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interview[英][ˈɪntəvju:][美][ˈɪntərvju:]n.接见; 采访; 面试; 会谈; vt.& vi.面试; vt.采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问;


interview[英][ˈɪntəvju:][美][ˈɪntərvju:]n.接见; 采访; 面试; 会谈; vt.& vi.面试; vt.采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问; 第三人称单数:interviews过去分词:interviewed复数:interviews现在进行时:interviewing过去式:interviewed例句:1.China"s embassy in zimbabwe refused interview requests. 中国驻津巴布韦大使馆拒绝了采访请求。


两个词意思不一样,interview意为面试,采访; 而preview意为预习,提前看。




interviewn.  面试; 采访; 面谈;v.  对…进行面试; 采访; 面谈双语例句1. In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism.  他接受采访时阐述了持乐观态度的理由。2. The publicity-shy singer spoke frankly in his first interview in three years.  这位不喜欢抛头露面的歌手在3年来的首次访谈中畅所欲言。3. Mark had told me that he was down for an interview.  马克已告诉我他要参加一场面试。4. I seized the chance to interview Chris Hani about this issue.  我抓住机会就这一问题采访了克里斯·哈尼。5. Gregory would interview them, and would play one off against the other.  格雷戈里会采访他们,并会挑动他们彼此相斗。6. There"ll be an interview with Mr Brown after the news.  新闻过后播出的是对布朗先生的访谈。7. Rehearse and role-play the interview with a friend beforehand.  事先和朋友通过角色扮演排练一下面试。8. She was late for the interview after being hauled up for speeding.  由于超速驾车被拦下,她面试迟到了。9. Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune newspaper last month.  艾伦上个月接受了《芝加哥论坛报》的采访。10. When I met her, she had just returned from a job interview.  我遇见她时,她刚参加完一场求职面试回来。11. The interview was painful to watch.  观看那次访谈让人难堪。


interview美 ["ɪntər.vju];英 ["ɪntə(r).vjuː]n.面试;访谈;面谈;会谈v.面谈;访问;对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);接受面试例句1.He paced up and down in the drawing room, extremely concerned over the resultof the interview.他在客厅里来回踱步,对面试结果极为忧虑。2.I"ll get in touch with you tomorrow and invite you for an interview, "I said.我将于明天和你们联系,邀请你们进行面试,我说。


interview 英[ˈɪntəvju:]美[ˈɪntərvju:]n. 采访; 面试; 接见; 会谈;vt. 面试;vt. 采访; 访问; 会见; (私下) 提问;[例句]When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early在参加这份工作的初次面试时,我到得非常早。[其他] 第三人称单数:interviews 复数:interviews 现在分词:interviewing 过去式:interviewed 过去分词:interviewed

interview 是什么意思


interview是什么意思 interview的意思

1、Interview,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意思是“接见,采访;面试,面谈”,作动词时意思是“采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试”。 2、interview的读音:英[ˈɪntəvjuː]美[ˈɪntərvjuː]

英文:Can l interview you for the school newspaper是什么意思?


have an interview with是什么意思

【含义】:走访;采访。【例句】:I have an interview with a visa official today. 我今天跟签证官有个面试。We"re going to have an interview with them friday. 我们将在星期五和他们会晤。Joe will have an interview with the president of the company. 乔明天与公司总裁有个会谈。Have an interview with a local, regional or national official of your country and learn about his duties. 访问一位地方性、区域性或国家级的官员,了解他的工作本份采访是新闻工作人员出于大众传播的目的,通过观察和访谈等方法,对可能收到广泛关注且鲜为人知的信息的搜集活动。是新闻写作的前提,是一种特殊的调查研究。采访是采访者对客体事物的认识过程,是采访者运用自己的新闻观点、知识积累和思维方式,通过亲自观察、倾听,经过思索而做出分析判断的过程。





interview arrangement是什么意思

面试安排双语对照例句:1.This study use qualitative study, documents to confer and arrangement,design a interview program of semi-structured interviers, to collected studydata one by one. 研究者以质性研究的方式,经由文献的探讨与整理,设计半结构式的访谈大纲,以一对一深度访谈的方式收集研究资料。面试安排双语对照例句:1.This study use qualitative study, documents to confer and arrangement,design a interview program of semi-structured interviers, to collected studydata one by one. 研究者以质性研究的方式,经由文献的探讨与整理,设计半结构式的访谈大纲,以一对一深度访谈的方式收集研究资料。


interview [英]ˈɪntəvju:[美]ˈɪntərvju:n. 接见;采访;面试;会谈vt. vi. 面试vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问[例句]Say you "re at a job interview.假设你正在参加一个工作面试。

interview panel是什么意思



interview 采访、会谈、面试。


interview 英["ɪntəvju:] 美[ˈɪntɚˌvju] n. 接见;采访;面试;会谈 vt.& vi. 面试 vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问 [例句]Falcone "s examples of effective interview questions:法尔科恩给出的有效面试问题示例如下:



