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求一篇 Value(价值观) 的英文文章

2023-07-11 09:31:59
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Everyone seeks value.

Everyone wants to become more valuable, and yet we go about it in many different ways. The one common thread in most of this seeking of value is that we look outside of ourselves to find it.

As you will see, this is not the place to look.

What is personal value?

I"m not talking about your value system. That refers to the intangible qualities such as goodness, truth and beauty that you hold so dear.

No, that is what you value, but it has very little to do with your own personal value.

Many people look to their possessions to give themselves value.

The money in the bank, the nice home, the fancy car, even the clothes they wear. Again, this has nothing to do with personal value. Physical objects do not have the power to convey value, even though everything you have in this world is based upon your personal value.

Others look to their accomplishments.

What they have done, and what they plan on doing in the future. While it is true that everything you accomplish in this world is based upon how you value yourself, the reverse is not true.

Your accomplishments do not make you valuable; rather they give you a way to express the value you already have.

Some look to struggle.

Many people look to "struggle" to give their lives meaning and significance. "If I struggle, somehow that will make me more valuable." Hardship only creates more hardship, and it can never increase your value.

Value is created internally.

There is nothing "in the world" you can do to make yourself more valuable. You can"t buy it. You can"t steal it. You can"t manipulate it out of others.

Personal value is not an item of exchange. It"s your birthright! And it is only created inside of you.

On the most fundamental level, value comes from knowing you are loved by your Creator. Knowing you are loved creates value. The more you allow yourself to be loved, the more value you feel.

Personal value is also based upon seven different and very unique qualities.

By understanding and working with each one separately, you will be laying the foundation for greater personal value.

1. Introduction to Values

A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as self-reliance, concern for others, and harmony of purpose.

When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields. For example, one actor was motivated by his commitment to social justice, which led to important acting roles related to that value that made him world famous. Likewise, a well-known business CEO was motivated by the personal value that technology should be easy to use, which caused his company to spawn a technology revolution. Whatever one"s values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow.

Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organizations and institutions. In fact, if we were to examine any company, we would discover that one or more business values was the key to their success. Examples are --

-- Sears" commitment to trusting the customer. [From the 19th century onward, any product could be returned to the company with a money back guarantee, which engendered great trust in both directions, enabling booming sales, and, the great success for the firm that followed.]
-- Apple Computer"s belief in the values of solving problems of society. [The company created the IPod player and ITunes online music store to overcome a conflict between those who sought to download copyrighted music for free and the music industry which sought to protect its artists and its revenues.]
-- Marriott"s values of systemization and standardization. [The company created a standard model hotel, and then duplicated it hundreds of time around the world, enabling it to grow incredibly fast, and become the leader of its industry.]

Likewise, we see how political parities and politicians subscribe to certain core values -- ranging from helping the poor, easing the burden of the middle class, improving the environment, making government responsive and efficient, engendering loyalty and unity, and so forth.

The key point to keep in mind about values is that implementing them energizes everything concerned with it. For an individual, committing to and applying values releases fresh energies, which always attract success, achievement, and well-being. Likewise, when companies or other institutions adopt values, individuals working at the organization become energized, as do its customers, its products and services, and everyone and everything else associated with that organization.

We can energize our lives by making the full effort to implement the values we subscribe to. Once we identify values that are meaningful to us, we can develop strategies to implement them. When we make the determined effort to implement those strategies, good fortune it sure to follow -- in the form of new opportunities, new sources of revenue and income, and other forms of material and psychological benefit. We may even notice that as we implement values, we experiences instances of "life response" -- where good fortune suddenly comes to us from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal perceptions of what is logical and possible.

Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual success.

personal and cultural value is a relative ethic value, an assumption upon which implementation can be extrapolated. A value system is a set of consistent values and measures that are not true. A principle value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based. Values are considered subjective, vary across people and cultures and are in many ways aligned with belief and belief systems. Types of values include ethical/moral values, doctrinal/ideological (political, religious) values, social values, and aesthetic values. It is debated whether some values are intrinsic. Henrikke er en value

Personal values
Personal values evolve from situations with the external world and can change over time. This integrity in the application of values refers to its continuity; persons have integrity if they apply their values appropriately regardless of arguments or negative reinforcement from others. "Values are beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be. They involve what is important to us."[1] Values are applied appropriately when they are applied in the right area. For example, it would be appropriate to apply religious values in times of happiness as well as in times of despair. "A way of measuring what people value is to ask them what their goals are."[1]

Personal values developed very early in life may be resistant to change. They may be derived from those of particular groups or systems, such as culture, religion, and political party. However, personal values are not universal; one"s family, nation, generation and historical environment help determine one"s personal values. "We carry with us values that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions."[1] This is not to say that the value concepts themselves are not universal, merely that each individual possess a unique conception of them i.e. a personal knowledge of the appropriate values for their own genes, feelings and experience. "Researches on values has found that adolescents who are involved in groups that connect them to others in school, their communities, or faith-based institutions report higher levels of social trust, altruism, commitments to the common good of people, and endorsements of the rights of immigrants for full inclusion in society. Adolescents who were uninvolved in such groups were more likely to endorse self-interest and materialistic values."[1]

Cultural values
Groups, societies, or cultures have values that are largely shared by their members. The values identify those objects, conditions or characteristics that members of the society consider important; that is, valuable. In the United States, for example, values might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualism or religiosity and sex, drugs and rock and roll. The values of a society can often be identified by noting which people receive honor or respect. In the US, for example, professional athletes are honored (in the form of monetary payment) more than college professors, in part because the society respects personal values such as physical activity, fitness, and competitiveness more than mental activity and education. This may also be the case because the society takes its education for granted and repays its teachers with non-tangible honors of relatively equal value with that of the athlete. Surveys show that voters in the United States would be reluctant to elect an atheist as a president, suggesting that belief in God is a value. There is a difference between values clarification and cognitive moral education. Values clarification is, "helping people clarify what their lives are for and what is worth working for. Students are encouraged to define their own values and understand others" values."[1] Cognitive moral education is based on the belief that students should learn to value things like democracy and justice as their moral reasoning develops."[1]

Values are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms are rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or evil. Flying the national flag on a holiday is a norm, but it reflects the value of patriotism. Wearing dark clothing and appearing solemn are normative behaviors at a funeral. They reflect the values of respect and support of friends and family. For example, a family in Africa might not believe in education, and in the importance of it, whereas in the United States, education is of high value. Different cultures reflect different values. "Over the last three decades, traditional-age college students have shown an increased interest in personal well-being and a decreased interest in the welfare of others."[1] Values seemed to have changed, effecting the beliefs, and attitudes of college students.

Members take part in a culture even if each member"s personal values do not entirely agree with some of the normative values sanctioned in the culture. This reflects an individual"s ability to synthesize and extract aspects valuable to them from the multiple subcultures they belong to.

If a group member expresses a value that is in serious conflict with the group"s norms, the group"s authority may carry out various ways of encouraging conformity or stigmatizing the non-conforming behavior of its members. For example, imprisonment can result from conflict with social norms that have been established as law.

Lincoln"s Letter to his Son"s Teacher

“My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.

So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him - but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader

Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.

Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can - how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.

Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tell him they are wrong.

Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filters all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never.


