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Karen Murrell口红怎么样?Karen Murrell口红试色

Karen Murrell是新西兰的品牌,虽然在新西兰本地拥有着非常高的人气,但是在国内的影响力非常有限,不过产品效果与包装都很有心意,如果你看上了Karen Murrell口红下面我给大家介绍色号试色图片及颜色选择建议。 使用方法与介绍 使用方法:用护唇膏打底后,均匀涂抹于唇部。根据个人喜好可打造动人的咬唇妆和渐变妆等妆容。 品牌介绍来自新西兰的人气品牌,杂志上常见的唇膏。品牌主打天然成分,外盒是抽拉式设计,从包装到唇膏本身全部天然,安全无毒,也极好上色,孕妈妈和宝宝都可以放心使用的好唇膏。唇膏的滋润修护能力非常强,触感柔滑,着色持久,越用越美。口红包装的小罐子使用玉米树脂为原料,包装纸也都是新西兰当地的木头所制造的。 口红试色与颜色选择 新西兰的天然品牌,虽知名度不及一些一线大牌,小宝用的是 03号玫瑰粉色但在新澳两地可是非常火的唇膏,歪果仁还是比较喜欢用本土品牌。唇膏制作原料都是天然的,荷荷巴油、鳄梨精华、月见草油以及天然蜂蜡等制成。不使用任何矿物油、不从动物身上提炼材料、不添加防腐剂、人工色素、香料和清洁剂等有害物质,安全到号称是可以吃的唇膏,孕妈和儿童都能使用。作为一支天然级别的唇膏,显色度和持久度和一些熟知的品牌相比,有过之而无不及,颜色非常细腻,基本唇膏看着什么色,擦出来也不会差异很大。 01~19号色是黑色磨砂质感的管身,20号色限量版采用古铜金色管身,都是个人偏爱的简约风格。唇膏都不带闪片,膏体头部是小尖头,便于涂抹。涂后不是光泽感非常强的那一型,但相比哑光效果的唇膏,又会显得滋润一些,类似半哑光的丝绒感。不使用润唇膏打底的情况下直接涂不会过分油润也不会干,不特别凸显唇纹,天然的前提下,使用感也是很不错。但还是建议喜欢用唇膏的菇凉要常备支护唇膏做打底哦,更好的呵护唇部,而且用护唇膏打底后使用效果更好。唇膏带有植物清香,色号选择贼全,选择恐惧症的菇凉且看慢慢解析~01色 无色润唇打底:上唇后木有颜色,滋润但不油腻,唇部呈现自然光泽,不会像吃过猪油那样满嘴油哈,可以单独作为润唇膏使用,也可以搭配唇膏用作打底。02号 暗橘色:自然大方有亲和力的颜色,偏咖的裸色,涂上后效果还是挺裸的,肤质白皙涂后会非常衬皮肤哟,适合喜欢低调色系的菇凉,但本身肤色偏黑偏暗的就不特别推荐哦。03号 玫瑰粉色: 稍许妩媚的颜色,红中偏点紫,显肤色不挑人,任何年龄涂着都自有一番味道。04色 珠光正红色: 显年轻的正红色,不是那种老气沉闷的红,张扬但不夸张。有些妹纸看到红色就不敢尝试,其实这类色系是非常显肤白的,日常不要太过女王范的话,可以少量涂抹,然后用手指轻轻晕开,貌美又能Hold日常妆。05色 自然玫瑰色: 自然大方的颜色,不属于比较张扬的色系,恰到好处的低调又提肤色,利用率比较高的颜色,素颜、日常上班都可以使用。06色 桃花粉色: 听名字就挺浪漫哒,属于清新粉嫩色系,上唇有点橡皮粉的赶脚,白皮用更适合,打造可爱妆容一定漏不了。07色 艳丽玫红色: 看韩剧的妹纸一定High起来啦,类似"想你"里大热的颜色,比较张扬有冲击感的色号,上唇之后韩剧即视感,不挑肤色。08色 艳丽橘红色: 游走橘色当道的化妆界,怎么也不能少一支橘色系的唇膏,这个类似千颂伊同款的热门色号,个人很是偏爱,相比粉色系,橘色系无疑更不挑肤色,涂上气色立现。09号色 裸橘色: 这个颜色和02色都属于裸色系,相比之下09号色会浅一点,上唇效果更柔和,本身唇色比较浅的可以选择这个颜色,如果本身唇色比较红润,建议选02,不然可能覆盖不了本身的唇色哦。10号色 洋红粉色: 类似浆果红,所有肤色都能驾驭,饱和度强又显活力的颜色,推荐给走成熟路线的菇凉,艳丽但并不过于张扬。11号色 热情烈火红色: 非常复古非常御姐范的颜色,有点像深色的姨妈色,涂上立马气场都变咯,如果既想显气场又想柔和一点,涂后可以用纸巾抿一下,非常适合秋冬的颜色。12号色 正红色: 与4号色相似的色号,相较而言12号色更亮更跳跃一些,很正很高大上颇有气质的红色,也是非常显肤白哦。13号色 茶花粉色: 和6号色比较接近,会更偏粉一些,显年轻可爱活泼的色号,白皮软妹纸必备。14号色 兰花裸色: 和02以及09号是同属裸色系的,但是14号色是裸中带肉粉的效果,而其他两个色号是裸偏棕,涂上不会显得病恹恹,百搭。15号色 牡丹橘粉色: 又是一个粉嫩系的色号,非常可爱Baby,粉中略偏点橘,扮嫩的秘密武器。16号色 薰衣草粉紫色: 比较裸的粉紫色,也是比较嫩的颜色,但不算很提肤色,白皮妹纸涂上可爱up~up~,但不太推荐黑皮哈。17号色 罂粟红色: 就如它的名字一样,看了就想买的颜色,不挑肤色不挑唇色,涂后非常小女人,既有柔媚又有活泼,也是个人很喜欢的色号之一。18号色 糖果玫粉色: 比较亮眼的玫粉色,但不会很俗哦,很有自身气质的颜色,比较适合本身喜欢唇色亮眼一点,肤色白皙的妹纸。19号色 复古红色: 俗称姨妈色,现在很火的唇色哦,和11号色是一个色系,19号色就像是鲜艳的姨妈,而11号色则更像干枯后的姨妈,自行脑补啊哈,相对而言这个色更有活力一些,秋冬涂特有味道,美屎啦。20号色 真爱中国红: 非常浓郁的红色,经常可以在走红毯的女星身上看到的颜色,散发着难以形容的欲动,即使不涂也会想收藏一支,出席活动用上绝对是人群焦点。 注意事项 1.敏感肌是否可以使用的问题真的因人而异,所以初次使用最好先做敏感测试。使用过程中发生过敏请立即停止使用。 2.孕妇及哺乳期的妈妈可以使用,但每个人体质不同,建议使用前咨询医生。 3.请使用专业眼唇卸妆液清洗。

