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嘿 亲爱的







Sweetie Pie 歌词

歌曲名:Sweetie Pie歌手:Dionne Warwick专辑:No Night So Long「Sweetie」作词∶大华奈央香作曲∶corin.歌∶吉川友キミがくれた sweetie きっとココロの中熟しちゃう前に食べちゃう Yeah无関心なフリでも 心の矢印は仆に向いてることわかってる完璧な言叶いらないよ だけど何か欲しがっちゃうよ本音は食べたがり屋 ベジタリアン好きのボーダーライン越えたらもっと爱おしくなるよ sweetieJust anyway, you like it. No anymore. No your sweet.そうだから欲しいよキミの sweetie sweetie sweetie!!声が闻きたい横颜が见たい忘れたいよ sweetie!!!変わらない右手の仕草 つぶやく何気ない言叶色あせてくけど Never仆に兴味がないの? 答えが知りたくて投げた言叶は So bad「追い诘めないで」って言叶 何も出来なくなっちゃうよ溶けた氷がカラリ鸣るよ朝になって乾いたら一绪に忘れること祈るだけ No!!!Just anyway, you like it. No anymore. No your sweet.そうだから欲しいよキミの sweetie sweetie sweetie!!声が闻きたい横颜が见たい忘れたいよ sweetie!!!Just anyway, you like it. No anymore. No your sweet.そうだから 欲しいよ 君の sweetie sweetie sweetie!!声が闻きたい横颜が见たい忘れたいよ sweetie!!!ずっとずっとSweetie!!!【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7453414










例句Sweetie, let me kiss you.亲爱的,让我来亲一下。My name is Mary, not sweetie.我的名字叫玛丽,不叫“亲爱的”。The young man blushed when his girl friend called him her sweetie pie.当女朋友称他为心肝宝贝时,这年轻人满脸通红。搜索更多短句 名诗佳句排行榜爱心词典 (Loving Dictionary) 百万词友共建的百科词典sweetie词性及解释n. 情人, 爱人, 甜食 1,男女朋友之间不好用,会引起误解,2,同性之间开玩笑时可用3,爱人之间专用


sweetie - just an expression if can manange some time to go out - seems not a date, just go out for something togethersuggestion - imply that you already have BF and he would be one of your best friendsnothing more, hope can be help :)

Dear ,Honey, Sweetie 这三个词有什么区别



词性不同。sweet,形容词,甜的。比如The orange is sweet. (这个橘子很甜)sweetie,名词,对喜爱的人的称呼,表示小宝贝,亲爱的人,或者甜点。


Dear ,Honey, Sweetie三词的区别:1、dear用于正式书面语言,honey、sweetie用于口头语言。2、多数情况下:男对女用sweetie;女对男用honey。3、honey有时也会用于女性与女性之间,sweetie则不会。


sweetie和honey的区别:1、词性不同sweetie只表示名词。honey除了表示名词外,还表示动词和形容词。2、侧重点不同Sweetie一般是对自己的喜欢的人称呼,不在乎性别和年龄的。honey一般是对恋人或丈夫对妻子的称呼。相关近义词:1、Dear。使用的范围比较广。可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。另外英语日记通常会用dear开头。写信时通常的称呼也是Dear XX。2、Sweetheart。亲爱的、可爱的、喜欢的都可以成为sweetheart,另外口语上表示友善的称呼也可以用sweetheart。就像现在很多女生之间喜欢互称“亲爱的”。3、Boo。据说是黑人圈的俚语用法,可以用做男朋友或者女朋友的称呼,也可以表示亲爱的。


sweetie 词性及解释:情人,爱人,甜食 1,男女普通朋友之间不好用,会引起误解. 2,同性之间开玩笑时可用. 3,爱人,恋人之间专用. Sweetie,let me kiss you. 亲爱的,让我来亲一下. ---------------------------------------------- My name is Mary,not sweetie. 我的名字叫玛丽,不叫“亲爱的”. ---------------------------------------------- The young man blushed when his girl friend called him her sweetie pie. 当女朋友称他为心肝宝贝时,这年轻人满脸通红.




sweetie[5swi:ti]n.恋人, 爱人, 糖果






sweetie的意思是亲爱的;宝贝;好心人;善良的人;葡萄柚。1. You ready, sweetie?准备好了吗,亲爱的?2. Sure, let"s take a look. Sweetie, this is terrific. Your ideas are so original.当然,我们一起看看吧。甜心,写得很好。你的想法很有原创性。3. He"s such a sweetie.他真是个好人。4. Get in slowly, sweetie. You"ll get used to it. I"m gonna go and make you some chicken soup.分语境,看情况。根据地区也会有区别。常见的有这么几种用法。可以是夫妻,男女朋友之间的表达亲密的称呼,可以理解为亲爱的。大人叫孩子也很爱用这个词,可以理解为宝贝儿。一些从事服务行业的女士,比如餐厅的服务生,很喜欢这么称呼客人,套个近乎。还有一种用法是表达轻视于不屑,就是拿你当小孩来看,比如假设某女生刚刚上班,单位里某同士认为她是新人,什么也不懂,就用这个词,总对她说“Sweetie, you are new, let the men handle this.”

