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【篇一】compete的用法   compete的用法1:compete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。   compete的用法2:compete是不及物动词,接against表示“与…对抗”,接for表示“夺取…”,接with表示“对…抗争”。 【篇二】compete的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   compete against (v.+prep.)   compete for (v.+prep.)   compete with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】compete的用法例句   1. They are now trying to compete on an equal footing.   他们现在想要公平竞争。   2. Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.   除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。   3. Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils.   学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。   4. Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.   每年他们都要参加的全州自行车大赛。   5. Small English orchards can hardly compete economically with larger French ones.   英国的小型果园很难在经济上和法国的大型果园竞争。   6. When I began to compete again, I was struggling with my run-up.   当我重新参赛后,我要解决助跑这一项。   7. Charles has never felt the need to compete with anyone.   查尔斯从未感到有与任何人竞争的必要。   8. They will compete for prizes totalling nearly £3,000.   他们将为总额近3,000英镑的奖金展开争夺。   9. Lewis will compete in both sprints in Stuttgart.   刘易斯将参加在斯图加特举行的两个短跑项目的比赛。   10. Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with American business.   加拿大企业无力同美国企业正面交锋。   11. The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.   公司要有效地参与竞争必须降低成本。   12. The price must be right in order to compete internationally.   为了在国际上竞争,定价必须适当.   13. These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally.   这些产品品质很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力.   14. Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film.   外国译制片不得参加影片的角逐。   15. It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.   这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。

corporate competence什么意思

corporate competence 企业竞争力competence 英[u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns]美[u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259ns]n. 能力; 技能; 相当的资产;[例句]His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation成功地扼制制通货膨胀的经历加强了他作为经济学家的才能。[其他] 复数:competences

1.The (compete)___in the job market makes some job seekers feel hopeless.

1. competition2.Incredibly3.worthy4. scaring5. constantly6. happiness7.criticism8.continued

pte考试是如何考察communicative competence

PTE的评分机制是交叉评分制。 我们都知道雅思托福是单项评分,比如,口语就是测口语,写作就是测写作。但是PTE却相反,PTE的一道题可能同时会对不同的项目都有影响。 比如说,口语考试中的Repeat Sentence题型, 同时考察口语和听力,流利度和发音。Answer short question题型也是同时在测听力和口语,以及词汇技能。 听、说、读、写四个大项的最终得分会由六个小分来决定。 PTE的最终得分(Communicative Skills)也就是考试最后的听、说、读、写得分,主要来源于该考生的语言运用技能分(Enabling Skills Scores),语言运用技能分分别来自于,语法grammar,口语流利程度oral fluency,发音pronunciation,拼写spelling,词汇vocabulary和语篇编写written discourse六个部分。


Capability是通常用来指“能力, ability to do something”,偏重于做事情的技能。Competency,合适的中文意思为“胜任潜质”,也称为胜任素质,是指那些能带来人的高效或杰出工作绩效的潜在特征。主要的意思还是能力。

linguistic competence communitive competence

Linguistic competence refers to something about language. Communicative competence have something to do with the ability of the communication with people.One man can have a good linguistic competence,however his communicative competence is pool.

Competence Center是什么意思

Competence Center核心技术

How can we enhance our listening competence?

How can we enhance our listening competence?我们如何提高听力能力?

competence net worth是什么意思 财务报表中的 谢谢


法语capaciter competence aptitude talent区别





competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all.他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力。希望你能够满意!

skill competence区别

skill是技能的意思,而competence则是能力的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: During interview, from the knowledge, experience and skill you showed, I believe that you have competence to take this role. 面试时,从你所展示的知识、经验和技能来看,我相信你有能力胜任这个角色。


, competence n. 胜任,资格,能力 [ˈkɔmpitəns]n.能力, 技能We knew her competence in solving problems.我们都知道她解决问题的能力。(法院的)权限, 管辖权These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。

Confidence 信心、Competence 能力、Communication沟通、Creation创造、Cooperation合作5个C

在单向沟通和双向沟通的对比中,()选项属于单向沟通的特点。 A. 接受信息的人更有信心 B. 速度较慢,但是更准确 C. 发送信息的人不会受到攻击 D.