英文A dream interview是什么意思





selection interview[英][siˈlekʃən ˈintəvju:][美][sɪˈlɛkʃən ˈɪntɚˌvju]人员选择访谈; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Does a selection panel interview short-listed applicants? 有否设立甄选委员会会见被选出的申请人?

Extended Interview是什么意思

Extended Interview 延伸采访网络释义1. 扩大采访例句:1.Southall and 15 other finalists spent the past four days on the queensland island for anextended interview process, which required applicants to snorkel through crystallinewaters, gorge themselves at a beach-side barbecue and relax at a spa. 过去四天里,他和其他15位进入决赛的选手在昆士兰岛进行了一场扩展面试,面试过程要求选手在水晶般透明的海水中潜泳、在海滩上烧烤尽享美食,最后再来一个spa尽情放松。



take the interview是什么意思


Extended Interview是什么意思

Extended Interview 延续面试;延长面试;扩大采访例句筛选1.Earlier this month, 16 finalists arrived on Hamilton Island, where the caretaker will be based, for a four day extended interview.16个参加最终的决赛人员在月初的时候到抵达了汉密尔顿岛(这也是护岛人最后要待的地方),进行为期四天的深入面试。2.Extended interview with entrepreneur Dick Smith about his life, his many projects,Australian farming and food.这是对企业家迪克·史密斯一生的扩展采访,包括他的许多项目,诸如澳大利亚农业和食品等。

panel interview是什么意思


panel interview是什么意思

panel interview[英][ˈpænəl ˈintəvju:][美][ˈpænəl ˈɪntɚˌvju]专门小组会谈; 小组面谈; 小组面试; 小组式面谈; 双语例句1Today " s meeting is a panel interview.今天的面试是小组面试。2Equally, she may have been unsure about you, and saw this as a panel interview with her friends.同样,她可能对你也没把握,把此行当作她朋友们对你的集体面试。


interviewvt.接见, 会见, 采访, 面试n.接见, 会见visitn.拜访, 访问, 游览, 参观, (作客)逗留, 视察, 调查vt.拜访, 访问, 参观, 视察, 降临vi.访问, 参观, 闲谈




interview什么意思:采访1、Did you hear the interview with him on the radio? 你有没有在广播里听到采访他的情况?2、She broke her public silence in a TV interview. 她接受了一次电视采访,就此结束了她不在公开场合说话的状态。3、She got herself into a real state before the interview. 她面试前格外地焦虑不安。4、The interviews were given to a random sample of students. 随机抽选出部分学生进行了采访。5、You"ll need to keep a clear head for your interview. 你面试时需要保持清醒的头脑。6、They really put me through it at the interview. 面试的时候,他们真把我折腾了一番。


Interview,作名词时意思是“接见,采访;面试,面谈”,作动词时意思是“采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试”。动词:1.interview的基本意思是“采访,接见,对…进行面试”,引申可指“接受采访”。2.interview既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。名词:1.interview用作名词时的意思是“采访,面谈,面试”。常指正式的面试。2.interview既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。短语搭配:exclusive interview独家采访 ; 独家专访 ; 名家专访unstructured interview非结构化面试 ; 非结构性面谈 ; 非结构式访谈 ; 非结构性访谈interview skills面试技巧 ; 面试之技巧 ; 面试 ; 英语面试题目大全 双语例句:1、Who do you want to interview and why?如果有机会,你希望能采访谁?为什么?2、I have participated in this interview.我已经参加了这个面试。3、If you like them, have them interview three or four other people in your organization for an hour each.如果你喜欢他们,然后让你的机构里其他三四个人每人再面试他们一个小时。



