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列表的滚动一般分为两种: 上面的过程的状态变化如下: 有两种方式可以监听滚动事件: 其中 setOnScrollListener 由于可能出现空指针的风险,已经过时。建议用addOnScrollListener。 OnScrollListener类是个抽象类,有两个方法: 回调的两个变量的含义: recyclerView: 当前在滚动的RecyclerView newState: 当前滚动状态. 其中newState有三种值: 回调的三个变量含义: recyclerView : 当前滚动的view dx : 水平滚动距离 dy : 垂直滚动距离 dx > 0 时为手指向左滚动, 列表滚动显示右面的内容 dx < 0 时为手指向右滚动, 列表滚动显示左面的内容 dy > 0 时为手指向上滚动, 列表滚动显示下面的内容 dy < 0 时为手指向下滚动, 列表滚动显示上面的内容 例如: RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)的值表示是否能向下滚动, false表示已经滚动到底部 RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(-1)的值表示是否能向上滚动, false表示已经滚动到顶部 如果 当前 第一个可见item的位置 + 当前可见的item个数 >= item的总个数 这样就可以判断出来,是在底部了。 通过 visibleItemCount + pastVisiblesItems) >= totalItemCount 来判断是否是底部。 通过canScrollVertically 来判断 参考:

Quartus中,RTL Viewer的作用是什么?


安装cad时显示Autodesk Design review安装错误?

日志文件中最后一行,你自己仔细看一下呗:2020/7/23:17:31:55 Administrator YLMF-2020NUKTCF Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603

求英语作文:my view on science and technology

This specialized raise has electronic information science and technology of the basic theory and basic knowledge, by strict scientific experimental training and scientific research training, preliminary in electronic information science and technology, computer science and technology and related fields and administrative departments engaged in scientific research, teaching, science and technology development, product design, production technology management of the electronic information science and technology senior specialized talents. 本专业培养具备电子信息科学与技术的基本理论和基本知识,受到严格的科学实验训练和科学研究初步训练,能在电子信息科学与技术、计算机科学与技术及相关领域和行政部门从事科学研究、教学、科技开发、产品设计、生产技术管理工作的电子信息科学与技术高级专门人才。

在LabVIEW 的前面板界面右 键单击右上角图标,选择Show Connector

使用注册机激活。你需要生成两个License文件。1.使用‘Full Development System with MathScript"生成。安装注册文件后就有了“Show Connector”。2.使用‘Application Builder for LabVIEW Base/Full/Student"生成。安装该注册文件后,就有了Build Application or Shared Library。安装注册文件使用开始菜单中的‘NI许可证管理器"。over!


我怎么说的,,谢谢,,我一直在找这个动态图。。。有了这个动态图我帮你找出来了 scourge of the evil 。不谢。。我也要感谢你


一般文化观有个较专门的书面说法:Cultural perspective(当然view,outlook也可以) 例如 本土文化观the native cultural perspective 大众文化观mass culture perspective 社会文化观sociocultural perspective 论什么的文化观即可翻译为 The cultural perspective of something

wpf 如何遍历listview

XAML代码: <ListView Name="listview1" Margin="230,0,294,57" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="100" MouseLeftButtonDown="ListView_MouseLeftButtonDown"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn/> </GridView> </ListView.View> <CheckBox Name="check1"/> <CheckBox Name="check2"/> </ListView>事件代码:private void ListView_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if(listview1.Items[0].GetType().ToString()=="System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox") { MessageBox.Show(listview1.Items[0].GetType().ToString()); listview1.Items.Remove(listview1.Items[0]); } }


private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Grid g = new Grid(); g.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; g.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; g.Background = Brushes.Blue; ScrollViewer s = new ScrollViewer(); s.Width = 100; s.Height = 100; Label l = new Label(); l.Content = @"wpf 控件内 动态添加 控件";s.Content = l; this.AddChild(s); }

wp /wpf 中 我想实现scrollviewer里面横向有三个控件,怎样实现滚动,下面也都是这个形式

ScrollViewer 给Width值指定一下,然后里边的内容的宽度也设置一下,当里边的宽度超过外边的宽度滚轮就有了,还有就是ScrollViewer里边VerticalScrollBarVisibility HorizontalScrollBarVisibility这两个属性设置一下,是横向和纵向滚轮显示的问题


VOS中文含义是visualization of similarities,即相似的可视化。用来分析文献很好用,主要可以对文献进行合作网络分析、共现分析、引证分析、文献耦合分析、共被引分析。**!可视化做出来的图很直观、清晰。美!

scene view sight look 的差别

scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义; scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内; sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,必须要用复数

scene 与view 有什么区别 ???



1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.




三者意思基本相同,有细微之处不同scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene--指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。 scenery--指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。 view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。


scenen.场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件sceneryn.风景,景色; 舞台布景; 风景画; 舞台面sightn.视力; 看见; 视野; 景象vt.看见,发现; 瞄准; 观察; 调准瞄准器vi.(用仪器)瞄准; 观察viewn.看法; 风景; 视域; [建筑学]视图vt.看; 看待

scenery scene view sight 作景色讲有何区别

scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。近义词---View, Scenery, Scene, SightView(n.)---“景色”。普遍用语。指目中所望见的景色。Scenery(n.)---“景色”,“外景”。指一个地方乃至一个国家的整个外景或外貌。Scene(n.)---“景色”。可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动。Sight(n.)---“光景”。多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。例:There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean.这是我们第一次看见海洋。The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery.火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful.日落的景色是非常美的。We will go and see the sights of New York.我们要去看看纽约的名胜。The Imperial Palace is one of the sights of China.故宫是中国名胜之一。sight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。  scenery是个不可数名词,含不管是否映入眼帘的风景。The road passes through the most charming scenery.这条大路穿过极为迷人的风景区。  view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。  另外,scene还可指舞台的场景。


  scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。  scene--指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。  a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.  The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。  The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。  scenery--指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。  如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。  The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。  The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。  sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。  view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。  如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。  The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。  There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。  It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.


  scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。  scene--指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。  a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.  The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。  The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。  scenery--指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。  如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。  The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。  The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。  sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。  view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。  如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。  The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。  There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。  It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。

scenery scene view sight区别是什么?



scenery ---- 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景.view ---- 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色.

view 与 scenery 的区别

scenery "风景;景色”(总称),尤指美丽开阔的乡村 view 是指某个地方可以看到的部分 scenery, 尤指美丽乡村的景点,风景画(或照片)scene 与 view 可互换,但 scene 大多包括了其中的人及其活动


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.


scene、scenery、sight和view的区别scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene—1) 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分It was a beautiful rural scene. I want to go abroad for a change of scene. 我想出去换换环境。He photographed a range of street scenes.The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。The mountain scene in front of the guest house is beautiful.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。2) 场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) Scene One/Two/Three war/love sceneI will never forget the scene of our wedding.I will never forget the scene of us meeting for the first time.Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面?3) 事故现场 the scene of the accident on/at the scene 在现场The police were on/at the scene , searching for clues(线索).4) make a scene with sb=have a quarrel with sbI don"t want to make a scene with you now. scenery--指某地总的自然景色或风景全貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如: The beautiful scenery and convenient transport here will surely make your trip pleasant.The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:1)景象, 往往指给人印象深刻的、不寻常的景象All the houses were burned down. What a beautiful sight it was!What a beautiful sight the sunset was !a sad sight悲惨的场景2) 视野=view3) 看见 catch sight of 看见 at first sight 咋一看 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦Suddenly I caught sight of my teacher and calmed down.At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.4) the sights of sp 某地的名胜古迹see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.长城是世上惊人的景观之一。The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. (科罗拉多)大峡谷是世界名胜之一。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:。1) 从某地看到的景色、风景 The view is cut off by the next building. 旁边的楼房挡住了视野。You"ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 从山顶你可以清楚地看到全镇的全景。From here, you can get a bird"s view of the city.I would like a room with a sea/mountain view.To climb the mountains was hard but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.(课本page 22)The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景2) 视野=sight a bird"s-eye view 意为“鸟瞰” Land came into view/sight at last.It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。3) 观点 跟opinion同义 from sb"s point of view。此外,view 还有“看法”、“观点”的意思,eg:one"s political view,a point of view.


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.


1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。2. view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如:From the window there was a clear view of the mountains. 从窗户往外看是一览无余的群山。The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。The view was wonderful. If I"d had a camera, I would have taken some photo—graphs. 风景好极了,要是我带有照相机,我就照几张像了。3. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。4. scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。如:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画!We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景。The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景。


scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene—1) 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分It was a beautiful rural scene. I want to go abroad for a change of scene. 我想出去换换环境。He photographed a range of street scenes.The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。The mountain scene in front of the guest house is beautiful.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。2) 场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) Scene One/Two/Three war/love sceneI will never forget the scene of our wedding.I will never forget the scene of us meeting for the first time.Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面?3) 事故现场 the scene of the accident on/at the scene 在现场The police were on/at the scene , searching for clues(线索).4) make a scene with sb=have a quarrel with sbI don"t want to make a scene with you now. scenery--指某地总的自然景色或风景全貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如: The beautiful scenery and convenient transport here will surely make your trip pleasant.The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:1)景象, 往往指给人印象深刻的、不寻常的景象All the houses were burned down. What a beautiful sight it was!What a beautiful sight the sunset was !a sad sight悲惨的场景2) 视野=view3) 看见 catch sight of 看见 at first sight 咋一看 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦Suddenly I caught sight of my teacher and calmed down.At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.4) the sights of sp 某地的名胜古迹see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.长城是世上惊人的景观之一。The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. (科罗拉多)大峡谷是世界名胜之一。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:。1) 从某地看到的景色、风景 The view is cut off by the next building. 旁边的楼房挡住了视野。You"ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 从山顶你可以清楚地看到全镇的全景。From here, you can get a bird"s view of the city.I would like a room with a sea/mountain view.To climb the mountains was hard but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.(课本page 22)The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景2) 视野=sight a bird"s-eye view 意为“鸟瞰” Land came into view/sight at last.It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。3) 观点 跟opinion同义 from sb"s point of view。此外,view 还有“看法”、“观点”的意思,eg:one"s political view,a point of view.小试身手:1.. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can get a good _____. A. sight B. scene C.view D. look2. The team"s victory produced __________of joy all over the country.A. sights B. scenes C.views D. looks3.To get a better view of the valley, we climbed to the top of the hill.4. Taxis and buses were part of the street scene.5. The sight of all the blood on the ground made her feel sick.6. Hangzhou is world-famous for its beautiful scenery.


sight人工所建scenery 多指外景scene多包括人view范围最广哥哥姐姐们谁能帮我下载这个呀!!...



