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We can see dragon dances. 句子中的dances是动词,还是名词


英语演讲稿THE POWER OF ...

Thank you! Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush , President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings. As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation. And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace. I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America"s leaders have come before me, and so many will follow. We have a place, all of us, in a long story -- a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer. It is the American story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals. The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born. Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course. Through much of the last century, America"s faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel. While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. The ambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country. We do not accept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. I know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than our selves who creates us equal in His image. And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward. America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American. Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation"s promise through civility, courage, compassion and character. America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness. Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. But the stakes for America are never small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most. We must live up to the calling we share. Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. And this commitment, if we keep it, is a way to shared accomplishment. America, at its best, is also courageous. Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations. Together, we will reclaim America"s schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent. And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans. We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge. We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors. The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power thatf avors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth. America, at its best, is compassionate. In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation"s promise. And whatever our views of its cause, we can agree that children at risk are not at fault. Abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of love. And the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls. Where there is suffering, there is duty. Americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities. And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless. Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools. Yet compassion is the work of a nation, not just a government. And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor"s touch or a pastor"s prayer. Church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our communities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws. Many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do. And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side. America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected. Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments. And we find that children and community are the commitments that set us free. Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom. Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with great love. The most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone. I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well. In all these ways, I will bring the values of our history to the care of our times. What you do is as important as anything government does. I ask you to seek a common good beyond your comfort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor. I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character. Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The yearsand changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation"s grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this story"s author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm. God bless you all, and God bless America.

we can go to the school后面是free还是freely

第一句fast相当于补语,是补充说明go的,所以放在后面, 第二句freely修饰整个句子,并不是修饰go的,也是补语成分

we can go fast






在《老友记》102中的the swallowing slowed me down的中文意思?

我吞下去得慢了点 和Monica解释的

Junior Wells的《The Goat》 歌词

歌曲名:The Goat歌手:Junior Wells专辑:Sings Live At The Golden BearShowbread - The Goat★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I remember everythingTo be what I"ve becomeA willingness for anythingThat can and must be doneI remember writhing in the wombWrapped up in viscous gloomMy will is calling out like a sweeping plagueSwallowing the mountains and the deserts and the rainI remember thinking onceThat love could never dieBut love is small and very frailAnd can"t be kept aliveUnless you love the oneFor whom roars this internal dinThe love that devours everythingThe love of self burns withinMy will is calling out like a sweeping plagueSwallowing the mountains and the deserts and the rainRaping what is left of youTwo flesh becoming oneMy will is everywhereMy will be doneMy will is calling out like a sweeping plagueSwallowing the mountains and the deserts and the rainRaping what is left of youTwo flesh becoming oneMy will is everythingMy will be doneEndShowbread - The Goat★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师http://music.baidu.com/song/8278586


Many nights we pray多少个夜晚我们在祈祷 With no proof anyone could hear并非每个人都能听见 In our hearts a hopeful song我们心中的希望之歌 We barely understood自己也不能理解 Now we are not afraid 现在我们并不害怕 Although we know there"s much to fear虽然我们知道未来有许多艰难险阻 We were moving mountains along我们负重已久 Before we know we could只是原来并不清楚我们的能力 There can be miracles奇迹将会出现 When you believe只要你肯相信 Though hope is frail希望虽然渺茫 It"s hard to kill却不可磨灭 Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁知道你会创造怎样的奇迹 When you believe只要你肯相信 Somehow you will你就会 You will when you believe只要你肯相信,你就会创造奇迹 In this time of fear在害怕的时候 When prayer so often proves in vain当祈祷变得苍白无力 Hope seems like the summer birds希望就像夏日里的鸟儿 Too swiftly flown away悄然飞逝 And now I"m standing here现在我伫立于此 My heart"s so full I can"t explain心中充满无限莫名的希望 Seeking faith and speaking words寻求信念 I never thought I"d say说出从未说过的话…… There can be miracles……奇迹将会出现 Take it always up and when you ask鼓起勇气扪心自问 And it is easy to give in to your fear人很容易向困难低头 But when you"re blinded by your pain当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼 Can"t see your way safe through the rain在风雨中看不见未来的出路 Thought of a still resilient voice想一想回荡在你耳边的声音 Says love is very near它在说,爱就在你身边 There can be miracles……奇迹将会出现……

谁能帮忙帮我找到westlife的《love you》的歌词!


