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   一 HTTP协议的作用原理   WWW是以Internet作为传输媒介的一个应用系统 WWW网上最基本的传输单位是Web网页 WWW的工作基于客户机/服务器计算模型 由Web 浏览器(客户机)和Web服务器(服务器)构成 两者之间采用超文本传送协议(HTTP)进行通信 HTTP协议是基于TCP/IP协议之上的协议 是Web浏览器和Web服务器之间的应用层协议 是通用的 无状态的 面向对象的协议 HTTP协议的作用原理包括四个步骤   ( ) 连接 Web浏览器与Web服务器建立连接 打开一个称为socket(套接字)的虚拟文件 此文件的建立标志着连接建立成功   ( ) 请求 Web浏览器通过socket向Web服务器提交请求 HTTP的请求一般是GET或POST命令(POST用于FORM参数的传递) GET命令的格式为   GET 路径/文件名 HTTP/   文件名指出所访问的文件 HTTP/ 指出Web浏览器使用的HTTP版本   ( ) 应答 Web浏览器提交请求后 通过HTTP协议传送给Web服务器 Web服务器接到后 进行事务处理 处理结果又通过HTTP传回给Web浏览器 从而在Web浏览器上显示出所请求的页面   例 假设客户机与 /mydir/l建立了连接 就会发送GET命令 GET /mydir/l HTTP/ 主机名为的Web服务器从它的文档空间中搜索子目录mydir的文件l 如果找到该文件 Web服务器把该文件内容传送给相应的Web浏览器   为了告知 Web浏览器传送内容的类型 Web服务器首先传送一些HTTP头信息 然后传送具体内容(即HTTP体信息) HTTP头信息和HTTP体信息之间用一个空行分开    常用的HTTP头信息有   ① HTTP OK   这是Web服务器应答的第一行 列出服务器正在运行的HTTP版本号和应答代码 代码 OK 表示请求完成   ② MIME_Version   它指示MIME类型的版本   ③ content_type 类型   这个头信息非常重要 它指示HTTP体信息的MIME类型 如 content_type text/指示传送的数据是HTML文档   ④ content_length 长度值   它指示HTTP体信息的长度(字节)   ( ) 关闭连接 当应答结束后 Web浏览器与Web服务器必须断开 以保证其它Web浏览器能够与Web服务器建立连接    二 Java实现Web服务器功能的程序设计   根据上述HTTP协议的作用原理 实现GET请求的Web服务器程序的方法如下   ( ) 创建ServerSocket类对象 监听端口 这是为了区别于HTTP的标准TCP/IP端口 而取的   ( ) 等待 接受客户机连接到端口 得到与客户机连接的socket   ( ) 创建与socket字相关联的输入流instream和输出流outstream   ( ) 从与socket关联的输入流instream中读取一行客户机提交的请求信息 请求信息的格式为 GET 路径/文件名 HTTP/   ( ) 从请求信息中获取请求类型 如果请求类型是GET 则从请求信息中获取所访问的HTML文件名 没有HTML文件名时 则以l作为文件名   ( ) 如果HTML文件存在 则打开HTML文件 把HTTP头信息和HTML文件内容通过socket传回给Web浏览器 然后关闭文件 否则发送错误信息给Web浏览器   ( ) 关闭与相应Web浏览器连接的socket字   下面的程序是根据上述方法编写的 可实现多线程的Web服务器 以保证多个客户机能同时与该Web服务器连接   程序 WebServer java文件   //WebServer java 用JAVA编写Web服务器   import java io *   import *   public class WebServer {   public static void main(String args[]) {   int i= PORT=   ServerSocket server=null   Socket client=null   try {   server=new ServerSocket(PORT)   System out println( Web Server is listening on port +server getLocalPort())   for ( ) {client=server accept() //接受客户机的连接请求   new ConnectionThread(client i) start()   i++   }   } catch (Exception e) {System out println(e) }   }   }   /* ConnnectionThread类完成与一个Web浏览器的通信 */   class ConnectionThread extends Thread {   Socket client //连接Web浏览器的socket字   int counter //计数器   public ConnectionThread(Socket cl int c) {   client=cl   counter=c   }   public void run() //线程体   {try {   String destIP=client getInetAddress() toString() //客户机IP地址   int destport=client getPort() //客户机端口号   System out println( Connection +counter+ connected to +destIP+ on port +destport+ )   PrintStream outstream=new PrintStream(client getOutputStream())   DataInputStream instream=new DataInputStream(client getInputStream())   String inline=instream readLine() //读取Web浏览器提交的请求信息   System out println( Received +inline)   if (getrequest(inline)) { //如果是GET请求   String filename=getfilename(inline)   File file=new File(filename)   if (file exists()) { //若文件存在 则将文件送给Web浏览器   System out println(filename+ requested )   outstream println( HTTP/ OK )   outstream println( MIME_version )   outstream println( Content_Type text/ )   int len=(int)file length()   outstream println( Content_Length +len)   outstream println( )   sendfile(outstream file) //发送文件   outstream flush()   } else { //文件不存在时   String notfound=    Error file not found   outstream println( HTTP/ no found )   outstream println( Content_Type text/ )   outstream println( Content_Length +notfound length()+ )   outstream println( )   outstream println(notfound)   outstream flush()   }   }   long m =   while (m < ) {m ++ } //延时   client close()   } catch (IOException e) {   System out println( Exception +e)   }   }   /* 获取请求类型是否为 GET */   boolean getrequest(String s) {   if (s length()> )   {if (s substring( ) equalsIgnoreCase( GET )) return true   }   return false   }   /* 获取要访问的文件名 */   String getfilename(String s) {   String f=s substring(s indexOf(′ ′)+ )   f=f substring( f indexOf(′ ′))   try {   if (f charAt( )==′/′)   f=f substring( )   } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {   System out println( Exception +e)   }   if (f equals( )) f= l   return f   }   /*把指定文件发送给Web浏览器 */   void sendfile(PrintStream outs File file) {   try {   DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))   int len=(int)file length()   byte buf[]=new byte[len]   in readFully(buf)   outs write(buf len)   outs flush()   in close()   } catch (Exception e) {   System out println( Error retrieving file )   System exit( )   }   }   }   程序中的ConnectionThread线程子类用来分析一个Web浏览器提交的请求 并将应答信息传回给Web浏览器 其中 getrequest()方法用来检测客户的请求是否为 GET getfilename(s)方法是从客户请求信息s中获取要访问的HTML文件名 sendfile()方法把指定文件内容通过socket传回给Web浏览器   对上述程序的getrequest()方法和相关部分作修改 也能对POST请求进行处理    三 运行实例   为了测试上述程序的正确性 将编译后的WebServer class ConnectionThread class和下面的l文件置于网络的某台主机的同一目录中(如 主机NT SRV的C JWEB目录)   程序 l文件                      这是用JAVA写出的WEB服务器主页    年 月 日            首先在该主机上用java命令运行WebServer class   C jweb>java webserver   然后在客户机运行浏览器软件 在URL处输入WebServer程序所属的URL地址(如 ) 就在浏览器窗口显示出指定的HTML文档   注意 不能缺省端口号 如缺省 则运行该主机的正常WEB服务器 lishixinzhi/Article/program/Java/hx/201311/26626

we often get when people cut inline


"i went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week."是什么意思

i went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.上周我去了一场流行音乐会和一场篮球比赛。i went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.上周我去了一场流行音乐会和一场篮球比赛。i went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.上周我去了一场流行音乐会和一场篮球比赛。

