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Surface Laptop 5接口有哪些

Surface Laptop 5配备1个支持USB 4.0/Thunderbolt 4的USB-C端口,可连接4K显示器,为笔记本电脑充电并支持高速文件传输,另外包括1个USB-C 3.1端口,3.5毫米耳机插孔和1个Surface Connect端口。Surface Connect连接线可为Surface设备充电,还可连接外部显示器等电脑配件。欢迎访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop 5的产品详情及相关Surface配件。

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微软Surface Laptop 5多少寸?

新一代Surface Laptop 5配备性能强大的第12代英特尔酷睿i5/i7处理器,助力丝滑无间断的流畅处理多任务。外观上Surface Laptop 5在外观上沿用了一贯时尚纤薄设计,可选13.5英寸和15英寸两种尺寸。搭配PixelSense显示屏,支持10点触控。13.5英寸机型分辨率达2256*1504,15英寸机型分辨率为2496*1664。欢迎访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop 5的产品详情。

Surface Laptop 5和Surface Laptop 4比有什么更新

与上一代Surface Laptop 4相比,新一代Surface Laptop 5在处理器上性能大幅度提升。搭载第12代智能英特尔酷睿i5/i7处理器,为多任务处理赋能。显卡方面从AMD锐龙5移动处理器集成Radeon显卡提升至英特尔Iris Xe显卡。新一代的Surface Laptop 5 13.5英寸版本可选4种时尚配色,亮铂金,典雅黑,砂岩金以及新增仙茶绿配色。15英寸版本保持亮铂金和典雅黑并搭配金属键盘。除处理器升级之外,Surface Laptop 5新增Thunderbolt 4端口,支持4K显示器连接,笔记本充电及高速文件传输。欢迎访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop 5的产品详情。

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offers in app purchases提供在应用程序购买很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

微软的surface laptop2 值得购买吗

我就入手了surface laptoop2了,平时用来办公是非常给力的,而且颜值颇高。本身是自带office办公软件的,也提供了不少的接口可供扩展,平时视频演示,投屏都是非常方便的。反正个人办公是非常值得购买的。

Surface Laptop商业版和家庭版的区别

Surface Laptop商用版与 Surface Laptop零售版的产品在屏幕尺寸、显示屏、接口等部分规格上是相同的,但在其他方面有所区别:- Surface Laptop零售版产品预装系统为Windows 10家庭版,而商用版Surface产品预装的是企业级的Windows 10专业版系统(Windows专业版在Windows家庭版的功能基础上有用于加密、远程登录、创建虚拟机等专业功能,有更高的安全性保证与多任务处理的便捷性)。- 微软官方商城上为售卖的零售版Surface Laptop产品提供2年的有限硬件保修,而商用版Surface Laptop产品的硬件保修时间为3年。- Surface Laptop商用版产品支持Windows Autopilot,可以通过借助云优先的设备部署和管理实现更多控制并降低IT复杂性。在Windows Autopilot的支持下,企业、IT部门或商务用户无需重新构建或手动设置新设备,新设备交付给使用者后Windows Autopilot将会交付应用与设置。- 商用版Surface Laptop产品提供集成解决方案的Microsoft 365商业版(试用版),将Office应用的强大生产力与高级安全性和设备管理功能结合,维护企业与商业安全。访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop商业版的产品价格,使用详情与企业批量采购优惠。

Surface Laptop商用版和普通版的区别

Surface Laptop商用版与 Surface Laptop零售版的产品在屏幕尺寸、显示屏、接口等部分规格上是相同的,但在其他方面有所区别:- Surface Laptop零售版产品预装系统为Windows 10家庭版,而商用版Surface产品预装的是企业级的Windows 10专业版系统(Windows专业版在Windows家庭版的功能基础上有用于加密、远程登录、创建虚拟机等专业功能,有更高的安全性保证与多任务处理的便捷性)。- 微软官方商城上为售卖的零售版Surface Laptop产品提供2年的有限硬件保修,而商用版Surface Laptop产品的硬件保修时间为3年。- Surface Laptop商用版产品支持Windows Autopilot,可以通过借助云优先的设备部署和管理实现更多控制并降低IT复杂性。在Windows Autopilot的支持下,企业、IT部门或商务用户无需重新构建或手动设置新设备,新设备交付给使用者后Windows Autopilot将会交付应用与设置。- 商用版Surface Laptop产品提供集成解决方案的Microsoft 365商业版(试用版),将Office应用的强大生产力与高级安全性和设备管理功能结合,维护企业与商业安全。访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop商业版的产品价格,使用详情与企业批量采购优惠。

