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求文章英语演讲比赛题目为the dream of life

楼上的也太XXX了吧?人家摆明了要原创的,您居然把老马哥的I HAVE A DREAM给贴上来了......



翻译 请大家 翻译文章大意, 关于美元的2

Andrew Busch说,全球货币和芝加哥BMO资本市场公共政策策略,指出,12月可能是对美元的转折点。美元上涨月份地面即使股市继续大幅上升对其他货币。 布希说,这是告诉认为,美元终于开始进入经济的好消息了。他认为,这样做的原因是,人们越来越感觉到,美联储可能看起来放松对2010年过程中的一些贷款项目。 正如我在周一的专栏中指出,有些人甚至认为,美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克和其他的政策制定者在美联储甚至可能开始小幅提高对今年年底利率。 “通过去年年底不错的美元反弹是由于转变对美国退出战略计划,从速度放缓的预期。这很可能会继续,”布希说。 但是,布希很快补充说,除非伯南克和其他美联储成员开始强烈的信号,表明加息是在卡真的,美元可能结束支路滑走了。 (使用的货币一样平凡的故事,歌曲标题保罗西蒙道歉。) 他说:“美元的命运掌握在伯南克的手中。如果他开始退出进程,并开始提高利率,美元将执行好今年的”布希说。 丹库克,在芝加哥与IG Markets机构高级市场分析师说,他也预计美元票价比去年更胜一筹。然而,他并不认为,美元的日子被认为是一种安全的避风港只是尚未超过。 库克说,劳动和住房市场依然疲软,这可能继续一段时间的观望美联储。如果是那样的话,库克说,股市的反弹可能归于失败,投资者纷纷回到美元。 “就业形势依然可怕。因此,更多的美元强势可能被负面经济的消息,”他说。 无论哪种方式,货币分析人士预计,对美元反弹。因此,到底有多少强大难道得到什么呢? Serebriakov预测,美元将结束对美元,欧元,这将是约8%,比目前的水平1.32 2010年强。 不过,布希表示,其他货币兑美元的票价更好。他指出,任何国家,有大量暴露于石油,黄金和其他商品市场的热点,如加拿大和澳大利亚,还有可能赢得兑美元。 并在一天结束,布希表示,要预测美元和其他货币的方向,特别是在这样一个全球经济的动态时间 - - 是非常困难的。 “货币市场是非常的混乱。有时是有道理,有时没有,但在某些问题在2010年货币市场将让大家看看是愚蠢的。那是他们做什么,”他说。

英语介绍旅游景点类的作文 介绍旅游景点英语文章

写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了介绍景点的英语作文开头可以介绍该景点的历史故事,中段部分重点介绍该景点可游玩的部分,最后一段对整个景点总结即可。介绍景点的英语作文双语范文如下:Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It"s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.鼓浪屿是厦门的一个小岛。就像水上花园。汽车和公共汽车是不允许开到那里的,这使得岛上非常安静,可以听到钢琴和小提琴演奏的音乐。Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.在这里,天空和大海在地平线上清晰地汇合。当你站在日光岩的顶端,你可以看到厦门的很多风景,当你站在它的脚下,你可以凝视美丽的花园围绕它。Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.鼓浪屿生产香蕉、椰子、甘蔗等。这里的人们热情、淳朴、勤劳,正在努力让这个岛屿变得更美丽,他们希望未来有更多的游客。Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits这就是鼓浪屿,一个美丽而诱人的岛屿,在这里,你会受到热烈的欢迎。重点词汇解释:1、scenicadj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n. 风景胜地;风景照片双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、touristn. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的vt. 在旅行参观vi. 旅游;观光adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱双语例句:A_assing_ourist_napped_he_ncident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。介绍旅游景点英语作文 关于介绍旅游景点英语作文1、作文:It was sunny and warm today. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day. 2、翻译:今天天气晴朗温暖。我起得早,吃过早饭后我和朋友“李雷”去登某某山。乘公共花月一个小时才到那。那里有成千上万的人。我们一到那就加入到爬山的队伍。我们感到很累但仍然继续攀登。一个小时登上了山顶。风很凉爽,景色很美。我们吃完野餐就下山了。那天我们很快乐。晚上我上网,然后看了一本非常有趣的书。我几天过得很有意思很高兴。一篇关于介绍旅游地点的英语作文以下是一篇关于介绍深圳旅游景点的英语作文,可以介绍欢乐谷 锦绣中华,民俗文化村,世界之窗啊等等: Shenzhen is one of China"s top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shenzhen is one of China"s top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City." Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks" charms never seem to fade. And don"t forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your appetite and curiosity, For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun. Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area Chinese Folk Culture Villages Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country"s ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heavily forested. Happy Valley This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed events. It also holds daily performances of various themes. Window of the World Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130 miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy"s Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio. Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much, the park"s daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene.


Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it.The main objectives of advertising are:* Increasing the usage of a certain product and hence acquiring more orders. * Creating new customers and increasing brand recognition.* To obtain feedback from customers regarding a certain product. * To indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones. Advertising has a number of uses. Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising can also be used to educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as AIDS, deforestation, family planning, etc. It is a powerful media which is capable of reaching to the far out masses. Now a days we find many ads on the internet also. These ads in most cases, have been successfully in connecting the user with the information he requires. To prevent complete commercialization of electronic media, some countries have made it mandatory for broadcasters to air some advertisements related to consumer interest. These public advertisements educate people of that country on a number of social and moral issues. However, some people are very keen on exposing the negative side of advertising. The impact that advertisements cause depends on the state of mind of an individual and his past experiences. For instances, young kids will be easily attracted by the false claims made in advertisements. People are also arguing about the increase in consumption of substances like alcohol and cigarettes after viewing the ads. Excessive advertising has become a nuisance in most cities of the world. Manufacturers easily make false claims about any product and influence the minds of the people. To confront this problem, companies are being asked to withdraw any false and negative claims made in their ads and also being made to pay a fine for these false claims.

Our human nature should be to take risks,这篇文章汉语翻译

来自有道词典的翻译:Psychology (心理学) tells us that many people hate to take risks. But it is good for us to take risks, especially (尤其)when the risk is to achieve a desired result. In that way, we become stronger and braver. Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didn"t have the fear (恐惧) to move on. This is because of one or two failures in their lives. Please step out and don"t let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on! In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides (提供) us with the desire (渴望)to experiment and take chances. Risk taking is a great benefit(好处)that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new territories(领土). This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity that even the average person seems to enjoy although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. This psychological and biological (生物学上的) connection (联系)creates an interesting connection between what is unsafe and what humans enjoy. Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk. There is such thing as perfect safety. We need to take risks so that we can finish many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket; however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money. We need to take risks so that we can gain something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else without taking a risk. It is all part of the game. It"s one of the most important parts of life.心理学告诉我们,许多人不愿承担风险。但它有利于我们承担风险,特别是当风险来实现所需的结果。这样,我们变得更坚强,更勇敢。我们的人性应该是冒险,但有些人只是坐在和希望他们没有恐惧(恐惧)继续前进。这是因为一个或两个失败在他们的生活中。请不要让过去抱着你从最充实的生活。前进,前进!在研究心理学的冒险,我们发现人性提供了(提供)我们的欲望(渴望)实验和冒险。冒险是一个伟大的好处(好处),允许我们的祖先(祖先)变得越来越强一天一天。通过冒险他们击退敌人,发现新界(领土)。这种态度成为我们现代文化的一部分。乘坐过山车,即使是一种常见的冒险活动一般人似乎喜欢尽管他们的理解,它是危险的。这种心理和生物(生物学上的)连接(联系)之间创建一个有趣的连接是不安全的以及人类享受什么。在车里每一天都是一个风险。起床是一个风险。有所谓的完美的安全。我们需要冒险,这样我们才能完成很多事情。宇航员冒险当他们进入一个火箭;然而,他们实现的东西是伟大的。商人冒险当他们购买的部分公司。但是,没有这样做,他们不能赚更多的钱。我们需要冒险,这样我们才能获得的东西。前进在生活中,是不可能获得钱,享受一段关系,去做运动,或做任何其他的冒险。这都是比赛的一部分。这是生命中最重要的部分之一。


参考答案 人生在世,应当这样,在芳香别人的同时漂亮自己。

麻烦哪位好心人帮我翻译一下Obama Nominates Bernanke for a Second Term这篇文章

美国政府声称,美国经济从4月份到6月份以来,以1%的年速率萎缩。这低于预期,也低于年初的减速。经济的改善一定程度上是政府开支增加的结果。 星期四的一份报告显示上周增加的失业工人有所减小。此外,依赖长期失业救助的人数也在减小。星期二,奥巴马总统提名本.伯南克连任美联储主席。他的第一届任期于今年一月份结束。 巴拉克.奥巴马说:“本接手了一个处于崩溃边缘的金融系统,并利用他的冷静智慧,大胆行动和超出常规的思维阻止了美国经济的自由落体。” 本.伯南克领导中央银行通过巨大的努力控制住了1930年以来的最严重的经济危机。但经济学家认为离庆祝伯南克拯救经济的时候还为时尚早。 在研究大萧条原因上,他是一位专家。但批评家们认为他没能在预防这场危机上发挥作用。 两党中都有批评他的人。作为参议院银行业委员会主席的民主党人克里斯u2022多德认为本.伯南克在危机开始时反应得不够快。而许多共和党人也批评身为一个共和党人的美联储主席,因为他们看到......





帮忙,谁有关于英文翻译的 英文文章

  攻略〕I 顺序相同  1)up and down:上上下下,起伏地  The boat bobbed up and down in the water  那只小船在水中颠簸。  2)more or less:或多或少,有点儿  He more or less thought it was his duty to tell me.  他或多或少认为告诉我是他的责任。  3)rock and roll:摇滚乐  4)deaf and dumb:又聋又哑  5)heart and soul:全心全意地,满腔热情地  He devoted himself heart and soul to his work.  他全心全意地致力于工作。  6)day and night:日日夜夜,夜以继日  7)husband and wife:夫妻,夫妇  They have lived together as husband and wife for years.  他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。  8)black and white:(指电影、电视、照片等)黑白  I changed my black and white television for a color set.  我把黑白电视机换成了一台彩色的。  9)black and blue:青一块、紫一块的  10)wax and wane:(力量或重要性)兴衰,盛衰  Throughout history em pires have waxed and waned.  历史上各个王朝均有兴衰。  11)home and abroad:国内外,海内外  Mount Tai attracts many tourists from home and abroad.  泰山吸引了许多海内外游客。  12)Ladies and gentlemen:女士们、先生们(用在发言的开始,虽然有时汉语也会说:“先生们,女士们”,但英语习惯始终是“ladies”在前面。)  13)from head to foot/toe:从头到脚,全身  The children were covered in mud from head to toe.  孩子们满身沾满了泥。  14)the First/Second World War:  第一次/第二次世界大战(也可以表示为World War I和World War II)  15)from first to last:自始至终,一贯  16)science and technology:科学技术,科技  Science and technology can reproduce productivity.  科学技术是第一生产力。  Qinghua Science and Technology Park 清华科技园  17)总书记:general secretary(不过“总领事”是“consul general”,“总司令”是“commander in chief”,另外“secretary general”为“秘书长”。)  [攻略]II 顺序不同  1)东南西北:north,south,east and west(注:这类顺序一定要注意区别,尽管汉语有时也说“东西南北”。此外东北、东南、西北、西南的英语表达为northeast, southeast,northwest和southwest。注意单词里前后方位的英汉顺序不同。)  2)左右:right and left  3)身心健康:be sound in m ind and body  4)衣食住行:food,clothing,shelter,and transportation  5)你我他:you,he and I  6)救死扶伤:heal the wounded and rescue the dying  7)back and forth:前前后后,来来回回地  He paced back and forth in his room.他在房间里来回踱步。  8)(in)black and white:白纸黑字(书写的或印刷的)  I want the contract in black and white.我要这项合同见诸文字。  9)sweet-and-sour pork chop:酸甜排骨(不过有时也说糖醋排骨);  酸辣汤:hot and sour soup  10)by/in twos and threes:三三两两地  Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos and threes.  申请这份工作的信件三三两两来得很慢。  11)sink or swim(fail or not):成功与否  Sink or swim,I"ll try it.不管成功与否,我都要试一试。  12)foot-and-mouth(disease):(牛羊等的)口蹄疫  13)go through fire and water(for sb/sth):为……赴汤蹈火  14)(by)fire and sword:(战争中)杀人放火  15)(there is)no smoke without fire:无火不生烟(谣言也是事出有因的)  英译汉中的反译法  在英译汉过程中,我们常常遇到这样一种情况,即原词所表达的并不是其字面意义,而是其字面意义的反义,或者说是对其字面意义的否定,可这种否定又往往不出现否定词,这种情况并不很少,给翻译工作带来很大的麻烦。  下面是常见的两个词组,请注意它们的汉语意思:  ① riot police防暴警察(即anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察)  ②crisis law反危机法案(即anti-crisis law)  这两个词组的翻译采用的就是反译法,译文都是其字面意义的否定或反义,这样既表达了原文的真正含义,又符合汉语的表达习惯,使人一看就懂。  另外,英文报刊文章标题的翻译有时也采用反译法。如《中国日报》(China Daily)曾刊登一则新闻,题目是Inflation is target  of bank"s new policy,主要说的是银行在1995年将来取有力措施制止通货膨胀。但题目的字面意思恰恰相反。因此我们在翻译时必须把inflation看成是anti-inflation,使之文题一致。这样的标题在英文报刊中比较常见,目的是为简练及醒目,在翻译时要格外注意,切勿望文生义。  再让我们来看看下面的例子:  (1)Sidney Simon called the college grading system“archaic,prescientific,  bureaucratic invention,",and“about as accurate as police estimates of crowds  of peace marches.”  如果按字面翻译,这句话是这样的:  西德尼·西蒙称这种大学评级制度“是过时的,缺乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主义的产物”而且“简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样准确。”  既然前面已说了这个评级制度“过时无用,缺乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主义的产物”,后面又怎么能说它“准确”呢?这显然自相矛盾,西蒙所表达的真正含义绝非如此。  以上译文,忽略了说话人的语气。其实,西蒙是在抨击大学评级制度。他说话时,前面直接用了archaic,prescientific和bureaucratic几个贬义词,而后面的褒义词accurate实际上是一个反语。因为我们知道,警察在估计示威人数时只能说出大概,往往和实际人数出入很大,极不准确。所以说话人所表达的真正含义是not  accurate,或inaccurate。这样,可理解成about as inaccurate,as police estimates of  crowds of peace marches,译成汉语就是:“简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样不准确。”也就是把accurate反过来译,即反译。  以上例句是通过分析说话人的语气来采用反译法正确表达语义的。有的句子前面所表达的意思是否定的,但根据这个意思得出来的结论却是肯定的。为了使其真正含义不至于前后矛盾,我们也采取反译后面结论的方法。  (2)This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the ANC leadership:  accountability.  如按字面则译成:  这种情况突出了非国大领导层方面的极为严重的弱点:有责任心。  “有责任心”怎么能是“弱点”呢?这种译文显然是错误的。作者在句尾所表达的真正含义其实和前面提到的“弱点”是一致的,即可理解成unaccountability。那么全句应译成:这种情况突出了非国大领导层方面的极为严重的弱点,玩忽职守(无责任心)。


Mary Twain,一个著名的美国作家,喜欢和别人开玩笑。但是有一次它被一个戏弄了。一天他被邀请到一个小镇做演讲。在吃午饭时,他碰见一个年轻人,他的朋友之一。这个朋友告诉他,他有个叔叔。他告诉马克吐温,他的叔叔从来不大笑,或是微笑,没有任何人或事物能使他笑出来。“你把你的叔叔带来和我说话”,马克吐温说道,“我相信我能使他笑”那个晚上这个年轻人把他的叔叔带来做在前面。马克吐温开始说话了,他讲了一些有趣的事情,但是这个人仍然保持沉默。马克吐温讲他最有趣的事情。最后他停下来了,感到很累,非常失望。过几天后,他把这件事告诉了另外个朋友那个朋友笑了,说道,我知道那个老人,他已经聋了好些年了

求一篇关于转基因的英语文章 200字左右

Transfers the gene animal is refers to the experimental technique to induct the extraneous source gene, in 染色体组 in the stable conformity and can inherit gives the descendant a kind of animal. In 1981, first successfully inducted the extraneous source gene the animal embryo, established has transferred the gene animal technology. In 1982 obtained transfers the gene mouse. Changes over to the big mouse"s growth hormone gene, causes the mouse body weight for normal individual two times, thus is called "the super mouse". Hereafter cultivated one after another successfully has transferred the gene rabbit, the sheep, the pig, the fish, the insect, the cow, the chicken, the goat, the big mouse and so on transfers the gene animal. Because transferred the gene animal system to break the nature to reproduce the inter-species isolation, enabled the gene in to plant is between the relational very far organism flows, it will have the overall situation influence to the entire life science. Therefore, transferred the gene animal technology after 1991 in the first international gene localization conference by the recognition is the genetics relaying chain-like analysis, the somatic cell heredity and the gene clone fourth generation of technology, is listed as in the biology history in 126 years the 14th turning point. Has transferred the gene mouse since 1982 to be published, transfers the gene animal research all to obtain the amazing achievement in many domains. Generally says, according to the different goal, transfers the gene animal operation to be allowed simply the division to be four kind of types: (l) the disease transfers the gene animal; (2) uses transfers the gene animal drugs manufacture; (3) animal improvement; (4) foundation biology research.

