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2023-08-04 17:18:20
TAG: we

一月 Royal Rumble(皇家大战)   二月 Elimination Chamber(铁笼密室淘汰赛)   三月 WrestleMania (摔角狂热)   四月 Extreme Rules (极限规则)   五月 Over The Limit(超越极限)   六月 Capitol Punishment (终极刑期)   七月 Money In The Bank (合约阶梯赛)   八月 SummerSlam (夏日狂潮)   九月 Night of Champions(冠军之夜)   十月 Hell in a Cell(地狱牢笼)、Vengeance(致命复仇)   十一月 Survivor Series( 强者生存)   十二月 Tables, Ladders & Chairs(桌子梯子椅子大赛)


一月 Royal Rumble(皇家大战)   二月 Elimination Chamber(铁笼密室淘汰赛)   三月 WrestleMania (摔角狂热)   四月 Extreme Rules (极限规则)   五月 Over The Limit(超越极限)   六月 Capitol Punishment (终极刑期)   七月 Money In The Bank (合约阶梯赛)   八月 SummerSlam (夏日狂潮)   九月 Night of Champions(冠军之夜)   十月 Hell in a Cell(地狱牢笼)、Vengeance(致命复仇)   十一月 Survivor Series( 强者生存)   十二月 Tables, Ladders & Chairs(桌子梯子椅子大赛)


一月 Royal Rumble(皇家大战)   二月 Elimination Chamber(铁笼密室淘汰赛)   三月 WrestleMania (摔角狂热)   四月 Extreme Rules (极限规则)   五月 Over The Limit(超越极限)   六月 Capitol Punishment (终极刑期)   七月 Money In The Bank (合约阶梯赛)   八月 SummerSlam (夏日狂潮)   九月 Night of Champions(冠军之夜)   十月 Hell in a Cell(地狱牢笼)、Vengeance(致命复仇)   十一月 Survivor Series( 强者生存)   十二月 Tables, Ladders & Chairs(桌子梯子椅子大赛)






海盗船。海盗船于近期推出了Vengeance RGB RT系列DDR4内存,其具有全新的散热器设计和RGB灯光。海盗船Vengeance RGB RT系列DDR4内存提供了黑色或白色马甲可选,并采用新的RGB灯效设计,马甲上面的灯带具有10区RGB照明,玩家可以使用Corsair ICUE软件进行控制。散热马甲为阳极氧化铝材质,能够为内存有效降温。该系列内存支持英特尔300系列,英特尔400系列,英特尔500系列,英特尔X299系列主板,以及AMD 300系列,AMD 400系列,AMD 500系列,以及AMD TRX40系列主板。容量和频率方面,海盗船Vengeance RGB RT系列DDR4内存提供有8GB,16GB和32GB的套装,频率提供在3200MHz和4000MHz之间。今年第四季度,英特尔将要上市第12代台式机处理器,新平台支持DDR5内存以及PCIe5.0。海盗船此时还在推出DDR4内存新品,笔者感觉这套内存设计方面估计也会应用在DDR5内存新品上面。
2023-08-04 13:41:051


复仇英文:revenge;vengeance;avenge;retaliaterevenge:n.报复;报仇;雪耻,打败对手vengeance:n.复仇;报复;报仇avenge:vt.复仇;报之仇;向报仇retaliate:vi.报复;反击;复仇复仇者英文:avenger双语例句:1.美国陆军的前沿防空系统包括4个主要组成部分:PMS复仇者,这是视线6瞄准后卫系统;The US Army"s forward-area air-defense system ( FAADS) comprises four primary elements: PMS Avenger, the line-of-sight rear system.2.1945年12月5日下午,美国海军上尉查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)率领13名飞行学员,驾驶着五架海军“复仇者”号鱼雷轰炸机从佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡海军航空基地起飞。On the afternoon of December 5, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with Lt. Charles Taylor in command of a crew of 13 student pilots.复仇者联盟英文:The Avengers双语例句:1.因为与复仇者联盟和X战警这两个神话世界的双重联系,他们成为两个系列电影中仅有的共享版权角色。Due to their ties to both the Avengers and X-Men mythologies, these two are the only characters to cross over between both movie franchises.2.根据Box Office Mojo网站上的好评显示,复仇者联盟2012年在国内取得了最高的票房。The Avengers was the highest-grossing movie domestically of 2012, according to the website Box Office Mojo, and was well-reviewed.
2023-08-04 13:41:221


2023-08-04 13:42:311


vengeance游戏英雄解锁的方法如下:工具/原料演示电脑:超微 X8DAL Main Server Chassis电脑操作系统:Windows 10 64位操作系统1、首先进入vengeance游戏。2、然后点击进入英雄界面。3、然后选择一个需要解锁的英雄。4、然后点击左侧解锁。5、英雄解锁需消耗红宝石。6、最后解锁成功。
2023-08-04 13:42:401


问题一:(复仇)英文怎么写? 1. to revenge 动词2. vengeance 名词 问题二:复仇英语怎么说 bite one"s glove 问题三:复仇者 用英语怎么说 avenger 问题四:英语的“复仇开始”怎么说? vengeance begins 问题五:cf的复仇的英语怎么说的 to revenge或者vengeance 暴头是 HEAD SHOT 双连杀 DOUBLE KILL 三连杀 MULTI KILL 四连杀 OUAGE KILL 五连杀 UNBREAKBLE 六连杀 UNBELIEVABLE 七连杀 YOU WANNA A PIECE OF ME? 八连杀 COME GET SOME 奋发图强 Working hard for the prosperity of the country 坚持到底 insist on it until it ends 雷炸死 YEAH!!! 刀砍死 HA~HA~HA~ 收到 明白 Roger!(that) 漂亮! nice shot、goodwork ,excellent 爆头!headshot C4 被拆 the bomb has been defused 请掩护我cover me! 冲啊! go go 需要志愿 Ah need backup! CF的无线电如下 Z键: 1.roger、affirmative--明白。 2.Negative、Negative over out--无法执行或者不行。 3.Enemy spotted--发现敌人。 4.Bomb spotted--发现炸弹(C4)。 5.sector clear--地区无异常或地区安全。 X键: 1.nice shot、good job--好枪法、干的漂亮。 2.keep going stay strong team--坚持到底。 3.follow me--跟我来。 4.cover me--掩护我。 5.keep front lines team--坚守阵地。 C键: 1.A site--A地点。 2.B site--B地点。 3.Hold position--防守或守卫。 4.stick together team--保持队型。 5.storm the front--突破。 问题六:复仇天团的英文怎么写呢? 复仇天团 revenge Days tour
2023-08-04 13:43:391


