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Find the turning point of the curve在数学题中是什么意思?谢谢

2023-07-19 09:07:43
Find the turning point of the curve 找出曲线的拐点,也就是二阶导为零的点
find the point(s) of inflexion of the curve “ inflexion “拐点的意思,这句话和上面一句意思一样,更明确让你求拐点坐标

Find the turning point of the curve 求曲线的转折点

find the point(s) of inflexion of the curve 求曲线的拐点


Find the turning point of the curve





turning point是什么意思

2023-07-18 10:31:052

转机 英语

转机的英语是Turning point。转机通常指的是某种情况、事件或者人生阶段发生了改变,从而为未来的发展开辟了新的机遇或方向。在生活或工作中,转机可能意味着过去的困境、障碍或者失败已经结束,新的机会或者局面将出现,需要做好应对变化的准备和积极迎接新的挑战和机遇。转机可以是个人经历、团队的转型升级、企业的战略调整等,代表着一个新的阶段和新的发展方向的到来。除了上述解释,转机还有以下意义:1、转机可以是一种机会,让你从失败和挫折中汲取教训,学习经验,并重新开始或者开创新的事业。2、转机可能指某种向好的变化,比如一个危机已经被化解,或者某种不良的经历已经结束,从而让人感到轻松、释然、振作。3、转机可以是前进和改善的起点,代表着新的机会、新的目标和新的氛围的到来。4、转机可能是一种转折点,从而让事情朝着更好的方向发展,也可能是机遇和挑战并存的时期,需要经过冒险和付出努力才能取得成功。转机造句:1、失败并不可怕,它可能是你前进路途中的一次转机。2、这对夫妻的离婚是他们人生中的一个重要转机,之后他们各自开始了新的一章生活。3、这次意外情况虽然让我们感到很沮丧,但是我们也看到了它可能成为公司改进的一个转机。4、贵公司的收购交易可能是一个非常重要的转机,对于我们的未来发展产生了积极的影响。5、就像许多人一样,我的大学课业期间也经历了种种挑战和困难,但是这个经历也成为了我求职道路上的一个有力转机。
2023-07-18 10:31:121

英语a turning point怎么翻译?

turning point转折点[网络短语]Turning Point 转折点,Laughing Gor之变节,片turning-point pin 尺桩turning-point 转折点,根本转折点,转点
2023-07-18 10:31:371


turning point 转折点 ,Graduation from university was the turning point in the life of the young men.,从大学毕业是这些年轻人人生的一个转折点,The Civil War was a turning point in American history.,南北战争是美国历史上的转折点,Their dicovery was considered as a turning point in the scentific history.,他们的发现被认为是科学史上的一个转折点 , take a toll 损失 ,The earthquake happened in Yushu take a huge toll on the people living there.,玉树地震给当地人民带来了巨大损失,Every year traffic accidents take a significant toll on people.,每年发生的车祸导致很多人丧生。 The gas released from that factory has taken a toll on clean air.,那家工厂排出的废气污染了空气。 ,
2023-07-18 10:32:031

it is a turning point 是什么意思

it is a turning point 这是一个转折点
2023-07-18 10:32:112


转点【turning point】指的是中线测量时,因视线不能通视而增设的测站;水准测量时,为传递高程所设的过渡测点。临时的立尺点,作为传递高程的过渡点。 【释义】:1.指唱曲时变换板眼。 2.转折点。
2023-07-18 10:32:401

数学里,turning point是什么?

2023-07-18 10:32:492

a turning point什么意思

a turning point是转折点的意思
2023-07-18 10:32:591

That was a turn point in her life哪个单词错了?

转折点应该是turning point.修饰point应该用turn动词的现在分词形式来修饰point.是point的定语
2023-07-18 10:33:343


2023-07-18 10:33:424


point of view 观点;见地;立场 point out 指出,指明 at this point 这时候,此时此刻 point in 有意义;在…有作用 starting point 出发点;起始点 key point 关键点;要点 focal point 焦点 in point adv.相关的;恰当的;中肯的 on the point 即将…的时候;即将…的;在…点上 turning point 转折点 to the point of 达到…的程度 one point 一点;一分之差 melting point 熔点 boiling point 沸点 main point 主点,主穴;大纲 fixed point 定点;固定点 view point 观点;视点,观察点 point at 指向…… at some point 在某一时刻 point in time [美国、加拿大英语]特指的时间
2023-07-18 10:33:491

看了turning point后写的作文

If I understand the idea, the BAZAR invites several of us towrite upon the above text. It means the change in my life"scourse which introduced what must be regarded by me as the mostIMPORTANT condition of my career. But it also implies--withoutintention, perhaps--that that turning-point ITSELF was thecreator of the new condition. This gives it too muchdistinction, too much prominence, too much credit. It is onlythe LAST link in a very long chain of turning-points commissionedto produce the cardinal result; it is not any more important thanthe humblest of its ten thousand predecessors. Each of the tenthousand did its appointed share, on its appointed date, inforwarding the scheme, and they were all necessary; to have leftout any one of them would have defeated the scheme and broughtabout SOME OTHER result. It know we have a fashion of saying"such and such an event was the turning-point in my life," but weshouldn"t say it. We should merely grant that its place as LASTlink in the chain makes it the most CONSPICUOUS link; in realimportance it has no advantage over any one of its predecessors.
2023-07-18 10:33:581

英语作文. my turning point.跪求

Turning point of my lifeI think everyone has his or her own turning point of their lives. I also have a turning point, so I have changed a lot through the turning point. I became the member of Dream.Hope.Future Financial Group in High School. It is a group that gives scholarship to students who are very poor and hard-working. The group held a Summer Camp every year, and I went to the camp. To my surprise, there are around three hundred students and we don"t know each other. At that time, I was very shy, so I didn"t want to talk to others. There were so many games and team works; I had to cooperate with others whom I didn"t know. It made me very uncomfortable. But many of them were very outgoing and enjoyed themselves. They said that we just like a family. One of the programs was giving a short speech in front of three hundred students. And our group elected me to give the speech. But I was very nervous at that time and I thought I can"t do it. I was afraid to speak in front of so many students. Then the leader of our group said:“Don"t be nervous, take it easy, just say what you want to say. You can make it!” Because of the encouragement, I decided to do it. But it isn"t very easy, just like I imagined. I felt more nervous and uncomfortable, because everyone was looking at me. Difficultly, I made it. When I finished my speech, all of them said good job and gave me applaud. I was very happy and felt thankful to my leader.1/2He gave me the chance to give the speech and he encouraged me to do that. He was a good leader.Because of the speech, I realized that there is nothing difficult to do, if you don"t afraid. So I changed a lot after that time. I became very outgoing. And now, I like make new friends. After that time, every day, I said to myself I can make it. That is the turning point of my life.
2023-07-18 10:34:071

the first turning point of my life翻译中文

我生命中的第一个转折点(转机)/我人生的第一个转折点(转机) the first turning point of(……的第一个转折点(转机) my life(我的人生(生命)
2023-07-18 10:34:141

请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign. See stationary point, in mathematicsIn mathematics, particularly in calculus, a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently, the slope of the graph is zero): where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name). For a differentiable function of several variables, a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently, the gradient is zero.For the graph of a function of one variable, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis. For function of two variables, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane.The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds, but, in these case, only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used, not stationary point.This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable. For the other cases, see Critical point.
2023-07-18 10:34:241

5阶多项式最多有几个拐点 N阶多项式最多有多少个turningpoint阿急问

2023-07-18 10:34:311


《洪水泛滥之前》百度网盘免费资源下载:链接: 提取码: esk2《洪水泛滥之前》),更加直切主题。这部纪录片几乎就是跟拍了小李作为联合国大使游走世界各地考察环境的过程,马丁·斯科塞斯也有参与制片。
2023-07-18 10:34:531

If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can beturning point of fin

2023-07-18 10:35:181

low point什么意思?

