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"be surprised by " and"be surprised with "区别

be surprised by和be surprised with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 surprised by释义:由...的发生而感到惊讶。 surprised with释义:对...感到惊讶。二、用法不同 surprised by用法:surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实,用于军事上可指袭击,但不表示是否袭击成功。 surprised with用法:surprise后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”,surprise在句中还可用作定语。三、侧重点不同 surprised by解析:是be surprising对……感到吃惊的被动语态。 surprised with解析:be surprised with表示惊奇,它应该不光是指人,指物也可以。


surprise和astonishment都作.“吃惊”讲,但surprise的吃惊程度不及astonishment强,词典上对surprise释义为:“slight astonishment而对astonishment的释义则为“great surprise"。

“amazed”和“amazing”、“surprised(adj.) ”和“surprising”的区别?


amazed 和surprise 的区别


surprised amazed shocked astonished的区别

一、词义辨析不一样1、surprise v. 使吃惊,使惊讶〔辨析〕普通用词,指对各种意外或突发的事物感到惊异,可用于好事,也可用于坏事。〔例证〕I was much surprised at the news.听到这个消息,我很诧异。2、amaze v. 使惊奇,使大为吃惊〔辨析〕语气较强,强调所发生的事情很不寻常、不可思议。〔例证〕It amazed her that he was still alive.他居然还活着令她大为惊讶。3、shock v. 使震惊,使惊骇〔辨析〕语气强烈,指对所发生的事情表示非常震惊及难以置信。〔例证〕The news shocked the whole world.这条新闻震惊了全世界。4、astonish v. 使惊讶,使吃惊〔辨析〕语气较强,含难以置信及令人惊叹之意。〔例证〕The news astonished everyone.这消息令所有人惊讶不已。二、词语用法不一样1、surprise基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实。用于军事上可指袭击,但不表示是否袭击成功。2、amaze主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时其宾语之后还可再接一个动词不定式短语或that引导的从句作it的同位语。可用于被动结构。3、shock基本意思是“使?震惊”,也可作“使受电击”解,引申可作“使?感到厌恶、恐惧”解。shock是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。4、astonish基本意思是“某人或某事物使某人惊讶,使某人难以置信”,这时以感到惊讶的人作宾语;astonish也可以表示“某人对某事物感到惊讶,某人不可理解某事物”,这时以感到惊讶的人作主语。其语意含有较强烈的感情色彩。三、语气强度不一样surprise语气最强, alarm次之, astonish更次之,amaze最弱。



be amazed at与be surprised at的区别?


be amazed at与be surprised at的区别?

be amazed at与be surprised at的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、be amazed at:对…感到惊讶。2、be surprised at:对…惊讶。二、用法不同1、be amazed at:amaze的基本意思是“使大为吃惊,使惊奇”,指作出某些事情或某些事情本身让人感到十分奇怪或让人难以相信。2、be surprised at:surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实。三、侧重点不同1、be amazed at:amazed通常用在一件事情或一个事物超出了自己的承受能力而且绝对是褒义的。2、be surprised at:surprised通常用在原本没有期望到的事情发生了介于中性到褒义。



surprised amazed shocked astonished的区别

astonish, surprise, shock, amaze(v.)astonishing, surprising, shocking, amazing(adj.)astonished, surprised, shocked, amazed(adj.)以上三者表示“感到吃惊”的意思,有强弱之别。astonish指对突然发生的事感到“惊异,惊骇”,相当于very surprise。如:We were all astonished by the news.听到这个消息,我们都感到十分惊讶。surprise 指 “意外” ”出乎所料”。如:We were surprised to learn that he was French.获知他是法国人,我们都感到惊讶。shock 指“大为震惊“, 语气最强。以ing 结尾的形容词主要用于事物的描述,以-ed 结尾的形容词主要用于对人的描述。如:A shocked silence greeted the announcement.这个通知得到的反应是一片惊愕的沉默。amazed指“大为吃惊”。如:I was amazed at his calmness.我对他的镇定感到大为吃惊。



单词 astonish ,surprise,amaze ,astond,shock,wounder,的每个的词性?区别?程度排序?详细用法?