首先在app中设置scheme,如下图所示: data包含属性如下: 1.scheme 3.port 4.path 5.pathPattern 6.pathPrefix 7.ssp 8.sspPattern 9.ssPrefix 除了scheme后面的都是可选项。 例如:testscheme:// lm.com代表是host域名,8080端口号port,main为path, ?后面的为query参数。 从h5页通过scheme跳转app方式为: 如图第三个a标签。 只要android中配置的scheme与a标签中的testapp2相同就可以调起。a标签中有域名和端口号,path,和参数。android app中只配置了scheme,只要scheme匹配就可以调起。h5配置的参数也可以在activity中获取。获取方式为: 获取的query就是?号后面的参数。如果andrid只配置了schemeh5可以写域名端口好及其他的参数,也能调起。

c# treeview控件的作用

其实2,3楼的说得都没错,先自己实践一下,拖出reeview控件,不懂的属性可以查MSDN(帮助文档),其实微软的帮助一直都做得很好的,很完善的~~~还有帮助文档要自己另外装的~~Microsoft Visual Studio 2005或者Microsoft Visual Studio 2003后再装帮助文档的~~~


TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "a1", "班级名称" TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "a2", "专业名称" TreeView1.Nodes.Add "a1", tvwChild, "a11", "2007级" TreeView1.Nodes.Add "a1", tvwChild, "a12", "2008级" TreeView1.Nodes.Add "a1", tvwChild, "a13", "2009级" MSDN;在 Treeview 控件的 Nodes 集合中添加一个 Node 对象。语法:object.Add(relative, relationship, key, text, image, selectedimage)Add 方法的语法包含下面部分:部分 描述 object 必需的。对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象 relative 可选的。已存在的 Node 对象的索引号或键值。新节点与已存在的节点间的关系,可在下一个参数 relationship 中找到。 relationship 可选的。指定的 Node 对象的相对位置,如设置值中所述。 key 可选的。唯一的字符串,可用于用 Item 方法检索 Node。 text 必需的。在 Node 中出现的字符串。 image 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图像的索引。 selectedimage 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图像的索引,在 Node 被选中时显示。 设置值relationship 的设置值是:常数 值 描述 tvwFirst 0 首的节点。该 Node 和在 relative 中被命名的节点位于同一层,并 位于所有同层节点之前。 tvwLast 1 最后的节点。该 Node 和在 relative 中被命名的节点位于同一层,并 位于所有同层节点之后。任何连续地添加的节点可能位于最后添加的节点之后 tvwNext 2 (缺省)下一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之后。 tvwPrevious 3 前一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之前。 tvwChild 4 (缺省)子节点。该 Node 成为在 relative 中被命名的 节点的子节点。注意 如果在 relative 中没有被命名的 Node 对象,则新节点被放在节点顶层的最后位置。说明Nodes 集合是一个基于 1 的集合。在添加 Node 对象时,它被指派一个索引号,该索引号被存储在 Node 对象的 Index 属性中。这个最新成员的 Index 属性值就是 Node 集合的 Count 属性的值。因为 Add 方法返回对新建立的 Node 对象的引用,所以使用这个引用来设置新 Node 的属性十分方便。以下例子添加几个具有相同属性的 Node 对象:Dim nodX As Node "声明对象变量。Dim I as Integer "声明计数器变量。For I = 1 to 4 Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(,,,"Node " & Cstr(i)) "使用引用来设置其它属性,如 Enabled。 nodX.Enabled = True "把图像属性设置为在关联的 ImageList 中的图像 3。 nodX.ExpandedImage = 3Next I



VB Treeview动态项目


谢谢大家 c# winfrom treeview 的所有节点都左对齐(跟节点,子节点)



NodeClick 事件在一个 Node 对象被单击时,这个事件便发生。语法:Private Sub object_NodeClick(ByVal node As object)NodeClick 事件的语法包含下面部分::部分 描述object 对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象。node 对被点取的 Node 对象的引用。说明:在单击节点对象之外的 TreeView 控件的任何部位,标准的 Click 事件发生。当单击某个特定的 Node 对象时,NodeClick 事件发生;NodeClick 事件也返回对特定的 Node 对象的引用,在下一步操作之前,这个引用可用来使这个 Node 对象可用。NodeClick 事件发生在标准的 Click 事件之前。语法object.Add(relative, relationship, key, text, image, selectedimage)Add 方法的语法包含下面部分:部分 描述object 必需的。对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象relative 可选的。已存在的 Node 对象的索引号或键值。新节点与已存在的节点间的关系,可在下一个参数 relationship 中找到。relationship 可选的。指定的 Node 对象的相对位置,如设置值中所述。key 可选的。唯一的字符串,可用于用 Item 方法检索 Node。text 必需的。在 Node 中出现的字符串。image 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图像的索引。selectedimage 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图像的索引,在 Node 被选中时显示。设置值relationship 的设置值是:常数 值 描述tvwFirst 0 首的节点。该 Node 和在 relative 中被命名的节点位于同一层,并 位于所有同层节点之前。tvwLast 1 最后的节点。该 Node 和在 relative 中被命名的节点位于同一层,并 位于所有同层节点之后。任何连续地添加的节点可能位于最后添加的节点之后tvwNext 2 (缺省)下一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之后。tvwPrevious 3 前一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之前。tvwChild 4 (缺省)子节点。该 Node 成为在 relative 中被命名的节点的子节点。注意 如果在 relative 中没有被命名的 Node 对象,则新节点被放在节点顶层的最后位置。说明Nodes 集合是一个基于 1 的集合。在添加 Node 对象时,它被指派一个索引号,该索引号被存储在 Node 对象的 Index 属性中。这个最新成员的 Index 属性值就是 Node 集合的 Count 属性的值。因为 Add 方法返回对新建立的 Node 对象的引用,所以使用这个引用来设置新 Node 的属性十分方便。以下例子添加几个具有相同属性的 Node 对象:Dim nodX As Node "声明对象变量。Dim I as Integer "声明计数器变量。For I = 1 to 4Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(,,,Node & Cstr(i))"使用引用来设置其它属性,如 Enabled。nodX.Enabled = True"把图像属性设置为在关联的 ImageList 中的图像 3。nodX.ExpandedImage = 3Next I


