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前几天买了一个佛雷斯的球拍型号是Spring power spll,在官网上查了没这个型号啊,会不会是假货啊?

蓝白相间的颜色。特  性:(网上查到) a:窄边方头低断面设计.甜点区增大. b:加长握把,增加球拍控制范围. c:前套专利Vibration Cap避震,减少25%震动 d:高级坚实的头框前段WAVE波浪系统,它提供球拍线更好的传送力,增加其POWER及扭力稳性. e:方形拍头 与传统球拍相比,均等化方形拍头能提供额外多32%的有效击球面积(击球甜区)即使是偏离球拍线床中心区的连续式扣杀也能保持相应的精确和速度。 f:前半段框采用拱形线槽 传统球拍的承线系统中,拍线被直接支撑在尖锐的线孔胶粒边缘上,拉线后拍线与胶粒的两个接触点会产生应力集中现象,导致拍线疲劳,张力严重下降。新的波浪形结构系统将拍线支撑在圆拱形的线槽上,两个接触点被连接为一段接触弧面,不但有效消除应力,而且形成的紧密接触弧面大大增强了拍线与拍框的整体效应,从而增强了拍线与拍框的整体效应,从而增强球拍的整体稳定性和力量性能。

【求翻译】求摇曳百合my sweet memory的歌词

MY SWEET MEMORY作词:村山シベリウス达彦 作曲:村山シベリウス达彦歌:七森中☆ごらく部 気づけば傍には君がいてkizukeba sobani wa kimi ga iteいつでも逢うたび笑颜だねitsudemo au tabi egao daneふざけてはしゃいだりバカしたりfuzakete hashaidari baka shitariかけがえない毎日だったkakegaenai mainichi datta巡り巡る时间がmeguri meguru jikan gaそれぞれの未来を刻んで…sorezore no mirai wo kizande ...何げなく过ごしてた日々もnanige naku sugoshiteta hibi moきっと思い出に変わってゆくのかなkitto omoide ni kawatte yukuno kanaいつかまたこの场所でitsuka mata kono basho de笑い合える时は来るよね?warai aeru toki wa kuruyone ?いつも変わらない君のままでいてねitsumo kawaranai kimi no mamade iteneそれだけを愿ってるよsore dakewo negatteruyoたとえば大人に近づいてtatoeba otona ni chikazuite広がる景色は违ってもhirogaru keshiki wa chigattemo见上げる青空一绪かな?miageru aozora issho kana ?どんな时もつながってたいdonna toki mo tsunagattetai明日を纺ぐ季节がasu wo tsumugu kisetsu gaまた一つページをめくって…mata hitotsu pe^ji wo mekutte ...ともに歩いた道もtomoni aruita michi mo振り返れば懐かしくなる日がくるのかなfuri kaereba natsukashiku naru hi ga kuruno kanaいつもあどけない无邪気なitsumo adokenai mujaki na微笑みわけてくれるねhohoemi wakete kureru neたったそれだけのことがtatta soredake no koto ga色あせない宝物だと気づいたよiro asenai takaramono dato kizuitayo谁もいない教室 一绪に见た奇丽な夕日daremo inai kyoushitsu isshoni mita kirei na yuuhiチャイムが响いて「またね」と手をふったchaimu ga hibiite「matane」to te wo futta素敌だよ君がいることsuteki dayo kimi ga iru kotoいつかまたこの场所でitsuka mata kono basho de笑い合える时は来るよね?warai aeru toki wa kuruyone ?いつも変わらない君のままでいてねitsumo kawaranai kimi no mamade iteneそれだけを愿ってるよsore dakewo negatteruyo大切なmy sweet memorytaisetsu na my sweet memoryMEMORY MY SWEET作词:村山西贝柳斯达彦作曲:村山西贝柳斯达彦歌:七森中☆你们部如果注意到身边有你在kizukeba sobani wa kimi噶ite随时每次相逢笑颜啊itsudemo au tabi egao dane开玩笑的笨蛋或在一起嬉戏fuzakete hashaidari baka shitari不可替代的每天。kakegaenai mainichi datta循环著时间有meguri meguru jikan噶刻在各自的未来…sorezore no mirai wo kizande ...无意过ごし的日子也nanige naku sugoshiteta hibi mo一定会改变回忆下去吗kitto omoide ni kawatte yukuno kana什么时候还会在这场所itsuka mata kono basho de笑的时来呢?warai aeru toki wa kuruyone?总是不变的你的样子呢itsumo kawaranai kimi no mamade itene那只愿哟sore dakewo negatteruyo比如大人接近tatoeba otona ni chikazuite风景是违说hirogaru keshiki wa chigattemo见提高青空一绪吗?miageru aozora issho kana?无论怎样都想时连接donna toki mo tsunagattetai明天纺咕季节有asu wo tsumugu kisetsu噶又一个页翻开…mata hitotsu pe ^叽wo mekutte ...一起走过的道路tomoni aruita michi mo回头看的话,令人怀念的日子会到来的吧furi kaereba natsukashiku naru hi噶kuruno kana总是无邪气的天真无邪itsumo adokenai mujaki na微笑みわけ吧hohoemi wakete kureru那只那个的事tatta soredake no koto噶不会褪色的宝物发现了哟iro asenai takaramono dato kizuitayo谁都不在教室一起见的奇丽的夕阳daremo inai kyoushitsu isshoni mita kirei na yuuhi响门铃响了“再见”挥手。chaimu噶hibiite”“matane to te wo futta素敌啊你的存在suteki dayo kimi噶iru koto什么时候还会在这场所itsuka mata kono basho de笑的时来呢?warai aeru toki wa kuruyone?总是不变的你的样子呢itsumo kawaranai kimi no mamade itene那只愿哟sore dakewo negatteruyo重要的my sweet memorytaisetsu na my sweet memory另外一个版本:歌:七森中~ ~你过部等我注意到的时候,旁边还放你sobani wa kizukeba kimi ite ga每次当随时笑容。dane tabi au itsudemo egao别傻了欢快的或shitari baka hashaidari fuzakete每天要。datta mainichi kakegaenai围绕时间问题meguru meguri jikan ga各自的未来刻上了…kizande wo mirai no sorezore…过不穿(戴)着什么也的日子里。sugoshiteta naku nanige hibi mo -变成了回忆一定会去吗?kana yukuno kawatte ni omoide kitto不知何时这个地方kono mata itsuka basho de还会再来的时候能笑吧?toki wa aeru warai kuruyone ?当我你的吧!itene kawaranai itsumo kimi no mamade这些话,祈求着呢。negatteruyo dakewo sore例如大人接近tatoeba otona chikazuite ni扩大的风景是不同chigattemo wa keshiki hirogaru只见万里无云的天空一样吗?issho aozora miageru kana ?什么时候想直接tsunagattetai mo - toki donna明天的季节是撒谎tsumugu wo asu kisetsu ga又一个翻阅了…hitotsu mata mekutte wo ji ^ pe…一起走过的路也tomoni aruita michi mo -回顾5年就会出现吗?kaereba naru furi kana natsukashiku kuruno ga hi总是稚气未脱的纯真adokenai itsumo mujaki……みわけ微笑呢kureru非wakete hohoemi就这么简单的事tatta soredake no koto ga意识到,寻宝褪色。kizuitayo dato takaramono asenai iro谁都不在的教室一起看了一双漂亮的夕阳mita isshoni kyoushitsu kirei inai daremo yuuhi……铃声响起“再见”挥挥手。“hibiite ga chaimu matane futta wo te to”有爱!dayo koto suteki kimi iru ga不知何时这个地方kono mata itsuka basho de还会再来的时候能笑吧?toki wa aeru warai kuruyone ?当我你的吧!itene kawaranai itsumo kimi no mamade这些话,祈求着呢。negatteruyo dakewo sore重要的my carbon memorytaisetsu < my carbon memory

