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1st, the basis psycholinguistics theory, in the foreign language study, the mother tongue disturbance more or less exists, studies blows gently the language to have to select the convention to relate understood. 2nd, the basis contrastive linguistics theory, in the language study has "the migration" and "the disturbance" the phenomenon. On the contrary, has not corresponded the structure, then can have "the disturbance" negative the phenomenon, affects the foreign language study. The custom language because must pass through from "the image" to "the association" again to "the significance" the inference process, inevitably takes to bring with the mother tongue the influence. Studies English custom language to prohibit interprets literally. 3rd, the custom language has the thick national culture color frequently, the student often does not have the solid foreign language learning environment, their study mainly comes through the classroom instruction, how therefore effectively grasps the custom language then to become in the study the difficulty. Therefore study blows gently the language to have to unify the cultural context.

关于吃的文章 600字

  甜 点  结束于甜点的晚餐,犹如长叹声中之掩卷,都是完美无缺的幸福。  甜点,中西餐谱上通行的英文Dessert乃借自法文,特指正餐之后的那一道甜点,区别于Tea Time的闲食,又作“甜品”而通行于中餐馆,不过那是粤语的说法。  与甜点对应的是开胃菜,后者很少有甜的,种类上也远不如甜点丰富。既然雅克·德里达认为开胃菜相当于一本书的前言或者导读,这样我就可以放心地指出,甜品相当于这本书的后记或跋。成为经典的导读或前言不胜枚举,写得好的后记却并不多见。  开胃因显而易见的实用而被普遍接受,结束的意义却很暧昧。一道成功的甜点应该兼有一切压轴节目的乐而不淫以及悼词的哀而不伤,方能控制好“结束”的火候。  西式的甜品花团锦簇,尤以意、法为盛。提拉米苏(Tiramisu)和萨芭雍(Sabayon)这种华丽的甜点一出场,餐桌就变成了春装发布会的天桥。作为意大利甜点的代表,外貌绚丽、姿态娇媚的提拉米苏已风靡全球。它以Espresso(特浓意大利咖啡)的苦、蛋与糖的润、甜酒的醇、巧克力的馥郁、手指饼干的绵密、乳酪和鲜奶油的稠香、可可粉的干爽,只用了不到十种材料,把“甜”以及甜所能唤起的种种错综复杂的体验,交糅着一层层演绎到极致。  意大利甜点的独步天下,可能与意大利人对于“甜”的特殊理解有关。常见于乐谱的意大利文Dolce,往往在“甜”的主旋律之下提示着某种“甜美”和“忧伤”的风格,为其他语种所不具备。不过,甜蜜的悲伤一旦滥觞起来,很容易聚合为密度大到令人窒息的妖艳以及腐朽,正是费里尼《甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita/1960,这一年,威尼斯人发明了提拉米苏)的基调。  作为正餐终结者西式甜品始终指向一种线性的高潮。E·阿连德在《春膳》中直接了当地指出“甜品是亲密纵欲的极致”,能让纯洁无瑕的圣女“眼睛里放出冶艳的光芒”。  传统中国饮食被误信为轻视甜点,不过蜜饯、水果等等在隆重的宴飨场合并不缺乏,被轻视的可能只是顺序。其实,许多中式甜点都适宜用来结束晚饭,如成都和宁波的汤团以及到处可见的红豆沙、绿豆沙之类。不过此等甜点往往甜得过于直白露骨,明火执仗而缺乏恻隐之心,广州的西关驰名甜点“凤凰奶糊”,最有这种甜死你才肯休的意志,比较适用于大团圆结束的营造。  相比之下,和食倒真是缺乏原创的甜点,大部分料理皆以一道绿茶雪糕终。这一点,可能与日本人缺乏关于“结束”的观念、或曰他们对这件事有非常独到的见解有关。  若以面粉为主食的西餐总是由以蛋糕为主的甜点引领至天堂,那么面归面,米归米,粒食为本的中餐就应该善终以米。因此,我认为江浙一带家庭自制的甜酒酿最能表现“天下无不散”的复杂心情。它洁净而不事铺张,月白风清之间最多也只许有少量的鹅黄桂花飘浮,用青花小碗盛着,甜酸里交织着酒的迷离,米的甘饴,酵的沉缅以及冰的清醒。如果“悲欣交集”让你觉得过火而且唐突了弘一上人,在心里说一声“天凉好个秋”总该是恰如其分了罢。  这个行吗?希望对你有帮助。

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The great wall 一篇英文文章,要全文

At present, travel has become more popular in the world.The Great Wall of China is a wonderful place that worth to have a look."He who comes to China but has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man", this is a famous proverb spread in the world as well as in China .The Great Wall is absolutely give you a suprise.And if you are interested in Chinese culture and history ,the Great Wall is also a good place.So If you travel in Beijing, going on a Great Wall Hiking Tour is an activity you must do for your Beijing trip.The Great Wall of China, known as "long Wall of 10,000 Li" in China, extends about 8,850 kilometers (5,500 miles).The Great Wall of China was built mainly to protect the Chinese Empire from the Mongolians and other invaders. It was first built in the 7th century B.C. when China was still divided into many small states. The construction of the Great wall had never ceased for nearly all the Chinese fuadal dynasties.And without the historiacal worth ,the views around the Great Wall is also beautiful.You can see the moutain full of red leaves when the autumn coming,and you"d better not go to the Great Wall in winter, because there is too cold and the wind is stronger than other seasons.


Chinese, I love you Born in China, long in China, said the Chinese, and Chinese is taught in English in China unexcelled overwhelming times, I, a Chinese, each of one-year-old, each of the year, I a deeper understanding of it, the more love it, I would like to say aloud, Chinese, I love you! I love you, love your long history, the legend of love you, I love you, love you enrich the connotation, love you Construction of the splendid culture, I love you, you love the unique, the unusual love you, I love you, love your Cantabile picturesque, love your strong artsu2026u2026 You open the ancient civilization of the mankind. 5,000 years ago our ancestors have been in this vast land survive, and create a human civilization. They have used Chinese exchanges with Chinese writing, the fire spread civilization to spark off a prairie fire, one Chinese Characters witnessed the Chinese nation of 5,000 years of civilization. Human ancient civilization from its flowing at the foot, Wang Yang Zi Si, and multiply Pose Healthu2026u2026 Changjei defined, it is doomed to Congnayikeiqi your unusual, that the myth the legend of the past, that four of the gods, that the title of the Phoenix shows the all-you Shen Yi and extraordinary. You have shaped body that is unique in the development of continuous improvement in the evolution of the self, it is the changes in the development of complicated, intriguing: Oracle Zhuanwen ---- ---- ---- Jinwen -- Lishu - cursive script ----- ----- Han. In a constantly changing, he even created another unique, very philosophical, beautiful art - art of calligraphy. It is magic: simple strokes can produce thousands of attitude, change the structure of infinite shape. Or if the peak upright, or if the river is clean, or the vast sea, or condensate Waterloo Cantabile, the hill very Hanchang not forgotten. Right close by home calligraphers in the world between heaven and earth artificial sentiment, writing in his life experience. How can a language which is like the Promised Miaobugeyan. In the marine art, intoxicated unknown path. Lines is cold, but the composition of Chinese Characters are flesh and blood, a fine disguise, and embodies China Millennium tradition of the profound Implication. A Chinese characters, representing the Music Form and Meaning, you see "hot", multi-image ah! Although today"s Chinese have deformation, in which we can still find beautiful natural humanities. Couplet, Chinese culture"s unique product of cultural treasures, sparking the charm of the Chinese language. Wenzhou Temple of the river: Cloud Chaochaochaochaochaochaochaochao casual, tidal long long long long elimination. "Dongyu squandering window, the East 2:00, West 3:00; cut to carve up passengers, Wang seven knives, knife shaft 8." Duality, Ding Zhen, Palindrome, duplication is more rhetorical language spice, "Natural Habitat on the passenger Surprisingly, the sky passengers", "Bettina Provisional Club circuitous Qingxue point Shantingxiyan transgression foil cold moon grabbing idle Pavilion" 20 words and use any word as a starting point, with reading can be read into inverted five-character poem. The mood of the poetry, is breathtaking. Actually there were only a few words, is God-shaped Albert. "Searching, Lenglengqingqing, Qianqiancancan sad" gloomy feeling lonely deserted, desolate, looking for the King, who is in the present. Needless to say everything neat asymmetrical United States, the rhythm Bingze Antithesis, the Implication of US rhetoric syntax, and that is the statement that the mood could not let you Xinchishenwang, "Miles Beiqiu regular guests, a hundred years of the presidency alone and sick," two poems of his eighth floor u2026u2026 sparking all the glorious Chinese language, language charm, and let you Shenyou, to the heart, the islands. That also a broad array of publications, is how can these pages I can cover, it is so rich, so Meaningful, Kai people wisdom, and thought-provoking. "Heiner rivers are essential." Such boldness is Chinese boldness of vision, making the achievements of the Han ethnic broad and intensive language. This is the Chinese, China"s Han ethnic language, it has the world"s largest users, is the United Nations-mandated one of the six working languages, is the increasing number of foreigners learning object, linking the Chinese sentiments, thinking of the communication link , the Internet"s most powerful, the most active note. Internet domain names in China, Chinese in the world evidenced by the impact of more people of insight to see the future of the Chinese, not clear Paris street advertisement: Learning Chinese bar, that means you coming decades opportunities and wealth. In addition to the charm of such Chinese! Such a good language, who do not love, who do not want to have. As the Chinese people as we have promised lucky, let us cherish all of our and the future and further develop. Let us say loudly: Chinese, I love you!


我也经常听这首歌~ 你等等, 我帮你翻翻~OK 翻完了我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他


由于光的快速产生了一些奇怪的事实.对于太阳光而言,到达我们需要用八分钟.如果你看一眼今晚的月光,记住,光从月球到达你们之前需要1.3秒. 最近的恒星离我们如此遥远.你看见的今晚的月光,那时以每分钟二百公里的速度用了四年才到达你们的. 今晚的一些光可能在你还没有来到这个世界就开始的到达你的行程.所以,严格的说,我们不该说" 今晚的群星闪耀." 我们应该说" 星星看起来真美.他们在四年前正在闪闪发光,但他们刚刚到达我们地球.

谁有关于wonders of the world 的英语文章啊

Various lists of the Wonders of the World have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world"s most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim. The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty Many similar lists have been made.The historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE), and the scholar Callimachus of Cyrene (ca. 305 – 240 BCE) at the Museum of Alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders but their writings have not survived, except as references. The seven wonders were:Great Pyramid of GizaHanging Gardens of BabylonStatue of Zeus at OlympiaTemple of Artemis at EphesusMausoleum at HalicarnassusColossus of RhodesLighthouse of AlexandriaThe earliest lists had the Ishtar Gate as the seventh wonder of the world instead of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.The list known today was compiled in the Middle Ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence. Today, the only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.




美国一名女子是能够开拓的满目疮痍移植后 11 年第一次发言。布伦达 · 詹森说的操作发生在加利福尼亚州,简直是个奇迹,恢复了她的生活。手术后十三天她说她的第一句话:"早上好,我想要回家去。"是第一次满目疮痍、 气管已被移植在同一时间和以往移植的第二次的声音框。Ms 詹森,52,一直无法就发言她自己,因为她满目疮痍期间手术在 1999 年遭到破坏。自那时以来,她一直不能到的味道或气味的食物,能在她的气管中只有通过一个洞呼吸和可能只跟一个电子语音框的帮助下。创业手术10 月,在加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校医疗中心的外科医生喉 (满目疮痍)、 甲状腺和 6 厘米的气管 (气管) 从中删除一个捐助机构。在 18 小时的行动中这移植到 Ms 詹森喉咙并将其团队连接到她的血液供应和神经。伯教授马丁查尔,来自伦敦大学学院,是外科手术团队的一部分,说:"喉在正文中的最先进的神经肌肉机构之一"。"我们已经知道我们可以修复,再次使甚至非常复杂的器官功能的神经。它会打开的门好面部移植手术,将随着组织工程学的发展非常重要。"满目疮痍移植可能生活有所改变,但它不是救命。这个过程很罕见的只有其他记录的案件发生在克利夫兰诊所于 1998 年。每一位接受器官移植必须采取药物来抑制免疫系统的其余的他们的生活。这些药物可减少寿命因此通常会留给救生程序。Ms 詹森是适合此移植的原因之一是因为她已经采取 immunosuppresing 药物后胰肾联合移植四年前。教授 Peter Belafsky,一部分的外科团队,说:"因为她是很高的积极性,布兰达都是特殊的候选人进行移植手术。"满足了布兰达的人知道她是一个强大和确定个人 (尽管她她一生所面临的很多物理挑战太棒了人生观。"


