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win10电脑上联想系统预装cyberlink powerdirector 10为啥程序和功能找不到图标,如何卸载程序?


不小心把hp本本自带的power 2go 和power director 卸载了

你不要怕,WUSA!!!对你不会有影响的!!!! 放轻松哦 !!!!

我是y410,不小心把cyberlink powerdirector10卸载了,对电脑有没有影响?怎么安回来?

这个是国外的刻录软件 装回来做什么 删了好


"Jewellery"是指珠宝、首饰的英文单词。“jewellery"的正确发音是 /u02c8du0292uu02d0u0259lri/(ju-u-uh-l-ree)。请注意,“jewellery”的最后一个音节应该是"ree”,而不是"ri"。jewellery 用法和例句:1、Sales at tiffany "s american jewellery stores have plunged .美国蒂芙尼(tiffany)珠宝店的销售额也有所下降。2、His lamps , chairs and jewellery borrow heavily from natural history .他在复制台灯,凳子和首饰的时候都大量借用了自然性的材料。3、High gold prices are also hurting jewellery demand .高金价同样也伤到了珠宝需求。4、The jewellery is sold to a local refinery .这些珠宝首饰将售给当地的一家精炼厂。5、Partly because high prices are putting off india "s jewellery buyers .部分是因为金价高企抑制了印度珠宝买家的需求。jewellery同义词解析1、Jewelry: 与"jewellery"在意义上完全相同,只是拼写不同。在美式英语中使用较多。2、Ornaments: 指一般用于装饰的物品,包括珠宝饰品在内。3、Accessories: 指各种用以搭配、装饰服装的物品,包括首饰在内。4、Adornments: 指用于美化、装点的物品,如首饰、装饰品等。5、Trinkets: 指小巧、精致的装饰品或小饰物,常常用于形容珠宝首饰中的小件物品。

宏碁cyber powerdirector10可以卸载吗


power director8刻录光盘总是说光盘空间不足(电脑高手请进,急急急!!)


cyberlink powerdirector能删除吗




联想系统预装cyberlink powerdirector 10如何卸载



900 MB 的文件, 你拿马桶来装哦

power director与premiere有什么区别?哪个更好?


by powerdirector是什么

用PowerDirector(威力导演)软件是视频编辑软件,可以编辑原始视频或是转换成各种需要的格式, 或是制作成dvd碟

你好我的Y510p电脑里有自带的cyberlink powerdirector10 能卸载他吗?对电脑有影响吗




Power Director 3快速上手

今天我们介绍Cyber link公司的Power Director 3(威力导演),这个软件算是家用的DV视频后期处理软件,使用起来比较简单。Cyber link是台湾的讯达科技的标志,Cyberlink公司在视频非线性编辑方面刚刚推出的力作是威力导演3——Power Director 3。Power Director 3的界面如图1所示。从上图可以看出,威力导演3的界面比较简洁,其菜单栏有【档案】、【编辑】、【检视】、【截取】、【播放】和【说明】。下面我们分三个部分简单介绍这个软件,这三个部分为:“截取”、“编辑”、“制片及烧录”。一、截取单击图1的“截取”按钮后,出现如图2所示“截取”子界面。威力导演3的视频音频信号源可以来自数码摄像机(DV)、电视(TV)、摄像头(WebCam)、麦克风(Micphone)和CD光盘。当电脑安装了这些相应的采集设备并使其处于可用状态,上图左下部分的这些设备按钮才会变成可用。画面左上部分是当前使用设备的采集预览画面。单击下面的录制按钮就可以录制视频和音频了。在右下部分是设备设置部分,可以设置采集视频的格式(MPEG1、MPEG2和AVI)等,同时显示了当前系统录制的状态,比较方便。录制了一段视频后,在右上部分截取的片段界面就可以看见已录制的片段了。二、编辑单击图1的“编辑”按钮后,出现如图3所示“编辑”子界面。威力导演3的编辑界面非常友好,初次接触非线性编辑的朋友也能很快上手。其编辑界面主要由三大块组成:视频特效区、视频时间线区和视频预览编辑区。视频特效区主要由媒体工房(快捷键为F5)、特效工房(快捷键为F6)、文字工房(快捷键为F7)、转场特效工房(快捷键为F8)、音效混音(快捷键为Shift+F9)和即时配音录制(快捷键为Shift+F10)六部分组成。媒体工房是用来放置导入的媒体文件,如视频、图片等。特效工房是一些内置的视频特效,如马赛克、残影效果等。文字工房是一些文字特效,如滚动字幕、打字机效果等。转场特效工房是用来放置在两段视频之间的过渡特效,如翻页、百叶窗等。音效混音是用来给作品添加背景音乐或音效的。即时配音录制是一个比较方便的功能,可以即时的对当前正在播放的视频文件配音,比较实用。视频时间线区是主要的视频非线性编辑区,由六条时间线轨道(Tracks)组成,分别为:影片、特效、子母画面、文字、配音和配乐轨道。影片轨道是用来放置上面媒体工房中的视频文件的,只需将其拖到影片轨道中即可;特效轨道是用来放置上面特效工房的特效的;子母画面轨道类似于画中画效果,可以使画面同时出现两个视频画面,不过功能太单一,不能进行较复杂的操作;文字轨道可以将上面制作好的文字叠加进去;配音轨道是用来方上面媒体工房中的音频文件的。双击各个轨道上的内容还可以对其进行一些细致设置。视频预览区主要用来预览视频文件内容和最后特效的。三、制片及烧录单击图1的“制片”按钮后,出现如图4所示“制片”子界面。制片界面是用来输出完成好的视频文件的。威力导演3有四种输出方式:* 制作光碟片:可以制作VCD、DVD、SVCD或MiniDVD,无需第三方插件即可完成。* 建立档案:用来建立MPEG1、MPEG2、AVI和DivX格式的视频文件。* 建立串流档案:用来建立WMV、RealVideo和QuickTime影片的,这些文件都是流媒体格式的,非常适用于在网上传播。* 写回DV磁带:用来将编辑好的视频文件再录制到DV带上的,这样通过播放DV带就可以看到我们的作品了。威力导演3的烧录功能主要是靠其集成的EzProducer2软件来完成。单击“烧录”按钮后出现刻录窗口界面,如图5所示。我们可以看到EzProducer2中进行编制影片光盘、DV直接烧录和编辑光碟等操作,比较方便,在此不再多讲。

触发onblur后,查询数据库中其他信息显示在页面上 前端代码怎么写?用的webstorm



运用在input事件上,这2个好像没发现有什么区别,但肯定是有区别,那么,区别在哪里呢。 回复讨论(解决方案)onfocusout是ie的私有事件,只有ie支持。另外一个所有浏览器都支持。




“Power”是一个英语名词,表示物体或人所具有的能力、力量和影响力。这个词可以用于描述物理力量、政治力量、社会力量、精神力量等不同的方面。例如:Physical power(物理力量):指的是物体所具有的力量,例如机器的输出功率或人的肌肉力量等。Social power(社会力量):指的是在社会中产生影响力的能力,例如名人、组织或社会运动等。Spiritual power(精神力量):指的是内在的力量,例如信仰、勇气和毅力等。“Power”还可以用作动词,表示掌握或行使权力的行为。例如:“The president is empowered to veto any bill passed by Congress.”(总统有权否决国会通过的任何法案。)

高中英语slower slowly的区别?

slower是比较级, The bus is slower than the car. slowly是副词,修饰动词 The bus is moving slowly.

