual quota for enrichment learning. 更新16: " the situation is improving " Ms Lee says. " Parents and educators realise the importance of early sex education but often lack the skills and confidence to start the discussion. " 更新17: 5该帮我写埋Commentary/Reflection(Write about 150 words.) 更新18: 听日要交啦...5该有冇人可以帮帮我啦牙....好紧急牙!! 更新19: 有冇人可以帮下我牙...5该....!! 十几岁的青少年有亲密的经验,在同年龄,性别,教育仍然是分裂的家长和教育工作者,写萨拉尹 阿梅里卡本月震惊学习十几岁的未婚女儿共和党副-总裁希望,佩林是怀孕了。 保守党坚信告诉青少年,以避免性别和相信节制是一切必要防止其发生。 在现代国家有这么多的信息提供给青年人,几乎是不可想像的少女怀孕的可能发生。但它确实提出这个问题的态度,对性的教育。 在中国香港,意见分歧,因为它们是在美国。 有些人认为没有足够的性教育,也有人认为父母应该决定自己的孩子学习,和时间。 还有人认为,没有更多的全貌比节欲或避孕。 但在青少年时代开始之日起早期,大多数专家同意在中国香港学校中的性教育需要改进。 在2006年,青少年的性调查进行了家庭计划指导会中国香港(家计会)的结论,但青少年更加开放性的经验,他们的知识的许多后果性没有改善,自2001年以来。 张学友王颂-贤,发言人为中国香港性文化学会,认为青年应该教导说“不”预先-婚前性行为。 2009-09-27 18:49:23 补充: 给我最佳回答!!thx XD 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运!


  除夕之夜,全家老小聚在一起吃团圆饭是我们中国的传统习俗。那么你知道吃团圆饭的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的吃团圆饭的英文,希望大家喜欢!   吃团圆饭的英文   have a family reunion dinner   吃团圆饭的英文例句   1. All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner.   全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭.   2. At that time, all family members eat dinner together.   在除夕这一天, 所有的家庭成员会一起吃团圆饭.   3. On Christmas Eve, people have big family dinner.   圣诞前夜人们吃团圆饭.   4. Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.   越来越多新加坡人,宁愿花一笔钱在高级的餐馆吃团圆饭.   5. On New Year"s Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion.   除夕之夜,一家人吃了一顿丰盛的团圆饭.   6. On the last day of the lunar year , there is a big family dinner.   阴历年的最后一天, 通常要吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭.   reunion常见用法   n.重聚,(亲友等的)聚会; 再结合,再合并; 再统一;   1. I asked McKeown if the reunion was meant to achieve closure.   我问麦基翁重聚是不是为了寻求解脱。   2. The whole family was there for this big family reunion.   全家人都来参加了这次盛大的家庭聚会。   3. These two members of Yale"s Class of "57 never miss a reunion.   这两个耶鲁大学57届毕业生每次同学聚会都参加。   4. The Association holds an annual reunion.   这个协会每年聚会一次。   5. the school"s annual reunion   一年一度的校友联欢会   6. All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner.   全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭.   7. We have a family reunion every New Year "s Day.   每年元旦,我们家都要团团圆圆地贺新年.   8. We had a happy reunion after many years.   我们在分别多年之后又愉快地团聚在一起.   9. There are always new projects which seem to put the reunion back further.   总是有新的项目使重聚一推再推。   10. The children weren"t allowed to see her for nearly a week. It was a very emotional reunion.

雪人的英文snowman snowmen的区别


雪人的英文snowman snowmen的区别


雪人的英文snowman snowmen的区别

snowman~雪人(单数形式) snowmen~雪人们(复数形式) 例如 policeman~警察 policemen~警察们 这类的词只是少数的,大部分名词变为复数是加s或es的


英文:reunion美式读音:u02ccriu02d0u02c8juu02d0niu0259n英式读音:u02ccriu02d0u02c8juu02d0niu0259n复数:reunions家庭团聚:family reunion年夜饭:family reunion dinner例句:1、Chinese Spring Festival is a day for family reunion.中国的春节是家人团聚的日子。2、The theme of the reunion is to recall the happiness of our student days.这次同学会的主题是回忆学生时代的快乐。3、We had a reunion at our worst, but we were silent.我们在彼此最落魄的时候重逢,但却相顾无言。4、We"re having a family reunion at the Spring Festival.春节我们一家人要大团圆。

团圆 的英文是什么?