Dear ,Honey, Sweetie 这三个词有什么区别



sweetie-名词 糖果


Mika《kick ass》歌词:We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We could rule the world On a silver platter From the wrong to the right light To an open stream With a crash and burn We could make it better Turn it upside down Just you and me We are the dream No other way To be We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees I could change the world I could make it better Kick it up and down Take a chance on me When you fake a smile And you think you"re better Gonna put it down Rip it at your feet No bridge to burn Nowhere to turn For me We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees What do they know about us? Are they thinking of somebody else? Are they wondering what we might be? Are they thinking of you or of me? We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees

未能解析主引用“System.Web.Extensions, Version=,

这是因为你的程序少了一些.Net Framework 3.5的控件导致的,如果这是一个成品网站,你删掉报错的配置文件行即可。




WebExtension是一个打包好的、可供发布的安装包,该安装包中包含若干文件,主要用于跨浏览器开发附加组件的工具。 火狐自45版本开始全面支持WebExtension开发浏览器扩展,并逐渐边缘化XPCOM 和 XUL,预计到2017年,WebExtension将成为火狐唯一合法的扩展开发方式。 用了火狐很多年,一直没了解过其扩展开发流程,这次正好简单熟悉一下。 WebExtension扩展必须包含一个名为manifest.json的文件,文件内包含有关扩展的基本元数据,例如它的名称,版本和它需要的权限。它也提供了指向扩展需要的其他文件。这也是之后通过about:debugging测试所需添加的唯一文件。 manifest.json可以指向以下几种类型的文件: 我们今天要做一个简单的插件,能实现以下功能: 1.在工具栏增加了一个新的按钮 2.当用户点击该按钮,我们会显示弹出使他们能够选择一种动物。 3.一旦他们选择的动物,我们将取代当前页面的与所选动物的图片内容。 根据需求,我们可以得出插件的结构图: 首先编写最重要的manifest.json文件 其中参数manifest_version,name和version这三个参数都是必填的: manifest_version 必填,值固定为2,额,你使用的版本就是第二代,总不能填3吧^ v ^ name 必填,是你插件的名字,这个随便你取,到时候显示在浏览器上的就是这个名字 version 必填,是你插件的版本,看你自己的情况定。 description 选填,是对你插件功能的描述 icons 选填,是插件的图标,注意,这里定义的图标是显示在附加组件里面的,而不是工具栏上的,一般默认大小是48x48 permissions是设置列表权限的,这里我们只需要简单的actionTab功能即可 browser_action是对工具栏操作的具体描述: default_icons 必填,展示在工具栏上的图标,一般大小为32x32 default_title 选填,鼠标悬停在图标上显示名字 default_popup用于点击插件按钮后展示的页面,在这里必填,如果只有一个功能可以不填(即点击即用) web_accessible_resources列出了我们要替换网页的文件,在这里必填 有了manifest.json文件后,我们就可以对所需文件进行一一配置。 在同目录下,创建beasts,icons,popup这三个文件夹,分别用于存放用于替换的动物图片,48和32两类插件图标和插件的操作界面 创建完后大概像这样: 动物图和图标就大家自己去弄了哈,把自己喜欢的图片添加进去就行了,但是注意哦,插件图标的大小是48和32两种格式哦,当然,在附加组件里面的图标可以使用96x96的。 这里我们再来说说popup这个文件,里面存放的就是我们插件的操作界面 你可以根据自己的喜好设计,因为只是测试,就怎么简单怎么来啦!我反正就用了简单的三个文件。 HTML文件看起来是这样的: CSS加了点颜色和光标选择变化: js则是点击选项后跳转到具体操作的脚本文件: 创建一个新的目录下的附加根,被称为“content_scripts”,并创建一个新的文件叫“beastify.js”,这个文件用于处理choose_beast.js传来的信息 这样就大概完成了这个插件,如果要测试可以在浏览器中输入:about:debugging 会出现以下界面: 点开临时加载附加组件然后选择manifest.json这个文件 如果想要其他人使用你的插件,你需要打包,并将其提交给Mozilla签名。有了证书之后,就可以和大家分享你的成果了! 本文的内容均根据Mozilla的官方教程而来,如果想要深入学习的,可以多花花时间去看看哦,附上链接: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/

We Will Win 歌词

Life is only what we choose to make itLet"s just take itLet us be freeWe can find the glory we all dream ofAnd with our lovewe can winStillwe must fight or face defeatWe must stand tall and not retreatWith our strength we"ll find the mightThere is no fight we can"t fightTogetherOh togetherWe can winBlessedWith strong hearts that beat as oneWatch us soarAnd with love that conquers allWe"ll win this battleThis last battleWe will win...We nust win...We will win...We can win...We can win...As the battle goes on we feel strongerHow much longerMust this go onEach and every day we dream of winningAnd beginningA new lifeStillWe must fight or face defestwe must stand tall and not retreatWith our strength we"ll find the mightThere is no fight we can"t fightTogetherOh togetherWe can winBlessedWith strong hearts that beat as oneWatch us soarAnd with love that conquers allWe"ll win this battleThis last battleWe will win...We must win...We will win...We must win...We will win...We can win......