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material purchase材料采购双语对照词典结果:material purchase[英][mu0259u02c8tiu0259riu0259l u02c8pu0259:tu0283u0259s][美][mu0259u02c8tu026ariu0259l u02c8pu025atu0283u026as]原材料采购; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

surface laptop studio参数如何

Surface Laptop Studio是一台值得入手的高性价比的能够满足灵活办公、娱乐和创意需求,重塑办公体验的高性能笔记本电脑设备。 Surface Laptop Studio 造型时尚,机身采用的镁铝合金材质带来高级质感和细腻手感,在外观设计上采用了编织织物与嵌入式电缆组成动态编织铰链,使其能在便携计算机模式、舞台模式与工作室模式之间无缝切换,满足工作的高性能需求,发挥创意,记录灵感。 Surface Laptop Studio是比以往更强大的Surface Laptop,配置了所有Surface Laptop 中最强劲的显卡和第11代英特尔_ 酷睿系列处理器。搭配最高可达120 Hz的14.4英寸PixelSense Flow触控显示屏,再配合拥有如纸质书写般体验的 Surface 超薄触控笔 2,Surface Laptop Studio展现出卓越的工作能力和性能。 Surface Laptop Studio有i5和i7两种机型可供选择。i5机型续航时间长达19小时,i7机型常规使用时间长达18小时。所有机型都配有两个Thunderbolt 4实现高速连接,可以通过多个4K监视器创造理想的高效设置,并支持快速可靠的Wi-Fi 6连接。Surface Laptop Studio预装Windows 11,自带Office 2021家庭和学生版,为使用者提供功能强大的生产力应用。Surface Laptop Studio在微软官方商城有5种配置可选,官方售价从12,188元起,支持Surface All Access套餐,享24期免息分期,并参与微软官方商城的教育优惠与以旧换新活动。 访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop Studio的产品详情。

Surface Laptop 5发售时间

Surface Laptop 5 是微软于2022年10月12日发布的全新高性能便携笔记本电脑,在延续了Surface Laptop系列一贯时尚纤薄设计和13.5英寸与15英寸的两种版本的同时,升级至第12代智能英特尔酷睿i5/i7处理器。13.5英寸可选亮铂金,典雅黑,仙茶绿与砂岩金。15英寸可选亮铂金与典雅黑。微软官方商城在售13.5英寸¥7,888元起,15英寸售价¥9,688元起。欢迎访问微软官方商城选购新款Surface系列笔记本电脑,了解更多产品详情。

purchases ledger 和purchases account的区别

区别是:purchases ledger指的是购货分类账。purchases account指的是购买账户。词汇解释:purchase 英[ˈpɜ:tʃəs] 美[ˈpɜ:rtʃəs] v. 购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动; n. 购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握; [例句]He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。ledger 英[ˈledʒə(r)] 美[ˈlɛdʒɚ] n. 分类账; [例句]It consists of two basic components: a general journal and a general ledger.它由两个基本部分组成:一个普通日记账和一个分类总账。account 英[əˈkaʊnt] 美[əˈkaʊnt] n. 账,账目; 存款; 记述,报告; 理由; vi. 解释; 导致; 报账; vt. 认为; 把…视作; [例句]Some banks make it difficult to open an account.一些银行把开户弄得很麻烦。

微软Surface Laptop3怎么样 微软Surface Laptop3的功能如何

微软Surface Laptop3相较于surface拥有更全面的计算机性能,适合对计算机有更多工作需求的人士使用。想要了解微软SurfaceLaptop3怎么样的朋友,快来跟着好物君一起看看吧。微软Surface Laptop3怎么样微软Surface Laptop3拥有超轻薄设计,其起始重量仅仅1265克。微软SurfaceLaptop3还拥有长效电池可以支撑其超长续航以及待机能力,最长可以支持115.小时的电量。微软SurfaceLaptop3还搭配AMD锐龙处理器,可以选择16G的RAM或是1TB存储,可以极大满足不同消费者的需求。微软Surface Laptop3的功能如何微软SurfaceLaptop3拥有更强大的处理器以及更强大的性能,支持迅速的多任务处理能力,可以给我们更舒适的打字体验以及更大的玻璃触控板,极大提升了我们的操作体验。

微软Surface Laptop2怎么样 微软Surface Laptop2的功能如何

微软SurfaceLaptop3拥有美观轻巧的外观,兼具有速度以及性能,可以轻松被我们装入包中,让我们的学习与工作更加的简单高效。想要了解微软SurfaceLaptop2怎么样的朋友,快来看看好物君的介绍吧。微软Surface Laptop2怎么样Surface Laptop2搭载了第8代的智能英特尔处理器,是我们工作的好助手。SurfaceLaptop2拥有互动触摸屏,可以让我们在笔记本上电脑上感受到平板的操作体验。SurfaceLaptop2的屏幕支持我们快速导航,激发我们的创意,让我们与朋友轻松分享照片。微软Surface Laptop2的功能如何SurfaceLaptop2采用了奢华的Alcantara材质的键盘,具有炫目的独特选择,比如典雅黑、深酒红、灰蓝色以及亮铂金这几款颜色。SurfaceLaptop2还是用了更好的微软Edge浏览器,浏览速度更快,电池的使用时间也更长。



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什么是Surface Laptop 5?

