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He was so weakened by the disease that he could__ _stand up.A.rarely B.barely C.merely D.almost

2023-08-04 14:30:24

此句纯粹为考察词意 答案选 A



weaken的意思衰弱。一、weaken的发音,英音读[u02c8wiu02d0ku0259n],美音读[u02c8wiu02d0ku0259n]。1、【v.】(使)虚弱,衰弱;减弱;削弱;使(肯定程度)减弱;动摇;犹豫。2、【其他】第三人称单数:weakens;现在分词:weakening;过去式:weakened;过去分词:weakened。3、【例句】Many Chinese are loth to give blood, believing it might weaken them.很多人不愿意去卖,觉得那样会使他们的身体变虚弱。二、短语搭配如下:1、weaken strength:削弱力量;强度弱化。2、weaken by:……通过……使变淡。3、weaken spirits:灵魂笞罚。4、gradually weaken:逐渐变弱。5、American Weaken:美籍。6、weaken degree:弱化程度。7、weaken slump:指行情价格低落。8、eyesight weaken:视力减弱。
2023-08-04 06:56:241

women weaken legs的翻译是什么?

women weaken legs的翻译是:女人令人脚软。重点词汇:weaken。weaken英['wi:ku0259n]释义:v.(使)虚弱,(使)衰弱;(使)变弱,削弱;使(肯定程度)减弱,动摇,犹豫;(使)(大楼、结构体等)不结实;(使)(股票等)疲弱,疲软。[第三人称单数weakens;现在分词:weakening;过去式:weakened;过去分词:weakened]短语:weaken at the base使从基础破坏。词语使用变化:1、v.(动词)。2、weaken可指生物体表明健康状况的官能效果丧失、体力衰弱,也可指物质或非物质的完整性、稳定性、强度、数量等方面减弱或丧失。引申可指“(使)犹豫”。3、weaken既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-04 06:56:421


翻译如下:减弱根据语境weaken; abate; attenuate; fade; bate;dent都可以。例句:这并没有减弱伦敦金融界对这个公司的热情。This has not dented the City"s enthusiasm for the company.
2023-08-04 06:57:002


问题一:削弱地位的英文怎么说 削弱地位 Weaken position 英 [u02c8wi:k?n] 美 [?wik?n] vt.& vi. (使)削弱; (使)变弱; 衰减; 变得优柔寡断; 问题二:削弱疾病的患病风险 英文怎么说 weaken the risk of being attacked by a disease weaken the risk of disease development 供参 问题三:随着生活的改善和教育水平的提高,职业道德的观念遭到了削弱英语怎么说 As the improvement of life and that of the education level, the concept of professional ethics has been weakened. 问题四:削弱政策的实施力度的英语怎么说 weaken the policy"s implementation strength 问题五:“ *** ”用英文怎么说? 在表达爱国主义(patrioti *** )热情的同时,我们呼吁大家冷静理性,坚决避免暴徒(rioter)的暴力行为(irrational or violent behavior)。  既然最近的焦点是 *** 日货,那么我们来说说 *** 的英文。上文中的 *** 就是 *** 的意思。你知道这个词在英语里的来历吗?  查尔斯?博伊科特(Charles Boycott)中文名字又译杯葛,是19世纪在爱尔兰的土地房产经纪人,代一位贵族大地主管理爱尔兰西部的房地产。他拒绝在发生饥荒后给佃户减租减息,而且手段残暴,把很多人驱赶出家园,引起了本地人的广泛怨恨。周围的爱尔兰人开始有组织地回避、冷落他,打工者拒绝为他收割地里的庄稼,商家拒绝和他做买卖,邮差也拒绝给他送信。虽然有几十名同情他的北爱尔兰人曾志愿前去帮助收割,英国军队还派了数千人护卫,但是他无法长久经营下去,在1880年底举家迁回英国。之后一年通过的土地法保障了所谓的三个F,就是fair rent(公平地租),free sale(自由买卖),fixity of tenure(固定租期)。然而英国在爱尔兰的政治统治并没有就此削弱。  Boycott的名字并未因为他的离去而销声匿迹。当年的《泰晤士报》就有文章开始用他的名字作为动词,表示 *** 行动,之后便很快传播开来,不久在整个英语世界里成了人人皆知的单词。这个词可以用在劳资纠纷中,也适用于消费者的厂商间,甚至成为国际间抗争的手段。  最常见的 *** 情形就是 *** 。如果遵守规范,这是合法的 *** 手段。 *** 还常常产生黑名单(blackmail),也就是把 *** 对象的人物或公司列出来。国际间的 *** 不同于禁运(embargo)。禁运是指拒绝把某些货物出口到特定的国家。 *** 则是指拒绝向特定的国家进口某些商品。   *** 的内容也可以超出经济范围。例如,为 *** 苏联进军阿富汗,有40个国家 *** 1980年的莫斯科奥运会。1988年汗城奥运会是八年来首度无人 *** 全员参加的奥运会。这个礼拜曼德拉登记非洲人国民大会参加南非史第一次跨种族大选,可是有几个政党决定 *** 这次选举。 问题六:削水果用英语怎么说 Whittle 满意请采纳 问题七:不等厚削薄量用英文怎么说 the amount of unequal thickness cutting 参见例句: Ultrasonic Inspection of the Butt Welds with Transition Cuts in Unequal Thickness Plate 不等厚板过渡削薄对接焊缝的超声波探伤 问题八:削苹果 英文怎么说 to peel an apple peel是削皮、剥皮的意思 问题九:help!! 削苹果的削英语怎么说 peel和pare应该都可以,但应该是peel好一些!例句如下: 1. 我喜欢为自己的心上人削苹果皮。 I like to peel apples for my sweetheart. 2. 妈妈买了个几秒钟就可以削完苹果的工具。 Mom bought a gadget that can pare entire apple in a second. 3. 父亲削好苹果后,切成五等份,给我们兄妹五人每人一小片。 Father pared the apple, and cut into five slices for his five children. 问题十:如何用英语说剪头发的专用语例如 我想削 Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among
2023-08-04 06:57:071

my weakened英语作文?

