barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 06:08:49
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
如何用Java实现Web服务器 一、HTTP协议的作用原理

WWW是以Internet作为传输媒介的一个应用系统,WWW网上最基本的传输单位是Web网页。WWW的工作基于客户机/服务器计算模型,由Web 浏览器(客户机)和Web服务器(服务器)构成,两者之间采用超文本传送协议(HTTP)进行通信。HTTP协议是基于TCP/IP协议之上的协议,是Web浏览器和Web服务器之间的应用层协议,是通用的、无状态的、面向对象的协议。HTTP协议的作用原理包括四个步骤:

(1) 连接:Web浏览器与Web服务器建立连接,打开一个称为socket(套接字)的虚拟文件,此文件的建立标志着连接建立成功。

(2) 请求:Web浏览器通过socket向Web服务器提交请求。HTTP的请求一般是GET或POST命令(POST用于FORM参数的传递)。GET命令的格式为:

GET 路径/文件名 HTTP/1.0


(3) 应答:Web浏览器提交请求后,通过HTTP协议传送给Web服务器。Web服务器接到后,进行事务处理,处理结果又通过HTTP传回给Web浏览器,从而在Web浏览器上显示出所请求的页面。

例:假设客户机与www.m*******.com:8080/mydir/index.html建立了连接,就会发送GET命令:GET /mydir/index.html HTTP/1.0.主机名为www.m*******.com的Web服务器从它的文档空间中搜索子目录mydir的文件index.html.如果找到该文件,Web服务器把该文件内容传送给相应的Web浏览器。

为了告知 Web浏览器传送内容的类型,Web服务器首先传送一些HTTP头信息,然后传送具体内容(即HTTP体信息),HTTP头信息和HTTP体信息之间用一个空行分开。


① HTTP 1.0 200 OK

这是Web服务器应答的第一行,列出服务器正在运行的HTTP版本号和应答代码。代码“200 OK”表示请求完成。

② MIME_Version:1.0


③ content_type:类型


④ content_length:长度值


(4) 关闭连接:当应答结束后,Web浏览器与Web服务器必须断开,以保证其它Web浏览器能够与Web服务器建立连接。



(1) 创建ServerSocket类对象,监听端口8080.这是为了区别于HTTP的标准TCP/IP端口80而取的;

(2) 等待、接受客户机连接到端口8080,得到与客户机连接的socket;

(3) 创建与socket字相关联的输入流instream和输出流outstream;

(4) 从与socket关联的输入流instream中读取一行客户机提交的请求信息,请求信息的格式为:GET 路径/文件名 HTTP/1.0

(5) 从请求信息中获取请求类型。如果请求类型是GET,则从请求信息中获取所访问的HTML文件名。没有HTML文件名时,则以index.html作为文件名;

(6) 如果HTML文件存在,则打开HTML文件,把HTTP头信息和HTML文件内容通过socket传回给Web浏览器,然后关闭文件。否则发送错误信息给Web浏览器;

(7) 关闭与相应Web浏览器连接的socket字。



// 用JAVA编写Web服务器


import j**.net.*;

public class WebServer {

public static void main(String args[]) {

int i=1, PORT=8080;

ServerSocket server=null;

Socket client=null;

try {

server=new ServerSocket(PORT);

System.out.println("Web Server is listening on port "+server.getLocalPort());

for (;;) {client=server.accept(); //接受客户机的连接请求

new ConnectionThread(client,i)。start();



} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);}



/* ConnnectionThread类完成与一个Web浏览器的通信 */

class ConnectionThread extends Thread {

Socket client; //连接Web浏览器的socket字

int counter; //计数器

public ConnectionThread(Socket cl,int c) {




public void run() //线程体

{try {

String destIP=client.getInetAddress()。toString(); //客户机IP地址

int destport=client.getPort(); //客户机端口号

System.out.println("Connection "+counter+":connected to "+destIP+" on port "+destport+".");

PrintStream outstream=new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream());

DataInputStream instream=new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream());

String inline=instream.readLine(); //读取Web浏览器提交的请求信息


if (getrequest(inline)) { //如果是GET请求

String filename=getfilename(inline);