Personal values

Personal values evolve from situations with the external world and can change over time. This integrity in the application of values refers to its continuity; persons have integrity if they apply their values appropriately regardless of arguments or negative reinforcement from others. "Values are beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be. They involve what is important to us." Values are applied appropriately when they are applied in the right area. For example, it would be appropriate to apply religious values in times of happiness as well as in times of despair. "A way of measuring what people value is to ask them what their goals are."

Personal values developed very early in life may be resistant to change. They may be derived from those of particular groups or systems, such as culture, religion, and political party. However, personal values are not universal; one"s family, nation, generation and historical environment help determine one"s personal values. "We carry with us values that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions." This is not to say that the value concepts themselves are not universal, merely that each individual possess a unique conception of them i.e. a personal knowledge of the appropriate values for their own genes, feelings and experience. "Researches on values has found that adolescents who are involved in groups that connect them to others in school, their communities, or faith-based institutions report higher levels of social trust, altruism, commitments to the common good of people, and endorsements of the rights of immigrants for full inclusion in society. Adolescents who were uninvolved in such groups were more likely to endorse self-interest and materialistic values."


"out of nowhere"是什么意思?

2023-07-11 06:57:443

out of nowhere什么意思?

out of nowhere 突然出现; 莫名其妙的出现; 不知打哪儿来; [例句]A fishing boat came out of nowhere, dead ahead.一艘渔船不知从什么地方冒了出来,就在正前方。敬请采纳!
2023-07-11 06:57:511

from out of nowhere什么意思

2023-07-11 06:57:591

out of nowhere怎么翻译??

2023-07-11 06:58:094

he could make a corner store appear out of nowhere是 什么意思

cornerstore英[u02c8ku0254:nu0259stu0254:]美[u02c8ku0254rnu025astu0254r]<美>住宅区附近的商店outofnowhere 无中生有,从什么也没有中出来翻译:他能变出一个商店。
2023-07-11 06:58:171


2023-07-11 06:58:272


adv.任何地方都不, 无处The poor has nowhere to live.这个可怜的老人无处可住。n.无处; 不知道的地方He came from nowhere.不知道他是从那里来的。There is nowhere for us to sit in here.这里没我们坐的地方啦!be [come in] nowhere (比赛等中)名落孙山; 一事无成, 考得很糟; [美]惊惶失措can lead nowhere 不可能有什么前途[结果]from [out of] nowhere 不知打那儿来; 从不知名, 从不被人注意, 一鸣惊人地get nowhere 一事无成, 毫无进展nowhere near 差得远; 远不及
2023-07-11 06:58:432

帮忙分析一下长难句 是否有从句?

out of nowhere on that awful night(时间地点状语),a car knocked into Esposito"s minivan(主谓宾),pushing her backyard some 100 feet onto the railway tracks.(动词ing形式作结果状语)第一段没有从句The first car (he waited for定语从句),2000 feet from his front yard, was the one (that had hit Esposito定语从句).距离他家前院2000英尺的地方,他等到的第一辆车就是撞了埃斯波西托的那辆。
2023-07-11 06:59:091


1、人之所以为人,是应该充满精力、能够自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长,而不是抱怨他人。 People should be energetic, self-repentant, Self-introspective and self-growing rather than plaining about others. 2、我一直都很幸运。机会很少凭空出现,因此当它们出现时,你一定要抓住。 I"ve always been lucky. Opportunities rarely e out of nowhere, so when they do, you must seize them. 3、要有亮丽的头发,请让小孩每日触摸你的头发。 For beautiful hair, let the child touch your hair every day. 4、要有自信的态度,请学习你不曾学过的知识。 Be confident. Learn something you haven"t learned. 5、优美的姿态,来源于与知识同行而不是独行。 Beautiful posture es from walking with knowledge rather than going alone. 6、我深信遇事要坚强,相信乐观的女孩最美。我也相信明天会更好,相信奇迹的存在。 I believe in being strong and optimistic. I also believe that tomorrow will be better, believe in the existence of miracles. 7、要有吸引人的双唇,请说好意的言语;要有美丽的双眼,请寻索他人的优点;要有纤细的身材,请与饥民分享你的食物。 To have attractive lips, please say good words; to have beautiful eyes, please look for the advantages of others; to have a slender body, please share your food with the hungry. 8、我曾听说过这样一个说法:快乐就是拥有健康和短暂的记忆。我多么希望这是我发明的,因为说得太对了。 I"ve heard the saying that happiness is having healthy and short memories. How I wish I had invented it, because I was right. 9、我喜欢有本事让我大笑的人,笑大概是我最喜欢做的事情了。 I like people who have the ability to make me laugh. Laughter is probably my favorite thing to do. 10、如果我结婚,我想深处婚姻之中。 If I get married, I want to be deeply married. 11、我当然不会试图摘月,我要月亮奔我而来。 Of course I will not try to pick the moon. I want the moon to e to me. 12、女人的美丽不是表面的,应该是她的精神层面是她的关怀、她的爱心以及她的热情。 The beauty of a woman is not on the surface, but on the spiritual level is her care, her love and her enthusia *** . 13、如果我够真诚的话,我会告诉你,现在我依然看童话,并且它们是所有书目中我最喜欢的。 If I am sincere enough, I will tell you that I still read fairy tales, and they are my favorite of all the bibliographies. 14、从一个人对他人的评价,相比他人对这个人的评价,你可以把这个人看得更透彻。 From a person"s evaluation of others, you can see this person more thoroughly than others"evaluation of this person. 15、若要魅力的嘴唇,请讲友善的话。 If you want charming lips, please say friendly words. 16、一个女人的美不在于她穿的衣服,不在于她的身姿,也不在于她梳的发型。 The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the posture she wears, or the hairstyle she bs. 17、美丽的秀发,在于每天有孩子的手指穿过它。 Beautiful hair lies in having children"s fingers through it every day. 18、若要优雅的姿态,请与知识同行而不是独行。 To be graceful, walk with knowledge, not alone. 19、我曾听到过一句话:幸福就是健康加上坏记性!真希望是我头一个说了这句话,因为,这可是千真万确的真理。 I have heard a sentence: Happiness is health plus bad memory! I wish I had been the first to say that, because it"s a true truth. 20、当缘分走到了尽头,约瑟夫决绝地离开了这个家,离开了年轻美丽的妻子,和娇小可爱的女儿。 When fate came to an end, Joseph decided to leave the house, leaving his beautiful young wife and lovely little daughter. 21、我是个内向的人。我喜欢独处,喜欢待在户外,喜欢带着我的狗好好地散步,看树,看花,看天空。 I am an introvert. I like being alone, staying outdoors, taking my dog for a good walk, looking at trees, flowers and the sky. 22、女人的魅力不在于外表,真正美丽的折射于一个女人灵魂深处,在于亲切的给与和热情。一个女人的美丽随着岁月而增长。 The charm of a woman lies not in her appearance, but in her genuine beauty reflected in the depth of her soul. It lies in her kind giving and enthusia *** . The beauty of a woman grows with the years. 23、若要苗条的身材,请把你的食物分享给饥饿的人。 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 24、要有纤细的身材,请与饥民分享你的食物。 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 25、若要可爱的眼睛,请看到别人的好处。 If you want lovely eyes, please see the benefits of others. 26、我经常独自一人。我很高兴整个周末我可以独自一个人待在公寓。这正是我充电的方式。 I am often alone. I"m glad I can stay in my apartment alone all weekend. That"s how I recharge my batteries. 27、如果要说实话,我必须坦白我依然喜欢读童话,而且最喜欢读的书就是童话书。 To be honest, I must confess that I still like to read fairy tales, and the book I like most is fairy tales. 28、人之所以为人,是必须充满精力、自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长;并非向人抱怨。 The reason why people are human is that they must be full of energy, self-repentance, self-reflection and self-growth, not plaining to others. 29、我经常需要独处。如果我从周六晚到周一清晨都能独自待在自己的居所,我将感到十分快乐。这是我重新焕发活力的方式。 I often need to be alone. I would be very happy if I could stay alone in my house from Saturday evening to Monday morning. This is how I rejuvenate myself. 30、要有吸引人的双唇,请说好意的言语。 For attractive lips, please say good words. 31、要有美丽的双眼,请寻索它人的优点。 To have beautiful eyes, look for the advantages of others. 32、女人的美丽是跟着年龄成长。 The beauty of a woman grows with age. 33、承认吧,一块美味柔滑的巧克力蛋糕在很多人身上都能产生神奇的效果,它对我就很有效。 Admittedly, a delicious, *** ooth chocolate cake can work wonders for many people, and it works for me. 34、人比事物更需要重建,刷新,复兴,回收和救赎;永远不要抛弃任何人。 People need to rebuild, refresh, rejuvenate, recycle and redeem more than things; never abandon anyone.
2023-07-11 06:59:181

