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you are welcome的中文意思


You are welcome= = = =

You are welcome 当“没关系、不客气”讲时,用于对别人感谢的回答. =It"s my pleasure. 或者=my pleasure. 用作欢迎语(有时可省去 You are 而只说 Welcome),意为:欢迎欢迎. =We welcome you! =Welcome! 表示允许对方做某事或使用某物(其后常接介词 to—这里的 to 既可用作介词,其后接名词或代词;也可用作不定式符号,其后接动词原形),意为:请自便;随便你;你尽管可以…如: You are welcome to any opinion you like.你可以畅所欲言. You"re welcome to (use) any instrument here.这儿的仪器你尽管可以使用. =Please feel free to... =Please help yourself to. 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

you are welcome什么意思

you are welcome英[ju: ɑ: u02c8welku0259m]美[ju e(r) u02c8wu025blku0259m]词典[用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢]别客气,不用谢网络受欢迎的; 不用客气; 不客气双语例句 You are welcome! By the way, do you plan to go to other venues later for other events!别客气!顺便问一下,您要去其他场馆看别的比赛吗?




you are welcome的意思是:不客气;欢迎;造句:1、You are welcome to the loan of my knife.(你可随意借用我的小刀。)2、We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us!(今年我们要在戴维家过圣诞,欢迎你来加入!)3、You are welcome to search through these and see if any is a match for your interests.(欢迎您通过这些列表搜索,看看是否有与您兴趣相匹配的。)4、You are welcome, therefore, to describe your idea on this website and it will be routed to those UN organisations responding to the crisis.(因此,欢迎您在本网站描述您的想法,它将会被发送给那些正在应对该危机的联合国组织。)5、You are welcome to put forward your views.(诸位有什么意见,欢迎提出来。)6、I:You are welcome. Please call us if you change your mind.(不用客气,如果你改变了主意,可以打电话给我们。)7、You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.(你可随时来医院参观。)8、You are welcome.(不客气。)9、You are welcome to go up in his room if you want.(要是你愿意,可以去他房间看看。)10、You are welcome to visit Shanghai again.(欢迎您再来上海。)

you arewelcome 什么意思



You are welcome英文翻译如下别客气

you are welcome什么意思,怎么对应


you are welcome 是什么意思


“you are welcome”怎么读?


请问"You are welcome"有没有“欢迎你回来”的意思?


you are welcome回答什么

当别人说谢谢你的时候,你说:you are welcome.

you are welcome是什么意思




you are welcome什么意思


You are welcome同义词

that"s all right

you are welcome怎么回答

you are welcome.意思是不用客气。一般不用回答。

you are welcome啥意思

"You are welcome"是一种常见的英语礼貌用语,通常用于回答别人的感谢或道谢。这个短语可以表示对别人的感激和尊重,同时也表达了对别人友好和善意的态度。以下是对这个短语的详细解释和使用场景。You are welcome"的基本含义"You are welcome"是一种礼貌用语,表示对别人的感谢或道谢的回应。这个短语通常用于回答别人的感谢或道谢,并表示接受别人的感谢或道谢。它可以表示尊重和感激,同时也表达了对别人友好和善意的态度。"You are welcome"的使用场景"You are welcome"是一种常用的礼貌用语,在各种场合都可以使用。以下是一些常见的使用场景:在商店或餐厅中,当顾客感谢服务员的服务或道谢时,服务员可以回答"You are welcome",表示接受顾客的感谢或道谢。例如:"Thank you for your help." "You are welcome."在社交场合中,当别人感谢你的帮助或支持时,你可以回答"You are welcome.",表示你很高兴能够帮助别人。例如:"Thanks for your help with the project." "You are welcome."在面试或工作场合中,当面试官或同事感谢你的合作或支持时,你可以回答"You are welcome.",表示你很高兴能够为团队做出贡献。例如:"Thanks for your help on the project." "You are welcome."在学校或教育场合中,当老师或同学感谢你的帮助或支持时,你可以回答"You are welcome.",表示你很高兴能够帮助别人学习和成长。例如:"Thanks for explaining the math problem to me." "You are welcome."

You are welcome.,这句话啥意思


you are welcome有没有“欢迎你!"的意思

没有。这是“不客气,不用谢”的意思,别人表示感谢时可以回“You are welcome"。一般欢迎就是”welcome“,当然在国外很多生活社交场合,譬如你要造访朋友家,他欢迎你的到来,常用”coming“(进来)表示对你的欢迎。在楼主说的情况下一般用welcome即可。如果英文很棒的话可以多交谈一些,毕竟外国人很健谈。

We welcome you to our city和You are welcome to our city.的用法区别和不同处

意思是一样的,主要的区别就是在前面那句中的Welcome是个动词,而后面那句中是个形容词. welcome n. 欢迎 词性变化 int. 欢迎 Welcome to China 欢迎到中国来 Welcome back 欢迎你回来 vt. -comed,-coming 迎接;欢迎 My aunt welcomed me. 我姑姑迎接了我. 采纳(意见等) They welcomed the idea with little interest. 他们很冷淡地采纳了那个主意. adj. 受欢迎的;会被 a welcome suggestion 可能被采纳的建议 You are always welcome in my home. 你在我家总是受欢迎的. 随便…吧 You"re welcome to try,but you won"t succeed. 你要试就试试吧,不过你是不会成功的. 习惯用语 You"re welcome 不客气 ‘Thank you!" ‘You"re welcome." “ ”“不客气.” make (sb.) welcome 接待;款待

you are welcome到底有几种解释?

