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Techniques That Might Smile upon Mona Lisa文章的翻译

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Four-year term of the Olympic flame finally on August 13, 2004 the Greek capital of Athens ignited. At that moment, the eyes of the world are the orientation of the birth of the Olympic movement and the spirit of the holy places Olympia. I am no exception, in spite of my interest in sports but in modest four years after the Olympic flag will be colored red, and I believe that each Olympic feelings of the Chinese people will like me, though, have a different concern about the Olympic experience, they have the same feelings for the Olympic Games. . If the Olympic Games is the intersection, I pedestrian. Day stopover here many people, Asians, Europeans, the elderly, the children. This is a strategically link around friends. I just passing through here one of the millions of people passing through it, go to another world. And strict observance of traffic regulations If the Olympic Games is sacred, I volunteer. This film is the holy land, have always accompanied by the side of the sacred flame. It is for this reason that I voluntarily pay for it, I want to do my strength for this piece of land cleaner, more so that more people know about it, like me, are willing to dedicate themselves to it. I would also like to come here to help the people, for them to enjoy this sacred pleasure. Savor, the local customs, visited Beijing"s streets. If the Olympic Games is the platform, I am the master. We built it as a platform for the world to understand us; It for the construction of a bridge for us and the world to better communication. This platform enables us to flourish display. I was the owner, I am here is the proud owner. I want to host, let guests feel warm and happy. Thanks to the athletes, they have conducted the business of the spirit I have to squarely face the difficulties life of courage. Thanks to the Olympic Games, which for my dull life add endless fun and interesting. allow me to constantly maintain a good memory and expectation. Today, the Olympic movement has penetrated into all aspects of our lives. into a life philosophy of Olympism January 1, "agreed to strengthen the body and through the cultivation of the quality of determination, has provided a comprehensive development; Sports and cultural education through a combination of people"s physical fitness, moral and spiritual harmonious development and advancement. " Games like fresh air, we let in super-paced life can relax and rest; makes reinforced cement has become the paradise of people to break free from the yoke, to re-stretch; Experience in the struggle for human Majestic! With her sparkling spirit of the Olympic Games come to Beijing in 2008. We went into the schools, into each of us lives, I look forward to her early!




Statues Around the World Statues have been erected all over the world, representing everything from historical events, religious icons, and a commemoration of an influental person or simply as a representation of an artist"s vision. Some statues, such as the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor, invite visitors on a global scale. The Statue of Liberty is the most visited monument in the world. Other famous statues that are on a traveler"s itinerary include Brazil"s Christ the Redeemer statue, Thailand"s Wat Pho Buddha, China"s Leshan Reclining Buddha and Egypt"s The Great Sphinx of Giza. Most of these statues are mainly spiritual in their representation and embody the spirit of their locale.While some statues serve as a country"s great monument or landmark, other statues are commissioned to commemorate the life of an influential person. England"s Nelson"s Column was built to remember fallen war hero Admiral Horatio Nelson. While the Pointing Lenin statue was built to commemorate the 1917 October Russian Revolution speech given by Vladimir Lenin outside the Finland Rail Terminal. Commemorative statues do not simply serve as a remembrance of an influential person but also serve to remind its public of a specific moment of time where greatness transpired.Last, statues are also representative of an artist"s vision and simply commissioned for art"s sake. Three of the greatest sculptures are: Michelangelo"s Statue of David, Auguste Rodin"s The Thinker Statue and the Greek Venus de Milo. All three of these statues are recognized worldwide and have served as artistic inspirations for their public.Statues depict what cannot always be said in words. While every person may have a different interpretation or emotional response when viewing one of the many great monuments or works of art, clearly, statues are created to send a universal message of the event, idea, feeling or person it represents.You can replicate the magic of statuary in your own home, garden, or yard. Choose according to your taste; there is no right or wrong choice. Garden and Home Decor will enhance the beauty of your surroundings, select quality materials, craftsmanship, and a finish that will accent your exisiting decor. Enjoy! 这是一个概括的,具体要哪个人可以自己补充查找.


On August 21,1911 The Mona Lisa is stolenIn perhaps the most brazen art theft of all time, Vincenzo Peruggia walks into the Louvre, in France, heads straight for the famous Mona Lisa, removes it from the wall, hides it beneath his clothes, and escapes. When an amateur painter set up his easel a few minutes later, he noticed that Leonardo da Vinci"s masterpiece was missing and notified the guards. While the entire nation of France was stunned, theories abounded as to what could have happened to the invaluable artwork. Most believed that professional thieves could not have been involved because they would have realized that it would be too dangerous to try to sell the world"s most famous painting. A popular rumor in Paris was that the Germans had stolen it to humiliate the French. Investigators and detectives searched for the painting for more than two years without finding any decent leads. Then, in November 1913, Italian art dealer Alfredo Geri received a letter from a man calling himself Leonard. It indicated that the Mona Lisa was in Florence and would be returned for a hefty ransom. When Peruggia attempted to receive the ransom, he was captured. The painting was unharmed. Peruggia, a former employee of the Louvre, claimed that he had acted out of a patriotic duty to avenge Italy on behalf of Napoleon. But prior robbery convictions and a diary with a list of art collectors led most to think that he had acted solely out of greed. Peruggia served seven months of a one-year sentence and later served in the Italian army during the First World War. The Mona Lisa is back in the Louvre, where better security measures now protect it.图见参考资料


咪咪, micky和他们的同学仍在进行一社会研究领域旅程.他们来到一家医院.兔子把她的标识放在医院的前面.她告诉人们, “安静”他们来了一条繁忙的大街。狗举行了他的标志告诉人们, “没有通道! ”咪咪举起了一个指示牌,告诉人们, “你看! ”他们来一个美丽的公园.大熊猫举起了他的标志告诉人们, “保持关闭基层“ 。 micky指了指他的标志告诉人们, ”不乱抛垃圾“ 。 micky觉得饿了.他吃一香蕉.然后他把香蕉皮扔在底墒.他犯了什么错误,他的同学现在又在做什么呢?上面的人翻译的都不通的 有毛病


ipoiupygo7crfuiyfudcymufydyrdrirydyruiyiyiyuyhjhgjhjyfjhjhjhjyfuyjhfjry8utiktuitujhfjryjjgkjhnmnmfhm nmnvjkmfhhfhnhcfjstdfhfhkfhdgjmghjfghgjgfjdfgjnjghjfhjgjfhjgjg 回答者:美国燃放烟花 - 门吏 二级 11-9 19:28《一个陌生女人的来信》,The letter from an Unknown Woman 《一个女人一生中的24小时》One woman has the 24-hour 《看不见的珍藏》 Invisible collections 《月光小巷》The Moon lanes 《里昂的婚礼》Lyon"s Wedding 《无形的压力》 Invisible pressure 《偿还旧债》Outstanding debt 《女仆勒波雷拉》 Maid Leiboleila 《偶识此道》Even understanding at this 《旧书贩门德尔》 《既相同又不同的两姐妹》Also different is the same as the two sisters 《是他吗?》Is it him? 《变形的陶醉》Deformation intoxicated 《象棋的故事》 Chess story 《情感的迷惘》The feeling perplexed 《奇妙之夜》 Wonderful Night 《雷泼莱拉》Ms. Lei pouring 《一颗心的沦亡》 Degeneration of the heart 《巧识新艺》Points of new art 《日内瓦湖畔的插曲》Geneva Lake Rodeo 《桎梏》 Shackles 回答者:gp12617 - 门吏 二级 11-9 20:06hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 回答者:646473530 - 童生 一级 11-9 20:29要德文的还是要英文的? 回答者:CMephisto - 见习魔法师 二级 11-10 10:50我的是英文翻译。 《一个陌生女人的来信》 翻译:A not seen before chemisette letter 《一个女人一生中的24小时》 翻译:24 hours in the whole lifes of a woman 《看不见的珍藏》 翻译:It is unseen to collect as treasure 《月光小巷》 翻译:Moonlight an alley 《里昂的婚礼》 翻译:The wedding of the Lyons 《无形的压力》 翻译:Invisible pressure 《偿还旧债》 翻译:Compensate the old Obligation 《女仆勒波雷拉》 翻译:Maid Leiboleila 《偶识此道》 翻译:Even understanding at this 《旧书贩门德尔》 这个不知道啦 《既相同又不同的两姐妹》 翻译: Since same alike and again different two sister 《是他吗?》 翻译:Is he? 《变形的陶醉》 翻译:Transform of infatuate with 《象棋的故事》 翻译:The story of the Chin chess 《情感的迷惘》 翻译:Affective and perplexed 《奇妙之夜》 翻译:Marvellous night 《雷泼莱拉》 翻译:Ms. Lei pouring 《一颗心的沦亡》 翻译:A heart perishes 《巧识新艺》 翻译:Points of new art 《日内瓦湖畔的插曲》 翻译:The episode of the Genevan lake front 《桎梏》 翻译:Fetter 回答者:594828082 - 见习魔法师 二级 11-10 20:58

写一篇介绍Oxford English Dictionary的小文章



【 #英语听力# 导语】看英语文章不仅能锻炼英语还能感受其中的哲理含义,以下是 整理的精选英语哲理文章,欢迎参考阅读!    【雨中的记忆一】   She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the Earth, it has no time to flow down the spout.   她和妈妈刚在沃尔玛结束购物。这个天真的小女孩应该6岁大了,头发是美丽的棕色,脸上有雀斑。外面下着倾盆大雨。雨水溢满了檐槽,来不及排走,就迫不及待地涌涨上地面。   We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart. We all waited, some patiently, others irritated, because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I get lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.   我们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮篷下。大家都在等待,有人很耐心,有人很烦躁,因为老天在给他们本已忙碌的一天添乱。雨天总引起我的遐思。我出神地听着、看着老天冲刷洗涤这世界的污垢和尘埃,孩时无虑地在雨中奔跑玩水的记忆汹涌而至,暂时缓解了我一天的焦虑。   Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, “Mom, let"s run through the rain." she said.   小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”她说。   "What?" Mom asked.   “什么?”母亲问。   "Let"s run through the rain!" She repeated.   “我们在雨里跑吧,”她重复。   "No, honey. We"ll wait until it slows down a bit." Mom replied.   “不,亲爱的,我们等雨小一点再走。”母亲回答说。   This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let"s run through the rain."   过了一会小女孩又说:“妈妈,我们跑出去吧。”   "We"ll get soaked if we do." Mom said.   “这样的话我们会湿透的。”母亲说。   "No, we won"t, Mom. That"s not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom"s arm."   “不会的,妈妈。你今天早上不是这样说的。”小女孩一边说一边拉着母亲的手。   "This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"   “今天早上?我什么时候说过我们淋雨不会湿啊?”   "Don"t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"   “你不记得了吗?你和爸爸谈他的癌症时,你不是说‘如果上帝让我们闯过这一关,那我们就没有什么过不去。"”   The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn"t hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.   人群一片寂静。我发誓,除了雨声,你什么都听不到。我们都静静地站着。接下来的几分钟没有一个人走动。母亲停了一下,想着应该说些什么。   Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child"s life. Time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith. "Honey, you are absolutely right. Let"s run through the rain. If get wet, well maybe we just needed washing." Mom said. Then off they ran.   有人也许会对此一笑了之,或者责备这孩子的不懂事,有人甚至不把她的话放在心上。但这却是一个小孩子一生中需要被肯定的时候。若受到鼓舞,此时孩子单纯的信任就会发展成为坚定的信念。“亲爱的,你说得对,我们跑过去吧。如果淋湿了,那也许是因为我们的确需要冲洗一下了。”母亲说。然后她们就冲出去了。   We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories. So, don"t forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories every day!   我们站在那里,笑着看她们飞快地跑过停着的汽车。她们把购物袋高举过头想挡挡雨,但还是湿透了。好几个人像孩子般尖叫着,大笑着,也跟着冲了出去,奔向自己的车子。当然,我也这样做了,跑了出去,淋湿了。我也需要接受洗礼。环境或其他人可以夺去你的物质财富,抢走你的金钱,带走你的健康,但没有人可以带走你珍贵的回忆。因此,记得要抓紧时间,抓住机会每天都给自己留下一些回忆吧   To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.   世间万物皆有自己的季节,做任何事情也有一个恰当的时机。希望你有机会在雨中狂奔一回。【永恒的二】     In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.   1989年,一次8.2级的地震几乎铲平美国,在短短不到4分钟的时间里,夺去了3万多人的生命!在彻底的破坏与混乱之中,有位父亲将他的妻子在家里安顿好后,跑到他儿子就读的学校,而触目所见,却是被夷为平地的校园。   After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I"ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.   看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的:"不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。"至此,父亲热泪满眶。目睹曾经的学校成为了一堆瓦砾,真叫人绝望。但父亲的脑中仍然牢记着他对儿子的诺言。   He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building; he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.   他开始努力回忆每天早上送儿子上学的必经之路,终于记起儿子的教室应该就在那幢建筑物后面,位于右边的角落里,他跑到那儿,开始在碎石砾中挖掘,搜寻儿子的下落。   As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It s too late! They"re all dead! You can"t help! Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!"   当这位父亲正在挖掘时,其他束手无策的学生家长赶到现场,揪心地叫着:"我的儿子呀!" "我的女儿呀!"一些好意的家长试图把这位父亲劝离现场,告诉他"一切都太迟了!"他们全死了!"这样做没用的","回去吧,这样做只会使事情更糟"。   To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You"re in danger. We"ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?"   面对种种劝告,这位父亲的回答只有一句话:"你们愿意帮我吗?"然后继续进行挖掘工作,在废墟中寻找他的儿子。消防队长出现了,他也试图把这位父亲劝走,对他说:"火灾频现,四处都在发生爆炸,你在这里太危险了,这边的事我们会处理,你回家吧!"对此,这位慈爱、关切的父亲仍然回答:"你们要帮我吗?"   The police came and said, "You"re angry, anxious and it s over. You"re endangering others. Go home. We"ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I"ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What s going on in there? How is it?" the father asked.   警察赶到现场,对他说:"你现在又气又急,该结束了,你在危及他人,回家吧!我们会处理一切的。"这位父亲依旧回答:"你们愿意帮我吗?" 然而,人们无动于衷。为了弄清楚儿子是死是活,这位父亲独自一人鼓起勇气,继续进行他的工作。他挖掘了8小时,--12小时,24小时,36小时--38小时后,父亲推开了一块巨大的石头,听到了儿子的声音。父亲尖叫着:"阿曼德!"儿子的回音听到了:"爸爸吗?是我,爸,我告诉其他的小朋友不要着急。我告诉他们如果你活着,你会来救我的。如果我获救了,他们也就获救了。你答应过我, 不论发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边, 你做到了,爸!""你那里的情况怎样?"父亲问。   "There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We"re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us."   "我们有33个,只有14个活着。爸,我们好害怕,又渴又饿,谢天谢地,你在这儿。教室倒塌时,刚好形成一个三角形的洞,救了我们。"   "Come out, boy!"   "快出来吧!儿子!"   "No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you"ll always be there for me!"   "不,爸,让其他小朋友先出来吧!因为我知道你会接我的!不管发生什么事,我知道你永远都会来到我的身边!"   【父爱三】   Daddy just didn"t know how to show love. It was Mom who held the family together. He just went to work every day and came home; she"d have a list of sins we"d committed and he"d scold us about them.   爸爸根本不知道怎样表达爱。把这个家维系在一起的人是妈妈。爸爸天天去上班,回家,然后是妈妈向他数落我们所做的一连串错事,爸爸再为了这些事把我们骂一顿。   Once when I stole a candy bar, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I"d pay for it. But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid.   有一次我偷了一根棒棒糖。爸爸硬是要我送回去,还要我告诉卖糖的人是我偷了糖,并说我愿意帮他拆箱开包作为赔偿。但妈妈却理解我,她知道我只不过是个孩子。   I broke my leg once on the playground swing and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the hospital. Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency room and when they asked him to move it saying the space was reserved for emergency vehicles, He shouted, “What do you think this is? A tour bus?”   再有一次,我在操场荡秋千摔坏了腿,一路抱着我到医院的人是妈妈。爸爸将车正好停在急诊室门口。因为那儿是专供急救车停靠的,医院里的人就叫我爸爸把车开走。爸爸大声吼叫起来:“你以为这是什么车?难道是旅游车吗?”   At my birthday parties, Dad always seemed sort of out of place, He just busied himself blowing up balloons, setting up tables, and running errands, it was Mom who carried the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out.   在我的生日聚会上,爸爸总显得有点不得其所。他不是忙于吹气球,就是摆桌子,或做些跑腿的活儿。将插着蜡烛的生日蛋糕捧进来让我吹灭的人总是妈妈。   When I leaf through picture albums, people always ask, “What does your Dad took like?” “Who knows? He was always fiddling around with the camera taking everyone else"s picture. I must have a zillion pictures of Mom and me smiling together.”   我随便翻阅相册时,别人总会问“你爸爸长什么模样?”这还真说不出。他总是摆弄着相机为别人拍照。我和妈妈在一起微笑的照片一定多得都数不清了。   I remember when Mom told him to teach me how to ride a bicycle. I told him not to let it go, but he said it was time. I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved her off. I was so mad that I showed him, got right back on that bike and rode it myself. He didn"t even feel embarrassed and just smiled.   我还记得有一次妈妈叫爸爸教我骑自行车。我叫他扶着车子别松手,他却说是时候了。我摔了下来,妈妈跑来扶我,他却挥手让妈妈开走。我真是气得发疯,决心非要让他看看我的本事不可。我马上骑上车,竟能一个人骑了。爸爸却一点也不尴尬,只是笑笑。   When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent checks and a little note about how great his lawn looked now that I wasn"t playing football on it.   我上大学了,给我的信总是妈妈写的。爸爸只知道寄钱,顶多附上一张便条,告诉我他的草坪现在修整得多么好,而如今我却不能在上面踢球。   Whenever I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, “I"ll get your mother.”When I got married, it was Mom who cried. He just blew his nose loudly and left the room. All my life he said, “Where are you going? What time are you coming home? No, you cannot go.”   每次我打电话回家,爸爸总像是有话要说,但结果他总是说“我把你妈叫来接”。我结婚的时候,妈妈哭了,爸爸只是大声打着鼻响,离走出了房间。在我一生中,他总是说:“你去哪儿?你什么时候回家?不,你不能去。”   Daddy just didn"t know how to show love, unless…   爸爸就是不知道怎样表达爱,只会这样……   Is it possible he showed it and didn"t recognize it ?   爸爸向我们表达了爱,难道他只是没有意识到吗?