2023-08-04 13:43:505


2023-08-04 13:44:071


2023-08-04 13:44:171


1. 复仇用英语怎么说 revenge [riu02c8vendu0292] n. 报仇, 报复 His heart burned with longing for revenge. 他心中燃烧着急欲复仇的怒火。 vt. 为…报仇, 报…之仇 He revenged his dead brother. 他为死去的兄弟报仇。 vengeance [u02c8vendu0292u0259ns] n. 复仇, 报仇; 报复 He swore vengeance against the man who murdered his father. 他立誓要向杀害他父亲的人报仇。 The rain came down with a vengeance. 大雨滂沱。 习惯用语 exact a vengeance from sb. for。 对某人报。 的仇 Heaven"s vengeance is slow but sure. [谚]天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。 inflict [take, wreak] vengeance (up) on sb. 对。 报仇[雪恨] with a vengeance [口]猛烈地, 厉害地; 彻底地; 过度地 avenge [u0259u02c8vendu0292] vt. 替。报仇; 为。雪耻, 报复 avenge one"s comrades 替同志们报仇 She avenged her mother"s death upon the murderer. 他惩处了凶手, 为母亲报了仇。 2. 关于复仇的英语作文 昏天,暗地,凄风,苦雨。 父王奄奄一息地躺在王室的宝座上,大口的喘息着。它的眼神中闪烁着恐怖与愤怒的光芒,全身不停的颤抖着。 大殿中的大臣伏在地上祈祷:“王,您是我们霜狼族的骄傲,部落的统治绝对离不了您,伟大的神灵请赐予王安康的圣体吧!”接着开始哽咽声四起。整个大殿里溢满悲伤和痛苦。 我面对这突如其来的一切,绝望得无法接受。远方的苍穹,飞鸟挚风飞翔。 离家的一年里到底发生了什么。 ②突然父王轻唤了我一声,我一下从无限的遐想中清醒出来,投入到无限悲伤的气氛中。 只见父王颤动着嘴,满脸恐惧,想说却又说不出来,它的眼眶涨大到了极点,眼珠子在血丝地布满下更加怖人。它猛地吸口气,上气不接下气说:“复——仇——。 ” 须臾,父王闭上了眼,与世长辞。“父王!”。 整个部落为父王的死哀悼了三天,接着便是为我举行了接任仪式。 当我站在所有狼的瞩目下时,它们欢呼着:“您是我们新的王!”母后则噙着泪低头在我一旁,说:“哎,你父王在上次与刃虎部落的战争中神秘失踪了,直到一年后才回来,然后就莫名的死了。诶。 ”我无语,只得任泪落下。 “复仇!”父王的那句话不停地在耳边回绕。 我联想到父亲在那一年里被可恶的刃虎折磨的情景,气得沉默。夜空的星辰格外璀璨,我抬头,漫天星光,为我照亮,其中就有父王的一颗。 ③终于有一天,在悲痛和愤怒的驱使下,我在整个部落发出誓言:“为父王报仇!”大臣们有的同意,有的反对,然而我已经决定了。 在我的执拗下,部落里终于传出了统一的声音:“为先王复仇!为先王复仇!”。 ④夜深到了极点,世界似乎安静的无法让我平静,于是我唤来部落精英,拟好战略,天亮攻击刃虎部落,为父王报仇雪耻!这个季节,大雪纷飞,我和同行的精英在雪地中站着,一转眼,雪花已盖在我们的身上。我看着这个水晶花园般的部落,潸然落泪。 临行的时候,母后突然拉住我犹豫不决,满是不舍。我无奈的看着母后,坚定的说:“母后,我一定要为父王报仇,你别拦我了。” 然而出乎意料的是,母后的眼里闪烁着光芒,它说:“我想跟你一起去。”我愕然。 母后虽然曾为部落立下汗马功劳,然而它已经老了,不可能再参加战斗。看着我难为的表情,母后猜出了我的心思,失望的看着我,一下子憔悴了许多。 它望想苍茫的天边,沉默好久,说:“你死了,母后再也没有依赖了。”忽的,一滴泪不经意落下,我匆忙去掩饰,因为这是打仗的大忌。 ⑤苍茫的雪,无声的泪,似乎冲淡了现实的一切,留下的只是一片飘渺得如同烟般的回忆。 那些年月,父王的教导,母后的爱。融为雪,深深地化进心里。 记得父王曾经为了保护我,被刃虎刺客狠狠的咬了一口,昏迷了半个月。 记得母后曾经为了安慰我的狩猎失败,让我把她心爱的雕给活活咬死泄恨。 想的越多,越是难过,不知怎的,我竟然答应母后一起同行了。 ⑥刃虎城城下,飞雪连天,寒风刺骨。 “这个坚固的城堡,不久就要变成废墟。”我一直在鼓胀士气,即使我们没有任何把握。 我们一直在等待,因为一直没有机会下手,尽管天快亮了,这对作战是十分不利的。突然,正前方传来声响:“谁?谁在那?”看来是刃虎族的侦察兵。 只听见声音越来越接近,再靠近我们就要暴露了,此次刺杀将要失败!母后霎那间蹦上前去,一下子就咬断了侦察兵的喉咙。母后转过头来,露出尖牙,眼里全是愤怒。 侦察兵的死亡是战争一触即发!战争的号角最终吹响了。我们的队伍在夜间视力极佳,况且狼本身就是敏捷的象征。 我真不明白为什么攻打了怎么多年的刃虎城在一夜之间就被自己攻破了。或许是母后在一旁并肩作战吧,或许是我的训练有素吧。 刃虎首领绝望地看着我,眼里的惧怕像极了父王当年的样子。 看到它,我便想起父亲的惨死。可还未等我反应过来,母后已经解决掉了刃虎部落的首领。 它发出邪恶的笑声:“哈哈哈哈”出征后,母后完全变了。 我看着同样水晶花园般的刃虎城,百年的历史就被我璀璨了,远方的挚风鸟在哭泣,寒风凌厉,雪花飞舞。 然而,母后却冰冷地说:“你回部落吧,我留下。”我无法拒绝。 天开始蒙蒙亮,流星像发光的尘埃划破天空。我快速地赶回霜狼部落。 7当我想做回原来的王座时,却发现上面已经被人占了——父王!我远远地站着,问:“父王!你没死?!”父王的声音飘渺的像死神一样,面无表情:“我怎么会死?这只是整个部落给你演的戏!你只是个傀儡罢了,等你帮我征服了那片土地,你就可以滚了!”我憔悴的问:“那,母后也是在骗我?”“不仅是它,还有所有的部落成员!”一阵眩晕,我被赶出了部落。 彻底失望,我愤愤地离开了。 8顿时,所有的希望都破灭了,我只得投靠人类。在人类那,我受到了一点慰藉。 人类至少对我好,叫我看家,扑飞碟,摇尾巴。 有一天,我坐在主人的沙发上看电视,一条新闻跃入眼帘:在亚马逊原始森林刚刚发生了瘟疫,科学家。 3. 我想要美剧复仇的台词 英文txt When deception cuts this deep ,someone has to pay.欺骗伤人至深,必须有人为此付出代价When everything you love has been stolen from you , somestimes all you have left is revenge.当你所爱的一切被人剥夺,你所剩下的唯有复仇。 Trust is a difficult thing ,whether it"s finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing.But trusting your heart is the riskiest thing of all.In the end , the only person wo can truly trust is ourselves.信任来之不易,无论是找到值得你信任的人,还是相信就连他们也会背叛你,但相信自己的心,却是最大的冒险。但最后,唯一能信任的人就是自己。 For the innocent ,the past may hold a reward.But for the treacherous , it"s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.对于无辜的人,过去承载着美好的回忆,但对于那些背信弃义的人,他们最终会因为他们丑恶的过去而得到应有的报应Are we true to ourselves or do we live for the expections of others and if we are open honest ,can we ever truly be loved.Can we find the courage to realse our deepest secrets or in the end ,are we all unknowable ever to ourselves.我们对自己坦诚吗?又或者我们只为别人的期望而或者。如果我们坦诚相待,我们就能得到真爱吗?我们有勇气说出心灵深处的秘密吗?还是最终,我们都无法被人理解,即使自己也不认识自己。 Guilt is a powerful affliction.You can try to turn your back on it ,but that"s when it sneaks up behind you and eats you alive.愧疚是一种折磨人心的东西,你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。Some people struggle to understand their own guilt ,unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it.Others run away from their guilt , shedding their conscience until there"s no conscience left at all.一些人挣扎着想认清自己的内疚,不愿或不能为自己洗脱罪名。 另一些人则逃之夭夭,抹去自己的两只直到它完全殆尽。Like life , revenge can be a messy business.And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out , which way our hearts will go.But the heart has its reasons ,of which reason cannot know.复仇如同生活,犹如一团乱麻,如果我们的理智能指引心的方向,一切都能迎刃而解。 然而人心是无法控制的,也是无法读懂的.Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.信任这种奢侈之物我可承担不起。Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power.每个人心中都有一个天使一个恶魔,只有那些游刃于道德界线边缘的人,才是真正的强者。 We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world…Friendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.每个人都有不愿为外人所知的秘密:虚情假意的友情、密不可宣的关系……但最糟糕的是我们深埋心中的爱意。这些隐瞒于心的秘密才是最危险的。 Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.有人说忠诚能激发无穷无尽的希望,这背后或许还有一句潜台词——真正的忠诚,成于成年累月,却可在弹指之间灰飞烟灭。Sometimes bad things happen to good people.有时候好人却得不到好报。 Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn"t really our choices that distinguish who we are. It"s our commitment to them.有人说我们的人生由自身不断的选择所决定。但真正让我们独一无二的不是那些选择,而是我们为选择所付出的努力。 For someone, commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go.对于某些人来说,承诺如同信仰一样,是自愿向他人或无形的理想效忠。但对我来说,承诺有其阴暗的一面,某种黑暗的驱使力时不时地问我你决心走到哪步。
2023-08-04 13:44:261