两者皆代表了和行为 工作相关的个人特质与知识.在国内...分数加以直线转换而成的分数则称为Z分数(通常以英文大写Z表示,以示区别

professional competence是什么意思







Capability是通常用来指“能力, ability to do something”,偏重于做事情的技能。Competency,合适的中文意思为“胜任潜质”,也称为胜任素质,是指那些能带来人的高效或杰出工作绩效的潜在特征。主要的意思还是能力。






competence [英]u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns [美]u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nsn. 能力;技能;相当的资产[例句]Being an effective manager and leader begins with people "s belief in your competence and character.要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先要让人们信任你的能力和性格。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

distinctive competencies是什么意思

distinctive competencies独特能力双语对照词典结果:distinctive competencies独特资能;

use only under competent supervision什么意思

use only under competent supervision的中文翻译use only under competent supervision 只能在主管的监督下使用


competence和performance的区别参考如下:意思不同,competence是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。Competence是名词,作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。Performance也是名词,意思是“性能;绩效;表演;执行;表现”。Competence的例句:1、Would you say you had the competence for handling money?您认为您有理财的能力吗?2、She added her name to the list on the noticeboard.她把自己的名字加在了布告栏上的名单里。3、It has beyond the competence of the court.它已经超出法院的权限。Performance的例句:1、We have looked grand sight performance of firework at New Year"s Eve.除夕我们观看了壮观的烟火表演。2、He failed completely in the performance of his duty.他完全没有履行他的职责。

Core Competence

Core Competencies are the high ability in acquiring rare resources and distinctive capability, if both are failed to be imitated or copied by rivals in the industry. Core petency is a central set of knowledge in a pany that when applied allows the pany to create superior value relative to petitors and deliver it to customers that they are being delighted. Superior value of product and service can be created is due to the pany"s remarkable performance such as superior innovation (likes 3M & Sharp), superior responsiveness (likes FedEx & Seven Eleven), superior quality (likes Toyota & GE) and superior efficiency (likes Wal-Mart & Dell) The outes of the four superiors are therefore could be extremely low cost while extremely differentiated product and service in offering The agenda of Core Competence varies in the four situations as follow according to G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227: (1) Fill-In-The-Blanks, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then continuous improving business position and opportunity against the rivals that superior efficiency( and low cost) can be realized (2) Premier Plus-10 (Years), if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then it can be building, protecting and extending its franchise in current markets and might be lasting for 10 years, that it will be always the market leader of innovation (3) White Spaces, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the New Product or Service Market ten it can be redeploying or rebining its core petence for the untapped product or markets—highly differentiated (4) Mega-opportunities, if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the New Product and Service Market, then it can be the long term market leader such as Viagra—with this disruptive technology is able to monopolize the market.,参考: G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227,Thanks. I"m also interested in this topic. Anymore idea? 2006-11-25 14:20:29 补充: Any HK examples? Thanks a lot.,the core petence definition is is a unique capability that affords some type of petitive advantage. It corresponds to a business process, and involves underlying skills, functions, systems and knowledge. (clarity-consulting/developing_a_core-petence_strategy_summary) the example will be Fed-EX core petence is superior logistics system and short delievery cycle time. The other example is Windows sofare, I believe the core petence of Window sofare is user friendly and cost effective.,

大肠杆菌感受态细胞(Competent cell)

Trans1-T1 Phage Resistant化学感受态细胞适用于高效的DNA的克隆和质粒扩增,减少克隆DNA同源重组的发生,提高质粒DNA的产量和质量。



I am competent这是个英语作文题目,请问怎样书写?


Competent cell 名词解释

Competent cells are those that possess more easily altered cell walls that DNA can be passed through easily.

