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statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity.would用法?

that statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity,这是一个宾语从句,至于你说的为啥这样用,这句子成分很明显,语法就是这样没那么多为什么的吧。这句话的意思是:虽然志愿者并没有长寿但这些数据将是我们所期望的。


几种方法:1、在myeclipse里部署这个直接在myeclipse里配置好tomcat的根路径。在server里可以看到tomcat,选择部署你的工程就行了。2、把自己的web工程放在tomcat的webapps下2.1 把你的工程达成war包,放进tomcat的webapps下;2.2 把你工程的webroot下的内容用你的工程名称(其实是你想要的在啊浏览器访问的应用路径名)作为文件夹包住webroot下的内容(要保证你的classes有东西,lib有东西)3、把描述自己工程的context放在webapps下context里可以描述你的工程的名称,工程存放的路径4、在tomcat的conf/server.xml配置相应的context元素这个和3的作用差不多,只是这个是在tomcat的server启动时加载的以上都能让tomcat知道自己有多少应用要部署,将会进行相应的部署动作。部署完后,就可以在浏览器访问了。


“Weblogic”和“Tomcat”都是web服务器,两者的区别主要有:WebLogic是美国bea公司出品的一个application server,确切的说是一个基于Javaee架构的中间件,纯java开发的,最新版本WebLogic Server 9.0是迄今为止发布的最卓越的BEA应用服务器。BEA WebLogic是用于开发、集成、部署和管理大型分布式Web应用、网络应用和数据库应用的Java应用服务器。将Java的动态功能和Java Enterprise标准的安全性引入大型网络应用的开发、集成、部署和管理之中。完全遵循J2EE 1.4规范。Tomcat服务器是一个免费的开源的Web 应用服务器,是Apache 软件基金会的Jakarta 项目中的一个核心项目,由Apache、Sun 和其他一些公司及个人共同开发而成。因为Tomcat 技术先进、性能稳定,运行时占用的系统资源小,扩展性好,支持负载平衡与邮件服务等开发应用系统常用的功能;而且很重要的是她免费,因而深受Java 爱好者的喜爱并得到了部分软件开发商的认可,成为目前比较流行的Web 应用服务器。而且由于开源,它还在不断的改进和完善中,任何一个感兴趣的程序员都可以更改它或在其中加入新的功能。

statistic power一定要大于0.8吗

statistic power不一定要大于0.8Statistical power是0.6的话就是typeu2212II error,你知道的吧,所谓的“拒绝虚假设是错误的”。 和生物学里面的卡方检验颇有类似,当然统计学中也有……回到正题,II型错误率βStatistical power=0.6=1- ββ=0.4 在不改变样本量的情况下,I、II型错误率成反比,唯一减少错误的办法就是增加样本量

Shine on You Crazy Diamond [Live at Wembley 1974] [Live][#] 歌词

歌曲名:Shine on You Crazy Diamond [Live at Wembley 1974] [Live][#]歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Wish You Were Here - Immersion Box SetPink Floyd: Shine on you crazy diamond (part 1)(Instrumental Music)Remember when you were young,You shone like the sun.Shine on you crazy diamond.Now there"s a look in your eyes,Like black holes in the sky.Shine on you crazy diamond.You were caught on the cross fire of childhood and stardom,Blown on the steel breeze.Come on you target for faraway laughter,Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!You reached for the secret too soon,You cried for the moon.Shine on you crazy diamond.Threatened by shadows at night,And exposed in the light.Shine on you crazy diamond.Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,Rode on the steel breeze.Come on you raver, you seer of visions,Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!http://music.baidu.com/song/52772587


正确的写法应该是you"re welcome。即在welvome前面空一个格。



跪求we found love 歌词中文意思



法一:当recv()返回值小于等于0时,socket连接断开。但是还需要判断 errno是否等于 EINTR,如果errno == EINTR 则说明recv函数是由于程序接收到信号后返回的,socket连接还是正常的,不应close掉socket连接。法二:struct tcp_info info;int len=sizeof(info);getsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_INFO, &info, (socklen_t *)&len);if((info.tcpi_state==TCP_ESTABLISHED)) 则说明未断开 else 断开法三:若使用了select等系统函数,若远端断开,则select返回1,recv返回0则断开。其他注意事项同法一。法四:int keepAlive = 1; // 开启keepalive属性int keepIdle = 60; // 如该连接在60秒内没有任何数据往来,则进行探测 int keepInterval = 5; // 探测时发包的时间间隔为5 秒int keepCount = 3; // 探测尝试的次数.如果第1次探测包就收到响应了,则后2次的不再发.setsockopt(rs, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&keepAlive, sizeof(keepAlive));setsockopt(rs, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (void*)&keepIdle, sizeof(keepIdle));setsockopt(rs, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (void *)&keepInterval, sizeof(keepInterval));setsockopt(rs, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, (void *)&keepCount, sizeof(keepCount));设置后,若断开,则在使用该socket读写时立即失败,并返回ETIMEDOUT错误法五:自己实现一个心跳检测,一定时间内未收到自定义的心跳包则标记为已断开。

一首女生英文歌,比较忧郁的 第一句是 you were late 还有歌词大概是 how do

Emme packer 的missing?


当使用 select()函数测试一个socket是否可读时,如果select()函数返回值为1,且使用recv()函数读取的数据长度为0 时,就说明该socket已经断开。为了更好的判定socket是否断开,我判断当recv()返回值小于等于0时,socket连接断开。但是还需要判断 errno是否等于 EINTR 。如果errno == EINTR 则说明recv函数是由于程序接收到信号后返回的,socket连接还是正常的,不应close掉socket连接。

Fun.的We Are Young歌词翻译




有没有类似WE WILL ROCK YOU 的节奏的歌曲

Give up

求一些劲爆英文歌。。比如像Sum41唱的welcome to hell

sum 41的还有很多这种的啊~比如no reason、still waiting、over my head、scum fuck、jessica kill具体你去找找下载排行,他们的歌我是全喜欢……给分哈!支持sum 41~~

