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请问 The Red Badge of Courage 的英文内容介绍(字数在400-600)

During the Civil War,a Union regiment rests along a riverbank,where it has been camped for weeks.A tall soldier named Jim Conklin spreads a rumor that the army will soon march.Henry Fleming,a recent recruit with this 304th Regiment,worries about his courage.He fears that if he were to see battle,he might run.The narrator reveals that Henry joined the army because he was drawn to the glory of military conflict.Since the time he joined,however,the army has merely been waiting for engagement. At last the regiment is given orders to march,and the soldiers spend several weary days traveling on foot.Eventually they approach a battlefield and begin to hear the distant roar of conflict.After securing its position,the enemy charges.Henry,boxed in by his fellow soldiers,realizes that he could not run even if he wanted to.He fires mechanically,feeling like a cog in a machine. The blue (Union) regiment defeats the gray (Confederate) soldiers,and the victors congratulate one another.Henry wakes from a brief nap to find that the enemy is again charging his regiment.Terror overtakes him this time and he leaps up and flees from the line.As he scampers across the landscape,he tells himself that he did the right thing,that his regiment could not have won,and that the men who remained to fight were fools.He passes a general on horseback and overhears the commander saying that the regiment has held back the enemy charge.Ashamed of his cowardice,Henry tries to convince himself that he was right to preserve his own life.He wanders through a forest glade in which he encounters the decaying corpse of a soldier.Shaken,he hurries away. After a time,Henry joins a column of wounded soldiers winding down the road.He is deeply envious of these men,thinking that a wound is like “a red badge of courage”; visible proof of valorous behavior.He meets a tattered man who has been shot twice and who speaks proudly of the fact that his regiment did not flee.He repeatedly asks Henry where he is wounded,which makes Henry deeply uncomfortable and compels him to hurry away to a different part of the column.He meets a spectral soldier with a distant,numb look on his face.Henry eventually recognizes the man as a badly wounded Jim Conklin.Henry promises to take care of Jim,but Jim runs from the line into a small grove of bushes where Henry and the tattered man watch him die. Henry and the tattered soldier wander through the woods.Henry hears the rumble of combat in the distance.The tattered soldier continues to ask Henry about his wound,even as his own health visibly worsens.At last,Henry is unable to bear the tattered man"s questioning and abandons him to die in the forest. Henry continues to wander until he finds himself close enough to the battlefield to be able to watch some of the fighting.He sees a blue regiment in retreat and attempts to stop the soldiers to find out what has happened.One of the fleeing men hits him on the head with a rifle,opening a bloody gash on Henry"s head.Eventually,another soldier leads Henry to his regiment"s camp,where Henry is reunited with his companions.His friend Wilson,believing that Henry has been shot,cares for him tenderly. The next day,the regiment proceeds back to the battlefield.Henry fights like a lion.Thinking of Jim Conklin,he vents his rage against the enemy soldiers.His lieutenant says that with ten thousand Henrys,he could win the war in a week.Nevertheless,Henry and Wilson overhear an officer say that the soldiers of the 304th fight like “mule drivers.” Insulted,they long to prove the man wrong.In an ensuing charge,the regiment"s color bearer falls.Henry takes the flag and carries it proudly before the regiment.After the charge fails,the derisive officer tells the regiment"s colonel that his men fight like “mud diggers,” further infuriating Henry.Another soldier tells Henry and Wilson,to their gratification,that the colonel and lieutenant consider them the best fighters in the regiment. The group is sent into more fighting,and Henry continues to carry the flag.The regiment charges a group of enemy soldiers fortified behind a fence,and,after a pitched battle,wins the fence.Wilson seizes the enemy flag and the regiment takes four prisoners.As he and the others march back to their position,Henry reflects on his experiences in the war.Though he revels in his recent success in battle,he feels deeply ashamed of his behavior the previous day,especially his abandonment of the tattered man.But after a moment,he puts his guilt behind him and realizes that he has come through “the red sickness” of battle.He is now able to look forward to peace,feeling a quiet,steady manhood within himself.


