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fall,fail,fault=err,deceive,表示“犯错误,欺骗” fallacy n 错误;谬论(fall+acy) fallacious a 犯错误的(fall+acious 有u2026的u2192有错误的) fallible a 易错的(fail+ible 能u2026的u2192能犯错误的) infallible a 无可指责的(in 无+fallibleu2192无错误的) falsehood n 虚伪;错误(false 错,假+hood 表示状态u2192假的状态) falsify v 篡改;欺骗(fals+ify 表动词u2192弄错u2192篡改) falsification n 伪造;曲解(falsify+ic+ation) failing n 缺点,短处(fail+ing 表动名词u2192错误之处u2192缺点) failure n 失败(fail+ureu2192错误状态u2192失败) unfailing a 不会有错的(un 不+failingu2192不错的) fault n 过失,缺点(fault=fal 错) edfault v / n. 拖久(债);违约(de 犯+faultu2192犯错误u2192拖久[债])

It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain. Without enough blood, the br...

小题1:A小题2:D小题3:A小题4:B 文章讲述了一个新的治疗脑部受伤的疗法—冷却法。小题1:细节题。根据第一段2,3行Without enough blood, the brain lives for only three to five minutes. More often the doctors can"t fix the damage.小题2:推理题。根据第二段内容He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold.可知是通过降低脑部的温度来降低危险。小题3:细节题。根据第二段2,3行the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes.小题4:排序题。根据最后一段内容可知A正确。



difficulties we may come across

however后一般接形容词,而这里的difficulties是名词 whatever后接名词,故用whatever ,表示无论什么困难

英国的赔偿文化compensation culture指的是什么

赔偿文化”用来形容这样的一个社会:在这个社会中任何人遭受民事伤害后都可以通过法律途径向造成伤害的相关人要求损害赔偿.这个单词在英国和爱尔兰尤其用来描述与侵权行为相关的的提倡侵权改革的法律环境,compensation culture 网络 赔偿文化; [例句]The Construction of Judicial Compensation Idea and Legal Culture in the Age of Rights权利时代司法赔偿理念与法律文化的构建进行更多翻译

能否解释一下lead to和result in的区别和用法?

result in=to make something happen 例句:An accident resulted in the death of two passengers. These policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship. 从较大部分的例句可以看到,句中的谓语(即引起事情发生的主动方)多是静态、客观的一件事或物,同时被引起的通常是消极的事故或方面,而且多用于描述已经发生的过去的事件。再看lead to:lead to(该用法与lead to具有可比性)=to have something as a result 例句 Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. This investment program will lead to the creation of new jobs. 可以看到,句中的谓语多是一个动态的动作或计划,而宾语(即被引起的事情)无严格的消极与积极之分,而且多用于描述客观的可能性和对未来的预测。 当然,在绝大多数情况之下,这两个动词短语是可以通用的,关于lead to的其它词义在字典上都很好找,这里就不赘述了。

cultural diversity是什么意思


cultural diversity 与multiculturalism的区别

cultural diversity是指族裔众多,但并非是Multiculturalism(多元文化)。因为,多元文化是平等存在,和平存在的。而cultural diversity可以导致,民族冲突,语言交流困难等等。

What does culture mean to U?What does diversity mean to U?

更新1: Please tell me in English. Culture (文化) Culture is the mon way or patterns in which people of the same nationality people of the same living place or people of the same workplace do or handle things usually with regard to their beliefs tastes living styles and eating habits. The uniqueness of all these ects is generally formed by the far-reaching influence from history traditions and customs. ___________________________________________ Diversity (多样化) To me “Diversity” denotes harmony and prosperity. It is a positive term expressing that you have different varieties of something you are talking about. That me a lot of choices are available for us to choose from. Let"s take Hong Kong as an example. Though very *** all in size Hong Kong is a prosperous metropolitan city which creates a harmonious environment for cultural diversity (中国香港是一个文化共融的社会). People of different nationalities can live here in a patible way and there is no such a problem of racial discrimination as in some foreign countries.