Time Management 197 - Our Experience Make Us Who We Are

Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China. In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program. Today is the 197th day. Today"s topic is: Our Experiences Make Us Who We Are Today, I would like share a very important idea with you. Everything that"s happened to you in the past, good or bad, has made you who you are today and you should feel grateful for all of it. In the previous lesson, I advised you that: we are the root of all things. When we realize that our life is the result of our own actions, we can live with online energy and emotions such as light, love, and joy. When another person is in an offline mentality, we will choose to act in an online matter. We will always respond to these negative emotions with the positive online mentality. If we practice the online life all the time, then our strong connections – that is our parents, spouse, sister, brothers, business partners, will gravitate to us and become closer to us, and they will want to live in this beautiful world with us. You should strive to remain in an online emotional state for as long as you can. When we start, you will find yourself in the offline mentality very often if not all the time. As you practice and change the way you see and think about the 10% of things that happen to you, you will gradually and slowly adjust the ratio, from 5:5 to 7:3. And finally, most of the time being online with emotion and energy. This process of adjusting to an online emotional state and altering your belief system is called "receiving". If your belief system exhibits negative thoughts about something that happened to you, then you will be very uncomfortable and you may falter. You may revert to the offline and unstable mentality and you may respond negatively. You may hit the table with your hands or quarrel with the other person. - This is the offline emotional life. But if you can deliberately and purposefully adjust your mood, you will return to the neutral line slowly, and you will forgive and accept what happened. Then your mood will switch to an online position. Simply accepting what happened is not nearly enough. It"s not enough. We have to think back on these events and reflect. What caused these things to happen? By seeking to understand the situation, we can solve this problem. As time goes by, it vanishes. You will never be able to change your reaction to it. Most people fear the result of actions while Buddha fears the cause. Most of time, we are very uncomfortable about and cannot stand a bad ending. This is because, quite simply, we are humans. But Buddha teaches us to focus more on the causes of events not the reaction to it. So, I suggest that we should begin by looking at the cause of events. Accept that things happen beyond our control, and seek to understand and learn from them. Some people think that life is bitter, but the important part is that we learn from every negative event. It will help us grow. So I want to tell you, you have to try to appreciate and learn from every part of your life. Accepting is not enough. You will grow only after you know how to appreciate and learn from life"s difficulties. I actually think there is a more positive and proactive thing you can do. Accepting things that happen to us is difficult but necessary. Showing gratitude for the lessons and experiences is more difficult. In fact, feeling grateful is not enough. You should also be very ashamed of the cause. This is why Buddha fears the cause. Why does this happen? It"s because it"s such a challenge to be in control. A problem occurs, then you view the problem from your own perspective and based on the idea that you are the root of everything. Then you wish for changes in so many areas of your life such as living a better life, changing others, and so on. Yet, despite all of this you find yourself unable to change. You then feel ashamed when you don"t succeed. I often have this state of mind - the state of being ashamed not being able to accomplish what I setup to do. I often teach students and friends how to manage themselves, manage their emotions, and yet despite this, there are times that I cannot make it myself. I can"t control my own emotions these times. So when one thing happens, I would then feel ashamed. Shame is a very strong offline emotion. What can you do if you want to gain more energy or a more positive emotional state? You have to have a compassionate heart. "Kindness" means making people feel happy. "Empathy" means understanding the suffering of others, to help bring others away from their sad thoughts. Remember, everything that happens to us makes us who we are. Appreciate that and use the new opportunities as ways to demonstrate your mastery of your own emotions. We need to reflect on each occurrence and obtain wisdom. So maybe it"s hard for you to accept certain things in your life today, but you will eventually accept it through training. It"s not enough to accept it though. You have to enjoy it, feel grateful, or even be ashamed of it. So you will be motivated to change. You have to think "Why did it happen?" Then, you will grow, you will mature and you will build character off of it. If you can reflect on everything from the idea and from the perspective that "I am the root of all things", I believe that opportunities will open up in your life. As time passes, both good things and bad things will disappear in a cloud of smoke, and what remains after the smoke clears will be the wisdom you have gained for life. That"s all sharing today. Thank you being with me together. Have a wonderful day!