restaurant的音标——[u02c8restu0259ru0259nt; ru025bstu0259ru0259nt]解释:“餐馆;[经]饭店固定搭配:Restaurant Reservations饭店预定Bayview Restaurant湾景餐厅Stars Restaurant明星餐厅 ; 明星食堂Restaurant Management餐厅管理 ; 餐饮管理 ; 酒店管理Restaurant Supervisor餐厅主管 ; 西餐厅主管 ; 餐厅主任 ; 西餐厅助理经理DESIGN RESTAURANT设计餐厅例句:We frequently have lunch at this restaurant.我们经常在这间餐厅吃午餐。Why do we go to the restaurant for dinner?为什么我们今晚去餐馆吃饭呢?


ruai si te zhuang te 餐厅的意思


restaurant 英[u02c8restru0252nt] 美[u02c8restrɑ:nt]n.餐馆; 饭店; 饭馆; 菜馆;复数:restaurants[例句]We"re going to the japanese restaurant.我们要去那家日本料理餐厅。


"Restaurant"是一个法语单词,意为餐馆,读作/u02c8ru025bstu0259ru0252nt/ (res-tuh-rawnt),其中:"r"发音时要卷舌,类似于汉语中的"儿"音;"e"发/u025b/音,类似于汉语中的"e"音;"st"发/st/音,与汉语中的"st"音相同;"au"发/u0254u02d0/音,类似于汉语中的"奥"音;"r"发音时要卷舌,类似于汉语中的"儿"音;"a"发/u0259/音,类似于汉语中的"啊"音;"nt"发/nt/音,类似于汉语中的"nt"音。在英语中,"restaurant"是一个常见的单词,指的是一家提供餐饮服务的商业机构,通常提供正餐、小吃、饮料等。在英语国家,餐馆是人们聚会、社交、休闲、娱乐的重要场所,也是旅游业和餐饮业的重要组成部分。

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餐厅 名词n




restaurant的英音是/u02c8restru0252nt/,美音是/u02c8restrɑu02d0nt/。restaurant的意思是:餐馆;餐厅。restaurant的复数:restaurants。restaurant的双语例句1、We"ve found a great new restaurant near the office.我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。2、The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about.这家新餐馆没什么值得特别激动的地方。3、There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。4、The company in its infinite wisdom decided to close the staff restaurant.公司以无比的智慧决定关掉职工食堂。


restaurant[英] ["rest(ə)rɒnt][美] ["rest(ə)rənt]释义:名词.餐厅,餐馆


饭馆 [词典] restaurant; luncheonette; [例句]这家饭馆除了价钱便宜之外,一无可取。This restaurant has nothing to recommend except that it"s cheap.


餐馆的英文是restaurant。读音:英[u02c8restru0252nt],美[u02c8restrɑu02d0nt,u02c8restu0259rɑu02d0nt]。释义:n.餐馆;[经]饭店。复数:restaurants。用法:restaurant的基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。在营业时间上,可指那些有一定的营业时间,专门供应早、中、晚餐的饭店,也可指那些昼夜开门,随时可以就餐的场所。短语:dairy restaurant乳品餐馆。at a restaurant在一家餐厅。eat in restaurants下馆子。restaurant的例句1、They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。2、We had lunch the other day at our favorite restaurant .前两天我们在最喜欢的餐馆吃了午饭。3、The restaurant is upstairs and consists of a large, open room.饭店在楼上,有一个宽敞的开间。4、A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.餐馆晚上生意好,厨房里可能会忙成一片。5、He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.他坚持让我们在亚特兰大市外不远的一家小餐馆歇歇脚。




restaurant:n. 餐馆,饭店餐厅的英语表达:canteen:食堂、餐厅dining room:餐厅例句:We had a meal in a restaurant.我们在餐厅吃了顿饭。Rennie had eaten his supper in the canteen.伦尼已在食堂吃过晚饭。The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.厨房就在餐厅的隔壁。