当代立体漆艺创作现状文章作者:汪天亮摘 要:漆艺本质上兼具绘画特征和立体特征。当代漆艺术从平面走向立体,代表了对漆艺术的文化元素的深度挖掘,也代表了平面思维到空间思维模式的转换,是现代造型意识与传统技艺结合的极好范例。关键词:立体漆艺 漆艺术 创作现状 空间思维漆,可以称为是华夏文明重要的文明创造。古代的器物几乎“无漆不髹”,髹漆最初的目的是为了“坚固于质”,而后“光彩于文”,明清时的中国漆艺更是发展到 “千文万华,纷然不可胜识”⑴的程度。这反映了漆艺从功能性到艺术性发展的演变趋势。一生漆号称“涂料之王”,生漆的良好物理性能使它几乎能髹涂在用竹、木、皮、锡、陶瓷、石头等常用材料做成的胎体上,在与其他材料相结合中更能发挥它的优异性能。漆是一种褐色液体,可是一旦与其他颜料相结合,它马上能呈现“千文万华”的光彩;漆本身没有固定的形态,但一旦髹涂到各种胎体上,它马上就能显现出“千姿百态”的面貌。因此从本质上看,漆艺兼具绘画特征和立体特征。正是因为绘画特性和造型的完美结合,成就了伟大的中国古代漆艺术。从漆艺术发展的过程看,它是一个能够容纳并吸收各种文化因素和各种先进技法的开放的系统。从古代西域“密陀绘”技法的传入,到中国描金技法、夹纻技法的东传,再到“莳绘”技法启发中国的“薄料髹涂”技法;从当代漆画受越南磨漆画启发而蓬勃发展,到当代各种平面艺术形态都能逐渐出现在漆艺作品中,这些例子都表明,漆艺术的这种开放特质正是中国漆艺千百年来能不断发展、不断进步的动因。中国现代漆画艺术的发展,使得古老的漆艺获得了新的动力。全国美展中将漆画定为一个独立的画种,这样的的评审机制更加促进了当代中国漆艺迅速地朝漆画发展。然而,也正是因此,使得我国的漆艺创作逐步进入了纯平面化的状态。回顾20世纪八、九十年代和日本韩国进行的漆艺交流活动中,中方提交的作品几乎全是漆画,立体造型作品寥寥无几。中国当代漆艺的绘画特性得到了无限的放大,而漆艺的立体特性却被大多数人忽视了。日本和韩国一直坚持传统工艺和现代艺术相结合的路线,基本保持了漆艺术的绘画性和立体型的平衡发展。这些都对我们的当代漆艺提供了一种参照。现代漆艺应当包括漆画艺术和立体漆艺造型两个部分。作为一种传统的艺术媒材,漆艺也面临着传统艺术观念的现代转换的问题。传统的漆艺中高度的技术性和传承性与当代艺术的观念性和非物质化特性存在相当大的思维落差。当代漆艺向绘画性的发展,是以放弃漆艺的立体特性为代价的。如何找到古代艺术技艺和现代艺术理念间的平衡点,我们还需要更多的文化自觉和艺术智慧。中国当代立体漆艺是受当代艺术思潮的推动,逐渐发展起来的。立体漆艺已经成为当代中国漆艺的学术焦点。很多漆艺家已经认识到单一的平面思维模式对漆艺的制约,也逐渐开始对漆的立体空间表现方面的探索。日本、韩国现代漆艺也给国内的艺术家很多启发。与传统漆器相比较,现代立体漆艺术的成型手段是传统的,然而髹饰的材料则呈现出更为多样化的趋势。在“第十届全国美展·艺术设计展”上有10件立体漆艺作品入选,1件获奖;在“从河姆渡走来——中国现代漆艺展”上,立体漆艺作品也成为了主角。立体漆艺的重新回归,昭示了未来漆艺发展的新方向。二中国当代立体漆艺的发展基本是以高校为中心发展起来的,由于技艺传承的渊源和各地文化环境的影响,形成了具有一定的地缘特点的立体漆艺群体。福建是中国漆艺的传统强省,创作阵容强大。福州是脱胎漆器的故乡,脱胎漆器的塑形法和髹饰法是中国传统漆艺中的特色技艺。因此福州籍的漆艺家往往在立体造型以及髹饰技法上有独到之处。福建省的漆艺教育起步较早,培养了大批的漆艺人才。其中,成立于1956年的福州工艺美术学校,在创立之初就设立了漆艺专业,并聘请了李芝卿、高秀泉等著名漆艺家传授漆艺。李芝卿和高秀泉的艺术实践和艺术探索得到了国内漆艺界同行的高度重视。1962年雷圭元先生亲率李鸿印先生、乔十光先生来福州学习,而乔十光先生更是十下福州学习漆艺。福州的漆艺极大地促进了中国漆艺技艺的发展。1974年福建工艺美术学校复办时,王和举先生、吴川先生、郑力为先生和时任副校长的陈文灿先生共同创办了福建工艺美术学校的漆画专业。两所学校漆艺专业的开办,极大地带动了福建乃至全国的漆艺术的发展。地处福州的闽江学院艺术系(原福州工艺美术学校)是国内最早开始系统的立体漆艺教学的院系,长期以来,立体漆艺一直是我校的学术重点。我的立体漆艺作品—《大器》系列始创于1999年,这个系列作品的产生,是我多年来从事漆立体教学模式探索过程的一个成果。目前的闽江学院艺术系的漆艺专业是福州地区最活跃的漆艺群体,带动了整个福州现代漆艺术的发展。同时学院坚持以福建省漆文化研究会和福州市漆艺研究会为依托,加强对传统漆艺的学术性研究,并一直在为推动传统脱胎漆艺与现代立体漆艺有机结合而努力。北京的立体漆艺是以清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院)为中心,北京大多数从事立体漆艺探索和实践的艺术家都和该校有着一定的渊源。该校的乔十光先生是上世纪60年代中国漆画的一位领军人物。在他的影响下,中国的漆画在20世纪80年代作为一个独立的画种而登上当代画坛。乔先生对立体漆艺教学的扶持和理论上的探索上也作出了很大贡献。2000年,在他主编的《中国艺术教育大系·美术卷·漆艺》和《中国传统工艺全集·漆艺》中,乔十光先生正式将现代立体漆艺称为“漆塑”,以对应于“漆器”和“漆画”,为现代立体漆艺发展提供了理论空间。以梁远和周剑石为代表的北京中青年漆艺家也一直致力于立体漆艺的探索。梁远先生毕业于中央工艺美术学院,他的早期创作深受乔十光先生的影响,追求材质语言的纯正和漆艺技法的充分表达。近些年来,他在创作过程中大胆突破“器”与“艺”的观念限制,在漆立体的创作领域默默开拓出自己的一片绿地。在他的作品中彰显出传统人文精神和现实关怀的高度统一,传统大漆工艺与现代创作观念的完美和谐。梁远作品兼容并蓄的精神内核与温良宽厚的造型性格,在异彩纷呈的现代艺术创作领域可谓独树一帜。周剑石先生同样毕业于中央工艺美术学院,后在日本东京艺术大学漆艺专业获得美术学/艺术学双硕士学位。在日本任教多年的经历,使得他的创作中更多地融合了日本漆艺“器用”的传统。他的作品在对天然漆的古典技法与古代漆器造型方面的理解以及对传统造型与现代综合材料在造型艺术语言表现相结合上,有很多独到之处。代表作《十二生肖盒》曾获得“第十届全国美展·艺术设计展”优秀作品。江苏地区的立体漆艺创作以南京艺术学院为中心,由于两任院长保彬先生和冯健亲先生的支持,漆艺创作一直非常活跃。王琥先生是江苏最为突出的漆艺家,他是沈福文大师的关门弟子,目 前是南京艺术学院漆艺研究方向的学术带头人,漆工艺方向的博士生导师。他一直致力于漆工艺与空间艺术的结合,强调漆艺术与环境艺术的互动,并创作设计了许多大体量的室外漆艺雕塑和很多主题性艺术家具陈设。以四川美术学院为中心的重庆漆艺的发展,与沈福文先生的努力密不可分。沈先生早年在日本跟随松田权六先生学习,回国后于20世纪40年代创办成都艺术专科学校(四川美术学院前身)漆艺专业,这是我国最早设立的高校漆艺专业。建国后成都艺术专科学校先后改名为西南美术专科学校和四川美术学院,但漆器专业沿续至今。沈福文先生的弟子陈恩深先生,是目前国内漆立体创作的代表性人物之一,他的作品大量选用鹅卵石,汉白玉等自然石材为胎,并大胆采用现代合成漆材料,运用“拓叶法”、“积沙法”、“灰料薄塑法”等独特的表现技法进行髹涂,在石胎上营造出如原始化石般粗犷、厚重的远古意味,体现了作者雄沉、大气的审美追求。广东的漆艺深受蔡克振先生影响。20世纪60年代蔡克振先生留学越南河内学习磨漆画,归国后在广州美术学院设立了漆艺专业。目 前,广东的漆艺家从事漆画创作的居多。曾任广东美协漆画艺术委员会秘书长的陈勤群先生,是一位勤奋的立体漆艺实践者。他的作品一直在努力地探索传统漆艺华丽精美之外地那种雄浑、高古的气象,其代表作有《混沌》、《凝固》、《希望》等。除上述地区外,国内目 前还有许多地区的漆艺家也都在进行立体漆艺术的尝试,未来必将会有更多的艺术家投身到立体漆器的创作中来。艺术家的“每一个小小的创造都增添和开拓了造型的新领域,使设计的思维变得更加宽阔,同时又使观赏者的内心体验到了这种美感韵律的震动,显现出一种创造的魅力。”三对于当代立体漆艺,有人认为当代漆艺就是综合材料的一种,这种观点非常肤浅。中国的漆艺从来就是各种材料的综合,但此综合非彼综合。中国历来对材料就有深刻的认识,成书于春秋末年的《考工记》中就以提出了朴素的工艺观:“天有时,地有气,材有美,工有巧。合此四者,然后可以为良。”其中特别提到材质美对艺术效果的重要意义。明代成书的《髹饰录》中黄成写道:“质则人身”,杨明注曰:“骨肉皮筋巧作神,肥瘦美丽文为眼”。漆器从来就是多种材料的复合体,它以胎为骨、以灰漆为肉、以纻布为筋,以漆为皮,古代的漆艺家一直把漆器作为活生生的对象来塑造,通过漆这样一个材媒表达出的对中国古代造型审美观念的理解。相对而言传统漆的多种材料的运用更加内质化,而现代对材料的运用更加直观。当代漆艺术在材料上、造型技法上、髹饰技艺上都有了极大的提升,这些都促进漆器髹饰技法从平面走向立体,从单一材料走向多种材料,从复杂的传统工艺走向更便捷的工艺的转变。正是这些改变,又使得当代的艺术家能更自由的关注自己的艺术概念的表现,而不再为繁缛的工艺所限制。当代漆艺的发展客观上开阔了当代艺术对材媒运用的视野。“天人合一”的思想贯穿整个中国文化,是中国传统文化最为深远的本源,东方独有的造物观念把各种艺术品都看作整个自然的产物,看作是环境的产物。当代漆艺形态的转变与当代生活环境的改变息息相关。漆艺从室内走向室外,从平面专项立体,从关注器物的内空转向关注环境形成的外空,从斗室中把玩到在展厅展出,这些变化既是当代文化空间的转变、艺术环境的转变。对空间观念的重视必然促进当代立体漆艺的更大发展空间。总之,当代艺术的现代特性是思想和观念的产物,而不仅仅是时间维度的定义。 现代艺术的发展,使得我们必须以一个更加开放和抽象的角度、更鲜活的思维方式来审视我们的当代漆艺。无论从对漆艺绘画特性和立体特性的均衡把握上,还是从对当下文化生活表述的能力上,立体漆艺都将是未来中国漆艺最有前景的方向。[参考文献]⑴王世襄.髹饰录解说 [M]. 北京:文物出版社,1983. :19⑵ (美)S·阿瑞提(Arieti.S.).创造的秘密 [M].钱岗南译. 沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1987.作者简介:汪天亮 (1950- ),男,汉族,上海市人。福州工艺美术学校校长,福建闽江学院艺术系主任。Inheritance and Evolution-Current productive situation of contemporary three-dimensional lacquer craftWANG Tian-liang(Art department, MinJiang College, Fuzhou,350108,China)Abstract: Lacquer craft is essentially characterized by painting and cube. Contemporary Lacquer craft evolves from complanarity to cubicity, which illustrates the deep exploration for the cultural factors of lacquer craft, also the conversion from complanary thinking to three-dimensional one. It is an excellent example for the combination between modern sculpting awareness and traditional workmanship.Key words: Cubic lacquer craft, lacquer craft, current situation, three-dimensional thinking



Is Globalization Welcome?这个题目求一篇相关的英语文章

Is globalization welcome?Over the past two decades, our society has witnessed unprecedented changes in the overwhelming trend of globalization. Now, the world are talking about globalization, some people think that it is the invention of this century, while others see its negative effects.Firstly, in economic terms, globalization offers more job opportunities and has a major effect on wages and income distribution. Then, in the political aspect we know that under the effect of globalization, many international institutions have been established, such as the EU, the WTO, the G8 or the International Criminal Court. Finally, Cultural is also an aspect, globalization promotes cross-cultural contacts and people"s participation in a "world culture". These three aspects are not all, there are other aspects also changing their ways influenced by the globalization.On the other hand, there are several negative aspects about globalization as well. First of all, The global threat of our traditional culture, as the western Christmas day and Valentine"s day become popular, and our lifestyle also changed. Then, as the development of economy, many global environmental problems appear, such as the global warming. Also, we can see the disadvantage of it from the Economic crisis.From my point of view, everything has two sides, I think globalization is welcome, and its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Globalization is both a challenge and an opportunity, the key is how to choose the best way and absorb the essence and discard the dross.



概览直观而言,视觉领域机器学习的统计观点如下:我们将所有可能的图像构成的空间设为,其中n是总的像素个数,每张图像视为全图像空间中的一个点。每个有意义的视觉“概念”(例如所有猫的图像)是全空间的一个可测子集,。固定一个概念,每张图片是否表达了这个概念就给出了一个概率分布。这样,视觉中的问题就被转化为概率统计的问题:如何表示概率分布,如何衡量概率分布间的距离,如何近似一个概率分布,如何生成满足特定概率分布的随机变量,如何根据概率分布进行统计推断,等等。近年来,依随Internet技术的发展,人类已经积累了大量的视觉数据,这使得估计各种概率分布成为可能。同时,GPU技术的发展,使得各种统计计算方法的实现成为可能。因此,我们迎来了机器学习的科技大潮。但是,我们依然无法严密解释机器学习算法的有效性。老顾倾向于认为,从基础理论角度而言,研究概率分布的一个强有力工具是最优传输理论(optimal mass transportation theory),这个理论着重揭示概率分布这一自然现象的内在规律,因此并不从属于某个学派,也不依赖于具体的算法。相反,这一理论会为算法的发展提供指导,同时真正合理有效的算法(例如机器学习算法),应该可以被传输理论来解释。简而言之,传输理论给出了概率分布所构成空间的几何。给定一个黎曼流形,其上所有的概率分布构成一个无穷维的空间:Wasserstein空间,最优传输映射的传输代价给出了Wasserstein空间的一个黎曼度量。Wasserstein空间中的任意两点可以用Wasserstein距离来测量相近程度,自然也可以用测地线来插值概率分布。每个概率分布有熵,沿着测地线熵值的变化规律和黎曼流形的曲率有着本质的关系。这一几何事实在网络领域已经被应用,但在视觉领域,似乎还没有相关工作。但在实际计算中,高维的最优传输映射,Wasserstein距离计算复杂。一个自然的想法是降维,将高维空间的概率分布投影到低维子空间,在低维空间上计算边际分布之间的变换。这有些象盲人摸象,每次得到局部信息,如果摸得充分,我们也可以恢复大象的整体信息。回顾在第一讲(看穿机器学习W-GAN的黑箱)中,我们给出了最优传输问题的凸几何解释:给定两个概率分布,存在唯一的最优传输映射,将初始概率分布变换成目标概率分布,,同时极小化传输代价,这里被称为是两个概率分布之间的Wasserstein距离。同时,最优传输映射是某个凸函数的梯度映射,,这个函数满足蒙日-安培方程。我们的理论给出了一种几何变分方法来求解最优传输映射。在第二讲(看穿机器学习的黑箱(II))中,我们澄清了这样的观点:相比于学习一个映射,学习一个概率分布要容易很多。满足的映射构成了一个无穷维的李群。但是,在视觉问题中,通常图像全空间的维数非常高,计算难度较高。因此,我们可以放弃理论上的最优性,寻找计算更加简单有效,同时又和最优传输距离等价的算法。下面,我们就讨论这些更为实用的算法及其背后的理论。直方图均衡化图1. 直方图均衡化结果(histogram equalization)。直方图均衡化是提高灰度图像对比度的常见算法。如图1所示,左侧输入图像的灰度分布在一个狭窄区域,朦胧昏暗;右侧是直方图均衡化的结果,清晰明亮,对比鲜明。我们设输入图像像素的灰度为一随机变量,其取值范围为单位区间,其概率测度为,直方图均衡化算法的核心就是求灰度空间(单位区间)到自身的一个映射,这一映射将变换成均匀分布。实际上,传统的直方图均衡化就是一维的最优传送映射。假设我们有两个连续的概率分布,其对应的累积分布函数(CDF)是那么直方图均衡化映射就是传输映射:。首先,我们可以证明这个映射满足两个条件:单调递增。另一方面,我们应用最优传输理论:存在一个凸函数,其梯度映射给出最优传输映射。由函数的凸性,我们得到最优传输映射也满足上面两条性质。更进一步,我们可以证明,在一维情形,满足上面两条的映射是唯一的。这意味着,一维直方图均衡化映射就是最优传输映射。因此,一维的最优传输映射非常容易计算。下面,我们应用一维最优传输映射来近似高维最优传输映射。迭代分布传输算法有多种最优传输映射的近似算法。我们先讨论迭代分布传输算法(Iterative Distribution Transfer ):给定单位向量,我们将整个空间投影到一维线性子空间上,投影映射为:投影诱导的概率分布(边际概率分布)记为。在算法第k步,假设当前源空间的概率分布为;我们随机选取欧氏空间的一个标准正交基;为每一个基底向量构造一维的最优传输映射由此构造映射,在标架下其诱导的概率分布为 。不停地重复这一步骤,对于足够大的n,复合映射:将初始概率分布映成了目标概率分布。图2. 从拉东变换恢复的医学图像。这一论断的证明需要用到拉东变换(Radon Transform):给定中的一个概率分布,的Radon transform 是一族一维的概率测度。换句话说,给定一个单位向量,它生成一条直线,我们将全空间向这条直线投影,得到边际概率分布。拉东变换的基本定理断言:如果两个概率测度的拉东变换相等,则两个概率测度相等。如图2所示,这一定理是医学图像上CT断层扫描技术的基本原理。迭代算法如果最后达到一个平衡状态,则在任意一条过原点的直线上,的边际概率分布等于的边际概率分布,因此由拉东变换原理收敛于,。这样,我们将高维的传输映射转换成一维传输映射的复合,降低了计算难度。投影Wasserstein距离梯度下降法另外一种迭代算法想法比较类似。给定两个上定义的概率测度和,对于任意一个单位向量,我们考虑投影映射。投影映射诱导两个直线上的概率分布和,它们之间的最优传输映射记为。由此,每个点都沿着平移一个向量:我们考察所有的单位向量,然后取平均,去一个步长参数,每个点平移到,相应的概率分布变为。重复以上步骤,我们可以证明所得的概率分布沿着距离收敛。这里距离是所谓的投影Wasserstein距离,其具体定义如下:这里是Wasserstein距离。投影Wasserstein距离和Wasserstein距离诱导Wasserstein空间同样的拓扑,但是计算起来相对容易很多。图3. 用于愚弄深度神经网的图像(A. Nguyen, J. Yosinski and J. Clune, Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images, CVPR2015.)局限性和脆弱性拉东变换将联合概率分布转换成向所有一维子空间投影所得的边际概率分布,从而实现了降维,简化了计算。但是,如果有一些子空间的边际分布缺失,我们无法精确恢复原来的联合分布。在视觉问题中,每个线性子空间被视为一个特征,向子空间投影,等价于特征提取。深度神经网在解决视觉分类问题中表现出色,但是也非常容易被愚弄。如图3所示,人类可以轻易看出这些是非自然图像,在现实生活中不具备任何意义。但是深度神经网络非常自信地将它们归结为训练过的类别。如果,我们以欣赏现代抽象艺术的心态来研究这些图像,我们能够领会到深度神经网络分类结果的内在合理性:这些图像的确具有它们所对应类别的内在“神韵”。从纹理层次而言,它们和对应类别的纹理非常“神似”;从语义层面而言,这些图像则是无意义的和荒谬的。我们可以给出一种解释:那就是投影子空间选得不够,因此即便是在这些子空间上边际概率分布相似,但是联合概率分布依然相差很大。深度神经网所得到的训练集是自然图像,图3这些图像都在自然图像空间之外,但是投影在所选择的子空间后,自然图像和非自然图像无法进行分别。由此,引发了深度神经网络脆弱性。图4. 视网膜到大脑皮层的映射是保角变换。(A. Fazl, S. Grossberg and E. Mingolla, Visual Search, Eye Movements and Object Recognition)讨论人类的低级视觉在很大程度上依赖于统计特性,因此可以归结为对概率分布的处理和演算。人脑是否真的在计算最优传输映射、计算Wasserstein距离?在历史上,人类经常首先发现某些数学原理,然后又发现这些原理在生物器官上早已应用。例如,人类首先发现了傅里叶分解原理,然后发现人类耳蜗神经结构就是在对声音信号进行傅里叶分解;又如,人类首先发现了保角变换(共形变换),后来发现从视网膜到第一级的视觉中枢就是保角变换,如图4所示。这项工作曾经获得过诺贝尔奖。因此,如果若干年后,人们证实大脑的确在计算概率分布之间的距离,老顾也不会觉得意外。因此,我们相信在一些视觉应用中,深度神经网络隐含地构建概率模型,我们可以直接用概率的工具,例如最优传输理论及其各种降维近似,直接取代神经网络,从而使得黑箱透明。