File file=new File(filename);

if (file.exists()) { //若文件存在,则将文件送给Web浏览器

System.out.println(filename+" requested.");

outstream.println("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");



int len=(int)file.length();



sendfile(outstream,file); //发送文件


} else { //文件不存在时

String notfound="

Error 404-file not found

outstream.println("HTTP/1.0 404 no found");










没有inlime这个词啊,是不是inline啊?inline ["in,lain] adj. 内联的;联机的
2023-07-22 22:04:081


inline 推出的目的,nline关键字用来定义一个类的内联函数,引入它的主要原因是用它替代C中表达式形式的宏定义。也正是为了取代这种表达式形式的宏定义,它消除了宏定义的缺点,同时又很好地继承了宏定义的优点。
2023-07-22 22:04:251

in line 与in order有什么区别

2023-07-22 22:04:311


可能是WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER11不支持那种文件的格式下载个终极解码 “终极解码”是一款全能型、高度集成的解码包,自带三种流行播放器(MPC/KMP/BSP)并对WMP提供良好支持,可在简、繁、英3种语言平台下实现各种流行视频音频的完美回放及编码功能。 推荐安装环境的是Windows XP、DirectX 9.0C、WindowsMedia Player 9/10、IE6,不支持Windows9x。 若需要和 Realplayer (Realone Player) 同时使用,请在安装时不要选择 Real 解码器,QuickTime类似。安装前请先卸载与本软件功能类似的解码包及播放器,建议安装预定的解码器组合,以保证较好的兼容性。
2023-07-22 22:04:381


2023-07-22 22:04:476

matlab,ezplot作图,死活画不出 图形来??? Error using ==> inlineeval Error in inline expression ==>

2023-07-22 22:05:033


安一个心动在线播放器 就可以
2023-07-22 22:05:261

词组翻译 一双;一对;一副_______ wait in line ________ 对...感兴趣______

2023-07-22 22:05:331


2023-07-22 22:05:431

MATLAB 算定积分出现错误 在线等!

quad("1.1687*10^51*1./(sqrt(d)).*exp(-7.24*10^14*d-4.216*10^(-7)./(sqrt(d)))",0.001,10000)ans = 0
2023-07-22 22:05:491


clc,clearfun=inline("c(1)./(1+((c(1)-37779.1)/3779.1)*exp(-c(2)*c(1)*x))","c","x");x=[1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011];y=[3779.10 3824.69 3860.12 3905.01 3953.22 3990.75 4016.72 4043.06 4083.64 4124.97 4163.07 4199.90 4238.00 4269.50 4304.40 4334.80 4363.70 4389.00 4413.00 4434.80 4456.20 4475.40 4679.91 4728.80 4776.40 4856.80 4925.20 4990.90 5071.80 5154.90 5212.40 5275.50 5446.51 5463.00];c=lsqcurvefit(fun,[0,0],x,y)结果:Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded; increase options.MaxFunEvalsc = -10.0000 -0.0001
2023-07-22 22:05:591

2023-07-22 22:07:115

matlab inline 调用错误

2023-07-22 22:07:391


求复数虚部的函数,imag(2+3i)ans = 3
2023-07-22 22:07:482


2023-07-22 22:08:031

on-line monitor 和 in-line monitor具体什么区别

在国外的技术咨询案例中,Online / Inline Monitoring 都是可能存在的,且不一样。后者在测试时不从将样品从工艺流线上单独隔开。
2023-07-22 22:08:114


2023-07-22 22:08:181


Stand in line中的Line不可数因为Stand in line是排队的意思
2023-07-22 22:08:342


atthefirstinline没有错,这句话的意思是排在第一位。英语中at the first意为在u2026的开始,in line意为排成一条线的。英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。
2023-07-22 22:08:521


be in the market. 要买或卖「双语例句」Please advise us when you are in the market. 如果你是有意做生意,请通知我们。用法:”be in the market for…”当中意思是“想要购买…”。在外贸函电来往中,如果对方暂时不感兴趣,这个短语可委婉表示“我们有机会再合作”。2.for your information. 供你参考「双语例句」For your information, we are sending you the sample and catalogue.我们寄上栏目和目录供你方参考。用法:需要了解的是在邮件末尾可以使用”for your information”的简写”FYI”表示邮件中包含的信息对于收信方是有价值的。
2023-07-22 22:09:061


50以内的完全数有6 和28
2023-07-22 22:09:1613

求解此句成分be in line with 不当成词组怎么理解此句翻译?

