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请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别?

2023-07-18 06:41:22

上面四词均有观众之意:但各自所代表的含义有所不同,audience用于在那种听众和主讲人双方都清楚的情况下,即双方都知道对方的存在;而且一般都 限于人 的观众; viewer的对象可以是人也可以是人以外的物,而且被观察者 未必知道viewer的存在; watcher 强调于对于正在运动活动的对象,而且对象人和物皆可; spectator一般只限于对象为人.其他地方 与audience类似,但有一点区别 audience一般被观察人只有一人,而spectator的对象可同时多人



audience常见释义观众英:[u02c8u0254u02d0diu0259ns]美:[u02c8ɑu02d0diu0259ns]n.(戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众;(同一事物的)观众,读者;(与要人的)会见;觐见;进见;例句:The audience at once greeted him warmly.观众立即对他作出了热情的反应。复数:audience
2023-07-18 05:45:342


2023-07-18 05:45:433


您好,audience英[u02c8u0254:diu0259ns];美[u02c8u0254diu0259ns]观众;听众;读者;读者;接见;拥护者;爱好者;阅听人;拜会等等的意思。复数: audiences例句:Hehadthe audience hootingwithlaughter.他令观众哄堂大笑。Say"swritingsreachedawide audience duringhislifetime...在塞伊有生之年,他的作品拥有大量的读者。 Weneedtoconcentrateonourtarget audience,namelywomenagedbetween20and30.我们须针对我们的听众对象,即年龄在20到30岁之间的妇女。heconcertwillberelayedtoaworldwidetelevision audience estimatedatonethousandmillion.这场音乐会将向全球约10亿电视观众转播。
2023-07-18 05:45:501


2023-07-18 05:46:192

audience 有复数么?是a 还是an? 急撒、、

an / a / the 视情况而定 观众,听众(可数) His book had reached a wide audience. There was a large audience at the pop concert. The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多. 作整体看待时,动词可用单数形式,看作许多人时,动词用复数. The audience was (were )very excited by the show.
2023-07-18 05:46:461


2023-07-18 05:46:531


2023-07-18 05:47:001


audience有复数形式:audiences。audiences用的比较少,例如可以用来表示多批次的观众。audience 英 ["u0254u02d0diu0259ns]  美 ["u0254u02d0diu0259ns]    n. 听众,观众,读者,倾听,拥护者,正式会见Someone in the audience began to laugh.观众中有人开始笑起来。近义词viewers 英 ["vjuu02d0u0259z]   美 ["vjuu02d0u0259z]    n. 观看者;观察者名词viewer的复数形式Viewers will learn to control many odd laymen shuffles.观察者将学会控制许多奇怪的外行拖曳。
2023-07-18 05:47:261

the audience是单数还是复数

2023-07-18 05:48:262


2023-07-18 05:48:377


2023-07-18 05:49:222


集体名词,比如family,class,team,committee,audience,public,government 等,如果强调这个集体是一个整体,就被看作单数,如果强调组成这个整体的每个成员,就当作复数用.
2023-07-18 05:49:301


audience [au·di·ence || "u0254u02d0dju0259ns]n. 观众, 听众; 爱好者; 读者群; 谒见
2023-07-18 05:49:391

an audience(指观众)后用is还是are

2023-07-18 05:50:017


audience是不可数名词没有复数形式His books have a large audience. 他的书有广大的读者。 The audience enjoyed every minute of the performance. 观众自始至终欣赏这次演出
2023-07-18 05:50:185

audience的音标在这看 我粘不过来
2023-07-18 05:50:333


2023-07-18 05:50:416


audiencen. 观众;听众;读者;接见亲,请问你满意我的回答么?如果满意还请给个采纳!或者你还可以继续问我哦!提前祝你新年快乐!
2023-07-18 05:51:052


audience其用法特点为:1.若视为整体,表示单数意义;如:His family is large. 他的家是个大家庭。 This class consists of 45 pupils. 这个班由45个学生组成。2.若考虑其个体成员,表示复数意义。如:His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他。 This class are reading English now. 这个班的学生在读英语。 如果满意,请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,(*^__^*) 谢谢~~
2023-07-18 05:51:152