宫崎骏动画“ on your mark”中那辆黄色的阿尔法罗密欧敞篷车的型号是什么?


ls your new bedroom face east?对吗

不对 你想说的是 你的新房间朝东吗?先把这句话的陈述句写出来 your new bedroom faces east. face 在这里做谓语动词,原句是没有be 动词的含有动词的陈述句,变成一般疑问句的时候,用助动词do来帮忙所以是 does your new bedroom face east?

Are you( )around here?Your face is new

Are you from around here?Your face is new

urna semper 什么意思

简历模板里的urna semper意思这是一个女人的名字。如果在模板里,这名字前面是 Name:,那就替换上您的姓名就可以了!

写一篇The Pleasure of Reading英语作文


谁有王力宏not your average thug的歌词的?

曲名:Not Your Average Thug 歌手:王力宏 专辑:不可思议 I keeps it versatile cause that"s my style From hip-hop to be-bop I been with shorties around the world Variety is just my personality Sometimes I just don"t fit in I see the open doorways But no one wants to let me in Grandma made me understand material things don"t make the man Try to find that inner wealth and learn to love yourself Lately it"s so hard to find peace of mind I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators The mis-conceivers and the non-believers People don"t believe the hype "cause Leehom ain"t no stereotype No Crystale in the tub Or iced out Spreewell dubs I"m really not your average thug Not your average gangster And I won"t be defined by the size of my knot But the state of my mind No Rolex on my wrist Or platinum on my chest "Cause I don"t need that shit to impress But y"all don"t get it twisted I got love for the ghetto Tho I"m not your average thug (Feel me) Lord I been around the world Sangin" near and far People runnin"game all over Judgin" me before we meet when they see me on the street And they don"t know a damn thing about me It"s a world of jealousy deceit and envy Seems like everybody tryin" to take something from me Grandma made me understand material things don"t make the man So I found the inner wealth and learned to love myself Lately it"s so hard to find peace of mind (lately it is so hard) I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators There"s back-stabbers and money-grabbers, users and abusers And they all wear smilin" faces No Crystale in the tub Or iced out Spreewell dubs I"m really not your average thug Not your average gangster And I won"t be defined by the size of my knot But the state of my mind No Rolex on my wrist Or platinum on my chest "Cause I don"t need that shit to impress But y"all don"t get it twisted I got love for the ghetto Tho I"m not your average thug Sometimes I feel like I"m gonna snap and go off up in this piece on somebody I ain"t tryin" to say no names but I ain"t trying to play no games Holla if you feel me people So lift me up in a lonely world that"s so unkind There"s back-stabbers and money-grabbers, users and abusers And they all wear smilin" faces No Crystale in the tub Or iced out Spreewell dubs I"m really not your average thug Not your average gangster And I won"t be defined by the size of my knot But the state of my mind No Rolex on my wrist Or platinum on my chest "Cause I don"t need that shit to impress But y"all don"t get it twisted I got love for the ghetto Tho I"m not your average thug 搜索 "Not Your Average Thug"mp3求采纳