英语文章 perfect answer

“Hey, Jenna, do you think weu2019ll still be friends when weu2019re eighty-two” I stopped bouncing on the trampoline when I saw a puzzled look on my friendu2019s face. Boy, did her look say it all! It was clear she was wondering where in the world I had come up with such a random question. Being such good friends, it had become easy to read each otheru2019s minds. So, while I waited for Jenna to answer, I started wondering what life would be like without her. Definitely not the same, thatu2019s for sure! Losing Jenna would be like losing a very close sister. We hang out together as often as we can. We laugh together. We cry together. We give each other advice. We even look a little bit alike. When I spend the night at her house, I feel like part of Jennau2019s family. If it werenu2019t for Jenna, I donu2019t know where in my lifeu2019s journey I would be, but Iu2019m sure it wouldnu2019t be here.Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted. “Of course, weu2019ll still be friends when weu2019re eighty-two,” Jenna announced loudly. I gave Jenna a friendly stare, and she returned it. We stared at each other until we were laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face. That moment was one of the most important in our friendship together and, as you might have guessed, eighty-two was our new magic number. But thatu2019s not where the story ends.The next year, in fourth grade, we met Jamie. Jamie had just moved from California, and since she lived in the same neighborhood as Jenna and me, the three of us soon clicked into a really tight group of friends. We played together almost every day. We shared our biggest secrets and crushes, and even came up with crazy ideas to make a little extra cash for the summer. I was happy to have reached out to Jamie as well as getting even closer to my other good friends. Things couldnu2019t have been better, and I thought even time couldnu2019t pull us apart, but that is where I was sadly mistaken.The three of us started fighting a lot—and not just small fights where your friend wonu2019t return a CD you let her borrow. No, these fights involved hurt feelings, crying, taking sides, nasty e-mails, and mean glares. Before Christmas, we had a really big fight, and it was just my luck that Jamie and Jenna were ganging up on me, both saying I was bossy and couldnu2019t keep my mouth closed. I felt helpless and alone. They wouldnu2019t even talk to me at school unless they had some mean insult for me. I had very little hope for the future, and I was almost positive that Christmas, my birthday, and New Yearu2019s Day would be horrible! Why is this happening to me I thought. How can I not even know what I did and have things end up this badThatu2019s why I was surprised when Jenna came to my house and gave me an awesome Christmas card she had made for me. I was so sure that she was still disappointed with me, and now I was getting a really nice card that she even made herself. Is time going to prove me wrong once again“Wow,” I said, breaking the silence as we stood on either side of my front door. “Thanks.”“Okay . . . well . . . I have to go,” she said softly.“Okay. See you later then. . . .” and I closed the door and headed back to my momu2019s bedroom to finish watching a movie.“Who was that at the door” my mom asked.“It was Jenna,” I explained, showing her the card. I pressed play on the VCR, but I wasnu2019t watching the TV screen. Instead, I was admiring the front of the card, which was decorated with snowmen, snowflakes, and a perfect image of Santa Claus. After a few minutes of admiring the front, I decided to peek inside.The card started off with “Merry Christmas” (what else would you put in a Christmas card), but then, farther down the page, it said, “I am so glad weu2019re friends. I am sorry about what I said when we were fighting. A fight wonu2019t stop us from being friends. Besides, we said we were going to be friends even when weu2019re eighty-two.”I stopped reading and started laughing. I couldnu2019t believe I had forgotten what she said that day in her back yard. I couldnu2019t believe I had been so selfish in trying to get even and making my friends feel sorry for me that I had forgotten about real friendship.Instead of drifting farther and farther apart, and eventually going our separate ways, like my friendship with Jamie, Jenna and I held strong, even through the bad times. Jenna ended up being my true friend. Isnu2019t that what a true friend is Someone who chooses to stick with you every day of your life, even when youu2019re eighty-two

文章请翻成英文,帮忙啊!可能有点难但我跪求大家啦!题目是learn to say no(学会拒绝)可稍改编





Eight Regional VariationsFor most foreigners, “Chinese food” usually implies a lot of deep-fried, strong-flavored and greasy dishes that all taste similar. However, for Chinese people, “Chinese food” is a concept as useless as “German beer,” because, like Chinese culture in general, Chinese food is extremely diverse. China covers a large territory and has many nationalities; hence there is a wide variety of Chinese foods, each with quite different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavors. Because China"s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, Chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines, the distinction of which is now widely accepted. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent. Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine. Thin soups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong. Jinan chefs are adept at deep-frying, grilling, pan-frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong chefs are famous for cooking seafood with a fresh and light taste. Typical menu items: Bird"s Nest Soup; Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce Sichuan CuisineSichuan Cuisine, known more commonly in the West as “Szechuan,” is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavors, Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash are always in accompaniment, producing the typical exciting tastes. Garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and meats such as are often chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are used as basic cooking techniques. It can be said that one who doesn"t experience Sichuan food has never reached China. Typical menu items: Hot Pot; Smoked Duck; Kung Pao Chicken; Water-Boiled Fish; Tasty and Spicy Crab; Twice Cooked Pork; Mapo Tofu Guangdong (Cantonese) CuisineTasting clean, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-frying are most frequently used to preserve the ingredients" natural flavors. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of their dishes. Typical menu items: Shark Fin Soup; Steamed Sea Bass; Roasted Piglet; Dim Sum (a variety of side dishes and desserts) Fujian CuisineCombining Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is renowned for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magical tastes of sweet, sour, salt and savory. The most distinct feature is their "pickled taste." Typical menu items: Buddha Jumping Over the Wall; Snow Chicken; Prawn with Dragon"s Body and Phoenix"s tail Huaiyang CuisineHuaiyang Cuisine, also called Jiangsu Cuisine, is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Using fish and crustaceans as the main ingredients, it stresses their freshness. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant. Typical menu items: Stewed Crab with Clear Soup, Long-boiled and Dry-shredded Meat, Duck Triplet, Crystal Meat, Squirrel with Mandarin Fish, and Liangxi Crisp Eel Zhejiang CuisineComprising local cuisines of Hanzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine is not greasy. It wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and smoothness of its dishes with their mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one of the three. Typical menu items: Sour West Lake Fish, Longjing Shelled Shrimp, Beggar"s Chicken Hunan CuisineHunan cuisine consists of local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau areas. It is characterized by thick and pungent flavors. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessities in this variation. Typical menu items: Dongan Chicken; Peppery and Hot Chicken Anhui CuisineAnhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often ham will be added to improve taste and candied sugar added to gain freshness. Typical menu items: Stewed Snapper; Huangshan Braised Pigeon


China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China"s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine.


  音乐教育与音乐传承是音乐发展的两个重要方面,其相互间有着紧密的关联和影响。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读!   篇一   How We Use Music to Manage Our Stress and Emotions   Listening to music is one of the most mon ways we manage our stress and emotions.   When we feel tired after a long day at work, many of us like to unwind by kicking back, closing our eyes, and turning on our iPods. Or when we feel down after a heated argument with a boyfriend or girlfriend, we may listen to some uplifting tunes to help distract us from our anger or sadness.   Even at this very moment I"m listening to some calm instrumental rock music, because it helps me stay relaxed and focused when I"m writing.   These are just some of the ways we use music to improve our psychology. And more and more research is beginning to show that music can serve a very positive function in our everyday lives.   Music and stress management.   In a 2012 study done by University of Gothenburg in Sweden, it was found that participants who listened to music after a stressful episode in their everyday lives reported decreased levels of stress when pared to individuals who didn"t listen to music after a stressful episode.   And in another study done by the same team of researchers, it was found that listening to music was an effective way to reduce long-term cortisol levels, a hormone monly released when we are experiencing stress. This suggests that listening to music can have a real biological effect on our mental health.   Listening to music can be a big part of art therapy, and these new studies are consistent with a growing body of research that shows the benefits of music on our stress and anxiety.   To note just a couple other related studies: a 2011 study from Drexel University found that music reduced anxiety in cancer patients, and another 2009 study from Temple University found that music reduced stress in heart disease patients.   Although music certainly isn"t a cure-all for stress or anxiety disorders, it can be a valuable way to bat daily stress.   Music and emotions.   According to researchers, there are several ways we listen to music in order to better manage our emotions:   * Entertainment – listening to music to maintain a positive mood or to evoke positive emotions.   * Revival – listening to music to relax or get energized.   * Diversion – listening to music to forget about something undesirable.   * Discharge – listening to music to release an emotion, such as anger.   * Strong Sensation – listening to music to stimulate our senses in new ways.   * Mental work – listening to music to get inspired or get new ideas.   * Solace – listening to music to experience fort after an unfortunate event.   These are all examples of the different ways we may listen to music in order to regulate our emotions and channel them in positive ways.   In another 2012 study from the University of Gothenberg, researchers studied self-reported episodes by over 200 participants. Out of the 2,297 reported episodes, roughly 30% of them were music-related. In fact, listening to music was one of the most frequently reported main activities along with “eating” and “other activity.” And of the music-related experiences, up to 67% of individuals reported that listening to music had changed their emotions. The majority of these emotions were reported to change in positive ways.   The researchers found that this effect was strongest when people chose to listen to their own preferred music style, rather than having to listen to music chosen by someone else.   However, it"s also important to keep in mind that some people may choose different types of music depending on what they want the music to do for them. In a 2004 study done by North, Tarrant, and Hargreaves, they found that individuals who listened to uplifting music while working out ***the researchers used Top 20 Hits from artists like Madonna, Cher, The Corrs, and Blink 182*** were more likely to push themselves at the gym when pared to people who listened to dissonant music ***avant-garde posers like Dennis Smalley, James Dashow, and Stephen Kaske***.   These findings ring true for me because although I like a lot of experimental and dissonant music, the music that works best for me at the gym is usually more upbeat, rhythmic, and inspiring.   This doesn"t necessarily mean that some types of music are healthier to listen to over others. Perhaps different types of music are better for different functions. If you want to relax, maybe you"ll listen to a soothing classical position. If you want to get pumped before a sports petition, maybe it"s better to listen to some fast techno or hip-hop. If you want to vent some anger, maybe you"ll listen to some heavy rock or metal.   Similarly, other studies have shown that when we focus on a very cognitive-demanding task ***like reading, writing, or math*** it"s better to listen to instrumental music instead of music with vocals and lyrics. This is because the verbal ponent of music with vocals often catches our attention and minimizes resources we need to achieve the task we are doing. This is probably why I can only listen to instrumental rock or classical music when I"m writing.   Music and health.   Research suggests that there is a strong relationship between stress and physical symptoms, such as a weakened immune system and a greater susceptibility to viruses and illness. This is because stress can be very taxing on our bodies" energy and resources.   Due to this, psychologist Barbara Fredrickson from the University of North Carolina believes that using music to minimize stress can have benefits to both our mental and physical well-being.   One study in 2010 by Hanser found that soothing music can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system ***the “rest and digest” part of our nervous system***. This leads to decreases in blood pressure and heart rate while enhancing blood flow to vital organs. Other studies have shown that pleasant music can also help in reducing physical sensations of pain and disfort.   In short, music can be a great way to help relax our bodies and put them in a more restful and rejuvenating state.   Daily music listening.   Here are some suggestions of ways we can use music to improve our psychology and well-being ***as well as some personal remendations***:   * Listen to an uplifting or inspiring song in the morning to help jump-start your day. For example, Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc.   * Listen to a relaxing or calm song during your lunch break or after work to de-stress. For example, Explosions in the Sky – First Breath After a.   * Listen to a fast or energetic song while working out so you push yourself harder at the gym. For example, Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song.   * Listen to instrumental or classical music while doing your homework or working on a task that requires a lot of thinking and problem-solving. For example, Antonin Dvorak – New World Symphony.   * Listen to a song that makes you laugh to help reverse a temporary bad mood. For example, “Weird” Al Yankovic – Amish Paradise.   * Listen to a romantic or sexy song to help set the mood with a loved one. For example, R. Kelly – Ignition.   * Listen to ambient or minimali *** music to put you into a more meditative and reflective state of mind. For example, Steve Reich – Music for 18 Musicians.   * Listen to experimental or avant-garde music to stimulate your senses in new ways and open your mind. For example, Cecil Taylor – Piano Solo.   These are just some suggestions on the different ways you can use music throughout your daily life. Some of my remendations may not suit you, but you should get the general idea of what I"m going for in each category.   If you don"t already, practice integrating music more into your day and see how much it enhances various aspects of your life and well-being.   篇二   Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration. At most times, we enjoy music like symphonic music. Even pop music, there is needn"t to understand what are they wanting to tell us. We just need to hear it carefully. Therefore, music shouldn"t have national boundaries.   According to my personal experience, music has a more positive effect on our life. When we are in a blue mood, we could listen to some foreigner song. The music is that we needn"t to realize what are they singing. When you listen to their rhythm and style, you will feel your heart be touched and shake in a blue mood. Then, you will be enlightened and acquire power.   On the other hand, different music could promote society develop. As everyone knows, KFC and Mcdonald"s are popular in China, as well as, there is nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a hamburger in these store. There are three major reasons and other details. The foremost reason first one is convenience. Second is save time. The third is delicious. However, the detail is also essential for the fast-food store. Music is one of them. The music rhythm is factor that if they play a *** ooth music, the customer will find the taste of food better. If the store plays a rapid pace of music, people will eat their food more speedily when the store is rush time. That will provide more desk and table for client to available.   Music has more effect and application of us around that I was not mentioned. In a word, music helps country and people more good than harm.   篇三   Wonderful l Music***奇妙的音乐***   I have to say that music really has a strong attractiveness to me. Naturally, everyone can choose suitable music to listen to. However, when you find a kind of music which can bring happiness to you, you will be surprised and bee excited. Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.   我想说的是音乐对我真的有一股强大的吸引力。很自然,每个人都能选择适合自己的音乐去聆听。然而,当你发现一种能够带给你巨大幸福的音乐时,你将会很惊讶很激动。音乐有一种神奇的力量,在很大程度上,音乐能够帮助人们获得好心情。   When you feel sad, you can have a try to listen to soothing music. At first, soothing music will let you calm down. You will find that you will play much attention to the music, and then your sadness can be decreased. You will enter music ocean. You can experience a bapti *** of your heart. It does not matter that when you listen to soothing music and you want to cry, you should just follow yourself feeling to have a thorough release. Music will give you enough encourage to overe difficulties.   当你感到悲伤时,你可以尝试听一下舒缓的音乐。首先,舒缓的音乐可以让你平静下来,你会发现你将会把注意力转移到音乐上,这样你的悲伤就会减少了。你进入了音乐的海洋。你也经历了一次心灵的洗礼。当你听舒缓音乐时忍不住想要哭时,不要有任何顾虑,就跟着你的感觉走,让自己有一个完全的释放。音乐会给你足够的勇气来战胜困难的。   Music also can double your happiness and arouse the fighting. For instance, when you solve some very difficult situations and gain success eventually, you will have a great mood. At this time, exciting music will witness your success. You will feel satisfied. Music lets you remember the glorious moment and cherish your success. Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals,because you still want to listen to glorious music.   音乐当然也可以让你的快乐加倍并且激发你的斗志。例如,当你解决了许许多多的困难并且最终成功时,你就会有一个好心情。这时,振奋人心的音乐会见证你的成功。你会感到满足,音乐会让你记得这个光荣的时刻并且让你珍惜你的成功。音乐给了你无限的动力取得成功,因为你依旧想要听到光荣的音乐再次响起。   In addition, music includes a lot of useful knowledge. People can learn precious knowledge from music. Because there is different music, we can find out that different nations have different music thoughts to express. And from music, we can listen to music culture. Music culture will give you a deeper understanding to learn foreign culture, such as foreign language, foreign history and foreign traditional customs and so on. In a word, music has an important effect on promoting society development.   此外,音乐还囊括了许许多多有用的知识。人们可以从音乐中学到珍贵的知识。由于存在着很多不同的音乐,我们可以发现不同的的国家所表达音乐思想不同。从音乐中,我们可以聆听到音乐文化。音乐文化将会给你一个更深的理解力去学习外国文化,例如外语,外国历史,外国传统习俗等。总而言之,音乐对促进社会发展有着重要的影响。   Music indeed has a magical power to help people and society develop. I believe that music will still continue to bring us many surprises. As the development of society, great music will bee more important.   音乐的确有着神奇的力量来帮助人们和社会发展。我相信音乐依旧会带给我们许多惊喜。随着社会的发展,好的音乐会变得越来越重要。   