谁能提供公共决策咨询(Public decision-making consultation)相关的英文文献?


lt was all my fault Tiled什么意思 Good good study day day up什么意思

It was all my fault, 意思是“都是我的错”后面一句是中国式英语,生硬翻译过去的,一般是用来搞笑的,意思是好好学习天天向上。

[A] Otherwise[B] However[C] Moreover[D] As a result

【答案】:DD [解析]此题考查对文意的理解。前后句是因果关系,所以选D。

the plan is difficult to carry out

这道题应该是一般现在时吧,不是将来时态,所以应该是carry out.要是将来时的话,The plan will difficult to be carry out,这时可以用be carry out.


ultrabrands是家居用品的品牌,是英国很高端但比较小众的牌子,因为名气不是很大,所以国内并不多见。然而ultrabrands的产品设计感是很强的,而且保温的效果也很好,虽然没有日系产品的厚重感,但感觉很细腻而富有科技感,因此也比较耐用。档次其实算是中高端,比如它的保温杯的价格是80多欧元,比我们在国内买到的大部分的保温杯都要贵,档次是领先很多大牌的。官方给它的定位是纯奢侈品,材质使用德国进口PP+硅胶材料,品质绝对一流,因此档次非常高,比膳魔师、HORIE、虎牌、象印等等这些牌子的档次还要高。扩展资料1、避免掉落、强力碰撞(避免外层材质破损导致保温杯真空性能变差)。2、在使用中请勿损坏或者遗失开关、杯盖、垫圈等配件,勿高温消毒,以免变形(避免影响密封效果)。3、请勿加入干冰、碳酸饮料等易产生高压的液体,勿加入酱油、汤等含有盐成份的液体以免杯体腐蚀,装入牛奶等易腐败的饮料后,请尽快饮用并进行清洗以免变质后腐蚀内胆。4、清洁时请使用中性洗涤剂并用温水清洗干净,勿使用碱性漂白剂、化学试剂等强力清洗剂。参考资料来源:京东-ULTRABRANDS TIX CHOPSTICKS

英语intellectual culture怎么翻译?

intellectual culture智育文化

I find classical music too difficult to understand.



superman是dc出品的英雄作品也就是超人 ultraman是圆谷出品的空想特摄系列也就是奥特曼

ultrasonic anemometer是什么意思

你好!ultrasonic anemometer超声波风速计

medical consultation是什么意思


consult a doctor是什么意思及用法

consult a doctor英[ku0259nu02c8su028clt ei u02c8du0254ktu0259]美[ku0259nu02c8su028clt e u02c8dɑktu025a]词典瞧病网络看医生; 到医院咨询医生; 咨询医生数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Anyone who has recently returned from affected countries should consult a doctor if they notice flu-like symptoms.最近从疫情国家回到英国的任何人,如果感觉有类似流感的症状,那么应该去看医生。

initial consultation是什么意思

initial consultation最初的咨询双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 初期阶段的咨询2. 初步会诊




consultation的动词形式 consult,表示咨询;请教;(与某人)商议,商量(以得到许可或帮助决策);查阅;查询;参看。 扩展资料   双语例句:   I expect to be consulted about major issues.   我认为重大问题必须找我商量。   Some women are too embarrassed to consult their doctor about the problem.   有些妇女太害羞,不愿就这个问题向医生咨询。   If the pain continues, consult your doctor.   如果疼痛持续不消退,要请医生诊治。   It would be impracticable for each member to be consulted on every occasion.   不可能每一次都征求每个成员的.意见。   Have you consulted your lawyer about this?   你就此事咨询过你的律师吗?


