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structures[英][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z] [美][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z] 生词本简明释义n.结构( structure的名词复数 );[生物学]构造;机构;构造物v.组织( structure的第三人称单数 );安排;制定


structure[英][u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a]n.结构; 构造; 建筑物; 体系; vt.构成,排列; 安排; 第三人称单数:structures过去分词:structured复数:structures现在进行时:structuring过去式:structured以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This stronger capital structure will reduce bank failures. 这种更强大的资本结构将降低银行破产的风险。

tekla structures15.0 钢结构软件背景颜色怎么修改?


Tekla Structures 18.0 怎么出图纸?我每次打印出来的图纸都是无效的。


Tekla Structures 具体的用处

第一种方式:在Tekla程序图标点右键-属性-兼容性把“以兼容模式运行”和“把tekla放到XP Mode里安装在win7的开始菜单找到tekla(XP Mode)运行。主要是做钢结构加工详图用的。


letters and structures 字母和结构

TEKLA STRUCTURES为什么双击底板想编辑属性时没有反应,提示如下


Tekla Structures17.0轴线不见了


翻译structures and expressions什么


tekla structures自动关闭是什么情况,公司刚买的电脑,好几台都这样!

可能是tekla structures的运行文件丢失。或者与其它同时运行的软件发生冲突。解决办法:1、重新安装tekla structures 2、找出运行冲突软件。将其卸载,或者移至其它硬盘安装。

Tekla Structures 中怎么出统计栓钉数量


为什么tekla structures14.0出清单时会弹出所创建的位置编号未更新,可是在建模式我已修改过


tekla structures 18.1中螺栓对话框中有螺栓,但是创建螺栓时不显示怎么办?


tekla structures 21.0怎么破解

Tekla Structures 2016 21.0 64位破解版http://www.ddooo.com/softdown/86842.htm破解步骤说明:1、安装完成后退出,先不要运行2、打开“LEGEND”目录,复制破解文件“msimg32.dll”到安装目录下覆盖源文件,默认安装目录为"C:Program FilesTekla Structures2016i tinTeklaStructures.exe"3、最后,打开安装包“environment”目录,运行“Env_UK_2016i.exe”完成环境安装就可以了。

tekla structures 磁盘模型损坏怎么办?


Tekla Structures 17.0的发布说明

Tekla Structures 17.0 与所有以前的版本兼容。 您可以通过 Tekla Structures 17.0 打开并使用现有模型。对于已开始创建的模型,我们建议您以当前使用的版本来完成。Tekla Structures 的安装程序将为 Tekla Structures 17.0 创建新的子文件夹。安装 Tekla Structures 17.0 需要具有 Windows 管理员权限。 这可确保所有位于 Windows 系统文件夹下的 *.dll 文件都得到更新。Tekla Structures 17.0 使用 .NET Framework 4.0,后者作为先决条件安装在要安装 Tekla Structures 的计算机上。 如果您的计算机上已经安装了 .NET Framework 4.0 的试用版本,则需要卸载该版本或用 Microsoft 网站中提供的 NET Framework 4.0 正式版本进行替换。要了解 Open API 开发中的相关改进,请参见 Tekla 用户服务网站中 Tekla Structures > 产品下载 > Open API 下提供的 Tekla Open API 发布说明。

Tekla Structures 是什么?

Tekla Structures(Xsteel)为钢结构详图提供更新的Xsteel软件,以便于更加有效地管理工程信息。所有的信息都从同一个智能的三维数据库中读取,因此工程中的每个人都有能力实现时实的同步协作。

Tekla structures18.0如何点选多个构件,然后进行一起的修改等等,求大神指教


offshore structures是什么意思

offshore structures海洋结构物offshore structures海上结构物; 例句:1.The rest used offshore structures, typically with a cayman island holding company, toget around chinese regulations. 其他公司都要通过海外实体来绕过中国政府的监管,这个海外实体通常是设在开曼群岛的控股公司。

tekla structures中如何拉长柱梁

选择需要拉长的梁或柱 其两端会显示2个句柄点(一个黄色,一个紫色),选择要拉长的那一端的句柄点 然后移动位置即可(可以右键“移动”然后选择2点也可以在“工具”-->“选项”中激活“拖和拉”再拖到句柄点)。

