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He did his homework and went fishing中为什么是fishing?

go fishing


went fishing 去钓鱼

有一首英文歌,很燃,有一句歌词好像是baby I ma get you the world,we





SWEET的围杀很强,这个在很久以前就知道了。记得在2005年的 时候SWEET和MOON在LT上的较量,MOON前期出了大量的HT,SWEET赶去MOON的 分矿,MOON用幻象分出3个幻象迎战,SWEET瞬间围杀了这三个幻想!还有 MOON 没打GG 当时解说说 是输入法问题 看第一视角能看出来 MOON打不了字当时.


SWEET的围杀很强,这个在很久以前就知道了。记得在2005年的 时候SWEET和MOON在LT上的较量,MOON前期出了大量的HT,SWEET赶去MOON的 分矿,MOON用幻象分出3个幻象迎战,SWEET瞬间围杀了这三个幻想!还有 MOON 没打GG 当时解说说 是输入法问题 看第一视角能看出来 MOON打不了字当时.




wearing英 ["weu0259ru026au014b]美 ["wu025bru026au014b]v. 穿着;磨损(wear的ing形式)adj. 磨损的;穿用的;令人疲倦的


Due to innermongolia"s elongated shape, Inner Mongolia has a wide variety of regional climates. Throughout the province, the climate is based off a four-season, monsoon climate. The winters in Inner Mongolia are very long, cold, and dry with frequent blizzards, though snowfall is so light that Inner Mongolia has no modern glaciers[18] even on the highest Helan peaks. The spring is short, mild and arid, with large, dangerous sandstorms, whilst the summer is very warm to hot and relatively humid except in the west where it remains dry. Autumn is brief and sees a steady cooling, with temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) reached in October in the north and November in the south.采纳哦

dinner sweater weather他们三个的发音一样吗?










sweater怎么读 正确发音指南?



sweater 发音读法: 英式发音音标 [u02c8swetu0259(r)] 美式发音音标 [u02c8swu025btu025a] 汉语贴近发音 [史歪特] 或 [史威特] sweater 翻译成中文的意思: [名词] 毛衣,运动衫; 出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂; 榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等) [形容词] 运动衫的; 运动衫式的双语例句: My sweater shrank in the wash. 我的毛衣缩水了.She was fashionably turned out in cream trousers and a red sweater. 她穿着米色长裤和红套衫,打扮得很入时.




sweater的读音为:英 [u02c8swetu0259(r)];美 [u02c8swu025btu025a]。sweater是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂”。短语搭配:cashmere sweater 羊绒衫 ; 羊绒毛衣 ; 克什米尔羊毛衫;neck sweater 圆领运动衫 ; 高翻领运动衫 ; 尖领毛衫;bolero sweater 开胸毛衫 ; 开胸短毛衫 ; 波丽洛式毛衣 ; 开胸毛衣。knit sweater 毛线衫 ; 针织衫 ; 机织衫 ; 编织毛衣;acrylic sweater 腈纶毛衫 ; 晴纶毛衣 ; 腈纶衫;sweater coat 毛衣外套 ; 毛衣 ; 针织短外套 ; 针织外套;whose sweater 谁的毛衣;in sweater 穿着毛衣;Sweater QC 毛衣外勤验货员;双语例句:I like that sweater.我喜欢那件毛衣;I like this sweater.我喜欢这件毛衣;I like my sweater.我喜欢我的毛衣。


  WEEKEND是MaxMara旗下的一个系列,WEEKEND by MaxMara集合了传统精致的优秀公益及轻松实用的设计原则。时至今日,WEEKEND by MaxMara的店铺已遍及全球,包括巴黎、伦敦、慕尼黑、里斯本、日本等等,为进一步扩大品牌的发展版图,WEEKEND by MaxMara在中国的上海、杭州、沈阳等重要城市开设了专门店,让更多的Max Mara爱穿者拥有更多的时尚选择。   意大利品牌MaxMara 的诞生始于1951年,创办人Archille Maramotti推出第一个时装系列以一件骆驼色大衣、一套粉红色套装开始,MaxMara集团的业务从此走向灿烂的时装大道,并以50多年的创意及理想,成功建立了今日的时装王国。以能设计适合所有女士的衣饰、抗拒时装界的短暂潮流见称,充满时代感。   MaxMara服装一般的加盟店多为7个系列的产品,分别为:MM(优雅装)、SPORTMAX(时尚装)、STUDIO(职业装)、WEEKEND(休闲装)、CODE(年轻派)、MM ELEGANT(礼服装)、‘SMaxMara(奢侈装)。


  意大利品牌MaxMara 的WEEKEND(休闲装)系列。  意大利品牌MaxMara 的诞生始于1951年,创办人Archille Maramotti推出第一个时装系列以一件骆驼色大衣、一套粉红色套装开始,MaxMara集团的业务从此走向灿烂的时装大道,并以50多年的创意及理想,成功建立了今日的时装王国。以能设计适合所有女士的衣饰、抗拒时装界的短暂潮流见称,充满时代感。  MaxMara服装一般的加盟店多为7个系列的产品,分别为:MM(优雅装)、SPORTMAX(时尚装)、STUDIO(职业装)、WEEKEND(休闲装)、CODE(年轻派)、MM ELEGANT(礼服装)、"SMaxMara(奢侈装)。


WEEKEND是MaxMara旗下的一个系列,WEEKEND by MaxMara集合了传统精致的优秀公益及轻松实用的设计原则。时至今日,WEEKEND by MaxMara的店铺已遍及全球,包括巴黎、伦敦、慕尼黑、里斯本、日本等等,为进一步扩大品牌的发展版图,WEEKEND by MaxMara在中国的上海、杭州、沈阳等重要城市开设了专门店,让更多的Max Mara爱穿者拥有更多的时尚选择。 意大利品牌MaxMara 的诞生始于1951年,创办人Archille Maramotti推出第一个时装系列以一件骆驼色大衣、一套粉红色套装开始,MaxMara集团的业务从此走向灿烂的时装大道,并以50多年的创意及理想,成功建立了今日的时装王国。以能设计适合所有女士的衣饰、抗拒时装界的短暂潮流见称,充满时代感。 MaxMara服装一般的加盟店多为7个系列的产品,分别为:MM(优雅装)、SPORTMAX(时尚装)、STUDIO(职业装)、WEEKEND(休闲装)、CODE(年轻派)、MM ELEGANT(礼服装)、‘SMaxMara(奢侈装)。

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:B小题4:C 本文论述了我们的教育目的就是要使孩子适应社会生活。小题1:判断题。根据文章第2段第2句free education for all is not enough可推知此题答案为D。小题2:观点判断题。根据文章最后一段第2点that all jobs are necessary to society可推知此题答案为A。小题3:细节题。根据第1段最后一句Our purpose is to fit them for life可推知此题答案为B。小题4:主旨题。根据全文的内容,特别是根据文章的最后一句Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society可推知此题答案为C。

in other words. we are master of our own future主谓?

In other words, we are master of our own future.意思是:换言之,我们是自己未来的主人。句子分析:In other words,介词短语作状语; we主语; are 系动词作谓语,master of our own future表语。


How old are they?