Surface Laptop 5 是微软于2022年10月12日发布的全新高性能便携笔记本电脑,在延续了Surface Laptop系列一贯时尚纤薄设计和13.5英寸与15英寸的两种版本的同时,升级至第12代智能英特尔酷睿i5/i7处理器。13.5英寸可选亮铂金,典雅黑,仙茶绿与砂岩金。15英寸可选亮铂金与典雅黑。微软官方商城在售13.5英寸¥7,888元起,15英寸售价¥9,688元起。欢迎访问微软官方商城选购新款Surface系列笔记本电脑,了解更多产品详情。


purchasement采购purchase[英][u02c8pu025c:tu0283u0259s][美][u02c8pu025c:rtu0283u0259s]v.购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动; n.购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握; 第三人称单数:purchases过去分词:purchased现在进行时:purchasing过去式:purchased例句:1.The purchase of a football club hardly compromises national security. 购买一家足球俱乐部很难危及国家安全。

purchase是什么意思 purchase的意思

1、purchase,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“购买;购买的东西;支点;财产置得;(地产的)年收益;紧握;起重装置”,作动词时意为“购买;获得,赢得;升起,举起”。 2、[例句]It was decided the school should purchase new software.已经决定学校要购买新软件。 3、第三人称单数:purchases 现在分词:purchasing 过去式:purchased 过去分词:purchased



purchase 英语

purchase 英语如下 :一、英汉释义purchase:购买;采购;换得;依靠机械力移动;购买;购买行为;购置物;紧握。二、词性变形过去式:purchased;过去分词:purchased;现在分词:purchasing;第三人称单数:purchases。三、词组搭配1、purchase price:买价,进货价格。2、purchase order:订购单,采购订单。3、purchase contract:购货合同。4、purchase cost:进货成本。5、make a purchase:购物。四、英语例句1、She purchased a number of shares in the company.她在公司里买了一些股票。2、Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.票必须提前两周买。3、The receipt is your proof of purchase.这张发票是你购物的凭据.

微软Surface Laptop 3测评-微软Surface Laptop 3怎么样

微软Surface Laptop 3拥有很多的配置选择,处理器就有i5、i7、r5、r7的选择,屏幕尺寸也有13.5和15英寸可选,存储规格就更多了不详细说明了,颜色也由四种,蓝色是真的好看,下面一起来详细了解一下这款笔电吧。 1、13.5英寸版本重量都在 1.2kg 左右,15英寸版本则在 1.5kg 左右,因此便携性是可以保证的。 2、Surface Laptop 3 极简主义 的设计风格,A面上仅有标志性的田字logo。 3、通体 金属材质 ,使其更具质感,摸起来并不冰冷反而多了一些温润。 4、Surface Laptop 3 13.5英寸搭载 十代英特尔酷睿处理器 ,15英寸则采用 AMD锐龙处理器 。 5、15英寸可选十代酷睿 i7-1065G7 ,最高可搭配 GTX1660Ti 独立显卡,辅以 32GB+1TB 内存组合。 6、 3:2 屏幕比例,不仅看上去更加笔直,而且相比传统16:9比例屏幕可以显示更多的内容。 7、Surface Laptop 3的 触控灵敏 ,用于浏览网页、文献、Word等非常便利。 8、Surface Book 3拥有三种使用模式,分别是 笔记本模式 、 工作室模式 和 平板模式 。 【总结】 如果用户有更高的使用需求,比如说制作视频、渲染等等,则建议配置更高的15英寸版本,若是只用来办公或者学习,则13.5英寸的更适合。 人嘛总是得对高端抱有追求,Surface Laptop 3就是你最接近的选择。

Surface Laptop商用版和普通版有什么不同

Surface Laptop商用版与 Surface Laptop零售版的产品在屏幕尺寸、显示屏、接口等部分规格上是相同的,但在其他方面有所区别:- Surface Laptop零售版产品预装系统为Windows 10家庭版,而商用版Surface产品预装的是企业级的Windows 10专业版系统(Windows专业版在Windows家庭版的功能基础上有用于加密、远程登录、创建虚拟机等专业功能,有更高的安全性保证与多任务处理的便捷性)。- 微软官方商城上为售卖的零售版Surface Laptop产品提供2年的有限硬件保修,而商用版Surface Laptop产品的硬件保修时间为3年。- Surface Laptop商用版产品支持Windows Autopilot,可以通过借助云优先的设备部署和管理实现更多控制并降低IT复杂性。在Windows Autopilot的支持下,企业、IT部门或商务用户无需重新构建或手动设置新设备,新设备交付给使用者后Windows Autopilot将会交付应用与设置。- 商用版Surface Laptop产品提供集成解决方案的Microsoft 365商业版(试用版),将Office应用的强大生产力与高级安全性和设备管理功能结合,维护企业与商业安全。访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop商业版的产品价格,使用详情与企业批量采购优惠。



