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以“my flowers grow”写一篇作文,不少于50词.

I sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer,and watered them everyday.I really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting.But,be that as it may,they jus...

Dreamweaver 8网页制作的代码,在编辑代码时,没有需要用到的的代码(方向右)是怎么回

写的多的不一定对。你的意思,我大致明白了,就是跑马灯样式。 你的内容应该写在body里面,这样才会显示。可以这样写:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /><title>唯美的风景</title></head><body> <marquee direction="right">唯美的风景</marquee></body></html>预览时你会发现这行字向右滚动了。

We are having a party for Lele 错误在哪里

We are having a party of Lele

This flowerpot is broken.Who knocked it ___?



moonflowersunflowersafflower 红花Strawflowers蜡菊Cornflower矢车菊Honeyflower:satinflower .【植物】= stitchwort(一年生)缎花(美国)克拉花(Clarkia amoena)(大洋洲)伞形花Windflower银莲花;白头翁bellflower ...

求Kanye West《Gold Digger》歌词

The p had a close call, quiet as kept i dated this"flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl"Yeah, and almost got vickedShe had green eyes, thunder thighs, and a def body (so what cha sayin)Top it off, she drove a black maseratiChrome kit, with a smile i couldn"t resistI tapped e on the shoulder and said, "yeah i gots to get this"(p cool, she could be a gold digger)Not with that smile and that stupid boomin figureTil one day, she spent the crazy doughTen g"s on levi"s, cold went ramboBut then she smiled, gave me a back massageGassed my head up, and said (oh p you"re so large)Like a jerk, i went for the line like a fishBut she was far from dream girl, and more like a death wishShe likes to sit back, lamp, walk on plush rugsWhip my five-sixty sip moet and bug (so did you flip?)Tried to but she cut me offAnd said, "guess what?" (what) "i"m pregnant" (pregnant? damn)Yeah and the child is yoursSo to fellas, who wanna keep they cashOr beware of the jack hammer and the helmet that glowsCause she"s a gold diggerOh what the heck, let"s get married and have a son named erickNo big deal, no sweatHmmm, i was in for a big surpriseAnd when i saw the judge hammer pass my green eyesBrainlocked, my whole damn head was malfunctionalCause i forgot to co-sign a prenuptial, agreementNow her case is hard like cementI have no files on all the money she spentShe has a car, nineteen ninety brand new jaguarFly kit, with chrome rims that"s five starThat she bought, when i was away on tourHittin" my bank account, gettin more and more moneyShe got paid, it wasn"t funnyTalkin to myself - oh you big big dummyJust my luck, that i"m stuck with a marriageAnd a baby, who lays in a gold carriageNow i can"t leave, if i do she gets half (not the cash)Oh yes, the whole damn bash of moneySo i chill, and act so sweetKiss her feet, can"t picture bein in the streetSo i give a fake smile, and a fake laughFake everything so i can keep all my cashFake talk, like i love you so muchBut wishin, she gets hit by a mack truckNext time, if there"s one i"ll knowThat most women strictly out for the doughThey"re called gold diggers[e] that"s why, men in the 90"s must watch themselves[p] cause ladies of the 80"s got hip and went for selfWith the new divorce laws, which entitles them half[e] that means the house goes[p] the car[e] you and half your cash[p] what a price to pay, but if you play you payCause women of the world they got smart todayThey flash a smile and profile[e] a pucker with a strut[p] try to move in[e] knock the boots[p] and got stuck, with alimony payments[e] time to meet judge wapner[p] you try to flip and cut, but she smiles "cause she gotchaYou get a flashback to wedding, when you vowed the vowSaid the two deadly words[e] i do[p] but look now, you lost the house[e] the car[p] eatin tv dinners in a one bedroom apartment[e] boy you picked a winner[p] but what goes around, comes around[e] that"s why she wheels the benz[p] and you ride greyhoundOh, just your luck, they on strikeTake off the wedding band, put out the thumb, time to hitch-hikeAnd the more you walk the pain from your corns get bigger(now you know)Not to mess with a gold digger3段,你自己看你要哪个

WWE中的Stone Cold Steve Austin——冷血 史蒂夫·奥斯汀 拍过电影吗?叫什么?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

拍过< 死刑犯> <最长的一码>< 逃出地狱>《死囚大逃杀》


我觉得WWE 的 John cena 是 NBA 的 Michael Jordan

wwe tough enough 什么意思

Tough Enough是由WWE和MTV在2001年共同开创的一款真人秀节目,加上新季度已经进行了5季49集。2004年因为收视率不理想而停播;2011年USA电视台正在重启该节目。原系列每季共13集,2011年全新版第一季总决赛由12人增加到14人,增加了每集时长。原第一季胜者为Maven和Nidia,教练组成员是Al Snow、Jacqueline、Tori、Tazz,有230人(淘汰者中包括Miss Jackie和ODB)参加预赛面试。原第二季胜者为Miss Jackie和Shaniqua,教练组成员是Al Snow、Hardcore Holly、Chavo Guerrero、Ivory,淘汰者中包括Matt Morgan(总决赛)、Shelly Martinez(预赛)、Amazing Kong(预赛)和Shad Gaspard(进入总决赛,因服用兴奋剂取消资格)。原第三季胜者为John Morrison和Matt Cappotelli,教练组成员是Al Snow、Bill DeMott、Ivory,淘汰选手包括Melina(第25名)、Shawn Daivari(前TNA的Abdul Bashir,预赛)、Daniel Puder(MMA选手,预赛)。原第四季胜者为Daniel Puder,有趣的是他获得了4年100万美元并入主SD的奖励合同,但WWE却欺骗了公众,Puder第一年只得到了5万-7万5千美元,之后就被草草解雇了。当年的参赛者有Miz、Boogeyman、Nick Mitchell(MMA选手)、Justice Smith(真人秀节目美国角斗士演员)、Skip Sheffield、Dan Rodman。2011年第一季特邀WWE人气巨星Stone Cold Steve Austin担任主持人,Booker T、Bill DeMott、Trish Stratus负责培训员工作。

求解WWEStone Cold Steve Austin——冷石 史蒂夫·奥斯汀腿上的纹身!



选手名:The Rock原名:Dwayne Douglas Johnson生日:1972年5月2日身高:198cm体重:118kg来自:佛罗里达州迈阿密加入WWE:1996绰号:人民冠军(People s Champion)口头禅:"If ya smell what The Rock is cookin !","Finally … The Rock has come back to …"曾用名:RockyMaivia艺名:巨石强森必杀技:洛克爆弹(Rock Bottom) 、人民肘击(People s Elbow)、蝎式固定(Sharpshooter)。所获荣誉:WWE Championship(WWE冠军): 战胜Mankind获得,11-15-98 战胜Mankind获得,01-24-99 战胜Mankind获得,02-15-99 战胜Triple H获得,06-25-00 战胜Kurt Angle获得,02-25-01 战胜Undertaker获得,07-21-02Intercontinental Championship(洲际冠军): 战胜Stone Cold获得,12-08-97World Tag Team Championship(世界双打冠军): Mankind & The Rock战胜Undertaker & Big Show获得,08-30-99 Mankind & The Rock战胜Undertaker & Big Show获得,09-20-99 Mankind & The Rock战胜New Age Outlaws获得,10-14-99 The Rock & Chris Jericho战胜The Dudleys获得,10-22-01他曾经是娱乐运动界最振奋人心的人。他也是全世界家喻户晓并且现在最红的巨星。