有关元旦英语 文章

"Happy New Year!" That greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year"s Day in modern America was not always January 1. ANCIENT NEW YEARSThe celebration of the new year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible cresent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring). The beginning of spring is a logical time to start a new year. After all, it is the season of rebirth, of planting new crops, and of blossoming. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical nor agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary. The Babylonian new year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year"s Eve festivities pale in comparison. The Romans continued to observe the new year in late March, but their calendar was continually tampered with by various emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun. In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate, in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be the beginning of the new year. But tampering continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as the Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the new year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days. THE CHURCH"S VIEW OF NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONSAlthough in the first centuries AD the Romans continued celebrating the new year, the early Catholic Church condemned the festivities as paganism. But as Christianity became more widespread, the early church began having its own religious observances concurrently with many of the pagan celebrations, and New Year"s Day was no different. New Years is still observed as the Feast of Christ"s Circumcision by some denominations. During the Middle Ages, the Church remained opposed to celebrating New Years. January 1 has been celebrated as a holiday by Western nations for only about the past 400 years. NEW YEAR TRADITIONS Other traditions of the season include the making of New Year"s resolutions. That tradition also dates back to the early Babylonians. Popular modern resolutions might include the promise to lose weight or quit smoking. The early Babylonian"s most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment. The Tournament of Roses Parade dates back to 1886. In that year, members of the Valley Hunt Club decorated their carriages with flowers. It celebrated the ripening of the orange crop in California. Although the Rose Bowl football game was first played as a part of the Tournament of Roses in 1902, it was replaced by Roman chariot races the following year. In 1916, the football game returned as the sports centerpiece of the festival. The tradition of using a baby to signify the new year was begun in Greece around 600 BC. It was their tradition at that time to celebrate their god of wine, Dionysus, by parading a baby in a basket, representing the annual rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility. Early Egyptians also used a baby as a symbol of rebirth. Although the early Christians denounced the practice as pagan, the popularity of the baby as a symbol of rebirth forced the Church to reevaluate its position. The Church finally allowed its members to celebrate the new year with a baby, which was to symbolize the birth of the baby Jesus. The use of an image of a baby with a New Years banner as a symbolic representation of the new year was brought to early America by the Germans. They had used the effigy since the fourteenth century. FOR LUCK IN THE NEW YEAR Traditionally, it was thought that one could affect the luck they would have throughout the coming year by what they did or ate on the first day of the year. For that reason, it has become common for folks to celebrate the first few minutes of a brand new year in the company of family and friends. Parties often last into the middle of the night after the ringing in of a new year. It was once believed that the first visitor on New Year"s Day would bring either good luck or bad luck the rest of the year. It was particularly lucky if that visitor happened to be a tall dark-haired man. Traditional New Year foods are also thought to bring luck. Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, because it symbolizes "coming full circle," completing a year"s cycle. For that reason, the Dutch believe that eating donuts on New Year"s Day will bring good fortune. Many parts of the U.S. celebrate the new year by consuming black-eyed peas. These legumes are typically accompanied by either hog jowls or ham. Black-eyed peas and other legumes have been considered good luck in many cultures. The hog, and thus its meat, is considered lucky because it symbolizes prosperity. Cabbage is another "good luck" vegetable that is consumed on New Year"s Day by many. Cabbage leaves are also considered a sign of prosperity, being representative of paper currency. In some regions, rice is a lucky food that is eaten on New Year"s Day.


The British monarchyThe monarchy of theUnited Kingdom(commonly referred to as the British monarchy) is the constitutional monarchyof theUnited Kingdomand its overseas territories. The British monarchy traces its origins from theKings of the Angles and the early Scottish Kings. By the year 1000, the kingdoms ofEnglandandScotlandhad developed from the petty kingdoms of early medievalBritain. Thelast Anglo-Saxon monarch (Harold II) was defeated and killed in the Normaninvasion of 1066 and the English monarchy passed to the Norman conquerors. Inthe thirteenth century, the principality ofWaleswas absorbed byEngland,and Magna Carta began the process of reducing the political powers of themonarch.From 1603, when the Scottish King James VI inherited the English throne asJames I, both kingdoms were ruled by a single monarch. From 1649 to 1660 thetradition of monarchy was broken by the republicanCommonwealthofEnglandthat followed the War of the Three Kingdoms. The Act of Settlement 1701, whichis still in force, excluded Roman Catholics, or those married to Catholics,from succession to the English throne. In 1707 the kingdoms of England andScotland were merged to create the Kingdom of Great Britain and in 1801 theKingdom of Ireland joined to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain andIreland. The British monarch became nominal head of the vastBritish Empire, which covered a quarter of the world"s surface at itsgreatest extent in 1921.In the 1920s,five-sixths ofIrelandseceded from the Union as the Irish Free State, and the Balfour Declarationrecognised the evolution of the dominions of the empire into separate,self-governing countries within aCommonwealth of Nations.After the Second World War, the vast majority of British colonies andterritories became independent, effectively bringing the empire to an end.George VI and his successor, Elizabeth II, adopted the title Head of theCommonwealth as a symbol of the free association of its independent memberstates.The Commonwealthincludes both republics and monarchies. At present fifteen other Commonwealthcountries share with theUnited Kingdomthe same person as their monarch.The terms British monarchy and British monarch are frequently still employed inreference to the person and institution shared amongst all sixteen of theCommonwealth realms,[ and to the distinct monarchies within each of theseindependent countries, often at variance with the different, specific, andofficial national titles and styles for each jurisdiction.


I think learning English is important for everyone. First of all, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners to earn a lot of money. Second, if you can speak English you will get a lot of friends. It will get you so fun. Third, if you can learn English well, you can get high marks in English tests and make your parents and teachers feel happy. Fourth, if you can learn English well you can go to study abroad. Then you can get more knowledge, learning the Western cultural tradition, and better absorption of the moral system of the West. Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a very good job, get paid.That means you can enjoy the high quality of life.

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1.ceremony,因为前面是a.2.has改为there are,有in了就不要用has了.3.第三行and改为but also the 后面加construction.4.large success改为great更好些.





一段文章 汉译英

In recent years, audiences Studies Audience (audience) is the mass media (Mass Communication) concept at the heart of one of the study is the effect of the mass base and foothold in the media (media), the complexity of human society and building up the relationship between the mass communication theory (Theories of Mass Communication), the audience is the crossroads of all the problems. This is due, the audience has always been a study on the dissemination of research priorities. In this paper, the major domestic news Communication (Journalism and Communication: Journalism and Communication) for the core of the journal study, both CSSCI journals in recent years the audience from the following aspects of the Review. First, specific research groups Evidence of specific groups of audience research studies over the years (audience research) of the mainstream in recent years, the study carried out in the following areas. First of all, in order to classify the identity of the audience, including the following: 1. Rural audiences. TV audiences in rural areas access to most forms of media. 2. Urban audience. China"s urban audience is the media"s main source of income generation, it is regrettable that this study is relatively small. 3. University students. As most of the growth of consumer groups, college students are striving for the media audience one of the groups. 4. Children. With the position in the children"s section of the media and the constant emergence of scholars have begun to concern as the audience of children. Second, the classification is based on media conduct research, include: 1. Newspaper audience. As traditional media, newspapers still can not shake the position. Some scholars on the current needs of the newspaper audience, that audience demand include: the demand of information, knowledge of the needs, interests and needs of the service demand, demand for fun, and so on. 2. Advertising audience. At present, advertising has been watching China into the day-to-day audience ratings among the acts. Chinese audiences on a higher degree of dependence on advertising, but low confidence; impact of advertising audiences sense the attitude of the major factors: product categories, urban areas, consumer, such as individual differences. 3. New media audience. Here mainly refers to mobile TV, media networks, mobile phones and other media forms. The new media audience, they are the new media products to end-users, and their acceptance of the use of law as well as preferences are required to grasp the new media. Second, the relationship between media and audience The relationship between media and audience, the audience is another important part of the study. First of all, from the concept, as a disseminator of the media as a spread on the target audience, what was the attitude? Transition period for China"s media of "consumer audience that" the concept, some scholars believe that the concept of the consumer audience is essentially a "whole person" under the guise of "person-oriented." It should be said that this day and age, those from the standard-based transformation to the recipients, the media is an inevitable trend. Second, the interactive media and audience research. Some scholars have studied the information and images of the interaction between the audience that the news images so that the rapid development of a growing audience in a "surreal" in the world, and more and more "like to be on life." Once again, on the media audience. Some scholars have analyzed the spread of sports for young people the negative impact of sports that false information to weaken the young people a correct understanding of the sport, and so on; scholars have analyzed the mass audience in the form of reverse psychology and countermeasures that point of view and disseminators of attitude , False and inaccurate, shall not be treated the mode of transmission, and other factors led to the formation of an antagonistic mentality among the audience. Third, new areas and new vision In recent years, the audience also study a number of new areas of research, study the introduction of a new vision. First of all, in the areas of research, dissemination as a research ethics, ethics audience is the audience in the dissemination process should have the moral rights and should bear the moral responsibility. There are studies suggest that the audience Code of Ethics should cover all areas of human transmission. In addition, some scholars have studied the history of our country"s understanding of how the mass disseminator of information to and adopt the appropriate strategy for the dissemination of communication, has made the dissemination of good results. At the same time, some academics have started the Japanese audience. First of all, the Japanese audience as a "race" for the audience as a whole unit, are easy to show a similar pattern alarming trend. Second, Japan"s audiences have very little rational criticism, extremely vulnerable to mass media domination and control. Second, the study of vision from the point of view, some scholars have also introduced economic analysis.






  励志是所有人都感兴趣的话题,因为他能激励我们前进,下面是我找到的一篇英文励志文章短文,希望可以帮到大家调整心情,大步前行。   (一)英文原文   《Today I begin a new life》   Today I shed my old skin which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediority.   Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.   Today I will pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard,for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me,generation upon generation.   Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me.   The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth.   Yet I will not fail, as the others, for in my hands I now hold the charts which will guide through perilous waters to shores which only yesterday seemed but a dream.   Failure no longer will be my payment for struggle. Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure. Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. Now I reject it and I am prepared for wisdom and principles which will guide me out of the shadows into the sunlight of wealth, position, and happiness far beyond my most extravagant dreams until even the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides will seem no more than my just reward.   Time teaches all things to him who lives forever but I have not the luxury of eternity. Yet within my allotted time I must practice the art of patience for nature acts never in haste. To create the olive, king of all trees, a hundred years is required. An onion plant is old in nine weeks. I have lived as an onion plant. It has not pleased me. Now I wouldst become the greatest of olive trees and, in truth, the greatest of salesman.   And how will this be accomplished? For I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve the greatness and already I have stumbled in ignorance and fallen into pools of self-pity. The answer is simple. I will commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience. Nature already has supplied me with knowledge and instinct far greater than any beast in the forest and the value of experience is overrated, usually by old men who nod wisely and speak stupidly.   In truth, experience teaches thoroughly yet her course of instruction devours men"s years so the value of her lessons diminishes with the time necessary to acquire her special wisdom. The end finds it wasted on dead men. Furthermore, experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow.   Only principles endure and these I now possess, for the laws that will lead me to greatness are contained in the words of these scrolls. What they will teach me is more to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success other than a state of mind? Which two, among a thouand wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described but one way. Failure is man"s inability to reach his goals in life, whatever they may be.   In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have successed lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is --I will form good habits and become their slave.   As a child I was slave to my impulses; now I am slave to my habits, as are all grown men. I have surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and the past deeds of my life have already marked out a path which threatens to imprison my future. My actions are ruled by appetite, passion, prejudice, greed, love, fear, environment, habit, and the worst of these tyrants is habit. Therefore, if I must be a slave to habit let me be a slave to good habits. My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good seed.   I will form good habits and become their slave.   And how will I accomplish this difficult feat? Through these scrolls, it will be done, for each scroll contains a principle which will drive a bad habit from my life and replace it with one which will bring me closer to success. For it is another of nature"s laws that only a habit can subdue another habit. So, in order for these written words to perform their chosen task, I must discipline myself with the first of my new habits which is as follows:   I will read each scroll for thirty days in this prescribed manner, before I proceed to the next scroll.   First, I will read the words in silence when I arise. Then, I will read the words in silence after I have partaken of my midday meal. Last, I will read the words again just before I retire at day"s end, and most important, on this occasion I will read the words aloud.   On the next day I will repeat this procedure, and I will continue in like manner for thirty days. Then, I will turn to the next scroll and repeat this procedure for another thirty days. I will continue in this manner until I have lived with each scroll for thirty days and my reading has become habit.   And what will be accomplished with this habit? Herein lies the hidden secret of all man"s accomplishments. As I repeat the words daily they will soon become a part of my active mind, but more important, they will also seep into my other mind, that mysterious source which never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often makes me act in ways I do not comprehend.   As the words of these scrolls are consumed by my mysterious mind I will begin to awake, each morning, with a vitality I have never known before. My vigor will increase, my enthusiasm will rise, my desire to meet the world will overcome every fear I once knew at sunrise, and I will be happier than I ever believed it possible to be in this world of strife and sorrow.   Eventually I will find myself reacting to all situations which confront me as I was commanded in the scrolls to react, and soon these actions and reactions will become easy to perform, for any act with practice becomes easy.   Thus a new and good habit is born, for when an act becomes easy through constant repetiton it becomes a pleasure to perform and if it is a pleasure to perform it is man"s nature to perform it often. When I perform it often it becomes a habit and I become its slave and since it is a good habit this is my will.   Today I begin a new life.   And I make a solemn oath to myself that nothing will retard my new life"s growth. I will lose not a day from these readings for that day cannot be retrieved nor can I substitute another for it. I must not , I will not, break this habit of daily reading from these scrolls and, in truth, the few moments spent each day on this new habit are but a small price to pay for the happiness and success that will be mine.   As I read and re-read the words in the scrolls to follow, never will I allow the brevity of each scroll nor the simplicity of its words to cause me to treat the scroll"s message lightly. Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind.Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come. I will drink as instructed and spill not a drop. And the seed of success I will swallow.   Today my old skin has become as dust. I will walk tall among men and they will know me not , for today I am a new man, with a new life.   (二)中文翻译   《今天,我天始新的生活》   今天,我脱掉旧的皮肤,爬出满是失败创伤的老茧。   今天,我重新来到这个世上,享受阳光和雨露,我出生在葡萄园中,国内的葡萄任人享用。   今天,我要从最高最密的藤上摘下智慧的果实,这葡萄藤是好几代前的智者种下的。   今天,我要品尝葡萄的美味,还要吞下每一位成功的种子,让新生命在我心里萌牙。   我选择的道路充满机遇,也有辛酸与绝望.虽然失败的同伴不计其数,叠在一起,恐怕比金字塔还高。   然而,我不会像他们一样畏惧失败,害怕失败,因为我手中持有航海图,可以领我越过汹涌的大海,抵达梦想中充满鲜花的彼岸。   失败不再是我奋斗所付出的牺牲.它和痛苦都将永远从我的生命中消失殆尽。失败和我,就像水火一样,绝不相融。我不再像过去一样一味被动地接受它们,我学会面对他们,我要在聪明大脑的指引下,打败失败,走出失败的雾霾。步入富足、健康、快乐的乐园,这些都远远超出了我以往梦想的范围. 我要是能长生不老,就可以学到一切,但我不能永生,所以,在有限的人生里,我必须学会忍耐的艺术,因为大自然的行为一向是从容不迫的.造物主创造树中之王橄摊树需要一百年的时间,而洋葱经过短短的九个星期就会枯老.我不留恋从前那种洋葱式的生活,我要成为万树之王——橄榄树,成为现实生活中最伟大的推销员.   怎么可能?我既没有渊博的知识,又没有丰富的经验,况且,我曾一度跌入愚昧与自怜的深渊.答案很简单。我不会让所谓的知识或者经验妨碍我的行程.造物生已经赐予我足够的知识和本能,这份天赋是其它生物望尘莫及的。经验的价值往往被高估了,人老的时候开口讲的多是糊涂话.说实在的,经验确实能教给我们很多东西,只是这需要花费太长的时间.等到人们获得智慧的时候,其价值已随着时间的消逝而减少了.结果往往是这样,经验丰富了,人也余生无多.经验和时尚有关,适合某一时代的行为,并不寻味着在今天仍然行得通。   只有原则是持久的,而我现在正拥有了这些原则.这些可以指引我走向成功的原则全写在这几张羊皮卷里.它教我如何避免失败,而不只是获得成功,因为成功更是一种精神状态.人们对于成功的定义,见仁见智,而失败却往往只有一种解释:失败就是一个人没能达到他的人生目标,不论这些目标是什么。   事实上,成功与失败的最大分野,来自不同的习惯。好习惯是开启成员的钥匙,坏习惯则是一扇向失败敞开的门。因此,我首先要做的便是养成良好的习惯,全心全意去实行。   小时候.我常会感情用事,长大成人了,我要用良好的习惯代替一时的冲动。我的自由意志屈服于多年养成的恶习,它们威胁着我的前途。我的行为受到品味、情感、偏见、欲望、爱、恐惧、环境和习惯的影响,其中最厉害的就是习惯。因此.如果我必须受习惯支配的话,那就让我受好习惯的支配。那些坏习惯必须戒除,我要在新的田地里播种好的种子。 我要养成良好的习惯,全心全意去实行。   这不是轻而易举的"事情,要怎样才能做到呢,靠这些羊皮卷就能做到。因为每~卷里都写着一个原则,可以摒除—项坏习惯,换取一个好习惯,使人进步,走向成功。这也是自然法则之一,只有一种习惯才能抑制另一种习惯。所以,为了走好我选择的道路,我必须养成的第一个习惯   每张羊皮卷用三十天的时间阅读,然后再进人下一卷。 清晨即起,默默诵读;午饭之后,再次默读;夜晚睡前,高声朗读。   第二天的情形完全一样。这样重复三十天后,就可以打开下一卷了。每一卷都依照同样的方法读上三十天,久而久之,它们就成为一种习惯了。   这些习惯有什么好处呢?这里隐含着人类成功的秘诀。当我每天重复这些话的时候,它何成了我精神活动的一部分,更重要的是,它们渗入我的心灵。拥是个神秘的世界,永不静止,创造梦境,在不知不觉中影响我的行为。   当这些羊皮卷上的文字,被我奇妙的心灵完全吸收之后,我每天都会充满活力地醒来。我从来没有这样精力充沛过。我更有活力,更有热情,要向世界挑战的欲望克服了一切恐惧与不安。在这个充满争斗和悲伤的世界里,我竟然比以前更快活。 最后,我会发现自己有了应付一切情况的办法。不久,这些办法就能运用自如.因为,任何方法,只要多练习,就会变得简单易行。   经过多次重复,一种看似复杂的行为就变得轻而易举,实行起来,就会有无限的乐趣,有了乐趣,出于人之天性,我就更乐意常去实行。于是,一种好的习惯便诞生了.习惯成为自然。既是一种好的习惯,也就是我的意原。   今天,我天始新的生活.   我郑重地发誓,绝不让任何事情妨碍我新生命的成长。在阅读这些羊卷的时候,我绝不浪费一天的时间,因为时光一去不返,失去的日子是无法弥补的。我也绝不打破每天阅读的习惯。事实上,每天在这些新习惯上花费少许时间,相对于可能获得的愉乐与成功而言,只是微不足道的代价。 当我阅读羊皮卷中的字句时,绝不能出为文字的精炼而忽视内容的深沉。一瓶葡萄美酒需要千百颗果子酿制而成,果皮和渣子抛给小鸟。葡萄的智慧代代相传,有些被过滤,有些被淘汰,随风飘逝。只有纯正的真理才是永恒的。它们就精炼在我要阅读的文字中。我要依照指示,绝不浪费,饮下成功的种子。   今天,我的老茧化为尘埃。我在人群中昂首阔步,不会有人认出我来,因为我不再是过去的自己、我已拥有新的生命。