2023-07-18 10:35:364


临界点:物质改变状态前,应具备的最基本条件。中文─指由一种状态变成另一种状态前,应具备的最基本条件。用以形容事态发展的待变状况。扩展资料:定义:critical的定义 english─of,relating to,or being a turning point or specially important juncture. 中文─指由一种状态变成另一种状态前,应具备的最基本条件。例如临界温度便是气体能液化的最高温度。后亦用以形容事态发展的待变状况。临界点达到临界时所具有的值称之。临界点的由来由物理学而来,物理学中因为能量的不同而会有相的改变(例如:冰→水→水蒸气),相的改变代表界的不同,故当一事物到达相变前一刻时我们称它临界了,而临界时的值则称为临界点 。参考资料来源:百度百科-临界点
2023-07-18 10:36:101


  每一个人都会有一个独特的成长过程,就如同每一个人的英语学习过程都有不一样的体验一样。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   During the growth   Development history   Growth History   成长过程的英语例句   1. I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is.   我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。   2. Different teachers make different contributions to a student"s growth.   不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用。   3. He had a fairly cushy upbringing.   他的成长过程相当快乐。   4. Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child"s development.   大多数权威人士都同意,玩耍在孩子成长过程中起著非常重要的作用。   5. As children develop, some of the most important things they learn have to do with their sense of self.   在成长过程中,孩子学到的一些最重要的东西与他们的自我意识有关。   6. We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds.   我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程.   7. The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States.   星条旗的演变反映了美国的成长过程.   8. In some of the more remote hollows, children still grow up hearing songs of Elizabethan times.   在一些较偏远的山谷里, 孩子们成长过程中听到的仍是伊丽莎白时代的歌曲.   9. That orientation apparently developed when he was growing up in Phoenix, Ariz.   显然他的这种意念是他在菲尼斯成长过程中形成的.   10. Many children lived in deep poverty, and grew up without proper nourishment.   许多小孩生活于赤贫状态, 成长过程中缺乏适当的营养.   11. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.   请列出几位在学校时对你成长过程有帮助的老师.   12. It"s because you don"t understand the and training of a Jedi Knight.   因为你不了解一名绝地武士的成长过程.   13. In Algeria, children are growing up who have never seen olive trees.   阿尔及利亚的孩子们在成长过程中从未见过橄榄树.   14. In growing process of these 20 years, a few a few fall.   在这20年的成长过程中, 几起几落.   15. Girls don"t grow up imaging that men are romantic heroes.   女生在成长过程中也不把男性视为浪漫的英雄.   成长的双语例句   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.   母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。   3. Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families.   现在很多孩子在单亲家庭中出生或成长。   4. The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.   心脏病已经多少影响了他的成长。   5. It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children.   它看起来像是一个有利于我的孩子们成长的理想居住区。   6. The students are drawn from a cross-section of backgrounds.   这些学生是从成长背景具代表性的候选群体中选取出来的。   7. Society begins to have an impact on the developing child.   社会开始对成长中的孩子产生影响。   8. Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.   保持土壤溼润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。   9. I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is.   我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。   10. They are bouncing with health in the good weather.   在这种宜人的天气里,他们健康活泼地茁壮成长。   11. Different teachers make different contributions to a student"s growth.   不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用。   12. She was brought up in a family of Christian Scientists.   她成长在一个信奉基督教科学派的家庭。   13. You grew up in the golden age of American children"s books.   你成长于美国儿童文学的黄金时期。   14. I was brought up a nominal Christian.   我成长为名不副实的基督徒。   15. He had a fairly cushy upbringing.   他的成长过程相当快乐。    看过的人还:
2023-07-18 10:36:231


  随着年龄的增长,随着经历的丰富,一定会成长的。下面是我给大家整理的成长的 英语 短语 ,供大家参阅!   成长的英语短语篇1   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.   母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。   3. Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families.   现在很多孩子在单亲家庭中出生或成长。   4. The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.   心脏病已经多少影响了他的成长。   5. It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children.   它看起来像是一个有利于我的孩子们成长的理想居住区。   6. The students are drawn from a cross-section of backgrounds.   这些学生是从成长背景具代表性的候选群体中选取出来的。   7. Society begins to have an impact on the developing child.   社会开始对成长中的孩子产生影响。   8. Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.   保持土壤湿润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。   9. I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is.   我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。   10. They are bouncing with health in the good weather.   在这种宜人的天气里,他们健康活泼地茁壮成长。   11. Different teachers make different contributions to a student"s growth.   不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用。   12. She was brought up in a family of Christian Scientists.   她成长在一个信奉__科学派的家庭。   13. You grew up in the golden age of American children"s books.   你成长于美国 儿童 文学的黄金时期。   14. I was brought up a nominal Christian.   我成长为名不副实的 __   15. He had a fairly cushy upbringing.   他的成长过程相当快乐。   成长的英语短语篇2   风把雪吹积成长埂,堵塞了道路。   The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road.   里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。   Mr.Reagan"s nearly%242 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or%2430,000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.   在党的培育下,他已成长为一个优秀的战士。   Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.   儿童的身体不断发育成长。   Children"s bodies grow steadily.   你会因此而跨出自己的舒适区,然后不停地成长、成长、成长。   Those challenges will help you grow as they make you step out of your comfort zone.   你不必为了促进经济成长而牺牲了环保。   You do not have to sacrifice environmental protection to promo economic growth.   新成长起来的无性系分株可能会被致死。   They may kill newly established ramets.   园子里的植物在茁壮成长。   The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.   这反映出物理学这个学科在本世纪的茁壮成长。   This reflects the dynamic growth of the physics discipline during this century.   成长的英语短语篇3   让他们伴随着伤痛成长,直到伤痛成为简单的事实,成为人生的一部分。   Let them grow with it, until it becomes a simple fact within them, a part of themselves.   它将你吸引向积极性成长的方向。   It pulls you in the direction of positive growth.   你会如何定义,一个企业家的个人成长?   How would you define personal growth as an entrepreneur?   它还描述了在每个阶段人们要有的特定行为,所以它能够帮助人们成长。   It also describes what people respond to at each stage and therefore how to help them grow.   他在成长过程中需要一些引导,但他的父母几年前就死了。   He needed some guidance in his growth, but his parents died years ago.   那个,还有就是看不到我孩子的成长过程。   That, and not getting to see my kids grow up.   而我们想与亚洲一起成长。   We want to be growing with Asia.   接下来,让他们看着你成长。   Then allow them to watch you grow.   我们教给人们如何记忆,却从来不教他们如何成长。   We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow.   你在精神上得到了成长,你需要面对自己。   You grow spiritually, you have to face yourself.   尽管有了所有这些成长、所有这些认知、所有这些 经验 ,我仍在以一个孩子的视角来观察世界。   But despite all this growth, all my realizations, all my experiences, I still see the world through theeyes of a child.   为了帮助另一个,我们其中之一必须成长起来,走出困境。   One of us has to grow up and get out of the circumstance (in order to help the other).   如何以作为自我掌握和自我成长的机会来看待所发生的事?   How can I view whatu2019s happening as an opportunity for self mastery and growth?   如果我们不面对和克服这些内在的恐惧和疑虑,如果我们过分地保护自己,那么我们就会停止成长。   If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow.   如果我们不面对和克服这些内在的恐惧和疑虑,如果我们过分地保护自己,那么我们就会停止成长。   If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow.   成长的英语短语篇4   但这也是我们学习和成长的地方。   But this is how we learn and grow.   这本小说描写了一个战士的成长。   The novel portrays the growth of a fighter.   他已成长为22岁的青年了。   He has grown into a young man of twenty-two.   神是想要我们一起成长。   He wants us to grow together.   不仅仅是他写的书,还包括研究他的书,以及围绕他的传统成长起来的全部文献库。   There are not only his books but books on his books and an entire literature growing up aroundhis legacy.   您的付出、您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。   Your pay, your hope, only for our growth.   这一年来你有了怎样的成长?   How have you grown this year?   上帝会爱你在每一阶段所经历的恢复与成长。   God loves you at each stage of recovery and growth.   我们成长是为了给予出去和付出。   We grow up in order to give out.   然而,在我们成长的过程中,我们发现要想做到永远诚实实在是非常困难。   However, as we grow up, we find that it is difficult to be honest all the time.   然而他们也成长起来了。   Yet they also have grown up.   请放开向梦想的方向成长吧,这归功于你自己。   Be open to growing in that direction. You owe it to yourself.
2023-07-18 10:36:481