Up in the morning, she found the house a power outage. So no way to use hot water to wash, with a hair dryer blowing hair, you can not hot milk, toast, had to hastily sprucing up and went out.Just walked into the elevator, the neighbor dog suddenly rushed to raise Puzhu, suddenly appeared two black paw prints on children last week bought off-white dress.Police car was stopped, come to think of the limit line today fined 100.To the company, just a minute later, and fined fifty.Burst into the conference room regular meetings, the boss is announce the list of work adjustment. Her business is even reason to pause, her position were an ignorant, you know the opening day of luxury cars, the bulbs replaced by Bo Rae Stallone guy soft mode.Lunch time, everyone clamor for new head dinner, rushing out the door with laughter, no one called her.She went to the restaurant a man, just had a meal into his mouth, an important customer calls.The other party canceled the largest amount of orders at the end of the bonus wasted.She looked at before lunch, no half points appetite.Just back to the company, the phone rang, my mother choked end of the line, said the grandmother"s illness and heavy, and may not survive the month.She comforted her mother, did not dare to mention their job change, only saying that we go back to see grandma as soon as possible.Put down the phone, SMS rang.Actually crush a decade objects message sent: HI, I"m getting married.Dusk, she stood by the roadside waiting for a taxi home, you can hear every driver are refusing to go to the location. Helpless, her high heels, carrying a heavy computer bag, walked to the direction of home.Feet quickly grind Xuepao, really walk, too much pain, she knelt down slowly rubbing his wound.Darkness shrouded moon overhead overlooking her coldly, as if a silent reminder, home or darkness.Her tears welling at the moment.......It seems that our life is full of sorrow.Doing all they will nosedive, unforgettable ending to an abrupt, moths would be wiped out.So we are disappointed, frustrated, confused, struggling, even despair, all this generated a deep sense of mistrust and resistance. Finally feel exhausted, nowhere to go. Go elsewhere, but really it?......She stood up, wiped away tears, shaking continue to move forward.Until the next intersection, a car finally stopped. Reported the address, the driver kindly say a coincidence that we live in the same cell, you go hard to see the little girl, just call it a day, free to send you home.She repeatedly said Xie got the phone rings. Client on the other end said, although the order is canceled, but her professional attitude make him feel moved. I do not know whether she was interested in a new job? If you are willing to jump to his own company, salary doubled up, but also enhance job. He said, in fact, I wait for you to resign have been waiting a long time.She was pleasantly surprised to saying thank you, the mood suddenly up.Then he pulled back to crush a text message, saying I wish you happiness.Phone screen shiny, he sent a reply: Today I had a telephone conversation with the aunt, we go home this weekend to see grandma now.She was surprised to return: Why do you want to accompany me home to see grandma?He sent a smiley face: If not want grandma happy, I will not marry him for so long in advance.She looked disbelief that jargon, mouth fell open, helpless.He knew her mind like, and hair: I know, I love you.Her eyes were red all of a sudden, my mind was roaring fireworks exploded several flower.Ineffectively laugh all the way. Home, took out the key, the neighbor"s door was first opened.Neighbor smiled and said: Today I walk the dog came back to find your home broken gates, called my husband to help you repaired.Behind her, he stuck his head out the puppy, bark or two, happily wagging his tail.She opened the door a room cozy, warm eyes.All the stories will have an answer. They may not have all the answers as originally wished.Importantly, before the arrival of the final answer, whether you endure patiently, keep firm in the beginning of the heart, and so on to get a bright corner.At any time, with the nature, revel. Rejoice, go with the flow.


  由于随着科技和社会的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,当代人把身体健康看得越来越重,对自己的饮食习惯,药物的使用与滥用和急救知识等格外关注。下面是我带来的医学科普 文章 ,欢迎阅读!    医学科普文章英文版1   为什么总是睡不好?十大常见睡眠错误   Most of us have struggled at some point with sleep. Whether itu2019s not getting enough sleepor struggling to get up in the morning, it can be difficult to get the balance just right.   大多数人都遇到过一些睡眠问题。有可能是睡得不够,又或者是早晨起不来,很难达到平衡睡得舒服。   However, sleep is essential if we want to be productive in life. It provides us with theenergy we need to get stuff done!   然而为了保证精力充沛,睡眠是十分必要的。我们需要睡足了才有精力干活!   Here are the 10 most common sleep mistakes people make and a few tips for avoidingthem!   下面列出了常见的十大睡眠错误以及纠正小贴士。   1. The snooze button   闹钟止闹按钮   Donu2019t EVER hit the snoozebutton. It really is much more beneficial to just get up on yourfirst alarm. Think about it u2013 the snooze button gives you an extra 10 minutes or so sleep. Inthe grand scheme of your day this really wonu2019t provide you with any more energy. In-fact itdoes the opposite. Research has shown that u2018interrupted sleepu2019 can cause us to feel moretired.   千万不要按止闹按钮,其实在闹铃一响时就起来对身体更好。想想看,止闹按钮可以让你多睡10分钟或者更长一点时间。但相比于一整天满满的计划,这多睡的10分钟根本无法为你多添几份活力。事实上恰恰相反,研究表明受干扰的睡眠会让人更加疲倦。   2. Disorganized sleeping habits   不规律的睡眠习惯   Itu2019s much easier to get to sleep each night (and wake up feeling refreshed) if we have aregular routine. This means going to bed at roughly the same time each night and getting upat roughly the same time each morning. If youu2019re disorganized with your sleeping routine, youend up interrupting your natural sleeping rhythms, which can cause insomnia and fatigue.   如果每天的作息时间规律,每晚会更加容易入眠(醒来时也会感到神清气爽)。也就是说每晚在相对固定的时间睡觉,每天早上在相对固定的时间起床。如果你睡觉的时间不规律,就会打乱你的生物钟,导致失眠和疲劳感。   3. Long naps   小睡时间过长   Long naps can disrupt your sleeping rhythms so if youu2019re desperate for a nap then keep itunder the 30 minute mark (and before 4pm). Short naps after lunch can help to restore energylevels (just make sure you donu2019t sleep in).   小睡时间过长会打乱人的生物钟,所以如果你真的很想打个盹儿的话,请把时间控制在30分钟以内(而且要在下午四点前睡)。在午餐后小睡一会儿有助于恢复体力(只是不要睡过头了)。   4. Caffeine/stimulants   咖啡因/兴奋剂   Donu2019t drink any caffeinated drinks after mid-day. Caffeine stimulatesyour body for up to 12hours after consumption so itu2019s important to restrict your intake later in the day. Be aware ofsupposed u2018herbalu2019 drinks such as green tea, which can have a high dose of caffeine. Alwayscheck the label.   请不要在中午之后饮用含咖啡因的饮料。咖啡因会持续的影响人体12个小时,所以要控制自己不要在中午以后摄取咖啡因。小心一些“草本”饮料,例如绿茶含有很高的咖啡因。每次喝饮料之前都要看一下成份标签。   5. Stress &negative thinking   压力和消极想法   Stress is a large reason why many people find it difficult to sleep. One of the worse thingsyou can do is be stressed before bed. Stress produces chemicals that physically stop us fromsleeping. Try and clear your mind before bed time and make an effort to think positive thoughtsthat aid sleep.   压力是造成人难以入眠的重要原因。在上床睡觉前带着太大压力就更加糟糕了。压力会使人分泌出某些从生理上阻止睡眠的化学物质。尝试在睡前清空所思所想,努力朝有助于睡眠的积极方面想吧。   6. Too much light   光线太亮   Our bodies depend on u2018sleep signalsu2019 to fall asleep and one of those signals is darkness.Make sure your room is as dark as possible before trying to get to sleep. Even a thin stream oflight coming in through your window can disrupt your pinealglandu2019s production of sleephormones and therefore disturb your sleep rhythms, so make sure your blinds are closed!   我们的身体依靠“睡眠信号”来入睡,其中一个信号就是黑暗。所以在睡觉前要确保房间光线尽可能暗。即便是透过玻璃窗射进来的一小束光线也可能会干扰人的松果体分泌睡眠荷尔蒙,从而干扰睡眠生物钟。因此要保证关上百叶窗!   7. Sugar before bedtime   睡前摄取糖分   Sugary snacks before bedtime are a really bad idea. The sugar can disrupt the chemicals inyour body causing you to wake up during the night. Limit all late night sweet treats u2013 if youu2019rehungry go for a protein based snack instead.   睡前吃含糖的零食真的是个坏主意。糖会破坏人体体内的化学物质,导致人在夜间醒来。因此要控制晚间吃甜食的量,如果你饿了,去吃一些蛋白质为主的零食吧。   8. Alcohol before bedtime   睡前喝酒   Alcohol is a sedativeand therefore people get fooled into thinking it will help them get agood nights sleep. The reality is that it may initially induce sleep, however it usually drasticallyimpairs sleep during the second half of the night which leads to interrupted sleep patterns thatwill leave you feeling fatigued in the morning (not to mention the hangover!)   酒精有镇定作用,因此人们会误以为酒精能帮助睡眠。实际上酒精可能会在一开始促进人睡眠,但是它也常会在后半夜严重影响人的睡眠,打乱人的睡眠模式,让你在早上觉得很疲乏(更不用说还有宿醉了)。   9. TV in the bedroom   卧室里摆放电视   It can be easy to fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Itu2019s important we donu2019t try andreplicatethis strategy in the bedroom though. The bedroom must only be associated withsleep. When you start to introduce mental stimulation such as a TV this can severely disruptyour sleep patterns.   坐在电视机前的沙发上很容易睡着,但重要的是我们不能在卧室里尝试这一 方法 。卧室应当只与睡眠有关,把电视机之类刺激神经的东西放进卧室会严重打乱你的睡眠模式。   10. Worrying about sleep   担心睡眠   If youu2019ve had a few bad nights sleep, then the worst thing you can do is worry too muchabout it. When we place too much focus on sleeping this can cause anxiety and only make theproblem worse. Try to go with the flow and let your body naturally get into a healthy sleeppattern.   当你几天都睡不好后,最糟糕的事情就是你还总是担心自己的睡眠。当我们把注意力过多放在睡眠上时,就会导致焦虑,而焦虑只会让睡眠问题变得更严重。试着顺其自然地让身体进入健康的睡眠模式吧。    医学科普文章英文版2   5个有害健康的常见生活习惯   Everyday health hazard 1: Lying   日常健康危害之1:撒谎   Whether youu2019re complimenting your best friendu2019s unflattering hairdo or “improvising”on thecost of your new designer shoes, we all tell the odd fibfrom time to time. However, accordingto research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think. Lying can generatefeelings of stress which are damaging to your health, and a study by researchers at theUniversity of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told theysuffered from less headaches, sore throats and anxiety.   无论你是在恭维你最好朋友那不讨喜的发型,或临时冲动购物买下最新名牌鞋,在这时候我们通常会撒一些古怪的小谎。但是最新的研究显示,即便是那些无害纯洁的小谎言也会带来意想不到的危害。撒谎会产生压力,而压力会损害你的健康。一项来自圣母大学的研究发现,当人们减少说谎话的次数时,他们就会减少头疼、咽喉疼痛和焦虑的患病次数。   Everyday health hazard 2: Eating at your desk   日常健康危害之2:办公桌上吃饭   If youu2019re having a busy day in work, it can be tempting to skip your lunch break and eat atyour desk. However, missing out on breaks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating whiledistracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat. Furthermore, spending your lunchhour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you toharmful bacteria. According to a study by the University of Arizona, your work station containsnearly 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat, making it a less than ideal place fordining.   如果你工作忙绿,你的午餐休息时间可能没了,就不得不在办公桌上吃午饭。然而错过了休息不仅会让你感到压力紧张,而且心烦意乱的你在这时候吃饭会导致你进食过量。此外,在办公桌上吃饭,你的身体不活动的时间就会增加,还会让你暴露在有害的细菌环境中。亚利桑那大学的研究 报告 显示,办公环境细菌量是马桶座圈平均量的400倍,你还想在这样的地方进餐吗?   Everyday health hazard 3: Housework   日常健康危害之3:家务   Need an excuse to put your feet up? Well, good news: research suggests that leaving thehousework for another day could give your health a boost! Research results published in theJournal of Family Psychology revealed that doing housework when you get home from workprevents levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from lowering and reduces recovery fromstress. However, stress levels for both men and women were lowered by housework beingcompleted u2013 just so long as they werenu2019t the ones doing it. Look after your health by takingturns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take timeout to relax afterwards.   想找个理由不做家务?那有好消息了:研究显示,人们把 家务活 留到第二天做,身体会更棒!《家庭心理学》刊登了这篇研究报告,报告结果显示,当你下班回家后做家务活,皮质醇(压力荷尔蒙)的释放会被抑制。皮质醇能降低压力,还能缩短受压后的恢复时间。但是当家务被完成后,男性和女性的压力水平都会降低——只要做家务的不仅仅只有他或她。可以的话,你可以和家人分担家务,这样能让自己保持健康,还有家务过后记得要抽时间休息啊。   Everyday health hazard 4: Using cash machines   日常健康危害之4:使用自动提款机   Withdrawing money from ATM machines is a common habit for most of us. However,cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets,and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them. Experts assessed swabs fromthe key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they bothcontained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness. To look after your health, usean antibacterialhand gel once you have made your withdrawaland after handling money.   从自动提款机中提起现金是大多数人的日常习惯。然而一项英国的洁净测试显示,提款机和公厕一样脏,而且,大多数人在使用后都不会去洗手。专家们在自动提款机的键盘和附近的公厕中提取了样品,发现两者均含有同样致病菌。为了您的健康,请在提款和处理钱款后使用抗菌洗手液清洗。   Everyday health hazard 5: Cancelling plans   日常健康危害之5:取消计划   Find yourself frequently cancelling plans and bailing out on social events to have a bit oftime to yourself? Then it may be time to pay some attention to your social life. While a bit ofu2018me timeu2019 is essential to good mental and physical health, too much time on your own canactually be bad for you. Research suggests that having strong social bonds promotes brainhealth, reduces feelings of depression and stress and encourages you to look after yourhealth. In fact, a study found that having few friends affects your longevityas much as smoking15 cigarettes a day.   发现自己频繁取消计划,还想摆脱社交活动,只为挤出属于自己的空闲时间?那么现在是时候在自己的社交生活中多多用心。拥有少量属于自己的时间,对于精神和身体方面是非常有益处的,但是太多属于自己的时间,反而有可能会害了你。研究显示,较强的社交联系有益于大脑的健康,同时能避免抑郁、降低压力,还能鼓励自己多关注自身的健康。事实上一项研究发现,没有朋友也会减少你的寿命,效果相当于1天抽15根烟。    医学科普文章英文版3   睡前玩iPad会影响睡眠质量   Using tablet computers like Appleu2019s iPad and Samsungu2019s Galaxy Note just before bed can lead toa poor nightu2019s sleep, according to research.   More and more people are taking their tablets to bed with them to surf the web, checkFacebook or email before switching off the light.   But researchers are warning that the blueish light their screens emit can stop users getting agood nightu2019s sleep.   That is because this type of light mimics daylight, convincing the brain that it is still daytime.   Blue light suppresses production of a brain chemical called melatonin, which helps us fall sleep.This is because our brains have evolved to be wakeful during daylight hours.   By contrast, light which is more orange or red in tone does not suppress melatoninproduction, perhaps because our brains recognize it as a cue that the day is ending.   Neurologists have known for years that staring at screens late in the evening can disrupt sleep- be they television screens, computer screens or mobile phone screens.   However, because mobiles and tablets are by nature portable - not to say addictive - morepeople are taking them into the bedroom.   Users also tend to hold them much closer to their eyes than a computer or television screen.   Researchers at the Lighting Research Centre, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NewYork, are warning that looking at tablet displays for more than two hours “leads to asuppression of our natural melatonin levels as the devices emit optical radiation at shortwavelengths” - in other words, they emit bluer light.   They say: “Although turning off devices at night is the ultimate solution, it is recommendedthat if these devices are used at night displays are dimmed as much as possible and that thetime spent on them before bed should be limited.”   They drew their conclusions after measuring melatonin levels in 13 volunteers, after they hadspent time viewing iPads at full brightness at a distance of 10 inches, for two hours.   Melatonin levels were significantly lower after they had done this, than they were after thevolunteers had viewed their iPads for the same time, but while wearing orange glass goggles,which cut out the blue light.   They wrote in the journal Applied Ergonomics that tablet makers could "tune the spectral powerdistribution of self-luminous devices" so that they disrupted the sleep patterns of users less.   It is not just a good nightu2019s sleep that could be jeopardized by too much late night screentime.   Researchers know that persistent disruption to sleep patterns can lead to an increased risk ofobesity, and even breast cancer.   However, these studies tend to be comparisons of those with chronic sleep disruption, suchas long term shift workers, with those who have normal sleep patterns.