当对方说谢谢, 回答you are welcome 的意思是不用谢,不客气。当后面加to , 就是欢迎你来的意思,比如: you are welcome to visit us.You are welcome to Beijing.

you are welcome怎么回答

不客气; you are welcome; 用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢别客气,不用谢。 扩展资料   同义句:   1、That"s all right. 不用谢。   2、Not at all.不用谢。   3、Don"t mention it.不用谢。   4、That"s OK.这没什么。   5、It"s my pleasure.我很乐意。   6、My pleasure.我很乐意。   7、It"s nothing.这没什么。   8、Sure!应该的`。   9、Any time.随时为你效劳。   10、The pleasure was all mine.那是我的荣幸。

You are welcome的上一句是什么?

上一句:Thank you 下一句:You are welcome

you are welcome 为什么是不客气的意思,从字面上看不是你是受欢迎的意思吗


英语,【You are welcome 】到底表示什么?电影里翻译的千奇百怪?



按字面翻译是欢迎你,其实就是指不用谢,不客气,没关系.当别人说“Thank you"之类的感谢时,你就可以说“you are welcome"

you re welcome是什么意思


you are welcome什么意思

you are welcome英 [ju:ɑ:u02c8welku0259m] 美 [ju e(r) u02c8wu025blku0259m] [用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢]别客气,不用谢1. You are welcome to come in and browse.x05 欢迎您光临本店随便看看. 来自《权威词典》 2.Eat away,children; you are welcome to all you want.x05 吃吧,孩子们,尽情地吃吧. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3. You are welcome to the use of my books.x05 你可随意用我的书. 来自《简明英汉词典》 4. You are welcome to the loan of my knife.x05 你可随意借用我的小刀. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

you are welcome 有你是受欢迎的意思吗?请教大家


you are welcome是什么意思


you are welcome的中文意思


you are welcome什么意思

英文的意思是指 不客气welcome是欢迎 所以 you 你 are 是 welcome 欢迎的就是指不客气

you are welcome 怎么读


You are welcome的意思是什么?


You are welcome中文翻译是




“You are welcome”是什么意思?

英 [ju: ɑ: u02c8welku0259m]美 [ju e(r) u02c8wu025blku0259m]释义:不客气,不用谢,别客气,不用客气适用语境:礼貌用语,常用于回答别人的谢意。例句:A:Thanks for your help!B:you are welcome! That"s my pleasure.翻译:A:谢谢你的帮助!B:你太客气了,这是我该做的。


elvis-love me tenderlove me tender,love me sweet;never let me go.you have made my life complete.and i love you so.love me tender,love me true;all my dream ful fill,for my darling, i love you.and i always will.love me tender,love me long;take me to your heart,for it"s there that i belong,and we"ll never part.love me tender,love me true;all my dream ful fill,for my darling, i love you.and i always will.love me tender,love me dear;tell me your are mine,i"ll be yours through all the year,till the end of timelove me tender,love me true;all my dream ful fill,for my darling, i love you.and i always will.http: lrc.bzmtv.com

关于几种付款方式PayPal, E-Gold, Wired Transfer, Check, Moneybookers and Western Union.

PayPal ebay的网络银行国际间的贸易用这个E-Gold 网络银行 这个不用做国际间贸易Wired Transfer电汇Check支票Moneybookers网络银行


PowerPoint是一个专门编制电子文稿的软件,由它制作的电子文稿,其核心是一套可以在计算机屏幕上演示的幻灯片。这些幻灯片集可以按一定顺序播放,因此这是一种电子幻灯片。 当你利用PowerPoint软件设计制作完该文稿后,可以将这种文稿制成实际35mm的幻灯片,也可以制成投影片,在通用的幻灯机上使用,当然也可以在与计算机相连的大屏幕投影仪上直接演示,甚至可以通过网络会议的形式进行交流。总之,丰富多彩的幻灯片能使人们接收您所表达的信息的效率得到大幅度的提高,有助于听众了解您的意向,从而使您得到广泛的支持。 (1)PowerPoint的特点: * 可视化界面:学习简单,操作快捷 * 交互性强:可直观表达某种观点、演示工作成果、传达各种信息 * 丰富的媒体支持:可方便地加入图像和声音、电影 * 支持WEB页功能:可以插入超级链接