【amaze,shock,astonish,astound,surprise】这5个词都有吃惊的含义,但有细微差别:【amaze】强调【“使惊异, 困惑”间或还有“惊叹, 佩服”】的意思。We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties.他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹[佩服]。【shock】强调【“震惊, 使毛骨悚然, 使愤慨”,表示不快的事情。】【astonish】表示【“对不平常的事大吃一惊”、“几乎无法使人相信”, 但没有“惊叹”的意思。】I was astonished at his rudeness.他的粗野使 我大吃一惊。【astound】强调【“完全出乎意料”,用以往经验知识无法解释,其惊讶程度很强。】The enormous changes in the quality of life of the inhabitants astounded us.城镇居民生活质量的巨大变化令我们惊愕。【surprise】是通用词,它的含义是【使人一愣,这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑,语气较弱。】We were surprised at finding the house empty.我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。【程度递增:surprised-->astonished-->astounded-->shocked】欢迎追问,在线为你解答【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】


amaze:多指因wonder and bewilderment(难以弄懂或困惑)而引 起的惊奇. surprise:多用于因事情unusual and unexpected(不寻常或未料到) 而产生的诧异,侧重于“意外”.




SURPRISE 名词 n. 1.惊奇,诧异[U] 2.使人惊讶的事,意外的事[C] 3.突然袭击[U] SURPRISE 及物动词 vt. 1.使吃惊,使感到意外 2.乘不备时设法得到;出其不意地使(某人)做... 3.突然袭击;当场捉住 AMAZE及物动词 vt. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕




amaze:多指因wonder and bewilderment(难以弄懂或困惑)而引 起的惊奇. surprise:多用于因事情unusual and unexpected(不寻常或未料到) 而产生的诧异,侧重于“意外”.

单词 astonish ,surprise,amaze ,astond,shock,wounder,的每个的词性?区别?程度排序?

【amaze,shock,astonish,astound,surprise】这5个词都有吃惊的含义,但有细微差别: 【amaze】强调【“使惊异,困惑”间或还有“惊叹,佩服”】的意思. We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties. 他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹[佩服]. 【shock】强调【“震惊,使毛骨悚然,使愤慨”,表示不快的事情.】 【astonish】表示【“对不平常的事大吃一惊”、“几乎无法使人相信”,但没有“惊叹”的意思.】 I was astonished at his rudeness. 他的粗野使 我大吃一惊. 【astound】强调【“完全出乎意料”,用以往经验知识无法解释,其惊讶程度很强.】 The enormous changes in the quality of life of the inhabitants astounded us. 城镇居民生活质量的巨大变化令我们惊愕. 【surprise】是通用词,它的含义是【使人一愣,这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑,语气较弱.】 We were surprised at finding the house empty. 我们惊讶地发现房子是空的. 【程度递增:surprised-->astonished-->astounded-->shocked】 欢迎追问,在线为你解答 你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

surprise amaz shock三个单词有什么区别啊

surprise , astonish , astound , amaze 作为动词在一起比较的一般含义是“使吃惊”。 surprise 是通用词,它的含义是使人一愣。这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑。 In spite of this, some people including myself-were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. 尽管如此,最近举办的现代雕塑展览会却使一些人——包括我在内——吃了一惊。 I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was as fat as ever. 我按响了门铃,毫不觉得奇怪地看到赫伯特仍然和以往一样胖。 astonish 在现代英语中通常表示某事使人震惊得难以置信。 The successful laying of the Atlantic cable astonished everybody: its later breaks astonished no one; but after it was finally in operation. many said that no future invention could surprise them. 在大西洋底下成功地铺设了电缆,这使得大家都感到骇然; 后来有几处电缆折断了,谁也不感到惊奇。不过在这些电缆终于投入工作之后,许多人都说,未来的任何发明再也不会使人吃惊了。 He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. 他所看到的使他大为震惊,箱子里的一堆毛织品上面躺着一个人。 astound 比 astonish 的词义强得多,常用于表示某件事你虽然认为有可能,但与你所发现的实际情况之间有很大差距。 The police were astounded when Mrs Ramsay told them what she had done. 当莱姆赛夫人把自己所做的事告诉了警察时,他们为之骇然。 amaze 所表示的吃惊中包含着使人迷惑不解、困窘或惊疑不定。 When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. 当考古学家把那些碎块拼起来的时候,他们惊诧地发现那女神原来是一个现代装束的妇女。 Scientists have been amazed to find that it can cut through the hardest rock with great ease. 科学家惊诧地发现,它可以轻而易举地钻穿最坚硬的岩石。

surprise amaz shock三个单词有什么区别啊

surprise ,astonish ,astound ,amaze 作为动词在一起比较的一般含义是“使吃惊”.surprise 是通用词,它的含义是使人一愣.这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑.In spite of this,some people including mysel...


surprise party读音音标:英[səˈpraiz ˈpɑ:ti]美[sɚˈpraɪz ˈpɑrti]词义:n. (令某人惊喜的) 惊喜聚会;[例句]When Mark arrived home that afternoon, it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party.马克那天下午回到家时是他第一次确切知道有惊喜派对这回事。

surprise party是什么意思

surprise party惊喜派对surprise party[英][səˈpraiz ˈpɑ:ti][美][sɚˈpraɪz ˈpɑrti]n.(令某人惊喜的)惊喜聚会; 例句:1.Is this a surprise party for me? 这是给我的惊喜派对?

surprise party是什么意思



surprise 既可以做名词,又可以作动词.to one"s surprise 使某人吃惊的是 n eg :To my surprise,he was a thief.v 使… 吃惊 His words surprised me a lot 他的话使我大吃一惊.v 过去式 surprised 和surprising 都是...