Surface Laptop商用版有何不同

Surface Laptop商用版与 Surface Laptop零售版的产品在屏幕尺寸、显示屏、接口等部分规格上是相同的,但在其他方面有所区别:- Surface Laptop零售版产品预装系统为Windows 10家庭版,而商用版Surface产品预装的是企业级的Windows 10专业版系统(Windows专业版在Windows家庭版的功能基础上有用于加密、远程登录、创建虚拟机等专业功能,有更高的安全性保证与多任务处理的便捷性)。- 微软官方商城上为售卖的零售版Surface Laptop产品提供2年的有限硬件保修,而商用版Surface Laptop产品的硬件保修时间为3年。- Surface Laptop商用版产品支持Windows Autopilot,可以通过借助云优先的设备部署和管理实现更多控制并降低IT复杂性。在Windows Autopilot的支持下,企业、IT部门或商务用户无需重新构建或手动设置新设备,新设备交付给使用者后Windows Autopilot将会交付应用与设置。- 商用版Surface Laptop产品提供集成解决方案的Microsoft 365商业版(试用版),将Office应用的强大生产力与高级安全性和设备管理功能结合,维护企业与商业安全。访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop商业版的产品价格,使用详情与企业批量采购优惠。

Surface Laptop商用版和个人版的区别

Surface Laptop商用版与 Surface Laptop零售版的产品在屏幕尺寸、显示屏、接口等部分规格上是相同的,但在其他方面有所区别:- Surface Laptop零售版产品预装系统为Windows 10家庭版,而商用版Surface产品预装的是企业级的Windows 10专业版系统(Windows专业版在Windows家庭版的功能基础上有用于加密、远程登录、创建虚拟机等专业功能,有更高的安全性保证与多任务处理的便捷性)。- 微软官方商城上为售卖的零售版Surface Laptop产品提供2年的有限硬件保修,而商用版Surface Laptop产品的硬件保修时间为3年。- Surface Laptop商用版产品支持Windows Autopilot,可以通过借助云优先的设备部署和管理实现更多控制并降低IT复杂性。在Windows Autopilot的支持下,企业、IT部门或商务用户无需重新构建或手动设置新设备,新设备交付给使用者后Windows Autopilot将会交付应用与设置。- 商用版Surface Laptop产品提供集成解决方案的Microsoft 365商业版(试用版),将Office应用的强大生产力与高级安全性和设备管理功能结合,维护企业与商业安全。访问微软官方商城,了解更多关于Surface Laptop商业版的产品价格,使用详情与企业批量采购优惠。

cross-border M&A sales和cross-border M&A purchases分别指什么?



purchase-ledger是什么意思 purchase ledger 英[u02c8pu0259:tu0283u0259s u02c8ledu0292u0259]美[u02c8pu025atu0283u026as u02c8lu025bdu0292u025a] 词典 进货分类账 网络 应付分类帐 双语例句 In larger panies, you would usually work as part of an aounting team, and you might specialise in one area like sales or purchase ledger, payroll or credit control. 在大公司,你通常会工作的一个组成部分的会计队伍,您可能会专注于一个领域像销售或购买总账,工资或信贷控制。 General Ledger是什么意思呢? 同学你好,很高兴为您解答! 您所说的这个词语,是属于期货从业词汇的一个,掌握好期货从业词汇可以让您在期货从业的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:一家公司的会计记录,包含所有财务帐户及报表 希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多期货从业问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。 高顿祝您生活愉快! purchase是什么意思 purchase [英][u02c8pu025c:tu0283u0259s][美][u02c8pu025c:rtu0283u0259s] v.购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动; n.购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握; 第三人称单数:purchases过去分词:purchased现在进行时:purchasing过去式:purchased 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. The purchase of a football hardly promises national security. 购买一家足球俱乐部很难危及国家安全。 purchase的主要意思:购买,采购。 词典的全内容解释如下: purchase英 [u02c8pu025c:tu0283u0259s] 美 [u02c8pu025c:rtu0283u0259s] v. 购买;采购;换得;依靠机械力移动 n. 购买;购买行为;购置物;紧握 网 络 :购买; 采购; 进货; 购置 purchase_百度词典 purchase ["pu025dtu0283u0259s] [词典释义] vt. 1. 买,购买 2. 赢得,获得,努力取得 3. 用起重装置举起(或移动) n. 1. 买,购买 2. 所购之物 3. 紧抓,紧系 4. (地产的)年租,年收益 5. 起重装置... [网络释义] purchase 1.购买,进货 2.买,购买,购置,所购物 3.购入 4.采购 5.购买;购得之物 PURCHASE 1.绳索,滑轮 Purchase 1.购买采购 2.(吊杆)滑车组 3.物资采购 distributed-ledger-technology是什么意思 distributed-ledger-technology 词典结果 distributed-ledger-technology 分布式分类技术 hire purchase是什么意思 hire purchase 英 [u02c8haiu0259 u02c8pu0259:tu0283u0259s] 美 [hau026ar u02c8pu025atu0283u026as] n. 租购; 分期付款购买(缩写为: HP) 网络 分期供款; 分期付款租购; 分期付款购买法 双语例句 1 Have you bought anything on hire purchase? 你用分期付款法购买东西了吗? 2 But you can enter our hire purchase agreement. 但你可能参加我们的分期付款计划。 option purchase是什么意思 option purchase 选择购买 双语对照 例句: 1. Option to purchase designated securities at a predetermined price with a specifies timelimit. 指在限定时间内,按预先确定的价格购买指定证券的选择权。 purchase information是什么意思 purchase information 购买信息 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 采购信息 例句: 1. When the milk is drunk up, the milk purchase information will be automatically added to the shopping list. 待牛奶喝完后购物单上也会自动添加购买牛奶的信息。

make purchases的意思


surface laptop有几种颜色?