(*为通讯作者)1. Gao, P., Chak-Lui Wong, C., Kwok-Kwan Tung, E., Man-Fong Lee, J., Wong, C-M., Oi-Lin Ng, I*. Deregulation of microRNA expression occurs early and accumulates in early stages of HBV-associated multistep hepatocarcinogenesis, Journal of Hepatology 2011;54(6):1177-84.(SCI收录,IF=9.35)2. Gao, P*,Wei JM, Li PY, Zhang CJ, Jian WC, Zhang YH, Xing AY, Zhou GY*.Screening of deoxyribozyme with high reversal efficiency against multidrug resistance in breast carcinoma cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2011;15(10):2130-8.(SCI收录,IF=5.22)3. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Zhang QH, Su ZX, Zhang TG, Xiang L, Wang Y, Zhang SL, Mu K. Lymphangiogenesis in gastric carcinoma correlates with prognosis. Journal of pathology, 2009;218(2):192-200. (SCI收录,IF=7.42)4. Gao P*, Yang X, Xue YW, Zhang XF, Wang Y, Liu WJ, Wu XJ. Promoter methylation of glutathione S-transferase pi1 and multidrug resistance gene 1 in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and its correlation with DNA methyltransferase 1 expression. Cancer, 2009 115(14):3222-32. (SCI收录,IF=5.43)5. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Yin G, Liu Y, Liu ZY, Zhang J, Hao CY. Lymphatic Vessel density as a prognostic indicator for patients with stage I cervical carcinoma. Human Pathology, 2006;37(6):719-725. (SCI收录,IF=3.03)6. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Guo LL, Zhang QH, Zhen JH, Fang AJ, Lin XY. Reversal of drug resistance in breast carcinoma cells by anti-mdr1 ribozyme regulated by the tumor-specific MUC-1 promoter. Cancer Letters. 2007;256(1):81-9. (SCI收录,IF=4.86)7. Gao P*, Zhou GY*, Zhang QH, Xiang L, Zhang SL, Li C, Sun YL. Clinicopathological significance of peritumoral lymphatic vessel density in gastric carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 2008 18;263(2):223-30. (SCI收录,IF=4.86)8. Gao P*, Zhou GY*, Lei DP, Zhang XF, Li L, Xu JW, Lin XY. Selection of antisense oligonucleotides for reversal of multidrug resistance in breast carcinoma cells. Cytotherapy. 2007;9(8) 795-801. (SCI收录,IF=3.47)9. Gao P, Zhou GY*, Zhang QH, Li H, Mu K, Yuan YP, Zhang J, Wang BH. Reversal MDR in breast carcinoma cells by ribozyme designed according the secondary structure of mdr1 mRNA. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 2006;49(2) :96-103. (SCI收录,IF=0.68)10. Guo L L, Gao P* (通讯作者), Wu YG, Jian WC, Hao CY, Li H, Lin XY. Alteration of Cyclin D1 in Chinese Patients with Breast Carcinoma and its Correlation with Ki-67, pRb, and p53. Archives of Medical Research, 2007;38(8):846-52. (SCI收录,IF=1.98)11. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Liu Y, Li JS, Zhen JH, Yuan YP. Alteration of cyclin D1 in gastric carcinoma and its clinicopathologic significance. World Journal of Gastroenterology,2004,10(20)2936-2939.( IF=2.02)12. Gao P*, Yang X, Zhao H. Reply to Promoter methylation of glutathione S-transferase pi1 and multidrug resistance gene 1 in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and its correlation with DNA methyltransferase 1 expression. Cancer. 2010 Apr 1;116(7):1839.(author reply, SCI收录,IF=5.43)13. Gao P*, Ai-Yan Xing, Geng-Yin Zhou, Ting-Guo Zhang, Chao Gao. The molecular mechanism of microRNA-145 to suppress invasion-metastasis cascade in gastric cancer. Oncogene.2011. Accepted. (SCI收录,IF=7.46)14. Ai-Yan Xing, Xiao-Fang Zhang, Xiu-Quan He, Bin Wang , Wen-Jun Liu, Chao Gao, Duan-Bo Shi, Gao P* (通讯作者). miR-145 is underexpressed in manifold human cancers and might serve as a tumor suppressor. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011.Accepted. (SCI收录,IF=4.19)15. 高鹏, 周庚寅,张庆慧等。乳腺癌组织中多形上皮粘蛋白1表达与肿瘤侵袭力的研究。中华医学杂志,2005;85(6):381-384。16. 高鹏,周庚寅等。转染抗mdr-1核酶基因逆转肿瘤细胞耐药性的研究,中华病理学杂志,2004,33(3):251-254.17. 高鹏,周庚寅等。负向调节多药耐药基因1转录逆转肿瘤细胞多药耐药。中华病理学杂志,2003;32(6):563-566。18. 高鹏,周庚寅等.硫化型反义寡核苷酸逆转乳腺癌多药耐药的研究。中华实验外科杂志,2004,21(2),79-80.19. 高鹏,周庚寅等。乳腺癌C-erbB2改变与内分泌治疗敏感性及预后的关系。中国普通外科杂志,2003,10:735-738。20. Gao P, Zhou Geng Yin, Wu Ya Guang, et al. Expression of cyclin D1 protein in breast tumors and its relationship with genetic alteration. 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用英语讲fresh start这篇文章的主要内容

This article mainly describlethe writer"s college life for the first year.


Procrastination, or being late about something that needs to be done, is a problem for many people.If someone could solve the problem, we"d already be a much more successful society. That"s why 18-year-old Ryan Orbuch and Michael Hansen developed their own "task management app" called "Finish".Ryan and his business partner, Michael, met in the seventh grade. At that time, both of them liked taking computer classes and dreamed of making an app when they grew older. And a few years later, they made up their mind to create one by themselves."It all started when we noticed that many of our friends were feeling really stressed and struggling with all the homework they had to do and procrastinating everything,” said Ryan. “So we decided to create a task management app by ourselves.” Thus, "Finish" was born. Known as "an app for procrastinators", "Finish" is useful for those who have a problem "Finishing" their work on time. The app alerts you when you need to "Finish" tasks. It also gives you coupons for completing tasks on time. Many students and white collars have benefited a lot from using the app.Are you a victim of procrastination? Why not try to use the amazing app? It may help you "Finish" work on time!拖沓,或者把要做的事拖著以至耽误了期限,很多人都有同样的问题。如果有人能解决这个问题,我们的社会就早已更加成功。这就是为什么18岁的瑞恩奥布奇(Ryan Orbuch)和迈克尔汉森(Michael Hansen)研发了自己的“任务管理应用程序”称为“完成”。瑞恩和他的生意伙伴迈克尔在七年级时已相识。当时,他们都喜爱上计算机课,和梦想当他们长大时做一个应用程序。几年之后,他们决定自己研发一个。「一开始时,我们注意到许多朋友做作业爱拖沓,限期将至,就为此感到焦虑和挣扎」,瑞安说,「所以我们决定创建自己的任务管理应用程序」,因此,「完成」就诞生。称之为「爱拖沓者的应用程序」,「完成」对要在限期内准时完成任务有困难的人相当有用。这应用程序到时会提醒要“完成”任务,假如你能如期完成任务,它会发给你优惠券。很多学生和白领已从使用这应用程序中受惠良多。你饱受拖沓之害吗?为什么不试用一下这神奇的应用程序?也许它能帮助你准时“完成”工作!


The three gorges project, is China"s Yangtze river upstream of the construction of water conservancy projects for large projects. China"s water is a milestone of the career, there is no doubt that it to the Chinese people has brought great benefits. But on the other hand it also has a lot of disadvantages.The three gorges reservoir normal storage level of 175 meters, flood control capacity of 22.15 billion cubic meters. The lower jingjiang river flood control to provide effective protection for the middle and lower Yangtze river region also has great flood control function, is our country in the history of flood control important project. On the other hand, the three gorges hydropower plant installed total capacity of 18.2 million kW, with an annual capacity of 84.7 billion kW · h. To a large extent ease China"s electricity nervous, and sell electricity every year income of 18.1 billion ~ 21.9 billion yuan, in addition to repay the loan principal and interest can be outside, still can pay a lot to the state income tax. Finally, along with the country"s high-speed economic development, the country needs to shipping too more and more big, the three gorges project is located in the upper reaches of Yangtze river, and the boundary of the middle, its unique geographic position, meet the upper reaches of the Yangtze river shipping career prospect development needs.But on the other hand, the establishment of the three gorges project shows that many of the industry disadvantages, such as immigration, the establishment of the three gorges project, must make millions of people away, two Chinese people for his hometown and strong feelings, so a lot of people are not willing to leave their life place. And the three gorges project is the largest of the malpractice is the ecological influence on agriculture and and destruction, the establishment of the three gorges project, more than ten thousand square meters of the fertile farmland will mergence underwater, land resources is serious loss. In addition the Yangtze river is a unique Chinese one thousand kinds of rare fish"s major habitat, due to the establishment of the three gorges,, are likely to kind of fish, quantity influence, some fish species is possible because can"t adapt to the new environment and Numbers to drop quickly.In short, the three gorges project is a to the national people"s interests and big engineering, we enjoy it brought to us interests, but more to try to eliminate its drawbacks.




在远方同为你拜年(答时还是31号)那是要交作文的前一天晚上。我在看题目列表的时候,“吃意大利面的艺术”一题引起了我的注意。“意大利面”一次唤起了我的记忆 ---- 在BELLEVILLE镇ALIEN舅舅家里的那傍晚。当时我们全部都围坐在桌子旁,姑姑端上了意大利面晚餐。在那个年代,意大利面是算“洋货”,挺稀奇的。我从来没吃过意大利面,而且在场的大人也没有足够关于怎么吃的经验。 我们有了一个很滑稽的关于怎么是正确地把意大利面从碟子送到口里的争吵。突然,我想就写那件事,但是我想暂时不写,来重温一下当时的快乐。我想我不为我的作文老师Mr.Fleagie写这件事了,我另选题材。我写完的时候这夜晚已经过半了,我也没有时间来写一个正规的作文给Mr.Fleagie。 第二天早上我别无选择地交上我的作品。两天之后Mr.Fleagie发回了批改过的文章。他说:“好了同学们,我想读一篇文章给你们听,叫《吃意大利面的艺术》”我靠!他在读我写的文章给全班听!有人大声笑了,之后全班都前仆后仰地笑。我尽量地压制我的欣喜,但是我当时感受到的是纯快乐,因为我的作品可以让人欢喜。

The power of your actions这篇文章翻译?

行动的力量The Power of Your ActionsGraduation day arrived — I saw Kyle and he looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him!Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you" ll be great!"He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said. As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach... but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."I stared at my friend in disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn" t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person" s life. For better or for worse. God puts us all in each other" s lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others."Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."There is no beginning or end... Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.


Closing argument: we must insist on the spirit of the Foolish Old Man. Yu Gong spiritual sense, is precisely the spirit of the Chinese nation: persevere! Persevere! Later the responsibility of this attachment is also a matter of fact, the minimum life of a self-responsibility and social responsibility. He is very clear what they are doing, do they do it! Range of practical ability to do their own thing to do. Why are not the same old man around to give lectures Confucius? Why do not you like the water"s edge fishing Jiang Taigong? Why do not you like Wei Qing, Huo as the Northern Expedition Hun? Why are not like the bloody battle of Yue Fei and defend the motherland? Foolish Old Man is a old man. He was very clear about what kind of a position in, what kind of station post. He just wanted to actually do for the family as the descendants of little things, and not shirk responsibility to choose the move, and then become another piece of land on other people"s burden. I just want to live with the most close to our examples to illustrate this spirit, this dedication, this responsibility is essential to our humanity. Our parents is the old man around us, for our growth and development, black hair become white hair! Our teacher is the old man around us, in order to test out the outstanding achievements of students worked hard; our Olympic champion is the old man around us, in order to fly the flag of the People"s Republic in the Olympic Games every court challenge to limit them; our scientists our frontier guards, and even gave us food and clothing for farmers and shop workers, are the old man in our lives, to advance with the times, to peace and prosperity, to live in peace ... ... In fact, everyone of us here are living The Foolish Old Man, in the face of the mountain of knowledge accumulated bit by bit with their lives, and ultimately complete the "quantity" to "quality" of the leap! Our country and our nation that we are all descendants of each of the Foolish Old Man, after the elimination of the three big mountains of the shoulder, and immediately put that spirit into the kind of dedication in building our beautiful home in! Reclamation of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, again targeting the Western Development ... ... What is the spirit of constantly maintaining the social development and progress? What is the responsibility of maintaining peace and humanity together? We think that is the old man-like spirit, the responsibility of the Foolish Old Man style! Cling to your faith, dedicated to their responsibilities, clinging to their posts, down to earth to do their job to do! We are the Foolish Old Man of communist society, we firmly believe that, after a child again with Sun, Sun and have children of generations of common commitment and effort, remove the time the mountain, communism will be in the bright sun open to us under the chest!


what is one plus one ?这个绝对新颖,有趣,也能悟!





关于食物的英语小文章 急用

Food is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal for nutrition or pleasure. Items considered food may be derived from plants, animals or other categories such as fungus or fermented products like alcohol. Although many human cultures sought food items through hunting and gathering, today most cultures use farming, ranching, and fishing, with hunting, foraging and other methods of a local nature included but playing a minor role. Most traditions have a recognizable cuisine, a specific set of cooking traditions, preferences, and practices, the study of which is known as gastronomy. Many cultures have diversified their foods by means of preparation, cooking methods and manufacturing. This also includes a complex food trade which helps the cultures to economically survive by-way-of food, not just by consumption. Many cultures study the dietary analysis of food habits. While humans are omnivores, religion and social constructs such as morality often affect which foods they will consume. Food safety is also a concern with foodborne illness claiming many lives each year. In many languages, food is often used metaphorically or figuratively, as in "food for thought"!

开头是lisa,are you ok? 文章的翻译

曼蒂:丽莎,你还好吗?丽莎:我头痛并且无法挪动我的脖子。我该怎么做?我应该测量我的体温吗?曼蒂:没有,听起来不像你发烧了。你在周末做了什么?莉莎:我整个周末玩电脑游戏。曼蒂:这可能是为什么会这样了。你需要休息远离电脑。  丽莎:是的,我认为我坐的太久并没有动。曼蒂:我认为你应该躺下来休息。如果你的头和脖子还疼明天再去看医生。,丽莎给分啊

请求帮忙翻译一段文章 翻译成英文 谢谢



本人脑子不好使 路过好了


The lighter drive 更轻便的驾驶理念Electric cars made from carbon fibre will be safer and go farther 电瓶汽车+碳纤维材料=安全,耐用They look safe in thereMARK WEBBER has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for. When his Formula 1 car cartwheeled in a spectacular 306kph (190mph) crash at the recent Valencia Grand Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre “tub” that racing drivers now sit in. Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being extremely strong it is also very light. It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey mountain bikes. But if work by Germany"s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to mass-produce electric cars.6月,F1瓦伦西亚大奖赛发生了惊人一幕:以每小时306公里(190英里)行驶在赛道上的马克61韦伯发生了严重的翻车事故。奇迹的是,韦伯本人毫发无 伤。奥妙之处就在于当下流行于F1的——碳纤维底座。虽然与铁,铝相比,它的造价较高,但是抗压及轻便性都远远好于铁和铝。目前,炭纤维材料还大多使用在 高精度领域,如飞机机翼,F1赛车,或是私人山地车等。不过这一传统观念可能会被宝马公司打破,一旦试验成功,那么碳纤维就可以率先广泛应用在电动汽车领 域。The Bavarian carmaker plans to launch a new plug-in electric car in 2013. It will be one of the first designed from scratch to use an electric motor rather than being converted from an existing model. Reducing the weight of this four-seater car, known as the Megacity concept, will be crucial to improving its performance and range. So BMW is planning to use no steel at all. The Megacity will be built as two modules: an aluminium chassis will contain the electric drive-system and battery, and a body made almost entirely of carbon fibre will be fitted onto it. 德国汽车制造商正计划将在2013年推出一款电瓶可拆卸式环保车。这并不是从现有车型改装而来,而是设计师卧薪尝胆的一次全新尝试。更轻便的4人坐驾,完 全符合现代城市环保理念,这款“无铁”车型的设计,彰显出了它的与众不同与理念上的更新换代。但是这样一个设想目前还处在起步阶段,或许成功的那天,汽车 铝制底盘上充电驾驶装置与设备,及全身碳纤维的设计工艺,能够更好的诠释大城市的环保概念。Carbon fibre is 30% lighter than aluminium and 50% lighter than steel. The fibres are extremely tear-resistant. When woven into a lattice structure and impregnated with resin they can produce a part that is stronger than steel. The trouble is the process is labour-intensive and slow, not least because components may have to be cured for hours under pressure in massive ovens called autoclaves. For carmakers, used to stamping out steel body-parts in a few seconds, this has ruled out carbon fibre for high-volume production. BMW, however, aims to change that.碳纤维比铝轻便30%,是铁的50%。同时,由于纤维具有极强的抗断裂性,再融入树脂形成晶体结构后,那么它的强度就要超过铁。但是这道工序属于劳动密集 型,效率相对较低,以前车用铁制品的切割仅需要几秒钟时间就能完成,而现在则需要在高压炉内高温锻造几个小时,因此,大量生产碳纤维的可能性不高。不过, 宝马公司目前也正在试图改变这一情况。Its production line starts with a so-called precursor: a fibre spun from a polymer. This is carbonised by heating it in multiple stages to leave individual carbon fibres just seven microns (0.007 millimetres) thick. Around 50,000 of these fibres are bundled together into a yarn which is then made into a fabric. This can be cut and handled like a textile. Strips of fabric are then overlaid to align their fibres in such a way to maximise their load-bearing characteristics as required—in effect tailoring components like a bespoke suit. 现在,宝马生产线守开先河,将聚合体加工成纤维状,这个碳化过程需要在高温下进行几道工序,最后产生的碳纤维厚度只有7微米(0.007毫米)。然后,大 概将5000根这样的纤维拧成一股就成了纤维织物,再将这样的纤维根据它的陌生能力将它切割成最合适的尺寸,实际上,这个步骤与量体裁衣有异曲同工之妙。Along come the robots 自动机将助一臂之力BMW uses molds, heat and pressure to produce contours in the fabric. Resin is then injected into the molds to bond the fibres together. How the resin flows through the fibres is crucial; it has to be done quickly and leave no area untreated before it starts to cure. A release agent in the resin migrates to the surface to prevent the component sticking in the mold. The whole process, which can be handled by robots, is completed in minutes.然后,再利用模具与高温将纤维织物打造成型。首先,将树脂注入模具粘合纤维,这里有两个细节非常关键,一是动作要快不能拖泥带水,二是在没有粘合之前确保 模具内的树脂流向均匀。树脂中混有的隔离剂此时发挥功效,避免了纤维与模具发生粘连。整道工序,在自动仪器的协助下,仅需几分钟便可完成。The resulting carbon-fibre parts are bonded together to construct the body of the car. Besides their lightness, BMW"s experimental vehicles have exceeded expectations in crash tests, says the company. During front- and rear-impact-tests the aluminium chassis crumples to absorb energy, but leaves the rigid carbon-fibre passenger compartment intact. Even extreme side-impacts protected the crash dummies and the battery (automatically switched off when the airbags trigger). In many cases crash damage is reparable by cutting out broken sections of carbon fibre and bonding in new ones. 此时的碳纤维就可以应用于汽车制造。宝马公司声称:除了超轻便的特性之外,碳纤维的抗挤压能力也令人惊叹。在对车头车尾抗冲击测试中发现,一方面是铝制底 盘受到挤压而变形,缓冲了部分能量,而坚硬的碳纤维能够保证车身安然无恙。即使是侧面来的强力冲击,也能够有效保护车厢内假人模型及电瓶毫发无伤(当然, 气囊装置启动电瓶能够自动断电)。即便是车身有所受损,也不用担心,切割掉受损部分再粘合上新部件,完全可以让车体恢复原状。At some point, however, carbon-fibre cars will be scrapped. Steel and aluminium is easy to recycle, but carbon fibre is tricky. Carmakers are working with aerospace firms on ways to do it. BMW has pioneered a process to reuse offcuts by breaking them up with heat to turn them back into raw material. This can be used to make composites with about half the strength of new carbon fibre.铝的回收再利用技术已经非常成熟,但是从某角度来说,碳纤维这方面的技术还有待研究。目前,制造商正和宇宙空间机构合作,试图填补这一空白。眼下,处理碳 纤维“边脚料”最先进的方法还是来自宝马公司,他们通过高温分解,能够使之退回成未加工状态。通过此种方法生产出的复合材料也具有碳纤维一半的硬度。Another advantage of a carbon-fibre body is that it will not corrode. So, apart from the battery wearing out in ten years or so, electric cars could last for decades (electric motors need little servicing). This will make it even harder for car designers to persuade those driving electrically to trade in their rustless, tough-as-old-boots vehicles for a new model.碳纤维的另一优势在于不易腐蚀,如果不考虑电瓶10年左右的使用寿命,这种碳纤维电瓶汽车可以使用长达几十年(当然马达还是需要检修的)。与结实耐穿的靴 子让人不忍丢弃一样,当设计理念再有突飞猛进的发展时,如何让使用者放弃碳纤维电瓶汽车,设计者可要好好动一番脑筋喽。英文附带汉语拼音,希望对你有所帮助。