1,be inclined to I am inclined to be ill after eating fish.Put under the room temperature, the ice is inclined to be melt.2,beat upI used to be beat up by my father when I was a kid.I beat up some eggs in a bowl.3,come off The trip came off on schedule.She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.4,grow into A boy grows into a man.She grew into her job.5,in tune with He played a violin in tune with the piano.His ideas are in tune with the times.6, mindI will always keep your kindness in mind.Learn these new words and keep them in mind.7,melt away The crowd melted away after the party.The tide melted our sand castle away.8,out of reach The ball was out of reach.The book is hard to understand, it"s out of my reach.9,set one"s mind to If he"s set his mind on doing it, nothing will stop him.I set my mind to leave home when I got a job at 18.10,stay on track Our car stayed on track through the mountains.This project shoud stay on track or it would be delayed.11,trial and error We took trial and error to finally put this new product on the market.Trial and error is the source of our knowledge.12,turning point Getting that job will be a turning point of my life.The truning point of the story is the injury in a war of the hero.13,ups and downs There are ups and downs in the lifetime of every people.Once one of my teacher said that in one"s life there are many ups and downs.14,work outAt last I worked out the equations.We worked out a plan to improve our work efficiency.
2023-07-18 10:36:563


1、挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。 Say goodbye to the arm, the more recent is the soul. 2、我的青春,画上很完美的句号! My youth, draw a perfect full stop! 3、在若干后,将会沉淀成最美的回忆。 In a number of later, will be Pcipitated into the most beautiful memories. 4、别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。 After long do not ask, do not say everything. 5、离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。 The infinite sky gradually far gradually, like all its constantly. 6、在若干年后,将会沉淀成最美的回忆。 After a few years, it will be the most beautiful memories. 7、离别之泪纯似珍珠,愿我们彼此将她珍藏。 Parting tears of pure like pearls, we would like to each other. 8、浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。 The clouds parted, water ten years. Love laughter as the old, the temples have been spotted. 9、我答应你我会笑着离开这所学校,带着我们这来最真的回忆,离开。 I promise you I will smile to leave this school, with us this to the most real memories, leave. 10、离别时,希望你能记住我。不要问,善变的世界,明天是否依然如故。 Parting, I hope you can remember me. Don"t ask the world tomorrow, would it be the same. 11、茫茫人海,让你我瞬间相聚又瞬间相离,然而你我的心永远相知与默契。 The vast sea of humanity, I let you instantly meet and instantly part, however you my heart forever, with the tacit understanding. 12、我答应你:我会笑着离开这所学校,带着我们这3年来最真的回忆,离开。 I promise you: I will smile to leave this school, with our 3 years of the most real memories, to leave. 13、昨夜,月儿正朦胧,我悄悄送你远行,从此,天边有了一颗含泪的小星星。 Last night, the moon is dim, I quietly send you away, then, the horizon had a small star with tears. 14、让我们开开心心的毕业吧!我的同学们忘掉不高兴的事,保留最完美的回忆。 Let"s have a happy graduation! My classmates forget the unhappy things, to retain the most perfect memories. 15、火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后,流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。 Red clouds in the rain, sincere friendship in the rear, stone and water do not stop, friendship is not far away and sparse. 16、让我们开开心心的毕业吧!我的同学们。忘掉不高兴的事,保留最完美的回忆。 Let"s have a happy graduation! My classmates. Forget the unhappy things, to retain the most perfect memories. 17、朋友是财富,兄弟是手足。有些话不必多说,祝你生活幸福,健康平安,珍重。 A friend is a treasure, a brother is a brother. Some words needless to say, I wish you a happy life, health, treasure. 18、你走了,丢下那句话,在我这泓平静的心湖中,泛起缭乱的涟漪,神秘的梦境。 You go, drop the words, in my calm heart lake, with dazzling ripples, mysterious dreams. 19、认识你是快乐,离开你是痛苦,在离别的日子里,支持着我是对重逢之乐的深切期盼。 To know you is to be happy, to leave you is pain, in the absence of the days, to support me is to meet the joy of the deep hope. 20、特么的吧眼泪擦干净,我能哭你不能哭,好好照顾自己,没事联系,有事就更得联系。 Why don"t you wipe the tears, I can cry you can not cry, take good care of yourself, nothing to contact, something on the more contact. 21、既不回头,何必不忘?既然无缘,何需誓言今日种种?似水无痕,明日何夕,君无陌路。 Neither turn back, why not forget? Since there is no reason, how to pledge today all kinds of? Water marks, tomorrow evening, no stranger. 22、夕阳送你登程,风儿送你远行,留下的是彩霞晚空。你何时归来,月下窗前,双双成影? Sunset sent you on a journey, and send you away, leaving the night sky clouds. When you return, under the window, both the shadow? 23、你走了,在那漫长的时刻里,我的心就像秋树,叶片无奈地飘洒一地,只把寂寞挂在枝头。 You are gone. At the long time, my heart is like a tree in autumn, leaves helpless fall down to the ground, only the lonely hung on the branches. 24、白浪给你献花,阳光与你拥抱,海鸥与你话别,啊,生活的大海托着你青春的船只启航了。 Whitecaps give you flowers, sunshine and you hug, the seagulls say good-bye to you, ah, life big hajto with your youth ships set sail. 25、不须旦暮厮守,不须海誓山盟,只要记住那个月夜,只要记住那个时辰,还有那深情的吻。 Not be daymark Sishou, does not need to be made a solemn pledge of eternal love, just remember that moonlit night, as long as remember the hour, and the affectionate kiss. 26、挥手告别,扬帆远航,忘不了的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我的心上。 Waved goodbye, sails, forget is the friendship that you throw of the cable, the invisible firmly lines in my heart. 27、特别要对兔子说:你对我的好,我这辈子都会记得,在我最痛苦的时候,你一直陪在我身边。 In particular, the rabbit said: you are good to me, I will remember this life, in my most painful time, you have been with me. 28、离别,能使浅薄的感情削弱,却使深挚的感情更加深厚,正如风能吹灭烛光,却把火扇得更旺。 Departure will weaken the superficial feeling, but the deepest feelings more profound, as the wind blows out a candle, but the fan a fire hotter. 29、不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。 Not every effort will have a harvest, but each time the harvest must be hard, this is an unfair irreversible proposition. 30、没牵住你的手是我一生的错,无论是在天涯海角还是近在眼前,你都是我心中最深的思念最深的痛! That did not pull your hand is my fault, either at the ends of the earth or near in front, you are my heart the deepest thoughts of the deepest pain! 31、我最最最亲爱的兔子,燕子,元帅,亚蕊,潘静。