consultancy 名词 n. 咨询公司,顾问服务公司 consultation名词 n. 1. 咨询;商议;诊察 2. (磋商)会议;会诊 3. 参考;参阅


consult的名词形式consultation; consultation:n.咨询;商讨;磋商;商讨会;协商会;(向专家请教的)咨询会;(尤指)就诊 扩展资料   The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation   这些方案是在与世界卫生组织磋商之后起草的。   The Government proposed a common retirement age of 63 in a consultation paper published yesterday.   政府在昨天公布的.征求意见稿中提出,一般退休年龄为63岁。   Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations.   协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。


consultation[英][u02ccku0252nslu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nslu02c8teu026au0283n]n.商议,磋商; 商讨会; [医]会诊; 请教,咨询; 复数:consultations形近词:consultatoryconsultative1The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation.这些方案是在与世界卫生组织磋商之后起草的。

consult a doctor是什么意思及用法


consultation fee是什么意思

consultation fee咨询费3.The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall, for the air pollution control fee exemptions and incentives in the foregoing paragraph, determine management regulations for targets, application qualifications, review procedures, revocation, cancellation, compensation and other binding matters. 前项空气污染防制费之减免与奖励之对象、申请资格、审查程序、撤销、废止与追偿及其它应遵行事项之管理办法,由中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。4.The famous surgeon charged a fee of$ 200 per consultation. 这位著名外科医生每次出诊要收取二百英镑。