2023-07-22 22:10:001


2023-07-22 22:10:104

be in line with是什么意思

2023-07-22 22:10:581

do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line?请问如何翻译?语法结构。

2023-07-22 22:11:051

in-line skating marathon 怎么翻译

.Inline skating Marathon纵列式滑冰马拉松
2023-07-22 22:11:133


stand on line表示“在网上”这个是对的。stand in line这个是错误的
2023-07-22 22:11:201


2023-07-22 22:11:271


2023-07-22 22:11:492

stand in line 何意?与 wait in line 有何区别?

2023-07-22 22:12:131


//-------------------------------------------------------------------//// MD5加密类 Version 1.0 //// //// Create: 2003-10-08 Modify: 2003-10-08 Complete: //// ////-------------------------------------------------------------------//#ifndef __MD5__#define __MD5__#include "common.hpp"#include "cstring.hpp"typedef unsigned char BYTE;typedef unsigned long WORD32;// 离散算法类class Hash{protected: void CorrectEndianess(WORD32 * out, const WORD32 * in, unsigned int byteCount); WORD32 byteReverse(WORD32 value); void byteReverse(WORD32 * out,const WORD32 * in, unsigned int byteCount); int nKeySize; // 输出离散值长度 virtual void Init() = 0; // 初始化离散函数 virtual void Update(BYTE * InBuff,WORD32 nSize) = 0; // 分段计算离散值 virtual void Final(BYTE * OutBuff) = 0; // 结束处理public: CString HashBuffer(BYTE * InBuffer,unsigned long nInSize); CString HashFile(const char * sFileName,unsigned long nSkipSize=0,unsigned long nMaxReadSize=0);};// MD5离散类class MD5:public Hash{private: BYTE buffer[64]; // 内部工作区 WORD32 digest[4]; // 离散值 WORD32 nCount[2]; // 总位数 void Init(); void Update(BYTE * InBuff,WORD32 nSize); void Final(BYTE * OutBuff); void Transform(WORD32 * x);public: MD5() { Init(); } ~MD5() {}};#endif//-------------------------------------------------------------------//// MD5离散函数类 Version 1.0 //// //// Create: 2003-10-08 Modify: 2003-10-08 Complete: 2003-10-09 //// ////-------------------------------------------------------------------//// Version changed://// 2003-10-08 LNY Create// 2003-10-09 LNY Complete Version 1.0//#include #include #include #include "commfunction.hpp"#include "md5.hpp"#ifdef WIN32 #define rotl(a,s) _rotl(a,s)#else #define rotl(v,n) (((v)<<(n))|((v)>>(32-(n))))#endif// Hash//// 2003-10-09 LNY CString Hash::HashBuffer(BYTE * InBuffer,unsigned long nInSize)// 2003-10-09 LNY CString Hash::HashFile(const char * sFileName)// 2003-10-09 LNY inline WORD32 Hash::byteReverse(WORD32 value)// 2003-10-09 LNY inline void Hash::byteReverse(WORD32 * out,const WORD32 * in, unsigned int byteCount)// 2003-10-09 LNY inline void Hash::CorrectEndianess(WORD32 *out, const WORD32 *in, unsigned int byteCount)// 2003-10-09 LNY inline void Hash::CorrectEndianess(WORD32 *out, const WORD32 *in, unsigned int byteCount)//// 交换WORD32高低位(低位在前)inline WORD32 Hash::byteReverse(WORD32 value){ value = ((value & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) | ((value & 0x00FF00FF) << 8); return rotl(value,16);}// 交换一段内容高低位(低位在前)inline void Hash::byteReverse(WORD32 * out,const WORD32 * in, unsigned int byteCount){ byteCount /= sizeof(WORD32); for (unsigned i=0; i}// 进行字节校正(低位在前)inline void Hash::CorrectEndianess(WORD32 *out, const WORD32 *in, unsigned int byteCount){#ifndef WIN32 byteReverse(out,in,byteCount);#else if (in!