There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we ________ gave up. A.eventuall..

A 试题分析:考查副词:A.eventually最终地B.unfortunately不幸地C.generously慷慨地,D.purposefully有目的地,句意:在间歇的时候,好像有很长的队伍买咖啡,最后我们放弃了。选A。点评:副词的词义辨析要记忆,做题时要根据上下文的逻辑关系判断。这几个词都是高考常考点。平时要加强一些长的单词的记忆。

often,we,TV,watch ,days,on,rainy (.)。 连词成句

we often watch Tv on rainy days

in addition的用法和however一样么??

in addition 是副词 高三英语选择题老考 与in addition to 做区分 后者为介词 例如 in additoin,more plants need to water in addition to the plant,you...... however 也是副词 意思自己查牛津字典 太简单 常在完型你面辨析

柯南13剧场版里的TOHTO TOWER是东都铁塔吗? 在哪里?


东京塔(Tokyo Tower)的简介。

20世纪60年代,那时候我三岁。半夜,我突然被喝醉的爸爸踢门的巨大声响吓醒,而且他还用烤鸡肉串的棍打了妈妈……这是爸爸、妈妈和我在故乡小仓生活时短暂而又幸福的回忆。 爸离家出走,妈带着我回筑丰的老家。妈一边在妹妹的小料理屋帮忙,一边养育着我。妈每天晚上爬起来搅拌着酱菜的米糠。每天吃着老妈精心制作的米饭,我逐渐长大。昭和煤矿坑中的手推车变成了我们游玩的道具。 妈有时和住在附近的邻居玩着纸牌打发时间。最近好像也交了男朋友,因为妈还是个很年轻的女人。学校放长假的时候,我会偷偷去爸住的地方。有一次爸帮我把船的模型做好了,那时还是未完成品。 70年代,筑丰的煤矿坑和小仓的制铁场,当烟囱都不再升起烟的时候。那时我上中学三年级,非常想离开这个萧条的城市。妈也想早点自由。当大分的美术高中合格时,春天,我开始一个人过寄宿的生活。妈到车站给我送行,还帮我准备了一个包,里面有新的内衣和便当盒,而且暗藏了一封信,里面放着一万日元的纸币。在火车上,吃着老妈做的饭团和酱菜,15岁的我哭了起来。 春天的东京,像吸尘器一般不断地吸入垃圾一样地把日本各地的年轻人聚集到这里。黑暗的小软管,像是通往梦想到未来的隧道。可是穿过隧道的话,可是那里积蓄的是垃圾。 80年代,来到了憧憬的东京成为美大生的我,想成为追求现代的年轻人,但每天却过着昏昏噩噩的堕落日子。“如果在这样下去就毕不了业了!”我对每天操劳工作为了供我上学的妈妈这样坦白地说。可是妈还是很坚强的说:“还有一年,妈会努力的工作。你一定要好好地读到毕业。” 为了留级而向妈撒娇,让妈高兴而想办法毕业,但是我对以后的人生道路却没有考虑。当然完全没有就业的想法也不能告诉妈,只好和爸商量。“什么都不尝试看看,五年后也是完全一样不是吗?”原本游手好闲的爸却说出最有影响力的话。 90年代,因为一直没有工作而积欠了债务,也找不到工作,我不知道什么时候作为插画家兼专栏作家才能有饭吃。 我从阿姨那儿得知“妈得了癌症,住院去做手术。”手术成功了,不过妈还没痊愈。只有持续用药控制癌细胞。尽管如此妈还是留在那个萧条的乡下打算工作着。为了回避她我到了东京。从十五岁离开她之后又过了十五年,我和妈在东京的杂居大楼,又开始二人生活。妈拿来世世代代继承的米糠,我像从前一样地每天吃着妈煮的饭。不久我的女友和朋友、同事等,为了吃我老妈亲手煮的菜而聚集到我家来。自从来了东京第一次才觉得每天是幸福快乐的。 2001年4月1日,樱花盛开的季节却飘起了雪花。透过医院的玻璃窗,我和妈妈遥望着东京塔……



急!求Tokyo Tower的英文介绍,100词以上.再附加英文地理位置介绍。

东京铁塔[Location]: Tokyo Tower in Tokyo, Shiba Park, Minato-west, located at longitude 139 ° 44u0026#39;55 u0026quot;, latitude 35 ° 39u0026#39;20u0026quot;

美国Laurel School, Hathaway Brown, Andrew Osborne Academy, and Western Reserve Academy 哪所比较好