Jewel的drive to you的歌词翻译

Tonight I have the strangest feeling 今晚,我有种神奇的感受search for answers on a hotel ceiling看着旅店的天花板寻找答案: When did my heart first feel this way?我第一次有这样的感觉是什么时候 Being alone used to be just fine.过去觉得一个人也很好 Now life without you is just passing time. 现在却感觉没有你的生活像是在虚度光阴I thought I heard you call my name. 我以为听到你喊我名字Reach for you"re hand, it was in vein.在你脑袋里搜索,它在你的心里 When you"re here, 你在这的时候it feels like a hole in my chest.感觉我心前有个洞 Get dressed, look in the mirror, say 穿好衣服,在镜子中看着自己,说"You"re heart will never be the same." 你的心永远不会有相同的感受So I drive to you tonight 所以今晚我开着去找你I was blind, now I have sight. 我曾经盲目,但现在我眼神清晰坚定I could not leave you even if I tried.我不能离开你即使我很疲惫 You"re heart beats inside of me. 你的心在我身体里跳动Like a star in the dark of night,就像黑夜里明亮的星星 Like birds lost in flight. 像小鸟在飞行中迷失The clouds in the sky are blue天空中云是那么蓝 I belong with you.我属于你 I"ve been together, but alone. 我曾经有过爱恋,现在却是一个人I"ve made love without love being shown.我曾经那么明显地在没有爱的情况下和别人make love I"ve seen sorrow in a pair of dice, 我曾经在两颗骰子中看到悲哀All things that came in two"s made me cry 所有成双而来的东西让我难过Until tonight. 直到今晚So I drive to you tonight 所以今晚我开车去找你I was blind, now I have sight. 我曾经盲目,但我现在很清醒I could not leave you even if I tried.我不能离开你即使我很疲惫 You"re heart beats inside of me.你是我内心跳动的灵魂 Like a star in the dark of night, 像黑夜里明亮的星星Like birds lost in flight.像飞行中迷失的小鸟 The clouds in the sky are blue 天空中云朵湛蓝I belong with you. 我属于你Can"t stop, won"t stop.不能停止也不会停止 Love is all we"ve got 爱是我们仅有的东西了Know how much I love ya知道我有多爱你 When I put my arms around you 当我拥抱你时Can"t stop, won"t stop 不能停止也不会停止You are all I want 你是我想要的一切 其实我也是乱译的,错的lz别介意



sear tower是哪里

芝加哥的美国第一高塔,希尔斯大厦(SEAR TOWER),在芝加哥的闹市区



网站打不开出现这个:The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.什么原因?


sears tower是什么意思


sears tower是什么意思

西尔斯大厦(Sears Tower)是北美最高和世界第三高的大楼,第103层设有观景厅,乘电梯仅55秒钟即可到达。西尔斯大厦观景厅的最佳观赏时间是在下午3时以后。芝加哥是现代摩天大楼的摇篮,超过200米高的建筑有22栋,其中有3栋位列于世界最高的20栋建筑。芝加哥强调高层建筑的风格各异,放眼看去就是高层建筑的博览会,一些摩天大楼是现代建筑学的经典教材。凡到芝加哥观光旅游的游客,无不为市区那鳞次栉比、千姿百态的摩天大楼所叹服。

hey sweetheart 什么意思

意思就是:嘿 亲爱的


Shane McMahon 性别:男身高:188 cm体重:104 kg中文名:肖恩 麦克马洪绰号:-本名:Shane McMahon出生日期:1970-1-16首次登台:1998年10月26日现状:目前担任中国宽带公司行政总裁,前WWE董事长兼首席执行官曾用名:Creature of the Night,Boy Wonder 现居地:康涅狄格州斯坦福Stamford市教练:Vince McMahon,Pat Patterson,Jerry Brisco终结技:从任何一个超过10英尺(3米)的地方飞跳下来常用招式:Super Elbow Drop,Thru Announce Table,Punch Combination,Neck Breaker ,Regal Cutter,European Uppercut冠军次数:WWF欧洲冠军,1999年2月15日在一场双打比赛中战胜了 X-Pac Pro Wrestling Illustrated年度最佳新人(1999年);WWF Hardcore冠军,2000年8月21日战胜了Steve Blackman长期对手:XPac, Test, Vince McMahon, Steve Blackman, The Big Show, Kurt Angle, Kane , Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton 出场音乐:here come the money



power converter是什么意思

power converter 大功率变换器;电力变换机 电源转换器;变流器;功率转换器例句筛选1.It will be the largest power converter system of this type ever built.这将是该类型有史以来建成的最大的电源转换系统。2.Study on Commutation Technique of Single - phase Matrix Power Converter单相矩阵式电力变换器换流技术研究


PWE3以LDP为信令协议,通过隧道(如MPLS LSP隧道、TE隧道或者GRE隧道)承载CE(Customer Edge)端的各种二层业务(如各种二层数据报文),透明传递CE端的二层数据。PWE3网络的基本传输构件包括:l 接入链路AC(Attachment Circuit)l 虚链路PW(Pseudo wire)l 转发器(Forwarder)l 隧道(Tunnels)l PW信令协议(PW Signal)以CE1到CE3的VPN1报文流向为例,说明基本数据流走向:l CE1上送二层报文,通过AC接入PE1。l PE1收到报文后,由转发器(Forwarder)选定转发报文的PW。l PE1再根据PW的转发表项生成两层MPLS标签(私网标签用于标识PW,公网标签用于穿越隧道到达PE2)。l 二层报文经公网隧道到达PE2,系统弹出私网标签(公网标签在P设备上经倒数第二跳弹出)l 由PE2的转发器(Forwarder)选定转发报文的AC,将该二层报文转发给CE3。

Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little sch?