1、名词reunion2、动词have a reunion



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英文版歌词Elsa艾莎。Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?Come on let"s go and play!来吧我们一起去玩吧!I never see you anymore,我好久没见到你了。come out the door,出来吧,it"s like you"ve gone away你就像消失了一样。We used to be best buddies我们以前是最好的伙伴,and now we"re not, I wish you would tell me why现在却变了,你能告诉我原因吗?Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?It doesn"t have to be a snowman玩什么都可以呀。(Go away,Anna.)走开,安娜。Okay, bye好吧,再见。Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?Or ride our bike around the halls?或在大厅里骑车?I think some company is overdue,我觉得你早就该陪我了,I started talking to, the pictures on the walls我都开始跟墙上的画像说话了。Hang in there, Joan!简,站在那里别动哦!It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms,这些空房子让人觉得好孤单,just watching the hours tick by只能看着时间滴滴答答地流逝。Please I know you"re in there,求求你了,我知道你在里面,people are asking where you"ve been人们都在问你去了哪里。They say ‘have courage,他们说:“要勇敢”,and I"m trying to,我也在努力尝试。I"m right out here for you, just let me in我在外面等你,让我进去吧!We only have each other,我们只拥有彼此了,it"s just you and me, what are we gonna do?只有你和我,我们应该怎么办?Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)是2013年迪士尼出品的3D动画电影,由克里斯·巴克、珍妮弗·李执导,克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔等参与主要配音。该片于2013年11月27日在美国上映。该片改编自安徒生童话《白雪皇后》,讲述小国阿伦黛尔因一个魔咒永远地被冰天雪地覆盖,为了寻回夏天,安娜公主和山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段拯救王国的历险。2014年,该片获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片。截止2014年7月16日,该片以全球12.74亿美元的票房成为全球动画史票房冠军,成为影史票房榜第五名。


UnravelOh won"t you tell me?Please just tell me.Explain how this should work.Well know who could it be,that lives inside of me?I"m broken,lying helpless,shatteredSurrounded by the worldAnd yet, you are smiling brightCompletely blind to lifeMy ruptured lungs,they were left this wayFor once I"m out of breath.The truth I seek,never felt so bleak but,I maintain my depthFreeze.I"m breakable,UnbreakableI"m shaking yet,UnshakableUntil the day that you find me.I"ll stand here,executing and feeling wretched existence,Consuming life-force till I grow distantDon"t bother searching for somebody like me.A fading no one.I don"t want to hurt you, it"s not my nature.A monster born from dusk to dawn can"t be your savior.Remember the me, the way I used to be.As who I still should be.拓展资料《unravel》是由TK(北_ 彻)作词作曲并演唱的歌曲。歌曲收录在2014年发行的同名专辑《unravel》中,并作为动画《东京_种》的主题曲。该歌曲于2014年11月获过“日本最佳动画主题曲奖”。这首歌曲的不插电版《Unravel (Acoustic version) 》专辑于2015年5月20日发布。电视动画《东京食尸鬼》改编自石田翠原作的同名漫画。动画由Studio Pierrot负责制作,于2014年7月3日起每周四在TOKYO MX首播,全12话。第2期《Tokyo Ghoul √A》于2015年1月播出。第3期《Tokyo Ghoul:re》于2018年4月播出。第4期《Tokyo Ghoul:reⅡ》于2018年10月播出。OVA《Tokyo Ghoul [Jack]》于2015年9月30日发售。OVA《Tokyo Ghoul: PINTO》于2015年12月25日发售。在东京街头,一群成谜的吃人怪人“_种”正悄悄在人类世界扩张他们的势力──平凡的大学生金木研因为遭到_种猎食而性命垂危。医生为他进行了器官移植手术,然而器官提供者其实是_种?。在病床上醒来的金木很快就感觉到身体不对劲,原本记忆中美味的食物全都走味到难以下咽。一开始,即使好几天不吃东西他也不会饿,但不久,激烈的空腹感开始折磨他。当他意识到,能引起他食欲的对象只剩下街上错身而过的男男女女。在群众中潜伏着,狩猎着人类,这个吞食着死尸的怪人,人们称其为_种,在青年和怪人相遇之时,充满波折的命运的齿轮开始转动了!