求一篇小文章,关于加班,鼓励员工,新闻形式,很急,帮帮忙亲~ 通知: 各位员工,应公司生产的需求,需要员工在近期进行加班的安排工作,积极配合加班工作的员工将会受到公司今后不定的的奖励等优惠所措,希望各部门配合起来,谢谢大家 大家帮帮忙,写借物喻人的小文章,150字左右,很急! 1、 有人把老师比作辛勤的园丁,精心地照料我们,使我们可以茁壮成长;有人说老师是我们学习征途上的导师,是他们带领我们到达成功的彼岸;还有人说老师就像一个永远不停止工作的机器;但我却要说老师像一枝蜡烛。“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”这句话用在老师的身上再恰当不过了。老师默默无闻地传授给我们知识,带我们在知识的海洋里遨游。 2、 黑板前的桌子上,零零碎碎的摆放着许多粉笔。这些粉笔几乎都快要走到生命的尽头,甚至有些小的不值一提。当这一支小小的粉笔为我们写出最后一个字,为我们传授最后一个知识,完成它最后一个任务后,便消失了。从这一支小小的粉笔身上,体现出了多么一个伟大的品质呀。那就是——奉献。 奉献是一种无私的美,它无声无息,但它就在我们的身边。哪有汽车的笛鸣,那就有警察的身影,不管风霜雨雪,不管严寒酷暑,他(她)都在坚守岗位,吸进的是汽车的尾气,听见的是喇叭的噪音,嗅到的是尾气的异味,而换来的却是交通的快捷通畅。这难道不也是一种奉献吗? 粉笔呀,你的美是无私的,伟大的美,奉献自己,助于他人,泰戈尔说过:“果实的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的,但还是让我在默默奉献的阴影里做叶的事业吧。这是对你的赞颂,你是多么的伟大,我赞颂你,粉笔 3、 古人有句话说的好:“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”吹拂它的不是轻柔的春风,而是凛冽的寒风;滋润它的不是清凉甘甜的雨水,而是寒气逼人的冰雪;照耀它的不是灿烂的阳光,而是严寒里的一缕残阳。只有具有挑战的生活,才是美好的生活。它是寒意中傲人的芳香,面对如絮飘舞的白雪,她笑得更灿烂了。它从不与百花争夺明媚的春天,也从不炫耀自己的美丽,它有着一副傲骨,也从不骄傲自大。每当寒冬的清晨,一股别具神韵、清逸幽雅的清香就从窗外飘来。 它不仅是清雅俊逸的风度使古今诗人画家赞美它,更以它的冰肌玉骨,凌寒留香被喻为民族的精华为世人所重。梅花以它的高洁、坚强、谦虚的品格,给人立志奋发的激励。 梅花的色,艳丽而不妖。 梅花的香,清幽而淡雅。 梅花的姿,苍古而清秀。 难道,这不正是我们的建筑工人么?他们无论严寒酷暑,无论刮风下雨,无论天寒地冻,他们都在自己的工作岗位上认真的工作着。 希望可以帮到你! 求一篇关于母亲的英文文章大神们帮帮忙 My mother My mother is a ordinary women.She is a very very ordinary women,really.She looks like very ordinary;her age very ordinary;only her wears looks like very special. My mother always wear a wide casual pants,a T-shirt (or a wide vest),and a pair of sunglasses.She always use toiletry,consequently she"s skin was very good. My mother is very benignant,and she was very love me.I with regard to these,I to be thankful.I love my mother , too.Because she gave me very very many.She civilize by education me how to do in world and knowledge. My mother is a office workers.She everyday works hard,but she always not to get heighten.Ha ha~~~~ I love my mother , because she gave me very many thinks. I love my Mum . A ordinary and largeness mother. Dec. 7th Dear mother, I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don"t you call me? I"ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher"s daughter. Her name"s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She es to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn"t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven"t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can"t find her. So we don"t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I"m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I"ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I"m happy! I like you when you are happy! In the end I wish you everything is just fine! (1) 以My Mother为题写一篇短文。(2003扬州) 内容要点:1.我的妈妈是护士,工作努力。2.上个月去北京,抗击SARS (fight against)。3.一个月没有回来。4.保护我们免受侵害。5.我爱妈妈,为妈妈自豪。 标题已给出,要求1.写清时间 2.要点要完整 3.可适当增加内容 4.字数在60个词左右 (2)班会上,老师要求每位同学用英语介绍自己的一位朋友,请你根据所提供的要点为题写一篇短文。(2003南京) 要点:1. Who is he / she。2. When and where did you get to know him / her。3. Why do you like him / her。 注意:1.文章的开头和结尾已给出(不计入词数) 2.词数60-80,须包括以上要点,可适当增加细节使短文意思通畅。3.条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。4.文中不得出现真实的人名。校名等相关信息。 Yours, Sophia. On Mother"s Day In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mother"s Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she *** iled and said, ‘How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were excited about all the work we can do at home. Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was o hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as my mother"s. Nevertheless, my mother and father enjoyed it, and felt very proud of their daughter and son. 求一篇关于人与动物的文章~~帮帮忙~~ 鹿和狼的故事 20世纪初,美国亚利桑那州北部的凯巴伯森林还是松杉葱郁,生机勃勃。有四千只左右的鹿在林间出没,凶恶残忍的狼是鹿的大敌。 美国总统西奥多u2022罗斯福很想让凯巴伯森林里的鹿得到有效的保护,繁殖得更多一些。他宣布凯巴伯森林为全国狩猎保护区,并决定由 *** 雇请猎人到那里去消灭狼。 枪声在森林中回荡。在猎人冰冷的枪口下,狼接连发出惨叫,一命呜呼。经过25年的猎捕,有六千多只狼先后毙命。森林中其他以鹿为捕食对象的野兽(如豹子)也被猎杀了很多。 很快,森林中的鹿增多了,总数超过了十万只。十万多只鹿在森林中东啃西啃,灌木丛吃光了就啃食小树,小树吃光后又啃食大树的树皮……一切能被鹿吃的植物都难逃厄运。森林中的绿色植被在一天天减少,大地露出的枯黄在一天天扩大。 灾难终于降临到鹿群头上。先是饥饿造成鹿的大量死亡,接着又是疾病流行,无数只鹿消失了踪影。两年之后,鹿群的总量由十万只锐减到四万只。到1942年,整个凯巴伯森林中只剩下不到八千只病鹿在苟延残喘。 罗斯福无论如何也想不到,他下令捕杀的恶狼,居然也是森林的保护者!这是因为,狼吃掉一些鹿后,就可以将森林中鹿的总数控制在一个合理的程度,森林也就不会被鹿群糟蹋行面目全非。同时,狼吃掉的多数是病鹿,又有效地控制了疾病对鹿群的威胁。而罗斯福下定决心要保护的鹿,一旦数量超过森林可以承载的限度,就会破坏森林生态系统的稳定,给森林带来巨大的生态灾难。 凯巴伯森林中发生的这一系列故事说明,生活在同一地球上的不同生物之间是相互制约、相互联系的。仅仅根据人类自身的片面认识,去判定动物的善恶益害,有时会犯严重的错误。森林中既需要鹿,也需要狼。人们必须尊重动物乃至整个生物界中的这种相互关系。 求一篇关于反对捕鲸的小小文章~~~ I think people should not kill whales, because the whale is a mammal, is the world"s largest mammal, people go to kill it, it will only reduce the number of stocks in the world, it will damage the ecological balance. I want to defend the whales, "world calls for the protection of the ecological balance and protecting the ecological balance contribution!" 在线急求一篇关于七夕的英语小文章 Chinese Valentine""s Day Raise your head on August 4 and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on in the sky. VALENTINE""S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 4 this year. That is, on Monday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鹊桥) across the Milky Way(银河). Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings. Romantic legend The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia. The story has been recorded as far back as the Jin Dynasty (256-420 AD). Poets posed hundreds of verses on the love story and many types of Chinese opera tell the story. The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星), east of the Milky Way, is Zhi Nu and, at the constellation of Aquila(天鹰座), on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for his wife. Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd, driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife. Niu Lang lamented over his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend and panion. The magical cow kindly told him of a way to find a beautiful and nice woman as his life panion. Under the direction of the cow, Niu Lang went to the riverside on an evening, where the seven fairies slipped out of their heavenly palace to bathe. He took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank. When the fairies left the water, the youngest couldn""t find her clothes and had to see her sisters fly back to heaven without her. Then Niu Lang came out with the dress and asked the youngest fairy, Zhi Nu, to stay with him. Several years passed on Earth, which were only a few days in heaven. Niu Lang and Zhi Nu lived happily together and had o children before the Queen of Heaven discovered Zhi Nu""s absence. She was so annoyed she had Zhi Nu brought back to heaven. Seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, Niu Lang was terrified. He caught sight of the cowhide hanging on a wall. The magical cow had told him before dying of old age: "Keep the cowhide(牛皮) for emergency use." Putting the cowhide on, he went after his wife with his o children. With the help of the cowhide, Niu Lang was able to follow Zhi Nu into heaven. He was about to reach his wife when the Queen showed up and pulled off her hairpin to draw a line beeen the o. The line became the Silver River in heaven, or the Milky Way. Zhi Nu went back to the heavenly workshop, going on weaving the clouds. But she was so sad, and missed her hu *** and across the Silver River so much that the clouds she weaved seemed sad. Finally, the Queen showed a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River. Well-known poem One of the most famous poems about the legend was written by Qin Guan of in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge Among the beautiful clouds, Over the heavenly river, Crosses the weaving maiden. A night of rendezvous, Across the autumn sky. Surpasses joy on earth. Moments of tender love and dream, So sad to leave the magpie bridge. Eternal love beeen us o, Shall withstand the time apart. writing by grievesoul 2009 求一篇关于对打工看法的日语小文章 アルバイトについて アルバイトのいいところ: 1)仕事をする时间がある程度、自分で决められること; 2)そんなに上司や先辈との関系は気にしない、つまり、プレシャーが感じない、いつでもやめられるからです; 3)稼げた金は自分が好きに使えること。 アルバイトのよくないところ: 1)时给は安い、保障はない; 2)何时でも、首になる可能性がある; 3)つまり、安定な职场ではない。 帮我写一篇关于责任的小文章 每年每月每日,成千上万件事向人们扑来。在忙碌的生活中,人们手忙脚乱,疲惫不堪。虽然如此艰辛,却始终持之以恒。因为有一个沉重的锁链无情的套在我们的身上--责任。在学校里,我们努力学习,这是责任。在家里,我们帮父母做点家务活,这是责任。出门在外,为社会做点事,这是责任。大千世界,草有责任,花有责任,大树有责任。无论什么生命,都有自己不可推却的责任。对自己付责,也要对别人付责。在全国每年都有上千起交通事故,发生的原因种种,可说来说去,这不是没有责任心吗?如果汽车司机有着对自己对别人付责的心态,按规张制度办事,那还会有这么多人白白丧生吗?责任,是重如泰山的承诺。它推动着一代又一代的人勤勤恳恳的在各自的岗位上奉献着。在今年全国遭受“非典”的袭击下,600万医护人员勇敢的冲向了第一线。他们英勇,他们无畏。在同“非典”的战斗中,谁也没害怕,谁也没退缩。任凭“非典”有多么可怕,却无法吞咽医护人员那颗强烈的责任心。病人来了,每个人不分昼夜,细心照顾;有的医护人员倒下了,就立刻有人补充上来。在这场没有硝烟却比枪林弹雨更危险的战斗中他们没有辜负国家和人民寄予他们的厚望。最终,“非典”被制了,这是用医护人员没日没夜的奉献和那颗强烈的责任心换来的。如果他们没有一颗强烈的责任心,那就不知道这场风暴还要刮多久,还要夺去多少人无辜的生命。古希腊人说,人是背着一个包袱走路的。包袱里有家庭,事业,友情,儿女……历经艰辛,却无法丢弃其中任何一件。因为这上面写着两个字:责任。在生活中,处处都有责任的考验。不经意的捡起一张废纸是保护环境的责任;帮助体弱多病的老人和小孩,是尊老爱幼的责任;替别人解决困难,是助人为乐的责任。责任,是社会的地基。没有它,高楼大厦在微风中就会轻易动摇。对自己付责,责任是严格的教官;对别人付责,责任是生命财产安全的保证;对国家付责,那是社会进步的条件。抛弃它,感到了站暂时的轻松,却丢失了一生的光彩。责任,是不可丢弃的使命,它肩付在人们的身上。让我们每个人都富有责任心,去战胜与一次次突如其来的考验那把! 急求一篇关于《生活需要创新》的文章大神们帮帮忙 因为创新,我们的生活才这么的幸福;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的丰富多彩;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的快乐;因为创新,我们的生活才这么的精彩。21世纪更是一个飞速创新的信时代,生活需要创新! 可以毫不夸张的说,如果生活没有了创新,那么我们的生活就可能还和原始人类一样,那么的乏味,枯燥,低俗。有人说,如果回到五百年以前,那时的人们可能会想到地上跑的——汽车,海里游的——船,天上飞的——飞机,但他们绝对不会想到电脑,他们绝对不会想到通过以个小小的互联网,就可以看到大千世界。真正的做到“秀才不出门,尽知天下事”。我们能够拥有这些,还不是因为我们不断的创新,不断的超越前辈,才能够有这么精彩的生活。 现在的生活缺少了创新,就如同鸟儿没有了翅膀;缺少了创新,就好像蓝天没有了白云的陪衬。 当今科技大爆炸,一代又一代的新科技品来代替旧的一代,科技品的类型,样式,更是多种多样。举个我们生活中常见的例子吧!你是否观察过你亲人或邻居的手机已经换了好几部?由直板的变成翻盖的,最近“谢娜”又代言着一部集多种功能于一身的“手表手机”,小巧玲珑,安全方便。可见,创新的速度之快,之猛,之迅。一不小心,就可能追不上时代的变化。 生活需要创新来变得更加精彩,生活需要创新来变得更加美好。我们需要生活,我们需要创新! 但是,生活不光需要创新,更需要具有创新精神的人,人人都可能成为爱迪生,重要的是你是否抓住了灵感悄临的那一瞬,一个奇异的想法,只要你一直研究下去,就一定会成功的。 生活需要创新,生活需要你来创新。 求大家帮忙写一篇法语小小文章 Bonjour ! Je m"appelle David, j"ai 12 ans. Je suis un gracon cool, veux-tu être mon ami(e)?





求翻译2010年江西英语高考阅读理解A篇 文章里面有 很急啊 在线等答案 速度啊



TravellingThis summer vacation,I went to Korea with my grandparents and sister.We went there by Korean Air and we really enjoyed ourselves on the plane,cause the flight attendants were all friendly to us though it took us 3 hours to get there.To my happiness,my sister also got a toy during the flight.Things were fine in Korea.We stayed in Korea for 5 days.We visited many places of interest,such as Le Tian amusement park,the Korean village,Jeju island,the biggest airport in Asia--Incheon International Airport and so on.Besides,we bought many special products,such as pickles,seaweeds and so on.In short,this is an unforgettable trip.


后面的planning等没有大写?如果大写,那就也是名称的组成部分,如果只是City Review大写,那可以翻译为《城市评论》,既然翻译成中文,自然按中文习惯使用标点符号,如美国杂志Time翻译成中文就成《时代周刊》。




There are three concepts here, all bunched up in a confusing way. The first concept is about survival. The second concept is about punishment. And, the third concept is about good and evil. Many people mush up these concepts together. All living things must struggle to take in as much energy as is needed to stay alive. That is the nature of Life. In the struggle to survive, there are two components. One is to consume energy. The other is to avoid having our energy be consumed. The trick in life is not about the greed of consuming more energy than is needed, but, instead, of knowing how to avoid being consumed. One of the definitions of life is having the ability of some kind to move away from noxious stimuli. Life learns and evolves and advances by discovering what is noxious, and how to avoid it. Not the big and mighty, but the critter than can hide the best, is usually the survivor in evolution"s natural selection. As humans evolved and incorporated their knowledge of objective, or, natural "laws" into their subjective cultures, the notion of punishment evolved out of our experiences with noxious stimuli. Bucky Fullerminster hypothesized, for example, that spanking evolved from the naturally occuring noxious stimuli of falling on our rumps when we are toddlers and learning to walk. We learn from our mistakes, from what hurts or costs us energy or is in some way noxious. Plain old B. F. Skinner-type operant conditioning stuff. The problem with cultural concepts of punishment, though, is that humans kinda erroneously make up along the way WHAT should be punished. So much of what we punish people for, and reward people for, is not objectively, naturally correct. And, in research in which a rat gets a zap for touching the black button and an orgasm for touching the white button, all goes well, until the black and white buttons become both gray. Then, the rat goes a little mad and jumps high and to the left. That reaction, "high and to the left", is how your question sounds, in a world that does not make sense. Which leads to the concept of good and evil, which also has objective roots, or, found in Nature. For example, research in the Netherlands learned that the human brainwave that matches the "mean" frequency or "brainwave" of the entire Universe is the brainwave we emit when we are feeling compassion. That is imperical evidence of what is truly "good". Being the primitive far-to-go beasties that we are, humans have subjectively been squabbling for eons over what their pet group thinks "goodness" is, or is not. But, with objective observations, humanity is really beginning to zero on what is truly "good", or, what is healthy, and, healthy for the long-run for the complicated web of life that we are connected to. Now, all that being said, to answer your question. Your lament is an ancient and wise one. The world does not seem fair in this matter of the "good guy" always ending last. But, it is wise to consider "society" as a cattle yard with all sorts of beasts are pushing and shoving each other in a primitive jumble of ignorance and feeding frenzy. What did Jesus say? "Forgive them Father for they know not what the are doing." Most fortunately, though, many creatures, and not just humans, rise above the pack behavior and the greed and the ignorance and the fear and they emit lovely brainwaves of compassion and other such natural, healthy expressions of true "goodness". In the bigger scheme of things, whatever the Universe and probably energy itself is up to, there is growing evidence that what is truly "good" and healthy and balanced will not necessarily be "rewarded", but certainly "aprreciated" in some cosmic ecological type of way, considering how everything everywhere is connected like a web of jewels. Our fellow humans, in their state of primitiveness and instability and ignorance, for the most part, all sense deep down what is a true good deed. So, even though subjective, cultural circumstances and individual emotional/spiritual diseases don"t quite get it, your good deeds most definately do them some "good", albeit, unappreciated. Therefore, the trick to surviving without injury is to sensibly continue doing "good" deeds, but, to do so while deftly avoiding the noxious, senseless beasts here and there in their noxious, senseless, oftentimes meaningless cultural ways.