tekla structures 最常用什么版本


Tekla Structures 17.0的视图类型

已从模型的视图属性对话框中删除了视图类型选择。现在,默认情况下渲染所有模型视图。如果您要使用线框,请通过工具 > 选项 > 高级选项 > 模型视图将高级选项 XS_ENABLE_WIRE_FRAME 设置为 TRUE。渲染的视图:自动杆件选项在显示对话框中不可用。线框视图:视图类型选项可在视图属性对话框中找到,您可以将视图类型设置为渲染或线框。自动杆件选项可在显示对话框中找到。渲染视图和线框视图:已从视图菜单中删除命令创建缩放窗口。 您可以使用缩放命令放大和缩小替代创建缩放窗口。


结构,构造,建筑物建筑物,建筑建设,建筑物,解释,造句亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao

怎么将tekla structures中的工具栏调出来

1、首先在电脑中双击Tekla Structures 15.0文件夹进入。2、运行文件中的Tekla Structures 15.0,点击下一步Next。3、选中我同意(如图),单击下一步Next。4、默认安装位置,单击下一步Next,选择中国China,单击下一步Next。5、框选所有选项单击下一步,单击完成按钮Finish键。6、安装完成后进行破解,打开破解文件夹,点击TS15.EXE进入,就完成了。

Tekla Structures 15.0里面螺栓库不全怎么办

自己创建:细部-螺栓-螺栓对话框 ...

still point of the turning world什么意思

still point of the turning world转折点的转折点;


malibu turbo是雪佛兰迈锐宝Turbo车型这款新车型搭载的是一款2.0升的涡轮增压式四缸发动机,最大动力输出为259马力,峰值扭矩输出为260磅-英尺(352牛米)。  这款涡轮增压版的迈锐宝车型将售27710美元(折合人民币约17.7万元)起,其中包含了运费,这一起售价是LT车型的售价。顶级款的LTZ车型将售30925美元(约19.7万元),而且增配了很多特征装备,例如真皮装饰、可加热式的前座、一个遮阳活动顶篷、遥控起动系统、外观镀铬装饰以及18英寸的铝合金轮毂。

tekla structures 绘图界面怎样变成黑色


Tekla Structures 2019 怎样查询重量,命令在哪里?



复数形式的句子和结构可以通过多种方法构建。1. 对主语直接加“s”:例如,“The dogs bark at night”.2. 以“es”结尾,构成复数形式:例如,“She watches as the buses pass by”.3. 对动词本身进行复数形式处理:例如,“The children are running in the park”.4. 在名词或代词后面增加“of them”或“of those”,构成复数形式:例如,“Some of them a_










n. 结构,构造,建筑物 vt.构成,组织


structures结构双语对照词典结果:structures[英][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z][美][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z]n.结构( structure的名词复数 ); [生物学]构造; 机构; 构造物; v.组织( structure的第三人称单数 ); 安排; 制定; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:Can we change our pricing structures? 我们能改变自己的价格结构吗?

麻烦翻译下这首歌..time of your life

Another turning point 另一个转折点 a fork stuck in the road 道路在那里变成两个岔道 Time grabs you by the wrist 时间用手腕把你掠夺走 directs you where to go 指引你该去向何方 So make the best of this test 所以尽力做好它吧 and don"t ask why 不要问为什么 It"s not a question 这个不是一个问题 but a lesson learned in time 只是向时间学习的一节课 It"s something unpredictable 一切的不可预测 but in the end is right 只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life 我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 So take the photographs 所以,请带走相片吧 and still frames in your mind 让这些相框缠绕在你的脑海 Hang it on a shelf 把它房在身体健康和愉快时光的架子上 of good health and good timeTattoos of memories 记忆的文身 and dead skin on trial 和那死去的皮肤正在接受审判 For what it"s worth, 但这些是值得的 it was worth all the while 并且始终值得 It"s something unpredictable 如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right 只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life 我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 It"s something unpredictable如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 It"s something unpredictable如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟

turning point 片尾曲叫什么名字

泳儿-我的回忆不是我的女 伤心的总会任性 灰心的总会用气力将最好的过去 将最多的细碎 锁到 属於你的眼睛男 失恋的不够耐性 失恋的不信是注定於最黑的世界 於最光的刹那 感到 属於你的气息合 即使很多一起过的 想起的通通你的为着是浪漫的爱情男 通通都可再见 但承诺可再听合 什麽可不变色 Oh baby当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲女 回忆不再受制於我 我承认合 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听男 难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性男 失恋的都有惰性 失恋的都记住约定女 当理想的世界 当理想的刹那 因爱 无分你的我的合 即使很多一起过的 想起的通通你的为着是浪漫的爱情男 通通都可再见 但承诺可再听合 什麽可不变色 Oh baby当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲女 回忆不再受制於我 我承认合 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听男 难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性合 当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲回忆不再受制於我 我承认 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性