小题1:C 小题2:B 小题3:B 小题4:C 小题5:B 小题1:推断题。结合第二段he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother"s care, he managed to survive可知答案。 小题2:排序题。结合第三段After his father"s death, worked as a printer, later joined the army. But shortly after that he became a miner. During this period, he started to write short stories. Afterwards he became a full time writer可知答案。 小题3:细节题。结合第三段可知答案。 小题4:推断题。由文章可知他的童年和晚年都是不幸的。 小题5:细节题。由最后两段可知 “Mark Twain负债,妻子和孩子去世”故断定去世前的Mark情绪一定很低落。,2, Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little school education. In spite of this, he became the most famous writer of his time. He made millions of dollars by writing. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but he is better known all over the world as Mark Twain, his penname. Mark Twain was born in 1835 and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother"s care, he managed to survive. As a boy, he caused much trouble for his parents. He used to play jokes on all his friends and neighbors. He didn"t like to go to school, and he often ran away from home. He always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi(密西西比河). He was nearly drowned nine times. After his father"s death, Mark Twain began to work for a printer, who only provided him with food and clothing. Then, he worked as a printer, a river-boat pilot and later joined the army. But shortly after that he became a miner. During this period, he started to write short stories. Afterwards he became a full time writer. In 1870, Mark Twain got married. In the years that followed he wrote many books including Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884, which made him famous, and brought him great fortune. Unfortunately, Mark Twain got into debts in bad investments(投资) and he had to write large numbers of stories to pay these debts. In 1904, his wife died, and then three of his children passed away . At the age of 70, his hair was pletely white. He bought many white suits and neckties. He wore nothing but white from head to foot until his death on April 21, 1910. 小题1:In his childhood, Mark Twain, ________. A.learned a lot at school B.he often went swimming with other boys C.his mother often worried about his safety D.he often played games with other boys 小题2:Which of the following shows the right order about Mark Twain? a. He became a miner. b. He worked as a printer. c. He got into debts. d. His father died. e. He became a full-time writer. F. He joined the army. A.a—d—b—c—e—f B.d—b—f—a—e—c C.d—a—f—e—b—c D.c—b—d—f—e—a 小题3:In order to make a living, Mark Twain _______. A.first worked as a printer B.did many kinds of work C.wrote stories in the beginning D.joined the army after he worked in a mine 小题4:From the passage we can see that Mark Twain _______. A.had a happy childhood B.was a good boy and always did what he was asked C.was very naughty when he was young D.lived a pleasant life 小题5:Before his death, Mark Twain _______. A.became a white man B.was in low spirits C.liked to buy all kinds of clothes D.had nothing on

Mark Twain was a great American writer .One day he went to a city




All alone in the dark,dark forest,Goldilocks picked some flowers.分析句子 all alone 什么成分

all alone是形容词短语作状语。

WebSocket 和 Socket 的区别

1、WebSocket protocol 是HTML5一种新的协议。它实现了浏览器与服务器全双工通信(full-duplex)。一开始的握手需要借助HTTP请求完成。2、Socket是应用层与TCP/IP协议族通信的中间软件抽象层,它是一组接口。在设计模式中,Socket其实就是一个门面模式,它把复杂的TCP/IP协议族隐藏在Socket接口后面,对用户来说,一组简单的接口就是全部,让Socket去组织数据,以符合指定的协议。当两台主机通信时,必须通过Socket连接,Socket则利用TCP/IP协议建立TCP连接。TCP连接则更依靠于底层的IP协议,IP协议的连接则依赖于链路层等更低层次。WebSocket则是一个典型的应用层协议。3、区别Socket是传输控制层协议,WebSocket是应用层协议。