餐馆的英文读:英[u02c8restru0252nt]美[u02c8restu0259ru0259nt;ru025bstu0259ru0259nt]。餐馆的英语是restaurant,读音:英[u02c8restru0252nt],美[u02c8restru0252nt]。自助餐馆:Buffet Restaurant,到达餐馆:Arriving at Restaurant,约定餐馆:Deciding on Restaurant,家庭餐馆:family restaurant,餐馆用餐:Have Dinner in Restaurant。释义:n.饭店;餐馆;饭馆;菜馆,复数:restaurants。美式英语与英式英语的区别美语与英语在单词拼法上的差异主要有三种:一种是单词发生变化使得个别字母不相同,另一种是美语单词较为简化。美语的单词一般比英语单词要简单。近年来,美语越来越趋向简化,充分体现了美国人生活和工作高效快捷的现代化特性。这些较为简化的词大都源于英语,大量词汇在英语里仍然保持原貌。而进入美语后,这些单词就逐渐变得简单起来。还有一种是语调不同,美式英语讲话时起伏感较强,讲究抑扬顿挫;然而英式英语听起来比较平直,变化相对较少。主要适用于地方也不同,英式英语主要适用于英联邦地区或被英国殖民过的地区,包括澳大利亚、非洲及印度部分地区;美式英语适用范围为美国。英语、美语最明显的差异,就是使用的单字。同样的东西,在美国与英国的称呼不一样。


读音是:英['restru0252nt]美 ['restrɑ:nt]重点词汇:restaurantn.餐馆;[经]饭店[复数:restaurants]短语:Chinese restaurant中式餐馆;中餐厅;中餐馆;中国餐馆词语使用变化:n.(名词)restaurant的基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。在营业时间上,可指那些有一定的营业时间,专门供应早、中、晚餐的饭店,也可指那些昼夜开门,随时可以就餐的场所。





restaurant怎么读 英语

英语restaurant读法是【"restru0252nt】。为名词,意思为餐馆,饭店,餐厅,菜馆。它的复数是restaurants,它的近义词是cafeteria。关于restaurant短语有:close a restaurant关闭餐馆;enlarge a restaurant扩大餐馆;inspect a restaurant检查餐馆;manage a restaurant经营餐馆;open a restaurant开餐馆;repair a restaurant维修餐馆;Chinese restaurant中餐馆;clear restaurant干净的餐馆。ethnic restaurant具有民族特色的餐馆;restaurant reservations饭店预定;restaurant management餐厅管理,餐饮管理;restaurant manager 饭店经理。restaurant例句:1、The service in that restaurant was very poor.那家餐馆的服务很差。2、You were selling it short when you said that the restaurant was quite good—it"s excellent.你说这家饭店还可以,你低估它了——这家饭店好极了。3、He proposed to her last night at a fancy restaurant.昨天晚上他在一个很棒的饭店向她求婚。4、The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。5、He invited her to dinner at a French restaurant.他邀请她去一家法国餐馆吃饭。6、He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals.上饭馆吃过油腻食物之后他常受消化不良之苦。7、How did you start your first restaurant?您是如何开第一家餐馆的?8、I had my breakfast in the small restaurant.我在一家小饭馆里吃了早饭。9、They"re very strong on desserts in this restaurant.这家饭馆擅长做甜食。


英 ['restru0252nt]释义:n 餐馆;[经] 饭店[ 复数 restaurants ]短语:Chinese restaurant 中式餐馆 ; 中餐厅 ; 中餐馆 ; 中国餐馆重点词汇用法:restaurantn (名词)restaurant的基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。在营业时间上,可指那些有一定的营业时间,专门供应早、中、晚餐的饭店,也可指那些昼夜开门,随时可以就餐的场所。扩展资料:词语辨析:restaurant,cafe,cafeteria这些名词均有“饭店、餐馆”之意。1、restaurant最常用词,指有各种规格、营业时间固定、供应不同风味菜肴和饮料的食店或大餐厅。2、cafe源于法语,指可供茶、咖啡等饮料和小食品的饮食店。3、cafeteria指顾客自取食品到餐桌就餐的餐馆。