求美国作家Eudora Welty 的短篇小说《The Whistle(哨声)》的译文~

contact centre administrator for further details 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] sure.hereyouare sure.hereyouare [translate] 我最害怕的就是看着我爱的人爱上别人。 I most am afraid am look I love the human falls in love with others. [translate] 经济负担不起 Economic burden [translate] can you come to my party on monday at 7:30 pm? 您在星期一能否走向我的党在7:30 pm ? [translate] 旅游可以让人放松心情 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] to play,please stand facing the sensor and raise your tight hand 演奏,取乐面对传感器的立场和举您紧的手 [translate] 有秘密的女孩才神秘 Has the secret girl only then to be mystical [translate] 小丽 Young Li [translate] Build your free website with 修造您自由网站与 [translate] Without stability and unity , 没有稳定和团结, [translate] 不如想念 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 我认为如果你能采取以下这些措施将是明智的 I below thought if you will be able to take these measures will be unwise [translate] 我很烦。请不要来烦我。 I am very bothersome.Please do not have to come to be tired of me. [translate] 好的 我试一下 Good I try [translate] 马戏团是一种组织 The circus troupe is one kind of organization [translate] what are those 什么是那些 [translate] 当他做完家庭作业的时候,他回家了。 When he completes the homework time, he went home. [translate] this his perhaps is red scarf 或许这他的是红色围巾 [translate] 最近有2个男人追我 Recently some 2 men pursued me [translate] Her most recent referral, in March, garnered almost $5,000 worth of bicycle sales for the company. 她的最近提及,在3月,获取了差不多$5,000价值自行车销售为公司。 [translate] who is Ariel? Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,and u? 谁是Ariel ? 岗位和电信北京大学和u ? [translate] 借鉴并综合 Profits from and synthesizes [translate] 这是一个关于日久生情的爱情故事 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 祝贺你升职 Congratulates you to be promoted [translate] please speak loudly i can·t hear you 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] nero espress 黑espress [translate] 把真正高质量的图片包括进去是值得的 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 这个大厅有足够的空间容纳100人 This hall has the enough space to hold 100 people [translate] 因此,他愿意接受OEM 500个 Therefore, he is willing to accept OEM 500 [translate] The reference permit locating the pertinent regime and approximating the convection coefficient. 找出恰当政权和接近对流系数的参考许可证。 [translate] drive music register 驾驶音乐记数器 [translate] 我在课上用手机上网聊天 I chat in the class with the handset surfer [translate] go to pirate bay with captain nemo 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 父母亲不应该对青少年太严格 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 我是决定好好学习 I am the decision study well [translate] 这两者是完全相同的。 This both are identical. [translate] COMPIATER COMPIATER [translate] Tourists influenced by confidence-building 树立信心影响的游人 [translate] 他服药后感觉好多了 After he takes medicine felt was much better [translate] We hope to get the information as soon as possible. [translate] 不懂的知识 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 这位影星经常戴着墨镜因为怕被人认出来 This movie star wears the sunglasses frequently because feared is recognized by the human [translate] in a life-threatening condition 在一个威胁生命的情况 [translate] hit something to make a noise 命中某事弄出声响 [translate] Does she have blond hair? 她 有白肤金发 头发? [translate] 对技术的要求也很高 Very is also high to the technical request [translate] u2022 Automated accuracy adaption - after each dosing step the system have to recalculate u2022 自动化的准确性适应-在每药量的步以后系统必须重估 [translate] I am very glad to tell you something about my school life 我是非常高兴告诉您某事 关于我的学校 生活 [translate] 下雨时,妈妈乘坐出租车去上班。 When rains, mother rides the rental car to go to work. [translate] 路基袖阀管微型桩注浆加固技术 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 容量大 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 难道恐怖 难 road fear [translate] HIGHRIDGE V SS HIGHRIDGE V SS [translate] US is a open society. The society"s openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advatanges from other countries and establishe a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effe [translate] This week, Karina LeBlanc of the Canadian National Soccer Team stopped by to talk about the term “save”. Coming up very soon, we have more soccer English lessons from a Japanese star! So take one for the team and learn some new phrases to share with your friends. This week, Karina LeBlanc of the Canadian National Soccer Team stopped by to talk about the term “save”. Coming up very soon, we have more soccer English lessons from a Japanese star! So take one for the team and learn some new phrases to share with your friends. [translate] she clothes in a factory 她 衣裳在工厂 [translate] 并让他们自己互相监督 And lets their mutual supervision [translate] 我住在一个小镇 I live in a small town [translate] AA a stream was winding its way through the valley into the river 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 生产工具的革新 Production tool innovation [translate] 所幸我考上了我们那里最好的高中 I have fortunately passed an examination our there best high school [translate] 客人们今晚将要做飞机离开。 The visitor tonight is going to make the airplane to leave. [translate] 上兴趣班 On interest class [translate] THEY ARE B------ TODAY. 他们是B------ 今天。 [translate] The soldier was punished of running away when the enemy attacked 当敌人袭击了,战士被惩罚了跑掉 [translate] 我能独自做这项工作。 I can alone do this work. [translate] He does"t have gray hair 他does"t有灰色头发 [translate] how comes 怎么它来 [translate] 铁汉!你要救我啊!嘻嘻! Iron man! You must rescue me! Hee hee! [translate] 这支足球队由15人组成 This football team is composed by 15 people [translate] 你想再喝一杯茶吗、 You want again to drink cup of tea, [translate] 在哨声响起的时候,他们取得了比赛的胜利 Resounds in the scat singing, they have gained the competition victory [translate]





series journey to the west是西游记?那series怎么解释?


West End Girls (7' Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls (7"" Mix)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Discography - Complete Singles CollectionSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad, too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police, there"s a madman aroundRun him down, underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows, whispering voicesFaces on posters, too many choicesIf, when, why, what?How much have you got?Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsOooh West End town, a dead end worldEast End boys, West End GirlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeWe"ve got no future, we"ve got no pastHere today, built to lastIn every city, in every nationFrom Lake Geneva to the Finland station(How far have you been?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How far have you been?)http://music.baidu.com/song/2639314

West End Girls 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:伦敦奥运开幕式合辑 Isles of WonderWest End GirlsPet Shop BoysSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police there"s a madman aroundRun him down underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows whispering voicesFaces on posters too many choicesIf when why whatHow much have you gotHave you got it do you get it if so how oftenAnd which do you choose a hard or soft option(How much do you need)In a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How much do you need)In a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsOooh West End town a dead end worldEast End boys West End GirlsWest End girlshttp://music.baidu.com/song/16575213

West End Girls 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:就在今夜 周末狂热劲曲West End GirlsPet Shop BoysSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad, too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police, there"s a madman aroundRun him down, underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows, whispering voicesFaces on posters, too many choicesIf, when, why, what?How much have you got?Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeWe"ve got no future, we"ve got no pastHere today, built to lastIn every city, in every nationFrom Lake Geneva to the Finland stationIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girlshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2136908

people in the west. can hardly imagine a world wi

people in the west. can hardly imagine a world without the teddy bears翻译在西方的人很难想象一个没有泰迪熊的世界。

Sitting On Top Of The World (Live At The Fillmore West In San Fran 1970 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sitting On Top Of The World (Live At The Fillmore West In San Fran 1970 Version)歌手:The Grateful Dead专辑:History Of The Grateful Dead Vol. 1 [Bear"S Choice] [Expanded]Sitting On Top Of The WorldWorlds ApartSometimes when I was lostAnd feeling so alone never did I ever think of letting goThe world was closing inAnd when I thought I couldn"t winYou were there to pull me throught into the lightLight of your loveAnd you raised my soul, up aboveAnd now I know, now I knowI"m sitting on top of the worldStanding on the edge of the skyHolding on to my dreamsWatching the world go byLiving in the light of the sunHas shown me how to believeThat I can do anythingWhen you"re with meI"ve travelled many roadsAnd I guess that now I knowThat is love that makes the world go round and roundThe things you gave to me, have shown me what it meansTo climb higher up and realise the love that"s insideGave me reason to feel aliveAnd now I know, in my heartI"m sitting on top of the worldStanding on the edge of the skyHolding on to my dreamsWatching the world go byLiving in the light of the sunHas shown me how to believeThat I can do anythingWhen you"re with meHeaven on this earth is what you"ve given meYou have shown me how to flyAnd now my eyes can seeHow your love has set me freeWith you by my sideTogether we can climbStanding on the edge of the skyHolding on to my dreamsWatching the world go byLiving in the light of the sunHas shown me how to believeThat I can do anythingWhen you"re with meI"m sitting on top of the worldAnd as far as I can seeThat I can do anythingWhen you"re with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7941992

the source of nearly all the evil and unhappiness of this world is selfish ness we know it,but west


E.T. (feat. Kanye West) 歌词

歌曲名:E.T. (feat. Kanye West)歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream: The Complete ConfectionE.T.Katy Perry、Kanye WestI got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? AlienImma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to do...Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, Infect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13860123

Pilgrimage to the West是什么意思

Pilgrimage to the west 西游记

Michael Jackson was one of the world’s best singers. He was born in the middle west of the city..