Cesium 地球旋转(以及停止旋转

//旋转 //监听点击事件,当点击地图时停止旋转

Cesium快速上手10-Viewer Entities组合

Viewer/Entities的作用: 方便创建直观的对象,同时做到性能优化(billboard、point等) 提供一些方便使用的函数:flyTo/zoomTo 赋予Entity对象时间这个属性,对象具备动态特性/Primitive不具备 提供一些UI(homeButton/sceneModePicker/projectionPicker/baseLayerPicker) 大量的快捷方式,camera等未必是好事。。 Datasource模式来加载大规模数据:Geojson Datasource结构 Entities是一个快捷方式,其实返回的是viewer.dataSourceDisplay.defaultDatasource.entities ; Entity结构 var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer"); 示例 可参考 Geometries http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Box.html&label=Geometries box 就是立方体 cylinder 是圆锥 圆柱 http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Cylinders%20and%20Cones.html&label=Geometries topRadius = bottomRadius 是圆柱 topRadius=0, bottomRadius 大于0 是圆锥 Entity Cesium.EntityCollection 每一个Datasource都挂在Entity下; http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=GeoJSON%20and%20TopoJSON.html&label=DataSources http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=GeoJSON%20simplestyle.html&label=DataSources http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Custom%20DataSource.html&label=DataSources


在按钮的触屏监听处理函数中 加上启动activity的代码 可以通过intent启动startActivity(intent);


简单方法:EViews6.0的ADFtest自动给出BIC滞后长度。滞后阶数越大,自由度就越小。一般根据AIC和SC取值最小准则来确定阶数。如果AIC和SC并不是同时取值最小,采用LR检验进行取舍。如果时序数据样本容量小,这时AIC和SC准则可能需要谨慎,还是需要根据经验验证。自己的经验看,这时一般比较滞后1、2、3阶基本可以得到较好结果。另外,还可以通过eviews6.0软件确定最大滞后阶数, 在var估计结果窗口中点击view/lag structure/lag length criteria 输入最大滞后阶数,以*号最多的阶数确定滞后阶数。AIC 和SIC 都是人为规定的标准其原理是,当构建模型时,增加自变量的个数会使拟合度增加,但是也会有可能增加无关自变量。人们在减小自变量个数和增加拟合度之间的权衡方法就是AIC和SIC标准。最小的AIC和SIC代表着拟合与自变量个数的最佳权衡。但是因为侧重点,也就是算法不用,往往AIC和SIC所选出的最大滞后不同。

dc24v八脚继电器下面标注的英文 bottom view是什么意思

BOTTON VIEW,的书面意思是“(底视或者仰视),就是继电器管脚向上去看。

AGU under review一般多久

1 3个月左右。由于Under review和找审稿人的速度和审稿人完成审稿的速度有很大的关系,往往同一个期刊不同文章该时间的长短也有很大的关系。Under review时间指审稿时间,它的长短和期刊要求审稿人完成审稿的时间有很大关系,因而和各个期刊和期刊类型有很大的关系。


1.examine 2.censor 3.investigate 审查


review同义词:这些动词均有"回答"之意。answer 、reply、respond、retort、return




那么有什么办法可以更加方便实现呢? 我们传统的做法都是在 cellForRowAtIndexPat中排版或者继承UITableViewCell 进行排版。而这个也不可避免,但是对于这种动态变更高度的处理,本人认为最好不要直接在cellForRowAtIndexPat中进行排版,应该继承 UITableViewCell生成子类,然后在子类里面进行排版工作。因为这跟下面说的解决方法有关。 先说说本人的解决思路吧,其实办法很简单,通过样本Cell来计算高度即可。也就是说我在定义Cell的子类后,在包含UITableView的控制器类或者视图类中定义一个Cell子类的属性,此属性就是专门用于在heightForRowAtIndexPath中计算Cell高度用。这样就能够正确地返回Cell的高度了。先来看看Cell的子类定义:@interface DemoCell : NSObject{UILabel *_content;}-(CGFloat)contentHeight;-(void)setContent:(NSString *)content;@end;从上面的DemoCell来看其带有一个UILabel对象,这个Cell就是要根据UILabel的内容动态更改高度。其中contentHeight方法是返回Cell的高度。setContent是设置UILabel的内容并计算UILabel的高度。此类很简单要做的就是这样这些操作。然后我们在控制器中定义一个样本Cell专门用于计算Cell的高度。代码如下: #import "DemoCell.h"@interface DemoViewController : UIViewController{UITableView *_tableView;DemoCell *_sampleCell;NSArray *_listData;}@end;其中部分实现代码如下: - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{//在此使用样本Cell计算高度。NSString *content=[_listData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; [_sampleCell setContent:content];return [_sampleCell contentHeight];}- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{static NSString *cellId=@"DemoCell";DemoCell *cell=(DemoCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellId];if(cell==nil){cell=[[[DemoCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:cellId] autorelease];}[cell setContent:[_listData objectAtIndex indexPath:indexPath.row]];return cell;}到此为止我们已经顺利地展示了如何动态变更Cell的高度。只要内容变更我们调用UITableView的reloadData方法就可以刷新整个列表了。Cell如何计算高度本人没有列出来,因为不同的需求导致这部分的实现会不一样。这里只是把思路给大家交代清楚。具体的实现还是要各位童鞋们自己动手操作。