WWE的..stone cold 双人断头台


ps3 wwe美国职业摔角2011 stone cold steve austin

WWE12 全要素解锁http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1294422763


1.皇家大赛 这是一种比较普通的比赛形式,现WWE有三个联盟,也就是说在三个联盟中总共选出30人进行较量。 先是两个人比赛,然后每隔1分30秒都会进场一个选手,每个人都是为自己而战,只要从最上面的一根绳子上出擂台,双脚落地都算淘汰,一直到最后一个,而最后一个人就是皇家大赛优胜这,也就意味这可以在4月初的摔角狂热上挑战一个重量级冠军。 皇家大赛上也曾经有人创下了记录,KANE在01年的皇家大赛上淘汰了将近一半人(有的是他和UT一起淘汰的,不知道算不算)还有一个是3:16,他是获得皇家大赛优胜者最多的人 2.铁人大赛 所谓的铁人大赛就是指两位选手在规定的时间内谁压制的次数多谁胜出,这中比赛考验的是选手的体力,不是一般三流九教的人可以完成的,我记得最经典的是1996年HBK和Bret Hart两人60分钟铁人大赛,离现在最近的是05年Kurt Angle和HBK因皇家大赛的矛盾而激发的,但他们两的铁人大赛只有30分钟,比赛相当精彩 3.硬核 这是一种没有任何规则的比赛,可以使用任何道具,没有出局,只有压制对手1.2.3,或是破使对手投降才能算是获胜,这种比赛形式是以前ECW的强项,最典型的人物就是Mick Foley,以前好象还有什么什么硬核冠军 4.无规则铁笼 就是两位选手或多位选手在一个没有顶的铁笼中,形式和硬核比赛一样,也何以使用任何道具,同样没有出局,但胜出的条件多了,不但可以压制和KO对手,出笼也算获胜,至于用什么手段无所谓 曾经3:16在和Vince McMahon的比赛中,Big Show乱入,将铁笼的一面扯下来,Stone Cold从被扯坏的铁笼上摔下来,也算他赢 还有一种是双层的,规则是一定要出外面的铁笼才算胜利,由于这种铁笼是双层的,所以在里面的一层四面都有一个小们,在小门开开10秒之内还没出去,小门就由裁判关上,想再开门只有打倒对手,然后给裁判指示,由裁判再次开门,也可以不从门里出来,因为这种铁笼也是没顶的 5.地狱密室铁笼 这就是我们嘴里说的Hell in A Cell,很残酷,在一个没有任何出口的铁笼中,双方可以使用任何残酷的道具,比如,上擂台用的阶梯,带刺的棍棒,图钉,当然是除了枪和刀的,在WWE联盟最初进行这种残酷比赛的人是UT和HBK,值得一提的是UT和Mick Foley的那一场,看得我热血沸腾啊! 还有一种地狱密室铁笼是很特别的,是只公六个人使用的,在铁笼的四角都有玻璃制的死角,四个人在死角里出不来,先是两个人先打过一段时间放进铁笼一个,但是胜利规则有变,不是以往的压制一个人获胜,而是要淘汰其他的五个人,自己才会胜出,一般这种比赛的铁笼只是在年底或是年初的PPV才会出现,而且是用于重量级腰带争霸赛 6.出擂台 一般来说这种比赛形式是用于帮派矛盾,两帮人站在擂台的四面,擂台上的两人只要任何一个被打下擂台,擂台下的很多对手就会群殴他,然后把他塞进擂台继续打 7.救护车 这和街头大赛有相似之处,这种比赛也是可以使用道具的,用一切手段把对手塞进救护车里,然后把救护车开出赛场,就算获胜 其实也可以不用救护车,前段时间UT和Kennedy的就来了一场葬礼车大赛,似乎比救护车恐怖多了 8.地狱火焰 这种比赛好象是为KANE量身定做的比赛形式,也很符合KANE的角色,第一场地狱火焰是由KANE对自己剧情上的哥哥-UT,似乎效果还不错,这种比赛也是硬核,无规则,胜利条件就是对手被火烧着了身体的某个部位 9.活埋 这是WWE联盟独有的,在硬核的基础上还添加了很多残忍的成分在里面,活埋大赛开办至今每一场都有UT的参与,规则就是把对手打入已经挖好土坑中,然后把他埋了就算获胜 10.棺材大赛 这是为UT量身定做的比赛,因为符合他的角色,与UT结仇的人,只要是长期的,都进行过棺材大赛,我似乎记得以前的棺材大赛不但要把对手打进棺材,还要锭上钉子,要不就锁上,现在的棺材大赛没那么麻烦了,只要把对手打进棺材,盖上盖子就算获胜 11.最后站立 就是没有压制,没有DQ,没有淘汰,直到把对手打得站不起来,裁判读秒10声,在10秒之前还没站起来就输了,一般情况下都是双方都被对手打的头破血流 12.担架赛 这也是一种硬核,说白了就是伤残赛的延续,又和救护车比赛相似,规则是把对手打上担架上,然后拉到规定的救护车里开走,不打得皮开肉绽是决不罢休 13.第一滴血 Vince McMahon曾经就用这种比赛方式阴过Stone Cold,我相信大家都看过Stone Cold和KANE的第一滴血大赛,而且在看之前就已经感觉到Stone Cold会输,毫无疑问,KANE当时带这面具,可以说几乎是不可能让Stone Cold赢的,规则就是谁先流血谁就输,至今还没出第二场(或许我没看过) 还有一些很特殊比赛形式,例如:街头大赛,停车场大赛,锅炉房大赛,内衣大赛,梯子大赛,图钉大赛,甚至WWE还有过什么啤酒大赛,相仆大赛,超市大赛,等等................


Stunner大集锦收起Stunner大集锦第一场比赛选的角色非常多迎接观众的欢呼三人评述团队反击系统再接个Rock爆弹体力值被打到一个低点准备姿势万王之王的气势缓缓走向擂台成功扑倒了Undertaker逆水平连发RKO出现布雷特·哈特的比赛今天小编给大家带来的是一位玩家分享的《WWE2K16》画面及模式试玩心得,快跟小编一起来看看《WWE2K16》的传奇再现吧!过去几年2K一直有出WWE的相关游戏,甚至从2013年正式定名游戏为《WWE 2K14》,一连结当今电玩界最强的篮球游戏NBA 2K系列,玩家印象自然就更深刻。这次《WWE 2K16》的推出,也让喜爱WWE的玩家有了看完比赛后可以自己再打一场的机会。更令人惊喜的,《WWE 2K16》可说是为了Stone Cold粉丝而制作的一款纪念作品,因为游戏中的“2K SHOWCASE”模式里重现了Stone Cold的生涯著名比赛,玩家可以藉著游戏的过程重温Stone Cold一路以来的经典战役,相当热血!回想起首次接触WWE,已是十几年前的大学时代,当时还是称为“WWF”呢。因为自己身材高壮,加上额头颇高,篮球队的一位学长有次对我说“学弟你去把身体练壮一点就会像The Rock啦!”,但当时的我不要说不迷美式摔角了,根本连接触都没接触过,不过拜学长所赐“The Rock”这个名字我倒是有了印象。不久后,有天在家看电视,转到体育频道(当时还是罗宾大大在转播呢)忽然看到萤幕上一个超酷的巨汉,打断别人说话也就算了,还施展连珠_似的酸人技巧,最后再加上一句仰天长啸“If you smell~~~~~~~what The Rock is cooking!”然后挑眉瞪着镜头...咦?原来他就是The Rock?“这个The Rock也太酷了吧!!!”我瞬间就变成The Rock迷了!《WWE 2K14》推出时封面就有一款The Rock正在喊“If you smell what The Rock is cooking”的版本。因为有了好感,所以开始观看WWF的比赛,尤其是为了看The Rock。他的摔角风格跟招式我相当喜欢,尤其人民之肘这种秀味十足的大招,对于看不懂门道只爱看热闹的我来说娱乐效果实在太强,我开始支持The Rock起来,并且只要有空我就会收看WWF。就这样成为The Rock粉丝已过了十几年,WWF也改名为WWE,多少老将陆续引退,The Rock也从摔角选手转换跑道成了好莱坞动作巨星。就在The Rock鲜少于WWE露面(有阵子就算出现也是弹吉他唱歌跟酸人),我忽然爱上了万王之王...HHH!帅到爆炸的出场仪式,在擂台边边上朝天喷出水雾,像头雄狮般傲视全场,我整个陷入恋爱...不是,我是说崇拜,后来HHH跟HBK重新结成DX登场,我也觉得帅到不行。不过自从HHH跟The Undertaker在第28届WrestleMania的经典大战后,逐渐退出一线战场总是穿着西装以副总裁之姿登场,热血感也就渐渐消失了。长发的HHH就像一头凶猛的狮子!除了The Rock和HHH之外,我还喜欢过谁呢?答案就是这次《WWE 2K16》的封面人物:Stone Cold Steve Austin!你问为什么喜欢?开玩笑,这么霸气、霸道的摔角选手还有几个?套个海贼王的霸气概念,如果说每个摔角选手都有霸气,那么Stone Cold毫无疑问就是拥有霸王色霸气!光头硬汉的外型已经够令人印象深刻,霸道至极的挑衅对话、爱对着对手比中指、打赢会接过空中飞来的啤酒两罐一起开了狂饮...多么豪迈的家伙!更别提他的招牌技“Stunner”,我第一次看差点以为对手的颈椎会就此断掉变成残废!(当年好傻好天真)Stunner大集锦!1:52和3:10时可以目睹The Rock华丽的演技原本只是想简单回忆一下的,好像忽然忘我了起来...。总而言之,我个人是很喜欢WWE的,虽然对WWE的历史不甚了解,也没研究过每个选手,充其量就是上述三人的粉丝,不过WWE对我来说很有意义,陪伴着我度过了从大学以来的十几年,尽管不是固定收看,但过去很多经典桥段跟大战,始终在心里热血著不曾忘记。甚至当年的大学学妹同时也是现在的老婆,至今跟我一样仍是The Rock的粉丝(不过她也很喜欢Randy Orton就是了)。以下就是在初步体验《WWE 2K16》之后的游戏分享!不过因为我不是非常懂WWE的达人,所以如果文章中有哪些写得不好的地方,还请熟悉WWE的大大们给予指教。当然,喜欢WWE的朋友若愿意一起来讨论,我就更开心啦!进入游戏后会先看到警示讯息“Please do not try this at home.”,这也是多年来WWE不断在强调的安全讯息,许多WWE明星都曾拍过宣导广告。不止是在家里别轻易尝试,在学校也不可以,摔角招式看起来都很威,但选手都是经过严格训练的,一般人乱学乱用很可能导致自己跟他人受伤,不可不慎。主选单的人物自然是本作的封面人物Stone Cold了!先从对战模式开始玩起好了,当作热身。可以看见有非常多模式可以选,单打、双打乃至于“Royal Rumble”等,玩家可以按照自己想比赛的类型来选择。进入单打比赛选单后还有一大堆模式可以选,基本上收录了WWE各种型态的单打比赛模式,想来场地狱铁笼赛?办得到!