Surprised 代表着 惊讶 例句: I"m surprised! 我很惊讶 I"m/You"re/He"s/She"s surprised that he can run! 我/你/她 对他可以跑感到讶异! Surprising 也是讶异,但是呢是“令人惊讶,令人讶异的” 例句: Its surprising to see that he can run 看到他能跑步是令人讶异的一件事! 希望能够帮助您 :)


surprised  adj.惊奇的;惊讶的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的英 [səˈpraɪzd]美 [sərˈpraɪzd]词组短语:pleasantly surprised惊喜be surprised at对…感到惊奇;使…感到意外;对……很吃惊例句:You can imagine how surprised I was.你可以想象我是多么惊讶。I was not surprised in the least.我一点也不感到惊讶。






surprised和surprising是形容词,主语是人时用surprised,主语是物时用surprising。surprise表示吃惊,如to one"s surprise让某人吃惊的是。surprise是个兼用词,可以做动词,也可以做名词。 surprise造句 1、Oh, what a surprise! 2、It might surprise you. 3、It expresses surprise or shock. 4、And you promised me a surprise. 5、Does his unbridled behaviour surprise you?


surprised的主语一般是人,宾语是物,表示某人对某事表示惊讶 surprising则相反,主语是物,宾语是人,表示某事物对于某人来说是一件令人惊讶的事 surprised at sth.(或接定语从句that...) sth is surprising to sb.(同上)


surprised作表语时含被动意义,主语一般是人,后接由介词at引导的短语、动词不定式或that。surprised后接介词at表示对…感到惊讶,后接介词from表示出其不意使…说了,后接介词。 扩展资料 例句:She looked surprised when I told her.我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。I"m surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids.我真想不到,当着孩子们的面你竟做出这种举动。You shouldn"t be surprised (that) he didn"t come.他没来,你不必感到意外。

surprise surprised surprising 有什么区别?各自的词性是什么


sth surprised sb对吗?还是用surprising

surprised 不过习惯说法:sb be surprised at sth

you alaways give me surprise

直接宾语是 a surprise;间接宾语是 me

surprise的用法 如何使用surprise

1、in surprise与to ones surprise的区别。 2、in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式.如:John turned around and looked at me in surprise.约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。 3、to ones surprise或to the surprise of sb.意为“使某人吃惊的是”、“出乎意料地”,常位于句首,作状语,表示行为的结果.类似的结构有:to ones joy/delight/pleasure使某人高兴的是。 4、有时为了强调产生某种情感的程度,可在to后面的名词前加great,deep等形容词或在to前加副词much.如:To the surprise of the young couple,they found the necklace missing.使这对年轻夫妇惊奇的是,他们发现项链不见了。 5、take…by surprise的含义:短语动词take…by surprise意为使……吃惊,使……出其不意,对……进行突然袭击等.如:I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse.我(的询问)使他出乎意料,他没有时间想出借口。 6、她对他的粗鲁行为毫无思想准备,以至突然哭了起来.The enemy took the town by surprise.敌军对该城实行突然攻击。


by surprise 出其不意地 in surprise 惊奇地 big surprise 大惊喜;大吃一惊 surprise attack 奇袭,突然袭击;突袭 (make a) surprise attack 袭击 take by surprise 使吃惊;撞见;奇袭 catch by surprise 使吃惊,使诧异,使感到意外


惊喜的英文为:surprise。读法:英 [səˈpraɪz]   美 [sərˈpraɪz]  1、作名词时,意思有:意想不到(或突然)的事;令人惊奇的事(或消息等);惊奇;惊讶;意外;出人意表的做事方式;出奇制胜的策略。示例:I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland! 我有一个惊喜的消息要告诉你:我们要搬去瑞士了!2、作动词时,意思有:使惊奇;使诧异;使感到意外;出其不意地攻击;使措手不及;无意中发现。示例:We"ll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone 我们要自己解决这件事,然后让所有人感到吃惊。扩展资料近义词1、astound英 [ə"staʊnd];美 [ə"staʊnd]    v. 使惊骇;使大吃一惊例:Her elopement astounded her parents.她的私奔使她的父母大为震惊。例:The figures revealed by the report are astounding.这份报告透露的数字使人震惊。2、amaze英 [ə"meɪz] ;美 [ə"meɪz]    vt. 使吃惊;使惊异vi. 惊讶n. 吃惊;好奇例:He amazed me by his audacity.他的无理让我惊骇。例:I was amazed to find her there.发现她在那,我感到很吃惊。