一种惊人的飞速发展电视如今已遍布世界, 全世界有超过十亿台电视机,其中一半是彩电. 电视不再是奢侈品了.电视的这种广泛的传播,电影是没有经历过的,戏剧就更别提了.其原因很简单. 电视将信息和娱乐带进了千家万户. 它让你足不出户就可以欣赏节目, 你舒服的坐在饭厅的沙发上,甚至躺在床上,几乎一分钱都不用花.当然,在购买电视的时候是要花比钱的 - 如果是分期付款的话,每月还要继续付钱 - 但是没人考虑这些. 电视飞速发展的另一个原因可能是它以简单通俗的图像语言面向所有的人. 它适应当今中等智力,中等文化,中等感知能力的人群: 不管是男人还是女人,孩子还是大人,文盲还是学者,都能在电视里找到令他们非常感兴趣的信息,因为电视能做到让每个人都看得懂.电视节目多种多样,从专题节目到文化节目,从故事片到纪录片,应有尽有,能满足一切口味.一种新的生活方式毫不夸张的说,电视已经深深的改变了我们的生活方式. 我们的家庭习惯,休息和睡觉的时间,晚上出行的安排,这些通通和电视节目的时间有关. 那些电视上播放人们普遍很感兴趣的节目的日子,城市的街道上几乎空空如也, 电影院和剧院也几乎都是空的. 晚饭后,人们(又)习惯性的呆在家里. 大人们需要吵着架才能让孩子们去睡觉,因为小孩们也想看电视节目.这些就是电视带给我们生活方式的第一点变化. 然而, 还有其他一些更深入更重要的变化.例如,在所有国家里,即使是最发达的国家,都有一些人住在偏僻的乡村或山上,这些地方与城市完全隔绝.这些人对剧院和电影院几乎一无所知. 报纸总是迟迟到达,或者根本就卖不到那里.在这些落后地区,在有电视之前,居民们一直过着脱离现代社会的生活. 他们接触不到日常新闻,对所有的科学,技术,文化,人文进步都一无所知.现如今,牧羊人,农民,灯塔的看管人,住在山间小屋的山里人都了解我们生活的这个世界了: 他们游历各个国家,参观意想不到的景点,看见了他们也许根本不可能去的地方. 一个普遍现象从几年前开始,电视从曾经的国家的变成了国际的,世界的,宇宙的. 一步步的,人们将Telstar型人造通讯卫星送入了固定轨道,它在不同的大洲之间接收和传播电视节目. 人们的最终目标是发送足够多的卫星用以覆盖整个地球的表面. 如今, 同一个电视节目可以同时在欧洲,美洲或世界各个角落收看到.电视,可能会让我们经历我们这个时代最大的变革.



急求英语高手 哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面文章,要手动翻译的 拿翻译软件糊弄的人的请别来了 再此感谢 谢谢

First, the English slang in the translation, euphemism euphemism in slang proportion is bigger. Euphemism, often is the life of people contacts, embarrassment, is unable or easily hurt the feelings of the situation, people avoid direct touch, but a gentle, gentle and image, the words to express their views and opinions and feelings. This expression is often in Chinese, English, and sometimes in the same semantic is identical or similar expression. Therefore in english-chinese translation, can be equally translation.Second, the English slang in the translation of the spell on gamblingIn both Chinese and English languages, all useful, swear, curse qi shi to emphasize, monk evil, resentment, hope and other emotional words. But, it is worth noting, swear words have meanings, more often than not, the literal meaning. Therefore, when translation should adopt the way of translation. In the process of translation, which will retain its original meaning, also very according to different cultural backgrounds and foreign language translation, the adjustment, which conforms to the native people"s habits. From the following examples, can the translation of the original slang.Third, the English translation of the saying of coarse slangSo-called coarse proverb is generally refers to the human ear, insulting, it"s rude words of the literal meaning and practical than that. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to express their dissatisfaction, worry, anger, surprise and contempt and intense emotion. Protests, etc. Therefore, the translation of this kind words should be especially careful and cautious.呵呵O(∩_∩)O~我哥帮我翻译的。




The article below was tracked down on the Internet. I copied and pasted it here for your reference only. Why Do People Get Nervous?There is certainly nothing to get nervous about if you have not done anything worthy of being nervous. Nervous is synonymous to apprehensive, distressed, disturbed or just plain concerned. A person gets nervous because of a trigger. The trigger could be something that the concerned person knows will make them hurt, embarrassed or uncomfortable. A popular example is getting nervous about speaking in front of an audience. Even if you search about being nervous on the internet, it will most likely show you are searching related to getting nervous about making a speech. The trigger is stress. The solution u2013 theoretically u2013 is to relax for the nervousness to fade enough to enable the afflicted person to do the task. For a huge percentage of people, this really takes the top of the list of things that get people nervous. It is OK to get nervous as long as one does not get too nervous so you get paralyzed by it.Being nervous is not that bad. It is perfectly normal for a person to get nervous, especially if they can perceive a threat to oneu2019s person. It is an instinct that helps keep us from harm. why do people get nervous when there is no a visible or perceived danger? Being nervous happens in the mind. If a person cannot feel at ease and perceives stressors there where there are none, this may mean there is a problem with the personu2019s mind. Nervous disorders may be a sign that the person needs to receive treatment or medication because no amount of logic or reasoning can make the nervousness go away. People get nervous during exam time too. This is true at any age. People get nervous when being interviewed. The anxiety is the same as being tested. Not knowing the answer makes it nerve wracking; add that to the tension of not being sure if you will get a good score.People do lots of things to make them feel calm. They drink water, hum, chew gum, jog or say a mantra. Some people pray, eat, listen to music or go to the bathroom. Feeling nervous is disruptive when you cannot get it under control so it is important that you recognize what makes you nervous. Sometimes putting off an important but unpleasant task makes one nervous too. The best solution for this is taking the action you are nervous about. Doing something for the first time also makes one nervous. As the famous ad says u2013 just do it. Meeting new people will make you less nervous when you remember that they are probably just as nervous as you are. Being nervous is not something you need to worry about. Believe it or not, other people are also wondering why people do get nervous?




Closure to 某篇文章什么意思

结束的意思closure to 以。。。停止辩论 closure [英][_kl____(r)][美][_klo___(r)] n.(永久的)停业,关闭; 结束; [电]闭合; [数]闭包; vt.使结束,使终止; 使停止辩论; 第三人称单数:closures过去分词:closured复数:closures现在进行时:closuring过去式:closured


sci文章支撑材料在Supporting Information里面。用于SCI期刊发表的Supporting Information的定义通常是实验细节或其他数据,由于篇幅限制而不能包含在主要文章中,或者是对主要论文中提供的必要信息的“补充”。也可以将其定义为作者认为可能与读者相关但并非必须包含在主要论文中的其他详细信息或数据。



文章 中翻英 高手进



翻译就算了,你自己搞下吧A great deal of truth to the proof, wetland degradation is one of the important reasons caused sandstorm stretches 81.3 kilometers, the country"s second largest inland in heihe, Inner Mongolia and gansu provinces in the downstream of large formed the lake wetland and marsh wetland, river formed a ribbon of p. euphratica and willow thickets wetlands. These wetlands are important ecological barrier to adjust regional climate, and has very important for windbreak and sand-fixation role. In the 1950s, west JuYanHai area is about to JuYanHai 267 square kilometers, east area approximately 35 square kilometers. In China"s western region the Euphrates poplar forests with the largest area of death, ecological environment has deteriorated, become one of the cradles of the sandstorm. Be like again, flowing through the tarim river in xinjiang, China"s central first, the world"s second-largest 1321 kilometers inland, the span, the 4th century LuoBuBo rear wing lakes in the water when still have about 2 million square kilometers, the beginning of the 20th century the water and more than 1,000 square kilometers. Ethnics-people of the tarim river area in 1958, the tarim river basin has the Euphrates poplar forests 7.8 million acres, now have been reduced to 420 million acres. With the Euphrates poplar forests of factors, desertification area of tarim river basin from 66 percent rise to 84%, causing the taklamakan desert LuoBuBo completely in the birthplace of dried up, and become sandstorm. In the northern sichuan province, and"70s zoige grassland load for improving the utilization ratio and pasture flocks, located in some places in zoige plateau swamp wetland open ditch water, causing the ground water levels fall, soil harden sclerosis and quickly to desertification transition. Located in the arid and semi-arid area wetland ecosystem, formation and development speed is slow, ecological status was very fragile, once the destruction, it is difficult to recover. After long-term natural succession in rainfall, runoff wetland, wind and other natural power and, under the action of many tiny dust deposited, has become a huge ShaYuanDe. As is known to all, wetland has not only the rich resources, there is a huge environment regulating function and ecological benefits. Various types of wetland in protecting biodiversity, maintain freshwater resources, adjusting the climate, desertification, such as the degradation of pollutants play a huge ecological functions. In China"s western region numerous rivers, lakes and swamps, give full play to the protection of water resources, improving the wetland regional climate, prevention of soil erosion and resist the important role of the sandstorm, etc. Therefore, desertification, improve the western regional ecosystem wetland protection, must work shall be treated as important.


A sandstorm is exactly what it sounds like; a very strong windstorm, especially in the desert, that carries clouds of sand or dust, and greatly reduces visibility. These are also known as dust storms. This wind is usually caused by convection currents (which are created by intense heating of the ground), and is usually strong enough to move entire sand dunes. Air is unstable when heated, and this instability in the air will cause the mixture of higher winds in the troposphere with winds in the lower atmosphere, producing strong surface winds. Sandstorms can interfere with travel, and sometimes obliterates entire roads, and dry, flat regions, such as parts of the western United Sates. They can be seen as solid walls of sand that are up to 5,000ft high. Similar dust storms from windborne particles can be found on the planet Mars, and are thought to be seasonal


近年来, 沙尘暴更加频繁地发生着,北京由沙尘暴攻击了。这, 对某一程度, 与频繁有关拼写异常的天气和全球性高潮变动过去世纪。但是, 增强的沙尘暴威胁有与土地沙漠化的某些连接。 沙尘暴是导致毁灭的灾害的一种自然现象。沙尘暴由猛烈的风造成吹在宽松土壤或沙子, 和非常整理材料, 可见性被减少。它可能使人丢失他们的视觉。它可能埋没农田和带来巨大失去给农夫。它可能损坏运输系统和 交通。最重要, 它损坏人们的健康。


Cars in America(美国的汽车)Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United States. The car made the UnitedStatesanationon wheels.Andit helped to make the United States what it is today.There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States. First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation.The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don"t like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don"t like to have to follow an exact timetable.And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to have.The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.美国的汽车汽车是美国生活的重要组成部分。汽车使得美国成为轮子上的国家,它也帮助美国成为现在的样子。汽车在美国如此盛行有三个主要原因。首先这个国家地域辽阔,而美国人喜欢在其间来回走动。汽车提供了最舒适最便宜的交通方式。汽车如此盛行的第二个原因是美国从未真正发展过有效廉价的公共交通这一事实。美国的长途火车从未像世界上其它地方那么普及。如今飞机提供了空中服务的良好体系。但是飞机太贵了,不能频繁使用。而第三个原因是最为重要的。美国人的独立精神是使得汽车盛行的真正原因。美国人不喜欢等公共汽车、火车甚至飞机。他们不喜欢必须遵循精确的时间表。汽车给予他们的自由正是美国人最想得到的。汽油供给的减少已经给美国人带来了巨大的问题。但答案不是发展更大型的公交体系。真正的解决方式必须是一种新型的汽车,那种不需要使用很多燃料的汽车。Car PollutionEach year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are produced. One out of six Americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up gas. Americans couldn"t live without cars!Most Americans would find it hard to imagine life without a car. However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars. The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.One way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without pollution. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field is slow.Another way is to replace car engines with something else. Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars. Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for us.To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our lives. Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars.They are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air clean.But this change does not come easily. A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses down. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment. Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.汽车污染上路的汽车数量逐年增长,同时,每年都会生产出几百万辆新车。在美国,每六个人中就有一个从事与汽车相关的工作:造车、开车、修路、加油等等。离开汽车,美国人无法生活!大部分美国人简直无法想象没有车的生活会是什么样子。但是一些人也已经意识到汽车造成的空气污染已成为严重的问题。被污染的空气具有毒性,并且危害健康。解决空气污染的方法之一就是制造无污染汽车。但是生产清洁汽车说来容易做来难。目前,这一领域的进展十分缓慢。另一个方法就是使用其他东西替代汽车发动机。发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电车。但是许多厂家认为我们可以使用的实用型汽车的诞生可能还需要几年时间。要想阻止全球化的汽车污染,我们需要对自己的生活方式做出适当的改变。例如,在美国,需要缩减汽车总量。鼓励人们使用有助空气清洁的自行车。但这种改变不能一蹴而就。一旦汽车工厂关闭,就会有大量工人失去工作。与失业相比,空气污染似乎就不再那么重要了。尽管汽车为我们带来了更加舒适的生活,同时,它也带来了新的问题。




追求 乘坐火车,两个朋友抵达柏林在以后的1992年10月,与事件直接向地址周恩来。这名男子将接受他们的同胞,或将他对待他们的冷战的怀疑和谨慎的问题,他们对过去的职业作为军国主义?楚的rememgered他的年龄。他是36 ,他的青年通过了像尖叫鹰,让他老和失望。 当周恩来的门开了,他们看到细长的人超过平均身高与闪闪发光的眼睛和脸,以惊人的,它毗邻美丽。然而,这是男人味的脸,认真和智能化,储判断他是在他的中东20 。 周是一个安静的和深思熟虑的人,甚至有点害羞,他欢迎他来访,敦促他们坐下,并告诉他如何dould帮助他们。 无视椅子给他,楚在此之前,站在正视青年超过十年,并在他的初中水平的声音告诉他,他是谁,他的所作所为在过去,他如何逃离云南,跟孙中山仙,被击退的陈屠秀在上海,并已经到了欧洲找到了一条新的途径为自己的生活和新的革命道路的中国。他想加入中共部分组在柏林,他将学习,努力工作,他将做任何事情,他要求做,但回归自己从前的生活,这变成灰烬底下他的脚。 正如他所谈到周干扰素来站在面对他,他的头1很少一方是他的习惯,倾听的故事,直到被告知,然后询问他。 当这两个vistors曾告诉他们的故事,周笑了一下,说,他将帮助他们找到房间,并安排他们参加共产主义小组的柏林作为候选人,直到其应用已送往中国,并得到一个答案。当回答了几个月后,他们被录取为正式成员,但楚国的成员仍是一个谜外人。