However,tomorrow is another day是什么意思


我的手表上面有个WEST END WATCH CO 下面是FOWAN 不知道是什么牌子 价值多少钱啊


我的手表上面有个WEST END WATCH CO 下面是FOWAN,后盖上有WATERRESISTANT,还有个W,最下边有一排数字03 502

WEST END WATCH CO 是西尾手表有限公司WATER RESISTANT防水 后面的数字应该是生产日期

Welcome back home对不对

对的,也可以说welcome to home,welcome you home,都对

went back home文意思

A.went back to home.home 前不能加to 故错 B.was back home C.went back to the sea.语法是对的,但句意不符合本题意思 D.was back the sea .语法错 to one"s surprise,是固定搭配,本题中主语是he,故用to his surprise

welcome back ___home. A. to. B. at. C.


开源了一个 webpack 插件,希望对大家有所帮助

最近,陆陆续续搞 了一个 UniUsingComponentsWebpackPlugin 插件(下面介绍),这是自己第三个开源项目,希望大家一起来维护,一起 star 呀,其它两个: 用 uniapp开发小程序的小伙伴应该知道,我们在 uniapp 中要使用第三方 UI 库( vant-weapp , iView-weapp )的时候 ,想要在全局中使用,需要在 src/pages.json 中的 usingComponents 添加对应的组件声明,如: 但在开发过程中,我们不太清楚需要哪些组件,所以我们可能会全部声明一遍(PS:这在做公共库的时候更常见),所以我们得一个个的写,做为程序员,我们绝不允许使用这种笨方法。 这是第一个痛点 。 使用第三方组件,除了在 src/pages.json 还需要在对应的生产目录下建立 wxcomponents ,并将第三方的库拷贝至该文件下,这个是 uniapp 自定义的,详细就见:https://uniapp.dcloud.io/frame?id=%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95%e7%bb%93%e6%9e%84。 这是第二个痛点 。 第二痛点,我们将整个UI库拷贝至 wxcomponents ,但最终发布的时候,我们不太可能全都用到了里面的全局组件,所以就将不必要的组件也发布上去,增加代码的体积。 有的小伙伴就会想到,那你将第三方的库拷贝至 wxcomponents 时候,可以只拷使用到的就行啦。是这理没错,但组件里面可能还会使用到其它组件,我们还得一个个去看,然后一个个引入,这又回到了 第一个痛点了 。 有了这三个痛点,必须得有个插件来做这些傻事,处理这三个痛点。于是就有 UniUsingComponentsWebpackPlugin 插件,这个webpack 插件主要解决下面几个问题: webpack 的插件体系是一种基于 Tapable 实现的强耦合架构,它在特定时机触发钩子时会附带上足够的上下文信息,插件定义的钩子回调中,能也只能与这些上下文背后的数据结构、接口交互产生 side effect,进而影响到编译状态和后续流程。 从形态上看,插件通常是一个带有 apply 函数的类: Webpack 会在启动后按照注册的顺序逐次调用插件对象的 apply 函数,同时传入编译器对象 compiler ,插件开发者可以以此为起点触达到 webpack 内部定义的任意钩子,例如: 注意观察核心语句 compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap ,其中 thisCompilation 为 tapable 仓库提供的钩子对象; tap 为订阅函数,用于注册回调。 Webpack 的插件体系基于 tapable 提供的各类钩子展开,所以有必要先熟悉一下 tapable 提供的钩子类型及各自的特点。 到这里,就不做继续介绍了,关于插件的更多 详情可以去官网了解。 这里推荐 Tecvan 大佬写的 《Webpack 插件架构深度讲解》 UniUsingComponentsWebpackPlugin 插件主要用到了三个 compiler 钩子。 第一个钩子是 environment : 这个钩子主要用来自动引入其下的原生组件,这样就无需手动配置。 解决第一个痛点 。 第二个钩子 thisCompilation ,这个钩子可以获得 compilation ,能对最终打包的产物进行操作: 所以这个勾子用来将 node_modules 下的第三库拷贝到我们生产 dist 目录里面的 wxcomponents , 解决第二个痛点 。 ps:这里也可直接用现有的 copy-webpack-plugin 插件来实现。 第三个钩子 done ,表示 compilation 执行完成: 执行完成后,表示我们已经生成 dist 目录了,可以读取文件内容,分析,获取哪些组件被使用了,然后删除没有使用到组件对应的文件。这样就可以解决我们 第三个痛点了 。 PS:这里我判断只有在生产环境下才会 剔除,开发环境没有,也没太必要。 安装 然后将插件添加到 WebPack Config 中。例如: NameType Description patterns{Array}为插件指定相关 moduleprefix 模块名组件前缀 module 是指 package.json 里面的 name ,如使用是 Vant 对应的 module 为 @vant/weapp ,如果使用是 iview,刚对应的 module 为 iview-weapp ,具体可看它们各自的 package.json 。 prefix 是指组件的前缀,如 Vant 使用是 van 开头的前缀,iview 使用是 i 开头的前缀,具体可看它们各自的官方文档。 PS: 这里得吐曹一下 vant,叫别人使用 van 的前缀,然后自己组件里面声明子组件时,却没有使用 van 前缀,如 picker 组件,它里面的 JSON 文件是这么写的: picker-column 和 loading 都没有带 van 前缀,因为这个问题,在做 自动剔除 功能中,我是根据 前缀来判断使用哪些组件的,由于这里的 loading , picker-column 没有加前缀,所以就被会删除,导致最终的 picker 用不了。为了解决这个问题,增加了不少工作量。 希望 Vant 官方后面的版本能优化一下。 本文通用自定义 Webpack 插件来实现日常一些技术优化需求。主要为大家介绍了 Webpack 插件的基本组成和简单架构,通过三个痛点,引出了 uni-using-components-webpack-plugin 插件,并介绍了使用方式,实现思路。 最后,关于 Webpack 插件开发,还有更多知识可以学习,建议多看看官方文档《Writing a Plugin》进行学习。