surprising和surprised都是由surprise变换而来的,前者有主动含义,后者有被动含义,surprising的主语通常是物,而surprised的主语通常是人。Be surprised at + n. (v. + ing) 对……感到惊讶,be surprised后还可接不定式和that引导的从句。例如: The students were very interested in dinosaurs when they visited the museum. They were surprised at seeing the teacher in front of them. Do you know why they surprised to meet their teacher in the museum? 学生们在参观博物馆时对恐龙很感兴趣。他们很惊讶地看见老师就在他们前面。你知道在参观博物馆时,为什么他们对遇见老师感到很惊讶吗? surprise是名词,表示吃惊,如to one"s surprise让某人吃惊的是。


初中surprise的用法以及搭配如下:1、surprise可做名词,基本用法如下:表示“惊讶”时,是不可数名词。常用短语:in surprise 惊讶地;to one"s surprise 让某人惊讶的是1)in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式。如:John turned around and looked at me in surprise.约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。“A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise.“农夫?”那个法国人惊奇地说道。He looked at me in surprise.他吃惊地看着我。2)to one"s surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是……”它对全句进行解释或说明,表示说话人对上文的看法或态度,一般放在句首。例如: To our surprise,the boy won the prize. 使我们惊奇的是这个男孩获奖了。2、surprise还可以做及物动词,意思是“使...惊讶”。常用短语:surprise sbThe news greatly surprised us. 这条消息使我们大为惊讶。2. 派生词:1)surprised 形容词,意思是“感到惊讶的”。常用结构:be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊讶We were surprised at his arrival(到达)be surprised to do sth 做某事而感到惊讶She was surprised to find her handbag surprised + that从句 因...而惊讶I was surprised that these houses stay up for such a long time.让我惊讶的是,这些房子呆这么长时间。2)surprising 形容词,意思是“令人感到惊讶的”。


Surprise,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“惊奇、诧异、突然袭击”;作动词时译为“使惊奇、奇袭”;作形容词时译为“令人惊讶的”。 常用短语 October surprise 十月惊奇 no surprise 没有意外 in surprise 惊讶地; to one"s surprise 让某人惊讶的是
 Surprise用法 1、surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实。用于军事上可指袭击,但不表示是否袭击成功。 2、surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。 3、surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”;后接介词from表示“出其不意使…说了”;后接介词into表示“出其不意地使人…”;后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。 4、surprise的现在分词和过去分词都可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。 5、surprise表示“惊奇,惊讶”,用作不可数名词;表示“令人吃惊的事物”,用作可数名词。 6、surprise在句中还可用作定语。


surprise 1.surprise可做名词,基本用法如下: 1)表示“惊讶”时,是不可数名词. 常用短语:in surprise 惊讶地;to one"s surprise 让某人惊讶的是 2)表示“令人惊讶的事务/意外之事”时,是可数名词 2.surprise还可以做及物动词,意思是“使...惊讶”. 常用短语:surprise sb 2.派生词: 1)surprised 形容词,意思是“感到惊讶的”. 常用结构:be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth 做某事而感到惊讶 be surprised + that从句 因...而惊讶 2)surprising 形容词,意思是“令人感到惊讶的”.




1、in surprise与to one"s surprise的区别 1)in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式。如: John turned around and looked at me in surprise. 约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。 “A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise. “农夫?”那个法国人惊奇地说道。 He looked at me in surprise.他吃惊地看着我。 2)to one"s surprise或to the surprise of sb.意为“使某人吃惊的是”、“出乎意料地”,常位于句首,作状语,表示行为的结果。类似的结构有: to one"s joy/delight/pleasure使某人高兴的是 to one"s sorrow使某人悲伤的是 to one"s satisfaction使人满意的是 有时为了强调产生某种情感的程度,可在to后面的名词前加great, deep等形容词或在to前加副词much。如: To the surprise of the young couple, they found the necklace missing. 使这对年轻夫妇惊奇的是,他们发现项链不见了。 To their great joy, the sailors saw land at last. 水手们终于见到陆地了,他们兴奋不已。 Much to my surprise, she failed in the examination. 使我非常奇怪的是,她考试没及格。 To my surprise, the door was unlocked.使我吃惊的是,门没有锁。 to my surprise = to the surprise of me = much to my surprise 2、take…by surprise的含义 短语动词take…by surprise意为使……吃惊,使……出其不意,对……进行突然袭击等。如: I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse. 我(的询问)使他出乎意料,他没有时间想出借口。 She was so taken by surprise at his rudeness that she burst into tears. 她对他的粗鲁行为毫无思想准备,以至突然哭了起来。 The enemy took the town by surprise. 敌军对该城实行突然攻击。 He took her by surprise.She hadn"t expected him.他使她大吃一惊,她没有想到他会来。 Their visit took me by surprise.他们的造访使我大吃一惊。 3、be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 表示某种情绪、心情的起因时,常用at…这一介词短语,表示“听到…”或“看到…”而… We were surprised at his arrival(到达). The child was frightened at the noise . The teacher was glad at our progress. I am surprised at you . 我对你的举动感到诧异。(系表结构) 注意:参考资料里还有


