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要看怎么理解了,有些人骂人就说“你这个人很low, 大意就是你这个人不怎么样,可以指品味低,也可以指身份低,也可以说品德低……”按照一般造词来说lower= low person, 可以认为是骂人的,但也要看语境。


,reduce 最为通用,可指在体积、数量、金额、程度及范围等方面的减少 lower 多指价值、等级及水平的减少和降低,其强调程度和所指的精确程度不及reduce 5.。


loweradj.下方的; 在底部的; 较低级的v.降低; 减少; 缩小它可能是动词或者形容词原形,也可能是形容词low的比较级


说明 将一个文本字符串中的所有大写字母转换为小写字母。 语法 LOWER(text) LOWER 函数语法具有下列参数: Text 必需。 要转换为小写字母的文本。 LOWER 不改变文本中的非字母字符。 示例 复制下表中的示例数据,然后将其粘贴进新的 Excel 工作表的 A1 单元格中。要使公式显示结果,请选中它们,按 F2,然后按 Enter。如果需要,可调整列宽以查看所有数据。


flower 鲜花




C语言中判断字符型变量大小写转换的表达式 的关键字


  lower是及物动词,意思是:v. 降低; 减少; 缩小;lower通常作形容词,意思是:下方的; 在底部的; 较低级的;例如:  1. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.  匈牙利可能不得不降低其缩小国家军事管制区的期望。  2. Basal metabolism is much lower for creatures in cold water.  冷水中生物的基础代谢速度要低很多。




The lower berth in a double tier should be not less than 30 centimetres above the floor; the upper berth should be placed approximately midway between the bottom of the lower berth and the lower side of the deckhead beams.如安置双层床,则下床在地面上的高度不应小于30厘米;上床应大约位于下床床板与天花板甲板梁底部的中间位置。


lower,adj.较低的; 下游的; 下级的; 下方的; 在底部的; (lower的比较级); 南部的adv.处于较低位置地; 向低处下降地; (lower的比较级)v.将…放下; 将…降下; 降低; 减低; 面露愠色n.不悦之色[例句]We would expect individuals lower down the organization to take on more responsibility.我们期待机构内下层人士能更多地独立承担责任。[变形]过去分词:lowered现在分词:lowering过去式:lowered第三人称单数:lowers






那边的定价基本就相当于北京5折的价钱,弄好了还能再赶上打折.香港的话去海港城那边大牌比较多 还有太古广场



谁知道LOWER 这个品牌介绍一下,是T恤的品牌,不知道是哪个国家的

新西兰的服装品牌。网站:http://shop.thanksyo.com/collections/vendors?q=Lower下面摘自网站介绍:Lower is a mens and women"s fashion brand with street elements and influences from various subcultures. It started in Mt Maunganui, New Zealand as a hobby in 2001 and grew to become a company 3 years later in 2004. Seven years later Lower is now a household name throughout New Zealand and is also growing internationally. Although it has become a large brand it still maintains a unique and grounded approach. 官网:http://www.lower.co.nz/





lower 是什么音节吗?

lower (动词) 降低

My Sweet Lord 歌词

歌曲名:My Sweet Lord歌手:Meninas Cantoras De PetróPolis专辑:Noite AzulMy sweet lordHm, my lordHm, my lordI really want to see youReally want to be with youReally want to see you, lordBut it takes so long, my lordMy sweet lordHm, my lordHm, my lordI really want to know youReally want to go with youReally want to show you lordThat it won"t take long, my lord (hallelujah)My sweet lord (hallelujah)Hm, my lord (hallelujah)My sweet lord (hallelujah)I really want to see youReally want to see youReally want to see you, lordReally want to see you, lordBut it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)My sweet lord (hallelujah)Hm, my lord (hallelujah)My, my, my lord (hallelujah)I really want to know you (hallelujah)Really want to go with you (hallelujah)Really want to show you lord (aaah)That it won"t take long, my lord (hallelujah)Hmm (hallelujah)My sweet lord (hallelujah)My, my, lord (hallelujah)Hm, my lord (hare krishna)My, my, my lord (hare krishna)Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)Really want to be with you (hare rama)Really want to see you lord (aaah)But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)Hm, my lord (hallelujah)My, my, my lord (hare krishna)My sweet lord (hare krishna)My sweet lord (krishna krishna)My lord (hare hare)Hm, hm (gurur brahma)Hm, hm (gurur vishnu)Hm, hm (gurur devo)Hm, hm (maheshwara)My sweet lord (gurur sakshaat)My sweet lord (parabrahma)My, my, my lord (tasmayi shree)My, my, my, my lord (guruve mamah)My sweet lord (hare rama)(Hare krishna)My sweet lord (hare krishna)My sweet lord (krishna krishna)My lord (hare hare)http://music.baidu.com/song/2896550