雪人的英文snowman snowmen的区别



1、保尔·柯察金 俄语: Павел Корчагин 英语: Pavel Korchagin2、保尔·柯察金是尼古拉·阿列克谢耶维奇·奥斯特洛夫斯基在《钢铁是怎样炼成的》根据自己的生活所描画出来的完美的青年革命战士的形象,他勇敢、坚强,拥有顽强的毅力,相信自己的力量,并有“在任何情况下也不怕困难”的品质,教育了无数中国革命青年。3、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》是前苏联作家尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基所著的一部长篇小说,于1933年写成。4、尼古拉·阿列克谢耶维奇·奥斯特洛夫斯基,前苏联作家,坚强的布尔什维克战士、著名的无产阶级作家。1904年9月22日出生于工人家庭。因家境贫寒,11岁便开始当童工 ,15岁上战场,16岁战斗中身受重伤,23岁双目失明,25岁身体瘫痪,1936年12月22日,年仅32岁便去世。


snowman n. 雪人

钢铁是怎样炼成的 主人公的 英文名








求一首英文歌女唱开头等登登 等登 等登登 等登中间还有段wawawawawawawa





驾考英文缩写速记如下:1、自适应巡航系统:ACC,巡字像“<<”CC 。2、定速巡航 CCS 巡字找CC,有“定速”选CCS 。3、交通标志识别系统 TSR 通T,识S。4、盲点检测系统 BSD, 站在盲点“必死的”选BSD。5、盲点辅助系统 BSA, 盲点辅助“必死啊”远BSA。6、自动刹车辅助系统AEB, 刹车时“抑制”不让走,找E。7、牵引力控制系统 TCS/ASR/TR, 手牵手,选最长的。8、车道偏离预警系统LDW, “偏离”是“歪了”找W。9、电子制动力分配系统 EBD, 制动时“抑制”不让走,找字母E。10、车身稳定控制系统 ESP, “稳”说明路“平”,平找字母P。11、紧急制动辅助系统 EBA ,制动时“抑制”不让走,找字母E 。12、实时交通信息 TMC, 交通,通T 。13、车辆自动变道辅助系统 ALC, 道就是路,找路L 。14、碰撞预警系统 FCW, 撞车会“翻车”FC。15、车辆轮胎胎压 BAR, 胎压检测防止“绿”胎,选BAR。通关科目一口诀技巧。吊二撤三醉五逃终身;处罚:一醉二证三逃逸:右转让左转,拐弯让直行;雨天路滑车速慢,看不清靠边停。指示牌黄色慢,红色停,白色辅助绿色行。


实时交通信息英文缩写是TMC。TMC是实时交通信息(Traffic Message Channel)的简称,是欧洲的辅助GPS导航的功能系统。英文缩写的含义英文缩写词它是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写词它是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写是英语词语的简易形式,用英文单词中重要的字母来代表整个单词的意义,也被成为缩略词。但是缩写也会带来困扰,因为缩写可能在不同行业代表不同的意思。


如今的英文:nowadays/now/these days。nowadays,英语单词,主要用作为名词、副词,作名词时意为“当今”。作副词时意为“现今;时下”。短语搭配:Nowadays telecommunication 现今电信For nowadays 为了现在 ; 对于当今社会来说And Nowadays 而如今Policies Nowadays 形势政策To Nowadays 到如今双语例句:1、She is rarely seen in public nowadays.如今她很少公开露面。2、Letter-writing is a lost art nowadays.当今尺牍是一种已消失的技巧。3、Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.现在大多数孩子都喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书。


AustraliaBrazilChinaDenmarkEngliandFranceGermanyHungaryIindiaJapanKoreaLaosMexicoNorwayOmanPeruQatarRussiaSpainTurkeyUgandaVietnamWallis and futunaX没有YemenZambia


Were the days you stayed in China happy?Today was the first time that I"d sent e-mail to you, so I am confused about what could I write in it. Here just wantes to ask you whether you could you send some photos of yours to me?(cause till now Weijia didn"t send to me yet and I failed to contact her these days) I really hoped to have a look at your boyfriend cause i think he must be a handsome guy.Pls forgive me if you don"t think my e-mail is excellent because it was just my first e-mail.