surprise发音:英 [səˈpraɪz] 美 [sərˈpraɪz].Surprise是一个英文单词,名词、动词。作名词时翻译为“惊奇,诧异;突然袭击”,作动词时翻译为“使惊奇;奇袭”,作形容词时翻译为“令人惊讶的”。常见短语搭配:October surprise 十月惊奇 ; 十月惊喜 ; 月惊奇no surprise 没有意外 ; 毫无意外 ; 没有不测 ; 克里斯·多特里SURPRISE ME 惊喜模式 ; 森普瑞斯 ; 超人赵 ; 让我惊讶一下双语例句:1、We do this to express surprise. 我们这么做来表达惊奇。2、It rather surprise me. 这太让我惊奇了。3、What he did , to our surprise, had nothing to do with what he said. 使我们感到惊奇的是,他所做的和他所说的没有任何联系。


1、surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。2、surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”;后接介词from表示“出其不意使…说了”;后接介词into表示“出其不意地使人…”;后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。3、surprise的现在分词和过去分词都可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。(1)surprise的现在分词作表语时含主动意义,主语一般是物。常采用以it作形式主语的结构,其真正主语由that引出。(2)surprise的过去分词作表语时含被动意义,主语一般是人,后接由介词at引导的短语、动词不定式或that/wh-从句,表示“对…感到惊奇”。4、surprise表示“惊奇,惊讶”,用作不可数名词;表示“令人吃惊的事物”,用作可数名词。词语辨析:stun, astound, astonish, surprise, amaze, startle这组词都有“使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇”的意思,其区别是:stun 语气最强,指极度惊讶而目瞪口呆,不知所措。astound 语气强,指由于事情令人难以置信或实在罕见而使人感到震惊。astonish语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。surprise 普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。amaze语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。startle 指因突然的惊吓或意料不到的刺激等而使人惊跳或震惊。


  surprise表示使惊奇; 突袭的意思,那么你知道surprise的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了surprise的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   surprise的短语:   surprise with(v.+prep.)   用…使(某人)惊奇 give a surprise of (sth unexpected) with sth   They surprised us with a visit.他们突然来访使我们大感意外。   surprise out of(v.+adv.+prep.)   出其不意地使某人说出某事 force (sb) to say sth by surprising   The court surprised a confession out of the defendant.法庭冷不防使被告招了供。   surprise into(v.+prep.)   以出其不意的方式促使…进行 force (sb) into (action or doing sth) by surprising   With an unexpected question, the clever lawyer surprised the prisoner into admission of his guilt.聪明的律师以一个预想不到的问题迫使犯人承认了他的罪行。   surprise by(v.+prep.)   以…使(某人)惊奇 give a surprise of (sth unexpected) by doing sth   I surprised everyone by wearing a terrible mask.我带了一副可怕的面具,使大家受惊了。   He surprised us by producing from his pocket a five-pound note.他从口袋中取出一张5英镑的纸币,这使我们感到意外。   surprise at(v.+prep.)   对…惊讶 give a feeling of surprise to sth   There is nothing to be surprised at.没有可以惊奇的地方。   (much/greatly) to one"s surprise   使某人惊奇的是 not expect sth is to happen   To our great surprise, he won the prize.使我们感到十分惊奇的是他得了奖。   take by surprise   1.出其不意或毫不预示地攻击、捕获 attack, capture, etc. sb/sth unexpectedly or without warning   The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.当夜盗开窗时,警察冷不防地捉住了他。   The town was well defended so there was little chance of taking it by surprise.该城防守严密,万难袭占。   The invaders took the town by surprise.入侵者突然袭击,攻下了那座城。   The fort was taken by surprise.那堡垒出其不意地被攻占了。   2.使某人吃一惊 happen unexpectedly, so as to shock sb slightly   The news took me by surprise.这消息使我大吃一惊。   同义词辨析:   surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun   这些动词均含"使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇"之意。   surprise : 普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。   amaze : 语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。   astonish : 语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。   astound : 语气强,指由于事情令人难以置信或实在罕见而使人感到震惊。   startle : 指因突然的惊吓或意料不到的刺激等而使人惊跳或震惊。   stun : 语气最强,指极度惊讶而目瞪口呆,不知所措。   surprise的短语例句:   1. Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.   休尖叫起来,声音不大,吃惊多于恐惧。   2. The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations.   位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶.   3. She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise.   看上去,她好像被摄影师搞了个猝不及防。   4. Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.   鲍勃试着推了推门。令他吃惊的是,门竟然开了。   5. The surprise twists in the storyline are the film"s greatest strength.   该影片最精彩之处就是剧情的曲折离奇。   6. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes.   做一道拿手的家常小菜,给你的新邻居一个惊喜。   7. When you venture outside, you are in for a surprise.   你外出探险时,定会遇上意想不到之事。   8. The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help.   这份意外的礼物是为了感谢我们给予的帮助。   9. Major"s reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.   梅杰的回答让众议院大吃一惊。   10. It didn"t come as a great surprise to me, I might say.   可以这么说,这并没有令我大吃一惊。   11. Baxter arrived here this afternoon, on a surprise visit.   巴克瑟特今天下午突然来此拜访.   12. The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States.   这一突然发布的公告可能会在美国引起骚乱。   13. The vividness of the characterisation came as a complete surprise.   人物刻画的生动程度完全出乎意料。   14. These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise.   这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。   15. The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.   叛军试图突袭一处军营。