伽马射线暴(Gamma Ray Burst)


帮忙写一篇Turning Points in life的英语作文!两三百词!万分感谢!

University life is an important turning point.Some people think that the University is to learn knowledge and skills of the local culture,some people think that the University is to develop the capacities of my own,I also very much agree with the same.In universities,you can learn a lot in primary and secondary schools are not learning the knowledge.For example,people with interpersonal skills,self-learning ability and self-life,and values of culture and so on.All these will be in your future,with the help of a very important and very far-reaching implications.These aspects of culture,are essential in the university four years have tempered and thus develop.

the turning point 歌词

歌曲名:the turning point歌手:lacrimosa专辑:elodiaThe Turning PointLacrimosaIn a dream I saw the world beyond - no tongues telling liesThe silence was covering everything insideIn a dream I saw myself - fallen down next to meCouldn"t crawl back inside my bodyNo laughter on my face - reality mirrored in the deep signs of lifeToo long sacrificed my feelings to the onesWho take all "till there"s nothing in the endI"m not in my aim - I"ve gotta love also the other half of meTo reach the Turning pointAs only in my dreams I"m my biggest enemyTill I"d found out that I only loved your half in meSo much time I spent - not knowing myselfToo much love I"d given for everyone but nothing for meMy light was burning "till the endNow you showed me that two full halves make a stronger oneAlso out of me and I feel the strengthReturning into me I new-found love againCouldn"t have been fighting aloneThank you for hearing me on timeI bless you for the trust you gaveWhen I didn"t admit being weakI am close to my aim truly hopingI won"t failBefore I reach The turning pointWhere we"re no longer the sameDidn"t notice me changeWas not living the days without namesNow I"m here with youTo stay beyondThe turning pointOf my dreamsO found my aim - now I can face myselfAgainI thank you forLoving meAnd keeping us on the right wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/575688

at. turning. point


the first turning point of my life翻译中文




turning point是什么意思

转折点 望采纳



Find the turning point of the curve在数学题中是什么意思?谢谢


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http://www.japaneseav.com/ 是网址 blog不清楚

5阶多项式最多有几个拐点 N阶多项式最多有多少个turningpoint阿急问


请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign. See stationary point, in mathematicsIn mathematics, particularly in calculus, a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently, the slope of the graph is zero): where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name). For a differentiable function of several variables, a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently, the gradient is zero.For the graph of a function of one variable, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis. For function of two variables, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane.The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds, but, in these case, only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used, not stationary point.This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable. For the other cases, see Critical point.

the first turning point of my life翻译中文

我生命中的第一个转折点(转机)/我人生的第一个转折点(转机) the first turning point of(……的第一个转折点(转机) my life(我的人生(生命)

英语作文. my turning point.跪求

Turning point of my lifeI think everyone has his or her own turning point of their lives. I also have a turning point, so I have changed a lot through the turning point. I became the member of Dream.Hope.Future Financial Group in High School. It is a group that gives scholarship to students who are very poor and hard-working. The group held a Summer Camp every year, and I went to the camp. To my surprise, there are around three hundred students and we don"t know each other. At that time, I was very shy, so I didn"t want to talk to others. There were so many games and team works; I had to cooperate with others whom I didn"t know. It made me very uncomfortable. But many of them were very outgoing and enjoyed themselves. They said that we just like a family. One of the programs was giving a short speech in front of three hundred students. And our group elected me to give the speech. But I was very nervous at that time and I thought I can"t do it. I was afraid to speak in front of so many students. Then the leader of our group said:“Don"t be nervous, take it easy, just say what you want to say. You can make it!” Because of the encouragement, I decided to do it. But it isn"t very easy, just like I imagined. I felt more nervous and uncomfortable, because everyone was looking at me. Difficultly, I made it. When I finished my speech, all of them said good job and gave me applaud. I was very happy and felt thankful to my leader.1/2He gave me the chance to give the speech and he encouraged me to do that. He was a good leader.Because of the speech, I realized that there is nothing difficult to do, if you don"t afraid. So I changed a lot after that time. I became very outgoing. And now, I like make new friends. After that time, every day, I said to myself I can make it. That is the turning point of my life.