第一层:应用层,定义了用于在网络中进行通信和传输数据的接口;(Http协议位于该层) 第二层:表示层,定义不同系统中数据的传输格式,编码和解码规范等; 第三层:会话层,管理用户的会话,控制用户间逻辑连接的建立和中断; 第四层:传输层,管理着网络中端到端的数据传输;(Tcp协议位于该层) 第五层:网络层,定义网络设备间如何传输数据;(IP位于该层) 第六层:链路层,将上面的网络层的数据包封装成数据帧,便于物理层传输; 第七层:物理层,这一层主要就是传输这些二进制数据。 建立起一个 TCP 连接需要经过“ 三次握手 ”: 握手过程中传送的包里不包含数据,三次握手完毕后,客户端与服务器才正式开始传送数据。理想状态下,TCP连接一旦建立,在通信双方中的任何一方主动关闭连接之前,TCP 连接都将被一直保持下去。断开连接时服务器和客户端均可以主动发起断开TCP连接的请求。 SYN攻击就是利用三次握手的第二次握手时进行的,这时候服务器处于SYN_RECV状态,等待客户端进行确认ACK,SYN会伪造不存在的源IP,就会有大量的链接处于等待或重试发送SYN+ACK包,导致该阶段队列持续增长,进而导致后续正常请求被丢弃。 HTTP协议即超文本传送协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol ),是Web联网的基础,也是手机联网常用的协议之一,HTTP协议是建立在TCP协议之上的一种应用。 HTTP连接最显著的特点是客户端发送的每次请求都需要服务器回送响应,在请求结束后,会主动释放连接。从建立连接到关闭连接的过程称为“一次连接”。 由于HTTP在每次请求结束后都会主动释放连接,因此HTTP连接是一种“短连接”。 要保持客户端程序的在线状态,需要不断地向服务器发起连接请求,通常情况下即使不需要获得任何数据,客户端也保持每隔一段固定的时间向服务器发送一次“保持连接”的请求,服务器在收到该请求后对客户端进行回复,表明知道客户端“在线”。若服务器长时间无法收到客户端的请求,则认为客户端“下线”,若客户端长时间无法收到服务器的回复,则认为网络已经断开。 通常情况下Socket连接就是TCP连接,因此Socket连接一旦建立,通信双方即可开始相互发送数据内容,直到双方连接断开。但在实际网络应用中,客户端到服务器之间的通信往往需要穿越多个中间节点,例如路由器、网关、防火墙等,大部分防火墙默认会关闭长时间处于非活跃状态的连接而导致 Socket 连接断连,因此需要通过轮询告诉网络,该连接处于活跃状态。 而HTTP连接使用的是“请求—响应”的方式,不仅在请求时需要先建立连接,而且需要客户端向服务器发出请求后,服务器端才能回复数据。 很多情况下,需要服务器端主动向客户端推送数据,保持客户端与服务器数据的实时与同步。此时若双方建立的是Socket连接,服务器就可以直接将数据传送给客户端;若双方建立的是HTTP连接,则服务器需要等到客户端发送一次请求后才能将数据传回给客户端,因此,客户端定时向服务器端发送连接请求,不仅可以保持在线,同时也是在“询问”服务器是否有新的数据,如果有就将数据传给客户端。 相关视频推荐 看完《tcp/ip详解》不能coding的,一次课开启设计tcp/ip协议栈 深入聊聊websocket协议,tcp分包与粘包解决方案 学习地址:C/C++Linux服务器开发/后台架构师【零声教育】-学习视频教程-腾讯课堂 需要C/C++ Linux服务器架构师学习资料加qun 812855908 获取(资料包括 C/C++,Linux,golang技术,Nginx,ZeroMQ,MySQL,Redis,fastdfs,MongoDB,ZK,流媒体,CDN,P2P,K8S,Docker,TCP/IP,协程,DPDK,ffmpeg 等),免费分享 创建Socket连接时,可以指定使用的传输层协议,Socket可以支持不同的传输层协议(TCP或UDP),当使用TCP协议进行连接时,该Socket连接就是一个TCP连接。 socket则是对TCP/IP协议的封装和应用(程序员层面上)。也可以说,TPC/IP协议是传输层协议,主要解决数据如何在网络中传输,而HTTP是应用层协议,主要解决如何包装数据。 关于TCP/IP和HTTP协议的关系,网络有一段比较容易理解的介绍: 平时说的最多的socket是什么呢,实际上socket是对TCP/IP协议的封装,Socket本身并不是协议,而是一个调用接口(API),通过Socket,才能使用TCP/IP协议。 实际上,Socket跟TCP/IP协议没有必然的联系。Socket编程接口在设计的时候,就希望也能适应其他的网络协议。所以说,Socket的出现 只是使得程序员更方便地使用TCP/IP协议栈而已,是对TCP/IP协议的抽象,从而形成了一些最基本的函数接口,比如create、 listen、connect、accept、send、read和write等等。 实际上,传输层 TCP 是基于网络层 IP 协议的,而应用层 HTTP 协议又是基于传输层 TCP 协议的,而 Socket 本身不算是协议,就像上面所说,它只是提供了一个针对 TCP 或者 UDP 编程的接口。 总结: Socket 其实并不是一个协议,而是为了方便使用 TCP/UDP 而抽象出来的一层,是位于应用层和传输控制层之间的一组接口。 当两台主机通信时,必须通过Socket连接,Socket则利用TCP/IP协议建立TCP连接。TCP连接则更依靠于底层的IP协议,IP协议的连接则依赖于链路层等更低层次。 WebSocket就像HTTP一样,是一个典型的应用层协议。 总结: WebSocket是HTML5规范提出的一种协议。HTML5 Web Sockets规范定义了Web Sockets API,支持页面使用Web Socket协议与远程主机进行全双工的通信。它引入了WebSocket接口并且定义了一个全双工的通信通道,通过一个单一的套接字在Web上进行操作。 HTML5 Web Sockets以最小的开销高效地提供了Web连接。相较于经常需要使用推送实时数据到客户端甚至通过维护两个HTTP连接来模拟全双工连接的旧的轮询或长轮询(Comet)来说,这就极大的减少了不必要的网络流量与延迟。 相同点: 不同点: 联系: WebSocket连接的过程: 总结:

dimensions and weight是什么意思

dimensions and weight 尺寸和重量



the weeknd 的the hills 的MV是什么意思,感觉歌和画面配在一起好诡异的感觉

是the weeknd开车出了车祸,其实他和车里的其他人已经死了,mv中拍摄的是他灵魂出窍的自言自语,最后红色的房间是来到了地狱

west pennant hills属于悉尼哪一块啊


it is between two hills

It is between two hills 网络 它在两座小山之间。; 它位于两座小山之间。; 它在两座小山之间.; 它们于两座小山之间。; 它们于两座小山之间; [例句]It is between two hills.它位于两座小山之间。

求westlife的《season in the sun》的歌词~~~~


以welcome toengling corner为题的英文作文

根据自己的情况改哟,hi, this is Mr XXX-the organizer of the XX English corner , welcome to join in our English , you can practice your English, make new friends, surf the internet with WI-FI and enjoy decent tea the members contribute here .Come and have a look, I bet your will never regret to do it,it"s convenient to get here since we are close to the subway, what"s more ,there are more than 30 bus routes available here, the best route is Bus 52 since it"s the terminal which starts at Best West Train Station John

九年级的完形填空 We have an English Corner in our classroom. Every morn……


We can _______in English and make ________at the English Corner.