文章状态submitted和under review有区别吗



submittedv. 递交;主张;屈服(submit的过去分词)

文章状态submitted和under review有区别吗

亲,有区别的。submitted是投稿成功,然后经过编辑初审(with editor),进入到under review状态,也就是专家外审。




一次使在冬眠的EWF失去能力或恢复许多环境 通过使用EWF经理命令的例如Disable EWF或EWF API, : ewfmgr c : -功能失效 通过使用EWF经理命令或EWF API的例如Deactivate HORM, : ewfmgr - deactivatehorm Restart系统。 例如: xpepm -再开始 If您以前未撤销HORM (上面的第2步),新闻F8在恢复的Windows屏幕在系统起动期间并且不做以下: At提示,选择删除恢复数据并且进行系统起动菜单。 系统正常起动和EWF将是残疾。 After EWF是残疾,您能运用更新或安装应用到您执行时间的图象。 要重新授权给一次冬眠或恢复许多,看一次使能冬眠或恢复许多与EWF的环境。 To一次做并且使在冬眠的EWF失去能力或恢复许多环境 From指令提示,做和使EWF失去能力的用途EWF经理。 例如: ewfmgr c : - commitanddisable -居住 From指令提示,做和使EWF失去能力的用途EWF经理。 例如: ewfmgr c : - commitanddisable -居住 EWF覆盖物的The内容承诺给被保护的容量,并且EWF立刻是残疾。 在您的变动将起随后系统起动的之前,作用作用The冬眠了图象必须刷新。 例如,使用Windows XP嵌入力量管理应用组分: xpepm -冬眠 例如使EWF通过使用EWF经理命令或EWF API失去能力, : ewfmgr c : -功能失效 通过使用EWF经理命令或EWF API的例如Deactivate HORM, : ewfmgr - deactivatehorm Restart系统。 例如: xpepm -再开始 If您以前未撤销HORM (上面的第2步),新闻F8在恢复的Windows屏幕在系统起动期间并且不做以下: At提示,选择删除恢复数据并且进行系统起动菜单。 系统正常起动和EWF将是残疾。 After EWF是残疾,您能运用更新或安装应用到您执行时间的图象。 要重新授权给一次冬眠或恢复许多,看一次使能冬眠或恢复许多与EWF的环境。 To一次做并且使在冬眠的EWF失去能力或恢复许多环境 From指令提示,做和使EWF失去能力的用途EWF经理。 例如: ewfmgr c : - commitanddisable -居住 From指令提示,做和使EWF失去能力的用途EWF经理。 例如: ewfmgr c : - commitanddisable -居住 EWF覆盖物的The内容承诺给被保护的容量,并且EWF立刻是残疾。 在您的变动将起随后系统起动的之前,作用作用The冬眠了图象必须刷新。 例如,使用Windows XP嵌入力量管理应用组分: xpepm -冬眠



克服演讲的紧张 用英语写的文章

overcome the nervous in speeches.



加悬赏分!!!Christmas Spirit 文章翻译

这是二天在圣诞节之前。 一切出了错与我。 我是交付的在我的岗位这玩具部门在K小店在八。 因为我睡过头了,但是我晚了是十分钟。 在十o"clock K小店的前门打开了。 群顾客渐近了对玩具部门。 很快他们开始呼喊在我的耳朵,推挤我或愤怒要求。 我习惯了它。 It是他们的令人不快的义务能买他们的孩子的圣诞节礼物。 圣诞节精神消失了。 并且这是一样我的。 我必须那天晚上仍然完成我的圣诞节购物。 是! 圣诞节didn"t手段对我们,除了更多工作和头疼。我感到的Suddenly在我胳膊和我的一种柔和的接触转动了得在周围。 它是我照看有一阵子二个孩子的之一。 他和他的妹看最便宜的玩具。 在我甚而弯下来听他之前,我检查了他的姐妹。 我认为他也许演奏在我的某一把戏,当他的姐妹窃取了某事时。 我didn"t看见她,并且男孩也似乎看确定她wasn"t。 “Excuse我,先生。 您是否是否认为此会是我的妹的一件好礼物?他说的”,指向肥皂泡液体争斗。 “I don"t要她知道关于它,他耳语的”,在我可能甚而回答之前。 他似乎肯定她会爱。 因此我同意他,并且didn"t说任何东西。 He在破旧牛仔裤投入了他的手并且去掉几个便士。 瓶花费了五十七分,并且他有四十分。 “It看起来您don"t有足够的金钱here.”我然后劝告他设法发现其他。 他看起来不快乐并且走开发现其他。 我观看了他从我的眼睛的角落。 他看其他玩具,但是总是回来了到肥皂泡。 莫名其妙地男孩触击了我如与其他troublemaders不同。几分钟后,我回到了他并且问他是否找到任何东西。 他摇了他的头并且看了非常哀伤。 “Well, let"s看见多少金钱您再有,我建议的”。 他投下了便士与我在我的手掩藏了的二角钱。 “Well,这里神色! 我说的”。 “I一定以前错误计数了。 您有那些的刚够金钱肥皂bubbles.”他的微笑再延长对他的耳朵。 他出去了并且遇见了他的姐妹在门。 他保持袋子被关闭,以便他的姐妹couldn"t看见他为她买了有他的前个便士的谦虚礼物。It在我的生活中似乎相当是一个事件。 莫名其妙地天的其余好去。 并且,当我去买夜,我寻找礼物而不是履行义务的圣诞节礼物。 第一次在几年我再有我的圣诞节精神。 当我回家了与一个瓶肥皂泡,但是我从我家得到了一些奇怪的神色。








beijing"s weather(北京的天气)spring,March ,it becomes a little warm,April, it"s often windy and somber,May, you can see beautiful flowers.(春天。三月开始变得暖和,四月经常刮风和下雨,五月你就可以看到漂亮的花儿了。)summer,June,it becomes fairly hot,July, it"s often sunny and rainy,August, you can eat fresh fruits.(夏天。六月开始变得有点热了,七月经常和晴天和雨天,八月你可以吃到新鲜的水果了。)autumn,September,it becomes nice and cool,October,it"s often bright and cleanlily,November,you can see yellow leaves.(秋天。九月开始变得有点冷了,十月经常是秋高气爽,十一月你就可以看到黄叶了。)winter,December,it becomes rather cold,January,it"s often snowy and cloudy,February,you can always see the edelweiss,small and white,chean and bright!(冬天。十二月开始变得很冷了,一月经常是下雪天和阴天,二月份你总是可以看到雪绒花,小而白,洁而鲜!)

求文章摘要人工翻译 谢谢

The rural economy is an important part of the national economy, the development of the rural economy in urgent need of credit funds to support. Microfinance after twenty years of development, to effectively alleviate the rural financial market of our country monetary contradiction between supply and demand of rural credit cooperatives, broaden the sources of funding, optimization of rural financial structure effect. However, in China"s market economy and the rural micro credit system is not perfect, because of the influence of the dual attributes of policy and commercial microfinance implementation, leading to disperse, organization system is not complete, affected the development of rural economy. Rural microfinance is a kind of financing way to solve the rural economic development in poverty-stricken areas, in order to solve the low income crowd financing difficulties, as well as the slow increase in low-income low utilization of funds plays an irreplaceable advantage of loan. As the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city to promote the healthy development of rural microfinance in Harbin, this paper studies the Wuchang City as the development status and Countermeasures of Agricultural Bank of China Harbin branch of Rural Micro credit. Considering the basic situation of the Agricultural Bank of Harbin City, this paper introduces characteristics of the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city of Rural Micro credit. Existing problems and causes, discusses some Agricultural Bank of Harbin city rural microfinance is facing a series of problems, such as its misunderstanding led to the rural microfinance promotion lack of motivation, mode of operation of the limitations of the rural micro credit advantage is very difficult to show the team strength is weak, credit led to social benefits, weakening external environment makes the poor rural micro credit risk is huge and lower interest rates lead to operational difficulties and rent-seeking and so on; then taking Harbin Wuchang City as an example, the actual impact on farmers microfinance Bank of Harbin for the farmers" income has carried on the empirical analysis, analysis shows that, the rural microfinance business of Bank of Harbin in development, although there are some problems for the income of farmers, but it actually played a positive role is very important. Finally, to solve the problems, from five aspects this paper then puts forward feasible countermeasures, and puts forward some countermeasures for establishing the correct understanding of the rural micro credit from two aspects the importance of Rural Micro Credit and basic properties, puts forward countermeasures for optimizing the rural microfinance operation mode of Agricultural Bank of China from the strengthening of risk control and innovation of new financing products two aspects of countermeasures to improve the quality of credit, in the part of service personnel, mainly from the perfect incentive mechanism and the establishment of the survival of the fittest employment system two points are expounded, on how to improve the external environment problems, mainly from the establishment of farmer credit system and to promote two aspects of rural micro credit legal system construction are discussed, and finally the pricing problem of Rural Micro Credit and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Through this research, one is to grasp the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city in the development of rural economy the status of micro credit and the existing problems; two is to promote sustainable development of rural micro credit business of Harbin City Agricultural Bank, puts forward some constructive advice and suggestions.






every living, thinking creatures, there will be love, and then as a cold-blooded animals. On a Mother""s Day, I realize my love for her daughter. week from Mother""s Day there, and I thought: her daughter will not send me a gift? Even a flower, even a blessing. Time in my busy day in the quiet of the past, only three days away from the Mother""s Day, and be immediately entrance her, perhaps her review of hectic for me to forget this very important festival. It does not matter, since there is opportunity. When I see a flower shop in the entrance way to work close to the "Mother""s Day arrived, and sent his mother a flower, right," the character, I felt the acid Tutu""s. Other children are then seen as the mother of flowers, buy gifts, I always want her daughter to pick a gift for me at this time. I was very contradictory: the hearts of hope that their daughter can send me a gift, but afraid to pull her from learning, human life is only one entrance, after all, ... ... Today is Mother""s Day, the street scenes that makes me sad is endless, some of the mother holding the hands of a flower, and some mothers and children are shopping, and some mothers and children are receiving the gift, the streets around you can see a picture of happy faces; everywhere are filled with the taste of love. I rushed home to hear her daughter said to me: "Mom, come back. Eat. "I can not help but surprised a moment," to eat? "" Yes, Daddy was not home today, you are so hard every day and I, as your daughter, it should help you do some living, to, eat it. "Although the daughter did not say a blessing, but I believe words in mind! I deeply understand her! Although rice is not done well, but each root vegetables, each grain of rice reflects her love for me. The meal was not as delicacies, not as the hotel chef cuisine. However, I eat this meal is the best flavor of the most happiest meal. "Mom, Happy Mother""s Day! "" Ah? Oh, my daughter is really growing up! Know that today is Mother""s Da y, a holiday for my mother to know it! "" Maybe I had something tiresome to you, and you sometimes fight, I know you are good for me. Sorry ah! Mom! "At this point, could not suppress my tears flow out. "Mengmeng, you grow up. No longer have to worry about Mom. "" I""ve got the college entrance examination, I will use my best efforts to return you to the upbringing of my ex! "" Well, my mother waiting for! "My daughter is suddenly removed from the back of a pack of small gifts, I took it above the gift wrap filled with fine, I open a look, is a fine card, card next to the words:" Mom, Mother""s Day happy! I will work hard! You return with my results! "Several card issuers may also not worth the money, but the great love his daughter moved me again! love, got a million species, maternal love alone is the greatest. Can not live without is love. If our life without love, humanity would not exist, the world will become war prevails, no peace forever!




The People"s Republic of China capital on September 27, 1949, the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference first session of plenary session carried unanimously the People"s Republic of China country all to be decided Peking, today gets up Peking to change name Beijing China"s population China is in the world population most developing nations.Counts according to State statistical bureau, 2004 year"s end our country total population is 1,299,880,000 people.China also is in the world one of population density high countries, each square kilometer average population density is 134 people; But distributes is quite imbalanced.The birth control is a China"s basic national policy. China"s holiday China legal holiday includes: New year, Spring Festival, international working women"s day, Arbor Day, international labor day, China youth day, nurse international festival, children"s day, Communist Party of China birth commemoration day, Chinese People"s Liberation Army army day, teachers" day, National Day and reporter festival.The Chinese significant tradition holiday has the Spring Festival, the festival of lanterns, the Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Midautumn Festival and so on.In addition, each national minority all is also retaining own traditional holidayChina"s special foodDim Sum is the name for a style of cuisine comprised of a wide range of bite-sized delicacies. The idea behind dim sum is to harmonize flavors so that multiple taste sensations can be enjoyed during your meal. Our culinary experts tantalize your taste buds using techniques developed during the beginning of the Asian dynasties over ten centuries ago. Each day they transform fresh fish, poultry, beef, pork, vegetables, rice, and exotic spices into delectable, bite-sized morsels of dim sum. Ha Gao (shrimp dumpling): Jumbo shrimp in a light rice flower wrapped dumpling Siu Mai (pork and shrimp dumpling) Chopped shrimp and pork filling, then hand wrapped in a wonton skin Steamed Mixed Vegetable Dumpling Chopped fresh mixed vegetable filling steamed in natural juices Steamed Roast Pork Bun Most recognized item in dim sum. A steamed white bun stuffed with honey roasted BBQ pork Shrimp Rice Roll Hand rolled rice flour crepes filled with jumbo shrimps and served with a sweet soy sauce Crispy Spring Roll Deep fried rolls with julienned pork, shrimp, minced shitake mushrooms, and bamboo shoots Shrimp with Chives Deep fried minced shrimp and chive pocket Deep Fried Pork Taro Cake Crispy puffs stuffed with mashed taro root, shrimp and pork






1、于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。Among thousands of people, you meet those you"ve met. Through thousands ofyears, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor abit too late.2、生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。 然而,看不见得,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, soyou may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. There is gain and lossin your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten.Nevertheless, doesn"t the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain forever?3、世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外)。Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of asmall number of either extremely ugly or exceedingly smart ones.4、快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤。请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as well.If rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take thosefarewells easy, and turn to smilingly look for yourself who is never to appear.5、我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。I wouldn"t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as Ihave been destined to the distance. I wouldn"t care the difficulties around, forwhat I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have beenmarching toward the orizontal.6、也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人。Some may be wicked, and some may be despicable. Only when I put myself in theirposition did I know they are more miserable than I. So forgive all that you have met,no matter what kind of persons they are.

Psychology in Our Life 帮我写一篇以此题目的文章 谢谢

Psychology plays an important role in our daily life. For instance, we all have bad days once in a while. We are very upset, worry excessively and can"t concentrate. The way we feel may directly affect our sleep, our eating habits, our job, our relationships and our everyday life. If we talk to people we love, admire and trust about what"s bothering us, we may feel much relieved. Actually, psychology works in this case. There is still another case that persons who have suffered from a life-threatening disease may enjoy a higher quality of life if they are surrounded by friends and family. This indicates that the mind affects the body. If someone we love is diagnosed with such kind of disease, we may feel desperate and helpless. But it doesn"t have to be that way. It is important that he or she feel truly cared about. We just try to give emotional support. Sometimes we all need a shoulder to cry on.



巴金是哪里人?他写的文章主要表现了什么? .....................................急!!!!!!!


高人请进.谁能帮我翻译一 下这段文章,急急急!!!!!!!

As part of construction of the Party conduct, the style construction of the public security organ has its own characteristics and requirements. Strengthening the style construction of the public security must be carried out in obedience with the responsibilities and obligations which the Constitution and Laws provide for the public security organ, and must take as the keys the style construction of strengthening administrating by Laws, conduct and actions the point of style developments.