整个项目的结构图:编写DetectFaceDemo.java,代码如下:[java]viewplaincopyprint?packagecom.njupt.zhb.test;importorg.opencv.core.Core;importorg.opencv.core.Mat;importorg.opencv.core.MatOfRect;importorg.opencv.core.Point;importorg.opencv.core.Rect;importorg.opencv.core.Scalar;importorg.opencv.highgui.Highgui;importorg.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;////Detectsfacesinanimage,drawsboxesaroundthem,andwritestheresults//to"faceDetection.png".//publicclassDetectFaceDemo{publicvoidrun(){System.out.println(" RunningDetectFaceDemo");System.out.println(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath());//Createafacedetectorfromthecascadefileintheresources//directory.//CascadeClassifierfaceDetector=newCascadeClassifier(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath());//Matimage=Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("lena.png").getPath());//注意:源程序的路径会多打印一个‘/",因此总是出现如下错误/**Detected0facesWritingfaceDetection.pnglibpngwarning:Image*widthiszeroinIHDRlibpngwarning:ImageheightiszeroinIHDR*libpngerror:InvalidIHDRdata*///因此,我们将第一个字符去掉StringxmlfilePath=getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath().substring(1);CascadeClassifierfaceDetector=newCascadeClassifier(xmlfilePath);Matimage=Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("we.jpg").getPath().substring(1));//Detectfacesintheimage.//MatOfRectisaspecialcontainerclassforRect.MatOfRectfaceDetections=newMatOfRect();faceDetector.detectMultiScale(image,faceDetections);System.out.println(String.format("Detected%sfaces",faceDetections.toArray().length));//Drawaboundingboxaroundeachface.for(Rectrect:faceDetections.toArray()){Core.rectangle(image,newPoint(rect.x,rect.y),newPoint(rect.x+rect.width,rect.y+rect.height),newScalar(0,255,0));}//Savethevisualizeddetection.Stringfilename="faceDetection.png";System.out.println(String.format("Writing%s",filename));Highgui.imwrite(filename,image);}}packagecom.njupt.zhb.test;importorg.opencv.core.Core;importorg.opencv.core.Mat;importorg.opencv.core.MatOfRect;importorg.opencv.core.Point;importorg.opencv.core.Rect;importorg.opencv.core.Scalar;importorg.opencv.highgui.Highgui;importorg.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;////Detectsfacesinanimage,drawsboxesaroundthem,andwritestheresults//to"faceDetection.png".//publicclassDetectFaceDemo{publicvoidrun(){System.out.println(" RunningDetectFaceDemo");System.out.println(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath());//Createafacedetectorfromthecascadefileintheresources//directory.//CascadeClassifierfaceDetector=newCascadeClassifier(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath());//Matimage=Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("lena.png").getPath());//注意:源程序的路径会多打印一个‘/",因此总是出现如下错误/**Detected0facesWritingfaceDetection.pnglibpngwarning:Image*widthiszeroinIHDRlibpngwarning:ImageheightiszeroinIHDR*libpngerror:InvalidIHDRdata*///因此,我们将第一个字符去掉StringxmlfilePath=getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath().substring(1);CascadeClassifierfaceDetector=newCascadeClassifier(xmlfilePath);Matimage=Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("we.jpg").getPath().substring(1));//Detectfacesintheimage.//MatOfRectisaspecialcontainerclassforRect.MatOfRectfaceDetections=newMatOfRect();faceDetector.detectMultiScale(image,faceDetections);System.out.println(String.format("Detected%sfaces",faceDetections.toArray().length));//Drawaboundingboxaroundeachface.for(Rectrect:faceDetections.toArray()){Core.rectangle(image,newPoint(rect.x,rect.y),newPoint(rect.x+rect.width,rect.y+rect.height),newScalar(0,255,0));}//Savethevisualizeddetection.Stringfilename="faceDetection.png";System.out.println(String.format("Writing%s",filename));Highgui.imwrite(filename,image);}}3.编写测试类:[java]viewplaincopyprint?packagecom.njupt.zhb.test;publicclassTestMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){System.out.println("Hello,OpenCV");//Loadthenativelibrary.System.loadLibrary("opencv_java246");newDetectFaceDemo().run();}}//运行结果://Hello,OpenCV////RunningDetectFaceDemo///E:/eclipse_Jee/workspace/JavaOpenCV246/bin/com/njupt/zhb/test/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml//Detected8faces//WritingfaceDetection.pngpackagecom.njupt.zhb.test;publicclassTestMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){System.out.println("Hello,OpenCV");//Loadthenativelibrary.System.loadLibrary("opencv_java246");newDetectFaceDemo().run();}}//运行结果://Hello,OpenCV////RunningDetectFaceDemo///E:/eclipse_Jee/workspace/JavaOpenCV246/bin/com/njupt/zhb/test/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml//Detected8faces//WritingfaceDetection.png