请问各位大虾们,revenge vengeance avenge这三个词作为报仇有什么区别呢?最好有具体例子,thanks!

revenge n. 1. 报仇, 报复,雪耻 His heart burned with longing for revenge.他心中燃烧着急欲复仇的怒火 vt. 1. 为…报仇, 报…之 He revenged his dead brother.他为死去的兄弟报仇。 vengeance n.1.复仇, 报仇 He swore vengeance against the men who murdered his father.他发誓要向那些杀害他父亲的人报仇。avenge 及物动词 vt.1.为…复仇, 报…之仇 2.为…报复 I will avenge you 我一定为你报仇。
2023-08-04 13:44:462


海盗船今日推出全新Vengeance LPX系列内存,单条容量高达32GB,提供多种频率、延迟、套装可选。Vengeance LPX是海盗船的顶级内存序列,品质一如既往,拥有精心挑选的颗粒、高品质的PCB、纯铝的散热片,并进行了性能和兼容性上的广泛测试,还有红色、蓝色、银白色、深灰色等不同风格。频率分为2400MHz、2666MHz、3200MHz三种,时序均为CL16,可选一条、两条、四条、八条四种套装组合方式,但是八条套装仅有2400MHz频率可选。这样的话,在主流平台上可以获得最多128GB内存,而在Intel酷睿X、AMD线程撕裂者这样的发烧平台上,四通道、八内存槽就可以组成256GB。价格方面,单条2400/2666MHz分别为229.99/234.99美元,双条分别为459.99/469.99美元,四条分别为919.99/934.99美元,八条2400MHz 1839.99美元。3000MHz版本的价格则暂未公布。同时发布的还有Vengeance RGB PRO TUF Gaming Edition,作为华硕TUF游戏联盟的一员,完美兼容任何TUF Gaming电竞特工主板,而且支持与其他华硕产品Aura Sync神光同步联动。单条容量8GB,两条套装16GB,频率3000MHz、3200MHz,时序CL16,价格暂未公布。
2023-08-04 13:44:551


你先杀了我爸爸,我再杀了你爸爸,这叫retaliation,同态复仇。你杀了我爸爸,我杀了你儿子,这叫vengeance。还有,vengeance的词根venge,替他报仇,venge for him。retaliation 的词根retaliate,向他报仇retaliate against him。自己体会
2023-08-04 13:45:081

vengeance 为啥买不了英雄

2023-08-04 13:45:151

复讐(Vengeance) 歌词

歌曲名:复讐(Vengeance)歌手:东京事変专辑:娯楽作词:椎名林檎作曲:浮云编曲:东京事変Beautiful thing, you lock your sights, your hands are tremblingSavoring the taste of flesh and boneAnother one found, the rain it pounds, and something looks the sameInnocence, you crave it black and coldTake it down now, throw it down, all you men wear that crownBeautiful things, what would you know, you"re rotting from withinThe only self you care for is your ownAnother one found, the rain it pounds, and something looks the samePure young skin, there"s madness in your sinTake it down now, throw it down, all you men wear that crownAre you afraid to close your eyesAfraid there"s nothing left to dieOn hills of ice there burns a fireI"m coming for you from behindCrazy young man, you think you found, an alibi in privilegeYou"re hollow inside, it bothers you, I knowYou try and fill it in, you"ll never win, you"re running just the sameThe thing you hate the most, a pure soulLook around boy, look around, see you"re all alone nowShut out the noise that fills your mindAnd in the end you"ll see your lifeYou"re burning up before the fireYou never heard me from behindSometimes I have dreams, of life,And all that dies comes back to grow, it"s beautiful, ahhSo no, you"ll never really knowYou"ll never really knowyour final breath]Copyright(C) 2012 Xiami Lyrics Group
2023-08-04 13:45:251

辐射避难所 mirv,vengeance什么意思

饭盒里开出来的东西,按照重要性或者说对初期的帮助作用,分为几类:A类,7E衣服,Lucas Simms,x3/x2任务宠,+3属性宠,MIRV,Vengeance(中文可能会叫复仇)。B类,5E衣服,高E带武器金人,+2属性宠,18+金武器,巧手,加血减伤回城多捡东西的金宠,+4/6伤害宠。C类,12+蓝武器,任意金人,7E蓝人,5+属性衣服,除了恢复血/辐射,加神秘人以外的金宠。根据我刷了几小时(总计)开局的经验来看,A类可遇不可求,我从没在开局刷到过任务宠和属性宠,MIRV和Vengeance 倒是刷到过1次。所以有人刷到任意A类物品,就接着往下玩吧,你很难刷到更好的开局了。B类就比较容易了,一般刷到2个18+金武器不太难。不过我今天上午用中文版刷了2小时,一个B类都没刷到。C类是最基本的资源了,如果C类都没刷到,重新开局吧,这个档的运气太差了,不值得继续玩。我个人觉得能接受的开局是1B+2C,至少有一个武器。但是必须强调一下,即使啥都没开到,也不妨碍玩下去,就是开始的几个小时比较郁闷点。英文版更新1.6后,感觉E属性作用下降了,请英文版玩家注意。
2023-08-04 13:45:341


2023-08-04 13:45:455


2023-08-04 13:46:002

vengeance retaliation revenge有什么区别

revenge是复仇retaliation是报复revenge 个人色彩重,家族恩怨、爱恨情仇等等要用revenge.retaliation 则更正式,多是国家和集体的报复行为。
2023-08-04 13:46:091