consultation hours是什么意思

consultation hours诊疗时间接诊时间


A:May I help you?   B:Yes.I"m a financial manager of the Rui Hua Company.   A:I"m very glad to see you.   B:We want to open a US dollar account with your bank.Could you tell me the procedures?   A:You need an approval to open a foreign currency account with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange by submitting the business license and application form.   B:What shall we do next?   A:Then you go through the formalities for opening a foreign currency account with our bank by submitting the Certificate of Use of Foreign Exchange Account and the Foreign Exchange Account Opening Notice issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange?   B:I see.Thank you.   1   A:您需要什么服务吗?   B:是的。我是瑞华公司的财务经理。   A:见到您我非常高兴。   B:我们想在贵行开一个美元账户。请问有哪些程序?   A:首先你们应把营业执照和申请开立外汇账户的申请书呈交国家外汇管理局进行报批。   B:下一步该怎么办呢?   A:然后你们凭外管局核发的“外汇账户使用证”和“外汇账户开户通知书”来我行办理手续。   B:我明白了。谢谢。   2   A:Hello.Is this the Business Department of ICBC?   B:Yes.This is Xiao Wang speaking.   A:Can I inquire about my account balance by telephone?   B:Of course.You can do it through our telephone Banking Service.   A:Telephone Banking Service.What is that?   B:It is a call center which provides you with banking services.   A:How does it work?   B:You can dial the number,95588,then follow the instructions.   A:I understand.Thank you.   B:You"re welcome back any time.   2   A:喂。您是工行营业部吗?   B:是的。我是小王。   A:我能通过电话查询我的账户余额吗?   B:当然可以。您可以通过电话银行查询。   A:电话银行。怎么回事?   B:电话银行是电话中心,它通过电话为您提供银行服务。   A:如何操作呢?   B:您拨95588号码,然后按指令办即可。   A:我懂了。谢谢。   B:欢迎您随时光顾。   3   A:Excuse me.Is this the Peony Credit Card Department of ICBC?   B:Yes.What banking services do you need?   A:I"d like to apply for a Peony Credit Card.Is that all right?   B:Certainly.Do you want a personal card or a company card?   A:A personal card.   B:First,you need to fill out the application form and provide a photocopy of your ID card and then a photocopy of a guarantor,who also has to sign the application form.   A:Is any deposit necessary?   B:Yes.1,000 RMB yuan is required for any personal card.One more thing,you should pay handling charges for this service.   A:I know.How long does it take?   B:You"ll get your card in a week after we have received the required documents from you.   3   A:请问这儿是工行牡丹卡业务部吗?   B:是。您需要办理什么业务吗?   A:我想申请一张牡丹信用卡,可以吗?   B:当然。您想办个人卡还是公司卡?   A:个人卡。   B:首先,您需要填写这张申请表,提供一张您的身份证影印件,还有一张您担保人的身份证影印件。担保人需在申请表上签名。   A:需要保证金吗?   B:要的。个人卡需存1,000元保证金。还有您需交一些手续费。   A:我明白了。需要多长时间呢?   B:在收到规定证件后,一周之内您可以拿到牡丹卡。   4   A:Can I help you?   B:Yes.I want to have a Peony Card from your bank,but I don"t know what kind of card is best for me.   A:Well. We have a big Peony Card family, including Peony Credit Card,MoneyLink card,Peony International Card,Peony Special Card,etc.   B:What is a MoneyLink card?   A:Is is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses together.   B:“Versatile?” What does that mean?   A:You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any savings office or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with this card.   B:Anything else?   A:With this card,you may also enjoy services like consumption at POS terminals of all the specially-engaged commercial units, payroll agent service and agent payment for power and gas,etc.   B:That"s what I wanted.   4   A:我能为您效劳吗?   B:是啊。我想在贵行办一张牡丹卡,但我不知道哪一种卡方便。   A:嗯。我行的牡丹卡是一个大家族,包括牡丹信用卡,灵通卡,牡丹国际卡,牡丹专用卡等等。   B:什么是灵通卡?   A:它是一种多用途卡。   B:“多用途”?这是什么意思呢?   A:您可以在任何储蓄所存、取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账、查询。   B:还有其它用途吗?   A:有了这张卡,您还可以享受在所有POS机特约商户消费,代发工资,代交电费、水费等等。   B:这正是我想要的。   5   A:Mr. Jones,I"d like to introduce you a newly-opened business service called “Personal financing” .   B:What is that?   A:It is a compound savings account in RMB and Forex based on the MoneyLink card with time or demand deposits at your option.   B:How do I earn for me?   A:It can design you a multi-deposit composition according to your income.You can not only enjoy deposit or withdrawal convenience,but also retain term deposit interest through personal financing business.   B:Any other functions?   A:Besides this, we provide you “coordinated” financial mating services,such as multi-accounts in a card, interbank deposit and withdrawal,account transfer between bank and securities companies , commission collection and payment, network banking,etc.   B:That"s great.   5   A:琼斯先生,我给您介绍我行的“个人理财”新业务。   B:“个人理财”业务是怎么回事?   A:它是一种建立在灵通卡基础上,集本外币,定活期存款为一体的复合型存款账户。   B:它如何为我理财呢?   A:它可以根椐您的收入情况为您设计多存期存款组合方案。通过个人理财业务,您不仅可以享受到存取款的便利,还可以获得定期存款利息。   B:还有其它功能吗?   A:除此而外,我行通过“个人理财”为您提供“一条龙”金融配套服务,如一卡多户,通存通兑,银证转账,代收代付,网上银行等等。   B:那太好了。




动词形式:consult;形容词:consultative;consultation就是名词动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。形容词(Adjective),主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。 副词(Adverb 简称adv。)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词。

manny. difficult是什么





n. 咨询;磋商;[临床] 会诊;讨论会


n. 咨询;磋商;[临床] 会诊;讨论会


商议,磋商; 商讨会; [医] 会诊; 请教,咨询;

苹果电脑输入密码停用macintosh hd 上得filevault

macintosh 密码就是你电脑设置账号的密码,如果忘记了的话可以通过以下办法重设密码:第一种方法:开机按CMD+R进入网络恢复模式,等待地球转,进度条读完,进入系统工具-终端-输入resetpassword就可以直接修改密码了。第二种方法:开机按住Option,进入Recovery(恢复),系统工具-终端-输入resetpassword修改密码