求KANYE WEST的blame game歌词、中文翻译


fm2012玩了很久突然就xml错误 not well-formed(invalid token) at line 1 of last_saved_game.xml


找首英文歌曲 女声 sweetheart,i 。。。tell you,how much i love you ,how much i care ,。。。。。。。

Loving You.-ShaniceSweetHeart And loving you I never have told you How much I love you How much I care Loving you So beautiful Loving you It"s easy "Cause you"re beautiful It"s all I wanna do Loving you It"s more than Just a dream come true And everything that I do It"s out of loving you la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la do do do do ooh aah No one else can make me feel The colors that you bring Stay with me While we grow old And we will live Each day in springtime Loving you Has made my life so beautiful And every day of my life It"s filled with loving you Loving you I see your soul Come shining through And everything that we I"m so in love with you la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la do do do do ooh aah No one else can make me feel The colors that you bring Stay with me While we grow old And we will live Each day in springtime Loving you It"s easy "Cause you"re beautiful Every day of my life It"s filled with loving you Loving you I see your soul Come shining through And everything that we I"m so in love with you la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la do do do do ooh aah



We take great pleasure in opening the door to thi


有没有人知道“I know we are want to be、 sunshine girl coming for you” 这是哪首歌

  不能确定,你给出的是否准确,你去听下,是不是这首歌?  moumoon – Sunshine Girl  Bathed in sparkling sunshine 沐浴在耀眼的阳光中  Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go? 化妆打扮 你准备好出发了吗?  Weather is great, it"s your holiday 天气很好 这是你的节日  We gotta party all day long 我们要狂欢一整天  Happy day Summer day 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这样 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sun shines for you Sun shines for you 阳光为你而明媚 阳光为你而明媚  The vivid sky lights up the street corner 如画的天空照亮了街角  And the wind blowing through smells different 连吹过的风闻起来也带着特殊的味道  All I did was straighten up my back 我唯一要做的就是挺直我的背脊  And I could feel something good was coming我可以感到有些美好的事将要发生  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  It"s shining so bright 阳光如此明亮  The sun that"s hidden in my heart 那是我心中的太阳  This holiday"s only for those who enjoy it 这节日只为那些享受它的人所拥有  Dance and set yourself free 跳舞吧 放自己自由  Happy day Summer day 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这样 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sun shines for you Sun shines for you 阳光为你而明媚 阳光为你而明媚

orbit tower slide什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答解答 :orbit tower slide轨道塔滑orbit 英[u02c8u0254:bu026at] 美[u02c8u0254:rbu026at] n. 轨道; 眼眶; 势力范围; (人生的) 旅程,生活过程; vt. 在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行; vi. 盘旋; 绕轨道运行; [网络] 环绕; 旋转; 轨道; [例句]Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。[其他] 第三人称单数:orbits 复数:orbits 现在分词:orbiting 过去式:orbited过去分词:orbited 欢迎追问,希望能帮到你,手输不易,求采纳!!你的采纳是我答题的动力

where were you going和where did u go有什么区别

where were you going 你那时正在干什么呢?I was reading. 我那时正在读书。。。where did u go 你去哪里了?I went to the library. 我去图书馆了

My Everything (Power Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:My Everything (Power Album Version)歌手:Raze专辑:PowerMenudo - My EverythingTooo My Chang Chang ~ You"re my everything ~From the top to the bottom, theres no one that comes closeYou got me so..Sprung on you I"m ready to blowI want to hold you tight and not let goOh you don"t knowNigga you see that you rockin the flow from head to toeThat"s why their soMany guys want to get to youBut now that you finally found someone that"s true, it"s trueAs I lay me downI pray, girl, someday you"re gonna seeThat I"m the one you want to be when you wakeAnd when you fall asleepSo let me lay you downI promise girl this aint a one night thingWhen I look into your eyes I wonder if you knowThat baby you"re my everythingFrom the top to the bottom, there"s nothing I won"t doTo get this message through...I"ll stand out in the freezing rain all nightHaven"t you been waiting all your life....for this loveYou could tell I thinking about you for some time soBaby dont you hold...Back on what thinking about me,Cuz if you wanna show itYou know I wanna know it, thats all I been hopingAs I lay me down (as I lay me down)I pray, girl, someday you"re gonna see (gonna see)That I"m the one you want to be when you wakeAnd when you fall asleepSo let me lay you down (let me lay you down)I promise girl this aint a one night thingWhen I look into your eyes I wonder if you knowThat baby you"re my everythingAnd its in your eyes its in the starsThat you"re for me and I"ll be yoursAnd its written down in your heartTheres no going round the factThat baby you"re my everythingMy Every-Every-Every-EverythingAs I lay me downI pray, girl, someday you"re gonna seeThat I"m the one you want to be when you wakeAnd when you fall asleepSo let me lay you downI promise girl this aint a one night thingWhen I look into your eyes I wonder if you knowThat baby you"re my everythingYou"re my everythingYou"re my everythingYou"re my everything....http://music.baidu.com/song/2764856

The problem is when we can get a pay rise.主句是the problem is 吗

主句的主语和谓语动词是 The problem is......。这是个“系表结构”(联系动词 be + 表语)的句子。表语部分是 when-从句。在系表结构句子中,表语也是谓语的一部分。因此要将“谓语”和“谓语动词”区别开来。

We play volleyball at the beach.

可以。on 强调的是在沙滩上的主体或者动作,一般用其引申意义失业; 处于困境,离船,上岸 退休 在陆上工作等等at 同on的原意相同,一般说在沙滩上做什么,有什么的时候都说at

We went___on the beach.空白填什么?