读短文选择正确的答案an artist went to the

An artist (画家) went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every dayhe went out with his paints and brushes (颜料和画笔) and painted till evening. When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, "No, I don`t want money. Butgive me one of your pictures. What`s money? In a week it will all be finished,but your picture will still be here." The artists was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. Thefarmer smiled and answered, "It`s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When hecomes home next month, I`ll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think."艺术家(画家)去了一个美丽的乡村度假,住在一个农民。每一天他出去和他的颜料和画笔(颜料和画笔)和彩绘到晚上。当天黑了他回去了农场和有一个很好的晚餐在他上床睡觉之前。度假结束时他想支付农夫,农夫说:“不,我不想要钱。但给我你的照片之一。钱是什么?在一周内将所有完成,但是你的照片还会在这里。”艺术家非常高兴和感谢农夫说这种事情他的画。的农夫笑了笑,回答说:“这并不是说。我有一个儿子在伦敦。他想成为一个艺术家。当他下个月回家,我给他看你的照片,他就不再想成为一名艺术家,我想。”

An artist went to beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a famer. Every d...

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C 试题分析:小题1:这是一道事实细节题。文章第一句话An artist went to beautiful part of the country for a holiday,故选 B小题2:这是一道事实细节题。从文章第二句话Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening。故选 B小题3:这是一道事实细节题。从文章第四行I have a son in London可以知道。故选 C 点评:文章十分简单,是一篇幽默短文,主要内容都在纸面上,学生相比较容易理解。只有最后一句话When he comes here next month. I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”可能让学生有些费解。

大家帮帮忙:1.The woman whom we thought to be her turne


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求7lions的one more timeQQ空间背景音乐,就是WWE怀念终极战士的那个MV,如果有中文歌词我加分

We hope more money can _____(donate)to them.

be donated

On the Internet, we can know the things in other p() of the word.

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你好!like we used to do像我们过去一样

All Along The Watchtower 歌词

歌曲名:All Along The Watchtower歌手:Dave Mason专辑:Long Lost Friend: The Best Of Dave MasonBob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower"There must be some way out of here,"said the joker to the thief,"There"s too much confusion,I can"t get no relief.Businessmen, they drink my wine,plowmen dig my earth,None of them along the lineknow what any of it is worth.""No reason to get excited,"the thief, he kindly spoke,"There are many here among uswho feel that life is but a joke.But you and I, we"ve been through thatand this is not our fate,So let us not talk falsely now,the hour is getting late."All along the watchtower,princes kept the viewWhile all the women came and went,barefoot servants, too.Outside in the distancea wildcat did growl,Two riders were approaching,the wind began to howl.http://music.baidu.com/song/8767220

All Along The Watchtower 歌词

歌曲名:All Along The Watchtower歌手:Jimi Hendrix专辑:Experience Hendrix - The Best Of Jimi HendrixThere must be some kind of way out of heresaid the joker to the thiefThere"s too much confusionI can"t get no reliefBusinessen they (uh) drink my winePlowman dig my earthNone will level on the vineNobody of it is worthHey heyNo reason to get excited (uh) (huh)The thief he kindly spokeThere are many here among us (uh)who feel that life is but a jokeBut uhbut you and I we been through thatAnd this is not our fateSo let us not talk falsely nowThe hour"s getting lateHeyOoh All along the watchtowerPrinces kept their viewwhile all the women came and wentBarefoot servants tooWell uhooh Outside in the cold distancea wildcat did growlTwo riders were approachingand the wind began to howlGotta get awayAll Along The Watchtowerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/409546

All Along The Watchtower (Live) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:All Along The Watchtower (Live) (Album Version)歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Road Rock Vol. 1Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower"There must be some way out of here,"said the joker to the thief,"There"s too much confusion,I can"t get no relief.Businessmen, they drink my wine,plowmen dig my earth,None of them along the lineknow what any of it is worth.""No reason to get excited,"the thief, he kindly spoke,"There are many here among uswho feel that life is but a joke.But you and I, we"ve been through thatand this is not our fate,So let us not talk falsely now,the hour is getting late."All along the watchtower,princes kept the viewWhile all the women came and went,barefoot servants, too.Outside in the distancea wildcat did growl,Two riders were approaching,the wind began to howl.http://music.baidu.com/song/7675883

All Along The Watchtower 歌词

歌曲:All Along The Watchtower 歌手:Jimi Hendrix发行时间:2000-09-18所属专辑:《The Jimi Hendrix Experience Cd4》There must be some kind of way out of heresaid the joker to the thiefThere"s too much confusionI can"t get no reliefBusinessen they (uh) drink my winePlowman dig my earthNone will level on the vineNobody of it is worthHey heyNo reason to get excited (uh) (huh)The thief he kindly spokeThere are many here among us (uh)who feel that life is but a jokeBut uhbut you and I we been through thatAnd this is not our fateSo let us not talk falsely nowThe hour"s getting lateHeyOoh All along the watchtowerPrinces kept their viewwhile all the women came and wentBarefoot servants tooWell uhooh Outside in the cold distancea wildcat did growlTwo riders were approachingand the wind began to howlGotta get awayAll Along The Watchtower

一首英文歌是男女合唱的,开头女的一直唱 Do we do we do Do we do we do 节奏挺快的

Mirrors - Justin TimberlakeAren"t you somethin" to admire你是令我倾慕的女神Cause your shine is somethin" like a mirror你的光芒如同明镜闪耀And I can"t help but notice我情不自禁的注意到You reflect in this heart of mine你我心有灵犀If you ever feel alone and假如你曾有一丝寂寞The glare makes me hard to find找不到光芒下的我Just know that I"m always你要知道Parallel on the other side你我的另一面是相同的Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印I can tell you there"s no place we couldn"t go这世上便没有我们到不了的天涯海角Just put your hand on the past你陷在过去无法自拔I"m here tryin" to pull you through我会帮你度过难关You strongjust gotta be你要坚强Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you baby it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我不可能更幸福With anyone else beside me除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我Aren"t you somethin" an original你真的不同寻常 一个特别的女人Cause it doesn"t seem really as simple看起来没有那么简单And I can"t help but causestare,我忍不住会凝视I see truth somewhere in your eyes因为我在你的眼睛里看到了真理I can"t ever change without you没有你我无法改变You reflect me I love that about you你映现着我 我爱你这一点And if I could I如果我可以Would look at us all the time我会一直看着我们Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印I can tell you there"s no place we couldn"t go这世上便再也没有我们到不了的天涯海角Just put your hand on the past你陷在过去无法自拔I"m here tryin" to pull you through我会帮你度过难关You just gotta be strong你要坚强Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space, but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you, baby, it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我不可能更幸福With anyone else beside me除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我Yesterday is history昨天已成为历史Tomorrow"s a mystery明天神秘不可知I can see you lookin" back at me我可以看到你回头看我Keep your eyes on me双眼凝视着我Baby, keep your eyes on me宝贝 双眼凝视着我Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space, but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you, baby, it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我找不到任何大的With anyone else beside me我不可能更幸福 除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on我想看到你找回我后幸福的表情So now I say goodbye to the old me, it"s already gone所以我现在要告别那个过去的我 它已不在And I can"t wait wait wait wait wait to get you home我迫不及待的想要把你带回家Just to let you know you are想要让你知道 你是Girl you"re my reflection, all I see is you你就是另一个我 我的眼里只有你My reflection, in everything I do另一个我 我所做的一切You"re my reflection and all I see is you你就是另一个我 我的眼里只有你My reflection in everything I do另一个我 我所做的一切

鲍勃·迪伦的歌 All Along the Watchtower 歌词怎样翻译比较好


If we work hard with a strong will, we _____ overcome any difficulty, however great it is. A..