在初学英语的时候,以及在生活中送礼物给对方不提前告知对方为的就是surprise。下面我们就来说说surprise是什么意思? 简要回答 惊奇;意外;突然袭击;惊人的事物使惊奇,使诧异;使感到意外;不经意地做;惊讶地发现。 详细内容 I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland!我有一个惊喜的消息要告诉你:我们要搬去瑞士了!在这句话中surprise就是惊喜,给对方一个惊喜的意思。 The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations.位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶。这个场景就是惊讶,对某人的行为或者某些话表示很惊讶。 We"ll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.我们要自己解决这件事,然后让所有人感到吃惊。这里也是惊讶的意思,让对方感到惊讶。


帮你找了几本英语用法词典,发现这本《英语基础词汇用法词典》(周贞雄编蓍,金盾出版社出版)讲得最清楚,所以帮你摘录下来,供你参考:surprise vt. 使惊奇,使吃惊 n. 惊奇1. 用作动词,通常是及物动词,注意以下用法:(1) 通常以“人”作宾语:The news greatly surprised us. 这消息使我们大为惊奇。/ What surprised me was that he spokeEnglish so well. 使我吃惊的是他的英语说得那样好。(2) 用于be surprised, 其后可接不定式、介词短语 (主要是at)、从句等:I was greatly surprised to hear [at hearing] he was in prison. 听说他坐牢了,我大吃一惊。/ I was surprised at you. 我对你的举止感到吃惊。/ We were surprised that he lost thegame. 我们对他在比赛中失败感到很意外。后接从句若含有“竟然”之意,通常用虚拟语气 (should+v. ):Hewas surprised that he should be so ill. 他竟病得这么重,他感到很惊奇。与shouldn"t / wouldn"t连用,相当于I rather expect that…,意为“我有点儿预料到”:I shouldn"t be surprised if it rains[rained] in the morning. 要是今天早上下雨,我不会感到惊讶 (即我预料今天早上会下雨)。(3) 注意surprising与surprised的区别:前者指“令人吃惊的”,后者指“感到吃惊的”:I"m surprised at the surprising news. 一听到这个令人吃惊的消息,我感到很吃惊。2. 用作名词,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“惊奇”、“吃惊”,是不可数名词;表示“使人惊奇的事或东西”,是可数名词:She looked at her mother in surprise. 她惊奇地看着她母亲。/ His face showed surprise at the news. 他听到这个消息脸上露出吃惊的神色。/ What a surprise to see youhere! 真想不到在这里见到你! / I have a pleasant surprise foryou. 我要告诉你一件意想不到的好事。(2) 用于to one"s surprise, 意为“出乎意料地”、“使人吃惊的是”:(Much) To my surprise the door was unlocked. 使我 (大为)吃惊的是,门没有锁。/ To the surprise of everybody the man wasthe girl"s father. 使大家吃惊的是,这个人就是这个女孩的父亲。