今年在30届摔角狂热大赛里 败给布洛克莱斯纳21-1 即使葬爷输了 他也永远是神。wwe无人可以代替他。送葬者有过 地狱魔王 死神 棺材老等称号。是wwe老前辈





谁能给我蝎子王 男主角在WWE时的资料

选手名:The Rock原名:Dwayne Douglas Johnson生日:1972年5月2日身高:198cm体重:118kg来自:佛罗里达州迈阿密加入WWE:1996绰号:人民冠军(People s Champion)口头禅:"If ya smell what The Rock is cookin !","Finally … The Rock has come back to …"曾用名:RockyMaivia艺名:巨石强森必杀技:洛克爆弹(Rock Bottom) 、人民肘击(People s Elbow)、蝎式固定(Sharpshooter)。所获荣誉:WWE Championship(WWE冠军): 战胜Mankind获得,11-15-98 战胜Mankind获得,01-24-99 战胜Mankind获得,02-15-99 战胜Triple H获得,06-25-00 战胜Kurt Angle获得,02-25-01 战胜Undertaker获得,07-21-02Intercontinental Championship(洲际冠军): 战胜Stone Cold获得,12-08-97World Tag Team Championship(世界双打冠军): Mankind & The Rock战胜Undertaker & Big Show获得,08-30-99 Mankind & The Rock战胜Undertaker & Big Show获得,09-20-99 Mankind & The Rock战胜New Age Outlaws获得,10-14-99 The Rock & Chris Jericho战胜The Dudleys获得,10-22-01WWE官网关于The Rock的个人简介:他曾经是娱乐运动界最振奋人心的人。他也是全世界家喻户晓并且现在最红的巨星。无论你叫他什么,但是对于全球无数的Fans来说,没有别的东西能取代The Rock的地位。作为一个第三代WWE明星,The Rock开始并没有想过要在摔跤界发展。他去了迈阿密大学而并没有在运动方面训练过。在一个简短的橄榄球生涯之后,The Rock决定进军WWE——一个开创了新时代的决定。在短短几年,The Rock获得过多次WWE冠军还有成为了WWE标志性人物之一,并和其他巨星,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin和Triple H,发生过经典的恩怨。但是他更有能力成为一个其他方面的明星。他的机智,魅力还有能力使观众一次有一次的呼唤"The People"s Champion”(人民的冠军)。他许多次著名的表演,包括2000年的"Saturday Night Live”(周六之夜演唱会)还有一次2002年Republican National Convention(美国大选)的演讲。但是2001年,The Rock成为多媒介的巨星,曾出主演的电影,《木乃伊归来》还有成名作《蝎子王》。不久又出演《Doom》(毁灭战士)。他的自传《The Rock Says...》(洛克的话)曾在《纽约时代》杂志畅销书榜首。The Rock继续着他的电影生涯,《Walking Tall》(威震八方),一个以真实故事为背景的电影,随后他又出演《The Rundown》(丛林骑兵)。虽然The Rock在Hollwood很忙,但是他随时会回擂台打一场。在WrestleMania X8上他在一场经典的比赛上击败了"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan。在2004年当Mick Foley被进化组合打伤并侮辱的时候,The Rock重组了the Rock "n" Sock Connection并并且他俩在WrestleMania XX上共抗进化军团。

wwe stone cold常说的oh,hell yeah什么意思?

Oh,give me a hell Yeah!” 就是欢呼地狱来临, 就好像看电影,大反派对对手说的:一起堕入地狱吧。 对观众说:来享受地狱的快感吧。


强森是港译,香港人通常以英文的发音搭配粤语的发音来翻译,比方说,贝克汉姆,香港译为碧咸,碧咸二字用粤语发音十分接近于贝克汉姆的英文发音,同理罗纳尔多=朗拿度,楼主可以用广东话的发音试试。Douglas不是巨石的意思,是人名道格拉斯,你上面打的那一串确实是巨石强森的真名,但是在wwe里面他叫做The Rock 是他的外号,Rock 就是巨石的意思。关于cena John 大陆翻译为约翰 香港翻译为强比方说Johnny 大陆译为约翰尼 而港译为 强尼再有什么问题,M我

WWE中stone cold 为什么要退役?

2002开始,Vince McMahon开始签回了一些老摔角手。本来Austin被安排与Hugon发生剧情,但由于双方对最终比赛结果不能达成一致,Hogan的对手换成了The Rock。而Austin在WrestleMania X8赢了Scott Hall后渐渐淡出荧幕。03年,Austin在No Way Out上回归并与Bischoff打了一场简短的比赛,之后他又与同一时段回归的Rock发生了不和剧情。03年11月7日,Austin最终由于小组比赛失利被RAW“开除”。03年的年底,他作为了劳军的一员参与了公司的伊拉克行。现在只是以裁判或嘉宾的形式参与wwe.

wwe 奥斯丁 全资料?