填walking或者fishing或者travling等等。意思对即可。go doing表示进行一项活动或动作。例如go fishing 去钓鱼go swimming 去游泳go travlling 去旅行go to school 去上学go to the movies 去看电影


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong.

We can (make sandcastle) on the beach(划线部分提问)

what can we do on the beach?


主语+谓语+宾语,是最基本的句型。+定状补可以丰富句子的内容。主语we谓语play宾语games地点状语on the beach所以,答案是We play games on the beach.翻译为:我们在沙滩上做游戏。

we can swim ( ) the beach.


I couldnu2019t sleep well ____ all the windows open.


we are () the beach todayu3002 a.in b.on c.at

选b, 即固定用法:on the beach.

we (放松自己)on the beach 放松自己英语

relax ourselves

网申is your gender the gender you were assigned at birth 什么意思

is your gender the gender you were assigned at birth 你的性别是你的性别在出生时被分配双语对照例句:1.You were assigned to civil defense at the 12th district? 你被分配到第十二街区的民防部队了?

好听英文歌,like《try try》or《we are young》

强力推荐 <imagine me without you>和 <someone like you>....

The baby weighed seven pounds ______

1、The baby weighed seven pounds _______.A.of birth B.at birth C.to birth D.from birth答:应该选择B,因为at birth表示“出生时”。整句话的意思是这个孩子出生时重7磅。2、birth 英 [bu025cu02d0θ]  美 [bu025cu02d0rθ]    n.分娩;出生;诞生;血统v.分娩;产生adj.有血亲关系的3、birth的搭配:动词+~announce birth 宣布诞生celebrate the birth of 庆祝…的诞生give birth 生,引起register birth 登记出生value birth 看重出身形容词+~difficult birth 难产multiple birth 多胎产new birth 新生~+名词birth certificate 出生证birth control 避孕birth pill 避孕丸介词+~at birth 在出生时by birth 在血统上from birth 出生以来

改错she weighs about 2 kilogram at birth.

译流翻译公司 改得对,1atbirth意思是刚生下来时,所以weigh用过去式2kilogram是可数名词,所以要加s

TwinPower Turbo引擎什么意思


请解释老友记台词:we hope it is toga-rific

toga-rific是JOEY造的词,toga是指托加袍:古罗马男性公民在公共场合穿的宽松的由一块布制成的外衣,他原本想说 terrific,但突然想突显自己是罗马战士,就临时改变了发音,说成了togarific



we must also consider the reaction of the person ______(receiver )the gift

前一个是分词作定语相当于定语从句…thepersonthathasreceivedthegift.而人收到礼物是主动所以用现在分词作定语。你的答案让整句句子有了两个动词而没有连词所以不对后一个是一个强调句,基本结构为Itis …that如果一句话中出现这个结构去掉此结构句子依然成立,此举为强调句。如这句话去掉后为OnlyafterIheardshebecomesick,Ilearnedshecouldnoteategg.

take care of中CARE和OF中间能加WELL吗

用good, take good care of1. 好好照料2. 照管好,照料好 take advantage of 利用 | take good care of 照管好,照料好 | take off (飞机)起飞,离开3. 好好照顾 14. 他(她、它)们them | 15. 好好照顾take good care of | 16. 年轻的,幼小的young4. 悉心照料 take off 脱下 | take good care of 悉心照料 | take a bus 乘公共汽车take good care of 网络例句1. I will take good care of you. 我会好好照顾你的。2. I"ll take good care of her. 我会照顾好她的。3. I will take good care of their own. 我也会好好照顾自己的。4. I will take good care of myself. 我会照顾好自己的!5. I"ll take good care of her, I promise. 我会照顾她的,我保证。6. I`ll take good care of myself. 我会照顾好自己的。7. M: I know. I`d take good care of it. 我知道。我会照顾它的。

求问一首歌的歌名,歌词大概就是we are we are~ sisinimoya


watch out. well done. go ahead 啥意思

watch out 小心well done 做的不错go ahead 继续,前进要根据实际场景的。 总之,当听到watch out的时候你不要把头伸出窗外就对了。 当听到well done 的时候,你就知道是表扬就好了go ahead 吗??.....。。。。。 对,go ahead.

wellcare supports的跟腱靴可以代替石膏吗?走起来会觉得很重吗?


As we all know,Charles Dickens is

As we all know, Charles Dickens is considered to be a great English writer. He"s very famous not only in Britain, but also in many other 1 in the world. He was born in 1812 and he lived in London. He wrote lots of books, and he also liked 2 . He was an actor. Maybe it"s interesting to hear that and that"s 3 his books were so good. He gave public readings of hisstories that were very popular. His stories first appeared in a magazine, in parts. People always wanted 4 part. He wrote a lot, and most of them are popular. There are films and plays of them 5 : Oliver Twist became afamous musical play, and Great Expectations was a wonderful 6 . Dickens" early life was very hard. His family was poor, and his mother sent him out to work in a factory when he was 12. He 7 it, but he used his experiences in his writing. He married Catherine Hogarth and they had a big family. He continued to write 8 he died. When he died in 1870, he was 9 a story. But what a pity! We"ll never know 10 it ended. ( )1. A. cities ( )2. A. reading ( )3. A. what ( )4. A. the next ( )5. A. too ( )6. A. book ( )7. A. hated ( )8. A. as ( )9. A. drawing ( )10. A. what B. countries B. writing B. how B. next B. as well B. story B. enjoyed B. while B. singing B. how C. towns C. acting C. when C. next to C. as well as C. play C. wanted C. until C. writing C. who D. villages D. playing D. why D. next timeD. also D. film D. shamed D. since D. making D. which 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 DACCB

一首英文歌曲的名字!歌词大概是,baby we can cheer now.还有,dont kon

People say we shouldn"t be together 人们说我们不该在一起We"re too young to know about forever 年纪轻轻 不懂什么是永恒But I say they don"t know what they talk talk talkin" about 但我说 他们对此一无所知 Cause this love is only getting stronger 因为这份爱只会变得更坚强So I don"t wanna wait any longer 所以我不想再等了I just wanna tell the world that you"re mine girlll 我只想告诉全世界 你是我的女孩They don"t know about the things we do 他们不知道我们做的事They don"t know about the I love you"s 他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不明白我已等待太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为寻找一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们Just one touch and I was a believer 一下轻触已使我沦陷Every day it gets a little sweeter每天都变得更甜蜜It"s getting better 一切都在好转Keeps getting better all the time girl一直在好转They don"t know about the things we do 他们不知道我们做的事They don"t know about the I love you"s 他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不知道我已经等待了太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为找到一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们They don"t know how special you are 他们不明白你有多特别They don"t know what you"ve done to my heart 他们不知道你对我的心做了什么They can say anything they want 他们可以信口胡说Cause they don"t know about us因为他们不懂我们They don"t know what we do best 他们不知道我们擅长什么That"s between me and you our little secret这是我们间的小秘密But I wanna tell them 但我想告诉他们他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不知道我已经等待了太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为找到一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们They don"t know about us 他们了解这些They don"t know about us 他们不懂我们望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

一首英文歌,男的唱的,其中一句歌词好像是We are the hero some by time,唔喔喔喔,唔喔喔喔

see you again

广告中歌词有'we are the hero'的歌叫什么名字

heroes we could be

英语作文What can we learn from this game?