大大们 我想问下,英语always的音标是‘o lwei z’为什么我听别人读都是‘o we


为什么slow的比较级是snower,slowly的比较级是more slow

单音节多是er,est。双音节和多音节多是加more,most。副词多是双音节词及以上。所以slow是slower,slowly是more slowly。

「力量」英文怎么说?strength / power / force 中文意思与用法!看例句搞懂

「力量」的英文 要怎么说?最常见的英文单字有 strength / power / force ,这三个英文单字的中文意思,都有「力量、力」的意思,所以这三个英文单字也算是易混淆字。本篇文章也会教学 strength / power / force 这三个英文单字的含义,以及它们的中文意思到底差在哪。 如果你还不知道 strength / power / force 这三个英文单字在表达「力量」时,到底有什么差异,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧! 「力量」的英文怎么说?strength / power / force 中文意思差在哪? 下面分别会教学 strength / power / force 这三个英文易混淆字的中文意思差异。 1.strength 力量 strength 的中文意思可以表达为体力或是精神力,可以指将某个行为化为可能的能力,也可以指肉体、精神、物理性的方面的力量。 strength 的形容词形式为 strong,中文意思有很多,可以表达为强壮的、强烈的。 strong 形容人时,表达这个人很强壮。 例: Tom is so strong. 汤姆好壮。 Strong 形容物品时,通常表示该物很浓烈、强烈的意思。 例: Strong drinks 强烈的酒。 例: Strong coffee 浓烈的咖啡。 strength 最常表达的意思为生理或精神上的力量,例如精神力或是气力。 例: She didn"t have the strength to walk any further. 她已经没有力气再往前走了。 u200b例: People do not lack strength, they lack will. 人不缺乏力量,他们缺乏意志。 2.power 力量 power 中文意思解释为「力量」,常用的地方很多,例如权势、肉体的力量、政治的力量…等等。power 通常指包含权力或是经济财务方面的力量,而这个力量可以让你用来控制很多东西。 例: The power of money 金钱的力量。 例: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量 跟 power 相关的英文单字也很多。 例: Power drill 电钻 例: Power plant 电力场 例: power supply 电力供应 例: Power shovel 挖土机 至于 force 则比较接近物理方面的力量,例如武力、暴力…等等。 例: Magic force 磁力 the force of gravity 重力 the security forces 安保部队 the work force 劳动大军 例: the forces (海陆空三军)武装力量 Air force 空军 上面就是 strength / power / force 这三个英文单字在表达「力」上的差异啦! 总结 strength / power / force 这三个英文易混淆字,在中文意思上的差异整理如下。 1.strength 最常表达的意思为生理或精神上的力量,例如精神力或是气力。

slower 与 slowly 的区别


_______were a highly civilized people long before the Europeans were.

我认为选A。加the表示强调;同时题目里也给了暗示:the Europeans 。

can you speak slowly还是can you speak slower

slower是slow的比较级,表示更慢. slowly是副词,表示“慢地”,用来修饰动词;而slow是形容词,表示“慢的”,用来修饰名词. can you please speak more slowly这句话:你能不能讲得慢一些?本句中用slowly修饰动词speak.另外,这句话用到了比较级,slowly的比较级是more slowly,而slow的比较级是slower,不用再加more.

Blood. Sweat & Tears的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Blood. Sweat & Tears专辑:B, S & T; 4REDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 面对你静静归还於天空的姿态what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた到泪水乾涸为止都无法转移视线溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 暗自对满溢的哀伤发誓忘れはしないと誓った 决不遗忘这无法抹消的伤痕折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起断折之翼振翅翱翔すべてを消してみせよう 消灭万象存有看看吧いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎接终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直到终结的钟声响彻云霄为止you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 以颤抖的指尖描绘出鲜红泪痕I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 虚幻脆弱的回忆坠落於黑闇深处最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 浮现最终微笑又随即消逝温もりだけを残して 只残留些许暖意优しいだけの言叶なら 仅是温柔的言语今の仆は愈せない  无法疗愈现在的我果てしなく続く戦いに 只有将全身全灵この身をすべて捧げるだけ  都投入无止尽的斗争中いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 既然任谁都终将归还於天空彼方别れの言叶はいらない 就无须多做道别make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起断折之翼振翅翱翔すべて消してみせよう 消灭万象存有看看吧いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎接终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直到终结的钟声响彻云霄为止优しいだけの言叶なら  如果只是温柔的言语今の仆は愈せない  无法疗愈现在的我果てしなく続く戦いに 只有将全身全灵この身をすべて捧げるだけ  都投入无止尽的斗争中REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8920409

We often go ____(swim) on Saturdays.

【分析】 本题的意思是:我们经常在周六去游泳。“go+v-ing”形式大部分表示从事运动、消遣或娱乐活动。这里表示“去游泳”用go swimming。

以Saturday is my favourite day of the week. On Saturdays I......为开头,写一段关于周末怎样度过的短文

Saturday is my favourite day of the week. On Saturdays I can do whatever I want. I usually get up early in the morning and help my parents with breakfast. After breakfast I wash the dishes and do some cleaning. Then I do my homework and read intresting books. At noon I cook lunch by myself. After a short rest, I visit my friends and we play basketball together fo about an hour. In the evening I surf the internet, watch TV and read books. I don"t go to bed until 10:00. What a happy Saturday.还可以用上: go shopping/ hiking, go to movies, visit my parents 等祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

we are going on saturday 这句话什么意思?感觉有省略,请问省略了什么?为什么要省略?


We usually piay football on Saturdays.对on Saturdays提问


Bob Welch的《Jealous》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealous歌手:Bob Welch专辑:Man OverboardKarl Wolf - Jealousdidnt mean to cuz a fight babyi was just jealousdidnt mean 2 make u crybut i was just jealouswhen i saw u with that guycouldnt resistcuz i knew this was itu would leave me 4 himwould told u just to hold me no reson 2 worrynever thought u pack and leave like that in a hurrywas just going throught a phase but now that ur gonei know its 2 latewhen u walked out that gate(献给所有喜欢Karl Wolf的同好们~)when u walked out that gate(i was just jealous)http://music.baidu.com/song/2942074

a snap poll showed that。。。 这里的snap是什么意思?