微软2021年新推出的 Surface Laptop 4 笔记本有多种外观、颜色和尺寸可选。 Surface Laptop 4 在尺寸上有13.5英寸与15英寸两种尺寸可选,在颜色上可选亮铂金、典雅黑、砂岩金与冰晶蓝色,更有对应颜色的Alcantara材质键盘与金属键盘作为搭配。访问微软官方商城了解更多 Surface Laptop 的产品详情。

如何评价surface laptop的品控

Laptop是学生版,搭载Windows 10S.只能从应用商城下载应用,相当于闭源系统。但是有一段时间,你可以升级到普通的Windows 10,此过程不可逆,也就是升级以后不能回到S系统Book,配置高一点,可分离机身和键盘,更炫酷,待机时间也长。所以追求性能和品质,那肯定是BOOK更好一点。

surface laptop 和 surface pro 的区别



purchase和buy区别如下:1、侧重点不同buy 是最为普遍的用词,purchase 有时在较为官式的场合出现,比较上来得文化意味较重,而且似乎经过"深思熟虑"才决定的。例句:Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.其中一些收据是购买汽车时开的。2、替代性不同buy可以替换purchase,但反之不行。例:buy(purchase)time(争取时间),但是在I don"t buy Tom"s ida.(我不采纳汤姆的意见)这时不能换作purchase。3、延申义不同buy 和 purchase 虽然都可作名词,但若是指一项“购入”则多用 purchase,buy 作名词用时多数作”抵到烂/执到宝...“解。例句:We made the purchase last year.(我们在上年达成这项购物/入的。)It was a real buy at that price!(以那价钱来说真是抵到烂啦!)含有purchase的双语例句1、It was decided the school should purchase new software.已经决定学校要购买新软件。2、You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。

澳洲会计中purchases 是什么意思,为什么放在所有者权益中,他在中国会计中代表什么?

窃以为类似中国会计制度中 所有这权益--实收资本--固定资产/无形资产,也许可以翻译成“资产”吧?

[ A ] purchases[ B ] sales[ C ] orders [D ] favourites



purchase for 以… 购买:如:They purchased the land for $1 million. 他们花100 万元买了这块地。如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

如何评价微软的 Surface Laptop

看你是学生还是商务办公哦Laptop是学生版,搭载Windows 10S.只能从应用商城下载应用,相当于闭源系统。但是有一段时间,你可以升级到普通的Windows 10,此过程不可逆,也就是升级以后不能回到S系统Book,配置高一点,可分离机身和键盘,更炫酷,待机时间也长。所以追求性能和品质,那肯定是BOOK更好一点。第三点就看你的预算啦!虽然国行的Laptop还没定价,但是我们猜测不会很贵,因为是为了覆盖学生和教育这一块啊,所以说性价比肯定是Laptop更高一点最后:无论你们认为这款产品是好是坏,他的定位都是教育相关,然后性价比高的,逼格高的。但是只是因为这个?微软需要如此的产品创造利润??错了,他只是在引领所有的Windows阵营的小伙伴们。(其他品牌只是在相互比拼,联想想打败HP. 戴尔想干死华硕,没人想过要搞掉苹果,因为他们打不过啊!!所以微软就是带头大哥,他需要把大家团结起来,看似是很多品牌,其实只是微软和苹果两个阵营而已。微软再想办法把这个阵营的蛋糕做得更大,奈何其他小弟都不是很给力啊!所以全方位,多维度,更多定位的去发展产品,是微软的目的,其实是联想卖的多还是微软卖的多根本不用Care)


是,而且复数为 purchases

Surface Laptop 5什么时候上市?

Surface Laptop 5 是微软于2022年10月12日发布的全新高性能便携笔记本电脑,在延续了Surface Laptop系列一贯时尚纤薄设计和13.5英寸与15英寸的两种版本的同时,升级至第12代智能英特尔酷睿i5/i7处理器。13.5英寸可选亮铂金,典雅黑,仙茶绿与砂岩金。15英寸可选亮铂金与典雅黑。微软官方商城在售13.5英寸¥7,888元起,15英寸售价¥9,688元起。欢迎访问微软官方商城选购新款Surface系列笔记本电脑,了解更多产品详情。

surface pro和 laptop有哪些区别?