我相信我有能力完成这件事,用英语怎么说,用上 be competent to do sth

I believe I am competent to finish this.


competence这个单词是名词他的形容词形式是:competent词义:adj. 有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的;


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。


competence常见搭配如下:competence是一个英语单词,名词。作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。core competence。核心竞争力 ; 核心能力 ; 核心才能 ; 核心专长。language competence。语言能力 ; 语言表达能力 ; 语言素质 ; 言语能力。social competence。社会能力 ; 社会语言能力 ; 社会胜任力。sociolinguistic competence。社会语言能力 ;社会语言学能力 ; 社交语言能力。Technical Competence。技术能力 ; 技术型 ; 技术竞争力 ; 技术性方面。Managerial Competence。管理型 ; 管理能力 ; 管理才能。competence roadmap。专长能力蓝图 ; 建立专长能力蓝图 ; 专业能力蓝图。Intercultural Competence。跨文化能力 ; 跨文化胜任力。implementing competence。执行能力。

be competent for 和be competent in 有什么区别

be competent for胜任be competent in在某方面有能力


be competent for 固定搭配 “胜任......"

请问proficient 和 competent有区别吗? 区别是什么啊?最好带例句,谢谢!

proficient 英 [prə"fɪʃnt]     美 [prə"fɪʃnt]    副词: proficientlyadj.熟练的;精通的用作形容词 (adj.)After reading this book, you will be proficient in writing.读完这本书,你会精于写作。My friend is proficient in three languages.我的朋友精通三种语言。She was very proficient in music.她非常精通音乐。用作名词 (n.)He doesn"t look like a proficient in golf.他看起来不像是个打高尔夫球的专家。If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.如果我有机会学的话,我应该已经是个专家了。competent 英 ["kɒmpɪtənt]     美 ["kɑːmpɪtənt]    副词: competentlyadj.有能力的;足够的;胜任的用作形容词 (adj.)Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。She was declared mentally competent to stand trial.她被宣告有接受审判的精神能力。




competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化


competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化

be competent for 和qulified的区别

be competent for 能够胜任工作的qualified 有资格的,刚够格,勉强合格competent意思是合格的、可以胜任的, 能力比较突出,经验比较丰富。qualified 也表示合格,但是能力还只是勉强胜任,刚入行、执业,但经验比competent欠缺一些。

请分析Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to competent a college education.

一般而言competent的词性是形容词“有能力的, 足够的, 胜任的”的意思。但是在这里competent是作为一个动词使用(因为是在to 的后面),意思是:胜任 ! 这里是动词的不定式一般表示要达到某种目的。句意:Julian 说他希望可以得到一份工作并且找到一种可以受到大学教育的办法!

为什么把“行政主管部门”翻译成"competent administrative department"?

competent 除了“有能力的,胜任的……”的意思外还有“主管的”的意思 ,当然,如果你输入中文主管的,competent,这个词是有的,翻译不只是直译,因为英汉中存在的不可译性,必要时需要意译,having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard,有这种能力的人在汉语中表示为主管级的也不为过,意译也就可译包含这种意思,我是这样认为的。


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。

be competent是什么意思


be competent to do中文是什么意思

be competent to do是主管

be competent for 和qulified的区别

competent是指having the necessary ability, authority, skill, knowledge, etc (指人)有能力、 权力、 技能、 知识等的; 能胜任的; 能干的, 比如a highly competent driver 技术高超的司机足以胜任的,有能力的,称职的,侧重的是技术capable是指having (esp practical) ability; able; competent 有(尤指实际的)能力的; 有能力的; 能胜任的 比如:a very capable woman 很能干的女子.侧重的是自身的能力qulified一般指胜任某项工作,侧重的是能否胜任工作,与自身无关

competence ; competent ;artificial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的?

康呸ten特 康屁(四声)斯 啊忒飞首


yes, 死记








competent名词:形容词,作形容词时意为“胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的”。短语搭配:competent bed强硬岩层;competent sand致密砂层;Competent Teacher胜任的教师 ; 称职的教师;Unconsciously Competent无意识 ; 没有意识到足以胜任 ; 无所不能;Competent Employees有能力的员工;competent witness被告在成为法律上适格;competent agency主管机构;Membership competent会籍主管。双语例句:I have to my manager reflects your views, but do not agree with the competent.我已经向我的主管反映了你的意见,但是主管不同意…如下。So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。You let women dictate your actions and they are not competent in this world, though certainly theywill be saints in heaven while we men burn in hell.你让女人指令你的行动,但她们在这个世界上不是有能力的,虽然,当然她们会是天堂里的天使,而我们男人在地狱里燃烧。