Jingle Well 歌词

歌手名:合唱专辑名:Dashing through the snowOn a one-horse open sleighOver the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bob-tail ringmaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonightJingle bells, jingle bellsjingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleighJingle Bells,Jingle BellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one horse open sleighA day or two agoI thought I "d take a rideAnd soon Miss Fanny BrightWas seated by my sideThe horse was lean and lankMisfortune seemed his lotHe got into a drifted bankAnd we, we got upsotJingle Bells, Jingle BellsJingle all the wayOh What fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleighJingle Bells,Jingle BellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one horse open sleighJingle Bells,Jingle BellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one horse open sleighJingle Bells,Jingle BellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to ridehttp://music.baidu.com/song/16384060

用powerdesigner设计数据库建好概念模型后检查报“ entity attribute name uniqueness”的错误要怎么解决


Western blotting检测后洗膜

随意 泡一会用stripping buffer洗就行了

westernblot 膜干了怎么办?


licor western blot stripping后 用另外两种抗体重新孵育后 背景超高是怎么回事



SOAP简单的理解,就是这样的一个开放协议SOAP=RPC+HTTP+XML:采用HTTP作为底层通讯协议;RPC作为一致性的调用途径,XML作为数据传送的格式,允许服务提供者和服务客户经过防火墙在INTERNET进行通讯交互。RPC的描叙可能不大准确,因为SOAP一开始构思就是要实现平台与环境的无关性和独立性,每一个通过网络的远程调用都可以通过SOAP封装起来,包括DCE(Distributed Computing Environment ) RPC CALLS,COM/DCOM CALLS, CORBA CALLS, JAVA CALLS,etc。SOAP 使用 HTTP 传送 XML,尽管HTTP 不是有效率的通讯协议,而且 XML 还需要额外的文件解析(parse),两者使得交易的速度大大低于其它方案。但是XML 是一个开放、健全、有语义的讯息机制,而 HTTP 是一个广泛又能避免许多关于防火墙的问题,从而使SOAP得到了广泛的应用。但是如果效率对你来说很重要,那么你应该多考虑其它的方式,而不要用 SOAP。为了更好的理解SOAP,HTTP,XML如何工作的,不妨先考虑一下COM/DCOM的运行机制,DCOM处理网络协议的低层次的细节问题,如PROXY/STUB间的通讯,生命周期的管理,对象的标识。在客户端与服务器端进行交互的时候,DCOM采用NDR(Network Data Representation)作为数据表示,它是低层次的与平台无关的数据表现形式。Web service一般就是用SOAP协议通过HTTP来调用它,其实他就是一个WSDL文档,客户都可以阅读WSDL文档来用这个Web service。客户根据WSDL描述文档,会生成一个SOAP请求消息。Web service都是放在Web服务器 (如IIS) 后面的,客户生成的SOAP请求会被嵌入在一个HTTP POST请求中,发送到Web服务器来。Web服务器再把这些请求转发给Web service请求处理器。请求处理器的作用在于,解析收到的SOAP请求,调用Web service,然后再生成相应的SOAP应答。Web服务器得到SOAP应答后,会再通过HTTP应答的方式把它送回到客户端。个人以为就把webservice当成是Http这种请求和响应方式就可以处理大部分问题了。webservice 的调用有3种方式1. httpget 2. httppost3. httpsoapsoap 的优点是 可以传递结构化的 数据,而前两种不行。btw, soap 最终也是使用 HTTP 传送 XMLHTTP就是邮局的协议,他们规定了你的信封要怎么写,要贴多少邮票等。。。。 SOAP就是你们之间交流的协议,负责把你所需要表达的意思写在信纸上,同时也负责让对方能够看得懂你的信。SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 顾名思义,是一个严格定义的信息交换协议,用于在Web Service中把远程调用和返回封装成机器可读的格式化数据。事实上SOAP数据使用XML数据格式,定义了一整套复杂的标签,以描述调用的远程过程、参数、返回值和出错信息等等。而且随着需要的增长,又不得增加协议以支持安全性,这使SOAP变得异常庞大,背离了简单的初衷。另一方面,各个服务器都可以基于这个协议推出自己的API,即使它们提供的服务及其相似,定义的API也不尽相同,这又导致了WSDL的诞生。WSDL (Web Service Description Language) 也遵循XML格式,用来描述哪个服务器提供什么服务,怎样找到它,以及该服务使用怎样的接口规范,简言之,服务发现。现在,使用Web Service的过程变成,获得该服务的WSDL描述,根据WSDL构造一条格式化的SOAP请求发送给服务器,然后接收一条同样SOAP格式的应答,最后根据先前的WSDL解码数据。绝大多数情况下,请求和应答使用HTTP协议传输,那么发送请求就使用HTTP的POST方法。


Types:定义了消息交换中使用的数据类型。在 DemoWebServiceService.wsdl 中,您可以导入 DemoWebServiceService_schema1.xsd,而不需要在 WSDL 文件中定义数据类型。Message: 定义了所交换的消息。您有两个消息,“hello” 和 “helloResponse”。消息 hello 其中有一部分是 “parameters”。这个部分有一个元素 “tns:hello”。而消息 helloResponse 其中有一部分是 “parameters”,刚好与 hello 的一样。这个部分有一个元素 “tns:helloResponse”。这两个元素 hello 和 helloResponse 都定义在 DemoWebServiceService_schema1.xsd 中。您很快会下面看到它的内容。Port Type:支持终端的操作。一个操作会提供一个输入消息和一个输出消息。您有一个名为 “hello” 的操作,它由一个输入消息 “tns:hello” 和一个输出消息 “tns:helloResponse” 组成。这是一个请求-响应传输。一个 WSDL 为终端提供了 4 种不同的传输基本参数:one-wayrequest-responsesolicit-responsenotification在 one-way 传输中,一个终端只能接收消息。在 request-response 传输中,一个终端会先接收一个消息然后再发送一个相应的消息。在 solicit-response 传输中,一个终端会先发送一个消息然后再接收一个相应的消息。在 notification 传输中,一个终端只能发送消息。Binding:定义了由一种端口类型定义的操作和消息的协议细节和消息格式规范。您会为 style 属性提供一个 “document”。这个 style 属性包含 2 种不同类型的消息,rpc 和 document。如果是 rpc,消息会包含了一些参数和返回值。如果是 document ,消息则包含一些文档。transport 属性的值包含了 SOAP 的传输 URI。http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http 表示您将使用 SOAP 规范中的 HTTP 绑定。您要为 soapAction 属性中 SOAP 的 HTTP 绑定的 SOAPAction HTTP 头指定 URI。由于您使用了一个 SOAP 的 HTTP 绑定,因此必须指定 soapAction 属性的值。您可以为 soapAction 属性指定一个空字符串,即 ""。soap:body 元素指定了如何在 SOAP 消息主体元素内聚集消息各部分。而 use 属性则提供了两个不同的选项:literal 和 encoded。如果您使用 literal,这表示您使用一个使用元素或类型属性的具体的模式定义。如果您使用 encoded,那么您使用的是带有编码规则的抽象类型。Service:定义了一组相关的端口。Port:通过为一个绑定指定一个网络地址而定义一个通信终端。

Java WebService消息格式SOAP1.1和SOAP1.2的区别

SOAP1.1和1.2发布的WebService的主要区别:1、两者的命名空间不同。1.1 -> xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"1.2 -> xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"2、HTTP头信息上存在差异。1.1 -> 为Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-81.2 -> 为Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-83、发布的WSDL内容也不相同。WSDL是Web Service的描述语言,版本不同,内容也就不尽相同了。4、SOAP消息格式不同。主要体现在消息格式的命名空间上。