=out) memcpy(out,in,byteCount);#endif}// 计算一段内存的离散值CString Hash::HashBuffer(BYTE * InBuffer,WORD32 nInSize){ Init(); Update(InBuffer,nInSize); CString sWrkStr; Final((BYTE*)sWrkStr.GetBufferSetLength(nKeySize)); return BinToHex((BYTE *)sWrkStr.GetBuffer(0),nKeySize);}// 计算文件CString Hash::HashFile(const char * sFileName,unsigned long nSkipSize,unsigned long nMaxReadSize){ BYTE buffer[10240]; unsigned int nReadSize; FILE * fp; fp=fopen(sFileName,"rb"); if(fp==NULL) return ""; fseek(fp,nSkipSize,SEEK_SET); Init(); while(1) { nReadSize = (nMaxReadSize>10240)? 10240:nMaxReadSize; nReadSize = fread(buffer,1,nReadSize,fp); if(nReadSize < 0) { fclose(fp); return ""; } Update(buffer,nReadSize); if(nReadSize < 10240) break; if(nMaxReadSize>0) nMaxReadSize -= nReadSize; } fclose(fp); CString sWrkStr; Final((BYTE*)sWrkStr.GetBufferSetLength(nKeySize)); return BinToHex((BYTE *)sWrkStr.GetBuffer(0),nKeySize);}// MD5//// 2003-10-09 LNY void MD5::Init()// 2003-10-09 LNY void MD5::Update(BYTE * InBuffer,WORD32 nSize)// 2003-10-09 LNY void MD5::Final(BYTE * OutBuffer)// 2003-10-09 LNY void MD5::Transform(WORD32 * X)//// MD5 初始化void MD5::Init(){ nKeySize = sizeof(digest); // 4x4=16x8=128 bits nCount[0] = nCount[1] = 0; digest[0] = 0x67452301; digest[1] = 0xefcdab89; digest[2] = 0x98badcfe; digest[3] = 0x10325476; memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));}// MD5 编码一段数据void MD5::Update(BYTE * InBuffer,WORD32 nSize){ unsigned int i,index,partLen; index = ((nCount[0]>>3) & 0x3F); // 前次模64后剩余字节数 nCount[0] += (nSize << 3); // 累加总位数低位(字节数x8) nCount[1] += (nSize >> 29); // 累加总位数高位 if (nCount[0]<(nSize<<3)) nCount[1] ++; // 低位发生溢出,高位进位 partLen = 64 - index; if (nSize >= partLen) { memcpy((BYTE *)buffer + index,InBuffer,partLen); CorrectEndianess((WORD32 *)buffer,(WORD32 *) buffer,64); // 校正字节高低位 Transform((WORD32 *)buffer); // 先转换前次剩余的+本次补充的 for (i=partLen;i+63 { CorrectEndianess((WORD32 *)buffer,(WORD32 *)&InBuffer[i],64); // 校正 Transform((WORD32 *)buffer); } index = 0; } else i = 0; // 将剩余的留到下次处理 memcpy(buffer + index,InBuffer + i,nSize - i);}// 结束处理(填充)void MD5::Final(BYTE * OutBuffer){ int index; index = ((nCount[0]>>3) & 0x3f); // 模64剩余的字节数 if(index > 56) // 56 = 64-8 = 64 - nCount { // 填充0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00... memset(buffer + index,0x0 ,64-index); // 填充 0x0 buffer[index] = 0x80; CorrectEndianess((WORD32 *)buffer,(WORD32 *) buffer,64); // 校正 Transform((WORD32 *)buffer); // 添加总位数到56-63 memset(buffer, 0x0,64); memcpy(buffer + 56,&nCount,sizeof(nCount)); // 全零,不必校正 Transform((WORD32 *)buffer); } else { // 填充0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00... memset(buffer + index,0x0 ,64-index); // 填充 0x0 buffer[index] = 0x80; CorrectEndianess((WORD32 *)buffer,(WORD32 *) buffer,56); // 校正 // 添加总位数到56-63 memcpy(buffer + 56,&nCount,sizeof(nCount)); // 本身是低位在前,不必校正 Transform((WORD32 *)buffer); } // Get the digest value CorrectEndianess((WORD32 *)&digest,(WORD32 *)&digest,sizeof(digest)); // 结果也需要校正 memcpy(OutBuffer,&digest,sizeof(digest)); Init(); // for next use}
2023-07-22 22:12:201