实时交通信息英文缩写是TMC。TMC是实时交通信息(Traffic Message Channel)的简称,是欧洲的辅助GPS导航的功能系统。英文缩写的含义英文缩写词它是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写词它是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写是英语词语的简易形式,用英文单词中重要的字母来代表整个单词的意义,也被成为缩略词。但是缩写也会带来困扰,因为缩写可能在不同行业代表不同的意思。


这种写法也叫圆体英文,下面是26个英文圆体字大小写的写法,非常漂亮。斜体行书写笔画清楚,字型简单,与印刷体较近,易于模仿。1. 字母的笔画大写字母C、G、J、L、O、S、V、W、Z,9个字母书写时笔尖不离开纸面,必须一笔完成。大写字母B、D、K、M、N、P、Q、R、T、U、X、Y,12个字母书写都是两笔完成。大写字母A、E、F、H、I,5个字母书写时都是三笔完成。小写字母除 f、i、j、p、t、x, 6个字母书写时是两笔完成外,其余的小写字母都是一笔完成。2. 书写的规格①每个字母都稍向右斜,斜度要一致,斜度约为5度。②大写字母都一样高,要占满第一、三线间。③小写字母acemnorsuvwxz,13个要占满第二、三线。④小写字母bdhkl,5个的上端都要顶到第一线。⑤小写字母ij的点和ft的上端都在第一格的中间,小写t和f的横线都贴在第二线下(有的是与第二线重合)⑥字母与字母不论是否连写,间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离的太远。单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般说,以空出小写字母a的宽度为宜。


这种写法也叫圆体英文,下面是26个英文圆体字大小写的写法,非常漂亮。斜体行书写笔画清楚,字型简单,与印刷体较近,易于模仿。1. 字母的笔画大写字母C、G、J、L、O、S、V、W、Z,9个字母书写时笔尖不离开纸面,必须一笔完成。大写字母B、D、K、M、N、P、Q、R、T、U、X、Y,12个字母书写都是两笔完成。大写字母A、E、F、H、I,5个字母书写时都是三笔完成。小写字母除 f、i、j、p、t、x, 6个字母书写时是两笔完成外,其余的小写字母都是一笔完成。2. 书写的规格①每个字母都稍向右斜,斜度要一致,斜度约为5度。②大写字母都一样高,要占满第一、三线间。③小写字母acemnorsuvwxz,13个要占满第二、三线。④小写字母bdhkl,5个的上端都要顶到第一线。⑤小写字母ij的点和ft的上端都在第一格的中间,小写t和f的横线都贴在第二线下(有的是与第二线重合)⑥字母与字母不论是否连写,间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离的太远。单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般说,以空出小写字母a的宽度为宜。


这种写法也叫圆体英文,下面是26个英文圆体字大小写的写法,非常漂亮。斜体行书写笔画清楚,字型简单,与印刷体较近,易于模仿。1. 字母的笔画大写字母C、G、J、L、O、S、V、W、Z,9个字母书写时笔尖不离开纸面,必须一笔完成。大写字母B、D、K、M、N、P、Q、R、T、U、X、Y,12个字母书写都是两笔完成。大写字母A、E、F、H、I,5个字母书写时都是三笔完成。小写字母除 f、i、j、p、t、x, 6个字母书写时是两笔完成外,其余的小写字母都是一笔完成。2. 书写的规格①每个字母都稍向右斜,斜度要一致,斜度约为5度。②大写字母都一样高,要占满第一、三线间。③小写字母acemnorsuvwxz,13个要占满第二、三线。④小写字母bdhkl,5个的上端都要顶到第一线。⑤小写字母ij的点和ft的上端都在第一格的中间,小写t和f的横线都贴在第二线下(有的是与第二线重合)⑥字母与字母不论是否连写,间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离的太远。单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般说,以空出小写字母a的宽度为宜。

yvonne 有没有简写啊?好多长的英文名都会简写吧。这个有没有?



哈咯你好!这个名字的读音是”伊冯“哦! 跟名字 "Yvonne" 一样!读成”ee-von"希望能帮助到您! :)
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