  Web Service 是一种新的web应用程序分支,他们是自包含、自描述、模块化的应用,可以发布、定位、通过web调用。Web Service可以执行从简单的请求到复杂商务处理的任何功能。一旦部署以后,其他Web Service应用程序可以发现并调用它部署的服务。  实际上,WebService的主要目标是跨平台的可互操作性。为了达到这一目标,WebService完全基于XML(可扩展标记语言)、XSD(XMLSchema)等独立于平台、独立于软件供应商的标准,是创建可互操作的、分布式应用程序的新平台。由此可以看出,在以下三种情况下,使用WebService会带来极大的好处。  长项一:跨防火墙的通信  如果应用程序有成千上万的用户,而且分布在世界各地,那么客户端和服务器之间的通信将是一个棘手的问题。因为客户端和服务器之间通常会有防火墙或者代理服务器。在这种情况下,使用DCOM就不是那么简单,通常也不便于把客户端程序发布到数量如此庞大的每一个用户手中。传统的做法是,选择用浏览器作为客户端,写下一大堆ASP页面,把应用程序的中间层暴露给最终用户。这样做的结果是开发难度大,程序很难维护。  图1通过WebService集成应用程序  举个例子,在应用程序里加入一个新页面,必须先建立好用户界面(Web页面),并在这个页面后面,包含相应商业逻辑的中间层组件,还要再建立至少一个ASP页面,用来接受用户输入的信息,调用中间层组件,把结果格式化为HTML形式,最后还要把“结果页”送回浏览器。要是客户端代码不再如此依赖于HTML表单,客户端的编程就简单多了。  如果中间层组件换成WebService的话,就可以从用户界面直接调用中间层组件,从而省掉建立ASP页面的那一步。要调用WebService,可以直接使用MicrosoftSOAPToolkit或.NET这样的SOAP客户端,也可以使用自己开发的SOAP客户端,然后把它和应用程序连接起来。不仅缩短了开发周期,还减少了代码复杂度,并能够增强应用程序的可维护性。同时,应用程序也不再需要在每次调用中间层组件时,都跳转到相应的“结果页”。  从经验来看,在一个用户界面和中间层有较多交互的应用程序中,使用WebService这种结构,可以节省花在用户界面编程上20%的开发时间。另外,这样一个由WebService组成的中间层,完全可以在应用程序集成或其它场合下重用。最后,通过WebService把应用程序的逻辑和数据“暴露”出来,还可以让其它平台上的客户重用这些应用程序。  长项二:应用程序集成  企业级的应用程序开发者都知道,企业里经常都要把用不同语言写成的、在不同平台上运行的各种程序集成起来,而这种集成将花费很大的开发力量。应用程序经常需要从运行在IBM主机上的程序中获取数据;或者把数据发送到主机或UNIX应用程序中去。即使在同一个平台上,不同软件厂商生产的各种软件也常常需要集成起来。通过WebService,应用程序可以用标准的方法把功能和数据“暴露”出来,供其它应用程序使用。  例如,有一个订单登录程序,用于登录从客户来的新订单,包括客户信息、发货地址、数量、价格和付款方式等内容;还有一个订单执行程序,用于实际货物发送的管理。这两个程序来自不同软件厂商。一份新订单进来之后,订单登录程序需要通知订单执行程序发送货物。通过在订单执行程序上面增加一层WebService,订单执行程序可以把“AddOrder”函数“暴露”出来。这样,每当有新订单到来时,订单登录程序就可以调用这个函数来发送货物了。  长项三:B2B的集成  用WebService集成应用程序,可以使公司内部的商务处理更加自动化。但当交易跨越供应商和客户、突破公司的界限时会怎么样呢?跨公司的商务交易集成通常叫做B2B集成。  WebService是B2B集成成功的关键。通过WebService,公司可以把关键的商务应用“暴露”给指定的供应商和客户。例如,把电子下单系统和电子发票系统“暴露”出来,客户就可以以电子的方式发送订单,供应商则可以以电子的方式发送原料采购发票。当然,这并不是一个新的概念,EDI(电子文档交换)早就是这样了。但是,WebService的实现要比EDI简单得多,而且WebService运行在Internet上,在世界任何地方都可轻易实现,其运行成本就相对较低。不过,WebService并不像EDI那样,是文档交换或B2B集成的完整解决方案。WebService只是B2B集成的一个关键部分,还需要许多其它的部分才能实现集成。






WWE的全称是“World Wrestling Entertainment”也就是世界摔角娱乐联盟,“娱乐”顾名思义,就是让观众可以从消遣中开心,所以,每个摔角手都只是演员而已,所谓的世界冠军只是一个代号而已,没有哪个世界搏击组织会承认它的价值,一切的一切都只是噱头而已。 懂得欣赏每个摔角手为了娱乐观众每场比赛付出的汗水才重要. 这些用伤痛和汗水来娱乐我们的人,从某种意义上来讲,不也算得上英雄么. WWE的每一场比赛都是有其剧情支持的,输赢大多是安排好的, 剧情是假的,比赛结果也不是真的, 但那些选手受的伤是假的么,流出来的血是假的么, 没有一个WWE的选手没有做过手术(除那些纯粹走SEXILY路线的),大多人都有吃着止疼药上场的经历, 他们也是人,再加工过的擂台摔下去也是会疼的, 他们也要养家胡口,你能说他们生存的容易么! 好象看过一个数据,翠许到退役年XIN才68万,莉塔才28万!! 所以,有些人你们不给尊重不要紧,请不要再D毁那些选手了!

WWE 这个女摔跤选手叫什么


A little more effort,more self-discipline;more practice,and more crazyu2026u2026we can creat miracles.!