matlab的inline函数报错Error using inline/feval (line 23)Not enough inputs to inline function

1)syms x z;2)fsolve的写法不对,要定初值,语法要求是 FSOLVE(FUN,X0,OPTIONS)
2023-07-22 22:12:271


“排队等候”英文:waitinline读音:英[weitinlain] 美[wetɪnlaɪn] 例句:1、AndthendoIwaitinlineagain? 那我填好了之后还要再重新排队吗?2、Wehadtowaitinlineatthecounter. 我们必须排成队在柜台那里等着。单词解析:1、wait读音:英[weɪt] 美[wet] vt.&vi.等待;等候;(尤指长期地)希望;盼望 vi.准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用 vt.推迟,搁置,延缓第三人称单数:waits现在分词:waiting过去式:waited过去分词:waited2、line读音:英[laɪn] 美[laɪn] n.线条;排;行列;界线 vt.排队;用线标出;沿…排列成行;给…安衬里 vi.形成一层;排队;击出平直球第三人称单数:lines复数:lines现在分词:lining过去式:lined过去分词:lined扩展资料:反义词cutinline释义:插队读音:英[kʌtinlain] 美[kʌtɪnlaɪn] 例句:Itwasmyturntogetaticketwhensomeonecutinline. 轮到我买票的时候,竟然有人插队。单词解析:cut读音:英[kʌt] 美[kʌt] vt.&vi.将(某物)切开(或分割) vt.削减;切成;剪切;删剪vi.电影;(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌;可被切割;可用于切割 n.削减;切口;剪裁;切片第三人称单数:cuts现在分词:cutting过去式:cut过去分词:cut
2023-07-22 22:12:372


早、午、晚要用in  例:inthemorning在早上  intheafternoon在下午  intheevening在晚上  intheday在白天  at黎明、午、夜、点与分  例:atdawn,atdaybreak在黎明时候  atnoon在中午  atnight在夜间  atmidnight在午夜  atsixo"clock在6点钟 attheweekend在周末  年、月、年月、季节、周  即在“来年”,在“某月”,在“某年某月”(但在某年某月某  日则用on),在四季,在第几周等都要用in。  例;in1986在1986年  inMarch在三月  inJuly,19991999年7月  inspring在春季  inthethirdweek在第三周  阳光、灯、影、衣、冒in,  即在阳光下,在灯下,在树阴下,穿衣、着装、冒雨等都要用in。  例:Don"treadindimlight.切勿在暗淡的灯光下看书。  Hewentintheraintomeetmeatthestation.他冒雨到车站去接我。     将来时态in...以后  例:Theywillcomebackin10days.他们将10天以后回来。  下面向大家提供一些较简单的又常用的介词与其他词的固定搭配 (1)表示周,月,季节,年以及泛指的上午,下午,晚上或者相对长的时间.(2)相对大的地方(3)在里面(4)用语言inthemorning/afternoon/evening/daytime在上午/下午/晚上/白天inline排成一行,成直线intheeast在东方intheopenair在户外,在露天intheworld在世界上inaminute一会儿inbed卧床,睡着intime及时introuble陷入困境inthemiddleof在---中间infront在前方.在正对面infrontof---在---前面intheend最后beinterestedin对---感兴趣dowellin在---方面成绩好beinhospital(生病)住院inEnglish用英语insurprise惊奇地arrivein到达(较大的地方) 2.on(1)表示具体的时间(2)在---上面(3)关于(4)和动词搭配还可以表示动作的连续onTuesdaymorning在星期二上午onmybirthday在我生日的那一天onMid-AutumnDay在中秋节onahotafternoon在一个炎热的下午onandon继续不断onshow展览,陈列ontheearth在地球上onearth究竟,到底ontime准时,按时ontopof在---顶部onduty值日.值班geton上车goon继续.接着onfoot步行puton穿comeon快点turnon开,旋开(电灯)tryon试穿geton---with---与---相处holdon(打电话时)别挂断,稍等onone"sway在去---的路上
2023-07-22 22:12:461

cut in line可以表达为cut in a line吗

2023-07-22 22:12:531

Children are standing _________ and getting on the bus A on line B in a line C on a line D in line