新加坡westin hotel 邮编是多少

westin hotel address12 Marina view Asia Square Tower 2 Singapore 018961 (邮区,新加坡不称邮编)。

魔戒三主题曲《into the west>是什么意思?佛罗多要去哪里?歌词?

歌名:Into The West 远渡西方词曲:Howaro Shore, Fran Walsh, Annie Lennox发行:2003年12月01日演唱:Annie Lennox Lay down 放下 your sweet and weary head 你甜蜜而疲倦的头 Night is falling 夜已降临 you have come to journey"s end 你会去那旅程的尽头 Sleep now 现在,睡吧 and dream of the ones who came before 梦会回到你身边 They are calling 它们在呼唤 from across the distant shore 从遥远的彼岸穿过 Why do weep? 为什么哭泣 What are these tears upon your face? 泪珠还挂在你的脸上 Soon you will see 不久,你将看到 all of your fears will pass away 你所有的忧虑都会消失 safe in my arms 平安在我的臂膀 you"re only sleeping 你只需静静睡去 What can you see 你能看见什么 on the horizon? 在地平线上 Why do the white gulls call? 为什么白色的海鸥总在呼唤 Across the sea 渡过海洋 a pale moon rises 那苍白升起的月亮 The ships have come to carry you home 船会带你回家 Dawn will turn 黎明将到来 to silver glass 如银色的玻璃 A light on the water 水中的光 All souls pass 所有的灵魂离去 Hope fades 希望凋谢 into the world of night 在世界的夜晚 through shadows falling 虽然阴暗降临 out of memory and time 在记忆与时间之外 Don"t say 不要说 We have come now to the end 我们的一切现在就会结束 White shores are calling 白色的彼岸正在呼唤 you and I will meet again 你和我将再次重逢 And you"ll be here in my arms 你会在我的臂膀 Just sleeping 睡吧 What can can you see 你能看见什么 on the horizon? 在地平线上 Why do the white gulls call? 为什么海鸥总在呼唤 Across the sea 穿过海洋 a pale moon rises 升起的苍白月亮 The ships have come to carry you home 船会带你回家 And all will turn 一切都将回来 to silver glass 如银色的玻璃 A light on the water 水中的光 Grey ships pass 灰白的船驶往 Into the west 西方……

wild wild west是什么

飙风战警剧情简介: 天才怪博士勒佛里斯(肯尼斯布莱纳 ),因在实验中失去双腿,所以没有下半身的他 ,上半身如雕像般搁放在轮椅上。残缺的他个性 怪怪到处作乱,驾驶自己发明的机器大蜘蛛,意谋杀总统。因此风流倜傥、身手矫健的联邦特詹姆斯魏思特(威尔史密斯),与易容大师阿默高登(凯文克莱饰)被奉命捉拿这位搞鬼博士。 魏恩特耍聪明的行事风格让高登很不以为然,两人一开始互看对方不顺眼,并互整对方。但彼此同行却如同一对绝配搭档,很快的培养出合作无间的默契,不过偶尔还是会互别苗头,互相吐槽。他们以高登精巧设计,充满机关的火车为工具,天涯海脚追踪怪博士。 神秘卖艺女子莉塔艾丝柯芭(莎玛海雅克)曾受侵害,也立志捉拿怪博士,使得卫思特和高登的任务平添复杂的变数。此外,怪博士手下的一批美艳女子--东方小姐(白灵)、艾玛索妮雅、莉本瑞得小姐也以她们致命的吸引力对魏思特与高登二人造成生命的威胁。两人历经千辛万苦,过程中有幽默、浪漫,还有许多稀奇古怪的武器以及打斗场景,让魏思特与高登的任务过程充满了冒险与刺激。

the world of west语法对吗


westian 这个在英文里什么意思.或者还

alf-hour."""I don"t like the thought of i


威斯汀酒店:奢华与尊贵的融合1. 介绍威斯汀酒店是一个顶级奢华酒店品牌,它是由美国万豪国际集团旗下的豪华酒店品牌。威斯汀酒店致力于为旅客提供舒适和愉悦的住宿体验。该酒店坐落在全球一些最美丽,最繁华的城市中心地带。由于其丰富的历史和高品质的服务,威斯汀酒店是旅游者,商务人士,名人和富豪们的首选。2. 设施和服务威斯汀酒店提供顶级的设施和服务。无论你是想在酒店内休息和放松,还是在度假期间进行一系列的活动和冒险,威斯汀都能满足你的需求。酒店拥有宽敞、豪华的客房和套房,内部设施包括空调,高速无线网络与有线电视,个人保险柜,以及茶和咖啡设施。酒店还设有室内和室外游泳池,spa及健身房等设施。在威斯汀酒店,你还可以享受到24小时客房服务,免费洗衣服务和接送机服务等贴心服务,让你感到享受非凡的待遇。3. 美食在威斯汀酒店内你可以品尝到最顶级美食,享受到最高品质的服务。 酒店内设有多家高级餐厅和酒吧,从世界各地引进了各种美食。在这里,你可以品尝到传统的菜肴,也可以尝试一些如鲜美的海鲜和当地风味菜肴。无论你想要什么,这里总有一家餐厅能满足你的。餐厅的氛围也是独特的,让你可以享受到美食以及一个舒适、浪漫或商务的用餐环境。4. 位置优越威斯汀酒店坐落在世界各地一些最美丽,最繁华的城市中心地带,为旅客提供便利和档次。在酒店附近,旅客可以找到各种景点和活动。例如,在伦敦,客人可以参观大英博物馆,或是前往英国文化中心,每个位置都非常方便。在巴黎,客人可以漫步在卢浮宫前的美丽花园所在地。在新加坡,你可以选择前往克拉码头购物中心购物和参观华丽的金沙酒店及娱乐城,体验一场舒适的购物和游戏之旅。威斯汀酒店总是为你的旅行增加光彩和乐趣。5. 结论威斯汀酒店是一流的豪华酒店品牌,提供世界级的设施和服务。它的位置,美食,设施和服务都是最好的。威斯汀酒店随时为客人提供最专业的服务,其豪华感和高品质让人们称赞。如果你想要在旅途中享受奢华和尊贵的服务,不妨考虑一下选择威斯汀酒店。