looking forward to your reply是正确的吗,到底应该写look forward还是looking forward

I am looking forward to your reply

O Fortuna (Carmina Burana) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:O Fortuna (Carmina Burana)歌手:Pikku-Orava专辑:Tosi SeedeeO Fortuna(拉丁文) O Fortune(英译文) 命运女神(中译文)O Fortuna, O Fortune, 哦,命运啊,velut luna like the moon 如月亮般statu variabilis, you are changeable, 变幻无常,semper crescis ever waxing 时而满盈aut decrescis; and waning; 时而缺虚;vita detestabilis hateful life 可恨的人生啊,nunc obdurat first oppresses 先是坎坷et tunc curat and then soothes 后又平顺ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it; 如被命运玩于股掌;egestatem, poverty 无论贫贱potestatem and power 还是富贵dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice. 终如冰雪融化般消逝;Sors immanis Fate - monstrous 命运之轮,et inanis, and empty, 诡异虚无,rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel, 无情地不停转动,status malus, you are malevolent, 恶毒残酷,vana salus well-being is vain 将美满与幸福semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing, 转瞬摧毁成空;obumbrata shadowed 藏身阴影,et velata and veiled 迷离莫辨,michi quoque niteris; you plague me too; 亦将我折磨.nunc per ludum now through the game 此刻听凭运气dorsum nudum I bring my bare back 赤手空拳fero tui sceleris. to your villainy. 向你讨个公道Sors salutis Fate is against me 命运与我为敌et virtutis in health 摧残健康,michi nunc contraria, and virtue, 打击意志,est affectus driven on 无情打击,et defectus and weighted down, 残暴压迫,semper in angaria. always enslaved. 奴役我心.Hac in hora So at this hour 就在此刻,sine mora without delay 再莫迟疑corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings; 拨响悲伤的挽歌,quod per sortem since Fate 为被命运sternit fortem, strikes down the string man, 所击败的强者,mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me! 皆与我一同饮泣悲叹吧!http://music.b***.com/song/2898077

i am yours Jason Mraz歌词

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 不管你对我做了什么 你可以打赌我感觉到了 I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted 我试图冷却下来 但是你实在太美 我已经融化掉了 I fell right through the cracks 我直接摔进了大峡谷里 and now I"m trying to get back 而我现在试着爬回来 Before the cool done run out 在对你的热情冷却下来之前 I"ll be giving it my bestest 我想尽我的全力 Nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention 没什么能阻止我除非上帝插手 I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some 我想这是我的机会去赢得什么 或者学到什么 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我不会再犹豫啦 It cannot wait, I"m yours 我的心情是不能暂缓的 我是你的 Well open up your mind and see like me 打开你的思路 跟着我 重新看看世界 Open up your plans and damn you"re free 打乱你的计划 从现在起你是自由的 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love 看看你的心 你会找到爱 很多爱 Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me 在这一刻听这段音乐 也可以跟我一起唱着 A lá peaceful melody (This is a peaceful melody) 这段安静的旋律 It"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved 被爱与爱是你的权利,被神摒弃的权利 So I won"t hesitate no more, no more 而我 不会再犹豫了 It cannot wait I"m sure 我确定我不能再等待 There"s no need to complicate 没有必要把一切复杂化 Our time is short 我们的时间不多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运 我会是你的 I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 我花了太多太多时间对着镜子看我的舌头.. (preparing for French kiss?) And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 离的远一点大概会看得清楚些 My breath fogged up the glass 我的呼吸在玻璃上结了雾 And so I drew a new face and laughed 所以我在上面画了一歌笑脸 然后大笑 I guess what i"ma saying is there ain"t no better reason 我猜我说的是 除此之外没有更好的原因了 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 丢掉你女性的所谓的自尊吧 只要跟着我走 It"s what we aim to do 那是我们的目的地 Our name is our virtue 我们的名字是我们的优点 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我不会在犹豫了 It cannot wait I"m sure 无法再等 Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me 打开你的思路 跟着我 重新看看世界 Open up your plans and damn you"re free 打乱你的计划 从现在起你是自由的 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love 看看你的心 你会找到爱 很多爱 No please, don"t complicate 不 请不要复杂化 Our time is short 我们时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我的命运 我是你的

一首英文女声歌 开头有点像闹钟的叮叮叮 歌词里有picture picture picture 后

When I was younger I used to be wildAs wild as an elephant"s childNo one could hold me downNo one could keep me aroundNow it"s your turn, take a shotBaby show me everything that you gotMaybe you can keep me aliveMaybe you can get in my mindBut it"s only a matter of timeBefore I run far awayI need to take a holidayMaybe it"s a fall from graceI gotta find a new placeA holidayI"ll set off on a new chaseI gotta see a new faceI need to take a holidayMy father, he was always wiseAs wise as an elephant"s eyesHe couldn"t hold me downHe couldn"t keep me aroundSo are you gonna take your shot?It"s the only one that you gotMaybe I"ll go out on a limbMaybe I"ll jump in for a swimWhen the lights go dimYou know I"ll run far awayI need to take a holidayMaybe it"s a fall from graceI gotta find a new placeA holidayI"ll set off on a new chaseI gotta see a new faceI need to take a holiday(Need to take a holiday)Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoaA new startI"ve broken too many heartsAnd I don"t have any clue where to goI don"t knowBut maybe I"ll be back someday after my holidayWhen I was younger I used to be wildAs wild as an elephant"s childAnd I don"t think I"ll ever changeI think I"m gonna stay the sameI"ll run far awayI need to take a holiday (need to take a holiday)Maybe it"s a fall from graceI gotta find a new placeA holidayI"ll set off on a new chase (set off on a new chase)I gotta see a new faceA new startI"ve broken too many heartsAnd I don"t have any clue where to goI don"t knowBut maybe I"ll be back someday after my holidayAll of the wasted timeThe hours that were left behindThe answers that we"ll never find