交通出行历来是广大市民关注的热点问题。2005年10月,宝山区政府办公室、政府门户网站召开区交通局、宝山公安分局、宝山巴士公司、区城管大队等有关部门参加的联席会议,共同会诊、协同办公,就市民提出的有关改善宝山交通的意见和建议在网上进行了统一答复。近期,宝山政府门户网刊出《宝山区公共交通专项规划》,公开征求市民关于宝山区公共交通规划和建设的意见和建议,区交通局对市民提出的有关公交配车、线路设置、站点优化、公交专用道以及有轨电车等建议予以及时答复。现将区交通局对市民提出的公共交通意见和建议回复如下: 建议改善公交配车和增加宝山到市区的线路宝山区的一些公交车车龄较长,有些车子外观破旧,尤其是711路,很多车子刹车老化,刹车时车身发抖;还有一些车子,如:848路,排放的尾气基本上是黑色的,这给乘客和司机的安全埋下了隐患,希望有关部门加大破旧车辆更新力度,尤其是把更多环保、节能的车子带给大家。另外,从宝山到市区的车子好象比较少,票价也比较贵。公共交通应该是社会公共事务,政府应该从财政中拿出应有的一份来改善人民的出行条件。我们期待着宝山有更多更好的车子,为宝山的现代化增光添彩!来函反映公交车辆更新的问题,宝山区交通局与公交企业进行了沟通。公交车辆是按国家规定实行强制报废制度,原来公交车国家规定使用期为十四年,随着城市的发展和体现城市的形象,国家出台了公交车使用年限为十年。为了体现上海国际大都市的形象,公交企业克服财力上的困难,努力更新车辆。近三年已花了1.5亿元资金,三年购车293辆,报废了312辆车。三年来,宝山公交企业加快了车辆的更新,如952、116、537、508、彭宝、502、118、719、713、701、彭江线、码专、963、728等。主要的配置车辆是上海最豪华的VOLVO车84辆,大宇车60辆,以及太湖、长江、友谊空调车共66辆,完成了绝大部分市区线路的更新。今年下半年公交企业又对“淞字”线路车辆进行更新,进一步改观了偏郊线路的车容车貌。今后,公交企业将加大资金的投入,加快车辆更新的速度,满足市民的出行需求。宝山到市区的公交线路有952、952B、116、宝杨码头专线、813等,基本满足宝山地区居民的公交出行需求。明年,轨道交通三号线通车运营,将进一步提升宝山地区的公交服务水平,为宝山的城乡建设奠定基础。 建议将长江南路公交枢纽站优化到长江路淞南地区现有常住人口十万(仅户籍人口已近九万),居民出行以市区方向为主,而长江南路的公交枢纽站处于淞南的南端。届时,往市区方向的公交线路终点站如果进驻,恐怕无法解决淞南人的出行,只有采取绕行淞南的办法。不管从哪方面算,都是不经济的。但是,如果将枢纽站改到长江路上,这一问题即迎刃而解。关于长江路上没有轨道交通站点的问题,我认为,枢纽站建在轨道交通的站点边,对于以向心交通为主的地区不适用,这些地区只要规划好公交与轨道的换乘站点即可。因此,淞南地区的公交枢纽站应建在向心交通的最远端——长江路上。回复: 关于公交枢纽站的设置问题,市主管部门按照三个原则进行规划的,主要是:1、坚持“以人为本”的原则,满足乘客的换乘需求,为乘客提供经济舒适、安全可靠、便捷的公交服务,减少乘客的出行时间和距离以及换乘次数,满足中转换乘的方便与舒适;2、坚持以“线网优化”为原则,通过合理的枢纽站布点进一步使其诸多运营要素合理组合,优化公交线网,提升公交资源的使用,吸引其它交通方式的乘客转化以提高公交的载客强度;3、坚持以提升城市整体运营效率的原则,通过各种交通换乘系统的合理布局,促进动、静态交通的均衡分布,减少公共交通静态方式与其它交通方式的动态干扰,使居民的出行方式选择由低效的个体交通向高效的公共交通方式转化,实现城市道路交通网络运输效率的最大化,从而提升城市整体运营效率。因此,市主管部门确定在长江南路站设置公交枢纽。对于你的建议区交通局将向有关部门反映。 建议让逸仙路(张华浜-吴淞大桥)公交专用道名副其实现在上海大规模推广公交专用道,逸仙路(张华浜-吴淞大桥)地上漆有“公交专用”的字样,但是没有将它正式化,公交车与社会车辆混行,造成拥堵时公交车无法先行,耽误了乘客的时间。另外,希望在淞滨路开辟单向(东向西)公交专用道,这短短一条路上有三个公交大站,经常造成道路拥挤,泰和路上公交站点建设完已久,不知何时启用?回复:关于逸仙路(张华浜-吴淞大桥)公交专用道混行的问题,必须通过区交警支队的大力整治,才能取得一定的成效。今年12月,区交警支队和区交通局对淞滨路/同济路交叉口重新进行了交通组织,并在新民晚报、宝山报等一些媒体上公开发布,涉及淞滨路公交专用道、公交线路走向等解决方案。 询问水产西路富联路公交线路的设置我的新居购置在富联路水产西路交界处的成亿宝盛家苑(即金色加州)。购房时开发商承诺水产西路明年将会开通,同时,在宝山政府网上也查阅到宝山区规划局回复:水产西路规划自蕰川路向西,经天馨花园延伸至顾村镇的富联路与泰和新城相连。目前,该道路顾村段已经实施,杨行段(天馨花园西侧至规划富长路)将由杨行镇政府负责建设,因此决定购买该处房屋。由于我工作地点在市中心一号线沿线,金色加州步行至1号线需要30分钟,走到泰和新城701终点站也需20分钟,而且701路需绕一个大圈才能抵达地铁口。请问:由于对面南块及旁边新楼盘的开发,明年会否开通途径水产西路富联路至地铁1号线路口的短途公交车来方便出行?回复:关于水产路公交线路,区交通局已经制定了相关的调整计划,但由于水产西路与水产路还没有贯通,也不属于市政道路,故水产西路富联路的公交线暂时没有计划。随着今后道路条件的成熟,区交通局会根据市民的需求和住宅区的分布,对公交线路进行合理的优化和调整。 建议宝山中心城区建有轨电车“敢为人先”是宝山精神。吴淞是上海的门户,有最早的开埠码头,建有最早的铁路——淞沪铁路,吴淞炮台湾在上世纪三十年代是旅游度假胜地,有轨电车自上世纪七十年代从沪上隐退后,今日上海又重提有轨电车建设,宝山作为一个钢铁、港口基地,应该有所作为,敢为人先。轻轨三号线,经吴淞镇径直北上宝山,设计走线有缺陷,在吴淞宝山之间建有轨电车弥补设计上的缺陷,作为轨道交通的补充,连接客运码头,作为开发旅游的一个组成部分,连接宝山各景区,作为中心城区的交通工具,无污染,能提升城市的文化含量,改变城区单一交通的现状,拟规划如下:有轨两线,点到点,面到面,零换乘点到点:一路有轨电车,吴淞轻轨站作为有轨一线的始发站,经淞兴路步行街、淞浦路轮船码头和化成路吴淞客运码头,然后经海军博物馆、炮台湿地公园、宝杨码头、在临江公园设终点站。面到面:二路有轨电车,始发站淞兴路,经淞兴路步行街、同泰路、泰和路、牡丹江路、宝山宾馆、盘古路,在临江公园设终点站。市场预测 一路有轨,是为游客、旅客服务,摆渡两客运码头乘客。二路有轨,摆渡乘客,实现轻轨有轨零换乘,市区乘客一般会在淞兴路吴淞镇站下车换乘,无需穿越马路。两路有轨电车实际是中心环城交通,具有可操作性,具有市场需求,作为宝山中心城区交通发展方向,远期发展东西城城区,东西方向有轨电车,连接两条轻轨。建设有轨电车的意义 提高城区核心竞争力,增加人文景观,再创卓越。 增加就业岗位,促进宝山旅游业发展,再造辉煌。不做最大,要做最好,要做要早做,要敢为人先。有轨电车规划宜早不宜晚,与轻轨、炮台湿地公园、吴淞外滩浦江景观同步进行,统筹规划。一条淞沪铁路曾经给吴淞带来生机,从一个小渔村变为一个闻名海内外重镇,我们不可能去重复历史,但要抓住机遇,发展有轨电车是一个契机,促进经济发展。回复:关于《宝山区公共交通专项规划》中有轨电车建设的建议,区交通局及时向编委作了反馈。顾先生对淞宝地区建有轨电车提出了具体建议,区交通局认为基本符合《规划》设计理念。但这项工作具体实施还需要作大量实地调研工作,要结合当地实际情况进行反复论证,需要政府相应政策坚持,需要各级部门大力协助和配合,客观上相当于要建立一套新的体系。从技术层面来考虑,还需要专用路基,相关各项技术保障等措施。相信随着时间的推移,对节能、用地、环境等问题的认识提高,对发展有轨电车这一设想也会提高力度。在此,对顾先生关心公共交通事业发展表示感谢。 建议在淞滨支路附近增设公交站点从12月15日起吴淞大桥地区的公交线路走向发生了一些变化,116、728等绕道淞滨西路、淞滨支路后再上吴淞大桥,能否请公交部门在淞滨支路附近加设一个单向站点,方便附近的乘客,因为淞滨路被截断后,从淞滨支路附近到北翼商厦门口的站点坐车带来了许多的不便。回复:2005年12月15日公交为了配合区交警支队在淞滨路/同济路设置中间隔离带,淞滨路上实行车辆禁左、禁东西向通行措施,所有过吴淞大桥的公交车辆全部绕行淞桥东路—淞兴路—淞滨支路—淞滨路上吴淞大桥,目前这些线路都在试运营阶段,按照市公交主管部门要求,暂时不设站点,待最终线路确定后再作考虑。 建议新增一条由宝山、吴淞到大华的专线很高兴在门户网上看到关于公共交通的征询意见,这体现了有关部门强烈的政府信息公开意识。我本人住在大华社区的枫庭丽苑,工作单位在淞滨路吴淞码头附近,上班路途遥远,来回需3小时左右,还需转车且没有座位,相当不便、辛苦;几年内,无能力购买使用私车,实在无计可施。借此良机,向相关部门特此建议新增一条由宝山、吴淞到大华(新沪路、大华三路、华灵西路)的专线。请有关部门为百姓多考虑解决一下这个难题,不胜感谢! 回复:市民建议新增一条由宝山到大华地区专线车问题,也是区交通局近年来一想解决的问题。早在2004年,区交通局局就展开了相关调研,并制定了方案,按照方案准备将彭宝专线走向由彭浦新村延伸到大华地区。由于该方案延伸后,在场中路段与五汽冠忠公司多条线路产生复线,而且复线距离较长,严重影响了原有线路的营收,遭到了五汽冠忠公司强烈反对,此事虽经市交通局多次协商,但均未有结果,为了维护行业稳定,目前该方案暂缓实施。由于公交企业都是市场化运营,企业自负盈亏,企业间的利益很难平衡,矛盾也比较突出,最近市政府、市交通局正在进行相关政策调整,相信今后随着公交资源的有效整合,问题会有望得到妥善解决。 建议开通共富富华苑至上钢一厂公交直达车我是居住在共富新村富华苑317号102室的市民,在宝钢不锈钢分公司(上钢一厂)上班,由于没有直达车辆,每天上下班都要换车,很不方便。希望有关能够予以解决,谢谢。回复:共富新村富华苑一居民建议开通至上钢一厂直达公交车,区交通局跟公交主管理部门和有关公司进行了沟通,暂时没有计划。主要原因是:目前公交资源还十分有限,在有轨道交通运营区域内,公交的配置主要是为轨道交通接驳服务,目前公交服务还不能满足每一位居民出行需求,建议居民还是采取换乘办法加以解决。 建议增设招呼站方便居民乘车希望在牡丹江路金牡丹处增设招呼站,方便宝林1、2村的居民乘车。 回复:来函要求在金牡丹处增设招呼站,区交通局已派人进行了实地察看:由于金牡丹地处牡丹江路/宝林路交叉路口,按规定设置公交站必须距离交叉路口50米以上,并且该处与宝杨路公交站相距太近,因此,区交通局暂不考虑在金牡丹处设站。提议让同泰支路发挥作用牡丹江路和同济路是吴淞地区的两条重要干道,但是牡丹江路不通逸仙路,必须绕去同济路,因此,连接这两条主路的辅路显得犹为重要。现在,水产路和淞滨路拥挤不堪,而在这之间的同泰支路却空空荡荡,已然成为一个天然停车场,我觉得可以将此路改为双向通行,将原来就走这里的淞盛等郊区线路改回同济路—同泰路—泰和路—吴淞码头的走向,以缓解水产路的压力;另外水产路随意停车现象比较厉害,拓宽后的水产路在功用上和原来没有任何差别,仍是2车道,希望有关部门采取整治行动。回复:来函要求道路改为双向通行和水产路随意停车整治的问题,不属于区交通局的管辖范围。公交线路的调整涉及方面非常多,主要有道路通行条件、方便乘客、服务范围等。由于郊区线路改向的条件还不成熟,故不予考虑oThe traffic is always the hot issues of public concern. In 2005 October, to participate in the joint meeting office of Baoshan District government, the government portal website held the District Department of transportation, the Baoshan Public Security Bureau, Baoshan bus company, district brigade and other relevant departments, joint consultation, coordination office, the improvement of the Baoshan traffic put forward the opinions and suggestions of a unified answer on the internet. Recently, the Baoshan government portal website published the "Baoshan District Public Transit Plan", to solicit public opinions and suggestions on the Baoshan District public transportation planning and construction of city, District Department of transportation to the public of the bus car, line setting, site optimization, the bus lanes and trams, should be promptly reply. The District Department of transportation to the public transit observations and recommendations reply as follows:Suggestions to improve the public transport vehicle and increase Baoshan to city lineSome of Baoshan District"s bus age longer, some cars a worn appearance, especially the 711 Road, a lot of car brake brake aging, shaking the body; some cars, such as: 848, exhaust emissions basically is black, which buried a hidden danger to the driver and passenger safety, hope the relevant departments to increase the worn-out vehicles update the strength, especially the more environmentally friendly, energy-saving cars bring us. In addition, from Baoshan to the urban car seems relatively small, the fare is more expensive. Public transportation should be the social and public affairs, the government should from the fiscal took out a due to the improvement of people"s travel conditions. We expect Baoshan to have more and better cars, for the modernization of Baoshan Zengguang luster!The traffic is always the hot issues of public concern. In 2005 October, to participate in the joint meeting office of Baoshan District government, the government portal website held the District Department of transportation, the Baoshan Public Security Bureau, Baoshan bus company, district brigade and other relevant departments, joint consultation, coordination office, the improvement of the Baoshan traffic put forward the opinions and suggestions of a unified answer on the internet. Recently, the Baoshan government portal website published the "Baoshan District Public Transit Plan", to solicit public opinions and suggestions on the Baoshan District public transportation planning and construction of city, District Department of transportation to the public of the bus car, line setting, site optimization, the bus lanes and trams, should be promptly reply. The District Department of transportation to the public transit observations and recommendations reply as follows:Suggestions to improve the public transport vehicle and increase Baoshan to city lineTo reflect the problems in the vehicles update, Baoshan District traffic bureau and the public enterprises of communication. Bus is according to the provisions of the state compulsory retirement system, the original bus state regulations used for a period of fourteen years, with the development of city and reflect the image of the city, the state introduced the bus service life is ten years. In order to reflect the international metropolis of Shanghai"s image, public enterprises to overcome the financial difficulties, to update the vehicle. Nearly three years have been spent 150000000 yuan of funds, three years purchase a car 293 cars, 312 cars scrapped.In three years, the Baoshan public transportation enterprises to speed up the vehicle update, such as 952, 116, 537, 508, 502, 118, Peng Bao, 719, 713, 701, Peng Jiang line, code designed, 963, 728. Allocation of vehicle main is one of Shanghai"s most luxurious VOLVO car 84, Daewoo car 60, and Taihu, the Yangtze River, friendship air-conditioned car a total of 66 units, completed the most urban line update. The second half of this year, public enterprises to "song word" lines of vehicles are updated, further improved partial rural line capacity vehicle appearance. In the future, bus companies will increase capital investment, speed up the vehicle update speed, to meet the public demand for travel.Baoshan to the city"s bus lines 952, 952B, 116, Po Yang pier line, 813, basically meet the transit demand of Baoshan residents. The next year, metro line three traffic operation, will further enhance the level of public transport services in Baoshan, to lay the foundation for urban and rural construction in Baoshan.Recommended Changjiang Road transport hub station optimization to the Yangtze River RoadSongnan area with a population of one hundred thousand (only the household registration population has nearly ninety thousand), residents travel to the direction of the urban area, and the Yangtze River Road transport hub station at the southern tip of South song. Then, to the direction of the urban area of the bus terminal if in, may not solve the song people travel, only take a circuitous Songnan way. In any case, it is not economical. However, if the hub to the Yangtze River Road, the problems be smoothly done or easily solved.About the Yangtze River road without rail transport site problem, I think, the hub station built in rail transit site boundary, not suitable for mainly centripetal traffic areas, these areas as long as the planning of transit and rail transfer station. Therefore, the public transport hub station should be built in the most distal radial transport -- Changjiang Road Songnan area


Too muchWe have too much time. We always think of time, so we will come again, we allow for lack of shake. The unexpected disasters in us forever when you don"t hit, pledge, parry. The only thing we can do, just in time, could also be care of treasure, don"t relax. The momentThe old man over before bed calling: "wife, you wake up! Wake up, we will travel the world together, you"ve always wanted to go to?" The wife is god"s eyes, at no consciousness, no response. The old couple married four years. Initially, the wife wanted to go abroad to study, to love him and keep down. In order to make up for the elderly in solipsist promised said: "one day, I will accompany you around the world!" But, as a child born, economic pressure forced them to travel around the world and became a SuYiJieShi unreachable dream. He always comforted the wife say: "the older child again, such as a large house again..." The child has grown, each have their own family. They also have enough money to realize the dream, but a man of business travel abroad alone, are peak, even two time are limited. Faced with her silent, he always sighing: sorry to say: "I retire, I all the time you are, how do you want to play to play!" But when he retired, his but wait. A stroke, depth, leaving only old guard unconscious in the bedside, repeated: "wife, you must hurry up! I brought you to go to Paris to London tower, look to see Big Ben, roma..."Too late, the expression of love, too late, the realization promise to send blessing...We have too much time. The only thing we can do, but not in time, and to your dearest relatives, friends, brothers, love you love expression of...