雨のち Sweet*Drops的中文歌词

满溢而出的悲伤如同在冲澡时流逝跑上这普通的街道,如同从内心照映出的deep blue world(深蓝色的世界)天气没有预报准,真是说谎的家伙仍干枯荒芜着的,only my world(只有我的世界)虽然知道,但还是要说出来避着雨,视野之外的某个角落你站在那里,从我耳边轻声说You"re looking at this world(你凝望着这个世界)but the way is too simple to livewith a light heart(但对于一颗放松的心来说,生存之道太过简单)世界可怜地转动着但我会为它施展魔法的哦~从那天开始,崭新的世界开始旋转仿佛棉花糖的云朵间,落下了柠檬汁乘坐甜甜圈的船前进的话会看到斑马群之间有红宝石和绿宝石相互穿梭的交叉路口将不规则的雨滴聚集起来发现它们是一块块令人喜悦的小甜点将悲伤和痛苦团成圆开始转动看着倒立的世界充满惊奇I"m looking at this world(我凝望着这个世界)and the way is so happy that(道路充满了欢乐以致)笑容满溢而出即使被雨淋湿也在互相微笑就是这样美妙的世界换上喜欢的睡衣闭上眼睛的话明天也能看到雨后的水滴You"re looking at this world(你凝望着这个世界)but the way is too simple to livewith a light heart(但对于一颗放松的心来说,生存之道太过简单)并没有这种世界的话就由我们来创造吧!我也会教给你哦~这个非常珍贵的魔法先将糖果放入口中让它开始融化Let"s sing it together!!(然后让我们一起歌唱吧!!)Let"s sing a happy song(让我们唱一首欢乐的歌)Let"s sing a sweet song(让我们唱一首甜蜜的歌)Let"s sing a lovely song(让我们唱一首可爱的歌)新的世界将从这里开始。~终わり~



Sweet, Sweet Song 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet, Sweet Song歌手:Parable专辑:More Than Words【土屋アンナ - sweet sweet song】【作词:ANNA 作曲:Ayumi Miyazaki】Baby sugar candy girlFind your yellow keys包まれた黒いveil 梦にwonder landYou"re my honey, bunny sweet of love爱はso mystery, my secret paradiseこぼれ落ちる甘いmemoriessweet of dream, sweet of lifeLet"s get onmake a wish, smile come in to your lipmake your wish, as sweet as your lovetake you to 新しいドアを开けてmake a wish, 谛めずmake your wish 叶う日までI"ll wait till your dream come true寂しげなyour smile find your lucky charm涙色の空に 浮かぶJuice cloudsFunny itty-bitty a wishing spider恋はso fantasy, say a magic wordsミルク色の淡いmy storysweet of dream, sweet of lifeLet"s get onmake a wish, smile playing on your lipsmake your wish, as sleep as your heartTake you to so, open your heart, I"ll show you the waymake a wish 追いかけてmake your wish 届く日までI"ll wait till your dream come true自分らしく 辉いてゆけるYou don"t have to be afraid anymoreLet"s get onmake a wish, smile come in to your lipmake your wish, as sweet as your lovetake you to 新しいドアを开けてmake a wish, 谛めずmake your wish 叶う日までI"ll wait till your dream come truemake a wish, smile playing on your lipsmake your wish, as sleep as your heartTake you to so, open your heart, I"ll show you the waymake a wish 追いかけてmake your wish 届く日までI"ll wait till your dream come truehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8128615



Sweetbox的《Candygirl》 歌词

歌曲名:Candygirl歌手:Sweetbox专辑:SweetboxSweetbox - Candygirllet me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.let me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.me got the sweetest candy you ever tasted .one lick like a starvin" kid you cravin",but I"m saving the treat for the trick .buy me ifts of course and maybe.I"ll let you taste it,chocolate candy treats .butter pecan,vanilla,peach,finger-lickin" sweets .that give you cavites and possibilities .you wanna marry me, please .you got to get down and get these .it"s my world,chocolate candygirl .you"re just a squirrel, you wanna nut .let me be your candygirl, what"s up .soft,thick and sexy .you pick the best of me .open up and I can be your candy.let me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.let me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.imagine me on a stick .you like the icy flavors .strawberry,cherry,grape,and lemon .twenty four seven .you"re the one I"m sweatin",never forgotten.written kittens never dip in .without they mittens .do you believe in candy-covered treats . uhhcause I believe in candy-covered meats .so sweet, my sugar level"s gettin" kind of week .take my hand, I want you to be my candymanlet me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.let me be your candygirl .come into my chocolate world .sweet and sexy .baby,come and taste me.....http://music.baidu.com/song/14663143

The painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands

The painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the handshad been working 是过去完成进行时,表示动作始于过去的过去,一直持续到过去,hung是一般过去时,hung是本句子的谓语。who had been working on the tower是定语从句修饰先行词the painter.

重金悬赏!!初1~~初3英语(外研版)所有短语``词组`(比如get to sb.get on(well) wiht sb.之类的)