Westin酒店属于哪个集团1. 简介Westin酒店是一家全球知名的豪华酒店品牌,以其高品质的住宿、会议、餐饮与休闲服务,在全球范围内享有盛誉。Westin酒店的品牌定位是为追求健康、舒适和快乐生活的旅行者提供高质量的住宿服务,其拥有的全球化酒店网络覆盖了全球的主要城市和旅游胜地,包括美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲等地区。2. 集团背景Westin酒店属于喜达屋国际酒店集团旗下的一个品牌,而喜达屋是全球最大的酒店管理公司之一,总部位于美国。喜达屋国际酒店集团旗下共有30个酒店品牌,涵盖从豪华酒店到经济酒店等不同的品牌,它的全球酒店网络覆盖了全球170多个国家和地区,包括超过5500家酒店和度假村。3. 品牌特色Westin酒店以其豪华、舒适的住宿环境和完善的服务设施而闻名。旅客在Westin酒店入住期间可以享受到健康、环保、高科技及舒适的体验。Westin酒店房间内装饰豪华、舒适,且每个客人房间内配有Westin Sleep Well床垫,确保每位客人获得足够的睡眠。除此之外,Westin酒店还提供Spa、健身房、会议室、宴会厅和各种餐饮等服务。4. 服务理念Westin酒店的服务理念是“For A Better You”。它强调追求旅客全面身心健康美好的生活方式,营造家一般的舒适氛围,为旅客提供个性化的服务,让旅客感受到家的温暖和舒适。Westin酒店致力于通过独特的服务体验,让客人尽情享受他们的旅程。5. 市场竞争Westin酒店属于高端酒店品牌,而在高端酒店市场上竞争十分激烈。市场上的其他高端酒店品牌包括洲际酒店集团、万豪国际集团、希尔顿国际酒店集团等。这些品牌的酒店网络也覆盖全球各大主要城市,市场份额颇多。因此,Westin酒店需要保持其高品质的住宿、会议、餐饮与休闲服务,以保持其在市场上的竞争力。6. 品牌定位Westin酒店的品牌定位是为追求健康、舒适和快乐生活的旅行者提供高质量的住宿服务。Westin酒店注重绿色环保,从建筑设计到运营管理,采用可持续发展的理念和创新技术,致力于为环保可持续发展做出贡献。同时,Westin酒店重视健康生活,各项服务均秉持健康的理念,例如提供新鲜的水果和蔬菜以及充足的锻炼设施等,让客人尽情享受一个健康、舒适、愉悦的住宿体验。7. 发展前景Westin酒店品牌自创立以来不断发展壮大,并在全球范围内拥有了许多忠实的客户和合作伙伴。未来,随着全球经济的发展和旅游业的繁荣,Westin酒店品牌发展前景广阔。喜达屋国际酒店集团作为全球最大的酒店管理公司之一,将会继续为Westin酒店的发展提供有力支持,为全球旅行者提供更加高品质的住宿服务。8. 结论Westin酒店是喜达屋国际酒店集团旗下的一个品牌,其品质和服务在高端酒店市场上备受好评。Westin酒店以“For A Better You”的服务理念为旅客提供个性化的服务,创造家一般的舒适体验。未来,Westin酒店将会在全球范围内持续发展壮大,并为旅客提供更加高品质的住宿、会议、餐饮与休闲服务。

Goodbye Farewell 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Farewell歌手:Souldrainer专辑:Heavens gateArtist: AvantasiaTitle: FarewellDays had come, winters had gone,and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.I was your knight, holding you tightas a brother when I saw your crying eyes.Time went by and we had to say goodbye.Staring up to the clouds aboveChildren - so little and sad.Hoping the saints could help one dayLead us together again.Holding the key to the alley of dreamsstill in hands.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Stepbrother tell me where have you beenwhen they brought me to this godforsaken place.Sign of the cross - they took me awayfor healing with herbs by the way of grace.Now I wait for the day to feed the flames.I have been caught in a cage of despair.My heart as a monk"s cell so empty and bare.But no holy water can make meforget you again...Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.No farewell could be the last one.http://music.baidu.com/song/19433765

Farewell In Paris 歌词

歌曲名:Farewell In Paris歌手:Haneda Ryoko专辑:First LoveArtist: AvantasiaTitle: FarewellDays had come, winters had gone,and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.I was your knight, holding you tightas a brother when I saw your crying eyes.Time went by and we had to say goodbye.Staring up to the clouds aboveChildren - so little and sad.Hoping the saints could help one dayLead us together again.Holding the key to the alley of dreamsstill in hands.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Stepbrother tell me where have you beenwhen they brought me to this godforsaken place.Sign of the cross - they took me awayfor healing with herbs by the way of grace.Now I wait for the day to feed the flames.I have been caught in a cage of despair.My heart as a monk"s cell so empty and bare.But no holy water can make meforget you again...Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we"ll be free,for no more farewell.No farewell could be the last one.http://music.baidu.com/song/17681275



China’s hot words, like tuhao, dama and lianghui, ____in the western media(媒体).


Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...) 歌词

歌曲名:Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...)歌手:Panic! At The Disco专辑:Vices & VirtuesKids, you have to remember I"m up here conducting you for a reason.Okay watch me, watch my fingers. Here we go ready?Watch me.Dès le premier jourTon parfum enivra mon amourEt dans ces instantsJ"aimerais etre comme toi par momentMais depuis ce jourJe n"ai qu"un seul et unique regretPanic! At the Disco - Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...)My wing tips waltz across naiveWood floors they creekInnocently down the stairsDrag melodyMy percussive feet serve cobweb headaches as a,Matching set of marching clocksThe slumbering apparitions that they"ve come to wake upHere I am composing of burlesqueout of where they rest their necksSunken in their splintered cradlesAnd, ramshackle ants, they asked for itAs a girl, you have set your heart onhaunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we metI only shoot up with your perfumeIt"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you doEver since we metI"ve got just one regret to live throughThat one regret is youHow does a heart love if no one has noticedits presence and where does it goTrembling hands play my heart like the tromboneThe beats gone and lost in the showYou have set your heart on,haunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live through,(And I regret never letting you go!)Ever since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live throughAnd that one regret is youMona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (I"ve got just one)http://music.baidu.com/song/16581309

陆敏雪在星光大道里唱的那首《爱的力量》(the power of love)是哪个外国歌手唱的?

《The Power Of Love》 Sung By "Celine Dion" 即席翁.迪琳The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake "Coz I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I"ll do all that I can Lost is how I"m feeling lying in your arms When the world outside"s too Much to take That all ends when I"m with you Even though there may be times It seems I"m far away (But) Never wonder where I am "Coz I am always by your side We"re heading for something Somewhere I"ve never been Sometimes I am frightened But I"m ready to learn ("Bout) Of the power of love The power of love The sound of your heart beating Made it clear suddenly The feeling that I can"t go on Is light years away


赛高是we的老板。扩展资料:WE战队部分——现有11胜3负+12小分,胜负关系 vs RNG(负),vs RA(负),vs JDG(负),后续赛程vs TES(直接对手),vs EDG(直接对手)上限——两场全部拿下(不看比分)直接获得常规赛前二下限——拿下两负且JDG后余全胜+FPX后余全胜+RA后余全胜,名次掉落到第七只输一场(最差情况下损失1小分)但JDG后余全胜+FPX后余全胜+RA后余全胜+被WE战胜的队伍拿下自己的其余比赛,名次依然掉落到第七其他情况——只拿一胜时满足最理想情况(胜EDG负TES,1-2负2-0胜,最终+13小分),则需要在以下条件当中进行选择,成功触发五条以上的情况下则获得常规赛前二——1、FPX输一个大场2、TES其他比赛全败3、RA后续比赛只能以2-1胜利或输掉一个大场4、RNG对阵LGD/TES/RA时最多只赢一个BO3,且三场获得的小分总和必须低于-25、JDG即使三场全胜,也只能是三场2-1取胜6、EDG收官战败给RA(且最好是1-2)

we are unable to create anaccount for you什么意思

你好翻译是:we are unable to create anaccount for you我们不能创造一个给你

In about 200 words, explain the difference between language translation and language localization.