帮忙翻译这首歌的歌词 Are you the one -Scorpions

2023-07-11 06:59:447

falling down中文歌词

Oasis - Falling Down The summer sun It blows my mind It"s falling down on all that I"ve ever known Time to kiss the world goodbye Falling down on all that I"ve ever known Is all that I"ve ever known A dying scream It makes no sound Calling out to all that I"ve ever known Here am I, lost and found Calling out to all We live a dying dream If you know what I mean All that I"ve ever known It"s all that I"ve ever known Catch the wind that breaks the butterfly I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide I tried to talk with God to no avail Calling my name from out of nowhere I said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time" Catch the wind that breaks the butterfly I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide I tried to talk with God to no avail Calling my name from out of nowhere I said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time" The summer sun It blows my mind It"s falling down on all that I"ve ever known Time to kiss the world goodbye Falling down on all that I"ve ever known Is all that I"ve ever known
2023-07-11 07:00:045

come out of nowhere.

2023-07-11 07:00:204

英语but got nowhere怎么翻译?

but got nowhere翻译之后,他的意思就是:但是收效甚微
2023-07-11 07:00:295

螃蟹 鲁迅 翻译

翻译评价:短小精悍,玄机满满,走一步一个坑 自译:The old crab felt restless. He is stiff all over and know he is about to 蜕壳. 老螃蟹觉得不安了,觉得全身太硬了,自己知道要蜕壳了。 1.“an”而不是“the”,老螃蟹是第一次出现。 2.“grew”,“knew”时态问题需要注意。 3.变得不安 grow restless,变得用表示变化的动词“grow” 4."finding himself…"做原因状语。所以要理清一个句子中各种成分的逻辑关系。 5.It was time for him to…sb将要做sth 6.moult one"s shell 蜕壳 7.stiff all over 浑身,全身 When an animal or bird moults, it gradually loses its coat or feathers so that a new coat or feathers can grow. 脱毛; 换羽Like most aquatic insects, mayflies moult as they grow. 像大多数水生昆虫一样,蜉蝣在成长过程中换羽。 自译: He ran up and down, searching for a cave to hide and he block the open with stones and moult his shell secretly. His body being soft and could be eat by other carbs,he know it is dangerous to do this outside. His fear is not out of nowhere, because he saw it with his naked eye. 他跑来跑去的寻。他想寻一个窟穴,躲了身子,将石子堵了穴口,隐隐的蜕壳。他知道外面蜕壳是危险的。身子还软,要被别的螃蟹吃去的。这并非空害怕,他实在亲眼见过。 This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs. Mother"s fear was not groundless for she herself had really seen it happen to other straying children. 1.用“dash”而不是“run”,以此说明老螃蟹的急切,害怕自己被其他螃蟹吃掉。 to go or run somewhere very quickly 猛冲,急奔Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again. 奥利芙冲进屋,抓起她的手提袋,又跑了出来。 2.dash here and there 跑来跑去 here and there 到处(空间上) 3. in search of 名词短语连接目的状语 4.译文不按照原文的标点进行断句。将原文“他跑来跑去的寻。他想寻一个窟穴,躲了身子,”整合为一句。 going to 接下来做某事 6.block up 要善用动词短语 7. The mouth of the cave 洞口(非常形象) 8.中译英就是把中文中句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,用英文逻辑词,分词短语鲜明地表示出来。“将石子堵了穴口”与“隐隐的蜕壳”之间存在目的这种逻辑关系。也就是“将石子堵在穴口”是为了“隐隐地蜕壳”,所以译文用 so that 将两者连接。 secret 介词+名词的形式 = secretly, 表状态 10. It would be (very dangerous) to do sth. very = extremely = extraordinarily = horribly = perfectly 11. shed one"s shell = moult one"s shell 词汇照应 the open 而不是outside,表示“在露天” 13.“身子还软”在英文句中为伴随状语,“with his new shell still being soft” eaten up 被吃 15. be not groundless for “不是毫无根据的,因为…” =原文的“空” 16.had really seen it happen to 用过去完成时态,在老螃蟹蜕壳之前发生的事。 17.“他实在亲眼见过”这个中文句子有省略,译成英文时要把省略的成分补回来,“it happen to other moulting crabs” 自译: He dash around hurrily. The crab beside ask:"dude, why hurry?" He said:"I am going to moult my shell." "Why not here? And I am going to help you!" "That"s so terrifying!" "You are not afraid of other creature in the cave, but of our same species?" " I"m not afraid of the same species." " What are you afraid of?" " I fear that you will eat me up." 1.keep moving about, "moving about "到处走 2. in a hurry 慌慌张张的,善用固定短语搭配 3. a nearby crab 比 a crab beside him 灵活 4. what"s the rush? 何以这般慌 5. to moult (my shell)省略my shell 6. answered the old carb 倒装 Significant and vital is English, which is a wide-spread language all over the world. 1. be all right to do 2.right 中文里“正,就在”的意思 you out with it. 译成英文把帮的是什么忙也译出来了 4. How horrible that would be? how + adj. +sth. 而且 would be 为虚拟 5.while 逻辑词,两者对比 while A B (A 与 B 对比鲜明) 6.own kind 同类 1.then 译出了“还”的味道 2.原文中有“就怕”,但是英文译文将其省略掉了,因为英文问句中就有提及,不必再加上“I"m scared of ”了 3. Nothing but “不怕别的,就怕这个”,这个短语非常好用 Anybody but ordinary I love nobody but you. 4."being eaten up by you"英文多用被动句,下次尝试一下译英文时用被动句。
2023-07-11 07:01:011

英语I’m going nowhere怎么翻译?