H爷独霸LV.10推荐于 2017-11-26My weekendI often have fun on my weekend. I often go to the library to read books on Saturday morning. After lunch,I go swimming with my friends.On Saturday night,I hold a party at home and invite many friends. On sunday morning,I always do my homework at home. But sometimes I also go for a drive.On Sunday afternoon,I finish my homework. Then I go to a movie with my family. At last,we eat at home.How relaxing a holiday it is!
2023-08-04 06:57:171

翻译两个英文句子 谢谢了

2023-08-04 06:57:254


真诚与你讨论: 第一句:你的朋友的解释是对的,句子的翻译也是对的.所谓倒装指的是主谓倒装.这个句子是一个全倒装句.谓语”runs“全部移到了主语前面,也就是说,主语是runs后面的 ”the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents“. 还原成非倒装句你就可以明白了:”The gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents runs from the shore line, out to disance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles“.run在这个句子里是不及物动词,意思是:延伸,向某一方向或某一点延伸、伸展或到达;蔓延. 第二句:首先,这个句子的意思是:”这是一个持怀疑态度的年代,尽管对我们祖先曾热切相信的很多事情我们的信仰已经减弱了,但我们对一瓶药的疗效仍然像他们一样深信不疑.“ 这个句子中有一个介词+关系代词(in+which)引出的定语从句,但不是修饰faith的,而是如你所说,修饰many of the things的.但我感觉although引出的让步状语从句的句子结构你没完全看清楚,所以你说 ”因为believed has weakened修饰的是our forefathers“.其实这个让步状语从句的的主干是:”our faith (...) has weakened“,括弧内 ”in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened“可以看做是一个介词短语做定语,修饰faith,而在这个介词短语中又包含了一个定语从句 ”in which our forefathers fervently believed“,修饰many of the things. 不知我说清楚了没有,如有问题可以追问.,7,真诚的希望各位英语高手帮我解答下这两句英语 我现在学习新概念英语第四册28 ,30课遇见一句难点句子现在麻烦各位朋友帮我解答下!from the shore line, out to disance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents这句话书上翻译为,从海岸线向大海延伸几英里到几百英里的区域是***架慢坡,从地质学上来说,它是***的一部分.如果不看翻译我几乎理解不了这句话.这句话朋友说是倒装句,一般倒装句谓语要提前,这里谓语只有run似乎没有提前啊,而且run翻译为是的意思,有点搞不懂 2... this is a sceptical age, but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same a theirs.这里的which修饰的是那个词,有人说是faith我觉得有点不像,如果还原的话in faith这样合理吗?因为believed has weakened修饰的是our forefathers,不可能in which也修饰our forefathers还有我觉得修饰 many of the things 到觉得有点像!
2023-08-04 06:57:461


2023-08-04 06:57:562


2023-08-04 06:58:051

his determination carry out the plan was ont weakened by the difficulties he met with.

2023-08-04 06:58:253


不定式的完成时和完成进行时,这是不定式用法的范畴。总要的是要知道这个概念和时态中的完成时态不同。 不定式的完成时表示:这个不定式所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示动作之前发生。 完成进行时表示:不仅在谓语动词表示动作之前,而且是继续延续的动作。
2023-08-04 06:58:381


be senile 衰老衰老 [ shuāi lǎo ]生词本基本释义 详细释义[ shuāi lǎo ]生物体或生物体的一部分随年龄增长而出现衰退现象,伴随功能下降,对环境的应激能力减弱。
2023-08-04 06:58:465


2023-08-04 06:58:591


2023-08-04 06:59:483


2023-08-04 06:59:574


2023-08-04 07:00:088


这么 长啊,,,我的咯神。。。
2023-08-04 07:00:264


The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists . It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worded intensively. Thus , each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In the highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birth rate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. (79)When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.大量人口的优缺点一直是经济学家讨论的课题。有人认为,好的土地供应有限。为了养活人口众多,必须培育劣质土地,强势耕地。因此,每个人生产量较少,这意味着平均收入低于人口较少的平均收入。其他经济学家则认为,大量人口给予更多的专业化和发展港口,道路,铁路等设施,除非有很大的需求,否则不可能建成。实施全球生育控制计划的难点之一在于,根据工业发展水平和粮食和原材料的供应,官方对人口增长的态度因国而异。在发展中国家,人口急剧增加的食物,空间和自然资源的限制下,政府首先要对出生率进行限制,无论后果如何。在高度工业化的社会中,问题可能会更加复杂。出生率下降可能导致失业,因为造成制成品市场下滑。 (79)当住房人口压力下降时,房价也下降,建筑业下滑。面对这些考虑,发达国家的政府可能更喜欢看到人口缓慢增长,而不是稳定或下降的人口。
2023-08-04 07:00:361