D 考查情态动词:A.must必须,B.need需要,C.should需要,D.can表示:有客观可能,句意是:如果有坚强的意志去工作,无论困难有多大,我们都有可能克服它。选D。

to have a strong willpower.中文是什么?


If we work with a strong will,we can overcomeany difficulty( )great it is

D的意思是不论什么 而C是不管怎么样 题意就是说不管多大的困难我们都能克服

If we work with a strong will ,we can overcome any diffculty,however it is.是什么意思?


if we work with a strong will


英语小问题 If we work with a strong will ,we can overcome any difficulty, ———gr...


if we wokr with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,__great it is


If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____great it is. A.what B..

C 试题分析:考查疑问词引导从句的区别。句意:如果我们有坚强的意志工作,我们就可以克服任何困难,无论它有多大。However引导让步壮语从句时等于“no matter how”,且这个词引导让步状语从句时,从句后面如果有形容词或副词,一定要把形容词或副词放到从句主语和however之间。故C正确。

如何解决OOM command not allowed when used memory gt

redis可以被作为类似memcached的应用级缓存使用,在内存超过限制时,按照配置的策略,淘汰掉相应的kv,使得内存可以继续留有足够的空间保存新的数据。redis的conf文件中有对该机制的一份很好的解释:194 # Don"t use more memory than the specified amount of bytes.195 # When the memory limit is reached Redis will try to remove keys196 # accordingly to the eviction policy selected (see maxmemmory-policy).197 #198 # If Redis can"t remove keys according to the policy, or if the policy is199 # set to "noeviction", Redis will start to reply with errors to commands200 # that would use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue201 # to reply to read-only commands like GET.202 #203 # This option is usually useful when using Redis as an LRU cache, or to set204 # an hard memory limit for an instance (using the "noeviction" policy).205 #206 # WARNING: If you have slaves attached to an instance with maxmemory on,207 # the size of the output buffers needed to feed the slaves are subtracted208 # from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will209 # not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output210 # buffer of slaves is full with DELs of keys evicted triggering the deletion211 # of more keys, and so forth until the database is completely emptied.212 #213 # In short... if you have slaves attached it is suggested that you set a lower214 # limit for maxmemory so that there is some free RAM on the system for slave215 # output buffers (but this is not needed if the policy is "noeviction").216 #217 # maxmemory <bytes>注意,在redis按照master-slave使用时,其maxmeory应设置的比实际物理内存稍小一些,给slave output buffer留有足够的空间。redis支持如下五种缓存淘汰策略:219 # MAXMEMORY POLICY: how Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory220 # is reached? You can select among five behavior:221 # 222 # volatile-lru -> remove the key with an expire set using an LRU algorithm223 # allkeys-lru -> remove any key accordingly to the LRU algorithm224 # volatile-random -> remove a random key with an expire set225 # allkeys->random -> remove a random key, any key226 # volatile-ttl -> remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)227 # noeviction -> don"t expire at all, just return an error on write operations注释已经解释的很清楚了,不再赘述。其缓存管理功能,由redis.c文件中的freeMemoryIfNeeded函数实现。如果maxmemory被设置,则在每次进行命令执行之前,该函数均被调用,用以判断是否有足够内存可用,释放内存或返回错误。如果没有找到足够多的内存,程序主逻辑将会阻止设置了REDIS_COM_DENYOOM flag的命令执行,对其返回command not allowed when used memory > "maxmemory"的错误消息。具体代码如下:int freeMemoryIfNeeded(void) { size_t mem_used, mem_tofree, mem_freed; int slaves = listLength(server.slaves); /* Remove the size of slaves output buffers and AOF buffer from the * count of used memory. */ 计算占用内存大小时,并不计算slave output buffer和aof buffer,因此maxmemory应该比实际内存小,为这两个buffer留足空间。 mem_used = zmalloc_used_memory(); if (slaves) { listIter li; listNode *ln; listRewind(server.slaves,&li); while((ln = listNext(&li))) { redisClient *slave = listNodeValue(ln); unsigned long obuf_bytes = getClientOutputBufferMemoryUsage(slave); if (obuf_bytes > mem_used) mem_used = 0; else mem_used -= obuf_bytes; } } if (server.appendonly) { mem_used -= sdslen(server.aofbuf); mem_used -= sdslen(server.bgrewritebuf); } /* Check if we are over the memory limit. */ if (mem_used <= server.maxmemory) return REDIS_OK; if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION) return REDIS_ERR; /* We need to free memory, but policy forbids. */ /* Compute how much memory we need to free. */ mem_tofree = mem_used - server.maxmemory; mem_freed = 0; while (mem_freed < mem_tofree) { int j, k, keys_freed = 0; for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) { long bestval = 0; /* just to prevent warning */ sds bestkey = NULL; struct dictEntry *de; redisDb *db = server.db+j; dict *dict; if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_LRU || server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_RANDOM) { dict = server.db[j].dict; } else { dict = server.db[j].expires; } if (dictSize(dict) == 0) continue; /* volatile-random and allkeys-random policy */ if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_RANDOM || server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_RANDOM) { de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); bestkey = dictGetEntryKey(de); }//如果是random delete,则从dict中随机选一个key /* volatile-lru and allkeys-lru policy */ else if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_LRU || server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU) { for (k = 0; k < server.maxmemory_samples; k++) { sds thiskey; long thisval; robj *o; de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); thiskey = dictGetEntryKey(de); /* When policy is volatile-lru we need an additonal lookup * to locate the real key, as dict is set to db->expires. */ if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU) de = dictFind(db->dict, thiskey); //因为dict->expires维护的数据结构里并没有记录该key的最后访问时间 o = dictGetEntryVal(de); thisval = estimateObjectIdleTime(o); /* Higher idle time is better candidate for deletion */ if (bestkey == NULL || thisval > bestval) { bestkey = thiskey; bestval = thisval; } }//为了减少运算量,redis的lru算法和expire淘汰算法一样,都是非最优解,lru算法是在相应的dict中,选择maxmemory_samples(默认设置是3)份key,挑选其中lru的,进行淘汰 } /* volatile-ttl */ else if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_TTL) { for (k = 0; k < server.maxmemory_samples; k++) { sds thiskey; long thisval; de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); thiskey = dictGetEntryKey(de); thisval = (long) dictGetEntryVal(de); /* Expire sooner (minor expire unix timestamp) is better * candidate for deletion */ if (bestkey == NULL || thisval < bestval) { bestkey = thiskey; bestval = thisval; } }//注意ttl实现和上边一样,都是挑选出maxmemory_samples份进行挑选 } /* Finally remove the selected key. */ if (bestkey) { long long delta; robj *keyobj = createStringObject(bestkey,sdslen(bestkey)); propagateExpire(db,keyobj); //将del命令扩散给slaves /* We compute the amount of memory freed by dbDelete() alone. * It is possible that actually the memory needed to propagate * the DEL in AOF and replication link is greater than the one * we are freeing removing the key, but we can"t account for * that otherwise we would never exit the loop. * * AOF and Output buffer memory will be freed eventually so * we only care about memory used by the key space. */ delta = (long long) zmalloc_used_memory(); dbDelete(db,keyobj); delta -= (long long) zmalloc_used_memory(); mem_freed += delta; server.stat_evictedkeys++; decrRefCount(keyobj); keys_freed++; /* When the memory to free starts to be big enough, we may * start spending so much time here that is impossible to * deliver data to the slaves fast enough, so we force the * transmission here inside the loop. */ if (slaves) flushSlavesOutputBuffers(); } }//在所有的db中遍历一遍,然后判断删除的key释放的空间是否足够 if (!keys_freed) return REDIS_ERR; /* nothing to free... */ } return REDIS_OK;}注意,此函数是在执行特定命令之前进行调用的,并且在当前占用内存低于限制后即返回OK。因此可能在后续执行命令后,redis占用的内存就超过了maxmemory的限制。因此,maxmemory是redis执行命令所需保证的最大内存占用,而非redis实际的最大内存占用。(在不考虑slave buffer和aof buffer的前提下)