美商海盗船(USCorsair)Vengeance系列 M65 PRO RGB 拆卸方法

使用Cherry MX RGB轴体开关制作的海盗船K70 RGB背光机械键盘,凭借着着华丽的外观和炫酷的灯光效果,一举成为机械键盘中的热门产品。为解决游戏玩家和外设发烧友提供使用海盗船RGB背光机械键盘的整体化桌面解决方案,海盗船推出了数款RGB背光游戏鼠标,最近推出的一款,则是会为玩家留下似曾相识之感的M65 RGB版游戏鼠标。即将被拆解的海盗船M65 RGB游戏鼠标。点击任意图片,进入读图模式海盗船M65 RGB游戏鼠标固定螺丝没有隐藏在脚垫下,直接卸下底盘上的两颗内六星螺丝即可将鼠标上按键板拆开。拆卸螺丝时请使用合适的螺丝刀,避免螺丝表面拧花。海盗船M65 RGB游戏鼠标内部结构初探,复杂的内部连线令人眼花缭乱拨下两根软排线,一根排线和一根电源线,才能将海盗船M65 RGB游戏鼠标上盖取下。海盗船M65 RGB游戏鼠标上盖电路板展示,小小的一个上盖电路板上居然设计了5个可拆卸式插座。
2023-08-04 13:46:291

韩国电影 什么 复仇三部曲 是哪三部

《复仇三部曲》是韩国著名导演朴赞郁的三套相关连的电影。这三套电影都以“复仇”作为电影的主题。这三套电影分别是:  《复仇》 (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance) 《原罪犯》 (Oldboy) 《亲切的金子》 (Sympathy for Lady Vengeance)
2023-08-04 13:46:581

with a vengeance是什么意思

with a vengeance以复仇
2023-08-04 13:47:181


2023-08-04 13:47:282


乔立恢复了uncle rain的身份,海潮继续和uncle rain通信。海潮开了一家花店,等uncle rain回来。uncle rain回来后,悄悄拿走了海潮的信,刚走海潮就来了,追了出去。《火玫瑰》(英语:Vengeance)是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的40集时装剧集,由刘仕裕监制,温碧霞、温兆伦、罗嘉良、尹扬明等主演。该剧讲述了自幼生活在育幼院的欧阳海潮为家人复仇的故事。此剧于1992年5月4日首播。欧阳海潮(温碧霞饰)自幼生活在育幼院,多年来,她的助养人Uncle Rain一直是她认知外面世界的窗口,不间断的通信令两人建立了深厚的感情,遗憾在缘悭一面。踏入社会的海潮与失散多年的母亲(罗兰 饰)重逢,得知自己的悲惨身世,决定向迫使她家破人亡的乔永发(王伟 饰)报仇。更目睹生母被害,且永发要斩草除根,故她决定报复;忍痛与初恋情人方有为(尹扬明)分手,假意与永发三子乔历(罗嘉良)拍拖,乔立见自己所爱与亲弟订婚而无法向海潮吐露真情,感到忐忑不安。海潮掌握了永发犯罪证据,向警方举报却反被牵连,乔历为了避祸将海潮骗出公海谋害,结果海潮流落越柬边界受尽折磨摧残。幸在一次战火中逃出却沦为乞丐。乔立放弃优厚的测师工作,千里寻海潮,二人终重逢,海潮被乔立之真情打动,二人结婚过上新生活。然而海潮心底仍想复仇,于是暗中借助契爷之财力令永发家散人亡。海潮大仇终报。但乔立能否原谅海潮?海潮与乔立的一段情缘又是否就此告终呢?
2023-08-04 13:47:391

samurai vengeance2 武士2复仇 结局什么意思 全是日文 不懂啊

呃,不是英文版的么,这又不是岛国游戏商的作品,没必要把默认语言做成日文吧……大意就是小BOSS orchi那家伙被主角KO了,然后居然趁还有最后一口气和主角唇枪舌剑你来我往(囧…早知道就直接斩首得了…),说神马咱们其实都只会杀杀砍砍,对世界和平和人类发展一点贡献都没有,虽然你帮那群毫无价值屁民,但其实咱们骨子里都是一种人什么什么的。主角义正辞严忿忿不已:要不是你当年杀掉我心爱之人让我失去过那种平静生活的日子(咳咳,详情请见上作),又怎么会有今日呢?!我要在这看着你血流干才心满意足!! 当然,就这么完了不能满足madfinger的圈钱欲望,更不能打发玩家,所以呢这小boss不能轻易挂掉啊,他大吼一声:mikaboshi,救我!!接着主角背后就冒出一人面黑色不明物体,形体和蜈蚣有异曲同工之妙。但是这位魔物很不屑,说orchi你当年就是为了获得力量才向我出卖了灵魂,今天你要挂了,我来把你灵魂回收利用下而已,不要误解哦……于是乎地裂了……于是乎小BOSS掉了下去……于是乎他心有不甘,瓜子一伸,抓住了主角的衣袖……于是乎他俩一起掉下去了……结局:the END?? 必然不是啦,坐等第三作冒泡……用脚丫也能想到,后续剧情必然是主角大战蜈蚣脚mikaboshi,期待之……
2023-08-04 13:48:121


revenge, avenge这两个词都表示“复仇”之意,但词义和使用场合均有所不同。revenge/avenge sb.替sb.报仇1.revenge大都指为自己报仇,有时它还带有报复的意味(to do harm or injury in return for any harm,injury or insult)。例The oppressed resolved to revenge themselves upon (on) the oppressors.被压迫者决定向压迫者复仇。2.avenge大都指替别人复仇;复仇的动机并不是为了自己,而是为了正义感(to punish for a wrong done and often for the sake of justice)。Hamlet planned to avenge his father upon the murderer.哈姆雷特打算惩处凶手以报父仇。词组to revenge oneself upon/on one"s enemy to avenge oneself upon/on one"s enemy for something to avenge something upon/on one"s enemy△revenge的名词与动词同形; avenge的名词是vengeance。
2023-08-04 13:48:222


2023-08-04 13:48:332


2023-08-04 13:48:541


问题一:(复仇)英文怎么写? 1. to revenge 动词2. vengeance 名词 问题二:复仇英语怎么说 bite one"s glove 问题三:复仇者 用英语怎么说 avenger 问题四:英语的“复仇开始”怎么说? vengeance begins 问题五:cf的复仇的英语怎么说的 to revenge或者vengeance 暴头是 HEAD SHOT 双连杀 DOUBLE KILL 三连杀 MULTI KILL 四连杀 OUAGE KILL 五连杀 UNBREAKBLE 六连杀 UNBELIEVABLE 七连杀 YOU WANNA A PIECE OF ME? 八连杀 E GET SOME 奋发图强 Working hard for the prosperity of the country 坚持到底 insist on it until it ends 雷炸死 YEAH!!! 刀砍死 HA~HA~HA~ 收到 明白 Roger!(that) 漂亮! nice shot、goodwork ,excellent 爆头!headshot C4 被拆 the bomb has been defused 请掩护我cover me! 冲啊! go go 需要志愿 Ah need backup! CF的无线电如下 Z键: 1.roger、affirmative--明白。 2.Negative、Negative over out--无法执行或者不行。 3.Enemy spotted--发现敌人。 4.Bomb spotted--发现炸弹(C4)。 5.sector clear--地区无异常或地区安全。 X键: 1.nice shot、good job--好枪法、干的漂亮。 2.keep going stay strong team--坚持到底。 3.follow me--跟我来。 4.cover me--掩护我。 5.keep front lines team--坚守阵地。 C键: 1.A site--A地点。 2.B site--B地点。 3.Hold position--防守或守卫。 4.stick together team--保持队型。 5.storm the front--突破。 问题六:复仇天团的英文怎么写呢? 复仇天团 revenge Days tour
2023-08-04 13:49:011