怎样查一篇文章的影响因子 一般都是说期刊的影响因子,你要是问一篇文章的叮子,那应该是这篇文章被引用的次数吧? 你可以去google 然后搜索 scholar 进入google 的学术检索,输入你文章名字,结果中就有显示了。 怎么查一个杂志的影响因子 ]学术期刊影响因子查询 前言:当你要写论文要投稿时要知道那些杂志的水平啊,影响因子是某期刊前两年发表的论文在当年的被引用次数除以该期刊在前两年发表的论文总数。影响因子是评估期刊的重要参数之一,但影响因子并不是对论文质量、期刊质量进行有效评价的唯一标准。1,proteomics/sci-if/ 国家生物医学分析中心蛋白质组网 科技期刊影响因子查询,包括2001-2005年的 2,isi01.isiknowledge/ JCR全称为:Journal Citation Reports,中文名称为《期刊引用报告》。它的主办者为美国科技信息研究所(简称为ISI)。JCR的历史可以追溯到1975年。从那年开始,ISI在《科学引文索引》(SCI)年度累积本中,增加了一个新的部分—“期刊引用报告”。它是在《科学引文索引》数据库的基础上,用计算机对期刊文献引用与被引用情况进行系统地归类、整理、分析而得出的结果。它是目前为止国际上一种权威的用于期刊评价的工具书。 JCR版本情况:按照其学科范围而言,分为科技版和社科版两种;按照其载体形式,分为印刷版、光盘版和网络版三种。科技版:收录科学技术领域5000余种期刊的评估信息;社科版:收录社会科学领域1500余种期刊的评估信息。本使用指南主要是针对JCR网络版而言的。 JCR 出版周期情况:JCR 出版周期为一年。JCR中收录的期刊绝大部分为SCI收录的期刊。 JCR可以告知用户的信息包括:每种期刊在当前年被引用的总次数(Total Cites)、每种期刊的影响因子(即该刊前两年发表的文章在当前年的平均被引次数(Impact Factor))、每种期刊当前年发表的文章在当前年的平均被引次数(Immediacy Index)、每种期刊当前年的文章总数(Articles)、每种期刊论文研究课题的延续时间(Cited Half-life)、每种期刊的引用期刊列表(Citing Journal)、每种期刊的被引用期刊列表(Cited Journal)、每种期刊的影响因子在近几年的变化情况(Trends)、每种期刊的来源数据情况(Source Data)等。 如何查找发表后文章和所在期刊的影响因子 不同专业SCI期刊影响因子排名查询方法 进入 ISI Web of knowledge网站,在打开的界面中点击“其他资源”, 选择“Journal Citation Reports”,在新界面中选择JCR Science Edition 所需年份,View a group of journals by(默认Subject category),点击“SUBMIT”,在新界面中 Select one or more categories from list中选择“ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE”(根据专业需要选择,多个专业方向选择按住“Ctrl”键即可),同时选择View Journal Data-sort by (impact factor),点击“SUBMIT”即可出现航空航天类期刊的影响因子排序。 怎样知道一篇文章的影响因子? 影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是美国ISI(科学信息研究所)的JCR(期刊引证报告)中的一项数据。 即某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年的被引用总次数除以该期刊在前两年内发表的论文总数。这是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标。 例如,某期刊2005年影响因子的计算 本刊2004年的文章在2005年的被引次数: 48 本刊2004年的发文量: 187 本刊2003年的文章在2005年的被引次数: 128 本刊2003年的发文量: 154 本刊2003-2004的文章在2005年的被引次数总计: 176 本刊2003-2004年的发文量总计: 341 本刊2005年的影响因子:0.5161 = 176÷341 意义:该指标是相对统计值,可克服大小期刊由于载文量不同所带来的偏差。一般来说,影响因子越大,其学术影响力也越大。 附:IF值计算方法(以1992年为例) A=1992年的全部引文(指定数据库中的记录) B=1992年引用某期刊发表在1990和1991的论文的总次数 C=某期刊1990 和1991 年发表的全部论文的总和 D(期刊1992的影响因子)=B/C 影响因子查询系统 emuch/sciif/ 这个地址也可以 proteomics/sci-if/ 本回答援自zhidao.baidu/...wtp=wk 如何查看期刊杂志的影响因子 百度经验 你可以上各大期刊网站搜该刊物,一般都有详细说明影响因子,像知网、万方、维普之类的,如果还有其他问题,可以找中国期刊库的我帮忙。 怎样查看一篇文献的影响因子 影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是美国ISI(科学信息研究所)的JCR(期刊引证报告)中的一项数据。 即某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年的被引用总次数除以该期刊在前两年内发表的论文总数。这是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标。 例如,某期刊2005年影响因子的计算 本刊2004年的文章在2005年的被引次数: 48 本刊2004年的发文量: 187 本刊2003年的文章在2005年的被引次数: 128 本刊2003年的发文量: 154 本刊2003-2004的文章在2005年的被引次数总计: 176 本刊2003-2004年的发文量总计: 341 本刊2005年的影响因子:0.5161 = 176÷341 意义:该指标是相对统计值,可克服大小期刊由于载文量不同所带来的偏差。一般来说,影响因子越大,其学术影响力也越大。 附:IF值计算方法(以1992年为例) A=1992年的全部引文(指定数据库中的记录) B=1992年引用某期刊发表在1990和1991的论文的总次数 C=某期刊1990 和1991 年发表的全部论文的总和 D(期刊1992的影响因子)=B/C 影响因子查询系统 emuch/sciif/ 这个地址也可以 proteomics/sci-if/ 本回答援自zhidao.baidu/...wtp=wk 用知网怎么查看sci文献影响因子 每年ISI都会对收录的期刊里的文章引用次数进行计算,引用次数/刊登的文章数 就是该期刊的影响因子,如果影响因子越大,说明该刊刊登的成果被很多研究人员使用,促进该领域的发展繁荣,期刊也就越好,越权威。ISI每年都会计算颁布出最新的影响因子列表并公布的,称为Cited Report。 求解怎么查看期刊的影响因子 最后还是自己硬著头皮找到了。 鉴于很多人问到这个问题 1。首先你的期刊必须被sci 引用 2。接着在图书馆主页下面选择电子资源->数据库->ISI Web of Science 3。顺着链接进入ISI Web of Science 的网站 3。在ISI Web of Science 的主页的最上方有一个下拉菜单 4。在下拉菜单中选择Journal Citation Reports,然后点击go 5。进入下一个页面,选择Search for a Specific Journal,点击Submit 6。进入另外一个页面,左边的下拉菜单框中选择,右边的输入框中输入你的期刊的名字 或 者其他的条件,点击Search 至此,所有的任务都已经完成了!! 文章的SCI影响因子怎么定的、怎么查? 文章是没有影响因子的,只有SCI期刊有影响因子。一般是这么说的,文章发表在影响因子是多少的期刊上。 影响因子(IF)是指期刊近两年来的平均被引率。就是这本期刊前两年发表的论文在评价当年被引用的平均次数。计算公式为:该刊前两年发表的论文在改年被引用次数/该刊前两年发表论文的总数。 查看方式有很多种,介绍两种比较方场的。有网的情况下,进入MedSci期刊智能查询系统,输入期刊名就行;没网的情况,提前下一个SCI期刊表格,这个很多地方有好心人分享的,直接查找就行。 什么是期刊影响因子?如何查询 影响因子(Impact Factor)是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标,即某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年的被引用总次数除以该期刊在前两年内发表的论文总数。该指标是相对统计值,可克服大小期刊由于载文量不同所带来的偏差。一般来说,影响因子越大,其学术影响力也越大。影响因子的查询:1、查询外文期刊影响因子,可使用外文数据库Web of Science中的JCR(Journal of Reports),其中JCR Science Edition 用于查询自然科学类期刊,JCR Social Sciences Edition用于查询人文社会科学类期刊。2、查询中文期刊的影响因子,可使用中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社和中国科学文献计量评价中心联合推出的《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(万锦堃主编,科学出版社)。


注:计算机的现状 计算机发展及现状 计算机网络是计算机技术和通信技术紧密结合的产物,它涉及到通信与计算机两个领域。它的诞生使计算机体系结构发生了巨大变化,在当今社会经济中起着非常重要的作用,它对人类社会的进步做出了巨大贡献。从某种意义上讲,计算机网络的发展水平不仅反映了一个国家的计算机科学和通信技术水平,而且已经成为衡量其国力及现代化程度的重要标志之一。 自50年代开始,人们及各种组织机构使用计算机来管理他们的信息的速度迅速增长。早期,限于技术条件使得当时的计算机都非常庞大和非常昂贵,任何机构都不可能为雇员个人提供使用整个计算机,主机一定是共享的,它被用来存储和组织数据、集中控制和管理整个系统。所有用户都有连接系统的终端设备,将数据库录入到主机中处理,或者是将主机中的处理结果,通过集中控制的输出设备取出来。它最典型的特征是:通过主机系统形成大部分的通信流程,构成系统的所有通信协议都是系统专有的,大型主机在系统中占据着绝对的支配作用,所有控制和管理功能都是由主机来完成。 随着计算机技术的不断发展,尤其是大量功能先进的个人计算机的问世,使得每一个人可以完全控制自己的计算机,进行他所希望的作业处理,以个人计算机(PC)方式呈现的计算能力发展成为独立的平台,导致了一种新的计算结构---分布式计算模式的诞生。 一般来讲,计算机网络的发展可分为四个阶段: 第一阶段:计算机技术与通信技术相结合,形成计算机网络的雏形; 第二阶段:在计算机通信网络的基础上,完成网络体系结构与协议的研究,形成了计算机网络; 第三阶段:在解决计算机连网与网络互连标准化问题的背景下,提出开放系统互连参考模型与协议,促进了符合国际标准的计算机网络技术的发展; 第四阶段:计算机网络向互连、高速、智能化方向发展,并获得广泛的应用。 任何一种新技术的出现都必须具备两个条件:即强烈的社会需求与先期技术的成熟。计算机网络技术的形成与发展也证实了这条规律。1946年世界上第一台电子数字计算机ENIAC在美国诞生时,计算机技术与通信技术并没有直接的联系。50年代初,由于美国军方的需要,美国半自动地面防空系统SAGE进行了计算机技术与通信技术相结合的尝试。要实现这样的目的,首先要完成数据通信技术的基础研究。在这项研究的基础上,人们完全可以将地理位置分散的多个终端通信线路连到一台中心计算机上。用户可以在自己的办公室内的终端键入程序,通过通信线路传送到中心计算机,人们把这种以单个为中心的联机系统称做面向终端的远程联机系统。它是计算机通信网络的一种。60年代初美国航空公司建成的由一台计算机与分布在全美国的2000多个终端组成的航空订票系统SABRE-1就是这种计算机通信网络。 随着计算机应用的发展,出现了多台计算机互连的需求。这种需求主要来自军事、科学研究、地区与国家经济信息分析决策、大型企业经营管理。他们希望将分布在不同地点的计算机通过通信线路互连成为计算机-计算机网络。网络用户可以通过计算机使用本地计算机的软件、硬件与数据资源,也可以使用连网的其它地方计算机软件、硬件与数据资源,以达到计算机资源共享的目的。这一阶段研究的典型代表是美国国防部高级研究计划局(ARPA,Advanced Research Projects Agency)的ARPAnet(通常称为ARPA网)。1969年ARPA网只有4个结点,1973年发展到40个结点,1983年已经达到100多个结点。ARPA网通过有线、无线与卫星通信线路,使网络覆盖了从美国本土到欧洲与夏威夷的广阔地域。ARPR网是计算机网络技术发展的一个重要的里程碑,它对发展计算机网络技术的主要贡献表现在以下几个方面: 1、完成了对计算机网络的定义、分类与子课题研究内容的描述; 2、提出了资源子网、通信子网的两级网络结构的概念; 3、研究了报文分组交换的数据交换方法; 4、采用了层次结构的网络体系结构模型与协议体系。


论文查重后论文泄露是什么原因导致的? 知网论文查重系统数据库中包含了互联网文献库,当自己的文章被泄露到互联网,将被系统包括在百度、360和搜狗等搜索相关引擎中,影响学生的答辩和正常毕业。 如果我们学生的文章在网上发表一次,因为通过这些网站的权重很高,只要一个成功的发表,他们可以很快就会在网上收录。当咱们对本人的论文进行查重是重复率肯定很高可以达到100%,当然不会及格,只能重写或推迟毕业。 知网论文查重是非常重要的,但咱们必须识别盗版网站,然后才能使用它们,因为这些盗版网站会泄露我们在网站上进行查重的论文。 咱们首先要判断查重网站为了什么目的要泄露我们的论文?有两种可能性。一是它用于扩展自己的数据库,我们可以通过将我们的文章与其数据库中的文章信息进行分析比较来检查,以查看重复来源是什么地方,我们是可以知道的。第二种情况是他们进行保存我们的文章并出售给其他人,这种情况会影响也是我们最终的结果。因此,在选择查重网站时,必须注意选择一些可靠的网站。

有suzan zeder has begun a new wave of children ’s theatre句子的文章

Suzan Zeder has begun a new wave of children"s theatre. Most persons reading her plays for the first time ask the question, "Is this really children"s theatre?" Well, the answer is, yes. She has taken real life issues that children face and made them into compelling stories that help a child to understand difficult issues. For example, her play Doors tells an extremely realistic story of divorce, from the child"s perspective. She deals with the pain involved with hearing parents arguing in the room next door, and the pain of separation. She does all this in a non-preachy manner that is simply a story of what a child goes through. This is only one example. In another play, Step on a Crack she approaches the subject of coping with a step-mother, while avoiding completely the evil step-mother convention. All of her plays are realistic stories about children. She herself has said that she writes about children, as opposed to for children. Suzan Zeder also has many plays that aren"t as heavy as Doors or Step on a Crack, but all of her plays are equally honest and compelling. She has adapted Ozma of Oz and has written many original titles such as Wiley and the Hairy Man and Mother Hicks . All of her plays add to a new awareness that children"s abilities to comprehend serious material have been, for a very long time, underestimated. Her plays give credit to children for being extremely intuitive and intelligent, particularly when it comes to recognizing truth on a stage.