2023-07-11 07:01:177

有谁有Thomas Stearns Eliot这首诗(Morning at the Window)的英文具体分析(韵律、意境之类的)。很急

1. British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965)(synonym) Eliot , T. S. Eliot (hypernym) poet
2023-07-11 07:01:452


2023-07-11 07:02:122


1、 Nowhere man 翻译:无处男子2、《Nowhere Man》是英国摇滚乐队The Beatles收录于1965年专辑《Rubber Soul》,歌曲由John Lennon创作,署名Lennon-McCartney。歌曲录制于1965年10月21日和22日,是乐队第一首与浪漫或爱情完全无关的歌曲,是典型的一首Lennon哲学倾向的创作。 这首歌在1966年2月21日作为单曲发行(未在英国发行),在澳大利亚和加拿大成为冠军单曲,在美国Billboard Hot 100中达到第3位。 Lennon,、McCartney和Harrison个负责了三部分和声,歌曲出现在电影《Yellow Submarine》,当角色Jeremy Hilary Boob在nowhere land遇到The Beatles后唱了这首歌。
2023-07-11 07:02:212


选yushuangtao 这位仁兄吧.......他的已经够全了
2023-07-11 07:02:564


The Fifth ElementEvery five thousand years, a door opens between the dimensions. In one dimension lies the universe and all of its multitude of varied life forms. In another exists an element made not of earth, air, fire or water, but of anti-energy, anti-life. This "thing," this darkness, waits patiently at the threshold of the universe for an opportunity to extinguish all life and all light.WaterworldImagine a future without dry land. A future where the earth, covered in water, has evolved into a gritty, nautical society held together by determination and ingenuity. The inhabitants of this once-flourishing planet cling to life on incredible floating cities, their existence constantly threatened by Smokers-- bands of marauding pirates who roam the featureless surface of Waterworld.Godzilla A devastating, blinding flash of white light fills the Eastern sky. Thousands of miles away, the Pacific Ocean churns, engulfing a freighter with wicked speed. Ships off both U.S. coasts capsize and are dragged into an inexplicably roiling sea. On another part of the globe, giant footprints plow an ominous path through miles of Panamanian forests, Tahitian villages and Jamaican beaches. What is the source of all this mysterious, far-flung mayhem? Godzilla, the undisputed king of movie monsters, comes to the screen once again and is on a terrifying trek to the densely populated island of Manhattan, leaving a trail of ruin and panic in its awful wake and creating a ripple effect of profound and jaw-dropping destruction.Fantastic FourWhen an experimental space voyage goes awry, four people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards, inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend, Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, becoming the Invisible Girl. Her little brother Johnny Storm gains the ability to control fire, including covering his own body with flame, like a Human Torch. Pilot Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong rocky Thing. Together, they use their unique powers to explore the strange aspects of the world, and to foil the evil plans by the likes of Doctor Doom, which is who the villain of this film will be. Even as they deal with the various threats that arise to threaten Earth"s peace, the Four must also deal with the pressures of fame as the world"s most famous superheroes, and the realities of being a super-powered family.
2023-07-11 07:03:042


American Vandal 1 《美国囧案》 Like an obscene image spray-painted on your car, this docu-parody was an out-of-nowhere surprise, but in this case a wele one. It began as a raunchy sendup of true-crime documentaries, developed into an astute edy of teen social-media mores and ended up a surprisingly moving study of how pigeonholing kids can set them onto a life path before they have the chance to learn who they really are. 这部恶搞纪录片的电视剧就像出现在你汽车上的色情涂鸦一样,完全让你出乎意料,不过是惊喜的那种。本剧的开头是一段对真实犯罪纪录片的黄暴恶搞模仿,随后发展为一部关于青少年社交媒体习俗的精彩喜剧,最后出人意料地演变为一个感人的故事,探讨不同背景的孩子在还没有机会了解自己到底是谁的情况下,如何走上人生之路。 Better Things 2 《更美好的事》 Pamela Adlon elevated the second season of her edy into a raw and poetic story of the feverish love-hate relationship between three generations of mothers and daughters. (That Louis C.K., disgraced for sexual offenses, wrote much of the season should not overshadow Ms. Adlon"s feat as creator, star, writer and director.) The show is devastating without being sentimental, and Ms. Adlon"s Sam Fox is one of the best character studies on TV today. 帕梅拉.阿德隆在第二季将这部喜剧升华为一个质朴而充满诗意的故事,讲述了三代母女之间的爱恨情仇(本季大部分内容是因性侵而声名狼藉的路易斯.C.K创作的,但这掩盖不了阿德隆作为主创、主演、编剧和导演的成就)。这部电视剧令人悲痛,却不过于感伤,阿德隆饰演的山姆.福克斯是如今荧屏上一个最好的角色研究案例。 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 3 《疯狂前女友》 The third season, beginning this fall, interrogated the “crazy” in Rachel Bloom"s musical edy of obsession by exploring her character Rebecca"s diagnosis with borderline personality disorder — while still delivering multiple spot-on song parodies a week. 《疯狂前女友》是一部关于迷恋的音乐喜剧,今年秋季播出的第三季探讨了丽贝卡(蕾切尔.布鲁姆饰)的边缘性人格障碍,展现了主角疯狂的一面,而且每周依然能够奉上多首恰到好处的滑稽歌曲模仿。 The Deuce 4 《堕落街传奇》 “This is my job,” Candy (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a prostitute hoping to bee a *** mogul, tells a discount-seeking client in this series" pilot. A drama about the 1970s sex business, on a channel with a penchant for salacious sex, could have gone wrong in many ways. It went right, very right, because David Simon and his collaborators (including female writers and directors) treated sex work as work: an economic system with dangers, calculations and financial and physical pressures. “这是我的工作,”希望成为色情业大亨的 *** 坎迪(玛吉.吉伦哈尔饰)在该剧的试播集中对一个试图砍价的客户说。这部讲述上世纪70年代 *** 易行业的电视剧在一个偏爱色情题材的频道上播出,在很多方面都可能跑偏。但《堕落街传奇》没有,一点都没有,因为大卫.西蒙和他的同事(包括女性编剧和导演)把性工作视为一种工作:一种充满危险、算计、财务压力和生理压力的赚钱方式。 The Good Place 5 《善地》 The work sit with the most insight into life just happens to be full of characters who are dead. This afterlife edy, about a group of misfits in a troubled paradise, is full of twists I don"t have the room to list or the heart to spoil, but its real appeal is a top-notch cast performing prime time"s most entertaining philosophy lesson. 这部情景喜剧充满深刻的人生洞见,主角是一群已经死去的人。他们死后升入一个麻烦众多的天堂,在那里格格不入。《善地》的剧情充满反转,我在这里没有足够篇幅详述,也不忍心剧透。但这部剧真正的吸引力在于,一群顶级演员在黄金时间段为观众呈上最有趣的哲学课。 Halt and Catch Fire 6 《奔腾年代》 The final season of this digital-culture origin story, which began in the early "80s, took us through the popularization of the World Wide Web. But it also brought full circle the troubled partnership of Cameron (Mackenzie Davis) and Donna (Kerry Bishé), their passion for discovery rekindled by four magic words: “I have an idea.” 这部关于数字文化起源的电视剧从上世纪80年代讲起,最后一季带我们回顾万维网的普及。在这一季里,卡梅隆(麦肯齐.戴维斯饰)和唐娜(凯莉.比什饰)充满麻烦的合作关系恢复如初,他们对发现的热情被那句神奇的话重新点燃:“我有一个想法。” Lady Dynamite 7 《炸天女郎》 Things got weird in 2017. Television seemed at times to be dreaming, serving up ambitious hallucinations like “Legion” and “The Young Pope” as well as surrealistic curiosities like “At Home with Amy Sedaris.” The second season of Maria Bamford"s first-person edy was the disorienting tops, using fractured storytelling to capture the experience of living and working with bipolar disorder from all angles. 2017年有点诡异,电视机好像有时会做梦一样,播出的作品包括《大群》和《年轻的教宗》等雄心勃勃的虚幻作品,以及《和艾米.塞达里斯一起在家》等超现实作品。玛丽亚.班福德这部第一人称叙事喜剧在第二季达到了混乱的巅峰,采用断裂的叙事方式,从各个角度展现了和躁郁症患者一起生活和工作的经历。 The Leftovers 8 《守望尘世》 The last season of this series about faith, loss and mystery was constructed like an octagonal chapel, each of its eight episodes a stained-glass window lit with emotion and humor. It may or may not have answered its central question — what happened to millions of people who vanished from the earth — but it was a powerful expression of the ways people soldier on through the unknown. 《守望尘世》是一部关于信仰、失去和神秘未知的电视剧。该剧最后一季就像一个八角形的小教堂,每一集就像一扇被情感和幽默照亮的彩色玻璃窗。它可能回答了、也可能没有回答剧中的核心问题——从地球上消失的那数百万人都怎么样了——但它有力诠释了人们应对未知情况时勇敢向前的样子。 One Day at a Time 9 《活在当下》 You"d have thought they didn"t make them like this anymore. This reimagining of the 1970s edy revived a staid genre — the socially conscious, three-camera family sit — by updating the characters and their problems. Centered on a Cuban-American family in Los Angeles, the new “One Day” also spotlighted working-class struggles and veterans" issues, enlivened by crack performances from Justina Machado and Rita Moreno. 你可能认为不会有人再拍这种电视剧了。《活在当下》翻拍自上世纪70年代的同名喜剧,新版通过塑造新的角色和剧情,让一种过时电视剧类型——关注社会问题的三摄像头家庭情景喜剧——重现生机。新版《活在当下》围绕洛杉矶的一个古巴裔美国家庭展开,同样是关注工薪阶层的艰辛和退伍军人的问题,贾斯蒂娜.马查多和丽塔.莫雷诺的精彩表演为该剧增添了活力。 Twin Peaks: The Return 10 《双峰:归来》 The reunion of David Lynch and Mark Frost had a nominal plot: the odyssey of Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) back from the otherworldly waiting room where he"d spent the 25 years since he last tasted cherry pie. But mainly it was a direct download from the subconscious of Mr. Lynch, who directed every episode: part horror story, part slapstick, all twisted fantasy. It was a well, to paraphrase the mysterious Wood *** an, that descended deep and retrieved strange, intoxicating water. 大卫.林奇和马克.弗罗斯特的再度联手,名义上合作创作了一个故事:戴尔.库珀(凯尔.麦克拉克伦饰)自从最后一次品尝樱桃派之后,在一个超自然的等候室里度过了25年的时光,本剧便是讲述他归来后的冒险之旅。不过,这部剧基本都是按照林奇的想法呈现的,每一集都由他执导:它有点像恐怖故事,也有点像闹剧,充满怪诞的幻想。用剧中那个神秘林中人的话说,它是一口井,下潜到深处,便可以汲取令人陶醉的奇异之水。
2023-07-11 07:03:101