Do Something - Britney Spearsdo you feel this你感觉到了吗i know you feel this我知道你感觉到了are you ready准备好了吗i dont think so我不这么认为somebody give me my truck有人给我一辆车so i can ride on the clouds让我驶上云霄so i can turn up the bass like让我尽情把低音量调大声cause somebody pass my guitar有人给我一把吉他so i can look like a star让我化身为明星and spend this cash like-让我有大把钞票想花就花what you gonna do when the crowd goes ayo站在喧嚣人群中你想做什麼why you standing on the wall你干吗杵在那儿music"s startin everywhere音乐降落再每个角落so why dont you just move along所以为何不跟著我一起摆动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看着我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动now you"re all in my grill现在你完全被我吸引cause i say what i feel因为我有话直说only rock to whats real我只跟著真实感觉摆动never gonna bumpbump现在你想奋力跳,跳but i cant do that with you但我不会跟你起舞only here with my crew我跟我朋友再一起you can roll if you can你可以尽情摆动don"t be a punk punk如果你不行别假装你很叛逆what you gonna do when the crowd goes ayo站在喧嚣人群中你想做什麼why you standing on the wall你干麻杵在那music"s startin everywhere音乐降落再每个角落so why dont you just move along所以为何不跟著我一起摆动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动uh huh呃 呃i see you looking over here我看你往这边看can"t you tell i"m having fun难道你看不出我正开心if you know like i know如果你像我一样了解状况you would stop staring at us你就不会继续盯著我们瞧and get your own space去找你自己的空间and do something!做你自己的事i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动do somethin"做些什么ow!哦呜why don"t you do something为何不马上行动

Snap的《The Power》 歌词

歌曲名:The Power歌手:Snap专辑:Coyote Ugly (2000 Film)《snap-The power》by anbooo(Dialogue in Russian)I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!Hey, yeah!Like the crack of a whip, I snap attackFront to back in this thing called "rap."Diggin" like a shovel wound double on the heavenly levelBrighten the bass, turn up the trebleRadical mind, day and night, all the timeSeven, fourteen, wise divineManiac, Brainiac, winner of the gameI"m the lyrical Jesse JamesQuality, I possessSome say I"m freshWith my voice close to the meshOf the microphone that I am holdin"Copy written lyrics so they can"t be stolenIf they are: Snap!Don"t need the policeDon"t try to say them, your voice"ll sinkSo please, stay off my backOr I will attack, and you don"t want that!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!It"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticI"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!http://music.baidu.com/song/18637148

Welcome To The Show 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Show歌手:Blue专辑:Get Down On ItWelcome to the showBlueEdit By ChrillyYeh yeh, oh yehYeh yeh, oh yehBeen around the world,Gone from place to place,(So good to be back again)Coz it feels so good,Seing you face to face,(No doubt about it, make no mistake)We"ve seen so many things,but there really aint nothing like this,Aint nothing gonna stop meCoz whenever we"re feeling down,You lift us back up againSo turn up the sound and let the curtain goWelcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride,Kiss kiss, bye bye!Talk about my lifeCan you see in through my eyes(Things have changed but we"re still the same)Make up your own mindCoz we dont believe the hype, oh no(That"s what happens when you play the game)We"ve seen so many things,but there aint nothing like this (oh no)Aint nothing gonna stop me (oh no)Coz whenever we"re feeling down,You lift us back up againSo turn up the sound and get with the flow!Welcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the left front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Listen up this is dedicated to the fans,you know who you are, show us your handsround the world trips, i reminisce,i remember my fans like my first kissBeing young you follow your dream,You wanna be a star from a cover of a magazine,as things take toll, you start to believe,I want you to know you"re a part of this team, yo the fansWelcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the left front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Welcome to the show (welcome to the show)Were the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,(guys and the girls)Gotta keep this dream alive, (gotta keep this dream alive)If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh,oh no no nohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2551298

有句歌词是"the very summer we fall in love"…求歌名阿…TAT 谢谢=_=


we will face challenge 的英语作文,带翻译,后天就轮到我演讲了,

On the way of life is full of opportunity,but how to grasp,still need to individual ability.So have to early life planning,much of forefathers of life experience for reference,study hard,accumulate experience life direction.Once the opportunity came,will keep a good attitude,and the courage to challenge.Every challenge of success is to their own perfect sublimation so face first challenge not cowardly,more can"t back down,facing to keep the good in mind,it is the most important to have enough confidence! Each time the challenge is different,and you have to be prepared to be flexible,plan never catch up with change! For his blessing! 译文: 在人生的道路上处处充满机遇,但如何把握,还需要个人能力达到.所以要对人生早早规划,多借鉴前人之人生经验,努力学习、积累人生方向相关经验.一旦机遇来临,就要保持良好的心态,勇于挑战.每一次挑战的成功都是对自身的完美升华所以面对挑战首先不能胆怯,更不能打退堂鼓,面对时要保持着良好的心态,最重要的是一定要有足够的自信心! 每次的挑战都是不一样的,你要随时准备好随机应变,计划永远赶不上变化! 为自己祝福吧! 自己写了点,加上网上大神们说的“理论”,改了改.

We have a few fun things in spring.After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.的中文


连词成句 the,we,an,After,meet,Easter,sports,party,hav

原题the,we,an,After,meet,Easter,sports,party,hav连词成句We had an Easter Sports Meet after the party .意思晚会之后,我们进行了一场东方运动会。

--- Our new house was completely in_______ mess after the party was over. --- Don’t worry. We c..

A 考查冠词的用法。这两个空都是固定短语,in a mess 一团糟,by means of 凭借什么样的方式,手段,所以选A。


We have an English party after the sports meet.

after the party, the children were allowed to finish off the____sandwiches and cakes


i went home after the party这个句子是不是过去式?

I went home after the party.这个句子是一般过去式。意思是:晚会后我就回家了。

A Farewell Party_分别派对英语作文

Itu2019s the end of the school year. The students in Class Three have a farewell party. They invite their parents to the party. Many students have performance at the party. Look! Chen Jie is singing songs. Zhang Peng is playing the piano. Sarah is playing the erhu. Mike is doing Chinese Kung fu. What is Miss White doing? She is dancing. Everybody has a lot of fun. But Liu Yun isnu2019t here. She has a cold. She is at home. The classmates are going to visit her after party. They prepare many gifts fot her. And they will take a picture together.