自律的力量 No Excuse: the power of self-discipline

Author: Brain Tracy Type: Article/R1000系列 step1:从好问题开始... 作者问了自己一个问题, 应该说是一直在问自己一个问题. 这也是本书最重要的问题 Why are some people more successful than others? 为什么有的人活得更好 step2:从解决问题入手... 然后据作者描述, 他在几年的时间里, 阅读了数以千计关于成功和成就主题的书籍和文章<read thousands of book and articles on the subjects of success and achievement..> 从中作者发现一个秘密, 那就是每个人都知道该如何活得更好, 每个人都知道该如何如何, 但是<But...>只有20%的人采取了行动, 其他80%的人借口说某天在做吧<maybe someday>, 作者称这80%的人就住在一个叫做某天的孤岛<someday isle>. 进一步研究, 作者发现世界上80%的资源掌握在20%的人手里, 而这20%的1%的人掌握着33%<即0.2%的人>的资源, 举个例子就是, 假设世界上只有有1000个人和1000个面包, 那么其中2个人将拥有330块面包, 198人将拥有470的面包, 剩下800人将哄抢剩下了200个面包. 而这就是当今社会人类命运的写照, 想想自己到底是在和谁争夺资源吗, 是和你身边那个吗, 或者他自己都还吃不好, 那就要去争夺他的资源吗? 还是... step3:确定你的远方<ideal life>... 作者得出一个结论, 鼓励大家你的理想生活需要你加入这20%的群体<Join the Top 20 percent>, 而不是盲目原地努力. 因为我们在鸡群里原地就算努力活得再好, 也只不过是比其他鸡多吃一点点, 多一点点空间, 最终还是逃不过鸡的宿命. 想要加入这Top20%, 需要做到两点: 你需要重新确定你奋斗的初衷, 不是超过身边的人, 不是比周围人过的更好, 不是在这个水平线上争夺更多, 而是要不断晋级, 超越本我. 当我们能换一个维度看待自己时, 世界将大不一样. step4:附上代价的自律 self-discipline... 话虽然如此, 但不断提升自己, 持续提升真的很痛苦, 很难啊, 有时间刷刷视频, 追追剧多轻松, 难道是脑子不清醒吗, 要去做那有难又苦的事. 是的啊, 虽然我们大脑想的是要提升, 要追求ideal life, 但实际行动确实将我们一直囚禁在孤岛<someday isle>. 据作者的研究得出: 唯一能将这20%和80%人区分开来的, 就是自律<self-discipline>, 自律能让我们做到step3所说的两点. 那什么是自律呢? 自律就是让自己去做有挑战有必要的事, 而不是去做那些容易和滑稽的事. <Resolve to do what is hard and necessary rather than what is fun and easy.> 这就是自律, 是反人性的, 是让人不舒服的, 是让人付代价的 这就是自律的习惯所附带的特性, 自律它是一种习惯, 而这种习惯那80%的人是不愿去做的<habit of doing the things that unsuccessful people don"t like to do.> 而对于我们每个人, 什么是重要和必须的事情呢, 什么是可以帮助我们过上ideal life的习惯呢? 我们每个人心中都有答案, 但是, 我们再次选择了无视这些, 继续让自己住在孤岛<someday isle.> 而唯一的解决答案就是: 我们必须要把自己掷出孤岛<Vote yourself off the island!!!> step5:这并不容易... 这还是不容易, 谁会一直自律, 一直做反人性的事呢, 虽然说大家都想要ideal life. 作者培养自律之道的几个方面, 我觉得最能激发人付诸行动的莫过于, 让自己: 成为具有远见的人<Long time perspective> 什么是远见呢, 远见就是结合未来的影响来考虑当下的每一行动 <the amount of time an individual takes into consideration when determining his present actions>. 通俗地讲就是, 今天造的孽, 未来需要花多少代价来弥补. 每当我们把时间线拉长, 站在10年后, 人生的终点来考察我们今天所做的选择和行动时, 如果今天的所做的事都会对塑造一个带有今天特色的未来的自己, 那么我们就会重新慎重地考虑今天所做的觉得, 就会选择自律, 选择让自己更好. 因为, 未来自己是什么样子, 你只需要把过去一个月的自己乘以50年, 那便是未来的自己, 如果过去一个月我们无所成就, 那么大概率事件, 50年后的我们和今天也不会有太大差别. 所以啊, 从现在开始, 好好考虑下50年后的自己和现在的自己. step6: 远见<先见>... 没错, 当我用远见的思维来看自己时, 我就知道, 自律确实很重要, 经过我的不断思考, 我们若想培养自律, 就必须要在自己的生命里找到一件可以坚持的小事, 并以此为突破口, 把它做到极致, 而不是贪求太多, 只一件就够了: 例如 step7:行动起来... 行动起来吧, 因为行动才是最好的解药. 决心让余生成为生命中最好的旅程. 下面是一个好问题, 让一切从问出好问题开始 Resolve to make the rest of your life the best of your life: what is the first thing you should change or do ? **一张梦护队: 生活如此简单, 不过一张纸, 一支笔, 以极简之心简化生活, 极致生活. **

英语书上有这样的句子:All the tickets are sold.为什么是are sold,而不是were sell?

are sold是被动语态,票是被卖的,所以要用sold,而不是sell(原型),至于用的是are,还是were,要看你当时说话的时间状态来确定是过去时还是一般现在时.

英译汉:1、The rapid shrinkage in natural resources is pressing for a lower birth rat.



"weather"的发音是两个音节,第一个音节是短元音音标 /e/,第二个音节是长元音音标 /ər/。因此,"weather"的发音中有一个长音。






Flowers for algernon。关于这本书的阅读理解问题。(三选一即可)