1、Add 方法在Treeview控件的Nodes集合中添加一个Node对象。语法:object.Add(relative, relationship, key, text, image, selectedimage)Add 方法的语法包含下面部分: 部分 描述 object 必需的。对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象 relative 可选的。 relationship 可选的。指定的 Node 对象的相对位置,如设置值中所述。 key 可选的。唯一的字符串,可用于用 Item 方法检索 Node。特别注意:key值不能使纯数字字符串,文本中必须含有至少一个非数字字符的key值才有效。 text 必需的。在 Node 中出现的字符串。 image 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图象的索引。 selectedimage 可选的。在关联的 ImageList 控件中的图象的索引,在 Node 被选中时显示。 设置值relationship 的设置值是: 常数 值 描述 tvwFirst 0 首的节点。 tvwLast 1 最后的节点。 tvwNext 2 (缺省)下一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之后。 tvwPrevious 3 前一个节点。该 Node 位于在 relative 中被命名的节点之前。 tvwChild 4 (缺省)子节点。该 Node 成为在 relative 中被命名的节点的子节点。 注意:如果在relative中没有被命名的Node对象,则新节点被放在节点顶层的最后位置。说明:Nodes 集合是一个基于 1 的集合。在添加Node对象时,它被指派一个索引号,该索引号被存储在Node对象的Index属性中。这个最新成员的Index属性值就是Node集合的Count属性的值。因为Add方法返回对新建立的Node对象的引用,所以使用这个引用来设置新Node的属性十分方便。2、GetVisibleCount方法返回固定在 TreeView 控件的内部区域的 Node 对象的个数。语法:object.GetVisibleCountobject 所在处代表一个对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象。说明: Node 对象的个数取决于在一个窗口中能固定多少行。总的行数取决于控件的高度和 Font 对象的 Size 属性。该计数包括列表底部的只能看到一局部的项。可以使用 GetVisibleCount 属性确保可视的最小行数,这样可以精确地访问一个层。如果最小行数是不可视的,可以用Height属性重新设置TreeView的大小。3、ExpandAll 方法提供了一种简便的方法来打开树中的每个节点。说明:在节点很多的时候(大于1000),一次展开所有的节点可不是一个好主意,那样会很慢,影响使用感觉。这时候就使用Nodes.Expand()方法来打开一级子节点。

sights ,view ,screen的区别

1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。2. view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如:From the window there was a clear view of the mountains. 从窗户往外看是一览无余的群山。The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。The view was wonderful. If I"d had a camera, I would have taken some photo—graphs. 风景好极了,要是我带有照相机,我就照几张像了。3. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。本文来自:可可英语

my view on wechat为标题的作文

My Veiw On Wechat Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over the Wechat ,an app of Tencent company.Thousands of people download it in a short time.In fact ,there are both advantages and disadvantages in Wechart .Generally speaking ,it is widely believed there are several positive aspect as follows.Firstly,we can communicate with our family and friends on .Wechat,secondly we can have access to share our idea and photos of ourselves with friends of Wechat.Just as a popular saying goes ,every coin has two sides,Wechat is no exception ,it still has negative aspects .such as when we are absorbed in Wechat ,time goes by,we probably have spent a lot of time on it .In addition,most people communicate with friends through it so that we forget how to chat with people in real life.In my opinion,we should try to reduce time of using that case we will definitely make a better use of the Wechat.这段DNF视频背景音乐是什么

Bomfunk MC"s - - Live Your Life (Feat. Max"c)

以How do you view stress/money/life为题目的演讲稿,英文的。

时间的宝贵(The Value of Time) A proverb says,"Time is money." But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time.Collected by www.ii63·com It goes without saying that the time for our study and work is unusually limited. Hence, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student,I must make efforts to engage in my study so as to serve our nation and people in the future. But it is a pity that there. are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life.In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty. 时间的宝贵 谚语说,“时间就是金钱。”依我看,时间比金钱更可贵。为什么? 因为钱花了,还可挣回来。时间流逝了,将会一去不复返。这就是我们应当珍惜时间的道理。 不消说,我们用于学习和工作的时间是有限的,因此,哪怕是一小时也是极其宝贵的。我们应当充分利用时间去做有用的事情。作为一名学生,我要努力专心学习以便将来为国为民服务。遗憾的是,还有许多人并不知道时间的重要,他们还没有意识到浪费时间就等于浪费他们宝贵的生命。 一句话,我们应养成节约时间的好习惯。不要把今天能完成的事拖到明天。懒惰不仅导致失败,而且还会使我们贫困.真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Views vary from person to person.该如何翻译?


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两个人在跑步,路程时间如图。a 10分钟的时候他们有多远?? b距离一千米的时候他们跑了多久?? c50分钟的时候他们有多远??d他们什么时候相遇??e30到50分钟之间b跑了多远??f30到50分钟a

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Change:Gerrit中的一个Change就是一个Review任务,它对应一个commit。 每个commit,应该是为了一个目的的完整修改。如果某一次修改不完全,就需要修正该commit。每一次修正之前的commit,重新提交时,都应该保持Change-Id不变,这样就不会产生新的Change,而是在原有的Change下产生一个新的Patch Set。所有的Patch Set中,只有最新的一个是真正有用的,能够合并的。图1:Change和Change-Id图2:Patch Set修改前一次提交的方法方法一:用 --amend 选项[plain] view plaincopy#修改需要修改的地方。git add .git commit –amend注:这种方式可以比较方便的保持原有的Change-Id,推荐使用。方法二:先reset,再修改这是可以完全控制上一次提交内容的方法。但在与Gerrit配合使用时,需特别注意保持同一个commit的多次提交的Change-Id是不变的。否则,就需要Abondon之前的Change,产生一些垃圾不说,操作得不对,会使得简单的事情复杂化,甚至无法合并。[plain] view plaincopygit reset HEAD^#重新修改git add .git commit -m “MSG”特别注意:为了保持提交到Gerrit的Change不变,需要复制对应的Change-Id到commit msg的最后,可以到Gerrit上对应的Change去复制,参见图1。方法三:只是修改作者如果email不对,会无法提交到Gerrit,所以这个命令也可能用到。[html] view plaincopygit commit –amend –author=<user-email>注:如果该email地址从未有过成功的提交,这个修改会不成功。在别的分支做一次成功提交之后,就可以修改