求在电影《 the ultimate gift 》(超级礼物)中的一首插曲名

Switchfoot - On FireTell you where you need to go告诉你应该去向何方 Tell you when you need to leave告诉你应该何时起程 Tell you what you need to know告诉你应该知道些什么 Tell you who you need to be告诉你应该成为谁人 Everything inside you know你心中确然明了 there"s more than what you heard现实远胜你所听闻 There"s so much more than empty conversation远胜空洞无聊对话 filled with empty words乏味字眼堆砌而成 And you"re on fire when He"s near you当他靠近你时,你激情难抑 You"re on fire when He speaks当他开口时,你激情难抑 You"re on fire, burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 Give me one more time around给我再多一回的时间 Give me one more chance to see给我再看一回的机会 Give me everything You are给我你的全部 Give me one more chance to be near you给我再一次靠近你的机会 When everything inside me looks like everything I hate当我如此地厌恶整个自己 You are the hope I have for change,你是我得以改变的希望 You are the only chance I"ll take你是我孤注一掷的机会 When I"m on fire when You"re near me当你靠近我时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire when You speak当你开口时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 Mysteries...奇迹 I"ve been standing on the edge of me我一直伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of everything I"ve never been before伫立在未曾成为过的自我的边缘 And I"ve been standing on the edge of me我一直伫立在自我的边缘standing on the edge 伫立在边缘 And I"m on fire when You"re near me当你靠近我时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire when You speak当你开口时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 These mysteries这些奇迹 These mysteries这些奇迹 Ah, You"re the Mystery啊,你就是奇迹 You"re the Mystery你就是奇迹

People里有Faculty,Research Staff,Academic Staff有什么区别

Faculty,教研组,全体教员Research Staff,研究人员,Academic Staff,教学人员

institute college faculty和university 的区别

institute college faculty是学院院系部门而university是综合性大学

什么是faculty fellow

faculty fellow教职研究员;教职员老师;校务委员会委员满意请及时点赞,谢谢

Primary&Secondary faculty是什么,有何区别

你好!Primary faculty 指的是大学的初级教职员工。Secondary faculty指的是二级教职员工。两类教师只负责教学,不从事科研。另有research faculty专门负责科研(当然也有兼职教学的)。如美国杜克大学数学系网页上的显示(点击图片可放大):


faculty+member为什么member不加s?因为只有 members of the Faculty 而没有 Faculty members.


ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下。 1. ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味。其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。如: She has the ability to do the job. 她有能力做好这项工作。 He found the company more suited to his abilities. 他找到了更容易发挥他才能的公司。 2. capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。 Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。 3. capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。 The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。--------------------------4: faculty作能力讲的时候,通常强调思维方面:英文解释为:an ability, esp. of the mind.!


才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力 官能


Division 学院Faculty 科系




faculty 指内在的力量或能力 An inherent power or ability ability是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 the power,mental or physical,to do sth. capacity是指天赋的 an innate potential for growth,development,or accomplishment capability指一种可能得到发展或应用的才能或能力 a talent or ability that has potential for development or use 总的来说 差别不大 不要过分强调区别