1.有能力的,能干的;胜任的,合格的2.相当的;适当的,足够而不过分的3.【法律】有法律能力的;有法定资格的4.【生物学】(胚胎)有反应能力的,胜任的;活性的,适合的;(对抗原决定因素产生抗体)有适应力的5.精神正常的,智力无缺陷的;6.有决定权的,活性的,(处于)感受态的短语搭配1. competent authorities主管部门;主管当局;主管机关2. competent authority主管机关;主管当局;主管机构3. be competent胜任;能胜任;能够胜任4. competent person称职人员;合格人士5. competent government能力型政府;有能力的政府6. competent jurisdiction管辖权;管辖资格7. be competent for可以胜任;能胜任;胜任8.competent manager能干的经理;有能力的管理者9. competent work胜任工作10. competent lawyer称职的律师例句He"s very competent in his work.他非常胜任自己的工作。2. Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。3. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman.我曾一直以为自己是个坚强能干的女人。4. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一个忠诚、出色、很有能力的公务员。5. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured,competent people.将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。7. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.我们的法务部门需要一名成熟能干的秘书,该秘书会向一名资深律师和一名助理律师报告。


competent主管双语对照词典结果:competent[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nt]adj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe they were more competent. 也许就是他们更有能力。





帮忙提供一篇关于diploma represent competence的英文

Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy(一个认证文章)This is the main category of qualification denoting a level of both educational and professional achievement required followed by the development, through practical professional experience, of key skills at the appropriate level. ACCD recognizes and accredits professional and academic degree courses offered by its institutional members worldwide. ACCD works closely with diplomatic, professional and other academic institutions to ensure that candidates have the appropriate skills and knowledge to qualify. Holders of the Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy are competent and skilled practitioners of proved ability at international and advanced level, who have complete knowledge of trade negotiations, development, international dispute settlement and international economic and commercial diplomacy and able to train others. The Qualified Certified Diplomat (Mastership) is awarded only by the ACCD to trade, economic and commercial diplomacy experts or graduates of diplomatic academies, universities and or institutional members; and persons of outstanding intellectual ability, upon completion of the Mastership programme. First Stage:To be awarded MASTERSHIP, candidate must satisfy the Council by:Completing the Master Certificate of Competency Course (600 hours, 60 credits); and having more than 3 years proven practical professional experience (Senior Executive level); and *Being an Associate of the ACCD (All applicants); and Willing and able to promote, contribute to and actively support the mission and policy of the Association.Exemptions are granted to candidates who are graduates of ACCD Institutional Members, other approved institutions or professional organisations or who have passed equivalent examinations (Masters degree* and above) in trade, economics, development, energy, agriculture, commercial law, commercial arbitration and or dispute settlement related field. The Council will consider for assessment the following and may recognise any other positions which they deem to be equivalent in professional responsibility: Holders of an accredited Masters degree with more than 3 years proven professional experience, or Holders of a recognised postgraduate degree in related discipline approved for this purpose by the Council provided that he/she has held a position or positions of professional responsibility for an aggregate of at least 6 years or more and able to submit a Master project for this purpose.Second Stage:Applicants may be required to do one of the following (unless exempt):Submit a Project* Complete the Advanced Certificate of Competency in Commercial DiplomacyThird Stage:Professional Review - Accreditation Board RequirementsAs part of the Association"s requirements, candidates may be required to submit a Mastership project and or complete a Portfolio of Experience, which includes a listing of executive positions in related fields and candidate"s own written summary assessing his/her executive contribution to the work of the institution. The Portfolio also includes a record of candidate"s employment history as a diplomat, senior executive or senior manager, director, representative or adviser together with certain information about the executives or boards on which they have served, and a written self-assessment of candidate"s experience. The Portfolio should explain clearly the precise position you have occupied in each case e.g commercial officer/attache/director; secretary, minister, adviser, economic officer/attache/director, senior manager, stockbroker etc. Final Stage - Interview:Qualified Certified Diplomat (QCD)Being a Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat is more than just gaining a qualification, it"s about developing relevant practical trade and commercial diplomacy skills for life. Certified Commercial Diplomats lead organisations whether in the private, public or third sectors, at the highest strategic level. Qualifying for certified diplomat has included the requirement for a peer interview (Unless exempt) and candidates are required to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of trade negotiations, anti-corruption, dispute settlement and commercial diplomacy; and their practical application, evidencing a professional approach to parties and the public interest. The standard to which the candidate will be judged is "competence and experience to serve the public as a competent commercial diplomat in an ethical manner." On completion, successful applicants will receive a decision on election to "Mastership" - Qualified Certified Commercial Diplomat.Benefits:Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat (Certification)* Continued professional development and life-long learning Discounted admission to International Programs and co-sponsored events Significant discounts for ACCD members on courses and specialist programmes Automatic Election to Fellowship DiplomacyDiplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.The word stems from the Greek word "diploma", which literally means "folded in two". In ancient Greece, a diploma was a certificate certifying completion of a course of study, typically folded in two. In the days of the Roman Empire, the word "diploma" was used to describe official travel documents, such as passports and passes for imperial roads, that were stamped on double metal plates. Later, the meaning was extended to cover other official documents such as treaties with foreign tribes. In the 1700s the French called their body of officials attached to foreign legations the corps "diplomatique". The word "diplomacy" was first introduced into the English language by Edmund Burke in 1796, based on the French word "diplomatie".[1]In an informal or social sense, diplomacy is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational, or polite manner