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留个邮箱。你要pdf的还是word2013℃6. 25目录定位篇01项目解读 02项目定位销售篇03销售模式区位交通潮港项目亻立于上海南郊奉贤的滨海小镇海湾镇,南接杭州 ,是上海对接长三角区域的南部门户.顶目区位.7顶目位于上海南郊奉的;每小镇海、归直海冫归真处于上海市中心的正南面,郊环以外,距离市中心约40公里。南临杭州弯拥有绵延四十多瓮里的海岸线南北宽13.9公里,区厑总面积100.60平方公里,顶目交通.7距离、甫年机场:40 ·45公里路程,交通便利,有利于国内、国际游客的来往7距离港囗:距离上海的南面水上门户芦潮港40公里,规划中的金汇港游艇基地,有利于成为上海与杭爝湾两大旅游市场的联结点7轨道交通.现状缺乏轨道交通,刁刂于市区大量游客的进入项目所属海湾镇是上海市人囗密度最低、海岸线最长、人均绿化面积最大的镇,是上海市重点填海造阝爵见划项目"海上城市一一.一.丿、工岛"的向选址区域圜三巨一城九镇海湾滇位于上海市最韦端,是上海所有镇域中,人凵密度最低、海岸线最长、人均身七面积最大的读,卓有得天独厚的优势条件,上海人工岛的意向选址区域奉贤区城镇体系一个新城一一一南桥新城,两个中心一奉城中心滇和海湾中心滇,五个一般滇,规划确定海,毒真的总体功能定位为" 空态海湾`知识海湾、游艇海湾,优先发展现代服务业海:归直村镇体系海镇由1个中区,2个中心村、 2个特色居住区和1个大学匠区组成。其中中心镇将集中发展行政:居住与商业功能顶目地处未来海湾镇CBD区域,未来将导入一定数量的商务人士上海市奉贤区海,镇廛控制性详.细规划1粮讣E能Il.H.",冫,区m拊以丨厣1卜跚,该片区以为中心,定位为体,度假脶巾心 为打造成功的休闲度假服务中心厂需结合屑边地块进行整体规划定位。达到中心区域同周边地块的协同发展。·浠过整合地块丁造度假怵闲集群商业,可入更多特色怵闲业态丿打造各类主题怵闲顶巨,这类怵业具备较强的目的性吸引力,能为顶目.芾平极大的目的,生消黉人群.本案所处片瓯划为海湾镇特色休闲商业中心6·项目亻立于海湾镇区南侧,西边为星火工业区。·项目距海湾旅游区4km,距奉贤大学城5km。·距南桥白联直线距离10km。目前阶段,海湾镇重点发展大学城海湾旅游及海湾住宅区,本案距这两个板块有一定距离随着海湾镇的全面发展 , 海湾镇区的核心作用将得意突显 本案所处位置将是海湾商业中心·海湾镇区目前仅有一些基本社区配套商业,小型超市,低档餐饮以及生活服务。·大学树及块目前无集中商业,同样以基本配套为主。·海湾镇目前现有商业主要集中在旅游景点,商业较为分散,主要以餐饮和旅游零雪为主海湾镇目前现有商业主要集中在旅游景点,而作为镇中心缺乏商业配套目前旅游景点周边的商业较为分散,主要以餐饮和旅游零售为主,缺乏主题特色海湾镇区规划人囗规模约1.6万人,人囗不足以支撑4万的商业体量外部客流导入顶目解读总结顶目地处未来海湾镇CBD区域,未来将导入一定数量的商务人士本案所处片区规划为海湾镇特色休闲商业中心目前阶段,海湾镇重点发展大学城海湾旅游及海湾住宅区,本案距这两个板块有一定距离随着海湾镇的全面发展,海湾镇区的核心作用将得意父显,本案所处位置将是海湾商业中心海湾镇目前现有商业主要集中在旅游景点,而作为镇中心缺乏商业配套目前旅游景点周边的商业较为分散,主要以餐饮和旅游零售为主,缺乏主题特色海湾镇区规划人囗规模约1.6万人,人囗不足以支撑4万 的商业体量作为集中型商业,满足旅游顶目主题特色鲜明化商业中心的需求作为未来海湾镇商业中心,可聚集镇区、工业区以及大学城的消费客群11经营特色 特色集市(market place)业态规划蚨源投资·餐饮、休闲娱乐为主,沿商业主干道依工商大道)设置零售豪靠办公;酒店位置设置配套服务FU1#楼一层FU 214#楼一层FU4#楼业态落位蚨源投资4#楼二层FU业态落位小结主力商家主力商家面积各业态总面积时尚零售品牌服怖隼成店1144,765903.08运动工978,49屈氏29838精品超市939.84儿童类小莹星952.663011罔8悠悠堂279.25餐饮外婆家766.8410199.65望湘园454.94豆捞坊777 1532333691.57必胜客369,85呷晡呷晡258,8敦煌小厨259,95休闲娱乐影院20006637,93服务1595.22业态配比.时尚零售.餐饮.休闲娱乐.服务上表面积为使用面积,得房率约68%03FIJ商业地产诉求·大型购物中心占据了开发商大量的资全、人力资源,是其核心、业旁,社区商业规模刁 数量多,资全上、人力上开发商都无暇顾及。·然而,匕于品牌形象的考虑又必须实现可扌卖经营。·商业普通销售模式势必会造成后期经营无序,影响开发商品牌形象,·销售模式其价格空间小、销售周期长,整体销售抗性较大。绿地、万科、华润等一线开发商的商业顶目同样面临这样的窘境。商业地产诉求开发商对于区商业一方面希望实现消售回笼资金,另一方面要可持续运营,保证品牌形象。怎样的经营模式可以解决商业销售与运营的双重诉求?售后委托经营管理在销售价值最大化的同时,保证出售商业的健康持续经营,保证开发商品牌形象。售后委托经营管理的优势和特点传散售的“硬卖"I. 销售缺乏运营主题支撑,价格空间小,去化周期长。Il. 商铕位置会成为客户关注重点楼层`地下、内铺等销售抗性大 Ill未来回报不明确,投资风险大IV.业主自由经营,业态杂乱,可控性差,影响开发商品牌形象。营管理的“软卖"营权分离,实现销售与运营的统一可以更高亻介格、更决去化。皿 稳定回报,商晡位置对客户失去意义,商晡总价成为其关注声占 Ill.统一经营稳定回报,实现有经营的销售,客户投资有保障 IV.实现销售与可持续运营的平衡,开发商形象有保障,并且第三方全程操盘开发商可节约大量的人力、物力和财力。售后委托经营管理是解决社区商业销售与运营平衡诉求的最佳模式。委托经营管理模式一的成功必须有赖于以下几个因素一“四位一体,统一协调"商业地产与住宅地产的本质不同在于且多元结构性,涉及销售招商运营和物业多个环节,且各个环节环环相扣,相辅相成。因此售后委托经营管理模式要求必须四个环节四位一体统一协调,以保证项目的成功销售和可持续运营顶目的销售、招商、运营和物业必须由一家公司全盘接手。委托经营年限 15年委托经营的合理性分折商家狙赁要求小业主接受度开发商补贴少·小商家租期3巧年,但主力商家的租期需要10.15年甚至更长。·从我们操作过的大量案例来看,投资客对太长的乇年阝交敏感最高接受15年的期限.一方面考虑通胀的原因,时间太长实际回报降低;另一方面,5一10年的期限足够商业的经营成熟,经营好可以纟乇,经营不好可以更换管理公司。·若巧年固定回报,开发商补贴回报太多,实际到手利润较低。建议采用前7年固定回报,后8年1:9分成,开发商补贝乩目只交少。合理委托经营年限 7 +8:巧年%的回报对开发商来说相对适中,补贴成本不高。后8年回报方式的合理性分折顶目经啻预估 到手价1 · 5万元/ m,总面积(m")39654到手价(万元/m,)报价(万元/m")t67到手总销(万元)59491年份回报方式第一年第二年第三、四年第五、七年5%6%抵扣房价抵扣房价现金回报现金回报销售经营预测委托经营前7年,顶目因处于培育期,开发商需要贴补一定经营成本和回报,才能实现售和可持续经啻的平衡。销售代理模式顶目销售代理模式楼面积代理费均价包销模式溢价销售(1.2万以上)代理公司发展商211035m21.5%39871m21.5%17963m2147143m21 753643m21.5%40%60%56分楼号/楼层定价整体定价1#楼定价2#楼定价(万元/ m")360603243526工7210980) 110356面积单价32182978233810421合计/均价 9871合计/均价 714357总面积(ma)39654到手价(万元/ma)报价(万元/m")1,67到手总销(万元)59481整体消售经营预测一方案目前对项目经页测是按照市场销售亻斛名进行初步的估算,7年开发商总计可能需补贝占回报15015万元。经蕾预估单位(万元)平均租金/0/m2)预估租金收入出租率租金收入惟广人力成本税收行政管理公司利河支付回报盈亏累计盈亏0℃ 000000000000℃ 000000t0014470丷13031003965.2763.27631.00144713031003965.2763巧526t20173715631004626.3163.86891.20173715631004626.3163.118521.2017370丷15631004626.3163.15015备注@ 8 ·巧年,7%保底。净到手收入:44466万元@ 1:9分成(和小业主1:9分成)58