2023-08-04 13:49:101


2023-08-04 13:49:193

avenge revenge 的区别

revenge, avenge这两个词都表示“复仇”之意,但词义和使用场合均有所不同。Revenge大都指为自己报仇,有时它还带有报复的意味(to do harm or injury in return for any harm,injury or insult)。例:The oppressed resolved to revenge themselves upon (on) theoppressors.被压迫者决定向压迫者复仇。He swore to revenge a wrong done to him.他发誓要为他所受到的冤屈而报复。Avenge大都指替别人复仇;复仇的动机并不是为了自己,而是为了正义感(to punish for a wrong done and often for the sake of justice)。例:Hamlet planned to avenge his father upon the murderer.哈姆雷特打算惩处凶手以报父仇。In order to avenge the murder of his father,Hamlet pretended tobe insane.为了报杀父之仇,哈姆雷特假装发疯。值得注意的是,我们除了要辨清revenge和avenge 的内涵外,还需注意这两个词的用法。请记住,我们总是说:to revenge oneself upon (or on) one"s enemy to avenge oneself upon (or on) one"s enemy for something 或 to avenge something upon ( or on) one"s enemy请看下面的句子和译文:I will avenge my friend.我要为我的朋友报仇。(不是:我向我的朋友报仇。)因此,I will avenge my enemy的句子是错误的。Revenge的名词与动词同形; avenge的名词是vengeance。例:Blood feuds occur when people from two villages of clans take revenge on (upon) each other.We bombed their village in revenge for their attack on us.He swore vengeance on (upon) the invaders.
2023-08-04 13:49:271


2023-08-04 13:49:352

Vengeance is Mine ————Sentenced歌词!!

2023-08-04 13:49:422

vengeance is mine是什么意思

Vengeance Is Mine释义[电影]复仇在我双语例句 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, vengeance is mine; i will repay, saith the lord.亲串的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒。(或作让人发怒)因为经上记着,主说,伸冤在我。我必报应。
2023-08-04 13:49:491

英语谚语:If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: If wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance 中文意思: 智者干傻事,愚蠢到极点。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Half a loaf is better then no bread 半块面包亦胜无。 Half a tale is enough for a wise man 聪明人凡事只须听一半,就会明白究竟。 Half the world knows not how the other half lives 富人不知穷人苦。 Hang up one"s fiddle when one es home 在外谈笑风生,在家闷闷不乐。 Hang up one"s hat in another"s house 在别人家里久留不去,长期居住。 Happiness consists in contentment 知足常乐。 Happiness takes no account of time 幸福不觉光阴过。 Happy is he that is happy in childhood 童年时代快乐的人是幸福的。 Happy is he that is happy in his children 对自己孩子感到高兴的,才是幸福的人。 Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth 记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。 英语谚语: If wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance 中文意思: 智者干傻事,愚蠢到极点。
2023-08-04 13:49:571


2023-08-04 13:50:163

Vengeance Is Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Vengeance Is Mine歌手:Sentenced专辑:Manifesto of Sentenced (Best of)I am stunned, you caught me by surpriseIt"s so damn wrong, you outdid yourselvesBeaten numb, I didn"t see you sneaking round the corner, how could I?There is no sight in my third eyeWhen I"m done I will hunt you downOne by one I"ll blow you all to hellFor you faceless, nameless, cowards, cannot hideThe day of reckoning will arriveStrike from behind and knock me to the groundKick me while I"m down, stab me in the back, you bastardsTear my heart out of my chestI rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rageI"m right on your track you bastardsDozen of eyes for an eyeVengeance is mineI have dreams of hammering your skullsFantasies of bashing in your brainsObsessively I am watching, I am stalking, I am followingAnd then the massacre beginsStrike from behind and knock me to the groundKick me while I"m down, stab me in the back, you bastardsTear my heart out of my chestI rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rageI"m right on your track, you bastardsDozen of eyes for an eyeVengeance is mineStrike from behind and knock me to the groundKick me while I"m down, stab me in the back, you bastardsTear my heart out of my chestI rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rageI"m right on your track you bastardsDozen of eyes for an eyeVengeance is mineDozen of eyes for an eyeVengeance is mineVengeance is mine
2023-08-04 13:50:251


2023-08-04 13:50:354

我们不能被愤怒和复仇冲昏头脑 英语怎么说不要百度翻译的

翻译如下我们不能被愤怒和复仇冲昏头脑we should not be swollen by anger and vengeance拟人一下很生动。
2023-08-04 13:51:112

dota 里的灵魂守卫的英文独白谁帮忙翻译下

楼下的说的很对 但是喜欢的话可以再去网上搜下伊利丹 怒风 百度词条里有这个是TB的原型 看了以后你会更崇拜他的简直是所有男人的偶像没事再去伊利丹吧里看看吧
2023-08-04 13:51:346

刚播出的《鸿门宴》,为什么翻译为《White Vengeance》,‘白色复仇’???

国产大片的外文片名一般取得都比较抽象,一方面为了满足国外的人对中国文化的好奇心,另一方面也是汉文字实在是比较难精准的翻译 比如十面埋伏 到国外就成了House of Flying Daggers 意思完全十万八千里,这个和国外大片到中国翻译后的名字差别很大是一个道理,其实只要大家知道这么个片子有那么个意思就行了,名字只是为了让大家能够记住 不必太追究他的内涵 鸿门宴的White Vengeance 估计也是那么个情况以上是个人观点
2023-08-04 13:51:592