lower ["l05u05] vt. 减弱,减少;放下,降下;贬低vi. 降低;减弱;跌落adj. 下游的;下级的;下等的


[英][ˈləuə][美][ˈlaʊɚ, laʊr]adj.较低的,在底部的,近底部的;南部的;下游的,下级的,下等的;[地质学,地理学]早期的vt.& vi.(使)降低,(使)跌落vt.削弱;削减;减少;缩小现在分词:lowering;过去式:lowered;第三人称单数:lowers;过去分词:lowered;


lower的读音为[lu0259u028au0259(r)]。知识拓展:lower的音标是[lu0259u028au0259(r)],其中的l发音为清辅音/l/,u0259发音为中央中元元音/u0259/,u028a发音为短元音/u028a/,u0259(r)发音为中央元音与r的连读音。lower的发音规律与英语中的其他单词相似,l读作清辅音/l/,u0259读作中央中元元音/u0259/,u028a读作短元音/u028a/,u0259(r)读作中央元音与r的连读音。lower是一个形容词,可以表示在位置、程度或质量上低于某一水平或标准。该词常见的用法有:lower level(较低水平)、lower temperature(较低温度)、lower income(较低收入)等。英语中的发音规律是指字母与其对应的发音之间的联系。比如,字母"o"在不同的单词中可以发出多种不同的音,如字母组合"ou"在"lower"中读作/u0259u028a/,而在"sound"中读作/au028a/。因此,在学习英语时,需要了解不同字母组合在不同单词中的发音规律。发音的准确性是要看嘴型,如果交流中嘴型不对,意思和口吻可能就相差甚远。每个人都知道,中国普通话有各种各样的音调,当然英语也有不同的声调,英语有英式和美式等之分,所以大家在欣赏课外有声读物的时候,尽量去注意发音的口型。所有元音的发音都需要张嘴震动声带。几乎所有的英文字都含有元音,因此我们可以说元音是构成英文字发音的基本元素。元音都是音乐,由于发音时气流畅通无阻,声音比较悦耳。认认真真学一遍或者多遍音标,注意口型和具体的发音,不能读错。大量的练习,孰能生巧。



lower怎么读 lower英语怎么读

1、lower 英音[lu0259u028au0259(r)] 美音[u02c8lau028au025a, lau028ar] 2、adj.下方的;在底部的;较低级的 3、v.降低;减少;缩小 4、第三人称单数: lowers 5、过去式: lowered 6、过去分词: lowered 7、现在分词: lowering 8、易混淆的单词: Lower


lower的意思是下方的;在底部的。读音:英['lu0259u028au0259],美['lou0259r]。释义:adj.下方的;在底部的;(数字或数量)较小的;下游的;下级的;下等的。adv.处于较低位置地;向低处下降地。v.变昏暗;变恶劣;减低;放下,降下;贬低。变形:过去式lowered,过去分词lowered,现在分词lowering,第三人称单数lowers,复数lowers。lower的例句1、The lower deck is more convenient.下层甲板更方便些。2、The lower classes are always with us.我们总是和下层社会人民在一起。3、Prices are lower than usual this year.今年的物价比以往低。4、He lowered the flag on the pole.他将杆上的旗降下。5、The boat was lowered into the water.这船被放下水了。



找一首英文歌,记得有we are......we are

We Are The World??

请大神看看一句话有没有错“However,conflicts and even local war


短文改错 It is very common that conflicts between

It is very common that conflicts between teachers and students often happens【happen】.For example,a girl in our class didn"t hand 【hand in】her homework yesterday,and was criticizes【criticized】 by our English teacher.She felt it was unfair and talked back to the teachers,which made the teacher very angry.Later,it turned out that the girl didn"t feel good the day before yesterday. But in most cases,conflicts between people 【加come】from misunderstanding.If the girl had realized that the teacher did so just for his sake ,or the teacher had first【firstly】 asked the girl that why she didn"t finish her homework,the conflict would have been avoided.Therefore,teachers and students should communicate much【more】 and understand each other. In my opinion,put yourself in other"s shoes is the key to avoid conflicts.