myfavourite丨ettCrisA中文意思?这个问题我建议你还是去查一下词典 就知道这两个字意思了

看了turning point后写的作文

If I understand the idea, the BAZAR invites several of us towrite upon the above text. It means the change in my life"scourse which introduced what must be regarded by me as the mostIMPORTANT condition of my career. But it also implies--withoutintention, perhaps--that that turning-point ITSELF was thecreator of the new condition. This gives it too muchdistinction, too much prominence, too much credit. It is onlythe LAST link in a very long chain of turning-points commissionedto produce the cardinal result; it is not any more important thanthe humblest of its ten thousand predecessors. Each of the tenthousand did its appointed share, on its appointed date, inforwarding the scheme, and they were all necessary; to have leftout any one of them would have defeated the scheme and broughtabout SOME OTHER result. It know we have a fashion of saying"such and such an event was the turning-point in my life," but weshouldn"t say it. We should merely grant that its place as LASTlink in the chain makes it the most CONSPICUOUS link; in realimportance it has no advantage over any one of its predecessors.

a turning point什么意思

a turning point是转折点的意思

数学里,turning point是什么?


it is a turning point 是什么意思

it is a turning point 这是一个转折点

英语a turning point怎么翻译?

turning point转折点[网络短语]Turning Point 转折点,Laughing Gor之变节,片turning-point pin 尺桩turning-point 转折点,根本转折点,转点

turning point是什么意思


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in courage可不可以表示勇敢地,副词,谢谢


in courage可不可以表示勇敢地,副词,谢谢



formation一般翻译为组成的意思 ,即某物体的 组成成分等formation [fu0254:u02c8meiu0283u0259n] n. 形成, 构成 This is the formation of a new government. 这是新政府的构成。 形成物 Clouds are formations of condensed water vapour. 云是由凝聚的水蒸气构成的。 编队, 排列 The aircraft are flying in formation. 飞机编队飞行。 而 structure 的意思一般指某样物体 的框架,结构 构造structure [u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259] n. 结构, 构造 A flower has quite a complicated structure. 一朵花的结构相当复杂。 有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world. 艾菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的建筑物之一。 vt. 组织; 安排; 构造; 制定 It"s often difficult to structure one"s career. 安排自己的职业通常很困难。

Your Love Is A Lie中文歌词求大神帮助

fall asleep by the telephone. 我守在电话旁睡着了 It"s two o"clock and I"m waiting up alone. 现在是凌晨2点 我独自等待着 Tell me where have you been? 告诉我, 你在哪里? I found a note with another name. 我发现便条上记着别人的名字 You blow a kiss but it just don"t feel the same. 你向我飞吻但是以前的感觉不复存在 Cauz I can feel that you"re gone. 因为我能感觉到你已经离开 I can"t bite my tongue forever 我不能永远保持缄默 while you try to play it cool. 当你试图压抑着感情保持冷漠 You can hide behind your stories 你可以把事情藏匿在背后 but don"t take me for a fool! 但是不要把我当成傻瓜! You can tell me that there"s nobody else (but I feel it!) 你可以告诉我这里没有别人(但是我感觉到了!) You can tell me that you"re home by yourself (but I see it!) 你可以告诉我你是自己回的家(但是我看见了!) You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want 你可以看着我的眼睛然后伪装一切 but I know, I know 但是我知道,我知道 Your love is just a lie! (Lie! Lie!) 你的爱只是一个谎言! It"s nothing but a lie! (Lie! Lie!) 什么也没有只有谎言! You look so innocent 你看上去如此天真无邪 But the guilt in your voice gives you away. 但你说话时的声音却出卖了你的罪行 Yeah, you know what I mean (know what I mean) Yeah.你知道我是什么意思(知道我所指) How does it feel when you kiss when you know that I trust you 这是种什么感觉当你亲吻我.当你知道我是信任你的 And do you think about me when he fucks you? 当他#你的时候你有没有想想我? Could you be more obscene? (be more obscene) 你还能更贱些麽? So don"t try to say you"re sorry, 所以不要尝试说你很抱歉 or try to make it right. 也不要设法挽救 And don"t waste your breath 不要浪费你的唇舌 because it"s too late, it"s too late! 因为这已经太迟了,太迟了! You can tell me that there"s nobody else (but I feel it!) 你可以告诉我这里没有别人(但是我感觉到了!) You can tell me that you"re home by yourself (but I see it!) 你可以告诉我你是自己回的家(但是我看见了!) You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want 你可以看着我的眼睛然后伪装一切 but I know, I know 但是我知道,我知道 Your love is just a lie! (Lie! Lie!) 你的爱只是一个谎言! It"s nothing but a lie! (Lie! Lie!) 什么也没有只有谎言! You"re nothing but a lie! 你什么也没有只有谎言! You can tell me that there"s nobody else (but I feel it!) 你可以告诉我这里没有别人(但是我感觉到了!) You can tell me that you"re home by yourself (but I see it!) 你可以告诉我你是自己回的家(但是我看见了!) You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want 你可以看着我的眼睛然后伪装一切 but I know, I know 但是我知道,我知道 Your love is just a lie! 你的爱只是一个谎言! I know, you"re nothing but a lie! (Lie!) Lie! (Lie!) 我知道,你什么也没有只有谎言! You"re nothing but a lie! (Lie!) Lie! (Lie!) 你什么也没有只有谎言! Your love is just a lie! 你的爱只是一个谎言!