导语:电影《教父》改编自马里奥·普佐的同名小说,讲述了以维托·唐·科莱昂为首的黑帮家族的发展过程以及科莱昂的小儿子迈克如何接任父亲成为黑帮首领的故事。1973年该片获得第45届奥斯卡奖最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本奖。下面是我收集整理的经典台词,欢迎大家阅读参考!   电影教父经典台词: He (Don Corleone) had long ago learned that society imposes insults that must be borne forted by the knowledge that in this world there es a time when the most humble of men if he keeps his eye open can take his revenge on the most powerful. It was this knowledge that prevented the Don from losing the humility all his friends admired in him. 他(柯里昂教父)早就懂得:社会上常常会有突如其来的侮辱,那是必须忍受的。在这个世界上,常常会出现这样的情况:最微不足道的人,如果他时刻留意的话,总会有机会向那些最不可一世的人报仇血恨。明白了这个道理,也就心平气和了。正是因为明白这个道理,老头子才从来不丧失那种他所有朋友都叹服的谦虚谨慎的作风。 PS: Any profession was worthy of respect to men who for centuries earned bread by the sweat of their brows. 千百年来,只要凭卖力气,流汗水换饭吃,任何职业都是值得尊敬的。 The Don always taught that when a man was generous he must show the generosity as personal. He gave the baker a Di Nobili cigar and a glass of yellow Strega and put his hand on the men"s shoulder to urge him on. That was the mark of the Don"s humanity. He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor from a fellow man. 柯里昂教父经常这样教导:如果一个人要慷慨,那他就必须把这种慷慨表现得充满感情。 他递给面包师傅一根“高贵牌”雪茄烟,一杯“振奋牌”果子露,还把手搭在他的肩膀上鼓励他说下去,这就是老头子的人情味的一种表示。他从自己辛酸的经历中体会到:大家同样是人,要一个人央求另一个人办一件事,这可需要多大的勇气啊。 PS: If a person is very generous then he must behave himself an emotional generosity. “You know those Arctic explorers who leave caches of food scattered on the route to the North Pole? Just in case they may need them someday? That"s my father"s favors. Someday he"ll be at each one of those people"s houses and they had better e across.” “你知道北极探险家在去北极的路上,沿途总要把食物在地窖里埋起来吗?就是为了预防有一天走到那里可能需要食物。这就是我父亲为别人做好事的道理。他有一天也可能有事相求,要登门拜访他们。所以最好他们能先过来拜访下我们。” The Don helped those in misfortune whose misfortune he had partly created. Not perhaps out of cunning or planning but because of his variety of interests or perhaps because of the nature of the universe the interlinking of good and evil natural of itself. 柯里昂教父一方面在帮助那些陷于不幸的人们,但另一方面那些人的不幸一定程度上却是他造成的。这,既不是出于阴谋诡计,也不是出于刻意安排,而是由于他利益的多样性,或者说是宇宙的自然法则,善与恶的相互渗透乃是自然本身的法则。(所以说,强大你自身,是保护自己的终极之道。) 对敌理念 Don"t hate your enemy or you will make wrong judgment. 不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。 Never tell anybody outside the family what you"re thinking again. (这句话是教父对其大儿子Sonny的训斥。Sonny在外人面前暴露出与父亲不同的想法,终酿成大祸,招致敌人对老一代教父的暗杀行动。Corleone家族也正是由此从盛转衰。) Sonny: “If there"s one thing the old man hammered into me it"s never to do a thing like that to let other people know there"s a split of opinion in the Family.” “如果说老爸对我有什么教导,使我永远不忘的话,那就是永远不能做一件蠢事:让外人知道我们家族内部有意见分歧。” Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 离你的朋友近些,但离你的敌人要更近,这样你才能更了解他 Don"t let anybody know what you are thinking. 不要让任何人知道你在想什么(迈克对文森说)。 Don"t let women dictate your actions and they"re not petent in this world though certainly they"ll be saint in heaven while we men burn in hell. 不要让女人左右你的行为。而她们在这个世界上并没有这样的资格,尽管可以肯定她们会上天堂。当圣人,而男人要下地狱,受火烧。 教父的自信 I"m gonna make him an offer he can"t refuse. 我将给他一个他无法拒绝的理由/条件。 (这局可称是教父系列中最经典的一句台词。敢这样说,来源于强大的自信,是一个男人对自己力量和谋略的笃信。) He never asks a second favor when he"s been refused the first. 小说里的原句。 My father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance gonna bring your son back to you? Or my boy to me? I fot the vengeance of my son… I ‘m a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him—if he should get shot in the head by a police officer or if he should hang himself in the jail cell or if he"s struck by a bolt of lightning—then I"m gonna blame some of the people in this room. And that I do not five. 我是个迷信的人 若是他不幸发生意外 或被警察开枪打死 或在牢里上吊 或是他被闪电击中 那我会怪罪这个房间里的每一个人 到那时候我就不会再客气了。 教父对待家人的态度 Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn"t spend time with his family can never be a real man. 你经常跟家人呆在一起吗?不错。因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人! I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men. 我费了一生的精力,试图不让自己变得十分粗心。女人和小孩子们可以很粗心,但男人不会。 Everything I do with my power including something criminal I just want to protect my family and my friends . 我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为了保护我的家人和我的朋友。 I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life — I don"t apologize — to take care of my family and I refused to be a fool dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don"t apologize — that"s my life — but I thought that that when it was your time that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well it wasn"t enough time Michael. It wasn"t enough time. 我从来没有想过要带给你这些。我工作了一辈子,来养家餬口,我没有道过歉,我不愿意当个傻瓜,做那些大人物手中的提线木偶。我毫无歉意,这就是我的命运,不过我也想到过,到时候我儿子成为真正的男人时,你就要做手握绳子的那个人。科利翁尼参议员,科利翁尼州长。好了,时间不多了,迈克尔。时间不多了! 教父的友谊观 Friendship can build a solid defense. 友谊可以筑起一道坚实的防线。 The Don to Bonasera: “My feelings were wounded but I am not that sort of person who thrusts his friendship on those who do not value it——on those who think me of little account. “我伤了感情了,但是我这个人并不把自己的友谊强加于那些不重视友谊的人——那些认为我无足轻重的人。” The Don to Jonny: “Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government; it is almost the equal of family. Never fet that. If you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldn"t have to ask me to help.” “友谊就是一切。友谊比天赋还重要。朋友比 *** 还重要。朋友简直等于自家人,永远不要忘记这一点。如果你用朋友的友谊筑起一道防线,你也就不会相求于你的教父了。” 《教父》经典语录 After five months of exile in Sicily Michael Corleone came finally to understand his father"s character and his destiny. He came to understand men like Luca Brasi the ruthless caporegime Clemenza his mother"s resignation and acceptance of her role. For in Sicily he saw what they would have been if they had chosen not to struggle against their fate. He understood why the Don always said “A man has only one destiny.” 迈克·柯里昂在西西里过了五个月的流浪生活之后,终于真正懂得了他父亲的性格和他自己的命运。他终于真正懂得了像路加·布瑞西和冷酷的克莱门扎这类人物,也懂得了他母亲那种安分守己的超然态度。在西西里,他看的一清二楚,要是他们不行动起来同自己的命运作斗争,他们将落得什么下场?他懂得了,为什么老头子反反复覆地说:“一个人只有一种命运。”(这段话出自原版,很完整地解释了A man has only one destiny的原因。不抗争,便只能像蝼蚁一样的活着,不满也不甘,奋斗的原动力,促使着你向上爬,变得更强更有力,完成你在这个世界上的使命。) Michael Corleone understood for the first time why men like his father chose to bee thieves and murderers rather than members of the legal society. The poverty and fear and degradation were too awful to be acceptable to any man of spirit. 迈克·柯里昂破天荒地第一次悟出一个道理,为什么像他父亲那样的人,甘愿当盗窃犯和谋杀犯而不愿意当合法社会的守法公民?贫穷,恐惧,屈辱,这些东西太可怕了,对任何一个有骨气的人来说,都是难以忍受的。 If anything in this life is certain if history has taught us anything it is that you can kill anyone. 如果生活告诉了我们什么,历史教育了我们什么,那就是你可以杀了任何人。(还能记得迈克说这句话时自负的神情和语气。迈克是个有仇必报的人,不管是性格还是为了家庭生存的原因,他总是把仇人翦除殆尽。) Only don"t tell me you"re innocent. It insults my intelligence makes me very angry. (迈克只想知道是不是妹夫参与陷害了哥哥。之前所有的承诺,什么一笔勾销,拉斯维加斯旅行,我是你孩子的教父,所有一切是诱饵,是放松警惕的“后路”。可怜以劳尔的智商会信以为真,他不了解迈克是什么样的人。犯下这样不可饶恕的罪过,只有一条后路,那就是死。) See all our people are busines *** en. Their loyalty is based on that. One thing I learned from Pop was trying to think as people around you think. On that basis anything is possible. 看,与我们打交道的都是生意人。他们忠诚是建立在利益至上的。我从爸爸那里学到的一点,那就是揣摩周围人的想法,以他们的立场去思考。在生意的基础上,一切皆有可能。 You make the choice and this is your price. 你做出了这个决定,这是你的代价。 (这句是《教父3》里最经典的一句话。) All my life I kept trying to go up in society where everything higher up was legal straight. But the higher I go the crookeder it bees. How in the hell does it end? (我一生都费尽心思地向上攀爬。之前我认为上层的世界合法、磊落。可越往上攀爬,越觉险恶。这没完没了的勾心斗角、争执倾轧,什么时候才是个头?) 其他 Tom to Michael: There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don"t try to justify them. They can"t be justified. You just do them. Then you fet it.” 有些事必须干,你干就是了,绝不高谈阔论。不要去判断要做的这些事是否合理。它们没法判断。你 *** 的就是了,干完之后就忘记。 In Hagen"s world the Corlenone"s world the physical beauty the sexual power of women carried not the slightest weight in worldly matters. It was a private affair except of course in matters of marriage and family disgrace. 在黑根(Hagen即家族参谋Tom Hagen)眼里,在柯里昂家族眼里,女人的肉体美,女人的性魅力,在人情世故中是无足轻重的私人小事,当然,除非涉及到婚姻和家庭荣辱。 Great men are not born great they grow great and so it was with Vito Corleone. 伟人并非生来就伟大的,而是在其成长过程中体现其伟大的,维托·柯里昂也同样如此。 Tessio had a better opinion of Michael. He sensed something else in the young man: a force cleverly kept hidden a man jealously guarding his true strength from public gaze following the Don"s precept that a friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults. 忒希奥对迈克比较有好感。他在这个年轻人身上感到了另一种气质:平时不露锋芒,生怕把自己的实力公开在光天化日之下;紧守柯里昂教父的训诲:让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。(对于为成熟的雏鸟,第一任务,亮出你的锋芒,有了之后才是学习隐藏之时。) “Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold.” 复仇是一道冷却后味道才最好的菜肴。(剌开肚子的那一刀) He (Albert Nerl) was rarely tactful. If he disagreed with a group"s attitude or an individual"s opinion he kept his mouth shut or brutally spoke his contradiction. He never gave a polite agreement. 他(亚伯特·奈尔,在电影末尾枪杀巴茨尼的身穿警察制服的人)表现得罕见的老练。要是他不同意一羣人的态度或个别人的意见,他要么守口如瓶,要么和盘托出自己反对的理由。他向来都不表示礼节性的同意。 It"s not personal it"s business. 不要把私人的感情带到商界,这不利于发展,即使有解决不了的,靠你的能力,你的智慧来解决。(感情和事业两分,这是最健康的关系。) It was part of the Don"s greatness that he profited from everything. 老头子的伟大,其中部分原因就是因为他从每一件事情里都得到了好处。
2023-08-04 13:52:071