sika power这种胶经过高温的加热和铁的气温融合在一起对人体的危害性有多大?

sika power胶是一种专门用于汽车工业焊装车间的一种为下沉淀材料准备的金属胶。是一种需要高温下变成液体的胶。这种胶的气味非常的独特。这种胶叫西卡密封胶来自瑞士。你工作的时候有一把焊接用的枪吧。这把枪是有辐射的,当然意思对身体也不好。焊接时一定要带上耳塞,防止长时间工作,对听力产生影响! 你提问到的铁如果过大或者过量的话也是会中毒的,摄入过量可溶性铁盐导致的急性铁中毒表现为胃肠道损伤,代谢性酸中毒,休克和中毒性肝炎。这种胶在高温下会跑出来的气体是叫金属烟,由吸入金属烟所致的以骤起体温升高和外周血白细胞计数增多为主要表现的全身性疾病,常在接触金属氧化物烟后6一12小时[8]起发病,有头晕、乏力、胸闷、气急、肌肉关节酸痛,以后发热,白细胞增多,重者有畏寒、寒颤。 焊烟尘中的锰、铝、铅等有密不可分的联系。采用WHO.NCTB测试,结果行为功能总分与尿锰存在负相关,提示神经行为功能的变化可作为预防锰中毒的早期指标之一。国外研究有电焊作业工人行为功能总分反而较对照组升高的报告,作者分析可能是工人健康效应和工作相关技能训练效应所致[。电焊作业对工人副交感神经调查功能的影响也有报道。国外尚有报道帕金氏综合症在电焊工人群中的发病年龄明显提前[平均46岁,对照组平均63岁),提示电焊作业是帕金氏综合症的危险因素之一。 生殖毒性的结局意义重大,故近10年来国内外开展了一些关于电焊作业生殖毒性的研究,主要涉及男工精液质量、女工生殖结局及损害机制。研究表明:电焊女工月经的经量增加、周期缩短、经期延长、白带增加,自然流产、早产、痛经、均较对照组高,锰中毒男工精液外观呈均匀灰白色,PH值正常,平均液化时间比对照组延长。检验结果证明,锰中毒男工平均一次射精量、精子总数、精子存活率及活动精子率均比对照组下降,锰中毒男工精子畸形率明显高于对照组,认为金属锰能够影响男工生精系统,对精子的发育有直接毒作用,并能杀伤精子,从而引起男性精液质量的改变。工作时要戴好口罩·手套,且工作后要洗手;如果长时间的焊接要定期的进行身体检查,在工作中做到有张有持,就像我们晒太阳,晒久了也会对人身体不好的。 为预防电光性眼炎,电焊工人操作时一定要戴上防护面罩或眼镜。此外,高原、雪地或沙漠日光反射后的紫外线也可使人发生电光性眼炎,因此也需戴上防护眼镜。 对此我回答的只能这些了,建议你对待自己的身体,不要到最后挣钱全都买药了。祝愿你能有一个健康的身体。有革命的本钱,


<compilation debug="true"> 意味着可以插入一些debugger的中断,这样在开发是就可以调试了。false 用于已经发布的项目,它不需要再调试了, 一般开发是用true, 发布正式项目用false.主要区别是设置为true时1) 由于编译优化被取消,编译ASP.NET 页需要更长的时间2) 由于需要额外的debug,代码执行比较慢3) 在系统运行时runtime 占用更多的内存,需要为debug创建冗余代码。4) 脚本Scripts和图片没有被缓存cache,所以下载很慢。 所以以发布的项目一定要设为false.