注:有关实体这个答案会谈DbContext,但 它适用于任何类型的工作单元,例如 LINQ to SQL中的DataContext和NHibernate的ISession。让我们以呼应伊恩开始:有一个单一的DbContext为整个应用程序是一个坏主意。唯一的情况下,这是有道理的,当你有一个单线程的应用程序和数据库是由单个应用程序实例。该DbContext不是线程安全的,并且由于DbContext缓存数据,它就会过时很快。这将让你在各种trouble时 CodeGo.net,该数据库(这是当然的)工作。但我希望的你已经知道,只是想知道为什么不只是注入一个新的实例(即一过性的生活方式)DbContext到任何人谁需要它。 (关于为什么单DbContext-甚至对每上下文线程是坏的,读这个答案)。 说,登记开始DbContext瞬态可以工作,但通常你要在一定范围内有工作的这样一个单位的一个实例。在Web应用程序,它可以是实际来定义的Web请求的界限这样的范围,每一个网页请求的生活方式。这使您可以让整套对象的上下文中运行。换句话说,它们的商业事务中运行。 如果你有有一组操作的上下文中运行,在这种情况下,短暂的生活方式是好的,但也有一些事情要注意的没有目标:由于每个对象都有自己的实例,每一个改变系统的状态类,需要调用_context.SaveChanges()(否则修改将丢失)。这是你的代码,并增加了第二个责任的代码(控制范围内的责任),并违反了单一职责原则的。 你需要确保实体[载入和保存了DbContext】永远不会离开这样一类的范围,他们不能在另一个类的上下文实例。这是你的代码时,你需要的实体,你需要通过ID重新加载它们,这也概率能问题。 自DbContextIDisposable,你可能仍然要处理所有创建的实例。如果你想这样做,你基本上有两种选择。你需要在调用后出售他们在正确的context.SaveChanges()的,但在这种情况下,该业务逻辑需要它得到从外部传递的对象的所有权。第二个选择是丢弃HTTP请求的border上的所有创建的实例,但在这种情况下,你仍然需要某种作用域来让容器知道什么时候这些实例需要处理。另一种选择是不注入DbContext在所有。相反,你注入DbContextFactory即能创建新的实例(在过去的这种做法)。这样,业务逻辑控制方面作了明确规定。如果可能看起来像这样:public void SomeOperation(){ using (var context = this.contextFactory.CreateNew()) { var entities = this.otherDependency.Operate( context, "some value"); context.Entities.InsertOnSubmit(entities); context.SaveChanges(); }}这样做的缺点是,你管理的生命DbContext明确并很容易设置此。它还允许你在一定范围内的单一方面,它具有明显的优势,比如在一个单一的业务事务中运行的代码,并能够绕过实体,因为它们从起源DbContext。 缺点是,你将不得不通过周围的DbContext(这是方法注入)。请注意,在这个意义上的解决方案是为“范围”的方法,但现在的范围被控制在应用程序代码本身(并且可能重复很多它是负责创建和处理工作单元的应用,因为该DbContext依赖关系图被构造后创建,构造函数注入是出来的图片,你需要推迟到方法注入时,你需要通过上下文从一个类到另一个。 方法注入并不坏,但是当业务逻辑变得多类动手,你将不得不把它和类传递给类,它的代码了很多(我已经在过去看到了这一点)。对于一个简单的应用程序,这种方法会做就好了,虽然。 一个缺点,这家工厂方法具有更大的系统,另一种方法可以,这是一个在那里你让容器或基础结构代码/作曲根管理工作单元。这是你的问题是关于样式。 通过让容器和/或基础设施解决这个问题,您的应用程序代码不被污染由有创造,(可选)承诺和Dispose一个UOW实例,这使业务逻辑简单而干净的(只是一个单一责任)。有这种方法的困难。例如,被你提交和处置的实例? 处置工作单元可以在Web请求结束时完成。很multiplayer却错误地认为,这也是对提交工作单位的地方。然而,在应用这一点上,你根本无法确定确定工作单位实际上应该如如果应用程序代码抛出一个异常,你肯定不希望提交。 真正的解决方案是再次明确管理类的范围,但是这个做构图根内。抽象背后/处理模式的所有业务逻辑,你就可以写一个decorator,可以缠处理程序,它允许这样做。例如:class TransactionalCommandHandlerDecorator<TCommand> : ICommandHandler<TCommand>{ readonly DbContext context; readonly ICommandHandler<TCommand> decorated; public TransactionCommandHandlerDecorator( DbContext context, ICommandHandler<TCommand> decorated) { this.context = context; this.decorated = decorated; } public void Handle(TCommand command) { this.decorated.Handle(command); context.SaveChanges(); } }这可以确保您只需要编写此基础结构代码一次。任何固体DI容器允许您配置这样的decorator被缠所有ICommandHandler<T>以一致的方式。

WWE中CM punk简介

CM Punk   中文名字:CM 朋克   [1]真名:Phil Brooks   生日:1978年10月26日   家乡:芝加哥,伊利诺斯州   婚姻情况:   前任女友Daffney、Tracy Brooks、Maria Kanellis 和Lita    身高体重:6 1(185cm)" - 220 lbs   现状:反派,The New Nexus的首领   训练于:   Ace Steel   Danny Dominion   Kevin Quinn   Dave Taylor   Dave Finlay   William Regal写真照(8张)  摔角学校的Ace Steel和Danny Dominion   初次登场:1999年   终结技:   Pepsi Plunge (Top-Rope Pedigree)   The GTS (Go-To-Sleep)   得意技:

【web前端】十分钟彻底弄懂 flex 布局

flex(flexible box:弹性布局盒模型),是 2009 年 w3c 提出的一种可以简洁、快速对页面进行弹性布局的属性。主要思想是给予容器控制内部元素高度和宽度的能力。目前已得到以下浏览器支持: 其中在webkit内核的浏览器中使用时,必须加上 -webkit- 前缀。 使用 flex 布局的容器(flex container),它内部的元素自动成为 flex 项目(flex item)。容器拥有 两根 隐形的轴,水平的 主轴 (main axis),和竖直的 交叉轴 (cross axis)。 主轴开始的位置,即主轴与左边框的交点,称为 main start;主轴结束的位置称为 main end;交叉轴开始的位置,即交叉轴与上边框的交点,称为 cross start;交叉轴结束的位置称为 cross end。 item 按主轴或交叉轴排列,item 在主轴方向上占据的宽度称为 main size,在交叉轴方向上占据的宽度称为 cross size。 注意:使用 flex 容器内元素,即 flex item 的 float,clear、vertical-align 属性将失效。 flex-direction 决定主轴的方向,即项目排列的方向。有四个可能的值:row(默认) | row-reverse | column | column-reverse。 flex-wrap 决定项目在盒中无法撑满的情况下,是否换行。 它是 flex-direction 和 flex-wrap 的集合简写形式,如:row wrap | column wrap-reverse 等。默认值为 row nowrap,即横向排列 不换行。 决定 item 在横向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start(默认),flex-end,center,space-between,space-around。当为横向主轴时,具体含义如下: 决定 item 在纵向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start(默认),flex-end,center,space-between,space-around。当为纵向主轴时,具体含义如下: 决定了 item 在横向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | baseline ,当为横向主轴时,其具体含义为: 决定了 item 在纵向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | baseline ,当为纵向主轴时,其具体含义为: 该属性定义了当有多根主轴时,即 item 不止一行时,多行在交叉轴上的对齐方式。注意当有多行时,定义了 align-content 后,align-items 属性将失效。align-content 可能值含义如下(假设主轴为垂直方向): item 的属性在 item 的 style 中设置,item 共有如下六种属性: order 的值是整数,默认为 0,整数越小,item 排列越靠前,如上图所示。 它定义了当 flex 容器有多余空间时,item 是否放大。默认值为 0,即当有多余空间时也不放大;可能的值为整数,表示不同 item 的放大比例。 定义了当容器空间不足时,item 是否缩小。默认值为 1,表示当空间不足时,item 自动缩小,其可能的值为整数,表示不同 item 的缩小比例。 表示 item 在主轴上占据的空间,默认值为 auto。 flex 属性是 flex-grow、flex-shrink 和 flex-basis 三属性的简写总和。 align-self 属性允许 item 有自己独特的在交叉轴上的对齐方式,它有六个可能的值,默认值为 auto。

The Return of the Giant Hogweed 歌词

歌曲名:The Return of the Giant Hogweed歌手:Genesis专辑:Nursery CrymeTurn and run!Nothing can stop them!Around every river and canal their power is growing.Stamp them out!We must destroy them!They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odour.They are invincible.They are immune to all our herbicidal battering.Long ago in the Russian hills,A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh.GenesisHe captured it and brought it home.Botanical creature stirs,seeking revenge.Royal beast did not forget.He came home to LondonAnd made a present of the Hogweed to the Royal Gardens at Kew.Waste no time!They are approaching!Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter.Strike by night!They are defenseless!They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom.Still they"re invincible.Fashionable country gentlemen had some cultivated wild gardensIn which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land.Botanical creature stirs,Seeking revenge.Royal beast did not forget.Soon they escaped, spreading their seed, preparing for an onslaught,Threatening the human race.(THE DANCE OF THE GIANT HOGWEED)Mighty Hogweed is avenged.Human bodies soon will know our anger.Kill them with your Hogweed hairs.HERACLEUM MANTEGAZZIANI.Giant Hogweed lives.http://music.baidu.com/song/54367875

a cold welcome / a cold fish / a lucky dog有什么区别?

a cold welcome 不受欢迎a lucky dog 是幸运儿,外国人喜欢狗,这里是代指,I am a lucky dog 我很幸运。

英译汉 ,谢谢 Do you like to hang out with you friends at the weekend? Why or why not?


on nov. 18th ,1908 three men went up in a ballon的首字母

On November 18th, 1908, three men went up in a balloon They started early in London. The headman was Auguste Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon, and they were ready for a long way.  Soon they heard the sea below them. They were carrying the usual rope, and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box This could hold water. Or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight. They were also carrying some bags of sand.  After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up t0 3 000 meters, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men"s basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. There was also some snow on the balloon, and that made it very heavy. It began to go down towards the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling; so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake below and made a black hole in the ice.        At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose t0 5 100 meters! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had traveled 1797 kilometers from London!



GEO week是什么意思

GEO大概是geography的缩写 GEO week 是地理周

Sweet Sweet Sound的歌词

Sarah Reeves - Sweet Sweet Sound I am an instrument of the living God My life a melody to His name More than the songs I sing Worship is everything I live to glorify my King Hear the song of my life Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound I raise this anthem high Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Through all the mire and clay You"re washing me with grace You carry me, oh Lord, through it all So I will testify even in the fire I live to praise my Savior Hear the song of my life Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound I raise this anthem high Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord And all creation will sing Hallelujah Hear the song of my life Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound I raise this anthem high Let it be a sweet, sweet sound Let it be a sweet, sweet sound 萨拉斯-甜甜声 我是活神的工具 我的生活是以他的名字的旋律 我唱的歌比更 崇拜是一切 我住我王荣耀 听到这首歌,我的生命 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音 我提出此奏国歌高 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音 通过所有的泥潭和粘土 你要洗我的宽限期 你带我,哦主,通过这一切 所以我会作证甚至在火中 我住赞美我的救世主 听到这首歌,我的生命 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音 我提出此奏国歌高 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让万物有呼吸 赞美主、 赞美主 所有的创建将唱还有 听到这首歌,我的生命 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音 我提出此奏国歌高 让它去吧甜甜的声音 让它去吧甜甜的声音

A heavily weighted coin flip 美国选举报道中的一句话 什么意思



seepweed 英["si:pwi:d] 美["si:pwi:d]n. 碱蓬草;[例句]Seepweed is a high-quality vegetables, economic crops and plant resources with the value of health care.碱蓬是一种优质蔬菜、经济作物和具有医疗保健价值的植物资源,目前对碱蓬的开发利用度还比较低,发展前景广阔。