选 A 。后面的at the English Corner在英语角,所以是交谈不是说,用talk不用speak, say。在英语角交朋友,当然是可以交很多,不是一个,用复数new friends.。

between two hills翻译

1.答案:is 解析:这句可以说是一个倒装句,把介词短语提前了,其实句子的主语是a deep river,是单数,还原句子为 A deep river is between the two hills.在两个小山之间有一个河流. 2.答案:goes 解析:句子的主语是Tom,是第三人称单数,而with his parents 是伴随状语 翻译:在周末,汤姆经常和他的父母去看电影. 有不明白的请继续追问,

We go to the English corner ___ Friday afternoon.

a 周几前加on

I went to the movies .I sow Jane eyre.翻译成汉

翻译如下:我去看了电影--《简爱》。文字书写有误:应该是:I went to the movies.I saw Jane Eyre.sow--sawJane eyre-Jane Eyre.好运!

It was a sunny day last Sunday. Liu Mei went shopping with her mother. On her way to the shop, they


sys.webforms.pagerequestmanagertimeoutexeeption:the server request timed out.j是什么意思

页面使用了UpdatePanel,但由于操作耗费时间较长,出现了Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out 脚本错误。解决办法: 设置ScriptManager 的AsyncPostBackTimeout AsyncPostBackTimeout 默认为90,最大为 600

we are the good guys here这里的guy要用复数吗?

需要使用复数形式 因为句子的主语we表达我们 很明显这是一个复数形式的概念 这又是一个主系表结构的句子 因主语we的使用 系动词必须使用are 我用am 你用are is连接他她它 所有单数用is 所有复数都用are 其后的表语也要遵从we 必须使用复数形式

In The Sweet By And By 歌词

In The Sweet By And By演唱:齐豫There"s a land that is fairer than dayAnd by faith we can see it afarfor the father waits over the wayTo prepare us a dwelling place there.In the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shoreIn the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shore.To our bountiful father aboveWe will offer our tribute of praiseFor the glorious gift of his loveAnd the blessings that hallow our days.In the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shoreIn the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shore.There"s a land that is fairer than dayAnd by faith we can see it afarfor the father waits over the wayTo prepare us a dwelling place there.In the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shoreIn the sweet by and byWe shall meet on that beautiful shore.http://music.baidu.com/song/10493259


尝试性解决方法 1、有可能是node版本的问题,可以安装高一点的版本,若项目有要求,可能要安装低一点的版本 2、将依赖包删掉重新安装 3、需要cnpm安装的依赖使用了npm安装,问清楚使用什么安装。 1、iView配置主题时报错 build-utils 2、 Syntax Error: Unexpected token webpack没处理es6的语法,安装配置babel 1、Cannot read property "compilation" of undefined (last-call-webpack-plugin) 2、ERROR in xxx.js from UglifyJs 1> 安装依赖 2> webpack.config.js 3>根目录下添加【.babelrc】文件,内容如下 1、Loading chunk 10 failed. at HTMLScriptElement.i 路由不能跳转 解决方式: config - index.js 1、You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function. 网站导航


用Dreamweaver插入网页背景音乐的方法本文以mid格式文件和mp3格式文件为例,教你如何在网页中插入背景音乐。 1、MID 是用来插入背景音乐,但只适用于IE,其参数设定不多。如下: <bgsound src="your.mid" autostart=true loop=infinite> src="your.mid" :设定 midi 档案及路径,可以是相对或绝对。 autostart=true :是否在音乐档下载完之后就自动播放。true 是,false 否 (内定值)。 loop=infinite :是否自动反复播放。LOOP=2 表示重复两次,Infinite 表示重复多次。 这种方法就是直接把标记放于网页文件的...之间,设置好mid文件的路径就OK了 2、mp3 <EMBED src="1.mp3" autostart="true" loop="2" width=300 height=100> src:音乐文件的路径及文件名; autostart:true为音乐文件上传完后自动开始播放,默认为false(否) loop:true为无限次重播,false为不重播,某一具体值(整数)为重播多少次 volume:取值范围为"0-100",设置音量,默认为系统本身的音量 starttime:"分:秒",设置歌曲开始播放的时间,如,starttime="00:10",从第10开始播放 endtime: "分:秒",设置歌曲结束播放的时间 width:控制面板的宽 height:控制面板的高 controls:控制面板的外观 controls="console/smallconsole/ playbutton/pausebutton/stopbutton/volumelever" ·console:正常大小的面板 ·smallconsole:较小的面板 ·playbutton:显示播放按钮 ·pausebutton:显示暂停按钮 ·stopbutton:显示停止按钮 ·volumelever:显示音量调节按钮 hidden:为true时可以隐藏面板 其它的用播放器播放音乐的代码请看录录网其它技术文章!


基本语法<marquee> ... </marquee> <marquee>啦啦啦,我会移动耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我会移动耶!文字移动属性的设置方向<direction=#> #=left, right <marquee direction=left>啦啦啦,我从右向左移!</marquee> <P> <marquee direction=right>啦啦啦,我从左向右移!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我从右向左移!啦啦啦,我从左向右移!方式<bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate <marquee behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我来回走耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!啦啦啦,我来回走耶!循环<loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite) <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!速度<scrollamount=#>