university faculty是什么意思



1、capacity:容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位。capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力。 如:transport capacity 运输能力 transmission capacity 输送容量 sorption capacity 吸附能力,吸附容量 seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量 parking capacity 停车容量 2、capability:(实际)能力, 性能, 容量, 接受力 如:nuclear capability 核能力 testing equipment for interrupting capability of switchgear 开关设备断流试验装置 the capability of a metal to be fused 金属的可熔合性 The act or capability of attracting. 吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力 Processing capability as found in an intelligent terminal. 在智能终端上实现的处理能力。 3、ability:能, 能力(特别如体力、 脑力或法律能力等) 本领, 技能, 技巧,才能, 天才,性能,效率 如:abstract ability 抽象能力 academic ability 学习能力, 研究能力 a man of ability 有本事的人 ability in music 音乐天才 4、faculty:才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力。①能力:任何正常的能力或功能,尤指精神上的能力;②〔大学〕教工:学院或大学的教授和讲师的同仁组织或团体 如:comprehensive faculty 理解力 the medical faculty 医界同人 the imaginative faculty 想象力 a constructive faculty 组织力,建设力 the students and faculty 全院师生 the faculty of memory 记忆力 ability是可通过练习或锻炼获得的,而capability指的是固有的能力,它与练习或锻炼无关。如: I do not doubt his ability to do the work. He has the capability to benefit from university education. 第一句的ability是指通过训练或工作磨炼而获得的“能力”,而第二句的capability则是指"天赋之才",与后天无关。 仔细一点儿就可以看到,capacity着重指容量;capability着重指性能;ability着重指身体的能力,能量;faculty着重指全体教员,指人。




personnel faculty和crew的区别是:crew一般指全体教师,高校人员;personnel faculty一般指人事部(组织或军队)的全体人员。 具体解释: 1、personnel faculty,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“科,系;能力;全体教员”。 短语搭配: Augustana Faculty奥古斯塔纳学院 ; 奥古斯塔那分校 faculty psychology官能心理学 ; 官能 ; 官能心学 faculty head系主任 ; 学院院长 ; 高校系主任 ; 学院主管 language faculty语言机制 ; 语言官能 ; 语言器官 International faculty国际学院评分 ; 外籍教师 ; 外籍师资 elaborative faculty思维能力 ; 思考力 tenured faculty终身教授 ; 终身教职 faculty liaison学科联络 2、personnel,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词的意思是“人事部门;全体人员”,作形容词的意思是“ 人员的;有关人事的”。 短语搭配 Personnel Manager人事部经理 ; 职员经理 ; 人事 Personnel Consultant员工顾问 ; 员工参谋 ; 员员工顾客问问 Personnel Security人员安全 ; 人事保安 ; 人事安全 ; 人才保障

faculty 与school有什么区别?

SCHOOL一般是指比较小的学校facultyx0dn.[C]x0d1. (身体、精神的)机能,官能[(+of)]x0dHe has lost his faculty of memory.x0d他失去了记忆力.x0d2. 能力;技能[(+for/of)]x0dHe has a great faculty for mathematics.x0d他具有很强的学数学的才能.x0d3. (大学的)系,科;院x0d4. 【主美】(大学或院、系的)全体教职员[G]x0dShe has recently joined the faculty of Yale University.x0d她最近当了耶鲁大学的教授.


更新1: school大d 定faculty 大d 前排又话中大既school law升格为faculty of law 用升格一词 系唔系faculty大d 001搞错la~ 大部分情况下,faculty同school系睇规模而定,亦视乎有没有需要、原因组成一个faculty。 faculty一定大过 school 例如:HKU Faculty of Business and Economics 下有 School of Business及 School of Economics 中大既school law升格为faculty of law亦说明呢点 点解中大果边既英文系faculty of science 而科大果边就系school of science? 因为科大个制度好怪,只有school,无faculty 在科大,最大就系 school 所以科大得5间 school: School of science School of Engineering School of Business and Management School of Humanities and Social Science graduate school 在中大、港大等,faculty先系最大 school 系学院 faculty 系学系 !! 而学系是在学院之内 举例 : 中大商学院会计学系 英文系 : school of business faculty of accountancy 所以学院系大过学系 学系是 under 在学院之内的 !! 2009-02-04 23:00:01 补充: 一个学院可以有好多个学系 !!

faculty 与school有什么区别?