记忆力减弱 用英语怎么说

2023-08-04 07:00:477


weaken的意思是虚弱,衰弱;减弱;削弱;动摇;犹豫。含有weaken的双语例句1、Many Chinese are loth to give blood, believing it might weaken them.很多人不愿意去卖,觉得那样会使他们的身体变虚弱。2、She began to weaken after running for8 miles.她跑了8英里后开始变得虚弱。3、Nothing could weaken his resolve to continue.什么也不能削弱他继续下去的决心。4、He was much weakened constitutionally by the disease.那场病使得他体质大大减弱。5、His authority is steadily weakening.他的权威日趋减弱。6、I looked at the list and felt my resolve weakening.我看着名单,觉得自己的决心正在动摇。
2023-08-04 07:01:201


(1)如果你指的是身体,可用weaker and weaker 表示,举例:身体变得越来越弱 Growing weaker and weaker; 或者 她的身体逐渐变弱 Her weakened。(2)如果你指的是灯光或光线等,也可用weak表示,举例:灯光越来越弱 The light is more and more weak。或者 灯光逐渐变弱 The lights gradually become weak。
2023-08-04 07:01:492


问题一:削弱地位的英文怎么说 削弱地位 Weaken position 英 [u02c8wi:k?n] 美 [?wik?n] vt.& vi. (使)削弱; (使)变弱; 衰减; 变得优柔寡断; 问题二:削弱疾病的患病风险 英文怎么说 weaken the risk of being attacked by a disease weaken the risk of disease development 供参 问题三:“ *** ”用英文怎么说? 在表达爱国主义(patrioti *** )热情的同时,我们呼吁大家冷静理性,坚决避免暴徒(rioter)的暴力行为(irrational or violent behavior)。  既然最近的焦点是 *** 日货,那么我们来说说 *** 的英文。上文中的 *** 就是 *** 的意思。你知道这个词在英语里的来历吗?  查尔斯?博伊科特(Charles Boycott)中文名字又译杯葛,是19世纪在爱尔兰的土地房产经纪人,代一位贵族大地主管理爱尔兰西部的房地产。他拒绝在发生饥荒后给佃户减租减息,而且手段残暴,把很多人驱赶出家园,引起了本地人的广泛怨恨。周围的爱尔兰人开始有组织地回避、冷落他,打工者拒绝为他收割地里的庄稼,商家拒绝和他做买卖,邮差也拒绝给他送信。虽然有几十名同情他的北爱尔兰人曾志愿前去帮助收割,英国军队还派了数千人护卫,但是他无法长久经营下去,在1880年底举家迁回英国。之后一年通过的土地法保障了所谓的三个F,就是fair rent(公平地租),free sale(自由买卖),fixity of tenure(固定租期)。然而英国在爱尔兰的政治统治并没有就此削弱。  Boycott的名字并未因为他的离去而销声匿迹。当年的《泰晤士报》就有文章开始用他的名字作为动词,表示 *** 行动,之后便很快传播开来,不久在整个英语世界里成了人人皆知的单词。这个词可以用在劳资纠纷中,也适用于消费者的厂商间,甚至成为国际间抗争的手段。  最常见的 *** 情形就是 *** 。如果遵守规范,这是合法的 *** 手段。 *** 还常常产生黑名单(blackmail),也就是把 *** 对象的人物或公司列出来。国际间的 *** 不同于禁运(embargo)。禁运是指拒绝把某些货物出口到特定的国家。 *** 则是指拒绝向特定的国家进口某些商品。   *** 的内容也可以超出经济范围。例如,为 *** 苏联进军阿富汗,有40个国家 *** 1980年的莫斯科奥运会。1988年汗城奥运会是八年来首度无人 *** 全员参加的奥运会。这个礼拜曼德拉登记非洲人国民大会参加南非史第一次跨种族大选,可是有几个政党决定 *** 这次选举。 问题四:用英语说太阳一出来,风就逐渐消弱 用英语说太阳一出来,风就逐渐消弱 As soon as the sun rises,the wind weakens gradually. 问题五:随着生活的改善和教育水平的提高,职业道德的观念遭到了削弱英语怎么说 As the improvement of life and that of the education level, the concept of professional ethics has been weakened. 问题六:“ *** ”用英文怎么说? 在表达爱国主义(patrioti *** )热情的同时,我们呼吁大家冷静理性,坚决避免暴徒(rioter)的暴力行为(irrational or violent behavior)。  既然最近的焦点是 *** 日货,那么我们来说说 *** 的英文。上文中的 *** 就是 *** 的意思。你知道这个词在英语里的来历吗?  查尔斯?博伊科特(Charles Boycott)中文名字又译杯葛,是19世纪在爱尔兰的土地房产经纪人,代一位贵族大地主管理爱尔兰西部的房地产。他拒绝在发生饥荒后给佃户减租减息,而且手段残暴,把很多人驱赶出家园,引起了本地人的广泛怨恨。周围的爱尔兰人开始有组织地回避、冷落他,打工者拒绝为他收割地里的庄稼,商家拒绝和他做买卖,邮差也拒绝给他送信。虽然有几十名同情他的北爱尔兰人曾志愿前去帮助收割,英国军队还派了数千人护卫,但是他无法长久经营下去,在1880年底举家迁回英国。之后一年通过的土地法保障了所谓的三个F,就是fair rent(公平地租),free sale(自由买卖),fixity of tenure(固定租期)。然而英国在爱尔兰的政治统治并没有就此削弱。  Boycott的名字并未因为他的离去而销声匿迹。当年的《泰晤士报》就有文章开始用他的名字作为动词,表示 *** 行动,之后便很快传播开来,不久在整个英语世界里成了人人皆知的单词。这个词可以用在劳资纠纷中,也适用于消费者的厂商间,甚至成为国际间抗争的手段。  最常见的 *** 情形就是 *** 。如果遵守规范,这是合法的 *** 手段。 *** 还常常产生黑名单(blackmail),也就是把 *** 对象的人物或公司列出来。国际间的 *** 不同于禁运(embargo)。禁运是指拒绝把某些货物出口到特定的国家。 *** 则是指拒绝向特定的国家进口某些商品。   *** 的内容也可以超出经济范围。例如,为 *** 苏联进军阿富汗,有40个国家 *** 1980年的莫斯科奥运会。1988年汗城奥运会是八年来首度无人 *** 全员参加的奥运会。这个礼拜曼德拉登记非洲人国民大会参加南非史第一次跨种族大选,可是有几个政党决定 *** 这次选举。 问题七:俄罗斯方块玩得好可以永远不死吗? 理论上是可以的吧~ 问题八:毁灭的英语怎么说 destroy 指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。 ruin 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。 wreck: 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏。 damage: 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等毁灭后果。 spoil: 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。 demolish 指由于短暂猛烈的动作而摧毁或拆毁。 extirpate 指用铲除或根除的手段进行有效的破坏。 exterminate 指用故意、有选择性的方式完全毁坏。 consume 由于灾害也引起的毁灭。 问题九:削弱地位的英文怎么说 削弱地位 Weaken position 英 [u02c8wi:k?n] 美 [?wik?n] vt.& vi. (使)削弱; (使)变弱; 衰减; 变得优柔寡断; 问题十:削弱疾病的患病风险 英文怎么说 weaken the risk of being attacked by a disease weaken the risk of disease development 供参
2023-08-04 07:01:561