酒店 餐馆


餐厅英文restaurant缩写是REST。英语缩略词“REST”经常作为“Restaurant”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“餐厅”。例句:They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。We had dinner in the hotel"s restaurant.我们在这家宾馆的餐厅(REST)吃了晚饭。We were sitting, as I remember, in a riverside restaurant.我记得我们当时是坐在一个河畔的餐馆里。


restaurant,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“餐馆;[经]饭店”。Restaurant Reservations饭店预定Bayview Restaurant湾景餐厅Stars Restaurant明星餐厅 ; 明星食堂Restaurant Management餐厅管理 ; 餐饮管理 ; 酒店管理Restaurant Supervisor餐厅主管 ; 西餐厅主管 ; 餐厅主任 ; 西餐厅助理经理DESIGN RESTAURANT设计餐厅Lagoon Restaurant礁湖餐厅casual restaurant休闲餐馆 ; 休闲餐厅Restaurant English餐饮英语 ; 饭店英语 ; 餐厅用语What ___ do you have in your restaurant?你们饭店有什么特色菜?。We frequently have lunch at this restaurant.我们经常在这间餐厅吃午餐。Why do we go to the restaurant for dinner?为什么我们今晚去餐馆吃饭呢?


读音:英 ["restru0252nt]、美 ["restrɑu02d0nt] 。restaurant。一、含义:n. 餐馆;饭店。二、用法。直接源自法语的restaurant,意为餐馆。restaurant的基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。在营业时间上,可指那些有一定的营业时间,专门供应早、中、晚餐的饭店,也可指那些昼夜开门,随时可以就餐的场所。That little restaurant makes good thick sandwiches。那家小餐馆做的三明治又厚又好。扩展资料:饭店,或称酒店,旅馆,是一个主要为游客提供短期住宿的地方,酒店通常在提供住宿之余,亦为住客提供餐厅、游泳池或照顾幼儿等服务。一些酒店亦提供会议设施,吸引商业机构举行会议、面试或记者会等活动。酒店的宴会厅则可举行婚礼及舞会等活动。

restaurant怎么读 英语restaurant怎么读

1、restaurant英[u02c8restru0252nt]美[u02c8restrɑu02d0nt],n.餐馆; 餐厅。 2、[例句]Weve found a great new restaurant near the office.我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

restaurant怎么读? 是否要浊化?




Cafe 和 restaurant 的区别

cafe: 源于法语,指可供茶、咖啡等饮料和小食品的饮食店。restaurant: 最常用词,指有各种规格、营业时间固定、供应不同风味菜肴和饮料的食店或大餐厅。


撇号标注的是重音,重读那个音节,不是用来把那两个部分分开的啦。。。tr和dr的问题嘛,有人把tr浊化读成dr,也有人还读tr,随便啦。。。别在这种问题上纠结,学英语就是要用的,外国人才不在乎你读tr还是dr呢。多数人读dr,但我读tr,外教还觉得我发音标准呢。。。U0001f633(害羞 捂脸)个人觉得想要发音好听,就要多听,听多了,自然就会这么读了。。。希望帮到你(≧u2207≦)

[A COURSE IN MIRACLE] Chapter 1 The Meaning of Miracles

I. Principles of Miracles There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal. 【T-1.I.1】 Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation. 【T-1.I.2】 Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. 【T-1.I.3】 All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life. His Voice will direct you every specifically. You will be told all you need to know. 【T-1.I.4】 Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selected miracles can be misguided. 【T-1.I.5】 Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong. 【T-1.I.6】 Miracles are everyone"s right, but purification is necessary first. 【T-1.I.7】 Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those who temporarily have less. 【T-1.I.8】 Miracles are a kind of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are always miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws. They bring more love both to the giver and the receiver. 【T-1.I.9】 The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose. 【T-1.I.10】 Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed. 【T-1.I.11】 Miracles are thought. Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual. 【T-1.I.12】 Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future. 【T-1.I.13】 Miracles bear witness to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of mind. 【T-1.I.14】 Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.【T-1.I.15】 Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive. They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver. 【T-1.I.16】 Miracles transcend the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. That is why they heal. 【T-1.I.17】 A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor"s worth simultaneously. 【T-1.I.18】 Miracles make minds one in God. They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of all that God created. Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time. 【T-1.I.19】 Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the alter of truth. This is the recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle. 【T-1.I.20】 Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. Through miracles you accept God"s forgiveness by extending it to others. 【T-1.I.21】 Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist. This leads to a denial of spiritual sight. 【T-1.I.22】 Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.【T-1.I.23】 Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both. You are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator. Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist. Only the creations of light are real. 【T-1.I.24】 Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement. Atonement works all the time and in all the dimensions of time. 【T-1.I.25】