2023-07-22 22:12:591

we often get when people cut inline

2023-07-22 22:13:171


Inline skate
2023-07-22 22:13:242

His statement is in line with his previous attiude to the subject.在线坐等翻译~

2023-07-22 22:13:321


2023-07-22 22:13:411


首先,如果在头文件中定义一个普通的函数,比如下面这样,肯定会在程序链接的时候报“ 重复定义 ”的错误。 那么如果我们想在头文件中定义一些常用的函数,一般做法是在函数前加“ inline ”关键字,这样就不会报“ 重复定义 ”的错误了,并且能够像函数一样被其他的c/cpp源码文件调用了。 这时候如果你在inline后面加入“static”关键字也是没问题的: 区别是: 加了static关键字后,每个调用它的c/c++源码文件都会有一个copy,即static其实是限制了函数的作用域在本源码文件内。 ----------------------------------- 分割线 ---------------------------------------- 那么另一个问题来了:如果我们在函数内部定义static变量时,会是怎么样的情况呢? 如果我们分别在1.cpp和2.cpp两个源码文件中分别调用这两个inline函数,可以通过结果看到区别。 程序运行结果: 可以看到: 如果在inline后加了static关键字,则在函数中定义的static变量则会在每一个源码调用文件中产生了一个拷贝,而没加static关键字的inline函数则会产生一个全局的static变量。 具体解释参考
2023-07-22 22:13:481