Long Long Journey

Long Long Journey City lights shine on the harbour, 城市的灯光照耀在港湾 night has fallen down, 夜晚降临 through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on. 在暗夜中我继续行进 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that"s coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Where the road runs through the valley, where the river flows, I will follow every highway to the place I know. 沿着山谷的小路河水的流淌我遵循着我要走的路 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that"s coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Long, long journey out of nowhere, long, long way to go; but what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that"s coming home 无视漫漫的长路,叹气和伤感也阻止不了一颗要回家的心
2023-07-11 07:03:191

middle of nowhere 和 shake it up中英文歌词(selena)

Middle of nowhereYou left me spinning like a disco,你让我像身处迪斯科舞厅里那样旋转,but i didn"t know if I can stand straight但我不知道我是否能站得直You took me left when you knew i was right当我认为对的时候你总把我带向另一边now i gotta fight just to make it throughthe day现在我要为此奋斗仅为了反抗这样的每一天I never knew what you were capable of,我从不知道你擅长什么Baby i would of kept my heart,我想留住我的心,babybut i gave it up, Baby i fell in love,但我放弃了,我爱上了你now i don"t know where to start不过我现在不知道该从哪开始说起It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉过我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子You left me broken like a record baby,你让我的心破碎不堪,babyi"m baby, I"m hurt & i don"t wannna playanymore, 我受伤了,baby,我不要再这样下去了,Missed every sign, believed every lie, whoa whoa & i was waiting for more不会再想念你每个暗号,不会再相信你每个谎言,我不会再等你了I never knew what you were capable of,我从不知道你擅长什么Baby i would of kept my heart,我想留住我的心,babybut i gave it up, Baby i fell in love,但我放弃了,我爱上了你now i don"t know where to start不过我现在不知道该从哪开始说起It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子 粉丝做的专辑封面You took my heart off my sleeve & nowi"m taking back it back, back你把我的心从我体内取走了,现在我要把它夺回来baby here i come,baby,我来了You took advantage of me i don"t appreciate that,你利用我,我不会来感激你的that you son of a gun你这个王八蛋It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子Shake it up 这个找不到中文版的Don"t like waiting (x2)Lets go right now!Gotta" hit the groundDancing before the musicSlows downWhat I"m sayin" (x2)If there"s something to fixtake it to another level,This is the remixEverybody, everybodyGet out on the floorIt can get a little crazyWhen the kick hits the floorMake a scene (x2)Nobody can ignoreDon"t knock it, til you rock itWe can"t take it not more!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!Shake it up!Break it down (x2)I"ve got something to sayWhen you"re dancin" whit me,It"s like we go MIAMake a scene (x2)Nobody can ignoreDon"t knock it, til you rock itWe can"t take it not more!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!Sh-sh-sh-Shake it up,You gotta change it up!And if the days not right?Just brush it off tonight!Put on the attitude!Your in my pocket moodAnd when you"ve had enough,Sh-sh-sh-shake it up!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!.........
2023-07-11 07:03:261

英译 “北方有佳人 绝世而独立 一顾倾人城 再顾倾人国”

North of China Lives A Lady Fair 北方有佳人 North of China lives a Lady Fair, 绝世而独立 standing alone, out of nowhere. 一顾倾人城 With one glance she upsets a town; 再顾倾人国
2023-07-11 07:03:351

middle of nowhere是什么意思

middle of nowhere[英][u02c8midl u0254v u02c8nu0259uhwu025bu0259][美][u02c8midl u028cv u02c8nou02cchwu025br]<非正><贬>远离城镇的地方; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You can"t leave me out here in the middle of nowhere! 你不能把我扔在这么个荒无人烟的地方!
2023-07-11 07:03:561