2023-08-04 07:02:063

译诗: 玛雅.安吉洛《我仍将奋起》

我仍将奋起 玛雅.安吉洛 译: Phil 你可以将我写入历史 用你苦毒,歪曲的谎言 你可以将我踩入污泥 但我仍将,像灰尘一样,奋起 我如此轻慢让你不爽吗? 你为何郁闷烦恼? 你看我走起路来就好像 我家客厅有一口油井 就好像日升月落 就好像潮涨潮退 就好像希望高高上升 我仍将奋起 你想看到我崩溃吗? 想看到我低眉垂首, 双肩像泪水一样垂落, 灵里软弱哭声哀切? 我的桀骜不驯冒犯你了? 难道你不会深受打击 因为我哈哈大笑,好像 我在后院挖到了金矿? 你可以用言语向我射击 你可以用眼神向我砍来 你可以用仇恨杀了我, 但是,如同空气,我将升起 我性感妩媚让你心烦吗? 你觉得很惊讶吗 我翩翩起舞,就好像 双腿之间镶嵌着钻石? 从耻辱的历史小屋中 我奋起 从植根于痛苦的过去中 我奋起 我是黑色的海洋,波澜壮阔 在浪潮中汹涌澎湃 抛离惊恐不安的夜晚 我奋起 进入清澈无比的白日 我奋起 带着祖先赐给我的天赋 我是被奴役人民的梦想和希望 我奋起 我奋起 我奋起 Still I Rise BY MAYA ANGELOU You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I"ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? "Cause I walk like I"ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I"ll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries? Does my haughtiness offend you? Don"t you take it awful hard "Cause I laugh like I"ve got gold mines Diggin" in my own backyard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I"ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I"ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history"s shame I rise Up from a past that"s rooted in pain I rise I"m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that"s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.
2023-08-04 07:02:131


2023-08-04 07:02:211


2023-08-04 07:02:313


2023-08-04 07:03:211

效果法则的Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)

The mind is man"s connection.Edward L. Thorndike was born in Williamsburg, MA in 1874. He studied at Wesleyan University and Harvard, and became professor at Teachers College, Columbia (1904-40), where he worked on educational psychology and the psychology of animal learning. He did pioneer work not only in learning theory but also in education practices, verbal behavior, comparative psychology, intelligence testing and the application of quantitative measures to sociopsychological problem. His works include Psychology of Learning (1914) and The Measurement of Intelligence (1926).Edward L. Thorndike"s Theory:The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or habits become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The classic example of Thorndike"s S-R theory was a cat learning to escape from a puzzle box by pressing a lever inside the box. After much trial and error behavior, the cat learns to associate pressing the lever (S) with opening the door (R). This S-R connection is established because it results in a satisfying state of affairs (escape from the box). The law of exercise specifies that the connection was established because the S-R pairing occurred many times (the law of effect) and was rewarded (law of effect) as well as forming a single sequence (law of readiness). As a result of studying animal intelligence, he formulated his famous laws of learning.Law of effectThis law states that the strength of a connection is influenced by the consequences of a response. Before 1930, Thorndike believed that pleasurable consequences strengthened a connection and annoying consequences weakened a connection. After 1930, however, he believed the only pleasurable consequences had an effect on the strength of a connection.
2023-08-04 07:03:291