《after twenty years》英语读后感

O.Henry was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. His father, Algemon Sidney Porter, was a physician. When William was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his parental grandmother and paternal aunt. William was an avid reader, but at the age of fifteen he left school and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch. He continued to Houston, where he had a number of jobs, including that of bank clerk. After moving in 1882 to Texas, he worked on a ranch in LaSalle County for two years. In 1887 he married Athol Estes Roach; they had one daughter and one son., he died in New York on June 5th 1910.In this novel, there are many short ficition,every of them are worth reading,but The Gift of the Magi left me a deep impression is, I think this is a good article I have ever read, it is meaningful.In this article, O.Henry used his style of writing narrated a winding and simple story with humorous and a light sad, in western literary area this theme of presenting the gift in the Christmas eve is so ordinary, some of them is wonderful, but I think The Gift of the Magi is the best one.First, letu2019s looked from the content. the entire article took one pair of poorly love husbands and wives in American presenting the Christmas gift as a middle line, The family housewife in order to save each coin, she count each one. Even though, entire family only left one dollar and eighty-seven cents on Christmas Eve. The author did not describe much about the poor family, he used one dollar and eighty-seven cents to draw the whole novel, the housewife Della who loves her husband deeply count the money three times, she cried sadly for she could not buy her husband an satisfactory gift. O.Henry was good at using little words to make the sketch and build atmosphere, then the reader will lost in the article, tasting and pondering the character"s destiny. The gloomy atmosphere which was built by one dollar and eighty-seven cents through the whole novel, even when the couples saw gifts, it still contained a little pain. The author had written a poor husband"s and wife"s pain, also enlightens for the people let them obtain beautiful influencing and lead the readeru2019s interest to a deep boundary when he was describe the characteru2019s thought disposition and plot. This is the true value of The Gift of the Magi.In order to give her husband an exquisite watch chain, Della sold her beautiful hair though his husband James loved it. James realized that Della had worshipped long for the set of combs, side and back, in Broadway window, he also sold his valuable watch which belonged his grandparents. Dellau2019s hair and Jamesu2019 gold watch is the most precious property which in this poor family. In order to expresses the deep sincere love to the spouse, all of them had lost these two at the Christmas eve. Happiness in a twinkling had paid the expensive price, but following is the deep pain. after consider the true life ,O Henry had screened the main plot carefully, made this ordinary theme bright again, gold watch and beautiful hair are the great wealth for the poor family which gain 20 dollar per week, This regret brought astringent feeling, caused each readeru2019s heart to tremble. This is condensing the real contradiction which the social real life is unable to solve multiplies really because of the writer deep style of writing, cause reader"s pitying with the sympathy, and lead them to a more profound ponder. For a while sentimental impulse Della and James had extremely sacrificed most precious thing for each other. In those only money all-powerful societies, their gift can not regard as wisdom, they lost wealth, but they deepened the precious sincere love. In love and in wealth contradiction they have sacrificed the latter.The novel revelation society reality does not depend on preaching, but depend on the development of characteru2019s emotion. Inspires the reader to touch, feels the character who have the tragedy color. In this society which money can buy love, psychology and sentiment appear the distortion, the sincere deep love between James and Della has filled with writeru2019s idealism. O.Hery oes not write the money to ruin love in this society, but wrote the artistic flavor in this gloomy lens, admired the intelligence of James and Della, This is certainly unusual manpower pen, Therefore, the work gives us is not depression and gloomy, But is the beautiful pursue and the attachment, Thus lead the reader to the noble boundary.Processing novel ending, Is O Henryu2019s most creative contribution, also causes him enjoys the great reputation in American and in the world history of literature. He is good at designing plot theatrically, lays down the foreshadowing, finally appears a beyond expectation result in the ending which makes the reader to feel suddenly sees the light, joy after sorrow, also beside anticipation and in reason, strike the table and shout bravo.O Henry is worth the world famous novelist, his excellent writing technique enabled his novel to have the title of O.Henry.I have read many kinds of article, before reading O.Henryu2019s article, I liked detective book, but after reading this book, I knew short fiction is better, Henryu2019s humors gave me a deep impression, it will never feel boring no matter how many times you have read.

rubber duck likes the sunny weather改为否定句

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:Rubber duck doesn"t like the sunny weather不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

welcome to call me有语法错误吗

有。to在这句话中是介词,后面不能用原形动词 call,应该改为 calling

Tweet的《Call Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Call Me歌手:Tweet专辑:R&B Love: 42 of Today"s Sexiest Urban LicksTweet - Call MeShake it, Shake itShake it, Shake itShake it, Shake itBounce, BounceBounce, BounceBaby you the manCause you put it on meAnd in the morningI roll over and feelyou touching on meI got another manBut he ain"t like youAnd I cant be your baby mamaThough I"d like toC-C-C-C-C-Call mereal late at nightWhen my man"s asleepAnd take a red eyeTo the west side upand down my spineAnd let you feelwhat you"ve beenmissingI"m so bonafideCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethingCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethingBaby, take my handWhen you"re feeling lonelyIt don"t matterwhere you"re atJust let me put it on youI got another manBut he aint like youAnd I cant be yourbaby motherThough I"d like toC-C-C-C-Call me atthe break of dawnI"ll be sure tomeet you with nopanties onWe can slip and slideWe can take a rideAnd feel the lovethat you"ve beenmissinI"m so bonafideCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethingCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethingYou can call meYou can call meCall meCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethingCall meOoo, when you need meBaby, you dont have to worryCall meWe can do somethinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/59903882