现居地:德克萨斯州维多利亚市 教练:Chris Adams,Bronko Lubich,Skandor Akbar 终结技:Million Dollar Dream,Stone Cold Stunner 常用招式:Driving Elbow Drop from Middle Rope,Driving Elbow Drop,Mudhole stomping,The Spinebuster,Lou Thez Press,The Clothesline,Back Body DropStungun,Hollywood Invine 冠军次数:WCW世界电视冠军,1991年6月3日战胜了Bobby EatonWCW世界电视冠军,1992年5月23日战胜了Barry Windham (May 23,1992)WCW世界双打冠军,1993年3月2日与Brian Pillman搭档战胜了Steamboat & Shane DouglasWCW美国重量级冠军,1993年12月27日战胜了Dustin RhodesWCW美国重量级冠军,1994年9月18日Ricky Steamboat by forfietWWF擂台之王,1996年6月23日战胜了Marc Mero & Jake RobertsWWF皇家大战冠军,1997年1月19日将最后一名选手Bret Hart扔出擂台获胜WWF双打冠军,1997年5月26日与Shawn Michaels组队战胜了Owen Hart和British BulldogWWF双打冠军,1997年7月14日与Dude Love搭档战胜了Owen Hart和British BulldogWWF洲际冠军,1997年8月3日的PPV-Summerslam上战胜了Owen HartWWF洲际冠军,1997年11月9日的PPV-Survivor Series上战胜了Owen HartWWF皇家大战冠军,1998年1月将最后一名选手The Rock扔出擂台获胜WWF重量级冠军,1998年3月29日的PPV-Wrestlemania 14上战胜了Shawn MichaelsWWF重量级冠军,1998年6月29日的RAW上战胜了KaneWWF双打冠军,1998年7月26日与Undertaker组队战胜了Mankind/KaneWWF重量级冠军,1999年3月28日的PPV-Wrestlemania 15上战胜了The RockWWF重量级冠军,1999年6月28日上战胜了The UndertakerWWF皇家大战冠军,2001年1月21日将最后一名选手Kane扔出擂台获胜WWF重量级冠军,2001年4月1日的PPV-Wrestlemania 17上战胜了The RockWWF双打冠军,2001年4月30日与Triple H组队战胜了Undertaker/KaneWWF重量级冠军,2001年10月8日战胜了Kurt Angle 双打拍档:Brian Pillman(The Hollywood Blondes),Shawn Michaels,The Undertaker ,Triple H

求NBA热火三巨头高清壁纸(yes we did那张)

你给留个邮箱 我给你发!

So you mean I bave been too srtict with you? Well, if I _____ say so. 选择题?


一首英文歌 歌词大约是Well well what do i say 大家帮下忙啦谢谢

Well Well -Nelly FurtadoWell, well, what do I sayLooks like what goes around comes aroundAnd everyone will have their final saySometime, somedayLooks like I only love God when the sun shines my wayLooks like I"m into divinity only when I can see its sweet, sweet raysI say what I mean but I don"t mean what I sayWell, well, it"s fine out todayI say what I mean but I don"t mean what I sayWell, well, it"s fine outWell, well, what do I sayI"ve never seen a bad day look quite this wayAnd well, well, what do I doWhen all of my thoughts run right back to youLooks like I meant to speak with logic,but hon", the carnal always gets in the wayWell well, this fire was more funner than proper grammar anywayThen you get to the part where your heart just wants to dieThen you get to the part where your heart screams it just sighsThen you get to the part where your heart knows it

well alright歌词

Well All Right!THE HIVESYeah [x8]Well All right! I know just what you meanWell All right! And I know that it might seemWell All right! I should have better things to doWell All right! I"m so sick of it, this won"t doFirst in line but last to knowMove too fast but think too slowPeople see me and they go AAAAHHHH!!!!Whoo Hoo! [x8]Everyone"s a loser in the modern worldLook at all the sad and gloomy little boys and girlsAll of you got troubles all of you got woesShake the chips off your shoulders here is how it goesJuggling chainsaws with just one handFalling down the stairs with a marching bandSwim across the ocean in a concrete suitTrying to grow a beard but still look cuteWhoo Hoo! [x8]On and on the world spins roundIt"s enough to get you downBut I don"t worry cause sometimes you just have to...Whoooo Hoooo!Yeah [x8]Well All right! I know just what you meanWell All right! And I know that it might seemWell All right! I should have better things to doWell All right! I"m so sick of it, this won"t doFirst in line but last to knowMove too fast but think too slowPeople see me and they go... scuse me!Whoo Hoo! [x16]Everyone"s a loser in the modern worldLook at all the sad and gloomy little boys and girlsAll of you got troubles all of you got woesShake the chips off your shoulders here is how it goes....Whoooo Hoooo!

艾薇儿I well be英文歌词


求英文论文一篇how to learn english well in internet Age?尽快啊,谢谢大家了~

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: English is the dominant language of the Inter. The Inter will in turn bee the dominant place to learn English. The way languages are learned is changing, and these changes are accelerating. The Inter is constantly evolving. It has created a dynamic environment for the munication and the management of information. The Inter has brought with it new forms of social interaction without boundaries. Technologies like MP3, iPod, Skype and PDAs, as well as blogs and podcasts, are making an immense variety of munication, information, literature, news and other language content available anywhere and anytime. A cascade of developments is causing interactive munities to spring up based on mon interests, without regard to geography. This is going to stand traditional language learning on its head. English dominates on the Inter in areas ranging from entertainment to science. If you want to learn English, this represents an unprecedented opportunity. You can access English language content on any subject and learn from it. You can connect with English speaking people who share your interests. You can do this via e-mail, through blogs, podcasts and forums. You can link up with friends or even language tutors using free Inter telephony. The World Wide Web is the ultimate dynamic classroom and learning munity. Over the next few years the Inter will take over from the classroom as the place of choice to learn English: Here are some of the reasons.The Primacy of Input If you want to learn English or any other language, you need input, meaningful, interesting and at your level. Today language learning experts emphasize input over output, listening and reading over grammar study. Before you can use the language, you must get used to the language. You don"t need to be in a hurry to speak English, and you don"t need to speak it all the time to improve. “Real language acquisition develops slowly, and speaking skills emerge significantly later than listening skills, even when conditions are perfect. The best methods are therefore those that supply "prehensible input" in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are "ready", recognizing that improvement es from supplying municative and prehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production." Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California. When you learned your own language as a child, you didn"t begin by speaking. You began by listening. New language learners can benefit from a “silent period". During the “silent period" you can absorb the language. You need not force yourself to speak it until you are confident. Even if you are an intermediate learner, extensive reading and listening will increase your familiarity with the language, enrich your vocabulary, and develop confidence. This is more beneficial than studying grammar. While listening and reading often and regularly are vital, the content must be meaningful. Learning content should be interesting and prehensible to you. This means that you, not the teacher, should choose what to learn from. The Inter allows unlimited choice of fascinating authentic content. The traditional textbook cannot pete. Motivated learners used to spend their time in book stores looking for graded content that would help them in their language studies. Yet, inevitably a lot of this material could only be found in uninteresting textbooks and readers. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. This is especially the case for the person who wants to learn English. This range of material is made accessible to learners, since new systems can grade it for difficulty in a way that is customized to your specific vocabulary. You can learn English by listening to and reading on subjects that interest you and you won"t find it too difficult. Vocabulary over Grammar In order to achieve fluency in English you need to be fortable using at least 10,000 words. On the Inter, you can choose appropriate content to listen to and read. The content can be graded to your level. But what about learning and remembering all those new words. We know how quickly we fet words when we look them up in a dictionary. And there are so many words to learn. Fortunately, the Inter makes it a lot easier to learn vocabulary. On the Inter you can use online dictionaries to look up words instantly (i.e., Babylon). There are learning sofare programs which create customized word lists for you as you learn words. This sofare can help you accumulate example sentences for these words from the familiar contexts you are listening to and reading. You can set vocabulary goals and follow your progress towards these goals. The Inter helps you to efficiently accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content, customized to your needs. This bination of vocabulary learning efficiency and limitless content is only part of why the Inter will bee the place of choice to learn English. Learning in Chunks Vocabulary does not only mean words. It also means phrases, or chunks of words. Phrases are groups of words that e together in a way that is natural to the native speaker but not always to the learner. Michael Lewis has been one of the pioneers in pointing out that you learn language in chunks, or lexical phrases. The Inter and the puter make this easier. On the puter, you can grab language chunks as you are listening and reading and collect them in an easy to use database. Phrases and chunks of the language can be linked to larger contexts, which are already familiar to you. You don"t need to rely on dictionary definitions and rote memory. You can review these chunks of language in short fragment form, in sentence form and as part of a larger context that you can listen to and read many times. In this way you gradually develop an instinctive sense for how words are used. This is the natural way to learn correct usage. It is more effective than trying to remember and apply grammar rules. As you build up your confidence in English through regular input and word and phrase learning, you will no doubt want to talk to native speakers. Once again the Inter is the ideal environment, offering more opportunities than the classroom. Better Tutors on the Inter The Inter connects people who are looking for each other. A quick search on a few professional web sites will locate native English speaker writers, editors, or professionals from all over the world, who are interested in acting as language tutors and coaches. If you want to learn English, you can interact with this outstanding pool of qualified people with a wide range of experience and knowledge. You do not need teachers with specialized linguistics degrees if you want to learn English on the Inter. The new learning paradigm does not require teachers who are trained in the details of grammar and language teaching. Instead the important qualifications for a tutor on the Inter are; an interest in people, an ability to use one"s native language well, and rich experience to share with learners in English. On the Inter you can choose the tutor whose accent and interests match your own. Meaningful Communication Technologies like Skype make conversations via puter easy to anize and the munication is free of charge. You can get your friends together for a chat or make an appointment with a tutor. It is like having lessons on demand. You can schedule one-on-one or four-on-one discussions via Skype with the tutor of your choice. You can invite your friends to join, or make new friends from different countries and cultures. Tutors need only provide advice and encouragement as well as feedback, at your convenience. There is no need for grammar instruction or quizzes, since you are learning the language naturally through your input activities. In the relaxing atmosphere of Inter online discussion, learners and tutors bee friends and form a munity of people helping and encouraging each other. These are not stressful lessons. They are pleasant opportunities to municate. You can record these conversations or produce your own oral essays and file them or share them. In this way you can keep track of your progress as you learn English on the Inter. To really improve your accuracy of expression it is important to write. The correction of written texts can be efficiently anized on the Inter and integrated with your input and speaking activities. Systems can keep a permanent record of both your original texts and the corrected texts. These records can include details on the nature of your mistakes and the tutor"s notes. Tutors can make audio recordings of your corrected writing for you to listen to, in order to reinforce the learning of the corrected phrases. The writing can range from casual writing for a blog to serious academic essays. Motivation and Enjoyment Learning on the Inter is effective because it is fun. The Inter avoids the tension and boredom of the classroom and increases your motivation. You choose the content, vocabulary is easy to learn, progress is constantly measured, and you bee part of a munity. There are already blogging munities with learners and tutors sharing their experiences. People e together from all over the world to help each other. Bloggers may post in their own language, or in English. English bees the medium of munication among people of different cultural backgrounds. Blogging isn"t an assignment, but a genuine, enjoyable, and meaningful activity. A contagious enthusia *** will keep you learning. It is not like studying. It"s more like making new friends and discovering new cultures through language. Efficiency The Inter introduces a higher level of efficiency in language learning. Efficiency is essential because it creates intensity. It takes a high degree of intensity to transform yourself into a fluent speaker of another language. There is also another reason why efficiency is important. You have a right to a decent return on your investment of time and money in language learning. If you want to learn English, efficiency is important, yet it is often ignored in traditional language teaching. “I spent over 14 months studying English in a school. It was a waste of money for Canadian government and a waste of time for me." Humberto Soto, a recent immigrant to Canada. Traditional classroom methods are not as efficient as the Inter. It is difficult to cater to learners of different levels and interests. Stress and boredom are often the results. Many people are discouraged by their school experience, and end up convinced that they cannot learn to be fluent in a new language. They lose interest and give up. For people who want to learn English, the Inter opens up a new world of efficient and satisfying language learning. The Inter makes possible a quality and variety of input that far exceeds the resources of a traditional classroom. Learning methodologies and munication opportunities are available to you on the Inter that the classroom cannot match. Goals can be set and achievements measured. The result is a highly integrated and enjoyable learning environment. This new method of learning appeals to all ages. While youngsters and students are the most avid users of the Inter, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation 70% of Americans beeen the ages of 55 and 64 use the Inter! Similar trends are being seen in Europe and Asia. A Learning Community, The Linguist The Linguist is both a learning methodology and a munity. It is the first language learning system developed specifically to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Inter. It was initially developed to help people learn English. It is now being revised and expanded in order to offer other major world languages. In the future, The Linguist model has many applications for life-long education. The explosion of new media and learning technologies via the Inter will change forever the way people learn. The Linguist system will influence how many subjects are taught. It will make it possible for people all over the world to share their knowledge, expertise and learn from each other, in many languages. Learning English is just one of many lessons we can learn on the Inter. Another one of them is to learn how to learn.