问题一:“逐渐变弱”用英文怎么说 “逐渐变弱” Gradually weakened 问题二:最后风开始渐渐变弱了 英语 Fianlly , the wind died down . 祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:) 问题三:穿过公园的树林,变得微弱用英语怎么说 穿过公园的树林,变得微弱用英语 The woods through the park are being weak. 问题四:我感觉身体变差了.英语怎样翻译? 1.I feel my healthy is worse than before. 2.I think my body is in worse healthy than before. 问题五:请教"断差"用英语怎么说 断差 mi *** atch;step更多释义>> [网络短语] 断差 offset 关断压差 CV 认知断差 quality gap
2023-08-04 07:03:421

现代诗十大名诗之一 《Still I Rise》(我仍将奋起)

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I"ll rise.Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? "Cause I walk like I"ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room.Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I"ll rise.Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries.Does my haughtiness offend you? Don"t you take it awful hard "Cause I laugh like I"ve got gold mines Diggin" in my own back yard.You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I"ll rise.Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I"ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?Out of the huts of history"s shame I riseUp from a past that"s rooted in pain I riseI"m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I riseInto a daybreak that"s wondrously clear I riseBringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise!!----------Maya Angelou我仍将奋起!你可以把我写进历史 用你那尖刻的、撒谎的文字, 你可以把我踩进泥地 但像尘土,我仍将奋起。我的精神抖擞可让你烦恼? 为什么你要皱着眉头? 因为我步履矫健 像在自家挖出了石油。像月亮,像太阳, 浪潮退却亦复涨, 扬得高高像希望, 我仍将奋起。你可曾想见到我颓丧? 俯首低头,目光低垂? 弯着腰身像落泪, 弱不禁风,心在哭泣?我的铮铮傲骨可让你厌恶? 别难受,别在乎 因为我笑声爽朗 像在自家的庭院发现了金矿!你可以用言辞向我射击, 你可以用目光向我砍劈, 你可以用仇恨将我击毙, 但像空气,我仍将奋起!我的性感迷人可让你烦恼? 我的翩翩舞蹈可让你惊奇? 因为我舞姿飞扬 像在我胯下寻到了钻石!从历史耻辱的茅舍 我奋起, 从逝去的苦难岁月 我奋起,我是黑色的海洋,水阔浪高 汹涌澎湃,领舵弄潮!把恐怖的黑夜抛在身后 我奋起!走向光明灿烂的白昼 我奋起!带着祖先赐予的力量, 我是奴隶的梦想和希望。 我奋起, 奋起! 奋起!! 翻译转自 以后还有后序
2023-08-04 07:03:581

We shall be strengthened not weakened in determination and in resources.

【答案】:We shall be more determined and make better and fuller use of our resources.
2023-08-04 07:04:071


Dear Allen,How are you?These days I am faced with some problems about my English study,which has confused me long.So I am writing this letter for your advice.First of all,my wish to study hard and get good grades has been weakened with time going by.More often,I find English so boring that I fall asleep in class.Besides,it seems to have endless homework,and to finish it I have to copy others".What"s worse,I am becoming weaker and weaker in this subject.It isnecessary for me to find a tutor who can help me with my English.That"s all.I would appreciate it if you could lend me a hand.Yours,Li Hua.
2023-08-04 07:04:371


2023-08-04 07:05:543


1. Owing to the overpopulation in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity the crime rate is a huge problem we are faced with. The problem of delinquency is increasingly more serious in this area. Also the lack of the traditional family structure and weakened bonds of kinship lower the moral of the children bringing up in the urban areas. These children grow up in poverty and usually look at the crime as a quick and easy way out. The problems of urban areas are far more than can be handled than any short-term efforts. You can only hope to contain them and attempt to make sure that no more problems arise from the already existing ones. 解析: 文章主题为Urban crime 考察了crime的同义词delinquency,属于听力专项词汇。 而overpopulation和lack of employment,family structure和weakened kinship都是高频词组。Kinship可能有不少考生无法听懂;但是完全可以和“家庭结构”对照得出含义,Moral为“道德感”。但是翻译时还是有一句难句,即“look at the crime as quick and easy way out”这句话,理解至上,不能硬翻。总体来说,今年高口的段落翻译难度一般,个别句子翻译和理解有一定挑战。 翻译: 由于城市地区的人口过剩和缺少就业机会,犯罪率现在是我们面临的一大难题;而且这个问题正变得越来越严峻。同时,在城市中成长的儿童们的道德感也在退化,这是由于家庭结构缺失和亲友纽带关系的淡化造成的。他们在贫穷中长大,并把犯罪作为一种便捷的释放自己的手段。城市里的各种问题已多到远多于短期努力可以解决的程度。你只能期望控制他们,并尝试确保不会再出现更多的问题。 参考笔记: 2. The problem of childhood obesity is proportional to the number of environmental factors such the location of a grocery store relative to a home. Poor diet and physical inactivity are the o major contributors to obesity in this city and the most preventable cause of death. The women are more likely to be obese than men 25% vs 19%. Residents with diabetes and high hypertension are more likely to be obese than to be of a normal weight. Residents who eat five or more fruits or vegetables daily are less likely to be overweight or obese. High-school-age boys are more likely to be obese at 19% than their female counterpart nearly 16% of whom are obese. 解析: Obesity 肥胖症历来就是口译考试关注的重点话。段落中还涉及diabetes preventable death,high hypertension这样的健康词汇。剩下的就是数字的记录要准确,对象要写清楚。整理难度还是比较容易的。 翻译: 儿童肥胖症的问题和环境与因素有关,比如:杂货店相对于家的位置。不良饮食和缺乏体育锻炼是都市肥胖症的元凶;这一疾病也是导致可预防死亡重要原因。女性患上该疾病的概率相对于男性是25%比19%。有糖尿病和高血压的市民比正常体重的人更有可能得肥胖症。每天食用5个或者5个以上水果和蔬菜的得该病的概率更低。高中男生得肥胖症人数比率为19%,高于女生的的16%。 参考笔记:
2023-08-04 07:06:031