寻一首英文歌,美国女星唱的,MV里有一个镜头是真人扮演的yes,we can do it的波普画

Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson,Bruno MarsThis hitThat ice coldMichelle PfeifferThat white goldThis one, for them hood girlsThem good girlsStraight masterpiecesStyling, while inLiving it up in the cityGot Chucks on with Saint LaurentGotta kiss myself I"m so prettyI"m too hot hot damnCalled a police and a firemanI"m too hot hot damnMake a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot hot damnSay my name you know who I amI"m too hot hot damnAnd my band "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooCause uptown funk gon" give it to youCause uptown funk gon" give it to youCause uptown funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!StopWait a minuteFill my cup put some liquor in itTake a sip, sign the checkJulio! Get the stretch!Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,Jackson, MississippiIf we show up, we gone show outSmoother than a fresh jar of SkippyI"m too hot hot damnCalled a police and a firemanI"m too hot hot damnMake a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot hot damn hot damnBitch, say my name you know who I amI"m too hot hot damnAnd my band "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooCause uptown funk gon" give it to youCause uptown funk gon" give it to youCause uptown funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Before we leaveI"mma tell y" all a lil" somethingUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upI said uptown funk you up, uptown funk you upUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy then flaunt itIf you freaky then own itDon"t brag about it, come show meCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy then flaunt itWell it"s saturday nightAnd we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Uptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up


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is honesty the best policy?we are taught that it is when we are little.题干中it is when是什么结构?

这里是个定语从句而非宾语从句,这句里的that 相当于 in the way that ,that在后面的定语里做表语成分。

关于WHY SHOULD WE BE HONEST的英语作文,100字左右,求解啊

honesty cannot be taught. it can be learnt by students themselves.Honesty is a virtue to keep true of your self.

Ludacris的《We Got》 歌词

歌曲 we got歌手:ludacrisDTP we got them guns that go...I-20Yea I"m all about that pistol playa, cold blooded killaNiggaz recognize my name, I dub the young dealerYou better tell ya man that with the gages I"m niceIll shoot up yall white shirts until yall look like dikesBut I"m through with all the talking time to show all you niggazI 2-0, I"m like J-Lo...going through niggazDTP we aint plying if you try to get our penA.K"s get ta spraying like...Bottom line that mean I"m bout it, any nigga want it, doubt itBust you in the broad day, on the street that"s fully crowdedFind our hole and fagots there, just for thinking its rapAnd tell that pretty bitch thug we got some pretty big gatsChaka say I"m shot out, and I tend to agreeSo you should what you saying if it"s intended for meSo be careful what you starting, let my fingers do the walkingAnd that oozy get to talking like...Tity BoiHammers, jam "em, snatch "em, grab "emCan the an and fuck "em, damn "emPress him, man him, scared him, teared him, kneed him upBake him, take him, beat him up, I hate I hate, I eat him upA-B-C-E-F shawty is you a G or whatNow it"s just me and my nuts, that"s all I got in this worldI"m pulling pistols out my stomach and throwing them bitches up like earlServing the club, head shot, scattered, covered, run, scram "emI"m 38, hot with a pearl handle...And I"m throwing text like a NBA refI got, all gold guns like they came from I-RAQArtillery, could it be I got all kinds of these pistolsI point my gun at ya homeboy make ya own folks hit yaAnd aint taking no more pictures, if you snap ima clickAnyway, plus I got bullets in the clip the size of Lil FateAnd I"m webbing choppers like heli-coptersYou gon" need hella doctors, when the glok go...Say on the set bitch, better watch your lip that text be quick20 over thurr, Tity over thurr, Luda over thurr, aint no exit trickUs you don"t mess with, we got them guns like action flicksReload with the next clip, I"m the ro nigga to flex with bitchCome on and test this, my gun I"m having sex with shitPut a bullet in (in) shoot it out, got them long horns like Texas bitchLook at my necklace, maybe hit a ngga disrespect this clickMy pistol grip sound like this...now whatWho want that they fucked, when I cock and load the cake, bust bustYall cowards play tough, and my peeps we come to spray stuff upYall lives made up, like ugly hoes with make-up braWe"ll suit you up then toss yo ass in the lake tough nutI"m wrist rocky, like Sylvester StalloneSo thurr for you should invest, in a vest for ya domeCause I know you marks planning on getting me when I"m landingast the nick, but my cannon go...ck a medic, we gon" call yo ass a taxi cabBleedin so hard you"ll need a life size maxi padSo flip the script and tell your woman its your time on the monthA.K. 47 for the niggaz who"s really looking for heaven and a 9 for you chumpsGot killaz in my squad and I"m the nicest one in my groupBut I got bananas for you niggaz and I aint talking bout fruitIll pay your CAB BACK with the BLACK MACKTill your BACK CRACK, got the GAT BACK like...CLAK CLAK CLAKSwallow a hallow make "em digest with a 50 caliberYo futures not looking so good, tomorrows not on your calendarI, do away with the amateurs, they breathing too longIll leave "em coughing like the sound effects you hear in this songMy Shotguns are cold and hard, but my Desert is easyAnd my triggers are always talking about some squeeze me, squeeze meAnd for these fakers talking greezy, I"m starting the showMy Oozy got a drum roll, it goes...http://music.baidu.com/song/8249770

United, there is little we cannot do; divided, there is little we can do. 语法错误吗?

United, there is little we cannot do; divided, there is little we can do. 句子语法正确无误,因为这是1961年,美国被刺总统,John F. Kennedy 约翰 F 肯尼迪在就职典礼上其中的两句演讲词,非常著名。 意思很显浅,就是: 团结,很少事情会办不到;分列,很少事情可办得到。 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你。

24除以6翻译为twenty-four divided by six 。请问为什么是divided而不是divide?麻烦解释一下!谢谢!