我好想紧紧的抱着你们,好舍不得,真的好舍不得。 My dearest rabbit, swallow, marshal, Ya Rui, pan jing. I really want to hold you tight, good do not give up, really good reluctant. 32、不要说珍重,不要说再见,就这样,默默地离开。但愿,在金色的秋季,友谊之树上将垂下丰硕的果子。 Don"t say goodbye, don"t say goodbye, so quietly leave. I wish, in the golden autumn, the tree of friendship will be fruitful. 33、蓝天上缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的轻愁;然而我的襟怀和长空一样阴沉,因为我想到了不的重逢。 Blue sky white cloud continuously, that is my mind filar silk leaves light sorrow; however my bosom and the sky as gloomy, because I think the reunion. 34、如果让哭泣占据了离别的主题,那么离别序曲将充满了悲泣,让欢笑来我们送行吧这才是我们真正的情谊。 If cry occupies the themes of separation, then bid farewell to the overture will be full of weeping, let a laugh to see us off the is our true friendship. 35、蓝天上缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的轻愁;然而我的胸怀和天空一样晴朗,因为我想到了不久的重逢。 Blue sky white cloud continuously, that is my mind filar silk leaves light sorrow; yet my mind and the sky was clear, because I think soon reunion. 36、离别是为了相聚,相逢的人还会再相逢离时雨水皆化酒,待得重逢两兄弟一世情,两兄弟,不需要太多语言。 Parting is to get together, meet people who will meet again from rain all alcohol, stay two brothers a worldly reunion, two brothers, do not need to too much language. 37、花开花落,四年的时间,并不长。此时的我们,又伫立在十字路口,也只有此时的我们,才真正尝到别离的滋味。 Flowers bloom, four years of time, not long. At this time, we are standing at the crossroads, and only at this time, we really taste the taste of parting. 38、真的从你口中听到不再爱我,是如此地不知所措。你带走了我的一切,剩下的只是一个空空的壳和一颗破碎的心。 Really hear from your mouth no longer love me, is so overwhelmed. You take everything I have, the rest is just an empty shell and a broken heart. 39、我们匆匆告别,走向各自的远方,没有言语,更没有眼泪,只有永恒的思念和祝福,在彼此的心中发出深沉的共鸣。 We are in a hurry to bid farewell to their distance, no language, no tears, only the eternal thoughts and blessings, in each other"s hearts a deep resonance. 40、是对是错都已走过,虽然你不再是固执的你,我却也不再是流浪的我。因此,我们依然要怀着最深的眷恋擦身而过。 Is to be wrong all has passed through, although you are no longer stubborn you, I am also no longer stray me. Therefore, we still need to be with the deepest love and. 41、我们开始唱歌,跳舞,送礼物,照相,喷彩带,这六,我们真的很快乐,每天都无忧无虑的,这场离别,也很精彩。 We began to sing and dance, gifts, photography, spray ribbons, the six, we really very happy, every day carefree, the departure, very exciting. 42、我珍惜人生中每一次相识天地间每一份温暖,朋友间每一个知心的默契;就是离别,也将它看成是为了重逢时加倍的欢乐。 I cherish every time in my life to know each and every one of heaven and earth, each of the friends of the intimate understanding of the separation, but also it is seen as a double happiness in order to meet again. 43、我们徜徉过的小树林,我们观赏过的蓝色黄色粉红色的花朵,一切的一切,仍然依旧。你什么时候回来,我们一起再同游? We have been wandering through the woods, we have seen the blue and yellow pink flowers, everything, is still the same. What time will you come back, we"ll get together with? 44、你我在匆匆忙忙中经过了多少故事,沧桑的心底有多少抹不尽的记忆,真切的未来会告诉你更多的真实,让曾经的故事云淡风轻。 You and I in the rush through the many stories and the vicissitudes of the heart has how many to wipe the memory, the real future will tell you more real, so that once the story yundanfengqing. 45、爱情就如一杯牛奶咖啡,香香地飘在外面,甜甜地浮在表面,酸酸地含在里面,苦苦地沉在底面,模模糊糊地把你倒映在咖啡里面。 Love is like a cup of coffee with milk, fragrant floating on the outside, sweet floating on the surface, the acid containing inside, struggling to sink to the bottom and vaguely to you are reflected in the coffee. 46、亲爱的人,让我最后一次这样地呼唤你,我要走了,虽然我有着诸多的不舍,然而我坚信是我该走的时候了。别了,亲爱的!保重! Dear people, let me call you the last time, I have to go, although I have a lot of care, but I firmly believe that it is time for me to go. No, honey! Take care! 47、你临别的微笑虽然只是短短的一瞬,但是摄在我心的底片上,却留下了永恒。我时时将它托在思念的掌心里,那形象是那么真切,那么清晰! Your last smile although only a short moment, but to shoot the film in my heart, but left the eternal. I always think of it in the palm of the hand, the image is so real, so clear! 48、即使远远地离开了你,我也不会和你分离,因为在我的心灵里,早已盛满了对你的回忆…那困倦温柔的嘴唇和眼睛,将会尽情地折磨我的记忆。 Even if I leave you, I will not be separated from you, because in my mind, has been filled with memories of you... That sleepy, tender lips and eyes that will torment my memory. 49、愉快的三年过去了,面临我们的将是苦难的三年,希望大家多多努力,为自己的理想目标去奋斗。我也会笑着去迎接自己的第一个人生转折点。 Happy three years later, we will face the suffering of the three years, we hope that a lot of efforts to fight for their ideals. I will also smile to meet their first life turning point. 50、遗忘是我们不可更改的宿命,所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸,从前的一切回不到过去就这样慢慢延伸一点一点的错开来。也许错开了的东西我们真的应该遗忘了。 Forgotten is the fate that we can not change, all of which are like no alignment of the drawings, the past can not go back to the past so slowly extending the point of the wrong. Perhaps stagger the things we really should be forgotten. 51、真正的朋友不用多说什么,我们很冲动,也很爱玩,但是早晚你们都会有自己的生活,都为自己以后的生活努力吧,说多了都是故事,再说就没意思,啥也不说了,都在酒里了!! Real friends do not have to say anything, we are very excited, is also very playful, but sooner or later you will have their own life, to strive for their future life, say are the stories say it"s no fun, what also do not say, the wine!! 52、友情在顺境中结成,在逆境中经受考验,在岁月的长河中蜿蜒流淌,时光如流水般逝去。相聚不知珍惜,离别才显情深。此刻,我只能用一行行文字向你道一声:兄弟,一路珍重! A friendship in prosperity, tested in adversity, in the long river meandering, time passes like water. I do not know to cherish together, leaving only show love. At the moment, I can only use a text to say a: brother, take care! 53、一些人一些事就这么明明灭灭地刻在沿途的风景中。我学会了安稳、学会了谎言、学会了冷静、学会了沉默、学会了坚忍。辗转中的快乐在百转千回中碎成一地琉璃,我站在风中把它们扫进心底最阴暗的角落,再也没有关系。 Some people are so clearly destroyed in the scenery along the way. I learned to secure and learned lies, learned to calm, learn to silence, learned perseverance. Remnants of happiness in BaiZhuanQianHui broken into a glass, I stand in the wind swept them into the bottom of the darkest corners, then it does not matter. 54、这一年的那一季,早已错过了等候,樱花飘落后的树影里,与记忆一起回想她的美丽。“若千年的回首能换来一世长相守,我愿是你身旁一株花树,年年季季的花开花落,只为你回首一顾”,那些长长短短的句子,一点点将时光拖住,誊写在远去的日子里,却不知人面何处。 This year the season, missed the waiting, after falling cherry blossoms in the shadow of the trees, and remember her beautiful memories together. "If thousands of years to look back in exchange for a world looks keep, I would like to be your side a strain corniculatum, every quarter of the flowers bloom, only for you back Gu", those long and short sentences, a little bit of time delaying, transcribed in days away, but people don"t know where.