问题表示从键盘读入一个字符,但是疑问产生了,在System类中是这样定义in的。public final static InputStream in = nullInputStream(); nullInputStream是这样实现的:private static InputStream nullInputStream() throws NullPointerException { if (currentTimeMillis() > 0) return null; throw new NullPointerException();}他不是返回null,就是抛出异常,如何初始化in呢?又如何去调用一个抽象方法read()呢?解答:有趣的问题.不过写java.io相关的应用其实不需要去关心这个问题的. 但我想还是解释一下我对这个out,in的初始化的理解好了 我也看了一下java.lang.System的源代码. System类里有大量的native方法,是调用本地代码的,这些代码很可能是由虚拟机来调用的. System类的开头有一段: static { registerNatives(); } 这段代码会在虚拟机启动的时候就执行,它在虚拟机里注册System需要使用的一些本地代码 比如: private static native Properties initProperties(Properties props); private static native void setOut0(PrintStream out); 在windows下的话,它就告诉虚拟机到哪个dll文件里去找相应的实现 >然而,我知道out是一个PrintStream的对象,但我查看了有关的原代码:public final static PrintStream out = nullPrintStream(); >public final static InputStream in = nullInputStream(); 在nullInputStream()方法里有注释解释为什么会设置为空: /** * The following two methods exist because in, out, and err must be * initialized to null. The compiler, however, cannot be permitted to * inline access to them, since they are later set to more sensible values * by initializeSystemClass(). */ private static InputStream nullInputStream() throws NullPointerException { if (currentTimeMillis() > 0) return null; throw new NullPointerException(); } 也就说in, out, and err 初始化为null,然后会在后来由initializeSystemClass()方法类初始化成有意义的值 /** * Initialize the system class. Called after thread initialization. */ private static void initializeSystemClass() { props = new Properties(); initProperties(props); sun.misc.Version.init(); FileInputStream fdIn = new FileInputStream(; FileOutputStream fdOut = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out); FileOutputStream fdErr = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.err); setIn0(new BufferedInputStream(fdIn)); !!! setOut0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdOut, 128), true)); !!! setErr0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdErr, 128), true)); !!! // Enough of the world is now in place that we can risk // initializing the logging configuration. try { java.util.logging.LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(); } catch (Exception ex) { // System.err.println("Can′t read logging configuration:"); // ex.printStackTrace(); } // Load the zip library now in order to keep // from trying to use itself to load this library later. loadLibrary("zip"); // Subsystems that are invoked during initialization can invoke // sun.misc.VM.isBooted() in order to avoid doing things that should // wait until the application class loader has been set up. sun.misc.VM.booted(); } in,out,err就是在以上方法以下三条语句里初始化的. setIn0(new BufferedInputStream(fdIn)); !!! setOut0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdOut, 128), true)); !!! setErr0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdErr, 128), true)); !!! 看 private static native void setIn0(InputStream in); ~~~~~~~ 这是个native函数,是前面registerNatives()的时候注册了的.这个函数应该是把实际连接到输入输出设备的句柄传给虚拟机并赋值给in,out,err 至于: >InputStream是个抽象的类,怎么能使用char=(char)读入一个字符 我想你还没有明白什么是面向对象. 看看下面代码,我用OutputStream(也是抽象类,跟InputStream对应的输出类)以方便演示: import; import; public class HelloWorld { public OutputStream out=null; public void setOutputStream(OutputStream out){ this.out=out; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ HelloWorld h=new HelloWorld(); PrintStream myOut=System.out;//System.out是一个PrintStream h.setOutputStream(myOut); h.out.write("hello,world".getBytes());//一般没人这么写的 } } 以上代码执行后会输出hello,world h.out是OutputStream,也是个抽象类,为什么能write(o)呢? 因为PrintStream是OutputStream的子类,所以能被"当作"OutputStream传给h.setOutputStream(myOut); h.out.write执行的时候实际上是调用这个传进来的PrintStream实例的write方法 同样System.in和out肯定也是在initializeSystemClass()的时候被赋予了一个实际的可用的子类 要能体会到面向对象的好处,就要逐渐适应"对接口编程"的思想,相同接口的对象可以根据需要方便的替换. 比如,我刚才传了一个PrintStream,因此HelloWorld输出到了屏幕上. 我如果传给OutputStream的另一个子类FileOutputStream,就会输出到文件里 >还有为什么不是说字符流:writer和reader一般用于UniCode的读写吗?为什么键盘的输入用reader类呢? 不知道你在哪里看到说writer和reader一般用于UniCode的读写 >最近正在看java.io包,晕死!里面用到了很多包装器,这个包装那个,那个又包装这个的,简直要崩溃 看一下设计模式--Decorator(装饰)模式,你就明白了
2023-07-22 22:13:551

#include ,#include 疑惑

在你tc目录下的include文件夹中有.h文件用记事本之类的查看就是了 在这里列出来有刷屏嫌疑...
2023-07-22 22:14:045


2023-07-22 22:14:192


in 是System的域 "Typically this stream corresponds to keyboard input or another input source specified by the host environment or user."
2023-07-22 22:14:414

初二:cut in(还是into) the line

2023-07-22 22:14:482

stand in line to borrow the books,piease.keep the books clean piase. and so on.什么意思

2023-07-22 22:14:551


2023-07-22 22:15:031


1 /*2 * Copy a (real) file to another (real) file.3 * file can be a regular file or a simlink4 */5 int create_copy_file(const char *source, const char *target)6 {7 struct stat src_stat;89 if (lstat(source, &src_stat) == -1)10 return -1;1112 if (S_ISLNK(src_stat.st_mode)) {13 char lnk[1024];14 int lnk_size;15 if ((lnk_size = readlink(source, lnk, 1023)) == -1)16 return -2;17 lnk[lnk_size] = "";18 if (symlink(lnk, target) == -1)19 return -3;20 } else if (S_ISREG(src_stat.st_mode)) {21 int src, dst;22 int rsize;23 char buf[1024];24 if ((src = open(source, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {25 close(dst);26 return -4;27 }28 if ((dst = creat(target, src_stat.st_mode)) == -1)29 return -5;30 while ((rsize = read(src, buf, 1024))) {31 if (rsize == -1 && errno == EINTR)32 continue ;33 if (rsize == -1) {34 close(src);35 close(dst);36 return -6;37 }38 while (write(dst, buf, rsize) == -1)39 if (errno != EINTR) {40 close(src);41 close(dst);42 return -7;43 }44 }45 close(src);46 close(dst);47 } else {48 return -8;49 }50 return 0;51 }
2023-07-22 22:15:122