UITableView的cell两种注册方法: [_tabV registerClass:[testTableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"cellId"]; testTableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cellId" forIndexPath:indexPath]; testTableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cellId"]; if (!cell) { cell = [[testTableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"cellId"]; } 系统推荐使用第2中方法。 创建一次的视图写在花括号里面,第1种方法复用的时候需要判断只需创建一次的视图在没在,在的话需要删除重建,不然会叠加在一块儿

celebrity interview是什么意思

为您解答:celebrity interview名人访谈**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************

论文/literature review中,(电子)期刊杂志的reference的APA格式应如何写?

Martini, F. (2010). 【●期刊名不要放在这里●】Green test bed. 【●用句号●】【●不要大写(用斜体)●】【●杂志名称●】Pictures of the future.【●缺刊号!●】44-46 Retrieved from 【●杂志主页●】______________________华丽霸气的分割线_______________________【●来自”不告你就不告你”的意见●】作者.(年份).文章标题.期刊名称.期刊号.页码.DOI码或期刊主页你自己G00GLE APA 6th,我发网址会被删

如何解决the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t

the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t词典结果the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t尾注浏览器限制检索文献的总数





Comments" in the "View是什么意思

应该后面还有东西comments in the view of sth.XX视野下的评论 从XX方面进行论述

view comments是什么意思

review comments是什么意思

review comments审查意见;审核意见

address the attached reviewer‘s comments是什么意思

address :这里指强调the attached reviewer: 相关的审阅者comments:意见,评论address the attached reviewer‘s comments:强调关联的审阅者的意见


Reviewers"Comments评论家的意见As a final step, we utilized reviewers " comments to make the anthology relevantand useful. 作为最后一步,我们利用评论家的意见使本选集更具有针对性,也更为实用。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

review comments是什么意思





1、新建项目,将ios的提供位置服务和地图服务的库加入到项目中 点项目名-gt;Build Phases点开Link Binary With Libraries将CoreLocation和MapKit两个库加入到项目中,前者是ios的位置服务库,后者是操作MKMapView的库2、新建UIViewController 控件布局和设置好关系属性。导入lt;CoreLocation/CoreLocation.hgt;和lt;MapKit/MapKit.hgt;还要让控制器类实现MKMapViewDelegate协议[objc] view plain copy print?#import lt;UIKit/UIKit.hgt; #import lt;MapKit/MapKit.hgt; #import lt;CoreLocation/CoreLocation.hgt; @interface MainViewController : UIViewControllerlt;MKMapViewDelegate,UITextFieldDelegategt; //经度 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *longitudeText; //纬度 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *latitudeText; //地图 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet MKMapView *mapView; //自己经度 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *longitudeLabel; //自己纬度 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *latitudeLabel; //放置标注Button - (IBAction)annotationAction:(id)sender; @end 3、MKMapView可以通过 setShowsUserLocation:YES这个方法来获取自己的位置,并且当地图更新自己的位置后会调用-(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation的一个协议的委托方法,我要在这个方法里面试实现当地图位置更新后/获取自己位置后对地图进行放大。首先在viewDidLoad方法里对让地图调用setShowsUserLocation方法来实现地图的定位,并且设置MapView的委托类。[objc] view plain copy print?- (void)viewDidLoad { //设置MapView的委托为自己 [self.mapView setDelegate:self]; //标注自身位置 [self.mapView setShowsUserLocation:YES]; [super viewDidLoad]; } 然后实现-(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation方法:[objc] view plain copy print?//MapView委托方法,当定位自身时调用 -(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation{ CLLocationCoordinate2D loc = [userLocation coordinate]; //放大地图到自身的经纬度位置。 MKCoordinateRegion region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(loc, 250, 250); [self.mapView setRegion:region animated:YES]; } CLLocationCoordinate2D 是一个结构体记录经纬度,通过地图的获取的location来给其赋值。运行一下程序地图载入的同时获得自身的位置,并且会自动放大到你所在的位置。调试位置:模拟器在运行的时候,可以自定义的设置其自身所在的位置4、获取自身的经纬度显示在两个label上,还是在-(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapViewdidUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation方法里面实现,通过MKUserLocation这个类里面有经度和纬度的属性,直接拿出来显示在label上