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5讨论 本文调查了感知的两个由母语汉语的声调对比不同在他们的经验与语言的音调。本机语言背景被发现是一个最具影响力的因素在语气分类。文华的听众超过了英语的听众在分类的汉语音调,尤其是与T1 / T4的对比。英语的听众,另一方面,未能分类了汉语的声调对比尽管存在高水平的歧视. 普通话和英语的听众都觉察到T2 / T3对比不明确。不能说普通话的归类这母语对比可能造成的部分损失的知觉暗示。沈志成和林(1990)和Blicher et al。(1990),从发病时期色调的转折点,转折点的位置是至关重要的线索来区分T2和T3.尽管合成T2和T3用于本研究保留大部分的F0信息自然的演讲中,关键线索上面所提到的不存在。
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1、逆境要么让我们破纪录,要么让我们破产。 Adversity let"s record, or let us go bankrupt. 2、懂得生命真谛的人,可以使短促的生命延长。 A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension. 3、人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。 The human mind and body, multi-purpose the spirit, and no waste. 4、人,就应当像“人”字一样,永远向上而双脚踏地。 People, be like "people" word, always up and feet tread. 5、勇敢的面对不一定成功,但你不面对就一定不成功。 Brave face is not necessarily successful, but you don"t face will not be certain of success. 6、人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子! Life is like a cup of tea, not bitter life, but always hard for a while! 7、不应该迫求一切种类的快乐,应该只追求高尚的快乐。 Should not pursuit all kinds of happiness, should only pursue noble happy. 8、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。 If don"t give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers. 9、**只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。 Peak to climb it, not only look at its people have real significance. 10、大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有人想改造自己。 Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change yourself. 11、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。 Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, is always bright. 12、天下绝无不热烈勇敢地追求成功,而能取得成功的人。 No not warm the world bravely pursue success, but success. 13、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate. 14、失败时可以称为人生财富,成功时可以称为财富人生。 Failure can be called a life of wealth, success could be called wealth in life. 15、人生的真正欢乐是致力于一个自己认为是伟大的目标。 The true joy of life is committed to a himself thought to be a great goal. 16、生命像玩牌,拿到好牌不一定会赢,要看别人怎么玩。 Life like playing CARDS and get good CARDS don"t necessarily win, want to look at the others how to play. 17、勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。 Hard-working day, can have to night sleep; Hardworking life, can be happy. 18、我们可以输在人生的起跑点,但绝不能输在人生转折点。 We can lose at the beginning of the life, but never lose a turning point in life. 19、要让心中有一块燃烧着的火炭,而眼中却没有一珠泪花。 Let the heart have a piece of burning charcoal, but eyes no tears. 20、无聊的时候,最好到户外走一走,最糟糕的是一直看电视。 Bored, had better take a walk outdoors, the worst is always watching TV. 21、最好的,不一定是最合适的;最合适的,才是真正最好的。 The best, not necessarily the most appropriate; The most appropriate, is really the best. 22、人不仅要知道自己生命的坐标,更要知道自己生命的轨迹。 People should not only know the own life coordinates, more to know his life track. 23、人生最大的快乐不在于占有什么,而在于追求什么的过程。 Life"s greatest happiness is not what you possess, but in the pursuit of what process. 24、碰到低潮,自己鼓励自己。千万别乞求,依靠别人来鼓励你。 Run into low tide, encourage yourself. Don"t beg, depend on others to encourage you. 25、旋涡,不是陷阱,也不是圈套,而是许多交织在一起的问号。 Is not a spiral, not trap, trap, but many intertwined question mark. 26、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 Every successful person has a start. Start bravely to find a successful way. 27、选男人就像女人选鞋子一样,最后合不合脚,只有自己知道。 Choose a man like female candidate for shoes, finally or don"t fit me, only oneself know. 28、牙齿痛的人,想世界上有一种人最快乐,那就是牙齿不痛的人。 Tooth aches, want to have a man in the world the most happy, is the person who"s teeth pain. 29、好的想法是十分钱一打,真正无价的是能够实现这些想法的人。 Good idea is to ten cents a dozen, truly priceless is to implement these ideas. 30、理想失去了,青春之花也便凋零了。因为理想是青春的光和热。 Ideal lost, and the flower of youth is fading. Because the ideal is light and heat of youth. 31、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。 In small flippant attitude of the truth, in the event is not to be trusted. 32、贫穷是不需要计划的,致富才需要一个周密的计划,并去实践它。 Poverty is not need to plan, rich just need a careful plan, and to practice it. 33、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。 Life for some people is beautiful, the life of these people are fighting for a target. 34、我们不要曾经拥有,我们要的是天长地久。方向不对,努力白费。 We don"t have, we want is everlasting. Direction is wrong, efforts were in vain. 35、谁要游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。 Who is going to the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control themselves, is always a slave. 36、你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对某个人来说,你是他的全世界。 You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you may be the world. 37、没有风浪,就不能显示帆的本色;没有曲折,就无法品味人生的乐趣。 There is no wind, can"t show the essence of the sail; No twists and turns, will not be able to taste the pleasure of life. 38、有抱负的人,虽然也常常后悔,但不在后悔中消沉,而在后悔中求索。 Ambitious people, although often regret, but not regret in the dePssion, and probe in regret. 39、成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。 Success need to cost, time is also a kind of cost, to cherish time is to cost savings. 40、人工作不只是为了生活,还应该有抱负,在这个世界上我要达到什么目标。 People work not only for life, also should have ambition, in this world I want to achieve any goal. 41、未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 He who never failed might never succeed. The establishment of the great achievement, but can not know, is in the can. 42、理想不是一只细磁碗,破碎了不有锔补;理想是朵花,谢落了可以重新开放。 Ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium fill; Ideal is a flower, x can be reopened. 43、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。 Now that I have set foot on the road, so, nothing should Pvent me to go along this road. 44、如果你不想做,你可以找一个理由,如果你肯做,你也可以自已找一个方法。 If you don"t want to do, you can find a reason, if you do, you can also to find a way for yourself.
2023-07-18 10:37:191