carly rea jepsen的where did we go的歌词

If I could read your mindI would"ve thought we"re doing fineWith no one better beside meNo noSo baby baby where did you go?If you could read my mindI"ve been talking to my pillow every nightCuz I"ve been waiting for something more thanThe way that we"ve been goingSo baby now I"m goingChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh ohWell I don"t see what"s wrong (you were so so right)I never did and now it"s goneBut if it"s not me, it"s not youTell me how we got toThe way that we"ve been goingSo baby now I"m goingChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh ohI never saw the signOpen up your eyes and recognize meWould you recognize me?It"s harder to defineWhat it is insideThat"s what that guides meWhat is it that guides me from you?Where did you go?If I could read your mindChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby baby where"d you go? (where did go)I-I"ve been waiting for youWhere did we go?I-I"ve been waiting for youWhere did we go?I-I"ve been waiting for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh oh

Carly Rae Jepsen的《Sweetie》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweetie歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen专辑:Kiss Deluxe VersionSweetieCarly Rae JepsenWe were both heading different waysBoth in a rush, trying to get awayI ran into you, like a crash of thunderOut in the rain, waiting for the busWe started talking about different stuffAnd it"s true, there"s an eight world wonderAnd from now onYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetieAnytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distractionWe can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetieYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie, sweetieI"m down to take any glass of wineI stay up late, and I struck your timeWhen i"m with you, I feel a different hungerYou held my head, and you didn"t let goI"m gonna kiss you now, I though you should knowI know when it"s true, there"s an eighth world wonderAnd from now onYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetieAnytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distractionWe can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetieYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetieAnything you want boy, anything you needAnything you want boy, anything you needAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetieAnytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distractionWe can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetieYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youAnything you want boy, I can make it happenWe could fall in love, and I can be your sweetieAnytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distractionWe can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetieYou"re not as lonely as you think you areI"m trying to tell youThat all I wanna do, is be truth to youAnd give you satisfaction, sweetie, sweetie yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24099039

Carly Rae Jepsen sweetie歌词中文意思

SweetieCarly Rae JepsenWe were both heading different ways我们各自都朝往着不同的方向Both in a rush, trying to get away不论是在赶着时间, 还是试图着逃脱I ran into you, like a crash of thunder我遇见了你, 就像平地一声雷Out in the rain, waiting for the bus站在大雨中, 等待着下一班车We started talking about different stuff我们开始交谈着, 关于不同的话题And it"s true, there"s an eight world wonder是的那是真的, 真的有八个世界奇迹And from now on迄今为止You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么亲爱的, 我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱Anytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distraction不论时间过去多久, 我都可以将那些干扰为你排除We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie我们可以让它成真, 我可以成为你的最亲爱,,最亲爱You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么亲爱的, 我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱I"m down to take any glass of wine我下楼随便取了一杯红酒I stay up late, and I struck your time我试着熬夜到更晚, 我是在等着你睡觉的时间When i"m with you, I feel a different hunger当我和你在一起的时候, 我感觉到了一种不一样的缺乏You held my head, and you didn"t let go我试着让头脑里保持着一切, 你并不能让这一切消失I"m gonna kiss you now, I though you should know这一刻我将要问你了, 我想你是知道的And it"s true, there"s an eight world wonder是的那是真的, 真的有八个世界奇迹And from now on迄今为止You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么亲爱的, 我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱Anytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distraction不论时间过去多久, 我都可以将那些干扰为你排除We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie我们可以让它成真, 我可以成为你的最亲爱,,最亲爱You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么亲爱的, 我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱Anything you want boy, anything you need不论你想要什么, 不论你需要什么Anything you want boy, anything you need不论你想要什么, 不论你需要什么Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么,我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱Anytime it takes boy, i"ll be your distraction不论时间过去多久, 我都可以将那些干扰为你排除We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie我们可以让它成真, 我可以成为你的最亲爱,,最亲爱You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你Anything you want boy, I can make it happen不论你想要什么亲爱的, 我都会试着让它成真We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie我们可以在一起相亲相爱, 我可以成为你的最亲爱We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie我们可以让它成真, 我可以成为你的最亲爱,,最亲爱You"re not as lonely as you think you are你并不是你想的那么的孤独I"m trying to tell you我是多么试着想告诉你That all I wanna do, is be truth to you那就是所有我想要做的. 是我对你最真实的答案And give you satisfaction, sweetie, sweetie yeah让你得到满足. 亲爱的..亲爱的..