这里表示被动,twenty-four divided by six 在此不是一个句子,而是一个短语, divided by six 做twenty-four的 后置定语

求一篇英文作文 题目是 should golden week holidays be cancelled?

Currently,we have three-week long national holiday on May 1,October 1 and the Lunur New Year"s Day.These golden week holidays are primarily intended to help expand the domestic business,such as tourism,consumption,and promote the idea of going out and enjoy life. But i don"t appreciate the original intention of the golden week holidays.As national holidays,they must be more traditional and reflect the spirit of the whole country,in other words,these natioanl holidays have better originate from chinese long history.These years,many experts called for end to the golden week holidays,arguing that the holidays have not achieved significant result in promoting internal comsumption and caused a series of negative effects,including overcrowding,poor service and scarcity of hotel rooms. Therefore some delegates brought up proposals to scrap both the National Day and International Labor"s Day,the extra days should be splitted and spreaded out to the Mid-Autumn festival,Gragon Boat festival and qingming festival.Personally,i agree with the proposals and hope they will be carried out one day,although some people may feel uncomfortable in the beginning,but it"s time to restructure the scheme and improve the quality of the holidays.

Bittersweet (Previously Unissued) 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet (Previously Unissued)歌手:The Beau Brummels专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: The Beau BrummelsBittersweet S Club Seeing Double Bittersweet--S ClubLYC by <<Susi <I still think about how it used to beSo entwined in my own lies, surrounded by this make believeI"ve been held by despondencyI should have known the road I chose would run out on me (oh no)I could"ve fadedBeen jadedBy every consequenceEvery word that you hurdledWas part of my defenseYou can hurt meDesert meIt makes no differenceI give as good as I getLike a weight falling from my shouldersI"m not going to go that way again (never going back)When everybody said that my days were overWouldn"t get the time to comprehend (you should"ve known that)You should"ve known it would make me strongerI was never gonna fade away (don"t you know that)I keep it coming, my destiny aint running away from meAnd it"s all so bittersweetIn my life, I had no room for comprimiseThe things I"ve done have been the ones I have had to leave behindLook in my eyes, you barely recogniseThe woman who depended on you to sing a little praise or criticise (oh no)So I hide itDivide itBout what I feel insideNow I take itOr make itI"m gonna be alrightWhether you need meBelieve meYou"ll never hurt my prideFinally all this feels likeLike a weight falling from my shouldersI"m not going to go that way again (never going back)When everybody said that my days were overWould"nt get the time to comprehend (you should"ve known that)You should"ve known it would make me strongerI was never gonna fade away (don"t you know that)I keep it coming, my destiny aint running away from meAnd it"s all so bittersweetLook into my eyesI wont be left behindEverything"s going to be fineAnd I have never felt like thisI have no need to reminisceThose old days have goneAnd I keep holding onLike a weight falling from my shouldersI"m not going to go that way again (never going back)When everybody said that my days were overWould"nt get the time to comprehend (you should"ve known that)You should"ve known it would make me strongerI was never gonna fade away (don"t you know that)I keep it coming, my destiny aint running away from meAnd it"s all so bittersweetLike a weight falling from my shouldersI"m not going to go that way again (never going back)When everybody said that my days were overWould"nt get the time to comprehend (you should"ve known that)You should"ve known it would make me strongerI was never gonna fade away (don"t you know that)I keep it coming, my destiny aint running away from meAnd it"s all so bittersweetLike a weight falling from my shouldersI"m not going to go that way again (never going back)When everybody said that my days were overWould"nt get the time to comprehend (you should"ve known that)You should"ve known it would make me strongerI was never gonna fade away (don"t you know that)I keep it coming, my destiny aint running away from meAnd it"s all so bittersweethttp://music.baidu.com/song/8171952

We are settled in our new home的are与settled

固定搭配啊 到英汉词典上查一下就知道了

we settled in our new home

个人认为可以这么说,因为settle既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词:settle vi.定居;vt.使…定居 两句话表达的意思略有差别,楼主仔细揣摩

Welcome Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome Rain歌手:上田益专辑:脉Welcome to our party作:Soluna, Shun, 井翔作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinenslip into the party に合えば(Hey!)灯りともり 肩に影が(Hey!)波が(Hey!) 始まれば(Hey!)はにかみ ほら あなたに会えた(Hey!)to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんなの声に 分は上身体ごとらすEmotionそのリミッタ外したらHigh!めくるめくロラコスタGood time! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time)わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohHi(Hi) five (five)の人とハイタッチこれかららぎ出しわりなき 会の合to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんながいれば 果は相 声を合わせればもっと空に届きそうなくらい 感じてるWe are freeだ!Good day! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうれた所だって(You&Me) 同じ想いさ手を伸ばせばいつも(All the time) がってLet"s go party, party, party, partyめぐリ会った Party time奇はもう起きてるはずだろう?Hands up higher, higher, higher, higherよりも Touch the sky最高の瞬があるだろう?Say yeah oh! 上を向いてSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happyここに立っているんだよ幸せにするための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohYeah oh! Say yeah oh!...ここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time) わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19287120

We are settled in our new home. 可以说 We settle in our new home 吗?