(a), human lifeSu shi in the six people in the book "affected by personification of description to comment on calligraphy" really, do as lines, grass like walking." "Stand like regular script, running script as" go ", "run like cursive." In his book "in human form further five elements to describe the calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said:" the book will god, qi, blood, bone, meat, and the fifth is a was revealed." It"s like the person "to" the word of an original theory.QingRen wang shu shi to supplement the three contents, he said: "if people" word. How do people? "Muscle, bone and flesh and blood, pure, god, gas, pulse, and can prepare eight people". The eight words can make such understanding, word, the blood and flesh, bones, and embodies the basic capability, The word of god, and reflects the chakras, the training quality.(2), certificates of externalization ambitionWord is, people will, taste and pursue. LiuXiZai clear in the art of generalized said: "write, writing ethnography." He taught YanZhenQing zhang xu and the words: "the person Ju masters and good will can?" Saki, a noble, calligraphy, how could do fine?Actually, good calligraphy have profound implications, can see the ideas of the author and the interest, and often can be clear at a glance. In the art of ZhangHuai tang said in Cardiff clearly: "good articles to the calligraphy and profound, is to see that its volunteers, tabled intermittently." Careful observation, as from good calligraphy and article, can clearly see the ideas of the author, and interests.(3) is the certificate of emotionsIn the han yu tang big astronomers GaoXian sent here in the preface to introduce how to express cursive zhang xu borrowed his thought, have such a words: "embarrassed, sorrow and sadness, anger, regret, loss of yourself, caressing, boring, rough, have moved in heart, how shall send to the cursive." He said, ZhangXuYou what happy things, angry, or embarrassed because of grief sorrow, poor, or joyful idle, resentment, regret, or caressing boring, rough, as long as you have moved in, will be borrowed cursive express. Zhang xu instructions for cursive scripts, always with changeable mood, complicated, with strong feelings.(4), certificate of personalityWang said: "the pen, zhao feng is all nature." Putting pen to write with or reflect the nature of man. His attitude to this problem is there, he said: "in the book, the man; it is a gentleman will in books, is perilous otherwise." A man is the word can know him personally, even can see is a gentleman or sleeve. He is not fully correct, but said shuppites has close relationship with character, or sense. What the author"s character from the word?A character is high, the natural elegance. Shuppites. YangShouJing qing said: "the product high is writing." preface Man of noble character, calligraphy affirmation and free from vulgarity.Two is pure, calligraphy is natural character. LiBaiYou poem called "king", which is the right army two words: "right, and the Muslim armies." a dusty ZhaoMeng and put it to deduce, became the following two sentence: "right and the Muslim armies, write pentium potential lost." All is a meaning, the first character charm, wang praise and clear, Then he praised his character, works such as ChaoYi comely, bold and unrestrained, masterly. From here, wang and his character of shuppites highly unification.The reader is old, write the first lesson. DianShi obtained, write to the poor, and to test will become invalid.Beautiful hand writing not only look at yourself, others like the eye. America has a lady violate the traffic rules, and receive a fixed penalty notice. The lady a handwritten letter sent to the local traffic police that the director. The police officer saw so beautiful ShuXieTi, immediately dismissed her fine. This is the style is the man.Some writing skills, can write a can, Some people regard is to write for art, strive for perfection, even from a people took the words written personality and character. Write like made the house, should pay attention to layout, collocation, let. But nowadays, it is really tall building, build up the sooner the better. Besides calligrapher and calligraphy lovers, and few people can heart monkish sorts and practicing writing carefreely?知道了吧?



求中国传统故事的英语文章,字数150~200, 带汉译

The Miser守财奴 A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and stole it. The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations. A neighbor, seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, "Pray do not grieve so; but go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the gold is still lying there. It will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of it." 有个守财奴变卖了他所有的家产,换回了金块,并秘密地埋在一个地方。他每天走去看 看他的宝藏。有个在附近放羊的牧人留心观察,知道了真情,趁他走后,挖出金块拿走了。 守财奴再来时,发现洞中的金块没有了,便捶胸痛哭。有个人见他如此悲痛,问明原因后, 说道:“喂,朋友,别再难过了,那块金子虽是你买来的,但并不是你真正拥有的。去拿一 块石头来,代替金块放在洞里,只要你心里想着那是块金子,你就会很高兴。这样与你拥有 真正的金块效果没什么不同。依我之见,你拥有那金块时,也从没用过。” 这故事说明,一切财物如不使用等于没有。 可以吗


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推荐CNN和《经济学人》(Economist),《华盛顿邮报》(Washingtonpost)都是有APP的,可以阅读英文。《大西洋月刊》The Atlantics好像是收费的,《卫报》也不错。《纽约时报》(NYTIMES)和《纽约客》也是可以的。华尔街日报也有APP,这已经很足了。祝你学习愉快。《卫报》(The Guardian)是英国的全国性综合内容日报。创刊至1959年因总部设於曼彻斯特而称为《曼彻斯特卫报》。总部於1964年迁至首都伦敦,不过於曼城和伦敦均设有印刷设施。一般公众视《卫报》的政治观点为中间偏左。《卫报》的排印系统在1988年实行电脑化之前,由於经常出现植字错误,因此被民众戏称为《The Grauniad》,揶揄报章连自己报名也拼错。该报一直以来都是大开型日报,至2005年9月12日改版成柏林型版式(Berliner,即470×315毫米),并标榜为全不列颠唯一的全彩色印刷日报(不包括北爱尔兰),此次改版并全面了采用新的字体、和版式设计。2005年8月的统计数字指《卫报》发行量有32万5千份。


In many aspects of our life, we often divide the world into two parts: the eastern one and the western one. The former usually refers to Asia and the latter includes mainly Europe, North Africa and America. We divide like this not only because of the geographical location differences, but also due to the cultural differences to a large extent. In the following parts, youu2019ll see such differences, from the causes to the customs of the two sides nowadays. Part I What leads to the cultural difference? The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole. The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own styles. Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture gradually went overseas to Japan, mixed into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same system. When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also crossed waters. When the colonists of England settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn"t distinguish from the European one a lot. At the same time, the difference of the language systems adds to the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language (see the picture below) while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one Iu2019m using to write this paper. Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But whatu2019s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other. Part II How differently do people behave in daily life? The differences are everywhere. They affect peopleu2019s ways of thinking and their views of the world. Even in everyday life, the cultural differences show up from the moment the eyes are opened to the minute the dreams are invited. In the following, Iu2019ll give some typical example of the differences Section 1: Greeting Greeting is the first step to form a culture, because people begin to communicate with others. The individuals become a community. How do we Chinese greet each other? Informally, if we meet an friend in the street, we are used to say: “Hi, have you had your meal?” or “Where are you going?”. When it is the case of two gentlemen, they tend to shake hands. However, in the western countries, the above questions are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think youu2019re inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, theyu2019ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi.”. Theyu2019ll shake hands only in some formal situations. By the way, Westerners can leave a party or meeting halls without a formal conge, nor should they shake hands with every attendee like most of us will do here. Section 2: Expressing gratitude Think of the situations below. Your mother is busy in the kitchen. She suddenly asks you to fetch a bowl for her. You do so. Whatu2019ll your motheru2019s response be? Probably sheu2019ll just continue doing the cooking. After a while, the dinner is ready. Your mother hands you your bowl of rice. Whatu2019s your response? Probably just begin to eat. Thatu2019s what I want to say. In Chinese families, we rarely say “Thank you” to other family members for receiving help or service. Neither will we say so between good friends. Itu2019s such an unpopular response that if you say it, the counterpart will think you are treating him as a stranger, otherwise you are lacking of intimacy. But in the West, "thank you" is one of the most frequently used sentences. Teachers will thank a student for answering a question; husbands will thank his wife for making a coffee. However, as an interesting phenomenon, itu2019s a custom to say "thank you" in Japan. No matter in family or among friends, Japanese chronically use it all the day. This is probably the aberrance of the culture. Section 3 Dining The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus. Easterners use chopsticks, or sometimes even grasp rice straightly with hands as Indians do. The thin and long chopsticks cannot be used to cut food, so we usually use our teeth to act as knives. We hold our food, meat or vegetable, with the chopsticks, send them to the mouths, bite off a part of it and remain the other part on the chopsticks. Thatu2019s the usual way we eat. We are also used to hold up our bowls when having rice or soup. Japanese hold bowls to have miso soup without spoons. But all these habits are considered rude in the Western countries. The etiquette in the West requests that when eating, bowls and plates cannot leave the tables. Food should be cut by knives to fit into the mouths. Of course your mouth cannot touch the plates or bowls. So the regular process is like this. You cut your steak on the plate with fork and knife, send the meat cube into the mouth with fork and nothing will be returned back but the fork alone. Section 4 Symbolizing Symbolization is how people imagine or regard something. It actually reflects the way people think. Here Iu2019ll only discuss some symbolization that frequently appears in daily life. First is about the colors. We often give each color some meanings, because we feel differently when facing different colors. So people always have preference when choosing colors of clothes, decorations, etc. In the APEC summit held in Shanghai several years ago, in the last day, the presidents from all over the world wore the traditional Chinese Dang suits and took a photo together. The colors of the suits were chosen by themselves freely. However, itu2019s quite interesting to find that most Easterners chose red while most of the westerners preferred blue. To explain this, itu2019s easy to realize that what red means is almost opposite in the East and the West. Red means luck, fortune here. We Chinese often use this color to decorate in festivals, such as red lanterns, red Chinese nodes, red bangers. But red stands for blood, revolutions in the West. So the presidents avoided wearing this unlucky color. Another interesting discovery is about the dragons. In the East, dragons are imagined as something like snake and are flowing in the sky for most of the time. The dragon is said to have the face of the horse, the horns of the deer, the ears of the ox, the body of the snake, the claws of the eagle and squama of the fish. We regard dragon as God and say that we Chinese are the offspring of the dragon. The God of Dragons of the four seas can charge the rainfalls, so we sometimes also call them the God of the water or rain. But in the West, people think dragons as dinosaurs, which can stand on the ground with feet and fly with huge wings. They lay eggs just like dinosaurs. The dragons of the West have the ability to erupt fire, instead of water. The fire can destroy everything so the dragons are not welcomed at all. They even become the symbol of the Devil. Part III What can we do to treat the culture gap? Now we have seen that there exists such a huge gap between eastern culture and western one. Then what should we do to face this gap in the gradually globalizing world? Firstly, we cannot deny any of the cultures. Every nation has its own characteristics and itu2019s mainly through its culture that we first begin to know the nation and its characteristics. So we cannot say that this culture or custom is right and that is wrong. Equal respect should be attached to every culture in the world, even to those that are not in existence any more. Next, we should get to learn how to coordinate the different cultures. We say the world is becoming smaller and smaller. More foreigners come and go everyday. When it is in the same country, the same city, the same neighborhood, the cultural collision is expected to be more serious. So we should try to avoid this happening. One important thing is to get some basic knowledge about the other cultures so as not to misunderstand some actions or habits of the foreigners. When the above two is done, we can start to communicate. I mean we can take in some strong points from the foreign cultures. Though there doesnu2019t exist correctness in terms of culture, it does have the terms of more advanced or more suitable for the world nowadays. Of course, we cannot throw away our own culture and accept another one totally. Every culture is a treasure to the history of the Earth, so we should only pick out those we lack to perfect our own. Different cultures add the most colorful element to the world of 21st century. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.


"used to be" 去了 am able to 改为can be able to 表示有..能力 而can 单纯地表示可以 能 doday--today 这是写错了吧 that -- so 如此地 那么地 都用so and I am angry.. the gossip-- a gossiping told me to


The computer (computer) commonly known as the computer, is a kind of computing machines for electronic high speed calculation, numerical calculations can be performed, and can carry out the logic calculation, also has the memory function. Can be run in accordance with the procedures, automatic, high-speed processing of data in modern intelligent electronic devices. The composed of hardware system and software system, not install any software computer called the bare metal. Can be divided into super computer, industrial control computer, network computer, personal computer, the embedded computer five, advanced computer biological computer, photon computer, quantum computer.The invention of the computer maker John von Neumann. The computer is in twentieth Century the most advanced science and technology inventions, has extremely important influence on the production of human activities and social activities, and with the rapid development of powerful vitality. And its application field is extended from the initial military scientific research applied to each field of the society, has formed a large scale computer industry, promote the technological progress worldwide, which triggered a profound social change, the computer has been in general schools, enterprises and institutions, into the homes of ordinary people, become an indispensable tool in the information society.The application of the computer more and more popular in Chinese more and, after the reform and open policy, the number of computer users Chinese rising, improve the level of their application, especially the application fields of Internet, communication, multimedia, and achieved good results. From 1996 to 2009, the number of computer users from the original 6300000 increased to 67100000, the number of computers on the network is composed of 29000 original rose to 59400000. Internet users has reached 316000000, with 670000000 mobile users of wireless Internet, the mobile phone Internet users reached 117000000, for the first.Evolution of computing tools experienced from simple to complexIn different stages from low to highAn example ENIAC computer[1]As fromQuipuIn knots to counting rodsAbacusCalculating ruleMechanicsComputer etc.They play their role in history in different historical periodsIt also inspired the development and design of electronic computer1889America scientistsHerman, He LeliDeveloped the electric tabulating machine power basedThe calculation data is used to store1930America scientistsVannevar BushBuild the world"s first electronic analog computerFebruary 14, 1946ByUSAThe customization of the first electronic computer in the worldElectronic numerical integrator and computerENIAC Electronic Numerical And CalculatorIn USAUniversity of PennsylvaniaThe advent ofENIAC[2]Chinese nameErnie AkeIs USA Auberdine weapons test site in order to meet the need of calculating trajectory and developedThis computer uses 17840 electron tubeThe size of 80 x 8FootWeighing 28TTonsPower consumption is 170kWThe operation speed of 5000 times per second the addition operationThe cost is about 487000The dollarThe advent of ENIAC is of epoch-making significanceIndicates that the computer eraIn the next 60 yearsComputer technology is developing at an amazing speedThe performance price without any one technology than to increase by 6 orders of magnitude in 30 years[3]The first generationElectronic digital machine19461958HardwareAspectA logic element is used in vacuumElectron tubeThe main memory used mercury delay line Electronic digital computerCathode rayOscilloscope tube static memoryDrumMagnetic coreExternal memory is used in tapeThe software is used in machine languageAssembly languageApplication field toMilitaryAnd scientific calculationVolume is largeHigh power consumptionPoor reliabilitySlow speedGeneral for thousands of times per second to tens of thousands of timesExpensive priceBut laid the foundation for the later development of computerThe second generationTransistor digital computer19581964HardwareOperating systemThe high-level language andCompileThe programApplication field toScienceCalculation and transaction processingAnd began to enter the field of industrial controlVolume is shrinkingTo reduce energy consumptionTo improve the reliability ofOperationSpeedTo improve theThe general number of 100000 times per secondCan be as high as 3000000 timesPerformance than the first generation of computers has greatly improvedThe third generationIntegrated circuit digital machine19641970In terms of hardwareA logic element in theSmall-scaleIntegrated circuitMSISSIThe main memory is usedMagnetic coreSoftwareIn time-sharing operating system and structureLarge scale programming methodCharacteristic is fasterGeneral for millions to tens of millions of times per secondAnd reliability are improved obviouslyFurther price declinesProducts to the generalSeriation and standardizationApplication field into word processing andGraphicalThe field of image processingThe fourth generationLarge-scaleIntegrated circuitMachineSince 1970HardwareAspectA logic element with large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuitLSI and VLSIThe database management system softwareNetwork management system and object oriented languageIs characteristic of 1971 the world"s first microprocessor in AmericaSilicon ValleyBe bornStartMicro computerIn the new eraFrom the scientific computing applicationsTransaction managementTooProgram controlBusiness graduallyFamilyDue to the development of integrated technologyThe semiconductor chipA higher degree of integrationEach chip can accommodate tens of thousands or even millions of transistorsAnd the arithmetic unit and controller are concentrated in one chipThus appeared the microprocessorAnd can use the microprocessor and large-scaleVery large scale integrated circuit assembly of micro computerIs a microcomputer or PC we often sayA microcomputer small volumeCheap priceEasy to useBut even more than the mainframe computers of the past has reached its functions and speedOn the other handThe use of massThe various logic chip manufacture of ultra large scale integrated circuitHas made the volume is not largeBut computing supercomputer speeds of up to one hundred million or even billions of timesOur country after the 1983 development of galactic Ⅰ one hundred million successful operations per second this giant machineAlso in 1993 to develop the galaxy II successful operations per second one billion general-purpose parallel computerThis period also produced a new generation of programming language and database management system and network softwareThe physical elementThe device changesNot onlyComputerThe host through the renewalOutside itEquipmentAlso in constantly changingFor exampleExternal memoryThe cathode ray initially display tube developmentMagnetic coreDrumAfter the development for the generalDiskAt present there are smallerLarger capacityRead fasterOptical discCDROM