tower的读音是:英["ta??(r)]。tower的读音是:英["ta??(r)]。tower的例句是用作名词(n.)There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。tower的词语用法是n.(名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。一、详尽释义点此查看tower的详细内容n.(名词)塔,高楼,塔楼,楼塔堡垒,城堡,碉堡监狱铁路信号房,铁路信号所高柜发射塔高架子建筑物的塔形部份主心骨可依靠的人v.(动词)高耸,屹立,耸立,竖着翱翔,高飞高高升起,笔直飞上去超过,胜过高于,凌驾,高高地俯瞰二、英英释义Noun:a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger buildinganything that approximates the shape of a column or tower;"the test tube held a column of white powder""a tower of dust rose above the horizon""a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger shipsVerb:appear very large or occupy a commanding position;"The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain""Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall"三、网络解释1. 塔楼:包括城墙(Wall)、塔楼(Tower)、门楼(Gatehouse)、行政署(Prefecture)、军事基地(Fort)、军事学院(Military academy)和兵营(Barracks)共七项. 城墙最好建两层以上,可以更好的阻挡敌人的进攻,也为塔楼守卫巡逻提供了空间.2. 兴建防卫塔:马厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,3. 立式:机架最佳化、5U高度的 PowerVault 770N,目前已可同时提供作为机架(rack)和直立式(tower)的IT环境中使用. PowerVault 725N 是唯一使用Intel Pentium 4 处理器以及ServerWorks技术的NAS等级产品,将能够满足企业对于储存效能与扩充性的迫切需求.四、例句There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。The bell tower is the emblem of this city.这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。Above the victorian houses and shops tower the monster office blocks of the redeveloped center.高耸于维多利亚时代房屋店铺之上的是新开发的市中心高大的办公楼群。Shakespeare towers above all other Elizabethan dramatists.莎士比亚远超过伊丽莎白时代所有的剧作家。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)tower of strength可信赖的人; 支柱 comfort用作动词(v.)tower above〔over〕( v.+prep. )远远超过… be much greater than (others or a standard) in ability, quality, or character六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)名词+~bell tower钟楼church tower教堂塔楼concrete tower混凝土塔楼control tower(机场的)控制塔distillation tower蒸馏塔signal tower信号塔the Eiffel T-艾菲尔铁塔TV tower电视塔watch tower观望楼water tower水塔~+介词the T- of London伦敦塔a small tower of luggage叠得高高的一小堆行李the Leaning T- of Pisa比萨斜塔the T- of Babel巴别塔tower of strength可信赖的人,支柱用作动词 (v.)~+副词tower gigantically远远地高出tower magnificently高大雄伟tower massively大大地高过tower prodigiously奇妙地高出tower up高耸~+介词tower above比…高tower over比…高tower to高达…七、词语用法n.(名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。tower还常用于构成专有名词。v.(动词)tower用作名词时意思是“塔”,转化成动词意思是“远远高于〔超过〕”,可指在身高上比别人高,也可指在某些方面能力比别人强或比别人更胜任某一件事。tower一般用作不及物动词,常与介词 above 〔over〕连用,意思是“比…高”或“(在能力、名声、品质等方面)超过(某人)”。tower的相关近义词bastion、castle、column、fort、fortress、pillar、ascend、dominate、exceed、overlook、overtop、surpasstower的相关临近词town、towel、towers、towery、towered、towerman、towering、tower leg、tower chi、towerless、tower man、tower top点此查看更多关于tower的详细信息


towerKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 塔;塔楼;高楼That"s a television tower.那是电视转播台。2. 堡垒;监狱3. 铁路信号房vi.1. 高耸,屹立;高高升起[(+above/over)]The skyscraper towers into the sky.该摩天大楼高耸入云。2. 超过,胜过[(+above/over)]The tall building towers above all the others.这高楼高出其他所有的建筑。3. 高飞,翱翔以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供根据描述,建议尝试以下操作解决:1、您可以进入设置--更多设置--应用程序--全部--找到该程序点击进入信息界面--清除数据试试。2、尝试重启手机的哦。3、建议您可以将该程序卸载之后重新下载最新版本使用的。4、若手机系统不是最新,将手机升级到最新版本试试,您可以进入设置--更多设置--系统升级--立即检查更新,根据提示下载升级包,点击校验并安装,手机会重启自动进入升级模式。5、建议您可以试试清除所有数据,点击设置--更多设置--恢复出厂设置--清除手机数据,清除手机数据会将您的手机格式化,所以此项操作前可以将手机数据备份一下,包括联系人,照片之类的。


boy in the tower简介

boy in the tower塔里的男孩《塔里的男孩》,是由陈升作词作曲并演唱的一首华语歌曲,收录于专辑《鱼说》中。tower英 [ˈtaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈtaʊɚ] n.塔,楼塔;要害地;〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〈美〉铁路信号所vi.远远高于,远远超过;高耸,超越The tower collapsed in a heap of ruin. 这座塔倒塌了,成为一堆废墟。Saw Big Ben and Tower Bridge. 我见到了大本钟和塔桥。

the tower is over 20 meters high同义句

The tower is higher than 20 meters.

建筑工程英语中 tower什么意思



tower读作:英 ["tau028au0259(r)], 美 ["tau028au0259r]。一、含义n. (名词)1、塔,高楼,塔楼,楼塔2、堡垒,城堡,碉堡v. (动词)1、高耸,屹立,耸立,竖着2、翱翔,高飞二、例句:1、There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。2、The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。扩展资料:词汇用法:一、n. (名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。tower还常用于构成专有名词。二、v. (动词)tower用作名词时意思是“塔”,转化成动词意思是“远远高于〔超过〕”,可指在身高上比别人高,也可指在某些方面能力比别人强或比别人更胜任某一件事。


tower [英]["tau028au0259(r)][美][u02c8tau028au025a] n. 塔,楼塔;要害地;〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〈美〉铁路信号所 vi. 远远高于,远远超过;高耸,超越 na. “Towers“的变体 复数:towers 第三人称单数:towers 过去式:towered 过去分词:towered 现在分词:towering 双语例句 1. The tower of Pisa leans at an angle . 比萨斜塔塔身倾斜. 2. Bells were clanging in the tower. 塔楼上的钟当当地敲响了. 3. The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks. 这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小. 4. She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. 她住在伦敦某住宅区的一栋高楼里. 5. an impressive building with a huge tower 有高塔的壮观建筑



THE TOWER 这首歌的歌词是什么意思

the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile   she"s coming apart right before my eyes   不再依照他人的意愿活着   在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃      the one who depends on the services she renders   to those who come knocking   她放弃她依靠而活的那个人      she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be   what understanding defies   她看得十分清楚   她无力改变拒绝这一切      she says I need not to need   or else a love with intuition   someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go   她说,我不需要什么   只要能够感触到的爱情   一个能抚摸到我的脆弱   不离不弃的人      I need not to need   I"ve always been the tower   but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow   我不需要什么   我一直都很坚强   但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵      she turns out the light anticipating night falling   tenderly around her   and watches the dusk   the words won"t come   她预见到黑夜将要来临   她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕   注视着薄暮 无言      she carries the act so convincingly the fact is   sometimes she believes it   that she can be happy the way things are   be happy with the things she"s done   凭诚实的信念而行事   有时事实正如她所相信   能感到快乐的方法   就是对自己的所为感到满足      reach out   but hold back   where is safety   reach out   and hold back   where is the one who can change me   where is the one   the one   the one   前进 退缩 哪里才安全   前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方   在那里      reach out   but hold back   where is safety   reach out   and hold back   where is the one who can save me   where is the one   the one   the one   前进 退缩 哪里才安全   前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方   在那里