  大学之后,英语演讲比赛之类的活动会比教多。下面是我给大家整理的大学生的英语演讲范文,供大家参阅!   大学生的英语演讲范文篇1:I believe in our future   Honorable Judges, fellow students: Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?   The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest disfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.   The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.   As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynici *** or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow clas *** ates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.   我对未来充满信心   尊敬的评委,各位同学: 最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。大学生是一种稀有特权的享有者,在很棒的地方接受高等教育。但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?我们能够改善他人的生活吗?我们能够承担建设祖国未来的重任吗?   怀疑论者说大学生是被宠坏的一代,一丁点挫折都受不了。但是他们错了,我所看到的大学生正在努力的学习独立生活。我们互相帮助打扫卫生,一起上街砍价购物,一起参加 *** 工作来赚零花钱。   怀疑论者说我们除了成绩什么都不关心,从而忽略了性格的培养。但是,他们又错了。我们彼此关心,我们向往自由,我们珍惜公正,我们追求真理。上个星期,很多我的同学去验血,为了给患血癌的孩子贡献自己的力量。   作为大学生,我们是处在人生分水岭的青年。我们都面临一个重要的选择:怀疑人生还是相信自己,每一种都会给我们的人生带来重大的影响,甚至影响我们祖国的未来。我相信我们的同学们,虽然我们依然缺乏经验,甚至有些志气,但是我相信我们有勇气和自信来面对生活的挑战并承担我们的责任。我们正努力准备接受新的任务,用我们所学习的知识将世界变得更美好。我对我们的未来充满信心。   大学生的英语演讲范文篇2: Change The Ingredients Of Your Life   This is a glass of water, tasteless, right? However if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will bee bitter. The same is true with our life the flavor is created by our choices.   If kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. If love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.   So my dear friends, never plain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. If don‘t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.   Three year ago, I weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarras *** ent and frustration in my life. Like always failing my P.E examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. It was my grandmother‘s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to bee confident in myself. She said ― My dear, if you can‘t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.   So my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. And hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.   改变生活的味道   这是一杯白开水,平淡无味,对吧?可是加上点糖呢,他尝起来会有甜味;如果加的是苏打水,味道就会变苦。人生同样如此——个中滋味在于我们的选择。   善待他人,你会拥有朋友;但如果充满恶意,则会多个敌人。将爱赋予一堆红砖,你会拥有一个家;用仇恨来浇铸这堆红砖,就会铸成一座集中营。   因此亲爱的朋友们,不要抱怨人生乏味,世间无望。不喜欢生活的味道,那就换一换生活的调料吧!   三年前,我重达100多公斤,这给我带来了很多尴尬和挫折:体育课老是不及格,总被女孩们嘲笑,更不敢当众发表意见。幸而由于祖母的鼓励,我不在消极人生,而是充满自信。她曾经说过:―孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢?‖ 我开始这样来审视人生,通过改变生活的视角,我信心大增地去改变我的人生,很快就发现一个崭新的世界。   朋友们,将信念,希望,爱意和忍性溶入生命,你就会找到自信,克服缺点,迎接人生新的挑战。最后我的演讲包括在内,希望你会看到一场精彩的演讲比赛。   大学生的英语演讲范文篇3:Farewell, Indifference   Who was the most well-known figure in China last month? It‘s Ma JiaJue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommates. Many people attributed his crime to his poverty and deficient education. In my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his clas *** ates‘ indifference.   Indifference is a terrible disease in today‘s colleges and the whole society. It‘s not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each other. It‘s not rare that a student who has been absent from class for several days is not noticed at all. It‘s also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all.   Some people may say u2017What the students with psychological problems like Ma JiaJue need is not care but psychotherapy.‖ However, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them. Every *** ile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.   I once heard one of my roommates who was an introverted girl sobbing at mid-night. Being afraid of disturbing her, I sent a text message to fort her. The next day, she told me that she was crying for not being invited to one of her friend‘s birthday party. She thought she was neglected by others. But my message was really forting which told her someone still cared about her.   What can we do to prevent the tragedy of Ma JiaJue from happening again? Some people may say u2017Let‘s open more psychological courses in schools.‘ and other people may say u2017Let‘s donate more money for the poor students.‘ But I‘ll say ―My fellow student, let‘s give more love and care to our roommates, our clas *** ates and every person around us!‖   走出冷漠   谁是中国上个月最有名的人物? 这当然要数马加爵了——这个杀害了四名同学的大学生。很多人将他的犯罪归结于他的贫穷和不全面的教育。但我觉得他的犯罪还跟他周围同学的冷漠有很大关系。   冷漠是流行于当今校园及整个社会中的一种可怕的疾病。有的同学在一起学习了4年却从未说过话,有的同学几天没去上课却无人知晓,还有的同学有了严重的心理问题却得不到关心。   有人说:像马加爵那样有心理问题的人需要的不是关心而是心理治疗。但在一个人生病的时候,除了医生的治疗,他需要的还有周围人的关心。一个微笑,一声问候都能为他们的生活带来阳光。   有一天半夜,我碰巧听见寝室里一个平时很内向的女孩在轻声抽泣。为了不惊动她,我给她发了一条简讯来安慰她。第二天,他告诉我那晚她哭了是因为她的一位好朋友开生日聚会没有请她参加,她觉得自己被大家所忽视了。但我对简讯却给了她很大安慰,让她觉得还是有人惦记着她的。   如何才能阻止马加爵的悲剧重演呢?有人呼吁应该在学校开设更多的心理辅导课程,有人建议应该给贫困学生更多的捐助,而我要说的是:同学们,让我们把更多的关爱带给我们的舍友,同学和身边的每一个人!   大学生的英语演讲范文篇4:How to Be Popular   Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should *** ile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It"s also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel fortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will e our way.   如何才能受人欢迎   大部分的人都想受人欢迎,但是并非每个人都能达到目标。受欢迎的秘诀何在?事实上是很简单的。步骤一,先改善我们的外表。我们得确保自己很健康,并且穿着体面。当我们既健康又穿戴整齐时,不仅看起来更有精神,自己也会觉得好多了。此外,我们要保持微笑并表现得很友善。毕竟,脸部表情是外观很重要的一环。如果我们能做到这一点,别人会被我们的美好外表所吸引,并对我们的自信印象深刻。   另一个重要步骤,就是培养对别人的体贴。永远以他人为重,并把别人的利益放在自己的利益之前。当个好听众也是很重要的;如此一来,别人才能很自在地对我们吐露心事。然而,不管我们做什么事,绝对不要说闲言闲语。最重要的是,要做自己,不要当虚伪的人。只有对人真诚又尊重时,才能赢得他人的尊敬。如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。   大学生的英语演讲范文篇5:Learn How to Say No   We"ve all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can"t say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don"t have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.   When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can"t do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must municate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.   学习如何说不   我们都被教导说,我们应该要帮助别人。这是应该做的事,而且这样做会使我们受人欢迎。它甚至会为我们赢得一些回报。但是,我们必须要实际一点。我们不能答应每一个要求。如果我们这么做,我们就一定会失败或发疯。有时候我们确实没有时间去帮忙。既然如此,我们就必须知道如何有礼貌地说不。   当我们需要说不的时候,有个办法我们可以试试。首先,我们应该要说实话。假如我们真的办不到某件事,我们就应该说不。第二,我们应该记得要客气地拒绝对方的要求。我们必须清楚地表达,但态度也必须真诚并且表示同情。一个真正的朋友会谅解的。最后,我们不必为了说不而觉得有罪恶感。有时候拒绝别人才是我们应该做的事。它可以替我们自己和别人,都省下许多麻烦。总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。拒绝请求是人生的一部分。
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2023-07-18 10:37:3711