compete with 和compete against有什么区别

你好,区别大了:Compete with 与 Compete against 其实意思完全一样,不同点就是含有的感觉。Are you with me or are you against me ? 是个很好的例子。这里"with"很先然的比较友善。"against"带有敌对的态度。打个比方,当人们"compete with each other" 时他们会很友善,对方的成功会得到认可,也会影响到对手的发展(可以学习),共同获利。当人们"compete against each other" 时他们态度恶劣,恨不得对方失败,也不会去恭喜人家。所以在你写句子的时候要看是哪一种态度和感觉来选择要用哪个。China and Japan compete against each other.中国与日本互相竞争。加拿大与美国互相竞争。


有的,动名词为 competing。


pete [ ku0259m"pi:t ] v. 基本义:竞争、对抗 The athletes vow to pete to their full capacity and with sport *** anship. 运动员宣示要赛出风格, 赛出水平. Thirty people had to pete for only ten openings. 三十个人必须只为十个名额来竞争. You cannot pete with those postgraduates. 你无法和那些研究生竞争. We can"t pete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争. 引申义:参加比赛(竞赛) Five children peted in the race. 五个孩子参加赛跑. Our school petes against many other schools in baseball. 我们学校常同许多其他学校进行垒球比赛. He"s hoping to pete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛. 【衍生词】 petition n. 竞争、角逐 We won the contract in the face of stiff petition. 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这份合同. petitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 petitive games 竞技性比赛 petitor n. 竞争者、对手 our main/major/nearest petitor 我们主要的竞争对手 【近义词】 rival n. 对手, 竞争者 a rival in love 情敌 without a rival 无可匹敌, 无敌 【背句子记单词】 A good student should have the determination to pete for first place. 一个好学生要有争上游的决心. Admit的用法: 1. 表示“承认”,注意以下用法: (1) 一般为及物动词,直接跟宾语;表示向某人承认用介词 to: He admitted his mistake. 他承认了他的错误. He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong. 他向老师承认他错了. This meant admitting defeat. 这就意味着承认失败了. 但有时也用作不及物动词,此时一般后接介词 to: He admitted to the murder. 他供认了谋杀罪. He admitted to having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱. 由于 admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略. (2) 后接动词时,要用动名词而不用不定式: She admitted having read the letter. 她承认读过这封信. I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子. (3) 可后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be: They admitted him to be mad. 他们承认他疯了. You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的. 偶尔接其它形式的复合宾语: He admitted himself a failure. 他承认失败. He admitted himself beaten. 他承认输了. (4) 有时用于插入语中: This, I admit, was wrong. 我承认这错了. 2. 表示“允许进入”、“使能进入”,注意以下用法: (1) 通常只用作及物动词: This ticket admits one person only. 此券只准一人入场. There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入. 可用于引申义,表示允许进入某一组织、机构、学校、团体等: They admitted him to [into] their organization. 他们接受他参加了他们的组织. How many students have been admitted into the school this year? 今年这所学校有多少学生入学? 试比较 (注意介词不同): He was admitted to [into] the Party. 他被吸收入党. He was admitted as a Party member. 他被接纳为党员. (2) 往往含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用: 他打开门让我进了屋. 正:He opened the door and admitted me into the house. 误:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house. 3. 用于 admit of, 意为“容许”、“有…的可能”、“有…的余地” (此时句子主语通常是物而不是人): The matter admits of no delay. 这事刻不容缓. The word admits of no other meaning in the case. 这个词在此例中不可能有别的意思.