interview,楼主注意,英语里面,"inter"有互相的意味,属于前缀,好像interact ,所以,INTERVIEW 更加倾向于两个人或几个人之间的私人的会谈,好像面试,还有采访,也是记者和被采访者之间的互动REPORT则是倾向于在大众面前展露,好像在大家面前做一个报告,或者记者在大众媒体面前做一个报道,都用report

什么是混合型面试(hybrid interviewing)?和他的缺点(disadvantages)?


convergent interview是什么


give an interview 与 take an interview有什么区别

前者 采访谁 主语是采访的人后者 谁接受采访 主语是被采访者如 i give an interview 我要进行采访i take an intrview 我要接受一个采访

Interview Questions Answered -- Part I 译文 presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode one. 推出的 "面试问题解答",第一集。 Hello, I"m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. 大家好,我是主持人杰夫-麦奎伦,从美丽的加利福尼亚洛杉矶教育发展中林来到这里。 This series is designed to teach you the English you need to know to have a successful interview. The questions from this series are the most common questions asked at US business interviews. Each episode has two parts. First, we give you some important tips on how to answer the interview question. Second, we provide you with two sample answers that use these tips in answering the question and that you might hear in a typical business interview. 本系列皆在教你成功面试所需的英语。本系列的问题是美国商业面试中最常见的问题。每集有两部分。首先,我们给你一些关于如何回答面试问题的重要提示。其次,我们为您提供了两个示例答案,这些答案使用这些提示来回答问题,并且你可能会在典型的商业面试中听到。 You will hear each sample answer read slowly, then you will hear an explanation of the vocabulary and expressions we used in the answers. Finally, you"ll hear the answers read at a normal speed. 你会听到每个样例答案的慢读,然后你会听到对我们在答案使用的词汇和表达方式的解释。最后你将听到以正常速语速读出的答案。 All the episodes come with a written Learning Guide that contains all of the tips we discuss, definitions and sample sentences for each of the vocabulary words we use, and a complete transcript of the episode. 所有章节都有一份书面的学习指南,其中包括我们讨论的所有提示,我们使用的每个词汇的定义和例句,以及该章节的完整记录。 Let"s begin with question number one: "Tell me about yourself?" 让们从第一个问题开始:”谈谈你自己吧?“ The question, "Tell me about yourself," is usually the first question that you will hear in a business interview. Your goal, in answering this question, is to prove to the interviewer - to show the interviewer - that you have the skills and experience to be the ideal or perfect candidate for the job. ”谈谈你自己“ 这个问题,通常是你在商业面试中听到的第一问题。在回答这个问题时,你的目标是向面试官证明--向面试官展示--你具有成为该工作的理想或则完美候选人的技能和经验。 Here are some tips in answering this question: Keep your answer short, at about two minutes. The person interviewing you wants you to give them an overview - a general idea of your skills and qualifications. You don"t want to talk too much on this first question; two, maybe three minutes is all you will really need. Since you can expect that this question will be asked in the interview, you should prepare something that you can tell the person - the general qualifications that you have - in that short amount of time.以下是回答这个问题的一些技巧:回答简短,大约两分钟。面试你的人希望你给他们一个概述-你技能和资格的大致了解。你不想在第一个问题上说太多;第二,三分钟是你真正需要的。既然你可以预料到这个问题会在面试中问到,你应该准备一些你可以告诉对方的东西--你拥有的一般资格--在很短的时间内。 Our second tip is to focus on work-related skills and accomplishments, not personal information. When the interviewer asks you to tell him or her about yourself, they"re interested in things that are related to the job. You may have some personal accomplishments or personal information, but what you want to do mostly here is to talk about why you are good person for the job. So, don"t talk about your family, or a good vacation you went on, or something that you have done that is not related to the job in some way. 我们的第二个建议是关注与工作相关的技能和成就,而不是个人信息。当面试官要求你告诉他或她你的情况时,他们感兴趣的是与工作相关的事情。你可能有一些个人成就或个人信息,但你在这里你最想做的是谈论为什么你是这份工作的好人选。因此,不要讨论你的家庭或则你过去美好的假期,或你做过与工作无关的事情。 Our third tip is to tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishments would be an asset to the company. An asset is a positive contribution to the company. You want to tell the person interviewing you not just what your skills are - the things that you can do, and the things that you have done - your accomplishments - you also want to tell them why these are related - why they are important for the company - why you would be able to give something to the company it doesn"t have right now because of your skills and accomplishments. 我们的第三个建议是告诉面试官为什么你的工作相关技能和成就会成为公司的资产。资产是对公司的积极贡献。你不仅告诉面试者你的技能是什么--你能做什么事,以及你已经做过的事情--你的成就--你还要告诉他们为什么这些事相关的--为什么对公司很重要--为什么你能给公司带来一些它现在没有得东西,因为你的技能成就。 