欢迎回家,用英语 welcome back home/ welcome back to home/ welcome to back home,back 动词用,加to?

welcome homeu3002 welcome backu3002

Westlife2007年新专辑《Back Home》首张单曲《Home》的歌词

Another summer day has come and gone away In Paris or Rome... but I wanna go home ...uhm may be surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone I just wanna go home I miss you, you know And I"ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you, Each one a line or two I"m fine baby, how are you? I would send them but I know that its just not enough My words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another aeroplane, another sunny place, I"m lucky I know but I wanna go home I"ve got to go home Let me go home I"m just too far from where you are I wanna come home Let me go home I know I"m alright Baby I"m done I wanna come home And I feel just like I"m living someone else"s life It"s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right And I know just why you could not come This was not your dream but you always believed in me... Another winter day Has come and gone away in either Paris or Rome and I wanna go home I miss you , you know Let me go home I"ve had my run baby Im done I gotta go home Let me go home It"ll all be alright I"ll be home tonight I"m coming back home

Welcome back home对不对

是对的语法无误其实这里的home和back一样也是副词 但问题是累赘一般就说welcomehome 这句话的意思是:欢迎回家。1welcomeback 2welcomehome 3 welcomebackhome 都没有语法问题 在不同的context中有不同的意思

Out On The Weekend (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Out On The Weekend (Album Version)歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Harvestedit by lymanThink I"ll pack it in and buy a pick-upTake it down to L.A.Find a place to call my own and try to fix up.Start a brand new day.The woman I"m thinking of, she loved me all upBut I"m so down todayShe"s so fine, she"s in my mind.I hear her callin".See the lonely boy, out on the weekendTrying to make it pay.Can"t relate to joy, he tries to speak andCan"t begin to say.She got pictures on the wall, they make me look upFrom her big brass bed.Now I"m running down the road trying to stay upSomewhere in her head.The woman I"m thinking of, she loved me all upBut I"m so down todayShe"s so fine she"s in my mind.I hear her callin".See the lonely boy, out on the weekendTrying to make it pay.Can"t relate to joy, he tries to speak andCan"t begin to say.neil"s funs, see you next timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/748849

a mere twenty miles away.away怎么翻译为什么遇到距离的老是有away?


WWE 求CM Punk新出场音乐cult of personality 的歌词及中文意思


we are who we are这首歌的歌词谁知道?

[ti:who we are][ar:hope partlow]who we arehope partlowi don"t wanna put on my make-upjust like every girl in a magazinethat"s not who i am when i wake upthat"s not who i wanna bethere"s so much more to me than meets the eyein this life, i know one thingit doesn"t really matter what u wearlet the people starecause we are who we are who we are who we areit doesn"t really matter what car u driveit"s good to be aliveyeah, we are who we are who we are who we arewho we aretell me baby, do i look like the real thingor would you change the color of my eyes?tell me why my television"s fillin" me with liesit doesn"t really matter what u wearlet the people starecause we are who we are who we are who we areit doesn"t really matter what car you driveit"s good to be aliveyeah we are who we are who we are who we arethere is beauty on the insideyeah you"re beautiful, alright...oh it doesn"t really matter what u wearlet the people starecuz we are who we are who we are who we areit doesn"t really matter what car you driveit"s good to be aliveyeah, we are who we are who we are who we are...doesn"t really matter what you wear, let the people stareit"s good to be alive, good to be alive...doesn"t really matter what car you drive, it"s good to be aliveyeah we are who we are who we are who we areit"s good to be alive, good to be alivewho we are...who we are

We R Who We R 歌词

歌曲名:We R Who We R歌手:Ke$ha专辑:Animal + Cannibal (Deluxe Edition)We R Who We RKe$haHot and dangerousIf you"re one of us, then roll with us‘Cause we make the hipsters fall in loveAnd we"ve got hotpants on enoughAnd yes of course because we"re running this town just like a clubAnd no, you don"t wanna mess with usGot Jesus on my necklaceI"ve got that glitter on my eyesStockings ripped all up the sideLooking sick and sexy-fiedSo let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)Tonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!DJ turn it upIt"s about damn time to live it upI"m so sick of being so seriousIt"s making my brain delirious!I"m just talkin" truthI"m telling you "bout the s— we doWe"re sellin" our clothes, sleepin" in carsDressin" it down, hittin" on dudes (HARD!)I"ve got that glitter on my eyesStockings ripped all up the sideLooking sick and sexy-fiedSo let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)Tonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!DJ turn it upDJ turn it upDJ turn it upDJ turn it upTonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!OW!http://music.baidu.com/song/10736679