We learn form yesterday,We live for today,We hope for tomorrow!哪位大虾帮我看下有没有语法错误啊~


shall we live for today or tomorrow?

If lve today,we will see sun tomorrow



一首歌里有we going run run run的

曲名:Not qonna qet us 演唱:T.A.T.U 专辑:T.A.T.U 精选集Tatu - Not Gonna Get UsNot gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNot gonna get usNot gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNot gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNot gonna get usStarting from here" let"s make a promiseyou and me" let"s just be honestWe are gonna run" nothing can stop usEven the night" that falls all around usSoon there"ll be laughter and voicesBeyond the clouds over the mountainsWe"ll run away on roads that are emptyLights from the airfield shining upon youNothing can stop this" not now I love youThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNothing can stop this" not now I love youThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usWe"ll run away"keep everything simpleNight wille down" our guardian angelWe rush ahead" the crossroads are emptyOur spirits rise they"re not gonna get usMy love for you" always foreverJust you and me" all else is nothingNot going back"not going back therethey don"t understandthey don"t understand usDon"t understand usNot gonna get usNot gonna get usNot gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNot gonna get usNothing can stop us" not now I love youThey"re not gonna get usThey are not gonna get usNothing can stop us" not now I love youThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usThey"re not gonna get usNot gonna get us...



歌词beautiful the mass we are是哪首歌里的?

《better than a hallelujah》为歌手Amy Grant的专辑《Somewhere Down The Road》中的歌曲 正确的歌词是Beautiful the mess we are。 God loves a lullaby in a mother"s tears in the dead of night 上帝喜爱这安魂曲——在深夜母亲含泪低声吟唱Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听God loves a drunkard"s cry 上帝喜爱这醉汉的抽泣The soldier"s plea not to let him die 士兵祈求让他活下去Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好The honest cries, of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好A woman holding on for life 妇女为生计苦苦支撑a dying man giving up the fight 一个垂死之人放弃争斗Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听Tears of shame for what"s been done 这为过错而悔恨的泪The silence when the words won"t come 这无法用言语表达的沉默Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好The honest cries, of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好Better than a church bell ringing 好过那教堂的钟鸣Better than a choir singing out 好过那唱诗班的歌声Singing out 好过颂唱We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好The honest cries, of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好




全称:Straight-Edge Society (简称:S.E.S)中文名:苦行僧社团成员:CM punk CM 朋克(队长),Luke Gallows 卢克·加洛斯(演过假卡恩) ,Serena 瑟琳娜,Joey Mercury 乔伊.马库里(戴面具的那个,经常帮忙袭击)现状:朋克领导二人组成苦行僧社团,宣传苦行僧精神,已解散..

有一句Well enough to的英文歌

 歌 名: anything but ordinary(绝不平凡)  歌 手: 艾薇儿·拉维妮(Avril Lavigne)  专 辑: 《Let Go》  歌 词:  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪   I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   - I laugh myself to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡   It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲   Sometimes I drive so fast 有时我把车开的超快   Just to feel the danger 只是为了体验危险   I wanna scream 我想大声尖叫  It makes me feel alive 这可以让我觉得自己还活着  Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我   I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  To walk within the lines 画线自限   Would make my life so boring 会让我的生活很无聊   I want to know that I   Have been to the extreme 我想知道我曾经达到的极限  So knock me off my feets 所以放开我的双脚吧   Come on now give it to me  Anything to make me feel alive 给我任何可以让我感觉还活着的东西   Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Let down your defences 解除你的防御   Use no common sense 抛开你的成见  If you look you will see 如果看见你就会了解   that this world is a beautiful 这个世界是如此美好   accident turbulent suculent 有意外、有骚动、又有趣   opulent permanent, no way 永远丰富多彩   I wanna taste it 我想去享受一下  Don"t wanna waste it away 不想浪费时间  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪  I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   I laugh my self to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡  It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?   Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心  And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡


  歌 名: anything but ordinary(绝不平凡)  歌 手: 艾薇儿·拉维妮(Avril Lavigne)  专 辑: 《Let Go》  歌 词:  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪   I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   - I laugh myself to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡   It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲   Sometimes I drive so fast 有时我把车开的超快   Just to feel the danger 只是为了体验危险   I wanna scream 我想大声尖叫  It makes me feel alive 这可以让我觉得自己还活着  Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我   I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  To walk within the lines 画线自限   Would make my life so boring 会让我的生活很无聊   I want to know that I   Have been to the extreme 我想知道我曾经达到的极限  So knock me off my feets 所以放开我的双脚吧   Come on now give it to me  Anything to make me feel alive 给我任何可以让我感觉还活着的东西   Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Let down your defences 解除你的防御   Use no common sense 抛开你的成见  If you look you will see 如果看见你就会了解   that this world is a beautiful 这个世界是如此美好   accident turbulent suculent 有意外、有骚动、又有趣   opulent permanent, no way 永远丰富多彩   I wanna taste it 我想去享受一下  Don"t wanna waste it away 不想浪费时间  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪  I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   I laugh my self to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡  It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?   Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心  And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡


theta=0:3:177 表示以3 为间隔,从0开始到177结束的序列赋值给theta0:3:177=[0 3 6 9 174 177];theta=0:180 此时没有给出间隔,matlab中间隔默认为1 所以0:180=[0 1 2 3 . 179 180];

问: 2一首很火的电音英文歌开头是we are you什么的

Stand By You - Rachel PlattenHands put your empty hands in mineAnd scars show me all the scars you hideAnd hey if your wings are brokenPlease take mine so yours can open tooCause I"m gonna stand by youOh tears make a lot of scopes in your eyesAnd hurt I know you"re hurting but so am IAnd love if your wings are brokenBorrow mine so yours can open tooCause I"m gonna stand by youEven if we"re breaking downWe can find a way to break throughEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youYeah you"re all I never knewI neededAnd the hurt sometimes it"s unclear why it"s bleedingAnd love if your wings are brokenWe can brave through those emotions tooCause I"m gonna stand by youOh truth I bet truth is what you believe inAnd faith I guess faith is helping to reasonNo no no love if your wings are brokenBorrow mine so yours can open tooCause I"m gonna stand by youEven if we"re breaking downWe can find a way to break throughEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youAnd I"ll be your eyes when yours can"t shineI"ll be your arms I"ll be your steady satelliteWhen you can"t rise well I"ll cry with you on hands and kneesCause I will stand by youEven if we"re breaking downWe can find a way to break throughEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"m gonna stand by youEven if we can"t find heavenI"ll walk through Hell with youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youLove you"re not alone causeI"m gonna stand by youI"m gonna stand by you


需要先用cppcheck分析代码生成xml格式的报告,然后用sonar-runner将该xml导入sonar,sonar的作用在这里只是展现的作用。我昨天刚刚搞明白这部分。他还是对java项目分析比较简单。sonar分析工具:sonar-runner 下载sonar-runner: 1.进入下载页面 2.找到sonarqube-runner 如图: 3.点击下载 下载完后,解压,将bin文件加入环境变量path中 如我的路径:F:sonar-runner-2.4in 将此路径加入path中 配置文件,


sonarqube7.6 webhook 使用SonarScanner扫描结束后,会将结果提交给SonarQube,其中的Computer Engine会负责分析数据——这会消耗一定的时间。尤其是免费版本只支持一个Worker工作,不可避免会有排队现象。 项目之前的实现,会使用API /api/ce 轮询查找提交任务的结果。 显然webhook是正确的方式。 支持定制化参数,在scanner的参数里增加 sonar.analysis.* 的格式即可。下面是一个payload样例,定制化内容会在properties字段里记录。




APICloud第一批开源的工具插件支持包括Sublime和Eclipse,目前又加入了Webstorm,且每一套开源插件所能实现的功能均在不断增加中。“不剥夺”“不替换”永远是APICloud在开发工具产品上的设计原则。开发工具插件化支持APICloud对开发工具的支持均是插件化,且完全开源的。Sublime、Eclipse和Webstorm作为HTML5开发人员常用工具,每一个都具有超强特点,支持多样的开发需求。Sublime轻巧、响应速度快,可扩展性强,支持跨平台开发,其功能插件目前包括:应用管理、应用框架、页面模板、代码提示、代码管理、Widget打包、真机同步、日志输出、管理自定义AppLoader等。更重要的是这些插件已被Package Control成功收录。Eclipse扩展性好,同样是跨平台开发,拥有大量的开源插件,功能插件目前包括:应用管理、模版框架、云端同步、代码管理、代码提示、本地打包、真机同步、AppLoader管理,编译自定义AppLoader等。新上线的Webstorm则最专注于HTML5和JavaScript编辑开发的支持,目前包括了应用管理、应用框架、页面模板、代码提示、代码管理、Widget打包、真机同步、日志输出、管理自定义AppLoader等功能。通过开发Eclipse的HTML5插件,就可以让Eclipse支持像sublime和Webstorm一样支持对HTML5代码的快速编辑,提高编码效率。APICloud应用采用标准的HTML技术,同时对标准的浏览器引擎做了大量的扩展。因此,任何一款HTML编辑器配合APICloud AppLoader都可以进行APICloud应用开发。共创开发工具开源和谐生态多样开发工具的功能插件已涵盖了标准化跨平台APP开发工具中所需的绝大多数技术,并全部遵循CPL开眼协议实现开源。APICloud与IDE厂商联手参与到开源行动中来,将开发工具作为提供给广大开发者的一项服务免费化,更欢迎同行使用并完善这些开源代码,大家一起共建和谐生态。APICloud已经与微软Visual Studio Code美国团队探讨了合作事宜,计划将推出基于Visual Studio Code的APICloud扩展插件。今后,APICloud的“多开发工具支持策略”将看到更多熟悉的身影。