下个插件放歌的 具体我也不知道叫什么自己找去




基本语法<marquee> ... </marquee><marquee>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!文字移动属性的设置方向 <direction=#> #=left, right<marquee direction=left>我从右向左移!</marquee> <P><marquee direction=right>我从左向右移!</marquee> 我从右向左移!我从左向右移!方式 <bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate<marquee behavior=scroll>我一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee> <P><marquee behavior=slide>我只走一次就歇了!</marquee> <P><marquee behavior=alternate>我来回走耶!</marquee> 我一圈一圈绕着走!我只走一次就歇了!我来回走耶!循环 <loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite)<marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> <P><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> <P><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> 我只走 3 趟哟!我只走 3 趟哟!我只走 3 趟哟!速度 <scrollamount=#><marquee scrollamount=20>我走得好快哟!</marquee> 我走得好快哟!延时 <scrolldelay=#><marquee scrolldelay=500 scrollamount=100>我走一步,停一停!</marquee> 我走一步,停一停!外观(Layout)设置对齐方式(Align) <align=#> #=top, middle, bottom<font size=6><marquee align=# width=400>我会移动耶!</marquee></font>对齐上沿、中间、下沿。 我会移动耶!对齐上沿。我会移动耶!对齐中间。我会移动耶!对齐下沿。底色 <bgcolor=#> #=rrggbb 16 进制数码,或者是下列预定义色彩:Black, Olive, Teal, Red, Blue, Maroon, Navy, Gray, Lime, Fuchsia, White, Green, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Aqua <marquee bgcolor=aaaaee>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!面积 <height=# width=#><marquee height=40 width=50% bgcolor=aaeeaa>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!空白(Margins)<hspace=# vspace=#>********************************************<br>嗨,<marquee hspace=20 vspace=20 width=150 bgcolor=ffaaaa align=middle>我会移动耶!</marquee>大家好!<br>******************************************** ********************************************嗨, 我会移动耶!大家好!********************************************

might very well是什么意思


We are ______(deep)move by the moving story。


font-weight: bolder;是什么意思



表现结果,几乎没有区别!字体一般都有它本身的粗细等级,网页中一般分为9级,每隔100为一个等级,7级,也就是700,是最接近bold的。一般字体,600-900,效果相差不大;每个字体的等级都有所区别,一般字体都会有6个等级。400相当与 正常字体normal,而值 700相当于粗体 bold;

css中 FONT-WEIGHT:bold 什么意思?


frontweight bold什么意思

frontweight bold前端重量大胆词典结果:bold[英][bu0259u028ald][美][bou028ald]adj.明显的,醒目的; 勇敢的,无畏的; 莽撞的; 陡峭的; n.粗体字; 黑体字; 最高级:boldest比较级:bolder以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.So far, he hasn"t eschewed bold moves. 迄今为止,伊万尼克的举措可谓相当大胆。

font-weight:bold 是什么意思


font:bold; 与 font-weight:bold;有什么区别?

表现结果,几乎没有区别!字体一般都有它本身的粗细等级,网页中一般分为9级,每隔100为一个等级,7级,也就是700,是最接近bold的。一般字体,600-900,效果相差不大;每个字体的等级都有所区别,一般字体都会有6个等级。400相当与 正常字体normal,而值 700相当于粗体 bold;

beyonce的《if i were a boy》中文翻译

你把英文歌词给我 我给你翻译

碧昂丝《if i were a boy》歌词(一句中文,一句英文)

if i were a boy even just for a day 哪怕仅仅只有一天,如果我是一个男孩,i"d roll out of bed in the morning 我会在清晨翻身下床,and throw on what i wanted and go 出门,并且想穿什么就穿什么。drink beer with the guys 和那群哥们儿大灌啤酒,and chase after girls 然后跟在女孩们屁股后头。i"d kick it with who i wanted 追求我喜欢的那个妞儿,and i"d never get confronted for it 并且对谁都逢场作戏,"cause they stick up for me 否则她们会粘着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear i"d be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。i"d listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,"cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,"cause he"s taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i would turn off my phone 我会挂掉我的电话,tell everyone it"s broken 告诉所有人它坏了,so they"d think that i was sleeping alone 然后让他们觉得我独自躺在床上做梦。i"d put myself first 我会把自己放在第一位,and make the rules as i go 特立独行,按我的规矩走。"cause i know that she"d be faithful 因为我知道她的忠诚,waiting for me to come home, to come home 等着我回家,一直等着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear i"d be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。i"d listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,"cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,"cause he"s taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。it"s a little too late for you to come back 太晚了,虽然现在你又想回来,say it"s just a mistake 轻描淡写那只是出了一点点错,think i"d forgive you like that 觉得我会像以往那样原谅你?if you thought i would wait for you 如果你以为我会等下去,you thought wrong 你的想法大错特错。but you"re just a boy 可你只是个男孩,and you don"t understand, oh 所以你根本就不明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,someday you wish you were a better man 然后有一天你希望自己能成为一个好男人。you don"t listen to her 你从不倾听她的诉说,you don"t care how it hurts 你并不在乎她有多受伤,until you lose the one you wanted 直到你终于失去你的最爱,"cause you"re taking her for granted 只因为你把她的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。but you"re just a boy 因为你只是个男孩。



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unfortunately we cannot.

根据这段话的意思,是对方学校要求你的推荐信必须在抬头纸上(headed paper),而且有推荐人的签名(signed)和学校公章(stamped),你必须按照这个要求做 英国大部分学校都只是需要抬头纸+手写签名就可以了,有少数学校可能要求比较严格.