以全新一代Surface Pro 7和Surface Laptop 4为例,Surface Pro 7配置高分辨率的12.3英寸触摸显示屏,是一款性能强劲的多功能二合一笔记本电脑,可在笔记本电脑、高性能平板电脑和便携工作室三种模式间自如转换。其机身轻巧超薄,起始重量仅755克,极致便携。凭借其强大的第10代英特尔酷睿处理器、快速充电、长效电池续航以及即时启动(Instant On)功能,无论何时灵感来袭,都能让您随时回到工作中。而 Surface Laptop 4 作为一款性能卓越的笔记本电脑,具有多种丰富色彩,2种键盘材质和2款不同尺寸——13.5英寸和15英寸,彰显个性风采。两种尺寸的 Surface Laptop 4 均可选内置第11代英特尔酷睿处理器或独家的AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface版处理器,使高性能、高便携性的设备成为可能,带来出色的响应能力,提升的图形性能 (GPU),让您工作娱乐两不误。访问微软官方商城了解更多Surface Pro和Surface Laptop新款产品的详情信息。

purchased 的意思



动词 买


purchase 英[u02c8pu025cu02d0tu0283u0259s] 美[u02c8pu025cu02d0rtu0283u0259s] n. 购买; 采购; 购买的东西; 购买项目; 握紧; 抓牢; 蹬稳; v. 买; 购买; 采购; [例句]He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。[其他] 第三人称单数:purchases 现在分词:purchasing 过去式:purchased 过去分词:purchased 敬请采纳!


purchase英 ["pɜ:tʃəs] 美 ["pɝtʃəs] n. 购买;紧握;起重装置vt. 购买;赢得vi. 购买东西[ 过去式 purchased 过去分词 purchased 现在分词 purchasing ]网络释义专业释义英英释义 购买消费行为与购买(Purchase)是不同的概念,购买只是消费者行为的一个阶段,研究消费者行为是一个过程,它还包括消费者获取产品或服务之前的评价和选择活动。基于1201个网页-相关网页 买 [贸易] 采购 进货短语account purchase [贸易] 赊买 ; 赊购 ; 帐户受款人cash purchase [会计] 现购 ; 现金 ; [贸易] 现金购买 ; [贸易] 现金购置Purchase Advertising 购买广告 ; 购物点广告 ; 采办告红




微软Surface Laptop笔记本怎么样 详细配置参数公开

Surface Laptop参数微软最近发布了全新的Surface Laptop笔记本。笔记本搭载极速版的Win10 S系统(可升级到Windows10专业版),硬件配置Intel第七代酷睿i5或i7处理器,最高内存16GB内存,最大512GB SSD存储,13.5英寸PixelSense触摸屏幕,续航时间是14.5小时,起步售价999美元。 Surface Laptop颜色种类Surface Laptop不像Surface Pro 4和Surface Book那样是二合一可拆卸平板电脑设计,而是经典的笔记本设计,但这款产品还是受到了大家的关注,微软Surface Laptop拥有深酒红、亮铂金、灰钴蓝和石墨金四种颜色,三围为308.1 mm x 223.27 mm x 14.48 mm,重2.76磅,最薄处为9.9mm,可单手打开。 Surface Laptop键盘设计Surface Laptop键盘使用Alacantera面料,键程为1.5mm,触摸键盘时触感“温暖”,支持杜比音效,并且扬声器位于大写键下方,设计相当独特。

surface laptop多少寸

Surface Laptop的屏幕尺寸为13.5英寸。

Sade的《Maureen》 歌词

歌曲名:Maureen歌手:Sade专辑:PromiseWords: AduMusic: Adu, Hale, DenmanMaureenit"s hard to explainI"m never gonna see you againAnd you"ll never meet my new friendsMaureen, I miss youI just can"t explainI"m never gonna see you againI wish you could meet my new friendsWalking along the subway listening toLoving you is easy acapellaYou were a souped-up car in that rent-a-go-cart townAnd I miss you MaureenWe"re as thick as thievesMaureen, Maureenremember when my mother said to meSade don"t you come home too lateTill you"re back I stay awakeAnd Maureenwith the boys you could tell at a glanceYou"d say he looks goodlet"s hope he can danceWicky wacky party to the...Where are we going tonightand what will you be wearingShone like a souped-up car in that rent-a-go-cart townAnd I miss you Maureen, I miss you girlYou were my best friendNever gonna see you again, MaureenAnd you"ll never meet my new friendsYou really were a pearl in my world, MaureenMaureenit"s hard to explainYou"ll never call "round to see me againYou"ll never meet my new friendsNever meet my new friendsNever meet my new friendsNever meet my new friendshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8741574

什么是e-century publishing


求adam lambert 的never close our eyes歌词


political journalist是什么意思

political journalist政治新闻记者双语例句1She worked as a political journalist before becoming a politician. 她在成为政治家之前是一名政治记者。2Down here if you"re introduced to someone as a writer, the assumption will be that you"re a political journalist. 在这里如果有人介绍你是作家,人们会以为你是一名报道政治新闻的记者。

The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals. 政治的钟摆已经摆向了自由派?