  冷笑话作为一种新兴的语言现象,越来越受到大家的关注,尤其在网路、杂志、微博、电影上十分盛行。下面是我带来的爆笑英语笑话短文,欢迎欣赏!   爆笑英语笑话短文篇1   A woman called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer. The tech asked her if she was "running it under Windows?"   一位女士给佳能服务部门打电话说她的印表机出了些问题,技术人员说:“你是在视窗***指视窗作业系统***下执行的吗?”   The woman then responded, "No, my desk is next to the door. But that is a good point. The man sitting in the cubicle next to me is under a window,and his is working fine.”   女士回答说:“不,我的桌子在门的旁边,不过你说的对,坐在我旁边隔间的那个男的是在窗户下面,他的印表机工作得很正常。”   Tech Support; "How much free space do you have on your hard drive?"   技术支援:“您的硬碟还有多大的空间?”   Customer: "Well, my wife likes to get up there on that Internet, and she downloaded ten hours of free space. Is that enough?"   顾客:“我的太太很喜欢上英特网,她下载了10个小时的空白空间,这够了吗?”   爆笑英语笑话短文篇2   A man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked,” You know, I"ve lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"   在超市里,一个男的朝一个非常漂亮的女士走过去,并对他说:“你知道吗?我和我的妻子在超市走散了,你能和我说几分钟话吗?”   “why?”   “为什么?”   "Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere.”   “因为每当我和漂亮女士说话的时候,我太太就会不知从哪儿钻了出来。”   爆笑英语笑话短文篇3   A man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked,” You know, I"ve lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"   在超市里,一个男的朝一个非常漂亮的女士走过去,并对他说:“你知道吗?我和我的妻子在超市走散了,你能和我说几分钟话吗?”   “why?”   “为什么?”   "Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere.”   “因为每当我和漂亮女士说话的时候,我太太就会不知从哪儿钻了出来。”    "爆笑英语笑话短文"的人还:
2023-07-11 07:04:021

middle of nowhere是什么意思

middle of nowhere 无所适从迷失方向远离城镇的地方与世隔绝的地方双语例句:1.At the border between Norway and Sweden, I was almost put out in the middle of nowhere. 在挪威和瑞典边境上,我差点被人撵下车去,扔在鸟不生蛋的地方。2.We were in the middle of nowhere! There were no roads, no cars, no nothing, just a long dirt road and a bunch of trees. 我们是在一个荒无人烟的地方,这儿没有公路,没有汽车,什么都没有,只有一条长长的土路和树丛。
2023-07-11 07:04:123

in the middle of nowhere是什么意思

2023-07-11 07:04:202

一个黑手党首领的自白(the last statement of lucky luciano) 这本书的内容谁有

Charlie "Lucky" Luciano was born Salvatore Lucania in Lercara Friddi, Sicily, November 27, 1897. He immigrated with his family in 1907. At the age of 18 he was arrested for delivering dope and sent to Hampton Farms, a state facility for youths. After being released, Luciano decided to change his first name to Charlie because he felt that Salvatore (Sal) was a girl"s name. Luciano would take up with the Five Points Gang where he would meet future crime bosses: Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, and Frankie Yale. In his neighborhood he would also meet street kids from other ethnic backgrounds, such as Benny Siegel and Meyer Lansky. Along with Siegel, Lansky, and Frank Costello, Luciano began robbing houses and doing other stick ups. Their days of doing heists and stickups would end in 1919 with the passing of the Eighteenth Amendment. The Prohibition Era had begun and Luciano and his co-horts were right in the middle. From 1931 to 1936, Luciano lived the life of a king. Everyone wanted to be near him- politicians, people in the entertainment industry, doctors, lawyers. Knowing that his new stature in the underword gained him more attention than what anyone really wanted, Luciano became somewhat reclusive- spending most of his day in his hotel room and not appearing until the night. His life of leisure didn"t last long. In 1936, he was brought up on charges of running a prostitution ring that spanned the entire city of New York. Thomas E. Dwewy, the NYC district attorney (the man Luciano once saved from getting assassinated) was coming after him. At first Luciano wasn"t concerned, claiming that he had nothing to do with prostitution. There were enough witnesses that claimed Luciano was personally involved in collecting the money from prostitutes and strong arming many of the pimps into paying protection money for themselves and their whores. But Luciano still didn"t believe that any case surrounding prostitution would work. But Dewey did have a case and he did make it stick. Witness after witness (pimps, desolate hookers, small time gangsters) all testified that Charlie "Lucky" Luciano was the top pimp in all of NYC. Luciano was convicted and sentenced to thirty-fifty years in prison and sent to Dannemora, the Siberia of organized crime. While in prison, Luciano spent most of his time trying to figure a way out. He knew that most of the people that came to the stand had lied about his involvement in prostitution and he also knew that Dewey and his office had manipulated the witnesses into testifying against him, he just needed to prove it. After the trial was over, most of the witnesses (especially the prostitutes) had been shipped away to Europe, where they were given monthly bankrolls to survive- a promise made by Dewey in exchange for their testimonies. Luciano found this out, and with his lawyer, tried several times to get them to recant their statements in court or at least admit what had taken place. After a few years, it happened. The prostitutes, along with other witnesses recanted, on paper, their statements and explained what Dewey had offered them, and how Dewey had threatened them into testifying against Luciano. But this didn"t change anything. the judge ruled it insufficient evidence and threw Luciano"s hopes of getting free out the window. On December 7, 1941, the United States was brought into World War II with brutal force. The entire country had begun to rally behind their government and armed forces in an effort ot defeat the Axis powers of Europe- even organized crime figures. Since many of these men had been shipped out of their native land at a young age, either by force to avoid death or out of economics, they felt a strong loyalty to the U.S., especially Luciano. About six months into the war, Luciano had been reading the papers and talking to Lansky about the waterfronts and how worried the Naval Department was about spies and German U-boats sinking U.S. boats right in the harbor. Luciano had come up with a plan to get himself out of jail and be able to help the war effort. Luciano had to find something that was front page news and had to do it quickly. Then, if finally came. Frank Costello got in touch with Luciano right away. He told him about an idea that Albert Anastasia had worked out with his brother, Tough Tony. Albert said that the guys from Navy Intelligence had been all over the docks talking to them about security. They were scared that all the stuff along the Hudson, the docks and boats, was in very great danger. Albert"s idea was to give the Navy a big chunk of sabotage, something so big that it would scare the Navy to death. The sabotage that Albert and his brother were talking about was the sinking of a ship in the West Side Manhattan port- the French luxury liner, the SS Normandie- a ship that was being slated to be turned into a troopship for the Allies. Luciano thought it was a great plan. It would get the attention of the Navy and wouldn"t truly affect the war effort since the ship was nowhere ready for war. The plan was set in motion. Withing twenty-four hours the SS Normandie was gutted and wrecked. Naval Intelligence was charged preventing anything like this to happen again, since it was obvious that German spies had done this. That is when the U.S. Government turned to organized crime for help and began the idea of "Operation Underworld." Naval Intelligence officers, working out of their headquarters in Manhattan, went directly to Joseph "Socks" Lanza, the czar of the Fulton Fish Market, for help along the docks. But the illustrious Joe "Socks" could only help the Naval officers so much. There were some areas that were blocked to him, especially by Tough Tony. Luciano personally set up this blockade, forcing the Naval officers to come to him for help. Luciano agreed but only if it meant that it would reduce his sentence. Since it was a matter of national security, there could be no way that the D.A."s office could refuse, even if Dewey was still the D.A. Luciano wanted too much to be paroled and set free for the obvious reason of picking up the reins of control to organized crime. Dewey agreed to parole, but only after Luciano agreed to be deported to Italy. Luciano agreeed to this deal, figuring that at least he would be free, not realizing the problems that he would face in the years to come. The deal was set. All aong the docks the longshormen were to help the Naval Intelligence officers with securing the harbor against any German spies or U-boats, all on the say so of "Lucky" Luciano. When the war ended, Luciano waited for his parole hearings. On V-E day, May 7, 1945, a petition for clemency and freedom for Luciano was sent to Governer Dewey- having been elected with the help of Luciano. On January 3, 1946, Charles Lucania was set free once again, on the stipulation that he never set foot on U.S. soil ever again. On February 2, a month later, Lucaino stepped out of jail and was driven directly to Ellis Island for deportation. Charlie "Lucky" Luciano would never set foot again in New YOrk city, a place where he lived as a king. He died of a heart attack at Capodichino Airport in Naples, Italy, on January 26, 1962.
2023-07-11 07:04:342