求助帮忙翻译下面这篇文章 英译汉,望英语高手帮忙翻译,注意语法(不要网站或翻译工具翻译的) 帮帮忙啦~



(A) When having aninterview, it"s not just words you have to think about, but also how youexpress them. Avoid a flat monotone(单调的) voice that people sometimes get when they are nervous. And itcan add so much if you show your excitement and your eagerness to work for thatcompany, and that is where past performance will indicate future performance.So good interviewers will ask you very detailed questions where they"ll put youon the spot and they"ll want to know specifically your role in what you did fora particular project. And so the key to giving a good answer to a behavioral interviewquestion is to do what I call a STAR, S-T-A-R. The S and T stand for explaininga situation or a task that you were given, the A is the action you took and theR is the results. In addition, you need to beprepared before you walk in the door. Go through some mock interviews, if youcan have friends ask you questions. Practice in the mirror, answeringquestions. Go in with three or four things you really want to stress aboutyourself. And then you can bring those out no matter what question is asked. To follow up after theinterview, you can send a thank-you letter. And you can do it by e-mail. Inthat thank-you letter you do a couple of things. You make sure that you showsincere appreciation for the time that they spent interviewing you. You haveanother chance to make that case as to how your skills match their needs. (B)Dear Lee, AsI told you, I"ll be gone until Wednesday morning. Thank you so much for taking careof my “children” while I"m away. Like real children, they can be kindof annoying sometimes, but I"m going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they"regetting some kind human attention. Remember that Regina (the “queen” in Latin, and she actslike one) is teething. If you don"t watch her, she"ll chew anything, like thesofa, chairs, including her “sister”, the cat. There are plenty of chew toysaround the house. Whenever she starts biting on anything illegal, just diverther with one of those. She generally settles right down to a good hour-longchew. Then you"ll see her wandering around whimpering(低吠)with the remains of the toy in her mouth. She gets really frustrated becausewhat she wants is to bury the thing. She"ll try to dig a hole between thecushions of the couch. Finding that unsatisfactory, she"ll wander some more,discontent, until you solve her problem for her. I usually show her the laundrybasket, moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them. I do soundlike a parent, don"t I? You have to understand, my own son is practically grownup. Regina"s food is the Puppy Chow in the same room, where the other petfood is stored. Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening. Nomore than that, no matter how much she begs. Regina likes to eat bones best and she islikely to be an overeater, but I don"t want her to lose her girlish figure. Shecan share water withRex(the King), but be sure it"s changeddaily. She needs to go out several times a day, especially last thing at nightand first thing in the morning. Let her stay out for about ten minutes eachtime, so she can do all her business. She also needs a walk in the afternoon,after which it"s important to romp with her for a while in the yard. The gameshe loves most is fetch, but be sure to make her drop the ball. She"d ratherplay tug of war with it. Tell her, “Sit!” Then, when she does, say, “Drop it!”Be sure to tell her “good girl,” and then throw the ball for her, I hope you"llenjoy these sessions as much as I do.Now, for the other two, Rex and Paws…(letter continues) Yours, Linda

求一篇英语文章,题目是how to be cool at college

How to Be Cool at College! [N] Going to college? Lucky you![N] You"ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. Yet your education is also very serious business. To a large extent, you will be on your own. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.[N] Most of you have decided on a career. Even though some of you may change your minds later, you will have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.[N]You should also think about taking other subjects. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. I hope you have understood this by now: going to college means a lot more than getting a grade. You know you have a debt to many people. They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you.[N] Please, don"t let them down! Study hard and learn more. You should also consider this: Are you going to take a course to really learn something or are you going to take it only to have it on your record? I have heard far too many students tell me that they are doing a course to get a certificate for a better chance of "getting a job".[N] Sadly, this is not a good reason to learn anything. Why? Well, firstly, you may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one. Secondly, you are cheating yourself. If you don"t have a real understanding and liking of your course, you may begin to feel very unhappy. You know it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself unless you are proud of your work.[N] The truly happy person is one who is proud of his work and honest with himself. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.[N] 不知道是不是这篇

God Sees the Truth, But Waits中文翻译,是这篇文章,不是这句话的翻译。希望大家帮忙。


麻烦那个大哥 帮忙翻译哈有机化学的得文章 谢谢了

残渣被在1000毫升的水,由浓盐酸酸化此外,与3x50ml DCM的25%氢氧化钠basified,与3x100ml DCM的提取冲洗。合并后的DCM的提取,烘干硫酸镁以上,过滤和溶剂蒸馏残渣off.The两次蒸馏100-110℃下吸真空,让一十四点六五克(67%)的(+++)水盐基可卡因的白色oil.The盐酸盐可制10倍溶解在石油的数量和乙醚施放毒气,直到没有更多的沉淀形成了干HCl气体的解决方案。

game boy火焰之文章圣魔之光石 龙骑士怎么得到?





登陆光明网,网址为www.gmw.cn 主页最上面横着的一栏有一个选项“旧报查询”,点击后选中你想看的那一日报纸即可




In some developed countries, the ordinary passenger locomotive traction being lightweight, fast EMU and light rail vehicles, replaced by EMU, the light rail train is gradually becoming the main tool of the railway passenger. EMU is an inter-city and inter-provincial passenger transport, urban light rail vehicles and subway trains is an important tool for urban traffic congestion. In China, the rapid growth of urban population and the continuous expansion of the urban scale, the traditional mode of transport can not meet the requirements of urban development. Light rail vehicles on the carrier capacity, environmental pollution, ride comfort, and safety performance and other aspects have a major impact. States have developed a wide range of light rail vehicles, reflecting the diversity of the needs of the community, and also illustrates the complexity of the light rail vehicle technology. Light rail vehicles, including the part of the body, bogie, electrical systems, air brake system, involving light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology are many. The body of the light rail vehicles, as there are higher requirements for the transport of passengers and carrying equipment main body, its strength, stiffness, stability, at the same time meet the structural requirements, but also to ensure light weight, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance. How to resolve this conflict, will inevitably become an important research topic in the light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology.

这个是从网上找到的关于Mauna Loa的原文资料。可不可以帮我把这篇文章用自己的语言,不过意思一

manuna loa, 是个地球上最大的火山,没有之一。火山顶大约17千米高, 由于海平面常年被火山的重量挤压降低了8千米, 火山水下的山腰比海平面还要低5千米。这座巨大的火山占了好哇伊岛的一半。 它的大小是85%所有好哇伊岛的总和。此火山是地球上最爆发的火山。 从1843到如今已喷发了33次 。 最近一次是1984年。



看一pian 书,读一pian 文章中的pian 是哪个字?




翻译一篇英语文章 john is a good boy.he studies hard and is never late for school.he has a lot of



谁那么无聊 那么长.


  在伦敦夏季奥运会是迄今为止数量最多的主办城市。也是历史上的第一次三座城市申办奥运会以来首次:1908年伦敦奥运会;第二次:1948年伦敦奥运会;第三次:2012年伦敦奥运会。下面是我精心整理的关于奥运的英语短文章,希望能够帮到大家!   篇【1】   The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations.   篇【2】   This simple ten words, give infinite power of Chinese people, especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage, this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings.   The Chinese people"s Olympic game to 2008 Pekings is total to take a kind of expectation.Remember at the beginning process of bid for the Olympic game, the Chinese mittee of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic games to hold the power with difficulty.This time the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings, for China is a develop of a fair show, is also a fair show that emerges the Chinese magic power toward international munity.   The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features.The characteristics of Peking and Olympics exercise the chemical element handiness bine.Red, in China always is to represent the good luck pleased to celebrate the color.Meeting the badge adoption red, represented the Chinese people to the international munity of fine wish the wish." Chinese Peking, wele the friend of the world-wide locations" adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style, design special.Explain out without reserve the calligraphy magic power that China spreads fame the overseas.   China is an everyone"s court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that dulcify thus, everybody is a happy child.The mascot" the FU WA" of the Olympic game also just represented us this is happy.Innocent child.   The FU WA is be"ed face"" clear and bright"" the NINI" of" the shell shell" by" the HUANHUAN" five be filled with the Chinese race special features of doll constitute.The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is wele you".This expressed the Chinese people"s amity to the people in the world again.The color of the FU WA also acts in cooperation the Olympics at the right moment five yellow turquoise blue of red orange of wreaths, expressed perfect annotation of Olympics to spirit of Olympics of Peking.   The Olympics of 2008 Pekings, the dream of a Chinese, bears in the applause of the world and the tears of the Chinese nations.Be a member of the Chinese nation, I will use the most sincere voice, saying loudly:   " Bless you, belong to China, belong to Peking, belong to our 2008!"   篇【3】   summer Olympic Games in London is by far the highest number of host cities. Is also the history"s first three cities hosting the Olympic Games for the first time: 1908 London Olympic Games; second time: the 1948 London Olympic Games; third time: the 2012 London Olympics.   In July 2001 they lost to Beijing, missed the 2008 Summer Olympics. However, they soon recovered from the shadow of defeat came, confidently announced to the 2012 Olympic Games bid. In the five candidate cities, they are considered the largest popular cities.   After waiting a period of nearly suffocated people, after a 13-year-old ethnic Chinese Singaporean girls to put the oute of the letter handed over to Roger. Rogge thanked the host, the people of Singapore, after the application of national and five candidate cities, to the world loudly announced: the 30th Summer Olympic Games are in London.   

能给我一下这篇文章The legend of sleepy hollow 的赏析吗(读后感)

=========================================The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 英文总结(353字)========================================="The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving"s companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor"s aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809.

能给我一下这篇文章The legend of sleepy hollow 的赏析吗(读后感)

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving"s companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor"s aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809. 不知道对你有没有点帮助


Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (pronounced [(t)u0283au02c8kiu027ea isau02c8βel meβau02c8u027eak riu02c8pol]; English: /u0283u0259u02c8kiu02d0ru0259/; born 2 February 1977) is a Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, and record producer. Born and raised in Barranquilla, she began performing in school, demonstrating Latin American, Arabic, and rock and roll influences and belly dancing abilities. Shakira"s first studio albums, Magia and Peligro, failed to attain commercial success in the 1990s; however, she rose to prominence in Latin America with her major-label debut, Pies Descalzos (1996), and her fourth album, Dónde Están los Ladrones? (1998). As of 2001, before releasing her best seller Laundry Service, she has sold over 10 million albums alone in Latin America.Shakira entered the English-language market with her fifth album, Laundry Service. Its lead single, "Whenever, Wherever", became one of the most successful singles of 2002. Her success was solidified with her sixth and seventh albums Fijación Oral, Volumen Uno and Oral Fixation, Volume Two (2005), the latter of which spawned the best selling single of the 2000s,one of the best-selling songs of the 21st century, "Hips Don"t Lie", selling over 13 million only counting downloads (not including any other forms of digital sales, streams and physical copies). Shakira"s eighth and ninth albums, She Wolf (2009) and Sale el Sol (2010), received critical praise. Her official song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)", became the biggest-selling World Cup song of all time with 10 million downloads. With over 1.6 billion views, it is one of the most viewed music videos on YouTube. She has four of the twenty top-selling hits of the last decade (2000 - 2009), more than any other artist. Shakira served as a coach on the fourth and sixth seasons of the American version of The Voice in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Her tenth album, Shakira (2014), is preceded by its lead single, "Can"t Remember to Forget You".Shakira has received numerous awards, including 5 MTV Video Music Awards, 2 Grammy Awards, 13 Latin Grammy Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 33 Billboard Latin Music Awards and has been Golden Globe-nominated. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and sold over 125 million records worldwide (over 70 million albums sold) with 25.4 million record sales in the United States (as of 2014), making her the best selling South American singer and one of the best selling artists of all time. She carries out well-known philanthropic activities through charity work most notably through her Pies Descalzos Foundation. In 2011, she was appointed by U.S. President Barack Obama to the President"s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics – a four-person group that advises the president and Education Secretary. In 2014, she was listed as the 58th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.

高一英语课本ANNE ’S BEST FRIEND这篇文章的翻译

Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you aregoing through?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?Anne frank wanted the first kind,so she made her diary her best friend.安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的朋友。 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during Word WarⅡ.安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by German Nazis她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去。,She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five mouths before they were discovered.她和她的家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。During that time the only true friend was her diary,在这段时间里,她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。She said:"I don"t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,but I want this diary itself to be my best friend,and I shall call my friend Kitty她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称作基蒂”。."Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place for over a year.现在,来看看安妮在藏身处躲了一年多之后的那种心情吧。 I wonder if it"s because I haven"t been able to be outdoors for so long that I"ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That"s changed since I was here. 我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn"t dare open a window. ……比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户。Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn"t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I"d seen the night face to face…还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows, It"s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自然是需要真正体验的东西。你的安妮

高一英语课本ANNE ’S BEST FRIEND这篇文章的翻译

Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you aregoing through?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?Anne frank wanted the first kind,so she made her diary her best friend.安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的朋友。 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during Word WarⅡ.安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by German Nazis她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去。,She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five mouths before they were discovered.她和她的家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。During that time the only true friend was her diary,在这段时间里,她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。She said:"I don"t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,but I want this diary itself to be my best friend,and I shall call my friend Kitty她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称作基蒂”。."Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place for over a year.现在,来看看安妮在藏身处躲了一年多之后的那种心情吧。 I wonder if it"s because I haven"t been able to be outdoors for so long that I"ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That"s changed since I was here. 我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn"t dare open a window. ……比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户。Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn"t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I"d seen the night face to face…还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows, It"s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自然是需要真正体验的东西。你的安妮

求一篇 Value(价值观) 的英文文章

Personal valuesPersonal values evolve from situations with the external world and can change over time. This integrity in the application of values refers to its continuity; persons have integrity if they apply their values appropriately regardless of arguments or negative reinforcement from others. "Values are beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be. They involve what is important to us." Values are applied appropriately when they are applied in the right area. For example, it would be appropriate to apply religious values in times of happiness as well as in times of despair. "A way of measuring what people value is to ask them what their goals are."Personal values developed very early in life may be resistant to change. They may be derived from those of particular groups or systems, such as culture, religion, and political party. However, personal values are not universal; one"s family, nation, generation and historical environment help determine one"s personal values. "We carry with us values that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions." This is not to say that the value concepts themselves are not universal, merely that each individual possess a unique conception of them i.e. a personal knowledge of the appropriate values for their own genes, feelings and experience. "Researches on values has found that adolescents who are involved in groups that connect them to others in school, their communities, or faith-based institutions report higher levels of social trust, altruism, commitments to the common good of people, and endorsements of the rights of immigrants for full inclusion in society. Adolescents who were uninvolved in such groups were more likely to endorse self-interest and materialistic values."



求关于“Cultural Differences "英文文章



The Cracked PotPosted by Sheetal Sanghvi on Dec 15, 2013"There once was a water bearer who every day to earn a living carried water from the distant river into the town where he lived. To do so, he owned two ceramic pots, which he hung at both ends of a pole he balanced over his shoulders . While one of the pots was bright red, smooth and perfectly waterproof, the other was old, discolored and a bit cracked, in fact it dripped water on the way. Each day the pot became a little more porous, and dripped a little more, till came a time it was only able to retain half of its content by the time they"d reach the town. This caused the pot great shame, and so finally, unable to contain its embarrassment, the pot addressed the water bearer: "Master, please break me! throw me! dispose of me! I can"t stand this misery any longer, I"m unable to hold water, and every day my imperfections cause you to work twice as hard, you can replace me and get a more efficient pot, this way you"ll earn more working less...please put of out of this misery". "Oh replied the water bearer, is that what you think of yourself? Then please, let me show you something on the way back from the river tomorrow." And the next day, after filling both pots, and hanging one on the right and the cracked one on the left side of his pole as he always did, the water bearer pointed to the right side of the path and asked: "tell me, what you see", the pot replied "I see dirt, I see stones, and dust" hearing this the water bearer pointed to the left side of the road and asked: "what do you see on that side?" "Oh there I see grass, weeds and wild flowers" "Yes, replied the water bearer, this is the beauty you have created by dripping a bit of your water by the side of the path everyday, you quenched the thirst of the soil, you gave birth to the sleeping seeds, and nourished the blooms, and every week, from this side of the path, I pick a few flowers, bring them to my wife to let her know this beauty reminds me of the beauty she brings to my life...and that"s why there is so much laughter in my house. Yes cracked pot, you may not be efficient, but by randomly sharing your water with the soil you feed this land we all live on". - See more at: http://www.servicespace.org/blog/view.php?id=14065#sthash.ryEz9sT1.dpuf


就20分 谁给你翻啊!




Our teenagers have a more and more intimater relationship with cartoon, especially the Japanese cartoon. Cartoon makes this theme in order to find out how Japanese cartoon influence teenagers life and study. And we hope it can be a reference for guiding teenagers by the society. Japanese cartoon industry occupies an important position in China. It beloved by numerous Chinese teenagers and has made a big influence on them .On the basis of this present conditions, we make this theme on purpose of making teenagers use Japanese cartoon for reference selectively. First, through studying the general situation of computer and Japanese cartoon development and making investigation form and survey paper, we acquire the data and understanding teenagers" psychology and attitude towards Japanese cartoon; Second, we arrange data, seek advice of teachers and experts, and analyze the typical examples; Third, we look up relevant books about social psychology and analyze teenagers" psychology of Japanese cartoon; Finally, in terms of the investigation form, survey paper and relevant knowledge of social psychology, we have made a conclusion of what influence cartoon excercises or teenagers. Our conclusion shows us as follows, Japanese cartoon has both positive and negative influence on teenagers. On one hand, Japanese cartoon benefit us to understand different cultures. It involoves many aspects like science, history, ect. It enlarge our knowledge through the way we enjoy, enrich our extra curricular life, and enliven our heavy burden of studying. On the other hand, however, some students addict in cartoon and waste lots of time on it. This makes them neglect their study. Consequently, our research group considers that the optimum program is guidance. In this case, Chinese cartoon industry can develope healthly for a long time, and the teenagers can benefit from it.