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使用网线连接ont的lan口和个人计算机。自动获取计算机的ip地址,确保计算机的ip地址与ont的局域网ip地址处于同一个网段。在浏览器地址栏输入“”(“”为ont的缺省ip地址),然后按回车键,浏览器弹出登录窗口。在登录窗口中输入用户名和密码(可通过ont铭牌或随设备发的快速入门获取)。用户名:root 密码:admin密码验证通过后,即可访问web配置界面。

Candy is sweet . And so you are 这句话什么意思


如何登陆华为ONT WEB管理界面?

1)无线/WiFi登录方式a.手机/pad/电脑连接上ONT的WiFi。b.在浏览器地址栏中输入IP地址,并登陆。IP地址、登录账号及密码详见产品铭牌。2)有线登录方式a.使用网线连接ONT的LAN口(或FE口、GE口、百兆口、千兆口)和个人计算机的网口。b.设置计算机的IP地址与ONT的IP地址处于同一个网段。c. 登录Web配置界面。在浏览器地址栏中输入IP地址,并登陆。IP地址、登录账号及密码详见产品铭牌。上述方法适用于HS8545M5、HS8546V5、HS8346R5、HS8346V5、HS8145C5、HS8145V5、HS8125T、LS8025T、WA8011Y、HN8145V、HN8145Q、HN8245Qs、HN8341R、HN8346Q、HN8546Ws、HN8546Q、HS8545M、HG8546M、HG8010H、HG8120C、HG8310M、HG8321R、HG8340M、HG8347R、HG8540M、HG8541M、HN8541M、HS8546V、HS8546V2等华为ONT。详细信息参考FAQ:http://support.huawei.com/onlinetoolsweb/ptmngsys/Web/ONT_Basics/faq.html



the candy sweet是什么意思




我喜欢糖果 用英语怎么说 candy 和sweet都说一下,谢谢

I like to eat sweets.我爱吃甜食 I like candy 我喜欢糖果(不一定是喜欢吃)

Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢




我喜欢糖果 用英语怎么说 candy 和sweet都说一下,谢谢


we decided to buy tickets for the jiangyou boat出自哪篇课文 在线等

外研版高中英语必修4 module 5 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 三峡之旅 In August 1996,Peter Hessler,a young American teacher of English,arrived in the town of Fuling on the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. They were the only foreigners in the town.The first semester finished at the end of January and they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival. They could go anywhere they wished.They decided to take a boat downstream. We decided to buy tickets for the Jiangyou boat. 我们打算买到“江油号”的船票. Our colleagues said,“You shouldn"t go on those ships.They are very crowded .They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river. 同事们说: “你们不要坐那种船.它们太拥挤,主要是用来运货的.乘客多事沿江做生意的人. They don"t stop at the temples and there won"t be any other foreigners.” That sounded fine to me. 那些船不停靠庙宇,也不会有别的外国游人乘坐. ”我觉得听起来还不错. We just had to show our passports and they let us get on the boat. 我们出示护照后边上了船. We left the docks on a beautiful afternoon.The sun was shining brightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region. 在一个美丽的午后,我们离开码头.当我们顺流而下穿过山区的时候,阳光很灿烂. Men rode bamboo rafts along the river"s edge and coal boats went past. 男人们乘坐着江边的竹筏,运煤的小船来来往往. As the sun set we docked at Fengdu.We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.It was beautiful. 太阳落山时,我们的船在丰都靠岸.我们目睹太阳在白塔后西沉,美丽极了. We slept through the first gorge,which is called the Qutang Gorge. 穿过长江第一峡——翟塘峡时,我们正在睡梦中. The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the tow-mile-high mountains. 江水在两英里高峰峦间奔流,峡谷狭窄处只有350英尺. “Oh,well,” my friend said,“at least we have two more left.” 我朋友说;“至少我们还能看见另外两个峡谷”. At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the *** aller gorges. 船到巫山时,我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷. The next day we went through the ig gorges on the Yangtze River.It was a lovely morning as we went through the Wu Gorge. 第二天,我们经过了长江的大峡谷.在一个美丽的上午轮船驶过巫峡. We passed the Xiang River,home of Qu Yuan,the 3rd century BC poet.There was so much history long the Yangtze River. 我们还经过了湘江,那是公元前三世纪一位诗人——屈原的家乡. Every rock looked like a person or animal,every stream that joined the great river carried its legends,every hill was heavy with the past. 长江有太多的历史.块块巨石形象各异,条条支流都流淌着传说,座座小山承载着过往. As we came out of the third gorge,the Xiling Gorge,we sailed into the construction site of the dam. 穿过长江三峡西陵峡后,轮船驶入大坝建设处的江面. All the passengers came on deck.We took pictures and pointed at the site,but we weren"t allowed to get off the boat. 所有乘客都上了甲板,大家拍照片,对着工地指指点点,但不可以下船. The Chinese flag was blowing in the wind.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters.“Build the Three Gorges Dam,Exploit the Yangtze River,” it said. 五星红旗在风中飘扬着.远山上写着英尺大的汉子“建造长江大坝,开发长江资源” .



we decided to buy tickets for the jiangyou boat出自哪篇课文 在线等

外研版高中英语必修4 module 5



candy 和sweet 在表示糖果的时候有什么区别?


candy 和sweet 在表示糖果的时候有什么区别?