SCHOOL一般是指比较小的学校faculty n.[C] 1. (身体、精神的)机能,官能[(+of)] He has lost his faculty of memory. 他失去了记忆力。 2. 能力;技能[(+for/of)] He has a great faculty for mathematics. 他具有很强的学数学的才能。 3. (大学的)系,科;院 4. 【主美】(大学或院、系的)全体教职员[G] She has recently joined the faculty of Yale University. 她最近当了耶鲁大学的教授。


PROGRAMME 就是 课程 例如 工商管理 医科 法律...等等. PROGRAMME 亦等同于中学的学科 例如 Economics Chemistry...等等. DEPARTMENT 就是 部门 或 学系 例如中文系负责提供同中文有关的 programme 英文系负责提供同英文有关的 programme 管理学系负责提供人力资源管理 物流管理...等 programme. SCHOOL 和 FACULTY 都可解作 学院 它们都是由多个 DEPARTMENT 所组成 不同大学有不同叫法 有些大学的学院称为 FACULTY 有些大学的学院称为 SCHOOL. 例如在 HKU 工程学院 叫 Faculty of Engineering 在 HKUST 工程学院 叫 School of Engineering 外国却有些大学 工程学院 叫 College of Engineering. 但亦有些大学 FACULTY 由多个 DEPARTMENT 和 SCHOOL 所组成 这全是和它们的传统有关 .


faculty是单数,复数形式为faculties faculty n.官能;天赋;才能;能力;(高等院校的)系,院 例句: He had a faculty for seeing his own mistakes. 他具有看到自己错误的能力。 扩展资料   The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs   布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。   How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?   Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.   全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。


才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力


faculty的翻译为:大学的全体教职员。双语例句1、He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level。他对每一个人都能坦诚相见。2、He joined the faculty of his own university upon graduation。他毕业后就留校任教了。3、Our school has lost many accomplished faculty members。我们学校流失了大量有成就的教师。4、He snubbed faculty members and students alike。他对教员和学生同样冷落。5、You can only imagine what it"s like for me in a faculty meeting。你们就能想象,我在教师会上是个什么情形了。6、So after his college life, he joined the faculty of a famous university。因此大学毕业后,他就成了一所著名大学全体教学人员的一名。

Associated Faculty 是什么意思?

相关能力 有上下文吗




department 是学院faculty 是指具体某一专业的系


facultyn. 才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力geniusn.天才, 天赋, 天才人物talentn. 天才, 才干, 才能Faculty 指内在的力量或能力;talent和genius是很不一样的词。talent的人成绩很好,在某些方面很出色,是后天努力的。而天才genius,是属于特殊的那种,天生的。另:Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力: Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力:


应该是is 因为这里根据上下文,指的是泛指概念.所以要用单数形式.


 英语四级词汇考点归纳:faculty  Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on the genetics of human disease at Shanghai"s Fudan University, in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools.  英语四级译文:  耶鲁大学教授、霍华德·休斯医学研究所调查员许田在上海复旦大学指导一个主要研究人类疾病遗传学的研究中心,同来自两所学校的教员同事在那里进行合作研究。  四级词汇讲解:  本句的主干是Tian Xu directs center。Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator为主语Tian Xu的定语;focused on the genetics of human disease为research center的后置定语;at Shanghai"s Fudan University为地点状语;in collaboration with…为状语。  focus sth. on的意思是“使某物集中于”。如:  Please focus your mind on the following question.请集中注意力思考以下问题。  in collaboration with的意思是“与……合作,协作”。如:  He wrote the book in collaboration with his sister.他和姐姐合作写成此书。  英语四级考点归纳:  faculty有以下含义:  ※“感官,天赋”。如:  She retained her mental faculties until the day she died.她直到临终那天一直保持着思维能力。  ※“才能,能力”。如:  The little girl has already got the faculty of understanding complex issues.那个小女孩已经具备了理解复杂问题的能力。  ※“系,院”:如:  He is a professor of the Arts Faculty.他是文学院的教授。  ※ “全体教师”。如:  There was a mixed reaction to the proposal among the faculty.教师们对提议的反应不一。

faculty position是什么意思


请问麦吉尔大学的school 和 faculty有什么区别?