The role of transistor Transistor, is one of the most common basic components, the role of main transistor current amplification, he is the heart of electronic circuit components, are essential components of large scale integrated circuit is transistor. Transistors are the basic institutions of a semiconductor substrate in the production of the two in close proximity of the PN junction, the two blocks of semiconductor PN junction is divided into three parts, the middle part of the base area, on both sides of part of the emitter and collector areas, arrangement of There are two PNP and NPN, from the corresponding electrode leads the three areas, namely e base emitter and collector b c. Between the emitter and the base region of the PN junction is called the emitter, collector and base region of the PN junction between the collector called. Very thin base region, while the emitter thick, impurity concentration of large, PNP-type transistor emitter "launch" the hole, its moving direction and current direction, and therefore the arrow to where the emitter; NPN-type transistor emitter "launch "is the free electron, its moving direction and current in the opposite direction, so the emitter arrow out. Emitter arrow out. Arrow points to the emitter PN junction in forward voltage is under the direction of conduction. Silicon germanium transistor and PNP transistor has two types of type and NPN type. Transistor is a control element, the role of very large transistors, can be said that without the invention of the transistor is not the modern information society so diverse, tubes, his predecessor, but the size of a large tube enormous power, has now been eliminated. Transistor size is mainly used to control current to total emitter Connection Example (signal from the base input, the output from the collector, emitter grounded), when the base voltage UB has a small change, base current IB will follow a small change, subject to the control of base current IB, the collector current IC will be a great change, the greater the base current IB, the greater the collector current IC, whereas the more base current small, the collector current is also smaller, which control the base current the collector current changes. However, changes in the collector current changes than the base current is much greater, and this is the current amplification transistor. Just said is the transistor current amplification effect, and its essence is the transistor base current can change slightly to control the volume of the larger collector current variation. This is the most basic and most important transistor characteristics. We will ΔIc / ΔIb as the ratio of current amplification transistor, with symbol "β" said. Current amplification factor for a transistor is only a fixed value, but with the transistor"s base current when the work of change there will be some modifications. According to our analysis of the role of transistors it can become weak signal strength of the signal must, of course, continue to follow the conversion of energy conservation, it is only the power of the signal energy into the energy Bale. An important parameter is the transistor current amplification factor β. When the transistor"s base, adding a small current, the collector can get a current is injected into the current β-fold, that the collector current. Collector current with base current of change, and small changes in base current can cause large changes in collector current, which is the transistor"s amplification. The role of transistor switches are electronic, with the other components also constitute the oscillator, in addition to the role of regulator transistor there. 【译文】晶体三极管的作用晶体三极管,是最常用的基本元器件之一,晶体三极管的作用主要是电流放大,他是电子电路的核心元件,现在的大规模集成电路的基本组成部分也就是晶体三极管。 三极管基本机构是在一块半导体基片上制作两个相距很近的PN结,两个PN结把正块半导体分成三部分,中间部分是基区,两侧部分是发射区和集电区,排列方式有PNP和NPN两种, 从三个区引出相应的电极,分别为基极b发射极e和集电极c。发射区和基区之间的PN结叫发射结,集电区和基区之间的PN结叫集电极。基区很薄,而发射区较厚,杂质浓度大,PNP型三极管发射区"发射"的是空穴,其移动方向与电流方向一致,故发射极箭头向里;NPN型三极管发射区"发射"的是自由电子,其移动方向与电流方向相反,故发射极箭头向外。发射极箭头向外。发射极箭头指向也是PN结在正向电压下的导通方向。硅晶体三极管和锗晶体三极管都有PNP型和NPN型两种类型。 三极管是一种控制元件,三极管的作用非常的大,可以说没有三极管的发明就没有现代信息社会的如此多样化,电子管是他的前身,但是电子管体积大耗电量巨大,现在已经被淘汰。三极管主要用来控制电流的大小,以共发射极接法为例(信号从基极输入,从集电极输出,发射极接地),当基极电压UB有一个微小的变化时,基极电流IB也会随之有一小的变化,受基极电流IB的控制,集电极电流IC会有一个很大的变化,基极电流IB越大,集电极电流IC也越大,反之,基极电流越小,集电极电流也越小,即基极电流控制集电极电流的变化。但是集电极电流的变化比基极电流的变化大得多,这就是三极管的电流放大作用。 刚才说了电流放大是晶体三极管的作用,其实质是三极管能以基极电流微小的变化量来控制集电极电流较大的变化量。这是三极管最基本的和最重要的特性。我们将ΔIc/ΔIb的比值称为晶体三极管的电流放大倍数,用符号“β”表示。电流放大倍数对于某一只三极管来说是一个定值,但随着三极管工作时基极电流的变化也会有一定的改变。根据三极管的作用我们分析它可以把微弱的电信号变成一定强度的信号,当然这种转换仍然遵循能量守恒,它只是把电源的能量转换成信号的能量罢了。三极管有一个重要参数就是电流放大系数β。当三极管的基极上加一个微小的电流时,在集电极上可以得到一个是注入电流β倍的电流,即集电极电流。集电极电流随基极电流的变化而变化,并且基极电流很小的变化可以引起集电极电流很大的变化,这就是三极管的放大作用。三极管的作用还有电子开关,配合其它元件还可以构成振荡器,此外三极管还有稳压的作用。


The sentences in the position:- --I went to Apple Garden to play TV games on 3rd February 2014. It was the 4th day lunar new year Monday.(a particular day be mentioned) I drove my car to the garden arriving at 11:30 am.(gerund) The garden was big and there were cars and bridges in it. I could see a boat under the bridge.(active voice) I boarded and went rowing in the boat using oars at 11:44 am.(all past tenses) The sport and activity of rowing in a boat was interesting.(past tense) While I was rowing my sister was reading a story book.(past continuous tense) I finished rowing at 12;50 pm. row (intritive verb) = argue in an angry way (争吵) row (tritive/intritive verb) = move a boat using oars (划艇) rowing a boat = 划艇 rowing in a boat = 在艇内争吵 ?? ~ muddled attempt to write! .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7014042600041呢题问 「lee 几句咁样写,人地知唔知道lee 几样野系当Cindy 到达学校个阵发生。」 今题呢句仲要画到出肠 At the time of arriving at the garden it was big and there were car and bridge in the garden.. 你真系病得好重。 2014-05-01 01:54:35 补充: TomingBB I boarded and went rowing in the boat using oars at 11:44 am.(all past tenses)??? Did the guy mean to say "play TV games"? Is it a "row a boat" TV game? I went to Apple Garden to play TV games on 3rd February 2014. I drove my car to the garden. I arrived at 11:30am. The garden was big and there were cars and bridge in it. I could see a boat under the bridge. I began to board and rowed it at 11:44am. The paddling was interesting. While I was playing them my sister was reading a story book. I finished playing them at 12:50pm.


英国国会有三种元素: 王冠,上议院和英国国会下议院。 英国国会被时常称为 " legislature"- 制造的身体或不制造者法律。 当一个帐单被计划的时候 , 它首先在英国国会下议院中开始。 除了经过的帐单之外,英国国会有其他的事物做。 1. 上议院上议院是国会的最古老部份。 虽然上议院 ( 也被称为上面的众议院) 主要地是历史的神圣遗物,但是 lordsstill 保存他们的名称并且甚至有大部份他们的远古特权。 上议院和分享宫殿的相同建筑物的英国国会下议院被建造 bete ween 1840 和 1852, 代替在 1834 年被火已经是毁灭的建筑物. 理论上上议院是相等的在力量 woth 英国国会下议院中,2. 英国国会下议院也即是较低的众议院的英国国会下议院是真正的力量躺卧的地方。 头英国国会下议院是说者或室的总统,众议院 使用威斯敏斯特的宫殿部份北部。 英国国会下议院的法定人数是四十个成员。 有大约 1 小时 " 问题时间"在祈祷和一些初步行动之后每天,许多帐单在英国国会下议院中时下被内阁开始。 这章从最初的地方除了立法和财政之外提到。


求英文高手帮我翻译一个文章(汉译英,机械类) 悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时Mechanics Components Charles W. Beardsley Gears Spur and helical gears. A gear having tooth elements that are straight and parallel to its axis is known as a spur gear. A spur pair can be used to connect parallel shafts only. Parallel shafts, however, can also be connected by gears of another type, and a spur gear can be mated with a gear of a different type. To prevent jamming as a result of thermal expansion, to aid lubrication, and to compensate for unavoidable inaccuracies in manufacture, all power-transmitting gears must have backlash. This means that on the pitch circles of a mating pair, the space width on the pinion must be slightly greater than the tooth thickness on the gear, and vice versa. On instrument gears, backlash can be eliminated by using a gear split down its middle, one half being rot table relative to the other A spring forces the split gear teeth to occupy the full width of the pinion space. Helical gears have certain advantages; for example, when connecting parallel shafts they have a higher load carrying capacity than spur gears with the same tooth numbers and cut with the same cutter. Because of the overlapping action of the teeth, they are smoother in action and can operate at higher pitch-line velocities than spur gears. The pitch-line velocity is the velocity of the pitch circle. Since the teeth are inclined to the axis of rotation, helical gears create an axial thrust. If used singly, this thrust must be absorbed in the shaft bearings. The thrust problem can be overcome by cutting two sets of opposed helical teeth on the same blank. Depending on the method of manufacture, the gear may be of the continuous-tooth herringbone variety or a double-helical gear with a space between the two halves to permit the cutting tool to run out. Double-helical gears are well suited for the efficient transmission of power at high speeds. Helical gears can also be used to connect nonparallel, non-intersecting shafts at any angle to one another. Ninety degrees is the commonest angle at which such gears are used. Worm and bevel gears. In order to achieve line contact and improve the load-carrying capacity of the crossed axis helical gears, the gear can be made to curve partially around the pinion, in somewhat the same way that a nut envelops a screw. The result would be a cylindrical worm and gear. Worm gears provide the simplest means of obtaining large ratios in a single pair. They are usually less efficient than parallel-shaft gears, however, because of an additional sliding movement along the teeth. Because of their similarity, the efficiency 55 of a worm and gear depends on the same factors as the efficiency of a screw. Single-thread worms of large diameter have small lead angles and low efficiencies. Multiple-thread


Gears are often through-hardened by water or oil quenching in order to increase their resistance to wear. 齿轮通常都要经过在油介质或者水介质中的整体淬火,以达到增加耐磨性的目的。If a low degree of hardness is satisfactory, through-hardening is probably the most desirable heat treatment process to be used because of its inexpensiveness. 如果对强度的要求较低,整体淬火可能是最适当的热处理方法,因为它的花费不高。Case hardening is used for gear that require a hard surface and for which good accuracy is not necessary. 局部淬火使用在那些要求表面硬度较高的齿轮上,而且很难精确的达到。The case hardening process results in gears that have much harder surfaces than cores. 局部淬火处理的齿轮具有比心部组织硬度高的表面硬度。The advantage of case hardening is that, while the surface becomes hard and wear resistant, the toughness associated with the core remains.局部淬火的优点是,表面具有高硬度和高耐磨性的同时,心部组织仍然保留着较高的韧性。Carburizing, cyaniding, and induction hardening are some of the processes commonly used to produce the case hardening effect. 碳化、氰化、感应淬火是局部淬火中经常使用的处理方法。If great accuracy is required, the gear must be ground. 如果对齿轮有精度要求,齿轮就必须经过磨削。For problems in which corrosion resistant surfaces are desirable, nitriding is the process most often used. However, nitriding is a relatively expensive process and is used only if other processes do not produce satisfactory results. 对于表面有抗腐蚀性要求的齿轮,渗氮是最常用的方法。然而,渗氮是一种相对较昂贵的热处理方法,并且通常只在其它热处理方法无法满足要求时才会使用。Flame hardening and induction hardening are the methods usually used to harden larger gears. 火焰淬火和感应淬火是经常在大型齿轮上使用的热处理方法。To sum up this discussion of specially heat treated steels, the designer should make use of carbon or alloy steels without special heat treatment if the relatively low surface hardening of these untreated materials is satisfactory. 作为对特殊热处理钢材讨论的总结,设计师应当在未经热处理的低表面硬度材料能够满足使用要求时,使用不经过特殊热处理的碳钢或合金钢。As the hardness requirement increase, the heat treated steels should be considered, with the least expensive steel that satisfies the strength and wear requirements being chosen. 随着硬度要求的增加,应当考虑选择能够达到强度、耐磨性要求的最便宜的热处理钢材。Nonferrous Metals Gears have been manufactured of nonmetallic materials for many years. 用非金属材料来制造齿轮已经有很长时间。Rawhide, nylon, various type of plastics, and so on, have been used. The advantages obtained by using these materials are quiet operation, internal lubrication, dampening of shock and vibration, and manufacturing economy. 生牛皮、尼龙、各种塑料、以及其它材料都得到应用。这些材料的优点有:静音操作、自润滑、减振性好、以及加工制造经济性好。Their primary disadvantages are lower load carrying capacity and low heat conductivity, which results in heat distortion of the teeth and many result in a serious weakening of the gear teeth. 它们的主要缺点是承载能力低和热传导性差,这些引起了轮齿的热变形和多种轮齿能力的降低。Recently thermoplastic resins, with glass-fiber reinforcement and a lubricant as additives, have been used as gear materials. 最近,一种由玻璃纤维加固、并且带有自润滑剂的热塑性塑料,已经被用来做齿轮材料。The composite material has resulted in greater load carrying capacity, a reduced thermal expansion, greater wear resistance and fatigue endurance.合成材料具有更好的承载能力,更低的热膨胀系数,更好的耐磨性和更好的抗疲劳性能。问题补充:Nonferrous Metals Nonmetallic Materials 麻烦翻译达人了!补充这句是有点问题,Nonferrous Metals是有色金属。Nonmetallic Materials是非金属材料。用有色金属制非金属材料齿轮显然不对,我把那句翻成用非金属材料制非金属齿轮了。你对照下原文再。问题补充:还漏了一段:Copper, zinc, aluminum, and titanium and titanium are materials used to obtain alloys that are useful gear materials. 铜、锌、铝和钛是经常使用在齿轮材料中的合金金属。The copper alloys, known as bronzes, are perhaps the most widely used. 铜合金,比如青铜,可能是应用最广泛的合金。They are useful in problems where corrosion resistance is important and also where large sliding velocities exist. 它们用在要求有较高耐腐蚀性的情况,以及有较大滑动速度存在时。Because of their ability to reduce friction and wear, they are usually used as the material for making the worm wheel in a worm gear set. 因为具有减摩性和耐磨性的性能,它们通常用来制作涡轮减速器中的涡轮。Aluminum and zinc alloys are used to manufacture gears by the diecasting process.铝和锌的合金用来在模铸法中制造齿轮。


希望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢1982年4月6日出生在Bab el的Qued,阿尔及利亚首都索非亚Boutella。在5岁的女儿,歌手/作曲家Safy Boutella开始她的古典舞蹈教育。五年后,她和她的家人移居法国,在那里她开始档案处(rhytmical体操),赢得自己在国家队的18岁的奥运会现场。拥有出色的力量和柔韧性,她被霹雳舞感兴趣。这只是一个时间问题之前索非亚主导一些法国最伟大的战争,并接收由赢得了圣丹尼斯战成名。运动变得非常重要,她,她也占据了游泳和她17岁开始她的教育在体育学院。执行1在洛杉矶自由式舞蹈会议时,她吸引的比安卡李(编舞的达夫特低劣的视频)的关注和索非亚土地她作为大卫的女友“萨米亚”第一电影“的挑战”(“乐DEFI的作用神父,2002年)。 LE DEFI是一个音乐剧,灵感来自伟大的美国传统,并在今天的世界的法国嘻哈运动。这个非常强大的文化认同,从美国的模式不同,允许比安卡李和她的舞者给原有的在今天的法国城市青少年的熔炉点。LE DEFI后,她的两片:“蓝色海岸等阿斯马尔”(2004年,画外音)和“Permis D"瞄准器”(2005年),并出现在一些电视系列:“科迪尔,锯割等FLIC”(2004年)和玛莉卡"。她出现在几个MTV音乐录影带和女性运动齿轮和美容产品的建模工作(Narta,彪马,锐步,阿迪达斯,耐克,...)加入WTO后的“流浪汉船员”,其“分拆团队称为”Aphrodites部队“,索非亚的舞蹈生涯在2005年的高自旋,因为她,使她的国际首演!世界变得越来越知道她和她的HIPHOP移动通过2005年耐克妇女广告宣传:“以体育,添加音乐”......这是完全致力于索非亚期间商业分钟。这个耐克运动中,针对在欧洲的年轻女性,她演示了一个突破,舞蹈,嘻哈和自由式的融合。在几秒钟内,她说服她惊人的天赋和公众渴望了解她的每一个人。她加入了编舞杰米国王导师索非亚在耐克的广告未来两年:“耐克的Rockstar工作”和“齿轮及舞蹈”。索非亚的受欢迎程度是以往任何时候都高,然后她槽欧洲旅行的Rockstar锻炼。杰米介绍她到麦当娜在那里她得到角色在未来两年麦当娜的MTV视频剪辑:“红"和"对不起"。从五月至2006年9月21日,21",索菲亚得到环游世界与麦当娜的自白之旅。作为自白机组的一部分,她有机会成为一个“麦当娜为H&M的运动这一国际服装品牌,世界各地的广告牌上出现的一部分。 赞一下 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~^_^