这本书叫《献给阿尔杰农的花》吧?Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes ------------------------------------------- progris riport 1 – martch 5, 1965 progris riport 2 – martch 6 progris report 3 – martch 7 progris riport 4 – Mar 8 progris ript 5 – Mar 10 Progress Report 6 – Mar 15 Progress Report 7 – mar 19 Progress Report 8 – Mar 23 PROGRESS REPORT 9 – April 3 PROGRESS REPORT 11 PROGRESS REPORT 12 PROGRESS REPORT 13 progris riport 1 – martch 5, 1965 Dr. Strauss says I shud rite down what I think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on. I dont know why but he says its importint so they will see if they will use me. I hope they use me. Miss Kinnian says maybe they can make me smart. I want to be smart. My name is Charlie Gordon. I am 37 years old and 2 weeks ago was my birthday. I have nuthing more to rite now so I will close for today.progris riport 2 – martch 6 I had a test today. I think I faled it. and I think that maybe now they wont use me. What happind is a nice young man was in the room and he had some white cards with ink spilled all over them. He sed Charlie what do you see on this card. I was very skared even tho I had my rabits foot in my pockit because when I was a kid I always faled tests in school and I spilled ink to. I told him I saw a inkblot. He said yes and it made me feel good. I thot that was all but when I got up to go he stopped me. He said now sit down Charlie we are not thru yet. Then I dont remember so good but he wantid me to say what was in the ink. I dint see nuthing in the ink but he said there was picturs there other pepul saw some picturs. I coudnt see any picturs. I reely tryed to see. I held the card close up and then far away. Then I said if I had my glases I coud see better I usally only ware my glases in the movies or TV but I said they are in the closit in the hall. I got them. Then I said let me see that card agen I bet Ill find it now. I tryed hard but I still coudnt find the picturs I only saw the ink. I told him maybe I need new glases. He rote somthing down on a paper and I got skared of faling the test. I told him it was a very nice inkblot with littel points al around the eges. He looked very sad so that wasnt it. I said please let me try agen. Ill get it in a few minits becaus Im not so fast somtimes. Im a slow reeder too in Miss Kinnians class for slow adults but I"m trying very hard. He gave me a chance with another card that had 2 kinds of ink spilled on it red and blue. He was very nice and talked slow like Miss Kinnian does and he explaned it to me that it was a raw shok. He said pepul see things in the ink. I said show me where. He said think. I told him I think a inkblot but that wasnt rite eather. He said what does it remind you-pretend something. I closd my eyes for a long time to pretend. I told him I pretned a fowntan pen with ink leeking all over a table cloth. Then he got up and went out. I dont think I passd the raw shok test.progris report 3 – martch 7 Dr Strauss and Dr Nemur say it dont matter about the inkblots. I told them I dint spill the ink on the cards and I coudnt see anything in the ink. They said that maybe they will still use me. I said Miss Kinnian never gave me tests like that one only spelling and reading. They said Miss Kinnian told that I was her bestist pupil in the adult nite scool becaus I tryed the hardist and I reely wantid to lern. They said how come you went to the adult nite scool all by yourself Charlie. How did you find it. I said I askd pepul and sumbody told me where I shud go to lern to read and spell good. They said why did you want to. I told them becaus all my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb. But its very hard to be smart. They said you know it will probly be tempirery. I said yes. Miss Kinnian told me. I dont care if it herts. Later I had more crazy tests today. The nice lady who gave it me told me the name and I asked her how do you spellit so I can rite it in my progris riport. THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST. I dont know the fist 2 words but I know what test means. You got to pass it or you get bad marks. This test lookd easy becaus I coud see the picturs. Only this time she dint want me to tell her the picturs. That mixd me up. I said the man yesterday said I shoud tell him what I saw in the ink she said that dont make no difrence. She said make up storys about the pepul in the picturs. I told her how can you tell storys about pepul you never met. I said why shud I make up lies. I never tell lies any more becaus I always get caut. She told me this test and the other one the raw-shok was for getting personally. I laffed so hard. I said how can you get that thing from inkblots and fotos. She got sore and put her picturs away. I dont care. It was sily. I gess I faled that test too. Later some men in white coats took me to a difernt part of the hospitil and gave me a game to play. It was like a race with a white mouse. They called the mouse Algernon. Algernon was in a box with a lot of twists and turns like all kinds of walls and they gave me a pencil and a paper with lines and lots of boxes. On one side it said START and on the other end it said FINISH. They said it was amazed and that Algernon and me had the same amazed to do. I dint see how we could have the same amazed if Algernon had a box and I had a paper but I dint say nothing. Anyway there wasnt time because the race started. One of the men had a watch he was trying to hide so I woudnt see it so I tryed not to look and that made me nervus. Anyway that test made me feel worser than all the others because they did it over 10 times with difernt amazeds and Algernon won every time. I dint know that mice were so smart. Maybe thats because Algernon is a white mouse. Maybe white mice are smarter then other mice.progris riport 4 – Mar 8 Their going to use me! Im so exited I can hardly write. Dr Nemur and Dr Strauss had a argament about it first. Dr Nemur was in the office when Dr Strauss brot me in. Dr Nemur was worryed about using me but Dr Strauss told him Miss Kinnian rekemmended me the best from all the people who she was teaching. I like Miss Kinnian becaus shes a very smart teacher. And she said Charlie your going to have a second chance. If you volenteer for this experament you mite get smart. They dont know if it will be perminint but theirs a chance. Thats why I said ok even when I was scared because she said it was an operashun. She said dont be scared Charlie you done so much with so little I think you deserv it most of all. So I got scaird when Dr Nemur and Dr Strauss argud about it. Dr Strauss said I had something that was very good. He said I had a good motorvation. I never even knew I had that. I felt proud when he said that not every body with an eye-q of 68 had that thing. I dont know what it is or where I got it but he said Algernon had it too. Algernons motorvation is the cheese they put in his box. But it cant be that because I didnt eat any cheese this week. Then he told Dr Nemur something I dint understand so while they were talking I wrote down some of the words. He said Dr Nemur I know Charlie is not what you had in mind as the first of your new brede of intelek** (coudnt get the word) superman. But most people of his low menta** are host** and uncoop** they are usualy dull apath** and hard to reach. He has a good natcher hes intristed and eager to please. Dr Nemur said remember he will be the first human beeng ever to have his intelijence trippled by surgicle meens. Dr Strauss said exakly. Look at how well hes lerned to read and write for his low mentel age its as grate an acheve** as you and I lerning einstines therey of **vity without help. That shows the intenss motorvation. Its comparat** a tremen** achev** I say we use Charlie. I dint get all the words and they were talking to fast but it sounded like Dr. Strauss was on my side and like the other one wasnt. Then Dr Nemur nodded he said all right maybe your right. We will use Charlie. When he said that I got so exited I jumped up and shook his hand for being so good to me. I told him thank you doc you wont be sorry for giving me a second chance. And I mean it like I told him. After the operashun Im gonna try to be smart. Im gonna try awful hard.progris ript 5 – Mar 10 Im skared. Lots of people who work here and the nurses and the people who gave me the tests came to bring me candy and wish me luck. I hope I have luck. I got my rabits foot and my lucky penny and my horse shoe. Only a black cat crossed me when I was comming to the hospitil. Dr Strauss says dont be supersitis Charlie this is sience. Anyway Im keeping my rabits foot with me. I asked Dr Strauss if Ill beat Algernon in the race after the operashun and he said maybe. If the operashun works Ill show that mouse I can be as smart as he is. Maybe smarter. Then Ill be abel to read better and spell the words good and know lots of things and be like other people. I want to be smart like other people. If it works perminint they will make everybody smart all over the wurld. They dint give me anything to eat this morning. I dont know what that eating has to do with getting smart. Im very hungry and Dr Nemur took away my box of candy. That Dr Nemur is a grouch. Dr Strauss says I can have it back after the operashun. You cant eat befor a operashun…只能贴上这几篇 够不够?


搞定CSSSPAN和DIV的区别2006-02-2111:13作者:龙犊整理出处:天极网责任编辑:龙犊  SPAN和DIV的区别在于,DIV(division)是一个块级元素,可以包含段落、标题、表格,乃至诸如章节、摘要和备注等。而SPAN是行内元素,SPAN的前后是不会换行的,它没有结构的意义,纯粹是应用样式,当其他行内元素都不合适时,可以使用SPAN。  下面以一个实例来说明这两个属性的区别。  代码:  SPAN标记有一个重要而实用的特性,即它什么事也不会做,它的唯一目的就是围绕你的HTML代码中的其它元素,这样你就可以为它们指定样式了。在此例中,标识符允许你将一个段落分成不同的部分。  还有一个标识符具有类似的功能,DIV也被用来在HTML文件中建立逻辑部分。但与SPAN不同,工作于文本块一级,它在它所包含的HTML元素的前面及后面都引入了行分隔。  效果:  SPAN标记有一个重要而实用的特性,即它什么事也不会做,它的唯一目的就是围绕你的HTML代码中的其它元素,这样你就可以为它们指定样式了。在此例中,标识符允许你将一个段落分成不同的部分。  还有一个标识符具有类似的功能,  DIV也被用来在HTML文件中建立逻辑部分。但与  SPAN不同,  工作于文本块一级,它在它所包含的HTML元素的前面及后面都引入了行分隔。

Mike Westbrook Concert Band的《Waltz》 歌词

歌曲名:Waltz歌手:Mike Westbrook Concert Band专辑:Verve Impressions: SaxesWaltz分享:Morrison_TsaiRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeAme wa arifureta loveevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameOn your lips, on your lipsYukedo naki by your sideSore wa stay hitori ukanderu wa mindeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyesSentence in clouds...And the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideKnock, unknockMune wa skyai wa swingSuki na hibi ga utsurisumu greendrakevarying with every change of lightItsu kara ka every change of lifeSentence in cloudsover the linefree as the skyThen the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no yume yo good-byeKimi wa ima mou shiri enai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeKimi kara wa tsutaenakute farevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameThe radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiUta ni naru better daysride on, rideThen the radio turned on, so IIma saiai no hibi yo good-byeeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyessentence in cloudsnobody calls my namehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307295