Foreign language localization is a process of adapting something to a condition in a foreign country. Though you can localize car or radio, most people think about software localization. Foreign language localization of software is a process of adopting software to suite customers in other country. Language translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language—the source text—and the production of a new, equivalent text in another language—called the target text, or the translation.



we met at home at 7.00这个句子对吗?

we met at home at 7.00这个句子对是主谓结构的简单句

boy friend中文歌词 (日本乐团flower)

FlowerBoyfriend (Moonlight Version)作词:松尾洁作曲:JUNEYou are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendYou are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendもうこれからは 私の电话鸣らさないで 从此以后 我的手机不会再(因你而)响起ねえお愿い こんなことを言わせないで No呐 请你不要这样说 NO15ヶ月と22日の歴史はきっと15个月又22天的历史间违いじゃない でも 全部舍てても惜しくない一定没有错 但是 全部抛弃了也没什么可惜的周末ふたりでよく出かけたね いつまでも吹かれてた潮风周末时经常两人一起出行 一直吹拂着的海风今ひとりで见てる夜の海 満月が揺れている如今独身一人所见到的海面上倒仰着晃动的满月あの顷の君の瞳には 笑ってる私だけがいた那时候你的眼眸中 倒映的只有灿烂地笑着的我あんなに素直な気持ち どこで なくしてしまったの?那份直白的心情 究竟消散在了何处近すぎて见落としてたもの 悔やんでも前に进めない因为太过靠近而忽视了的东西 就算后悔也依旧不会有进展手ばなしたことの痛みだけが 爱しあった证那经历了放手之后的痛楚正是我们相爱过的证明You are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendYou are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendひとりきりでも 君がいなくても歩けるから即使只身一人 没有你的陪伴 我也能走下去构わないでよ 私のことはどうか忘れて没有关系 请把关于我的一切都抛之脑后想い出が不意によみがえる夜 うまく息ができないのはなぜ回忆不经意间复苏的夜晚 为何就如此令人窒息窓を开け夜空を见上げれば 三日月がにじむだけ打开窗户 抬头仰望星空 只有那新月融入夜空あの顷の私が见ていた景色なら すべて忆えてる如果是那时候的我所见到的景色的话 一切我能都还记得君の一番やさしい笑颜は 嘘をついてる时で你在说谎时所流露出的最温柔的笑容かなうなら ちぎれた愿いをもう一度つなぎあわせたい如若能实现的话 (我希望)那破碎的愿望能再一次连接重合起来 だけど それを届ける相手は きっと君じゃないから但是 我所将传达到的那人 也一定不再是你了吧あの顷の君の瞳には 笑ってる私だけがいた那时候你的眼眸中 倒映的只有灿烂地笑着的我あんなに素直な気持ち どこで なくしてしまったの?那份直白的心情 究竟消散在了何处あの顷の私が见ていた景色ならすべて忆えてる如果是那时候的我所见到的景色的话 一切我能都还记得君の一番やさしい笑颜は 嘘をついてる时で你在说谎时所流露出的最温柔的笑容近すぎて见落としてたもの 悔やんでも前に进めない因为太过靠近而忽视了的东西 就算后悔也依旧不会有进展手ばなしたことの痛みだけが 爱しあった证那经历了放手之后的痛楚正是我们相爱过的证明You are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendYou are not my boyfriend, and I"m not your girlfriendYou are not my boyfriend参考——http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2837901212

Kanye West的《amazing》 歌词

歌曲名:amazing歌手:Kanye West专辑:808S & HeartbreakKanye West - AmazingIt"s amazingI"m the reasonEverybody fired up this eveningI"m exhaustedBarely breathingHolding on to what I believe inNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a killerI know I"m wrong, yeahI"m a problemThat I neverEver resolvedAnd no matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a mavenI know this world is changingNever gave inNever gave upI"m the only thing I"m afraid ofNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing,It"s amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing.so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingI"m amazingYeah I"m all thatIf i ain"t on my grindThen what you call thatVictoriousYeah we warriorsWe make historyStrive of VictoryStanding at my podiumI"m trying watch my sodiumDie high blood pressureYou even let the feds get cha!I"m amazingBorn on the full moonI was bred to get inNo spoonThat"s why I"m so gooseSummer time, no juiceBig family, small house no roomsThey like oh god!why you go so hard?Look what he"s been throughHe deserves an applauseso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/1475858

KANYE WEST的Amazing 歌词中文翻译

这令人感到不可思议,而我就是理由 今晚所有人都充满激情 我累极了,几乎没有呼吸 我相信在这里一切都可以坚持 在我这里你什么都不用担心 你可以尽可能地看到我的统治 这是不可思议的,所以令人惊讶,这样不可思议,所以令人惊讶 这令人感到惊讶 我是个怪物,我是杀手 我知道我错了 我的问题 从未能解决 在我这里你什么都不用担心 你可以尽可能地看到我的统治 这是不可思议的,所以令人惊讶,这样不可思议,所以令人惊讶 这令人感到惊讶 我是个怪物,我是行家 我知道这个世界正在发生变化 从未放弃过,从未放弃 我是唯一会让我害怕的事 无论是什么,你将永远不会考虑,从我 你可以尽可能地看到我的统治 这是不可思议的,所以令人惊讶,这样不可思议,所以令人惊讶 这令人感到惊讶 我很令人惊异(惊异) 是我所有的(所有) 如果我没有比你说的做得更好(你所说的) 胜利,yeah,我们的战士 我们创造历史,争取胜利(是) 我令人惊讶的出生于满月 我在成长中了解,一切皆空 这就是为什么我不在夏季呆子一样的开玩笑 大家族小房子,没有房间 他们喜欢“哦上帝,为什么他这般努力 看看他已经通过,他应该得到的掌声 这是不可思议的,所以令人惊讶,这样不可思议,所以令人惊讶 这令人感到惊讶