What dose "well-aired" mean?


What dose "well-aired" mean?

well-aired 通风良好的

那个we well we well 的足球的歌是什么

We Will Rock You   By Queen   Buddy you"re a boy make a big noise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子   Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物   You"ve got mud on your face. 你搞得灰头土脸   Your big disgrace 丢人现眼   Kicking your can all over the place.把铁罐到处踢来踢去   Singing唱吧 (主唱)   We will we will rock you.我们将震撼你 (合唱)   We will we will rock you 我们将震撼你 (合唱)   Buddy you"re a young man hard man老兄,你是个年轻人,一条硬汉   Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday在街头大喊,总有一天要接管这个世界   You"ve got blood on your face. 你脸上流着鲜血   Your big disgrace 颜面尽失   Waving your banner all over the place到处挥舞着旗帜   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你(合唱)   Singing 唱吧 (主唱)   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你(合唱)   Buddy you"re an old man poor man兄弟,你老了,穷人一个   Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday眼里充满了祈求,希望有一天能得到平静   You"ve got mud on your face. 你搞得灰头土脸   Your big disgrace 狼狈至极   Somebody better put you back into your place最好有人能把你赶回去   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你 (合唱)   Singing 唱吧 (主唱)   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你 (合唱)   Everybody每个人 (主唱)   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你 (合唱)   We will we will rock you我们将震撼你 (合唱)   Alright 好极了(主唱)

Does she and I swim well ? 这句话有错吗




求一首英文歌,有很多well well well well.女声的,节奏很快的



  As we know , English has become an international language. It is more popular than any other language in China . English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how to learn it well ?





measured power是什么意思

measured power 英[u02c8meu0292u0259d u02c8pauu0259] 美[u02c8mu025bu0292u0259d u02c8pau028au025a] [词典] 实测功率; [例句]The measured power flows are compared for the different anti-vibration mounts with different stiffnesses.对不同劲度系数的隔振支架对结构声功率流的影响进行了比较。


使用最多的 web server 服务器软件 有两个:微软的信息服务器(iis),和Apache。  通俗的讲,Web服务器传送(serves)页面使浏览器可以浏览,然而应用程序服务器提供的是客户端应用程序可以调用(call)的方法(methods)。确切一点,你可以说:Web服务器专门处理HTTP请求(request),但是应用程序服务器是通过很多协议来为应用程序提供(serves)商业逻辑(business logic)。  Web服务器可以解析(handles)HTTP协议。当Web服务器接收到一个HTTP请求(request),会返回一个HTTP响应(response),例如送回一个HTML页面。为了处理一个请求(request),Web服务器可以响应(response)一个静态页面或图片,进行页面跳转(redirect),或者把动态响应(dynamic response)的产生委托(delegate)给一些其它的程序例如CGI脚本,JSP(JavaServer Pages)脚本,servlets,ASP(Active Server Pages)脚本,服务器端(server-side)JavaScript,或者一些其它的服务器端(server-side)技术。无论它们(译者注:脚本)的目的如何,这些服务器端(server-side)的程序通常产生一个HTML的响应(response)来让浏览器可以浏览。   要知道,Web服务器的代理模型(delegation model)非常简单。当一个请求(request)被送到Web服务器里来时,它只单纯的把请求(request)传递给可以很好的处理请求(request)的程序(译者注:服务器端脚本)。Web服务器仅仅提供一个可以执行服务器端(server-side)程序和返回(程序所产生的)响应(response)的环境,而不会超出职能范围。服务器端(server-side)程序通常具有事务处理(transaction processing),数据库连接(database connectivity)和消息(messaging)等功能。  虽然Web服务器不支持事务处理或数据库连接池,但它可以配置(employ)各种策略(strategies)来实现容错性(fault tolerance)和可扩展性(scalability),例如负载平衡(load balancing),缓冲(caching)。集群特征(clustering—features)经常被误认为仅仅是应用程序服务器专有的特征。   应用程序服务器(The Application Server)   根据我们的定义,作为应用程序服务器,它通过各种协议,可以包括HTTP,把商业逻辑暴露给(expose)客户端应用程序。Web服务器主要是处理向浏览器发送HTML以供浏览,而应用程序服务器提供访问商业逻辑的途径以供客户端应用程序使用。应用程序使用此商业逻辑就象你调用对象的一个方法(或过程语言中的一个函数)一样。   应用程序服务器的客户端(包含有图形用户界面(GUI)的)可能会运行在一台PC、一个Web服务器或者甚至是其它的应用程序服务器上。在应用程序服务器与其客户端之间来回穿梭(traveling)的信息不仅仅局限于简单的显示标记。相反,这种信息就是程序逻辑(program logic)。 正是由于这种逻辑取得了(takes)数据和方法调用(calls)的形式而不是静态HTML,所以客户端才可以随心所欲的使用这种被暴露的商业逻辑。