英语学习资料:政治体制改革 political structure reform

On political structure reform -- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people"s democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. -- We should place high importance on systemic building, give full play to the strength of the socialist political system and draw on the political achievements of other societies. However, we will never copy a Western political system. 胡 *** 同志在十八大报告中讲到政治体制改革时指出 --必须继续积极稳妥推进政治体制改革,发展更加广泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主。 --要把制度建设摆在突出位置,充分发挥我国社会主义政治制度优越性,积极借鉴人类政治文明有益成果,绝不照搬西方政治制度模式。

Purenrg的《Like》 歌词

歌曲名:Like歌手:Purenrg专辑:Graduation: The Best Of PurenrgLike (New Mix)Artist:I hate This PlaceDo I know your name?Dunno maybe tell me yoursBecause I never forget a facePerhaps we"ve met someplace once beforeIt"s so unnervingYou have got those eyesAnd you wear your clothesLike this girl I used to knowMy mind is telling me liesBut come a little closerYou have got that smileAnd your face it glowsLike this boy I used to knowNo one can stop tonightSo hold me till it"s overWhen I saw you walking down BroadwayI didn"t even knowSome cataclysmic cosmic collisionWas just about to explodeYou had a look that was so strange-familiarI had to take it twiceCould you be someone from my past or futureI can"t make up my mindYou keep on sayingYou just drive me we wildYou make me lose controlLike this girl I used to knowMy mind is telling me liesBut I"m in overdriveYou have got that styleAnd you make me wholeLike this boy I used to knowNo we can"t stop tonightNot even if we tryFeels like we"ve come full circleA thousand orbits straight around the sunOur paths they cross wherever we goAnd I"m still wondering who you areMaybe the oneYou have got those eyesAnd you bare your soulLike this girl I used to knowMy mind is telling me liesBut come a little closerYou have got that smileAnd a heart of goldLike this boy I used to knowYeah we can"t stop tonightSo hold me till it"s overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7408007

The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.


英语作文my favourite poet

My favorite British poet Hello,everyone! This time should be belong to me, yes,this time ,I tell you about my favorite British poet. My favorite British poet is Shakespeare. Maybe you tell me that Shakespeare is a very famous writer ,yes,Shakespeare is a world-renowned writer with lots of famous drama, <Romeo and Juliet> and<Hamlet>are world famous works,but at the same time ,Shakespeare also is a very influential poet. In 1609, Shakespeare published the sonnets, this is the last part of the published his drama class work. He plans to the two opposite series: one is about a married woman with dark skin ; The other one is about the pure love of a fair young man . Now still not clear whether these people represent the real people, it is not clear in poem "I" represents the Shakespeare himself, even though British poet William Wordsworth thinks in those sonnets in "Shakespeare open his heart". 1609 version is to a "Mr W.H.," says the sonnets is for these poems "he only begetter". What is Shakespeare wrote or publishers Thomas added thorpe still is a puzzle, thorpe name abbreviations offered in question at the end of the page. Although there are a lot of academic research, who is "Mr W.H." sir still not known, even if Shakespeare authorized publish the is not clear. Critics praised the sonnets is love, sex and reproduction, death and the time of the nature of the deep thinking.In my memory ,I remember that I buy a first collection of poems in high school,when I opened the first page ,I think I fallen in love with the poem,the poem is written by Shakespeare,which callled <Let your heart and eyes proportion>,"No matter the east of the sun set off classic features gray,Still dark evening contrast brilliant star;Indeed, all this magnificent and beautiful,As you face with sadness in the eye!" What a beautiful sentence. What a wonderful expression. So Shakespeare lead me to go to the world of poetry. He is my favourite poet.希望你满意。



leisure facilities什么意思

leisure facilities休闲设施;娱乐设施;娱乐消遣设施例句1.The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities.这家饭店有自己的游泳池和休闲设施。2.What leisure facilities do you have?你们有什么娱乐设施?3.The town lacks leisure facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.这个城镇缺少游泳池、壁球场等休闲设施4.The hotel offers various leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna.酒店提供游泳池、桑拿浴等各种休闲设施。5.Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management公园,娱乐设施管理

Janet Jackson的《Rope Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Rope Burn歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:The Velvet RopeJanet Jackson - Rope BurnMmm. . .My lips hurtMmmUhhOoohUhh-oohOohUhhOohOh(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burnWhen you walked into the room you knew just what to doYa coulda gone from door to door but you knew just where to go toCome into my velvet room and tell me your fantasies(tell me your fantasies)The passion in your voice I wanna hear as you start to tell meWhile you take the blindfold and tie it gently on meDon"t wanna see but feel the things you"re gonna do to me(wanna feel it)(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burnOne in the mornin I"m feelin so free and sensualLyin here wearin just my imagination for youSensation will doCan you feel the warmth of the fireCandlelight embrace your bodyI"m feelin the hot candle wax drippin down the small of my backYou wanna know what my tongue feels like?MmhmmYou like that?(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel a(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burnhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2882031