翻译: Power semiconductor devices and power electronics World"s first semiconductor rectifier and the transistor is, when no power semiconductor or microelectronics semiconductor division. In 1958, China began the first research topic Thyristor (originally known as PNPN device). In similar time, the study of integrated circuits began gradually. From semiconductor devices to the two direction. The former became the basis for power electronics, while the latter led to the development and micro-electronics and information electronics. According to the system, power system devices are classified to the machinery, integrated circuits, electronic systems are included. As the semiconductor leader in the electronic systems, coupled with the semiconductor integrated circuits is the main body, which after a long-term evolution of integrated circuits in a number of occasions, has become almost synonymous with semiconductor devices only. At the end of the sixties and early seventies, the country has set off a "SCR" hot. The boom continued a long time, great influence, and therefore still believe that the domestic power of semiconductors is the main SCR. The late seventies, the development of a thyristor family. And called the name of a standardized "thyristor." As the technology to regulate the power switch, so the wear and tear on a small device, so as the energy trump card. Its application is to cover all fields. China was first mooted in 1979, the establishment of Power Electronics Society, IEEE slightly earlier than the establishment of the United States Institute of Power Electronics (Power Electronics Society). Power Electronics Society of China was founded, as a result of the importance of professional development is very rapid. However, because the focal point was the relationship, it does not like the United States become an independent professional institutes, and was subsequently set up part of the China Electrotechnical Society. The translation and definition of Power Electronics for Power Electronics (the original idea was also known as the Power Electronics), and the popularity of power electronics played a role. Mechanical, electrical, electronic and other departments are very concerned about its development. Related to the power semiconductor devices has also been known as the power electronic devices. However, this name is very difficult to find abroad, but the corresponding terms. "Electricity" in reference to electronic access to universal, but also left a number of sequels. People mistakenly believe that only high-power direction is the "power" of the main electronic devices, and the difficulty of the rapid development of the MOSFET as a "power electronics" of the other main. From that point, I would like to use power semiconductor devices as the subject of this article, and power electronic devices can be used to express a broader sense to include other non-semiconductor, including a variety of power electronic devices. The development of power semiconductor devices in three stages The development of power semiconductor devices can be divided into three stages. The first stage is 60 to the seventies, when the various types of thyristors and power transistors Darlington significant development, or what might be called the era of bipolar. Its clients are mainly for industrial applications, including power systems, such as locomotive traction. The second stage is 80 to the nineties, due to the rise of the power MOSFET to power electronics into a new area. Modern 4C booming industry: the Communication, Computer, Consumer, Car (communication, computer, consumer electronics, automobiles) to provide a new vitality. Before and after the twenty-first century, the development of power semiconductor devices have entered the third phase, that is, and integrated circuit combined with a growing stage, Figure 1 and Figure II made to the above description of a simple sum. Of course, first of all need to focus on that here is this: when the continuous development of power semiconductor devices, the previous stage has not been the dominant product from the stage of history. For example, SCR is still an important product. China has in recent years the introduction of ultra-high-power thyristor, thyristor-controlled technology, such as China"s major power transmission project, providing a key device. Recently, in considering the introduction of IGCT technology. In this regard it should be said that has gradually moved towards the world. This is our country going on the many major infrastructure. Although the view from the United States, the production of high-power thyristors have been less and less on the economic development of the two countries are not identical. I draw in Figure 2 in power semiconductor devices in both directions in the development. The left side of the bipolar nature of the direction toward the integration of ultra-high-power and direction. The right direction is unipolar, it is more established and integrated circuits of the inseparable relationship between closely. 一般来说是这样的

谁能给我 用英语介绍日本的文章??

tokyoTokyo is a marvelous mix of modern living and old-fashioned manners, slick high-tech gadgets and cutesy cartoon mascots. It"s terribly crowded, yet can be strangely quiet. It"s not a pretty city, not by conventional standards. Beauty comes in tiny packages here: You"ll find it in bud vases, at dinner tables and on dessert plates. You"ll find it also in the way superfast trains ease into stations, gently, precisely and on time. There is beauty in the shrines and stone lanterns and other traces of old Japan scattered among the skyscrapers, swanky shopping malls and sprawling mass transit hubs. The trick is to sample it all — to do the serene garden and the massive office tower with a view. Here"s how to see the loveliest — and liveliest — sides of Tokyo in one day.sumoForget kabuki — sumo is better theater. If you happen to be in Tokyo during one of the three grand tournaments — 15-day events in January, May and September — go straight from the Tsukiji fish market to Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo"s National Sumo Hall. The box office opens at 8 a.m., and competition begins at 9 a.m. and lasts into the evening. Bouts are brief — usually just a few, very exciting, extremely intense seconds, with a lot of posturing in between. Try to stay long enough to see the start of a new round, when the rikishi parade into the arena wearing special aprons over their loincloths, and there"s a brief ceremony in the ring.If it"s not tournament season, try to go to one of the stables where the wrestlers live and train. Sessions start early and are usually over by 10 a.m., though figure 9 a.m. to be safe. (There are more than 50 sumo stables in Tokyo; click here for the list). Have someone who speaks Japanese call the stable in the afternoon on the day before you want to go, to make sure the team"s in town and not on tour in the countryside. Some stables are more welcoming than others. Try Kokonoe-beya, or ask the concierge at your hotel if they have an in somewhere. Inside the stable, keep quiet and out of the way, and don"t take flash pictures. You may be expected to make a small donation.General admission tickets for Ryogoku Kokugikan are sold as same-day seats on tournament days: $20 for adults, $2 for children ages 4 to 15 (kids under 4 get in free); tickets are cash only. Take the JR Yamanote line to Akihabara and transfer to the Sobu line for Ryogoku station; the stadium is next door, and Kokonoe-beya is a 5-minute taxi ride from there. The Toei Oedo line also stops at Ryogoku station.Meiji ShrineDedicated to the late 19th-century emperor who opened Japan to the West, Tokyo"s most famous Shinto shrine is wonderfully serene and austere, not colorful or flashy like other Asian places of worship, and is less of a tourist trap than Senso-ji, the big Buddhist temple across town in Asakusa. The 40-foot-high (12-meter) torii gate at the entrance to the 200-acre park is made of 1,500-year-old cypress, and there"s a second one like it closer to the shrine itself. Stop at the cleansing station where you can dip into a communal water tank and purify your hands and mouth before offering up a prayer. You can write wishes on little pieces of paper and tie them onto the prayer wall, or do as the locals do — toss some yen into the offering box (it"s near the enormous taiko drum), bow your head twice, clap twice, and bow once more.On Sunday mornings you are likely to see a traditional wedding procession (or two) through the courtyard — the bride in a white kimono and hood and the groom in his formal black robe, walking together under an enormous red parasol, with Shinto priests leading the way and the rest of the wedding party trailing behind. Shrines, big or small, can get interesting on festival days. Check the calendar to see what"s happening.Meiji-jingu is open sunrise to sunset. Admission is free. Take the JR Yamanote line to Harajuku station.Yoyogi ParkYoyogi Park in Shibuya-ku is the perfect comic relief after a low-key shrine stop. With living space so tight in this city, parks are the places for club meetings and practice sessions and even play rehearsals, and Yoyogi draws all sorts of talent, from horn players to hula hoopers to hip-hop dancers. Some carry on as if unaware they have an audience. I love the rockabilly gangs, Elvis-inspired dudes with pronounced pompadours who usually gather by the park"s east side entrance on Sundays to jam to American pop music from the "50s. You"ll see them next to the sock hop of ladies in poodle skirts and saddle shoes. Somehow this scene is more satisfying than the Gothic Lolitas and Costume Play kids (fans of Japanese manga and anime dressed as their favorite characters) hanging out on the Harajuku bridge, but I always take my friends to see them too.Yoyogi Park has a mellower side that"s also worth exploring — areas to the north and west, past the fountain pond and central field. There"s a cycling center (81-(0)3-3465-6855) northwest of the central field that rents bikes, including tandems, for just a few hundred yen (you"re not supposed to go off the path, which is long and lovely) and a snack hut with tables that sells ice cream and beer. There is also a little dog run, so you"re bound to see at least a few terriers decked out in rhinestones and denim or chihuahuas dressed like cheerleaders.Yoyogi Park is open from dawn to dusk. Admission is free. Take the JR Yamanote line to Harajuku, Omotesando exit, or the Chiyoda line to Yoyogi-koen, exit 4.


编辑要求在COVER LETTER逐点解释修改的内容,对所有同行评议的内容都应逐点解释。逐点的意思是要回答审稿人的每个问题。而不是详细列举在文章中如何具体修改的(用红色标出来就可以了或是word的跟踪修订功能)SCI文章修回的COVER LETTER模板如下:Dear Dr.XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and advice. We have revised the paper, and would like to re-submit it for your consideration. We have addressed the comments raised by the reviewers, and the amendments are highlighted in red in the revised manuscript. We hope that the revision is acceptable, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. With best wishes,Yours sincerely,XXXXXX================================================================(换页)We would like to express our sincere thanks to the reviewers for the constructive and positive comments.Replies to Reviewer 1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXReplies to Reviewer 2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXReplies to Reviewer 3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


南昌一中外语组: 庄蓉芳摘要:语文和英语两门学科都是关于语言学习的,在掌握文章主旨的方法上有许多相同和相通之处。但尽管如此,不是每个学生都能顺利地进行知识迁移,用我们的母语经验去帮助掌握英文文章的主旨。本文将列举五个典型案例来探究如何掌握英文文章的主旨常用的方法。关键词:知识迁移 ,母语经验, 英文文章的主旨, 常用方法 在阅读任何一篇英文短文时,第一件要思考的事就是了解文章大意。英文短文有明显的特点,那就是每一自然段的开头或结尾句就是该段的主题句。可以说,绝大多数学生都知道这一特点,却依旧无法准确的理解文章主旨。为什么?因为了解这一特点仅仅是掌握文章主旨的初始阶段,如何能将主题句有机地联系在一起才是知识迁移的关键阶段——即用语文学科中掌握主旨的知识去指导掌握英文文章主旨。 方法1:重视第一自然段的作用。第一自然段主要有两个作用:第一:抛砖引玉,引出下文;第二:总括全文,即文章主旨段落。 例题一、2006年高考题重庆卷阅读C篇When a Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recovered from the port of Stockholm, historians and scientists were overjoyed with the chance to examine the remains of the past. The ship construction showed how ships were built and operated during the seventeenth century. In this way, artifacts ,objects made by human beings, provided a picture of daily life almost 400 years ago. Underwaterarchaeology-the study of ships, aircraft and human settlements that have sunk under large bodies of water-is really a product of the last 50 years. The rapid growth of this new area of study has occurred because of the invention of better diving equipment .Besides the Swedish ship wreck(残骸),underwater archaeologists have made more exciting discoveries such as the 5000-year-old boats in the Mediterranean Sea. Underwater archaeology can provide facts abut the past. In ancient ports all over the world are ships sunken in the past 6,000 years. There are also sunken settlements in seas and lakes telling of peoples way of life and their systems of trade in ancient times. Underwater archaeologists want to study these objects to add to the world"s knowledge of history, but they have to fight two enemies. One enemy is treasure hunters who dive for ancient artifacts that they can sell to collectors. Once sold, these objects are lost to experts. The second enemy is dredging machines(挖掘机)often used to repair ports. These machines destroy wrecks and artifacts or bury them deeper under sand and mud. By teaching the public about the importance of underwater “museums” of the past, archaeologists are hoping to get support for laws to protect underwater treasures. 全文共三段,第一自然段讲了发现了一艘1628的沉船,历史学家和科学家们欢呼雀跃有机会了解过去的遗迹;第二自然段讲了水下考古学的的定义;第三自然段讲了水下考古学的作用。如果,学生非常清楚第一自然段的主要作用,就很容易发现第一自然段是抛砖引玉引起下文而不是总括全文,全文主要讲的是水下考古学。 63. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage? A. To provide background information of the topic B. To attract readers" attention to the topic C. To use an example to support the topic D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic 所以该考题答案应选择B。 例题二、2011年高考题福建卷阅读理解D篇 Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was one of the most private women in the world, yet when she went to work as an editor in the last two decades of her life, she revealed (展现) herself as she did nowhere else.After the death of her second husband, Greek shipping magnate Aristotie Onassis laqueline"s close friend and former White House social secretary Letitis Baldrige made a suggestion that she consider a career in publishing. After consideration, Jacqueline accepted it. Perhaps she hoped to find there some ideas about how to live her own life .She became not less but more interested in reading. For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publisher"s editor, first at Viking, then at Doubleday ,pursuing(追求)a late-life career longer than her two marriages combined. During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 successfully marketed books. Among the first books were In the Russian Style and Inventive Paris Clothes. She also succeeded in persuading TV hosts Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell to transform their popular television conversation into a book ,The Power of Myth. The book went on to become an international best-seller. She dealt too. with Michael Jackson as he prepared his autobiography(自传),Moonwalk.Jaequeline may have been hired for her name and for her social relations, but she soon proved her worth.. Her choices, suggestions and widespread social relations were of benefit both to the publishing firms and to Jacqueline herself. In the books she selected for publication, she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind. Her books are the autobiography she never wrote, Her role as First lady, in the end, was overshadowed by her performance as an editor. However, few knew that she had achieved so much. 全文共三段。第一自然段的主旨是肯尼迪夫人Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 在生命的最后二十多年作为一名编辑,在工作中表现比她以前做的任何事情都出色;第二自然段的主旨是在她第二任丈夫去世后,她接受了进入出版业的建议;第三自然段的主旨是她被雇佣也许是因为她的名声和社会关系,但很快她就证明了她的价值。很明显,第一自然段是总括段落。 The passage is mainly A. an introduction of Jacqueline"s life both as Fist Lady and as editor. B. a brief description of Jacqueline"s lifelong experiences. C. a brief account of Jacqueline"s career as an editor in her last 20 years. D. an analysis of Jacqueline"s social relations in publishing 所以该考题答案是C. 方法2:利用分段理顺主题句之间的关系。这种方法很适用于篇幅较长,段落较多的传记、议论文和说明文。 例题一、2011年高考题浙江卷阅读理解C篇 ① In the more and more competitive service industry , it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction. Today , customer “delight” is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share.②It is accepted in the marketing industry , and confirmed by a number of researches, that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people : those treated badly will tell their tales of woe to up to 20 people, 80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal ③ New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone call centers and the Internet. For example , many companies now have to invest(投资)a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the “phone rage”—caused by delays in answering calls ,being cut off in mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.④“Many people do not like talking to machines ,”says Dr . Storey Senior Lecturer in Marketng at City University Business School.“Banks, for example, encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them .The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust— the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager.” ⑤ Recommended ways of creating customer delight include: under-promising and over-delivering (saying that a repair will be calmed out within five hours ,but getting it done within two );replacing a faulty product immediately : throwing in a gift voucher(购物礼卷)as an unexpected “thank you” to rental customers ;and always returning calls ,even when they are complaints. ⑥ Aiming for customer delight is all very well , but if services do not reach the high level promised , disappointment or worse will be the result . This can be eased by offering an apology and an explanation of why the service did not meet usual standards with empathy (for example,“ I know how you must feel”) , and possible solutions (replacement , compensation or whatever fames suggests best meets the case). ⑦Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care . Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool, while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather ,unclaimed luggage and technical problems . ⑧For British Airways staff , a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times . They are trained to answer quickly ,with their name , job title and a “we are here to help” attitude. The company has invested heavily in information technology to make sure that information is available instantly on screen. ⑨ British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service. ⑩Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as "we do as we please”. On the other hand , the more customers are promised, the greater the risk of disappointment. 这是一篇议论文,一共有十个自然段。十个主题句如果不加以进一步的整理,很难在短时间里看出全文的主旨。分段是整理多段落文章的一个很实用的方法。议论文分段要考虑论点、论据和论证,文章主要由提出问题(what)、分析问题(why)、和解决问题(how)几个部分构成这些因素。这篇文章根据提出问题(what)、分析问题(why)、和解决问题(how)等三个因素大体可以分成三大段,第一段包括①②自然段,提出问题,即尽力取悦顾客是很多公司保住或增加市场份额的方法,并讲述了原因;第二大段包括③④自然段,分析问题,即照顾好客人在出现电话和网络等购物方式时面临的新挑战;第三大段包括⑤-⑩自然段,解决问题,即在取悦顾客的多种方法中,特别要注意一项原则“许诺越多,失望的几率就越大,不要轻易许诺”。文章用了六个自然段放在解决问题这一块,用意非常明显。文章的主题应该是:现在,面临新的挑战,取悦顾客依然是好的经营策略,但具体使用不同方法时一定要注意一项原则“许诺越多,失望的几率就就越大,不要轻易许诺”,这样,才能真正实现取悦顾客的经营策略。 55. Which of the following is conveyed in this article? A. Face-to-face service creates comfortable feelings among customers. B. Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers. C. A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market. D. Customer delight is more important for airlines than for banks. 所以,该考题答案应选择C。 例题二、20011年高考题江苏卷阅读理解A篇①We know the famous ones—the Thomas Edisons and the Alexander Graham Bells —but what about the less famous inventors? What about the people who invented the traffic light and the windshield wiper(雨刮器)?Shouldn"t we know who they are?②Joan Mclean think so. In fact, Mclean, a professor of physics at Mountain University in Range, feels so strongly about this matter that she"s developed a course on the topic. In addition to learning “who” invented ”what”, however, Mclean also likes her students to learn the answers to the” why” and ”how” questions. According to Mclean,” When students learn the answers to these questions, they are better prepared to recognize opportunities for inventing and more motivated to give inventing a try.”③Her students agree. One young man with a patent for an unbreakable umbrella is walking proof of McLean"s statement. “If I had not heard the story of the windshield wiper"s invention,” said Tommy Lee, a senior physics major, “ I never would have dreamed of turning my bad experience during a rainstorm into something so constructive. “ Lee is currently negotiating to see his patent to an umbrella producer.④So, just what is the story behind the windshield wiper? Well, Mary Anderson came up with the idea in 1902 after a visit to Mew York City. The day was cold and stormy, but Anderson still wanted to see the sights ,so she jumped aboard a streetcar. Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through the snow covering the windshield, she found herself wondering why there couldn"t be a built-in device for cleaning the window. Still wondering about this when she returned home to Birmingham, Alabama, Anderson started drafting out solutions. One of her ideas, a lever(操作杆)on the inside of a vehicle that would control an arm on the outside, became the first windshield wiper. ⑤Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations,It"s hard to imagine driving without Garrett A. Morgan"s traffic light. It"s equally impossible to picture a world without Katherine J.Blodgett"s innovation that makes glass invisible, Can you picture life without clear windows and eyeglasses? 这篇文章在分析过程中有一点曲折之处,这要特别注意。其中①④⑤三个自然段能构成一个完整主题即“我们也应该去了解那些不知名的发明家,因为他们的发明是我们从中受益 ”。而且,①、⑤两段正好是文章的开头段和结尾段,是我们通常认为的最重要的两个段落。所以这个主题很容易被误解成这样。但是,如果考虑分段,就会发现一个矛盾,若按这样的主题,那②、③自然段,主旨是“老师Joan McLean和她的学生都认为要开关于不知名的发明家的课程”,放在文章的中间是不是有点问题?而且这个文章主旨显然没有包括②、③自然段。所以,这篇文章要重新考虑-----文章的开头段应是引出话题,然后进入正文,说要开Invention Courses这种课程,④、⑤自然段则是解释为什么开这种的课的原因。 59. Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage? A How to Help Students to Sell Their Inventions to Producers? B How to Design a Built-in Device for Cleaning the Window? C Shouldn"t We Know Who Invented the Windshield Wiper? D Shouldn"t We Develop Invention Courses in Universities? 文章的主旨的我们为什么要开Invention Courses,所以,该考题答案为D。 方法3:找出内在的联系线索。 例题一、2011年高考题安徽卷阅读理解B篇 Think about the different ways that people use the wind . You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat . Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power source(来源), as well as one of the oldest . Evidence shows that windmills(风车) began to be used in ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC . They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power. For many centuries, people used windmills to grind(磨碎) wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground . When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radio. However, by the1940s when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used. During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity . People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever . Then, wind was rediscovered , though it means higher coasts. Today , there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind. 文章共三段,第一段主旨是风能不仅仅是最干净丰富的资源还是最古老的能源之一;第二自然段的主旨是几个世纪以来,人们都使用风能,但在上世纪40年代,由于电力的发明,风能很少被利用;第三自然段的主旨是今天,全球都有利用风能发电的倾向。不要孤立每一段落,将三个主旨联系起来就可以看出文章在叙述风能利用的发展史。 63.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows? A. The advantage of wind power. B. The design of wind power plants. C. The worldwide movement to save energy. D. The global trend towards producing power from wind. 后面作者会写什么?当然还是风能发展。所以该题答案为D. 在理解英文文章主旨中,灵活运用我们在学习语文中理解文章主旨的方法会有很多益处。首先,思维上轻车熟路,这会加快分析英文文章的速度;其次,加强了学生对文章重点涉及的问题的记忆。当学生回去寻找答案时,速度会更为迅速。再次,强化了学生的阅读记忆能力。这为提高了阅读速度和阅读质量打下了坚实的基础。我们知道,对语言文字的过度推理会引起了理解力的减弱。正如熊学亮先生(1999)所说的,“认知的加倍投入并不等于加倍的获得信息”。 高考阅读理解题中关于文章主旨题的提问角度也是在检查和督促学生将语文学科中获得的掌握主旨方法运用到英语学科中的知识迁移过程。 所以无论是从提高自身的英文阅读理解能力上说,还是从提高应试能力上说,掌握这些方法都是很有必要的。