求翻译All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues.


at our great sale 与 on sale 有区别吗

at our great sale没什么区别,都是降价处理的意思

EVENTS Bicycle tour and race A bike tour and race will be held on July 26 and 27(Sat. &


How long is the Tour de France bicycle race? 这则新闻的翻译

多久是游览de法国自行车比赛? 游览的法国自行车比赛是大约2500英哩长。它不确切地每年同一个距离。它采取plance三个星期,并且有二十个不同阶段。1926年被拿着的最长的种族是,当它包括3526英哩。



hurry up It’stime什么dinner?

可以填for。即,Hurry,up.It is time for dinner.句意: 快点,到了该吃晚饭的时间了。注意:1.for是介词,后可以接名词。2.固定句型it istime for sth“到了该做某事的时间了”。



Pls find the attached T/T payment and send the surrendered B/L&C/O. 这是什么意思




Please be informed that the attached B/L has been surrendered for "telex release" in HK.该如何翻译


英语when you can kind of surrender to that怎么翻译?

when you can kind of surrender to that你什么时候可以屈服

SURRENDER 为什么是电放提单?从何而来?

SURRENDEREXPRESSTELEX RELEASE都可以表示电放提单SURRENDERED B/L 是指“已经交还给船公司的(签发了的)正本提单(一式三份)”.

英语to surrender to the so-called “reality”怎么翻译?


ture colors歌词,陈慧琳的

True Colors 歌手:Phil Collins You with the sad eyes 你眼带悲伤Don"t be discouraged 请不要失落Oh I realize 噢,我也知道It"s hard to take courage 振作起来很难In a world full of people 在人潮涌动的世界里You can lose sight of it all 你可以无视一切And the darkness inside you 在你内心的阴影Can make you feel so small 会让你自觉渺小But I see your true colors 但我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么美好Ooh,like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样Show me a smile then 来个微笑吧Don"t be unhappy,can"t remember 不要伤心了,我已记不起When I last saw you laughing 你上一次的微笑If this world makes you crazy 如果这世界让你抓狂And you"ve taken all you can bear 你也忍无可忍了Just call me up 就给我打个电话Because you know I"ll be there 你应该知道,我会随传随到And I"ll see your true colors 我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我才这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么的美好Ooh,Like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样

陈慧琳的ture colors中文歌词

True Colors 歌手:Phil Collins You with the sad eyes 你眼带悲伤Don"t be discouraged 请不要失落Oh I realize 噢,我也知道It"s hard to take courage 振作起来很难In a world full of people 在人潮涌动的世界里You can lose sight of it all 你可以无视一切And the darkness inside you 在你内心的阴影Can make you feel so small 会让你自觉渺小But I see your true colors 但我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么美好Ooh,like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样Show me a smile then 来个微笑吧Don"t be unhappy,can"t remember 不要伤心了,我已记不起When I last saw you laughing 你上一次的微笑If this world makes you crazy 如果这世界让你抓狂And you"ve taken all you can bear 你也忍无可忍了Just call me up 就给我打个电话Because you know I"ll be there 你应该知道,我会随传随到And I"ll see your true colors 我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我才这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么的美好Ooh,Like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样第一次翻译,请多多包涵

电放提单上盖有的Surrendered或Telex Release有何不同?


什么是Surrender B/L? 它同Telex Release有什么区别?

电放提单上一般会显示“Surrendered”或“Telex Release”字样。因此,电放提单用英语表达就是Surrendered BL 或 Telex Release BL,而original BL则是正本提单。根据《牛津现代法律用语词典》的解释,“Surrender”在法律用语中,其含义是“放弃某事物”。因此,电放提单上标明“Surrendered”字样,表明其签发人并不想赋予该单据应有的物权凭证功能。而电放提单上标明“Telex Release”字样,则表明该单据项下的货物的交付与正本提单不同。一般人会觉得“Surrendered”和“Telex Release”都一样,或者不知道这两者是否有区别。严格来说,还是有区别的。有“Surrendered”字样的电放提单,表明在目的港应由托运人指定的收货人凭身份提货。有“Telex Release”字样的电放提单,表明在目的港应由收货人凭电放提单传真件提货。

什么是Surrender B/L? 它同Telex Release有什么区别?