[英语翻译]关于水和人口 谁帮我翻一下啊

2023-08-04 07:06:284


Afterwards。后来的英文:. afterwards. later. 参考例句:. Later on; afterwards. 以后;后来. Posterior events. 后来的事件. Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.后来她宽容了些,让孩子们晚睡看电视.To reinforce sections which may be weakened by subsequent operations.加固有可能被后来的操作削弱的衣片。He became famous for his powerful slam dunk后来更以他强力的灌篮闻名。At first Athens was in the ascendant, then Sparta起初雅典占了优势,后来斯巴达居上。Holt became a sought-after speaker and supporter of school reform.霍尔特后来成为广受欢迎的演说家,积极倡导教学改革。But later as I tossed and turned in bed, I couldn"t chase away the apprehension I had about the high driving ahead但后来,我躺在床上辗转反侧,一想到要走的山路,心中的焦虑就怎么也挥之不去。
2023-08-04 07:06:401


2023-08-04 07:07:012


不定式主动表被动: 去分词与现在分词被动式的区别 (1)过去分词在构成完成时态,不定式完成式以及被动语态时,通常不能用现在分词一般被动式代替.(现在进行时的被动语态除外) eg:The door was closed an hour ago. 这门在一小时前就关闭了. They have finished their homework. 他们已经做完了家庭作业 (2)过去分词作前置定语时,不能用现在分词一般被动式代替. eg:That was an inspired suggestion. 那是一条由某人提出的建议. 同样现在分词一般被动式作为定语表示动作时,也不能用过去分词来代替. eg:The house being built is a big project. 正在施工的那幢楼是一项大的工程. (3)过去分词作条件、时间等状语时,不可用现在分词一般被动式代替. eg:Given more time,I can do it better.(表条件)" 多给点时间,我会做得更好些. Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.(表示条件) 如果多关心一些,这些树会长得更好. Heated ,the metal expands.(表示时间) 加热后,这种金属会膨胀. Asked why he did it,he said it was his duty .(表示时间) 问及为何要做此事时,他说这是他的职责. (4)过去分词作表语时,不能用现在分词一般被动式代替. eg:The top of the mountain is covered with snow .山顶满是雪. (5)过去分词在构成have,get,want等动词后的复合宾语时,不能用现在分词一般被动式. eg:Why don"t you have the radio fixed? 你为什么不把收音机拿去修一修? 尤其是一些感官动词,如:see,hear,find等后构成复合宾语时,过去分词和现在分词一般被动式意思完全不同. eg:I heard this song being sung by my students in the next room. 我听到隔壁房间的学生正在吟唱这首歌. (注:现在分词一般被动式表示正在进行的动作) I have never heard this song sung in English. 我从来没有听到过用英语唱这首歌. (注:过去分词表示己完成的动作) (6)在下面一些比较固定的分词独立结构中,通常多用过去分词. eg:all told总计 all things considered考虑了一切因素之后 this accomplished完成这项工程之后 this explantion given这样解释之后 all said and done毕竟 二.过去分词和现在分词完成被动式的区别: 及物动词的过去分词没有完成式,但它有“完成”的含义,所以它可以代替现在分词完成被动式. eg:The bridge had been weakened by successive storms and was no longer safe . Weakened by successive storms,the bridge was no longer safe. Having been weakened by successive storms,the bridge was no longer safe. 这座桥接二连三地遭到暴风雨的袭击后,己经不安全了. 但若强调分词表示的行为发生在后一个动词表示的行为之前时,可用现在分词完成被动式. eg:Having been warned about the bandits,he left his valuables at home. 当警告有强盗出没时,他就把贵重物品留在家里. 通常过去分词可作定语使用,而现在分词完成被动式却不能用作定语. eg:The computer centre,opened last year,is very popular among the students in this school. 去年开办的计算机中心很受学生的欢迎. (过去分词既能表示被动又有完成的含义)
2023-08-04 07:07:171

这个句之中的raised eyebrows 什么意思,是美国固定搭配,还是语境推测?