many audience加不加s 有什么区别 用many 修饰了 后面就应该加S 表复数 此时的audience 就表单个的 但是 the audience 可以是很多观众 作为一个整体 后面的谓语动词 应该是 单数 类似的单词--- family 既可用作 整体的 一家人 也可用复数 表示家庭成员eg:The audience laughs. 观众在大笑 . all the audiences laughed because I think ,this,this is a really unexpected question . 所有的听众都笑了,因为我想这的确是一种意想不到的问题, ~maybe 讲的不够清楚 仅供参考O(∩_∩)O哈! 。 分析文章时需要分析audience,这是泛指,应该不用不用加s吧?英。 1.表示“听众”、“观众”,是 *** 名词,用作主语时,其谓语可用单数(视为整体时)或复数(视为个体时).如:The audience is [are]listening attentively.听众都在聚精会神地听着.The audience was [were] enjoying every minute of the performance.观众对演出非常欣赏.有时由于语义的需要,分别用单数或复数更合适.如:The audience was enormous.观众人很多.The audience are requested to be in their seats by 8:00.观众要在八点前都入座.2.英语中到底有没有这种规则,就是主语和be动词后面的宾语(这里指主语的具体化)必须单复数统一?有.这就是所谓的“主语系动词表语一致”.What he bought were the books,the pens and some boxes.(用were不用was)Who is your brother?Who are your brothers?但也有不一致的We Chinese are a hard working people.(我们中国人是一个勤劳的民族)The most important thing is the books.怎么办?得看句子意义,结构,强调决定的.至于the majority后的单复数,the majority表示“大多数”时,为 *** 名词;单独用作主语时,如果强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式.如: The majority agree [agrees] with me. 大多数人同意我的意见. The majority was [were] in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议. 但是若单独用的 the majority后跟有复数表语,则谓语通常要用复数.如: The majority are young people. 大多数是年轻人按传统语法,the majority of只用于修饰可数名词复数或具有复数意义的 *** 名词,但在现代英语中也可用于修饰不可数名词.。
2023-07-18 05:51:241


2023-07-18 05:51:323

audience 可数还是不可数?

不可数。1、audiences在作为集合名词大多以单数形式出现,既可以表示单数意义,也可以表示复数意义.作为整体用做主语,谓语单数;考虑集体中的成员时,谓语用复数。2、audience有复数形式audiences,是可数名词,用的比较少。重点词汇:audience英['u0254:diu0259ns]释义:n.观众;听众;读者;接见;正式会见;拜会[复数:audiences]短语:audience rating收视率;视听率;观众评价;卖座率近义词:hearing英['hu026au0259ru026au014b]释义:n.听力;审讯,听讯v.听见(hear的ing形式)n.(Hearing)人名;(英)希尔林[复数:hearings]短语:hearing aid[耳鼻喉]助听器;耳环;以听协助听;传统式助听器
2023-07-18 05:52:131

audience 中文意思是?一分钟了解英文「audience」的意思!

audience 中文意思是指「观众、听众…」等的意思。audience是英文口语很常见的一个英文单字,常常会听到它,而audience只能当名词用。 下面列举出几个audience的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧。 1.audience 听众、观众、读者 audience中文意思是指「观众、听众…」等的意思,只能当名词用。 例:She is a confident speaker who always impresses her audience. 她是一位自信的演讲者,总能给观众留下深刻的印象。 例:Her books have a large audience. 她的书有广大的读者。 audience, audience 中文, audience 中文意思, audience 意思, audience 用法, audience 翻译, audience 英文例句, 英文 audience 意思
2023-07-18 05:52:291

audiences 与 audience 用法上有什么区别 (详解,不要复制答案)

audience (单数名词) 是指一场演讲的听众;audiences (复数名词) 是指一场以上的听众. 例如:一间戏院通常播出不同的电影.当我们只是要说明其中一场戏的观众时用audience,要说明几场或全场戏院的观众时用audiences.
2023-07-18 05:53:051


2023-07-18 05:53:142

audience是可数还是不可数? 说他是复数名词那为什么有 His books have a large audience. 为什么用a?

audience是由a large修饰,不是a
2023-07-18 05:54:181

请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别?