谢谢你的认同用英语怎么说 可以说thank you for your recognition吗

可以.对的. 不过,有个习惯是如果句子后面已经出现了有关人称的代词来表示谢谢的对象, 前面习惯用thanks.. 即:thanks for your recognition.

what is accepted as ture often is relatively ,and not absolutely ,ture。问题一as是介词吗?

as 在这应该是作为,当作的意思是介词 呈前省略,前面不是有is 了吗这是两个句用了and 连接用逗号隔开作为正确的被接受应该是修饰作用吧

just a little bit of your heart 什么意思

这句话在歌词里的意思是:只想在你心中留个位置单独翻译的话,应理解为 心中的一点点地方或一点点心意。有时也可以理解为,一点点心意。Just a Little Bit of Your Heart written by Harry Styles 歌词翻译2014年8月24日 10:45.i don"t ever ask where"ve you been我从不询问你的你的踪迹and i don"t need the feel to know who you"re with也不想知道你跟谁在一起i can"t even think straight but i can tell思绪散乱在想你的夜里that you were just with her 但我还是清楚你身谁与and i just be a fool我就像个傻子i"m a fool for you在你身边停寂just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart哪怕只有一点点just a little bit of your heart is all i want这是我唯一的心愿just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart 总好过没有just a little bit of is all i"m asking for这是我最后的请求i don"t ever tell you how i really feel 我总是不懂得如何去表达cause i can"t find the words to say what i mean 所以你不会发现我的伤疤and nothing"s ever easy that"s what they say人们说 世界不会那么简单i know i"m not your only我不是你的唯一和念想but i still be a fool 我只是个傻瓜"cause i"m a fool for you 在你身边盘旋just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart哪怕只有一点点just a little bit of your heart is all i want这是我唯一的心愿just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart总好过没有just a little bit of is all i"m asking for这是我最后的请求i know i"m not your only我们不能天长地久but at least someone 但至少曾经拥有i have little哪怕在你心中只留下一道小口was better than none那也足够just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart哪怕只有一点点just a little bit of your heart is all i want这是我唯一的心愿just a little bit of your heart只想在你心中留个位置just a little bit of your heart总好过没有just a little bit of is all i"m asking for这是我最后的请求


tribunal一般是指解决民事等各类案件的法院court一般是指皇宫 或者是案件开庭的意思


tribunal一般是指解决民事等各类案件的法院court一般是指皇宫 或者是案件开庭的意思

英语作文 《How to Get on Well with Our Parents》 80词左右

a photo of my family This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling! The woman who is standing in the front is my mothe...