Fourth, you want to describe your education or work history very briefly. Normally, if you"re going on an interview, you would talk about, very briefly, what you studied in college, for example, what degrees you have. Do you have a bachelor"s degree, do you have a master"s degree, do you have a Ph.D., a doctorate? You want to tell them where you went to school, what you studied at the school, and then you want to say a little bit about companies you"ve worked with or worked for and what positions you have had in those companies. So, you want to give them some information so they know, in general, what you"ve been doing before you came to this interview. You don"t normally want to talk about your high school or grade school; most employers are not interested in that, unless you only graduated from high school - that you haven"t gone to college yet - then you might mention your high school degree - your high school diploma. 第四,你要非常简要地描述你的教育或工作经历。通常情况下,如果你要去面试,你会非常简要谈一谈,你在大学里学了什么,比如说,你有什么学位。你是否有学士学位,你说否有硕士学位,你是否有Ph.D.,博士学位?你要告诉他们你在哪里上学,你在学校学到了什么,然后你要说一下你曾经工作过的公司或为止工作过的公司,以及你在这些公司担任过什么职位。因此,你想给他们一些信息,让他们知道在你来参加面试之前,你一般都在做什么。你通常不想讨论你的高中或则小学;大多数雇主对这些不感兴趣,除非你只是高中毕业--你没有上大学--那么你可以提到你的高中学位--高中文凭。 Fifth, you want to tell the interviewer about things you have done and jobs you have had that are related to the position you are interviewing for. You want to tell them about your skills and accomplishments, but you also want to tell the interviewer or interviewers about specific things you have done - specific jobs that you have had that are somehow related to the position that you are interviewing for now. 第五,你要告诉面试官你所做的事情和你所从事的工作与你所面试的职位相关。你要告诉他们你的技能和成就,但你也要告诉面试官你所做的具体事情--你所做的具体工作与你现在面试的职位有一定的关系。 Finally, you want to mention one, maybe two personal characteristics that have helped you accomplish your goals, and give a short example to illustrate. We said earlier that you don"t want to talk about your personal life in this question, but personal characteristics are a little different. Personal characteristics are things that you have that would be related to the job, things such as being able to get a job done on time, being able to focus and concentrate your attention on the job. 最后,你要提到一个,也可以提两个帮助你完成目标的个人特性,并举一个简短的例子来说明。我们之前说过,你不想在这个问题上谈论你的个人生活,但个人特性有点不同。个人特性是指你所拥有的与工作相关的东西,例如能够按时完成工作,能够集中精力和注意力在工作上。 You might say, for example, that you have good attention to detail - you can look at all the little things in an issue or a project and make sure that you are taking care of them. That would be a personal characteristic, and then you could give an example of why that was important in a job that you"ve already done. You may say, "I had a project where I had many different parts that I had to take care of, and I was able to do them all." That way, you"re showing the person - you"re telling the interviewer how your personal characteristics will be able to help you do your job better. 例如,你可以说,你非常注重细节--你可以查看问题或则项目中的所有小事情,并确保你正在处理它们。这将是一个个人特征,然后你可以举例说明为什么这对你已经完成的工作很重要。你可能会说:“我有一个项目,其中有许多不同的部分需要我处理,而我能够全部完成。” 这样,你就是向这个人展示--你是在告诉面试官你的个人特征将如何帮助你更好地完成工作。 An interview, in general, particularly for US businesses, is sort of like an opportunity to sell yourself. You have to be able to show to the person that you are the best man or woman for the job. 一般来说,面试,特别是对美国企业来说,有点像推销自己的机会,你必须能够向对方证明你是这份工作的最佳人选。 To summarize then: In answering the question, "Tell me about yourself," you want to keep the answer short, two to three minutes. You want to focus on work- related skills and accomplishments, not your personal information. You want to tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishments would be a positive thing for the company. You want to talk about your education and where you worked before you came to the interview. You also want to tell the interviewer the kinds of jobs you have done, and how they"re related to the position you"re interviewing for. Finally, you can mention some personal characteristics that would be important in doing the job that you are interviewing for. 总结一下:在回答”谈谈你自己“的问题时,你要保持简短的回答,两到三分钟。你要把重点放在与工作有关的技能和成就上,而不是你的个人信息。你要告诉面试官,为什么你认为你的工作相关技能和成就对公司产生积极的影响。你要谈一谈你的教育,以及你在参加面试之前在哪里工作。你还有告诉面试官你做过哪些工作,以及这些工作与你所面试的职位有什么关系。最后,你可以提到一些对做你面试的工作很重要的个人特征。