餐馆的英文读:英[u02c8restru0252nt]美[u02c8restu0259ru0259nt;ru025bstu0259ru0259nt]。餐馆的英语是restaurant,读音:英[u02c8restru0252nt],美[u02c8restru0252nt]。自助餐馆:Buffet Restaurant,到达餐馆:Arriving at Restaurant,约定餐馆:Deciding on Restaurant,家庭餐馆:family restaurant,餐馆用餐:Have Dinner in Restaurant。释义:n.饭店;餐馆;饭馆;菜馆,复数:restaurants。美式英语与英式英语的区别美语与英语在单词拼法上的差异主要有三种:一种是单词发生变化使得个别字母不相同,另一种是美语单词较为简化。美语的单词一般比英语单词要简单。近年来,美语越来越趋向简化,充分体现了美国人生活和工作高效快捷的现代化特性。这些较为简化的词大都源于英语,大量词汇在英语里仍然保持原貌。而进入美语后,这些单词就逐渐变得简单起来。还有一种是语调不同,美式英语讲话时起伏感较强,讲究抑扬顿挫;然而英式英语听起来比较平直,变化相对较少。主要适用于地方也不同,英式英语主要适用于英联邦地区或被英国殖民过的地区,包括澳大利亚、非洲及印度部分地区;美式英语适用范围为美国。英语、美语最明显的差异,就是使用的单字。同样的东西,在美国与英国的称呼不一样。

restaurant 翻译中文

restaurant,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“餐馆;[经]饭店”。短语搭配:Restaurant Reservations饭店预定;Bayview Restaurant湾景餐厅;Stars Restaurant明星餐厅 ; 明星食堂;Restaurant Management餐厅管理 ; 餐饮管理 ; 酒店管理;Restaurant Supervisor餐厅主管 ; 西餐厅主管 ; 餐厅主任 ; 西餐厅助理经理;DESIGN RESTAURANT设计餐厅;Lagoon Restaurant礁湖餐厅;例句:People may like the concept [of the restaurant], but if the dining experience is not satisfactory, people will not come back.人们可能喜欢餐馆的模式,但如果顾客对服务和烹饪不满意的话,他们就不会再来了。








饭店 餐馆 的意思




restaurant中文谐音:瑞思特让特美[u02c8restrɑu02d0nt]n. 餐馆;[经] 饭店The police ran down the thief in a restaurant.警方在一个饭馆里抓到了这个小偷。


sour,读音:英[u02c8sau028au0259r],美[u02c8sau028au0259r]。释义:adj.酸的;发酵的;刺耳的;酸臭的;讨厌的。vi.发酵;变酸;厌烦。vt.使变酸;使失望。n.酸味;苦事。变形:过去式soured,过去分词soured,现在分词souring,第三人称单数sours,复数sours,比较级more sour,最高级most sour。短语:sour to the taste酸味的。sour acridly辛辣地变坏。sour horribly令人可怕地变坏。sour on对…变得不友好。sour的例句1、The heat turned the milk sour.炎热的天气使得牛奶变酸了。2、Too much pulp produces a sour wine.过多的果肉会让酒变酸。3、The stewed apple was sour even with honey.炖过的苹果即使加了蜂蜜也还是酸的。4、The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.整所房子都充满了酸味。5、The pineapple tastes very sour.这菠萝尝起来很酸。6、Lemons are a kind of sour fruit.柠檬是一种酸的水果。


sour,读音:英[u02c8sau028au0259r],美[u02c8sau028au0259r]。释义:adj.酸的;发酵的;刺耳的;酸臭的;讨厌的。vi.发酵;变酸;厌烦。vt.使变酸;使失望。n.酸味;苦事。变形:过去式soured,过去分词soured,现在分词souring,第三人称单数sours,复数sours,比较级more sour,最高级most sour。短语:sour to the taste酸味的。sour acridly辛辣地变坏。sour horribly令人可怕地变坏。sour on对…变得不友好。sour的例句1、The heat turned the milk sour.炎热的天气使得牛奶变酸了。2、Too much pulp produces a sour wine.过多的果肉会让酒变酸。3、The stewed apple was sour even with honey.炖过的苹果即使加了蜂蜜也还是酸的。4、The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.整所房子都充满了酸味。5、The pineapple tastes very sour.这菠萝尝起来很酸。6、Lemons are a kind of sour fruit.柠檬是一种酸的水果。