You like a storm against the window你就像窗外的一阵疾风Follow me around just like a shadow你像缠着我的阴影 I swim the never ending ocean我将游过无尽的海洋Until you bring back your devotion直到你带回你的信仰It"s like I live a thousand lifetime就像我活了一千年Still looking for the one that feels like仍在寻找那让我心仪的人 See moving on just isn"t working看,漂泊不起作用You left a fire here that I"ll burn in你点亮了我燃烧的火焰And all I"ve been doing is protecting?我所做的一切就是维护A lie for the sake of my pride因我的骄傲而生的谎言 While all the others had me thinking当其他人都迫使我思考 We could be more than just amazing我们能做的不仅仅是惊异 I guess I"m holding on to my faith 我猜我把持住了我的信仰 A solid hope I"m heading your way 我用坚强的希望指引你 And crawling over is so tempting, 慢慢爬行这么能诱惑人 We could be more than just amazing. 我们能做的不仅仅是惊异 And all I"ve been doing is protecting 我所做的一切就是维护 A lie for the sake of my pride 因我的骄傲而生的谎言 While all the others had me thinking, 当其他人都迫使我思考We could be more than just amazing 我们能做的不仅仅是惊异 I couldn"t see it, 我看不见它 I must have believed a lie 难道我必须相信一个谎言If I admit it 要是我接受它would you let me make it right?你会让我纠正它吗?Is it all gone?它全部走了吗?Oh no哦,不Say all说出全部We could be more than just我们能做的不仅仅是We could be more than just amazing我们能做的不仅仅是惊异And all I"ve been doing is protecting 我所做的一切就是维护 A lie for the sake of my pride 因我的骄傲而生的谎言While all the others had me thinking, 当其他人都迫使我思考 We could be more than just amazing. 我们能做的不仅仅是惊异 And all I"ve been doing is protecting 我所做的一切就是维护 A lie for the sake of my pride 因我的骄傲而生的谎言While all the others had me thinking, 当其他人都迫使我思考 Straigt to the point of what I"m feeling直击我心中的感受We could be more than just amazing我们能做的不仅仅是惊讶

请翻译We were moving to a new state after my husband had been out of work for many months and we had


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Bio-Rad 凝胶成像系统ChemiDocu2122 XRS+ 可以作western 荧光照相吗

Bio-rad化学发光成像系统操作规程: 一.目的 为规范Bio-rad化学发光成像系统的基本操作、维护保养、异常处理程序,防止人为操作失误,确保Bio-rad化学发光成像系统正常运转,特制定本程序。 二.适用范围 本程序适用于Bio-rad化学发光成像系统操作。 三.责任 1. 本程序的实施者为Bio-rad化学发光成像系统操作者,各实验室负责人对本程序的实施情况进行监督。 2. 日常运行及维护、定期维护、定期点检及保养由Bio-rad化学发光成像系统操作者负责。 四.内容 1. 打开成像仪器电源,将样品放入工作台。 2. 双击桌面上图标,打开Quantity One 软件,或从开始-程序-The Discovery Series/Quantity One进入。 3. 从File下拉菜单中选择ChemiDox XRS,打开图像采集窗口。 4. Select Application 选择相关应用: a UV Transillumination 透射UV:针对DNA EB胶或其他荧光; b White Transillumination 透射白光:针对透光样品如蛋白凝胶,X-光片; c White Epillumination 侧面白光:针对不透光样品或蛋白凝胶; d Chemiluminescnece 化学发光,不打开任何光源。 5. 单击Live/Focus按钮,激活实时调节功能,此功能有三个上下键按钮:IRIS(光圈),ZOOM(缩放),FOCUS(聚焦),可在软件上直接调节或在仪器面板上手工调节,调节步骤: a调节IRIS至适合大小; b点ZOOM将胶适当放大; c调节FOCUS至图像最清晰。 6. 如是DNA EB胶或其他荧光,单击Auto Expose,系统将自动选择曝光时间成像,如不满意,单击Manual Expose,并输入曝光时间(秒),图像满意后保存。如是蛋白凝胶,接第5步骤直接将清晰的图像保存即可;如是化学发光样品,将滤光片位置换到Chemi位(仪器上方右侧),将光圈开到最大,输入Manual Expose时间,可对化学发光的弱信号进行长时间累积如30min,或单击Live Acquire 进行多帧图像实时采集,在对话框内定义曝光时间长短,采集几帧图像,在采集的多帧图像中选取满意的保存。五.注意事项:1. 请勿将潮湿样品长期放在暗箱内,以防腐蚀滤光片,更不要将液体溅到暗箱底板上,以免烧坏主板。2.使用后将平台擦干净,以防有水损坏CCD;切胶时在平台上垫上保鲜膜,以防划损平台。3.仪器使用完后请及时关闭电源,特别是ChemiDox XRS的CCD电源。4.只有在进行化学发光实验时才需要提前打开冷CCD预热30min再使用,其他操作无需预热。请勿使用控制成像仪的电脑上网,也不要自行重装电脑操作系统或给操作系

Closer Than We Think 歌词

歌曲名:Closer Than We Think歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:The Silver CordThe Classic Crime - Closer Than We ThinkWhat"s it gonna take for meOn my hands and kneesWhere are the poet"s filled pages of the threeI feel cheap and I feel empty (I feel empty)We were babies in a sea of disbeliefBut we will not go quicklyNo we will not rest so easilyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeIt didn"t take me long to believe that I could do anythingTurn the songs up loud so we could singI am true and I am living (I am living)And we will walk through the valley of the shadow of the boringand burn it allNo, we will not go quietlyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeTo home, To home,To home, To home,To home, To home,To homeAcross the waterYou call me, but I"m not listeningAs I sink down (sink down)Water fills my lungs as I begin to drownI knew that this wouldI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3479077

gone are the days when we were young and gay 是哪首歌?

J.A.Butterfield全名James Austin Butterfield从对不起我爱你开始知道这个曲子,原曲《When You And I Were Young,Maggie(当你我还年轻时,玛吉)》仔细一听很熟悉,以前好像听过吧! 后来查到凤飞飞翻唱过。《往事如昨》的歌词由擅长为外国歌曲填词的蒋荣伊(初期以他太太的名字“晓燕”为笔名)所作。巡着音乐在互联网上查了一下,发现最早的原曲《When You And I Were Young,Maggie(当你我还年轻时,玛吉)》是,James Austin Butterfield作曲,George W.Johnson作词,流行于美国国内战争时期,1886年美国波斯顿出版该歌歌页。该曲可能源自苏格兰的凯尔特部落民谣。凯尔特人是在公元一千年左右居住在中欧、西欧的部落集团,其后裔今散布在爱尔兰、威尔士、苏格兰等地。对这首老歌感兴趣的网友,可查阅封一函主编的《英语歌曲精品》一书,1998年北京大学出版社出版,有歌谱和英语歌词及中文译词。 其实,原歌《When You And I Were Young, Maggie》的创作过程也很感人。差不多一个半世纪前,G.W.Johnson从1859年起在加拿大安大略省的Hamilton教书,风度翩翩的他爱上了他的学生Maggie并订了婚,但Maggie得了肺结核。在他的未婚妻病重期间的1864年某一天,他漫步登山岗,俯瞰水车,作了一首诗《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》,表达他与Maggie白头偕老的愿望,登在1864年他出版的名为《枫叶》的诗集里。他与Maggie于1864年10月21日结婚,转往美国水牛城、克利夫兰等地任记者。婚后七个月,Maggie不幸因斑疹伤寒而去世。他的朋友J.A.Butterfield在美国的Indianapolis以音乐出版为业,读了“When You And I Were Young,Maggie”诗,很喜欢,为这首诗谱了曲,并在1866年5月19日出版歌页。第一个唱这首歌的是Maggie的姐妹Elizabeth,以后这首歌就传遍全世界,成为上世纪初全世界最流行的歌谣之一。至今在Hamilton还存有Maggie的故居及Johnson的墓碑,作为文化遗址,供后世有情人凭吊。The Virtual Gramophone——Canadian Historical Sound Recordings——Updated:2004-01-26,该网站可下载多种版本MP3歌曲,来自Burr、Henry和Peerless Quartet灌制的黑胶唱片,年代自1909年至1939年。有人曾收集到这首歌的28种不同版本。1983年由爱尔兰的Foster & Allen二人组演唱的凯尔特民谣《Maggie》在爱尔兰、英国、澳大利亚和新西兰均居排行榜榜首,该歌所在的专辑《I Will Love You All My Life》销售数百万张。 1868年由J.A.Butterfield词曲的《Maggie"s Answer》——献给Kittie J. Putnam小姐,是对《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》的回应。但不及原歌有名, 参考资料:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48c1f91b01000991.html

nome门店有一首歌,歌词里面有“hold on”“here we go baby”是一个女的唱







面带微笑(wear a smile)wear表示”佩戴,穿着,留着(胡须)等“

include observation eviwes中是什么意思?