  为大家整理了“英语六级词汇看图记忆”,希望帮助到大家,也预祝大家高分通过大学英语六级考试!更多英语六级考试资讯,网站将持续更新,敬请关注! 2017年12月英语六级词汇看图记忆:compete   为大家整理了英语六级高频词汇,结合图片,帮助你记忆,让你更快掌握单词。    compete vi 比赛,竞争   例句:Nowadays companies must be able to compete in the internationalmarket-place.   在当下,公司一定要能在国际商品交易中竞争。    competitive adj. 竞争的,好竞争的,有竞争力的   例句:The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest.   银行竞相以有竞争力的利率发放货款。    competition n. 竞争,竞赛   例句:Because there is so much unemployment due to the financial crisis,the   competition for jobs is fierce.   因为金融危机中失业严重,求职的竞争力十分激烈。    contend v. 斗争,竞争,主张   例句:The factory is too small to contend against large internationalcompanies.   这家工厂太小,无法与国际性的大公司抗争。   contest n. 论争,竞赛v. 争论,竞赛,争夺   例句:An intense contest developed among the three men for that particular position.   那三个人为得到这一特定的职位展开了激烈的竞争。

compete with与compete against有什么区别

compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者


No one can compete with his physical powers.没有人能跟他比他的身体力量。

rival 和compete有什么区别?

rival 是两个,对方compete是竞争,两个或多个。






compete 动词竞争competent 形容词竞争的competently 副词胜任地

compete with与compete against的区别

compete with 有两个意思:1 和...进行竞争(宾语是竞争对手)2 和...一起竞争(宾语是你并肩奋斗的队友)而compete against 只有上面第一个意思,即against的宾语只能是竞争对手。compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者compete for为了什么而竞争,后加目地

他们决定跟我们竞争( compete) 翻译

They decide to compete with us.主语:they谓语: decide宾语: to compete with us

compete加什么介词 compete后面可以加什么介词?

compete for..为…竞争 | 为……而竞争 | 角逐,竞争 | 为...竞争 compete for..为…竞争 | 为……而竞争 | 角逐,竞争 | 为...竞争 compete with..与...竞争 | 竞争 | 与某人竞争 | 与 --- 竞争 compete against..和…竞争 | 与……竞争,与……抗衡 | 与...对抗| 与 竞争,与 抗衡


compete英 [ku0259mu02c8pi:t] 美 [ku0259mu02c8pit]vi.竞争; 竞赛; 比得上; 参加比赛(或竞赛)[网络]抗衡; 比赛;[例句]The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them tocompete in the labour market.失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。[其他]第三人称单数:competes 现在分词:competing 过去式:competed 过去分词:competed 形近词: pompenecompels compens


compete的所有词性:competition n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛;竞争者;对手 复数: competitions 扩展资料   例句:   The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.   这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的.500多名参赛者。   There is keen competition for places at the college.   要在这所学院就读竞争是非常激烈的。   Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.   比赛的详情可在各参加商店取阅。   The winners of the competition will be announced next month.   竞赛的获胜者将于下月公布。


compete (verb) competition (noun) competitive (adj) competer (noun for person) competitively (adverb)




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