上面四词均有观众之意:但各自所代表的含义有所不同,audience用于在那种听众和主讲人双方都清楚的情况下,即双方都知道对方的存在;而且一般都 限于人 的观众; viewer的对象可以是人也可以是人以外的物,而且被观察者 未必知道viewer的存在; watcher 强调于对于正在运动活动的对象,而且对象人和物皆可; spectator一般只限于对象为人.其他地方 与audience类似,但有一点区别 audience一般被观察人只有一人,而spectator的对象可同时多人
2023-07-18 05:54:261


在英式英语中,当audience表示不可分割的整体时,其谓语动词应当用单数形式。如:The audience was large. 观众数目很大。The audience was deeply affected. 观众深受感动。但是,当audience强调组成该集合体的分散个体时,其谓语动词常使用复数形式。如:The audience were all waving their programmes. 观众都挥舞着节目单。The audience are requested to be in their seats. 要求观众坐在自己的座位上。此外, crew, public, crowd, movement, family, class, company, group, college等集体名词的用法与audience的用法基本相同。
2023-07-18 05:54:533


2023-07-18 05:55:591

audience 有复数么?是a 还是an?

audience是不可数名词 前面不加a或者An
2023-07-18 05:56:083


audience是集合名词,可以单数也可以复数,看你怎么用。你可以拿来形容一个整体就是单数,也可以说是指里边的所有成员就是复数。跟family一样的。比如说,下边这句话用was 和were都是对的。 The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play. 那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情. 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-18 05:56:161

audience 和 spectator的区别

2023-07-18 05:56:261


audience单复数同形, audience是一个集合名词后面跟单复数皆可。 当表示整体的时候,就用单数。多数用be动词,后面有词来修饰。比如:The audience was quiet. 当表示动作的时候,由于人是个体,所以动词用复数。The audience are watching the game. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)
2023-07-18 05:56:441

audience 有复数么?是a 还是an?

2023-07-18 05:57:042


不可数.是集合名词,同people,不可数 ,意思是观众 1) 填 audience 当听众讲.it"s a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance.是个表集合的名词. 2) audience.同上. 3) 同上.没必要给你理由了
2023-07-18 05:57:111


问题一:听众的英文怎么说 audience 问题二:一位听众 英文怎么说 5分 an audience 问题三:谁是我的听众用英语怎么说 谁是我的听众 直译:Who is my audie阀ce?? 音译:Who"d like to listen to me?? 表示没人倾听的哀伤。 问题四:最能让听众理解的主题 用英文怎么说? the most understandable subject 问题五:能吸引听众的演说家的英文怎么说 能吸引听众的演说家_ 翻译结果: Can attract the audience"s speaker 问题六:观众英文怎么说啊? audience spectator viewer 都可以表场观众,但第一个可指听众、读者;第二个测重比赛的观众;第三个可指电视观众。 问题七:好的,现在我们有请下一位听众用英语怎么说 OK, now we have a listener ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题八:听众的英文怎么说 audience 问题九:一位听众 英文怎么说 5分 an audience 问题十:谁是我的听众用英语怎么说 谁是我的听众 直译:Who is my audie阀ce?? 音译:Who"d like to listen to me?? 表示没人倾听的哀伤。
2023-07-18 05:57:171


listener=person who listens 听者 audience=group of people who have gathered together to hear or watch sb./sth.听众,观众 由此可见listener泛指所有听别人说话的人,比如你朋友向你倾诉时,你就是listener而不能说是audience.除非带有讽刺的意味,说明你朋友是在表演,在欺骗,而你就像旁观者在欣赏他这出闹剧. audience则是一群人聚在一起看或听某人或某物,带有欣赏享受的意味.比如你在剧院看表演,你就是audience的一员,这时就不能用listener.
2023-07-18 05:57:241


2023-07-18 05:57:325


audience-centeredness 听众的自我中心性听众的自我中心性(Audience-Centeredness)知识概述  出色的演讲者都以听众为中心,因为演讲的基本目的是要从听众那里赢得预期的反应。以听众为中心并不意味着为了得到良好的反应而将自己的信念打折扣,也不意味着要用不正常、不道德的手段来达到自己的目的。要做到以听众为中心,演讲者应该知道如何回答下列的问题:我讲话的听众是谁?我希望他们在听了我的演讲后了解什么,相信什么,或做什么?要达到这个目的需要用什么样的最佳方式来准备和演示讲稿?
2023-07-18 05:57:481