求一英文歌,这歌是男的说唱的,开头有一个女的哼唱悲伤的音乐 ,其中里面有句歌词是,I need to web

你说的是you were my everything 吗???这首很出名

在找一首英文歌名字忘了,内容好像是you were everything to me

blue的one loveYou"re my everythin" I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in Everybody sing One love for the mother"s pride One love for the times we cried One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need


写作翻译网权威发布初三英语作文带翻译:My sweet home 我甜蜜的家,更多初三英语作文带翻译相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 Most people has a sweet home,so have I.I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.   I can remember clear.Once I came back home late because my teacher didn"t want me leave until I finished my work.At that time,the weather became colder and the wind became stronger.I was so hungry and cold at that time!I felt I can"t take it any more,so I ran to my home quickly.When I got my home. I felt much more warmer and happiness than ever before!   That"s why I love my sweet home,Don"t you think so ?大多数人有一个甜蜜的家,我也有。我觉得我的家是甜蜜的,因为它是我最好休息地方也是我与我的朋友或我的父母一起玩耍的地方。 我能记得清楚。有一次我回家晚了是因为我的老师让我完成了我的工作后才可以离开。当时,天气变得更冷,风更大了。我又冷又饿!我觉得我不能再呆下去了,所以我迅速地跑回家。当我到家的时候,我感觉比以前更温暖和幸福! 这就是为什么我爱我的家,你不这么认为吗?

《Sweet Home》李是英戏外超会穿搭!传授3招穿成腿精

于Netflix漫改韩剧《Sweet Home》中饰演女打仔消防员的女星李是英,因一场与怪物打斗的戏,只穿一件运动内衣,露出强健的背肌、腹肌,如运动员一般的结实身材而成为焦点。其实李是英不管是不穿衣服还是穿衣服都好看,戏外的她经常在IG上分享穿搭,而且很懂得展现她那双超长的美腿,以下就来向李是英偷偷学习如何穿成「腿精」? 李是英因出演《Sweet Home》而再度翻红。(图/翻摄自IG) #下衣失踪 李是英的身高其实有169公分,属于高挑身形,但并不是那种竹竿身材,因为爱运动的关系,全身上下都是结实肌肉,如今已38岁依然保持着精实体态。从李是英的IG上观察,可以发现她很喜欢「下衣失踪」的穿搭技巧,利用宽松的上身衣装,来让下半身显得更纤细,同时也最喜欢搭配膝下长靴,不怕小腿肌现形,些微的高跟修饰,让身材比例变得更好。 李是英常利用「下衣失踪」的方式来凸显一双美腿。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38) #贴腿 喇叭裤管 但是韩国冬天天气这么冷,就算不怕冷也总不能天天都「下衣失踪」,若是穿着长裤的话,李是英则有八成以上都会挑选贴腿 喇叭裤管设计的裤型,利用逐渐加宽的裤管让合身的大腿部位显细,视觉上能让腿看起来更直、也有延伸的效果,休闲中带有复古韵味,而且随意搭配布鞋都很好看。 李是英特别喜欢喇叭裤型。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38) #牛仔裤 靴子 综观下来,不难看出其实李是英超爱穿靴子!不管是长靴还是踝靴都有可观的收藏,不过李是英的单品并不会穿一次就消失,而是能在不同天的穿搭中被重复使用,可说是非常好的穿搭教科书。因此她也很喜欢穿百搭的牛仔裤,而牛仔裤 靴子的造型,便成了最常出现的选择。 牛仔裤 靴子成为李是英最日常的搭配。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38)



Unfortunately an error has occurred. We apologise for the inconvenience. 什么意思啊


Sweet Home 新日暮里罗马音歌词

Carrie Underwood - Home Sweet Home You know I"m a dreamer But my heart"s of Gold I had to run away high So I wouldn"t come home low Just when things went right Doesn"t mean they were always wrong Just take this song and you"ll Never feel Left all alone Take me to your heart Feel me in your bones Just one more night And I"m comin" off this Long & winding road I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Tonight tonight I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home You know that I seem To make romantic dreams Up in lights, fallin" off The silver screen My hearts like an open book For the whole world to read Sometimes nothing Keeps me together At the seams I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Tonight tonight I"m on my way Just set me free Home Sweet Home Oooh I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Yeah I"m on my way Just set me free Home Sweet Hooooooome

Home Sweet Home的日文歌词

※何処に住もうと 何処に行こうと育った町并みと见饱きた景色が なんだかんだやっぱ最高地元が心のより所 つまり home sweet homeきっと谁もが home sweet homeいくつもの思い出が光ってる 帰る场所はいつも决まってる※これがh.o.m.e.s.w.e.e.t.h.o.m.e.俺の地元はきっと俺の中に 常に共にある大切な场所にあの街、この街、どの街、行こうが帰れば気の合うダチが待ってる间违いなく アイ ラブ マイ タウン 爱着涌いちゃうbig shout out ”thanks!”to the 地元 感谢してます 毎度ありがとう町の支えがなけりゃちっぽけな俺は きっとここには居ないだろうほうだらぁ 间违っとらんだらぁ!だからココから海の向こう侧に响かすぐらいに発信home made 电波キャッチしてみり~ん?(※くり返し)世界地図を広げてみても どんなに地球仪回してもホームタウンよりやすらぐ场所なんてないそうだろう? yo people!离れていても忘れられない いつもの风景照らすday light俺にとっちゃ俺が育った町がやっぱno.1绝対!たとえ地元がなくても 気持ちは根付いているのさ友と元々ここの子でなくても 奥底の心で繋がってんの喋る言叶や発音を超えていこう! ここにあるのはそれより大事なもんこのまちの器にありがとう その気持ちを胸に今 旅立とう(※くり返し)たとえ风当たりが凄い强くても 风雪がまた俺を强くするたとえ离ればなれで辛くとも その辛さがまた俺を强くするそれほど地元は厳しく暖かい 受けた爱は决して忘れない暧昧な时代の最中に会い この巡り会わせ决して忘れない!(※くり返し)home sweet home どんな道もあの场所へと続いてるhome sweet home どんな时も変わらずにきっと待ってる