weka在什么情况下summary中才会出现correctly classified instance? 我的结果中为什么没有

只要试验正常,数据能够正常分类,都会出现“correctly classified instance”,如果你的结果里面没有,说明数据集不符合分类挖掘要求。相应地,还会有“Incorrectly Classified Instances”,这两个数据加起来就是样本总量。“correctly classified instance”这个数据能够反映训练的分类器的分类准确率。例如,我用weka的示例数据集“iris”得到的分类结果:=== Run information ===Scheme:weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -C 0.25 -M 2Relation: irisInstances: 150Attributes: 5 sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth classTest mode:10-fold cross-validation=== Classifier model (full training set) ===J48 pruned tree------------------petalwidth <= 0.6: Iris-setosa (50.0)petalwidth > 0.6| petalwidth <= 1.7| | petallength <= 4.9: Iris-versicolor (48.0/1.0)| | petallength > 4.9| | | petalwidth <= 1.5: Iris-virginica (3.0)| | | petalwidth > 1.5: Iris-versicolor (3.0/1.0)| petalwidth > 1.7: Iris-virginica (46.0/1.0)Number of Leaves : 5Size of the tree : 9Time taken to build model: 0.05 seconds=== Stratified cross-validation ====== Summary ===Correctly Classified Instances 144 96 %Incorrectly Classified Instances 6 4 %Kappa statistic 0.94 Mean absolute error 0.035 Root mean squared error 0.1586Relative absolute error 7.8705 %Root relative squared error 33.6353 %Total Number of Instances 150 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class 0.98 0 1 0.98 0.99 0.99 Iris-setosa 0.94 0.03 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.952 Iris-versicolor 0.96 0.03 0.941 0.96 0.95 0.961 Iris-virginicaWeighted Avg. 0.96 0.02 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.968=== Confusion Matrix === a b c <-- classified as 49 1 0 | a = Iris-setosa 0 47 3 | b = Iris-versicolor 0 2 48 | c = Iris-virginica

websphere 集群节点停止后不能启动,下面为错误信息,我看起不来的节点跟其他几点不是一个集群的也要通讯

你是在哪里启的?admin console还是在命令行?可以尝试在命令行启动。

Leaning Tower of Pisa是什么意思

Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔(位于意大利比萨古城内的教堂广场上); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In one of the most famous ( though probably apocryphal) stories in the history of science,galileo dropped unequally weighted balls from the leaning tower of pisa and observedthat they reached the ground at the same time. 在一个科学史上极出名的故事里(虽然可能是伪造的),伽利略从比萨斜塔上抛下了两个重量不一的球,然后观察到它们是同时着地的

The Leaning Tower of Pisa 课文翻译


Which of the following peoples were the ancestors of the Welsh?


My parents died young,I have done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors.


shewas so weakened by the disease that she could


He was so weakened by the disease that he could__ _stand up.A.rarely B.barely C.merely D.almost

此句纯粹为考察词意 答案选 A


weaken的意思是虚弱,衰弱;减弱;削弱;动摇;犹豫。含有weaken的双语例句1、Many Chinese are loth to give blood, believing it might weaken them.很多人不愿意去卖,觉得那样会使他们的身体变虚弱。2、She began to weaken after running for8 miles.她跑了8英里后开始变得虚弱。3、Nothing could weaken his resolve to continue.什么也不能削弱他继续下去的决心。4、He was much weakened constitutionally by the disease.那场病使得他体质大大减弱。5、His authority is steadily weakening.他的权威日趋减弱。6、I looked at the list and felt my resolve weakening.我看着名单,觉得自己的决心正在动摇。

my weakened英语作文?

H爷独霸LV.10推荐于 2017-11-26My weekendI often have fun on my weekend. I often go to the library to read books on Saturday morning. After lunch,I go swimming with my friends.On Saturday night,I hold a party at home and invite many friends. On sunday morning,I always do my homework at home. But sometimes I also go for a drive.On Sunday afternoon,I finish my homework. Then I go to a movie with my family. At last,we eat at home.How relaxing a holiday it is!

women weaken legs的翻译是什么?

women weaken legs的翻译是:女人令人脚软。重点词汇:weaken。weaken英['wi:ku0259n]释义:v.(使)虚弱,(使)衰弱;(使)变弱,削弱;使(肯定程度)减弱,动摇,犹豫;(使)(大楼、结构体等)不结实;(使)(股票等)疲弱,疲软。[第三人称单数weakens;现在分词:weakening;过去式:weakened;过去分词:weakened]短语:weaken at the base使从基础破坏。词语使用变化:1、v.(动词)。2、weaken可指生物体表明健康状况的官能效果丧失、体力衰弱,也可指物质或非物质的完整性、稳定性、强度、数量等方面减弱或丧失。引申可指“(使)犹豫”。3、weaken既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。


weaken的意思衰弱。一、weaken的发音,英音读[u02c8wiu02d0ku0259n],美音读[u02c8wiu02d0ku0259n]。1、【v.】(使)虚弱,衰弱;减弱;削弱;使(肯定程度)减弱;动摇;犹豫。2、【其他】第三人称单数:weakens;现在分词:weakening;过去式:weakened;过去分词:weakened。3、【例句】Many Chinese are loth to give blood, believing it might weaken them.很多人不愿意去卖,觉得那样会使他们的身体变虚弱。二、短语搭配如下:1、weaken strength:削弱力量;强度弱化。2、weaken by:……通过……使变淡。3、weaken spirits:灵魂笞罚。4、gradually weaken:逐渐变弱。5、American Weaken:美籍。6、weaken degree:弱化程度。7、weaken slump:指行情价格低落。8、eyesight weaken:视力减弱。


智能设备开发商Aipower认为,有一种更好的方式来为无线耳塞充电:将它们嵌入数字手表中。Wearbuds堪称世界上第一款真正的无线HiFi耳塞。顾名思义,这是个集可穿戴设备(Wearable)和全无线耳机(Earbuds)于一身的产品:两个耳塞都可以完美地放置在健身追踪腕带中,该腕带还可以在不需要携带充电盒的情况下为耳塞充电。Wearbuds背后的概念显然很有意思。在某种程度上,Wearbuds的创作者正试图超越苹果霸主式的无线Airpods。Aipower设计了为耳塞充电的手表。它的价格从哑光黑色版本的69美元到限量版的149美元,带有计步器、健身追踪和睡眠追踪以及基本的无线耳塞功能。Wearbuds专为超便携性,引人入胜的声音和健身追踪功能而设计,于2019年6月20日在Kickstarter上预购。这款最新无线耳塞的Kickstarter众筹在一天内就突破了50,000美元的目标,并且在接近最后时刻时已累计众筹超过80万美元。最终版本将于今年秋季发布给Kickstarter支持者。Wearbuds每个仅重3.6克,提供无线立体声,让用户可以通过蓝牙连接与智能手机连接的无线吊舱接听电话或播放音乐。耳塞体积也很迷你,可以将它们插入智能手表圆形长方形屏幕的两侧。手表则可以用来为Wearbuds充电,在七天的手表电池耗尽后,您可以使用插入墙壁的电线为手表充电。Aipower称它已获得专利设计。所有的无线耳塞都不是真正的无线耳机,因为你总是需要携带一个充电盒。如果没有它,耳塞就无法开启或关闭,很快就会耗尽电力。实际上这些设备都有一根隐形的线缆,严重影响了全无线耳机的使用体验。Aipower的联合创始人Oliver Sha Fei表示,但是Wearbuds的出现解决了这个问题,我们将充电盒做成了健身腕带,当用户在享受音乐的同时,还能追踪自己的健身效果。以下是99美元白色版的一些评测体验:搭载高通公司的音频芯片组,以及强悍性能的石墨烯增强型驱动器,音质很好,而Wearbuds的电池续航时间也长达近5.5小时,十分给力。耳机放在手表充电插槽时并没有很贴合牢靠,上跆拳道等体育课是一不小心还是有可能弹出。腕带孔也不合适,所以需要一段时间才能将腕表系上。除此之外,它的表现就像宣传中的那样让人期待。售价129美元的手表配有透明表带,表带可以更换。蓝牙5.0技术,可以轻松实现双耳立体声通话,让你在运动的过程中也可以清晰的听到对方的声音。音频支持包括aptX格式,具有流畅的音频流和采用混合硅胶材料的无源噪音消除功能。您可以点击Wearbuds的两侧来暂停或播放,调节音量或更改音轨。耳塞重量轻,符合人体工程学具有无与伦比的被动降噪性能。表带由亲肤硅胶材质制成,增强了穿着的舒适性,并且能够在各种活动中保持全天干爽。Wearbuds另一大优势在于支持IPX6级防水,无论是下雨还是运动中留出的汗水都不会对耳机造成损坏。腕表配备带Arm Cortex-M内核的处理器。它还附带一个应用程序,让您可以查看基本信息,如心率、步数和睡眠时间,堪称手腕上的健身追踪器。健身带可以自动计算你的步数和燃烧的卡路里,并监测心率和睡眠模式。健身带上的内置触摸屏允许即时访问手腕上的所有健身数据和通知(包括久坐提醒)。所有健身报告都将保存在Aipower应用程序中。