we buy cable car there的过去式是什么?

We bought cable car there.

Please check them before we send you!是不是应该为before we send them to you!

send sth to sbsend sb sth两种都可以

收集一下英语中过度的短语,比如on the other hand,however之类的

then,though,although,even though,but,because,so,in a word,


非常好many other用得不错很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

creat a website什么意思

create a website创建一个网站双语对照例句:1.Some consumer advocates slammed the proposal, saying it could result in the creation of private, closed broadband networks akin to cable tv systems, as opposed to today"s open internet in which anyone can create a website or online service. 一些维权消费者权益人士猛烈抨击了这一提议,指称这将导致像有线电视系统一样的私有、封闭的宽带网络,与当前任何人可以建立网站或提供在线服务的开放式网络不同。


《Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea》(Verne, Jules)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mC7npN1g4vD2y8q6pWwo9A 提取码:fiav书名:Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea作者:Verne, Jules出版社:Naval Inst Pr出版年份:1993-9页数:416内容简介:For the past 120 years, readers of English have known only a poor imitation of Jules Verne"s classic French novel Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers and consequently relegated the writer to the category of a "boy"s author." Since 1873 the standard English version has been Lewis Mercier"s mangled "translation," a work that"s filled with errors, mistranslations, and bogus additions, and missing nearly a quarter of Verne"s original text.Now, thanks to the life-long efforts of two Verne scholars, the English-speaking world at last has access to a definitive translation, the only English version based solely on the level of literary artist and scientific visionary, a category he has always enjoyed in Europe and Russia.Mercier"s act of literary vandalism went unnoticed until 1965, when New York University English professor Walter Miller discovered the missing text and began the restoration of the Verne masterpiece. After nearly thirty years of work, including rigorous examinations of his translation by experts in marine technology and biology, Miller teamed that Frederick Paul Walter in 1992 to create this landmark scientific and literary achievement.Restored to the volume along with the original woodcut illustrations are the entertaining and often prescient drams of Captain Nemo, widely considered the prototypical science-fiction character. In this novel alone Verne has anticipated submarine diving planes, scuba gear, underwater laboratories, and marine ecological disasters. He also inspired large-scale underwater mining and farming of flora and fauna, and electricity from thermoclines, all currently in development.Restoration of these visionary ideas and some twenty-three percent of the original text is certain to elevate Verne"s standing in American scientific and literary circles.


英文原文:we will rock you英式音标:[wiu02d0] [wu026al] [ru0252k] [juu02d0] 美式音标:[wi] [wu026al] [rɑk] [ju]



power efficiency是什么意思

power efficiency 出力效率;功率效率power efficiency 功率效率


Wharfedale才是 乐富豪,英国品牌。Weileton,是威顿,是 广州市白云区威顿音响器材厂 威顿电器以研发,生产舞台音响为主要核心业务。


摔角所用擂台通常为18"X18"(英尺吧)或20"X20",一些小团体的擂台可能要小一些,大概是12"X12"。这也是根据实际场地大小而定的,18X18和20X20是标准的尺寸。我认为ECW所用的擂台是18X18,而WWF则是20X20,至于WCW就不大确定了,不过我曾听说是18X18。擂台通常包括一块薄遮布,一般是帆布或尼龙制成;一块不很厚的泡沫垫,厚度一般是一英寸;再下面是一层胶合板;支柱一般是由钢或木料制成;最下层则是一层弹簧,如同汽车上的Coil Spring一样,作用是减轻在擂台垫子上摔击等类似动作所造成的冲击力。通常在擂台下还有一个微型麦克风,用来捕捉比赛中的声音,还可以使选手摔在擂台上的声音显得更大。 Coil Spring ,热处理后的强化钢制弹簧,通常用于轿车或轻型货车的悬挂系统中。

Four Chinese models were ________ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermode...