interview与report有什么区别 解释要有根据,谢谢

interview,楼主注意,英语里面,"inter"有互相的意味,属于前缀,好像interact ,所以,INTERVIEW 更加倾向于两个人或几个人之间的私人的会谈,好像面试,还有采访,也是记者和被采访者之间的互动 REPORT则是倾向于在大众面前展露,好像在大家面前做一个报告,或者记者在大众媒体面前做一个报道,都用report

英语作文 interview (面试)

关于interview (面试)参考:)~~ The best way to look at an interview is as a conversation rather than an interrogation. In a conversation,information flows both ways and after all,you want to learn about the company you may be working for as much as they want to learn about you. You want to make sure the job fits you no less then they want to be sure you fit the job. If you can think of the interview as an opportunity to check them out,you"ll show that you"re interested in the company,you"ll feel more relaxed,you"ll perform better and you"ll increase your chances of getting an offer.There are a number of different approaches an interviewer can take. Perhaps the most common is the clarification interview,in which the interviewer asks general questions about points on your resume that he"d like to know more about. You may get asked what your career goals are,or what you think you can bring to the job. Know your resume,know how to make it fit the job and interviews like this should be a walk in the park. An interviewer may also throw in some doubt-resolving questions: "Why did you leave your last job? ","Are you always this late? ","Where it says on your resume,‘manufacturing mailbags for the government,"where exactly was that? " Be aware of the weaknesses on your resume and prepare some nice flowery words to cover any career cracks and flatten the interviewer"s unfounded fears. Increasingly popular are behavioral interviews,an approach which consultants claim is used by a quarter of interviewers. You may be asked to describe an incident in which you had to use your initiative under pressure,deal with a difficult worker or work as part of a small team. The idea is that your past behavior will predict your future actions in similar situations and the questions the interviewers ask will highlight skills they believe are important to the job. To handle questions like these,think about your work experiences,and retell them in STAR order: Situation/Task,Action and Result. Identify the situation or task you were dealing with,explain the action you took and describe the results.




interview造句如下:1、record of appraisal interviewa.2、visa application interview form a.3、method of interview surveya.4、Ace the interview.5、an application interview a.6、The situational interview and the case interview are similar.7、to interview applicants for admission.8、Make your interview go smoother.9、An on-the-spot interviewa.10、He flew to Florida to interview her.11、I had a great interviewa.12、The interview was pre-recorded.