Surrender B/L是电放提单,Telex Release是电放一个是事物,一个是行为这就是区别

surrender 的用法

及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.投降 In the end they were forced to surrender.最后他们被迫投降了。He voluntarily surrendered himself to the police.他主动向警方自首。及物动词 vt. 1.放弃; 抛弃 They surrendered the city.他们放弃了这座城市。She gradually surrendered her dream of becoming an actress.她渐渐放弃了当演员的梦想。名词 n. 1.投降, 放弃


如果是关于提单的话,就是电放.bizrichard 的回答很好啊

英语So I surrender my soul怎么翻译?


找一首歌i see you ture color

是英国著名歌手Phil Collins的"true colors" 歌词如下: You with the sad eyes Don"t be discouraged Oh I realize It"s hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all And the darkness inside you Can make you feel so small But I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that"s why I love you So don"t be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Ooh,like a rainbow Show me a smile then Don"t be unhappy,can"t remember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you crazy And you"ve taken all you can bear Just call me up Because you know I"ll be there And I"ll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that"s why I love you So don"t be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Ooh,Like a rainbow So sad eyes Take courage Oh I realize If this world makes you crazy And you"ve taken all you can bear Just call me up Because you know I"ll be there And I"ll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that"s why I love you So don"t be afraid to let them show Just show your true colors True colors True colors Shining through I see your true colors And that"s why I love you So don"t be afraid to let them show True colors True colors True colors are beautiful Beautiful like a rainbow Yeah....

I see your true colors 是什么意思?


电放提单上盖的telex release surrendered 和telex release arranged 是同一个意思吗?

什么是surrendered B/L

是电放提单 通过传真把提单传过去 电放提单的具体操作 电放就是指根据发货人的申请,船公司在始发港收回三份正本提单,收货人不出示正本提单,凭提单传真件在目的港换单。 对于进口做电放的提单,国内的操作通常是国内收货人需要持盖章的提单传真件和电放保函去目的港代理处换单。 一般情况下发货人是通过银行提交提单或由发货人直接将提单寄给收货人。由于提单是货物所有权的凭证,因此收货人只有拿到正本提单后才可以提货。但在近洋运输如从上海到日本或韩国时,由于船期很短,这时如果通过银行或邮寄提单时可能货已到港而提单却还未到,为不影响收货,收货人会要求发货人将提单电传、传真或E-mail到发货人,发货人不需要正本提单,货物到港后收货人凭提单传真件就可以提货。 因此所谓电放就是凭电子的、电传的或传真件放行的意思。 提单电放在办理时,先与船公司联系,通知其提单需要电放。这样船公司就可以通过电报指示目的港的代理机构可以凭传真件提货。电放手续最好是在未出提单前办理,这样船公司不用出具正本提单;如果已经出具正本提单,则需要将全套的正本提单交回船公司,然后船公司才会办理电放提单的手续。另外,办理电放时船公司会要求发货人出具一份保函(船公司或货代均有其固定的格式),保证电放造成的一切问题与其无关。电放时需要另交100~200元的电放费。 由于电放后发货人将不再掌握货权,因为办理电放前一定要确认发货人能够安全收款,否则极易造成钱货两空的局面。

i see you true clour是那首歌曲的歌词?

很多人翻唱过歌曲:<<true colors>> 原唱:phil collins 下载:http://f10.wretch.yimg.com/a07300318/2/1565630039.mp3歌词:you with the sad eyes don"t be discouraged oh i realize it"s hard to take courage in a world full of people you can lose sight of it all and the darkness inside you can make you feel so small but i see your true colors shining through i see your true colors and that"s why i love you so don"t be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful ooh,like a rainbow show me a smile then don"t be unhappy,can"t remember when i last saw you laughing if this world makes you crazy and you"ve taken all you can bear just call me up because you know i"ll be there and i"ll see your true colors shining through i see your true colors and that"s why i love you so don"t be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful ooh,like a rainbowso sad eyestake courage oh i realizeif this world makes you crazy and you"ve taken all you can bear just call me up because you know i"ll be there and i"ll see your true colors shining through i see your true colors and that"s why i love you so don"t be afraid to let them show just show your true colorstrue colorstrue colorsshining through i see your true colors and that"s why i love you so don"t be afraid to let them show true colorstrue colorstrue colors are beautiful beautiful like a rainbow yeah....

surrendered b/l is not acceptable 不可接受电放提单

提单是物权凭证,客户只有拿到提单正本才能在目的港清关提货。电放提单意味着你放弃正本提单(original BOL),客户只要有电放提单的复印件或传真件就可以提货。一般货物运输时间比较短的会采用电放提单。比如到日本的货。但是你要有把握把货款收回来,否则客户提了货不付款你就亏了。如果需要做电放,你要向货代出具一份电放保函,意思就是我司同意电放某笔提单,一切后果自己承担之类的,加盖公司公章。你需要的话,我可以提供你一个样本。货代拿到你的保函后会把提单电放掉,电放掉的提单上会有个章“SURRENDERD”或"TELE-RELEASE",所以电放提单叫surrendered BOL 或tele-released BOL.