Restless Farewell 歌词

Restless Farewell演唱:Mark KnopflerOh all the money that in my whole life I did spend,Be it mine right or wrongfully,I let it slip gladly past the hands of my friendsTo tie up the time most forcefully.But the bottles are done,We"ve killed each oneAnd the table"s full and overflowed.And the corner signSays it"s closing time,So I"ll bid farewell and be down the road.Oh ev"ry girl that ever l"ve touched,I did not do it harmfully.And ev"ry girl that ever I"ve hurt,I did not do it knowin"ly.But to remain as friends and make amendsYou need the time and stay behind.And since my feet are now fastAnd point away from the past,I"ll bid farewell and be down the line.Oh ev"ry foe that ever I faced,The cause was there before we came.And ev"ry cause that ever I fought,I fought it full without regret or shame.But the dark does dieAs the curtain is drawn and somebody"s eyesMust meet the dawn.And if I see the dayI"d only have to stay,So I"ll bid farewell in the night and be gone.Oh, ev"ry thought that"s strung a knot in my mind,I might go insane if it couldn"t be sprung.But it"s not to stand naked under unknowin" eyes,It"s for myself and my friends my stories are sung.But the time ain"t tall,Yet on time you depend and no word is possessedBy no special friend.And though the line is cut,It ain"t quite the end,I"ll just bill farewell till we meet again.Oh a false clock tries to tick out my timeTo disgrace, distract, and bother me.And the dirt of gossip blows into my face,And the dust of rumors covers me.But if the arrow is straightAnd the point is slick,It can pierce through dust no matter how thick.So I"ll make my standAnd remain as I amAnd bid farewell and not give a damn.http://music.baidu.com/song/59327691

power steering fluid缺失

power steering fluid缺失如下汽车转向助力油长时间不换会导致转向机和助力泵损坏。当你启动车辆,行驶的同时,助力油也在运转,当他运行一段时间后油液里面会产生杂物,粘度降低,直接影响方向助力和转向助力泵里面的阀体,一般情况下需要2年更换一次。转向助力油减少或进入空气或磨料污染,会直接影响到动力转向装置的工作性能,还会影响转向系统的使用寿命。因此,检查、补充、更换转向助力油和排气,是动力转向装置工作性能检查的前提,也是一项重要的常规性维护作业。



power steering fluid是什么油?






汽车上power s丅eering fluid中文什么意思

power steering fluid 意思:动力转向油,方向盘里的油词汇解释power 英 [u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pau028au025a] n.力量;[机]动力,功率;政权,权力;强国,大国vt.运转;用发动机发动;使…有力量vi.靠动力行进;快速行进adj.权力的;机械能的,电动的;用电力(或动力)发动的例句:The "flywheel" battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a singlecharge 据说“飞轮”电池充电一次就能驱动电动汽车行驶600英里。steering 英 [u02c8stu026au0259ru026au014b] 美 [u02c8stu026aru026au014b] n.指导;掌舵;转向装置;操作v.驾驶( steer的现在分词)例句:America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steeringwheel on the right. 如果制造的汽车方向盘是装在右边的,美国可能会在这些岛屿卖出更多的汽车。fluid 英 [u02c8flu:u026ad] 美 [u02c8fluu026ad] n.液体,流体adj.流体的,流动的,流体的,液体的;易变的,不固定的;(动作、设计、音乐等)流畅优美的例句:The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision 血管可能会渗漏,造成视力模糊。

In My Darkest Hour (Live At Wembley) 歌词

歌曲名:In My Darkest Hour (Live At Wembley)歌手:Megadeth专辑:WarchestIn my hour of needHa you"re not thereAnd though I reached out for youWouldn"t lend a handThrough the darkest hourGrace did not shine on meIt feels so cold, very coldNo one cares for meDid you ever think I get lonelyDid you ever think that I needed loveDid you ever think to stop thinkingYou"re the only one that I"m thinking ofYou"ll never know how hard I triedTo find my space and satisfy you tooThings will be better when I"m dead and goneDon"t try to understand, knowing you I"m probably wrongBut oh how I lived my life for youStill you"d turn awayNow as I die for youMy flesh still crawls as I breathe your nameAll these years I thought I was wrongNow I know it was youRaise your head raise your face your eyesTell me who you think you are, who ?I walk, I walk aloneInto the promised landThere"s a better place for meBut it"s far, far awayEverlasting life for meIn a perfect worldBut I gotta die firstPlease God send me on my wayTime has a way of taking timeLoneliness is not only felt by foolsAlone I call to ease the painYearning to be held by you, alone, so alone, I"m lostConsumed by the painThe pain, the pain, the painWon"t you hold me againYou just laughed, ha, ha, bitchMy whole life is work built on the pastBut the time has come when all things shall passThis good thing passed awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2695550

英语歌歌手dev 歌名baby,we go歌词翻译中文

DEV - Baby, We GoSay you walking away, say you walking away //(他们)说你离去,说你离去Then my face change //我的脸色就变了Then my space gets smaller by the second //我的空间在那瞬变渺小了What you leaving tonight? //今晚你在离开什么?What you leaving tonight? //今晚你在离开什么?Try to catch my first fly //试着追上我的初次飞翔I love these ties that just show my perfection //我爱着这些彰显我完美的领带I could fuse and talk in the city you"re my first love //我可以在城市里融入交谈,你是我的初恋Cuz is something that I can do, ooh, ooh boy //因为是我可以做的一些事,oh,oh boyYou"re all I ever think of, think of //你是我昼思夜想的人Let"s star over, start over, //让我们重新开始,重新开始Let"s say hello //让我们说hello(初次见面)When we together, when we"re together baby we go //当我们在一起,当我们在一起时,baby我们一起走吧Go, go, we go //一起走,一起走,我们一起走Yeah we goBaby we goI must be the last here //我一定是这里的最后一个the one that was more than enough //那个比足够更多的I realize you were meant to hold my hand //我意识到你命中注定牵着我的手Now I never let you leave //现在我永远不会让你离开This you make me believe //这样的你让我相信We got too much to lose and understand //我们有太多可以失去与理解的东西了I could fuse and talk in the city you"re my first love //我可以在城市里融入交谈,你是我的初恋Cuz is something that I can do, ooh, ooh boy //因为是我可以做的一些事,哦,哦男孩You"re all I ever think of, think of //你是我昼思夜想的人Let"s star over, start over, //让我们重新开始,重新开始Let"s say hello //让我们说hello(初次见面)When we together, when we"re together baby we go //当我们在一起,当我们在一起时,baby我们一起走吧Go, go, we go //一起走,一起走,我们一起走Yeah we goBaby we goI could fuse and talk in the city you"re my first love //我可以在城市里融入交谈,你是我的初恋Cuz is something that I can do, ooh, ooh boy //因为是我可以做的一些事,哦,哦男孩You"re all I ever think of, think of //你是我昼思夜想的人Let"s star over, start over, //让我们重新开始,重新开始Let"s say hello //让我们说hello(初次见面)When we together, when we"re together baby we go //当我们在一起,当我们在一起时,baby我们一起走吧Go, go, we go //一起走,一起走,我们一起走Yeah we goBaby we go

英语单词:trace 和 trail 都有名词“痕迹,踪迹”的意思,区别是? We got to cover our trails(traces)