The computer was born early, people to use computer to program in machine language or assembly language. The world"s first computer advanced language was born in 1954 in FORTRAN language. After the emergence of a variety of advanced computer language, one of the most widely used, the greatest impact when pushing the BASIC language and C language. BASIC language is the two professors in 1964 by Dartmouth John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz simplified into the basis of FORTRAN language, suitable for beginners of small high-level language design; C language is developed by Baer in 1972 American laboratory in D.M.Ritchie, using structured programming methods, follow the principle of top-down. [1] in the operating system and system using the program as well as needed to operate the hardware settings, using C language is obviously better than other high-level languages, but in writing large programs, C language is still facing challenges.In 1983, on the basis of C language of the Baer laboratory Bjarne Stroustrup launched C++. C++ further expansion and improvement of the C language, is a kind of object-oriented programming language, the popular C language version.The origin of the nameThe name C++ Rick Mascitti in 1983 proposed, and was first used in 1983 December. Earlier, is still in the development stage of language has been called the "new C", then "C with Classes" is [2]. In computer science, C++ is still called the upper structure of C language. It finally gets its name from the C language in the "+ +" operator (the increment of the value of a variable). But in the naming conventions in common, use "+" to denote the enhancement program. Stroustrup said: "this name represents the natural evolution from C language change".Note: C+ is the early programming language a and C/C++ independent.Rick Mascitti has been informally asked about the origin of the name in 1992, which he said was spoken in half make fun of. He never thought C++ would become the official name of the language. A C++ name joke, when you use the suffix + +, additional occurs only in the computation (and hence, it should be ++C, but not C++, the joke is that nowadays some programmers to use C way to use C++, which is usually some authority is not true).Development historyIn "C with Class" stage of development, features of the C language based on the added are: class and a derived class, shared and private members, the distinction between class constructor and destructor, friend, inline functions, the assignment operator overloading.Published in 1985, added the C++ language version 1 in the content of some important characteristics: the concept, function and operator overloading, virtual function reference, constant (constant) etc..Launched in 1989 2 edition to form a more perfect support object-oriented programming language C++, the addition of new content including: protected members of a class, multiple inheritance, object initialization and assignment of recursive mechanism, an abstract class, static member function, the const member function.In 1993 3 of the C++ language version is the C++ language to further improve, the new feature is the most important template (template), in addition to the problem of ambiguity of the two generation of multiple inheritance and the corresponding constructor and destructor disposal solution.In 1998 the C++ standard (ISO/IEC14882 Standard for the C++ Programming Language) by the international organization for Standardization (ISO) and American Standards Association (ANSI) approval, the standard C++ language and standard library more embodies the C++ language, the original intention of the design. The concept, the standard template library name space (STL) standard container class, increase the general class of algorithms and string types that C++ language is more practical. Since C++ is an international standard programming language, the standard is usually referred to as ANSI C++ or ISO C++ 98 Standard, every 5 years as a standard update actual needs.Later in 2003 passed the C++ version second (ISO/IEC 14882:2003): this new version is a technical revision of the first edition, collation -- Amendment error, reduce the ambiguity, but did not change the language characteristics. This version is often referred to as the C++03. [1]Since then, the new draft standards called C++ 0x. For the final C++ 0x draft standard international voting ended on August 10, 2011, and all countries had cast votes, C++0x has be beyond all doubt to become the official international standard. Previously was temporarily named new standard C++0x formally known as ISO/IEC 14882:2011, ISO C++ 11. The C++ 11 standard will replace the current C++ standards C++98 and C++03. The international organization for Standardization in September 1, 2011 published by the "ISO/IEC 14882:2011", the name is: Information technology - Programming languages - C++ Edition: 3
2023-07-22 22:15:221