turning point是什么意思

转折点 望采纳
2023-07-18 10:38:214


2023-07-18 10:38:315

请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign.See stationary point,in mathematics In mathematics,particularly in calculus,a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently,the slope of the graph is zero):where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name).For a differentiable function of several variables,a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently,the gradient is zero. For the graph of a function of one variable,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis.For function of two variables,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane. The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds,but,in these case,only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used,not stationary point. This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable.For the other cases,see Critical point.
2023-07-18 10:39:171

the first turning point of my life翻译中文

2023-07-18 10:39:264

at. turning. point

2023-07-18 10:39:381

the turning point 歌词

歌曲名:the turning point歌手:lacrimosa专辑:elodiaThe Turning PointLacrimosaIn a dream I saw the world beyond - no tongues telling liesThe silence was covering everything insideIn a dream I saw myself - fallen down next to meCouldn"t crawl back inside my bodyNo laughter on my face - reality mirrored in the deep signs of lifeToo long sacrificed my feelings to the onesWho take all "till there"s nothing in the endI"m not in my aim - I"ve gotta love also the other half of meTo reach the Turning pointAs only in my dreams I"m my biggest enemyTill I"d found out that I only loved your half in meSo much time I spent - not knowing myselfToo much love I"d given for everyone but nothing for meMy light was burning "till the endNow you showed me that two full halves make a stronger oneAlso out of me and I feel the strengthReturning into me I new-found love againCouldn"t have been fighting aloneThank you for hearing me on timeI bless you for the trust you gaveWhen I didn"t admit being weakI am close to my aim truly hopingI won"t failBefore I reach The turning pointWhere we"re no longer the sameDidn"t notice me changeWas not living the days without namesNow I"m here with youTo stay beyondThe turning pointOf my dreamsO found my aim - now I can face myselfAgainI thank you forLoving meAnd keeping us on the right way
2023-07-18 10:39:451

帮忙写一篇Turning Points in life的英语作文!两三百词!万分感谢!

University life is an important turning point.Some people think that the University is to learn knowledge and skills of the local culture,some people think that the University is to develop the capacities of my own,I also very much agree with the same.In universities,you can learn a lot in primary and secondary schools are not learning the knowledge.For example,people with interpersonal skills,self-learning ability and self-life,and values of culture and so on.All these will be in your future,with the help of a very important and very far-reaching implications.These aspects of culture,are essential in the university four years have tempered and thus develop.
2023-07-18 10:39:551

the first turning point of my life翻译中文

我生命中的第一个转折点(转机)/我人生的第一个转折点(转机) the first turning point of(……的第一个转折点(转机) my life(我的人生(生命)
2023-07-18 10:40:021


英文: University life is an important turning point. Some people think that the University is to learn knowledge and skills of the local culture, some people think that the University is to develop the capacities of my own, I also very much agree with the same. In universities, you can learn a lot in primary and secondary schools are not learning the knowledge. For example, people with interpersonal skills, self-learning ability and self-life, and values of culture and so on. All these will be in your future, with the help of a very important and very far-reaching implications. These aspects of culture, are essential in the university four years have tempered and thus develop. University life is a life of the most beautiful and struggling in the time. Everyone in the university have to learn a lot of knowledge and life skills, everybody is playing a youthful enthusiasm for the biggest, most hope that their efforts towards the goal and dream was to forward. Have a very good time University, the University has for some meaningful time, is commendable.
2023-07-18 10:40:461


2023-07-18 10:40:562

turning point 片尾曲叫什么名字

泳儿-我的回忆不是我的女 伤心的总会任性 灰心的总会用气力将最好的过去 将最多的细碎 锁到 属於你的眼睛男 失恋的不够耐性 失恋的不信是注定於最黑的世界 於最光的刹那 感到 属於你的气息合 即使很多一起过的 想起的通通你的为着是浪漫的爱情男 通通都可再见 但承诺可再听合 什麽可不变色 Oh baby当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲女 回忆不再受制於我 我承认合 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听男 难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性男 失恋的都有惰性 失恋的都记住约定女 当理想的世界 当理想的刹那 因爱 无分你的我的合 即使很多一起过的 想起的通通你的为着是浪漫的爱情男 通通都可再见 但承诺可再听合 什麽可不变色 Oh baby当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲女 回忆不再受制於我 我承认合 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听男 难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性合 当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲回忆不再受制於我 我承认 回忆也许你的当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听难道送别你 回头总是虔诚谁能怪我 总是太感性
2023-07-18 10:41:081

麻烦翻译下这首歌..time of your life

Another turning point 另一个转折点 a fork stuck in the road 道路在那里变成两个岔道 Time grabs you by the wrist 时间用手腕把你掠夺走 directs you where to go 指引你该去向何方 So make the best of this test 所以尽力做好它吧 and don"t ask why 不要问为什么 It"s not a question 这个不是一个问题 but a lesson learned in time 只是向时间学习的一节课 It"s something unpredictable 一切的不可预测 but in the end is right 只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life 我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 So take the photographs 所以,请带走相片吧 and still frames in your mind 让这些相框缠绕在你的脑海 Hang it on a shelf 把它房在身体健康和愉快时光的架子上 of good health and good timeTattoos of memories 记忆的文身 and dead skin on trial 和那死去的皮肤正在接受审判 For what it"s worth, 但这些是值得的 it was worth all the while 并且始终值得 It"s something unpredictable 如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right 只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life 我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 It"s something unpredictable如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟 It"s something unpredictable如果有什么不可预测 but in the end is right只有到达终点才是对的 I hope you had the time of your life我希望你拥有生命中的每一分钟
2023-07-18 10:41:163


1、Nothing is merely luck can achieve.2、The child is easy to attract new things.3、A word may damage the friendship4、After the ordeal, you reach a turning point5、Before the invention of electricity, we have a slow pace of life6、If there are more people care about social welfare, the world will become a better life space.7、Sometimes, children on the TV all the information on whether is all true puzzled.8、We must save the earth, make them from further damage.9、When talking with others, you should and his eye contact.10、If I choose to allow live, I would choose to New York.11、Motivated people prefer to work alone,.12、People accepted children imitate their parents, so parents should try setting a good example.
2023-07-18 10:41:243