在用作“痕迹,踪迹”含义时,trace 显得比较中性(留下痕迹),而trail则带有一些贬义(露出马脚)。


WWE摔角是真的还是假的?很多刚接触摔角的人都会问这个问题。其实这个事情确实很难解释清楚,因为摔交真的是摔人、打人,有时候还会弄死人(日本小团体中经常发生类似的事件)但是让他们打起来的剧情(下面有关于剧情的介绍)是假的。说简单点的话,摔角是真实的,剧情是虚构的。但是打的时候双方都好合作,所以也不能完完全全的说摔角是真打。1. 这个WWE到底是比赛还是表演? 答:是比赛, 同时也是表演,一般比赛来讲, 除了要害攻击跟凶器攻击之外, 几乎都是允许的. 如果没有中间又踢又打的这些动作, 那哪里会有一场流畅的摔角比赛呢? ,假打真打都是存在的. 有的选手真的套招套的很烂, 根本没碰到对方, 对方就倒下去了. 不过大部分都是扎扎实实动作, 而且这些动作(尤其是摔技之类的)对没有训练过的人来讲都是非常危险的(接受过正式训练的选手懂得保护自己跟对手) 2. 那些擂台边上的柱子和台阶都真的是铁制品吗? 答:那些其实都不是用铁做的。阶梯实际上要比解说员所介绍的要轻得多,被这玩艺打其实并不怎幺疼。在大多数时候,你会注意到是台阶的三角端(V字端用来和台柱固定需要想象一下)与摔角选手的身体接触(也就是被打一方啦)。如果是要用来砸对手的脑袋,对方都会举起手做防护;如果一名选手靠在第二阶上,就是台阶较低的那一层,这时对手将台阶向他砸了过去,仔细看你会注意到实际上是将尖端对着选手所靠的第二级台阶砸的,而不是朝着人去的。擂台的台柱要坚固一些而且有一定的潜在危险,不过同样的,很少有选手因此受伤。在场内如果对手躲开的话,选手通常是将肩膀对着台柱撞过去的,要是你离得近的话就会发现实际上他们身体与柱子根本没有任何接触。同样,当选手让人放倒在地后,被拉着双腿用胯部撞柱子时,实际上胯部与铁柱也是碰不着的。(题外话,在大学时我们管这个?quot;锯“,拿门和床柱都试过…)在场外被撞向柱子倒是要”实在“一些,不过同样离近了看,你就会发现摔角手通常在肩部撞到柱子之前用手挡一下,用来减轻冲击。 3. 那些被用铁锤袭击的选手怎么没有受伤? 答:当摔角手使用铁锤时,那锤子要幺是假的要幺就是塑料的,或者选手故意往回“拉”锤子减轻力道,也就是说并不是全力击向对手,在挥舞锤子的时候把它往回拉。(最喜欢用锤子的人是Triple H) 4. 他们用的那些图钉是不是真的?他们怎么从高空中摔下来没有事啊? 答:是真的,那些确实是真正的图钉,扎上去是会受伤的,你所见到的任何一枚扎到选手(1998年的King_of_the_Ring比赛中The Undertaker VS Mick Foley那场比赛)身上都会受伤。不过,摔角手所穿的靴子、护膝和护肘会起到保护作用,不过其它地方比如说扎到脸上或者身上的可就不行了。 其实没事是不可能的,但是他们在摔角学校受过专门训练,学习过正确的保护动作。所以才不至于受到死亡乃至骨折等伤害。5. 那些摔角手拿椅子对打为什么都没受伤,而我们被碰一下却疼得要死? 答:他们用的那些折椅都是特制的以减轻绝大部分的冲击力,而且一般选手也不会很用力,这样就可减少受伤的危险。警告:普通的折椅是起不到上述作用的(如果你不知道的话),会实实在在地伤害到你的对手。另外,如果你好奇的话,那些椅子确实都是铁做的。 6. 摔角手被东西打后流的血是怎么回事? 答:摔角手所流的血基本都是他自己割的而不是用血袋(但是也不排除在摔打过程中失手给选手造成的伤害)。下面具体说一下:选手滚出擂台并躲到观众的视线之外,这时他就抽出一枚小刀片(通常是藏在护腕或手套里,也有是在裁判假装检查他是否有受伤时偷偷递给他的)并且快速地割伤自己的前额。 7. 擂台是铁皮做的,摔角手在擂台上面摔得这么响怎么还能爬起来打啊?有什么特殊的地方吗? 答:擂台的底部很有弹性,把旁边的帘子掀开你就会见到它的结构。摔角选手说它就像一张弹簧床,当选手从高处跳下来时,擂台吸收了大部分的冲击力。在擂台的垫子底下还有几层软木,也会吸收冲击力。另外,在擂台之下还经常会有一个小麦克风,这样会使得一些大的招数听起来更具危险性。 8. 什么叫做硬核比赛啊? 答:硬核是 Hardcore 的直译,Hard- 硬,Core- 核,内心 Hardcore 实际上就是一种很冷酷混乱与没有约束的感觉。 摔角中的Hardcore比赛就是 没有规则的混乱暴力比赛,可以使用各种器具作为武器,可以使用戳眼睛和下体攻击等无赖招数,甚至可以在擂台以外压制。 9. 摔角比赛的各种形式都有哪些啊? 答:摔角比赛的各种形式都有以下几种类型 铁人比赛:在限定的时间内制压次数多者为胜。 台下混战:被对手打下台就要被台下的人群殴斗。 皇家大混战:有两种打法:第1种是将对手从擂台第一条线上打下台去。第2种是4个人互相制压,剩下最后一个为胜。 双打比赛。 让步比赛(以少打多就是让步比赛)。 硬芯、硬核比赛:无规则,可打至后台,随手可以抓武器打人,椅子、铁锤、桌子、棍子等都可以。(参见第9的一个问答) 5对5、4对4、6对6比赛。 锅炉赛:在一个锅炉房间里比赛,里面在铸铁,墙上、地上都是热的。 地狱铁笼赛:最多6人同时比赛,只要制压其中一个人,就可胜利。有些地狱铁笼赛是可以投降和 K O的。 无规则铁笼赛:爬出铁笼或者投降、制压、 K O敌人都可以。 3人赛:先制压成功者胜利。 4人赛:规则同上。 比基尼赛:穿着比基尼出来表演,观众喊得大声的胜利。 乳罩、内裤比赛:谁先将对手的衣服、裤子脱掉只剩下乳罩和内裤,谁就胜。 担架赛:把“敌人”打晕后放上担架并用各种手段把担架放到指定位置。 10.WWE每个月的PPV大赛都有哪些啊? 答: PPV节目有时会进行调整,每年将会有12个大型的PPV.以下就是每个月的PPV大赛 WWE每个月还有定期举行的特别比赛——PPV(PAY-PER-VIEW),PPV的意思是电视台每次播出PPV节目都要购买它的播出权,如果想转播一年12个PPV的话那每次都要跟WWE购买播出权,每个PPV的价格都是不同的,而最受欢迎的PPV是3月的WrestleMania,每次播出权都高得令人咋舌!一年12个月一共12个不同的PPV,它们分别是1月的Royal Rumble(皇家大战),2月的No Way Out(无路可逃),3月的WrestleMania(摔角狂热),4月的Backlash(爆裂震撼),5月的Judgement Day(审判日),6月的King of the Ring(擂台之王)/Bad Blood(邪恶基因),7月的Vengeanc(致命复仇),8月的SummerSlam(夏日冲击),9月的Unforgiven(杀无赦),10月的No Mercy(毫不仁慈),11月的Survivor Series(强者生存),12月的Armageddon(世界末日),WWE的PPV节目有时会进行调整,以当时的实际情况为准,除了这12个固定的PPV外有时WWE还会举行额外的PPV节目。WWE不仅拥有花样繁多的比赛名称,还有各种各样刺激的比赛模式,如:最受欢迎的地狱铁笼大赛、活埋大赛、可以使用凶器的硬核大赛、每年1月的皇家30人大战等等....