关于surprise的所有用法(可延伸) 要全的

我给你抄下来了 Surprise的用法 1、in surprise与to one"s surprise的区别 1)in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式.如: John turned around and looked at me in surprise. 约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我. “A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise. “农夫?”那个法国人惊奇地说道. He looked at me in surprise.他吃惊地看着我. 2)to one"s surprise或to the surprise of sb.意为“使某人吃惊的是”、“出乎意料地”,常位于句首,作状语,表示行为的结果.类似的结构有: to one"s joy/delight/pleasure使某人高兴的是 to one"s sorrow使某人悲伤的是 to one"s satisfaction使人满意的是 有时为了强调产生某种情感的程度,可在to后面的名词前加great,deep等形容词或在to前加副词much.如: To the surprise of the young couple,they found the necklace missing. 使这对年轻夫妇惊奇的是,他们发现项链不见了. To their great joy,the sailors saw land at last. 水手们终于见到陆地了,他们兴奋不已. Much to my surprise,she failed in the examination. 使我非常奇怪的是,她考试没及格. To my surprise,the door was unlocked.使我吃惊的是,门没有锁. to my surprise = to the surprise of me = much to my surprise 2、take…by surprise的含义 短语动词take…by surprise意为使……吃惊,使……出其不意,对……进行突然袭击等.如: I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse. 我(的询问)使他出乎意料,他没有时间想出借口. She was so taken by surprise at his rudeness that she burst into tears. 她对他的粗鲁行为毫无思想准备,以至突然哭了起来. The enemy took the town by surprise.敌军对该城实行突然攻击. He took her by surprise.She hadn"t expected him.他使她大吃一惊,她没有想到他会来. Their visit took me by surprise.他们的造访使我大吃一惊. 3、be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 表示某种情绪、心情的起因时,常用at…这一介词短语,表示“听到…”或“看到…”而… We were surprised at his arrival(到达). The child was frightened at the noise . The teacher was glad at our progress. I am surprised at you .我对你的举动感到诧异.(系表结构) 4、be surprised to do sth.做某事感到惊讶 She was surprised to find her handbag missing. 5、a bit surprised有点吃惊 They were very much surprised at our arrival. 看到我们来了,他们感到非常吃惊. 6、be surprised that + 从句 I was surprised that these houses stay up for such a long time. 7、a surprise attack 奇袭 8、be a great surprise 是件使人惊喜的事,来得突然 The hurricane last night had been a great surprise. It was a great surprise to me when I heard the news. 9、a surprising look 一个令人吃惊的表情 a surprised look一个吃惊的表情


surprise作为动词的中文意思是“使惊奇;使措手不及;给……惊喜”,作为名词的中文意思是“意想不到(或突然)的事,令人惊奇的事;惊奇,诧异”。一、动词双语例句:1、Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim.马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。2、They couldn"t conceal their surprise at seeing us together.看见我们在一起,他们表现出掩饰不住的诧异。二、名词双语例句:1、Much to my surprise, I passed.压根儿没想到,我及格了。2、It was a complete surprise to me.这对我完全是件意外的事。

i was surprise to see that后面是宾语从句么?谢谢


call order practice agree improve surprise 的过去式

called orderedpracticedagreedimprovedsurprised

Maintain element of surprise 是什么意思?


Who do you look so___ surprises surprise surprised surprising

surprised 感到吃惊的

Unexpected surprises是什么意思

Unexpected surprises意外的惊喜很高兴为您解答,不理解请追问,满意请点右上角选为满意答案,谢谢!


  vt. 使惊奇; 突袭; 意外发现;

To our surprise, To our surprises. 两种什么区别吗?

只有to our surprise,没有to our surprises。to one"s surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是……”,它对全句进行解释或说明,表示说话人对上文的看法或态度,一般放在句首。例如:例句:To our surprise,the boy won the prize. 翻译:使我们惊奇的是这个男孩获奖了。重点词汇解释surprise 英 [sə"praɪz]  美 [sər"praɪz]    n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现It was a great surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她结婚是一件十分令人惊喜的事。


To my surprise,he has been married for two years.