2023-07-18 10:41:323


接受或拒绝offer范文   接受offer,拒绝offer的范文是怎么样的呢?下面是我搜集整理的接受或拒绝offer范文,欢迎阅读。   接受offer范文 Dear Professor ***,   I am please to learn that I have been admitted by your PHD rpogram and awarded an assistantship.I am writing this letter to inform you   that I would accept the enrollment and financial assistnat.   During my application for your program,I got a lot of help and advice from you.Now,I would like to thank you for all the consideration you gave me in this procedure.I hope to see you soon on campus in August.   If some other documentation is needed before I register,please write to me or contact me by email.Agian,thank you for your help.   Sincerely yours,   elppa   接受offer范文   STOCKHOLM, April 2, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ --   TCO Certified, the international third party sustainability certification for IT produCTS, now requirES independent verification of ethical working conditions among electronics manufacturers applying for product certification. In light of recent reports of deficient working conditions at electronics manufacturing plants, the launch of new tightened social responsibility requireMEnts offers the industry an effective and credible way to improve and verify their progress towards more ethical production practices.   Niclas Rydell, Manager for Certification and Development at TCO Development, believes now could be a turning point for the industry as a whole: "From TCO Development"s perspective, we know that professional IT buyers are placing greater demand on their vendors to ensure that products they buy are made in an ethically responsible way. However we believe the situation IS indicative of an industry-wide problem- one where there is a greater need for independent systems that can verify a company"s actions and progress towards key labor conventions established by the ILO. This is what TCO Certified is designed to do. We aLSo welcome the important steps now being taken by FLA and Apple to move their production in a more socially responsible direction."   Beginning immediately, all manufacturers applying for TCO Certified will be required to meet the following enhanced social responsibility criteria (along with baseline TCO Certified environmental, ergonomics and health / safety requirements):The eight ILO core labour standards,UN child convention article 32,The manufacturer should work according to local health-and safety regulations and follow the labour laws, including MINImum wagesand social security in the country of manufacture.The manufacturer should also allow freedom of organizationin countries where no free trade unions are allowed.Sharpened criteria for verification as well as on-siteinspections.   拒绝offer范文   Thank you very much for your letter offering me the position of Job Title with Company Name. After much thought and careful deliberation, however, I have decided not to accept your offer.   I do appreciate all the courtesy and hospitality extended to me by you and your corporation, and I wish you the best in your endeavors.   Once again, thank you for your time and consideration.   Best regards,   Your Name ;
2023-07-18 10:41:401

英语作文 难忘的经历

In my life the most important thing is to go to a China"s Beijing, because there is the Forbidden City, Great Wall, the Palace Museum, tian "anmen square and so on world famous places. I want to go to place is the Palace Museum, because where there is a legend 999 rooms. I hope to go there in winter, because winter is very cold there, so very few people. Many venues are open. Summer is very different, people a lot.This is the place where most want to go to in my life, I hope my dream will come true!我一生中最重要的事是去一次中国的北京,因为那里有紫禁城,长城,故宫,天安门广场等世界著名的地方。我最想去的地方是故宫,因为传说哪里有999间房间。我希望冬天去那里,因为冬天那里很冷,因此人很少。许多场馆都开放了。夏天截然不同,人很多。 这是我一生中最渴望去的地方,希望我梦想成真!
2023-07-18 10:42:032


2023-07-18 10:42:124


100字说不清 影响-推动了资本主义发展,客观的改变了世界格局,极大的推动了社会生产率和资本利用率。但是疯狂的掠夺落后地区的资源导致了现在世界的不平衡。其实资本主义就是这样的,因为其发展就是建立在对剩余价值的剥削上!PS 悬赏太少。。。没动力
2023-07-18 10:42:202


2023-07-18 10:42:283

英文冬至介绍……打开这里有很多相关的连接 你直接复制粘贴就好啦先截一段哈The winter solstice is an importance solar term in the lunar calendar in China, which is also a traditional festival. To date, residents in many places maintain their customs of celebrating the festival of winter solstice. As far as in the Spring and Autumn Period 2,500 years ago, Chinese people adopted the methods of tugui to measure the shadow of the sun for determining the twenty-four solar terms. Among them, the winter solstice is the first to be fixed, roughly around 22-23 December in the lunar calendar.The winter solstice is a day shortest daytime and longest darkness in the north hemisphere. Ever since then, the daytime will become longer and longer and it turns cold in all regions. In the ancient times, Chinese people placed emphasis on the winter solstice and celebrated it as a great festival. There is an old saying "the winter solstice is as great as the new year". In addition, there are customs of celebrating the winter solstice. People think that the winter solstice is a lucky day deserving to be celebrated as it is the beginning of a cycle of solar term with the daytime longer and longer. Nowadays, the tradition of celebrating the winter solstice is maintained in some regions.
2023-07-18 10:42:383

SAT作文求例子几个 要英文的 谢谢!!

中学生寒假英语日记范文January 14 2010 It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I"m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. There are many fun places in Beijing so I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 这是寒假的第二天。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢做的事情。我的父母都是在北京。北京有好多好玩的地方所以我并不感到孤独。但我没有做一些特别的东西。我呆在家里看电视。哦。我写了一篇英语作文。这是我的家庭作业。今天,我已经睡了14个小时。我想我很累。该是吃晚餐的时间。我必须走了!我很饿。January 15 2010 It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother"s company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother"s company. I sat in my mother"s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother"s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can"t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time. 这是我们的冬季假期的第三天。今天,有许多事务在我母亲的公司。所以,我母亲告诉我去帮助经理叔叔。我坐在我母亲的办公室,并帮她接听电话。当我空闲的时候,我写我的功课。虽然我也有很多时间做功课,我还是这样做。因为在我母亲的办公室,我没有太多事情可做。如果我不做事,我是在浪费我的时间和生命。我不能这样做愚蠢的事。我们应该很好地利用我们的时间。January 16 2010 It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mother"s business friends. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is a special product. It is well-known in china. Many people like to eat it. 今天是一个特殊的日子。我的母亲送一百篮子的杨梅。我喜欢吃杨梅。它的味道很好。当他们被运送到上海时,依旧很新鲜。但其中大部分将被发送到我母亲的商界朋友。我挑了一篮最好的杨梅吃,并把一些放在冰箱里。杨梅是一种的特殊产品。它是在中国著名的。很多人都喜欢吃。January 17 2010 Today, I still went to my mother"s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can"t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It" time for me to begin to learn how to work. 今天,我还是去了我母亲的办公室。我的母亲是非常繁忙的, 我的父亲也是。他们一直住在北京。他们必须早起。因为他们将管理工厂。所以我知道他们都非常费力。所以, 我要节省我的开支 。此外,我应该帮助他们。虽然我不能做一些有用的东西,但我觉得我应该与他们分享工作。我对我的家庭成员之一。今后,将会去工作。是我该开始学习如何工作的时候了。January 18 2010 I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn"t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven"t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us. 我已经休息了一个星期。我开始觉得无聊。于是我就与我的朋友一起出去。他们是我最好的朋友在中学。我们没有去某个地方特别。我们只是随处看看。我们共进午餐。当我们吃午饭时,我们仍在谈论新学校和新朋友。没错!一年后,我们已经发展比较成熟。我们学到更多的东西和获得新的生命。我们没有足够的时间来玩,浪费和损失什么。我们只有两年。两年过去,我们会 到属于我们的现实生活中。January 19 2010 I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It"s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn"t know why thieves went to steal other"s things. Why don"t they hunt for a job? I don"t know why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland. 我仅仅住了一个星期在上海。该是去我真正的家“北京”的时间了。我的父母都在等待我。虽然外面是无论多么美丽,北京仍然是我的家。事实上,有很多新鲜的东西。比如杨梅。在下午,我坐了一个公交车到北京。我非常不走运,我的MP3是被偷。我非常难过。我不知道为什么小偷去窃取别人的东西。他们为什么不找工作做呢吗?我不明白为什么!我希望在我们的祖国也没有贼。
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