[英] [ˈintəvju:] [美] [ˈɪntɚˌvju] 词典释义 n.接见,采访,面试,会谈 vt.& vi.面试 vt.采访,访问,会见,(私下)提问


一般做名词时可能用with He is having an interview with a young man.(表示面试谁,with后面跟被面试的人.) 他正在面试一个年轻人. 也可能没有:I had an interview yesterday.我昨天有个面试.(没说跟谁面试) 做动词时为及物动词,所以不用with Did you interview the young man?(你面试那个年轻人了吗?) I interviewed three people for the position.为这个职位,我面试了3个人. interview 也有采访的意思.


interview做动词时,一般是及物动词,不需要介词,可直接加名词,常见的就是interview sb., 表示“采访某人”。例句:Sometimes, the reporter interviews passbys on the street. 有时候,记者在街上采访过路人。interview做名词时,那就是interview with sb.,也是表示”采访某人,跟某人有个会谈“。例句:I had an interview with Mr. Liu yesterday. 我昨天和刘老师有一个会谈。




interview本身就有名词的属性。interview作名词时意思是“接见,采访;面试,面谈”。作动词时意思是“采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试”。1、名词例句She got herself into a real state before the interview. 她面试前格外地焦虑不安。2、动词例句I asked her if she would allow me to interview her,。我问她是否允许我采访她,她欣然同意了。interview的的词组Interview with the Vampire 夜访吸血鬼;造访吸血鬼;拜访吸血鬼Job Interview 面试;求职面试; [劳经] 求职面谈exclusive interview 独家采访;独家专访;专访Interview in progress 正在面试;正在口试structured interview 结构化面试;标准化面试Appraisal interview 考评面谈


INTERVIEW 技巧总结 一、 如何提出问题 1. I was wondering if you could help me. I"d like to know… 2. I wonder if you could tell me… 3. This may sound like a dumb question, but I"d like to know… 4. Excuse me, do you know… 5. I hope you don"t mind my asking, but I"d like to know… 6. Would you mind (very much) telling me… 7. Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question? 8. Do you happen to know … (你是否碰巧知道…) 二、 回答技巧:如何拖延 1. Well, let me see… 2. Oh, let me think for a minute… 3. I"m not sure; I"ll have to check… 4. That"s a very interesting question. 三、 回答技巧:如何拒绝 1. I"m not really sure. 2. I can"t answer that one. 3. I"m sorry, I really don"t know. 4. I"ve got no idea. 5. I"d like to help you, but… 6. That"s something I"d rather not talk about just now. 7. Ask me another question. (别问我这个。) 四、 如何获得更多的信息 1. Could you tell me some more about … 2. Would you mind telling me more about … 3. I"d like to know more about… 4. Something else I was wondering about was … 5. Something else I"d like to know is … 6. Sorry, that"s not really what I mean, What I"d like to know is… 7. Sorry to keep after you, but could you tell me… 8. Sorry, I don"t quite understand why… 经典示范实战对话 A: Are you still doing your photography? (你还在搞摄影吗?)You"re really good at that. B: Yeah, that"s the one thing I really enjoy. A: This may sound like a dumb question, but can you get any good pictures on an automatic〖自动相机〗? B: No, no〖别这么说〗. Now, that"s a very interesting question. Automatics are OK, except special effect. A: There"s something else I was wondering about - like, should you do all your developing〖自己冲印〗? B: Oh, no! You don"t have to develop your own. You can get better prints if you send them out. A: Could you tell me something more about it - like, if I was going to do the developing myself, what kind of equipment would I need? B: Oh, well, you"d need your enlarger〖放大机〗, and chemicals〖化学药品〗, and so on. ;


interview 既可以做名词,也可以做动词. 名词 n. 1.接见,会见 2.(记者的)采访,访谈;访谈录 3.面谈,面试 及物动词 vt. 1.接见,会见;访问,采访 2.对...进行面谈,面试


The interview went well. 面试进行得非常顺利。She grabbed the chance of a job interview . 她抓住了一次求职面试的机会。She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview. 她会尽力安排一个双方都方便的时间和地点进行面试。


give an interview to sb 接见某人have an interview with sb 会见某人其实记单词的固定搭配固然重要,但是,有固定搭配就必须记,但有单词的用法是灵活的,你应该在理解该单词的准确意义上,理解它的某些用法,interview n. 1.面试,面谈 A formal meeting at which sb is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job ,or for a course of study at a colllege . 搭配:~for a job etc2.(公开的)记者采访,访谈 a meeting (often a public one ) at which a journalist ask sb questions in order to find out thier opinions an interview with the new Governor 对新任州长的访问


名词 interview:the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists a conference (usually with someone important)同义词:consultation, audience动词 interview:conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting同义词:questiondiscuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation go for an interview in the hope of being hired



英语作文 interview (面试)