We are settled in our new home. 可以说 We settle in our new home 吗?

两者都完全符合语法规则,但含义有些微差别:1.be settled in,词组,“定居”;2.settle in,词组,“迁入”;相信你明白了吧?

翻译We have confidence that your journey towards se


水电系统图2[(WDZA)_4*150+E70 CT/RC150]WE.CE是什么意思

4根150芯加1根70芯,两条低烟无卤阻燃电缆。桥架敷设 穿150热镀锌钢管沿墙壁或顶萠明敷。

工程项目图纸中 we和ce代表什么


RC WE FC 什么意思

请参考 管路敷设标注方法 sc:焊接钢管 tc:电线管 薄钢管 pc:硬质塑料管 ct:电缆桥架 cp:金属软管 SR:钢线槽 RC:水煤气管 导线敷设部位: CT:电缆桥架敷设 SR:沿钢索敷设 CLE:沿柱或跨柱敷设 WE:沿墙面敷设 CC:沿现浇板内暗敷设 CE:沿天棚面或顶棚面敷设 AC:吊顶内敷设 ACE:在能进入的吊顶在敷设 BC:暗敷设在梁内 CLC:暗敷设在柱子内 wc:暗敷设在墙内 WE:沿墙明敷设 FC:预埋在地面内 cc:暗敷设在顶板内 SR: 沿钢线槽敷设 BE: 沿屋架或跨屋架敷设 CLE:沿柱或跨柱敷设 WE: 沿墙面敷设 CE: 沿天棚面或顶棚面敷设 ACE:在能进入人的吊顶内敷设 BC: 暗敷设在梁内 CLC:暗敷设在柱内 WC: 暗敷设在墙内 CC: 暗敷设在顶棚内 ACC:暗敷设在不能进入的顶棚内 FC: 暗敷设在地面内 SCE:吊顶内敷设,要穿金属管 一,导线穿管表示 MT-电线管 PC-PVC塑料硬管 FPC-阻燃塑料硬管 CT-桥架 MR-金属线槽 M-钢索 CP-金属软管 PR-塑料线槽 RC-镀锌钢管 二,导线敷设方式的表示 DB-直埋 TC-电缆沟 BC-暗敷在梁内 CLC-暗敷在柱内 WC-暗敷在墙内 CE-沿天棚顶敷设 CC-暗敷在天棚顶内 SCE-吊顶内敷设 F-地板及地坪下 SR-沿钢索 BE-沿屋架,梁 WE-沿墙明敷 三,灯具安装方式的表示 CS-链吊 DS-管吊 W-墙壁安装 C-吸顶 R-嵌入 S-支架 CL-柱上 穿焊接钢管敷设:SC 穿电线管敷设:MT 穿硬塑料管敷设:PC 穿阻燃半硬聚氯乙烯管敷设:FPC 电缆桥架敷设:CT 金属线槽敷设:MR 塑料线槽敷设:PR 用钢索敷设:M 穿聚氯乙烯塑料波纹电线管敷设:KPC 穿金属软管敷设:CP 直接埋设:DB 电缆沟敷设:TC 导线敷设部位的标注 沿或跨梁(屋架)敷设:AB 暗敷在梁内:BC 沿或跨柱敷设:AC 暗敷设在柱内:CLC 沿墙面敷设:WS 暗敷设在墙内:WC 沿天棚或顶板面敷设:CE 暗敷设在屋面或顶板内:CC 吊顶内敷设:SCE 地板或地面下敷设:FC

假如你是wendy,本周有一个英语角的话题喂my childhood memory

I "ll talk about my favourite things next.My favorite color is yellow.I have use yellow pens,wear yellow clothes and eat yellow food.I love sports.I play football in spring,swim in summer,play basketball in autumn and play table-tennis in winter.I"m glad to make friends with you and we can share our intersts.Thank you.

诗歌We look at life, once, in childhood; the rest is memory



管路敷设标注方法 sc:焊接钢管 tc:电线管 薄钢管 pc:硬质塑料管 ct:电缆桥架 cp:金属软管 SR:钢线槽 RC:水煤气管导线敷设部位: CT:电缆桥架敷设 SR:沿钢索敷设 CLE:沿柱或跨柱敷设 WE:沿墙面敷设 CC:沿现浇板内暗敷设 CE:沿天棚面或顶棚面敷设 AC:吊顶内敷设 ACE:在能进入的吊顶在敷设 BC:暗敷设在梁内 CLC:暗敷设在柱子内 wc:暗敷设在墙内 WE:沿墙明敷设 FC:预埋在地面内 cc:暗敷设在顶板内

求类似于flower dance的纯音乐,好听的话加悬赏

我比较喜欢一个音乐 the glorious death。。听一下,应该还挺……不过这和你说的偏差还真的挺大,,嘿嘿

What is solar energy? How does it work (answer in Eng)