求雅思 100句7000单词 mp3. 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American

51. Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of information on a single map.51. 使用多种多样的符号可以在一张地图里放进大量的信息。52. Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary.52. 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。53. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.53. 恐怕没有谁对大多数美国人的日常生活影响能超过汽车生产的先驱亨利. 福特。54. The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.54. 使用精心挑选的无意义词汇,可以检验语言学科里许多基本的假定。55. The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.55. 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。56. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually.56. 相互般配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比单独售出好得多的价钱。757. During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio.57. 十八世纪时,“小乌龟”是迈阿密部落的酋长,该部落的地盘就是今天的印第安那州和俄亥俄州。58. Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.58. 在竹子的近七百个品种中,有的全长成还不到一英尺,有的却能在二十四小时内长出三英尺。59. Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.59. 谨慎的航海员在出航前,会研究航向,记录的灯塔的位置,以便对各种可能出现的情况做到有备无患。60. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied.60. 在所有的经济作物中,棕榈树得到的研究最少。61. Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities.61. 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。62. The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter.62. 电脑储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。63. The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments.63. 人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。64. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives.64. 珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约。65. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can8nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.65. 尽管模仿鸟学很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖,但人类还是能够依其声音上的线索很快识别它们。66. Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land.66. 鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。67. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible.67. 科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。68. The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes inFORMation derived from other sciences.68. 主要目的在于丰富和优质的农艺学利用了其他科学的知识。69. Snow aids farmers by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing.69. 雪对农民是一种帮助,因为它保持地层土壤的温度,使种子不致冻死。70. Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant.70. 历代文学作品中的英雄本色虽各有千秋,但其昭世功力却是恒古不变的。71. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water.71. 史前的人们制造颜料是将植物和泥土等原料磨成粉末,然后加水。72. Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests.72. 黄菊花通常令人生厌,它挤走不那么顽强的植物,并找来很多害虫。73. Starting around 7000 B. C. , and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present.73. 大约从公元前七千年开始,在四千年当中,北半球的温度比现在高。74. When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous.74. 当亨利. 福特最初制造汽车为寻求资金支持时,农民和一般职员也能拥有汽车的想法被9认为是可笑的。75. Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years.75. 北美秃头鹰的数量一度很多,但在近四十年中全北美的秃头鹰数量急剧下降。76. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home.76. 水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。77. Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets.77. 长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国Kennel Club却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养。78. As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine.78. 物理学和化学的一个成果是使得科学家们能在生物学和医学上获得重大发现。79. The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition.79. 根据默默无闻的小说制作优秀影片在美国由来已久,已经成为传统。

medical wellness 怎么翻译?医疗保健?感觉不是很好啊



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wiggle 指的是小幅度、快速的扭动、摆动比如一些英文夜店歌曲会有wiggle这样的词,扭起来wigwag本意指的是通过按一定规则摇动旗子发旗语,也可泛指发信号sway 节奏比较缓慢的摇摆,摇曳比如palm trees sway in the windteeter 表示的是一种不稳定的状态,风雨飘摇如the bank teetered on the brink of bankrupcytotter 多指人因醉酒或生病而步履蹒跚、踉跄,或者宝宝蹒跚学步waver 一般指人的态度摇摆不定 waver over whether to support the decisionweave指迂回前行 the car weaved in and out of traffic

抛弃e-Power混动之后的大V DD-i,还有多少胜算

从今天的混动市场来看,日系“两田”似乎已经占据了主导地位,而作为后来者的东风日产,依旧还在起步阶段。不过随着这两年间轩逸e-Power和奇骏e-Power两款重磅车型的上市,一切正在步入正轨。 不得不说,东风日产的战略眼光是具有前瞻性的。他们似乎已经意识到,在竞争激烈的新能源领域中,不能仅依靠e-Power混动这一条技术路线,而是开发不同的驱动架构以满足更多用户的出行需求,于是在这种理念的驱使下,作为子品牌的启辰,推出了大V DD-i混动车型。 与日产e-Power截然不同的发展模式 其实关于启辰大V DD-i的车型定位,个人感觉还蛮有意思的。首先它作为东风日产旗下的子品牌,既享受着VSA模块化架构带来的优势,同时在整个驱动系统上,并没有直接挪用日产的e-Power混动技术,而是另辟蹊径,采用了类似于插电混动的布局。那关于这种研发理念的转变,对于消费者来说究竟有没有利好呢,其实还要从两者之间的原理进行分析。 首先,相比于日产e-Power系统中采用的“小电池”理念,启辰大V DD-i似乎更加注重城市道路下的纯电行驶里程。根据官方数据显示,大V DD-i的电池容量为18.4千瓦时,NEDC纯电续航里程高达87公里,也就意味着平常出行代步基本可以不用开启发动机,从而大大减少燃油消耗。 除了纯电模式以外,启辰大V DD-i还增加了增程和直驱两种模式。其中,当电池电量不足的时候,增程模式就会启动,发动机驱动发电机给电池补能,然后再由电池给驱动电机供电,有点类似于日产e-Power的原理;而在高速或超车情况下,发动机将跳过电驱系统,通过离合器直接驱动车轮,因此这也使得启辰大V DD-i的零百加速仅为7.9秒,和比亚迪宋Pro相同。 只不过如此一来,复杂的驱动逻辑也会带来一个问题:虽然启辰大V DD-i和日产e-Power一样可以告别充电桩,但当电池电量不足的时候,发动机就会频繁的启动。相信开过日系“两田”混动的人都知道,发动机启停瞬间产生的噪音和振动,非常影响舒适性。而这种既要经济性,又要动力性的设计,也给启辰大V DD-i留下了一些弊端。 除此之外,启辰大V DD-i的驱动逻辑和东风日产的研发理念是有些相违背的。因为在东风日产看来,将电池容量扩大很容易,但相反想要缩小却很难,所以对于启辰大V DD-i来说,更大的电池组也将意味着车身整备质量将增加。就拿启辰大V DD-i 110KM版本的数据来看,整车净重高达1.7吨,几乎赶上奇骏e-Power四驱版的重量,所以更重的车身也就意味着能耗增加,这样看来反而有些得不偿失。 启辰大V DD-i混动是否值得入手? 在这个充满“内卷”的时代中,价格往往是影响销量的关键。而关于启辰大V DD-i的官方指导价,仅为13.00万至14.20万,并推出110KM和60KM两个版本,相比燃油版只贵了一点点。 而在这个价格区间内,竞争对手明显指向了当前最热销的比亚迪宋PRO。因为从规格上看,两款车型的电池容量几乎相当,并且纯电续航里程也非常接近,那么在15万以内启辰大V DD-i是否值得入手呢? 首先在设计上,启辰大V DD-i相比过去的燃油版车型,在外观层面做了一些升级。比如大灯与中网的融合度更高,贯穿式的大灯看起来如同一对翅膀向两旁延展,而轮毂也换装了类似刀片的造型,运动感提升了不少。同时,为了吸引更多年轻用户,启辰大V DD-i还新增“不焦绿”车漆,更能凸显潮流属性。因此,对于注重视觉品质的消费者来说,启辰大V DD-i确实是一个不错的选择。 另外,在配置层面,启辰大V DD-i基本能够与竞争对手看齐。比如,在智能化方面,它拥有4G智能网联、语音交互系统、手机远程控车等功能,并支持OTA升级,这些配置对于年轻用户来说都是一种加分项。 但相较于比亚迪宋PRO,启辰大V DD-i在辅助驾驶层面还是略逊一筹,只有一些简单的主动安全辅助功能。而宋PRO除了有遥控泊车以外,还搭载了更强大的DiPilot辅助驾驶系统,为驾驶员提供更舒适、更智能的驾驶体验。当然,如果你是一个“保守派”,在开车时辅助驾驶系统使用频率不高,那么启辰大V DD-i还是可以考虑入手的。 汽车网评:紧凑型SUV销量下滑,启辰大V DD-i真能挽回颓势? 一直以来,紧凑型SUV市场一直是各大汽车品牌争夺的热门领域,但是从今年的销量情况来看,似乎有些不容乐观。根据相关平台公布的数据显示,今年1-4月份,我国紧凑型SUV的成交量仅为147.53万辆,相比去年同期下滑8%。 除此之外,对于启辰大V DD-i来说,面临的或许并不仅仅是持续下跌的市场环境,更是同行之间的深度内卷。从2023年至今,包括比亚迪宋PRO、吉利银河L7、哈弗枭龙等同级竞品纷纷上市,而背靠东风日产的启辰大V DD-i,又能否凭借自身产品力在这个市场中占得一席之地呢?作者认为,最终的话语权还是要交给消费者来评判。【本文来自易车号作者汽车网评,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】



请问 swimwear 与 swimsuit 有什么区别?外国人一般喜欢用哪个?