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  英语作为一门主流国际交流语言,已成为世界各国科技人员交流科学技术情报的主要工具。下面是我带来的中英文文章,欢迎阅读!   中英文文章精选   Tit for tat   An american lady traveling in england some years ago got into an partment of a *** oking carriage where an english were *** oking a pipe. For a short time she said quietly expecting that the englishman was stop *** oking. But then she began to cough and sniffs trying to show him that subjective to *** oke . At last, seeing that the man took no notice of her and did not put out his pipe she said:"if you were a gentleman you would stop *** onking when the lady got into the carriage"   "if you were a lady" reply the englishman " you wouldn"t get into a *** oking carriage"   "if you are my hu *** and " said the american lady angrily " i"ll give u poison" the english looked at her for a minute or two " well "he said at last "if i were ur hu *** and i"ll take it"   中英文文章阅读   Don"t Quit, Keep Playing   Wishing to encourage her young son"s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her.   为了让儿子能在钢琴方面有长足的进步,一位母亲带着儿子去听帕德瑞夫斯基的音乐会。待她们坐定之后,那位母亲看到一位熟人,就穿过走道过去跟朋友打招呼。   Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked “NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing.   小男孩好不容易有机会欣赏音乐厅的巨集伟,他站了起来,并慢慢地摸索到了一扇门旁边,上面写着“禁止入内”。大厅里的灯暗了下来,音乐会马上就要开始了。那位母亲回到座位,却发现自己的孩子不见了。   Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key- board, innocently picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.   这时候,幕布徐徐拉开,大厅里的聚光灯都集中到了舞台上的士坦威钢琴上。而让母亲吃惊的是,她的儿子竟然坐在钢琴面前,自顾自地弹著《闪烁,闪烁,小星星》。   At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy"s ear, “Don"t quit. Keep playing.”   这时候,著名的钢琴大师走上台,并且迅速地走到钢琴旁边,并在男孩的耳边轻声说道:“孩子,别停下,继续弹。”   Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was me *** erized.   帕德瑞夫斯基俯下身去,用左手在键盘上弹奏低音部分。然后,他的右手绕过男孩的身后,弹奏出优美的伴奏。这位年长的钢琴大师和年幼的初学者一起,将原本紧张的气氛变成了一种全新的体验。全场的观众都听得入迷了。   That"s the way it is in life. What we can acplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren"t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life"s work truly can be beautiful.   其实,生活也是如此。我们所取得的成就不一定要多么显著。我们尽力了,结果却不一定能演奏出优美流畅的音乐。但是,如果我们相信大师的力量,我们的生活就会变的非常美丽。   Next time you set out to acplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “Don"t quit. Keep playing.”   当你准备伟大作品的时候,仔细地侧耳倾听,你会听到大师的声音,在你耳边轻声说道:“别停下,继续弹!”   中英文文章学习   Congradulations   For a long time, doctor Jackson had wanted to get a performent job in certain big modern hospital, and at last he was successful.He was appointed to a particual position which he wanted, and he and his wife moved to new place to live. The next day, some beautiful flowers was diliveried to them.With note which said: deep sympathy. Naturally,doctor Jackson was annoyed to receive such a extraordinary note. And telephone the shop which send the flowers to find out what those means.When the owner of shop heared of what happened, he apologized Doctor Jeackson for having made the mistakes. "But it really worries me once more" he headed, "It is the flowers which actually a gang to you was sent to a funeral with card which said : "Congradulations on your new position!""   Not included   Tom see an advertisement in the newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle which cost $89 dollars. So he went to the shop which put the advertisement in and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles. The shopkeeper was very happy to show one to tom who examed it carefully and turned to shopkeeper saying,"There isn"t a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement."   "Yes,sir."answered the shopkeeper,"but the lamp is not included in the price of the bicycle. It"s an extra."   "Not included in the price?"Tom said angrily, "but that"s not honest. As the lamp in the adverti *** ent, it shoule be included in the price you gave there."   "well,sir!" answered the shopkeeper mently "There is also a girl on the bicycle in the adverti *** ent, but we don"t supply one of them with the bicycle either."


Tropical cyclones are known as typhoon in the western Pacific and as hurricane in the Atlantic. These storms most often develop in the later aummer and autumn over just north and south of the equator. In the Atlantic ocean there are usually about six hurricanes and ten smaller tropical storms each year. But there is no way to know for sure how many storms will happen each year and how severe they will be. In the United States, experts at the government agency, the Nationla Hurricane Center near Miami Watch for the development of severe weather and warn people about the storms. The National Hurricane Center depends mainly on modern satellites to observe developing storms. It also uses information collected by passenger airplanes and ships and by American government airplanes. Satellite pictures give the scientists a great idea about weather in a large area. Scientists use comlputers to increase the size of pictures that show a developing storm. They study these pictures to learn more about the storm"s direction and speed. The National Harricane Center"s adivisories are concerned mainly with ships in the ocean while a storm is moving over the water. But the center"s experts are most famous for their work when a hurricane begins moving towards land. At first the National Hurricane Center makes public weather advisories every six hours. But as a storm gets closer to land, the weather warnings are made every three hours. Experts at the center are on duty twenty-four hours each day to provide new warnings.


中文,半截烟。。“心情好/心情坏/怎么开始怎么办/你有的不爽/让我来分担!”吵闹的手机铃声把我从一个狂补作业的诡异的梦中拖了出来。“七点半”,挂钟又一次无情地摧毁了一个本该懒洋洋的早上!于是,我本学期的迟到次数达到了N+1次…… 不出所料,老余一如既往地站在教室的门口,守候着迟到大仙。其实我很内疚的,害得老余在教室门口仿 佛罚站似地干等,然后校门口早上的迟到栏又会批评一个老余的学生,然后老余的面子会挂不住,同时我会被拉去教师休息室…… “乒”,打火机孔弹出舞动的火焰,当烟头碰触火焰的那一刻,炽热的温度迅速燃着了烟草。我几乎下意识地捂了下鼻子,却又出于礼节把手放下。对尼古丁的敏感让我对这间屋子长久以来就有种莫名的恐惧感。另一种感觉来自老余———内疚,不过至少我可以第N+1次保证不再迟到。老余用干涩的嘴唇衔住了烟嘴,浅浅地吸一口,于是我深深屏住鼻腔;他很享受地张一下嘴,吐出混沌的烟雾,于是我很痛苦地把最后的呼吸工具嘴巴也紧紧关闭。 许久,他开口了,“今天又是什么原因。”“老师,我真的不是有意睡过头的!”解释苍白无力。“难道你还能故意不来上学么?”不愧是学中文的。当然,他的心理学造诣也不浅,营造出的气氛很能让我产生犯罪感,我终于明白之前内疚的原因了。气氛的效果要靠语气的抑扬,要靠眼神的飘忽,当然也要靠烟草燃烧所释放的颗粒物质。 说话间,指间的“长寿烟”变成了半截烟头。我们的对峙就在这么半支烟的工夫里达到高潮。我想,再这样下去,我迟早要变成烟熏三文鱼。考虑到我的健康状况,必须得改变了,改变早上的生活节奏,给闹钟加个马达!我写了个保证书,然后郑重签字。老余眉头紧皱,上额的抬头纹深镌,他一定又认为我开了张空头支票给他。我无语。 其实,老余还是很令人佩服的。严谨、踏实、勤奋、讲求效率,称得上是良师;对待同学,也不是特别严厉,连训话都慢条斯里,称得上是益友。烟就这么抽着,为了我的迟到这档子事,他已经抽了不下一条了,所以等有机会,一定要自己赚了钱补他这一条烟。呃,如此说来,老余为了这个班真的快熏坏了自己的肺。 与学生交谈、阅班级日志、改学生功课、想班里问题,老余往往都“手夹一支烟,嘴吐一片天”。蜡炬成灰泪始干,大概香烟也能如此吧?这就是我们的香烟老师,来自大别山的汉子,还要与我们继续对抗一个学年的班主任。少抽两支吧,老余!英文;"Feel good / bad mood / start how how do / You have a bad mood / Let me share!" Rowdy ringtones me from Operating fill a frenzy of the bizarre dream dragged out. "7:30" wall clock again mercilessly destroyed one of the languidly in the morning! So, I was late in the semester to the number of N +1 times ... cue, the old, as always, I stand at the entrance of the classroom, waiting for a late Tai Sin. Actually, I am guilty of depriving the old door in the classroom I like to stand bared dry. Then the school gate late morning also criticized a column I of the old students, and then the older I will face intensified, I will be sent to teachers lounge ... "Table Tennis", lighter Kong pop dancing flames. When the cigarette touch the moment the flame, heat the temperature quickly lit a cigarette. I almost subconsciously concealed under the nose, but out of courtesy hands down. Sensitive to nicotine so that my room has long been clear idea of fear. Another I feel from the old -- guilty, but I can at least N +1 times not to late. I use old dryness of the lips Xianzhu a cigarette holder, a seafaring gully, and I nasal deep breath; He was to enjoy what Zhang mouth and spit out the chaos of smoke, So I very painful to the final breath tools are tightly closed mouth. Long, he began, "Today what is the reason." "The teacher, I really do not want to oversleep! "feeble explanation. "Did you deliberately can not go to school?" Deserves to be studying Chinese. Of course, his psychology attainments nor shallow, create the atmosphere was very useful for me to have a guilty conscience, Before I finally understand the reasons for the guilty. The effect of the atmosphere depends on the tone modulate depends on the eyes of the time, of course, also depend on tobacco combustion release of particulate matter. A few moments, the fingers of the "Long Life cigarettes" into the latter half of the cigarette butts. We confrontation in the effort so Banqiyan Lane climax. I think it continues like that, sooner or later, I turned into smoked salmon. I take into account the health situation, it has to change and change from the pace of life, add to the alarm clock motors! I wrote a guarantee, then solemnly signed. I brows wrinkled old, on the amount of feet deep degrade, he must first think I opened a blank check to him. I silent. In fact, I was very old admirable. Rigorous, pragmatic, hardworking and efficient, described as a mentor; Treat students, is not particularly severe, even the lectures of Sri slow. described as a helpful friend. Breathing Chouzhao so on, for my late son stall this thing, he has no less than a draw, so such an opportunity, Earnings must own a supplement his breathing. Uh, so to say, a sense of the classes I to really bad fast smoked their lungs. Talk with students, the class reading log, students change homework to the school, I often have the old "one Breathing hand folder, mouth spit a day. " Ju wax tears began dry ash, probably also be the case of cigarettes? This is our cigarettes teachers, from the Dabie Mountain Boys, we will continue to fight with one year"s class teacher. Shaochou two bar, I old!


可能有些错误,请见谅.Giant panda Da Xiong MaoClassification position:The breast feedcarnivorous eyes, giant panda section, giant panda belongs to||Giant panda Da Xiong Mao Classification position: The breast feed carnivorous eyes, giant panda section, giant panda belongs to. Exterior appearance:Is long 120 ~ 180 the rice of centimeters, the tail is long 10 ~ 12 the rice of centimeters , shoulder breadth 60 ~ 70 the rice of centimeters , weight 60 ~s 73,000 grams|Exterior appearance: Is long 120 ~s a rice of centimeters, the tail is long 10 ~s a rice of centimeters , shoulder breadth 60 ~s a rice of centimeters ,60 the 73,000 gramses of ~ ses : weight.The body is fat, the arms and legs is robust.||The sends the white on the face in wharf in a black rim of eye for blackly kissing nose carrying first set with reporting the horoscope type arrange.The black ear stands up in the head above, a black tape stretches to whole forelegs from the shoulder department, and change the breadth gradually, the hind legs is also a black, the rest part in body aparts from anything of thin palm tree in chest or black hairs the excluding, is all a white color大熊猫 Da Xiong Mao 分类地位:哺乳纲、食肉目、大熊猫科、大熊猫属。 外部形态:体长120~180厘米,尾长10~12厘米,肩宽60~70厘米,体重60~73千克。身体肥胖,四肢粗壮。头圆、耳小、吻部短,尾巴也很短。白色的脸上张着黑色的吻鼻端部和呈八字型排列的黑眼圈。黑色的耳朵竖立在头部的上方,一条黑色的带子从肩部伸展到整个前肢,并且逐渐变宽,后肢也是黑色,身体其余的部分除了胸部有一点淡棕或黑色的毛以外,都是白颜色、。 分布地点:分布于我国四川、陕西南部和甘肃等地。 生活习性:栖息于山地森林中的山腹洼地、河谷阶地等地带。喜欢独居。以竹子为主要食物。春季发情。怀孕期为97~161天。每胎产1~2仔。 生存状况:野生大熊猫的分布区已经相当狭小,总数为1 000只左右。在我国《国家重点保护野生动物名录》中被列为Ⅰ级保护动物。

英语高手进!关于英语翻译及文章格式的,汉:翻译自《XXX》 作者:XXX 译者:XXX,英文怎么表达?

translated from (书名,记得要有个下划线或者把书名斜一下),by (这里作者名),translated by (这里译者名)在真正书写的时候请不要把括号加进去(^_^ )。


第一段 是一个叫John的人的自我介绍,他来自纽约,他喜欢在周末和朋友去看电影,他喜欢喜剧,他最喜欢的一部叫Home alone,他觉得这类电影既有趣又增加知识第二段 是一个叫Mike的人的自我介绍,他来自加利福尼亚他也喜欢看电影,他喜欢动作片,最喜欢的一部叫the rock,最喜欢的影星是尼古拉斯凯奇,他同时也喜欢梅格瑞恩,他喜欢她的西雅图不眠夜第三段 是一个叫Mary的人的自我介绍,她来自纽约,喜欢卡通,怪物史瑞克,她姐姐也喜欢看,她们喜欢下载到电脑里在家里看,她觉得从卡通里她学会了爱和友谊,希望有朝一日能去迪斯尼乐园玩纯手写,望采纳