take vengeance on是什么意思

take vengeance on报复双语对照词典结果:take vengeance on[英][teik u02c8vendu0292u0259ns u0254n][美][tek u02c8vu025bndu0292u0259ns ɑn][法] 向。。。执仇; 报复; 例句:1.He was desperate to take vengeance on marie"s killer. 他不顾一切,一心想向杀害玛丽的凶手复仇。满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】
2023-08-04 13:52:141


v字仇杀队经典台词: 1.Youre getting back at them for e a man. forts of the everyday routine the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. 晚上好,伦敦.首先,请允许我致歉,我跟你们很多人一样,喜欢舒舒服服,一成不变的日常生活,我乐见其成。 9.Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all forts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. 我跟你们很多人一样,欣赏规律生活的舒适... ..熟悉面孔所带来的安全感 以及日复一日的平静 我跟任何一个人都一样享受。 18.Certainly there are those, e for me. 但我知道有一天你会来找我的。 32.Oppeneimer you, laugh proof. 在这面具之下的不是血肉之躯,而是刀枪不入的理念。 54.The building is a symbol,as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world. 那个建筑只是个象征,炸毁它的行为也一样。象征的力量是人民赋予的,没有人民,象征也就失去了意义,有了足够的人民附和,炸毁那座建筑就能改变这个世界。 v字仇杀队经典台词著名语录和片段以及全是v的台词大全 30) voracious - 贪婪的 31) violation - 违犯 32) volition - 意志 33) verdict - 裁决 34) vengeance - 复仇 35) vendetta - 深仇 36) votive - 奉献 37) vain - 徒劳 38) value - 价值 39) veracity - 诚实 40) vindicate - 维护 41) vigilant 警醒的 42) virtuous - 有道德的 43) Verily - 真正地 44) vichyssoise - 奶油浓汤 45) verbiage - 空话 46) veer - 转向的 47) verbose - 冗长的 48) very - 非常地 49) V - V 莎士比亚经典台词(中英对照) 1、Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因德行而没落。——《一报还一报》 2、O, it is excellent to have a giant"s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。——《一报还一报》 3、I"ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no an? mit. (A Merchant of Venice 2.6) 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。——《威尼斯商人》 13、All that glisters is not gold. (A Merchant of Venice 2.7) 闪光的并不都是金子。——《威尼斯商人》 14、So is the and dignity: love looks not pact. (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 20、Beauty, my only hate ! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5) 我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 26、eo and Juliet 2.3) 年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 28、It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2) 那是东方,而朱丽叶就是太阳。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 29、A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2) 超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关的路人。——《哈姆雷特》 30、Frailty, thy name is 1.3) 最重要的是,你必须对自己忠实。——《哈姆雷特》 32、The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I 2.2) 简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰。/言贵简洁。——《哈姆雷特》 34、There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5) 天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。——《哈姆雷特》/在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的。 35、There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Hamlet 2.2) 世上之事物本无善恶之分,思想使然。——《哈姆雷特》/没有什么事是好的或坏的,但思想却使其中有所不同。 中英对照经典伤感爱情语录 ◆i miss you not because of my loneliness but i do feel lonely eone strong is to have someone needs to be protected. 让一个人变强大的最好方式,就是拥有一个想要保护的人。 ◆Thank you for comforting me e people eone strong is to have someone needs to be protected. 让一个人变强大的最好方式,就是拥有一个想要保护的人。 ◆Thank you for comforting me when I"m sad. 感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。 ◆Soon there"ll be flowers and prayers that are sad 很快这里的鲜花和祈祷文将是悲伤的。 ◆Somewhere, someday, the unexpected encounter with someone changed your life somehow. 某年某月某一天的某次邂逅,改变了你的一生。 ◆every day i miss you. it is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so. in such a contrary mood, i miss you deeply! a happy valentine"s day to you! 在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你!情人节快乐! ◆i miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won"t stop flying until it reaches you at last. 长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。
2023-08-04 13:52:211


真假辛卡拉的比赛结果肯定是真的辛卡拉赢,最后真辛卡拉用一个反转式炸弹摔结束了比赛,他们还会继续发展剧情。近期比赛也就PPV赛事Vengeance(致命复仇)值得关注了,Mark Henry(马克亨利)和刚刚回归的Big Show(大秀哥)将要打一场世界重量级冠军赛,Randy Orton(兰迪奥顿)将要脱离腰带剧情,和Cody Rhodes(科迪罗兹)发展剧情。而RAW方面Triple H可能要以选手身份回归擂台了,可能会和CM Punk(朋克)搭档组合对战The Miz(米兹)和R-Truth。其他未公布 满意请采纳
2023-08-04 13:52:312