Artificial(假的) flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are mad.

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:B 小题1:短文说明了美国the Botanical Museum of Harvard University收藏玻璃花的目的、收藏品的丰富、精致的细节等内容,所以用An Extensive ?Collection? of Glass Flowers作标题最合适。?小题2: 根据第二段的“The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States.”可知收藏的目的是把美国所有的花都复制一种。小题3: 根据它前后的内容:目的是使收藏能代表美国的每一类花,尽管还没有完成,只能是收藏还没有完成。?



新版we are the world都有哪些明星参加





- Ashley Massaro $131,000 美金    - Armando Estrada $ 99,000 美金    - Ariel $ 49,000 美金    - Batista $813,000 美金    - Bobby Lashley $ 690,000 美金    - Big Show $1,000,000 美金    - Bob Holly $217,000 美金    - Cm Punk $ 450,000 美金    - Charlie Haas $ 300,000 美金    - King Booker $375,000 美金    - Candice Michelle $ 64,000 美金    - Calito $ 319,000 美金    - Chavo Guerrero $ 206,000 美金    - Chrise Benoit $ 488,000 美金    - Chris Master $ 253,000 美金    - Christian (现在在TNA,这是他在WWE时候的工资) $ 396,000 美金    - Danny Basham $ 130,000 美金 (已经被解雇)    - Doug Basham $ 126,000 美金 (已经被解雇)    - Eddie Guerrero $ 372,000 美金 (已经去世)    - Edge $ 704,000 美金    - Eugene $ 189,000 美金    - Funaki $ 124,000 美金    - Gene Snitsky $ 292,000 美金    - Gergory Helms $ 277,000 美金    - Jeff Hardy $ 790,000 美金    - John Cena $ 1,743,000 美金 (专车接送,WWE 支付其 交通工具费用 以及 一切住宿费用)    - John Brashaw Layfield (JBL) $ 786,000 美金 (WWE 为其支付 5星级 酒店费用)    - Jerry Lawler $ 204,000 (专车接送, WWE 支付其 交通工具费用 以及 一切住宿费用)    - Jillian Hall $ 52,000 美金    - Joey Mercury $ 134,000 美金    - Johnny Nitro $ 143,000 美金    - JTG $ 110,000 美金    - Jonathan Coachman $ 175,000 美金    - Kane $ 851,000 美金    - Ken Kennedy $ 133,000 美金    - Kenny Dykstra $ 120,000 美金    - Kid Kash $ 62,000 美金    - Kurt Angle (目前在TNA,公布的是他在WWE时候的工资收入) $ 1,023,000 美金    - Lance Cade $ 118,000 美金    - Lilian Garcia $ $ 90,000    - Lita (目前已经退役,公布的是她在WWE时候的工资收入) $ 286,000 美金 (工资有所下降,直到退役,工资跌入低谷)    - Maria $ 41,000 美金    - Mark Henry $ 300,000 美金    - Matt Hardy $ 392,000 美金    - Matt Striker $ 43,000 美金    - Melina $ 155,000 美金    - Mickie James $ 72,000 美金    - Nunzio $ 186,000 美金    - Orlando Jordan $ 145,000 美金(已经被解雇)    - Paul London $ 177,000    - Psicosis $ 122,000    - Randy Orton $ 711,000 美金    - Rene Dupree $ 289,000 美金    - Rey Mysterio $ 414,000 美金    - Ric Flair $ 508,000 美金    - Rob Conway $ 186,000 美金    - Rob Van Dam $ 220,000 美金    - Rosey $ 205,000 美金    - Robbie McAllister $ 120,000 美金    - Roddy Piper $ 169,000 美金    - Rory McAllister $ 115,000 美金    - Shawn Michaels $ 1,045,000 美金 (专车接送, WWE 支付其 交通工具费用 以及 一切住宿费用)    - Shelton Benjamin $ 366,000 美金    - Shad $ 110,000 美金    - Simon Dean $ 132,000 美金    - Stacy Keibler $ 178,000 美金 (已经被WWE单方面解除合同)    - Steven Richards $ 94,000 美金    - Super Crazy $ 100,000 美金    - Torrie Wilson $ 260,000 美金    - Trevor Murdoch $ 48,000     - The Great Khali $ 150,000 美金    - Triple H (HHH) $ 2,013,000 美金 (允许在 1 年内 使用 WWE 公司内部 喷气式飞机 10次,专车接送, WWE 支付其 交通工具费用 以及 一切住宿费用)    - Trish Stratus $ 618,000 美金 (已经退役)    - Tyson Tomko $ 127,000 (已经被解雇)    - Umaga $ 150,000 美金    - UnderTaker $ 1,811,000 美金 (专车接送, WWE 支付其 交通工具费用 以及 一切住宿费用)    - Val Venis $ 210,000 美金    - Victoria $ 275,000 美金    - Viscera $ $ 130,000 美金    - William Regal $ 225,000 美金   在此我个人要说明的是HHH是WWE元老级的选手而且他与其他选手不同的是他还参与各种剧情的策划 所以说他在WWE是双职人员 UT则在WWE联盟已经是15年的台柱了 所以钱拿的也很多 C纳是WWE的重点培养选手 商业价值高所以钱拿的也多   注:WWE的选手其实年薪可以与NBA选手相比的,但是WWE选手每年比赛医疗费的开销是相当大的 (几乎每位选手的医疗开销都大于他的个人年薪)而且每位选手都有自己专门的营养师 医疗师 个人助理 而且每位选手的营养和药物使用所花的钱也是相当多的 所以于NBA选手一年上千万的年薪相比是太底了 但是一位WWE明星级选手一年的所有支出可以超过NBA任何一位选手的年薪    而且WWE每年要在世界80多个国家300多个城市表演 光WWE联盟这一项开销可以超越NBA 30多个俱乐部一年的开销 而且WWE是美国很大的赏识公司 在华尔街也有办事机构 更何况WWE一场周赛就有几万人光临现场 1987年在密歇根州举行的第三届摔角狂热就吸引了93173名观众(2004雅典奥运开幕现场只有72015人),如今全球超过40个国家转播WrestleMania大赛,有近5亿的观众收看,几乎主宰了美国所有PPV电视网的特别节目

以wwe超级明星John Cena(约翰塞纳)名字起个网名(要个性点的,带有字符的,繁体的最好)



极限PPV 超越极限PPV 活埋赛 牢笼赛全部 1小时铁人大战 硬核赛 棺材赛 火焰和救护车 要看WWE先看送葬者的和蝎麦克曼的 麦克曼经常从几楼的高度跳下来


UNDERTAKER 送葬者BATISTA 巴帝斯塔TRIPLE H 三大HCM PUNK CM 朋克REY MYSTERIO 雷尔·密斯特里奥SHAWN MICHAEL 肖恩·迈克尔KANE 卡恩JOHN CENA 约翰·塞纳EDGE 埃吉RANDY ORTON 兰迪·奥尔顿Y2J(Chris Jericho) 克里斯·杰日科BIG SHOW 大秀哥JEFF HARDY 杰夫·哈迪MATT HARDY 迈特·哈迪MARK HENRY 马克·亨利M.V.P MVP。Christian 克里斯坦THE GREAT KHALI 巨人卡里Chris Benoit(07年去世) 克里斯·班沃BROCK LESNAR(01~04) 布洛克·莱斯纳THE ROCK(96~02) "巨石强森"洛克STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN(SCSA 96~03) 冷石 史蒂夫·奥斯丁Mr.McMahon 文斯 麦克马洪Goldberg 高柏umaga 乌马加