Solar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from the light of the Sun. Solar energy has been used in many traditional technologies for centuries and has e into widespread use where other power supplies are absent such as in remote locations and in space. Solar energy is currently used in a number of applications: Heat (hot water building heat cooking) Electricity generation (photovoltaics heat engines) Desalination of seawater. Its application is spreading as the environmental costs and limited supply of other power sources such as fossil fuels are realized. Contents 1 Energy from the Sun 1.1 Types of technologies 1.2 Solar design in architecture 1.3 Solar heating systems 1.4 Solar cooking 1.5 Solar lighting 1.6 Photovoltaics 1.7 Solar thermal electric power plants 1.7.1 Power towers 1.7.2 Concentrating collector with steam engine 1.7.3 Concentrating collector with Stirling engine 1.7.4 Solar updraft tower 1.7.5 Energy tower 1.8 Solar pond 1.9 Solar chemical 1.10 Biofuels 2 Classifications of solar power technology 2.1 Direct or Indirect 2.2 Passive or active 2.3 Concentrating or non-concentrating 3 Advantages and disadvantages of solar power 3.1 Advantages 3.2 Disadvantages 4 Availability of solar energy 5 Energy storage 6 Development & deployment of solar power 参考: en. *** /wiki/Solar_energy Solar Panels COLLECT SOLAR ENERGY from the sun. If we place the solar panels on the roof of a building solar energy can be collected to use. In a solar power station solar energy is used to BOIL WATER INTO STEAM. The STEAM DRIVES THE TURBINE in a steam engine which in turn DRIVES THE GENERATOR to produce electricity. Light and heat energy CHANGE TO Kiic energy CHANGE TO electrical energy 参考: IS textbook

solar power是什么意思

solar power意思如下:英/u02c8su0259u028alu0259(r) u02c8pau028au0259(r)/。美/u02c8sou028alu0259r u02c8pau028au0259r/。太阳能。太阳能指太阳内部发生热核反应释放出来的能量。太阳是一颗硕大、炽热的恒星,不断进行着热核反应,辐射出大量的能量,其中一部分能量到达地球。太阳到达地球的能量很大,一部分为植物利用,转化为生物能,一部分则作用于水的蒸发,转化为水能,还有很多能量被白白浪费掉。太阳是巨大的天然能源,利用太阳能具有广阔的前景。为了更有效地利用太阳能,把太阳光转换成热、电、化学能等,科学家们研究用大面积光装置将太阳能集中起来,转化为水能或电能,已经设计制造了多种太阳能设备。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳的能源问题一向很吸引人。最早有人提出太阳能量是由其自身物质向中心收缩产生的。然而,这样的能源只可维持大约3000万年,而地球上最古老的岩石年龄已有38亿年了。此后的一些假说,同样难以自圆其说。后来人们才知道,太阳能源来自它直径不到50万千米的核心部分,其核心温度极高,压力极大,发生了热核反应:每4个氢原子核结合成一个氦原子核,同时释放出巨大的能量。这一过程足足可以进行100亿年。太阳能指太阳内部发生热核反应释放出来的能量。太阳是一颗硕大、炽热的恒星,不断进行着热核反应,辐射出大量的能量,其中一部分能量到达地球。太阳到达地球的能量很大,一部分为植物利用,转化为生物能,一部分则作用于水的蒸发,转化为水能,还有很多能量被白白浪费掉。太阳是巨大的天然能源,利用太阳能具有广阔的前景。为了更有效地利用太阳能,把太阳光转换成热、电、化学能等,科学家们研究用大面积光装置将太阳能集中起来,转化为水能或电能,已经设计制造了多种太阳能设备。



solar power

adventages lack of pollution given off by solar panels when generating electricity cheaper disadventages solar panels are expensive to build difficult to storing solar energy until it is needed Ocean Park warms to benefits of solar power Ocean Park pl to power with solar energy some of the new facilities in its HK$5.5 billion expion theme park chairman Allan Zeman has disclosed. He said the park is discussing with several panies worldwide the possibility of designing environmentally friendly buildings using solar energy for their cooling and water purification systems. Zeman said he wants to bring in new technologies to enhance Ocean Park"s reputation as an environmentally friendly theme park while at the same time help visitors learn more about conserving energy. Friends of the Earth director Mei Ng Fong Siu-mei weled the idea. "Theme parks like Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland should utilize more green technology " Ng said. "They should not only concentrate on making money." Andrew Leung Yee-tak a building and construction professor at City University of Hong Kong said the use of solar energy has already been tested by the Science and Technology Park which has installed solar energy panels on the side of one building. Leung believes Ocean Park is an ideal venue for the use of solar energy because it is spacious and exposed to sunshine. He said a 0.37-meter-square photovoltaic panel is able to generate light equivalent to 40 watts meaning a 35 000 sq ft area will provide enough energy for 10 000 lights. Leung said the theme park could also use solar energy for some of its rides not to mention the expanded water world that Zeman promised and which will include such marine specimens as white whales polar bears penguins walruses and sharks.