Love Is An Angel 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is An Angel歌手:Various Artists专辑:Everybody Dance Now1Love Is An AngelVarious ArtistsLove is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesAll this time I"m waitin"I was anticipating, for a love like youA love that is always trueBut you got me dreamin"I find it hard believingIn a love like youA love that is always trueLove is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesAll the tears I"ve been cryingI was slowly dyingFor a love like youA love that is always trueBut you got me dreamin"I find it hard believingIn a love like youA love that is always trueAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger?Love is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesLove is an angel
2023-08-04 13:52:391

Behind Blue Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Behind Blue Eyes歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Lost & Found: Limp BizkitBehind Blue EyesBizkitNo one knows what it"s likeTo be the bad manTo be the sad manBehind blue eyesAnd no one knowsWhat it"s like to be hatedTo be faded to telling only liesBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeNo one knows what its likeTo feel these feelingsLike i do, and i blame you!No one bites back as hardOn their angerNone of my pain woeCan show throughBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeDiscover l.i.m.p. say it.....No one knows what its likeTo be mistreated, to be defeatedBehind blue eyesNo one know how to sayThat they"re sorry and don"t worryI"m not telling liesBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeNo one knows what its likeTo be the bad man, to be the sad manBehind blue eyes.
2023-08-04 13:52:591

Behind Blue Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Behind Blue Eyes歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Greatest HitzBehind Blue EyesBizkitNo one knows what it"s likeTo be the bad manTo be the sad manBehind blue eyesAnd no one knowsWhat it"s like to be hatedTo be faded to telling only liesBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeNo one knows what its likeTo feel these feelingsLike i do, and i blame you!No one bites back as hardOn their angerNone of my pain woeCan show throughBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeDiscover l.i.m.p. say it.....No one knows what its likeTo be mistreated, to be defeatedBehind blue eyesNo one know how to sayThat they"re sorry and don"t worryI"m not telling liesBut my dreams they aren"t as emptyAs my conscious seems to beI have hours, only lonelyMy love is vengeanceThat"s never freeNo one knows what its likeTo be the bad man, to be the sad manBehind blue eyes.
2023-08-04 13:53:081


不是剧情的剧情: 6个独立的小故事,每个都可以独立成章,却在时空上进行了穿连,最终在看似杂乱的故事错乱中,一部精彩的电影就此诞生。 关键词: 黑色美学 躁动 救赎 昆汀的所有作品中,最喜欢的就是这部《低俗小说》,并不是因为这部电影占据了IMDB前排的位置,而是其中的黑色幽默和出人意表的剧情跳转,有的地方是欲说还休,有的地方啰啰嗦嗦,不过当把这些貌似低价的东西组合在一起的时候,熬成了一碗美味的酸辣汤,让人欲罢不能。 故事太多,那就挑选几个比较经典的来说,不然说个三天三夜估计也说不完。 生活中总是充满了惊喜,小毛贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”在早餐时就抢劫发表了一些看法,生命诚可贵,打劫也得要注意安全另外更得要有钱可打,说着说着,脑洞大开,原来餐馆也是一个不错的选择地,既然在此吃饭那同样在此打劫得了,小夫妻俩实在让人不省心,还让不让其他人好好吃饭了?黑色的幽默就在此,你根本不知道男女主人公下一步会想干嘛,一切看上去随机,又看上去很正常。 文森特和朱尔斯去帮老大马沙去办事,两个人根本不象黑帮分子,倒像是两个哲学家,一路上讨论各种各样的问题,嘴炮不断,到了办事的地点,一看貌似还没到干活的时间,那就继续等一会,原来办事也得要讲究时间观念,还好没在门口安装一个考勤打卡机,不然一定得要7点半才开始干活才成。 当然在门口的这段对话也让文森特后面陪着马沙老婆蜜娅出去玩,面对挑逗却不敢动的原因所在,心动是有了,但是行动的后果却是很可怕的,被扔下楼算是小事,命没了却是大事。 朱尔斯杀人前要来段圣经朗诵,感觉很酷,不过貌似这家伙自己扩充了不少内容,毕竟圣经里原文可没那么长,朱尔斯的才华不错,能当圣人了,只不过这个圣人却有着一双沾满了鲜血的手,但是不妨碍他振振有词的把不是圣经的圣经念得如此纯熟。 部分内容来自于以西结书 二十五章十七节: 我向他们大施报应,发怒斥责他们。我报复他们的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。 I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I take vengeance on them."" 但是多数却是他自己加上去的,竟然没有任何违和感。 也许是自认为圣经念的纯熟,所以当被人一阵乱枪打来,俩个大活人一点事都没有,文森特认为是运气,朱尔斯却认为这是上帝的启示。 人类一思考,上帝就发笑,这次上帝应该不会笑了,因为多了一个信徒了,朱尔斯决定要浪迹天涯,却追随上帝的奇迹了。 文森特准备带着蜜娅第二天出去玩了,在俱乐部遇见了布奇,这个过气的拳击手正在接受马沙的洗脑说教,打黑拳可以赚钱,但是布奇却想在走之前大赚一笔,那就准备黑吃黑了,文森特不知道这次的会面并不是第一次,还会有第二次。 带着老大的老婆出去玩可不是一件好差事,关键是蜜娅不但会玩更是一个美女,在餐厅两人跳的扭扭舞是非常经典的场景,在跳舞的过程中双方并没有肢体上的接触,不过那种欲说还休的挑逗意味却是如此明显,跳舞结束回家双方打开房门时那一段走心的舞蹈,此时才算真正放松并且互有情愫了,但是文森特依旧不敢迈出第一步,所以在厕所里对着镜子大谈这是对自己的考验,还是回家打飞机得了,但是蜜娅的误吸毒品却把一切情愫破坏掉了,只剩下文森特的魂飞魄散,不能老大的女人在自己手上死掉。救活了蜜娅,这个美好的夜晚也毁掉了,有点情也只能放心里,既使是面对那个番茄的跟上来的笑话,文森特依旧没有胆子跟上去,所以只能背后飞吻。 后面的金表的故事,在车中误杀小混混,专门处理问题的人优雅的解决问题等等,昆汀塔伦蒂诺看似讲述了几个比较低俗的故事,但是这些故事看上去又是如此接地气,接近生活,谁说杀手就一定得要是一本正经的,谁说小混混一定是胆大妄为的,谁说解决问题的人一定会心急火燎的而不能优雅的,一切都是为了生活本身,为了在这个世界上挣扎罢了。 时间是个轮回,故事也是个轮回,一切又回到了原点。 数场 游戏 过后,电影闪回到原点,小毛贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”打劫的餐馆却是文森特和朱尔斯办完事后正在吃早饭的地方,这次朱尔斯又背起了他自创的那段圣经,但是这次他没有杀人,而是放人,因为他要做一个慈悲的牧羊人,至于后续怎么慈悲法也许只有他自己知道,不过这算是万里长征的第一步,从认同奇迹,并真正慈悲开始。 《低俗小说》自己也算不清楚看了几遍了,不过在我的心中却是把这部电影等同于《大话西游》,而后者我是几乎每年都会重看一遍,每看一遍总是笑中有泪,泪中有乐,也许这就是生活本身的状态,有激动人心的时刻,有会心一笑的时刻,也有一地鸡毛的时刻。 在芸芸众生中,多数人只是过着俗气的生活而已。
2023-08-04 13:53:151

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2023-08-04 13:53:242