2023-07-18 05:57:551


2023-07-18 05:58:021


2023-07-18 05:58:331


2023-07-18 05:58:414


2023-07-18 05:58:492


“受众”的英文怎么说 受众 Audience 本篇论文融合了接受美学和传播学中受众分析的理论。 The author has integrated reception theory, and audience *** ysis ofmunication science, in this thesis.互联网的兴起,改变了媒介与受众之间的传播关系,同时也改变了整个传播的话语环境。 The development of Internet changes the munication relationship betweenmedia and audience, as well as munication environment. 传播学里的“受众”一词用英语怎么说 受众一般指的是大众传播媒介所传递信息的接受对象,主要是根据三大主要媒介分类的,即报纸的读者,广播的听众,电视的观众。英文一词应该是audience 里的“受众”一词用英语怎么说 受众 audiences更多释义>> [网络短语] 受众 Audience;receiver;net unduplicated audience 媒体受众 media audiences 受众总数 total audience 受欢迎程度 用英文怎么表达 "受欢迎程度"可以翻译成popularity "受众偏好程度"则是audience preference 注:"受欢迎程度"与"偏好程度"似乎是两个不同的概念 精准的受众群体的翻译是:什么意思 精准的受众群体 the specific audiences/recipients the audiences/recipients targeted 受众群体:audiences 传媒等的受众 recipients 接受帮助、救济的受众
2023-07-18 05:58:561