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问题一:写论文的参考文献用期刊的期刊号是什么 是的,你所举的这个例子是学术或学位论文引用规范中的一种,即:作者.题名〔J〕.刊名,出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码 。所以,1998.(3),是指1998年第3期。 下面提供一些参考文献引用规范,希望对你能有帮助。 1 、期刊作者.题名〔J〕.刊名,出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码 2、 专著作者.书名〔M〕.版本(第一版不著录).出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码 3、 论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名,出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码 4 、学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点.保存单位.年份 5 、专利文献题名〔P〕.国别.专利文献种类.专利号.出版日期 6、 报告作者.题名〔R〕.保存地点.年份 7、 报纸作者.题名〔N〕.报纸名.出版日期(版次) (满意的话,请支持。谢谢。) 问题二:文章需要期刊号,怎么办 ? monclua(站内联系TA)排版的问题不大,修回的难说。teammy(站内联系TA)排版中的肯定属于录用了,发信问主编一般都会回复的,但是注意发信的措辞,国外是比较反感把文章和学位、职称等联系在一起的,可以试试说申请什么项目资助的借口。修回的是否最终录用还未知,因此要期刊号不太现实,而且发信问的话往往会适得其反,因此建议不要问修回的!wyxt(站内联系TA)排版的必须给,修回的不可能给。:Pwaterful(站内联系TA)Originally posted by monclua at 2010-08-03 10:27:42: 修回的那篇,接受应该没问题吧,只是小修。我必须联系编辑啊,救命的文章啊!! 等编辑给了意见再问吗? 当然了,连是否录用都不知道就贸然发信去问发表在那一期上,这个肯定不合适。假如编辑给了意见比如说录用了,那么可以尝试问问发在那一期上!waterful(站内联系TA)急需这篇文章毕业,所以非常态了:P 急需这篇文章毕业,所以非常态了:P 刚才看了你说的这个文章好像是在中文期刊上,直接打电话去找编辑,说明情况,一般情况下都会给你考虑的。在国内期刊上发文章也就那些事,大家心里都有底! 多谢多谢,我先这么做吧。关键问题,人家不要加急费,我怎么感谢呢??邮东西,还是用什么名义汇款,多少合适啊:P哈哈,版主别删啊,谢啦,让我们这些正派的书呆子交流下怎么办事吧,适应下社会:Pzyp_434(站内联系TA)有些英文期刊要排很久,能这么早定期刊号么?xingzhb(站内联系TA):tiger05:yw__577(站内联系TA)就算是编辑都很难给你期卷号的,大量文章在排队yingying1588(站内联系TA)上网可查的。bjlumang(站内联系TA)Origina触ly posted by teammy at 2010-08-03 10:34:18: 问题三:论文的期刊号怎么写 100分 你需要哪一方方面的参考文献啊?举个例子 参考文献 [1] 蒂蒙斯著,周伟民等译:《创业者》,北京:华夏出版社2002年版。 [2] Howard H. Stevenson, Michacl J. Roberts, H. Ivering Grou *** eck. New Business Ventures and The Entreprenur(4th edition). 北京: 机械工业出版社, 1998年版。 [3] 林强、姜彦福、张健:《创业理论及其架构分析》,《经济研究》2001年第9期。 [4] 张玉利、薛红志、杨俊:《企业家创业行为的理性分析》,《经济与管理研究》,2003年第5期。 另外,有的学校会要求附上文章类型的代码,期刊[J],M――专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C――论文集 N――报纸文章 D――学位论文 R――研究报告 S――贰准 P――专利 A――专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z――其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB――数据库 CP――计算机程序 EB――电子公告 非纸张型载体电子文献,在参考文献标识中同时标明其载体类型: DB/OL――联机网上的数据库 DB/MT――磁带数据库 M/CD――光盘图书 CP/DK――磁盘软件 J/OL――网上期刊 EB/OL――网上电子公告 致 谢 值此论文结束之际,我要由衷的感谢所有关心、支持、指导和帮助过我的老师和朋友们! 首先请允许我向我的导师***教授,致以最深切、最诚挚的敬意和由衷的谢意! 在我的**求学生涯期间,*老师一直给予我悉心的指导和真诚的关怀。感谢*老师为我提供了良好的学习机会,感谢*老师在研究过程甚而我的生活中给予我的关心、鼓励和指导。*老师严谨的治学态度、广博的学识、深邃的思维、开阔的视野以及宽广的胸怀,已经并将继续影响我今后的学习、工作和生活,使我受益终身。 非常感谢****(所在研究机构)同仁们,我的论文得到了他们的真诚关心和热情帮助,与他们的交流讨论使我受益匪浅,在此致以诚挚的谢意。 还要感谢我的领导、同事们,感谢(给过你帮助的)各位老师, 对于我的研究、学习他们提供了莫大的帮助、关心和支持。 我要特别感谢我的家人,感谢他们一直以来对我的鼓励、理解和支持,有他们的无私关爱和牺牲,我才有勇气坚持完成。 最后,由衷的感谢各位评委老师,感谢你们在繁忙的工作中抽出时间来评审我的论文。由于我水平有限,不足之处还望各位评委批评指正。 问题四:如何查询论文的期刊号 5分 方式1、一般对于中文期刊的话,直接登录CNKI都可以搜到的。 方式2、一般在你所下载的论文的右上角或左上角,或页脚的地方都有出现这篇论文所在的期刊名,你百度一下这个期刊名,然后输入论文名字,检索一下这篇文章,就可以找到对应的期刊号了。至于它的页码可以直接从你所下载的文档上看到。 方式3、在你所下载的论文的最后一般都有直接指出它的出版期刊号。 我所知道的就这么多了,希望能够帮到你! 问题五:论文刊号怎么查? 论文没有刊号啊,我想所谓论文刊号,应该是论文所在期刊的刊号。 看看你发的论文所在的期刊,期刊封面或者版权页,应该有CN后面一串数字,ISSN后面一串数字, CN后面的数字表示国内刊号,ISSN后面的数字表示国际刊号。 问题六:论文发表什么时候编辑会告诉作者刊号 您好,很高兴为您解答 论文帮发表 望采纳 给您推荐刊物的时候就能知道刊号啊。刊物刊号都是固定的呢 问题七:刊号怎么解读? CN刊号的解释 什么是CN刊号? 中国标准刊号由国际标准刊号和国内统一刊号两部分组成。 1 主题内容与适用范围 1.1主题内容 本标准规定了中国标准刊号的结构及其印刷与存贮格式,使在中国登记的每一种报纸和期刊的每一个版本都有一个唯一的标准编码,为利用计算机或其它现代化技术进行报刊的出版发行和信息交换得到更高的效率和可靠性,也为图书情报部门的报刊管理和服务创造方便条件。 1.2适用范围 本标准适用于经中国新闻出版管理部门正式登记的报刊和期刊。所有批准登记的报刊,不论其发行范围如何,均可分配国内统一刊号。其中公开发行的报刊还可分配国际标准刊号。 2 引用标准 GB 2659《世界各国和地区名称代码》 GB 2260《中华人民共和国行政区划代码》 3 中国标准刊号的结构 中国标准刊号(CSSN)由一个以“ISSN”为标识的国际标准号(International standard serial numbering ISSN)和一个以中国国别代码“CN”为标识的国内统一刊号两部分组成,其一般格式如下: ISSN××××-×××× CN××-××××/YY 例如:ISSN1000-0097 CN 11-1340/G2 3.1 国际标准刊号(ISSN) 国际标准刊号等效采用国际标准ISO 3297《文献工作――国际标准连续出版物号(ISSN)》 按国际标准ISO 3297规定,一个国际标准刊号由以“ISSN”为前缀的8位数字(两段4位数字,中间以一连串字符“一”相接)组成。如:ISSN 1234―5679,其中前7位为单纯的数字序号,无任何特殊含义,最后一位为计算机校验位,其数值根据前7位数依次以8~2加权之和、以11为模数按附录B所示的方法计算得到。在前缀ISSN与数字之间应空一个字距。 3.2国内统一刊号 国内统一刊号以GB 2659所规定的中国国别代码“CN”为识别标志,由报刊登记号和分类号两部分组成,前者为国内统一刊号的主体,后者为补充成分,其间以斜线“/”隔开,结构形式为: CN报刊登记号/分类号 …… 一、国内统一刊号CN标准格式 1、它以CN前缀,由6位数字和分类号组成,其结构格式 2、为CNXX-XXXX/YY,CN后面2位数字为地区号,缀后 3、4位数字为序号,亦即报刊登记号=地区号+序号,斜线后 4、面字母为图书分类号,如A马克思主义、列宁主义、 *** 思想、 *** 理论B哲学、宗教C 社会科学总论D 政治、法律F 经济G 文化、科学、教育、体育H 语言、文字I 文学J 艺术K 历史、地理N 自然科学总论O 数理科学和化学Q 生物科学R 医药、卫生S 农业科学T-TN 工业技术TP 自动化技术、计算机技术TQ 化学工业TU 建筑科学 5、TV 水利工程U 交通运输V 航空、航天X 环境科学、安全科学Z 综合性图书 6、F代表经济类的书 C代表社会科学类的书 二、正确辨别非法期刊的基本特征 目前出现的非法期刊一般具有以下的基本特征: 1、期刊的“名头”都很大,具有诱惑性。很多期刊基本上都是“国”字号的,例如,有的叫《中国教育××》,还有的在封面上注着“国际中文核心期刊”、“世界××期刊”、“××统计源期刊”等。刊物主办、协办、支持单位都是“中国××研究院”、“中国××研究中心”、“香港现代××研究会”、“亚太××交流中心”等。有的还邀请了一大批名人、专家做顾问、特邀编辑。 2、期刊都标有标准刊号或统一刊号,具有欺骗性。一般非法期刊,绝大多数都是既有国际标准期刊刊号即ISSN号,也有国内统一刊号即C......>>


降压和液体持枪抢劫的原始和延长的Holub现象学模型在细流流程政权在之下系统地被预言的摩擦降压以高的压力和在高气体生产量。 根据一个广泛的历史的细流流程政权数据库和Ergun床常数(从34参考的4000次测量在1959年和1998之间),剪和速度滑动系数的科技目前进步水平交互作用和Ergun单阶流程床常数(布雷克Kozeny卡曼恩和BurkePlummer床参量)被开发了。 交互作用介入了前馈神经网络和维分析的组合。 作为六个最传神的无维的小组(ReL, ReG, FrL, WeL, XL, StL)功能,剪和速度滑动系数被表达了,而布雷克Kozeny卡曼恩,并且BurkePlummer床参量与微粒等效直径、球状因素、床多孔性和专栏直径被关联了。 这些交互作用投向Holub的现象学模型改进了引人注目地摩擦降压和液体持枪抢劫的预言在细流流动反应器的。

《灯笼》是作者写于 那年的一篇文章

《灯笼》是作者写于 那年的一篇文章 本文写于 20 世纪 30 年代中期,当时正值抗日战争时期,作者以散文的自由笔法,抒 写了他关于灯笼的一些记忆, 从不同方面表达了灯笼对于他乃至中华民族的重要意义。 这些 关于灯笼的记忆,既有文化上的,也有情感上的。作者顺着自己的思路写来,意绪纷繁。 《童年的发现》选自作者的哪一篇文章 作者:[俄] 瓦西里·弗奥多罗维奇·费奥多罗夫 这篇文章是单独的,没有归于哪本书,所以处处和文章一致,为《童年的发现》 求一篇文章 作文那 古有夸父追日,今有吾辈追星。同样的执著与迷恋,同样的风雨兼程。 曾几何时,世界上又诞生了一个“民族”——追星族。它以原子核裂变的速度日益壮大,以不可阻挡的气势席卷了整个人类。他们有着奇特的“民俗”,狂热的追求方式。为了亲眼目睹明星们的芳华,他们会不惜长途跋涉,不惜倾尽其囊。 “追星”是一个不算古老的名词,似乎是伴着改革大潮涌入我国的。也许这也算是先进文化吧,而它的莅临给我们带来了什么呢?是更高的文明?还是更多的盲目与荒废?我无法评判。但我知道“追星”已然成风,并影响到了我们的生活。 在这个知识大爆炸,经济大发展,竞争残酷激烈的今天,明星们以他们特有的生活方式,屹立于社会舞台,不可动摇。他们有着楚楚动人的曼妙曲线,有着天使般可爱的脸庞,有无数的“族人”为他们欢呼呐喊,一切似乎都那么高尚而真诚。 然而,在看似高尚的背后又隐藏些什么呢? 曾看过这样一篇报道,某大明星接受记者采访时说,她喜欢《满江红》这首歌,尤其是词,气势磅礴,感情豪迈。她非常渴望能有机会与这位词作者合作,并相信合作一定会很愉快。 看完这篇让人哭笑不得的报道。我们沉默,我们思索。这位明星就拥有着亿万的歌迷的大腕,尊为上帝一样的被挚爱和崇拜。这种现象说明了什么? “追星”似乎是一种潮流,一种时尚,是少男少女们口中最热门的谈论话题。而这样的结果是什么呢?是更多的功成名就?还是更多的荒废无度? 对于“追星”我并不是完全否定,我认为“追星”要有选择和判断,不应盲目追逐和模仿。 古人有训:则其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。“追星”也该这样的,对于那些出色的明星,我们可以把它的辉煌成就作为我们的奋斗目标,可以把他们走向成功的艰苦历程作为我们前进的动力和指引,并用他们的失误和挫败来警戒自己。这样的追星才会有意义,才会达到追星与修已的完美统一。 “三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月,莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。”光阴短暂,经不起任何的荒废与透支,不要在盲目的追逐那缥缈的光芒,要做自己,相信自己就是最亮丽的风景,相信那不遗余力的奋斗和天道酬勤的真理才是修已的正道。 古有夸父追日,今有吾辈追星。同样的追逐,却有着更多的不同之处。 参考资料::zgzy.gov./dfwz/zywh/onews.asp?id=88 有一篇文章是叫秋什么作者性于是一篇很好的文章 此季节,也正是荸荠上市的 时候,自然是少不了,要尝尝的。 没错,还有闻名全国的扬州炒饭,等等。 写蜜蜂的一篇文章,生命生命作者是谁? 是克伦 沃森写的 它的生之欲望十分强烈,给予作者了极大的震撼,受到了这样的启示:人,最宝贵的是生命,我们应该好好珍惜生命. 找一篇文章《那年,我也曾暗恋》 那年,我也曾暗恋 他就是我撞到的那个男孩。我看到他的同时他也看到了我。我注意到,他把额前的散发往上撩了撩,那个动作非常迷人(故意的!),再之后,他坐在了我的后排。我的心跳得更快了。之前和男生吵架的时候,我根本没有意识到自己是个女孩子,是从他开始,我觉得自己是个女孩子了。(长大了) 她的声音那样充满磁性,他的头发那样黑,甚至她走路都与众不同。我常常跑到三楼区,那里可以望到后面的操场,他在那里打篮球或排球,不过我更喜欢看他踢足球,跑起来非常动人,头发一飘一飘的。那件藏蓝色的球衣非常好看,好看得要命。我总是咬着自己嘴唇,偷偷想他在家的样子,也这么好看吗?(这些小感情们。。) 然后,我开始了真正的初恋。 。。。 。。。 。。。 (西卡西) 有同学提起他的名字时,心还是会咚咚地跳,好像失了魄。后来听说他结婚的消息,脸上寡淡了一天,好像是彻底绝望了。没理由地想发脾气,记得那是个冬天,很冷。 。。。 记得有一次去“国美”买摄像机,和先生一起逛着,忽然对面就走来了他,我们都愣了一下,突兀地,我的脸又吼了,红透了。 他和我先生寒暄着,握着手,而我的手开始莫名其妙地哆嗦起来. 故事的结尾像童话一样的,我还以为是光亮文呢。 最后的聚会上,说心里话的时候,足球男竟然也一直暗恋她,OMG,俺暗恋的人也暗恋俺,太温馨了。 果然是念念不忘阿。 写出下列作者创作的任意一篇文章名 茅盾《林家铺子》 巴金《家》 求一篇文章叫《我的爸爸》作者苏苏 记忆中小时候爸爸总是微笑的,即使有时妈妈跟他吵他也总是笑着迎过去。有次我妈气得不行,转身进屋就要关门,爸爸把三岁的我推到门缝中间。我见爸爸笑吟吟的,没明白要干什么,呆乎乎的站在门口抬眼望着妈妈,又回头看看爸爸。妈妈也忍不住笑了起来。 那时爸爸是中学物理教师,我大些了就对学校上课好奇起来。见爸爸在讲台上高谈阔论,仰慕之情油然而生,不过爸爸说过,不准打扰他上课。我想进去又不敢,就在门口探头探脑。正好爸爸在黑板上写着什么没瞧下面的动静,学生们活跃起来,有几个就打着手势要我进去。 我走两步,缩缩脚又望望爸爸,他还写着,没见我。我走进去又紧张得厉害,终于挤身到门后躲住再不敢出来。爸爸写完后继续上课,却见学生们个个捂着嘴笑,终于发现门后的动静,拉开门就见了躲着的我,脸上绽开个温和的笑容,伸手摸摸我的头。 后面出现记忆空白,不知我是当场被遣回家还是坐着旁听等爸爸下课了。 小时候体弱多病也费了爸妈很多功夫。有天半夜突然烧得厉害,妈妈护着,爸爸背着我急的往医院赶。 我伏在爸爸暖暖的背上,一颠一颠的随着爸爸脚步的节奏一上一下。看见满天的星星温柔的眨眼,就开始跟爸爸进行关于星星的对话。病得那样糊涂心底还是记得要天上的星星,爸爸也还用搭好长好长的梯子才够得上摘星星来糊弄我,然后又让我看那颗明净的月上淡淡的阴影,跟我说那是月亮里面好大好大的一棵树,还有个仙女。我抬头望着神奇的夜空中晶莹的月亮,心被神奇的暖意包围着,身体渐渐凉了下来。 到了医院没找到医生,但我却退烧了。爸爸又背我回去。后来说,以后我病了只用带我看星星就好了,不用找医生,我高兴得要命。 小时候一直跟姐姐睡的,那时候爸妈每天半夜会来看我们被子盖好了没。那束淡黄的手电筒光线是每天暗夜的期待。有时光扫过我的眼睛,我就醒了。不过好象一直就知道在这温情流露的时候是不能睁开眼睛打扰的,所以也就闭着眼,任由电筒晃着眼睛。装睡老装不像,眼皮总跳,越是想让它平静下来还越是跳得厉害。 上学上到高三,学校老师开始疯狂补课了。爸爸已经在教委工作,对老师补课不以为然,说其实课程完全可以在课堂内完成的,这种压榨似的教育把学生的灵气全榨没了。当然,这话是不能说出去的,但对我却有莫大的好处。老师一要补课我就回家让爸爸写张假条。在很多人看来这应该是爸爸对我的过度纵恿了。可是不管怎么,我是同龄人中极少数对高考毫无恐惧的人。 后来上大学了,跟家里联系少了许多,只要每月粮不断,就常常顺着性子好久不打电话回家。毕业前期对每个大学毕业生来说应该都会是段疯狂的日子,那时候好象总觉得心底郁闷得想要发泄却总也发泄不完。我们不像那些疯狂的男生砸水壶扔磁带,却会和几个好友默默的走在街上想着心事。 印象深的一次是与灵和罐,三个人走着走着就各自哭了起来。谁也没劝谁,然后又各自打电话。那天爸爸在深圳出差,我打通手机,一听到爸爸的声音就泣不成声。爸爸也没问我什么,只等我平静些了问我天气冷不冷,有没有穿够衣服。我就又哭,然后啜泣着说了句:爸爸,我想你了。 毕业找好工作是相当艰难的,拿着个优秀毕业生的证书也是投靠无门。我就一直在想自已的主导性格是动还是静,如果静,我就回家好好陪爸妈,如果动,我就在外面一个人闯闯。 最后决定不回家了,到不是因为看清了自已好动,而只是想把自已摆放得更为开放一点。 女孩子什么都没有的一个人留在外地毕竟不是小事,我知道我必须很家里说清楚,而且心里没底会不会获得批准与支持。到了不得不说的一天,我忐忑不安的拨通了电话,跟爸爸详细解说了一番。爸爸安静的听完了,然后说,你想清楚就照自已想的去做吧,最关键的是你自已,我们也最多作个参考。有什么困难又跟家里说说。我问爸爸,要是我在外面混得不好呢?——是想确定一下后路。爸爸笑着说:这个怎么能现在跟你讨论?你做都没做就想退路了,那你现在回来好啦。 转眼间工作两年多了,东跑西跑的竟越跑越远到了南方,两个月前爸爸带着妈妈来看我,我很高兴岁月并没为爸爸精神刻上太多痕迹,他像以前那样乐观而开朗。我带他们去深圳,去珠海,一路上无话不谈。 一个星期后,他们就要回去了,临走那晚我却一直不想说话,饭也吃不下,好像每多说一句多吃一口就会泄露心底的哽咽。我怕他们看出什么,那笑容却越发的勉强。爸爸看出来了,问我怎么平日叽叽喳喳的很高兴今晚却话也不说,我连说没有啊,然后又笑。 晚上回宿舍,却睡不着。想着爸妈眼角岁月留下的裂痕,想着远在天边独自浮沉的自已。还有多少时间是回报他们的有效时间呢?而我现在,除了自已,什么也没有。心底长长的叹息被淹没在那个漆黑的夜里,偶尔有两片不知来处的光的撕裂。 后来有天打电话回家,爸爸不在,妈妈说:临走那晚她一晚没睡着,就想着我没吃下多少东西。爸爸也是翻来覆去睡不着,说是一直想着我那晚怎么不高兴了…… 拿着电话静静听妈妈说着,眼泪一滑而落。 今天早上,一上网就进了寻呼台,给爸爸发了个手机短讯:早上好,爸爸,今天天气冷了,我穿够了衣服。不必为我担心…… 对于《读者》的一篇文章《少年龙峒》(作者:蒋勋)的理解? 己之短,不可藏,越藏越短;己之长,不可扬,越扬越少。 得意时莫炫,失意时莫馁。 童年的风铃《山》是一篇文章 我的童年是在部队大院里度过的,搬家是常有的事。记得在我3岁那年,楼上邻居搬家。对门的阿姨,也就是我的小伙伴何紫荆的妈妈,从楼上搬剩的小玩意里,捡到一个像捣蒜用的东西。阿姨见它长的很奇特,带着何紫荆兴冲冲从楼上跑下来,边跑边喊道:“萱萱妈,萱萱妈!看我找的这个东西,你拿给萱萱玩吧!”妈妈还没来得及接过,我已经从屋里窜了出来,迫不及待抢过阿姨手中的东西。我如获至宝,仔细打量着这个像拳头的东西。大人们正聊得起劲,只听何紫荆“啊”的一声惨叫,她的泪水像断了线的珠子一颗一颗的掉下来。当大人们回过神时,何紫荆的头上竟冒出一个核桃般大小的包,妈妈们惊诧不已,再回头看看站在墙边呆若木鸡的我和还拿在手中的“凶器”,一切都明白了。紫荆她妈捶胸顿足,懊悔不已地说:“早知如此,我拿下来干嘛!”妈妈满脸愧疚,不停地替我道歉。我脑海里一片混乱:怎么办……我闯祸了,回去一定会挨骂的。我想安慰她,可话到了嘴边,却又说不出口……







Message of the Land这篇文章是要表达什么意思?