West Indian Girl的《Still Lost》 歌词

歌曲名:Still Lost歌手:West Indian Girl专辑:West Indian GirlTom McRae --- Still LostKyle XY SE3 03(The electric kiss; Amanda performs)By: 小时候 Q:29089885So my loveI left this world for a whileFor a whileI float through strange daysSearch the one way toBring me back to youSo don"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goFrom here"Cos I"ll be still lostI"ll be still lostI"ll be still lostWhen you comeWhen will you comeTo look for meIf I was toCall youWould you comeAnd if I was toCall youWould you comeOh my loveWhen will you come to look for me"Cos I"ll be still lostI"ll be still lostI"ll be still lostWhen you comeWhy don"t you comeTo look for me?http://music.baidu.com/song/3484616







sweet and candy 的取别

sweet[swi:t]adj.甜的, 可受的, 美好的, 芳香的n.糖果candy[5kAndi]n.糖果, 冰糖v.蜜饯, 糖煮(水果)

Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢

(Candies) candy 负数, (sweet) 甜 (sugar)食用糖 (candy)糖果

Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day什么意思


你好,candy,sweet,sugar 哪个可数,哪个不可数?谢谢

candy,sweet,sugar这三个词既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词,例如candy 作为“糖”这样一个总称时是不可数的,比如“我爱吃糖”,泛指我喜欢吃“糖”这类食品,不可数;而当candy作为“某种品牌或者种类的糖”时,则可数。sweet作糖果讲时可数,而且此时常作复数;作甜食讲时既可以可数,也可以不可数;作满意、满足、快乐、乐趣讲时用复数形式。Suger如果做糖块是可数如果是总称也是不可数





sweet 和 candy是不是都一样吖 两个是不是用哪一个都可以吖

sweet 可以解释为甜的或可爱的,是形容词。但也可以是名词candy是糖果sweet 也可以是糖果,不过范围比较大,可以解释为甜食

Sweet Candy 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Candy歌手:Wolfgang Gartner专辑:Candy EpHangin round downtown by myselfAnd I had so much timeTo sit and thinkabout myselfAnd then there she wasLike double cherry pieYeah there she wasLike disco superflyI smell sex andcandy hereWhos that loungingin my chairWhos that castingdevious staresIn my directionMama this surelyis a dreamHangin round downtown by myselfAnd I had toomuch caffeineAnd I was thinkinbout myselfAnd then there she wasIn platform double suedeYeah there she wasLike disco lemonadeI smell sex andcandy hereWhos that loungingin my chairWhos that castingdevious staresIn my directionMama this surelyis a dreamMama this surelyis a dreamYeah mama this musthttp://music.baidu.com/song/21535460

Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢


SweetCandy 是什么意思?






candy 和sweet 在表示糖果的时候有什么区别?

sweet的意思为:甜的,可受的,美好的,芳香的 而candy的意思为:糖果,冰糖 口语中常用CANDY 注意糖果包装上的英文多为candy 1)candy n. 糖果,冰糖 v. 蜜饯,糖煮(水果) 2)Sweet [swi:t] adj. 甜的,可受的,美好的,芳香的 n. 糖果


意思不同:sweet的意思为:甜的、可爱的、美好的、芳香的;candy的意思为:糖果、冰糖。例句:She eats too much candy. 她吃的糖果太多了。 sweet例句 1、If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar. 如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。 2、The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky. 甜点是威士忌口味的慕斯。 3、She"d baked some bread which made the air smell sweet. 她刚烤制了一些面包,空气里都弥漫着一股香味。 candy例句 1、He coughed up the candy that was stuck in his throat. 他把卡在喉咙里的糖咯了出来。 2、Joe"s other peculiarity was that he was constantly munching hard candy. 乔还有一个怪癖,就是喜欢不停地嚼硬糖。 3、She returns to the big screen to play Candy"s overbearing mother, Rose. 她又重返大银幕,扮演坎迪专横的母亲罗丝。




1.candy指的是糖果这样一个总称时,是不可数名词。指的是各种各样的糖果、糖果的种类时,是可数的名词,后面要改y为i加es。 2.sweet作为糖果时是可数名词。作为甜食时可用作可数或不可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   Here are some candies for you.   这是给你的一些糖果。   You can give her some candies.   你可以给她一些糖果。   Give me some candies first.   先给我一些糖果。   I haven"t made a sweet today.   我今天没做甜点。   I had a craving for something sweet.   我馋甜的东西。




一、侧重不同1、candy:表糖果时,为美国英语用词。2、sweet:表糖果时,为英国用词。3、sugar:指用甘蔗或甜菜制成的糖。二、释义不同1、candy 英?["k?ndi]? ? ?美?["k?ndi]? ? n.?糖果v.?用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖2、sweet 英?[swi?t]? ? ?美?[swi?t]? ? adj.?甜的;芳香的;悦耳的;漂亮的n.?甜食;糖3、sugar 英?["??ɡ?(r)]? ? ?美?["??ɡ?r]? ? n.?糖,食糖;糖缸;甜言蜜语,阿谀奉承;宝贝,心肝v.?使甜;在...上撒糖三、词性不同1、candy与sugar:名词与动词。2、sweet:形容词与名词。


LGWEF7A59LH510853基本配置如下:品牌:wey 车型:VV6 年款:2020 引擎号:E20CB 排量:2.0T 进气形式:涡轮增压 燃油类型:汽油 变速器:双离合变速器(DCT) 档位数:7 驱动类型:前置前驱

Spring Junit @ContextConfiguration如何读取、加载 WEF-INFO下的配置文件?急得很啊!谢谢!