tower 英[u02c8tauu0259] 美[u02c8tau028au025a] 过去式:towered 过去分词:towered 现在分词:towering 复数:towers n. 1.塔, 高楼 2.高柜;高架子 3.(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔 vi. 1.远远高于, 远远超过 vt. 1.(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人) 名词 n.1.塔, 高楼 The tower is fifty feet in height.塔高五十英尺。The tower ordered the plane to taxi the full length of the runway.塔台指挥人员命令该机在跑道上滑行全程。2.高柜;高架子3.(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔 不及物动词 vi.1.远远高于, 远远超过 The peak towers up into the clouds.那座山峰高耸入云。及物动词 vt.1.(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人)

the tower 的歌词翻译


the Tower的中文歌词……

The one who survives by the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 她为了别人而生存,在我眼里她已支离破碎。 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies 她靠出卖自己的身体生存,她明白她已不能再做什么。 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说我不需要需要,或者一个凭直觉的爱,有些人抓住我的弱点不让我走。 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要需要,我一直是塔,但我现在感觉我像一株试图在雪中盛开的花 she turns out the light anticipating night falling 她打开灯预知夜晚即将来临 tenderly around her ,and watches the dusk the words won"t come 温柔的环抱着她,注视着黄昏,没有言语。 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 她伪装着她的角色,事实上她可以做其他让她觉得幸福的事 reach out but hold back where is safety 伸出去 但是退缩回来 哪里是安全的 reach out and hold back 伸出去 但是退缩回来 where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 哪里有那个可以改变我的人 哪里有那个人 那个人 那个人 reach out but hold back where is safety 伸出去 但是退缩回来 哪里是安全的 reach out and hold back 伸出去 但是退缩回来 where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 哪里有那个可以救我的人 哪里有那个人 那个人 那个人这个楼上的是两个版本。喜欢哪个自己挑。

The tower 中文歌词

  曲名:TheTower歌手:ViennaTeng  theonewhosurvivesbymakingthelives  ofothersworthwhile  she"scomingapart  rightbeforemyeyes  theonewhodependsontheservices  sherenderstothosewhocomeknocking  she"sseeingtooclearlywhatshecan"tbe  whatunderstandingdefies  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow  sheturnsoutthelight  anticipatingnightfalling  tenderlyaroundher  andwatchesthedusk  thewordswon"tcome  shecarriestheactsoconvincinglythefactis  sometimesshebelievesit  thatshecanbehappythewaythingsare  behappywiththethingsshe"sdone  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow  reachout  butholdback  whereissafety  reachout  andholdback  whereistheonewhocanchangeme  whereistheone  theone  reachout  butholdback  whereissafety  reachout  andholdback  whereistheonewhocansaveme  whereistheone  theone  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow


The one who survives by the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 以他人生命作为代价而活了下来 她就这样在我面前离我而去 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies 离开需要她的人,应了叩门的人 她看透了自己不能变成怎样的人 拒绝相信 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说我不需要 靠直觉建立起来的爱 只会让我暴露弱点,无法自拔 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我是不需要 我从来都是高塔 可是现在却像雪中努力绽放的小花 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her 她关了灯,等待夜幕降临在自己的身边 and watches the dusk the words won"t come 放眼望那傍晚的景色 说不出的话 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 她是如此自信的做着这一切 有时她相信自己很满足 对自己所做的一切都高兴 reach out but hold back where is safety 去吧 却又踌躇 哪里是安全的地方 reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 去吧 却又踌躇 那个可以将我改变的人 那个人 那个人 reach out but hold back where is safety 去吧 却又踌躇 哪里是安全的地方 reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 去吧 却又踌躇 那个可以将我拯救的人 那个人 那个人

the Tower的中文歌词

the towerthe one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhileshe"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking她放弃她依靠而活的那个人she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚她无力改变拒绝这一切she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么只要能够感触到的爱情一个能抚摸到我的脆弱不离不弃的人I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow我不需要什么我一直都很坚强但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕注视着薄暮 无言she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事有时事实正如她所相信能感到快乐的方法就是对自己的所为感到满足reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the onethe one前进 退缩 哪里才安全前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方在那里reach outbut hold backwhere is safetyreach out and hold backwhere is the one who can save me where is the one the onethe one前进 退缩 哪里才安全前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方在那里

the tower——Vienna Teng的中文歌词

Vienna Teng - <the tower> the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one参考资料:http://www.newoo.com/club/dispbbs.asp?boardid=70&id=45284

Pina的《The Tower》 歌词

歌曲名:The Tower歌手:Pina专辑:Quick LookThe TowerWhere do I go?Never had a very real dream before.Now I got a vision of an open door.Guiding me home, where I belong,dreamland I have come.Oh where do I go?Never had a flesh and blood like this before.Got a new appearance when I passed the door.Is it a dream I am withing? Oh what"s going on?Down, down, downGo down, go down, go downI roam into nowhere.Don"t see an end: eternal wastelands.And I hear the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice...Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...Never been a fighter,neber been a man.But I must help Vandroiy, he"s my only friend.Nowhere to go but I know that he knows howwe will get her out...Magic of transcendencebrought me to this placeVandroiy in reality lead me on my race.Told me to bring back the sealbut still I don"t know where I shall go.Can"t you "feel" the voice?You don"t have a choice.What a kind of life:Freedom in flesh - shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!For all the wisdom of ages doesn"t die.Men have good intentionson their way to the light.But som of them are venaland end up in the night.Maybe it"s better for you, mankind,not to know what"s going on.Sometimes we must goways that seem to be wrong.What a kind of life: Freedom in flesh,shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Find out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...You have come the long way through agesto bring me the seven parts of the seal.So now throw it over the walls of the tower.Throw the seal!But first Godfather, what about the prophecy? Whatabout your reward: The ultimate illumination, thegnosis and the power to defend your kingdom onearth with a strong hand?What about the prophecy?I realize...For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?Gabriel I can feel:You have it back - book and seal.Still no war is won, we have just begun...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the one,Of the one...Oh, how could the stranger steal the seal away?Was it my fault?Or was it no one"s fault at all?http://music.baidu.com/song/2639798