here we go here we go every body get out。歌词里有这样的。

Bowling For Soup 的" Here We Go "歌词:Here We GoHere We GoEverybody"s Gonna get down let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down... let"s go!Back up man Your out of control (yeah)Your stressed out at full throttle (naw)Got so many problems I don"t need more (yeah)I"m with my friends we just wanna roll (naw)Right on through to the other sideRight on through, we will neva hideCause this is our town to rideAnd our Chevey will flyHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, Let"s Go Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.. let"s go!This is our plan understandWe"re blastin out music from a foreign landReggae and soul, punk, rock and roll, boom-box, radio. With all this music We don"t wanna drop (yeah)With all this musicWe"ll never stopAnd... nonstop night spotnonstop night spot, night spot not stopHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!I"ve been to KingstonI"ve been to London, Osaka, NevadaAnd back to Brooklyn, I"ve been to Nevada,I"ve been to Stockholm, Sacremento, Fresno,I"ve been to Oakland.It"s not about flexinOr startin a fightIt"s not about who"s wrong or rightIt"s all about hanging with your friends tonightAt 7-11 everyday and nightHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go! Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!

请问根据《献给埃基尔农的花》(Flowers for Algernon)小说改编的电影叫什么名字



关于websocket服务如何启动,代码如下:@ServerEndpoint(value = "/chat-room-channel")public class ChatRoomChannel {Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChatRoomChannel.class);public static final Set<Session> SESSIONS = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Session>());public static void notifyAll(String message) {synchronized (SESSIONS) {final Iterator<Session> i = SESSIONS.iterator();while (i.hasNext()) {final Session session = i.next();if (session.isOpen()) {session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(message);}}}}@OnOpenpublic void onConnect(final Session session){SESSIONS.add(session);HashMap<String, Object> msgMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();msgMap.put(Commom.TYPE, Commom.ONLINE);msgMap.put(Commom.MESSAGE, SESSIONS.size());String messgae = new JSONObject(msgMap).toString();logger.debug(messgae);notifyAll(messgae);}}

web 中的session是什么?

Session直接翻译成中文比较困难,一般都译成时域。在计算机专业术语中,Session是指一个终端用户与交互系统进行通信的时间间隔,通常指从注册进入系统到注销退出系统之间所经过的时间。 具体到Web中的Session指的就是用户在浏览某个网站时,从进入网站到浏览器关闭所经过的这段时间,也就是用户浏览这个网站所花费的时间。因此从上述的定义中我们可以看到,Session实际上是一个特定的时间概念。 需要注意的是,一个Session的概念需要包括特定的客户端,特定的服务器端以及不中断的操作时间。A用户和C服务器建立连接时所处的Session同B用户和C服务器中建立连接时所处的Sessions是两个不同的Session。 那什么是Session的解决方案呢?我们知道,用户访问一个网站时往往需要浏览许多网页。对于一个通过PHP构筑的网站来说,用户在访问的过程中需要执行许多的PHP脚本。然而由于HTTP协议自身的特点,用户每执行一个PHP脚本都需要和Web服务器重新建立连接。 又由于无状态记忆的特点,此次连接无法得到上次连接的状态。这样,用户在一个PHP脚本中对一个变量进行了赋值操作,而在另外一个PHP脚本中却无法得到这个变量的值。例如,用户在负责登录的PHP脚本中设置了$user="wind",却无法在另一个PHP脚本中通过调用$user来获得“wind”这个值。也就是说,在PHP中无法设置全局变量。每个PHP脚本中所定义的变量都是只在这个脚本内有效的局部变量。 Session解决方案,就是要提供在PHP脚本中定义全局变量的方法,使得这个全局变量在同一个Session中对于所有的PHP脚本都有效。上面我们提到了,Session不是一个简单的时间概念,一个Session中还包括了特定的用户和服务器。因此更详细地讲,在一个Session定义的全局变量的作用范围,是指这个Session所对应的用户所访问的所有PHP。 例如A用户通过Session定义了一个全局变量$user=“wind”中,而B用户通过Session定义的全局变量$user=“jane”。那么在A用户所访问的PHP脚本中,$user的值就是wind。 在ASP 和 ASP.NET 中Session 是 用于保持状态的基于 Web 服务器的方法。Session 允许通过将对象存储在 Web 服务器的内存中在整个用户会话过程中保持任何对象。Session 通常用于执行以下操作: 存储需要在整个用户会话过程中保持其状态的信息,例如登录信息或用户浏览 Web 应用程序时需要的其它信息。 存储只需要在页重新加载过程中或按功能分组的一组页之间保持其状态的对象。 Session 的作用就是它在 Web 服务器上保持用户的状态信息供在任何时间从任何页访问。因为浏览器不需要存储任何这种信息,所以可以使用任何浏览器,即使是像 PDA 或手机这样的浏览器设备。此持久性方法的限制 随着越来越多用户登录,Session 所需要的服务器内存量也会不断增加。 访问 Web 应用程序的每个用户都生成一个单独的 Session 对象。每个 Session 对象的持续时间是用户访问的时间加上不活动的时间。 如果每个 Session 中保持许多对象,并且许多用户同时使用 Web 应用程序(创建许多 Session),则用于 Session 持久性的服务器内存量可能会很大,从而影响了可伸缩性。

2,3,4,5week sessions是什么意思




macromedia dreamweaver和adobe的中文意思是什么?


western blot 为什么要用两种胶而电泳DNA或RNA时用一种胶


Western blot 与Western blotting一样吗一个小白的提问

Western blot 与 Western blotting 是一样的 都是指蛋白质印迹法,具体怎么用好像也没有什么强制的要求,可以写成 Western blot 也可以写成Western blotting。简单一点写成 Western 也没有关系,或者缩写成 WB 也可以


看你的蛋白样品是纯度很高的单一条带样品还是未经纯化较多杂带的样品. 如果是单一条带的样品10微克的上样量就足够了,如果是细胞裂解液这样的样品可以提高一些上样量30~80微克的样子. Western-blot的理论检出限很低,可以低至皮克级,但是实际应用还需要考虑抗体的效价等影响因素.