关于interview (面试)参考:)~~The best way to look at an interview is as a conversation rather than an interrogation. In a conversation,information flows both ways and after all,you want to learn about the company you may be working for as much as they want to learn about you. You want to make sure the job fits you no less then they want to be sure you fit the job. If you can think of the interview as an opportunity to check them out,you"ll show that you"re interested in the company,you"ll feel more relaxed,you"ll perform better and you"ll increase your chances of getting an offer.There are a number of different approaches an interviewer can take. Perhaps the most common is the clarification interview,in which the interviewer asks general questions about points on your resume that he"d like to know more about. You may get asked what your career goals are,or what you think you can bring to the job. Know your resume,know how to make it fit the job and interviews like this should be a walk in the park.An interviewer may also throw in some doubt-resolving questions: "Why did you leave your last job? ","Are you always this late? ","Where it says on your resume,‘manufacturing mailbags for the government,"where exactly was that? " Be aware of the weaknesses on your resume and prepare some nice flowery words to cover any career cracks and flatten the interviewer"s unfounded fears. Increasingly popular are behavioral interviews,an approach which consultants claim is used by a quarter of interviewers. You may be asked to describe an incident in which you had to use your initiative under pressure,deal with a difficult worker or work as part of a small team. The idea is that your past behavior will predict your future actions in similar situations and the questions the interviewers ask will highlight skills they believe are important to the job. To handle questions like these,think about your work experiences,and retell them in STAR order: Situation/Task,Action and Result. Identify the situation or task you were dealing with,explain the action you took and describe the results.

interview skills是什么呀?

interview是采访,会面,面试的意思skills是技能技巧interview skills通常翻译为面试技巧吧~


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英语老师们!role play是名词,role play the interview.怎么解释?

role play (扮演角色)是名词,但是它也可以作动词用。例如:Write examples. Then role play conversations with your partner. (写出例子,然后同你伙伴表演角色。)所以,role play the interview 中的role play 可以视之为动词,the interview 则是名词作宾语。汉语意思是:角色扮演面试。

英语老师们!role play是名词,role play the interview.怎么解释

role play是动词,也可以是名词,play这个词本来就有两个词性。角色扮演的意思。也就是说扮演别的人物,以你扮演的人物作出答复或反应role play the interview( 没有上下文的话不能确定interview的意思,可能是访谈,可能是面试。我就当是面试吧。)就是说扮演面试中不同角色的形式(重现这个面试场景)


初中版My Views on Money many people have different views on money,some people think money is the most important thing in the world,people can"t do anything without money,vut some others think that money isn"t so important as something like whether money is important has brought hot my opinion,i think money is important,people need it to do a lot of things,people can hardly live without money.but money isn"t the most important can buy a lot of things we need ,but it can"t buy some other things such as love ,health,lives and so a midle school student,i should think of it correctly,i shouldn"t waste money but i also shouldn"t care about it too much,money is important,but it isn"t everything. 大学版It is common knowledge that everyone likes money and needs money. Money has penetrated into every corner in our daily life. Without money, we can not maintain our life, such as buying food, clothes and house, and so on. Without money, we can not afford the tuition and enter higher learning institute. The old saying goes: money makes the mare go. No wonder that money is of critical importance to our life.In today"s material society ,the position of money has become increasingly evident. Most of people"s viewpoint of money has greatly changed. Nowadays, money grubbing spirit is popular widely. Most of people ,especially our young generation is so crazy to worship money. In their eyes, money has been a leading criteria to do everything, for instance, making friends ,seeking a career.. Some of them even commit crime for the sake of holding more money. According to some survey, in most of young criminals ,money is their crime motive. In fact, so do some government officials. At present, in our country, degeneration and corruption of officials have been more and more severe. Although our government is struggling against the phenomenon, and has worked out a series of policy and laws, some officials remains to accept bribe and corrupt. In light of this, money"s temptation is really great. Important as money is,I don"t think it is everything in our life. For example, money can not buy good health. Although some millionaires have a large sum of money, they have to surrender to cancer and death. Due to muddling away money to enjoy life ,they gain malnutrition and disease. The thing that money bring about is disease but not health to them. In addition, true love and friendship can not be bought by money. Of course, maybe money is a catalyst for love and friendship. However, I believe, love and friendship based on money can not be stable and last long. True love and friendship should be based on a mutual attraction, understanding, respect and care. Virtually, there are still other things independent of money. Thus ,the view of money as a key to all door, or money talks is not correct.Herein, perhaps some ones will ask the question if it is a fault to hold or earn more money. As the case stands, I think, what is important is not how much money one possess but how one acquires money and how one make use of it. In our society, some people earn money by hook and by crook, even they sacrifice the merit of nation and people. In particular, some officials, as Chen Xitong, Wang Baosen, use their power to seize people"s estate and satisfy their lust. Then they dissipate money to share luxurious and corrupted life. Additionally, some people use money to buy political statue, knowledge credit, even marriage. In the end, none of them has good outcome. some ones was put into jails. Others was mocked and cursed by people. On the contrary, some people earn money through legal ways and by their hard work. Importantly, they use money to do some charities, such as denoting money to hope project, setting up charity fund, establishing some public program, and so on. To these persons, people will support and respect them forever. Therefore, how to deal with money properly is more important, as the proverb saying: the worth of money is not in its possession, but in use. Nowadays, with the development of market economy, western concept of money is gradually eroding people"s mind, especially young men. It is time for our government to launch a battle against the viewpoint of worship of money or money talks. To work out a series of laws and policies is not enough. We should openly denounce the harm of worship of money. Especially in our young men, it is of critical importance to make them realize the harm of the view of money talks and build up proper viewpoint of money. Or else, our fruit of reform and open will be destroyed, even our socialism building will collapse.


SurfaceView和View的区别?答:View需要在UI线程对画面进行刷新,而SurfaceView可在子线程进行页面的刷新 SurfaceView在底层已实现双缓冲机制,因此SurfaceView比View更适用于需要频繁刷新、刷新时数据处理量很大的页面(如视频播放界面) 漏了一点,View需要自己手动刷新


scene和view都表示“景色,风景,风光”,且它们都是可数名词,一般情况下,它们两个词可以互换.若要仔细区分这两个词,view是从某个地方可以看到的部分景色,如:There is a fine view of the mountains from our hotel wi...
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