The Tower中英文歌词对照

the towerthe one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里


the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里

求《i premise you that》的歌词翻译,,westlife的歌曲

Westlife《I promise you that 》的中英文歌词如下: I Promise You That 我向你保证There is no reason you should feel like this你不该有如此感觉I know that I am the only one to blame(我知道)一切都是我一个人的错I feel your agony its hidden in your kiss,oh我能感觉到你吻上的痛苦I don"t believe that things are said and done我不相信话已说出口,事已做I only hope theres still time to be the one但愿我还有时间去做你的唯一We can work it out if only you let me,oh要是你答应,我们就能在一起Whatever you say,whatever you do不管你说什么,不管你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证I never said that I could change the world我从没说过我可以改变世界But if you gave me the chance that I deserve但如果你给我一次机会,我就能I know that in your heart, you can forgive me,oh我知道在你心里,你能原谅我Whatever you say, whatever you do翻译同上There will be good times waiting for you同上Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear同上I promise you that,I promise you that同上We have times only a fool could miss我们拥有的美好时光,只有傻瓜会错过But still there is time to turn it around但还有机会回心转意Im not saying its an easy thing我没说它是件容易的事Let me show you,I promise you that,oh,yeah让我来告诉你,我向你保证Whatever,whenever,there will be good time不管怎样,不论何时 ,我会等着你Whatever you hear不管你听到什么, I won"t disappear我会一直陪着你Whatever you say, whatever you do不管你说什么,不论你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证

ivory tower歌词

Blackmore"s Night 的《Ivory tower》 歌词: I stood upon the Ivory Tower As far as I could see The winds that grew from out of the trees were calling out to me Curtains blew in the Ivory Tower Willows start to bend The ravens flew to escape the fury as the storm descends... I followed fortune "round the tower Searching in vain For through the mist "round the old stone tower I only found rain And though the cold,cold Ivory Tower was stony through and through I laid and dreamed on a featherbed,my dream was of you My dream was of you... All time waiting As the sun doth set in the haze All time waiting Every hour feels like a day...oh... I feared not in the Ivory Tower Imprisonment you"ll find Lies within your heart your soul,your spirit and your mind It lies within your heart,your soul ,your spirit and your mind...

There are a light bulb and a screwdriver in the drawer.

复数才用are比如:There are some matches there. 抽屉里面有一个灯泡和一把螺丝刀。

Wild Flowers 歌词

歌曲名:Wild Flowers歌手:All About Eve专辑:Winter Words - Hits And Rareties【Bonnie Pink-Wildflower】【作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK】I"m not a teacher, nor a preacherI think I"m street wiseBut I trip all the timeMy lips are too small and you"re too tallHard for me to stroke your hairand do clear the airI wanna feel we"re the same under the skinHow can I be a queen without the King?It"s never easy to form a ringI"d do anything to be your batteryI can be anything to make you happyI swear to GodI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you blamed yourselfI was there when you were giving upWish I"d had a word to extendWe live in a zoo, woodering who trusts whoYes, sometimes they are flakyand too greedyI"m not a vower, but trying to be a wildflowersupposed to keep your peace of mindbut to leave you behindI wanna feel we"re the same as peas in a podFor me to stay away from you is oddI see a long path we"ve trodI"d do anything if you want me toYou"re the rain to make me bloomSo you"re allowed to cryI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were under cloudsI was there when you were raving at the worldI was there for youI"ve been watching you become tougherNow the rainy season is overI"m scared, to tell the truthCause you"re so free to fly awayI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were looking downI was there when you lost your wayWish I"d had a word to extendDid you know?http://music.baidu.com/song/8543275


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: 一组专门的预定义的类称为伪类,主要用来处理超链接的状态。超链接文字的状态可以通过伪类选择符+样式规则来控制。伪类选择符包括: ① a:link:未访问链接 ② a:visited:已访问链接 ③ a:active:激活时(链接获得焦点时)链接的颜色④ a:hover:鼠标移到链接上时 一般a:hover和a:visited链接的状态(颜色、下划线等)应该是相同的。前三者分别对应body元素的link、vlink、alink这三个属性。四个“状态”的先后过程是:a:link ->a:hover ->a:active ->a:visited。另外,a:active不能设置有无下划线(总是有的)。 举例:伪类的常见状态值 <style type = “text/css”> <!-- a:link {color: blue; text-decoration:none;} 未访问:蓝色、无下划线 a:active:{color: red; } 激活:红色 a:visited {color:purple;text-decoration:none;} 已访问:purple、无下划线 a:hover {color: red; text-decoration:underline;} 鼠标移近:红色、下划线 --> </style>

Android WebView 在开发过程中有哪些坑

自Android 4.4起,引入了webView,使用需要注意的事项:1.多线程如果你在子线程中调用WebView的相关方法,而不在UI线程,则可能会出现无法预料的错误。所以,当你的程序中需要用到多线程时候,也请使用 runOnUiThread()方法来保证你关于WebView的操作是在UI线程中进行的:runOnUiThread(newRunnable(){ @Override publicvoid run(){ // Code for WebView goes here }});2.线程阻塞永远不要阻塞UI线程,这是开发Android程序的一个真理。虽然是真理,我们却往往不自觉的犯一些错误违背它,一个开发中常犯的错误就是:在UI线程中去等待JavaScript 的回调。例如:// This code is BAD and will block the UI thread webView.loadUrl("javascript:fn()"); while(result ==null){ Thread.sleep(100); }千万不要这样做,Android 4.4中,提供了新的Api来做这件事情。 evaluateJavascript() 就是专门来异步执行JavaScript代码的。3.evaluateJavascript() 方法专门用于异步调用JavaScript方法,并且能够得到一个回调结果。示例:mWebView.evaluateJavascript(script, new ValueCallback<String>() { @Override public void onReceiveValue(String value) { //TODO }});4.处理 WebView 中 url 跳转新版WebView对于自定义scheme的url跳转,新增了更为严格的限制条件。 当你实现了 shouldOverrideUrlLoading() 或 shouldInterceptRequest() 回调,WebView 也只会在跳转url是合法Url时才会跳转。例如,如果你使用这样一个url :<ahref="showProfile"]]>Show Profile</a>shouldOverrideUrlLoading() 将不会被调用。正确的使用方式是:<ahref="example-app:showProfile"]]>Show Profile</a>对应的检测Url跳转的方式:// The URL scheme should be non-hierarchical (no trailing slashes) privatestaticfinalString APP_SCHEME ="example-app:"; @Override publicboolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view,String url){ if(url.startsWith(APP_SCHEME)){ urlData =URLDecoder.decode(url.substring(APP_SCHEME.length()),"UTF-8"); respondToData(urlData); returntrue; } returnfalse; }当然,也可以这样使用:webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("example-app://example.co.uk/", HTML_DATA, null,"UTF-8",null);