一篇西语文章,记录下一些词组和语法现象,希望对西语感兴趣的朋友给我补充,一起学习。 En la cara de feroz competencia china, al trabajo, a fin de mejorar sus capacidades, he decidido ir al extranjero a fin de ser capaces de encontrar un mejor retorno en el futuro. Yo escogí el país es Espa?a, porque Espa?a es uno de los miembros de la Unión Europea, es uno de los del tercer mundo-más grande de lengua espa?ola, utilizados por las Naciones Unidas es uno de los cinco idiomas, el chino es también muy falta de comprensión de habla hispana personal. Tomando todos los factores, me decidí a ir a Espa?a para estudiar, mis padres son un gran apoyo de mi idea. La siguiente es mi plan de estudio: 3,2009 en enero de 2009 --- septiembre voy a Madelikang Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo del Centro Internacional de Idiomas para aprender espa?ol. La Universidad es la más antigua de Espa?a, más grande, más completo departamento de la Universidad, ubicado en las zonas urbanas en las cercanías de la capital, Madrid, el espa?ol son muy puro. Me siento muy honrado de poder entrar en la universidad. Voy a tratar de aprender el idioma, así como el acceso a los profesionales y sentar una buena base. 2,2009 a?os en octubre, voy a entrar en el estudio de la Universidad y profesionales, quiero aprender espa?ol Literatura de posgrado en pregrado, si es posible, me gustaría seguir a leer el título de maestría en la Universidad. Y luego regresar a China, para participar en la traducción profesional espa?ol, espa?ol para el desarrollo de China. Le pido a la aprobación de la solicitud, estoy esperando a mis ideales se puede lograr. Gracias por su muy apretada agenda a leer mi material!


  初中 英语听力 教学越来越受到关注。提高学生的综合语言运用能力,首先就要从改善初中英语听力的日常教学开始。下面是我带来的七年级下册英语 文章 听力,欢迎阅读!  七年级下册英语文章听力精选   听力原文 Ⅰ.   1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45.   3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. Itu2019s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ.   6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7. How do you spell“eraser”? 8. Whereu2019s my book? Can you see it? 9. Does Jack like strawberries? 10. Whatu2019s your favorite sport? Ⅲ.   M: Good evening, Ann. W: Good evening, Andy.   M: I know you are an English teacher. And many students like you very much. Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure.   M: When is your birthday? W: Itu2019s December 21.   M: You look healthy. Do you often do sports?   W: Yes. I like running best. I also like basketball, soccer, ping-pong, and baseball. M: But do you have much time to play sports every day?   W: Yes. I run to school in the morning and run back home in the afternoon. I play sports with my students after class. M: Wow! Youu2019re a good runner!   W: Yes. I want my students to do more sports, too. Itu2019s good for them. M: I think so.   Ⅳ.   Tom is an American boy. He is from New York.His father, Mr Brown, and mother, Mrs Brown, both work in Beijing now. So he studies in No.61Middle School in Beijing. He usually goes to school at 7:10 every morning. At school, Tomu2019s favorite subjects are science and music. He thinks they are very interesting. He doesnu2019t like math. He thinks itu2019s too boring. After school, Tom usually plays soccer and basketball with his Chinese friends. On weekends, Tom often goes to the movies with his parents.   参考答案   听力 1—20 ACBAB BACAC CABCB CBAAB 单项选择 21—35 ABBBA ACCDA CBBBD 完形填空 36—45 BBBCA CCBAA   46—55 old, school, help, difficult, favorite, because,   best, playing, movies, are   阅读理解 56—70 CDBCC CAABD BBDAC   七年级下册英语文章听力阅读   I.听 句子 。选择与所听内容对应的图片。句子读两遍。   1.Lin Tao gets up at 6:30 every day.   2.There are many things in the supermarket.   3.The girls are buying pens.   4.Bill is playing basketball.   5.The boys are carrying a big box.   II.听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读两遍。   6.Is this pen cheap or expensive?   7.Can I have a hag of milk?   8.Whatu2019s the name of the supermarket?   9.How much orange juice do you want?   10.What day is it today?   III.听对话和问题。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。   11.M:Mum,what do we have for lunch today?   W:What about rice and fish?   M:Rice and fish?OK,fish is my favourite.And some tofu.   W:OK. I must buy some now.   Q:What do they have for lunch today?   12. M:How much is it?   W:Seven yuan a kilo.   M:Itu2019s too expensive. I wonu2019t buy it.   Q:Where are they talking?   13.M:Can I help you,madam?   W:Some tomatoes,please.   Q:What vegetable does the woman want?   14.W:Jim,what do we have for supper now?   M:Let me go and have a look.Oh,thereu2019s only a little bread.   W:So we must buy some food tomorrow.   M:Yes,we must buy some fish,meat and chicken.   Q:What do they have for supper now`?   15.M:Hi,Lily!Get up quickly.Itu2019s tune to go to school.   W:Why?Dad!Itu2019s Saturday today.   M:Oh,yes,itu2019s Saturday.You have no classes today or tomorrow.   Q:When does Lily go to school?   IV,听短文。根据所听内容填空。每空一词。短文读两遍。   Please come to Sandyu2019s shop.Itu2019s for children.These bags are only thirty   yuan.Do you want to buy a sweater for your son?Itu2019s only twenty-two yuan.And for girls,T-shirts in red,green and black are only fifteen yuan. What nice socks!   Theyu2019re only five yuan.   七年级下册英语文章听力学习   句子听写   第一节   1. Her mane is Gina.   2. This is a cup.   3. The telephone is red.   4. He is Alan Miller.   5. My phone number is 278-79.   第二节   6. Whatu2019s your name?   7. Iu2019m Jenny. Nice to meet you!   8. Whatu2019s your phone number?   9. Whatu2019s her last name?   10. Whatu2019s his first name?   第三节   11. M: My name is Jack. Whatu2019s your name?   W: Iu2019m Jenny.   12. M: Whatu2019s her name?   W: Her name is Linda.   13. M: What color is the telephone?   W: Itu2019s blue.   14. W: Hi, Frank! Iu2019m Helen.   M: Whatu2019s your last name?   W: My last name is Brown.   15. M: Whatu2019s his name?   W: His name is Tony Smith.   M: Whatu2019s his phone number?   W: Itu2019s 398-61.   第四节   1. This is my brother.   2. Is that your dog?   3. My son is five.   4. Those are my parents.   5. Thatu2019s my family photo.   第五节   6. Is this your sister?   7. Is Tony your friend?   8. Paul, this is Anna.   9. Spell your name, please.   10. Whatu2019s your last name?   第六节   11. M: Is that a map?   W: No, it isnu2019t. Itu2019s a photo.   12. M: Is this your sister?   W: Yes. Her name is Linda.   13. M: Who is Coco?   W: She is Daleu2019s sister.   14. M: Hello! Are you Kim Miller?   W: Yes, I am.   M: Iu2019m Alan Smith. Nice to meet you!   15. M: Hi, Jane! Is that your brother?   W: No, it isnu2019t. Itu2019s my cousin, Tim.   M: Whatu2019s his phone number?   W: His phone number is 521-087.


Beverage and Life Drinks and life are inextricably close relationship. Juveniles enjoy many soft drinks. Its sweet, its many changes, juvenile does not really understand the difficulties involved,life, he only tasted the sweet taste alone. The world at his eyes, as if the taste of different soft drinks, fun and colorful. Puberty, his job, his love. At this time, his tastes shifted from soft drinks coffee, coffee also suffered also sweet, but also Shannon also Shibuya, has a sophisticated sense of stimulation, consistent with his complex and changeable state of mind. This period of time, mountains and water in his eyes, nor the non-mountain water. He has the ambition to strive and ideals, he has married the needs and desires; However, the cause and love, may bring him some small setbacks; laugh at him sometimes in tears, sometimes they. Him thinking, but fun. Middle-aged then, many love Chinese tea, Chinese tea was shocked by the delicate fragrance of, are hidden, and he and Meaningful, Shen real and profound. It never shallow to stimulate your taste. However, the drinking, pestering atfragrance, but you called memorable. Jiangshan has been scheduled for the middle-aged, then, see Shan is mountain, water is water. Of life, he no longer unrealistic vision, but that he fully enjoy the splendid sunset at dusk Kurume difficult truth, therefore, cherish him every inch of life time, and his every day, all wrapped in a plain and down-to-earth in the Happiness. The elderly, drinking water. Water, does not contain saccharin, without caffeine, even without theophylline. It is a very short very short, but mingle in detail, but can also taste a little bit of sweetness to. Life"s ups and looked at him; the stormy sea of life, he experienced; success or failure, have become gone. At this moment,him sitting in the rocking chair, the back, everything everything lightly, such as water, water .....

请以chinese tea 为题写一篇文章简单介绍中国茶叶的起源及发展

It is 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.There"re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china. Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories. It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people"s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it"s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That"s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.

chinese tea 的英文文章,介绍中国的茶文化!急!

以下是“中国”茶叶的历史:======================History of Chinese Tea======================Chinese tea consists of tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from China.According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong (Shen Nung, Shen Nong, The Yan Emperor, The Emperor of the five grains) in 2737 BC when a leaf from a Camilla sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was boiling. Not everyone agrees on the origin, but no one disputes that tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China. The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.Some writers classify tea into four categories, green, white, black and oolong. Others add categories for red, scented and compressed teas. All of these come from varieties of the Camilla sinensis plant. Chinese flower tea (花茶), while popular, is not a true tea. Most Chinese tea is consumed in China and is not exported. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in China.Within these main categories of tea are vast varieties of individual beverages. Some researchers have counted more than 700. Others put the number at more than 1,000. Some of the variations are due to different strains of the Camilla plant. The popular Tie Guan Yin 铁观音, for example, is traced back to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province. Other teas draw some of their characteristics from local growing conditions. The largest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in processing after the tea is harvested. White and green teas are cooked soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often called fermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the leaves. Oolong teas are partially oxidized. Black and red teas are fully oxidized. Other differences come from variations in the processing steps.Chinese Tea HistoryTea (Camellia sinensis) is native to China. The ancient Chinese used them for medical purposes, then developed the infusion we know as tea; to this day tea is said to purge the digestive system of "toxins". Later the Chinese learned to grow tea plants and use their leaves to make various types of tea.Many different types of tea were grown during each of the dynasties in China.The Tang DynastyA list of the differing grades of tea grown in the Tang Dynasty:Premier Grade Tea: Xiazhou, Guangzhou, Huzhou, Yuezhou, Pengzhou. Second Grade Tea: Jingzhou, Ranzhou, Changzhou, Mingzhou. Third Grade Tea: Shouzhou, Hangzhou, Muzhou, Hengzhou, Taizhou, Xuanzhou, Yiazhou, Luzhou. Fourth Grade Tea: Jinzhou, Lianzhou, Huangzhou, Sozhou, Yunzhou, Hanzhou, Meizhou. Tea dates back to the West Zhou Period in ancient China, when the Chinese used tea as offerings. Since then, tea leaves have been eaten as vegetables, used as medicine, and, since the Han dynasty, infused in boiling water, the new drink making tea into a major commodity. There are many different kinds of tea. The three basic categories are non-oxidised green tea, semi-oxidised oolong tea, and fully oxidised black tea. All true teas are usually made from the same type of plant, “Camellia Sinensis”, although some teas are flavored with other plants and flowers.Tea is made through a very long and delicate procedure where young tea leaves are picked, steamed or pan fried, then dried and sifted, and finally distributed to wherever they need to go. The flavor of tea varies depending on how it is prepared.Many people drink tea because of its health advantages. Tea promotes in occasions digestion[citation needed], is rich in vitamins, and brings a feeling of relaxation when you drink it.The Song DynastyTea was an important crop during the Song Dynasty. Tea farms covered 242 counties. This included expensive tribute tea; tea from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, where some was exported to Southeast Asian and the Arab countries.In the Song Dynasty, tea started to be pressed into tea cake, some embossed with patterns of the dragon and the Phoenix and was called exotic names including:Large Dragon tea cake, Small Dragon tea cake, Surpass Snow Dragon ball cake, Fine Silver Sprout, Cloud Leaf, Gold Money, Jade Flower, Inch of Gold, Longevity Sprout, Eternal Spring Jade Leave, Dragon in the Clouds, Longevity Dragon Sprout, Dragon Phoenix and Flower, Eternal Spring Silver Sprout.The Ming DynastyMing dynasty scholar 文震亨 Wen Zhenheng"s book 长物志 Zhang Wu Zhi (On Superfluous Things) chapter 12 contains description of several famous Ming dynasty teas:Tiger Hill Tea and Heaven Pool TeaDuring this time Tiger Hill Tea was purportedly developed as (still) the finest tea in the world, however, the production quantity was rather small, and growing is regulated by the Chinese government. Some, however, consider its taste to be second to Heaven Pool tea. Zhen Heng.Jie TeaJie Tea from Chang Xing of Zhejiang is superb and highly regarded, though rather expensive.Those from Jing Qi find it is slightly inferior.NB: "Jie" is the short hame for "Luo Jie". Luo Jie was the name of a mountain bordering Zhejiang and Jing Qi (in the Ming dynasty), where "jie"-- meant boundary. Chang Xin was south of Luo Jie mountain, Jing Qi was north of Luo Jie. Chang Xin retains its name till today.Luo Jie tea from Gu Chu mountain in Chang Xing county in Zhejiang was also known as Gu Chu Voilet Shoot. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot had been imperial tribute tea since the Tang dynasty for nearly nine hundred years until the middle of the Qin dynasty. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot was revived again in the seventies as a top grade tea in China.NB. Jin Qi is now called Yi Xin township. Jin Qi tea was also known as Yang Xian tea. Ruo Leaves are leaves from Indocalamus tessellatus bamboo. The leaf is about 45 cm long.Liu An Tea"Liu An" tea is used for Chinese medicine, although if it is not baked right, it cannot let out its aroma and has a bitter taste. The inherent quality of this tea is actually quite good. Wen ZhenhengNote: Liu An is a county in Anhui. Liu An tea is still produced from Liu An county in Anhui province in China. The Liu An tea from the Bat Cave of Jin Zai county is of superior quality, as thousand of bats in the cave can provide an ideal fertilizer for the tea plants.Song Luo TeaSong Luo tea is manufactured at Song Luo mountain located north of Xiu Ning township in An Hui proovince in China. The tea farms are scattered between a height of six to seven hundred meters on the mountain.There is no real Song Luo tea outside an area of a dozen mu* and only one or two families possess the refined skill to prepare Song Luo tea. Recently the tea hand-baked by mountain monks is even better.Genuine Song Luo tea is produced at the foot of the Dong Shan (Cave Hill) and on top of the Tian Chi (Heaven Pool), highly treasured by people in Xin An county. It is also a favourite for the people of Nan Du and Qu Zong counties, due to its ease in brewing and intense aroma.One mu = 667 square meter. Dragon Well Tea and Eyes on Heaven TeaLong Jing and Tian Mu may match Heaven Pool tea due to the weather in their growing regions. Because the cold season comes earlier to the mountains, there is abundant snow in the winter, hence the tea plants germinate later. [Wen Zhenheng]Long Jing tea is manufactured in the West Lake district in Hangzhou city, China. There is a Longjing (Dragon Well) on the Feng Huang mountain. Tian Mu mountain is located in Lin An county in the north west of Zhejiang province. There are two 1500-meter peaks, each with a pond on top filled with crystal clear water looking like an eye, hence the name of Eyes on Heaven.
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