英语作文 what is important when interviewing

1.find the perfect your mind3.plan for disaster4.get organized5 put pen to paper6 set your limits7 don"t feel guilty8 two become one



close interview是什么意思

close interview 结束面试interview 英[ˈɪntəvju:] 美[ˈɪntərvju:] n. 采访; 面试; 接见; 会谈; vt. 面试; vt. 采访; 访问; 会见; (私下) 提问; [例句]When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early在参加这份工作的初次面试时,我到得非常早。[其他] 第三人称单数:interviews 复数:interviews 现在分词:interviewing过去式:interviewed 过去分词:interviewed


interviewing英 ["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ] 美 ["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ] v.访问; 面试( interview的现在分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问网络采访; 访谈; 面谈


interview英 [ˈɪntəvju:] 美 [ˈɪntərvju] n. 接见; 采访; 面试; 会谈vt.& vi. 面试;vt. 采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问复数: interviews 过去式: interviewed 过去分词: interviewed 现在分词: interviewing 第三人称单数: interviews


interview[英][ˈɪntəvju:][美][ˈɪntərvju:]n.接见; 采访; 面试; 会谈; vt.& vi.面试; vt.采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问; 例句:1.China"s embassy in zimbabwe refused interview requests. 中国驻津巴布韦大使馆拒绝了采访请求。


interviewing[英]["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ][美]["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ]v.面试( interview的现在分词 ); 访问; 会见; (私下)提问;

Thank you for the interview.为什么不用interviewing,interviewwer.

Thank you for the interview for是一个介词,介词后面加的是名词 在既有动词又有名词的情况下,首选名词 interviewwer解释为面试者 放在这里不通

大学英语初级听力 interview 翻译


is interviewing

1,whom不能作主语,who可以. 2.事情进展怎么样啦?大概是这样意思,不同的语境有不同的翻译方法. 3.有if了,表示假设也就是事情并没有发生,所以主句得将来式啦 4.捎信,带口信等.


. 访问; 面试( interview的现在分词 ); 会见; (私下) 提问;[网络] 采访; 访谈; 面谈;[例句]Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter.采访政治家可能并不是什么高难度的事,但的确很重要。[其他] 形近词: stereoviewing reviewing previewing







PwC HR status 里面interviewing什么意思



interview读音:英 [ˈɪntəvjuː],美 [ˈɪntərvjuː]。interview为名词的意思:采访,面试,面谈,(常指公开的)记者采访,(私下的)会谈。interview为动词的意思:对(某人)进行面试(或面谈),接受面试,(媒体)采访,(私下)提问,面谈。第三人称单数:interviews。复数:interviews。现在分词:interviewing。双语例句:1、She broke her public silence in a TV interview. 她接受了一次电视采访,就此结束了她不在公开场合说话的状态。2、She got herself into a real state before the interview. 她面试前格外地焦虑不安。


interviewing[英]["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ][美]["ɪntəvju:ɪŋ]v.访问; 面试( interview的现在分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问; 例句:1.And you tired of interviewing people? 你是否厌倦了面试雇员?


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