随时挑战冠军资格赛(梯子赛)CM Punk 打败 Christian 、 Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) 、 Kane 、 Kofi Kingston 、 Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas) 、 MVP 、 Shelton Benjamin (14:24)摔角狂热小姐赛(皇家大战)Santina Marella 打败 Alicia Fox 、 Beth Phoenix 、 Brie Bella 、 Eve Torres 、 Gail Kim 、 Jillian Hall 、 Joy Giovanni 、 Katie Lea 、 Kelly Kelly 、 Layla 、 Maria 、 Maryse 、 Melina 、 Michelle McCool 、 Mickie James 、 Miss Jackie 、 Molly Holly 、 Natalya 、 Nikki Bella 、 Rosa Mendes 、 Sunny 、 Tiffany 、 Torrie Wilson 、 Victoria (5:53)1对3淘汰赛Chris Jericho 打败 Jimmy Snuka, Ricky Steamboat & Roddy Piper (w/Ric Flair) (8:57)- Jericho eliminiert Snuka (3:45)- Jericho eliminiert Piper (4:45)- Jericho eliminiert Steamboat极限规则赛Matt Hardy 打败 Jeff Hardy (13:15)洲际冠军赛Rey Mysterio 打败 JBL (0:21) - 新冠军!单打赛 Undertaker 打败 Shawn Michaels (30:42)世界重量级冠军赛(三角赛)John Cena 打败 Edge (w/Chavo Guerrero & Vickie Guerrero) 、 Big Show (14:43) - 新冠军!WWE重量级冠军赛Triple H 打败 Randy Orton (23:35)









and his name is john cena 音乐 wwe

thug life的常用bgm,歌名教做The Time Is Now





wwe JOHN.CENA约翰塞纳的出场曲

my time is now

(WWE)John Cena要到08年什么时候回归?


John Cena我喜欢的WWE选手真正的美国大兵形象

[2]John Cena(约翰·塞纳)  真实姓名: John Felix Anthony Cena(约翰·费雷克斯·安东尼·塞纳)   出生日期:1977年4月23日  家乡:马萨诸塞州波士顿市  赤脚身高:185.9cm(6英尺1英寸)(CENA看上去和1米9多的选手差不多高,是因为他穿的不是摔交专用鞋,他的鞋根要比其他选手的鞋跟高一英寸也就是3厘米左右)  实际体重:116kg (255磅)(每次CENA出场主持报他的体重是240磅,这是他刚出道的体重,现在在250磅以上,他身高不高,可是和HHH的体重是差不多的,他身上没有涂抹油,所以看不出什么肌肉线条,可按身高比例他不比290磅的巴帝斯塔差,他的肌肉粗犷,特别是手臂,是重量级选手里最强壮的,比野兽 和HHH都要有力。)   教练:Ultimate University  首次登台:2001年(01年体重110公斤.240磅)  曾用角色名:  Mr. P  Prototype (UPW)  Doctor of Thugganomics  终结技:  The STF-U Submission  The FU/Thuganomics 101(地狱谷翻摔/举人抛摔)  (Modified Death Valley Driver)  The Proto-Bomb (in OVW)  aka The Killswitch (in WWE)  常用技  You Can" t See Me (你看不到我)  Protoplex/Killswitch/Freestyle  Five Knuckle Shuffle  Dropkick  Elbow Smash  Rapper Punch  The Throwback (Running Neck Snap)   Missile Dropkick  Running Corner Attack(冲刺肩撞)  Spinebuster  Steel Chain Attack  Swinging Fishermanbuster  The Throwback (Running Neck Snap)  Pump It Up  Running Leaping Shoulderblock  Running DDT(重锤下落技)  Running Sitdown Hiptoss  Running One-Handed Bulldog [编辑本段]曾获荣誉  UPW 重量级冠军  OVW 重量级冠军  OVW 南方重量级冠军(与Constantino搭档)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年3月14日的PPV-Wrestlemania XX战胜了Big Show)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年10月3日的PPV-No Mercy在一场五番决胜战中战胜了Booker T)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年11月19日的SmackDown中战胜了Carlito)  WWE 冠军(2005年4月3日的PPV-Wrestlemania 21中战胜了John Bradshaw Layfield   WWE 冠军(2006年1月29日的PPV-Royal Rumble中战胜了Edge  WWE 冠军(2006年9月17日的PPV-Unforgiven,在一场TLC(桌子.梯子.贴椅)赛中战胜了Edge w/Lita)  (WWE) 世界双打冠军(2007年1月29日的RAW中,与Shawn Michaels组队战胜了Edge & Randy Orton)  WWE世界双打冠军 (2008年8月4日与 Batista组队击败 Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase 获得冠军)  WWE皇家大战优胜者 WWE2008皇家大战,2008年1月27日,将最后一个选手Triple H丢出擂台)  WWE世界重量级冠军(2008年11月23日的PPV-Survivor Series中战胜了Chris Jericho/Y2J)  WWE世界重量级冠军(2009年4月6日的PPV-WrestleMania25中战胜了 Big Show& Edge)  WWE 冠军(2009年9月14日的PPV-Breaking Point 中战胜了Randy Orton)  WWE冠军 (2009年10月26日的PPV-Bragging Right中战胜了Randy Orton)我也喜欢

wwe john cena 简介



选手名:John Cena(约翰·希纳)  真实姓名: John Felix Anthony Cena  出生日期:1977年4月23日  家乡:马萨诸塞州波士顿市  身高:185cm(6英尺1英寸)  体重:110kg(240磅)  教练:Ultimate University  首次登台:2001年 曾获荣誉:  UPW 重量级冠军  OVW 重量级冠军  OVW 南方重量级冠军(与Constantino搭档)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年3月14日的PPV-Wrestlemania XX战胜了Big Show)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年10月3日的PPV-No Mercy在一场五番决胜战中战胜了Booker T)  WWE 美国冠军(2004年11月19日的SmackDown中战胜了Carlito)  WWE 冠军(2005年4月3日的PPV-Wrestlemania 21中战胜了John Bradshaw Layfield   WWE 冠军(2006年1月29日的PPV-Royal Rumble中战胜了Edge  WWE 冠军(2006年9月17日的PPV-Unforgiven,在一场TLC(桌子.梯子.贴椅)赛中战胜了Edge  (WWE) 世界双打冠军(2007年1月29日的RAW中,与组队战胜了Edge & Randy Orton)  WWE世界双打冠军 (2008年8月4日与 Batista组队击败 Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase 获得冠军)  WWE皇家大战优胜者 WWE2008皇家大战,2008年1月27日,把最后一个选手Triple H仍出擂台  世界重量级冠军(2008年11月23日的PPV-Survivor Series中战胜了Chris Jericho/Y2J)  

wwe John Cena说的U Can See Me ?!和The Champ is Here!什么意思

UCanSeeMe :你看不见我. 只是串一下别人的一种方式嘛~这是CENA童年跟他们家的小朋友一起玩摔跤而使用的.可能CENA很怀念童年.进去WWE时候就用那手摆动串别人:youcan"tseeme那样咯~TheChampionIsHere:当CENA拿到冠军的时候.对着HEEL说:thechampionishere.意思是冠军在此! 其实就是挑畔反派的选手.冠军在这里.要拿就过来!!我是CENA迷.所以很清楚~希望半天采纳~

wweJOHN CENA是白人还是黑人







最好看2001的 那时候他开始正面人物 很刺激



We Are Black 歌词

歌曲名:We Are Black歌手:Home Produkt专辑:This Is Rave 7.0: Hell Freezes Over CD3Its the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16161417

matec web of conferences是ei期刊,ja吗

matec web of conferences是ei会议CP




size是指size of the test,就是置信水平(1 - 阿尔法)里面的那个“阿尔法”,又称“检验水平”。power是指power of test statistic,是统计量的“统计检验力”。"合理的size就是能够满足合理的置信水平条件,也就是犯I类错误的概率很低。
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