this application is not authorized for use on your android device 什么意思


iOS PVZ2不能内购,求破 提示是:you are not authorized to purchase on this device


sentences turn to passive voic

更新1: 第8-12同14-15句有d补充 8.I think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom_____________________________. 9.How much will they pay you for your work? How much will you _________________________. 10.It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike ________________________. 更新2: 11.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is ______________________________. 12.It is believedthat the pany lost a lot of money last year. The pany ______________________________. 更新3: 14.How do people learn languages? How ____________________________. 15.I didn"t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn"t realize that ________________________. 1. My grandfather"s house was built by him. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road is being built round the city. 6. The information I needed was not given to me. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. I think the job should have been offered to Tom. 9. How much will you be paid for your work? 10. The strike is expected to end soon. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “strike” is an intritive verb. We have to change the main verb. 11. The weather will be expected to be good tomorrow. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “will be” is a linking verb. We have to change the main verb. . 12. It is believed that a lot of money was lost by the pany last year. 13. I was accused of stealing money. 14. How are languages learned by people? 15. I didn"t realize that our conversation was being recorded. 2011-01-02 06:19:14 补充: Correction: 11. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow. 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你! 1. My grandfather"s house was built by my grandfather. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road round the city is being built by them. 6. The information I needed was not given by them. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. They should have offered Tom the job is thought by me. 9. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 10. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 11. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 12. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 13. I was accused of stealing money by somebody. 14. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 15. Somebody was recording our conversation was not realized by me. 第八、第十五句很少会用被动式表达。 参考: 本人的英文知识

janet jackson -rope burn 歌词的中文翻译


sorry.youare.not authorized toauess the url!是什么意思?


同样是“our school was sited by...”,后面为“by river”的语法成分和“by principal”有什么区别?

对by river是做地点状语,by在此处是:在…旁边的意思。by principal是做方式状语,by在此处是:凭借…,通过…的。这两种用法中的by,都是介词。

return receipt是什么意思



Students as a social vulnerable groups are in need of protection.Self-protection is the most important ,because it is the most convenient and effective.When someone tries to hurt you,do not panic.Scream for help is necessary,but there are more important things to do that is dealing with the criminals,as the ultimate rescued delay.If he threaten you are not allowed to help,then do not shout,in order not to angered the criminals.Then you can leave clues for the police,or look for opportunities to escape.Learn to protect ourselves,so that you can grow up safely and enjoy your wonderful life!

competitive nature是什么意思


The Cure的《A Forest》 歌词

歌曲名:A Forest歌手:The Cure专辑:Staring At The Sea - The SinglesA ForestThe CUrecome closer and seesee into the treesfind the girlwhile you cancome closer and seesee into the darkjust follow your eyesjust follow your eyesi hear her voicecalling my namethe sound is deepin the darki hear her voiceand start to runinto the treesinto the treesinto the treessuddenly i stopbut i know it"s too latei"m lost in a forestall alonethe girl was never thereit"s always the samei"m running towards nothingagain and again and againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8536663

The Cure的《A Forest》 歌词

歌曲名:A Forest歌手:The Cure专辑:4PlayA ForestThe CUrecome closer and seesee into the treesfind the girlwhile you cancome closer and seesee into the darkjust follow your eyesjust follow your eyesi hear her voicecalling my namethe sound is deepin the darki hear her voiceand start to runinto the treesinto the treesinto the treessuddenly i stopbut i know it"s too latei"m lost in a forestall alonethe girl was never thereit"s always the samei"m running towards nothingagain and again and againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23297285

The Cure的《A Forest》 歌词

歌曲名:A Forest歌手:The Cure专辑:Mixed UpA ForestThe CUrecome closer and seesee into the treesfind the girlwhile you cancome closer and seesee into the darkjust follow your eyesjust follow your eyesi hear her voicecalling my namethe sound is deepin the darki hear her voiceand start to runinto the treesinto the treesinto the treessuddenly i stopbut i know it"s too latei"m lost in a forestall alonethe girl was never thereit"s always the samei"m running towards nothingagain and again and againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/602950

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玩英雄连弹出BugSplatrc reource DLL not found错误是怎么回事? 然后就玩不了了~

BugSplatrc资源的DLL,却未曾找到。重新安装下试试吧 可能是加载某项未找到或出错了

玩LOL时,出现“bugsplatrc resource dll not found”求大神解答,先谢过!


英雄联盟玩一会就会自动弹出BugSplatRC resource DLL not found。


玩战锤40K星际战士出现bugsplatrc resource dll not found,怎么办?


好的意大利面是不是都用Durum Wheat杜兰小麦做成的?

意大利面面条是用意大利的杜兰小麦做的,这种小麦磨出的粉本来就是金黄色,所以意大利面都是100%天然着色,起码人家意大利是这么要求的,咱中国自产的就不知道了,呵呵,这就是意粉发黄的原因了:) 正统的意大利面分两种,加蛋的和不加蛋的,加蛋的是每斤面5个鸡蛋。超市里成包卖的一般都是不加蛋的面,因为加过蛋的意大利面很容易变质,不易保存,从外观上区别就是,不加蛋的呈半透明状,加蛋的不透明,而且黄颜色反而比不加蛋的偏浅。发黄绝对不是因为碱.........真正的意大利面不放碱的........谢谢.......
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