how to survive the college life?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 一个discussion的topic 大家discuss一下 解析: Starting a new life, college life, can seem a bit strange and it is important that you learn a few tips and tricks to be sure you will survive as well as enjoy college life. The first thing and the most obvious is that money is going to be vital, so make sure you pay your essentials before spending for enjoyment. The majority of students live in shared acmodations in their college life. Because this may be the first time they share space with non-family members, this is the time when college may either bee enjoyable or hellish. If you can develop a boundary with your roomies, your success is guaranteed. Make sure you have the time to study for your exams undisturbed and then you can enjoy your new college life. Although you cannot change people around you, as long as you clean up after yourself, your life will be much easier. In this new college life you will meet lots of new people, but don"t let this affect your relationship with your family or those back home. Remember that you had a life before college and you will have one after it as well. Also, keeping the relationships with your friends from outside the college life can be a form of relaxation when your college life gets to be too much.There aren"t many rules that teach you how to settle into college life but you have to give it a chance. Don"t rush back home every time you run into some difficulties because then you will find it harder to adapt in real life as well as in college life. Also, the best parts of college life happen on weekends, so don"t miss them. College life can be sometimes so exciting that you won"t remember the most important things: to eat and sleep well and to take care of yourself. You should enjoy college but don"t fet to rest and concentrate on your studies and exams. The Bottom Line To go to college is tough; to remain, stay in college is tougher; to earn a college degree is toughest. But it"s worth it! I titled my piece, " How To Survive College- The Hard Way " because I believe that there is no other way but the hard way. College life is akin to the jungle life where you to fight for your survival. Attending college is not easy and a college degree is not for everyone who enrolled in college. There are many hurdles, hardships, pitfalls, trials and traps along the way for college students. At least, the college dropout rate is 40 per cent or more. You have to shed a bucket of tears and climb ten mountains to earn a college degree. One of my college teachers once said, " A college degree is one per cent inspiration and niy-nine per cent perspiration". It"s a jungle out there. You have to survive it! I know that college life is so difficult part of young person"s life. I know, I had been there. It took me six years ( summers classes included ) to earn my o undergraduate degrees; three years ( masteral thesis included ) to get my masters diploma; another four years to earn my Ph.D.( one year for doctoral dissertation ). To top that, I taught college for enty years. I saw and experienced both sides: As a college student and as a college teacher. I saw and experienced college life is not a walk in the park. It is not a path strewn with roses. College life is not always days of wine and daffodils but it demands hard work and a lot of sacrifice. Like jungle survival, it"s survival of the fittest! HERE ARE MY TIPS HOW TO SURVIVE COLLEGE AND EARN YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE 1. Start strong and place your best foot forward. Be prepared in all aspects- physically( your health ), mentally, financially. Be open-minded. It"s a new environment for you. 2. Aim high. Set your goals and objectives. Know where you"re going. 3. Know your limitations, your academic strengths and weaknesses. If you"re strong in science, improve it. If you"re weak in math, aim to get a grade A in math. I mean you have to conquer your weakness in math. I remember one college clas *** ate of mine who was a weak in science. He hated memory work in biology, microbiology, e He hated memorizing names of muscle and skeletal system, formulas and other terminology in science subjects. But he came out earning straight " A"s " in science subjects. I found out he devoted more hours of study in his science subjects every day. You have to overe your academic weaknesses if you expect to succeed in college and earn your degree. 4. Budget your time and money. Two mon causes of dropouts in college are poor grades and depleted finances. Poor grades are results of poor study habits or no time to study. Avoid spending your time in extra-curricular activities like party time and dates. We had a term of a college clas *** ate who had fallen madly in love with a his fellow clas *** ate that he neglected his studies- he enrolled in a " 9-unit subject "- Love subject. It was a heavy load. 5. Don"t get distracted. Control your relationship. Months ago, a female college student from USC in L.A. was indicted for murder of her own new-born baby. She allegedly dumped her baby in the trash can. She was only a sophomore in USC. 6. Learn and love to read books extensively. You must enjoy reading. If you hate reading boring, professional, college textbooks and references, you will not enjoy college life and probably you will not succeed in college. 7. Learn how to be a fast reader. I used to put a sticker on my collegiate books and references with this passage: So many books, so little time! 8. Cultivate that ability to quickly find, digest the key words and main ideas of the material or book you are reading. 9. Never proscrastinate in your study and reading assignments. Your reading assignments will pile up and you will not recover in time. 10. Improve your puter proficiency. Owning a puter is a must to a college student, preferably a laptop. Buy all the educational gizmos in the market- tape recorder to tape classrooms lectures, research sofares. 11. Make your class schedules, projects and a list of books to read. Stick to it. 12. Avoid bad pany and drugs. Don"t *** oke. That may lead to alcohol and drugs. The *** oking habit always go, maybe later, with alcohol use and eventually drug abuse. They are the " dangerous trio ". If you are accepted to enroll and enter college this September, be happy and consider yourself lucky and privileged. In America today, less than enty per-cent who graduated from high school in 2006 can go to college. Remember that hard work and dedication to one"s pursuit are always rewarded. Good luck and I hope you"re a survivor in college. Earn your degree! Just do it!!