2023-07-18 05:59:047


2023-07-18 05:59:201


【 #英语资源# 导语】我国传统的清明节大约始于周代,已有二千五百多年的历史,清明节不仅是传统节日,也是二十四节气之一。在清明节来临之际,很多学校也会举行形式多样的清明节活动,其中让学生做清明节手抄报就是一种方式。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.清明节英语手抄报资料   At the time of the Qingming Festival, when spring returns to the earth, people take advantage of their advantages. Besides sweeping the tomb, they also have a family of children and old playing in the mountains and countryside. When they go home, they easily fold a few willow branches that have just begun to bloom and wear them on their heads. Some people specially go to nature to enjoy and appreciate the vibrant spring scenery during the Qingming Festival. Hiking in the suburbs can express their depressed mind since the severe winter. This kind of outing is also called outing. In ancient times, it was called exploring spring and searching for spring. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside and watch the spring.   Qingming Festival is a good time for outing, so it has become an important part of Qingming Festival customs. In ancient times, women could not travel casually on weekdays. Tomb sweeping is a rare opportunity for outing. Therefore, women have more fun than men on Tomb Sweeping Day. There is a folk saying "women"s Tomb Sweeping Day and men"s year". 2.清明节英语手抄报资料   In the Chinese calendar, it has long been a custom to eat cold food, ban fire and pay homage to our ancestors. After the Tang Dynasty, the cold food festival gradually declined, and the tomb sweeping and ancestor worship on the Qingming Festival has become a continuous festival custom tradition since then. Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem, "the black crowing magpie makes noise and faints the trees. Who cries during the Qingming cold food? The wind blows in the wilderness, paper money flies, and ancient tombs are covered with green spring grass. Tangli flowers reflect white poplar trees, full of places where life and death are separated. The heavy spring in the dark desert doesn"t hear the cry, and the people return in the bleak and rainy evening." Gao juqing, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once wrote in a poem: "there are many tomb fields on the mountains in the north and south, and there are various tomb sweeping ceremonies during the Qingming Festival. Paper ashes fly as white butterflies, and tears and blood stain into red cuckoos. At sunset, foxes sleep on the grave, how can a drop ever reach the Jiuquan!" Even in today"s society, people still have the custom of going to the grave to sweep the grave and worship their ancestors before and after the Qingming Festival: eradicating weeds, placing offerings, offering incense and prayers in front of the grave, burning paper money and gold ingots, or simply offering a bunch of flowers to express the memory of their ancestors. 3.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming Festival is the time for willows to sprout and green. There are folk customs of folding willows, wearing willows and inserting willows. When people go on an outing, they can fold down a few wickers and play with them in their hands, weave them into hats and wear them on their heads, or take them home and insert them on the lintel and eaves. There are proverbs such as "Qingming does not wear willows, and a beautiful woman becomes a bright head" and "Qingming does not wear willows and turns yellow after death", which shows that it was a very common custom to fold willows at Qingming in the old days. It is said that willow branches can ward off evil spirits, so inserting willows and wearing willows is not only a fashionable decoration, but also a blessing and ward off evil spirits. Inserting willows during the Qingming Festival may also be related to the custom of begging for new fire with willow branches during the cold food festival in the past. Today, it seems that taking willow branches at will is a kind of damage to trees and should not be advocated.   The custom of planting trees with willows on the Qingming Festival is said to commemorate the Shennong who invented various agricultural production tools and "tasted all kinds of grass"; Another is that the willow tree held by Jie Zi when he died was later resurrected. Duke Wen of Jin gave it the name Qingming willow and folded it into a circle and put it on his head. This custom was later spread to the people. Although there are different sources of "allusions", these customs are still inseparable from people"s joy of returning to the earth in spring. 4.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming was originally just the name of a solar term, which became a festival to commemorate ancestors, which is related to the cold food festival. From the historical reality, the prohibition of fire and cold food mainly reflects the remains of the ancient Chinese custom of changing fire.   In primitive society, the ancestors drilled wood for fire, and the fire seeds were hard won. The tree species used for fire often changed constantly due to seasonal changes. Therefore, changing fire and exchanging new fire was a major event in the life of the ancients. Spring and March coincide with the season of changing fires. People should prohibit making fires before new fires arrive. In the Han Dynasty, the cold food festival was called the no smoking Festival, because people were not allowed to raise a fire on that day. In the evening, candles were lit in the palace and the fire was transmitted to the families of noble and important officials.   The customs during the cold food festival mainly include banning fire and cold food and sweeping tombs. Chinese ancients attached great importance to sacrificing ancestors. In ancient times, when someone died in his family, only grave pits were dug for burial, no grave mound signs were built, and sacrifice was mainly carried out in the ancestral temple. Later, grave mounds were built when digging graves, and ancestor worship was arranged in cemeteries, so there was material support. During the Warring States period, the wind of tomb sacrifice gradually became stronger.   In the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was more popular to sweep tombs. According to records in the book of Han Dynasty, Minister Yan Yannian would return to his hometown regularly to visit the cemetery even if he was thousands of miles away from Beijing. In the Tang Dynasty, both scholars and civilians regarded the tomb sweeping on the cold food festival as an honor to return to their roots and pursue their ancestors. Because the Qingming Festival was very close to the cold food festival, people often extended the tomb sweeping until the Qingming Festival. The works of poets often mention cold food and Tomb Sweeping Day. For example, Wei Yingwu has a poem saying: "a good cold food during the tomb sweeping day will bring flowers to the spring garden." Bai Juyi also has a poem saying: "the black crowing magpie makes noise and faints the trees. Who cries during the Qingming cold food?" In view of the fact that both the folk cold food and the Qingming Festival have become a common practice, the imperial court officially stipulated in the form of an official document that when the Qingming Festival comes, it can have a holiday together with the cold food festival. This regulation has been more than 1200 years ago, indicating that since then, Qingming has the color of a national legal festival. 5.清明节英语手抄报资料   It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and it"s the Qingming Festival again. One sunny morning, our little reporters in grade 4 of Dongfanghong got on the bus with reverence and went to Dongtai mountain martyr cemetery.   As soon as I got to the foot of the mountain, I could not help sighing: "this mountain is really powerful!" We walked along the winding mountain road with clear air in the mountain stream to the martyr cemetery. After a while, we finally came to the martyrs" cemetery. A stone tablet stands in the middle of the square. The stone tablet is engraved with the words "the people"s heroes will live forever". Many tall and straight pines and cypresses are planted on both sides of the martyrs" cemetery, like soldiers guarding the stone tablets. A memorial ceremony was held.   First of all, we saluted the team and sang the team song. In the song, four fifth grade brothers and sisters carried out two large and beautiful flower baskets for the heroes. Then, our martyrs bowed in silence. We bowed our heads, and the nearby leaves rustled, as if they were also mourning with us. Then the teacher took us to review the oath of joining the team. We held our hands high in our ears and seriously followed the teacher and said, "always be ready." The oath echoed in my ears for a long time. Then we walked around the stone tablet. After turning, we reluctantly left the martyr cemetery.   I benefited a lot from the lonely activity of visiting the martyrs" cemetery this time. Our beautiful life now is bought by our ancestors with their own life and blood. We should cherish the beautiful life now.
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其他信息:重庆邮电大学不是211,重庆邮电大学坐落于中国重庆市主城区南山风景区内,是中华人民共和国工业和信息化部与重庆市人民政府共建的教学研究型大学。 学校现有学院16个,本科专业56个、国家级特色专业5个、重庆市特色专业和“三特”专业16个、5个市级大数据智能化类特色专业、4个市级首批本科一流专业、“三特”学科专业群4个,涵盖工、理、经、管、文、艺、法等学科门类。 校在职教职工1700余人,其中高级职称 730余人,博士生导师和硕士生导师700余位,我校校友、中国工程院原副院长邬贺铨院士为我校名誉校长、校董事会主席。 学校外聘了中国科学院、中国工程院和英国、加拿大、美国、波兰、印度等国30 余名院士及150余位知名专家学者为我校兼职教授或名誉教授。
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