mcgill 里的school像 medical school和law school都是研究生以后才能报考的,还有一些school像是computer sience,architecture这些都是区别于faculty的。。faculty下面可以细分为很多,像是engineering中可分为Electrical engineering,mechanical engineering,mining&materials engineering等等。 school of computer sience 很像 EE和software E的结合,80%的课程都是一样的。。还有就是毕业后拿到的学位不一样,engineering的学生本科毕业后拿到的是B. Eng, computer sience学生拿到的是不一样的学位证书。。。而且school的自主性也比faculty更大一些(个人理解),我以前在school of continue education学习过,那里基本上可以说是一个独立于mcgill的学校中的学校,自己的课程,自己的老师==。 希望这些能够帮助到你


faculty是集体名词,不会用来指具体某个老师,而teacher就是职业名词,通常指具体的老师,比如Tom is,a teacher. Mr. Black is our English teacher.



填表时 faculty是什么意思 应该填什么?



Ability is the power,mental or physical,to do something: Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 Capacity refers to an innate potential for growth,development,or accomplishment: Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力 Faculty denotes an inherent power or ability: Faculty 指内在的力量或能力


academy >college>school>faculty


Faculty可以被记忆为“fac”(面孔)和“ulty”(多)。这个词意味着一个场所或机构的面孔多,指大学或学院的教授和员工。在大学里,Faculty被指比普通员工更高的学位、资格和地位。它包括教授、副教授和助理教授等等。为了更好地记忆这个词,可以将它联系到教职员工和他们在学校中扮演的角色,从而记住Faculty是学校的“面孔”和核心。面孔Faculty是指某个专业领域的专家或研究人员组成的群体。在医学或法律等领域,Faculty通常是指在该领域拥有资格和经验的专业人士集合。这些专家通常会与学生或相关机构合作,提供教育或咨询服务。Faculty还可以是指某个公司或机构的工作人员,例如一个电视节目的制作团队或一家医院的护士和医生。不论在哪个领域,Faculty都是一个专业人员的团队,他们共同工作和合作,以实现共同的目标。职工 faculty


  faculty是什么意思    faculty中英解释:   1.技巧,才能 an ability or skill   2.院,系,部 a group of similar subject departments in a university   3.全体教职员,全体从业人员 all the teachers and other professional workers of a university or college   来源:   14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的faculte,意为能力;最初源自拉丁语的facultatem,意为能力。   基本用法:   faculty作“全体教职员,全体从业人员”解时是可数集合名词,有单复数形式;当其单数形式作主语时,其谓语动词可为单数,也可为复数。   late Middle English: from Old French faculte, from Latin facultas, from facilis ‘easy", fromfacere ‘make, do".   经典引文:   He had the faculty of making order out of confusion. 出自 D.H.Lawrence   跟faculty有关的句子:   1.He is the dean of the Faculty of Medicine.   他是医学院院长。   2.We haven"t set up the Faculty of Law in our university.   我们学校还没下设法学院。   3.Both faculty and students oppose the measures.   全体教师和学生都反对这种方法。   4.She has the faculty to learn languages easily.   她有轻而易举学会语言的才能。   5.This boy has a faculty of making friends easily.   这个男孩有交友的能力。   6.He lacks completely the faculty of self-criticism.   他完全缺乏自我批评的能力。   7.He has a faculty for putting people at ease.   他有使人放轻松的技巧。   8.The department of physics is in the Faculty of Science.   物理系隶属于理学院。   faculty的近义词:   ability talentfad   临近单词:   factual facultyman faculty taxfaculty   club faculty roomfaculty fair   Faculty teamfaculty load faculty   treefaculty rank facultyethics



broadcast multicast unicast 区别

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: broadcast是广播 同一广播域的所有电脑都会处理这个数据 multicast是组播 同一组播域的电脑都会处理这数据 unicast是单播 目的地址只有一个电脑
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