(Believed You Were) Lucky 歌词

歌曲名:(Believed You Were) Lucky歌手:"Til Tuesday专辑:Coming Up Close: A Retrospective林俊杰&张婧 - Luckymusic...Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8459839

歌词we can on the night(??) dont worry about the

Don"t Worry - Madcon/Ray Dalton

Sweet Senorita 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Senorita歌手:Smile专辑:SmileI am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - sweet senoritaI am your sweet senorita…The moon was bright in the summer nightI"m so in love, feels like paradiseI wanna be where the sun always shinesOh baby, tell me that your heart is mineAll I need is a chanceCause your kind of romanceGot the very kind of love I need!I am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - sweet senoritaI am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - chiquita bonita!Iyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho IyehoVamos mi amorIyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho Iyeho….Tropical islands, we"re having funThis magic is a never-ending oneYou make me burn in the heat of the sunOh baby, tell me I"m the only oneAll I need is a chanceCause your kind of romanceGot the very kind of love I need!I am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - sweet senoritaI am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - chiquita bonita!Iyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho IyehoVamos mi amorIyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho Iyeho….I"ll always be your sweet senorita…I"ll always be your sweet senorita…I am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - sweet senoritaI am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - chiquita bonita!I am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - sweet senoritaI am your sweet senoritaSi, senor - chiquita bonita!Iyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho IyehoVamos mi amorIyeho IyehoYo si t"adoroIyeho Iyeho….http://music.baidu.com/song/2747463


9 15次


在网页制作中,元素的显示隐藏是非常常见的需求。本文将介绍元素显示隐藏的9种思路 对于元素显隐来说,最常见就是display:none | display:block,但是使用这种方法有个问题,元素的display属性在隐藏前并不都是block,还有可能是inline、inline-block等 注意:如果要适用于任何元素需要提前储存元素的display值 visibility:hidden与display:none作为隐藏元素的两种方式,常常被人们拿来比较。其实区别很简单,前者不脱离文档流,保留隐藏之前元素占据的物理区域;而后者则脱离文档流,如果重新显示则需要页面的重新绘制。还有一点区别却很少人提到,如果父级设置display:none;子级设置display:block也不会显示;而如果父级设置visibility:hidden;子级设置visibility:visible时子级会显示出来 注意:visilibity可应用transition属性。因为visibility是离散步骤,在0到1数字范围之内,0表示隐藏,1表示显示。visibility:hidden可以看成visibility:0;visibility:visible可以看成visibility:1。于是,visibility应用transition等同于0~1之间的过渡效果。实际上,只要visibility的值大于0就是显示的。由于这个现象,我们可以利用transition实现元素的延时显示隐藏 可能有些人不太熟悉,HTML有个hidden全局属性,专门用于显示隐藏元素,与display:none的作用类似,元素隐藏时脱离文档流,无法接受javascript事件 注意:IE10-不支持test.hidden="hidden"写法,只支持test.setAttribute("hidden","hidden")写法 对于元素显隐,opacity的使用频率也挺多。opacity的好处是,即使opacity为0的元素,仍然可以接受javascript事件,这是display:none和visiblity:hidden所不具备的。 CSS中有一个属性是overflow,overflow:hidden代表着溢出隐藏。我们可以利用父级的overflow:hidden配合父级的height:0或width:0来实现元素的显隐 注意:当设置overflow的元素在绝对定位元素和其包含块之间的时候,overflow属性会失效 CSS裁剪clip这个属性平时用的不多,当clip:rect(top,right,bottom,left)中的top>=bottom,或者left>=right时,可实现元素的隐藏效果,效果类似于visibility:hidden 注意:clip属性只能应用在绝对定位元素上 CSS变形transform是一些效果的集合,主要是移动、旋转、缩放和倾斜这四种基本操作,还可以通过设置matrix矩阵来实现更复杂的效果。通过不同的变形函数可以实现元素显隐效果 注意:IE9-浏览器不支持,safari3.1-8、android2.1-4.4.4、IOS3.2-8.4都需要添加前缀 【1】scale transform:scale(0)时,元素被隐藏 【2】rotate transform:rotateX(90deg)时,元素被隐藏 【3】skew transform:skew(90deg)时,元素被隐藏 利用定位元素可以覆盖普通流元素的特性。为元素的before伪元素设置相同的尺寸,通过控制伪元素的定位属性,实现显隐效果 //鼠标移入移出会出现元素的显隐效果 元素显示隐藏的另一种常见思路是偏移,将元素移动到视窗范围外,也可以实现等价的显隐效果 【1】margin-top 利用负margin将元素移出视窗外,要注意的是设置负margin的元素并没有脱离普通流,后续元素会跟着一起移动 【2】left 通过设置相对定位或绝对定位元素的偏移属性,将元素移动到视窗外 【3】translate

Who were the earliest settlers of England


请问Thank you very much!那不客气,不用谢是不是You are welcome.还有哪些说法?

1.Thank you very much 的意思是:非常感谢。2.不客气,不用谢,除了You are welcome,还可以说My pleasure ot at all都可以。

We are like swin对吗?


not onlyu2026butu2026ad well

He not only forgot to take his umbrella,but forgot to take his briefcase as well.