《ture colors》歌词

True Colors 歌手:Phil Collins You with the sad eyes 你眼带悲伤Don"t be discouraged 请不要失落Oh I realize 噢,我也知道It"s hard to take courage 振作起来很难In a world full of people 在人潮涌动的世界里You can lose sight of it all 你可以无视一切And the darkness inside you 在你内心的阴影Can make you feel so small 会让你自觉渺小But I see your true colors 但我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么美好Ooh,like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样Show me a smile then 来个微笑吧Don"t be unhappy,can"t remember 不要伤心了,我已记不起When I last saw you laughing 你上一次的微笑If this world makes you crazy 如果这世界让你抓狂And you"ve taken all you can bear 你也忍无可忍了Just call me up 就给我打个电话Because you know I"ll be there 你应该知道,我会随传随到And I"ll see your true colors 我看到你的本色Shining through 闪耀着I see your true colors 我看到你的真本色And that"s why I love you 所以我才这么爱你So don"t be afraid to let them show 请不要害怕,展示出来吧Your true colors 你的真本色True colors are beautiful 多么的美好Ooh,Like a rainbow 就像彩虹一样


surrender英 [su0259u02c8rendu0259(r)] 美 [su0259u02c8ru025bndu025a] vi. 投降;自首;屈服vt. 交出;放弃;使投降;听任n. 投降;放弃;屈服;(保险的)解约第三人称单数: surrenders 现在分词: surrendering 过去式: surrendered 过去分词: surrendered yield英 [ji:ld] 美 [jild] vt. 屈服,投降;生产;获利;不再反对vi. 放弃,屈服;生利;退让,退位n. 产量,产额;投资的收益;屈服,击穿;产品第三人称单数: yields 复数: yields 现在分词: yielding 过去式: yielded 过去分词: yielded

git 报this repository currently has approximately 是什么意思

症状:pull的时候$ git pullPull is not possible because you have unmerged files.Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use "git add/rm <file>"as appropriate to mark resolution, or use "git commit -a"应该是因为local文件冲突了解决方法:引用――“1.pull会使用git merge导致

进eshop显示software currently unavailable是什么意思?


We are currently performing scheduled maintenance是什么意思?


提单上的TELEX RELEASE和SURRENDERED都是电放的意思吧?为什么还不一个写法?


提单问题surrendered 什么意思


外贸surrendered和surrendered B/L的问题

所谓的surrendered B/L就是电放提单的意思。即,你拿着提单的复印件或者副本就可以去货代处换单,而无需国外发货人将正本提单寄给你。但surrendered B/L也需要有提单的复印件,电放只是提货的形式,而非不需要提供有效的提单复印件。你现在就需要国外供应商将B/L的扫描件邮件发给你就可以了。

《古墓丽影:崛起》Steam is currently in OFFline Mode怎么办


surrender 的用法



v.投降 放弃 抛弃




海运单上的那意思就是 交单 及物动词 vt. 1. (常后接oneself)使投降,使自首[(+to)]The criminal surrendered himself to the police. 罪犯向警察自首。 2. 交出,放弃She surrendered her dream of becoming a model. 她放弃当模特儿的梦想。 He was ordered to surrender his gun. 他被命令交出他的枪。 3. (常后接oneself)听任,使沉溺于[(+to)]The mother surrendered herself to grief. 那位母亲哀痛不已。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 投降,自首They both refused to surrender. 他俩拒不投降。 名词 n. 1. 投降,屈服;自首[U][C]The surrender of the soldiers saved themselves from being killed. 士兵们的投降使他们免遭杀戮。 The enemy were forced to make an unconditional surrender. 敌军被迫无条件投降。 2. 引渡,让渡;交出;放弃[U]


surrender[英][su0259u02c8rendu0259(r)][美][su0259u02c8ru025bndu025a]vi.投降; 自首; 屈服; vt.交出; 放弃; 使投降; 听任; n.投降; 放弃; 屈服; (保险的)解约; 第三人称单数:surrenders现在进行时:surrendering过去式:surrendered过去分词:surrendered双语例句1General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。


surrendered n. 电子放单; Telex released; v. 投降( surrender的过去式和过去分词 ); 放弃,抛弃; [例句]Gen. Morgan"s troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops.昨天,摩根将军的部队被迫向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。[其他] 原型: surrender

Server is currently down.是什么意思


There is currently no是什么意思


有人的护照是 currently being processed for delivery 然后visa是no status么?

currently being processed for delivery目前正在处理交付例句:1.The airline is currently replacing its dc10s with boeing747s.这家航空公司目前正在用波音747取代dc10.2.Amazon recently cut a deal to buy its currently leased Seattle headquarters buildings for a bit more than$ 1 billion.最近,亚马逊达成协议,以略高于10亿美元的价格收购了当前租用的西雅图总部大楼。3.Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School.英格丽德目前在希姆拉公立学校教数学。

美国亚马逊怎么设置,当登录地址是中国时,fba链接显示Currently unavailable?


This Video is Currently not Available什么意思?