额一言不就看出是 抬了一下眉毛 这个意思了吗 表惊讶吧
2023-08-04 07:07:272


春节是中国最重要的节日,人们聚在一起时,所有的家庭成员,就像西方的圣诞节。所有人离家回去,成为最繁忙的交通系统的时间大约半个月的春节。机场、火车站、长途汽车站挤满家返回者。严格地说,春天节日开始每年在早期的第12个太阴月,最后将在第一个太阴月到明年。其中最重要的就是除夕和春节前三天。中国政府允许有7天为中国农历新年。 许多习俗陪伴过春节。有些一直沿用到今天,有些已经减弱。 在农历12月的第八天,许多家庭会熬腊八粥、美味的粥由糯米、小米、种子,枣,莲子、豆类、龙眼、银杏。 12月23日叫做除夕。就在这个时候,人们对厨房神献祭。然而,现在大部分家庭制造可口的食物很愉快。 在除夕之后,人们开始准备即将到来的新年。这就是所谓的“见到新年进入”。 商店老板正忙着当每个人都出去买必需品的新年。材料不仅包括食用油、大米、面粉、鸡、鸭、鱼、肉,而且坚果的水果,糖果和类型。更重要的是,各种不同的装饰,新衣服和鞋给孩子们的礼物以及老年,朋友和亲戚,都是购买的目录上。
2023-08-04 07:07:481

Remember The Days 歌词

歌曲名:Remember The Days歌手:Capleton专辑:Reign Of FireCapital Lights - Remember the DayBite down, hold your tongue girl.Lights out, over her own world.Lips spoken the truth, left you feeling ashamed.You"re calling out.Reborn, a well rehearsed line.Once more, wasting our time,but I"m ready to set your record straight.When you"re calling out,"Wear your time, feeling lucky, if you"re lucky at all.Wear your time out."Remember the day, remember the night.Remember the weakened walk to the coldest spot in the rain.We said our goodbyes.Honey, my love washed downas you made up your mind in the rain.Soft heart, full of regret.Beats so, like a bad threat.I bend the letter you wrote, reinviting me in.You"re calling out, "Your choice" (your choice), and I"ve spoken.My word (my word), yours broken.Now you"re wanting it back, it backfired again,but you"re calling out,"Wear your time, feeling lucky, if you"re lucky at all.Wear your time out."Remember the day, remember the night.Remember the weakened walk to the coldest spot in the rain.We said our goodbyes.Honey, my love washed downas you made up your mind in the rain.Remember the day, remember the night.Remember the weakened walk to the coldest spot in the rain.We said our goodbyes.Honey, my love washed downas you made up your mind in the rain.And I"m gone. I"m gone.Another goodbye, another goodbye.So self-assured, with unbelievable posture.Attempt retired at the blink of an eye.She said, "Our darkest hour was the worst departure."Another goodbye, another goodbye.So self-assured, with unbelievable posture.Attempt retired at the blink of an eye.She said, "Our darkest hour was the worst departure."Remember the day, remember the night.Remember the weakened walk to the coldest spot in the rain.We said our goodbyes.Honey, my love washed downas you made up your mind in the rain.Remember the day, remember the night.Remember the weakened walk to the coldest spot in the rain.We said our goodbyes.Honey, my love washed downas you made up your mind in the rain.
2023-08-04 07:07:551


2023-08-04 07:08:033


2023-08-04 07:08:131

shewas so weakened by the disease that she could

2023-08-04 07:08:231

求篇关于睡眠不足的英语作文 高分

Side Effects of a Lack of SleepDo you suffer from sleep deprivation? Most teenagers need 8-12 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause delayed reactions or even learning disorders. Prolonged loss of sleep occurs for physical and mental reasons and has harmful physical and mental effects to the human body.Prolonged sleep is caused by many different functions of the body. An important cause of prolonged sleep is a teenagers biological phase-delay or a tendency to fall asleep and wake up at different times. Changes that occur at puberty in the internal body clock governing their circadian biological rhythms can cause them to sleep irregularly(Johnson, 3).Another good reasons why teenagers do not get enough sleep is because they simply do not make time for it. Some schoolwork, sports, jobs, girlfriends or boyfriends may take up most of a teenagers time or cause them to have stressful sleep(Johnson 3).Sleep deprivation can cause slow reactions of time. It may also cause headaches and nightmares more frequently. The mind will fall asleep if it cannot get enough sleep causing it to not function properly. Some side symptoms of chronic lack of sleep are feeling fatigue or depression as body becomes drained (Haynes).A major problem caused by sleep deprivation is behavioral changes such as: irritability, short temper, impatience, and stressful situations with more anger or sadness, also can cause more fear than they would normally have. If you continue to have prolonged lack of sleep your immune systems will begin to break down and become unstable to fight diseases (Haynes). To show how this is caused the researcher has done a study on how much sleep he/she got and how they felt that day.Sleep deprivation has many harmful effects and there are some reasons you cannot stop prolonged lack of sleep. Sleep is essential to the studying and learning if you do not get enough sleep the mind can shut down from not having enough rest and can harm the human body. 这是另外一篇Lack Of SleepIt has always recommended that getting at least eight hours a sleep a night will make your life less complicated. Sleep deprivation is generally the cause of sleep disorders such as apnea, narcolepsy, and insomnia. Everyone knows without the proper amount of sleep, the mind will be groggy the next day, and as a result, many more mistakes will be made, meaning that you should get a full night"s rest before taking a test or a little nap before a long drive in a car. But scientists are beginning to realize that sleep is not just a mental recharge, but also important for the body as well. When a person sleeps, the body and mind are working just as hard as when the person is awake, correcting chemical imbalances, assuring proper blood sugar levels for the next day, and maintaining the memory.The effect of lack of sleep on the body is often worse than just not feeling like you got any sleep the next day. There can be serious health issues that result from not getting proper rest. The most obvious side effect of a lack of sleep is not having energy the next day. However it is more than feeling less than our best, the body actually performs less efficiently when we are tired or not rested. Performance, productivity, memory, and a whole lot of other things are all reduced when our body is running on less sleep than we need.Physiologic studies suggest that a sleep deficit may put the body into a state of high alert, increasing the production of stress hormones and driving up blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Other studies have found that sleep influences the functioning of the lining inside blood vessels, which could explain why people are most prone to heart attacks and strokes during early morning hours.The body also needs rest to repair tissue, cope with stress, and recharge the immune system. A lack of sleep hampers these functions in the body. The ability to handle stress and fight off illness lessens when we fail to get enough...
2023-08-04 07:08:321