这篇文章是表达如今时代,人们对生态的破坏,造成环境污染严重,通过土地给了我们很多启示,告诉我们要保护环境。Message of the Land:土地的讯息原文片段:Yes, these are our rice fields. They belonged to my parents and forefathers.是的,这是我们的稻田。它们曾经属于我的父母和祖先。The land is more than three centuries old.这片土地有三百多年的历史了。I"m the only daughter in our family and it was I who stayed with my parents till theydied.我是家里的独生女儿,是我一直和父母住在一起,直到他们去世。My three brothers moved out to their wives" houses when they got married.我的三个兄弟结婚时就搬到妻子家去了。扩展资料:1、在英语"听、说、读、写"四大技能中,阅读占有很重要的地位,无论是日常工作和学习中要大量地阅读很多英文资料,还是考试中遇到越来越多的阅读理解题,这些都对我们的阅读能力提出了很高的要求。2、在学习上要多听多练,充分发挥自己的积极性,具体包括回答问题、对话、讨论、辩论、演讲、短剧表演等。课后参考查阅相关文献资料及工具书,提高自己学术能力。注重实践,多阅读与本专业相关的杂志、报刊书籍,收听英语新闻广播,参加英文讲座等。参考资料:百度百科-现代大学英语

爱伦坡的《夜归人》 这篇文章想要表达的是什么意思?



lakhuefhoaiuewhoaiuerhlakjfdghalkjdfghlkjehtqa ertopaiudfgai dogia fdigau hdfi zlfu gapi ufdga fg afpugah pdfg apirughp ifdg apreqp uirtg; aifv a;pdifgpaoi fgapoi fg[ai ofpga dfuga ofdivhao idfvhpa dfiuv[oai dfhpva idpfhvpaodif vpaoi dfpvoia dhfpvoiua hpfoid vhapiuf vhpauif vhpaoh fpviuadhpfoi vuaphidf ivoap hidf vhaoidf hpovia pdofi vphaoid fopvha idfphvaopi dfpvhoa dpof viapohfi vapofd vdfv

social Critic with Verve是那篇文章



Production site management: refers to realize effective enterprise"s business objectives, the production process and many other factors, including people (operators and managers), machine (machine equipment, process equipment), material (raw materials, auxiliary materials and components), can (water, electrical), method (operating methods, the process system, regulations), ring (environment), letters (information) and so on carries on the reasonable configuration and optimized combination, them organically, to gain the integration, through the production process of conversion, output with the market demand, quality qualified, low cost, delivery timely product of a kind of comprehensive management.


In 2001 for many American companies are extremely bad year. Because of the economic recession, the various companies, no matter size, listed or private, were significantly impacted. For the sake of vitality and go through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut costs. While a company cost-cutting most important method is downsizing - this is the American company calendar year using the common way. Our company is no exception to take the emergency measures. In formal announcement for the news of restructuring, before our building is full of all sorts of rumors. Every day at work, you can always see some gathered in grid or office whispered talking about. Although everyday work continues, but feel some unusual things will happen. The whole office shrouded in tense atmosphere. People is evident in the waiting for something that"s arrival, the look in the eyes also reveals the trace of fear. As the company recently hired staff, I very unfamiliar to corporate restructuring, initially no panic. However, I heard from my colleagues more before reorganization of the story, I began to realize reorganization is how ruthless. When our upper management in making how reorganization, I those in other companies work"s friends have told me they undergo restructuring story. I know several people have been cutting. One is in the company to work for two months he was fired, Another just loan bought one place quite expensive house. They get a severance package is pitiful, only the equivalent of two months salary. Their experience that scares me, so I have to imagine how should I for the worst case make preparation. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and talking on the phone, we will exchange who was laid news, feel sorry for them, oneself also faintly have unrest feeling. Disturbing, a month later, our upper management, finally officially announced the our company will how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is early retirement plan. All 50 years work in the company for at least 15 years of employees may apply. To meet these conditions are being has a month to consider whether they are willing to retire ahead of schedule without surrendering medical and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired poor job performance of its employees or those skills and company offers position does not match the personnel. The first stage and nothing I relationship, but I know there are several qualified colleagues in ideological struggle, considering whether to accept ERP planning. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical treatment and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a percentage of their salary. If they don"t accept the plan, they will face was dismissed, while losing provide voluntary retirees all the welfare of danger. The first phase comparison of the smooth, most qualified employees take this opportunity to advance retire, enjoy their hard-won retirement. Corporate restructuring in the second stage of truly remarkable. People are waiting anxiously for the so-called D - / arrival. On that day, the company requires that all employees before 8 o "clock in the morning to the office. Then one-by-one, of every employee, he was called into his office, where the competent manager announced his or her fate. Finally I breathed a sigh of relief, oneself in this reorganization survived. But few of my friends were invited away. One day, a friend in announcing bought have just moved into a new house. Now he has put the house on the market sell. For me, it is sweet and bitter day, I"m glad this seems to be endless process has finally ended. We will have the next round? I uncertain.



一篇文章带你玩转Mac Finder

“The Macintosh Desktop Experience”,这是About Finder中关于对Finder的描述。如果你是第一次使用Mac系统,有一个笑脸图标一定会吸引你的注意力,这个笑脸就是Mac系统中大名鼎鼎的文件管理器--Finder。学习如何使用Finder,是你之后学习如何管理文档、媒体、文件夹,以及学习如何搜索文件的必经之路。Finder是Mac操作系统上的文件管理器,是对所有文件进行管理的图形化界面,“Finder”名字的由来是因为它能够帮助你查找和管理文件。对一直使用Windows操作系统的人来说,第一次使用Mac会感到很不习惯,打开Finder文件管理器,会发现里面没有之前熟悉的C盘、D盘、E盘,左边还多了其他一些没见过的文件夹,以及一些带颜色的圈圈,而且界面和Windows的资源管理器也大相径庭。别慌,当你真正使用上Mac,了解Mac之后,你一定会喜欢上这个令人愉快的笑脸,它不用你定期清理令人头疼的经常剩余空间不足的C盘,不用你为了查找一个文件需要等很长时间,不用你为了归类文档而需要第三方软件,而且提供了一系列很方便的功能,比如Tags、Smart Folder、Split Screen等,让你工作更加顺手。      在1985年第一台Mac被制造出来的时候,Finder就被集成进去了。在2001年发布的Mac OS X版本中,Finder被完全重写,随后一直发展成为今天的样子。Finder的图标始终是一个笑脸,是从80年代到90年代的Classic Mac OS中保留下来的,被称为Happy Mac logo。 但是Finder的发展也不是一帆风顺,也曾遭遇过很过批评,在2001年介绍Mac OS X的时候,Steve Jobs就曾批判过初代Finder,说它“制造了成吨的窗口,然后你就成为了那个看守窗户的人”。著名的Markdown发明者John Gruber也曾在2005年说过Mac OS X的10.3版本中的Finder,比10.0版本的还差,因为它想同时支持两个完全不相干的显示样式(browser metaphor和spatial metaphor)。但是随着Apple天才的工程师和设计人员的不懈努力,Finder逐渐演变成为今天功能强大,界面简洁方便的文件管理器。下面这张图是Mac操作系统的发展史,最上方粉红色的栏目为Finder的演变过程。      现在的Finder采用了类似Safari浏览器的界面,用户可以点击进入文件夹,可以利用“后退”和“前进”在文件夹之间来回切换,而且还提供了类似Safari中tabs的功能,用户可以利用这些tabs来浏览多个文件夹,还可以将tabs从Finder中拉出来,形成一个新的Finder窗口。如今的Finder可以给很多文件提供可视化图标,比如图片、App、PDF等等。集成的Quick Look功能可以让用户在不用打开额外程序的情况下浏览文件。用户可以自主选择Finder窗口中文件的显示方式,并且上方的toolbar和左方的sidebar还提供了很多方便快捷的浏览方式。如今的Finder还可以在自己的窗口之外显示一些其他文件系统,比如安装外部硬盘或者磁盘映像可以在桌面上显示出来,在Dock上还有一个Trash文件夹,类似于Windows下的垃圾箱,用来存放被删除的文件。还有一些其他很实用的功能,比如强大的文件自动收集工具Smart Folder,更利于工作的Split Screen,方便文件分类的tags等等,而且还可以结合Automator、Alfred等工具制造出更加强大的功能。 点击Dock上的Finder图标,打开Finder后你会看到一个十分简洁明朗的界面,虽然它可能会给你带来一些疑惑,因为毕竟和你之前使用的Windows上的资源管理器差别太多了。下面这张图是Finder的界面, 简单的移动就不用说了,按住Finder窗口上方的标题栏拖动就可以了。在有多个Finder打开的情况下,想方便的移动排在后面的窗口,可以先按下Command,再进行拖动,这样就可以直接更改后排的窗口位置,而不用先选中后排窗口再进行拖动。 左上方的Resize栏可以对窗口进行关闭、最小化、全屏。关闭窗口的快捷键是Command + W,最小化窗口的快捷键是Command + M。点击绿色全屏按钮会将Finder窗口全屏展开。拖动Finder窗口边缘可以改变窗口代大小,但是Mac还提供了更多的缩放功能: Finder提供了4种用来显示文件的视图方式,方便你进行文件的查看和分类,分别是Icons、List、Columns、Cover Flow,可以在Toolbar上进行视图方式的选择。 Mac系统用文件夹来管理你的文件,你可以通过Finder中的文件夹来查看你所有的内容,而且可以将一些常用的文件夹放在Finder的Side bar中,方便你随时可以打开, Mac默认放在Sidebar中的有以下几个文件夹: 关于文件夹有几个主要的操作,比如新建、删除等,这些是你必须要掌握的,而且也很容易,下面分别说明: Finder界面主要包括两部分,一个是普通的Finder窗口,一个是桌面。前者的界面有很多元素,比如Sidebar、Toolbar等,后者更不用说,是你日常使用中用到最多的Finder界面。下面就主要以如何定制Finder的Sidebar、Toolbar和桌面,来让你更加有效率的使用Finder。 如图所示,左边的侧边栏就是Finder的Sidebar,它是一个文件夹、磁盘、Tags(关于Tags的作用将在后面专门提到)的一个列表,可以让你很方便快捷的打开一些常用文件夹以及磁盘。默认情况下Finder已经为你在Sidebar中列出了一些常用文件夹,这些文件夹都是Mac系统自带的,当然你也可以将自己的文件夹甚至App程序拖到里面,方便打开。 在Mac很多程序界面的上方都有一条灰色的栏目,里面集成了这个程序中的很多功能,这个条目就是Toolbar。相应的,Finder也有自己的Toolbar,集成了Finder的很多功能,默认的Finder Toolbar样式如下: 从左至右依次为后退/前进,Finder View样式的选择,排列规则,Finder的一些功能操作,分享,Tags,文件搜索。但是Finder提供了可以让你自己定制Toolbar的选择,让Toolbar变得让你工作更加有效率。 Finder作为一个文件管理器,不仅提供了很多用于管理文件和文件夹的功能,而且还提供了不少关于高效率的使用工具,让你在用Mac工作的时候能够更加快速、更加便捷。下面将分别介绍Finder的各种实用功能。 Tag,中文翻译过来就是“标签”。在Finder中,你可以给文件或者文件夹打上相应的tag,让你更加容易的找到你想要的内容,不管是保存在Mac本地,还是在iCloud上。而且可以同时给一个文件打上不同的标签,比如给正在写的文档打上“写作”标签,同时打上“Mac文档”标签,这样此文件就同时有了“写作”和“Mac文档”两个属性,你既可以通过“写作”,也可以通过“Mac文档”来快速找到此标签。


论述:discussions 形近词;#643;n] 美[d#618;#643;n] n,谈论;sk#652。[其他] 复数;#601.关于此则报道的措辞议论纷纷;#712;#712; [例句]There was a lot of discussion about the wording of the report; 详述;sk#652. 讨论看上下文under discussion 一般是说某件事情还在讨论处理中 也就是并不是此时此刻在进行 而是指目前的时段中 这件事情还没有着落 在此主语是某件事情in discussion 一般更接近现在进行时 主语一般是人discussion 英[d#618

水对人类的贡献 英语文章

The impact of water1.Impact on the climateWater has a regulatory role on the climate. Atmospheric water vapor can stop 60% of the Earth"s radiation protection of the Earth will not cool. Marine and terrestrial water bodies can absorb and accumulate in the summer heat, so that the temperature not too high; in winter, heat can be released slowly, so that the temperature not too low.Marine and surface water evaporates into the sky in the form of clouds, cloud water by precipitation falling as rain, snow in winter becomes. Fall in the underground infiltration of surface water on the formation of groundwater; groundwater strata and from that came to form a spring, through streams, rivers and the sea to import. The formation of a water cycle.Rain and snow precipitation events such as the formation of an important influence on the climate. In temperate monsoon climate, the summer monsoon brings a wealth of water, gas, wet summer and autumn, winter and spring than to form a clear wet and dry two quarters.2.The impact of geography71% of the earth"s surface is covered with water from the air point of view, the Earth is a blue planet. Water, rock and soil erosion, river erosion and deposition, removal of sediment, and create a plain, to change the surface morphology.The Earth"s surface water bodies constitute the hydrosphere, including the oceans, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, snow, groundwater and atmospheric water. As the injected water with some sea salt, plus perennial accumulation and evaporation, sea and ocean where the water is salt water and can not be directly consumed. Some lakes, the water is brackish. The world"s largest body of water the Pacific Ocean. Great Lakes in North America is the largest freshwater river systems. Eurasia on the Caspian Sea is the largest saltwater lake.Sheung Shui, there are about the size of the Earth"s 1.36 billion cubic km. Ocean accounted for 1.32 billion cubic kilometers (or 97.2%); glaciers and ice caps account for 25 million cubic kilometers (or 1.8%); groundwater accounts for 13 million cubic kilometers (or 0.9%); lakes, inland sea, and river water accounted for 250 000 cubic kilometers (or 0.02%); of atmospheric water vapor at any known time accounted for 13 000 cubic kilometers (or 0.001%).3.The impact of lifeLife on Earth first emerged in the water. Water is all life an important part of the body. The body of water accounted for 70% of body weight; water is an essential life-sustaining substances, people are still drinking water quality requirements, if the water and the lack of the necessary elements of the human body or certain hazardous substances, or contaminated water, up to Less than drinking requirements, it will affect human health. Life in the water with a large number of aquatic vegetation and other aquatic life.Of water is conducive to the conduct of chemical reactions in vivo, in vivo transport of substances also play a role. Water temperatures for the maintenance of the stability of the organisms played a big part.