Midjourney花蕾花蕾篇Blossoming Promise — 开放的承诺Anticipation of Beauty — 美丽的期待Potential Unfolding — 潜力的展开Delicate Awakening — 纤细的觉醒Promising Beginnings — 有希望的开始Budding Hope — 发芽的希望Eager Growth — 渴望的成长Nascent Beauty — 新生的美丽Emerging Grace — 新生的优雅Tightly Coiled Secrets — 紧密盘绕的秘密Unfolding Intricacies — 展开的复杂性Encased Potential — 被包裹的潜力Curled Petals — 弯曲的花瓣Tender Promise — 温柔的承诺Enveloped Potential — 包裹的潜力Unveiling Beauty — 揭示的美丽Unfurling Grace — 展开的优雅Nascent Wonder — 新生的奇迹Blooming Anticipation — 盛开的期待Eager Unfolding — 渴望的展开Enclosed Mystery — 封闭的神秘Coiled Beauty — 盘绕的美丽Petal Embrace — 花瓣的拥抱Delicate Unveiling — 纤细的揭示Blossoming Potential — 开放的潜力Growing Splendor — 不断增长的辉煌Encased Wonder — 包裹的奇迹Anticipated Beauty — 期待的美丽Unfurling Mystery — 展开的神秘Nascent Elegance — 新生的优雅Promising Growth — 有希望的成长Bud of Hope — 希望的花蕾Coiled Intricacies — 盘绕的复杂性Petal Unfolding — 花瓣的展开Delicate Promise — 纤细的承诺Encased Beauty — 包裹的美丽Tightly Sealed Secrets — 紧密封闭的秘密Unveiled Potential — 揭示的潜力Blossoming Grace — 开放的优雅Growing Potential — 不断增长的潜力Enclosed Wonderings — 封闭的思索Coiled Fragrance — 盘绕的芬芳Bud Unfolding — 花蕾的展开Promised Beauty — 承诺的美丽Anticipated Growth — 期待的成长Nascent Splendor — 新生的辉煌Unfurling Dreams — 展开的梦想Encased Intricacies — 包裹的复杂性Petal Whispers — 花瓣的低语

try your best造句?

If you try your best to do , then you will have a great chance to succeed



post convention tour是什么意思


packet captured和packet received by filter到底有什么区别

我用的是linux. 结论是 packet received by filter是tcpdump从内核中拿到的且匹配命令上行指定的过滤条件的包, packet captured是经由pcap_loop, 或 pcap_dispatch 或 pcap_next,把包交给回调处理过的包的数量。这两个数字的差值是tcpdump抓到的,还来不及处理的包。

以《How toimprove yourmemory》为题的英语作文

Do you envy (羡慕) people who have a good memory? They only have to spend a few minutes on a page and will remember the content. There are some things you can do to improve your memory. Try these.Be more observant (观察敏锐的). Some people who claim to have a bad memory don"t really have memory problems. They just don"t take time to notice the details. If you pay more attention to the specifics, you"re sure to have a more clear memory of events. A little exercise that you could do is to practice memorizing lists. It can be the ingredients (成分) printed on your cereal (麦片) box in the morning.Do more mental activities such as puzzles, word games, and learn a new language. These activities will further improve your brain functions and will definitely help you improve your memory.Avoid stress. When you"re tired, you are more likely to have a weaker focus. Find ways to avoid stress, so your brain will be refreshed and ready to take on new information. Have a strategy (策略) in recalling things. Some people read aloud when studying. Some people write notes during lectures. These are methods people use to remember things more clearly. What"s yours?Get enough sleeping hours. Lack of sleep affects the brain functions. You need at least seven hours of sleep every night. Give your brain cells a chance to repair the damage done by a day"s work and even more if you drink coffee or alcohol a lot. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Aside from being healthy, these foods help you improve your memory.