2023-08-04 07:08:492


问题一:饿了 用英语怎么写???? 您好,翻译为:hungry.. X希望班呵护你 问题二:我饿了用英语怎么说呢? 兰莉医生,又是您哈 I am hungry. 希望我的回答对您有鼎助,祝好! 及时采纳,谢谢。 问题三:我饿了的英语怎么读? i am hungry 问题四:我饿了的英文翻译 I am hungry. 问题五:感到饿用英文怎么说? 感到饿[网络]feel hungry;[例句]他们不感到饿了。They feel no hunger now. 问题六:啊哦 饿用英语怎么写? 怎么感觉像在问拼音读音怎么写啊。如果是问拼音的话: 阿:a 哦:o 饿:e 如果是问这几个字的英文字的话: 阿:ah.... 哦:oh.. 饿:hungry 求采纳 问题七:你饿吗用英语怎么说? are you hungry?兄弟太不地道了,给了你最佳答案,还不采纳。无语了、、、 问题八:饥饿用英语怎么说 hunger ["h????g??] n. 饥饿,渴望 v. 饿,渴望,使 ... 饥饿 例句: Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution. 他饥饿与疾病交加,体质已削弱。 Hunger begets crime. 饥饿引起犯罪。 The boy was restless from hunger. 男孩因饥饿而变得焦躁不安。 问题九:我饿了英文怎么说。 I am hungry. 问题十:饿的用英文怎么说 empty
2023-08-04 07:08:561


2023-08-04 07:09:192


2023-08-04 07:09:315


puzzle 1 点火 找一个村民到西南方木堆收集柴火,再到椰子树西边收集干草,最后点火. 点火后需要不时地加木柴来保持火继续燃烧 puzzle 2 建水坝,把水导流到农田里 购买2级工程技术后,让村民到小溪下部的中段就可以了. 到了正确地点会出现"He/she could probably build a dam here." puzzle 3 制作稻草人,保护农田不受鸟的侵犯 让一个 adept 或 master farmer到北边的树叉 制作稻草人需要两个来回 puzzle 4 做切割工具,除掉村里的植被 购买2级探索技术后,让一个 master scientist到村北边,他会看到在做稻草人的树叉旁的岩石中有特别的东西 (一块闪光的黑石头),把他拖放到石头上.等他从研究中心出来后,再把他拖放到树叉上. puzzle 5 研究6种植物 6种植物分别是:(1)干草旁的lily (2)荆棘旁的兰色玫瑰 (3)墓地边上的薰衣草 (4)瀑布边的一串紫色花 (5)水坝南边的红花 (6)村南边的橘红色大花 puzzle 6 图腾 把一个村民培养成拥有三项master技术的 Esteemed Elder, 之后一个图腾会自动出现以示纪念. puzzle 7 除掉海藻 购买3级农业技术后,让一个 master farmer 到池塘里,他们会自动捉鱼并放到海里.大约放10条以后,海藻就会被清除. puzzle 8 除掉村东边的藤蔓 购买3级文化技术,并完成puzzle 4后,把一个村民拖放到小溪边被藤蔓覆盖的墙上,就可以清除藤蔓,发现下面的文字. puzzle 9 炖菜 购买2级探索技术后,按以下步骤做:(1)到木堆里拿锅 (2)点火 (3)拖放一个村民到火堆旁,准备烹饪-锅会换位置(4)再把村民拖放过去,他会取水放到锅里 (5)收集任意三种特殊植物放到锅里 (6)再把村民拖放到火堆旁,他会取食物放到锅里 --完成 (1)有些炖菜是好吃的,有些可以让村民做一些有趣的事情.可以多实验几次. (2)最稳妥的组合是:兰色玫瑰+红花+橘红色花 puzzle 10 修复古迹 需要购买3级工程技术和探索技术,文化技术.然后让村民到村东南边的遗迹上,就可以开工了. puzzle 11 医院 购买3级工程技术和医药技术后,村里会出现两个连在一起的地基,拖放村民去建设就可以了. puzzle 12 裁缝铺 购买2级文化技术后,村里会出现该地基,拖放村民去建设. 建完后可以花5000点买衣服. puzzle 13 第一片Gong of Wonder 让3个 Master Builder去海边打开木箱 puzzle 14 第二片 Gong of Wonder 购买2级探索技术后,村民会自动清除洞口的荆棘,完成后会自动出现. puzzle 15 第三片Gong of Wonder 按以下配方制作炖菜:瀑布旁的串花+两朵橘红色花.完成后让村民喝下去就可以去池塘里打捞. 配方可以在藤蔓后的墙上发现. puzzle 16 第四片Gong of Wonder 完成puzzles 6 and 10后,把一个图腾放到古迹中间,就可以出现. 四片都找齐后,每24小时敲一下,会对村子有不同的效果.
2023-08-04 07:09:483