大卫·贝克汉姆 姓名:贝克汉姆(Beckham) 英文名:David Beckham 全名:大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆 出生时间:1975年5月2日 出生地点:伦敦雷顿斯通 身高:1.836米 场上位置:中场 现效力俱乐部:皇家马德里 英格兰队出场记录:86场(83次首发);进球16个 (以上数据更新截至2006-12-14) 主要荣誉: 1996年联赛冠军、足总杯冠军 1997联赛冠军 1999年联赛冠军、足总杯冠军、欧洲冠军杯冠军 2000年联赛冠军 2001年联赛冠军 2003年联赛冠军 拥有坐架: 福特Escort,Ranger Rover,Bentliey, 美洲豹XK8,保时捷911Turbo, 法拉利F550 Maranello 喜爱的设计师是Gucci,Armani 喜欢的颜色是 红色 喜欢的水果是 香蕉 精彩消息——在某年情人节,他竟收到2,000多封女球迷的示爱信 !!! 贝克汉姆如何形容自己: 有礼、沉默、外向、 购物狂 贝克汉姆大事记: 1988年,在英格兰前著名球星查尔顿主办的足球学校中脱颖而出,被评为该校最有发展前途的学生。 1991年7月8日加入曼联青年队开始训练。 1995年4月2日,首次代表曼彻斯特联队上场参赛,对手是利兹联队。 1999年5月16日,与队友合作,使曼联队获得98-99赛季英格兰超级联赛冠军。 1999年5月23日,与队友合作,使曼联队获得99年英格兰足总杯冠军。 1999年5月26日,做为中场主将,用自己的出色表现帮助曼联队在巴塞罗那战胜了劲旅拜仁慕尼黑队,获得1999年欧洲俱乐部 冠军杯赛冠军。 1999年11月30日,与队友一起使曼联队获得了丰田杯比赛的冠军。 1999年12月,入选了99年欧洲全明星阵容。 技术特点:射门力量大,传球脚法准确,擅长发角球和任意球,进攻和防守技术俱佳。贝克汉姆在世界杯后迅速成长为曼联队的中场主力,他在大禁区线右路斜传成为曼联队得分的主要手段。 1999年7月,与原辣妹演唱组成员维多莉亚结婚 职业生涯统计表 赛季 俱乐部 出场 进球 1992/93 曼彻斯特联 0 0 1993/94 曼彻斯特联 0 0 1994/95 曼彻斯特联 4 0 1994/95 普雷斯顿北区 5 2 1995/96 曼彻斯特联 33 7 1996/97 曼彻斯特联 36 7 1997/98 曼彻斯特联 37 9 1998/99 曼彻斯特联 34 6 1999/00 曼彻斯特联 31 6 2000/01 曼彻斯特联 31 9 2001/02 曼彻斯特联 28 11 2002/03 曼彻斯特联 31 6 2003/04 皇家马德里 32 3 2004/05 皇家马德里 30 4 国家队出场纪录 比赛日期 对阵情况 出场时间 进球 2003-08-20 英格兰 3-1 克罗地亚 61 1 2003-09-06 英格兰 2-1 马其顿 90 - 2003-09-10 英格兰 2-0 列支敦士登 57 - 2003-10-11 英格兰 0-0 土耳其 90 - 2003-11-16 英格兰 2-3 丹麦 66 - 2004-02-18 英格兰 1-1 葡萄牙 86 - 2004-06-01 英格兰 1-1 日本 77 - 2004-06-05 英格兰 6-1 冰岛 46 - 2004-06-13 英格兰 1-2 法国 90 - 2004-06-17 英格兰 3-0 瑞士 90 - 2004-06-21 英格兰 4-2 克罗地亚 90 - 2004-06-24 英格兰 2-2 葡萄牙 90 - 2004-08-18 英格兰 3-0 乌克兰 90 1 2004-09-04 英格兰 2-2 奥地利 90 - 2004-09-08 英格兰 1-2 波兰 90 - 2004-10-09 英格兰 2-0 威尔士 85 1 2004-11-17 英格兰 0-1 西班牙 60 - 2005-02-09 英格兰 0-0 荷兰 82 - 2005-03-26 英格兰 4-0 北爱尔兰 72 - 2005-03-30 英格兰 2-0 阿塞拜疆 84 1 2005-05-31 英格兰 3-2 哥伦比亚 73 - 2005-08-17 英格兰 1-4 丹麦 90 - 2005-09-03 英格兰 1-0 威尔士 90 - 2005-09-07 英格兰 0-1 北爱尔兰 90 - 2005-10-08 英格兰 1-0 奥地利 31 - 2005-11-12 英格兰 3-2 阿根廷 90 - 2006-06-10 英格兰 1-0 巴拉圭 90 - 2006-06-16 英格兰 2-0 特立尼达和多巴哥 90 - 2006-06-21 英格兰 2-2 瑞典 90 - 2006-06-25 英格兰 1-0 厄瓜多尔 86 1 2006-07-01 英格兰 1-3 葡萄牙(点球决战) 51 - 总计 31场 胜 17 平 7 负7 2457 5 注: 03年8月前未列入,出场时间单位为分钟,* 表示替补出场曾经的纯真球童 贝克汉姆出生在伦敦东区,父亲爱德华是一名厨师,母亲桑德拉-韦斯特是一名美容师(小贝的时尚感也许来源于此)。贝克汉姆的祖父是犹太人,他也有一点犹太血统,另外他在首部自传中曾称,自己受犹太教的影响很深。 家在伦敦,但贝克汉姆一家是曼联球迷,常跟随红魔去客场。小时候的贝克汉姆是个出色的越野跑选手,曾得过Essex越野跑大赛的冠军,不过他的主要兴趣还是足球。小时候,贝克汉姆参加了博比-查尔顿的足球学校,因表现出色,还赢得了一次去巴塞罗那参加训练课的机会。 在自传中,小贝回忆,自己在1986年曼联同西汉姆的比赛中,曾担任过球童,他记得自己捡起球扔回给布赖恩-罗布森,当时,恐怕没人想到这个小孩未来会是怎样。 曼联92一代 1989年,13岁的贝克汉姆与曼联签订了一份学童合约,1991年转为训练生,不过1年后就正式成为红魔的职业球员。在刚出道时,贝克汉姆身披24号球衣,踢右后卫,俊朗的外表和一脚出色的传中给人印象颇深。1992年,贝克汉姆、吉格斯、内维尔兄弟、斯科尔斯、巴特等人一道,为曼联夺取了青年足总杯的冠军,这就是后来名动天下的“曼联92一代”。 94-95赛季,弗格森着手大换血,贝克汉姆等进入曼联一队。95年足总杯决赛,坎通纳对利物浦攻入著名的凌空致胜球,传中的人就是小贝。1996年8月,贝克汉姆在同温布尔登的比赛中打入中场吊射,可谓“一球成名”,这个球在2003年还被评为英超10年最佳进球。之后,贝克汉姆进入了惊人的窜红期,加上曼联雄霸英超以及在1999年的三冠王辉煌,他也一举成为了世界上最具人气的足球选手。 飞鞋与皇马 2003年2月15日,曼联在足总杯中被阿森纳淘汰,弗格森赛后在更衣室内一脚踢起一只球鞋,击破了贝克汉姆的眉骨,因辣妹而起的师徒矛盾总爆发。4个月后,贝克汉姆转会皇马,结束了10年的红魔之缘。加盟皇马后,贝克汉姆完成了转型,从一名纯粹的右前卫变为中前卫。 如今,曾经的万人迷似乎已经逐渐走下神坛,曾经的黄金右脚和致命弧线似乎已经没那么突出了,实际上这是由于今天的贝克汉姆变得更全面了。 贝克汉姆的右脚曾经独步天下,他在右翼的长距离传球集隐蔽性、准确性、攻击性和观赏性于一身,对于对手是一种打击,而对于队友却是一份礼物。自从转会皇马后,贝克汉姆的常常被安排到后腰的位置,他的“一招鲜”显得有些不够用了,他也在着力锻炼自己左右脚的平衡,中路突破分球的能力也有很大提高。同时,贝克汉姆更加积极地参与防守,常常能在场上看到他凶狠的铲抢,良好的卡位意识和出色的技术让他成为了一名合格的中场组织者。贝克汉姆出神入化的任意球技术也没有荒废,甚至更加炉火纯青,倒是他的点球成了定时炸弹,也成了人们非议他的焦点。 英格兰的是非成败 贝克汉姆的国家队生涯看似顺利,其实暗藏沟壑。1997年,这名青年才俊就被招入国家队,1998年,他作为希望之星参加了法国世界杯,小组赛中精彩绝伦的任意球同1/8决赛中对阿根廷的红牌形成鲜明的对比,赛后贝克汉姆成了英格兰的国家公敌,其实他只是做了英格兰队的替罪羔羊。1999年帮助曼联取得三冠王又让他重回世界之巅,2000年底他成为英格兰国家队队长。2001年的世界杯预选赛再次成就了贝克汉姆,最后一战同希腊队比赛的最后一刻,贝克汉姆任意球破网,只手挽救了处在附加赛边缘的英格兰队,韩日世界杯,贝克汉姆的表现可圈可点,对阿根廷罚中点球完成复仇,却和英格兰队共同被巴西队挡在了四强门外。 2004年的欧洲杯再次跟贝克汉姆开起了玩笑,在和葡萄牙队的点球大战中,英格兰队长第一个出场就放了高射炮,球队随后遭到淘汰。球场上的贝克汉姆绝对是优秀的球员,但很多人都认为他在时尚界的人气帮助了他的足球生涯,也许在2006年的世界杯上率领英格兰队获得冠军才能为自己正名吧。 2006年,在八分之一决赛中,贝氏弯刀救了整个英格兰。 参考资料:http://baike.baidu.com/view/51997.htm


圣诞节的购物风除了在节前掀起高潮以外,节后的“节礼日”更是成为商家疯狂推销商品的日子。节礼日英文中称“BoxingDay”,是指圣诞节次日或是圣诞节后的第一个星期日。节礼日的起源,是当初一般人家为了接济穷人,把圣诞节剩下的食物放在盒子里,摆在家门口让有需要的人自行取用。可如今节礼日已经完全失去原有的意义,而被普遍认为是“购物日”。因为在这一天,商家都会推出减价活动来进行促销。在节礼日当天,许多商店门口一大早就排了长队。店门一开,人们就冲锋陷阵一般冲进店里,抢购自己早先看中的商品。 圣诞节对于许多国家来说,就是一个拉动内需杠杆、让民众松开荷包的最好机会。因此,许多国家刻意拉长了大减价的时间,从圣诞节前一周开始,一直持续到1月下旬。 一项对欧洲各国圣诞节消费的预测报告指出,与去年相比,今年爱尔兰、斯堪的纳维亚国家、英国和西班牙人的圣诞节支出将增长6%到10%。In addition to the pre-Christmas shopping style climax, designating the "Boxing Day" has become more frenzied selling merchandise business days. Boxing Day English saying "BoxingDay" is the day after Christmas or the first Sunday after Christmas. The origin of Boxing Day is when the average person in order to aid the poor, and the remaining food on Christmas box. placed at the gate to allow access to people in need. Today, Boxing Day has lost its original meaning and is widely believed to be a "shopping day." Because on that day, merchants will fare reduction activities to marketing. In Boxing Day, many shop doors on the early morning row in a long queue. Shop opened, it is generally men burst into the shop and buy their merchandise earlier eyes. Christmas for many countries, is a lever to stimulate domestic demand, so the best chance for the public purse loose. Therefore, many countries have deliberately prolongs the time of sale, from the week before Christmas, has been continued until late January. Christmas spending forecasts for a European report noted that compared with last year, this year the Irish, Scandinavian countries, the British and Spanish Christmas spending will grow by 6% to 10%.


镍解决三维粒子和像据一维链状合成奈米导线就选择一个原位 磁场指导液相环境条件方法。结果表明,产品结构的强烈的依赖外部磁场 分布。粒子的核心将由一个矛形连接的分支机构的下 均匀磁场,而链状的纳米线形成一维对齐的球,通过 磁场分布的平行的援助在反应。分支的长度和整个大小的粒子像据通过调节pH值定制的价值和反应温度,分别。磁性粒子的像据作了详细研究,研究结果表明,饱和磁化,强烈相关的娇顽力交往。这项工作 提供一个简单而有效的策略以调整形态学的磁性材料通过外在的磁场的力量。

找一篇关于information security的文章 要英文的 2000字左右

Information security technology is the Information Management and Information Systems Undergraduate courses a student. With the rapid development of computer technology, computer information security problems are becoming increasingly of concern. Students to master the necessary information security management and security technology is essential. Through the course of the study, students can master the computer the basic principles of information security and information security in today"s popular settings, security vulnerabilities, firewall, strategy and realization of the principle and to guard against hackers in order to enable students to achieve competence in information systems, operations, management and maintenance and other related work. Information security technology Broadband Network has been going deep into the lives of social activities have a profound impact, network security has become more and more important result. The urgent need for all sectors to engage in the work of information security of computer systems, senior technical personnel. Master of the professional training of the installation of network equipment, management and maintenance, analysis and information systems enterprise network security vulnerabilities, network security issues resolved in a timely manner and in accordance with the operational characteristics of enterprises and institutions secure e-commerce design / Professional Administrative site . Engaged in information security product sales and promotion, information systems and e-commerce / Chief security design, network and information system security test and so on. Major professional courses: the basis of computer network technology, TCP / IP protocol, information security technology infrastructure, based on cryptography, information security products and application technology, assembly language programming, SQL database security design, ASP.NET Programming (Web security), computer system security, Web programming technology.


哥伦布 Cristoforo Colombo (1451~1506) 意大利航海家。生于热那亚。他的西班牙语姓名为Cristobal Col"on,拉丁语姓名为 Christopher Colum-bus。哥伦布在1492~1504年期间 4次率领帆船队远航,开辟了从欧洲横渡大西洋去美洲的航线。哥伦布在青年时期多次参加航海活动,先后到过里斯本、英格兰、黄金海岸和几内亚。因此他很早就掌握了船舶驾驶技术。由于战争,他迁居拉各斯港,1476年又迁居里斯本——当时的国际经济、科学、文化中心之一。在地圆说已被广泛接受的情况下,哥伦布首先提出从海路去亚洲。当时世人接受古希腊地理学家托勒密关于地球周长的计算值(比实际小1/4),意大利地理学家托斯卡内里又把亚洲大陆的东西宽度计算成比实际大了一倍,并认为从里斯本到中国的陆上距离为地球周长的2/3,由里斯本去日本的海程并不远。哥伦布虽然对此作了一些修正,但仍认为只要向西航行4500~5000公里就可以到亚洲,而这个距离是当时帆船航行所不难到达的。这个错误结论客观上导致了他的航行发现美洲。 1484年,哥伦布向葡萄牙国王约翰二世提出他的航行计划,但未被批准。他一怒之下于1485年迁居西班牙。1486年,西班牙国王斐迪南和王后伊萨伯拉召见了他。他的计划虽于1490年被一个专门为此成立的委员会否决,但由于王后的支持,仍于1492年得到正式批准。他被授予爵位和海军上将称号。国王赋予他取得在航行中所得财物的1/10和统辖他发现的土地并传给后代的权利,以鼓励他去开拓新的殖民地。 第一次航行始于1492年8月3日,哥伦布率船员约90人,分乘3艘船从西班牙巴罗斯港出发。10月12日他到达并命名了巴哈马群岛的圣萨尔瓦多岛。10月28日到达古巴岛,他误认为这就是亚洲大陆。随后他来到西印度群岛中的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛(今海地岛),在岛的北岸进行了考察。1493年3月15日返回西班牙。 第二次航行始于1493年9月25日,他率船17艘从西班牙加的斯港出发。目的是要到他所谓的亚洲大陆印度建立永久性殖民统治。参加航海的达1500人,其中有王室官员、技师、工匠和士兵等。1494年2月因粮食短缺等原因,大部分船只和人员返回西班牙。他率船3艘在古巴岛和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛以南水域继续进行探索“印度大陆”的航行。在这次航行中,他的船队先后到达了多米尼加岛、背风群岛的安提瓜岛和维尔京群岛,以及波多黎各岛。1496年6月11日回到西班牙。 第三次航行是1498年5月30日开始的。他率船6艘、船员约200人,由西班牙塞维利亚出发。航行目的是要证实在前两次航行中发现的诸岛之南有一块大陆(即南美洲大陆)的传说。7月31日船队到达南美洲北部的特立尼达岛以及委内瑞拉的帕里亚湾。这是欧洲人首次发现南美洲。此后,哥伦布由于被控告,于1500年10月被国王派去的使者逮捕后解送回西班牙。因各方反对,哥伦布不久获释。 第四次航行始于1502年5月11日,他率船4艘、船员150人,从加的斯港出发。哥伦布第三次航行的发现已经震动了葡萄牙和西班牙,许多人认为他所到达的地方并非亚洲,而是一个欧洲人未曾到过的“新世界”。于是斐迪南国王和伊萨伯拉王后命令哥伦布再次出航查明,并寻找新大陆中间通向太平洋的水上通道。他到达伊斯帕尼奥拉岛后,穿过古巴岛和牙买加岛之间的海域驶向加勒比海西部,然后向南折向东沿洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加和巴拿马海岸航行了约1500公里,寻找两大洋之间的通道。他并从印第安人处得知,他正沿着一条隔开两大洋的地峡行驶。由于 1艘船在同印第安人冲突中被毁,另3艘也先后损坏,哥伦布于1503年6月在牙买加弃船登岸,1504年11月7日返回西班牙。




  Sports are a kind of education  For many young people in my part of the world (suburban America), the first brush with organized athletics comes on a Saturday morning in early spring. The weather is getting warmer and the school year"s end is imminent, and moms, sensing the approach of summer vacation and Too Much Free Time, pile us into the backs of minivans and drive us to our town"s local sports and recreation center. In my hometown, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, kids converge each year on the EHT Youth Organization Building, a cinderblock shack in the middle of a handful of baseball and football fields. There lines are waited in, forms filled out, birth certificates examined and photocopied, health insurance waivers furnished and signed. At the end of the morning, kids are signed up for little-league baseball and an instant summer schedule of activities has been created. Then it"s time to go to Burger King.  体育也是教育  在这个世界上我所居住的地区(美国市郊),很多少年第一次接触有组织的体育活动是在初春的某个星期六上午。那时天气正在转暖,学校的课程也接近尾声,妈妈们意识到暑假即将来临,孩子们将有太多太多的自由时间,便把我们塞到小面包车的后座上,开到镇上的体育娱乐中心。在我的老家,新泽西州的蛋湾镇,孩子们每年都会聚到镇上的“青少年组织大厦”,那是一座位于几个棒球场和橄榄球场中央的用水泥矿渣砌的小房子。大家排着队等着进去,要填写表格,要检验出生证明并复印,并在提供的健康保险弃权书上签字。快到中午的时候,孩子们已经成为小小棒球联合会的一员,一到夏季就马上开始的活动计划也制定了出来。之后,便是去汉堡王快餐厅的时候了。  For parents seeking productive ways to occupy their children"s time, summer sports leagues offer a convenient and time-tested outlet for overabundant energy. In my case that meant baseball. America"s pastime: nine weeks of pitched fastballs and sore elbows, grounders up the middle, digging it out to first base, shagging flies in the outfield and swatting mosquitoes in the infield. Then, after six innings, back to Burger King.  A couple of weeks after the signups at the cinderblock shack, we kids would be rounded up into teams and coached in the fundamentals of pitching, catching, hitting, and running bases. We"d be supplied with color-coded jerseys and mesh baseball caps, and then we would play a season"s worth of games against one another. Playoffs would be held and champions crowned. At the end of the season an all-star team of the league"s best players would be assembled to play against the best teams from neighboring towns.  对于那些寻求以富有成果的方式来占据孩子业余时间的父母来说,夏季体育联合会为精力过剩的孩子们提供了方便而且经受了时间检验的释放能量的出口。就我而言,这个出口就是棒球。这是一种美国的消闲方式:九周的快速投球,胳膊肘酸疼;打出一直滚到场中间的地滚球;从地上捡起球再扔给第一垒;在边场抓住飞球;在内场拍打蚊子。每天赛过六局之后,就去汉堡王快餐店了。  在水泥矿渣小屋报名后几周,我们这些孩子就被召集起来组成球队,跟着教练学基本的投球、接球、击球和跑垒,还发给我们有彩色号码的运动衫与带网眼的棒球帽,接下来我们就开始一个赛季的相互比赛。加时赛将会举行,最后决出冠军。在赛季末尾,由小小球联最好的队员组成的全明星队员集结在一起与邻镇最棒的球队比赛。  Back and forth across the country this system repeats itself from town to town and sport to sport with little variation. Some leagues have storied pasts: baseball"s Little League or football"s Pop Warner League. Some are newer. In cities it is often the Policemen"s Benevolent Association or the YMCA that assumes the sponsorship role. Always, though, there is the underlying idea that organized sport is a valuable and productive use of a young person"s time. Sports, in short, are a kind of education, teaching important life skills that can"t be learned in school.  Ideas about the educational value of sports vary widely. For some, sports foster the social development of young people, teaching kids how to interact with their peers outside the classroom. Sports teach kids what it means to compete - how to cope with losing, how to respond gracefully to success. Sports are about teamwork, how to work together toward a common goal. Sometimes they"re about developing a sense of self-esteem. Sometimes they"re simply about finding a healthy way to tire hyperactive kids out so they"ll sit still in class or get to bed at a reasonable hour. Some bolder advocates claim that their games build character.  在全美国,这样的运动体系从一个城镇到另一个城镇,从一种运动到另一种运动,反反复复地重复着,没有太大的变化。有些体育联合会有着传奇般的历史,如棒球的小小球联,橄榄球的老华纳球联,有些联合会则是新建的。在大城市中通常是“警方慈善联合会”或者是“青年基督教联合会”担任体育联合会的主办方。然而,共有的一个基本想法是:有组织的体育活动是对青少年业余时间的很有价值、很有成果的利用。简而言之,体育也是一种教育,它教给孩子们在学校学不到的重要的生活技能。  关于体育的教育价值的认识很宽泛,不尽相同。有人认为,体育促进了青少年社会交往能力,教会孩子们如何在课堂外与同伴打交道;体育教给孩子竞争意味着什么——如何对待失利,如何温文尔雅地面对胜利;体育是团队活动,如何为了一个共同目标而携手共进;有时候,体育可培养自尊心;有时候,体育不过是找到一种健康方式让多动的孩子精疲力尽,好让他们能够安静地坐在课堂上,或是在该睡觉的钟点能上床。一些更大胆的拥护者声称他们的体育项目可以塑造高尚品格。  Given the prevailing educational undercurrent, it"s no surprise that many kids" second brush with organized athletics takes place in a school. Junior highs and high schools sponsor their own sports programs and field teams of football, basketball, soccer and tennis players. There the educational theme is given a more direct and tangible form as squads of student-athletes travel around the state representing their schools on the field, court or diamond. Yet here, strangely enough, is where a bit of the educational component begins to alter. High school teams are necessarily more selective than their youth league predecessors. Tryouts are held, and less promising players are cut. Coaches receive salaries, and there is an expectation that the teams they shape will win. In sum, there is a slight change in emphasis away from education and toward outright competition.  Little-league sports, by contrast, are fundamentally egalitarian institutions, inclusive, unselective and welcoming (at least in theory) of different levels of ability. An important question in US life: how to balance this wish to be inclusive with the need to maintain authentic competition and play to win? This is indeed an important question in all walks of life and in any country.  考虑到体育运动普遍而潜在的教育作用,很多孩子第二次接触有组织的体育活动发生在学校也就不奇怪了。很多初中和高中都举办他们自己的体育项目并组织橄榄球、篮球、足球和网球队。当学生运动队代表本校到州内的各足球、篮球、棒球场上巡回比赛,教育主题就被赋予了更直接更具体的形式。然而,极为奇怪的是,教育成分在这里开始有了一点儿改变,高中的校队比中小学校队的选拔要严多了,学校要进行测试,发展前途不大的队员就被淘汰掉了。教练们有工资,而且期望自己培养的球队能在比赛中打赢。总之,以教育为主的侧重点有了细微的变化,开始向彻底竞争的方向转化。  相比之下,小小球联的体育运动则从根本上是平等的组织,它包容一切青少年,不进行筛选,欢迎各种能力的孩子参加(至少理论上是如此)。在美国的社会生活中,一个重要的问题就是:如何平衡既要包容所有人又要保证权威性的竞争并且获胜?这的确是一个各行各业以及任何一个国家都存在的重要问题。  I proved a mediocre baseball player in high school but an above-average (American) football player, and as time passed I devoted more and more energy to that endeavor. Why? So I could get a scholarship to college and continue my education, of course.  Living in China, I find that one of the things I miss most is watching my high school and college teams play other schools" teams each Saturday afternoon. That and Burger King.  在高中时,事实证明我打棒球平平,但橄榄球却在中等之上。随着时间的推移,我把越来越多的精力投入到奋力拼搏的橄榄球运动中。为什么呢?因为我这样可以得到上大学的奖学金继续我的学业。  来到中国,我发现最怀念的事情之一就是在国内时每星期六下午看我中学母校与大学母校的校队与其他校队比赛。此外还有汉堡王快餐厅。William R. Sprouse北京青年报