吧@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "file:WebRoot/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" }) 换成@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath*:config/applicationContext.xml" })






  WE957在2017MSI上大放光彩,但是很多LOL粉丝不知道957是谁,we957是什么大学毕业的?为什么叫腿哥?我整理了we957个人资料背景简介,欢迎阅读!   we957是什么大学毕业_we957哪个大学_we957个人资料背景简介   姓名:柯昌宇   游戏ID:957   出生日期:1993年9月21日出生   游戏位置:上单   所属战队:WE战队   国籍:中国   职业生涯:   2014年6月加入WE.F(WE Future)战队开始自己的职业生涯。   2015年LSPL春季赛,WE.F战队晋级季后赛,在季后赛面对QG战队时以1:2败于QG战队取得八强。   2015年IET义乌国际电子竞技大赛上,在淘汰赛上以1:2败于Snake战队,止步八强。   2015年LSPL夏季赛,WE.F战队晋级季后赛,在季后赛面以1:2败于YG战队取得八强。   2015年12月月17日,柯昌宇转至WE战队担任上单。   2016年LPL春季赛季后赛上,以3:0战胜QG战队,取得春季赛季军。   2016年LPL夏季赛季后赛上,以1:3败于IM战队,取得夏季赛第四名。[ 随后在S6选拔赛上,以2:3败于IM战队失去了参加S6全球总决赛的机会。   2017年LPL春季赛季后赛上,以3:0击败RNG战队,取得春季赛冠军前往巴西参加2017MSI季中冠军赛。   职业数据:   WE957腿哥由来   具体原因有以下几种   1、WE.F时候队长就是957,给队友的感觉就是他在的那一路非常信任,不会崩,给人一种大腿的感觉。   2、还没进一队的时候带着当时三队的两个rank很坑的队友排位十几连胜,大家都说他是大腿。   3、WE的队员很喜欢跟着957上分。   经过以上原因,957渐渐的就被人叫腿哥了。   早在15年转会期,2015年12月16日,WE战队官方就宣布柯昌宇(ID:WEF.957)以转会的形式正式加入Team WE战队【957助WE上路补强 WEF队长将转会WE上单】,至此之后957就成为了柯昌宇的代号。   在2014年6月份柯昌宇大学毕业后,就已经加入到Team WE英雄联盟预备队,也就是WEF英雄联盟分部。曾是WEF英雄联盟分部的队长,并率队参加TGA城市英雄争霸赛,并成功获得LSPL资格,成绩也是相当亮眼的,2015年年末以转会的形式加入到WE战队,也就成为了我们今天所看到了957。   大快人心!默默无闻的WE上单957力克台湾闪电狼战队在刚刚结束的2017MSI季中赛首日比赛中,WE首战与LMS赛区闪电狼FW战队展开激烈角逐,最终平日里默默无闻的上单957选手发挥出色,强势Carry击败对手闪电狼,赛后957一战成名,成为了国内外各大媒体争相报道的对象。   赛前WE创始人Zax爆料了不少关于WE巴西行的状况让国内不少网友表示担心。中单兮夜和辅助Ben由于11个小时时差的原因没能调整好状态,Ben甚至还发烧了,在世界赛场上一点细节处理不好就足以致命,这样的情况更是糟糕。Zax也表示凌晨的第一场比赛至关重要,将影响接下来几场比赛的全员士气。   如同赛前预料一般,WE与FW的比赛在前20分钟状态不佳的中下路均处于劣势之中,所幸的是这个时候957站出来了!一手克烈力挽狂澜,20分钟时957与中路兮夜配合连续击杀三人,随后又在下路遭到闪电狼三人的围追堵截中极限逃生,争取了大把时间帮助团队轻松拿下大龙,一波团战推向地方基地拿下了比赛。   平时默默无闻的957瞬间成为了国内外网友们讨论的焦点,有国外网友开玩笑表示:当我遇到危险时我到底该打911还是957呢?国内玩家则表示:社会我腿哥,人狠话不多!一大早的,957竟然上了微博热搜第一!   不过对此我表示十分担心,这不在刚刚结束的对战TSM比赛中,957就遭到了对方的疯狂针对,而WE打野则仍采取争下保中战术放养957,最终TSM上单凯南成长为超级BOSS,WE遗憾落败。   曾经作为LPL领军人物的厂长和Uzi就曾被“邪恶吹势力”一口毒奶奶死,厂长昔日在虎牙时与网友直播互动聊天时直言,网友们给的压力实在太大了,当别人对自己期望无限高的时候,自己也会在无形之中增加很多压力从而影响发挥,总想着怎么才能赢怎么才能Carry,最后得到的效果往往是事倍功半。   WE作为饮水机战队,“争5保6”是他们的目标,所以希望此事不会让他们过于膨胀,咱们还是争取出线就行了,请各位网友们要理智,保持低调啊!别吹别奶!



在船务输出中GRI 、 HC、 SQ、wef各是什么意思?