问题一:用五笔快速打一篇文章的方法 呃,问的好多啊,那我就一个问题分一段详细来回答吧。 首先是提高速度的方法,答案就是熟能生巧,如果你对你的速度不满意,那还是因为你不熟,用五笔打文章单个字打的是有的,并且还有人可以一个字一个字的打然后速度每分钟上百的,但一般都是单个字和词组结合的打法。具体看你个人喜好,没有硬性的规定,你怎样打舒服就怎样打,不要因为有的人单字打的很快即便你单字打的很不舒服你也非要学人家,要自己判断,就像我昨天看一个视频的时候才看到的一句话,大概意思是:别人都说蒙娜丽莎美,难道这些人的审美你真的认同? 虽然之前我说不要强求自己打单字,但是常用500字的单字最好还是把它们打熟练,做到不假思索,条件反射的就能打出来,就像你写字一样,不然这个速度真的很难上来。有了这500字的基础,后面很多字就都能举一反三了,虽然说还是会有一些字你在打的时候要想半天不知道怎么写或者拆不出来,但这些字的频率很低,多遇到几次就熟了,如果没有打字的考试就没有必要专门的做这些不常用的字的练习,在以后的使用中会慢慢学会的。 关于五笔软件,在我提我的建议之前,还是那句话,自己判断,适合我的未必适合你,如果有可能,你都下下来试试是最好的。我个人的建议是QQ五笔,如果你是win8或者8.1的系统我推荐百度五笔,因为有不少win8应用五笔输入法中只有系统自带的和百度五笔才能用起来。我个人非常不推荐的是搜狗五笔。顺便提一下,很多打五笔的都非常喜欢用小鸭五笔或者极点五笔。 关于版本选择的问题,看你的提问,你可能没理解王码五笔是什么,目前的五笔输入法都是基于王码五笔的,我刚才翻了一下你的回答记录,不少关于小米手机的,那我就打一个你能懂的比方,王码五笔是安卓系统,其它的五笔可能就是MIUI,或者Flyme之类的,只是它们对词库的优化和词的前后顺序之类的各不相同罢了。至于选择哪个版本,我只能告诉你86用的人最多,支持的输入法也最多,但很多字拆起来很不科学,倒笔画的也不少;98更科学一点,但用的人少了很多,输入法支持98的还是不少的,但肯定没86版多;新世纪版,据说是最科学的版本,但是很少见到支持新世纪版的输入法,用五笔的人不算多,用新世纪版的更是凤毛麟角。如果百度上有人问某个字五笔怎么拆,那回答的几乎都是86版的,如果不是专门问,几乎没人会回答98版的和新世纪的拆法。但选择哪一个,具体还是看你的喜好,各有各的优缺点。 然后是不借助电脑练习的问题,这个问题以前还真没遇到过,打一个不太恰当的比方,你不在水里游泳,平时光在空气里练习游泳的姿势,就可以学会游泳了吗?你怎么知道你的动作在水里能不能让你保持漂浮和前进呢?你的纸上谈兵练习法也会导致就算你拆对了,你到电脑上用的时候你还会因为不熟悉键位而降慢速度,这和你想要打快文章的初衷相违背。而且你只在纸上练习也有可能导致你在背字根的同时多背一个字母键,正常人打五笔的思维流程是“拆字――手指按到该字根的键上”,按照你的方法最后很有可能就导致思维流程为:“拆字――思索该字根在哪个字母上――手指按到那个字母上”比别人多一步。就像我刚学五笔还不会字根的时候,我就先把我的名字的五笔字根死背下来了,导致了我一直到今天,打我名字的时候都很哭笑不得,我在打之前总是在脑海里默背我名字的字根编码然后再打。 最后一个问题是新世纪五笔字典的问题,很抱歉,这个我也不知道,毕竟不用这个版本,而且百度上我也大概搜了一下,实在找不到,甚至有些字想在百度上专门搜它的新世纪五笔拆法都不太好搜到。如果你确定要学新世纪五笔假如遇到不会拆的字,你可能要经常来网上问了。...>> 问题二:书用五笔怎么打 书 = NNHY N = ^ N = ^ H = 丨 Y = 丶 问题三:D字用五笔怎么打 五笔打不出俯。如果打的出来的话应该“jnrt” 这种字如果你是用于印刷的话,最好是用两个字拼起来,否则出片出不出来。 问题四:论字五笔怎么打 YWXN 来自百度汉语|报错 论_百度汉语 [拼音] [lùn,lún] [释义] [lùn]:1.分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。 2.分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。 问题五:五笔怎么打点 如果点字就是HKO,如果是小数点就直接.号,记得要切换回英文标点式样才行 问题六:处用五笔怎么打 处 = THI T = 攵 H =卜 I = 识别码 问题七:故事的五笔怎么打 求解 故事的五笔打法的字根编码如下: 故事:dtgk 问题八:五笔怎样打得更快 呵呵,不要着急,这是遇到技术瓶颈了。目前有两个方法可以突破你的这个技术瓶颈。 一是继续加强自身练习,把所有能用词组输入的词组全都用词组输入,尽量不要单个字输入,这样可以剩去大量按空格的时间,别小看这不到半秒钟的时间,一次空格半秒钟,一百次就差不多一分钟了,如果尽量用词组输入,节省大量按空格时间的话,会提高不少打字速度。可以先找一些固定的文章来海习里面的词组,这些文章的里的词组输入都熟练了的话再找一些其它的文章来练习,争取做到全面练习。 二是换比较好用的五笔输入法。我从最开始的王码五笔86版用起,然后陆续用过陈桥、万能、幸福、念青、极品五笔输入法,感觉都不太好用。直到用了极点五笔输入法,学会了极点五笔输入法的许多提高输入速度的小技巧以后才使自己的输入速度有了大幅度提高。目前我用极点五笔轻轻松松可以达到每分钟100多字,最快速度自己还没测试过。因为如果不是专业的文字录入工作者,每分钟100多字的输入速度已经足够了。 需要指出的是,我在用极点五笔之前用其它输入法已经达到每分钟80多字了。所以最根本的还是要在第一条上下功夫。打牢基础才是最重要的。 加油! 问题九:及五笔怎么打 及 ey

实用英语综合教程1里的people on the move 文章和翻译


有没有英语阅读题 有题目,文章难一点,不用翻译,快点

这些应该还可以 要答案的话再找我 So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible.”Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also public activity: It can be seen and observed.Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny.If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable, what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the quest (探索)for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. “Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children.”When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading. 36. The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that _______. A) it is one of the most difficult school courses B) students spend endless hours in reading C) reading tasks are assigned with little guidance D) too much time is spent in teaching about reading 37. The teaching of reading will be successful if _______. A) teachers can improve conditions at school for the students B) teachers can enable students to develop their own way of readingC) teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading D) too much time is spent in teaching activities observable 38. The word “scrutiny” (Line 3, Para. 3) most probably means “ _______ ”.A) inquiry B) observation C) control D) suspicion 39. According to the passage, learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when _______.A) children become highly motivated B) roles of teacher and learner are interchangeable C) teaching helps children in the search for knowledge D) reading enriches children"s experience 40. The main idea of the passage is that _______.A) teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to read B) teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possible C) reading ability is something acquired rather than taught D) reading is more complicated than generally believed


《比尔盖茨哈佛演讲稿》《演讲稿》 关于《演讲稿》的文章《比尔盖茨哈佛演讲稿》正文开始>> --All of us here in this yard people, life always has one way or another, have seen human tragedies moments, feel very sad.didn"t care, but because we didn"t know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted.此刻在这个院子里的所有人,生命中总有这样或那样的时刻,目睹人类的悲剧,感到万分伤心。但是我们什么也没做,并非我们无动于衷,而是因为我们不知道做什么和怎么做。如果我们知道如何做是有效的,那么我们就会采取行动。The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.改变世界的阻碍,并非人类的冷漠,而是世界实在太复杂。To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.为了将关心转变为行动,我们需要找到问题,发现解决办法的方法,评估后果。但是世界的复杂性使得所有这些步骤都难于做到。Even with the advent of the Internet and 24-hour news, it is still a complex enterprise to get people to truly see the problems. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.即使有了互联网和24小时直播的新闻台,让人们真正发现问题所在,仍然十分困难。当一架飞机坠毁了,官员们会立刻召开新闻发布会,他们承诺进行调查、找到原因、防止将来再次发生类似事故。But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: "Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. We"re determined to do everything possible to solve the problem that took the lives of the one half of one percent."但是如果那些官员敢说真话,他们就会说:“在今天这一天,全世界所有可以避免的死亡之中,只有0.5%的死者来自于这次空难。我们决心尽一切努力,调查这个0.5%的死亡原因。”The bigger problem is not the plane crash, but the millions of preventable deaths.显然,更重要的问题不是这次空难,而是其他几百万可以预防的死亡事件。We don"t read much about these deaths. The media covers what"s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it"s easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it"s difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It"s hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don"t know how to help. And so we look away.我们并没有很多机会了解那些死亡事件。媒体总是报告新闻,几百万人将要死去并非新闻。如果没有人报道,那么这些事件就很容易被忽视。另一方面,即使 我们确实目睹了事件本身或者看到了相关报道,我们也很难持续关注这些事件。看着他人受苦是令人痛苦的,何况问题又如此复杂,我们根本不知道如何去帮助他 人。所以我们会将脸转过去。If we can really see a problem, which is the first step, we come to the second step: cutting through the complexity to find a solution.就算我们真正发现了问题所在,也不过是迈出了第一步,接着还有第二步:那就是从复杂的事件中找到解决办法。Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring. If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks "How can I help?," then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted. But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares — and that makes it hard for their caring to matter.如果我们要让关心落到实处,我们就必须找到解决办法。如果我们有一个清晰的和可靠的答案,那么当任何组织和个人发出疑问“如何我能提供帮助”的时 候,我们就能采取行动。我们就能够保证不浪费一丁点全世界人类对他人的关心。但是,世界的复杂性使得很难找到对全世界每一个有爱心的人都有效的行动方法, 因此人类对他人的关心往往很难产生实际效果。Cutting through complexity to find a solution runs through four predictable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-leverage approach, discover the ideal technology for that approach, and in the meantime, make the smartest application of the technology that you already have — whether it"s something sophisticated, like a drug, or something simpler, like a bednet.从这个复杂的世界中找到解决办法,可以分为四个步骤:确定目标,找到最高效的方法,发现适用于这个方法的新技术,同时最聪明地利用现有的技术,不管它是复杂的药物,还是最简单的蚊帐。The AIDS epidemic offers an example. The broad goal, of course, is to end the disease. The highest-leverage approach is prevention. The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose. So governments, drug companies, and foundations fund vaccine research. But their work is likely to take more than a decade, so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior.艾滋病就是一个例子。总的目标,毫无疑问是消灭这种疾病。最高效的方法是预防。最理想的技术是发明一种疫苗,只要注射一次,就可以终生免疫。所以, 政府、制药公司、基金会应该资助疫苗研究。但是,这样研究工作很可能十年之内都无法完成。因此,与此同时,我们必须使用现有的技术,目前最有效的预防方法 就是设法让人们避免那些危险的行为。Pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. This is the pattern. The crucial thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria and tuberculosis in the 20th century – which is to surrender to complexity and quit.要实现这个新的目标,又可以采用新的四步循环。这是一种模式。关键的东西是永远不要停止思考和行动。我们千万不能再犯上个世纪在疟疾和肺结核上犯过的错误,那时我们因为它们太复杂,而放弃了采取行动。The final step – after seeing the problem and finding an approach – is to measure the impact of your work and share your successes and failures so that others learn from your efforts.在发现问题和找到解决方法之后,就是最后一步——评估工作结果,将你的成功经验或者失败经验传播出去,这样其他人就可以从你的努力中有所收获。You have to have the statistics, of course. You have to be able to show that a program is vaccinating millions more children. You have to be able to show a decline in the number of children dying from these diseases. This is essential not just to improve the program, but also to help draw more investment from business and government.当然,你必须有一些统计数字。你必须让他人知道,你的项目为几百万儿童新接种了疫苗。你也必须让他人知道,儿童死亡人数下降了多少。这些都是很关键的,不仅有利于改善项目效果,也有利于从商界和政府得到更多的帮助。But if you want to inspire people to participate, you have to show more than numbers; you have to convey the human impact of the work – so people can feel what saving a life means to the families affected.但是,这些还不够,如果你想激励其他人参加你的项目,你就必须拿出更多的统计数字;你必须展示你的项目的人性因素,这样其他人就会感到拯救一个生命,对那些处在困境中的家庭到底意味着什么。I remember going to Davos some years back and sitting on a global health panel that was discussing ways to save millions of lives. Millions! Think of the thrill of saving just one person"s life – then multiply that by millions. … Yet this was the most boring panel I"ve ever been on – ever. So boring even I couldn"t bear it.几年前,我去瑞士达沃斯旁听一个全球健康问题论坛,会议的内容有关于如何拯救几百万条生命。天哪,是几百万!想一想吧,拯救一个人的生命已经让人何等激动,现在你要把这种激动再乘上几百万倍……但是,不幸的是,这是我参加过的最最乏味的论坛,乏味到我无法强迫自己听下去。What made that experience especially striking was that I had just come from an event where we were introducing version 13 of some piece of software, and we had people jumping and shouting with excitement. I love getting people excited about software – but why can"t we generate even more excitement for saving lives?那次经历之所以让我难忘,是因为之前我们刚刚发布了一个软件的第13个版本,我们让观众激动得跳了起来,喊出了声。我喜欢人们因为软件而感到激动,那么我们为什么不能够让人们因为能够拯救生命而感到更加激动呢?You can"t get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that – is a complex question.除非你能够让人们看到或者感受到行动的影响力,否则你无法让人们激动。如何做到这一点,并不是一件简单的事。Still, I"m optimistic. Yes, inequity has been with us forever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever. They are new – they can help us make the most of our caring – and that"s why the future can be different from the past.同前面一样,在这个问题上,我依然是乐观的。不错,人类的不平等有史以来一直存在,但是那些能够化繁为简的新工具,却是最近才出现的。这些新工具可以帮助我们,将人类的同情心发挥最大的作用,这就是为什么将来同过去是不一样的。The defining and ongoing innovations of this age – biotechnology, the computer, the Internet – give us a chance we"ve never had before to end extreme poverty and end death from preventable disease.这个时代无时无刻不在涌现出新的革新——生物技术,计算机,互联网——它们给了我们一个从未有过的机会,去终结那些极端的贫穷和非恶性疾病的死亡。Sixty years ago, George Marshall came to this commencement and announced a plan to assist the nations of post-war Europe. He said: "I think one difficulty is that the problem is one of such enormous complexity that the very mass of facts presented to the public by press and radio make it exceedingly difficult for the man in the street to reach a clear appraisement of the situation. It is virtually impossible at this distance to grasp at all the real significance of the situation."六十年前,乔治u2022马歇尔也是在这个地方的毕业典礼上,宣布了一个计划,帮助那些欧洲国家的战后建设。他说:“我认为,困难的一点是这个问题太复杂, 报纸和电台向公众源源不断地提供各种事实,使得大街上的普通人极端难于清晰地判断形势。事实上,经过层层传播,想要真正地把握形势,是根本不可能的。”Thirty years after Marshall made his address, as my class graduated without me, technology was emerging that would make the world smaller, more open, more visible, less distant.马歇尔发表这个演讲之后的三十年,我那一届学生毕业,当然我不在其中。那时,新技术刚刚开始萌芽,它们将使得这个世界变得更小、更开放、更容易看到、距离更近。The emergence of low-cost personal computers gave rise to a powerful network that has transformed opportunities for learning and communicating.低成本的个人电脑的出现,使得一个强大的互联网有机会诞生,它为学习和交流提供了巨大的机会。The magical thing about this network is not just that it collapses distance and makes everyone your neighbor. It also dramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we can have working together on the same problem – and that scales up the rate of innovation to a staggering degree.网络的神奇之处,不仅仅是它缩短了物理距离,使得天涯若比邻。它还极大地增加了怀有共同想法的人们聚集在一起的机会,我们可以为了解决同一个问题,一起共同工作。这就大大加快了革新的进程,发展速度简直快得让人震惊。At the same time, for every person in the world who has access to this technology, five people don"t. That means many creative minds are left out of this discussion --- smart people with practical intelligence and relevant experience who don"t have the technology to hone their talents or contribute their ideas to the world.与此同时,世界上有条件上网的人,只是全部人口的六分之一。这意味着,还有许多具有创造性的人们,没有加入到我们的讨论中来。那些有着实际的操作经验和相关经历的聪明人,却没有技术来帮助他们,将他们的天赋或者想法与全世界分享。We need as many people as possible to have access to this technology, because these advances are triggering a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, corporations, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches, and measure the impact of their efforts to address the hunger, poverty, and desperation George Marshall spoke of 60 years ago.我们需要尽可能地让更多的人有机会使用新技术,因为这些新技术正在引发一场革命,人类将因此可以互相帮助。新技术正在创造一种可能,不仅是政府,还 包括大学、公司、小机构、甚至个人,能够发现问题所在、能够找到解决办法、能够评估他们努力的效果,去改变那些马歇尔六十年前就说到过的问题——饥饿、贫 穷和绝望。Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world.


The common human speak more short term, British and Spanish researchers recently discovered that this "brief" principle applies to some animals, and observed dolphins on the surface of the act also reflects similar characteristics.The Aberdeen university researchers and Spain counterparts in the Complexity of the new journal reported the findings. They observed the dolphins on the surface, and the various patterns of behavior is decomposed into 1 to 4 ranging from basic elements."This pattern probe reconnaissance, including" head ", "stop" and "in water route" 3. "Jump" side of this pattern contains "jump" and "edge" 2. "Bent down to descend" pattern contains only "back arched" one element.Researchers found that more than 30 kind in patterns of behavior, the dolphins use most was that contains only one element model, and contains four elements with the model.Linguists have discovered the human tendency to use simpler words, and the phenomenon of the first study provides animal behavior have similar characteristics of the evidence. It also shows how human language is based on the universal principle based on natural.

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正在进行的国际金融危机带来了严峻的挑战,以全球就业,国家需要共同努力,以克服这些挑战,一名高级中国官员表示日星期一在日内瓦。 作为人口最多的发展中国家,中国也面临着最严重的就业困难,在新的世纪,和就业已成为一个主要的任务在该国的努力,以确保经济增长,人民生活和社会稳定,说尹蔚民中国的部长人力资源和社会保障。 尹正在处理的一次会议上的金融危机,对全球就业机会,这是由总部设在日内瓦的国际劳工组织( ILO ) ,作为其正在进行的年度会议。 这位部长说,我国政府已通过经济刺激计划的稳定和经济快速发展,使高优先就业。 就业是一个重要目标六千八百点零零零亿美元经济刺激方案,预计将创造新的就业机会二千二点零零万在两年内,银在会上,参加会议的劳工部长,领导人的雇主组织和工人组织以及一些国家元首或政府首脑。 尹说,中国政府还采取其他积极措施,以满足就业的挑战,包括减轻企业负担,保持就业,鼓励企业雇用下岗失业人员和求职者开办自己的企业,或采取了自我就业,提高公共就业服务,实施职业培训计划。 我国还正在改善和扩大其社会保障制度,增加资金投入。 根据财政部长,上述政策措施已初见成效。据估计,今年,登记失业率在中国的城市地区将保持在百分之四点六。 尹还呼吁全球合作解决金融危机及其对就业的影响。 “的internati
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