Android WebView 在开发过程中有哪些坑

自Android 4.4起,引入了webView,使用需要注意的事项:1.多线程如果你在子线程中调用WebView的相关方法,而不在UI线程,则可能会出现无法预料的错误。所以,当你的程序中需要用到多线程时候,也请使用 runOnUiThread()方法来保证你关于WebView的操作是在UI线程中进行的:runOnUiThread(newRunnable(){ @Override publicvoid run(){ // Code for WebView goes here }});2.线程阻塞永远不要阻塞UI线程,这是开发Android程序的一个真理。虽然是真理,我们却往往不自觉的犯一些错误违背它,一个开发中常犯的错误就是:在UI线程中去等待JavaScript 的回调。例如:// This code is BAD and will block the UI thread webView.loadUrl("javascript:fn()"); while(result ==null){ Thread.sleep(100); }千万不要这样做,Android 4.4中,提供了新的Api来做这件事情。 evaluateJavascript() 就是专门来异步执行JavaScript代码的。3.evaluateJavascript() 方法专门用于异步调用JavaScript方法,并且能够得到一个回调结果。示例:mWebView.evaluateJavascript(script, new ValueCallback<String>() { @Override public void onReceiveValue(String value) { //TODO }});4.处理 WebView 中 url 跳转新版WebView对于自定义scheme的url跳转,新增了更为严格的限制条件。 当你实现了 shouldOverrideUrlLoading() 或 shouldInterceptRequest() 回调,WebView 也只会在跳转url是合法Url时才会跳转。例如,如果你使用这样一个url :<ahref="showProfile"]]>Show Profile</a>shouldOverrideUrlLoading() 将不会被调用。正确的使用方式是:<ahref="example-app:showProfile"]]>Show Profile</a>对应的检测Url跳转的方式:// The URL scheme should be non-hierarchical (no trailing slashes) privatestaticfinalString APP_SCHEME ="example-app:"; @Override publicboolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view,String url){ if(url.startsWith(APP_SCHEME)){ urlData =URLDecoder.decode(url.substring(APP_SCHEME.length()),"UTF-8"); respondToData(urlData); returntrue; } returnfalse; }当然,也可以这样使用:webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("example-app://example.co.uk/", HTML_DATA, null,"UTF-8",null);5.UserAgent 变化如果你的App对应的服务端程序,会根据客户端传来的UserAgent来做不同的事情,那么你需要注意的是,新版本的WebView中,UserAgent有了些微妙的改变:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4; Nexus 4 Build/KRT16H)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Safari/537.36使用 getDefaultUserAgent()方法可以获取默认的UserAgent,也可以通过:mWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(ua);mWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString();来设置和获取自定义的UserAgent。6.使用addJavascriptInterface()的注意事项从Android4.2开始。 只有添加 @JavascriptInterface 声明的Java方法才可以被JavaScript调用,例如:class JsObject { @JavascriptInterface public String toString() { return "injectedObject"; } } webView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsObject(), "injectedObject"); webView.loadData("", "text/html", null); webView.loadUrl("javascript:alert(injectedObject.toString())");7.Remote Debugging新版的WebView还提供了一个很厉害的功能:使用Chrome来调试你运行在WebView中的程序。

Wild Flowers 歌词

歌曲名:Wild Flowers歌手:Ryan Adams专辑:Gold【Bonnie Pink-Wildflower】【作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK】I"m not a teacher, nor a preacherI think I"m street wiseBut I trip all the timeMy lips are too small and you"re too tallHard for me to stroke your hairand do clear the airI wanna feel we"re the same under the skinHow can I be a queen without the King?It"s never easy to form a ringI"d do anything to be your batteryI can be anything to make you happyI swear to GodI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you blamed yourselfI was there when you were giving upWish I"d had a word to extendWe live in a zoo, woodering who trusts whoYes, sometimes they are flakyand too greedyI"m not a vower, but trying to be a wildflowersupposed to keep your peace of mindbut to leave you behindI wanna feel we"re the same as peas in a podFor me to stay away from you is oddI see a long path we"ve trodI"d do anything if you want me toYou"re the rain to make me bloomSo you"re allowed to cryI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were under cloudsI was there when you were raving at the worldI was there for youI"ve been watching you become tougherNow the rainy season is overI"m scared, to tell the truthCause you"re so free to fly awayI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were looking downI was there when you lost your wayWish I"d had a word to extendDid you know?http://music.baidu.com/song/8200880

dreamweaver cs4如何设置多个a:hover样式?

你自己可以命名,比如 news a:link······

dreamweaver cs3中 #nav后面加和加 a:hover是什么意思 a:visite

#nav后面加 a:hover指的是给#nav对应标签内部的链接部分进行样式设置(a:link定义鼠标未指向链接时的样式;a:hover定义鼠标悬浮在链接上时的样式;a:active 定义鼠标点击链接时的样式;a:visited 是定义访问过后的链接元素的样式。)


法语简写,lun(星期一) mar (星期二)mer(星期三) jeu(星期四) ven(星期五) sam(星期六) dim(星期日)

i heard you were in bad mood

如果选 A ,意思是: 当你不在的时候李先生打电话给你,他的心情很糟糕. 如果选 B,意思是: 当你不在的时候有一位李先生打电话给你,他的心情很糟糕.

英语作文 题目:Does bad weather account for bad mood(坏天气会导致坏心情吗?)

People who like traveling have their reasons. One is that traveling provides opportunities for them to taste strange food and to know foreign customs that they otherwise would not know. Their second reason is that travelers can make friends along their way. The most important reason they maintain is that by this instructive activity they can broaden their horizons, enrich their experience of life, and expand their scope of knowledge, especially of geography and history. Traveling enthusiasts, in fact, may convince you by listing more reasons. Those who dislike traveling have their reasons, too. They can enumerate a number of the disadvantages of traveling, which may be summarized as follows. Firstly, Traveling wastes money and energy. Of course, traveling and accommodations require money. Secondly, walking and climbing when seeing sights often tire travelers. Perilous peaks and furious rapids, fierce beasts and cruel robbers that travelers often encounter endanger their lives. Finally, it causes a lot of inconvenience if you leave your home even a day. Hunger, thirst, bad weather pain the traveler a lot. In their view travelers are as foolish as those who ask for trouble. In practice, traveling does more good than harm. So called disadvantages described above can be regarded as good conditions in which the travelers can build up both physical strength and willpower. If your finance and health permit, you might as well do some traveling from time to time. Perhaps, an exotic atmosphere and charming scenes attract you so much that you forget to return. It will at least help you get rid of tiredness after work. Even a single experience, I am sure, will show you that traveling is beneficial in more than one way today!
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