We R Who We R 歌词

歌曲名:We R Who We R歌手:Ke$ha专辑:CannibalKe$ha - We R Who We RYouku主站 JonathonTTTTTHot and dangerousIf you"re one of us, then roll with us‘Cause we make the hipsters fall in loveAnd we"ve got hotpants on enoughAnd yes of course because we"re running this town just like a clubAnd no, you don"t wanna mess with usGot Jesus on my necklaceI"ve got that glitter on my eyesStockings ripped all up the sideLooking sick and sexy-fiedSo let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)CHORUS:Tonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!DJ turn it upIt"s about damn time to live it upI"m so sick of being so seriousIt"s making my brain delirious!I"m just talkin" truthI"m telling you "bout the s— we doWe"re sellin" our clothes, sleepin" in carsDressin" it down, hittin" on dudes (HARD!)I"ve got that glitter on my eyesStockings ripped all up the sideLooking sick and sexy-fiedSo let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)Tonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!DJ turn it upDJ turn it upDJ turn it upDJ turn it upTonight we"re going hardJust like the world is oursWe"re tearin" it apartYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!We"re dancing like we"re dumbOur bodies go numbWe"ll be forever youngYou know we"re superstarsWe are who we are!OW!http://music.baidu.com/song/11282406

WWE里的RAW赛事 NXT赛事 SS赛事 SD赛事 TNA赛事 ECW赛事 什么意思?

RAW、SD和NXT是WWE的三个联盟,也可以叫三个品牌,都是属于WWE的,RAW是目前最好的联盟,在当地时间每周一播出,SD其次,是周五播出,NXT是一个培养新人的联盟,以8个WWE老将带领8位WWE新人的形式,每隔一段时间会进行淘汰,最后没有被淘汰的新人将正式成为WWE选手,并得到在PPV大赛上挑战任何一个冠军的权利,NXT是在周二播出~而NXT就是ECW改过来的,ECW在今年年初的时候,因为收视不佳,WWE最后决定废除ECW这个联盟,改成了现在这个全新的联盟NXT~SS应该是指的Superstars吧,Superstars也是WWE推出的一个节目,WWE三大联盟的选手都可能出现比赛,一般都是二线、三线的选手,这也是为了让观众不要遗忘这些选手,当然也可能会出现一线巨星,而比赛间隙就会插播一些RAW、SD或NXT的画面,也让很多没有看到当天节目的摔迷也可以从中做一些回顾了解,Superstars也是在周五播出~而TNA和WWE没有关系,TNA是另一个摔角公司,是WWE的劲敌公司,一直想要超越WWE,挖角了WWE很多以前的超级巨星,像Jeff Hardy、Hluk Hogan、Ric Flair、Mr.Kennedy现在都TNA的~PPV是WWE或TNA每月都会举行的一个或两个大赛,称为PPV大赛,PPV就是Pay Per View,也就是每分钟收费节目,一般都是进行冠军赛的大赛~

wwe superste节目的主题曲


求WWE SUPERSTARS的主题歌歌名及歌词。。。

http://www.wwesm.com/music/10971/歌名:《Invincible》歌词:歌词:Bow DownI"m invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a rideI"m invincible tonight!!!!!Believe meYou never met a mother fucker like meBet you never seen the things that I"ve seenBottled up inside this timeI"m taking back my life(Bridge)I"m rising upI"ve had enough(Chorus)I"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyes!This time I"ma take you for a ride!I"m invincible tonightI"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a rideI"m invincible tonightI"ll break you a hundred different waysAnd I"ll make you remember my faceThought that I would let you leaveIt"s hard to stop what you can"t see(Bridge)I"m rising upI"ve had enough(Chorus)I"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a ride!I"m invincible tonightI"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a rideI"m invincible tonight!Bow down if your invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesI"ma take you for a rideI"m invincibleI will waste youWhen you can"t escape meAnd I will break you down(Invincible)(Chorus)I"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a rideI"m invincible tonightI"m feeling invincible tonightI"m aliveTake a look into my eyesThis time I"ma take you for a rideI"m invincible tonight!!!!InvincibleInvincibleInvincible!

高分求WE新节目WWE Superstars 的开场歌叫什么

Super massive black hole的英文歌词: Supermassive Black Hole lyrics Songwriters: Bellamy, Matthew; Ooh, baby don"t you know I suffer? Oh, baby can you hear me moan? You caught me under false pretenses How long before you let me go? Ooh, you set my soul alight Ooh, you set my soul alight Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul alight) Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul) I thought I was a fool for no one But ooh, baby I"m a fool for you You"re the queen of the superficial And how long before you tell the truth? Ooh, you set my soul alight Ooh, you set my soul alight Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul alight) Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul) Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul alight) Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (Ooh, you set my soul) Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole Supermassive black hole

kesha的we are who we are的歌词,急!