英语的形成好讲些,至于对世界的影响和发展趋势那就很复杂和不确定. 英国南面隔英吉利海峡(the English Channel)、多佛尔海峡(the Straits of Dover)与法国相望,东面和东南面隔北海(the North Sea)与荷兰、比利时、丹麦、挪威遥对。距 欧洲大陆最窄处的多佛尔海峡仅三十公里宽。英国的领土主要包括大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛东北部。大不列颠岛包括三个地区:英格兰占南部和中部,威尔士占西部山地半岛,苏格兰占北部;其中以英格兰最为重要。大不列颠岛是欧洲第一大岛,海岸非常曲折,长达一万一千四百五十公里。英语就是在这样的地理环境中形成的。为了说明英语的起源,我们有必要回顾一下英语形之前的英国史前史。文物考查已经证明,古代印欧游牧部落西移之前今天的不列颠诸岛上已居住着旧石器人(Paleolithic Man)。那时,不列颠诸岛和欧洲大陆是连成一片的,英国和法国之间还没有今天的英吉利海峡和多佛尔海峡,莱茵河(the Rhine)与泰晤士河(the Thames)之间尚由其支流相接、今天的英国仍属欧洲大陆的一部分。大约在距今九千年的时候;由于地壳的变迁,大不列颠诸岛从欧洲大陆分离出来。所以史前的旧石器人能够在不列颠定居下来并不足为怪。曾任过英国首相的温斯顿·邱召尔Sir Winston Churchill)(1874?/FONT>1965)在其《说英语的民族史》(History of the English Speaking Peoples)一书中,曾这样描写居住在不列颠的旧石器人:很明显,那些赤身裸体或只披着兽皮的男人和女人或觅食于原始密林之中,或涉猎于沼泽、草滩至于他们所说的语言,尚无史料可查。大约在公元前3000年,伊比利亚人(Iberians)从地中海地区来到不列颠岛定居。他们给不列颠带来了新石器(Neolithic)文化,同时征服了先前在那儿居住的旧石器人。大约从公元前500年开始,凯尔特人;(Celts)从欧洲大陆进犯并占领了不列颠诸岛。凯尔特人最初居住在今天德国南部地区,他们是欧洲最早学会制造和使用铁器和金制装饰品的民族;在征服不列颠之前,他们曾征服了今天的法国、西班牙:葡萄牙、意大利等地区;来到不列颠后,一部分凯尔特人在今天的爱尔兰和苏格兰定居下来,其余的一部分占领了今天的英格兰的南部和东部。每到一处,他们都对伊比利亚人进行残酷的杀戳。凯尔特人讲凯尔特语。今天居住在苏格兰北部和西部山地的盖尔人(Gaels)仍使用这种语言。在英语形成之前凯尔特语是在不列颠岛上所能发现的唯一具有史料依据的最早的格言。 公元前55年的夏天,罗马帝国的恺撒大帝(Julius Caesar)在征服高卢(Gaul)之后来到不列颠。那时,他的目的未必是想征服不列颠,而是想警告凯尔特人不要支持那些居住在高占的、正受罗马人奴役的凯尔特同族人。恺撒大帝的这次‘不列颠之行"并没有给罗马帝国带来什么好处,相反却在一定程度上降低了他的威信。第二年,即公元前54年的夏天,恺撒大帝第二次亲临不列颠。这次,他在不列颠岛东南部站稳了脚跟,并与当地的凯尔特人发生了一些冲突。恺撒大帝虽然取胜,但并没有能使凯尔特人屈服。不久,他又回到了高卢;在以后的大约一百年间,罗马帝国并没有对不列颠构成很大的威胁。 英国历史上的真正的“罗马人的征服”(Roman Conquest)是在公元后43年开始的。当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(Claudius)率领四万人马,用了三年时间终于征服了不列颠岛的中部和中南部随后,整个的英格兰被罗马牢牢控制了。,随着军事占领,罗马文化与风格习惯渗入不列颠。罗马人的服装、装饰品、陶器和玻璃器皿很快在不列颠得到推广;社会生活开始:“罗马化”这必然导致拉丁语在不列颠的传播。在以胜利者自居的罗马人看来,凯尔特人无疑是“低贱的”,凯尔特语自然不能登“大雅之堂”那时,在不列颠,官方用语、法律用语、商业用语等均是拉丁语;拉丁语成了上层凯尔特人的第二语言。这就是凯尔特语词汇为什么很少能幸存下来的历史原因。在今日英语中,只是在一些地名和河流名称方面还保留着凯尔特的词汇成分。例如the Thames ,the Cam,the Dee ,the Avon , the Esk , the Exe , the Stour , the Aire , the Derwent , the Ouse , the Severn , the Tees , the Trent , the Wye等,均是凯尔特人命名的河流。在Duncombe, Winchcombe, Holcome, Cumberland, Coombe 等地名中,也可看到凯尔特语cumb (=deep valley::深谷)一词的成分,在Torcross , Torquay,Torrington等地名中,尚保留着凯尔特语torr (=high rock or peak;高岩或山顶)一词的成分。英国著名城市多尔佛(Dover)、约克(York)的名称也源于凯尔特语。罗马人占领不列颠长达四百年,直到公元407年,罗马人才因罗马帝国内外交困不得不开始撤离不列颠。 大约在公元449年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族侵犯不列颠。他们是盎格鲁(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)他们乘船横渡北海,借罗马帝国衰落、自顾不暇之机‘一举侵入大不列颠诸岛。他们遭到凯尔特人的顽强抵抗,征服过程拖延了一个半世纪之久:到了公元六世纪末,大不列颠请岛上原先的居民凯尔特人几乎灭绝,幸存者或逃入山林.或沦为奴隶。这就是英国历史上发生的“日耳曼人征服”,亦称“条顿人征服”Teutonic Conquest)。这次外来入侵.对英语的形成起了十分关键的作用(见附图一)。 盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人属古代日耳曼人。分市在北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛、德国西北沿海一带。在罗马帝国时期,他们往往统称为“蛮族部落”。他们从事畜牧和狩猎,过着半游牧的生活,且很早就知道农耕。他们的土地是氏族的公有财产,农业经营带有原始的流动性质。随着社会的发展,氏族公社逐渐解体,出现了氏族贵族和军事首领。他们的财富和权势在频繁的掠夺中剧增。军事首领名义上是由民众大会推选产生的,实际上都出于同一家族。恩格斯曾把这种氏族部落的管理制度称作军事****制;他这样写道:“其所以称为军事****制,是因为战争以及进行战争的组织现在已成为民族生活的正常职能。邻人的财富刺激了各民族的贪欲。这些民族把获得财富看成是最重要的生活目的之一。他们是野蛮人。进行掠夺在他们看来是比进行创造性劳动更容易,甚至更荣誉的事情。以前进行战争,只是为了对侵犯进行报复,或者是为了扩大已经感到不够的领上;观在进行战争,则纯粹是为了掠夺,战争成为经常的职业了。“ 这些所谓的‘蛮族”,在摧毁当时罗马帝国的奴隶制,以及推动西欧封建制度的诞生过程中,起过十分重要的作用。 征服不列颠后,盎格鲁人主要占领了洪伯河(the Humber)以北地区;撒克逊人主要占领了泰晤士河以南地区;朱特人主要盘踞在英格兰东南端的肯特(Kent) 和南汉普郡(Southern Hampshire);以及位于英格兰之南、靠近今天的朴次茅斯(Portsmouth)的怀特岛(the Isle of Wight),形成许多小国。公元七世纪初,这些小园合并为七个王国:南部有撒克逊人的威塞克斯(Wessex)、萨塞克斯(Sussex)和埃塞克斯(Essex);东北部和中部有盎格鲁人的梅尔西亚(Mercia)、诺森伯里亚(Northumbria),和东盎格里亚(East Anglia);东南部有朱特人的肯特(Kent)王国。各国竞相争雄,达两百年之久;在英国历史上称为“七国时代”(the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy)。这三个日耳曼部族虽然有各自的方言,但这些方言均属低地西日耳曼语(Low West Germanic)。有许多共同之处.因此三个部落在语言方面基本上是相通的。他们都使用一种叫做茹尼克(Runic)的文字。这种文字是古代日耳曼各民族通用的文字.它的字母主要由直线组成,以便于刻在木头或石块上,是一种由古希腊语和拉丁语发展起来的北欧碑文字。随着人类社会的发展,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人逐渐形成统一的英吉利民族.他们各自使用的方言也逐渐溶合,出现了一种新的语言枣盎格鲁撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon)。这就是古英语。它是在特定的地理和历史环境中,经过一系列民族迁移与征服的过程所形成的。 那么English和England的名称是如何来的呢?原来,凯尔特人将征服他们的盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人习惯地统称为Saxons(撒克逊人)。早期拉丁语学者仿照凯尔特人的习惯.也将这三个日耳曼部族称作Saxones.并将他们征服的不列颠称作Saxonia。随后,Angli和Anglia在拉丁语著作中分别代替了Saxones和Saxonia。到了公元700年所有的人都把当时通行在不列颠岛上的语言称作Englisc(盎格鲁人一直就是这样称呼其使用的语言的),三个入侵的日耳曼部族则统称为Angelcynn(=kin of the Angles即“盎格鲁人的家族”)到了公元1000年整个国家则被称作Englaland (=land of the Angles盎格鲁人的土地)。由于语言内部在发音和拼写方面发生了演变Englisc和Englaland才变成了今天的English和England。 在追溯英语的历史发展时,我们通常将它分为三个时期:(一)古英语(Old English),从公元450年至1150年;(二)中古英语(Middle English),从公元1150年至1500年;,(三)现代英语(Modern English),从1500年至今。为便于研究,我们常把1500?/FONT>1700年的英语称作“早期现代英语”(Early Modern English),1700年至今的英语称作“后期现代英语”(Later Modern English)。这样的分期当然不是绝对的,但它有助于我们对英语历史发展全过程的了解和研究。


希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~What is English?History of the English LanguageA short history of the origins and development of EnglishThe history of the English language really started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during the 5th century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North Sea from what today is Denmark and northern Germany. At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. But most of the Celtic speakers were pushed west and north by the invaders - mainly into what is now Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The Angles came from Englaland and their language was called Englisc - from which the words England and English are derived.Germanic invaders entered Britain on the east and south coasts in the 5th century.Old English (450-1100 AD)The invading Germanic tribes spoke similar languages, which in Britain developed into what we now call Old English. Old English did not sound or look like English today. Native English speakers now would have great difficulty understanding Old English. Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots. The words be, strong and water, for example, derive from Old English. Old English was spoken until around 1100. Middle English (1100-1500)In 1066 William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy (part of modern France), invaded and conquered England. The new conquerors (called the Normans) brought with them a kind of French, which became the language of the Royal Court, and the ruling and business classes. For a period there was a kind of linguistic class division, where the lower classes spoke English and the upper classes spoke French. In the 14th century English became dominant in Britain again, but with many French words added. This language is called Middle English. It was the language of the great poet Chaucer (c1340-1400), but it would still be difficult for native English speakers to understand today. Modern EnglishEarly Modern English (1500-1800)Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden and distinct change in pronunciation (the Great Vowel Shift) started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact with many peoples from around the world. This, and the Renaissance of Classical learning, meant that many new words and phrases entered the language. The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Printing also brought standardization to English. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London, where most publishing houses were, became the standard. In 1604 the first English dictionary was published.Late Modern English (1800-Present)The main difference between Early Modern English and Late Modern English is vocabulary. Late Modern English has many more words, arising from two principal factors: firstly, the Industrial Revolution and technology created a need for new words; secondly, the British Empire at its height covered one quarter of the earth"s surface, and the English language adopted foreign words from many countries.Varieties of EnglishFrom around 1600, the English colonization of North America resulted in the creation of a distinct American variety of English. Some English pronunciations and words "froze" when they reached America. In some ways, American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English is. Some expressions that the British call "Americanisms" are in fact original British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost for a time in Britain (for example trash for rubbish, loan as a verb instead of lend, and fall for autumn; another example, frame-up, was re-imported into Britain through Hollywood gangster movies). Spanish also had an influence on American English (and subsequently British English), with words like canyon, ranch, stampede and vigilante being examples of Spanish words that entered English through the settlement of the American West. French words (through Louisiana) and West African words (through the slave trade) also influenced American English (and so, to an extent, British English).Today, American English is particularly influential, due to the USA"s dominance of cinema, television, popular music, trade and technology (including the Internet). But there are many other varieties of English around the world, including for example Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English, South African English, Indian English and Caribbean English.

求一篇Howard Hughes的英语文章。。写一些关于他的为人。。做事方面的







Drunk driving this bad behavior not only endanger people"s life safety, but also the formation of extremely bad social impact. In advocating the law society today, become social disharmonious note. The penalty for drunk driving since carrying out, for this behavior was hit severely, but still frequent drunk-driving incident. The main reason is:A driver for drunk driving, the harm of not enough;In two, the penalty for drunk driving and other legal consciousness;In three, the penalty for drunk driving in the implementation of standards is not accurate enough, but also to certain privileged to take advantage of loopholes, provide opportunities for.How to further reduce drunk driving incident, better implementation of drunk driving into criminal law, need from the following several points:First, make more perfect wine driving into the punishment to carry out the standards and practices. This requires the development of legal departments and the law enforcement part of communication, coordination, develop practical, easy to operate the standard.Second, to further increase the drunk driving hazard propaganda, improve the driver and the whole society the legal consciousness of the staff.Third, to further standardize and drive the development of the industry, the relevant departments should pay attention to encourage and guide, best can publish industry codes. Drive the development of the industry to a certain extent to avoid the occurrence of drunk driving behavior.Fourth, law enforcement departments should strictly enforce the law, make no exception, and encourage the broad masses of the people to participate in supervision, establish reporting telephone.The only way to create a safe, harmonious social environment.醉酒驾车这种恶劣的行为不但危害人民的生命安全,而且形成极为恶劣的社会影响。在提倡法治社会的今天,成为社会不和谐的音符。酒驾入刑实施以来,对于这种行为进行了了严厉的打击,但酒驾事件依然频发。究其原因主要是:一、部分驾驶员对酒后驾车的危害性认识不够;二、对酒驾入刑等法律的意识淡薄;三、酒驾入刑的执行标准不够准确,也给某些权贵阶层找关系、钻空子提供机会等。如何进一步减少酒驾事件的发生,更好的实施酒驾入刑的法律规范,需从以下几点:第一,制定更为完善的酒驾入刑的执行标准和操作规范。这需要制定法律的部门与执法部分多沟通、协调,制定切实可行、易于操作的规范程序。第二,进一步加大对酒后驾车危害性的宣传力度,提高驾驶员及全社会人员的法律意识。第三,进一步规范代驾行业的发展,相关部门要注意鼓励和引导,最好能出台行业守则。代驾行业的发展能在一定程度上避免酒后驾车行为的发生。第四,执法部门要严格执法,一视同仁,并鼓励广大人民群众的参与监督,设立举报电话等。只有这样才能建立一个安全、和谐的社会环境。
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