"where id = "+ 前面少了个空格吧?" where id = "+

以“how to get on well with our parents”为题的一篇英语作文,不少于80字

Title: How to Get on Well with Our ParentsHaving a harmonious relationship with our parents is important for our overall well-being and family dynamics. Here are a few tips on how to get on well with our parents:1. Communication: Effective communication is the key to any healthy relationship. Take the time to talk and listen to your parents. Express your thoughts and feelings respectfully, and be open to their perspectives as well.2. Understanding and Empathy: Try to understand your parents" point of view and empathize with their feelings. Recognize that they have their own experiences, concerns, and expectations. Showing understanding and empathy can strengthen your bond.3. Respect: Treat your parents with respect, just as you would like to be treated. Show appreciation for their efforts, opinions, and decisions. Avoid speaking disrespectfully or dismissing their thoughts and feelings.4. Cooperation and Helpfulness: Contribute to household chores and responsibilities. Offer your assistance willingly and be proactive in helping them. This shows that you value their well-being and are willing to share the workload.5. Boundaries and Independence: As you grow older, it is natural to seek independence. However, maintaining a balance is crucial. Establish clear boundaries while respecting your parents" concerns. Communicate your needs and aspirations effectively to avoid misunderstandings.6. Quality Time: Spend quality time with your parents. Engage in activities that you all enjoy and create lasting memories. This strengthens your connection and fosters a positive atmosphere at home.Remember, building a strong relationship with your parents requires effort from both sides. By practicing these tips, you can develop a healthier and more harmonious bond with your parents.

murder my heart 的歌词(中英对照)

don"t wanna let this moment slip away不想让这个时刻溜走cause i-i have something that i really need to say有一些原因,我真的需要说明and it"s killing me inside不然,将害我失去生命i think that you don"t understand我认为你不明白how i-i would give you all i have and all i am将如何给你我的全部,我之所有till the end of time直到时间的尽头you got me defenseless, intoxicated senseless你让我毫无防备,极度的陶醉you cut me so deeply, i must confess你切入我这么深,我必须承认baby i can"t breath, when my arms around you宝贝,当我抱着你时我不能呼吸baby it kills me, cause now that i found you宝贝,杀死我,因为我现在才找到了你your love is like a weapon girl, i can"t live without you女孩你的爱就像一个凶器,我不能没有你you"re so beautiful, it"s tearing me apart你是如此美丽,它使我支离破碎you murder my heart (oh)你谋杀了我的心(哦)you murder my heart (oh girl)你谋杀我的心(哦 女孩)i need to catch my breathe with you sometimes有时和你在一起,我需要抓住我的呼吸cause i-i get dizzy when your body"s touching mine当你的身体接触我,使我感觉到眩晕girl you"re killing me inside女孩你杀了我the way you move is much too sexy baby你的一举一动太性感了宝贝so i-i surrender to your hands, your lips, your taste所以我屈服于你的手,你的嘴唇,你的味道and i"m telling you tonight我在今晚告诉你you got me defenseless, intoxicated senseless你让我毫无防备,极度的陶醉you cut me so deeply, i must confess你切入我这么深,我必须承认baby i can"t breath, when my arms around you宝贝,当我抱着你时我不能呼吸baby it kills me, cause now that i found you宝贝,杀死我,因为我现在才找到了你your love is like a weapon girl, i can"t live without you女孩你的爱就像一个凶器,我不能没有你you"re so beautiful, it"s tearing me apart你是如此美丽,它使我支离破碎you murder my heart (oh)你谋杀了我的心(哦)you murder my heart (oh girl)你谋杀了我的心(哦)i climb up the past that i could never escape我爬过去,我无法逃避girl you hurt me and changed from the start女孩你伤害了我,从一开始就改变了i"m just a witness to the scene of my fate我只是证明了我命运的现场and the way you"ve been slaying my heart你已经杀死了我的心baby i can"t breath, when my arms around you宝贝,当我抱着你时我不能呼吸baby it kills me, cause now that i found you宝贝,杀死我,因为我现在才找到了你your love is like a weapon girl, i can"t live without you女孩你的爱就像一个凶器,我不能没有你you"re so beautiful, it"s tearing me apart你是如此美丽,它使我支离破碎you murder my heart (oh)你谋杀了我的心(哦)you murder my heart (oh girl)你谋杀我的心(哦 女孩)you murder my heart (oh)你谋杀了我的心(哦)you murder my heart (tears me apart)你谋杀了我的心(我心支离破碎)you murder my heart (girl)你谋杀了我的心(哦)you murder my heart (oh girl)你谋杀我的心(哦 女孩)