perception neuron怎么安装到maya上

Turtle 4.1): 支持maya8.0和8.5 建议安装到C盘稳定, 海龟插件破解安装步骤如下: 1.直接安装完后利用破解软件打上补丁 ! (使用maya8.0用Turtle_M80_4100.exe的补丁;使用maya8.5用Turtle_M85_4100.exe的补丁; 详细使用方法:如海龟插件安装在C盘,则打开破解补丁, 找到C:Program FilesTurtle for Maya 4.1plug-insTurtleForMaya85.mll文件;当然你如果使用maya8.0就找TurtleForMaya80.mll,然后运行即可) 2.再将补丁即TurtleForMaya85.mll复制到C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5inplug-ins中(假设你装的是玛雅8.5) 3.加载插件,进入maya,到菜单window---Settings/preferences------Plug-in Manager中选择TurtleForMaya85.mll,在Load打上勾就加载了,渲染时选择它就可以了. 4.重新开启MAYA. 注意:如果插件和maya装在不同盘,在窗口中是显示不同的,一定要选择 C:Program FilesTurtle for Maya 4.1plug-ins 下面的单选框,这样才能正常使用



steam-turbine generator是什么意思

steam-turbine generator汽轮发电机双语对照词典结果:steam-turbine generator汽轮发电机; On-line self-action balance technique of steam-turbine generator rotor. 汽轮发电机转子在线自动平衡技术。


award n.奖,奖品 v.授予,给予 vt.授予 用作名词时,这个通常是指参加比赛得到的奖励 例句: 1.She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金. The referee awarded a free kick. 2.裁判员判定罚一个任意球. The award for this year"s best actress went to Meryl Streep. 3.本年度最佳女演员的得奖者是梅里尔·斯特里普. honour ["u0254nu0259] n.光荣 vt 尊敬 这个用作名词时,通常指别人评价上的荣耀 用作动词时,也可作荣获 1.May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? 2.I promise I"ll pay you back,on my honour. 我以人格担保,一定把钱还给你. 3.Fifty heads of state attended the Queen"s coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意. 4.I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好,因为是我答应过的事. present [pri"zent] (用作动词时这么读) n.礼物,现在 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 v.赠送,提出,呈现 意思就是以上三个可做名词、形容词、动词啊 例句: 1.Has the builder presented his bill yet?(用作动词) 营造商把帐单送来了吗? 2.How many people were present at the meeting?(用作形容词) 有多少人出席会议? 3.He gave me his present to me (用作名词,礼物) reward n.报酬,酬谢,赏金 v.奖赏,酬谢 看意思就知道区别啦这个 就是你做了事情别人应该给你的报酬 例句: 1.They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬. 2.By rights,half the reward should be mine. 按理说,有一半奖赏应该是我的. 3.You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬. 4.She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力,应得到奖赏.

current consumption是什么意思




expenditure 和expense 和 consumption的区别?


expenditure 和expense 和 consumption的区别?




current consumption是什么意思

current consumption 英[u02c8ku028cru0259nt ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] 美[u02c8ku025aru0259nt ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] [词典] 日常消耗,电流消耗; [例句]Features include fast response, low driving voltage and low current consumption.其功能包括快速响应,低驱动电压和低电流消耗。


敦贺Chiba 千叶 Hakodate 函馆 Hiroshima 广岛 Kagoshima 鹿儿岛 boss 神户 Nagasaki 长崎 Nagoya 名古屋 Naha 那霸 Nicosia 新泻 Osaka 大阪 Tokyo 东京 Yokohama 横滨

有一首英文歌,男生唱的,节奏很快。歌词中有one two three four five six seven eight nine

是Really meal

歌词开头是女生唱的one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 一首DJ舞曲


有首歌中间是one two three four five six seven eight nine 后面是NONONONO


Three plus four equals seven 句子成分

………… 3+4=7 equals是谓语 plus 是介词 所以前面的可能是介词短语做主语的(应该是这样)

Three and four is seven 为什么要用is?