[ti:We R Who We R][ar:Ke$ha][al:][by:Sedumt] [00:-2.00]Ke$ha - We R Who We R[00:-1.00][00:01.00]Lyrics by SedumT[00:03.00][00:06.80][00:07.10]Hot and dangerous[00:08.95]If you"re one of us, then roll with us[00:10.72]‘Cause we make the hipsters fall in love[00:12.78]And we"ve got hotpants on enough[00:14.80]And yes of course because we"re running this town just like a club[00:18.85]And no, you don"t wanna mess with us[00:21.09]Got Jesus on my necklace [00:22.39][00:23.77]I"ve got that glitter on my eyes[00:25.66]Stockings ripped all up the side[00:31.26]Looking sick and sexy-fied[00:35.50]So let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)[00:38.74][00:39.27]CHORUS:[00:39.58]Tonight we"re going hard[00:42.41]Just like the world is ours[00:46.78]We"re tearin" it apart[00:50.58]You know we"re superstars[00:53.00]We are who we are![00:54.85][00:55.31]We"re dancing like we"re dumb[00:58.61]Our bodies go numb[01:02.48]We"ll be forever young[01:06.53]You know we"re superstars[01:09.00]We are who we are![01:10.78][01:11.50]DJ turn it up[01:13.15]It"s about damn time to live it up[01:14.93]I"m so sick of being so serious[01:16.75]It"s making my brain delirious![01:18.66][01:18.93]I"m just talkin" truth[01:20.97]I"m telling you "bout the s— we do[01:23.06]We"re sellin" our clothes, sleepin" in cars[01:24.95]Dressin" it down, hittin" on dudes (HARD!)[01:27.19][01:27.97]I"ve got that glitter on my eyes[01:30.31]Stockings ripped all up the side[01:34.62]Looking sick and sexy-fied[01:39.47]So let"s go-o-o (Let"s go!)[01:43.31]Tonight we"re going hard[01:46.70]Just like the world is ours[01:50.71]We"re tearin" it apart[01:54.51]You know we"re superstars[01:57.00]We are who we are![01:58.59][01:59.02]We"re dancing like we"re dumb[02:02.72]Our bodies go numb[02:06.64]We"ll be forever young[02:10.76]You know we"re superstars[02:13.50]We are who we are![02:14.57]DJ turn it up[02:17.92]DJ turn it up[02:23.39]DJ turn it up[02:27.43]DJ turn it up[02:42.66][02:45.92]Tonight we"re going hard[02:50.72]Just like the world is ours[02:54.76]We"re tearin" it apart[02:58.63]You know we"re superstars[03:01.00]We are who we are![03:03.10][03:03.34]We"re dancing like we"re dumb[03:06.68]Our bodies go numb[03:10.69]We"ll be forever young[03:14.41]You know we"re superstars[03:17.00]We are who we are![03:20.00]OW![03:20.95][03:21.50]



请问资深wwe观众,RAW NXT SS SD TNA联盟 ECW到底是怎样的关系啊?PPV合约又代表什么啊?

RAW是WWE一个很老的节目,是在1993年的时候创办的。SD也是WWE一个比较老的节目,是在1999年的时候创办的。ECW本来是一个独立联盟的,因为在02年的时候经营不当,所以在02年被WWE收购了。SS是WWE为了增加收视率而创办的一个节目,通常是在美国时间星期四进行。NXT是WWE用来替代ECW的节目(ECW在今年的3月被改为NXT,是用来锻炼新手的)。TNA是像WWE那样的联盟,其中有iMPACT这个联盟。(TNA是不属于WWE的)PPV的英文解释是pay per view,即按次付费观看。PPV提供了这样一种服务,电视观众可以购买(点播)所喜欢的节目,然后通过自己的电视来进行观看。当订购完成后,电视播放公司即会播放订购的节目。节目可以通过屏幕引导,自动回复电话或者是在线客服代表来购买。节目通常包括电影,体育赛事等。如:专业摔跤,武术或拳击。满意请采纳

WWE PPV 、RAW、NXT、Superstars、SmackDown、TNA PPV、Impact、ECW

一线主要出现在PPV,RAW二三线的出现在SuperstarNXT是那些当导师的超级巨星。smack down只能双打冠军去

WWE中 Superstars 赛事是什么回事?ECW怎么没有了?