Wishing you a good receipt, we remain英文信件在结尾中出现的这句话应该怎么翻译好?

Wishing you a good receipt: 祝您财源滚滚。应该是: we remain at your disposal吧。我们将竭诚为您服务。

Wishing Well 歌词

歌曲名:Wishing Well歌手:Terence Trent D"Arby专辑:Introducing The Hardline According To Terence Trent D"ArbyPHANTOM PLANET-"Wishing Well"It cursed us all on our way homeWe passed the sights like passing stonesAnd I will never go back there againThe tourists and the army menThe prostitutes this eveningWill start to sink under my skinThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellHe is the shrieks I am the fearThat yelling man rings in my earsOut of his mind he"s my conscienceHour after hour pill after pillHe is my bellyache I"ve taken so much medicine to killI know there"s something wrong"Cause this night just drags on and onThe clock still says it won"t be long"Til all your hard earned money"s goneThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellAnd I will never go back there againThe tourists and the army menThe prostitutes this eveningWill start to sink under my skinThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9662273

Wishing Well 歌词

歌曲名:Wishing Well歌手:The Mission专辑:The Mission At The BbcPHANTOM PLANET-"Wishing Well"It cursed us all on our way homeWe passed the sights like passing stonesAnd I will never go back there againThe tourists and the army menThe prostitutes this eveningWill start to sink under my skinThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellHe is the shrieks I am the fearThat yelling man rings in my earsOut of his mind he"s my conscienceHour after hour pill after pillHe is my bellyache I"ve taken so much medicine to killI know there"s something wrong"Cause this night just drags on and onThe clock still says it won"t be long"Til all your hard earned money"s goneThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellAnd I will never go back there againThe tourists and the army menThe prostitutes this eveningWill start to sink under my skinThe dust and sand is what they sellThe flashing lights and ringing bellsA wish as far as I can tellInside this dried up wishing wellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10224955

高三英语句子成分解析,3这句花,为什么填wishing,作非谓的话是作什么成分,we enjoye

wishing well深层含义

wishing well深层含义是许愿。 wishing well:n.(投币)许愿井。 扩展资料   You probably start by thinking about who"s wishing you well.   也许你会先想想是谁在祝福你。   I"m writing this letter and wishing you well.   我正在写这封信并且希望你安好。   Take good care of yourself, she said in her heart, silently wishing him well.   多保重吧,她心里暗暗地对他祝福道。   Wishing someone well after they sneeze probably originated thousands of years ago.   在有人打喷嚏时祝愿他们安好,这一习俗起源于几千年前。   We all are thinking of you, and wishing you well at this time of such a disaster.   我们所有人都惦念您,希望您在这次灾难中安然无恙。

配电柜BX—5000 4*185 sc100 we求解释


英语谚语:Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文意思: 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is not how long but how well we live 问题不是活得长不长而是活得好不好。 It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not whatever be his age 一个人不论年龄多大,都要学习不懂的东西,这不是羞耻。 It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman 君子在德不在衣。 It is not work that kills but worry 劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。 It is no use crying over spilt milk 泼水难收。 It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently 话讲得多是一回事,讲得恰当是另一回事。 It is right to put everything in its proper use 凡事都应该用得其所。 It is the first step that costs 万事开头难。 It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother 一切优秀的人通常都从他们母亲那里继承优良的因素。 It is the nature of every man to err but only the fool perseveres in the error 人总不免要犯错误,只有蠢人才坚持不改。 英语谚语: Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 中文意思: 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。

bigbang we belong together中文歌词

We Belong Together credit to gdluvzmc@BIG BANG Fansite (GD) Yea, Baby Boo Iu2019m always thinking about you Whatever you do, Iu2019ll always trust you You knowu2026 We belong together uh Chorus u2013 Park Bom Boy Iu2019m ready for your love (yea yea) You got me going steady for your love (oh oh) Nobody but you Iu2019m thinking of (donu2019t cry) So heavenly so obvious (thanks a lot, yea) Ooh baby Iu2019m so ready for your love (love me) You got me going steady for your love (we belong together uh) Ainu2019t nobody but you Iu2019m thinking of (yess) Thatu2019s only because we belong together (letu2019s go) GD: (Oh) Uhh hey baby girl, whatu2019s up Give me just a little time You be always on the go, itu2019s like, oh, you can at least say u2018Hiu2019 My sweet lover, there can never be another Wanna rub ya, baby all the above No one can deny youu2019re so fly, so fly Gotta say my mind And itu2019s killing me everyday of the week Oh, but I guess I get by What you want, this side of me Just ride with me to our destination Kick back and ride and relax you know (PB: Ooh, baby baby) Never mind your cries and woes We can sail away and free those Everyday top city life Now itu2019s our time, enjoy this view The cityu2019s out and itu2019s all about you and me Letu2019s get this groove on Never move on Hey, letu2019s cruise on Until the morning yo Repeat Chorus TOP: (hey hey, hey hey) Girl you got to stop, please Give me room, Iu2019m a dude, when I do these, in full swing When I clear the room there you are, so beauty Never ever need to lay my two eyes on so much juicy (so juicy) Gotta say sheu2019s so incredible; classy, not a hoochie So truly, wanna show Iu2019m that kinda guy, fosho That gives her more than your average, Iu2019m goinu2019 off the road Just like these dope flows, I got what it takes to pinkberry yours [note: beat your rhymes? talking to another dude, lol silly TOP] So then they call me u2018HEROu2019 Betting often that youu2019re crying out u2018Dramau2019 Girl you got my head spinning out, nothing I would do Whatu2019s going on, we going out Cuz itu2019s about me and you Iu2019m talking every second of every minute, Iu2019m thinking about you We gotta please ride to forever from my heart, I promise you Repeat Chorus (GD: yea, listen) PB: The way you treatinu2019 me So heavenly and wonderful (Trust me) Oh we have so much so fun, canu2019t get enough, I need some more (Na, na) Thatu2019s for sure, thought Iu2019d let you know Iu2019m ready to just give you my all (Gotta be, gotta be my love) And I canu2019t wait for you to hold me gently in your arms (Iu2019m so happy) Caress my body baby, as we both become one (I love you) Feel it all deeply in my heart That we belong together my love, oh GD: (Oh) Baby, your love is so mind-blowing (PB: Oh yea) I need you, gotta please you my girl And thatu2019s for life-long (Oh baby, baby) Baby, you know itu2019s so right for me and you You gotta think it over Iu2019ll never deny Baby, your love is so mind-blowing (PB: oh baby babyu2026) I need you, gotta please you my girl And thatu2019s for life-long (You know that I love you, yea) Baby, you know itu2019s so right for me (belong together) You gotta think it over Iu2019ll never deny (ooh babyu2026)

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