加数1 and 加数2 is 和。这是英语中加法的固定表达方式。因此这里必须用is。英语中加法还有另一种表述方式:加数1 plus 加数2 makes 和。这时候就变成:Three plus four makes seven.

one、 two、 three、 four、 five、 six、 seven、 eight、 nine的发音

1 - one (wu028cn)2 - two (tuu02d0)3 - three (u03b8riu02d0)4 - four (fu0254u02d0r)5 - five (fau026av)6 - six (su026aks)7 - seven (u02c8su025bvu0259n)8 - eight (eu026at)9 - nine (nau026an)


One, two, three, four Five Six, seven, eight nine ten Eleven, twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Me too, twenty-three, twenty-four.Twenty-five.Twenty six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.Thirty


FOUR+FOUR=EIGHT THREE+FUOR=SEVEN FOUR=9806,EIGHT=19612,THREE=21611,SEVEN=31417这是对的,答案希望能帮到你!

加法是:Three and four is seven. 那如果4减3怎么说。。 同理乘法和除

Four minus three


FighterChristina AguileraAfter all you put me throughYou think I despise youBut in the endI wanna thank youCause you make me that much strongerWell I thought I knew youThinking" that you were trueI guess I" I couldn"t trustCalled your bluff" time is up"Cause I"ve had enoughYou were" there by my sideAlways" down for the rideBut your" joy ride just came down in flames"Cause your greed sold me out of shame" mmhmmAfter all of the stealing and cheatingYou probably think that I hold resentment for youBut" uh uh" oh no" you"re wrong"Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to doI wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull throughSo I wanna say thank you"Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterOh" ohh....Never" saw it comingAll of" your backstabbingJust so" you could cash inOn a good thing before I realized your gameI heard" you"re going aroundPlaying" the victim nowBut don"t" even beginFeeling I"m the one to blame"Cause you dug your own graveAfter all of the fights and the liesYes you wanted to harm me but that won"t work anymoreUh" no more" oh no" it"s over"Cause if it wasn"t for all of your tortureI wouldn"t know how to be this way now" and never back downSo I wanna say thank you"Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterHow could this man I thought I knew turn out to be unjust so cruelCould only see the good in you pretended not to know the truthYou tried to hide your lies"disguise yourself through living in denialBut in the end you"ll seeYOU WONT STOP MEI am a fighter and I(I"m a fighter)I ain"t gon" stop(I ain"t gon" stop)There is no turning backI"ve had enough" yeah..."Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterThought I would forget (thought I)I remember (ohh)Cause I remember (ohh)I rememberThought I would forgetI remember (ohh)Cause I remember (ohh)I remembermakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighter

Here’s our sweet baby girl Stella[爱心]什么意思?


"for one seven seven four Three Eight seven"是什么意思,有什么深层涵义吗?


我们的宝贝,英文要怎么说.除了OUR BABY

pretty dear little charming

MyBioSource 抗体质量如何?


这句拉丁文是什么意思?Pereunt et Imputantur






补全单词:p___e A.ur b.or c.ar D,er


求死神片尾曲《mad surfer》浅井建一 的歌词


infinite welcome to our dream 中文歌词

那么歌词如下:She hangs out every day near by the beach 她每天躺在海滩边的吊床上. Havin" a HEINEKEN fallin" asleep 喝杯海涅肯啤酒便入睡 She looks so sexy when she"s walking the sand 漫步在沙滩上的她看上去如此性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 她也不接受任何人的戒指 海边游泳海边捕鱼 She is the story the story is she 她就是传说传说就是她 She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky 她向天上的月亮和星星唱歌 Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why 那样高高闪耀着你又怎么知道为什么 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她哼着小曲打着圆鼓 She comes in the morning and the evening she"s gone 早上出现晚上就不见 Every little hour every second you live 你活着的每分每秒 Trust in eternity that"s what she gives 都相信永恒因为都是她带来的 She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne 她看上去像Marilyn,走路又像Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne 她说话则像Monica 和Marianne She wins in everything that she might do 只要她愿意她可以得到一切 And she will respect you forever just you 但她永远都尊重你只是因为是你 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty 她如此的美丽 She is like you and me 她就像你和我 Like them like we 像他们像我们 She is in you and me 她就在你我中间 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 (She is the one) She is the one 她就是 (That you never forget) That you never forget 你永远都不会忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 Na na na na na ….
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