Albert King的《Murder》 歌词

歌曲名:Murder歌手:Albert King专辑:Door To DoorThey say I get away with murder...Ashlee Simpson - MurderI took a dose of your medicineThey tell me to leave,but I come back againI don"t see what all the fuss is about cause I"m okaysoon you will see that I got the ability to get my waySo don"t keep me in the dark cuz I"ll the find the light (find the light)Don"t keep me in the the dark cuz I"ll find the light (dont dont dont)I said don"t keep in the dark cuz I"ll find the light (find the light)Don"t keep in the dark , don"t keep in the dark…I was alone until I found JohnnyHe was a good boy until he got behind meNo she didn"t, yes she did!I got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offI got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offSo don"t keep me in the dark cuz I"ll the find the light (find the light)Don"t keep me in the the dark cuz I"ll find the light (dont dont dont)I said don"t keep in the dark cuz I"ll find the light (find the light)Don"t keep in the dark , dont keep in the dark…(Rap)I"m your sunshine,come get by (you"re my sunshine sunrise.)you make it sound easily for me to cry ( so easily for me to cry)I"m your sunshine, come get byMy fears go black in the moonlight……I got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offI got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offI got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offI got a monkey on my backHe helping me get it off, he helping me get it offSo don"t keep me in the dark cuz I"ll the find the light (find the light)Don"t keep me in the the dark cuz I"ll find the light (don"t don"t don"t)I said don"t keep in the dark cuz I"ll find the light (find the light)Don"t keep me in the the dark(Don"t keep me in the the dark)I get away with it, I get away itAhhhI get away with it, I get away itThey say i get away with murderThey say I get away with murderThey say I get away with murderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10297675

电脑开机后出现invalid picture是什么问题

Invalid picture的意思是无效图片

AE渲染输出影片时弹出一个框“EXception occurred. Generated minidump”,后面跟一个C盘的路径。

原因已由MiniDump 小存储器转储文件记录,它可帮助你找到计算机为什么意外停止。去你所说的c盘路径下打开dmp文件看看。(如C:WINDOWSMinidumpMini010806-02.dmp ,记在Mini010806-02.dmp


逍遥法外 1-6季全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EnfNtG8srQYD964GTR208w?pwd=29fy 提取码: 29fy简介:维奥拉·戴维斯回归出演。

ue4media texture.h改不了

ue4media texture.h改不了如下检查添加的头文件是否在 filename.generated.h 这个头文件的后面,如果是,把添加的头文件移到filename.generated.h 这个头文件的前面。#include "GameFramework/SpringArmComponent.h"#include "CoreMinimal.h"#include "GameFramework/Pawn.h"2、点击filename.generated.h,出现提示filename.generated.h在源文件中找不到把**#include “filename.generated.h”**剪切,然后项目保存一下,重新粘贴回去,保存后,便会自己重新生成这个文件。可在External Dependencies中查找到该头文件3、删除不需要的自定义C++类关闭Visual Studio、UE4编辑器,删除项目中Soure文件夹中的你想删除的*.cpp和*.h文件,删除项目中的Binaries文件夹,右键. uproject文件,点击Generate Visual Studio project files右键. uproject文件,点击Open,如果提示需要重新编译项目,选择是。

invalid url这是怎么回事

invalid url 意思是无效的url,就是svn 访问路径有问题,需要检查下。
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