这个视频不可用 Video【视频】 Currently【现在】 Available【可以用的】一般上网站打开一个视频可能会出现这句话! 有可能是视频被删了,或者是视频地址被屏蔽!

亚马逊上传产品后显示currently unavailalbe 是什么意思

亚马逊上传产品后显示currently unavailalbe 是当前不可用的意思



she is currently in college

she is currently in college她目前正在上大学

I am currently study 的currently目前能用句首吗?

你好!I am currently study 我目前正在学习。


太多了,它自己本身有4个意思 currently adv.普遍地,通常地,现在,当前 我给都弄出来呀! 普遍地 [简明汉英词典] catholically generally rifely universally widely 通常 [简明汉英词典] as a rule commonly customarily generally mediocre ordinarily usually 现在 [简明汉英词典] at present currently now nowadays present these days today 当前 [简明汉英词典] currently nonce






currently可以放在句首。 currently:adv.现时;目前;当前;时下 扩展资料   例句:   Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.   目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。   We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.   目前,我们正探索发展会员的"新途径。   The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1.   目前,申请人数和就业岗位的比例为100:1。   This matter is currently being discussed.   这个问题现正在讨论之中。


currently意思是目前,用一般现在时或者过去时。Currently在英语句子中一般这么使用:1、 Currently, the knowledge management system products in the information technology market are basically of this type.现时信息技术市场上的知识管理系统便多是这些产品。2、 The rear seat belt law currently applies only to private cars.现时法例只规定私家车后座须装设安全带;The third book in the series is currently in preparation.丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。3、 She is currently rated number two in the world.她目前排名世界第二;The building is currently being used as a warehouse.这所房子目前用作仓库。4、 We are currently advertising for a new sales manager.目前我们公开征聘一位新的销售经理。Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。5、 We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.目前,我们正探索发展会员的新途径;The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1. 目前,申请人数和就业岗位的比例为100:1。6、 This matter is currently being discussed.这个问题现正在讨论之中;Neither of them is currently in paid employment.他们俩目前都没有挣钱的差事。7、 She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一;She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一。8、 The hotel is currently under repair.这家酒店正在维修。The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France.这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。


currently的意思是:当前;目前。词典释义:(adv.)当前;目前。网络释义:目前;现在;最近;一般。双语例句:1、It is currently fashionable to forswear meat-eating in the interests of animal rights.目前流行为保护动物权利而坚决不吃肉的做法。2、United, currently lying in fifth place, have recovered after a shaky start.联队已从出师不利的局面中恢复过来,现排名第五。3、Cricket fans are currently hooked on a series of college matches.板球迷们现在被一系列大学比赛所吸引。4、He is currently number two at the Department of Employment.他现在是招聘部的二把手。5、The court is currently seized of custody applications.法庭目前依法占有羁押使用权。


currently目前双语对照词典结果:currently[英][u02c8ku028cru0259ntli][美][u02c8ku025c:ru0259ntli]adv.当前,目前; 通常,一般,现在; 容易,流畅; 普遍地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Volvo currently makes cars in sweden and belgium. 沃尔沃目前在瑞典和比利时生产轿车。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请问你​亚马逊显示Currently unavailable(目前缺货)是什么意思,怎么解决呢?


currently和right now的区别?


now,right now和currently有什么不同吗?


currently avaliable是什么

currently avaliable是什么avaliable应该是拼写错了,是availableavailable 英[u0259u02c8veu026alu0259bl] 美[u0259u02c8velu0259bu0259l]adj. 可用的;有空的;可会见的;(戏票、车票等)有效的currently available可以指如下意思,不同语境不同意思1. 当前有货,指物2. 当前可用,指物3. 当前有空,指人4. 当前有效,指物

currently 完成时

可以表示被动 被招收了

currently & resently,谁给解释一下有什么区别??



第一个意思是:一会儿,不久;现在,目前 第二个意思是:普通地,当前


I是人称代词,不存在动词的时态,具体内容如下。 英语语法中的时态(tense)是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。 是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。 英语时态分为16种:一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时、完成时和现在完成进行时。

Keaton Simons的《Currently》 歌词

歌曲名:Currently歌手:Keaton Simons专辑:Can You Hear MeKeaton Simons - CurrentlyMy love is a storm, she doesn"t wait for meAnd now that she"s gone, I fear that she"ll never beBack in my arms, well she held me tightAnd I just might be losingWhen the rain comes down, clouds will rollLord and the wind will blowYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youMy love is an ocean, she glides like a seagullShe is the potion that makes me emotionalShe is a song that the wave sings to the shoreIn the key of a gentle breezeYou are everything to me and moreYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55729714


currently 是个时间副词独立修饰其他的词或者短语或者句子,还可以做一般来讲相当于generallyⅠ 现在は, 今のところ, 目下She"s currently working in our New York office. 彼女は目下ニューヨーク支店で働いている.Currently, names beginning with J are the rage. 最近ではJで始まる名前がはやっている.Ⅱ 一般に, 広くIt"s currently believed that… …と一般に信じられている .New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th edition (C) Kenkyusha Ltd. 1967,1994,1998
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