Newell Oler的《Mr. Lonely》 歌词

歌名:lonely歌手:Nana编者:思露花雨I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day oneKids in the garden" playin" games heaven" funExcitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mineFeel my heartbeat and for real friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supplyChillin" is cool from january to juneAnd we still stiked together like the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and I and believe it was clearIf I ever should fall I could count on you with no fearRunnin" out of time I see who"s fakeAlone without protection from all them snakesAll for one one for all I was toldBlack white yellow no matter if your young or oldNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I fell and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceTaht"s why I"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyTaht"s why I"m lonely lonely lonelyCheppin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fightTears in my eyes I"m a man lookin" for the lightDark is the path I know he will rescue meThe lord is my shepard I"m cool despite emergencyWhom shall I fear exept the godThank you for the blessin" and the skils on the micFive years we know there"s no diggityFree at last see the light in meWhat goes up must come downI"ll be around while you heading towards deathtownAllways look forward hardly never look backSo many tears and the snakes on my jockNow I"m riding in my big fat rideYour ass is late so look for the lineNana in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel so leave me aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" forA dream or reality enemies at my doorEyes I realize it"s fantasize I must be highSo let me live before I dieOnce again grab the bottle twist the cap to surviveYour life is yours my life is mineNo emotions in this world full of liesStep by step and be versatileLove peace and cash that"s what is"s all aboutAlone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt aboutI"m always into something making moves to improveWhat would you do if you were in my shoesBoom a letter oops another suicideMeet me for a ride at the boulevardNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22668007

今年WWE的审判日Judgement Day是哪天?


WWE是什么运动?拜托了各位 谢谢

WWE原名WWF(World Wrestling Federation世界摔角协会),是由美国职业运动传奇人物文斯·麦马翰于1982年将他父亲一手创立的WWWF(World Wide Wrestling Federation全球摔角协会)买了下来,更名为WWF,成立已超过20年,于2002年3月因与另一个WWF(World Wildlife Federation世界野生动物协会)英文简称专利诉讼案败诉,故忍痛放弃使用了20余年的老字号,更名为WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment世界摔角娱乐),并于2002年收购另外2大摔角集团WCW(World Champion Wrestling世界冠军摔角)与ECW(Extreme Champion Wrestling极限冠军摔角),合并为现今体制庞大的WWE 。 WWE是目前世界上规模最大的摔交团体.旗下有2个大的团体就是WWE-RAW 和 WWE-SMACKDOWN 很多人不知道 RAW 是什么意思 其实 RAW 以前叫 RAW IS WAR(WAR是战争的意思)这样看你应该能看出来了把? RAW 是 WAR 倒过来然后拼出来的. 简单的解释的话 RAW IS WAR 可以简单理解成 反战就是战争 但是后来因为一些战争问题. 所以 RAW IS WAR 把名字换成了 RAW 也就是简单的反战的意思. 对于常年征战的美国来说确实是一种讽刺. SMACKDOWN 出自THE ROCK的常用语" The Rock Lays the Smackdown on Your Candy-Ass !!" 在八十年代前,摔角还是一种和拳击一样很严肃的运动,而到了1982年后,这项运动就变成了一种更具娱乐性质的比赛。比赛中有很多不同的角色,就像戏剧有生旦净末丑之分,像The Rock、Ston Cold是很受欢迎的英雄人物,而HHH、Kurt Angle就是反面人物,但这些角色并不是固定不变的,有时候英雄人物会转为反面人物,反面人物也可以转为英雄人物。但正是因为其比电视剧还要跌宕起伏的剧情和连场血战,使WWE越来越受欢迎,世界各地都开始转播它的比赛,现在每星期WWE有近5亿的观众。其官方网站每月浏览人数均超过600万人为全美10大最受欢迎网站之一。 WWE目前有Raw is War、SmackDown!、Sunday Night Heat和House Show几个节目(WWF的节目经常进行调整,以当时的实际情况为准)。除此之外WWE每个月还有定期举行的特别比赛——PPV(PAY-PER-ViEW),PAY-PER-ViEW的意思是电视台每次播出PPV节目都要购买它的播出权,也即如果想转播一年12个PPV的话那每次都要跟WWF购买播出权,因为每个PPV的价格都是不同的,最受欢迎的PPV——3月的WrestleMania每次播出权都高得令人咋舌!一年12个月一共12个不同的PPV,它们分别是1月的Royal Rumble,2月的No Way Out,3月的WrestleMania,4月的Backlash,5月的Judgement Day,6月的King of the Ring,7月的SummerSlam,8月的Unforgiven,9月的No Mercy,10月的Survivor Series,11月的Armageddon,12月的Miscellanous(WWF的PPV节目有时会进行调整,以当时的实际情况为准),如果想了解更多有关PPV的情况可看WWF PPV和WWF特别节目——PPV介绍。WWF现在有很多摔角选手,但只有少数能经常出赛,这主要看选手的实力和人气以及WWF的剧情安排。比赛场地是采取巡回演出的方式,哪里的观众多就到哪里去比赛,而每月一次的WWF特别节目——PPV(PAY-PER-ViEW)也是采用这种方式。2002年3月WWF在亚洲3个城市举行了巡回比赛,分别是日本东京、马来西亚吉隆坡、新加坡,所到之处都在当地引起轰动,2003年底,WWE登录广州。 目前与WWF竞争的摔角节目主要有WCW——World Champion Wrestling世界摔角锦标赛和ECW——Extreme Champion Wrestling极端摔角锦标赛,但从实力和受欢迎的程度来讲还是WWF最好,现在WCW、ECW都已经被WWF收购,可以说WWF现在已经登上世界运动娱乐的最高峰。
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