Perhaps because of the sound of the little girl"s voice, Dykstra was stirred to consciousness. 可能是因为那个小女孩的声音,戴克斯特拉 被鼓励着恢复了意识。
2023-07-11 07:04:444

somewhere between nowhere and goodbye什么意思

2023-07-11 07:04:514

求歌名:里面唱 nowhere you are 的女声英文歌!谢谢!

god is a girl??你给的信息太少啦
2023-07-11 07:05:006

out of nowhere是什么意思啊?看网上有三种意思,1.突然出现 2.无处不在

out of nowhere 一般是指突然出现的意思。比如:He just came out of nowhere! 他突然间就出现了。
2023-07-11 07:05:282

Out Of Nowhere 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Nowhere歌手:Charlie Parker专辑:Charlie Parker [2-Fer]Out Of NowhereDelaysout of nowhereDELAYSYou came into frame out of nowherePulled me through the trees to the riverNow I"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of nowhere tonight,tonightI found more than anything thatto give into love was a way to begin,Bowing down to literatureI"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon and pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of Nowhere tonight,tonight,tonight
2023-07-11 07:05:351

Out Of Nowhere (Live) (Digitally Remastered) 歌词

Athlete - Out of Nowhere选自专辑 Vehicles & Animals鹰飞雁武 编辑送给我爱的人7 out of 21 knocked downNow only 14 left to goI didn"t know that I was next in lineBut it is not as if I"ve had much timeJetlag all around me voices callingSaying please don"t go awayLast thing I remember drifting down this tunnelWas bright light aheadOut of nowhereIt came and him me on the headOut of nowhereI saw it over thereBefore it hit you on the headI saw it over thereOut of nowhereIt came and him me on the headOut of nowhereI saw it over thereBefore it hit you on the headI saw it over there7 out of 21 knocked downNow only 14 left to goI didn"t know that I was next in lineBut it is not as if I"ve had much timeJetlag all around me voices callingSaying please don"t go awayLast thing I remember drifting down this tunnelWas bright light aheadThen when I came aroundSomebody helped me to my feetAnd said I can"t believe you"re still aliveI"ve seen 20 other people in the last half an hourWho"ve been hit right between the eyesSeems that somebody some where"s on a mission to protect youKnowing that you should have survivedHurrah, hurrah, HURRAHWe"re still aliveOut of nowhereIt came and him me on the headOut of nowhereI saw it over thereBefore it hit you on the headI saw it over thereIt came and him me on the headOut of nowhereI saw it over thereBefore it hit you on the headI saw it over thereIt came and him me on the headOut of nowhereI saw it over thereBefore it hit you on the headI saw it over thereOut of nowhere
2023-07-11 07:05:411

Out Of Nowhere 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Nowhere歌手:Peruchin&Orquesta Nuevo Ritmo专辑:The Heart Of Cuba / The Incendiary Piano Of Peruchin!Out Of NowhereDelaysout of nowhereDELAYSYou came into frame out of nowherePulled me through the trees to the riverNow I"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of nowhere tonight,tonightI found more than anything thatto give into love was a way to begin,Bowing down to literatureI"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon and pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of Nowhere tonight,tonight,tonight
2023-07-11 07:05:481

Out Of Nowhere (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Nowhere (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Johnny Smith专辑:The Sound Of Johnny SmithOut Of NowhereDelaysout of nowhereDELAYSYou came into frame out of nowherePulled me through the trees to the riverNow I"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of nowhere tonight,tonightI found more than anything thatto give into love was a way to begin,Bowing down to literatureI"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon and pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of Nowhere tonight,tonight,tonight
2023-07-11 07:05:551

解释一下appear out off nowhere的语法,谢谢

我感觉你的问题应该是appear out of nowhere不知道从哪里冒出来的”,或者“莫名其妙的出现”。 其他的Nowhere短语,You"re getting nowhere with me.你在我身上什么也得不到/你和我什么进展也没有。
2023-07-11 07:06:031

appeared out of nowhere

appear out of nowhere 就是不知是哪里出现的 这两个人不知从哪里来突然出现了.
2023-07-11 07:06:101

Kelly Clarkson的《One Minute》 歌词

歌曲名:One Minute歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:My DecemberKelly Clarkson - One Minute(Kelly Clarkson, Kara DioGuardi, Chantal Kreviazuk, Michael Raine Maida)搜啦EPYou"re going crazyRunning on emptyYou can"t make up your mindYou tried to hide itBut you had to say itRestless all this timeSo completely drained fromEverything that"s in your lifeIt"s so wrong but you had to screamEvery thought you"d kept insideOne minute you laughThe next minute you"re slowlySinking into something blackI get the feeling that latelyNothing ever really lastsI keep trying to get upbut I keep falling backAnd you loveand you hateand you waitCause one minute goes fastYou just can"t escape itYou"re losing patienceYou wonder what went wrongEverything changesHappy then jadedAlways a different songPlaying in your head justWhen you think you"ve got it downOut of nowhere you realizeIt"s different music playing nowOne minute goes fastThe next minute you"re slowlyI get the feeling that latelyI keep trying to get upCause one minute goesOne minute goes
2023-07-11 07:06:171


nowhere意思是没有地方。nowhere的组词有go nowhere毫无进展,nowhere near远远不,out of nowhere突然出现;出人意料地出现,get nowhere毫无进展,from nowhere突然出现;出人意料地出现,the middle of nowhere偏远的地方, 茫茫蛮荒之地。be nowhere惨败,a road to nowhere没有出路的处境;不可能成功的行动,come nowhere惨败,get someone nowhere对某人毫无益处。nowhere例句:1、They came from nowhere to win in the last three strokes of the race.他们出人意料地以最后三桨赢得了划艇比赛。2、Ontario offers a cultural blend you"ll find nowhere else on earth.安大略能提供你在地球上任何别的地方都找不到的文化交融。3、She"s involved in a nowhere affair with a married executive.她卷入了和一个已婚经理的毫无希望的恋情之中。
2023-07-11 07:06:241