Home Sweet Home的平假名歌词


谁能翻译Home Sweet Home这首英文歌


Home Sweet Home 歌词

歌曲名:Home Sweet Home歌手:Motley Crue专辑:Live - Entertainment Or DeathHome Sweet Home作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK歌:BONNIE PINK君みたいになれるといいなって言うあなたこそ変わる気が无くてへこんだ车 へこんだ心埋めてあげたのは私だよ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet Home俺はずっと先を见てるって言うだからこそ今がおざなり伤んだ壁と 痛んだ心しらばっくれたのはあなたでしょ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeDrive throughで君の分のfrench fly买って来たよと得意颜冷めててもへしゃげていても何だか胸が热くてたまらない话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet Home収録:「Dear Diary」 発売日:2010/10/06~おわり~http://music.baidu.com/song/10288718

Home Sweet Home 歌词

歌曲名:Home Sweet Home歌手:Michel Delpech专辑:Ce Lundi Là Au BataclanHome Sweet Home作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK歌:BONNIE PINK君みたいになれるといいなって言うあなたこそ変わる気が无くてへこんだ车 へこんだ心埋めてあげたのは私だよ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet Home俺はずっと先を见てるって言うだからこそ今がおざなり伤んだ壁と 痛んだ心しらばっくれたのはあなたでしょ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeDrive throughで君の分のfrench fly买って来たよと得意颜冷めててもへしゃげていても何だか胸が热くてたまらない话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet Home収録:「Dear Diary」 発売日:2010/10/06~おわり~http://music.baidu.com/song/8240687

Home Sweet Home 歌词

歌曲名:Home Sweet Home歌手:The Farm Inc.专辑:Home Sweet HomeHome Sweet homeChester BenningtonHome Sweet homeMotley Crue(Feat. Chester Bennington)You know I"m a dreamerBut my heart"s of goldI had to run away and hideCoz i couldn"t go homeJust when things went rightSuddenly it all went wrongJust take this song and you"ll never feelLeft all aloneTake me to your heartFeel me in your bonesJust one more nightAnd I"m comin" off thisLong & winding roadI"m on my wayI"m on my wayHome sweet homeTonight tonightI"m on my wayI"m on my wayHome sweet homeYou know that I"ve seenToo many romantic dreamsUp in lights, fallin" offThe silver screenMy heart"s like an open bookFor the whole world to readSometimes nothing-keeps me togetherAt the seamsI"m on my wayWell I"m on my wayHome sweet homeTonight tonightI"m on my wayJust set me freeHome sweet homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/12511067

唱《火影忍者〈雪姬忍法帖〉》Home Sweet Home的Yuki的真名是什么?

YUKI本名:仓持有希(旧姓:矶谷)生日:1972年2月17日出生地:北海道函馆市血型:A所属公司:SONY MUSIC官网:http://www.yukiweb.net/index.html sony的公式站:http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Arch/ES/YUKI/ 贴吧:http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=%ED%B6%B9%C8%D3%D0%CF%A31993年、作为JUDY AND MARY的主唱出道。 1999年、活动中止时和B-52"s的Kate Pierson结成NiNa,作为主唱加入。 2001年、在东京巨蛋的两行演出后JUDY AND MARY解散。随后组成5人女子乐队Mean Machine。 2002年2月、以“the end of shite”作为solo的开始。 2005年2月发售的3rd专辑《joy》夺得oricon第一位。同年、举办solo以后首次、全国Hall tour、日本武道馆公演、全国live house tour都大获成功。

谁能帮我找到火影剧场版雪姬忍法帖的片尾曲《home sweet home》的罗马拼音歌词?谢啦

是这个吗: aruki tsukarete furidasu ame tsukami soko neta usagi o otte anata no me wa suki tooru kurai umi no soko de iki o shite iru mizu watashi o yonde yonde koko ni iru no yo doko e ikeba ikeba mitasareru no? uchi e kaero asu ni nareba daijoubu tte waratte iru kana namae o yonde yonde dakishimeru yo omoidashite me o tojite osanai koro tarinai tokoro o anata ga umete kureta kanashii kimochi datte sa sugu wasurerareta kara kowakunai yo uso o tsuite koukai shite watashi wa itsuka otona ni natta haji o kaite ase o kaite soredemo odori tsudzukeru riyuu tamashii kogashite kogashite sakenderu yo hiraite ikeba ikeba sukuwareru no uchi e kaero shiroi usagi tsuki no ura de aimashou kaerou asu ni nareba hadashi de waratte iru kara watashi wa yonde yonde dakishimeru yo omoidashite me o tojite osanai koro aruki tsukarete furidasu ame tsukami soko neta usagi o otte anata no me wa suki tooru kurai umi no soko de iki o shite iru mizu namae o yonde yonde koko ni iru no yo kokoro ni ieba ieba mitasareru no 希望您能采纳..



Home Sweet Home的歌曲出处

HOME MADE家族是日本著名Hip-hop团体,成立于1996年。成员有MICRO, KURO和DJ U-ICHI。他们的作品总是充满温暖的东西,虽然是说唱的形式,歌词却都是关于家人、感谢之类的,那首经典的《Thank you》就是!
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