GRI GENERAL RATE INCREASING 综合费率上涨附加费 一般是南美航线、美国航线使用 HC high cubic 高箱

wef 后加日期是什么意思呀

with effect from




汽车仪表指示灯大全手刹指示灯 该指示灯用来显示车辆手刹的状态,平时为熄灭状态。当手刹被拉起后,该指示灯自动点亮。手刹被放下时,该指示灯自动熄灭。有的车型在行驶中未放下手刹会伴随有警告音。电瓶指示灯 该指示灯用来显示电瓶使用状态。打开钥匙门,车辆开始自检时,该指示灯点亮。启动后自动熄灭。如果启动后电瓶指示灯常亮,说明该电瓶出现了使用问题,需要更换。刹车盘指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆刹车盘磨损的状况。一般,该指示灯为熄灭状态,当刹车盘出现故障或磨损过渡时,该灯点亮,修复后熄灭。机油指示灯 该指示灯用来显示发动机内机油的压力状况。打开钥匙门,车辆开始自检时,指示灯点亮,启动后熄灭。该指示灯常亮,说明该车发动机机油压力低于规定标准,需要维修。水温指示灯 该指示灯用来显示发动机内冷却液的温度,钥匙门打开,车辆自检时,会点亮数秒,后熄灭。水温指示灯常亮,说明冷却液温度超过规定值,需立刻暂停行驶。水温正常后熄灭。气囊指示灯 该指示灯用来显示安全气囊的工作状态,当打开钥匙门,车辆开始自检时,该指示灯自动点亮数秒后熄灭,如果常亮,则安全气囊出现故障。ABS指示灯 该指示灯用来显示ABS工作状况。当打开钥匙门,车辆自检时,ABS灯会点亮数秒,随后熄灭。如果未闪亮或者启动后仍不熄灭,表明ABS出现故障。发动机自检灯 该指示灯用来显示车辆发动机的工作状况,当打开钥匙门时,车辆自检时,该指示灯点亮后自动熄灭,如常亮则说明车辆的发动机出现了机械故障,需要维修。燃油指示灯 该指示灯用来显示车辆内储油量的多少,当钥匙门打开,车辆进行自检时,该油亮指示灯会短时间点亮,随后熄灭。如启动后该指示灯点亮,则说明车内油量已不足。车门指示灯 该指示灯用来显示车辆各车门状况,任意车门未关上,或者未关好,该指示灯都有点亮相应的车门指示灯,提示车主车门未关好,当车门关闭或关好时,相应车门指示灯熄灭。清洗液指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆所装玻璃清洁液的多少,平时为熄灭状态,该指示灯点亮时,说明车辆所装载玻璃清洁液已不足,需添加玻璃清洁液。添加玻璃清洁液后,指示灯熄灭。电子油门灯 常见于大众品牌车型中。打开钥匙门,车辆开始自检时,EPC灯会点亮数秒,随后熄灭。如车辆启动后仍不熄灭,说明车辆机械与电子系统出现故障。雾灯指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示前后雾灯的工作状况,当前后雾灯点亮时,该指示灯相应的标志就会点亮。关闭雾灯后,相应的指示灯熄灭。转向指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆转向灯所在的位置。通常为熄灭状态。当车主点亮转向灯时,该指示灯会同时点亮相应方向的转向指示灯,转向灯熄灭后,该指示灯自动熄灭。远光指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆远光灯的状态。通常的情况下该指示灯为熄灭状态。当车主点亮远光灯时,该指示灯会同时点亮,以提示车主,车辆的远光灯处于开启状态。安全带指示灯 该指示灯用来显示安全带是否处于锁止状态,当该灯点亮时,说明安全带没有及时的扣紧。有些车型会有相应的提示音。当安全带被及时扣紧后,该指示灯自动熄灭。O/D挡指示灯 该指示灯用来显示自动档的O/D挡(Over-Drive)超速挡的工作状态,当O/D挡指示灯闪亮,说明O/D挡已锁止。此时加速能力获得提升,但会增加油耗。内循环指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆空调系统的工作状态,平时为熄灭状态。当点亮内循环按钮,车辆关闭外循环,空调系统进入内循环状态时,该指示灯自动点亮。内循环关闭时熄灭示宽指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆示宽灯的工作状态,平时为熄灭状态,当示宽灯打开时,该指示灯随即点亮。当示宽灯关闭或者关闭示宽灯打开大灯时,该指示灯自动熄灭。VSC指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆VSC(电子车身稳定系统)的工作状态,多出现在日系车上。当该指示灯点亮时,说明VSC系统已被关闭。VSC指示灯 该指示灯是用来显示车辆VSC(电子车身稳定系统)的工作状态,多出现在日系车上。当该指示灯点亮时,说明VSC系统已被关闭。





wef 在英语句子里是什么的缩写阿

从 (某时、日) 开始生效 = with effect from


WEY是长城旗下的中国豪华SUV品牌WEY的LOGO和想法来源于于长城汽车的创始人Jack Wey(魏建军)的故乡,中国保定的标志性建筑“保定总督府大旗杆”,底下则是英文的POATING(保定),寓意打造中国豪华SUV的标杆品牌。以让更多人拥有豪华SUV为品牌愿景。发展中国的自主品牌豪华SUV。成立于2016年。目前共推出了四款SUV,VV7(中型SUV)、VV5(紧凑型SUV)、VV6(中型SUV)三款燃油车型,P8(中型SUV)则是插电混合车型,各车型上市后获得了不错的市场表现。


Wef是世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)的简写。世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,WEF)是一个非官方的国际组织,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。其前身是1971年由现任论坛主席、日内瓦商学院教授克劳斯·施瓦布创建的“欧洲管理论坛”,以“共同讨论、分享经验”为主要形式,探讨世界经济社会发展前沿话题的欧洲管理论坛,后来扩展成为公认的世界经济论坛。Wef组织结构如下:管理委员会管理委员会是世界经济论坛的执行机构,它确保论坛的所有活动均符合论坛的使命,同时对外能够代表论坛。管理委员会集体对论坛承担执行职责,并向基金董事会汇报工作。执行委员会论坛所有的活动都由行政领导。在论坛创始人兼执行主席克劳斯·施瓦布教授的领导下,来自全球超过60个国家的各行各业的优秀人才来到论坛工作。这种全球化的深度和体验使论坛有能力充分支持我们的会员参与全球各项事务。Wef的主要宗旨世界经济论坛旨在研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题,促进国际经济合作与交流,致力于通过公私合作改善世界状况。

get away for the weekend是什么意思

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