erik gronwall的higher 歌词

Higher - Erik GronwallHey, I"m a believer 嘿,我是一个信徒And gravity"s letting go of me tonight今晚重力暂且放过我吧You, came out of nowhere 你,从一个无人知晓的地方出来When everything was passing by at the speed of light 突然一切以光速闪过So hold my hand and never let me go 请拉着我的手,让我别走Take a leap of fate into the unknown 纵情放命运飞跃向未知◇I am flying 我在飞翔着My heart is taking over我的心将接手The world is flashing by世界将闪而越过Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)○I will follow wherever it might take us 我将追寻到所有可能需要我们的地带Chasing through the sky穿越天空追寻着Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)□Oh I know 噢,我知道It can be scary它可能很可怕You bet it all when your heart is on the line你打赌这一切时,你的心在踌躇着But oh, baby don"t worry不过,喔,别担心宝贝Just hold my hand and never let me go只需拉着我的手,让我别走(◇□repeat)Take me higher 请带我到更高的地方I hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphere 当我们一起直穿大气层的时候我会紧抓住你Woah 噢……Around us everything disappears我们周围的一切都消失了Woah oa oa(◇○repeat)
2023-07-11 07:06:491

求权威答案:是nowhere to live还是nowhere to live in?nowhere在此什么词性?谢!

2023-07-11 07:07:082

英语句型转换,一空一词: 1.Jane was running as fast as she co

as fast as possiblethe wide use of
2023-07-11 07:07:152


Nick Cave的《Red Right Hand》
2023-07-11 07:07:232

谁有老舍《趵突泉》的英文翻译?如题 谢谢了

Chin Foshan, colleagues, spouting, is the Jinan, now places spouting single speak. Out of the Jinan"s Simon, on the bridge just saw a streams flowing water, Ching-talking, fresh Kit, to beiliu. Shore reflection in the surface, everything is green, quiet neighbourhood.This water just flow out from spouting. If there is no spouting, Jinan going to lose it half the charm. Go to the South along the Brook, came spouting Park. A broad springs pool, almost square, takes up half the Park.Pond is famous for the terrific, swim fish and water algae, you can see clearly. Springs pool Central West, there are three large a hole of spring, the eyes from the springs of water to upwelling, half a metre at the risk to the surface to high, like boiled away, constantly roll by. Three water column has no wellhead large, to rule the day and night, risked, risked, always so crystal clear, so lively, seems ever tireless. If the winter to play better, pool surfaces leaping a piece of white and light ourselves, in the dark-green algae on our, will give you the introduction of a mysterious realm. The scum there are countless Koizumi"s eyes. There are constantly bubbled up, even small bubbles into a string, like a string of pearls roiling the water flow in the wind. There are only a moment to septum emerge 10-odd bubble, only see the top of the bubble walked out of nowhere, like race each other. Some half a day out a comparison of those bubble bubble, big, mostly flat, side rising side rickety, touching the surface just broken. In the sunlight, large and small blisters have enough razzle-dazzle, no jewellery than. Finished Springs, farther north, after some stalls, then out of the North Gate.
2023-07-11 07:07:411

Jazz At The Philharmonic的《The Champ》 歌词

歌曲名:The Champ歌手:Jazz At The Philharmonic专辑:Jazz At The Philharmonic In London, 1969Gaze upon the stake,flames will soon start to embraceCondemned, auto da fe,she"s about to fall from graceIn the land of the rising sunshadows are falling againThe die is cast, the future and pastcoming to her at lastOh, oh, ohAll she needed was a ChampionOh, oh, ohCrying for a saviour to fight for her lifeBehold, the freedom criesby the dying of the lightToo late to justifyfor vindication upon this nightIn the land of the rising sunshadows are falling againFrom out of nowhere, a rider declaredto answer her final prayerOh, oh, ohHe stood up to be the ChampionOh, oh, ohHe became the saviour that fought for her lifeFace to face, eye to eyeThe saviour fought to save her prideFar beyond the starlit skies,the encounter went onGaze upon the stake,as the flames start to embraceA life, an act of faith,long-lost gone without a traceIn the land of the rising sunShadows are falling againThe die is cast for the future and pastcame for her at lastOh, oh, ohAll she needed was a ChampionOh, oh, ohCrying for a saviour to fight for herOh, oh, ohHe stood up to be the ChampionOh, oh, ohHe became the saviour that fought for her life
2023-07-11 07:07:481

matt cardle的《Amazing》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazing歌手:matt cardle专辑:Letters (Limited Edition 2CD)Matt Cardle - AmazingI had to look insideThis fragile heart of mineTo find exactly what it was you sawI had to put myselfBack in the firing lineTo take the shot that knocked me to the floorI was down, losing faith, oh I was lost in the crowdYou brought me roundHow did you find me?You came out of nowhere like lighteningIt"s kind of amazing how you found meThrough all the noise somehowI was pulling empty palesOut of the wishing wellOnly holy water breaks the spellI had to pinch myself‘Cos I knew all too wellThe stairway to heaven oh it starts in hellI was down, but somehow an Angel heard my soundAnd Brought me roundHow did you find me?You came out of nowhere like lighteningIt"s kind of amazing how you found meThrough all the noise somehowHow did you see me?Broke through the darkness and you reached meIt"s kind of amazing how you found meThrough all the strangers somehowFaith and a little patience for this heart of mineThough I would stay here waiting for the end of time…How did you find me?You came out of nowhere like lighteningIt"s kind of amazing how you found meThrough all the noise somehowHow did you see me?Broke through the darkness and you reached meIt"s kind of amazing how you found meThrough all the strangers somehowThrough all the strangers somehowSomehow...
2023-07-11 07:07:551


  【op】  Oasis - 《Falling Down》  lyrics: 森克 译  The summer sun, that blows my mind  夏日骄阳, 吹拂我的心灵  Is falling down on all that I"ve ever known  正坠落在我所知的一切  Time"ll kiss the world goodbye  时间终将向世界吻别  Falling down on all that I"ve ever known  坠落在我所知的一切  Is all that I"ve ever known  我所知的一切  A dying scream makes no sound  死亡前的尖叫 喊不出声  Calling out to all that I"ve ever known  呼唤我所知的一切  Here am I, lost and found  我在这里, 迷途知返  Calling out to all.  呼唤着一切  We live a dying dream  我们活在一个逐渐消逝的梦里  If you know what I mean  假如你了解我的想法  And I that I"ve ever known  和我所知的一切  It"s all that I"ve ever known  这就是我所知的一切  Catch the wind that breaks the butterfly  捕捉摧毁蝴蝶的那阵风  A crying rain that fills the ocean wide  嚎哭的大雨填满了浩瀚的洋  I tried to talk with God to no avail  尝试和上帝对话, 但只是白费力气  Calling up in and out of nowhere  于乌有之地内外 向上天呼喊  Said “if you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time”  说道「假如你不想拯救我,就请别浪费我的时间」  The summer sun, that blows my mind  夏日骄阳, 吹拂我的心灵  Is falling down on all that I"ve ever known  正坠落在我所知的一切  Time will kiss the world goodbye  时间终将向世界吻别  Falling down on all that I"ve ever known  坠落在我所知的一切  Is all that I"ve ever known  我所知的一切
2023-07-11 07:08:032

erik gronwall的 higher中文歌词

2023-07-11 07:08:101