一个欧美的女星唱的!歌的最后有一句you are my super star...we are ... we are... 是什么歌 啊。。。


Weeeeeeeeee!!! 歌词

歌曲名:Weeeeeeeeee!!!歌手:polysics专辑:Weeeeeeeeee!!!Weeeeeeeeee!!!POLYSICS作词:Hayashi, Fumi作曲:Hayashi, FumiWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何言っても気になり始めてるWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何してもふくらみ过ぎてる间を 开けてムムム 目を闭じつつ 考え込む例え话 混乱 またムムムBright or Dark (Talk to Me)ちょっと 黙ってろ颜 合わせウウウ 声に出せず 相づち打つ荒い対応 损だ 颜でるるるBright or Dark (Talk to Me)ダウン 困ってろWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何言っても気になり始めてるWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何してもふくらみ过ぎてるBright or Dark (Talk to Me)ダウン 困ってろWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何言っても気になり始めてるWeeeeeeeeee!!! 何してもふくらみ过ぎてるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53432768

The Way We Used to Be 歌词

歌曲名:The Way We Used to Be歌手:Stevie Hoang专辑:The CollectionStevie Hoang - The Way We Used To BeOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!Baby, hold up.Just wait a minute..It"s been a year, girl how you been?Fancy(?) see you again, tried to call, got no reply.So i thought i just let sleeping dogs lie(?)Apparently, you settled down, but your man"s never around.And if that"s so, baby you should know. (Yeah)If you have enough searching baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be free.Baby i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.You says he loves you if that"s he truth.Then why does he do those things to you.You give your heart, he pushes it away.baby why the hell do you stay?You say it"s love, just like a songBut baby I can"t prove you wrong, and if I can, I should be your man.If you have another enough, baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be free.baby i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.I remember how, the love used to feel.My broken heart took time to heal.I can"t recall why we fell apart.You said you lookin" for love, girl be true to your heart.Baby, woah oh oh. (if you"ve had enough)If you have enough searching baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be free.baby i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.If you have enough searching, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be free.baby i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.Do you remember? (the way we used to be)Do you remember? (the way we used to be)Do you remember? (the way we used to be)http://music.baidu.com/song/54888011

we needs various ideas这句英语对吗?


sunny weather怎么读

sunny weather阳光明媚的天气

有首英语歌的歌词里有好像是We are Justin bieber,蛮劲爆的

super heroes:注意在mp3搜索这首歌的时候两个单词间不要有空格。 歌手:edguy 专辑:superheroes [ep] City lights are calling Slowly coming back to life Speeding in the fast lane Mama let us waste no time Devil in the doorway Selling any kind of hell We"re just coming out to play the game. We never cry for love - We"re superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain - We"re superheroes Make a stand where we belong Way to long I"ve tried to be What I could never be For too long you"ve rolled the dice But you can"t control me I ain"t talking "bout romance You may fiddle, I may dance Anyway it"s a just game we play. We never cry for love - We"re superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain - We"re superheroes Make a stand where we belong - We"re superheroesYou gotta move to stay alive We"re gonna rock the bash tonight .Cry for love - We"re superheroes We are back where we belong. We never cry for love - We"re superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain - We"re superheroes Make a stand where we belong - We"re superheroes






this weekend这同样的词属于一般将来是的时间状语.另外还有 :1、next+时间词(例如:week,day,year等等这样的词语)2、比较明显的表示将来的词语,像:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow等等(在这里提醒楼主一句,带this的不一定就是表示一般将来时,比如说:I was late ror school this morning.向这里的时间状语this morning表示今天早上,是一般过去时,所以带this的时间状语一定要更具具体的情况进行判断)













a wee是什么意思

a week英 [ei wi:k] 美 [e wik] 一周;一星期





see me and river i dont see me you wee歌词

你好Brandon Heath - LondonMy train pulled in to Waterloofound myself wisin" you were here with meIn LondonStandin" on the river Thames takin" photographsof Parliament and old Big Ben is ringin"You know, it"s everything that I imagined it would beI had no idea that it would feel so emptyWhere are you tonight while I stand here and cry?Watching double decker buses pass me byAnd to tell you the truth, it"s all that I can do.To keep from jumpin" on a plane that"s headed hometo youI took a stroll down Abbey Roadtried to peek inside the studiosAnd somewhere along they wayI bought you flowers.And a parking map of the underground‘cause you and I both know I get turned aroundI"m so lost without youThough it"s everything that I imagined it would beI had to idea that it would feel so emptyWhere are you tonight while I stand here and cry?Watching double decker buses pass me byAnd to tell you the truth, it"s all that I can do.To keep from jumpin" on a plane that"s headed homeSix long nights and seven daysacross the pond back to the states I can"t waitWhere are you tonight while I stand here and cry?Watching all the black umbrellas pass me byTo tell you the truth, it"s all that I can do.To keep from jumpin" on a plane that"s headed homeSo I"m jumpin" on a plane, headed home. To you



I want to go wee-wee ?什么意思 俗话说用英语怎么说?


I often go shopping on the weekend划线部分是on the wee?

when do you often go shopping?



寻一收英文歌Song: Yankee Doodle Went to Town a Riding on Pony

Yankee Doodlehttp://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/disney/forth/mp3/Yankee%20doodle.mp3
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