A 考查介词的用法。among表示“三者或三者以上的同类事物之间”;between表示“在两者之间”;along表示“沿着”;beside表示“在……旁边”。根据题干中“在获奖的14个人里边,中国模特占4人”可知,选A项。

wharfedale mp2800功放可以顶替powersoft k3使用吗???

不明白你为什么要换?单从功率方面来说powersoft k3属于数字功放,功放的功率在8Ω状态下都到了1400W了。wharfedale(乐富豪) mp2800属于模拟功放,功放在8Ω状态下才750W这根本不对称嘛!至于数字功放其他的功能也就不需要我说了。也不是说MP2800不好,相反这款功放的性能和音质都算是不错的一款功放。总感觉你是用辆宝马车换一辆丰田车。一个字 亏!!!!!!

"knowledge is power.francis bacon 什么意思

"knowledge is power.francis bacon词典结果"knowledge is power.francis bacon知识就是力量弗兰西斯

two of the strings were broken.broken是adj也是v,为什么在这个句子中为v.而不为adj?两个词性如何分?

是形容词还是动词要看具体情况,例如There are 10 strings over there. Two of the strings were broken. 这里就是形容词,表示状态。再如 Suddenly two of the strings were broken by the srong wind. 这里就是动词,表示动作。如果没有上下文,则均可。望采纳。

一个web系统发出Too many concurrent requests警告,是什么原因


loadrunner 关于并发的问题 web_concurrent_start 和 lr_rendezvous

从概念上说 前者(web_concurrent_start)是语句的并发 后者(lr_rendezvous)是user的并发 这是两件完全完全不同的事情 没有什么可以比较的 仅仅只是都有“同时执行”的意思而已详细来说 URL-based 方式 默认是将每个请求录制成一条语句 而一条语句只建立一个到服务器的连接比方说 一个page上面 有图片 有文本 有音视频 有编辑框 有按钮 有链接 有复选框 等等等等……那么请求图片 请求文本 请求音视频…… 就上面所有那些 都各自分别是一条语句如果不写web_concurrent_start和web_concurrent_end函数 就默认按语句的顺序执行请求而写了web_concurrent_start和web_concurrent_end函数之后 就会将这些请求同时发送容易想象的是 并发请求时的压力 会比顺序请求的时候 要大 而集合点 或者也有叫同步点的 它的概念比较容易理解 就不解释了下面针对你的问题:“1用户下,使用web_concurrent_start(end)一次性提交20请求;和20用户下,通过rendezvous来集合后,每用户提交1个请求;这两种场景应该是一样的,因为都是一次向服务器同时提交了10个请求。”这是不准确的 原因至少有两点:第一 单用户多请求的并发性 要强于多用户的集合点这是因为 集合点是多线程的并发 它的并发性是有限的 宏观上是并发 微观上不可能并发因为如果你的电脑是单CPU的 那么你就不可能获得严格意义上的并发执行按照操作系统中 进程和线程的关系 在某一个时间点 严格上讲 就只有一个人得到执行除非你给每个用户配备一个CPU 才能达到真正的并发 但显然这是不可能的第二 你的每个请求的开销并不一定是相同的 这也导致测试结果的不可控最简单的 请求一段文字 与请求一段音视频 产生的系统开销肯定是不一样的你使用的web_custom_request函数 并不是发送完了就完了 而是返回完毕才算完成返回一段几KB的文字 与返回一段几MB的音视频 对网络的压力肯定是不一样的当然还可以有其他的理解 你可以自己继续分析而且可以预见的是 你这种测试 每一次都有可能获得不同的结果我指的是你请求的东西不一样的情况下 比如你换一个站点进行测试 结果就有可能是相反的原因就是我上面说的第二点





We Chinese people now_____(main)eat rice.


以my last weekend为题写一篇短文 15句左右 5分钟内的加分

my happy last weekendmy last weekend was busy,but i felt very happy.on saturday, it was sunny and hot.i went to swimming pool,i went swiming with my parents,then i went home,in the evenging,i watched tv and listened to music.on sunday,i played sports with my friends in the morning,in the afternoon,i did my homework and did housework.

whatever happens tomorrow,we have today


Whatever happens tomorrow,we have today.是让步状语从句吗 从句的主语是?

是让步状语从句,而且是时间让步状语从句!主语应该是:we have today 我们要珍惜今天!状语:Whatever happens tomorrow,无论明天发生什么

oh well whatever happens

I"ll be with you whatever happens【无论发生什么,我都会陪伴你】 Even a little bit【即使是一点点】 可以接着说Please trust me that I will take good care of you【请相信我,我会好好照顾你.】或Oh believe me darling You 【亲爱的,请你相信我】或 Please believe me !【请你相信我~!】或 So please don"t walk away 【所以,请你不要走开.】 可以回答thank you
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