检测酶的表达可以用wetern blot吗

主要是方法不同吧酶谱法的基本过程是先将样品进行SDS-聚丙烯酰胺(SDS-PAGE,含0.1%明胶)电泳分离,然后在有二价金属离子存在的缓冲系统中使样品中的 MMP-2(基质金属蛋白酶-2)和MMP-9 恢复活性,在各自的迁移位置水解凝胶里的明胶,最后用考马斯亮蓝将凝胶染色,再脱色,在蓝色背景下可出现白色条带,条带的强弱与MMP-2 和MMP-9 活性成正比。 复性原理:在电泳过程中,SDS 与样品中的MMPs 结合(当然是可逆性结合),破坏其氢键、疏水键而使MMPs 不能发挥其分解明胶的作用,而只有当将胶置 Trition 中洗脱(最好是放在摇床上摇,30min/次,做2 次或15min/次,4 次。而western blot采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记的二抗。经过PAGE分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素膜NC膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用于检测蛋白水平的表达。

western blot marker的作用?

电泳后会显示一个条带,这个散开的条带可以: 1 在SDS-PAGE中监测蛋白的迁移; 2 确认转膜效率; 3 根据marker的条带估计分子量; 4 确定目的蛋白位置.


做WESTERN BLOT,根据不同的样品并没有最佳封闭的严格标准常用封闭做法有1%BSA 溶解在1xTBST中常温封闭2小时,或者4度封闭过夜5%的脱脂奶粉溶解在PBS中37度封闭2小时,或者室温封闭过夜具体要结合自己的WESTERN BLOT实验做调整

western blot转膜是怎么做的?

蛋白免疫印迹( Western Blot) 是将电泳分离后的细胞或组织总蛋白质从凝胶转移到固相支持物NC膜或PVDF 膜上。目前主流方法是电转印法,分为湿式转印与半干转印。湿式转印是将胶块垂直方向夹在湿式转印槽内进行电转印。以E-Blotter湿转槽为例,一般使用垂直电泳槽的缓冲液槽体,将内部垂直电泳电极替换为湿转的转印芯,将胶块、滤纸、转印棉夹到转印芯内部,将槽体倒满缓冲液通电进行电转印。半干转印是将胶块水平方向夹在半干转印槽内进行电转印。以Yrdimes半干转印槽为例,将滤纸、转印棉用缓冲液浸润后,与胶块一起夹到转印槽内,通电进行电转印。一般来说湿转相对半干转印速度上要慢,设备成本上半干转印槽也相对更贵。通常小分子量的蛋白半干转效果比较好,大分子量(100KD)以上建议湿转。

关于western blotting,请各位高人指教

western blot主要是检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用于检测蛋白水平的表达。定性:蛋白Marker只是从分子量的大小进行粗略的估计,western中用主要是通过抗目的蛋白的抗体来检测目的蛋白是否存在。定量:如果存在目的蛋白,则会与相应的抗体发生结合,再通过标记的二抗与抗体结合,这样只要检测二抗上结合的酶量(一般是酶能使特定的底物显色,检测显色物间接测定酶的含量,或者是通过化学发光的方法检测),就可以可以测出蛋白的相对表达量了。Western Blot中文一般称为蛋白质印迹。它是分子生物学、生物化学和免疫遗传学中常用的一种实验方法。其基本原理是通过特异性抗体对凝胶电泳处理过的细胞或生物组织样品进行着色。通过分析着色的位置和着色深度获得特定蛋白质在所分析的细胞或组织中的表达情况的信息。 蛋白质印迹的发明者一般认为是美国斯坦福大学的乔治·斯塔克(George Stark)。在尼尔·伯奈特(Neal Burnette)于1981年所著的《分析生物化学》(Analytical Biochemistry)中首次被称为Western Blot。

western blot需要的东西

RIPA裂解液、BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒、ECL发光检测液、预染蛋白Marker、Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)-HRP、脱脂奶粉、PBS缓冲液、SDS上样缓冲液、电泳缓冲液、转膜缓冲液、TBST缓冲液、PVDF膜。。。等等太多了。一个Western blot试剂盒足以了,Elabscience WB试剂盒一个全搞定,你可以了解下。

western blot 的蛋白质一定要变性才能和抗体结合吗

一,蛋白质变性的定义  蛋白质变性(proteindenaturation):蛋白质在某些物理和化学因素作用下其特定的空间构象被改变,从而导致其理化性质的改变和生物活性的丧失,这种现象称为蛋白质变性。二,蛋白质变性的原因  变性作用是蛋白质受物理或化学因素的影响,改变其分子内部结构和性质的作用。一般认为蛋白质的二级结构和三级结构有了改变或遭到破坏,都是变性的结果。能使蛋白质变性的化学方法有加强酸、强碱、重金属盐、尿素、乙醇、丙酮等;能使蛋白质变性的物理方法有加热、紫外线及x射线照射、超声波、剧烈振荡或搅拌等.盐对蛋白质的作用表现为盐析即在蛋白质中加人大量中性盐以破坏蛋白质的胶体性,使蛋白质从水溶隆中沉淀析出,其实质是破坏蛋白质胶体的水化膜豆腐制作利用的就是盐(石膏和盐卤等)使蛋白质变性的作用。在豆浆中加人氯化镁或硫酸钙.豆浆在70"c以上即可凝固。腌咸鸭蛋,也是盐使蛋白质变性的典型例子。盐对蛋白和蛋黄所表现的作用并不相同,食盐可以使蛋白的豁度逐渐降低而变稀,却使蛋黄的豁度逐渐增加。而变稠凝固,即使蛋黄中的脂肪逐渐集聚在蛋的中心,从而使蛋黄出油。盐的存在还可使蛋白质的热变隆速度加快。蒸蛋羹,如果不加盐蛋不易蒸好。因为未加盐,蛋白质变性的速度较慢,同时不容易凝固。煮肉汤、炖肉,通常要后加盐,原因就是一开始加盐会使肉表面蛋白质迅速变性凝固,蛋白质凝固时在肉表面形成一层保护膜,既不利于热的渗透,也不利于含氮物的浸出。烹鱼时,先用盐码味,使鱼体表面的水分渗出,加热时蛋白质变性的速度就会加决,鱼不易碎.也有利于咸味的渗透。而面团中加人少量盐,则可使面团筋力增强。

做western blot 需多少心肌组织

做western blot需要多少细胞并不是一个固定的值这主要取决于蛋白的表达量,没有一个绝对的量如果做细胞总蛋白的话,至少10的4次方细胞每微升蛋白裂解液。一般可以每泳道取10的5次方细胞每微升蛋白裂解液(即10微升上样)根据这个数量级,结合western blot结果进行调整即可确认做western blot需要多少细胞

Western blot 结果为什么叫半定量?具体有什么意义

western blot被称作半定量因为它一般被用来测相对值,即实验组的蛋白表达相对于对照组增加或减少了多少。定量分析的话则是得出一个绝对的量

western blot结果应怎么分析

western blot结果的分析是一个主观性比较强的过程western是一个半定量的实验。所以一般是作为定性的验证试验首先要分析的就是有无目的蛋白的条带,有无条带就是一个定性的结果,这种分析是比较简单。当然这其中还要综合考虑内参等对照样品。然后就是有条带之后,各个条带灰度值的分析,而对其灰度值的量化不外乎是在肉眼可见的基础上在给出一个数值的参考而已。所以说western blot结果的分析是一个主观性比较强而且需要综合考虑的过程
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