完型填空:a senior monk and a junior monk were travei

A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her. The senior monk carried this woman on his shoulder, forded the river and let her down on the other bank. The junior monk was very upset, but said nothing. They both were walking and senior monk noticed that his junior was suddenly silent and enquired "Is something the matter, you seem very upset?"The junior monk replied, "As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?" The senior monk replied, "I left the woman a long time ago at the bank, however, you seem to be carrying her still."Thus, the question should be what are we carrying on our shoulders that prevent us to move towards that longing balance. To find out what is the cause of such suffering from tense muscles, headaches, digestive problems & IBS or Bruxism (grinding teeth), that still remains unsolved. And probably, we are also finding ourselves at one point where the solution of the cause of all these symptoms is like the pebble in the shoes of our day-to-day. It"s even possible that after having parsed what is happening to us to bits and piece but without figuring out what symptoms are they of. And it is then where breaching the gap between the mind and the body, plugging into emotions would surely work as the solution to that Gordian knot in our body-mind level.For that, a first and important step to cut that lock is to start creating ourselves new positive habits that will help us to pave the way towards a cohabitation between us and our professional life: to have a healthy diet with a low consumption of alcohol and café, the practice of sport twice a week, to realize deep breathing exercises to relax our diaphragm, take little breaks in-between working hours, easy methods to reinforce our concentration and avoid procrastination, as reading or playing chess and other table games, yoga or laughter exercises, among others are activities easy to assume and will cause an immediate and positive in our bodies and minds.望采纳!

cat power的 revelations的歌词


Sweet Betsy From Pike 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Betsy From Pike歌手:Jacqueline Schwab专辑:Original Soundtrack Recording Mark Twain - A Film Directed By Ken BurnsTitle:Sweet Betsy from PikeArtist:Connie DoverHave you heard tell of sweet Betsy from PikeShe cross the wide prairie with her lover, IkeWith two yoke of Oxen, a big yellow dog,A tall Shanghai rooster and one spotted hogOne evening quite early they camped on the Platte"Twas nearby the road on a green, shady flatWhere Betsy, sore-footed, lay down to reposeAnd in wonder Ike gazed on his Pike County roseThe Indians came down in a wild yelling hordeAnd Betsy got scared they would scalp her adoredSo under the wagon wheel Betsy did crawlShe fought off them Indians with musket and ballIt is out on the prairie one bright starry nightThey broke out the whiskey and Betsy got tightShe sang and she shouted, she danced on the plain.She made a great show for that whole wagon trainThe Shanghai ran off and the cattle all diedThe last piece of bacon that morning was friedIke got discouraged and Betsy got madThe dog wagged his tail and looked wondrously sadThey soon reached the desert where Betsy gave outAnd down in the sand she lay rolling aboutWhile Ike in great terror looked on in surpriseSaying, Betsy get up, you"ll get sand in your eyesSweet Betsy got up in a great deal of painDeclared she"d go back to Pike County againIke, he just sighed, and they fondly embracedAnd she traveled along with her arm round his waistThis bittersweet comic song, first popular in theAmerican gold rush era of 1849-59, describesthe hardships and frustrations experienced bypioneer women as they moved west with theirfamilies along the immigrant roads. The melodyis derived from the old English dance hlal song,"Villikens and His Dinah."http://music.baidu.com/song/8720108

Bitter & Sweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bitter & Sweet歌手:RYTHEM专辑:Best StoryBitter & Sweet歌:RYTHEM作词:加藤有加利作曲:加藤有加利あなたと出会った粉雪冷たい夜から1年がたって今年も変わらない日々が来ると 漠然と思っていた好きになったら抑えきれないそんな事は分かっていたけどしょうがないなんて片付けられない目の前で仲良くしないでミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる今さらあなたの喜ぶ事并べてみても 何か安っぽくてこのまま手を引けば楽になれるよ でも负けを认めたくない见た目は违う 同じ名前どちらも选べないあなたを离したくないこの胸の痛みあなたを爱してるしるしミントガムの私はいつも 指をくわえて待つしかないの?あなたと过ごした记忆のせいで 余计寂しくなる一人よがりだと気付いていても あなたのそばにいれたらいいだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てるまたこの季节が来たら思い出して泣かなくちゃいけない私は悪くない だってそうでしょ? ねぇ…ミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる答えはもう出てる今年も変わらない日々が来ると思っていたのにねぇ 変わってしまったのは もしかして私なの?おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18332159


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞 让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动 我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你 炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内 看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?因为你总是要逃避着某些事情而永远都没变过宝贝,别忘了当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织宝贝,别忘了我的当凌晨打破我俩的时光 因为你总是要逃避着某些事情宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破我俩的时光哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织 宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动I know it hurts you, I know it burns you我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内Look into me, tell me why you"re crying I need to know看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情It"s always been that way而永远都没变过Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Fuel专辑:The Best Of FuelBitter-SweetThe Venus In FursWell, this is such a sad affairI"ve opened up my heart so many timesBut now it"s closedOh my dearEvery salted tearIt wringsBitter-sweet applauseBut when the show"s in full swingEvery once in a whileHigh stepping chorus linesMean I"m forgettingMein lullaby - liebchenHow rich in contrastLove can beSometimes I"m quite amusedTo see it twist and turnTo taste both sweet and dryThese vintage yearsLovers you consume,my friendAs others their wineNein - das ist nichtDas ende der WeltGestrandet an Leben und KunstUnd das spiel geht weiterWie man weissNoch viele "schoum"....wiedersehenAnd now, as you turn to leaveYou try to force a smileAs if to compensateThen you break down and cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10561752

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Olivia Ong专辑:Olivia 同名专辑I woke up one morning to find my love goneMy love is gone for you to beReplaced by something newIt"s not another guy but of a mind"s that been renewed a new feeling revelation of you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedFalling in love"s easyHead up in the cloudsPut your feet back on the ground first loves are hard to forgetI"ll take my stand now to resolve this situation That it"s intangible, improbable, you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedCause you already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingYou already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedBittersweet, bittersweethttp://music.baidu.com/song/52909901


bitter sweet的意思是苦中有甜,可以指情感,指的是又苦又甜的情感。
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