以Life is Full of Surprises为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文

Life is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out. Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now, aged 79,the very same Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka.Like so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance can lead.When he was 15 in 1948,Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school in biology and every other science subject. Gurdon"s high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was “quite ridiculous”.In spite of his teacher"s criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.“My own belief is that we will, in the end,understand everything about how cells actually work,”Gurdon said.In 1962, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create Dolly the sheep in 1996,the first cloned mammal in the world.In 2006,Gurdon"s work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample of a person"s skin can be used to create stem cells. Using this technique, doctors can repair a patient"s heart after a heart attack.“Luck favors the prepared mind,”Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. “Ninety percent of the time things don"t work, but when they do, you have to seize the chance. ”【翻译】生活充满惊喜,你永远都不知道事情会如何变化。约翰·古顿爵士是一个很好的例子。作为一个男孩,他被告知他在科学上没有希望,并完成了他的课堂底线。现在,79岁,同样的Gurdon与日本干细胞研究员Shinya Yamanaka分享了2012年诺贝尔医学奖。像许多科学家一样,戈伦顿向我们展示了好奇心和毅力的力量在哪里。当他在1948年15岁时,Gurdon在他的高中的生物学和其他科学课程中排名前250名。戈伦顿的高中科学教师甚至说,他成为科学家的梦想是“相当荒谬的”。尽管他的老师的批评,Gurdon遵循他的好奇心,不断努力。他早早去了实验室,比其他任何人都离开了。他遇到成千上万的失败。“我自己的信念是,我们最终将了解细胞如何实际运作的一切,”Gurdon说。1962年,Gurdon从成年青蛙身上取出一个细胞,将其遗传信息转移到卵细胞中。卵细胞生长成成年青蛙的克隆。这种技术后来帮助在1996年创建了多莉羊,这是世界上第一个克隆的哺乳动物。2006年,Gurdon的工作由山中开发,显示可以使用人的皮肤样本来产生干细胞。使用这种技术,医生可以在心脏病发作后修复患者的心脏。戈尔登对诺贝尔奖组织说:“运气有利于准备好的思想。” “90%的时间不行,但是当他们这样做的时候,你必须抓住机会。 ”

为什么不是 It is the fact that he does not know his birthday which surprises us all



固定用法 英语里面有一些不可数名词是在特定语境下可用可数形式出现

When there are surprises是什么意思


life is full of surprises是什么意思

life is full of surprises生活是充满惊喜生活充满了令人惊讶的事


都可以 要看是过去式还是现在时 意思:某事或某物使某人感到惊奇、诧异; sth surprise sb类似的用法有It surprises sb that…;to one"s surprise 例句:It would not surprise me if they got married soon.即使他们很快就结婚,我也不会感到意。

谁能告诉我有关surprise的句型比如give Sb a surprise 另外help 的句型也 告诉我

surpriseto one"s surprise 令某人惊奇的是in surprise 惊奇地helpcan"t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事can"t help but do sth. 不得不做某事help yourself 用于对客人说,请随便[吃,喝..]help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb to do sth. 同上with sb."s help/with the help of sb.在某人的帮助下希望对你有帮助.

surprise 5种词性或5种用法


hope that the life is full of surprises.翻译成这中文


surprise 有ing形式吗,那surprise是怎么用啊

有 ing形式用来形容事情令人吃惊 ed形式是说人感到吃惊 可以的



May the Future Be Full of Surprises是什么意思


hope that the life is full of surprises.翻译成这中文


pumpkins shapes are such surprises什么意思

pumpkins shapes are such surprises南瓜形状是这样的惊喜


有 如 The students sursrise me a lot. 学生们吓了我一跳




surprises--------------Shanghai Onesmart Education is glad to serve for you.


当然可数比如:give you a surprise可数的。


surprise可以做可数名词 直接加s变为surprises就行了 意思是“意想不到(或突然)的事、令人惊奇的事(或消息)”


surprise:英 [səˈpraɪz]   美 [sərˈpraɪz]  n.惊讶,惊奇;意外;意想不到(或突然)的事,令人惊奇的事(或消息等);出人意表的做事方式,出奇制胜的策略;意想不到的礼物v.(使)吃惊,(使)诧异,(使)感到意外;撞见,正巧发现;出其不意地使(某人)做(某事);无意中发现adj.出乎意料的;令人惊奇的int.(有时放在括号内, 常用作讽刺挖苦语)啊!真叫人惊奇!第三人称单数: surprises            现在分词: surprising过去式: surprised                  过去分词: surprised例句:1.It was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me. 那是我曾感受过的最大惊喜。2.The surprise party was Jane"s idea. 那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。3.Much to her surprise he came back the next day. 让她非常吃惊的是他第二天就回来了。4.I"m surprised that you of all people should say that. 所有人当中你竟然那么说,真让我吃惊!5.They were surprised to find that he"d already left. 他们惊奇地发现他已经走了。6.Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency. 这样的东西在拍卖会上出人意料地频繁出现。7.I must admit I was surprised it cost so little. 我得承认,这么便宜,真让我惊讶。8.It"s surprising what people will do for money. 人为了钱什么干不出来,想想真令人愕然。9.Would it surprise you to know that I"m thinking of leaving? 如果我告诉你我打算离开这里,你觉得意外吗?                                                                                                          
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